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Media Literature Reviewer

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What is Media?

The term media, which is the plural of medium, refers to the communication
channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education,
promotional messages and other data.

The Communication Process

1. Sender - This is the person that is delivering a message to a recipient.

2. Message - This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the
3. Channel of Communication - This is the transmission or method of
delivering the message.
4. Decoding - This is the interpretation of the message. Decoding is performed
by the receiver.
5. Receiver - The receiver is the person who is getting or receiving the
6. Feedback - In some instances, the receiver might have feedback or a
response for the sender.

Concepts in Shannon Weaver Model

In 1948, Claude Shannon and William Weaver wrote an article in "Bell
System Technical Journal" called "A Mathematical Theory of
Communication" or “Shannon Weaver Model”. This model is specially
designed to develop the effective communication between sender and
receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication process
called "Noise".

Sender (Information source) - Sender is the person who makes the

Encoder (Transmitter) – Encoder is the sender who uses machine, which
converts message into signals or binary data.

Channel - Channel is the medium used to send message.

Decoder (Receiver) - Decoder is the machine used to convert signals or

binary data into message or the receiver who translates the message from

The Feedback Mechanism

Feedback is an extremely crucial component. If that is if your readers or
listeners nodded in accord. your indication that they understood what you
said that nod is a form of feedback. If their brows meet or respond to
something demonstrate that they disagree with what you said, which is also
a feedback. It's fine if you get both positive and negative feedback.

Media as an Culture of Entertainment

Culture is necessary for enjoying and making sense of the human
experience, but there are few formalized rules governing culture. Mass
communication, including messages in the mass media, give shape and
structure to society. People exercise cultural preferences when it comes to
consuming media, but mass media corporations often decide which stories to
tell and which to promote.

Different Types of Media

Traditional Media
- kinds of media that were invented prior to the invention of the

Print Media
- This means they are used to deliver news and information about the
country or the world to the public. For generations of the 80s and 90s,
print media was the only media of entertain.
A. Newspapers
B. Magazines
C. Books
D. Banners
E. Billboards
F. Brochures
G. Flyers

Broadcasting Media
- Broadcasting media includes videos, audios, or written content that
provides important or entertaining information shared by different

A. Television
B. Radio
C. Movies

Internet Media
- Nowadays, we rely on the Internet for news much more frequently
than traditional news sources. Websites offer content in the form of
video, text, and audio.

A. Social Networks
B. Online Forums
C. Podcast

History of Media

A. Pre-Industrial Age: (1500BC – 1500 AD)

- Prehistory is the period between 3.3 million years ago and the
invention of writing systems, the earliest of which appeared 5300
years ago. History is the study of the past using written records; it is
also the record itself. Anything prior to the first written accounts of
history is prehistoric (meaning "before history").

B. Industrial Age : (1700s – 1930s)

- The Industrial Revolution was a series of events in British and
European history that began in the 1760s and involved the
replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines such as the
power loom and steam engine.

C. The Electronic Age: (1930s – 1980s)

- The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People
harnessed the power of transistor that made communication more
efficient. (Start of Televisions and Radios)

D. Digital Age: (1900s – 2000s)

- Digital Age or Informational Age is a period in human history
characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the Industrial
Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on
computerization. The internet paved the way for the development of
microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, devices
and wearable technology.

Brief History of Philippine Media

Filipinos use a system of writing similar to that of our Asian neighbors. We use
ALIBATA or BAYBAYIN, the most notable discovery of which is the ancient
alphabet, whose forms was similar to image-based types of characters. The town
crier's major role (UMALOHOKAN) was to go around the barangay or their small
towns and announce important information.

The Print Industry and Filipino Freedom

Print media in the Philippines is on a decline. In 2013, barely one in ten Filipinos
read a newspaper every day and only 28% read once a week. Tabloids are cheaper,
smaller, and mostly in people's native language. Estrella and Loffeholz (2019) note
that print media consumption provide a glimpse of the demographics of Philippine
news readers.


Radio remains to be the second most used media in the Philippines with 41.4% of
the population listening to radio once a week. Ninety percent of radio stations are
privately owned and companies who also own television stations like ABS-CBN
dominate the market.


Television is the most widely used and trusted medium in the Philippines, with
81% of the population viewing television and 71.6% trusting it. which are watched
at least once a week (PSA, 2013). In a Nielsen survey conducted in 2016, 58% of
respondents stated that television is their most trustworthy source of political

Digital Media

The Philippines is the world leader in terms of time spent on

social networking sites (Camus, 2017). According to the website We Are Social,

According to the 2018 Global Digital Report, the Philippines leads the globe in

In terms of social media usage, 71 million individuals spend an average of

An average of 4 hours and 12 minutes per day is spent primarily on Facebook.

Framing and Reading

Framing means to construct, compose or imagine something, meaning create with

a solid plan to follow using a specific structure in mind. What that structure is
composed of should be taken into equal consideration always together when we
deconstruct and later construct media and media products.
Newspapers and Journalism

News is defined as “the communication of information on current events print,

broadcast and internet of word of mouth to a third party or mass audience”. Since
its root word is “news”, it is obvious that the kind of information one needs to
communicate in this context should have this element of freshness or newness.
Journalism is defined as “the collecting, writing, editing, and presenting of news
in newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcast, or the internet” and
concerns the discipline as well as the business of new creation.

Books, Comics, Magazines, and The Publishing Industry

The comic format is usually designed into panels, where the visual drawings are
similar to how you would see still scenes of movies or TV shows. Some-what
magazine is an intersection of the newspaper, books and comics. A typical
magazine contains printed stories or essays, illustrations and photographs, and
pages of advertising content. The magazine is periodical, meaning there is a
regular station on radio when it comes out. Publishing houses in the Philippines
are usually concerned with printing books for educational purposes.

Photography and Timeless Image Concepts

The process of recording images is very similar to that of film photography, except
for the elimination of the chemical laboratory. Images are encoded as electronic
signals, stored in the camera's memory storage unit, and later decoded as digital
image files.

Framing and Listening

Radio was deemed very important at a time when moving pictures were not yet
invented to supply us with more accurate details of a broadcast. In fact, radio
announcer could be so effective that listeners could believe an alien invasion is
happening if they hear the convincing broadcast on air. There is something about
the human voice that we are moved or touched when we hear things that affect us.

Radio and Evoking Imagination

Radio is the most popular form of mass media. For the message senders, it is.
powerful since that broadcast could reach wide array of areas, covering many
households and reaching. many individuals at a given time. Radio become an
immediate source of news because information is always fresh and delivered fast.

Aesthetics of Film and TV

The Film Form

- Film was earlier called “moving pictures” since its precursor,

photography, carried with it still (non-moving) pictures. Later, this
was shortened into “movies”. Cinema refers to specific bodies of
work in film that carry specific thematic topics.


Short Film – 10 mins to 30 mins

Full Length Film - one hour and lasts up to two or three hours (sometimes even


Development – beginning of peaching of ideas and script writing

Pre-production – options of filming, location, and the cast.
Production – planning of the budget and schedule. Communication is the
Principal Photography – Shooting starts already, needs to be smooth and
Wrap – Production ends. Clearing the location and the borrowed things will
be returned.
Post-production – Editing the film
Distribution - The film will go into the cinema and/or be distributed via
various platforms such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, and HBO etc.

1. Narrative - Narrative films are those that tell a story
2. Documentary - Documentaries can be funny, poignant, disturbing,
ironic, absurd, inspirational, amusing, shocking or any combination.

3. Animation - is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as

moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by
hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on

4. Experimental - Avant-garde cinema is a mode of filmmaking that

rigorously re-evaluates cinematic conventions and explores non-narrative
forms. Many early experimental films relate to arts in other disciplines:
painting, dance, literature and poetry.


Film communicates its messages by using similar
clues and signposts like language. Visual symbolisms are
cues are still the most effective way of delivering the message to the

- The relationship of objects and people (with each other or amongst
- The play of light and dark (how the bright parts interact with the dim
- The colors and their patterns
- The position of the camera and the angles used to frame the subjects

Motion Framing Concept

Camera framing is the placement and position of the subjects in your



Today's TV production processes are similar with or parallel to

those of film, but use different equipment and techniques.


Informative Programming
To fulfill its role of delivering information, news programs were
created to deliver current events relevant to the viewing public.

Entertainment Programming
A variety of fictional entertainment options fills our daily TV
programming schedule guide.


Crafting Media Messages

Both film and television are considered as audiovisual media. This
means different types of content are being crafted and presented.

Creating meaning in Audio Production

All things we hear in an audiovisual production are composed
of sounds, music, noise, or dialogue. Evoke Certain Feelings like
in Radios.

Creating Meaning in Image Production

Color combinations, lightning, balance of
major and minor elements/characters, framing is important here to
get the correct advertisement and to get the attention of viewers.

Creating Meaning in Audiovisual Production

In an audiovisual production, the audio hook is important to make
us see the believability of what we are watching. The talking
people, ambient sounds and noise of the locations, and the
emotional music add our appreciation of the story. This audio
component is the first logic that rules a film or TV production. The
second logic that rules us when watching films or TV shows is the
visual component.



offer a piece of negative feedback “sandwiched” between two
positive ones, thus easing the blow of the critique.

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