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FLIGHT OPERATIONS- These including dispatch, AIR TRANSPORT INDUSTRY is a vital

flight planning, flight watch, weather data component of the global transportation network.
provision, operations control, ground to air
communications and integration with crew, AVIATION- provides the only means of rapid,
schedules and maintenance planning. ATC and long-distance travel, which makes it essential for
airport management can also be covered. Increasing the conduct of global business and tourism.
use of simulation and expert systems, for the - Aviation is also essential to tourism, which
management of irregular operations. is an important part of many national
economies, again often in developing
GROUND RESOURCES- The use of management countries. Offers a vital link to communities
science techniques in reducing costs or increasing that lack adequate road and rail
the effectiveness of manpower. Operational infrastructure.
manpower requirements, optimal task allocation,
and production of efficient roster patterns, planning INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT
of employment, annual leave, training, reward ASSOCIATION- “By facilitating tourism and trade,
systems and strategic planning of recruitment. air transportation generates economic growth,
provides jobs, improves living standards, alleviates
MAINTENANCE- Information systems for poverty and increases revenues from taxes”
Maintenance & Engineering and Materials  In 2013, the world’s airlines carried over 3.1
functions. Areas of current interest include billion passengers and 49 million tons of
component control, aircraft records, maintenance freight. The aviation industry directly employed
planning, and inventory systems, initial. some 8.7 million people and contributed $606
billion to the world gross domestic product
AIRLINE JOB DESCRIPTION- considered among (GDP).
the most glamorous and exciting professions in the  In comparison with national GDP, aviation’s
UK. But the range of careers offered by the gross product would rank 21st in the world, or
industry is rewarding and stimulating. The most roughly equal to that of Switzerland or Poland
competitive positions available are those as pilots. (Air Transport Action Group, 2014).
Forge careers as ticketing agents, analysts, or by AIR CAGRGO- Growing world trade also increases
working in flight operations. the demand for air cargo. Air freight is much more
expensive than competing forms of land and sea
AIRLINE TICHETING AGENTS generally work transportation, so air cargo is limited to high-value–
for a travel agency, ensuring that itineraries and lowvolume, perishable, and emergency freight. Air
tickets are produced on time. This position offers cargo has grown at an average of 5.5% since
the opportunity to become familiar with ticketing 1980, but periods of negative growth are also
systems such as Amadeus, as well as BSP and evident.
ticketing procedures. FORECAST AIR TRAVEL DEMAND- Forecasts of
demand are the basis for planning and essential to
AIRLINE INDUSTRY is very competitive and manufacturers, airlines, airports, and most other
workers are expected to be very diligent and offer aviation-related firms. Long-term forecasts of air
very good customer service. These professionals transport demand are most important for aircraft
handle everything from booking tickets, checking manufacturers because of the lead time and
luggage, cleaning airplanes and ensuring the expense involved in developing and marketing new
planes are in perfect condition for flight. aircraft.
An Airline professional DEMAND CURVE-Demand is the quantity of
• Serving food and drink goods or services that customers are willing and
• Informing potential passengers of flight able to purchase in a period of time at a given
information price. The demand curve is a graphical
• Examining passenger boarding passes representation of the relationship between price
• Collecting passenger luggage and the quantity of goods or services demanded.
• Fuelling planes The point-to-point system is the simplest means
• Servicing plane to connect the cities an air- line chooses to serve.
The linear route system is a simple extension of
the point-to-point structure. Traveling on a linear CONTRAINTS- The flight schedule must also be
system board at the origin or other cities along the feasible given numerous constraints. a schedule
route and, likewise, deplane at their respective that requires more aircraft than the airline operates
destinations. violates a constraint and is not feasible.

The HUB AND SPOKE (H&S) route system FLEET ASSIGNMENT- The initial flight schedule
became the post-deregulation standard in the may be developed without fully assigning specific
United States and is employed by most of the aircraft types to each flight. The first consideration
largest airlines worldwide. The H&S is optimized in fleet assignment is the aircraft capability for the
when providing air service to a wide geographical route. Long-haul international routes will usually be
area and many destinations. Passengers departing operated by widebody jets whereas regional jets
from any spoke city who are bound for another are restricted to shorter routes.
spoke city in the network are first flown to the hub - Changes to the fleet assignment can be
airport, where they transfer to a second flight to made well after the timetable is finalized to
their destination. meet changes in demand. A few airlines are
working on dynamic scheduling which
Regional airlines first developed a substantial changes fleet assignments within a few
presence in the United States, but they now occupy days of operation. Dynamic scheduling is
an important place in the industry elsewhere in the addressed in more detail shortly.
CARGO AIRLINES also follow a focus strategy. TRADE-OFFS- Flight schedule development
Analysis of cargo carrier business models begins by involves innumerable trade-offs because the
exploring the wants and needs of cargo shippers. objectives of maximizing revenue, minimizing costs,
An airline’s product—the destinations served, the and enhancing reliability conflict.
route structure connecting those destinations, and
the features included with the core air OPTIMIZATION- With each major schedule
transportation service — is frequently reviewed and revision, a draft is circulated to operating
refined. departments for suggestions and approval.
Market Size—Estimates the total market demand
 Airline planning encompasses strategic in terms of passengers traveling in each city-pair.
forecasts developed by a small staff to short- An international network airline might evaluate
range tactical planning involving several 30,000 origin and destination markets. Historical
departments and many managers. data, trends, seasonality, aggregate pricing, and
 Long-Range Plan/Fleet Selection- Long- other macroeconomic data are combined to create
range planning extending out 5 to as much as individual city-pair demand forecasts.
20 years begins with a corporate vision and Market Share - From the Market Size forecasts,
mission statement. the airline’s individual market share is estimated.
Based on its relative quality of service versus
 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and competitors, the software estimates the share of
Threats (SWOT) the market the airline can expect to capture
Fleet Assignment - Specific aircraft fleet types
 Product planning process identifies markets are assigned to the basic schedule of services so
for potential expansion and, less frequently, for that capacity meets estimated demand subject to
deletion. constraints. Choices might involve a wide-body
 Flight schedule is the airline’s core product versus narrow-body aircraft on a particular route
designed to solve the customer’s time-space segment.
problem. The flight schedule is designed to
meet the customer’s need for travel to some Passenger Spill - Estimates the number of
distant place at a certain time. The flight passengers who will not find an available seat
schedule, sometimes known as the schedule of given the proposed schedule.
services, lists the destinations or routes  Through Assignment - Even if a stop at a
operated, the flight frequency and times, and hub is required to reach their destination,
type of air- craft assigned to each flight. passengers prefer not to change aircraft. These
direct flights provide some marketing directions, terminal services, or arranging
advantage over a competitor requiring a wheelchair access.
change of aircraft. Because many aircraft Aviation Meteorologist- Aviation meteorologists
routings are possible through the hub, provide weather information to airline flight
optimizing through flights will affect passenger dispatchers and pilots. They must determine
choice and potential revenue. current and forecasted weather conditions for all
 Dependability Prediction- In practice, the altitudes, including the direction and speed of wind,
schedule will be disrupted by weather, cloud cover, and precipitation.
mechanical failures and a host of other Passenger Service Agent Passenger service
problems. This application estimates the agents some of the same responsibilities as those
reliability of the proposed schedule in actual in station agent jobs, but they are focused on
operation (Sabre Holdings, n.d.). working passengers – not aircraft. Their duties
 PASSENGER SERVICE SYSTEM- The flight include issuing refunds to passengers, computing
schedule is stored electronically in the airline’s fares, preparing and selling tickets, collecting
Passenger Service System (PSS), its central charges for excess baggage, checking baggage,
information technology (IT) repository. The PSS and providing travel information.
is developed and customized by each airline; Ramp Planner An airline ramp planner is
individual systems vary in sophistication and responsible for knowing the arrival and departure
capability. times for each of the airline’s aircraft at that
FLIGHTS ATTENTANT JOB- make sure airport. He or she coordinates a variety of
passengers are safe. departments or contracted companies that must
Airline Administrative Support- to keep the perform various tasks on the aircraft before it can
office running smoothly depart for the next flight.
Operations Agent- Also known as an Airline Reservation Sales Agent Reservation sales
Operations Agent, the cargo agent needs great agents provide travel information over the
communication skills for receiving and transmitting telephone to customers of the airline. Typically, this
information from and to pilots, ground crew, and information includes trip planning, car rentals, seat
other personnel. Agents must make decisions to availability, fare information, schedules, tours,
rectify the situation in a way that will not negatively meals, and other information relevant to the
impact the schedule. customer’s flight plans. Although internet
Avionics technicians- specialize in working on reservations have skyrocketed, airlines still utilize
the electronics systems of aircraft. Avionics reservation sales agents.
technician jobs involve troubleshooting, repairing, Sales Representative Airline sales
replacing, and installing avionics equipment. representatives help generate business for the
Regional Sales Manager- The airline district airlines. They promote their airline to businesses.
sales manager oversees all of a district’s Crew Schedule Coordinator Airline crew
reservations and ticket sales offices, and the sales schedule coordinator are responsible for staffing of
representatives in that district. Sales aircrew and ground support to keep flights on
representatives promote their airline in an effort to schedule. If weather or mechanical difficulties delay
sell cargo space and plane tickets. a flight, it is the crew scheduler’s responsibility to
Flight Dispatcher- Flight dispatchers are make sure schedule adjustments are made so that
responsible for ensuring the safety of an aircraft’s travelers arrive at their destination on time.
flight. This includes preparing a flight plan, which is Airline Station Agent The most important duty of
a detailed schedule of destinations, layovers, the station agent or district operations manager, is
distance, expected fuel consumption, winds aloft, ensuring the overall operations of a given airline at
weather, altitude, compass bearing, and alternate an airport. This encompasses both flight and
destinations in case of problems. ground support operations and involves
Ground / Airport Station Attendant- This coordinating flight crew, cargo crew, baggage
position has many names: airline informational crew, ground crew, and the information that must
representative, ground attendant, station be communicated among all these teams.
attendant, special assistant coordinator, or airport  Airline Ticket Agent Ticket agents work at an
informational representative. Regardless of title, airline’s ticket or baggage counter. They greet
the main responsibility is to assist passengers in customers when they arrive at the airport. They
the terminal with general questions regarding check in luggage and make seat assignments.
They also handle airline ticket sales, reservation demand, or legally because of restrictive air service
changes, and provide information on aircraft agreements.
 Airline Flight Instructor An airline flight
instructor provides recurrent training for the
airline’s pilots. Airline flight instructors may be
senior pilots who fly for the airline.
 Aviation Attorney Aviation attorneys
specialize in aviation-related cases in
commercial or general aviation for individuals,
government agencies, or companies. Aviation
attornies represent airlines and/or the
government. Some aviation attorneys work for
the FAA, while others may be on staff or on
retainer by large corporations who own aircraft
or deal with airlines.  SIGN-IN- SI*(ID Number)
 IATA airport code, also known as an IATA - Sign out of current work area SO
location identifier, IATA station code, or simply - Sign out of all work areas SO*
a location identifier, is a three-letter geocode.  Encode airport name- W/- AP(airport name)
International Air Transport Association  Encode airline name- W/-AL(airline name)
 ICAO airport code or location indicator is a  Decode airline code- W/*(airline code)
four-letter code designating aerodromes around  Request availability- 1(travel date)
the world. International Civil Aviation (departure city)(arrival city) (departure time)
Organization. Identify other aviation facilities  Highlighted letters are called booking class
such as weather stations, international flight  Request additional flight availability- 1*
service stations or area control centers,
whether or not they are located at airports.

In-flight services are additional offerings, both

free and paid, provided by airlines to improve their
passengers' flying experience. This includes not
only food, beverages and duty free shopping,  DPTR- Flight’s departure time
 ARVL- Flight’s arrival time
4 Ps:
Product- The right product for the right market. PNR is an acronym which stands for Passenger
Price- A price that provides value to the customer Name Record. It contains all the information
as well as adequate revenue to the seller. necessary for an agency’s client reservation.
Promotion- Advertising used to communicate
information about the product to the customer.
Place- The distribution channel that connects the
product to the customer

Global distribution system (GDS) plays a very

important role in the airline distribution process.
TICKETING- Issued by the airlines were
transferable and some are not, negotiable
documents and as such, needed to be treated  End and redisplay the PNR- ER
almost like cash.  Ignore and redisplay the PNR. Used to
ignore changes you do not want to save-
GLOBAL ALLIANCES- allows an airline to offer IR
destinations that cannot be served economically,
such as international routes with relatively low

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