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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 2022

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02 October 2022 (Sunday 6:30PM Mass) @ Glory to God in the highest, and on To fight and not to heed the

ight and not to heed the wounds

Salmiya earth peace to people of good will. To toil and not to seek for rest
27th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME To labor and ask not for reward
We praise you, we bless you we adore you Save that of knowing that I do
OPENING PRAYER: we glorify you we give you thanks for your Your most holy will.
“Give me, good Lord, / a full faith and fervent great glory Lord God, heavenly King O
charity, a love of You, / good Lord,/ incomparable God, Almighty Father © Derest Lord, teach me to be generous
above the Love of myself,/ and that I may love Lord Jesus Christ Only begotten Son Lord Teach me to serve You as I should
nothing to Your displeasure / but everything in an God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You To give and not to count the cost.
order to You./ Take from me good Lord,/ the take away the sins of the world Have To fight and not to heed the wounds
lukewarm fashion, / or rather, this cold manner of mercy on us. You take away the sins of To toil and not to seek for rest
meditation, / and this dullness in praying to You / the world receive our prayer. You are To labor and ask not for reward
and give me warmth, / delight and life in thinking seated at the right hand of the Father, Save that of knowing that I do
about You. / Give me Your grace to long for Your Have mercy on us, © Your most holy will.
holy sacraments. / And especially / to rejoice in For you alone are the Holy one, you alone
the presence of Your blessed Body / in the holy are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, SANCTUS: HOLY, HOLY
sacrament of the altar,/ and duly to thank You for Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, in the Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of host
Glory of God the Father.© Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory,
Your gracious coming./ Amen”.
Amen. Amen, Amen. Hosanna, in the Highest, Hosanna,
Sing a new song unto the Lord RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Hosanna in the highest
Let your song be sung from mountains “If today you hear his voice, harden not
High. Sing a new song unto the Lord your hearts.” Blessed, Blessed is He
singing alleluia. who comes in the name of the Lord
ALLELUIA: Hosanna in the Highest Hosanna, Hosanna
Yahweh's people dance for joy, Aleluyah, aleluyah, aleluyah, Hosa-nna in the Highest.
O come before the Lord. aleluyah, aleluyah
And play for Him on glad tambourines ACCLAMATION:
And let your trumpet sounds. ® GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: “We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and
“The word of the Lord remains forever. profess your Resurrection until you come
Kyrie: LORD HAVE MERCY This is the word that has been proclaimed again.”
Lord have mercy ( 2x ) to you.”
Christ have Mercy (2x ) GREAT AMEN:
Lord have mercy (2 x ) OFFERTORY: Prayer for Generosity A-men, A-men, A….men, Amen.
(Prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola )
Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous, PATER: OUR FATHER (recited..)
Teach me to serve you as I should,
GLORIA: GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST To give and not to count the cost, DOXOLOGY: FOR THINE..
For the Kingdom and Power, Seems to disapper from view, O QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY
And glory are yours now and forever. That the time to hang on And soon they all
Amen. you come He will lighten your load, O Queen of the Holy Rosary!
As you travel life's road. Oh Bless us as we pray,
AGNUS DEI: LAMB OF GOD So walk with faith in your heart (3x) and offer thee our roses.
Lamb of GOD, You take away the sins of In garlands day by day,
the world Have mercy on us (2x) YOU ARE NEAR
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of Refrain While from our Father's garden
the world, grant us peace, grant us peace. Oh Lord, I know you are near with loving hearts and bold,
We gather to thine honour
Standing always at my side
COMMUNION: WALK WITH FAITH Buds white & red & gold.
you guard me from the foe
Walk with faith in your heart
And your never walk alone and you lead me in ways everlasting O Queen of the Holy Rosary!
For the faith in your heart, Each myst'ry blends with thine
The world is yours to own, Lord You have searched my heart The sacred life of Jesus.
You'll never will grieve, if in him you and you know when I sit and when I stand In ev'ry step divine.
believe And walk with faith in your heart your hand is upon me, protecting me from
death Thy soul was His fair garden,
When the dreams, that you dream, keeping me from harm Thy virgin breast His throne,
Seems to disapper from view, Refrain Thy tho'st his faithful mirror,
That the time to hang on Reflecting Him above.
And soon they all you come Where can I run from your love?
He will lighten your load, CLOSING PRAYER:
If I climb to the heavens you are there
As you travel life's road. “ O Lord Jesus Christ, / let Your Passion be
if I fly to the sunrise, or sail beyond the sea
So walk with faith in your heart my strength / to sustain, / guard / and
still I find you there protect me.
Refrain: Refrain Let Your wounds be my food and drink to
Whenever you have trouble, nourish, / fill and invigorate me. / Let the
Just reach… out for His hand You know my heart and its ways shedding of Your blood cleanse me of all
Keep by your side. Your constant guide you who formed me before I was born my sins. / Let Your death obtain eternal life
And quick to understand. in secret of darkness, before I saw the sun for me / and Your cross lead me to
in my mother's womb everlasting glory. / Let these constitute for
You will find happiness, if you let Him be me / refreshment and joy, / health and
your friend And you'll find that success is uprightness of heart. / Amen.
just around the bend. He wont let you
down, wear a smile not a frown. And walk
with faith in your heart. (refrain)
When the dreams, that you dream, RECESSIONAL:

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