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Guarantee your loved ones –

A path of certainties
IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan
(A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Limited Premium, Endowment Life Insurance Plan)
How Will This Brochure Help You? come across some terms you’re unfamiliar
This brochure gives you details of how the with, where possible, we’ve explained these.
policy works throughout its lifetime. It’s an We have used plain language that’s easy to
important document to refer to. understand and believe this brochure is a good
To Help Your Understanding place to start when planning your future under
We’ve done our best to explain everything as this insurance contract.
simply as possible; however, you’re likely to

Introduction 2. What are the basic eligibility criteria in
In a world full of setbacks and surprises, it is always this policy (Product at a glance)?
good to have a trusted partner, especially when it The basic eligibility criteria under this policy are as
comes to finances! Having a reliable financial follows:
product that provides life cover throughout the term
of the policy as well as assures you a guaranteed Criteria Parameters
regular stream of income, can go a long way in
helping you meet your financial goals, whilst Minimum Age at Entry 8 years for Definite
safeguarding your loved ones in case of an (as on last birthday) Income Option
unforeseen event. 30 years for Whole of
We present to you our IndiaFirst Life Long Life Income Option
Guaranteed Income Plan, a non-linked, non- Maximum Age at Entry 29 years for Definite
participating, limited premium, endowment life (as on last birthday) Income Option
insurance plan, which supports you and your family 60 years for Whole of
in all stages of life by providing life cover throughout Life Income Option
the term of your policy as well as an assured income
benefit. Minimum Age at 18 years for Definite
Key Features Maturity Income Option
¡ Pay for shorter period and enjoy long-term
(as on last birthday) 40 years for Whole of
benefits Life Income Option
¡ Guaranteed income to support you in fulfilling
Maximum Age at 39 years for Definite
your financial goals Maturity Income Option
¡ Give a boost to your lifestyle needs with Definite (as on last birthday)
Income Option. Get guaranteed income for a fixed 70 years for Whole of
period of 20 years Life Income Option
¡ Whole of Life Income Option - Get guaranteed Premium Payment Limited Pay
income till 99 years of age Option
¡ Return of total premiums* paid at the end of the
income benefit period Minimum Policy Term 10 years
¡ Continue to enjoy full life cover benefit even if you Maximum Policy Term 10 years
miss to pay one premium (applicable after you
have paid first two full years’ premium) Premium Payment 5/6/7 years
¡ Flexibility to receive death benefit as a lumpsum
or as regular income for 5,10 or 15 years Income Benefit Period 20 years for Definite
¡ Option to add IndiaFirst Term Rider and IndiaFirst Income Option
Life Waiver of Premium Rider for enhanced Till Age 99 years for
benefits Whole of Life Income
¡ Tax benefit may be available on the premiums Option
paid and benefits received as per prevailing tax Minimum Premium • Yearly- ` 24,000
• Half-yearly- ` 12,286
1. W h a t i s I n d i a F i r s t L i f e L o n g • Quarterly- ` 6,216
Guaranteed Income Plan? • Monthly- `2,088
IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan is a
non-linked, non-participating, limited premium, Maximum Premium No limit; subject to
endowment life insurance plan which offers you board approved
guaranteed regular income to ease the fulfilment of underwriting policy
your financial goals. This plan is designed to help you
achieve such goals whilst safeguarding your family’s M i n i m u m S u m ` 2,40,000
Assured on Death
future against unforeseen events.

M a x i m u m S u m No limit; subject to age and premium payment term (PPT) as given in the
Assured on Death board approved table below:
underwriting policy
Age at Entry/PPT 5 years 6 years 7 years
P r e m i u m P a y m e n t Yearly/ Half-Yearly/
Frequency Quarterly/ Monthly 30 to 45 years 34% 39% 47%
46 to 60 years 30% 34% 43%
P r e m i u m P a y i n g Half - Yearly: 0.5119
Frequency – Modal Quarterly: 0.2590 At the end of the Income Period, total premiums*
Factors paid under the policy will be returned to you and the
Monthly: 0.0870
all benefits under the policy shall cease.
minor life assured: For non-Annual Income Benefit frequencies:
• Risk cover starts immediately • Income benefit payouts shall be determined by
• As and when the life assured attains majority (i.e. age multiplying the annual income benefit with the
of 18 years), the policy will vest on the life assured factors as per income benefit frequency chosen
On death of the policyholder during minority of the by you, as per the below table
life assured, the surviving parent or legal guardian
who has insurable interest of the minor life will be Income Benefit Factor to be multiplied with
the policyholder. Frequency yearly Income benefit

3. What are the Income Benefit options Yearly 1

(Plan options) under this policy? Half-yearly 0.49
IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan gives Quarterly 0.24
you the following benefit options as per the Age at Monthly 0.08
Entry of the Life Assured:
• Definite Income Option, or Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount
payable in a policy year chosen by policyholder,
• Whole of Life Income Option excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra
Definite Income Option: Under this option, a premiums and loadings for modal premiums,
percentage of annualized premium is paid as regular if any
income, starting from the end of the Policy Term for a
fixed income period of 20 years, provided all due 4. What do you get at the end of the
premiums have been paid & the life assured survives policy term (maturity benefit)?
till the end of the Policy Term. Income Benefit shall be Maturity benefit will be payable on survival of the Life
a percentage of annualised premium payable and is Assured up to the end of policy term provided the
dependent on the premium payment term (PPT) as policy is in force and all due premiums have been
given in the table below: paid. Maturity benefit is payable as follows:
Age at Entry/PPT 5 years 6 years 7 years i. Guaranteed income benefit (as mentioned
above) starting from the end of Policy Term, paid
8 to 29 years 39% 43% 51% for the Income Benefit period as per the
At the end of the Income Period, total premiums* applicable Income Benefit option and
paid under the policy will be returned to you or the ii. At the end of income benefit period, total
nominee and all benefits under the policy shall premiums* paid under the policy are returned
cease. back to you, post which all benefits under the
Whole of Life Income Option: Under this option, a policy shall cease
percentage of annualized premium is paid as regular On the date of maturity, you shall have an option to
income payout, starting from the end of the Policy Term receive the maturity benefit as a lumpsum amount
up to age 99 years, provided all due premiums have which shall be the present value of future income
been paid & the life assured survives till the end of the benefit & total premiums* paid under the policy,
Policy Term. Income Benefit shall be a percentage of discounted at the rate of 9% p.a. This interest rate is
annualised premium payable and is dependent on your not guaranteed. However, any change in the interest

rate will be subject to prior approval of IRDAI and will 6. What is the Life Cover Continuance
be applicable to the policies sold after date of change.
At any time during the income benefit period, the you
benefit in this plan?
shall have an option to receive the remaining benefit Your policy will have Life Cover Continuance benefit
as a lumpsum amount, which shall be the present if the policy has acquired paid up value.
value of remaining future income benefits & total Full death benefit will remain in force for a period of
premiums* paid under the policy, discounted at the one year (Life Cover Continuance period) from the
rate of 9% p.a. This interest rate is not guaranteed. date of First Unpaid Premium (FUP).
However, any change in the interest rate will be You will have an option to further extend the “Life
subject to prior approval of IRDAI and will be Cover Continuance benefit” if you pay due premium
applicable to the policies sold after date of change. with interest @9% p.a. within one year from the FUP
date. On such payment, Life cover continuance
benefit will be applicable, for one year from the
5. What happens in case of life assured’s revised “Unpaid Premium” date.
demise in this policy (death benefit)? If you do not pay premium within 12 months from the
In the unfortunate event of life assured’s demise FUP date, then the policy will get converted to
during the term of the policy or when the policy is reduced paid up policy.
fully paid-up, Death Benefit is paid out to the At the end of life cover continuance period, you will
nominee either as lumpsum or as monthly income have the following options to exercise:
over next 5,10 or 15 years as opted by the • Pay all the due premiums with interest/late fees
policyholder/nominee(s) at any time during policy as applicable and revive the policy
period or on death of Life Assured. • Pay o n e d u e i n s t a l m e n t p re m i u m w i t h
On death of the Life Assured, Death Benefit which is interest/late fees and extend the Life Cover
higher of Sum Assured on Death or 105% of total Continuance benefit for one year from first
unpaid premium date
premiums* paid as on date of death, will be paid and the
policy will terminate, where Sum Assured on Death is • Not pay due premium and hence continue the
policy with reduced paid up benefits
Death Benefit Multiple x Annualized premium.
In case of death benefit payout in instalments; the 7. Are there any Riders available in this
monthly instalment amount will be calculated by policy?
multiplying the death benefit by annuity factor, where Yes, you have an option to add IndiaFirst Life Waiver
annuity factor will be arrived on the basis of prevailing of Premium Rider (UIN: 143B017V01) and IndiaFirst
SBI savings bank interest rate as on date of death. Term Rider (UIN: 143B001V02) to this policy.
Once the instalment payment starts, this payment IndiaFirst Life Waiver of Premium Rider when opted,
remains level throughout the instalment period. The supports you, by waiving off the future premiums of your
prevailing SBI savings bank interest rate is subject to base policy in case the policyholder/ life assured suffers
review at the end of every financial year. The prevailing from death, accidental total permanent disability or
interest rate will be decided on 31st March every year. critical illnesses as defined under the rider basis the rider
option as chosen. The options for policyholder/ life
On death of the life assured during the income benefit assured are as mentioned below. You can select only one
period, the nominee shall continue receiving the future option at policy inception and the option once selected
income benefit till the end of income benefit period. At cannot be changed during the term of the policy.
the end of income benefit period, total premiums* paid
under the policy shall be paid to the nominee. OPTION BENEFIT
The nominee shall have an option to receive the W a i v e r o f This option provides benefit of
future benefit as a lump sum, which shall be the Premium on waving all future premiums due
present value of remaining future income benefits & Death and payable under the base policy
total premiums* paid under the policy, discounted at on Death of the Policyholder (only
the rate of 9% p.a. This interest rate is not when life assured and Policy
guaranteed. However, any change in the interest rate Holder are different individuals
will be subject to prior approval of IRDAI and will be under base policy), subject to rider
and base policy being in force.
applicable to the policies sold after date of change. In case you select this option,
Death Benefit Multiples are mentioned in Annexure II. premium under this rider shall not
exceed 30% of premium under the
base policy.
respective rider brochures available on our website for
Wa i v e r o f This option provides the benefit of
Premium on waving all future premiums due and more details on rider terms and conditions.
Accidental payable under the base policy on 8. Do I get a discount on renewal premiums,
T o t a l either or simultaneous happening of if paid in advance?
Pe r m a n e n t the following events; Accidental We will offer discount on renewal premium amount
Disability or Total Permanent Disability of the if you pay the premium at least one month prior to
(diagnosis rider life assured or on the premium due date till 12 months prior to premium
of) Critical confirmed diagnosis of the rider Life due date, provided this period falls within the same
Illness Assured suffering from any one of financial year as the premium due date.
the critical illnesses covered under
the rider, subject to rider and base The premium due in one financial year may be
policy being in force. collected in advance in earlier financial year for a
In case you select this option, maximum period of three months in advance of the
premium under this rider shall not due date of the premium to be eligible for discount.
exceed 100% of premium under No discount will be offered if premium is paid within
the base policy. one month prior to premium due date. The renewal
premium so collected in advance shall only be
Wa i v e r o f This option provides the benefit of adjusted on due date of premium.
Premium on waving all future premiums due and
Death or payable under the base policy on earlier 9. How does the policy work?
Accidental happening of either of the following We have explained the working of the policy with a
T o t a l events - Death of the rider life assured sample illustration below.
Pe r m a n e n t or Accidental Total Permanent Mr. Sinha aged 40 years bought the IndiaFirst Life
Disability or Disability of rider life assured or on the Long Guaranteed Income Plan, with plan option -
Critical confirmed diagnosis of the rider life Whole of Life Income option. He pays an annual
Illness assured suffering from any one of the premium of INR 2,00,000 (exclusive of taxes) for
Critical Illnesses covered under the the premium payment term of 7 years and a policy
rider, subject to rider and base policy term of 10 years.
being in force. He opts to receive an annual income benefit which
To opt for this option, life assured and shall be INR 94,000 (47% of annualized premium)
Policy Holder should be different during the income benefit period starting from the
individuals under base policy. end of the Policy Term up to the age of 99 years.
In case you select this option, He will also receive a lumpsum amount of
premium under this rider shall not INR 14,00,000 (return of total premiums* paid) at
exceed 100% of premium under the end of the income benefit period.
the base policy.
In case of his death during the policy term, his loved
ones are safeguarded with the life cover of INR
IndiaFirst Term Rider is a pure term insurance rider, 23,38,000 (Sum Assured on Death). He/ his
which when opted enhances the life cover of the life nominee can opt to receive this death benefit in the
assured over and above the cover offered under the policy as a lump sum or an installment benefit over a
base policy to provide additional protection to your period of 5, 10 or 15 years.
family. In case of the life assured’s unfortunate The nominee shall have an option to receive the
demise, the nominee will receive the sum assured future benefit as a lump sum, which shall be the
under the rider along with the death benefit amount present value of remaining future income benefits &
under your base policy. In case you opt for this rider, total premiums* paid under the policy, discounted at
premium under this rider shall not exceed 30% of the rate of 9% p.a. This interest rate is not
premium under the base policy. guaranteed. However, any change in the interest rate
Riders will not be offered if the term of the rider exceeds will be subject to prior approval of IRDAI and will be
outstanding term under the base policy. Please refer the applicable to the policies sold after date of change.

Return of total premiums* paid:
Lumpsum payout of INR 14,00,000

Premium Payment
Term: 7 years

Annual Premium: Income Benefit:

INR 2,00,000 INR 94,000 annually

Policy Term: 10 years Income Benefit Period:

From end of policy term up to
99 years of age

Life Cover of Sum Assured In case of death during Income Benefit Period - All future
on Death: INR 23,38,000 income benefit shall continue to be paid to his nominee along with
return of total premiums* paid at the end of Income benefit period.

10. What are the tax benefits in this 12. Is there a grace period for missed
policy? premiums?
Tax benefits may be available on premiums paid and We provide you with a grace period which is the time
benefits receivable as per prevailing Income Tax provided for payment of premium from the premium
Laws. These are subject to change from time to time due date during which the policy is considered to be in-
as per the Government Tax laws. Please consult your force with the risk cover. This policy has a grace period
tax consultant before investing. of 30 days for yearly, half-yearly and quarterly
frequencies and 15 days for monthly frequency from the
11. Can I get a loan in this policy? premium due date. In case of death of the life assured
Yes, you may benefit from a loan facility under this during this period, death benefit after deducting due
plan. premiums before date of occurrence of death, will be
The amount of the loan that you may avail at any paid to the nominee(s)/appointee/legal heir.
point of time will depend on the surrender value. You 13. What happens in case you miss
may avail of a loan amount up to 90% of the paying the premiums?
available surrender value. The minimum loan
amount should be Rs.1,000. We will charge interest In the event of non-payment of premium due under
at a rate of 9% per annum which may be revised by the policy within the grace period, the policy will lapse
us from time to time subject to prior IRDAI approval. if the policy has not acquired a guaranteed surrender
value. The risk cover will cease, and no further benefits
At the end of the policy term loan outstanding will be payable in case of a lapsed policy.
together with the interest thereon, if any will be The policy will lapse if less than two full years’
deducted from the present value of future premiums have been paid.
guaranteed income as well as benefit of return of However, you can revive your lapsed policy within
total premiums* paid, discounted at the rate of 9% the revival period. Kindly refer the section below on
p.a. and the balance amount, if any will be payable Revival for more information.
immediately and policy will be terminated. If policy is lapsed and is not revived during the revival
We will recover any unpaid loan amount along with period, it will be foreclosed without paying any
interest before paying the death benefit to the benefit after expiry of the revival period.
Nominee(s) / Appointee/ legal heir(s) or the In case of non-payment of premium before the
maturity benefit to the Life Assured. As and when expiry of grace period, policy will acquire paid-up
the loan principal along with interest exceeds the value provided at least two (2) full years premium
surrender value for paid-up policies, the policy will have been paid.
be compulsorily surrendered by us and the Once a policy becomes paid-up:
outstanding loan amount along with the interest will Death Benefit:
be recovered from the Surrender Value or paid-up • Within one year from the date of first unpaid premium -
benefit. Compulsory surrender will not apply to Full Death benefit as per in-force policy as per terms
inforce policies. and conditions mentioned in section 6 above

• If Death happens after One Year from the date of premiums* paid, discounted at 9% p.a.)} multiplied
first unpaid premium - Death benefit would be the by the SSV factor prevailing at the time of surrender.
Reduced paid-up Sum Assured on death The SSV factor will be determined by us from time to
Where, Reduced paid-up Sum Assured on death is time subject to prior IRDAI approval.
defined as: Note: GSV factors are mentioned in Annexure I
Sum Assured on Death as on the date of policy being
made paid-up x (Total numbers of premiums paid / Total 15. What is the Free Look Period available
Number of premiums payable over the policy term) in your policy?
Maturity Benefit:
On survival of the Life Assured till the end of the You can return your policy within the Free Look period;
policy term, you will receive Reduced paid-up Sum In case you do not agree to the any policy terms and
Assured on Maturity conditions, you have the option to review the terms
Where, Reduced paid-up Sum Assured on maturity and conditions of the policy and where you disagree to
is defined as: any of those terms or conditions, you have the option
(Present value of income payments and total of returning the policy to the insurer for cancellation,
premiums* paid under the policy discounted at 9% stating the reasons for your objection within 15 days
p.a.) x (Total numbers of premiums paid)/ (Total from the date of receipt of the policy. The free-look
Number of premiums payable over the policy term) period for policies purchased through distance
In any case the Reduced Paid-up Sum Assured on marketing or electronic mode will be 30 days.
death or Reduced Paid-up Sum Assured on Maturity Do you get any refund when you cancel your
as mentioned above shall not be less than the total policy?
premiums paid under this policy. Yes. We will refund an amount equal to the –
What are your options to revive the policy? Premium paid
You may revive your policy within five years from the Less: i. Pro-rata risk premium and rider premium, if
due date of the first unpaid premium but before the any for the time the policy was in force
maturity date by simply paying all the due premium(s) Less ii. Any stamp duty paid
along with interest from the due date of first unpaid
premium. The current interest charged for delay in Less iii. Expenses incurred on medical examination, if
premium payment is 9% p.a. which may be revised by any
us from time to time subject to prior IRDAI approval. Distance Marketing includes every activity of
Upon revival of the policy within the revival period, all solicitation (including lead generation) and sale of
benefits as per terms & conditions will be restored as insurance products through the following modes: (i)
per in-force policy. Revival of the policy is subject to Voice mode, which includes telephone calling; (ii)
our Board Approved Underwriting Policy. Short Messaging service (SMS); (iii) Electronic
If policy in Reduced Paid Up mode is not revived mode which includes e-mail, internet and interactive
during the revival period, it will continue in the television (DTH); (iv) Physical mode which includes
reduced paid up mode until the earliest of maturity direct postal mail and newspaper & magazine
or death or surrender of the policy. inserts; and, (v) Solicitation through any means of
communication other than in person.
14. Can you surrender your policy?
It is advisable to continue your policy to enjoy full 16. What happens in case the life assured
benefits of your policy. However, we understand that commits suicide (suicide clause)?
in certain circumstances you may want to surrender In case of death due to suicide within 12 months
your policy. The policy will acquire surrender value from the date of commencement of risk under the
after 2 full years’ premiums have been paid. policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as
At the time of surrender higher of Guaranteed applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the
Surrender Value (GSV) or Special Surrender Value policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the
(SSV) will be payable. The GSV factors are total premiums paid till the date of death or the
dependent upon policy year of surrender and policy surrender value available as on the date of death
term. The GSV factors will be applicable on total whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force.
premiums paid till date of surrender.
GSV = GSV factor for premium x total premium* paid
17. Nomination
The member can appoint a nominee as per section
SSV = {(Total Number of premiums paid/Total 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time
Number of premiums payable during the policy to time. For more details please refer to our website
term) x (Present Value of Income Benefit & total

18. Assignment suppression of a material fact was true to the
As per the provisions of Section 38 of the Insurance best of his knowledge and belief or that there was
Act, 1938 as amended from time to time. For more no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or
details please refer to our website that such mis-statement of or suppression of a material fact are within the knowledge of the
insurer: Provided that in case of fraud, the onus of
19. You are prohibited from accepting disproving lies upon the beneficiaries, in case the
policyholder is not alive.
rebate in any form 4) A policy of life insurance may be called in
Prohibition of Rebate: Section 41 of the Insurance question at any time within three years from the
Act, 1938, as amended from time to time, states date of issuance of the policy or the date of
1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either commencement of risk or the date of revival of
directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any the policy or the date of the rider to the policy,
person, to take or renew or continue an insurance whichever is later, on the ground that any
in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or statement of or suppression of a fact material to
property in India, any rebate of the whole or part the expectancy of the life of the insured was
of the commission payable or any rebate of the incorrectly made in the proposal or other
premium shown on the Policy, nor shall any document on the basis of which the policy was
person taking out or renewing or continuing a issued or revived or rider issued: Provided that
Policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as the insurer shall have to communicate in writing
may be allowed in accordance with the published to the insured or the legal representatives or
prospectuses or tables of the insurer. nominees or assignees of the insured the
2) Any person making default in complying with the grounds and materials on which such decision to
provisions of this section shall be liable for a repudiate the policy of life insurance is based:
penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees. Provided further that in case of repudiation of the
policy on the ground of misstatement or
20. What happens in case of submission suppression of a material fact, and not on the
of information which is false or incorrect? ground of fraud, the premiums collected on the
Fraud/ Misstatement would be dealt with in policy till the date of repudiation shall be paid to
accordance with provisions of Section 45 of the the insured or the legal representatives or
Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time. nominees or assignees of the insured within a
period of ninety days from the date of such
Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended repudiation.
from time to time states
5) Nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer
1) No policy of life insurance shall be called in from calling for proof of age at any time if he is
question on any ground whatsoever after the entitled to do so, and no policy shall be deemed
expiry of three years from the date of the policy, to be called in question merely because the
i.e., from the date of issuance of the policy or the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent
date of commencement of risk or the date of proof that the age of the Life Insured was
revival of the policy or the date of the rider to the incorrectly stated in the proposal.
policy, whichever is later.
2) A policy of life insurance may be called in 21. About IndiaFirst Life Insurance
question at any time within three years from the We’ve had Bank of Baroda, Andhra Bank (now, Union
date of issuance of the policy or the date of Bank of India) and Legal & General as our founding
commencement of risk or the date of revival of partners. After journeying with us through our years
the policy or the date of the rider to the policy, of growth, Legal & General sold its stake in Feb 2019
whichever is later, on the ground of fraud: to Carmel Point Investments India Private Limited, a
Provided that the insurer shall have to body corporate incorporated under the laws of
communicate in writing to the insured or the Mauritius and owned by private equity funds
legal representatives or nominees or assignees managed by Warburg Pincus LLC. This is the first
of the insured the grounds and materials on deal wherein a private equity fund has taken an
which such decision is based. interest in a life insurance company. Our
3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- shareholding pattern of the company now stands at:
section (2), no insurer shall repudiate a life Bank of Baroda – 44.00%, Union Bank of India –
insurance policy on the ground of fraud if the 30.00%, and Carmel Point Investments India Private
insured can prove that the mis-statement of or Limited – 26.00%.

Annexure I: Guaranteed Surrender Value Factors applicable for Total Premiums Paid
Year of Surrender Policy Term = 10 years
1 0%
2 30%
3 35%
4 50%
5 50%
6 50%
7 50%
8 70%
9 90%
10 90%

Annexure II: Death Benefit Multiple

Age At Entry Death Benefit Multiple Age At Entry Death Benefit Multiple
8 15.00 35 12.14
9 14.88 36 12.05
10 14.76 37 11.96
11 14.65 38 11.87
12 14.54 39 11.78
13 14.43 40 11.69
14 14.32 41 11.60
15 14.21 42 11.51
16 14.10 43 11.42
17 13.99 44 11.33
18 13.88 45 11.24
19 13.77 46 11.15
20 13.66 47 11.06
21 13.55 48 10.97
22 13.44 49 10.88
23 13.34 50 10.80
24 13.24 51 10.72
25 13.14 52 10.64
26 13.04 53 10.56
27 12.94 54 10.48
28 12.84 55 10.40
29 12.74 56 10.32
30 12.64 57 10.24
31 12.54 58 10.16
32 12.44 59 10.08
33 12.34 60 10.00
34 12.24
*Total premiums paid excluding rider premium, modal loading factor, applicable tax and underwriting extra premium, if any
Tax exemptions are as per applicable tax laws from time to time.
Tax exemptions are as per applicable tax laws from time to time.
Disclaimer: IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited, IRDAI Regn No.143, CIN: U66010MH2008PLC183679,
Address: 12th & 13th floor, North [C] Wing, Tower 4, Nesco IT Park, Nesco Center, Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai – 400 063. Toll free No – 18002098700. IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited is
only the name of the Life Insurance Company and IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan is only the name of
the Life Insurance Product and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects, or
returns. For more details on risk factors and terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before
concluding the sale. IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan (UIN 143N054V02). Trade logo displayed belongs
to our promoters M/s Bank of Baroda and M/s Union Bank of India and are used by IndiaFirst Life Insurance Co. Ltd
under License. Adv. Ref. No.: IndiaFirst Life Long Guaranteed Income Plan/ Brochure/E/001.


• IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.

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