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Health Care Services CBC NC II

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A. Course Design


Nominal Duration: 996 hours + 80 hrs Supervised Industry Learning

Qualification Level: NC II
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Health
Care Services NC II in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic
common and core competencies in preparing and maintaining beds, collecting and
Course Description: maintaining linen stocks at end-user locations, assisting with patient mobility,
transport and bio-psycho-social support care of patients and handling waste in a
health care environment.

Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the
following requirements:
  16 years old and above
Trainee Entry
  Must pass the trainability / aptitude test
  Can communicate effectively both orally and in written form
  Physically, emotionally and mentally fit
  Can perform basic mathematical computation

Course Structure
Basic Competencies
(18 Hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes SIL
1. Participate In 1.1 Participating 1.1 Obtain and convey workplace 4.5 Hours 2 Hours
Workplace In Workplace Information
Communicatio Communicati
1.2 Perform duties following workplace
n on
1.3 Complete relevant work related
2. Work in team 2.1 Working in 2.1 Describe and identify team role and 4.5 Hours 2 Hours
environment team responsibility in a team
2.2 Describe work as a team member
3. Practice career 3.1 Practicing 3.1 Integrate personal objectives with 4.5 Hours 2 Hours
professionalis career organizational goals
m professionalism
3.2 Set and meet work priorities
3.3 Maintain professional growth and
4. Practice 4.1. Practicing 4.1 Evaluate hazard and risks 4.5 Hours 2 Hours
occupational occupational
4.2 Control hazards and risks
health and health and
safety safety 4.3 Maintain occupational health and
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safety awareness

Common Competencies
(18 hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes SIL
1. Implement And 1.1 Implementing 1.1.1. Provide information to the work 4.5 Hours 5 Hours
Monitor Infection And Monitoring group about the organization's infection
Control Policies Infection Control control policies and procedures
And Procedures Policies And 1.1.2 Integrate the organization's
Procedures infection control policy and procedure into
work practices
1.1.3. Monitor infection control
performance and implement
improvements in practices
2. Respond 2.1 Responding 2.1.1. Plan and respond to emergencies 4.5 Hours 5 Hours
Effectively To Effectively To 2.1.2. Report and review incidents
Difficult/ Difficult/
Challenging Challenging
Behavior Behavior
3. Apply Basic 3.1 Applying Basic 3.1.1. Assess the situation 4.5 Hours 5 Hours
First Aid First Aid 3.1.2. Apply basic first aid techniques
3.1.3. Communicate details of the
4. Maintain High 4.1 Maintaining High 4.1.1. Communicate appropriately with 4.5 Hours 5 Hours
Standards Of Standards Of patients
Client Services Client Services 4.1.2. Establish and maintain good
interpersonal relationship with
4.1.3. Act in a respectful manner at all
4.1.4. Evaluate own work to maintain a
high standard of client service

Core Competencies
(960 hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal SIL
1. Prepare and 1.1 Preparing and 1.1.1. Prepare the area for bed 160 Hours 8 Hours
maintain beds maintaining beds making
1.1.2. Perform bed making
according to established institution
1.1.3. Perform after care activities
of materials and equipment used

2. Collect and 2.1. Collecting and 2.1.1 Explain the workplace 160 Hours 8 Hours
maintain linen maintaining linen procedure in collecting
stocks at end user stocks at end user soiled linen
location location 2.1.2 Maintain linen stock levels
2.1.3 Collect soiled linen
2.1.4 Distribute clean linen
3 Assist with patient 3.1. Assisting with 3.1.1 Explain the workplace 160 Hours 8 Hours
mobility patient mobility procedures in assisting
patient with mobility
3.1.2 Prepare to assist with
patient mobility
3.1.3 Assist with patient mobility
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3.1.4 Complete patient mobility
4 Assist in 4.1 Assisting in 4.1.1 Explain the workplace 160 Hours 10 Hours
transporting patient transporting procedures in assisting
patient patient transport
4.1.2 Prepare patient for
4.1.3 Assist in patient transport
4.1.4 Perform post-transport
5 Assist with bio- 5.1. Assisting with bio- 5.1.1 Explain the concept of 160 Hours 10 Hours
psychosocial care psychosocial care of biopsycho-social support
of patient patient 5.1.2 Assist the patient in
verbalizing his perceived
problems related to
biopsycho-social concerns
5.1.3 Perform bio-psycho-social
measures and procedures
implemented in the
5.1.4 Educate the patient on
alternatives on healthy
biopsycho-social well-
6. Handle waste in a 6.1. Handling waste in 6.1.1. Explain the concepts and 160 Hours 8 hours
health care environment a health care principles of waste management
environment and safe handling
6.1.2. Determine job
6.1.3. Identify and segregate
6.1.4. Transport and store waste
6.1.5. Conduct quality control
activities on clean up work areas

Assessment Methods: 1.  Demonstration

2.  Observation
3.  Interviews/ questioning
4.  Grid Question
5.  Practical Exercise
6. Return Demonstration
7. Third Party Report

Course Delivery:  Group discussion

 Interaction
 Plant tour
 Symposium
 Lecturette
 Brainstorming
 Simulation
 One-on-One Teaching
 On-the-Job Practice
 Video Tapes Lecture
 Active Listening
 Experiential Learning

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Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees for CAREGIVING (ELDERLY) NC II:


Dressing tray 12 Linen (different sizes)
(complete with pcs
3 pcs 3 units Hospital bed
accessories) and
alcohol and betadine
3 pcs Sputum cap 3 pcs Bedside table 6 pcs Pillow and pillow case
12 pcs Thermometer 3 pcs Overbed 3 pcs Rubber sheets
12 pcs Mask 3 pcs Foot stool 3 pcs Thermal blanket
3 pcs Goggles 3 pcs IV stand 3 pcs Kelly pad
12 pcs. cap 1 unit wheelchair Rubber rings
12 pcs. strap 1 unit stretcher 6 pcs Patient gown
3 pcs. splints 1 unit Oxygen tank and accessories 6 pcs Draw sheet
3 pcs. slings 3 sets BP Apparatus 6 pcs Towel, hand towel
1 set Waste bins (win dry, infectious,
3 pcs. bandages 3 pcs commode
3 pcs. crutches 1 set nebulizer 3 pcs bedpan
2 sets Feeding utensils 1 unit Linen trolley 3 pcs basin
1 unit Linen hamper 3pcs Soap dish
1 unit shelves 3 pcs urinal

1 pc Pert light 1 pc Ambu man

1 pc Ambu baby
3 pcs plaster

Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees.

Total Area in Sq.

Space Requirement Size in Meters Area in Sq. Meters Qty.
Laboratory Area 4X5 20 1 20
Tool Room and S/M storage Area 3x5 15 1 15
Learning Resource Area 5x7 35 1 35
Wash Area/Comfort Room (male &
2.5 x 4 10 1 10
Admin and Staff Room 5x5 25 1 25

Circulation Area** 1 30

Total 135
Total Workshop Area : 135 sq. M.



  Must be a licensed health-service related practitioner

  Must have undergone training on Training Methodology II (TM II)
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  Must be physically, emotionally and mentally fit
  Must possess good moral character
  With at least 2 years experience in the health service industry

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