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Beyond Significance Testing Statistics Reform in The Behavioral Sciences

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Statistics Reform in
the Behavioral Sciences

Rex B. Kline

American Psychological Association

Washington, DC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kline, Rex B.
Beyond significance testing : statistics reform in the behavioral sciences / Rex B. Kline.
p. cm.
 “Second edition”—Introduction.
 Rev ed. of: Beyond significance testing : reforming data analysis methods in behavioral
research. c2004.
 Includes bibliographical references and index.
 ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-1278-1
 ISBN-10: 1-4338-1278-9
 1.  Psychometrics.  I. Title.

 BF39.K59 2013

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A CIP record is available from the British Library.

Printed in the United States of America

Second Edition

DOI: 10.1037/14136-000
For my family,
Joanna, Julia Anne, and Luke Christopher,
my brother,
Don Neil Justin Dwayne Foxworth (1961–2011),
fellow author
And so it is with us: we face change, much of it hard,
whether we like it or not.
But it is in the hard times especially that we grow,
that we become transformed.
—Patrick Doyle

Acknowledgments.......................................................................................   xi
Introduction.................................................................................................. 3

I.  Fundamental Concepts..........................................................................   7 

Chapter 1. Changing Times................................................................ 9 
Chapter 2. Sampling and Estimation................................................ 29
Chapter 3. Logic and Illogic of Significance Testing........................ 67 
Chapter 4. Cognitive Distortions in Significance Testing................ 95

II.  Effect Size Estimation in Comparative Studies..............................   121

Chapter 5. Continuous Outcomes.................................................. 123
Chapter 6. Categorical Outcomes................................................... 163
Chapter 7. Single-Factor Designs.................................................... 189
Chapter 8. Multifactor Designs....................................................... 221

III.  Alternatives to Significance Testing..............................................   263 
Chapter 9. Replication and Meta-Analysis..................................... 265 
Chapter 10. Bayesian Estimation and Best Practices Summary........ 289
References................................................................................................. 313
Index......................................................................................................... 335
About the Author..................................................................................... 349

x       contents

It was a privilege to work once again with the APA Books staff,
including Linda Malnasi McCarter, who helped to plan the project; Beth
Hatch, who worked with the initial draft and offered helpful suggestions;
Dan Brachtesende, who shepherded the book through the various pro-
duction stages; Ron Teeter, who oversaw copyediting and organized the
book’s design; and Robin Easson, who copyedited the technically complex
manuscript while helping to improve the presentation. Bruce Thompson
reviewed the complete first draft and gave many helpful suggestions. Any
remaining shortcomings in the presentation are solely my own. My loving
family was again at my side the whole time. Thanks Joanna, Julia, and Luke.


The goals of this second edition are basically the same as those of the
original. This book introduces readers to the principles and practice of sta-
tistics reform in the behavioral sciences. It (a) reviews the now even larger
literature about shortcomings of significance testing; (b) explains why these
criticisms have sufficient merit to justify major changes in the ways research-
ers analyze their data and report the results; (c) helps readers acquire new
skills concerning interval estimation and effect size estimation; and (d) reviews
alternative ways to test hypotheses, including Bayesian estimation. I aim to
change how readers think about data analysis, especially among those with
traditional backgrounds in statistics where significance testing was presented
as basically the only way to test hypotheses. I want all readers to know that
there is a bigger picture concerning the analysis that blind reliance on signifi-
cance testing misses.
I wrote this book for researchers and students in psychology and other
behavioral sciences who do not have strong quantitative backgrounds. I

DOI: 10.1037/14136-011
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

assume that the reader has had undergraduate courses in statistics that cov-
ered at least the basics of regression and factorial analysis of variance. Each
substantive chapter emphasizes fundamental statistical concepts but does
not get into the minutiae of statistical theory. Works that do so are cited
throughout the text, and readers can consult such works when they are ready.
I emphasize instead both the sense and the nonsense of common data analysis
practices while pointing out alternatives that I believe are more scientifi-
cally strong. I do not shield readers from complex topics, but I try to describe
such topics using clear, accessible language backed up by numerous examples.
This book is suitable as a textbook for an introductory course in behavioral
science statistics at the graduate level. It can also be used in undergraduate-
level courses for advanced students, such as honors program students, about
modern methods of data analysis. Especially useful for all readers are Chapters
3 and 4, which respectively consider the logic and illogic of significance test-
ing and misinterpretations about the outcomes of statistical tests. These mis-
interpretations are so widespread among researchers and students alike that
one can argue that data analysis practices in the behavioral sciences are based
more on myth than fact.
That the first edition of this book was so well reviewed and widely cited
was very satisfying. I also had the chance to correspond with hundreds of read-
ers from many different backgrounds where statistics reform is increasingly
important. We share a common sense that the behavioral sciences should
be doing better than they really are concerning the impact and relevance of
research. Oh, yes, the research literature is very large, but quantity does not
in this case indicate quality, and many of us know that most published studies
in the behavioral studies have very little impact. Indeed, most publications
are never cited again by authors other than those of the original works, and
part of the problem has been our collective failure to modernize our methods
of data analysis and describe our findings in ways relevant to target audiences.
New to this edition is coverage of robust statistical methods for param-
eter estimation, effect size estimation, and interval estimation. Most data sets
in real studies do not respect the distributional assumptions of parametric
statistical tests, so the use of robust statistics can lend a more realistic tenor
to the analysis. Robust methods are described over three chapters (2, 3, and
5), but such methods do not remedy the major shortcomings of significance
testing. There is a new chapter (3) about the logic and illogic of significance
testing that deals with issues students rarely encounter in traditional statistics
courses. There is expanded coverage of interval estimation in all chapters
and also of Bayesian estimation as an increasingly viable alternative to tradi-
tional significance testing. Exercises are included for chapters that deal with
fundamental topics (2–8). A new section in the last chapter summarizes best
practice recommendations.

4       beyond significance testing

Plan of the Book

Part I is concerned with fundamental concepts and summarizes the

significance testing controversy. Outlined in Chapter 1 is the rationale of
statistics reform. The history of the controversy about significance testing
in psychology and other disciplines is recounted in this chapter. Principles
of sampling and estimation that underlie confidence intervals and statistical
tests are reviewed in Chapter 2. The logic and illogic of significance testing
is considered in Chapter 3, and misunderstandings about p values are elabo-
rated in Chapter 4. The purpose of Chapters 3–4 is to help you to understand
critical weaknesses of statistical tests.
Part II comprises four chapters about effect size estimation in compara-
tive studies, where at least two different groups or conditions are contrasted.
In Chapter 5, the rationale of effect size estimation is outlined and basic
effect sizes for continuous outcomes are introduced. The problem of evalu-
ating substantive significance is also considered. Effect sizes for categorical
outcomes, such as relapsed versus not relapsed, are covered in Chapter 6.
Chapters 7 and 8 concern effect size estimation in, respectively, single-factor
designs with at least three conditions and factorial designs with two or more
factors and continuous outcomes. Many empirical examples are offered in
Part II. There are exercises for Chapters 2–8 and suggested answers are avail-
able on the book’s website.
Part III includes two chapters that cover alternatives to significance
testing. Chapter 9 deals with replication and meta-analysis. The main points
of this chapter are that a larger role for replication will require a cultural
change in the behavioral sciences and that meta-analysis is an important tool
for research synthesis but is no substitute for explicit replication. Bayesian
estimation is the subject of Chapter 10. Bayesian statistics are overlooked in
psychology research, but this approach offers an inference framework consis-
tent with many goals of statistics reform. Best practice recommendations are
also summarized in this chapter.
This book has a compendium website, where readers will find sam-
ple answers to the chapter exercises, downloadable raw data files for many
research examples, and links to other useful websites. The URL for this book’s
website is

introduction      5
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Changing Times

It is simply that the things that appear to be permanent and dominant

at any given moment in history can change with stunning rapidity. Eras
come and go.
—George Friedman (2009, p. 3)

This chapter explains the basic rationale of the movement for statis-
tics reform in the behavioral sciences. It also identifies critical limitations
of traditional significance testing that are elaborated throughout the book
and reviews the controversy about significance testing in psychology and
other disciplines. I argue that overreliance on significance testing as basi-
cally the sole way to evaluate hypotheses has damaged the research literature
and impeded the development of psychology and other areas as empirical
sciences. Alternatives are introduced that include using interval estimation
of effect sizes, taking replication seriously, and focusing on the substantive
significance of research results instead of just on whether or not they are
statistically significant. Prospects for further reform of data analysis methods
are also considered.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-001
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Précis of Statistics Reform

Depending on your background, some of these points may seem shock-

ing, even radical, but they are becoming part of mainstream thinking in many
disciplines. Statistics reform is the effort to improve quantitative literacy in
psychology and other behavioral sciences among students, researchers, and
university faculty not formally trained in statistics (i.e., most of us). The basic
aims are to help researchers better understand their own results, communi-
cate more clearly about those findings, and improve the quality of published
studies. Reform advocates challenge conventional wisdom and practices that
impede these goals and emphasize more scientifically defensible alternatives.
Reformers also point out uncomfortable truths, one of which is that
much of our thinking about data analysis is stuck in the 1940s (if not earlier).
A sign of arrested development is our harmful overreliance on significance
testing. Other symptoms include the failure to report effect sizes or consider
whether results have scientific merit, both of which have nothing to do with
statistical significance. In studies of intervention outcomes, a statistically sig-
nificant difference between treated and untreated cases also has nothing to do
with whether treatment leads to any tangible benefits in the real world. In the
context of diagnostic criteria, clinical significance concerns whether treated
cases can no longer be distinguished from control cases not meeting the same
criteria. For example, does treatment typically prompt a return to normal lev-
els of functioning? A treatment effect can be statistically significant yet trivial
in terms of its clinical significance, and clinically meaningful results are not
always statistically significant. Accordingly, the proper response to claims of
statistical significance in any context should be “so what?”—or, more point-
edly, “who cares?”—without more information.

Cognitive Errors

Another embarrassing truth is that so many cognitive errors are associ-

ated with significance testing that some authors describe a kind of trained
incapacity that prevents researchers from understanding their own results;
others describe a major educational failure (Hubbard & Armstrong, 2006;
Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008). These misinterpretations are widespread among
students, researchers, and university professors, some of whom teach statistics
courses. So students learn false beliefs from people who should know better,
but do not, in an ongoing cycle of misinformation. Ziliak and McCloskey
(2008) put it this way:
The textbooks are wrong. The teaching is wrong. The seminar you just
attended is wrong. The most prestigious journal in your scientific field is
wrong. (p. 250)

10       beyond significance testing

Most cognitive errors involve exaggerating what can be inferred from
the outcomes of statistical tests, or p values (probabilities), listed in computer
output. Common misunderstandings include the belief that p measures the
likelihood that a result is due to sampling error (chance) or the probability
that the null hypothesis is true. These and other false beliefs make researchers
overconfident about their findings and excessively lax in some critical prac-
tices. One is the lip service paid to replication. Although I would wager that
just as many behavioral scientists as their natural science colleagues would
endorse replication as important, replication is given scant attention in the
behavioral sciences. This woeful practice is supported by false beliefs.

Costs of Significance Testing

Summarized next are additional ways in which relying too much on

significance testing has damaged our research literature. Nearly all published
studies feature statistical significance, but studies without significant results
are far less likely to be published or even submitted to journals (Kupfersmid
& Fiala, 1991). This publication bias for significance suggests that the actual
rate among published studies of Type I error, or incorrect rejection of the null
hypothesis, is higher than indicated by conventional levels of statistical sig-
nificance, such as .05. Ellis (2010) noted that because researchers find it dif-
ficult to get negative results published, Type I errors, once made, are hard to
correct. Longford (2005) warned that the uncritical use of significance test-
ing would lead to a “junkyard of unsubstantiated confidence,” and Simmons,
Nelson, and Simonsohn (2011) used the phrase “false-positive psychology”
to describe the same problem.
Publication bias for significance also implies that the likelihood of
Type II error, or failure to reject the null hypothesis when it is false in the
population, is basically zero. In a less biased literature, though, information
about the power, or the probability of finding statistical significance (reject-
ing the null hypothesis) when there is a real effect, would be more relevant.
There are free computer tools for estimating power, but most researchers—
probably at least 80% (e.g., Ellis, 2010)—ignore the power of their analy-
ses. This is contrary to advice in the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (APA) that researchers should “routinely provide
evidence that the study has sufficient power to detect effects of substantive
interest” (APA, 2010, p. 30).
Ignoring power is regrettable because the median power of published
nonexperimental studies is only about .50 (e.g., Maxwell, 2004). This implies
a 50% chance of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis based on the data. In
this case the researcher may as well not collect any data but instead just toss
a coin to decide whether or not to reject the null hypothesis. This simpler,

changing times      11
cheaper method has the same chance of making correct decisions in the long
run (F. L. Schmidt & Hunter, 1997).
A consequence of low power is that the research literature is often dif-
ficult to interpret. Specifically, if there is a real effect but power is only .50,
about half the studies will yield statistically significant results and the rest
will yield no statistically significant findings. If all these studies were some-
how published, the number of positive and negative results would be roughly
equal. In an old-fashioned, narrative review, the research literature would
appear to be ambiguous, given this balance. It may be concluded that “more
research is needed,” but any new results will just reinforce the original ambi-
guity, if power remains low.
Confusing statistical significance with scientific relevance unwittingly
legitimizes fad topics that clutter the literature but have low substantive
value. With little thought about a broader rationale, one can collect data
and then apply statistical tests. Even if the numbers are random, some of the
results are expected to be statistically significant, especially in large samples.
The objective appearance of significance testing can lend an air of credibility
to studies with otherwise weak conceptual foundations. This is especially true
in “soft” research areas where theories are neither convincingly supported nor
discredited but simply fade away as researchers lose interest (Meehl, 1990).
This lack of cumulativeness led Lykken (1991) to declare that psychology
researchers mainly build castles in the sand.
Statistical tests of a treatment effect that is actually clinically signifi-
cant may fail to reject the null hypothesis of no difference when power is
low. If the researcher in this case ignored whether the observed effect size is
clinically significant, a potentially beneficial treatment may be overlooked.
This is exactly what was found by Freiman, Chalmers, Smith, and Kuebler
(1978), who reviewed 71 randomized clinical trials of mainly heart- and
cancer-related treatments with “negative” results (i.e., not statistically sig-
nificant). They found that if the authors of 50 of the 71 trials had considered
the power of their tests along with the observed effect sizes, those authors
should have concluded just the opposite, or that the treatments resulted in
clinically meaningful improvements.
If researchers become too preoccupied with statistical significance, they
may lose sight of other, more important aspects of their data, such as whether
the variables are properly defined and measured and whether the data respect
test assumptions. There are clear problems in both of these areas. One is
the measurement crisis, which refers to a substantial decline in the quality
of instruction about measurement in psychology over the last 30 years or
so. Psychometrics courses have disappeared from many psychology under-
graduate programs, and about one third of psychology doctoral programs in
North America offer no formal training in this area at all (Aiken et al., 1990;

12       beyond significance testing

Friederich, Buday, & Kerr, 2000). There is also evidence of widespread poor
practices. For example, Vacha-Haase and Thompson (2011) found that about
55% of authors did not even mention score reliability in over 13,000 primary
studies from a total of 47 meta-analyses of reliability generalization in the
behavioral sciences. Authors mentioned reliability in about 16% of the stud-
ies, but they merely inducted values reported in other sources, such as test
manuals, as if these applied to their data. Such reliability induction requires
explicit justification, but researchers rarely compared characteristics of their
samples with those from cited studies of score reliability.
A related problem is the reporting crisis, which refers to the fact that
researchers infrequently present evidence that their data respect distribu-
tional or other assumptions of statistical tests (e.g., Keselman et al., 1998).
The false belief that statistical tests are robust against violations of their
assumptions in data sets of the type analyzed in actual studies may explain
this flawed practice. Other aspects of the reporting crisis include the common
failure to describe the nature and extent of missing data, steps taken to deal
with the problem, and whether selection among alternatives could apprecia-
bly affect the results (e.g., Sterner, 2011). Readers of many journal articles are
given little if any reassurance that the results are trustworthy.
Even if researchers avoided the kinds of mistakes just described, there
are grounds to suspect that p values from statistical tests are simply incorrect
in most studies:
1. They (p values) are estimated in theoretical sampling distribu-
tions that assume random sampling from known populations.
Very few samples in behavioral research are random samples.
Instead, most are convenience samples collected under con-
ditions that have little resemblance to true random sampling.
Lunneborg (2001) described this problem as a mismatch between
design and analysis.
2. Results of more quantitative reviews suggest that, due to assump-
tions violations, there are few actual data sets in which signifi-
cance testing gives accurate results (e.g., Lix, Keselman, &
Keseleman, 1996). These observations suggest that p values
listed in computer output are usually suspect. For example, this
result for an independent samples t test calculated in SPSS
looks impressively precise,

t ( 27) = 2.373, p = .025000184017821007

but its accuracy is dubious, given the issues just raised. If p values
are generally wrong, so too are decisions based on them.

changing times      13
3. Probabilities from statistical tests (p values) generally assume
that all other sources of error besides sampling error are nil. This
includes measurement error; that is, it is assumed that rXX = 1.00,
where rXX is a score reliability coefficient. Other sources of error
arise from failure to control for extraneous sources of variance
or from flawed operational definitions of hypothetical constructs.
It is absurd to assume in most studies that there is no error vari-
ance besides sampling error. Instead it is more practical to expect
that sampling error makes up the small part of all possible kinds
of error when the number of cases is reasonably large (Ziliak &
McCloskey, 2008).
The p values from statistical tests do not tell researchers what they want
to know, which often concerns whether the data support a particular hypoth-
esis. This is because p values merely estimate the conditional probability of
the data under a statistical hypothesis—the null hypothesis—that in most
studies is an implausible, straw man argument. In fact, p values do not directly
“test” any hypothesis at all, but they are often misinterpreted as though they
describe hypotheses instead of data.
Although p values ultimately provide a yes-or-no answer (i.e., reject
or fail to reject the null hypothesis), the question—p < a?, where a is the
criterion level of statistical significance, usually .05 or .01—is typically unin-
teresting. The yes-or-no answer to this question says nothing about scientific
relevance, clinical significance, or effect size. This is why Armstrong (2007)
remarked that significance tests do not aid scientific progress even when they
are properly done and interpreted.

New Statistics, New Thinking

Cumming (2012) recommended that researchers pay less attention to

p values. Instead, researchers should be more concerned with sample results
Cumming (2012) referred to as the new statistics. He acknowledged that
the “new” statistics are not really new at all. What should be new instead is a
greater role afforded them in describing the results. The new statistics consist
mainly of effect sizes and confidence intervals. The Publication Manual is clear
about effect size: “For the reader to appreciate the magnitude or importance
of a study’s findings, it is almost always necessary to include some measure
of effect size” (APA, 2010, p. 34). The qualifier “almost always” refers to
the possibility that, depending on the study, it may be difficult to compute
effect sizes, such as when the scores are ranks or are presented in complex
hierarchically structured designs. But it is possible to calculate effect sizes in
most studies, and the effect size void for some kinds of designs is being filled
by ongoing research.

14       beyond significance testing

Significance tests do not directly indicate effect size, and a common
mistake is to answer the question p < a? but fail to report and interpret
effect sizes. Because effect sizes are sample statistics, or point estimates, that
approximate population effect sizes, they are subject to sampling error. A
confidence interval, or interval estimate, on a point estimate explicitly indi-
cates the degree of sampling error associated with that statistic. Although
sampling error is estimated in significance testing, that estimate winds up
“hidden” in the calculation of p. But the amount of sampling error is made
explicit by the lower and upper bounds of a confidence interval. Reporting
confidence intervals reflects estimation thinking (Cumming, 2012), which
deals with the questions “how much?” (point estimate) and “how precise?”
(margin of error). The Publication Manual offers this advice: “Whenever pos-
sible, base discussion and interpretation of results on point and interval esti-
mates” (APA, 2010, p. 34).
Estimation thinking is subsumed under meta-analytic thinking, which
is fundamentally concerned with the accumulation of evidence over studies.
Its basic aspects are listed next:
1. An accurate appreciation of the results of previous studies is
seen as essential.
2. A researcher should view his or her own study as making a
modest contribution to the literature. Hunter, Schmidt, and
Jackson (1982) put it this way: “Scientists have known for cen-
turies that a single study will not resolve a major issue. Indeed, a
small sample study will not even resolve a minor issue” (p. 10).
3. A researcher should report results so that they can be easily
incorporated into a future meta-analysis.
4. Retrospective interpretation of new results, once collected, is
called for via direct comparison with previous effect sizes.
Thinking meta-analytically is incompatible with using statistical tests as
the sole inference tool. This is because the typical meta-analysis estimates the
central tendency and variability of effect sizes across sets of related primary stud-
ies. The focus on effect size and not statistical significance in individual studies
also encourages readers of meta-analytic articles to think outside the limitations
of the latter. There are statistical tests in meta-analysis, but the main focus is on
whether a particular set of effect sizes is estimating the same population effect
size and also on the magnitude and precision of mean effect sizes.
The new statistics cannot solve all that ails significance testing; no such
alternative exists (see Cohen, 1994). For example, the probabilities associated
with confidence intervals also assume that all other sources of imprecision
besides sampling error are zero. There are ways to correct some effect sizes for
measurement error, though, so this assumption is not always so strict. Abelson

changing times      15
(1997a) referred to the law of the diffusion of idiocy, which says that every
foolish practice of significance testing will beget a corresponding misstep with
confidence intervals. This law applies to effect sizes, too. But misinterpretation
of the new statistics is less likely to occur if researchers can refrain from apply-
ing the same old, dichotomous thinking from significance testing. Thinking
meta-analytically can also help to prevent misunderstanding.
You should know that measuring effect size in treatment outcome stud-
ies is insufficient to determine clinical significance, especially when outcomes
have arbitrary (uncalibrated) metrics with no obvious connection to real-
world status. An example is a 7-point Likert scale for an item on a self-report
measure. This scale is arbitrary because its points could be represented with
different sets of numbers, such as 1 through 7 versus -3 through 3 in whole-
number increments, among other possibilities. The total score over a set of such
items is arbitrary, too. It is generally unknown for arbitrary metrics (a) how a
1-point difference reflects the magnitude of change on the underlying con-
struct and (b) exactly at what absolute points along the latent dimension
observed scores fall. As Andersen (2007) noted, “Reporting effect sizes on
arbitrary metrics alone with no reference to real-world behaviors, however,
is no more meaningful or interpretable than reporting p values” (p. 669).
So, determining clinical significance is not just a matter of statistics; it also
requires strong knowledge about the subject matter.
These points highlight the idea that the evaluation of the clinical, prac-
tical, theoretical, or, more generally, substantive significance of observed
effect sizes is a qualitative judgment. This judgment should be informed and
open to scrutiny, but it will also reflect personal values and societal concerns.
This is not unscientific because the assessment of all results in science involves
judgment (Kirk, 1996). It is better to be open about this fact than to base deci-
sions solely on “objective,” mechanically applied statistical rituals that do not
address substantive significance. Ritual is no substitute for critical thinking.


Behavioral scientists did not always use statistical tests, so it helps to

understand a little history behind the significance testing controversy; see
Oakes (1986), Nickerson (2000), and Ziliak and McCloskey (2008) for more

Hybrid Logic of Statistical Tests (1920–1960)

Logical elements of significance testing were present in scientific papers

as early as the 1700s (Stigler, 1986), but those basics were not organized into a

16       beyond significance testing

systematic method until the early 1900s. Today’s significance testing is actu-
ally a hybrid of two schools of thought, one from the 1920s associated with
Ronald Fisher (e.g., 1925) and another from the 1930s called the Neyman–
Pearson approach, after Jerzy Neyman and Egon S. Pearson (e.g., 1933). Other
individuals, such as William Gosset and Karl Pearson, contributed to these
schools, but the work of the three principals listed first forms the genesis of
significance testing (Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008, elaborate on Gosset’s role).
Briefly, the Neyman–Pearson model is an extension of the Fisher model,
which featured only a null hypothesis and estimation with statistical tests of
the conditional probability of the data, or p values. There was no alternative
hypothesis in Fisher’s model. The conventional levels of statistical signifi-
cance used today, .05 and .01, are correctly attributed to Fisher, but he did not
advocate that they be blindly applied across all studies. Doing so, wrote Fisher
(1956, p. 42), would be “absurdly academic” because no fixed level of signifi-
cance could apply across all studies. This view is very different from today’s
practice, where p < .05 and p < .01 are treated as golden rules. For its focus on
p values under the null hypothesis, Fisher’s model has been called the p value
approach (Huberty, 1993). The addition of the alternative hypothesis to the
basic Fisher model, the attendant specification of one- or two-tailed regions
of rejection, and the a priori specification of fixed levels of a across all studies
characterize the Neyman–Pearson model, also called the fixed a approach
(Huberty, 1993). This model also brought with it the conceptual framework
of power and related decision errors, Type I and Type II.
To say that advocates of the Fisher model and the Neyman–Pearson
model exchanged few kind words about each other’s ideas is an understate-
ment. Their long-running debate was acrimonious and included attempts by
Fisher to block faculty appointments for Neyman. Nevertheless, the integra-
tion of the two models by other statisticians into what makes up contemporary
significance testing took place roughly between 1935 and 1950. Gigerenzer
(1993) referred to this integrated model as the hybrid logic of scientific infer-
ence, and Dixon and O’Reilly (1999) called it the Intro Stats method. Many
authors have noted that (a) this hybrid model would have been rejected by
Fisher, Neyman, and Pearson, although for different reasons, and (b) its com-
posite nature is a source of confusion among students and researchers.

Rise of the Intro Stats Method, Testimation, and Sizeless Science


Before 1940, statistical tests were rarely used in psychology research.

Authors of works from the time instead applied in nonstandard ways a variety
of descriptive statistics or rudimentary test statistics, such as the critical ratio
of a sample statistic over its standard error (now called z or t when assuming

changing times      17
normality). An older term for the standard error—actually two times the
square root of the standard error—is the modulus, described in 1885 by the
economist Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (Stigler, 1978) to whom the term statis-
tical significance is attributed. From about 1940–1960, during what Gigerenzer
and Murray (1987) called the inference revolution, the Intro Stats method
was widely adopted in psychology textbooks and journal editorial practice
as the method to test hypotheses. The move away from the study of single
cases (e.g., operant conditioning studies) to the study of groups over roughly
1920–1950 contributed to this shift. Another factor is what Gigerenzer
(1993) called the probabilistic revolution, which introduced indeterminism
as a major theoretical concept in areas such as quantum mechanics in order
to better understand the subject matter. In psychology, though, it was used to
mechanize the inference process, a critical difference, as it turns out.
After the widespread adoption of the Intro Stats method, there was
an increase in the reporting of statistical tests in journal articles in psychol-
ogy. This trend is obvious in Figure 1.1, reproduced from Hubbard and Ryan
(2000). They sampled about 8,000 articles published during 1911–1998 in
randomly selected issues of 12 different APA journals. Summarized in the fig-
ure are percentages of articles in which results of statistical tests were reported.











1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 1.1.  Percentage of articles reporting results of statistical tests in 12 journals

of the American Psychological Association from 1911 to 1988. From “The Historical
Growth of Statistical Significance Testing in Psychology—And Its Future Prospects,”
by R. Hubbard and P. A. Ryan, 2000, Educational and Psychological Measurement,
60, p. 665. Copyright 2001 by Sage Publications. Reprinted with permission.

18       beyond significance testing

This percentage is about 17% from 1911 to 1929. It increases to around 50%
in 1940, continues to rise to about 85% by 1960, and has exceeded 90%
since the 1970s. The time period 1940–1960 corresponds to the inference
Although the 1990s is the most recent decade represented in Figure 1.1,
there is no doubt about the continuing, near-universal reporting of statisti-
cal tests in journals. Hoekstra, Finch, Kiers, and Johnson (2006) examined
a total of 266 articles published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review during
2002–2004. Results of significance tests were reported in about 97% of the
articles, but confidence intervals were reported in only about 6%. Sadly,
p values were misinterpreted in about 60% of surveyed articles. Fidler,
Burgman, Cumming, Buttrose, and Thomason (2006) sampled 200 articles
published in two different biology journals. Results of significance testing
were reported in 92% of articles published during 2001–2002, but this rate
dropped to 78% in 2005. There were also corresponding increases in the
reporting of confidence intervals, but power was estimated in only 8% and
p values were misinterpreted in 63%.
Some advantages to the institutionalization of the Intro Stats method
were noted by Gigerenzer (1993). Journal editors could use significance test
outcomes to decide which studies to publish or reject, respectively, those
with or without statistically significant results, among other considerations.
The method of significance testing is mechanically applied and thus seems
to eliminate subjective judgment. That this objectivity is illusory is another
matter. Significance testing gave researchers a common language and perhaps
identity as members of the same grand research enterprise. It also distin-
guished them from their natural science colleagues, who may use statistical
tests to detect outliers but not typically to test hypotheses (Gigerenzer, 1993).
The combination of significance testing and a related cognitive error is
testimation (Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008). It involves exclusive focus on the
question p < a? If the answer is “yes,” the results are automatically taken to
be scientifically relevant, but issues of effect size and precision are ignored.
Testimators also commit the inverse probability error (Cohen, 1994) by
falsely believing that p values indicate the probability that the null hypothe-
sis is true. Under this fallacy, the result p = .025, for example, is taken to mean
that there is only a 2.5% chance that the null hypothesis is true. A researcher
who mistakenly believes that low p values make the null hypothesis unlikely
may become overly confident in the results.
Presented next is hypothetical text that illustrates the language of
A 2 × 2 × 2 (Instructions × Incentive × Goals) factorial ANOVA was con-
ducted with the number of correct items as the dependent variable. The
3-way interaction was significant, F(1, 72) = 5.20, p < .05, as were all 2-way

changing times      19
interactions, Instructions × Incentive, F(1, 72) = 11.95, p < .001; Instruc-
tions × Goals, F(1, 72) = 25.40, p < .01; Incentive × Goals, F(1, 72) = 9.25,
p < .01, and two of three of the main effects, Instructions, F(1, 72) = 11.60,
p < .01; Goals, F(1, 72) = 6.25, p < .05.
This text chockablock with numbers—which is poor writing style—says
nothing about the magnitudes of all those “significant” effects. If later in
the hypothetical article the reader is still given no information about effect
sizes, that is sizeless science. Getting excited about “significant” results while
knowing nothing about their magnitudes is like ordering from a restaurant
menu with no prices: You may get a surprise (good or bad) when the bill
(statement of effect size) comes.

Increasing Criticism of Statistical Tests (1940–Present)

There has been controversy about statistical tests for more than 80 years,
or as long as they have been around. Boring (1919), Berkson (1942), and
Rozeboom (1960) are among earlier works critical of significance testing.
Numbers of published articles critical of significance testing have increased
exponentially since the 1940s. For example, Anderson, Burnham, and
Thompson (2000) found less than 100 such works published during the
1940s–1970s in ecology, medicine, business, economics, or the behavioral
sciences, but about 200 critical articles were published in the 1990s. W. L.
Thompson (2001) listed a total of 401 references for works critical of sig-
nificance testing, and Ziliak and McCloskey (2008, pp. 57–58) cited 125
such works in psychology, education, business, epidemiology, and medicine,
among other areas.

Proposals to Ban Significance Testing (1990s–Present)

The significance testing controversy escalated to the point where, by the

1990s, some authors called for a ban in research journals. A ban was discussed
in special sections or issues of Journal of Experimental Education (B. Thompson,
1993), Psychological Science (Shrout, 1997), and Research in the Schools (McLean
& Kaufman, 1998) and in an edited book by Harlow, Mulaik, and Steiger (1997),
the title of which asks “What if there were no significance tests?” Armstrong
(2007) offered this more recent advice:
When writing for books and research reports, researchers should omit men-
tion of tests of statistical significance. When writing for journals, research-
ers should seek ways to reduce the potential harm of reporting significance
tests. They should also omit the word significance because findings that
reject the null hypothesis are not significant in the everyday use of the
term, and those that [fail to] reject it are not insignificant. (p. 326)

20       beyond significance testing

In 1996, the Board of Scientific Affairs of the APA convened the Task
Force on Statistical Inference (TFSI) to respond to the ongoing signifi-
cance testing controversy and elucidate alternatives. The report of the TFSI
(Wilkinson & the TFSI, 1999) dealt with many issues and offered suggestions
for the then-upcoming fifth edition of the Publication Manual:
1. Use minimally sufficient analyses (simpler is better).
2. Do not report results from computer output without knowing
what they mean. This includes p values from statistical tests.
3. Document assumptions about population effect sizes, sample sizes,
or measurement behind a priori estimates of statistical power. Use
confidence intervals about observed results instead of estimating
observed (post hoc) power.
4. Report effect sizes and confidence intervals for primary outcomes
or whenever p values are reported.
5. Give assurances to a reasonable degree that the data meet
statistical assumptions.
The TFSI decided in the end not to recommend a ban on statistical tests. In
its view, such a ban would be a too extreme way to curb abuses.

Fifth and Sixth Editions of the APA’s Publication Manual (2001–2010)

The fifth edition of the Publication Manual (APA, 2001) took a stand
similar to that of the TFSI regarding significance testing. That is, it acknowl-
edged the controversy about statistical tests but stated that resolving this
issue was not a proper role of the Publication Manual. The fifth edition went
on to recommend the following:
1. Report adequate descriptive statistics, such as means, variances,
and sizes of each group and a pooled within-groups variance–
covariance matrix in a comparative study. This information is
necessary for later meta-analyses or secondary analyses by others.
2. Effect sizes should “almost always” be reported, and the absence
of effect sizes was cited as an example of a study defect.
3. The use of confidence intervals was “strongly recommended”
but not required.
The sixth edition of the Publication Manual (APA, 2010) used similar
language when recommending the reporting of effect sizes and confidence
intervals. Predictably, not everyone is happy with the report of the TFSI or
the wording of the Publication Manual. B. Thompson (1999) noted that only
encouraging the reporting of effect sizes or confidence intervals presents a
self-canceling mixed message. Ziliak and McCloskey (2008, p. 125) chastised

changing times      21
the Publication Manual for “retaining the magical incantations of p < .05 and
p < .01.” S. Finch, Cumming, and Thomason (2001) contrasted the rec-
ommendations about statistical analyses in the Publication Manual with the
more straightforward guidelines in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts
Submitted to Biomedical Journals, recently revised (International Committee
of Medical Journal Editors, 2010). Kirk (2001) urged that the then-future
sixth edition of the Publication Manual should give more detail than the fifth
edition about the TFSI’s recommendations. Alas, the sixth edition does not
contain such information, but I aim to provide you with specific skills of this
type as you read this book.

Reform-Oriented Editorial Policies and Mixed Evidence of Progress


Journal editorials and reviewers are the gatekeepers of the research litera-
ture, so editorial policies can affect the quality of what is published. Described
next are three examples of efforts to change policies in reform-oriented direc-
tions with evaluations of their impact; see Fidler, Thomason, Cumming,
Finch, and Leeman (2004) and Fidler et al. (2005) for more examples.
Kenneth J. Rothman was the assistant editor of the American Journal
of Public Health (AJPH) from 1984 to 1987. In his revise-and-submit letters,
Rothman urged authors to remove from their manuscripts all references to p
values (e.g., Fidler et al., 2004, p. 120). He founded the journal Epidemiology
in 1990 and served as its first editor until 2000. Rothman’s (1998) editorial
letter to potential authors was frank:
When writing for Epidemiology, you can . . . enhance your prospects if
you omit tests of statistical significance. . . . In Epidemiology, we do not
publish them at all. . . . We discourage the use of this type of thinking
in the data analysis. . . . We also would like to see the interpretation of
a study based not on statistical significance, or lack of it . . . but rather
on careful quantitative consideration of the data in light of competing
explanations for the findings. (p. 334)

Fidler et al. (2004) examined 594 AJPH articles published from 1982
to 2000 and 100 articles published in Epidemiology between 1990 and 2000.
Reporting based solely on statistical significance dropped from about 63%
of the AJPH articles in 1982 to about 5% of articles in 1986–1989. But in
many AJPH articles there was evidence that interpretation was based mainly
on undisclosed significance test results. The percentages of articles in which
confidence intervals were reported increased from about 10% to 54% over
the same period. But these changes in reporting practices in AJPH articles
did not generally persist past Rothman’s tenure.

22       beyond significance testing

From 1993 to 1997, Geoffrey R. Loftus was the editor of Memory &
Cognition. Loftus (1993) gave these guidelines to potential contributors:
I intend to try to decrease the overwhelming reliance on hypothesis test-
ing as the major means of transiting from data to conclusions. . . . In lieu
of hypothesis testing, I will emphasize the increased use of figures depict-
ing sample means along with standard error bars. . . . More often than
not, inspection of such a figure will immediately obviate the necessity
of any hypothesis testing procedures. In such situations, presentation of
the usual hypothesis-testing information (F values, p values, etc.) will be
discouraged. I believe . . . that . . . an overreliance on the impoverished
binary conclusions yielded by the hypothesis-testing procedure has sub-
tly seduced our discipline into insidious conceptual cul-de-sacs that have
impeded our vision and stymied our potential. (p. 3)
Loftus apparently encountered considerable resistance, if not outright
obstinacy, on the part of some authors. For example, Loftus calculated confi-
dence intervals for about 100 authors who failed or even refused to do so on
their own. In contrast, Rothman reported little resistance from authors who
submitted works to Epidemiology (see Fidler et al., 2004, p. 124). S. Finch et al.
(2004) examined a total of 696 articles published in Memory & Cognition
before, during, and after Loftus’s editorship. The rate of reporting of confi-
dence intervals increased from 7% from before Loftus’s tenure to 41%, but the
rate dropped to 24% just after Loftus departed. But these confidence intervals
were seldom interpreted; instead, authors relied mainly on statistical test out-
comes to describe the results.
Another expression of statistics reform in editorial policy are the require-
ments of about 24 journals in psychology, education, counseling, and other
areas for authors to report effect sizes.1 Some of these are flagship journals of
associations (e.g., American Counseling Association, Council for Exceptional
Children), each with about 40,000–45,000 members. Included among jour-
nals that require effect sizes are three APA journals, Health Psychology, Journal
of Educational Psychology, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. The
requirement to report effect sizes sends a strong message to potential con-
tributors that use of significance testing alone is not acceptable.
Early suggestions to report effect sizes fell mainly on deaf ears. S. Finch
et al. (2001) found little evidence for effect size estimation or interval esti-
mation in articles published in Journal of Applied Psychology over the 40-year
period from 1940 to 1999. Vacha-Haase and Ness (1999) found the rate of
effect size reporting was about 25% in Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, but authors did not always interpret the effect sizes they reported.
Results from more recent surveys are better. Dunleavy, Barr, Glenn, and

1, scroll down to hyperlinks.

changing times      23
Miller (2006) reviewed 736 articles published over 2002–2005 in five dif-
ferent applied, experimental, or personnel psychology journals. The overall
rate of effect size reporting was about 62.5%. Among studies where no effect
sizes were reported, use of the techniques of analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and the t test were prevalent. Later I will show you that effect sizes are actu-
ally easy to calculate in such analyses, so there is no excuse for not report-
ing them. Andersen (2007) found that in a total of 54 articles published in
2005 in three different sport psychology journals, effect sizes were reported in
44 articles, or 81%. But the authors of only seven of these articles interpreted
effect sizes in terms of substantive significance. Sun, Pan, and Wang (2010)
reviewed a total of 1,243 works published in 14 different psychology and
education journals during 2005–2007. The percentage of articles reporting
effect sizes was 49%, and 57% of these authors interpreted their effect sizes.
Evidence for progress in statistics reform is thus mixed. Researchers
seem to report effect sizes more often, but improvement in reporting confi-
dence intervals may lag behind. Too many authors do not interpret the effect
sizes they report, which avoids dealing with the question of why does an effect
of this size matter. It is poor practice to compute effect sizes only for statisti-
cally significant results. Doing so amounts to business as usual where the
significance test is still at center stage (Sohn, 2000). Real reform means that
effect sizes are interpreted for their substantive significance, not just reported.

Obstacles to Reform

There are two great obstacles to continued reform. The first is inertia:
It is human nature to resist change, and it is hard to give up familiar routines.
Belasco and Stayer (1993) put it like this: “Most of us overestimate the value
of what we currently have, and have to give up, and underestimate the value
of what we may gain” (p. 312). But science demands that researchers train
the lens of skepticism on their own assumptions and methods. Such self-
criticism and intellectual honesty do not come easy, and not all researchers
are up for the task. Defense attorney Gerry Spence (1995) wrote, “I would
rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief” (p. 98). This
conviction identifies a scientist’s special burden.
The other big obstacle is vested interest, which is in part economic.
I am speaking mainly about applying for research grants. Most of us know
that grant monies are allocated in part on the assurance of statistical signifi-
cance. Many of us also know how to play the significance game, which goes
like this: Write application. Promise significance. Get money. Collect data
until significance is found, which is virtually guaranteed because any effect
that is not zero needs only a large enough sample in order to be significant.

24       beyond significance testing

Report results but mistakenly confuse statistical significance with scientific
relevance. Sound trumpets about our awesomeness, move on to a different
kind of study (do not replicate). Ziliak and McCloskey (2008) were even
more candid:
Significance unfortunately is a useful means toward personal ends in the
advance of science—status and widely distributed publications, a big lab-
oratory, a staff of research assistants, a reduction in teaching load, a better
salary, the finer wines of Bordeaux. Precision, knowledge, and control. In
a narrow and cynical sense statistical significance is the way to achieve
these. Design experiment. Then calculate statistical significance. Publish
articles showing “significant” results. Enjoy promotion. But it is not sci-
ence, and it will not last. (p. 32)

Maybe I am a naive optimist, but I believe there is enough talent and

commitment to improving research practices among too many behavioral sci-
entists to worry about unheeded calls for reform. But such changes do not
happen overnight. Recall that it took about 20 years for researchers to widely
use statistical tests (see Figure 1.1), and sometimes shifts in scientific mentality
await generational change. Younger researchers may be less set in their ways
than the older generation and thus more open to change. But some journal
editors—who are typically accomplished and experienced researchers—are
taking the lead in reform. So are the authors of many of the works cited
throughout this book.
Students are promising prospects for reform because they are, in my
experience and that of others (Hyde, 2001), eager to learn about the sig-
nificance testing controversy. They can also understand ideas such as effect
size and interval estimation even in introductory courses. In fact, I find it
is easier to teach undergraduates these concepts than the convoluted logic
of significance testing. Other reform basics are even easier to convey (e.g.,
replicate—do not just talk about it.)


I have no crystal ball, but I believe that I can reasonably speculate about
three anticipated developments in light of the events just described:
1. The role of significance testing will continue to get smaller
and smaller to the point where researchers must defend its use.
This justification should involve explanation of why the narrow
assumptions about sampling and score characteristics in signifi-
cance testing are not unreasonable in a particular study. Estima-
tion of a priori power will also be required whenever statistical

changing times      25
tests are used. I and others (e.g., Kirk, 1996) envision that the
behavioral sciences will become more like the natural sciences.
That is, we will report the directions, magnitudes, and preci-
sions of our effects; determine whether they replicate; and eval-
uate them for their substantive significance, not simply their
statistical significance.
2. I expect that the best behavioral science journals will require
evidence for replication. This requirement would send the
strong message that replication is standard procedure. It would
also reduce the number of published studies, which may actu-
ally improve quality by reducing noise (one-shot studies, unsub-
stantiated claims) while boosting signal (replicated results).
3. I concur with Rodgers (2010) that a “quiet methodological rev-
olution” is happening that is also part of statistics reform. This
revolution concerns the shift from testing individual hypotheses
for statistical significance to the evaluation of entire mathe-
matical and statistical models. There is a limited role for signifi-
cance tests in statistical modeling techniques such as structural
equation modeling (e.g., Kline, 2010, Chapter 8), but it requires
that researchers avoid making the kinds of decision errors often
associated with such tests.


Basic tenets of statistics reform emphasize the need to (a) decrease

the role of significance testing and thus also reduce the damaging impact
of related cognitive distortions; (b) shift attention to other kinds of statis-
tics, such as effect sizes and confidence intervals; (c) reestablish the role of
informed judgment and downplay mere statistical rituals; and (d) elevate rep-
lication. The context for reform goes back many decades, and the significance
testing controversy has now spread across many disciplines. Progress toward
reform has been slow, but the events just summarized indicate that continued
use of significance testing as the only way to evaluate hypotheses is unlikely.
The points raised set the stage for review in the next chapter of fundamental
concepts about sampling and estimation from a reform perspective.

Learn More

Listed next are three works about the significance testing controversy
from fields other than psychology, including Armstrong (2007) in forecasting;

26       beyond significance testing

Guthery, Lusk, and Peterson (2001) in wildlife management; and McCloskey
and Ziliak (2009) in medicine.

Armstrong, J. S. (2007). Significance tests harm progress in forecasting. International

Journal of Forecasting, 23, 321–327. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2007.03.004
Guthery, F. S., Lusk, J. J., & Peterson, M. J. (2001). The fall of the null hypoth-
esis: Liabilities and opportunities. Journal of Wildlife Management, 65, 379–384.
McCloskey, D. N., & Ziliak, S. T. (2009). The unreasonable ineffectiveness of Fish-
erian “tests” in biology, and especially in medicine. Biological Theory, 4, 44–53.

changing times      27
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Sampling and Estimation

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find
themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
—Eric Hoffer (1973, p. 22)

Fundamental concepts of sampling and estimation are the subject of

this chapter. You will learn that (a) sampling error affects virtually all sample
statistics, (b) interval estimation approximates margins of error associated
with statistics, but (c) there are other sources of error variance that should
not be ignored. You will also learn about central versus noncentral test statis-
tics, the role of bootstrapping in interval estimation, and the basics of robust
estimation. Entire books are devoted to some of these topics, so it is impos-
sible in a single chapter to describe all of them in detail. Instead, the goal is
to make you aware of concepts that underlie key aspects of statistics reform.

Sampling and Error

A basic distinction in the behavioral sciences is that between popula-

tions and samples. It is rare that entire populations are studied. If a popu-
lation is large, vast resources may be needed. For instance, the budget for

DOI: 10.1037/14136-002
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

the 2010 Census in the United States was $13 billion, and about 635,000
temporary workers were hired for it (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). It may be
practically impossible to study even much smaller populations. The base rate
of schizophrenia, for example, is about 1%. But if persons with schizophrenia
are dispersed over a large geographic area, studying all of them is probably

Types of Samples

Behavioral scientists usually study samples, of which there are four

basic kinds: random, systematic, ad hoc, and purposive. Random (probability)
samples are selected by a chance-based method that gives all observations
an equal likelihood of appearing in the sample. Variations on simple random
sampling include stratified sampling and cluster sampling. In both, the popu-
lation is divided into smaller groups that are mutually exclusive and collec-
tively exhaustive. In stratified sampling, these groups are referred to as strata,
and they are formed on the basis of shared characteristics. Strata may have
quite different means on variables of interest. A random sample is taken from
each stratum in proportion to its relative size in the population, and these
subsamples are then pooled to form the total sample. Normative samples of
psychological tests are often stratified on the basis of combinations of vari-
ables such as age, gender, or other demographic characteristics.
Partitions of the population are called clusters in cluster sampling. Each
cluster should be generally representative of the whole population, which
implies that clusters should also be reasonably similar on average. That is,
most of the variation should be within clusters, not between them. In single-
stage cluster sampling, random sampling is used to select the particular clus-
ters to study. Next, all elements from the selected clusters contribute to the
total sample, but no observations from the unselected clusters are included.
In two-stage cluster sampling, elements from within each selected cluster are
randomly sampled. One benefit of cluster sampling is that costs are reduced
by studying some but not all clusters. When clusters are geographic areas,
cases in the final sample are from the selected regions only.
Random sampling implies independent observations, which means that
the score of one case does not influence the score of any other. If couples
complete a relationship satisfaction questionnaire in the presence of each
other, their responses may not be independent. The independence assump-
tion is critical in many types of statistical techniques. Scores from repeated
measurement of the same case are probably not independent, but techniques
for such data estimate the degree of dependence in the scores and thus
control for it. If scores are really not independent, results of analyses that
assume independence could be biased. There is no magic statistical fix for

30       beyond significance testing

lack of independence. Therefore, the independence requirement is usually
met through design, measurement, and use of statistical techniques that take
explicit account of score dependence, such as designs with repeated measures.
The discussion that follows assumes that random samples are not
extra­ordinarily small, such as N = 2. More sophisticated ways to estimate
minimum sample sizes are considered later, but for now let us assume more
reasonable sample sizes of, say, N = 50 or so. There are misconceptions about
random sampling. Suppose that a simple random sample is selected. What
can be said about the characteristics of the observations in that sample? A
common but incorrect response is to say that the observations are representa-
tive of the population. But this may not be true, because there is no guarantee
that the characteristics of any particular random sample will match those in
the population. People in a random sample could be older, more likely to be
women, or wealthier compared with the general population. A stratified ran-
dom sample may be representative in terms of the strata on which it is based
(e.g., gender), but results on other, nonstrata variables are not guaranteed to
be representative. It is only across replications, or in the long run, that char-
acteristics of observations in random samples reflect those in the population.
That is, random sampling generates representative samples on average over
replications. This property explains the role of random sampling in the popu-
lation inference model, which is concerned with generalizability of sample
results (external validity).
There is a related misunderstanding about randomization, or random
assignment of cases to conditions (e.g., treatment vs. control). A particular
randomization is not guaranteed to result in equivalent groups such that
there are no initial group differences confounded with the treatment effect.
Randomization results in equivalent groups only on average. Sometimes it
happens that randomly formed groups are clearly not equal on some char-
acteristic. The expression “failure of random assignment” is used to describe
this situation, but it is a misnomer because it assumes that randomization
should guarantee equivalence every time it is used. Random assignment is
part of the randomization model, which deals with the correctness of causal
inference that treatment is responsible for changes among treated cases
(internal validity).
The use of random sampling and randomization together—the statisti-
cian’s two-step—guarantees that the average effect observed over replica-
tions of treatment–control comparisons will converge on the value of the
population treatment effect. But this ideal is almost never achieved in real
studies. This is because random sampling requires a list of all observations in
the population, but such lists rarely exist. Randomization is widely used in
experimental studies but usually with nonrandom samples. Many more stud-
ies are based on the randomization model than on the population inference

sampling and estimation      31

model, but it is the latter that is assumed by the probabilities, or p values,
generated by statistical tests and used in confidence intervals.
Observations in systematic samples are selected according to an orderly
sampling plan that may yield a representative sample, but this is not certain.
Suppose that an alphabetical list of every household is available for some
area. A random number between 10 and 20 is generated and turns out to be
17. Every 17th household on the list is contacted for an interview, which
yields a 6% (1/17) sample in that area. Systematic samples are relatively rare
in the behavioral sciences.
Most samples are neither random nor systematic but rather are ad hoc
samples, also known as convenience samples, accidental samples, or locally
available samples. Cases in such samples are selected because they happen
to be available. Whether ad hoc samples are representative is often a con-
cern. Volunteers differ from nonvolunteers, for example, and patients seen
in one clinic may differ from those treated in others. One way to mitigate
bias is to measure a posteriori a variety of sample characteristics and report
them. This allows others to compare the sample with those in related studies.
Another option is to compare the sample profile with that of the population
(if such a profile exists) in order to show that an ad hoc sample is not grossly
The cases in a purposive sample are intentionally selected from defined
groups or dimensions in ways linked to hypotheses. A researcher who wishes
to evaluate whether the effectiveness of a drug varies by gender would inten-
tionally select both women and men. After the data are collected, gender
would be represented as a factor in the analysis, which may facilitate gen-
eralization of the results to both genders. A purposive sample is usually a
convenience sample, and dividing cases by gender or some other variable
does not change this fact.

Sampling Error

This discussion assumes a population size that is very large and assumes
that the size of each sample is a relatively small proportion of the total popu-
lation size. There are some special corrections if the population size is small,
such as less than 5,000 cases, or if the sample size exceeds 20% or so of the
population size that are not covered here (see S. K. Thompson [2012] for
more information).
Values of population parameters, such as means (µ) or variances (s2),
are usually unknown. They are instead estimated with sample statistics, such
as M (means) or s2 (variances). Statistics are subject to sampling error, which
refers to the difference between an estimator and the corresponding param-
eter (e.g., µ - M). These differences arise because the values of statistics from

32       beyond significance testing

random samples vary around that of the parameter. Some of these statistics
will be too high and others too low (i.e., they over- or underestimate the
parameter), and only a relatively small number will exactly equal the popu-
lation value. This variability among estimators is a statistical phenomenon
akin to background (natural) radiation: It is always there, sometimes more or
less, fluctuating randomly from sample to sample.
The amount of sampling error is generally affected by the variability
of population observations, how the samples are selected, and their size. If
the population is heterogeneous, values of sample statistics may also be quite
variable. Obviously, estimators from biased samples may differ substantially
from those of the corresponding parameters. But assuming random sampling
and constant variability in the population, sampling error varies inversely
with sample size. This means that statistics in larger samples tend to be closer
on average than those in smaller samples to the corresponding parameter.
This property describes the law of large numbers, and it says that one is more
likely to get more accurate estimates from larger samples than smaller samples
with random sampling.
It is a myth that the larger the sample, the more closely it approximates
a normal distribution. This idea probably stems from a misunderstanding of
the central limit theorem, which applies to certain group statistics such as
means. This theorem predicts that (a) distributions of random means, each
based on the same number of scores, get closer to a normal distribution as the
sample size increases, and (b) this happens regardless of whether the popula-
tion distribution is normal or not normal. This theorem justifies approximat-
ing distributions of random means with normal curves, but it does not apply
to distributions of scores in individual samples. Thus, larger samples do not
generally have more normal distributions than smaller samples. If the popula-
tion distribution is, say, positively skewed, this shape will tend to show up in
the distributions of random samples that are either smaller or larger.
The sample mean describes the central tendency of a distribution of
scores on a continuous variable. It is the balance point in a distribution,
because the mean is the point from which (a) the sum of deviations from M
equals zero and (b) the sum of squared deviations is as small as possible. The
latter quantity is the sum of squares (SS). That is, if X represents individual
observations, then

∑ ( X − M ) = 0 and the quantity SS =∑ ( X − M )


takes on the lowest value possible in a particular sample. Due to these proper-
ties, sample means are described as least squares estimators. The statistic M is
also an unbiased estimator because its expected value across random samples
of the same size is the population mean µ.

sampling and estimation      33

The sample variance s2 is another least squares estimator. It estimates
the population variance s2 without bias if computed as

s2 = (2.2)

where df = N - 1. But the sample variance derived as

S2 = (2.3)

is a negatively biased estimator because its values are on average less than
s2. The reason is that squared deviations are taken from M (Equation 2.1),
which is not likely to equal µ. Therefore, sample sums of squares are generally
too small compared with taking squared deviations from µ. The division of SS
by df instead of N, which makes the whole ratio larger (s2 > S2), is sufficient
to render s2 an unbiased estimator. In larger samples, though, the values of
s2 and S2 converge, and in very large samples they are asymptotically equal.
Expected values of positively biased estimators exceed those of the corre-
sponding parameter.
There are ways to correct other statistics for bias. For example, although
s is an unbiased estimator of s2, the sample standard deviation s is a nega-

tively biased estimator of s. Multiplication of s by the correction factor in

parentheses that follows

 1 
σˆ =  1 + s (2.4)
 4df 

yields a numerical approximation to the unbiased estimator of s. Because the

value of the correction factor in Equation 2.4 is larger than 1.00, ŝ > s. There
is also greater correction for negative bias in smaller samples than in larger
samples. If N = 5, for example, the value of the correction factor is 1.0625,
but for N = 50 it is 1.0051, which shows relatively less adjustment for bias in
the larger sample. For very large samples, the value of the correction factor is
essentially 1.0. This is another instance of the law of large numbers: Averages
of even biased statistics from large random samples tend to closely estimate
the corresponding parameter.
A standard error is the standard deviation in a sampling distribution,
the probability distribution of a statistic across all random samples drawn
from the same population(s) and with each sample based on the same num-
ber of cases. It estimates the amount of sampling error in standard deviation
units. The square of a standard error is the error variance. Standard errors of

34       beyond significance testing

statistics with simple distributions can be estimated with formulas that have
appeared in statistics textbooks for some time. By “simple” I mean that (a) the
statistic estimates only a single parameter and (b) both the shape and vari-
ance of its sampling distribution are constant regardless of the value of that
parameter. Distributions of M and s2 are simple as just defined.
The standard error in a distribution of random means is

σM = (2.5)

Because s is not generally known, this standard error is typically estimated as

sM = (2.6)

As either sample variability decreases or the sample size increases, the value
of sM decreases. For example, given s = 10.00, sM equals 10.00/251/2, or 2.00,
for N = 25, but for N = 100 the value of sM is 10.00/1001/2, or 1.00. That is,
the standard error is twice as large for N = 25 as it is for N = 100. A graphi-
cal illustration is presented in Figure 2.1. An original normal distribution is
shown along with three different sampling distributions of M based on N = 4,
16, or 64 cases. Variability of the sampling distributions in the figure decreases
as the sample size increases.
The standard error sM, which estimates variability of the group statistic
M, is often confused with the standard deviation s, which measures vari-
ability at the case level. This confusion is a source of misinterpretation of
both statistical tests and confidence intervals (Streiner, 1996). Note that

N = 64

N = 16



Figure 2.1.  An original distribution of scores and three distributions of random sample
means each based on different sample sizes, N = 4, N = 16, or N = 64.

sampling and estimation      35

the standard error sM itself has a standard error (as do standard errors for all
other kinds of statistics). This is because the value of sM varies over random
samples. This explains why one should not overinterpret a confidence inter-
val or p value from a significance test based on a single sample. Exercises 1–2
concern the distinction between s and sM.
Distributions of random means follow central (Student’s) t distribu-
tions with degrees of freedom equal to N - 1 when s is unknown. For very
large samples, central t distributions approximate a normal curve. In central
test distributions, the null hypothesis is assumed to be true. They are used to
determine critical values of test statistics. Tables of critical values for distri-
butions such as t, F, and c2 found in many statistics textbooks are based on
central test distributions. There are also web calculating pages that generate
critical values for central test statistics.1 The t distribution originated from
“Student’s” (William Gosset’s) attempt to approximate the distributions of
means when the sample size is not large and s is unknown. It was only later
that central t distributions and other theoretical probability distributions
were associated with the practice of significance testing.
The sample variance s2 follows a central b2 distribution with N − 1
degrees of freedom. Listed next is the equation for the standard error of s2
when the population variance is known:

σ s = σ2
2 (2.7)

If s2 is not known, the standard error of the sample variance is estimated as

ss = s2
2 (2.8)

As with M, the estimated standard error of s2 becomes smaller as the sample

size increases.

Other Kinds of Error

Standard errors estimate sampling error under random sampling. What

they measure when sampling is not random may not be clear. The standard
error in an ad hoc sample might reflect both sampling error and systematic

This central t distributional calculator accepts either integer or noninteger df values: http://www.usable

36       beyond significance testing

selection bias that results in nonrepresentative samples. Standard errors also
ignore the other sources of error described next:
1. Measurement error refers to the difference between an observed
score X and the true score on the underlying construct. The
reliability coefficient rXX estimates the degree of measurement
error in a particular sample. If rXX = .80, for example, at least
1 - .80 = .20, or 20%, of the observed variance in X is due to
random error of the type estimated by that particular reliabil-
ity coefficient. Measurement error reduces absolute effect sizes
and the power of statistical tests. It is controlled by selecting
measures that generally yield scores with good psychometric
2. Construct definition error involves problems with how hypo-
thetical constructs are defined or operationalized. Incorrect
definition could include mislabeling a construct, such as when
low IQ scores among minority children who do not speak
English as a first language are attributed to low intelligence
instead of to limited language familiarity. Error can also stem
from construct proliferation, where a researcher postulates a
new construct that is questionably different from existing con-
structs (F. L. Schmidt, 2010). Constructs that are theoretically
distinct in the minds of researchers are not always empirically
3. Specification error refers to the omission from a regression equa-
tion of at least one predictor that covaries with the measured
(included) predictors.2 As covariances between omitted and
included predictors increase, results based on the included pre-
dictors tend to become increasingly biased. Careful review of
theory and research when planning a study is the main way to
avoid a serious specification error by decreasing the potential
number of left-out variables.
4. Treatment implementation error occurs when an intervention
does not follow prescribed procedures. The failure to ensure that
patients take an antibiotic medication for the prescribed duration
of time is an example. Prevention includes thorough training
of those who will administer the treatment and checking after
the study begins whether implementation remains consistent
and true.

2It can also refer to including irrelevant predictors, estimating linear relations only when the true relation

is curvilinear, or estimating main effects only when there is true interaction.

sampling and estimation      37

Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2001) described additional potential
sources of error. Gosset used the term real error to refer all types of error
besides sampling error (e.g., Student, 1927). In reasonably large samples,
the impact of real error may be greater than that of sampling error. Thus,
it is unwise to acknowledge sampling error only. This discussion implies
that the probability that error of any kind affects sample results is virtually
1.00, and, therefore, practically all sample results are wrong (the parameter
is not correctly estimated). This may be especially true when sample sizes
are small, population effect sizes are not large, researchers chase statistical
significance instead of substantive significance, a greater variety of meth-
ods is used across studies, and there is financial or other conflict of interest
(Ioannidis, 2005).

Interval Estimation

Assumed next is the selection of a very large number of random samples

from a very large population. The amount of sampling error associated with
a statistic is explicitly indicated by a confidence interval, precisely defined by
Steiger and Fouladi (1997) as follows:
1. A 1 - a confidence interval for a parameter is a pair of statistics
yielding an interval that, over many random samples, includes
the parameter with the probability 1 – a. (The symbol a is the
level of statistical significance.)
2. A 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for a parameter is a pair of
statistics yielding an interval that, over many random samples,
includes the parameter 100 (1 – a)% of the time.
The value of 1 – a is selected by the researcher to reflect the degree of
statistical uncertainty due to sampling error. Because the conventional levels
of statistical significance are .05 or .01, one usually sees either 95% or 99%
confidence intervals, but it is possible to specify a different level, such as
a = .10 for a 90% confidence interval. Next we consider 95% confidence
intervals only, but the same ideas apply to other confidence levels.
The lower bound of a confidence interval is the lower confidence limit,
and the upper bound is the upper confidence limit. The Publication Manual
(APA, 2010) recommends reporting a confidence interval in text with brack-
ets. If 21.50 and 30.50 are, respectively, the lower and upper bounds for the
95% confidence interval based on a sample mean of 26.00, these results would
be summarized as

M = 26.00, 95% Ci [21.50, 30.50 ]

38       beyond significance testing

Confidence intervals are often shown in graphics as error bars repre-
sented as lines that extend above and below (or to the left and right, depend-
ing on orientation) around a point that corresponds to a statistic. When the
length of each error bar is one standard error (M ± sM), the interval defined
by those standard error bars corresponds roughly to a = .32 and a 68% con-
fidence interval. There are also standard deviation bars. For example, the
interval M ± s says something about the variability of scores around the mean,
but it conveys no direct information about the extent of sampling error asso-
ciated with that mean. Researchers do not always state what error bars repre-
sent: About 30% of articles with such figures reviewed by Cumming, Fidler,
and Vaux (2007) did not provide this information.
Traditional confidence intervals are based on central test distributions,
and the statistic is usually exactly between the lower and upper bounds (the
interval is symmetrical about the estimator). The interval is constructed by
adding and subtracting from a statistic the product of its standard error and
the positive two-tailed critical value at the a level of statistical significance
in a relevant central test distribution. This product is the margin of error.
In graphical displays of confidence intervals, each of the two error bars cor-
responds to a margin of error.

Confidence Intervals for 

The relevant test statistic for means when s is unknown is central t,

so the general form of a 100 (1 - a)% confidence interval for µ based on a
single observed mean is

M ± sM [ t2-tail, α ( N − 1)] (2.9)

where the term in brackets is the positive two-tailed critical value in a cen-
tral t distribution with N – 1 degrees of freedom at the a level of statistical
significance. Suppose that

M = 100.00, s = 9.00, and N = 25

The standard error is

sM = = 1.800

and t2-tail, .05 (24) = 2.064. The 95% confidence interval for µ is thus

100.00 ± 1.800 ( 2.064 ), or 100.00 ± 3.72

sampling and estimation      39

which defines the interval [96.28, 103.72]. Exercise 3 asks you to verify that
the 99% confidence interval is wider than the 95% confidence interval based
on the same data. Cumming (2012) described how to construct one-sided
confidence intervals that are counterparts to statistical tests of null hypoth-
esis versus directional (one-tailed) alternative hypotheses, such as H1:
µ > 130.00.
Let us consider how to interpret the specific 95% confidence interval
for µ just derived:
1. The interval [96.28, 103.72] defines a range of values consid-
ered equivalent within the limits of sampling error at the 95%
confidence level. But equivalent within the bounds of sampling
error does not imply equivalent in a scientific sense. This is espe-
cially true when the range of values included in the confidence
interval indicates very different outcomes, such as when the
upper confidence limit for the average blood concentration of
a drug exceeds a lethal dosage.
2. It also provides a reasonable estimate of the population mean.
That is, µ could be as low as 96.28 or µ could be as high as
103.72, again at the 95% confidence level.
3. There is no guarantee that µ is actually included in the confi-
dence interval. We could construct the 95% confidence inter-
val based on the mean in a different sample, but the center
or endpoints of this new interval will probably be different.
This is because confidence intervals are subject to sampling
error, too.
4. If 95% confidence intervals are constructed around the means
of very many random samples drawn from the same very large
population, a total of 95% of them will contain µ.
The last point gives a more precise definition of “95% confident” from
a frequentist or long-run relative-frequency view of probability as the like-
lihood of an outcome over repeatable events under constant conditions
except for random error. A frequentist view assumes that probability is a
property of nature that is independent of what the researcher believes. In
contrast, a subjectivist or subjective degree-of-belief view defines prob-
ability as a personal belief that is independent of nature. The same view
also does not distinguish between repeatable and unique events (Oakes,
1986). Although researchers in their daily lives probably take a subjective
view of probabilities, it is the frequentist definition that generally underlies
sampling theory.
A researcher is probably more interested in knowing the probability
that a specific 95% confidence interval contains µ than in knowing that

40       beyond significance testing

95% of all such intervals do. From a frequentist perspective, this probabil-
ity for any specific interval is either 0 or 1.00; that is, either the interval
contains the parameter or it does not. Thus, it is generally incorrect to
say that a specific 95% confidence interval has a 95% likelihood of includ-
ing the corresponding parameter. Reichardt and Gollob (1997) noted that
this kind of specific probability inference is permitted only in the circum-
stance that every possible value of the parameter is considered equally
likely before the data are collected. In Bayesian estimation, the same cir-
cumstance is described by the principle of indifference, but it is rare when
a researcher truly has absolutely no information about plausible values for
a parameter.
There is language that splits the difference between frequentist and
subjectivist perspectives. Applied to our example, it goes like this: The inter-
val [96.28, 103.72] estimates µ, with 95% confidence. This statement is not
quite a specific probability inference, and it also gives a nod to the subjectiv-
ist view because it associates a degree of belief with a unique interval. Like
other compromises, however, it may not please purists who hold one view
of probability or the other. But this wording does avoid the blatant error of
claiming that a specific 95% confidence interval contains the parameter with
the probability .95.
Another interpretation concerns the capture percentage of random
means from replications that fall within the bounds of a specific 95% confi-
dence interval for µ. Most researchers surveyed by Cumming, Williams, and
Fidler (2004) mistakenly endorsed the confidence-level misconception that
the capture percentage for a specific 95% confidence interval is also 95%.
This fallacy for our example would be stated as follows: The interval [96.28,
103.72] contains 95% of all replication means. This statement would be
true for this interval only if the values of µ - M and s – s were both about
zero; otherwise, capture percentages drop off quickly as the absolute distance
between µ and M increases. Cumming and Maillardert (2006) estimated that
the average capture percentage across random 95% confidence intervals for
µ is about 85% assuming normality and N ≥ 20, but percentages for more
extreme samples are much lower (e.g., < 50%).
These results suggest that researchers underestimate the impact of sam-
pling error on means. Additional evidence described in the next chapter says
that researchers fail to appreciate that sampling error affects p values from
statistical tests, too. It seems that many researchers believe that results from
small samples behave like those from large samples; that is, they believe that
results from small samples are likely to replicate. Tversky and Kahneman
(1971) labeled such errors the law of small numbers, an ironic twist on the
law of large numbers, which (correctly) says that there is greater variation
across results from small samples than from large samples.

sampling and estimation      41

Confidence Intervals for m1 – m2

Next we assume a design with two independent samples. The standard

error in a distribution of contrasts between pairs of means randomly selected
from different populations is

σ12 σ 22
σ M −M = + (2.10)
n 1 n2
1 2

where σ 12 and σ 22 are the population variances and n1 and n2 are the sizes of
each group. If we assume homogeneity of population variance or homosce-
dasticity (i.e., σ 12 = σ 22), the expression for the standard error reduces to

 1 1
σ M −M = σ2  +  (2.11)
1 2
 n1 n2 

where s2 is the common population variance. This parameter is usually

unknown, so the standard error of mean differences is estimated by

 1 1
sM − M = s2pool  +  (2.12)
1 2
 n1 n2 

where s2pool is the weighted average of the within-groups variances. Its equa-
tion is

df1(s12 ) + df2 (s22 ) SSW

s2pool = = (2.13)
df1 + df2 dfW

where s12 and s22 are the group variances, df1 = n1 – 1, df2 = n2 – 1, and SSW and
dfW are, respectively, the pooled within-groups sum of squares and the degrees
of freedom. The latter can also be expressed as dfW = N – 2. Only when the
group sizes are equal can s2pool also be calculated as the simple average of the
two group variances, or (s12 + s22)/2.
The general form of a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 based
on the difference between two independent means is

( M1 − M2 ) ± sM − M [t2−tail , α ( N − 2)]
1 2

Suppose in a design with n = 10 cases in each group we observe

M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50 and M2 = 11.00, s22 = 5.00

42       beyond significance testing

which implies M1 – M2 = 2.00 and s2pool = (7.50 + 5.00)/2 = 6.25. The esti-
mated standard error is

 1 1
sM − M = 6.25  +  = 1.118
1 2
 10 10 

and t2-tail, .05 (18) = 2.101. The 95% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 is

2.00 ± 1.118 ( 2.101)

which defines the interval [-.35, 4.35]. On the basis of these results, we can
say that µ1 – µ2 could be as low as -.35 or as high as 4.35, with 95% confidence.
The specific interval [-.35, 4.35] includes zero as an estimate of µ1 – µ2.
This fact is subject to misinterpretation. For example, it may be incorrectly
concluded that µ1 = µ2 because zero falls within the interval. But zero is only
one value within a range of estimates of µ1 – µ2, so it has no special status
in interval estimation. Confidence intervals are subject to sampling error, so
zero may not be included within the 95% confidence interval in a replication.
Confidence intervals also assume that other sources of error are nil. All these
caveats should reduce the temptation to fixate on a particular value (here,
zero) in a confidence interval.
There is special relation between a confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 and
the outcome of the independent samples t test based on the same data:
Whether a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 includes zero yields
an outcome equivalent to either rejecting or not rejecting the corresponding
null hypothesis at the a level of statistical significance for a two-tailed test.
For example, the specific 95% confidence interval [-.35, 4.35] includes zero;
thus, the outcome of the t test for these data of H0: µ1 – µ2 = 0 is not statisti-
cally significant at the .05 level, or

t (18 ) = = 1.789, p = .091

But if zero is not contained within a particular 95% confidence interval for
µ1 – µ2, the outcome of the independent samples t test will be statistically
significant at the .05 level.
Be careful not to falsely believe that confidence intervals are just statis-
tical tests in disguise (B. Thompson, 2006a). One reason is that null hypoth-
eses are required for statistical tests but not for confidence intervals. Another
is that many null hypotheses have little if any scientific value. For example,
Anderson et al. (2000) reviewed null hypotheses tested in several hundred
empirical studies published from 1978 to 1998 in two environmental sciences

sampling and estimation      43

Table 2.1
Results of Six Hypothetical Replications
Study M 1 − M2 s12 s22 t (38) Reject H0? 95% CI

1 2.50 17.50 16.50 1.92 No -.14, 5.14

2 4.00 16.00 18.00 3.07 Yes 1.36, 6.64
3 2.50 14.00 17.25 2.00 No -.03, 5.03
4 4.50 13.00 16.00 3.74 Yes 2.06, 6.94
5 5.00 12.50 16.50 4.15 Yes 2.56, 7.44
6 2.50 15.00 17.00 1.98 No -.06, 5.06
Average: 3.54 2.53, 4.54
Note.  Independent samples assumed. For all replications, the group size is n = 20, a = .05, the null hypothe-
sis is H0: µ1 − µ2 = 0, and H1 is two-tailed. Results for the average difference are from a meta-analysis assum-
ing a fixed effects model. CI = confidence interval.

journals. They found many implausible null hypotheses that specified things
such as equal survival probabilities for juvenile and adult members of a spe-
cies or that growth rates did not differ across species, among other assump-
tions known to be false before collecting data. I am unaware of a similar
survey of null hypotheses in the behavioral sciences, but I would be surprised
if the results would be very different.
Confidence intervals over replications may be less susceptible to mis-
interpretation than results of statistical tests. Summarized in Table 2.1 are
outcomes of six hypothetical replications where the same two conditions
are compared on the same outcome variable. Results of the independent
samples t test lead to rejection of the null hypothesis at p < .05 in three out
of six studies, a “tie” concerning statistical significance (3 yeas, 3 nays). More
informative than the number of null hypothesis replications is the average
of M1 – M2 across all six studies, 3.54. This average is from a meta-analysis
of all results in the table for a fixed effects model, where a single population
effect size is presumed to underlie the observed contrasts. (I show you how
to calculate this average in Chapter 9.) The overall average of 3.54 may be a
better estimate of µ1 - µ2 than M1 – M2 in any individual study because it is
based on all available data.
The 95% confidence intervals for µ1 – µ2 in Table 2.1 are shown in
Figure 2.2 as error bars in a forest plot, which displays results from replications
and a meta-analytic weighted average with confidence intervals (Cumming,
2012). The 95% confidence interval based on the overall average of 3.54, or
[2.53, 4.54] (see Table 2.1), is narrower than any of the intervals from the six
replications (see Figure 2.2). This is because more information contributes
to the confidence interval based on results averaged over all replications. For
these data, µ1 – µ2 may be as low as 2.53 or as high as 4.54, with 95% confi-
dence based on all available data.

44       beyond significance testing

Mean Difference

1 2 3 4 5 6 Average

Figure 2.2.  A forest plot of 95% confidence intervals for µ1 – µ2 based on mean
differences from the six replications in Table 2.1 and the meta-analytic 95%
confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 across all replications for a fixed effects model.

There is a widely accepted—but unfortunately incorrect—rule of thumb

that the difference between two independent means is statistically significant
at the a level if there is no overlap of the two 100 (1 – a)% confidence inter-
vals for µ (Belia, Fidler, Williams, & Cumming, 2005). It also maintains that
the overlap of the two intervals indicates that the mean contrast is not sta-
tistically significant at the corresponding level of a. This rule is often applied
to diagrams where confidence intervals for µ are represented as error bars that
emanate outward from points that symbolize group means.
A more accurate heuristic is the overlap rule for two independent
means (Cumming, 2012), which works best when n ≥ 10 and the group sizes
and variances are approximately equal. The overlap rule is stated next for
a = .05:

1. If there is a gap between the two 95% confidence intervals for

µ (i.e., no overlap), the outcome of the independent samples
t test of the mean difference is p < .01. But if the confidence
intervals just touch end-to-end, p is approximately .01.
2. No more than moderate overlap of the 95% confidence inter-
vals for µ implies that the p value for the t test is about .05, but
less overlap indicates p < .05. Moderate overlap is about one half
the length of each error bar in a graphical display.

sampling and estimation      45

Summarized next are the basic descriptive statistics for the example
where n1 = n2 = 10:

M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50 and M2 = 11.00, s22 = 5.00

You should verify for these data the results presented next:

sM = .866, 95% Ci for µ1 [11.04, 14.96 ]


sM = .707, 95% Ci for µ 2 [ 9.40, 12.60 ]


These confidence intervals for µ are plotted in Figure 2.3 along with the 95%
confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 for these data [-.35, 4.35]. Group means are
represented on the y-axis, and the mean contrast (2.00) is represented on
the floating difference axis (Cumming, 2012) centered at the grand mean
across both groups (12.00). The error bars of the 95% confidence intervals
for µ overlap by clearly more than one half of their lengths. According to
the overlap rule, this amount of overlap is more than moderate. So the mean
difference should not be statistically significant at the .05 level, which is true
for these data.

18 6

16 4

14 2

12 0

10 2

1 2 Difference

Figure 2.3.  Plot of the 95% confidence interval for µ1, 95% confidence interval for µ2,
and 95% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2, given M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50, M2 = 11.00, s22 =
5.00, and n1 = n2 = 10. Results for the mean difference are shown on a floating differ-
ence axis where zero is aligned at the grand mean across both samples (12.00).

46       beyond significance testing

Confidence intervals for µ1 – µ2 based on sM1 – M2 assume homoscedastic-
ity. In the Welch procedure (e.g., Welch, 1938), the standard error of a mean
contrast is estimated as

s12 s22
sWel = + (2.15)
n1 n 2

where s12 estimates s12 and s22 estimates s22 (i.e., heteroscedasticity is allowed).
The degrees of freedom for the critical value of central t in the Welch proce-
dure are estimated empirically as
 s12 s22 
 + 
n1 n 2
dfWel = (2.16)
(s12 )2 (s22 )2
n12 (n1 − 1) n 22 (n 2 − 1)

Summarized next are descriptive statistics for two groups:

M1 = 112.50, s12 = 75.25, n1 = 25

M2 = 108.30, s22 = 15.00, n 2 = 20

Variability among cases in the first group is obviously greater than that in the
second group. A pooled within-groups variance would mask this discrepancy.
The researcher elects to use the Welch procedure. The estimated standard
error is

75.25 15.00
sWel = + = 1.939
25 20

and the approximate degrees of freedom are

 75.25 15.00 
 + 
25 20 
dfWel = = 34.727
75.252 15.00 2
252 (24) 20 2 (19)

The general form of a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 in

the Welch procedure is

( M1 – M2 ) ± sWel [t2-tail, α ( dfWel )] (2.17)

sampling and estimation      47

Tables for critical values of central t typically list integer df values only. An alter-
native is to use a web distributional calculator page that accepts noninteger df
(see footnote 1). Another is to use a statistical density function built into widely
available software. The statistical function TINV in Microsoft Excel returns
critical values of central t given values of a and df. The function Idf.T (Inverse
DF) in SPSS returns the two-tailed critical value of central t given df and 1 – a/2,
which is .975 for a 95% confidence interval. For this example, SPSS returned

t2-tail, .05 ( 34.727) = 2.031

The 95% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 is

(112.50 – 108.30 ) ± 1.939 ( 2.031)

which defines the interval [.26, 8.14]. Thus, the value of µ1 – µ2 could be as
low as .26 or as high as 8.14, with 95% confidence and not assuming homo­
scedasticity. Widths of confidence intervals in the Welch procedure tend to
be narrower than intervals based on sM1 – M2 for the same data when group
variances are unequal. Welch intervals may less accurate when the popula-
tion distributions are severely and differently nonnormal or when the group
sizes are unequal and small, such as n < 30 (Bonett & Price, 2002); see also
Grissom and Kim (2011, Chapter 2).

Confidence Intervals for D

I use the symbol MD to refer to the mean difference (change, gain)

score when two dependent samples are compared. A difference score is com-
puted as D = X1 – X2 for each of the n cases in a repeated measures design or
for each of the n pairs of cases in a matched groups design. If D = 0, there is
no difference; any other value indicates a higher score in one condition than
in the other. The average of all difference scores equals the dependent mean
contrast, or MD = M1 – M2. Its standard error is

σM =D

where sD is the population standard deviation of the difference scores. The

variance of the difference scores can be expressed as

σ 2D = 2σ 2 (1 − ρ12 ) (2.19)

where s2 is the common population variance assuming homoscedasticity and

r12 is the population cross-conditions correlation of the original scores.

48       beyond significance testing

When there is a stronger subjects effect—cases maintain their relative
positions across the conditions—r12 approaches 1.00. This reduces the vari-
ance of the difference scores, which in turn lowers the standard error of the
mean contrast (Equation 2.18). It is the subtraction of consistent individual
differences from the standard error that makes confidence intervals based on
dependent mean contrasts generally narrower than confidence intervals based
on contrasts between unrelated means. It also explains the power advantage
of the t test for dependent samples over the t test for independent samples.
But these advantages are realized only if r12 > .50 (Equation 2.19); other-
wise, confidence intervals and statistical tests may be wider and less powerful
(respectively) for dependent mean contrasts.
The standard deviation sD is usually unknown, so the standard error of
MD is estimated as

sM = D

where sD is the sample standard deviation of the D scores. The corresponding

variance is

sD2 = s12 + s22 − 2cov12 (2.21)

where cov12 is the cross-conditions covariance of the original scores. The latter is

cov12 = r12 s1 s2 (2.22)

where r12 is the sample cross-conditions correlation. (The correlation r12 is

presumed to be zero when the samples are independent.)
The general form of a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for µD is

MD ± sM [ t2-tail, α ( n − 1)]

Presented in Table 2.2 are raw scores and descriptive statistics for a small data
set where the mean contrast is 2.00. In a dependent samples analysis of these
data, n = 5 and r12 = .735. The cross-conditions covariance is

cov12 = .735 ( 2.739 )( 2.236 ) = 4.50

and the variance of the difference scores is

sD2 = 7.50 + 5.00 – 2 ( 4.50 ) = 3.50

which implies that sD = 3.501/2, or 1.871. The standard error of MD = 2.00 is

estimated as

sampling and estimation      49

Table 2.2
Raw Scores and Descriptive Statistics for Two Samples

1 2

9 8
12 12
13 11
15 10
16 14
M 13.00 11.00
s2 7.50 5.00
s 2.739 2.236
Note.  In a dependent samples analysis, r12 = .735.

sM =
= .837
The value of t2-tail, .05 (4) is 2.776, so the 95% confidence interval for µD is

2.00 ± .837 ( 2.776 )

which defines the interval [-.32, 4.32]. Exercise 4 asks you to verify that the
95% confidence interval for µD assuming a correlated design is narrower than
the 95% confidence interval for µ1 – µ2 assuming unrelated samples for the
same data (see Table 2.2), which is [-1.65, 5.65].

Confidence Intervals Based on Other Kinds of Statistics

Many statistics other than means have complex distributions. For exam-
ple, distributions of the Pearson correlation r are symmetrical only if the pop-
ulation correlation is r = 0, but they are negatively skewed when r > 0 and
positively skewed when r < 0. Other statistics have complex distributions,
including some widely used effect sizes introduced in Chapter 5, because they
estimate more than one parameter.
Until recently, confidence intervals for statistics with complex distri-
butions were estimated with approximate methods. One method involves
confidence interval transformation (Steiger & Fouladi, 1997), where the
statistic is mathematically transformed into normally distributed units. The
confidence interval is built by adding and subtracting from the transformed
statistic the product of the standard error in the transformed metric and the
appropriate critical value of the normal deviate z. The lower and upper bounds

50       beyond significance testing

of this interval are then transformed back into the original metric, and the
resulting confidence interval may be asymmetric (unequal margins of error).
Fisher’s transformation is used to approximate construct intervals for r. It
converts a sample correlation r with the function

1  1+ r 
Zr = ln  (2.24)
2  1 − r 

where ln is the natural log function to base e, which is about 2.7183. The
sampling distribution of Zr is approximately normal with the standard error

sZ = (2.25)

The lower and upper bounds of the 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval based
on Zr are defined by

Zr ± sZ ( z 2-tail, α )

where z2-tail, a is the positive two-tailed critical value of the normal deviate,
which is 1.96 for a = .05 and the 95% confidence level. Next, transform both
the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval in Zr units back to
r units by applying the inverse transformation

e2 Z − 1

rZ = (2.27)
e2 Z + 1

There are calculating web pages that automatically generate approximate

95% or 99% confidence intervals for r, given values of r and the sample size.3
Four-decimal accuracy is recommended for hand calculation.
In a sample of N = 20 cases, r = .6803. Fisher’s transformation and its
standard error are

1  1 + .6803  1
Zr = ln = .8297 and sZ = = .2425
2  1 − .6803  r
20 − 3

The approximate 95% confidence interval in Zr units is

.8297 ± .2425 (1.96 )


sampling and estimation      51

which defines the interval [.3544, 1.3051]. To convert the lower and upper
bounds of this interval to r units, I apply the inverse transformation to each:

e2(.3544) − 1 e2(1.3051) − 1
= . 34 0 3 and = .8630
e2(.3544) + 1 e2(1.3051) + 1

In r units, the approximate 95% confidence interval for r is [.34, .86] at two-
place accuracy.
Another approximate method builds confidence intervals directly
around the sample statistic; thus, they are symmetrical about it. The width
of the interval on either side is a product of the two-tailed critical value of a
central test statistic and an estimate of the asymptotic standard error, which
estimates what the standard error would be in a large sample (e.g., > 500). If
the researcher’s sample is not large, though, this estimate may not be accu-
rate. Another drawback is that some statistics, such as R2 in multiple regres-
sion, have distributions so complex that a computer is needed to estimate
standard error. Fortunately, there are increasing numbers of computer tools
for calculating confidence intervals, some of which are mentioned later.
A more precise method is noncentrality interval estimation (Steiger &
Fouladi, 1997). It also deals with situations that cannot be handled by approx-
imate methods. This approach is based on noncentral test distributions that
do not assume a true null hypothesis. Some perspective is in order. Families
of central distributions of t, F, and c2 (in which H0 is assumed to be true) are
special cases of noncentral distributions of each test statistic just mentioned.
Compared to central distributions, noncentral distributions have an extra
parameter called the noncentrality parameter that indicates the degree to
which the null hypothesis is false.
Central t distributions are defined by a single parameter, the degrees of
freedom (df), but noncentral t distributions are described by both df and the
noncentrality parameter D (Greek uppercase delta). In two-group designs,
the value of D for noncentral t is related to (but not exactly equal to) the true
difference between the population means µ1 and µ2. The larger that differ-
ence, the more the noncentral t distribution is skewed. That is, if µ1 > µ2, then
D > 0 and the resulting noncentral t distributions are positively skewed, and
if µ1 < µ2, then D < 0 and the corresponding resulting noncentral t distribu-
tions are negatively skewed. But if µ1 = µ2 (i.e., there is no difference), then
D = 0 and the resulting distributions are the familiar and symmetrical central
t distributions. Presented in Figure 2.4 are two t distributions where df = 10.
For the central t distribution in the left part of the figure, D = 0, but for the
noncentral t distribution in the right side of the figure, D = 4.00. (The mean-
ing of a particular value for D is defined in Chapter 5.) Note in the figure that
the distribution for noncentral t (10, 4.00) is positively skewed.

52       beyond significance testing


.30 Central t

Probability density
Noncentral t



5.00 2.50 0 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50

Figure 2.4.  Distributions of central t and noncentral t where the degrees of freedom
are df = 10 and where the noncentrality parameter is D = 4.00 for noncentral t.

Noncentral test distributions play a role in estimating the power of

statistical tests. This is because the concept of power assumes that the null
hypothesis is false. Thus, computer tools for power analysis analyze non­
central test distributions. A population effect size that is not zero generally
corresponds to a value of the noncentrality parameter that is also not zero.
This is why some methods of interval estimation for effect sizes rely on non-
central test distributions. Noncentrality interval estimation for effect sizes is
covered in Chapter 5.
Calculating noncentral confidence intervals is impractical without
relatively sophisticated computer programs. Until recently, such programs
were not widely available to applied researchers. An exception is Exploratory
Software for Confidence Intervals (ESCI; Cumming, 2012), which runs
under Microsoft Excel. It is structured as a tool for learning about confidence
intervals, noncentral test distributions, power estimation, and meta-analysis.
Demonstration modules for ESCI can be downloaded.4 I used ESCI to create
Figure 2.4.
Another computer tool for power estimation and noncentrality inter-
val estimation is Steiger’s Power Analysis procedure in STATISTICA 11
Advanced, an integrated program for general statistical analyses, data mining,


sampling and estimation      53

and quality control.5 Power Analysis can automatically calculate noncentral
confidence intervals based on several different types of effect sizes. Other
computer tools or scripts for interval estimation with effect sizes are described
in later chapters. The website for this book also has links to corresponding
download pages. Considered next is bootstrapping, which can also be used
for interval estimation.

Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals

The technique of bootstrapping, developed by the statistician Bradley

Efron in the 1970s (e.g., 1979), is a computer-based method of resampling
that recombines the cases in a data set in different ways to estimate statistical
precision, with fewer assumptions than traditional methods about population
distributions. Perhaps the best known form is nonparametric bootstrapping,
which generally makes no assumptions other than that the distribution in the
sample reflects the basic shape of that in the population. It treats your data file
as a pseudo-population in that cases are randomly selected with replacement
to generate other data sets, usually of the same size as the original. Because of
sampling with replacement, (a) the same case can be selected in more than
one generated data set or at least twice in the same generated sample, and
(b) the composition of cases will vary slightly across the generated samples.
When repeated many times (e.g., 1,000) by the computer, bootstrap-
ping simulates the drawing of many random samples. It also constructs an
empirical sampling distribution, the frequency distribution of the values
of a statistic across the generated samples. Nonparametric percentile boot-
strapped confidence intervals for the parameter estimated by the statistic
are calculated in the empirical distribution. The lower and upper bounds of a
95% bootstrapped confidence interval correspond to, respectively, the 2.5th
and 97.5th percentiles in the empirical sampling distribution. These limits
contain 95% of the bootstrapped values of the statistic.
Presented in Table 2.3 is a small data set where N = 20 and r = .6803.
I used the nonparametric bootstrap procedure of SimStat for Windows
(Provalis Research, 1995–2004) to resample from the data in Table 2.3 in
order to generate a total of 1,000 bootstrapped samples each with 20 cases.6
The empirical sampling distribution is presented in Figure 2.5. As expected,
this distribution is negatively skewed. SimStat reported that the mean and
median of the sampling distribution are, respectively, .6668 and .6837. The
standard deviation in the distribution of Figure 2.5 is .1291, which is actually


54       beyond significance testing

Table 2.3
Example Data Set for Nonparametric Bootstrapping
Case X Y Case X Y

A 12 16 K 16 37
B 19 46 L 13 30
C 21 66 M 18 32
D 16 70 N 18 53
E 18 27 O 22 52
F 16 27 P 17 34
G 16 44 Q 22 54
H 20 69 R 12 5
I 16 22 S 14 38
J 18 61 T 14 38

the bootstrapped estimate of the standard error. The nonparametric boot-

strapped 95% confidence interval for r is [.3615, .8626], and the bias-adjusted
95% confidence interval is [.3528, .8602]. The latter controls for lack of inde-
pendence due to potential selection of the same case multiple times in the
same generated sample.
The bias-adjusted bootstrapped 95% confidence interval for r, which is
[.35, .86] at two-decimal accuracy, is similar to the approximate 95% confi-
dence interval of [.34, .86] calculated earlier using Fisher’s approximation for
the same data. The bootstrapped estimate of the standard error in correlation
units generated by SimStat is .129. Nonparametric bootstrapping is potentially






0 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90

Figure 2.5. Empirical sampling distribution for the Pearson correlation r in 1,000

bootstrapped samples for the data in Table 2.3.

sampling and estimation      55

more useful when applied to statistics for which there is no approximate
method for calculating standard errors and confidence intervals. This is also
true when no computer tool for noncentral interval estimation is available
for statistics with complex distributions.
The technique of nonparametric bootstrapping seems well suited for inter-
val estimation when the researcher is either unwilling or unable to make a lot
of assumptions about population distributions. Wood (2005) demonstrated
the calculation of bootstrapped confidence intervals based on means, medi-
ans, differences between two means or proportions, correlations, and regres-
sion coefficients. His examples are implemented in an Excel spreadsheet7 and
a small stand-alone program.8 Another computer tool is Resampling Stats
(, 2009).9 Bootstrapping capabilities were recently added to
some procedures in SPSS and SAS/STAT.
Outlined next are potential limitations of nonparametric bootstrapping:
1. Nonparametric bootstrapping simulates random sampling, but
true random sampling is rarely used in practice. This is another
instance of the design–analysis mismatch.
2. It does not entirely free the researcher from having to make
assumptions about population distributions. If the shape of
the sample distribution is very different compared with that
in the population, results of nonparametric bootstrapping may
have poor external validity.
3. The “population” from which bootstrapped samples are drawn
is merely the original data file. If this data set is small or the
observations are not independent, resampling from it will not
somehow fix these problems. In fact, resampling can magnify the
effects of unusual features in a small data set (Rodgers, 2009).
4. Results of bootstrap analyses are probably quite biased in small
samples, but this is true of many traditional methods, too.
The starting point for parametric bootstrapping is not a raw data file.
Instead, the researcher specifies the numerical and distributional properties of
a theoretical probability density function, and then the computer randomly
samples from that distribution. When repeated many times by the com-
puter, values of statistics in these synthesized samples vary randomly about
the parameters specified by the researcher, which simulates sampling error.
Bootstrapped estimation in parametric mode can also approximate standard

9Resampling Stats is available for a 10-day trial from

56       beyond significance testing

errors for statistics where no textbook equation or approximate method is
available, given certain assumptions about the population distribution. These
assumptions can be added incrementally in parametric bootstrapping or suc-
cessively relaxed over the generation of synthetic data sets.

Robust Estimation

The least squares estimators M and s2 are not robust against the effects
of extreme scores. This is because their values can be severely distorted by
even a single outlier in a smaller sample or by just a handful of outliers in a
larger sample. Conventional methods to construct confidence intervals rely
on sample standard deviations to estimate standard errors. These methods
also rely on critical values in central test distributions, such as t and z, that
assume normality or homoscedasticity (e.g., Equation 2.13).
Such distributional assumptions are not always plausible. For example,
skew characterizes the distributions of certain variables such as reaction times.
Many if not most distributions in actual studies are not even symmetrical,
much less normal, and departures from normality are often strikingly large
(Micceri, 1989). Geary (1947) suggested that this disclaimer should appear
in all introductory statistics textbooks: “Normality is a myth; there never was,
and never will be, a normal distribution” (p. 214). Keselman et al. (1998)
reported that the ratios across different groups of largest to smallest variances
as large as 8:1 were not uncommon in educational and psychological studies,
so perhaps homoscedasticity is a myth, too.
One option to deal with outliers is to apply transformations, which con-
vert original scores with a mathematical operation to new ones that may be
more normally distributed. The effect of applying a monotonic transforma-
tion is to compress one part of the distribution more than another, thereby
changing its shape but not the rank order of the scores. Examples of transfor-
mations that may remedy positive skew include X1/2, log10 X, and odd-root
functions (e.g., X1/3). There are many other kinds, and this is one of their
potential problems: It can be difficult to find a transformation that works in
a particular data set. Some distributions can be so severely nonnormal that
basically no transformation will work. The scale of the original scores is lost
when scores are transformed. If that scale is meaningful, the loss of the scal-
ing metric creates no advantage but exacts the cost that the results may be
difficult (or impossible) to interpret.
An alternative that also deals with departures from distributional
assumptions is robust estimation. Robust (resistant) estimators are gener-
ally less affected than least squares estimators by outliers or nonnormality.

sampling and estimation      57

An estimator’s quantitative robustness can be described by its finite-sample
breakdown point (BP), or the smallest proportion of scores that when made
arbitrarily very large or small renders the statistic meaningless. The lower the
value of BP, the less robust the estimator. For both M and s2, BP = 0, the low-
est possible value. This is because the value of either statistic can be distorted
by a single outlier, and the ratio 1/N approaches zero as sample size increases.
In contrast, BP = .50 for the median because its value is not distorted by
arbitrarily extreme scores unless they make up at least half the sample. But
the median is not an optimal estimator because its value is determined by a
single score, the one at the 50th percentile. In this sense, all the other scores
are discarded by the median.
A compromise between the sample mean and the median is the trimmed
mean. A trimmed mean Mtr is calculated by (a) ordering the scores from low-
est to highest, (b) deleting the same proportion of the most extreme scores
from each tail of the distribution, and then (c) calculating the average of the
scores that remain. The proportion of scores removed from each tail is ptr. If
ptr = .20, for example, the highest 20% of the scores are deleted as are the
lowest 20% of the scores. This implies that
1. the total percentage of scores deleted from the distribution is
2ptr = 2(.20), or 40%;
2. the number of deleted scores is 2nptr = .40n, where n is the
original group size; and
3. the number of scores that remain is ntr = n – 2nptr = n - .40n,
where ntr is the trimmed group size.
For an odd number of scores, round the product nptr down to the near-
est integer and then delete that number of scores from each tail of the dis-
tribution. The statistics Mtr and M both estimate µ without bias when the
population distribution is symmetrical. But if that distribution is skewed, Mtr
estimates the trimmed population mean µtr, which is typically closer to more
of the observations than µ.
A common practice is to trim 20% of the scores from each tail of the
distribution when calculating trimmed estimators. This proportion tends to
maintain the robustness of trimmed means while minimizing their standard
errors when sampling from symmetrical distributions; it is also supported by the
results of computer simulation studies (Wilcox, 2012). Note that researchers
may specify ptr < .20 if outliers constitute less than 20% of each tail in the
distribution or ptr > .20 if the opposite is true. For 20% trimmed means, BP =
.20, which says they are robust against arbitrarily extreme scores unless such
outliers make up at least 20% of the sample.
A variability estimator more robust than s2 is the interquartile range,
or the positive difference between the score that falls at the 75th percen-

58       beyond significance testing

tile in a distribution and the score at the 25th percentile. Although BP =
.25 for the interquartile range, it uses information from just two scores. An
alternative that takes better advantage of the data is the median absolute
deviation (MAD), the 50th percentile in the distribution of |X – Mdn|,
the absolute differences between each score and the median. Because it is
based on the median, BP = .50 for the MAD. This statistic does not esti-
mate the population standard deviation s, but the product of MAD and
the scale factor 1.483 is an unbiased estimator of s in a normal population
The estimator 1.483 (MAD) is part of a robust method for outlier
detection described by Wilcox and Keselman (2003). The conventional
method is to calculate for each score the normal deviate z = (X – M)/s, which
measures the distance between each score and the mean in standard devia-
tion units. Next, the researcher applies a rule of thumb for spotting potential
outliers based on z (e.g., if |z|> 3.00, then X is a potential outlier). Masking,
or the chance that outliers can so distort values of M or s that they cannot be
detected, is a problem with this method. A more robust method is based on
this decision rule applied to each score:

X − Mdn
> 2.24 (2.28)
1.483 ( mad )

The value of the ratio in Equation 2.28 is the distance between a score and
the median expressed in robust standard deviation units. The constant 2.24
in the equation is the square root of the approximate 97.5th percentile in a
central c2 distribution with a single degree of freedom. A potential outlier
thus has a score on the ratio in Equation 2.28 that exceeds 2.24. Wilcox
(2012) described additional robust detection methods.
A robust variance estimator is the Winsorized variance s2Win. (The
terms Winsorized and Winsorization are named after biostatistician Charles
P. Winsor.) When scores are Winsorized, they are (a) ranked from lowest
to highest. Next, (b) the ptr most extreme scores in the lower tail of the
distribution are all replaced by the next highest original score that was not
replaced, and (c) the ptr most extreme scores in the upper tail are all replaced
by the next lowest original score that was not replaced. Finally, (d) s2Win is
calculated among the Winsorized scores using the standard formula for s2
(Equation 2.3) except that squared deviations are taken from the Winsorized
mean MWin, the average of the Winsorized scores, which may not equal Mtr
in the same sample. The statistic s2Win estimates the Winsorized population
variance σ2Win, which may not equal s2 if the population distribution is

sampling and estimation      59

Suppose that N = 10 scores ranked from lowest to highest are as follows:

15 16 19 20 22 24 24 29 90 95

The mean and variance of these scores are M = 35.40 and s2 = 923.60, both
of which are affected by the extreme scores 90 and 95. The 20% trimmed
mean is calculated by first deleting the lower and upper .20 (10) = 2 most
extreme scores from each end of the distribution, represented next by the
strikethrough characters:

15 16 19 20 22 24 24 29 90 95

Next, calculate the average based on the remaining 6 scores (i.e., 19–29).
The result is Mtr = 23.00, which as expected is less than the sample mean,
M = 35.40.
When one Winsorizes the scores for the same trimming proportion
(.20), the two lowest scores in the original distribution (15, 16) are each
replaced by the next highest score (19), and the two highest scores (90, 95)
are each replaced by the next lowest score (29). The 20% Winsorized scores
are listed next:

19 19 19 20 22 24 24 29 29 29

The Winsorized mean is MWin = 23.40. The total sum of squared deviations
of the Winsorized scores from the Winsorized mean is SSWin = 166.40, and
the degrees of freedom are 10 – 1, or 9. These results imply that the 20%
Winsorized variance for this example is s2Win = 166.40/9, or 18.49. The vari-
ance of the original scores is greater (923.60), again as expected.

Robust Interval Estimation

The Tukey–McLaughlin method (Tukey & McLaughlin, 1963) to

calculate robust confidence intervals for µtr based on trimmed means and
Winsorized variances is described next. The standard error of Mtr is estimated
in this method as

stm = (2.29)
(1 − 2 ptr ) n

For the example where

n = 10, ptr = .20, sWin = 18.491 2 = 4.30, and Mtr = 23.00

60       beyond significance testing

the standard error of the trimmed mean (23.00) is

stm = = 2.266
[1 − 2 (.20 )] 10
The general form of a robust 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for µtr in this
method is

Mtr ± stm [ t2-tail, α ( n tr – 1)] (2.30)

where ntr is the number of scores that remain after trimming. For the example
where n = 10 and ptr = .20, the number of deleted scores is 4, so ntr = 6. The
degrees of freedom are thus 6 – 1 = 5. The value of t2-tail, .05 (5) is 2.571, so the
robust 95% confidence interval for µtr is

23.00 ± 2.266 ( 2.571)

which defines the interval [17.17, 28.83]. It is not surprising that this robust
interval is narrower than the conventional 95% confidence interval for µ
calculated with the original scores, which is [13.66, 57.14]. (You should verify
this result.)
A robust estimator of the standard error for the difference between inde-
pendent trimmed means when not assuming homoscedasticity is part of the
Yuen–Welch procedure (e.g., Yuen, 1974). Error variance of each trimmed
mean is estimated as

s2Win ( n i − 1)
wi = i
n tr ( n tr − 1)
i i

where s2Wini, ni, and ntri are, respectively, the Winsorized variance, original group
size, and effective group size after trimming in the ith group. The Yuen–Welch
estimate for the standard error of Mtr may be somewhat more accurate than
the estimate in the Tukey–McLaughlin method (Equation 2.29), but the two
methods usually give similar values (Wilcox, 2012).
The Yuen–Welch standard error of Mtr1 – Mtr2 is

sYW = w1 − w2 (2.32)

and the adjusted degrees of freedom in a central t distribution are estimated as

(w1 + w2 )2
dfYW = (2.33)
w12 w22
n tr1 − 1 n tr2 − 1

sampling and estimation      61

Table 2.4
Raw Scores With Outliers and Descriptive Statistics for Two Groups

1 2

15 3
16 2
19 21
20 18
22 16
24 16
24 13
28 19
90 20
95 82
M 35.40 21.00
Mtr 23.00 17.00
MWin 23.40 16.80
s2 923.600 503.778
s Win
18.489 9.067
Note.  The trimming proportion is ptr = .20.

The general form of a 100 (1 – s)% confidence interval for µtr1 – µtr2 in this
method is

Mtr1 – Mtr2 ± sYW [ t2-tail, α ( dfYW )] (2.34)

Listed in Table 2.4 are raw scores with outliers and descriptive statis-
tics for two groups where n = 10. The trimming proportion is ptr = .20, so
ntr = 6 in each group. Outliers in both groups inflate variances relative to
their robust counterparts (e.g., s22 = 503.78, s2Win2 = 9.07). Extreme scores in
group 2 (2, 3, 82) fall in both tails of the distribution, so nonrobust versus
robust estimates of central tendency are more similar (M2 = 21.00, Mtr2 =
17.00) than in group 1. Exercise 5 asks you to verify the robust estimators
for group 2 in Table 2.4.
Summarized next are robust descriptive statistics for the data in Table 2.4:

Mtr1 = 23.00, s2Win1 = 18.489 and Mtr2 = 17.00, s2Win2 = 9.067

Mtr1 – Mtr2 =6.00

The standard error of the trimmed mean contrast is estimated in the Yuen–
Welch method as

62       beyond significance testing

18.489 (9) 9.067 (9)
w1 = = 5.547 and w2 = = 2.720
6 (5) 6 (5)
sYW = 5.547 + 2.720 = 2.875

and the degrees of freedom are calculated as

( 5.547 + 2.720 )2
dfYW = = 8.953
5.5472 2.720 2
5 5

The value of t2-tail, .05 (8.953) is 2.264. The robust 95% confidence interval for
µtr1 – µtr2 is

6.00 ± 2.875 ( 2.264 )

which defines the interval [-.51, 12.51]. Thus, µtr1 – µtr2 could be as low as
-.51 or it could be as high as 12.51, with 95% confidence and not assuming
homoscedasticity. Wilcox (2012) described a robust version of the Welch
procedure that is an alternative to the Yuen–Welch method, and Keselman,
Algina, Lix, Wilcox, and Deering (2008) outlined robust methods for depen-
dent samples.
A modern alternative in robust estimation to relying on formulas to esti-
mate standard errors and degrees of freedom in central test distributions that
assume normality is bootstrapping. There are methods to construct robust non-
parametric bootstrapped confidence intervals that protect against repeated
selection of outliers in the same generated sample (Salibián-Barrera & Zamar,
2002). Otherwise, bootstrapping is applied in basically the same way as described
in the previous section but to generate empirical sampling distributions for
robust estimators.
Standard computer programs for general statistical analyses, such as SPSS
and SAS/STAT, have limited capabilities for robust estimation. Wilcox (2012)
described add-on modules (packages) for conducting robust estimation in R, a
free, open source computing environment for statistical analyses, data mining,
and graphics.10 It runs on Unix, Microsoft Windows, and Apple Macintosh fam-
ilies of operating systems. A basic R installation has about the same capabilities
as some commercial statistical programs, but there are now over 2,000 packages
that further extend its capabilities. Wilcox’s (2012) WRS package has routines
for robust estimation, outlier detection, comparisons, and confidence interval

sampling and estimation      63

construction in a variety of univariate or multivariate designs.11 Additional
R packages for robust estimation are available from the Institut universitaire de
médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).12 See Erceg-Hurn and Mirosevich
(2008) for more information about robust estimation.


The basic logic of sampling and estimation was described in this chap-
ter. Confidence intervals based on statistics with simple distributions rely on
central test statistics, but statistics with complex distributions may follow
noncentral distributions. Special software tools are typically needed for non-
centrality interval estimation. The lower and upper bounds of a confidence
interval set reasonable limits for the value of the corresponding parameter,
but there is no guarantee that a specific confidence interval contains the
parameter. Literal interpretation of the percentages associated with a confi-
dence interval assumes random sampling and that all other sources of impre-
cision besides sampling error are nil. Interval estimates are better than point
estimates because they are, as the astronomer Carl Sagan (1996, pp. 27–28)
described them, “a quiet but insistent reminder that no knowledge is com-
plete or perfect.” Methods for robust interval estimation based on trimmed
means and Winsorized variances were introduced. The next chapter deals
with the logic and illogic of significance testing.

Learn More

Cumming (2012) gives clear introductions to interval estimation, effect

size estimation, and meta-analysis. Chernick (2008) describes bootstrapping
methods for estimation, forecasting, and simulation. The accessible book by
Wilcox (2003) gives more detail about robust statistics.
Chernick, M. R. (2008). Bootstrap methods: A guide for practitioners and researchers
(2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Cumming, G. (2012). Understanding the new statistics: Effect sizes, confidence intervals,
and meta-analysis. New York, NY: Routledge.
Wilcox, R. R. (2003). Applying contemporary statistical techniques. New York, NY:
Academic Press.

64       beyond significance testing


1. Explain the difference between the standard deviation s and

the standard error sM.
2. Interpret s = 60.00 and sM = 6.00 for the same data set. What is
the sample size?
3. For M = 100.00, s = 9.00, and N = 25, show that the 99% confi-
dence interval for µ is wider than the corresponding 95% interval.
4. For the data in Table 2.2, calculate the 95% confidence interval
for µD and the 95% confidence interval for µ1 - µ2.
5. For the data in Table 2.4, verify the values of the robust estima-
tors for group 2.
6. What is the relation between Mtr and MWin in the Tukey–
McLaughlin method?

sampling and estimation      65

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Logic and Illogic of
Significance Testing

One more asterisk

To rest like eyes of dead fish—
Rigor mortis stars
—Stephen Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey (2008, p. 87)

This chapter covers the logic of significance testing, including ele-

ments that make little sense in most studies. Poor practices are also out-
lined, such as the specification of arbitrary levels of statistical significance
and the failure to estimate a priori power. It is emphasized that all statisti-
cal tests rely on assumptions that are generally unrealistic. They are also
confounded measures of effect size and sample size. Robust statistical tests
that depend on fewer distributional assumptions than do parametric tests
are introduced, but robust tests do not solve major shortcomings of signifi-
cance testing. Some of the topics reviewed next are relatively complicated,
but they illustrate limitations of statistical tests with which you may be less
familiar. Completing the exercises for this chapter will help you to manage
this material.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-003
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Two Schools

Summarized in Table 3.1 are the basic steps of the Fisher and Neyman–
Pearson approaches to statistical inference. In Fisher’s method, p from a sta-
tistical test measures the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis
H0. If p is sufficiently small, H0 can be rejected. Fisher advocated p < .05 as
a pragmatism for “small enough” (i.e., to reject H0 due to a sufficiently low
value of p) but not as a golden rule. There was no alternative hypothesis H1
in Fisher’s method. Specification of a fixed level of a (e.g., .05 or .01) and an
explicit H1 typifies the Neyman–Pearson model. These steps imply the dis-
tinction between Type I error (false rejection of H0) and Type II error (false
retention of H0). The probability of a Type I error is a, and the likelihood of
a Type II error is represented by b. Power is the complement of b, or 1 – b,
defined as the probability of correctly rejecting H0 when H1 is true. A power
analysis estimates the probability of a Type II error as b = 1 – power. Recall
that power is the probability of getting a statistically significant result over
random replications (in the long run) when H1 is true.
Power analysis concerns a loss function for Type II error. A loss func-
tion estimates with a single number the cost of a specific decision error. Cost
can be measured in monetary terms or in a different metric that represents
loss of utility, or relative satisfaction, in some area. A loss function theoreti-
cally enables the researcher to weigh the consequences of low power (high b)
against the risk of Type I error (a). This mental balancing act could facilitate
a better understanding of implications for specifying a = .05 versus a = .01
(or some other value).
Fisher vehemently opposed loss functions because he believed that sta-
tistical inference must respect the pure aim of science, the accumulation and
dissemination of knowledge. Entertaining any other consideration would,

Table 3.1
Steps in Fisher Significance Testing and Neyman–Pearson
Hypothesis Testing
Fisher Neyman–Pearson

1. State H0. 1. State H0 and H1.

2.  Specify test statistic. 2. Specify a (usually .05 or .01)
3. Collect data, calculate test statistic, 3. Specify test statistic and critical
determine p. value(s).
4. Reject H0 if p is small; otherwise, 4. Collect data, calculate test statistic,
H0 is retained. determine p.
5. Reject H0 in favor of H1 if p < a;
otherwise, H0 is retained.
Note.  H0 = null hypothesis; H1 = alternative hypothesis.

68       beyond significance testing

in his view, sully the scientific process and censor the researcher in advance
(e.g., Fisher, 1956, pp. 102–103). What is probably closer to the truth is that
Fisher’s rather acerbic personality was unable to tolerate any extension of his
original work or share academic credit with Neyman, Pearson, Gosset, and
others (see Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008, Chapters 21–22).
It was rarely mentioned in statistics textbooks from the 1960s–2000s
that the Intro Stats method is the synthesis of two schools with contradictory
elements. Instead, it was typically described in these works without mention-
ing Fisher, Neyman, or Pearson by name and with no citations at all. This
anonymous style of presentation gave the false impression that the Intro Stats
method is so universal that citation is unnecessary. Most books also failed
to mention the significance testing controversy (Gliner, Leech, & Morgan,
2002), which also discouraged critical thinking on the part of students about
what they are reading (Gigerenzer, 2004). Some more recent books do not
make these mistakes (e.g., McGrath, 2011), but they are still too rare.

Sense and Nonsense of the Intro Stats Model

Emphasized next are aspects of significance testing that are not well
understood by many students and researchers.

Null Hypotheses

The standard H0 is both a point hypothesis and a nil hypothesis. A

point hypothesis specifies the numerical value of a parameter or the differ-
ence between two or more parameters, and a nil hypothesis states that this
value is zero. The latter is usually a prediction that an effect, difference, or
association is zero. Examples of nil hypotheses are presented next:

H 0 : µ1 − µ 2 = 0 H0 : µ D = 0 H0 : ρ = 0

In contrast, a non-nil hypothesis asserts that an effect is not zero. Examples


H0 : µ1 – µ 2 = 5.00 H0 : µ D = 10.00 H0 : ρ = .30

Nil hypotheses as default explanations may be fine in new research

areas when it is unknown whether effects exist at all. But they are less suit-
able in established areas when it is known that some effect is probably not
zero. For example, gender differences in certain personality characteristics
have remained fairly constant over time, although their magnitudes can

logic and illogic of significance testing      69

vary with age or context (Hyde, 2005). Specification of a nil hypothesis
when measuring gender differences in such characteristics may set the bar
too low.
There are also cases where nil hypotheses are indefensible, such as when
testing score reliability coefficients for statistical significance. This is because
“declaring a reliability coefficient to be nonzero constitutes the ultimate
in stupefyingly vacuous information” (Abelson, 1997b, p. 13). Such coef-
ficients should be interpreted in an absolute sense depending on the context
(e.g., requiring rXX > .70 for test–retest reliability). Nil hypotheses also usu-
ally make little sense for validity coefficients. It is more realistic to assume
nonzero population correlations because, at some level, everything is related
to everything else. Meehl (1990) referred to these expected nonzero associa-
tions as a crud factor. Although exact values of the crud factor are unknown,
correlations may depart even further from zero for variables assessed with the
same measurement method. Correlations that result from common method
variance may be as high as .20 to .30 in absolute value. Validity coefficients
should be interpreted in absolute ways, too, given the context of the study.
For example, such coefficients are typically higher in cross-sectional studies
than in longitudinal studies. What represents a “significant” (i.e., substan-
tive) correlation depends on the research area, not on the results of a statisti-
cal significance test.
Nil hypotheses are tested much more often than non-nil hypotheses
even when the former are implausible. Many researchers are unaware of the
possibility of specifying non-nil hypotheses, but most statistical computer
tools test only nil hypotheses. This means that such tests must be calculated
by hand, but doing so is feasible only for simple hypotheses, such as H0:
µ1 – µ2 = 10.00, which can be evaluated without difficulty with the t test.
If a nil hypothesis is implausible, estimated probabilities of data will be too
low. This means that risk for Type I error is basically zero and a Type II error
is the only possible kind when H0 is known in advance to be false.
The most common context for significance testing is reject-support
testing, where rejection of H0 supports the researcher’s theory. The oppo-
site is true in accept-support testing, where the failure to reject H0 supports
the researcher’s expectations (Steiger & Fouladi, 1997). An implication of
this distinction is that statistical significance is not always good news for the
researcher’s hypotheses. Another is that accept-support tests are logically
weak because lack of evidence to disprove an assertion does not prove that
it is true. Low power can lead to failure to reject H0, which in accept-support
testing favors the researcher’s hypothesis. In other words, the researcher is
potentially “rewarded” for having a sample size that is too small (i.e., low
power) in accept-support testing. In contrast, low power works against the
researcher’s hypothesis in reject-support testing.

70       beyond significance testing

Alternative Hypotheses

The standard H1 is a range hypothesis. A two-tailed (nondirectional)

hypothesis predicts any result not specified in H0, but a one-tailed (direc-
tional) hypothesis predicts values on only one side of H0. Given H0: r = 0,
for example, there is only one nondirectional alternative, H1: r ≠ 0, but there
are two possible directional alternatives, H1: r > 0 or H1: r < 0. The form
of H1 is supposed to be specified before data are collected. The choice also
affects the outcome. It is easier to reject H0 when the data are consistent
with a one-tailed H1, and power is greater, too, if H0 is actually false. If H1
is directional but the data indicate an effect in the other direction, H0 is
retained though the results are very inconsistent with it. This rule is not
always followed. Sometimes researchers switch from a nondirectional H1 to
a directional H1 or from one directional H1 to its opposite in order to reject
H0. Some would consider changing H1 based on the data a kind of statistical
sin to be avoided. Like those against other kinds of sin, such admonitions are
not always followed.

Level of Type I Error

Alpha (a) is the probability of making a Type I error over random rep-
lications. It is also the conditional prior probability of rejecting H0 when it
is actually true, or

α = p ( Reject H0 H0 true) (3.1)

Both descriptions are frequentist statements about the likelihood of Type I

Too many researchers treat the conventional levels of a, either .05 or
.01, as golden rules. If other levels of a are specified, they tend to be even
lower, such as .001. Sanctification of .05 as the highest “acceptable” level is
problematic. In reject-support testing, where rejecting H0 favors the research-
er’s theory, a should be as low as possible from the perspective of journal
reviewers and editors, who may wish to guard against bogus claims (Type I
error). But in accept-support testing, a greater worry is Type II error because
false claims in this context arise from not rejecting H0, which supports the
researcher’s theory. Insisting on low values of a in this case may facilitate
publication of sham claims, especially when power is low.
Instead of blindly accepting either .05 or .01, one does better to follow
Aguinis et al.’s (2010) advice: Specify a level of a that reflects the desired
relative seriousness (DRS) of Type I error versus Type II error. Suppose a

logic and illogic of significance testing      71

researcher will study a new treatment for a disorder where no extant treat-
ment is effective. The researcher decides that the risk of a Type II error should
be no more than .10. A Type II error in this context means that the treat-
ment really makes a difference, but the null hypothesis of no difference is
not rejected. This low tolerance for Type II error reflects the paucity of good
treatment options. It is also decided that the risk of a Type I error is half as
serious as that of making a Type II error, so DRS = .50.
The desired level of a is computed as

 p ( H1 )β   1 
α des =    (3.2)
 1 − p ( H1 )   dRS 

where p (H1) is the prior probability that the alternative hypothesis is

true. This probability could be established rationally based on theory or the
researcher’s experience, or it could be estimated in a Bayesian analysis given
results from prior studies. Suppose the researcher estimates that p (H1) = .60
for the example where b = .10 and DRS = .50. The desired level of a is

 .60 (.10 )   1 
α des =  = .30
 1 − .60   .50 

which says that a = .30 reflects the desired balance of Type I versus Type II
error. The main point is that researchers should not rely on a mechanical
ritual (i.e., automatically specify .05 or .01) to control risk for Type I error
that ignores the consequences of Type II error. Note that the estimate of
p (H1) could come from a Bayesian analysis based on results of prior stud-
ies. In this case, the form of the probability that H1 is true would be that of
the conditional probability p (H1 | Data), where “Data” reflects extant results
and the whole conditional probability is estimated with Bayesian methods
(Chapter 10).
The level of a sets the risk of Type I error for a single test. There is also
experimentwise (familywise) error rate, or the likelihood of making at least
one Type I error across a set of tests. If each individual test is conducted at
the same level of a, then

α ew = 1 – (1 − α )

where c is the number of tests. Suppose that 20 statistical tests are conducted,
each at a = .05. The experimentwise error rate is

α ew = 1 – (1 – .05) = .64

72       beyond significance testing

which says that the risk of making a Type I error across all tests is .64.
Equation 3.3 assumes independent hypotheses or outcomes; otherwise, the
estimate of .64 is too low. This result is the probability of one or more Type I
errors, but it does not indicate how many errors may have been committed
(it could be 1, or 2, or 3 . . . ) or on which tests they occurred.
Experimentwise Type I error is controlled by reducing the number of
tests or specifying a lower a for each one. The former is realized by prioritiz-
ing hypotheses (i.e., testing just the most important ones), which means that
“fishing expeditions” in data analysis are to be avoided. Another way is to use
multivariate techniques that can test hypotheses across several variables at
once. The Bonferroni correction is a simple method to set a for individual
tests: Just divide a target value of aew by the total number of tests; the result
is aBon. Suppose a researcher wishes to limit the experimentwise error rate to
.30 for a set of 20 tests. Thus, aBon = .30/20 = .015, which is the level of a for
each individual test. Not all methodologists believe that controlling experi-
mentwise Type I error is generally a desirable goal, especially when power is
already low in reject-support testing at the conventional levels of statistical
significance, such as .05.
A danger of conducting too many significance tests is HARKing
(hypothesizing after the results are known). This happens when the researcher
keeps testing until H0 is rejected—which is practically guaranteed by the
phenomenon of experimentwise error—and then positions the paper as if
those findings were the object of the study (Ellis, 2010). Austin, Mamdani,
Juurlink, and Hux (2006) demonstrated how testing multiple hypotheses
not specified in advance increases the likelihood of discovering implausible
associations. Using a database of about 10 million cases, they conducted sta-
tistical tests until finding 2 out of 200 disorders for which people born under
particular astrological signs had significantly higher base rates. These associa-
tions “disappeared” (were no longer statistically significant) after controlling
for multiple comparisons.
Another argument against using statistical tests to “snoop” for results
by checking for significance is Feynman’s conjecture, named after the physi-
cist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman (Gigerenzer, 2004). It is the asser-
tion that the p < a is meaningful only when hypotheses are specified before
the data are collected. Otherwise, significance testing capitalizes on chance,
which is not taken into account by p values. That is, the appropriate way to
test a pattern found by accident in one sample is to repeat the analysis in a
replication sample with new cases. Only in the latter case would p for the test
of the original pattern be meaningful. A related misuse is testing to a fore-
gone conclusion, or the practice of collecting data until p < .05 is observed.
The problem with this tactic is that the actual rate of Type I error for the
last statistical test is > .05, and the reason is Feynman’s conjecture. A better

logic and illogic of significance testing      73

stopping rule for data collection is a minimum sample size needed to attain
a target level of power (e.g., ≥ .80) in a particular study. Power analysis is
described later.

p Values

All statistical tests do basically the same thing: The difference between
a sample result and the value of the corresponding parameter(s) specified in
H0 is divided by the estimated sampling error, and this ratio is then summa-
rized as a test statistic (e.g., t, F, c2). That ratio is converted by the computer
to a probability based on a theoretical sampling distribution (i.e., random
sampling is assumed). Test probabilities are often printed in computer output
under the column heading p, which is the same abbreviation used in jour-
nal articles. You should not forget that p actually stands for the conditional

p ( data + H0 and all other assumptions )

which represents the likelihood of a result or outcomes even more extreme

(Data +) assuming
1. the null hypothesis is exactly true;
2. the sampling method is random sampling;
3. all distributional requirements, such as normality and homosce-
dasticity, are met;
4. the scores are independent;
5. the scores are also perfectly reliable; and
6. there is no source of error besides sampling or measurement
In addition to the specific observed result, p values reflect outcomes
never observed and require many assumptions about those unobserved
data. If any of these assumptions are untenable, p values may be inaccurate.
If p is too low, there is positive bias, and (a) H0 is rejected more often than it
should be and (b) the nominal rate of Type I error is higher than the stated
level of a. Negative bias means just the opposite—p is too high—and it also
reduces statistical power because it is now more difficult to reject the null
Although p and a are derived in the same theoretical sampling dis-
tribution, p does not estimate the conditional probability of a Type I error
(Equation 3.1). This is because p is based on a range of results under H0, but a
has nothing to do with actual results and is supposed to be specified before any

74       beyond significance testing

data are collected. Confusion between p and a is widespread (e.g., Hubbard,
Bayarri, Berk, & Carlton, 2003). To differentiate the two, Gigerenzer (1993)
referred to p as the exact level of significance. If p = .032 and a = .05, H0 is
rejected at the .05 level, but .032 is not the long-run probability of Type I
error, which is .05 for this example.
The exact level of significance is the conditional probability of the
data (or any result even more extreme) assuming H0 is true, given all other
assumptions about sampling, distributions, and scores. Some other correct
interpretations for p < .05 are listed next:
1. Suppose the study were repeated many times by drawing many
random samples from very large population(s) where H0 is true.
Less than 5% of these hypothetical results would be even more
inconsistent with H0 than the actual result.
2. Less than 5% of test statistics from many random samples are
further away from the mean of the sampling distribution under
H0 than the one for the observed result.
That is about it; other correct definitions may just be variations of those
listed. The range of correct interpretations of p is thus actually narrow. It also
depends on many assumptions about idealized sampling methods or measure-
ment that do not apply in most studies.
Because p values are estimated assuming that H0 is true, they do not
somehow measure the likelihood that H0 is correct. At best they provide
only indirect evidence against H0, but some statisticians object to even this
mild characterization (e.g., Schervish, 1996). The false belief that p is the
probability that H0 is true, or the inverse probability error (see Chapter 1),
is widespread. Many other myths about p are described in the next chapter.
Cumming (2008) studied prediction intervals for p, which are inter-
vals with an 80% chance of including p values from random replications.
Summarized next for designs with two independent samples are computer
simulation results for one-tailed prediction intervals for one-tailed repli-
cations, or results that are in the same direction as the initial study. The
lower bound is 0, and the upper bound is the 80th percentile in the sam-
pling distribution of p values from replications. This interval contains the
lower 80% of p values in the sampling distribution and the rest, or 20%,
exceed the upper bound. The one-tailed prediction interval for p = .05
regardless of sample size is (0, .22), so 80% of replication p values are
between 0 and .22, but 20% exceed .22. The corresponding interval for
p = .01 is (0, .083), which is narrower than that for p = .05 but still rela-
tively wide. Cumming (2008) concluded that p values generally provide
unreliable information about what is likely to happen in replications unless
p is very low, such as < .001.

logic and illogic of significance testing      75

Probabilities from significance tests say little about effect size. This is
because essentially any test statistic (TS) can be expressed as the product

TS = eS × f ( N ) (3.4)

where ES is an effect size and f (N) is a function of sample size. This equation
explains how it is possible that (a) trivial effects can be statistically signifi-
cant in large samples or (b) large effects may not be statistically significant
in small samples. So p is a confounded measure of effect size and sample size.
Statistics that directly measure effect size are introduced in Chapter 5.


Power is the probability of getting statistical significance over many ran-

dom replications when H1 is true. It varies directly with sample size and the
magnitude of the population effect size. Other factors that influence power
1. the level of statistical significance (e.g., a = .05 vs. a = .01);
2. the directionality of H1 (i.e., directional vs. nondirectional);
3. whether the design is between-subjects or within-subjects;
4. the particular test statistic used; and
5. the reliability of the scores.
This combination leads to the greatest power: a large population effect size,
a large sample, a higher level of a (e.g., .05 instead of .01), a within-subjects
design, a parametric test rather than a nonparametric test (e.g., t instead of
Mann–Whitney), and very reliable scores.
A computer tool for power analysis estimates the probability of rejecting
H0, given specifications about population effect size and study characteristics.
Power can be calculated for a range of estimates about population effect size
or study characteristics, such as sample size. The resulting power curves can
then be compared. A variation is to specify a desired level of power and then
estimate the minimum sample size needed to obtain it.
There are two kinds of power analysis, proper and improper. The former
is a prospective (a priori) power analysis conducted before the data are col-
lected. Some granting agencies require a priori power analyses. This is because
if power is low, it is unlikely that the expected effect will be detected, so why
waste money? Power ≥ .80 is generally desirable, but an even higher standard
may be need if consequences of Type II error are severe. There are some free
power analysis computer tools, including G*Power 3 (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang,

76       beyond significance testing

& Buchner, 2007)1 and Lenth’s (2006–2009) online Java applets for power
The improper kind is a retrospective (post hoc, observed) power analysis
conducted after the data are collected. The effect size observed in the sample
is treated as the population effect size, and the computer estimates the prob-
ability of rejecting H0, given the sample size and other characteristics of the
analysis. Post hoc power is inadequate for a few reasons (Ellis, 2010; O’Keefe,
2007). Observed effect sizes are unlikely to equal corresponding population
effect sizes. The p values from statistical tests vary inversely with power, so if
results are not statistically significant, observed power must be low. Low post
hoc power suggests that the sample is too small, but the researcher should
have known better in the first place. A retrospective power analysis is more
like an autopsy conducted after things go wrong than a diagnostic procedure
(i.e., a priori power analysis). Do not bother to report observed power.
Reviews from the 1970s and 1980s indicated that the typical power of
behavioral science research is only about .50 (e.g., Sedlmeier & Gigerenzer,
1989), and there is little evidence that power is any higher in more recent
studies (e.g., Brock, 2003). Ellis (2010) estimated that < 10% of studies have
samples sufficiently large to detect smaller population effect sizes. Increasing
sample size would address low power, but the number of additional cases nec-
essary to reach even nominal power when studying smaller effects may be so
great as to be practically impossible (F. L. Schmidt, 1996). Too few research-
ers, generally < 20% (Osborne, 2008), bother to report prospective power
despite admonitions to do so (e.g., Wilkinson & the TFSI, 1999).
The concept of power does not stand without significance testing. As
statistical tests play a smaller role in the analysis, the relevance of power
also declines. If significance tests are not used, power is irrelevant. Cumming
(2012) described an alternative called precision for research planning, where
the researcher specifies a target margin of error for estimating the parameter
of interest. Next, a computer tool, such as ESCI (see footnote 4, Chapter 2),
is used to specify study characteristics before estimating the minimum sample
size needed to meet the target. The advantage over power analysis is that
researchers must consider both effect size and precision in study planning.
Reviewed next are the t and F tests for means and the c2 test for two-
way contingency tables. Familiarity with these basic test statistics will help
you to better appreciate limitations of significance testing. It is also possible
in many cases to calculate effect sizes from test statistics, so learning about t,
F, and c2 gives you a head start toward understanding effect size estimation.


logic and illogic of significance testing      77

t Tests for Means

The t tests reviewed next compare means from either two independent
or two dependent samples. Both are special cases of the F test for means such
that t2 = F for the same contrast and a nil hypothesis. The general form of t
for independent samples is

(M1 − M2 ) − ( µ1 − µ 2 )
t ( N − 2) = (3.5)
sM − M
1 2

where N – 2 are the pooled within-groups degrees of freedom dfW, M1 – M2

and sM1 - M2 are, respectively, the observed mean contrast and its standard error
(Equation 2.12), and µ1 - µ2 is the population contrast specified in H0. For a
nil hypothesis, µ1 - µ2 = 0.
Suppose that patients given an established treatment score on average
10 points more than control cases on an outcome where higher scores are better.
A new treatment is devised that is hoped to be even more effective; otherwise,
there is no need to abandon the old treatment. If population 1 corresponds to
the new treatment and population 2 is control, the non-nil hypothesis
H0 : µ1 – µ 2 = 10.00

is more appropriate than the nil hypothesis

H 0 : µ1 – µ 2 = 0
because the effect of the old treatment is not zero. Results from a study of the
new treatment are
M1 – M2 = 15.00, n1 = n 2 = 25, sM − M = 4.501 2

For a two-tailed H1, results of the t test for the two null hypotheses are
15.00 − 10.00
t non-nil ( 48 ) = = 1.11, p = .272
t nil ( 48 ) = = 3.33, p = .002

This example illustrates the principle that the relative rareness of data under
implausible null hypotheses compared with more null plausible hypotheses
is exaggerated (respectively, .002 vs. .272). This is why Rouder, Speckman,
Sun, and Morey (2009) wrote, “As a rule of thumb, hypothesis testing should
be reserved for those cases in which the researcher will entertain the null as
theoretically interesting and plausible, at least approximately” (p. 235).

78       beyond significance testing

Computer tools for statistical analyses generally assume nil hypoth-
eses and offer no option to specify non-nil hypotheses. It is no problem
to calculate the t test by hand for non-nil hypotheses, but it is practically
impossible to do so for many other tests (e.g., F). It is ironic that modern
computer tools for statistics are so inflexible in their nil-hypothesis-centric
Power of the independent samples t test is greatest in balanced designs
with the same number of cases in each group. There is loss of power in unbal-
anced designs even if the total number of cases is equal for a balanced versus
unbalanced design. Rosenthal, Rosnow, and Rubin (2000) showed that the
power loss for an unbalanced design where n1 = 70 and n2 = 30 is equivalent
to losing 16 cases (16% of the sample) from the balanced design where n1 =
n2 = 50. Relative power generally decreases as the group size disparity increases
in unbalanced designs.
The form of the t test for a dependent mean contrast is

MD − µ D
t ( n − 1) = (3.6)

where the degrees of freedom are the group size (n) minus 1, MD and sMD
are, respectively, the observed mean difference score and its standard error
(Equation 2.20), and µD is the population dependent mean contrast specified
in H0. The latter is zero for a nil hypothesis.
Assuming a nil hypothesis, both forms of the t test defined express a
contrast as the proportion of its standard error. If t = 1.50, for example, the
first mean is 1½ standard errors higher than the second, but the sign of t is
arbitrary because it depends on the direction of subtraction. You should know
that the standard error metric of t is affected by sample size. Suppose descrip-
tive statistics for two groups in a balanced design are

M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50 and M2 = 11.00, s22 = 5.00

which imply M1 – M2 = 2.00. Reported in Table 3.2 are results of the indepen-
dent samples t test for these data at three different group sizes, n = 5, 15, and
30. Note that the pooled within-groups variance, s pool 2
= 6.25 (Equation 2.13),
is unaffected by group size. This is not true for the denominator of t, sM1 - M2,
which gets smaller as n increases. This causes the value of t to go up and its
p value to go down for the larger group sizes. Consequently, the test for n = 5 is
not statistically significant at p < .05, but it is for the larger group sizes. Results
for the latter indicate less sampling error but not a larger effect size. Exercise 1
asks you to verify the results in Table 3.2 for n = 15.

logic and illogic of significance testing      79

Table 3.2
Results of the Independent Samples t Test at Three Different Group Sizes
Group size (n)
Statistic 5 15 30

sM1-M2 1.581 .913 .645

t 1.26 2.19 3.10
dfW 8 28 58
p .242 .037 .003
t2-tail, .05 2.306 2.048 2.002
95% CI for µ1 - µ2 -1.65, 5.65 .13, 3.87 .71, 3.29
Note.  For all analyses, M1 = 13.00, s 12 = 7.50, M2 = 11.00, s 22 = 5.00, s 2pool = 6.25, and p values are two-tailed
and for a nil hypothesis. CI = confidence interval.

The standard error metric of t is also affected by whether the means are
independent or dependent. Look back at Table 2.2, which lists raw scores and
descriptive statistics for two samples where M1 – M2 = 2.00, s 21 = 7.50, and s 22 =
5.00. Summarized next for these data are results of the t test and confidence
intervals assuming n = 5 in each of two independent samples:

M1 − M2 = 2.00, sM − M = 1.581, tind (8) = 1.26, p = .242

1 2

95% ci for µ1 − µ 2 [ −1.65, 5.65]

Results for the same data but now assuming n = 5 pairs of scores across depen-
dent samples are

MD = 2.00, r12 = .735, sM = .837, t dep ( 4 ) = 2.39, p = .075


95% ci for µ D [ −.32, 4.32 ]

Note the smaller standard error, higher value of t and its lower p value, and the
narrower 95% confidence interval in the dependent samples analysis relative
to the independent samples analysis of the same raw scores. The assumptions
of the t tests are the same as those of the independent samples F test, which
are considered in the next section.
The Welch t test, also called the Welch–James t test (e.g., James, 1951),
for independent samples assumes normality but not homoscedasticity. Its
equation is

( M1 − M 2 ) − ( µ1 − µ 2)
t wel ( dfwel ) = (3.7)

80       beyond significance testing

where sWel and the estimated degrees of freedom dfWel are defined by, respec-
tively, Equations 2.15 and 2.16. The Welch t test is generally more accurate
than the standard t test when the population distributions are heteroscedastic
but normal (Keselman et al., 2008). But neither test may be accurate when
the population distributions are not normal, the group sizes are both small
and unequal, or there are outliers.

F Tests for Means

The t test analyzes focused comparisons (contrasts) between two

means. A contrast is a single-df effect that addresses a specific question, such
as whether treatment and control differ. The F test can analyze focused com-
parisons, too (t2 = F for a contrast). But only F can also be used in omnibus
comparisons that simultaneously compare at least three means for equality.
Suppose factor A has a = 3 levels. Its omnibus effect has two degrees of
freedom (dfA = 2), and the hypotheses tested by F for this effect are listed next:

H0 : µ1 = µ 2 = µ 3 and H1 : µ1 ≠ µ 2 ≠ µ 3 ( i.e., not H0 )

Rejecting H0 says only that differences among M1, M2, and M3 are unlikely.
This result alone is not very informative. A researcher may be more inter-
ested in focused comparisons, such as whether each of two treatment condi-
tions differs from control, which break down the omnibus effect into specific
directional effects. Thus, it is common practice either to follow an omni-
bus comparison with contrasts or to forgo the omnibus test and analyze only
contrasts. The logic of the F test in single-factor designs with a ≥ 3 levels is
considered next. Chapter 7 addresses contrast analysis in such designs, and
Chapter 8 covers designs with multiple factors.

Independent Samples

The general form of the F test for independent samples is

F ( dfA , dfW ) = (3.8)

where dfA = a – 1 and dfW are the pooled within-groups degrees of freedom, or
a a
dfW = ∑ dfi = ∑ (n i − 1) = N − a (3.9)
i =1 i =1

logic and illogic of significance testing      81

The numerator is the between-groups mean square. Its equation is

∑ n i (Mi − MT )2
MSA = = i =1
dfA a −1

where SSA is the between-groups sum of squares, ni and Mi are, respectively,

the size and mean of the ith group, and MT is the grand mean. This term
reflects group size and sources of variation that lead to unequal group means,
including sampling error or a real effect of factor A.
The denominator of F is the pooled within-groups variance MSW, and
it measures only error variance. This is because cases within each group are
all treated the same, so variation of scores around group means has nothing
to do with any effect of the factor. This error term is not affected by group
size because functions of n appear in both its numerator and its denominator,

∑ dfi (si2 )
MSW = = i =1
∑ dfi
i =1

where s 2i is the variance of the ith group. If there are only two groups, MSW =
s 2pool, and only in a balanced design can MSW also be computed as the aver-
age of the within-groups variances. The total sum of squares SST is the sum
of SSA and SSW; it can also be computed as the sum of squared deviations of
individual scores from the grand mean.
Presented next are descriptive statistics for three groups:

M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50 M2 = 11.00, s22 = 5.00 M3 = 12.00, s32 = 4.00

Reported in Table 3.3 are the results of F tests for these data at group sizes n = 5,
15, and 30. Note in the table that MSW = 5.50 regardless of group size. But both
MSA and F increase along with the group size, which also progressively lowers
p values from .429 for n = 5 to .006 for n = 30. Exercise 2 asks you to verify
results in Table 3.3 for n = 30.
Equation 3.10 for MSA defines a weighted means analysis where squared
deviations of group means from the grand mean are weighted by group size.
If the design is unbalanced, means from bigger groups get more weight. This
may not be a problem if unequal group sizes reflect unequal population base
rates. Otherwise, an unweighted means analysis may be preferred where all
means are given the same weight by (a) computing the grand mean as the

82       beyond significance testing

Table 3.3
Results of the Independent Samples F Test at Three Different Group Sizes
Source SS df MS F

Between (A)  10.00  2  5.00  .91a
Within (error)  66.00 12  5.50
Total  76.00 14

n = 15
Between (A)  30.00  2 15.00 2.73b
Within (error) 231.00 42  5.50
Total 261.00 44

n = 30
Between (A)  60.00  2 30.00 5.45c
Within (error) 478.50 87  5.50
Total 538.50 89
Note.  For all analyses, M1 = 13.00, s 12 = 7.50, M2 = 11.00, s 22 = 5.00, M3 = 12.00, and s 23 = 4.00.
ap = .429. bp = .077. cp = .006.

simple arithmetic average of the group means and (b) substituting the har-
monic mean nh for the actual group sizes in Equation 3.10:

nh = (3.12)
i =1 i

Results of weighted versus unweighted analysis for the same data tend to
diverge as group sizes are increasingly unbalanced.
The assumptions of the t tests are the same as for the independent sam-
ples F test. They are stated in many introductory books as independence,
normality, and homoscedasticity, but there are actually more. Two are that
(a) the factor is fixed and (b) all its levels are represented in the study. Levels
of fixed effects factors are intentionally selected for investigation, such as
the equally spaced drug dosages 0 (control), 3, 6, 9, and 12 mg  kg-1. Because
these levels are not randomly selected, the results may not generalize to other
dosages not studied, such as 15 mg  kg-1. Levels of random effects factors
are randomly selected, which yields over replications a representative sample
from all possible levels. A control factor is a special kind of random factor
that is not itself of interest but is included for the sake of generality (Keppel
& Wickens, 2004). An example is when participants are randomly assigned
to receive different versions of a vocabulary test. Using different word lists

logic and illogic of significance testing      83

may enhance generalizability compared with using a single list. Designs with
random factors are dealt with in Chapters 7 and 8.
A third additional requirement is that the factor affects only means;
that is, it does not also change the shapes or variances of distributions. Some
actual treatments affect both means and variances, including certain medi-
cations for high blood pressure (Webb, Fischer, & Rothwell, 2011). Such a
pattern could arise due to a nonadditive effect where treatment does not have
the same efficacy for all cases. For example, a drug may be more effective for
men than women. A conditional treatment effect in human studies is called
a person × treatment interaction. Interactions can be estimated in factorial
designs but not in single-factor designs, because there is no systematic effect
other than that of the sole factor. Altogether, these additional requirements
are more restrictive than many researchers realize.
It is beyond the scope of this section to review the relatively large
literature about consequences of violating the assumptions of the F test
(e.g., Glass, Peckham, & Sanders, 1972; Keppel & Wickens, 2004; Winer,
Brown, & Michels, 1991), so this summary is selective. The independence
assumption is critical because nonindependence can seriously bias p val-
ues. Too many researchers believe that the normality and homoscedas-
ticity assumptions can be violated with relative impunity. But results by
Wilcox (1998) and Wilcox and Keselman (2003), among others, indi-
cated that (a) even small departures from normality can seriously distort
the results and (b) the combination of small and unequal group sizes and
homoscedasticity can have similar consequences. Outliers can also distort
outcomes of the F test.

Dependent Samples

The variances MSA and MSW are calculated the same way regardless of
whether the samples are independent or dependent (Equations 3.10–3.11),
but the latter no longer reflects only error variance in correlated designs.
This is due to the subjects effect. It is estimated for factors with ≥ 3 levels
as Mcov, the average covariance over all pairs of conditions. The subtraction
MSW – Mcov literally removes the subjects effect from the pooled within-
conditions variance and also defines the error term for the dependent sam-
ples F test. A similar subtraction removes the subjects effect from the error
term of the dependent samples t test (Equation 2.21).
An additive model assumes that the quantity MSW – Mcov reflects only
sampling error. In some sources, this error term is designated as MSres, where
the subscript refers to residual variance after removal of the subjects effect.
A nonadditive model assumes that the error term reflects both random
error and a true person × treatment interaction where some unmeasured

84       beyond significance testing

characteristic of cases either amplifies or diminishes the effect of factor A
for some, but not all, cases. The error term for a nonadditive model may be
called MSA×S, where the subscript reflects this assumption. Unfortunately, it
is not possible to separately estimate variability due to random error versus
true person × treatment interaction when each case is measured just once in
each condition in a single-factor design. This implies that MSres = MSA×S in the
same data set, so the distinction between them for now is more conceptual
than practical. In Chapter 7, I consider cases where assumptions of additive
versus nonadditive models in correlated designs can make a difference in
effect size estimation.
For a nonadditive model, the general form of the dependent samples
F test is

F(dfA , dfA×S ) = (3.13)

where dfA × S = (a – 1) (n – 1) and MSA × S = MSW – Mcov. The latter can also
be expressed as


MSA×S = = (3.14)
dfA×S dfW − dfS

where SSS is the sum of squares for the subjects effect with dfS = n – 1 degrees
of freedom. Equation 3.14 shows the decomposition of the total within-
conditions sum of squares into two parts, one due to the subjects effect and
the other related to error, or SSW = SSS + SSA × S.
The potential power advantage of the dependent samples F test over
the independent samples F test is demonstrated next. Data for three samples
are presented in Table 3.4. Results of two different F tests with these data are
reported in Table 3.5. The first analysis assumes n = 5 cases in each of three
independent samples, and the second analysis assumes n = 5 triads of scores
across three dependent samples. Only the second analysis takes account of
the positive correlations between each pair of conditions (see Table 3.4).
Observe the higher F and the lower p values for the dependent sample analy-
sis (Table 3.5). Exercise 3 asks you to verify the results of the dependent
samples F test in Table 3.5.
The dependent samples F test assumes normality. Expected depen-
dency among scores due to the subjects effect is removed from the error term
(Equation 3.14), so the assumptions of homoscedasticity and independence
concern error variances across the levels of the factor. The latter implies that
error variance in the first condition has nothing to do with error variance in

logic and illogic of significance testing      85

Table 3.4
Raw Scores and Descriptive Statistics for Three Samples

1 2 3

9 8 13
12 12 14
13 11 16
15 10 14
16 14 18
M 13.00 11.00 15.00
s2 7.50 5.00 4.00
Note.  In a dependent samples analysis, r12 = .7348, r13 = .7303, and r23 = .8385.

the second condition, and so on. This is a strong assumption and probably
often implausible, too. This is because error variance from measurements
taken close in time, such as adjacent trials in a learning task, may well over-
lap. This autocorrelation of the errors may be less with longer measurement
intervals, but autocorrelated error occurs in many within-subjects designs.
Another assumption for factors with ≥ 3 levels is sphericity (circular-
ity), or the requirement for equal population variances of difference scores
between every pair of conditions, such as

σ 2D = σ 2D = σ 2D
12 13 23

Table 3.5
Results of the Independent Samples F  Test and the Dependent
Samples F  Test for the Data in Table 3.4
Source SS df MS F

Independent samples analysis

Between (A)  40.00  2 20.00  3.64a
Within (error)  66.00 12  5.50
Total 106.00 14

Dependent samples analysis

Between (A)  40.00  2 20.00 14.12b
Within  66.00 12  5.50
 Subjects 54.67 4 13.67
  A × S (error) 11.33 8  1.42
Total 106.00 14
ap = .058.  b p = .002.

86       beyond significance testing

in designs with three dependent samples. Even relatively small violations of
this requirement lead to positive bias (H0 is rejected too often). There are
statistical tests intended to detect violation of sphericity, such as Mauchly’s
test, but they lack power in smaller samples and rely on other assumptions,
such as normality, that may be untenable. Such tests are not generally useful
(see Baguley, 2004). Keppel and Wickens (2004) suggested that (a) sphericity
is doubtful in most studies and (b) researchers should direct their efforts to
controlling bias. Exercise 4 asks you to explain why the sphericity require-
ment does not apply to the dependent samples t test.
Summarized next are basic options for dealing with the sphericity
assumption in correlated designs; see Keselman, Algina, and Kowalchuk
(2001) for more information:
1. Assume maximal violation of sphericity, compute F in the usual
way, but compare it against a higher critical value with 1, n – 1
degrees of freedom, which makes the test more conservative.
This method is the Geisser–Greenhouse conservative test.
2. Measure the degree of departure from sphericity with estimated
epsilon, ε̂. It ranges from 1/(a - 1) for maximal departure to 1.00
for no departure. The two degrees of freedom for the critical
value for F (between-conditions, within-conditions) are then
computed as, respectively, ε̂ (a - 1) and ε̂ (a - 1) (n - 1), which
makes the test more conservative for ε̂ < 1.00. Names for ε̂
include the Box correction, Geisser–Greenhouse epsilon, and
Huynh–Feldt epsilon.
3. Conduct focused comparisons instead of the omnibus compari-
son, where each contrast has its own error term, so the spheric-
ity requirement does not apply. This contrast test is actually a
form of the dependent samples t test.
4. Analyze the data with multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA), which treats difference scores as multiple, corre-
lated outcomes in univariate within-subjects designs (Huberty &
Olejnik, 2006). Equal error variances are assumed in MANOVA,
but autocorrelation is allowed.
5. Use a statistical modeling technique, such as structural equa-
tion modeling or hierarchical linear modeling, that allows for
both unequal and correlated error variances in within-subjects
designs (e.g., Kline, 2010).
6. Use nonparametric bootstrapping to construct an empirical sam-
pling distribution for dependent samples F. The critical value for
a = .05 falls at the 95th percentile in this distribution. Sphericity
is not assumed, but this tactic is not ideal in small samples.

logic and illogic of significance testing      87

7. Use a robust test for correlated designs based on trimmed means
and nonparametric bootstrapping (e.g., Keselman, Kowalchuk,
Algina, Lix, & Wilcox, 2000).

Analysis of Variance as Multiple Regression

All forms of ANOVA are nothing more than special cases of multiple
regression. In the latter, predictors can be either continuous or categorical
(Cohen, 1968). It is also possible in multiple regression to estimate interaction
or curvilinear effects. In theory, one needs just a regression computer procedure
to conduct any kind of ANOVA. The advantage of doing so is that regression
output routinely contains effect sizes in the form of regression coefficients and
the overall multiple correlation (or R2). Unfortunately, some researchers do not
recognize these statistics as effect sizes and emphasize only patterns of statistical
significance. Some ANOVA computer procedures print source tables with no
effect sizes, but it is easy to calculate some of the same effect sizes seen in regres-
sion output from values in source tables (see Chapter 5).

c2 Test of Association

Whether there is a statistical association between two categorical

variables is the question addressed by the c2 test. A two-way contingency
table summarizes the data analyzed by this test. Presented in the top half
of Table 3.6 is a 2 × 2 cross-tabulation with frequencies of treatment and
control cases (n = 40 each) that either recovered or did not recover. A total
of 24 cases in the treatment group recovered, or .60. Among control cases,
16 cases recovered, or .40. The recovery rate among treated cases is thus .20
higher than among untreated cases.
The c2 statistic for two-way contingency tables is

r c
( fo − fe )2
χ2 [( r − 1)( c − 1)] = ∑ ∑ ij ij
i =1 j =1 fe

where the degrees of freedom are the product of the number of rows (r)
minus one and the number of columns (c) minus one; foij is the observed fre-
quency for the cell in the ith row and jth column; and feij is the expected fre-
quency for the same cell under the nil hypothesis that the two variables are
unrelated. There is a quick way to compute by hand the expected frequency
for any cell: Divide the product of the row and column (marginal) totals for
that cell by the total number of cases, N. It is that simple. Assumptions of

88       beyond significance testing

Table 3.6
Results of the Chi-Square Test of Association for the Same
Proportions at Different Group Sizes

Observed frequencies

Group n Recovered Not recovered Recovery rate c2 (1)

n = 40
Treatment  40 24 16 .60 3.20a
Control  40 16 24 .40
Total  80 40 40

n = 80
Treatment  80 48 32 .60 6.40b
Control  80 32 48 .40
Total 160 80 80
p = .074. 
a p = .011.

the c2 test include independence, mutually exclusive cells in the contin-

gency table, and a sample size large enough so that the minimum expected
frequency is at least 5 in 2 × 2 tables.
For the contingency table in the top part of Table 3.6, the expected
value for every cell is

fe = ( 40 × 40 ) 80 = 20

which shows the pattern under H0 where the recovery rate is identical in the
two groups (20/40, or .50). The test statistic for n = 40 is

χ2 (1) = 3.20, p = .074

so H0 is not rejected at the .05 level. (You should verify this result.) The effect
of increasing the group size on c2 while keeping all else constant is demon-
strated in the lower part of Table 3.6. For example, H0 is rejected at the .05
level for n = 80 because

χ2 (1) = 6.40, p = .011

even though the difference in the recovery rate is still .20. Exercise 5 asks you
to verify the results of the c2 test for the group size n = 80 in Table 3.6.

logic and illogic of significance testing      89

Robust Tests

Classical nonparametric tests are alternatives to the parametric t and

F tests for means (e.g., the Mann–Whitney test is the nonparametric ana-
logue to the t test). Nonparametric tests generally work by converting the
original scores to ranks. They also make fewer assumptions about the distri-
butions of those ranks than do parametric tests applied to the original scores.
Nonparametric tests date to the 1950s–1960s, and they share some limita-
tions. One is that they are not generally robust against heteroscedasticity, and
another is that their application is typically limited to single-factor designs
(Erceg-Hurn & Mirosevich, 2008).
Modern robust tests are an alternative. They are generally more flex-
ible than nonparametric tests and can be applied in designs with multiple
factors. The robust tests described next assume a trimming proportion of .20.
Selecting a different trimming proportion based on inspecting the data may
yield incorrect results. This is because these robust tests do not control for
post hoc trimming, so their p values may be wrong if any trimming proportion
other than .20 is specified (Keselman et al., 2008).
Presented next is the equation for Yuen–Welch t test based on trimmed

( Mtr1 − Mtr2 ) − ( µ tr1 − µ tr2 )

t Yw ( dfYw ) = (3.16)

where the robust standard error sYW and degrees of freedom dfYW adjusted
for heteroscedasticity are defined by, respectively, Equations 2.32 and 2.33.
There is also a robust Welch–James t test, but the robust Yuen–Welch t test
may yield effective levels of Type I error that are slightly closer to stated levels
of a over random samples (Wilcox, 2012).
Listed next are values of robust estimators for the data from two groups
in Table 2.4:

Mtr1 = 23.00, s2win 1 = 18.489, w1 = 5.547

Mtr2 = 17.00, s2win 2 = 9.067, w2 = 2.720
Mtr1 − Mtr2 = 6.00, sYw = 2.875, dfYw = 8.953

The value of the Yuen–Welch t statistic is

t Yw ( 8.953) = = 2.09

90       beyond significance testing

and t2-tail, .05 (8.953) = 2.264. Thus, the nil hypothesis H0: µtr1 – µtr2 = 0 is not
rejected at the .05 level. This outcome is consistent with the robust 95%
confidence interval for µtr1 – µtr2 of [-.51, 12.51] computed for the same data
in Chapter 2 with the Yuen–Welch method.
Robust nonparametric bootstrapping is another way to estimate criti-
cal values for a robust test. For example, the critical values for the test of H1:
µtr1 - µtr2 ≠ 0 fall at the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles in the empirical sampling
distribution of the robust Yuen–Welch t statistic generated in nonparametric
bootstrapping. Unlike critical values based on central t distributions, these
bootstrapped critical values do not assume normality. The bootstrapping
option for robust t tests generally requires group sizes of n > 20.
Keselman et al. (2000, 2008) described extensions of the robust
Welch t test for contrasts in between-subjects factorial designs, and
Keselman et al. (2000) found that a version of the robust Welch test con-
trolled Type I error reasonably well in correlated designs where the sphe-
ricity assumption is violated. Source code by Keselman et al. (2008) in
the SAS/IML programming language that conducts the robust Welch t
test with nonparametric bootstrapping can be downloaded.3 See Wilcox
(2012) for descriptions of additional robust tests based on trimmed means
and Winsorized variances.
Erceg-Hurn and Mirosevich (2008) described a class of robust tests
based on ranks that are generally better than classical nonparametric tech-
niques. They can also be applied in designs with multiple factors. One is the
Brunner–Dette–Munk test based on the ANOVA-type statistic (ATS),
which tests the null hypothesis that both the population distributions and
relative treatment effects are identical over conditions. Relative treatment
effects are estimated by converting the original scores to ranks and then
computing the proportion of scores in each condition that are higher (or
lower) on the outcome variable than all cases in the whole design. Relative
treatment effects range from 0 to 1.00, and they all equal .50 under a nil
hypothesis. Macros in the SAS/STAT programming language for calculat-
ing the ATS in factorial designs can be downloaded from the website of the
Abteilung Medizinische Statistik at Universitätsmedizin Göttingen.4 Wilcox
(2012) described packages for R that calculate the ATS.
At the end of the day, robust statistical tests are subject to many of the
same limitations as other statistical tests. For example, they assume random
sampling albeit from population distributions that may be nonnormal or het-
eroscedastic; they also assume that sampling error is the only source of error


logic and illogic of significance testing      91

variance. Alternative tests, such as the Welch–James and Yuen–Welch ver-
sions of a robust t test, do not always yield the same p value for the same data,
and it is not always clear which alternative is best (Wilcox, 2003). They are
also subject to most of the cognitive distortions described in the next chapter.
Researchers should not imagine that they hear in robust tests a siren’s song to
suspend critical judgment about significance testing.


Outcomes of statistical tests rely on many assumptions that are far-

fetched in most studies. Classical parametric tests depend on distributional
assumptions, such as normality and homoscedasticity, that are probably unten-
able in many analyses. Robust tests ease some distributional assumptions, but
their p values may still be generally incorrect in actual data sets, especially
in samples that are not random. The default null hypothesis in significance
testing is a nil hypothesis, which is often known to be false before the data are
collected. That most researchers disregard power also complicates the inter-
pretation of outcomes of statistical tests. For all these reasons, p values in
computer output should never be literally interpreted. Additional problems of
statistical tests and related myths are considered in the next chapter.

Learn More

F. L. Schmidt (1996) reviews problems with overreliance on signifi-

cance testing. Appropriate types of power analysis are considered by O’Keefe
(2007), and Keselman et al. (2008) introduces robust hypothesis testing with
trimmed means in various designs.
Keselman, H. J., Algina, J., Lix, L. M., Wilcox, R. R., & Deering, K. N. (2008). A
generally robust approach for testing hypotheses and setting confidence inter-
vals for effect sizes. Psychological Methods, 13, 110–129. doi: 10.1037/1082-989X.
O’Keefe, D. J. (2007). Post hoc power, observed power, retrospective power,
prospective power, achieved power: Sorting out appropriate uses of power
analyses. Communication Methods and Measures, 1, 291–299. doi:10.1080/
Schmidt, F. L. (1996). Statistical significance testing and cumulative knowledge in
psychology: Implications for the training of researchers. Psychological Methods,
1, 115–129. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.115

92       beyond significance testing


1. For the results reported in Table 3.2, conduct the t test for inde-
pendent samples for n = 15 and construct the 95% confidence
interval for µ1 – µ2.
2. For the results listed in Table 3.3, conduct the F test for inde-
pendent samples for n = 30.
3. For the data in Table 3.4, verify the results of the dependent
samples F test in Table 3.5. Calculate the source table by hand
using four-decimal accuracy for the error term.
4. Explain why the dependent samples t test does not assume
5. For the data in Table 3.6, verify the results of the c2 test for
n = 80.

logic and illogic of significance testing      93

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Cognitive Distortions in
Significance Testing

If psychologists are so smart, why are they so confused? Why is statistics

carried out like compulsive hand washing?
—Gerd Gigerenzer (2004, p. 590)

Many false beliefs are associated with significance testing. Most involve
exaggerating what can be inferred from either rejecting or failing to reject a
null hypothesis. Described next are the “Big Five” misinterpretations with
estimates of their base rates among psychology professors and students. Also
considered in this chapter are variations on the Intro Stats method that may
be helpful in some situations. Reject-support testing is assumed instead of
accept-support testing, but many of the arguments can be reframed for the
latter. I assume also that a = .05, but the issues dealt with next apply to any
other criterion level of statistical significance.

Big Five Misinterpretations

Please take a moment to review the correct interpretation of statisti-

cal significance (see Chapter 3). Briefly, p < .05 means that the likelihood
of the data or results even more extreme given random sampling under the

DOI: 10.1037/14136-004
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Table 4.1
The Big Five Misinterpretations of p < .05 and Base Rates
Among Psychology Professors and Students
Base rate (%)

Fallacy Description Professorsa Studentsb

Misinterpretations of p
Odds against chance Likelihood that result is due to — —
chance is < 5%
Local Type I error Likelihood that Type I error was 67–73 68
just committed is < 5%
Inverse probability Likelihood that H0 is true is < 5% 17–36 32

Misinterpretations of 1 – p
Validity Likelihood that H1 is true is > 95% 33–66 59
Replicability Likelihood that result will be 37–60 41
replicated is > 95%
Note.  Table adapted from R. B. Kline, 2009, Becoming a Behavioral Science Researcher: A Guide to
Producing Research That Matters, p. 125, New York, Guilford Press. Copyright 2009 by Guilford Press.
Adapted with permission. Dashes (—) indicate the absence of estimated base rates.
aHaller and Krauss (2002), Oakes (1986). bHaller and Krauss (2002).

null hypothesis is < .05, assuming that all distributional requirements of the
test statistic are satisfied and there are no other sources of error variance. Let
us refer to any correct definition as p (D +H0), which emphasizes p as the
conditional probability of the data under H0 given all the other assumptions
just mentioned.
Listed in Table 4.1 are the Big Five false beliefs about statistical signifi-
cance. Three concern p values, but two others involve their complements,
or 1 - p. Also reported in the table are base rates in samples of psychol-
ogy professors or students (Haller & Krauss, 2002; Oakes, 1986). Overall,
psychology students are no worse than their professors regarding erroneous
beliefs. These poor results are not specific to psychology (e.g., forecasting;
Armstrong, 2007). It is also easy to find similar misunderstandings in jour-
nal articles and statistics textbooks (e.g., Cohen, 1994; Gigerenzer, 2004).
These results indicate that myths about significance testing are passed on
from teachers and published works to students.

Odds-Against-Chance Fallacy

This myth is so pervasive that I believe the odds-against-chance fallacy

(Carver, 1978) is the biggest of the Big Five. It concerns the false belief that
p indicates the probability that a result happened by sampling error; thus,

96       beyond significance testing

p < .05 says that there is less than a 5% likelihood that a particular finding
is due to chance. There is a related misconception I call the filter myth,
which says that p values sort results into two categories, those that are a result
of “chance” (H0 not rejected) and others that are due to “real” effects (H0
rejected). These beliefs are wrong for the reasons elaborated next.
When p is calculated, it is already assumed that H0 is true, so the prob-
ability that sampling error is the only explanation is already taken to be 1.00.
It is thus illogical to view p as measuring the likelihood of sampling error.
Thus, p does not apply to a particular result as the probability that sampling
error was the sole causal agent. There is no such thing as a statistical tech-
nique that determines the probability that various causal factors, including
sampling error, acted on a particular result. Instead, inference about causa-
tion is a rational exercise that considers results within the context of design,
measurement, and analysis. Besides, virtually all sample results are affected
by error of some type, including measurement error.
I am not aware of an estimate of the base rate of this fallacy, but I believe
that it is nearly universal. This is because one can find this misinterpretation
just about everywhere. Try this exercise: Enter the term define: statistical signifi-
cance in the search box of Google. What you will then find displayed on your
computer monitor are hundreds of incorrect definitions, most of which invoke
the odds-against-chance fallacy. Granted, these web pages are not academic
sources, but similar errors are readily found in educational works, too.

Local Type I Error Fallacy

Most psychology students and professors may endorse the local Type I
error fallacy (Table 4.1). It is the mistaken belief that p < .05 given a = .05
means that the likelihood that the decision just taken to reject H0 is a Type I
error is less than 5%. Pollard (1993) described this fallacy as confusing the
conditional probability of a Type I error, or

α = p ( reject H0 H0 true)

with the conditional posterior probability of a Type I error given that H0 has
been rejected, or

p ( H0 true reject H0 )

But p values from statistical tests are conditional probabilities of data, so

they do not apply to any specific decision to reject H0. This is because any
particular decision to do so is either right or wrong, so no probability is associ-
ated with it (other than 0 or 1.0). Only with sufficient replication could one
determine whether a decision to reject H0 in a particular study was correct.

cognitive distortions in significance testing      97

Inverse Probability Fallacy

About one third of psychology students and professors endorse the

inverse probability error (Table 4.1), also known as the fallacy of the trans-
posed conditional (Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008), the Bayesian Id’s wishful
thinking error (Gigerenzer, 1993), and the permanent illusion (Gigerenzer
& Murray, 1987) due to its persistence over time and disciplines. It was
defined earlier as the false belief that p measures the likelihood that H0 is true,
given the data. A researcher who interprets the result p < .05 as saying that
H0 is true with a probability < .05 commits this error. It stems from forgetting
that p values are conditional probabilities of the data, or p (D + | H0), and not
of the null hypothesis, or p (H0D +). There are ways in Bayesian statistics to
estimate conditional probabilities of hypotheses (see Chapter 10) but not in
traditional significance testing.

Validity Fallacy

Two of the Big Five misunderstandings concern 1 - p. One is the valid

research hypothesis fallacy (Carver, 1978), which refers to the false belief
that the probability that H1 is true is > .95, given p < .05. The complement of
p is a probability, but 1 – p is just the probability of getting a result even less
extreme under H0 than the one actually found. This fallacy is endorsed by
most psychology students and professors (see Table 4.1).

Replicability Fallacy

About half of psychology students and professors endorse the replicabil-

ity fallacy (see Table 4.1), or the erroneous belief that the complement of p
indicates the probability of finding a statistically significant result in a replica-
tion study (Carver, 1978). Under this falsehood, given p < .05, a researcher
would infer that the probability of replication is > .95. If this fallacy were true,
knowing the probability of replication would be very useful. Alas, p is just the
probability of the data in a particular study under H0 under many stringent
You should know that there is a sense in which p values indirectly
concern replication, but the probability of the latter is not generally 1 – p.
Greenwald, Gonzalez, Harris, and Guthrie (1996) showed there is a curvilin-
ear relation between p values and the average statistical power in hypotheti-
cal random replications based on the same number of cases. In general, if the
population effect size is the same as that in a specific sample needed to obtain
p < .05, the probability that the same H0 will be rejected in a replication is
about .50, not .95.

98       beyond significance testing

Killeen (2005, 2006) described a point estimate of the probability of
getting statistical significance over random replications in the same direction
as in an original sample known as prep. The method for estimating prep assumes
that the observed effect size is the same as the population effect size, which is
unlikely. It is based on a random effects model for population effect sizes, which
assumes a distribution of population effect sizes, or that there is a different true
effect size for each study. Estimation of prep relies on accurate estimation of
variation in population effect sizes, or the realization variance.
Killeen (2006) described an inference model that replaces significance
testing with a utility theory approach based on prep and interval estimation.
It takes account of the seriousness of different types of decisions errors about
whether to replicate a particular study. An advantage of this framework is
that it makes apparent the falsehood that 1 – p is the probability of replica-
tion. Killeen suggested that prep may be less subject to misinterpretation, but
this remains to be seen. The estimate of prep also assumes random sampling,
which is difficult to justify in most studies; see J. Miller (2009) and Iverson
and Lee (2009) for additional criticisms. I believe it is better to actually con-
duct replications than to rely on statistical prediction.

Ubiquitary Nature of the Big Five

Results by Oakes (1986) and Haller and Krauss (2002) indicated that
virtually all psychology students and about 80 to 90% of psychology profes-
sors endorsed at least one of the Big Five false beliefs. So it seems that most
researchers believe for the case a = .01 and p < .01 that the result is very
unlikely to be due to sampling error and that the probability a Type I error was
just committed is just as unlikely (< .01 for both). Most researchers might also
conclude that H1 is very likely to be true, and many would also believe that
the result is very likely to replicate (> .99 for both). These (misperceived)
odds in favor of the researcher’s hypothesis are so good that it must be true,
right? The next (il)logical step would be to conclude that the result must
also be important. Why? Because it is significant! Of course, none of these
things are true, but the Big Five are hardly the end of cognitive distortions in
significance testing.

Mistaken Conclusions After Making a Decision

About the Null Hypothesis

Several different false conclusions may be reached after deciding to

reject or fail to reject H0. Most require little explanation about why they are

cognitive distortions in significance testing      99

Magnitude Fallacy

The magnitude fallacy is the false belief that low p values indicate large
effects. Cumming (2012) described a related error called the slippery slope
of significance that happens when a researcher ambiguously describes a result
for which p < a as “significant” without the qualifier “statistically” and then
later discusses the effect as if it were automatically “important” or “large.”
These conclusions are unwarranted because p values are confounded mea-
sures of effect size and sample size (see Equation 3.4). Thus, effects of trivial
magnitude need only a large enough sample to be statistically significant.
If the sample size is actually large, low p values just confirm a large sample,
which is circular logic (B. Thompson, 1992).

Meaningfulness Fallacy and Causality Fallacy

Under the meaningfulness fallacy, the researcher believes that rejec-

tion of H0 confirms H1. This myth actually reflects two cognitive errors. First,
the decision to reject H0 in a single study does not imply that H1 is “proven.”
Second, even if the statistical hypothesis H1 is correct, it does not mean that
the substantive hypothesis behind H1 is also correct. Statistical significance
does not “prove” any particular hypothesis, and there are times when the
same numerical result is equally consistent with more than one substantive
Statistical versus substantive hypotheses not only differ in their levels
of abstraction (statistical: lowest; scientific: highest) but also have different
implications following rejection of H0. If H0 and H1 reflect merely statistical
hypotheses, there is little to do after rejecting H0 except replication. But if
H1 stands for a scientific hypothesis, the work just begins after rejecting H0.
Part of the task involves evaluating competing substantive hypotheses that
are also compatible with the statistical hypothesis H1. If alternative expla-
nations cannot be ruled out, confidence in the original hypothesis must
be tempered. There is also the strategy of strong inference (Platt, 1964), in
which experiments are devised that would yield different results depending on
which competing explanation is correct. For the same reasons, the causality
fallacy that statistical significance means that the underlying causal mecha-
nism is identified is just that.

Zero Fallacy and Equivalence Fallacy

The zero fallacy or the slippery slope of nonsignificance (Cumming,

2012) is the mistaken belief that the failure to reject a nil hypothesis means
that the population effect size is zero. Maybe it is, but you cannot tell based

100       beyond significance testing

on a result in one sample, especially if power is low. In this case, the decision
to not reject a nil hypothesis would be a Type II error. Improper design, pro-
cedures, or measures can also lead to Type II errors. The equivalence fallacy
occurs when the failure to reject H0: µ1 = µ2 is interpreted as saying that the
populations are equivalent. This is wrong because even if µ1 = µ2, distribu-
tions can differ in other ways, such as variability or distribution shape. The
inference of equivalence would be just as wrong if this example concerned
reliability coefficients or validity coefficients that were not statistically dif-
ferent (B. Thompson, 2003). Proper methods for equivalence testing are
described later.

Quality Fallacy and Success Fallacy

The beliefs that getting statistical significance confirms the quality of

the experimental design and also indicates a successful study are, respec-
tively, the quality fallacy and the success fallacy. Poor study design or just
plain old sampling error can lead to incorrect rejection of H0, or Type I
error. Failure to reject H0 can also be the product of good science, especially
when a false claim is not substantiated by other researchers. You may have
heard about the case in the 1990s about a group of physics researchers who
claimed to have produced cold fusion (a low energy nuclear reaction) with
a simple laboratory apparatus. Other scientists were unable to replicate the
phenomenon, and the eventual conclusion was that the original claim was
an error. In an article about the warning signs of bogus science, Park (2003)
noted that
a PhD in science is not an inoculation against foolishness or mendacity,
and even some Nobel laureates seem to be a bit strange. The sad truth
is that there is no claim so preposterous that a PhD scientist cannot be
found to vouch for it. (p. 33)

In this case, lack of positive results from replication studies is informative.

Failure Fallacy

The failure fallacy is the mistaken belief that lack of statistical sig-
nificance brands the study as a failure. Gigerenzer (2004) recited this older
incantation about doctoral dissertations and the critical ratio, the predeces-
sor of p values: “A critical ratio of three [i.e., p < .01], or no PhD” (p. 589).
Although improper methods or low power can cause Type II errors, the failure
to reject H0 can be an informative result. Researchers tend to attribute fail-
ure to reject H0 to poor design rather than to the validity of the substantive
hypothesis behind H1 (Cartwright, 1973).

cognitive distortions in significance testing      101

Reification Fallacy

The reification fallacy is the faulty belief that failure to replicate a

result is the failure to make the same decision about H0 across studies (Dixon
& O’Reilly, 1999). In this view, a result is not considered replicated if H0 is
rejected in the first study but not in the second study. This sophism ignores
sample size, effect size, and power across different studies. Suppose a mean
difference is found in an initial study and a nil hypothesis is rejected. The
same contrast is found in a replication, but H0 is not rejected due to a smaller
sample size. There is evidence for replication even though different decisions
about H0 were made across the two studies (e.g., see Table 2.1).

Objectivity Fallacy

The myth that significance testing is an objective method of hypothesis

testing but all other inference models are subjective is the objectivity fallacy
(Gorard, 2006). To the contrary, there are many decisions to be made in sig-
nificance testing, some of which have little to do with substantive hypotheses
(see Chapter 3). Significance testing is objective in appearance only. It is also
not the only framework for testing hypotheses. Bayesian estimation as an
alternative to significance testing is considered in Chapter 10.

Sanctification Fallacy

The sanctification fallacy refers to dichotomous thinking about con-

tinuous p values. If a = .05, for example, p = .049 versus p = .051 are practi-
cally identical in terms of test outcomes. Yet a researcher may make a big
deal about the first but ignore the second. There is also evidence for the cliff
effect, which refers to an abrupt decline in the degree of confidence that an
effect exists for p just higher than .05 (Nelson, Rosenthal, & Rosnow, 1986).
Nelson et al. (1986) also found a second decline when p values were just above
.10. These changes in rated confidence are out of proportion to changes in
continuous p values. More recently, Poitevineau and Lecoutre (2001) found
that a minority of researchers exhibited the cliff effect, which is consistent
with the prior specification of a in the Neyman–Pearson approach. Other
researchers showed more gradual declines in confidence as p values increased,
which is more consistent with the Fisher approach. Just as the Intro Stats
method is a mishmash of Fisher’s and Neyman–Pearson’s models, so it seems
are researchers’ patterns of rated confidence as a function of p.
Differences between results that are “significant” versus “not signifi-
cant” by close margins, such as p = .03 versus p = .07 when a = .05, are them-
selves often not statistically significant. That is, relatively large changes in p

102       beyond significance testing

can correspond to small, nonsignificant changes in the underlying variable
(Gelman & Stern, 2006). This is another reason not to make big distinc-
tions among results with similar p values. There is also the bizarre practice of
describing results where p is just higher than a as “trends” or as “approaching
significance.” These findings are also typically interpreted along with statis-
tically significant ones. The problem is that results with p values just lower
than a (e.g., p = .049, a = .05) are almost never described as “approaching
nonsignificance” and subsequently discounted.

Robustness Fallacy

Classical parametric statistical tests are not robust against outliers or

violations of distributional assumptions, especially in small, unrepresentative
samples. But many researchers believe just the opposite, which is the robust-
ness fallacy. Indirect support for this claim comes from observations that most
researchers do not provide evidence about whether distributional or other
assumptions are met (e.g., Keselman et al., 1998; Onwuegbuzie, 2002). These
surveys reflect a large gap between significance testing as described in text-
books and its use in practice. The fact that most articles fail to reassure readers
that the results are trustworthy is part of the reporting crisis (see Chapter 1).
It is too bad that most researchers ignore this sound advice of Wilkinson and
the TFSI (1999): Address data integrity before presenting the results. This
includes any complications, such as missing data or distributional anomalies
and steps taken to remedy them (e.g., robust estimation, transformations).
This quote attributed to the Scottish author George MacDonald is apropos for
researchers: “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

Why So Many Myths?

Many fallacies involve wishful thinking about things that researchers

really want to know. These include the probability that H0 or H1 is true, the
likelihood of replication, and the chance that a particular decision to reject
H0 is wrong. Alas, statistical tests tell us only the conditional probability of the
data. Cohen (1994) noted that no statistical technique applied in individual
studies can fulfill this wish list. Bayesian methods are an exception because
they estimate conditional probabilities of hypotheses (see Chapter 10). But
there is a method that can tell us what we want to know. It is not a statistical
technique; rather, it is good, old-fashioned replication, which is also the best
way to deal with the problem of sampling error.
Most people who use statistical tests have science backgrounds, so why
is there so much misunderstanding about significance testing? Two possibilities

cognitive distortions in significance testing      103

were offered in Chapter 1: It is hard for people (scientists included) to change
bad habits. There is conflict of interest in playing the significance game, or
the well-trodden routine of promising asterisks (statistical significance) for
money from granting agencies, and then delivering those asterisks in written
summaries with little understanding of what the presence versus absence of
those asterisks really means (if anything) before promising more asterisks,
and so on. It is also true that careers in behavioral research are generally
based on amassing large piles of asterisks over the years, and some researchers
may resist, as Leo Tolstoy put it, any pressure to “admit the falsity of conclu-
sions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have
proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into
the fabric of their lives” (as cited in Gleick, 1987, p. 38).
An additional factor is that it is hard to explain the convoluted logic
of significance testing and dispel confusion about it (Pollard, 1993). Authors
who defend significance testing concede widespread false beliefs but note that
users are responsible for misinterpretations (e.g., Hurlbert & Lombardi, 2009,
p. 337, “Researchers, heal thyselves! No fault lies with the significance test!”)
Critics counter that any method with so much potential to be misconstrued
must bear some blame. It is also clear that the cliché of “better teaching”
about significance testing has not in more than 60 years improved the situa-
tion (Fidler et al., 2004).
Another problem is that people readily make judgment errors based
on perceived probabilities of events, sometimes at great cost to their per-
sonal well-being (e.g., gambler’s fallacy). It is especially difficult for people to
think correctly and consistently about conditional probabilities, which are
ratios of event probabilities (e.g., Dawes, 2001). A complication is the phe-
nomenon of illusory correlation, or the expectation that two things should
be correlated when in fact they are not. If such expectations are based on
apparently logical associations, the false belief that two things go together
can be very resistant to disconfirmation. Semantic associations between the
concepts of “chance” and “data” combined with poor inherent probabilistic
reasoning may engender illusory correlation in significance testing (e.g., the
odds-against-chance fallacy). Once engrained, such false beliefs are hard to
change. But stripping away the many illusions linked with significance test-
ing should precede the realization that
there is no automatic method for statistical induction which consists
of a simple recipe. Analyzing research results and drawing inferences
therefrom require rethinking the situation in each case and devising an
appropriate method. Such a challenge is not always welcome. (Falk &
Greenbaum, 1995, p. 76)
It is regrettable that the word significant was ever associated with reject-
ing H0. Connotations of this word in everyday language, which are illus-

104       beyond significance testing

profound evidential


epochal noteworthy
of import
large world-shattering
portentous earthshaking
Figure 4.1.  Visual map of words with meanings similar to that of “significant.” Image
and text from the Visual Thesaurus ( Copyright
1998–2011 by Thinkmap, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

trated in Figure 4.1 created with the Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus,1 include
“important,” “noteworthy,” and “monumental,” but none of them automati-
cally apply to H0 rejections. One way to guard against overinterpretation
is to drop the word significant from our data analysis vocabulary altogether.
Hurlbert and Lombardi (2009) reminded us that there is no obligation is use
the word significant at all in research. Another is to always use the phrase
statistically significant (see B. Thompson, 1996), which signals that we are not
talking about significance in the everyday sense (e.g., Figure 4.1). Using just
the word statistical should also suffice. For example, rejection of H0: µ1 = µ2
could be described as evidence for a statistical mean difference (Tryon, 2001).
Calling an effect statistical implies that it was observed but not also necessar-
ily important or real.
Another suggested reform is to report exact p values, such as

t ( 20 ) = 2.40, p = .026 instead of t ( 20 ) = 2.40, p < .05


cognitive distortions in significance testing      105

If p values are incorrect in most studies, though, reporting them at even
greater precision could give a false impression. In large samples, p values are
often very low, such as .00012, and reporting such small probabilities could
invite misunderstanding. I think that 3-decimal accuracy is fine, but do not
take p values literally and help your readers to do the same.
Whatever cognitive mechanisms engender or maintain false beliefs about
significance testing, it is clear that data analysis practices in psychology and
other areas are based more on myth than on fact. This is why Lambdin (2012)
described significance testing as a kind of statistical sorcery or shamanism where
researchers hold up p values that they do not understand as the assurance of
confirmatory evidence in a farcical imitation of science passed on from one
generation to the next. For the same reasons, Bakan (1966) basically referred
to significance testing as psychology’s “dirty little secret” (Lambdin, 2012) and
Lykken (1991) described its continued practice as a kind of cargo-cult ritual
where we mimic the natural sciences but are not really doing science at all.

Additional Problems

Considered next are negative consequences of letting p values do our

thinking for us:
1. The ease with which a researcher can report statistically significant
evidence for untrue hypotheses fills the literature with false positive
results. Many decisions influence outcomes of statistical tests,
including ones about sample size (e.g., when to stop collect-
ing data) and the specification of directional versus nondirec-
tional alternative hypotheses, among other factors not always
disclosed. Simmons et al. (2011) described these kinds of deci-
sions as researcher degrees of freedom. They also demonstrated
through computer simulations that practically any result can be
presented as statistically significant due to flexibility in choices.
Simmons et al. (2011) suggested that researchers disclose all
decisions that affect p values, but this rarely happens in practice.
2. Significance testing diverts attention from the data and the measurement
process. If researchers are too preoccupied with H0 rejections, they
might lose sight of more important aspects of their data, such as
whether constructs are properly defined and measured. By focus-
ing exclusively on sampling error, researchers may neglect dealing
with the greater problem of real error (see Chapter 2).
3. The large amount of time required to learn significance testing limits
exposure to other approaches. Students in the behavioral sciences
typically know very little about other inference models, such as

106       beyond significance testing

Bayesian estimation, even in graduate school. That extensive
training in traditional significance testing seems to mainly fill
many students’ heads with fairy tales about this procedure is
another problem.
4. Strongly embedded significance testing mentality hinders continued
learning. Next I describe a phenomenon I call the great p value
blank-out. This happens when students put little effort into learn-
ing what is for them a new statistical technique until they get to
the part about significance testing. Once they figure out whether
rejecting H0 is “good” or “bad” for their hypotheses, the technique
is then applied with little comprehension of its theory or require-
ments. In computer output, the student skips right to the p values
but shows little comprehension of other results. This cognitive
style is a kind of self-imposed trained incapacity that obstructs
new learning. Rodgers (2010) described similar experiences with
students trained mainly in traditional significance testing.
5. Overemphasis on statistical significance actually dampens enthusiasm
for research. Low power (e.g., 50) may result in a research litera­
ture where only about half the results are positive, and this ambi-
guity cannot be resolved by additional studies if power remains
low. This may explain why even undergraduates know that “the
three most commonly seen terms in the [research] literature
are ‘tentative,’ ‘preliminary,’ and ‘suggest.’ As a default, ‘more
research is needed’” (Kmetz, 2002, p. 62). It is not just a few
students who are skeptical of the value of research but also practi-
tioners, for whom statistical significance often does not translate
into relevance or substantive significance (Aguinis et al., 2010).

Illegitimate Uses of Significance Testing

Some applications of statistical tests are inappropriate in just about

any context. Two were mentioned in the previous chapter: One is testing
score reliabilities or validity coefficients for statistical significance against
nil hypotheses. A second concerns statistical tests that evaluate the distribu-
tional assumptions of other statistical tests, such as Mauchley’s test for sphe-
ricity in correlated designs. The problem with such “canary in a coal mine”
tests (i.e., that evaluate assumptions of other statistical tests) is that they
often depend on other assumptions, such as normality, that may be indefen-
sible. This is why Erceg-Hurn and Mirosevich (2008) advised that “researchers
should not rely on statistical tests to check assumptions because of the fre-
quency with which they produce inaccurate results” (p. 594).

cognitive distortions in significance testing      107

A third example is the stepwise method in multiple regression or dis-
criminant function analysis where predictors are entered into the equation
based solely on statistical significance (e.g., which predictor, if selected,
would have the lowest p value for its regression weight?). After they are
selected, predictors at a later step can be removed from the equation, again
according to statistical test outcomes (e.g., if p > .05 for a predictor’s regres-
sion weight). The stepwise process stops when there could be no statistically
significant increase in R2 by adding more predictors. There are variations on
stepwise methods, but all such methods are directed by the computer, not
the researcher.
Problems of stepwise methods are so severe that they are actually
banned in some journals (e.g., B. Thompson, 1995) and for good reason, too.
One is extreme capitalization on chance. Because every result in these meth-
ods is determined by p values, the results are unlikely to replicate in a new
sample. Another is that p values in computer output for stepwise methods
are typically wrong because they are not adjusted for nonchance selection
(i.e., Feynman’s conjecture; see Chapter 3). Worst of all, stepwise methods
give the false impression that the researcher does not have to think about the
problem of predictor selection and entry order; see Whittingham, Stephens,
Bradbury, and Freckleton (2006) for additional criticisms.

Defenses of Significance Testing

The litany of complaints reviewed so far raises the question of whether

anything is right with significance testing. Some authors defend its use while
acknowledging that significance testing should be supplemented with effect
sizes or confidence intervals (e.g., Aguinis et al., 2010; Hurlbert & Lombardi,
2009). Some supportive arguments are summarized next:
1. If nothing else, significance testing addresses sampling error. Sig-
nificance testing provides a method for managing the risk of
sampling error and controlling the long-run risk of Type I error.
Thus, some researchers see significance testing as addressing
important needs and therefore may be less like passive follow-
ers of tradition than supposed by critics. Those critics rightly
point out that confidence intervals convey more direct infor-
mation about sampling error. They also suggest that excessive
fixation on p values is one reason why confidence intervals are
not reported more often.
2. Significance testing is a gateway to decision theory. In situations
where researchers can estimate costs of Type I versus Type II

108       beyond significance testing

error and benefits of correct decisions, decision theory offers a
framework for estimating overall utility in the face of uncer-
tainty. Decision theory may also be able to detect long-term
negative consequences of an intervention even while statisti-
cal tests fail to reject the nil hypothesis of no short-term effect
(D. H. Johnson, 1999). But it is rare in the behavioral sciences
that researchers can estimate costs versus benefits regarding
their decisions. This is why Hurlbert and Lombardi (2009)
and others have suggested that mass manufacturing is the ideal
application for the Intro Stats method. Manufacturing pro-
cesses are susceptible to random error. If this error becomes
too great, products fail. In this context, H0 represents a product
specification that is reasonable to assume is true, samples can
be randomly selected, and exact deviations of sample statistics
from the specification can be accurately measured. Costs for
corrective actions, such as a product recall, may also be known.
Perhaps the behavioral sciences are just the wrong context for
significance testing.
3. Some research questions require a dichotomous answer. There are
times when the question that motivates research is dichoto-
mous (e.g., Should this intervention be implemented? Is this
drug more effective than placebo?). The outcome of significance
testing is also dichotomous. It deals with whether observed
effects stand out against sampling error. But significance testing
does not estimate the magnitudes of those effects, nor does it
help with real-world decisions of the kind just stated. The lat-
ter involve judging whether observed effect sizes are sufficiently
large to support the investment of resources. Evidence for repli-
cation would also be crucial, but the final yes-or-no decision is
ultimately a matter of informed judgment based on all available
4. Nil hypotheses are sometimes appropriate. Robinson and Wainer
(2002) noted that nil hypotheses are sometimes justified in
multiple factor designs when there is no reason to expect an
effect when just one independent variable is manipulated. In
most studies, though, nil hypotheses are feeble arguments.

Variations on the Intro Stats Method

This section identifies variations on significance testing that may be

useful in some situations.

cognitive distortions in significance testing      109

Neo-Fisherian Significance Assessments

Hurlbert and Lombardi (2009) recommended replacing the Intro Stats

method, or the paleo-Fisherian and Neyman–Pearsonian approaches, with
a modified version, Neo-Fisherian significance assessments. This model has
the three characteristics listed next:
1. No dichotomization of p values. This means that (a) exact p values
are reported, but they are not compared with an arbitrary stan-
dard such as .05. (b) The terms significant versus not significant
when describing p values are dropped. The former modification is
closer to the original Fisher approach than the Neyman–Pearson
approach (see Table 3.1), and the latter is intended to minimize
the cliff effect.
2. High p values lead to the decision to suspend judgment. The label
for this outcome reminds researchers not to “accept” H0 in this
case or somehow believe p > a is evidence that H0 is true. This
variation may protect researchers against the inverse probabil-
ity, zero, or equivalence fallacies when p values are high.
3. Adjunct analyses may include effect size estimation and interval
estimation. When metrics of outcome variables are meaningful,
effect sizes should be estimated in that original metric. That is,
researchers should report unstandardized effect sizes. Standard-
ized effect sizes that are metric free, such as squared correlations
(i.e., proportions of explained variance), should be reported
only when scales of outcomes of variables are arbitrary. The dis-
tinction between unstandardized and standardized effect sizes is
elaborated in the next chapter.
The decision to suspend judgment derives from an approach to signifi-
cance testing based on three-valued logic (e.g., Harris, 1997), which allows
split-tailed alternative hypotheses that permit statistically significant evi-
dence against a substantive hypothesis if the direction of the observed effect
is not as predicted. Hurlbert and Lombardi (2009) also emphasized the dis-
tinction between statistical hypotheses and substantive hypotheses. In par-
ticular, researchers should not mistake support for a statistical hypothesis as
automatically meaning support for any corresponding substantive hypothesis.
The Hulbert–Lombardi model features some welcome reforms, but it relies on
the assumption that p values are generally accurate in most studies.

Customer-Centric Science

Aguinis et al. (2010) described an approach to significance testing

known as customer-centric science. It is intended to make results more rel-

110       beyond significance testing

evant for stakeholders other than researchers, especially practitioners. The
basic ideas are listed next:
1. Set the level of a rationally, not arbitrarily, and report the exact value
of p. This means that the researcher estimates the probability of
a Type II error b, calculates the desired relative serious of a Type
I versus Type II error, and estimates the prior probability that H1
is true. Next, the researcher applies Equation 3.2 to compute the
optimal level of a, given the information just mentioned. After
the test is conducted, the exact p value is reported.
2. Report effect sizes that indicate the degree to which an outcome
is explained or predicted. Aguinis et al. (2010) emphasized that
researchers should also avoid applying arbitrary standards for
describing observed effect sizes as “small,” “medium,” or “large,”
or any other qualitative description that may not apply in a par-
ticular research area. This point is elaborated in the next chapter.
3. Interpret statistically significant results and their magnitudes in
ways that are meaningful for stakeholders other than researchers.
This part of Aguinis et al.’s (2010) approach explicitly recog-
nizes that neither statistical significance nor effect size directly
addresses the practical, clinical, or, more generally, substantive
significance of the findings. These authors do not suggest that
this kind of communication should be mandatory in research
reports, but doing so presents potential opportunities to narrow
the communication gap between researchers and practitioners.
Suggestions for how to convey the substantive meaning of research
results are offered in the next chapter (and are discussed by Aguinis et al.,
2010), but this process requires that researchers become aware of the con-
cerns of stakeholders and speak in language relevant to this audience. It
also means that the overly technical, jargon-filled discourse that avoids any
consideration of substantive significance and is seen in far too many journal
articles is to be avoided. A key difference between customer-centric science
and my recommendations presented in the next section is a central role for
significance testing in the former.

Equivalence Testing

The method of equivalence testing is better known in pharmacology

and environmental sciences. It concerns the problem of how to establish
equivalence between groups or treatments. Suppose that a researcher wishes
to determine whether a generic drug can be substituted for a more expensive
drug. In traditional significance testing, the failure to reject H0: µ1 = µ2 is not

cognitive distortions in significance testing      111

evidence that the drugs are equivalent. In equivalence testing, a single point
null hypothesis is replaced by two range subhypotheses. Each subhypothesis
expresses a range of µ1 - µ2 values that corresponds to substantive mean dif-
ferences. For example, the pair of subhypotheses

H0 : ( µ1 − µ 2 ) < − 10.00

H0 : 
H0 : ( µ1 − µ 2 ) > 10.00

says that the population means cannot be considered equivalent if the abso-
lute value of their difference is greater than 10.00. The complementary inter-
val for this example is

−10.00 ≤ ( µ1 − µ 2 ) ≤ 10.00

which is a good-enough belt for a hypothesis of equivalence, also called a range

of practical equivalence. It is a range hypothesis that indicates the value(s)
of the parameter(s) considered equivalent and uninteresting. Standard sta-
tistical tests are used to contrast the observed mean difference against each
of these one-sided null hypotheses for a directional H1. Only if both range
subhypotheses are rejected at the same level of a can the compound null
hypothesis of nonequivalence be rejected.
In the approach just outlined, Type I error is the probability of declar-
ing two populations or conditions to be equivalent when in truth they are
not. In a drug study, this risk is the patient’s (consumer’s) risk. McBride
(1999) showed that if Type I error risk is to be the producer’s instead of the
patient’s, the null hypothesis appropriate for this example would be the range

H0 : −10.00 ≤ ( µ1 − µ 2 ) ≤ 10.00

and it would be rejected either if the lower end of a one-sided confidence

interval about the observed mean difference is greater than 10.00 or if the
upper end of a one-sided confidence interval is less than –10.00. See Wellek
(2010) for more information.

Inferential Confidence Intervals

Tryon (2001) proposed an integrated approach to testing means for sta-

tistical difference, equivalence, or indeterminancy (neither statistically dif-
ferent or equivalent). It is based on inferential confidence intervals, which
are modified confidence intervals constructed around individual means. The
width of an inferential confidence interval is the product of the standard
error of the mean (Equation 2.6) and a two-tailed critical t value reduced

112       beyond significance testing

by a correction factor that equals the ratio of the standard error of the mean
difference (Equation 2.12) over the sum of the individual standard errors.
Because values of this correction factor range from about .70 to 1.00, widths
of inferential confidence intervals are generally narrower than those of stan-
dard confidence intervals about the same means.
A statistical difference between two means occurs in this approach
when their inferential confidence intervals do not overlap. The probability
associated with this statistical difference is the same as that from the standard
t test for a nil hypothesis and a nondirectional H1. Statistical equivalence
is concluded when the maximum probable difference between two means
is less than an amount considered inconsequential as per an equivalence
hypothesis. The maximum probable difference is the difference between the
highest upper bound and the lowest lower bound of two inferential confi-
dence intervals. For example, if [10.00, 14.00] and [12.00, 18.00] are the
inferential confidence intervals based on two different means, the maximum
probable difference is 18.00 - 10.00, or 8.00. If this difference lies within the
range set by the equivalence hypothesis, statistical equivalence is inferred. A
contrast neither statistically different nor equivalent is indeterminant, and it
is not evidence for or against any hypothesis.
Tryon and Lewis (2008) extended this approach when testing for statis-
tical equivalence over two or more populations. Tryon (2001) claimed that
the method of inferential confidence intervals is less susceptible to misinter-
pretation because (a) the null hypothesis is implicit instead of explicit, (b)
the model covers tests for both differences and equivalence, and (c) the avail-
ability of a third outcome—statistical indeterminancy—may help to prevent
the interpretation of marginally nonsignificant differences as “trends.”

Building a Better Future

Outlined next are recommendations that call for varying degrees of use
of statistical tests—from none at all to somewhat more pivotal depending on
the context—but with strict requirements for their use. These suggestions are
intended as a constructive framework for reform and renewal. I assume that
reasonable people will disagree with some of the specifics put forward. Indeed,
a lack of consensus has characterized the whole debate about significance
testing. Even if you do not endorse all the points elaborated next, you may
at least learn new ways of looking at the controversy over statistical tests or,
even better, data, which is the ultimate goal of this discussion.
A theme underlying these recommendations can be summarized like
this: Significance testing may have helped us in psychology and other behav-
ioral sciences through a difficult adolescence during which we struggled to

cognitive distortions in significance testing      113

differentiate ourselves from the humanities while at the same time strived
to become more like the natural sciences. But just as few adults wear the
same style of clothes, listen to the same types of music, or have the same
values they did as teenagers, behavioral science needs to leave its ado-
lescence behind. Growing up is a series of conscious choices followed by
more mature actions. Continued arrested development and stagnation of
our research literature are possible consequences of failing the challenge of
statistics reform.
A second theme is the realization that statistical significance provides
even in the best case nothing more than low-level support for the existence
of an effect, relation, or difference. That best case occurs when researchers
estimate a priori power, specify the correct construct definitions and opera-
tionalizations, work with random or at least representative samples, analyze
highly reliable scores in distributions that respect test assumptions, control
other major sources of imprecision besides sampling error, and test plausible
null hypotheses. In this idyllic scenario, p values from statistical tests may
be reasonably accurate and potentially meaningful, if they are not misinter-
preted. But science should deal with more than just the existence question, a
point that researchers overly fixated on p values have trouble understanding.
As Ziliak and McCloskey (2008) put it, two other vital questions are “how
much?” (i.e., effect size) and “so what?” (i.e., substantive significance).
A third theme is that behavioral science of the highest caliber is pos-
sible without significance testing at all. Here it is worth noting that some of
the most influential empirical work in psychology, including that of Piaget,
Pavlov, and Skinner, was conducted without rejecting null hypotheses
(Gigerenzer, 1993). The natural sciences have thrived without relying on
significance testing. Ziliak and McCloskey (2008) argued that this is one of
the reasons why the natural sciences have fared better than the behavioral
sciences over recent decades. This provocative argument ignores some dif-
ferences between the subject matter in the natural sciences and that in the
behavioral sciences (e.g., Lykken, 1991). But there seems little doubt that
collective overconfidence in significance testing has handicapped the behav-
ioral sciences.
Times of change present opportunities for both progress and peril.
Guthery et al. (2001) counted the following potential advantages of the
decline of significance testing: Researchers might pay less attention to sta-
tistical hypotheses and more attention to the good, creative ideas that drive
scientific progress. Researchers may better resist the temptation to become
preoccupied with statistical tools at the expense of seeking true cumulative
knowledge. A risk is that another mechanically applied statistical ritual will
simply replace significance testing. There does not appear at this point to be
any contender, including Bayesian estimation, that could take the place of

114       beyond significance testing

significance testing across whole disciplines, so the likelihood that we will
simply swap one set of bad habits for another seems remote for now.


Specific suggestions are listed next and then discussed:

1. Routine use of significance testing without justification is no
longer acceptable.
2. If statistical tests are used, (a) information about a priori power
must be reported, (b) the representativeness of the sample must
be addressed (i.e., is the population inference model, which
assumes random sampling, tenable?), and (c) distributional or
other assumptions of the test must be verified. If nil hypotheses
are tested, the researcher should explain why such hypotheses
are appropriate.
3. If an a priori level of a is specified, do so based on rational
grounds, not arbitrary ones. Otherwise, do not dichotomize
p values; just report them.
4. Drop the word significant from our data analysis vocabulary.
Use it only in its everyday sense to describe something actu-
ally noteworthy or important.
5. If scores from psychological tests are analyzed, report reli-
ability coefficients and describe other relevant psychometric
6. It is the researcher’s responsibility to report and interpret
effect sizes and confidence intervals whenever possible. This
does not mean the researcher should report effect sizes only for
results with low p values.
7. It is also the researcher’s responsibility to consider the sub-
stantive significance of the results. Statistical tests are inad-
equate for this purpose. This means no more knee-jerk claims
of importance based solely on low p values.
8. Replication is the decisive way to deal with sampling error.
The best journals should require evidence for replication.
9. Statistics education needs more reform than is apparent to
date. The role of significance testing should be greatly reduced
so that more time can be spent showing students how to deter-
mine whether a result has substantive significance and how to
replicate it.
10. Researchers need more help from their statistical software to
compute effect sizes and confidence intervals and also to test
non-nil hypotheses.

cognitive distortions in significance testing      115

No Unjustified Use of Statistical Tests
Today nearly all researchers use significance testing, but most fail to
explain why its use makes sense in a particular study. For example, there is
little point to significance testing when power is low, but few researchers esti-
mate power or even mention this issue. This failure is critical when expected
results are not statistically significant. If readers knew that power was low
in such analyses, it would be clear that the absence of asterisks may be due
more to the design (e.g., N is too small) than to the validity of the research
hypotheses. We probably see so few examples of reporting power when results
are mainly negative because of bias for publishing studies with H0 rejections.
In a less biased literature, p values that exaggerate the relative infrequency of
the results are expected under implausible null hypotheses. If it is feasible to
test only a nil hypothesis but such a null hypothesis is dubious, interpretation
of statistical test outcomes should be modified accordingly.
If the use of significance testing is justifiable, other suggested reforms
are relevant. One is to specify the level of a based on rational grounds that
also take account of the serious of Type II error. If a researcher cannot think
of a reason to set the level of statistical significance to a value other than the
“defaults” of .05 or .01, that researcher has not thought sufficiently about
the problem. This also means that significance testing should be applied in
an informed way. An alternative is to just report p values without dichoto-
mizing them. If so, the word significant would not apply to any result, but
the researcher should be careful not to base interpretations on undisclosed
dichotomization of p values (e.g., results are not interpreted unless p < .05).
The capability of significance tests to address the dichotomous question
of whether effects, relations, or differences are greater than expected levels
of sampling error may be useful in some new research areas. Due to the many
limitations of statistical tests, this period of usefulness should be brief. Given
evidence that an effect exists, the next steps should involve estimation of
its magnitude and evaluation of its substantive significance, both of which
are beyond what significance testing can tell us. More advanced study of the
effect may require statistical modeling techniques (Rodgers, 2010). It should
be a hallmark of a maturing research area that significance testing is not the
primary inference method.

Report Psychometrics for Test Scores

There is a misconception that reliability is an attribute of tests rather
than of the scores for a particular population of examinees (B. Thompson,
2003). This misconception may discourage researchers from reporting the reli-
abilities of their own data. Interpretation of effect size estimates also requires
assessments of score reliability (Wilkinson & the TFSI, 1999). The best type

116       beyond significance testing

of estimate is calculated in the researcher’s own sample. If these coefficients
are satisfactory, readers are reassured that the scores were reasonably precise.
Reliability induction is a second-best practice where only coefficients from
previous studies are reported. Too many authors who depend on reliability
induction fail to explicitly compare characteristics of their sample with those
from cited studies of score reliability (e.g., Vacha-Haase & Thompson, 2011).

Report and Interpret Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals

That some journals require effect sizes supports this recommendation.
Reporting confidence intervals for effect sizes is even better: Not only does
the width of the confidence interval directly indicate the amount of sam-
pling error associated with a particular effect size, it also estimates a range
of effect sizes in the population that may have given rise to the observed
result. Although it not always possible to compute effect sizes in certain kinds
of complex designs or construct confidence intervals based on some types
of statistics, this concerns a minority of studies. In contrast to authors who
recommend calculating effect sizes only for statistically significant results
(Onwuegbuzie & Levin, 2003), I urge reporting of effect sizes for all substan-
tive analyses, especially if power is low or p values are deemed untrustworthy.

Demonstrate Substantive Significance

Null hypothesis rejections do not imply substantive significance, so
researchers need other frames of reference to explain to their audiences why
the results are interesting or important. A start is to learn how to describe
your results without mention of statistical significance at all. In its place,
refer to descriptive statistics and effect sizes and explain why those effect sizes
matter in a particular context. Doing so may seem odd at first, but you should
understand that statistical tests are not generally necessary to detect mean-
ingful or noteworthy effects, which should be obvious to visual inspection of
relatively simply kinds of graphical displays (Cohen, 1994). The description
of results at a level closer to the data may also help researchers to develop
better communication skills.

Replicate, Replicate
The rationale for this recommendation is obvious. A replication
requirement would help to filter out some of the fad research topics that
bloom for a short time but then disappear. Such a requirement could be
relaxed for original results with the potential for a large impact in their
field, but the need to replicate studies with unexpected or surprising results
is even greater (Robinson & Levin, 1997). Chapter 9 deals with replication
in more detail.

cognitive distortions in significance testing      117

Statistics Education Should Be Less Significance-Centric
Significance testing is presented as the pinnacle in many introductory
statistics courses. Graduate courses often do little more than inform students
about additional kinds of statistical tests and strategies for their use. The situ-
ation is little better in undergraduate psychology programs, which emphasize
traditional approaches to analysis (i.e., statistical tests) and have not generally
kept pace with changes in the field. And too many statistics textbooks still fail
to tell students about effect size estimation (Capraro & Capraro, 2002).
Some topics already taught in introductory courses should be given more
prominence. Many effect sizes are nothing more than correlations, proportions
of standard deviations, or percentages of scores that fall at certain points. These
are all basic kinds of statistics covered in many introductory courses. But poten-
tial application outside classical descriptive or inferential statistics is often
unexplained. For example, students usually learn about the t test for comparing
independent means. The same students often do not know about the point-
biserial correlation, rpb. In a two-sample design, rpb is the correlation between
a dichotomous independent variable (group membership) and a quantitative
dependent variable. It is easily derived from the t test and is just a special case
of the Pearson correlation, r. These ideas are elaborated in the next chapter.
Better integration between courses in research methods and statistics is
also needed. In many undergraduate programs, these subjects are taught in sepa-
rate courses, and there is often little connection between the two. The conse-
quence is that students learn about data analysis methods without getting a good
sense of their potential applications. This may be an apt time to rethink the
partition of the teaching of research skills into statistics versus methods courses.

Statistical Software Should Be Modernized

Most general statistical software programs are still overly significance-
test-centric. That more of them now optionally print at least some kinds of
effect sizes is encouraging. It should also be the case that, for a given analytical
choice, different kinds of effect size are options. Given these discussions, per-
haps it is results of statistical tests that should be the optional output. Some pro-
grams also optionally print confidence intervals based on means or regression
coefficients, but they should give confidence intervals based on effect sizes, too.


Significance testing has been like a collective Rorschach inkblot test for
the behavioral sciences: What we see in it has more to do with wish fulfill-
ment than reality. This magical thinking has impeded the development of
psychology and other disciplines as cumulative sciences. There would be no

118       beyond significance testing

problem with significance testing if researchers all routinely specified plau-
sible null hypotheses, set the level of a based on rational grounds, estimated
power before collecting the data in randomly selected samples, verified dis-
tributional and other assumptions, analyzed scores with little measurement
error, and understood the correct meaning of p values. But the gap between
what is required for significance tests to be accurate and characteristics of
real world studies is just too great. I offered suggestions in this chapter, all of
which involve a smaller role—including none at all—for significance testing.
Replication is the most important reform of all. The next chapter introduces
effect size estimation in comparative studies with continuous outcomes.

Learn More

Aguinis et al. (2010) and Hurlbert and Lombardi (2009) give spirited
defenses of modified forms of significance testing. Ziliak and McCloskey (2008)
deliver an eloquent but hard-hitting critique of significance testing, and Lambdin
(2012) takes psychology to task for its failure to abandon statistical witchcraft.
Aguinis, H., Werner, S., Abbott, J. L., Angert, C., Park, J. H., & Kohlhausen, D.
(2010). Customer-centric science: Reporting significant research results with
rigor, relevance, and practical impact in mind. Organizational Research Methods,
13, 515–539. doi:10.1177/1094428109333339
Hurlbert, S. H., & Lombardi, C. M. (2009). Final collapse of the Neyman–Pearson
decision theory framework and rise of the neoFisherian. Annales Zoologici Fennici,
46, 311–349. Retrieved from
Lambdin, C. (2012). Significance tests as sorcery: Science is empirical—significance
tests are not. Theory & Psychology, 22, 67–90. doi:10.1177/0959354311429854
Ziliak, S., & McCloskey, D. N. (2008). The cult of statistical significance: How the stan-
dard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


Explain why each statement about statistical significance listed next is

1. Statistically significant: “Said of a sample size which is large
enough to be considered representative of the overall popula-
tion being studied.”2


cognitive distortions in significance testing      119

2. “Many researchers get very excited when they have discovered
a ‘statistically significant’ finding, without really understanding
what it means. When a statistic is significant, it simply means
that you are very sure that the statistic is reliable.”3
3. “Statistical tests are used because we want to do the experi-
ment once and avoid the enormous cost of repeating it many
times. The test will tell us how likely a particular mean differ-
ence would be to occur by chance; those unlikely to occur by
chance are termed significant differences and form the basis for
scientific conclusions” (M. K. Johnson & Liebert, 1977, p. 60).
4. “A long-standing convention in psychology is to label results as
statistically significant if the probability is less than 5% that the
research hypothesis is wrong” (Gray, 2002, p. 41).
5. “The message here is that in judging a study’s results, there are
two questions. First, is the result statistically significant? If it is,
you can consider there to be a real effect. The next question is
then, is the effect size large enough for the result to be useful or
interesting” (Aron & Aron, 2002, p. 147).


120       beyond significance testing

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Continuous Outcomes

Statistical significance is the least interesting thing about the results. You
should describe the results in terms of measures of magnitude—not just,
does a treatment affect people, but how much does it affect them.
—Gene Glass (quoted in M. Hunt, 1997, pp. 29–30)

Effect size estimation with continuous outcomes is introduced in this

chapter. Also considered are conceptual issues and limitations of effect size
estimation including the challenge of establishing substantive significance.
Two major effect size types, standardized mean differences and measures
of association, are described. These effect sizes are among the most widely
reported in the literature, both in primary studies and in meta-analytic stud-
ies. Interval estimation for effect sizes is also covered. Research designs con-
sidered next compare only two independent or dependent samples, but later
chapters extend effect size estimation to more complex designs. Exercises for
this chapter involve the computation and interpretation of effect size mea-
sures, which are introduced next.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-005
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Definitions of Effect Size

Kelley and Preacher (2012) defined effect size as a quantitative reflec-

tion of the magnitude of some phenomenon used for the sake of addressing a
specific research question. In this sense, an effect size is a statistic (in samples)
or parameter (in populations) with a purpose, that of quantifying a phenom-
enon of interest. More specific definitions may depend on study design. For
example, effect size in experimental studies usually refers to the magnitude
of the impact of the independent variable on the dependent (outcome) vari-
able. Thus, effect size is measured on the latter. In contrast, cause size refers
to the independent variable and specifically to the amount of change in it
that produces a given effect on the dependent variable. A related idea is that
of causal efficacy, or the ratio of effect size to the size of its cause. The greater
the causal efficacy, the more that a given change on an independent variable
results in proportionally bigger changes on the dependent variable. The idea
of cause size is most relevant when the factor is experimental and its levels are
In nonexperimental studies, effect size can be described as the degree
of covariation between variables of interest. If there is a distinction between
predictor and criterion variables, effect size is generally measured on the
criterion, when doing so addresses a question of interest. But there are times
when there is no clear distinction between predictors and criteria. In this
case, an effect size would correspond to something more akin to a correlation
(standardized) or covariance (unstandardized) than to a regression coeffi-
cient. Kelley and Preacher (2012) noted that even simpler kinds of out-
comes, such as proportions, can be considered as effect sizes if they describe
what exists in a sample or population in a way that addresses a particular
An effect size measure, as defined by Kelley and Preacher (2012), is
a named expression that maps data, statistics, or parameters onto a quan-
tity that represents the magnitude of the phenomenon of interest. This
expression connects dimensions or generalized units that are abstractions
of variables of interest with a specific operationalization of those units.
For example, the abstract quality of “variability” can be operationalized in
terms of variances, standard deviations, or ranges, among other units, and
the quality of “relatedness” can be quantified in units that correspond to
correlations, regression coefficients, or covariances, among other possi-
bilities. An effect size measure is thus a particular implementation of the
dimension(s) of interest. Likewise, an effect size value is the real number
(e.g., .35, 1.65) that results from applying the effect size measure to data,
statistics, or parameters, and it is this outcome that is interpreted in terms
of a particular research question.

124       beyond significance testing

A good effect size measure has the characteristics listed next (Kelley &
Preacher, 2012):
1. Its scale (metric) should be appropriate for the research ques-
tion. Specific metrics for effect sizes are considered below.
2. It should be independent of sample size. Recall that test statis-
tics reflect both sample size and effect size (e.g., Equation 3.4).
3. As a point estimate, an effect size should have good statistical
properties; that is, it should be unbiased, consistent (its values
converge to that of the corresponding parameter as sample size
increases), and efficient (it has minimum error variance).
4. The effect size is reported with a confidence interval.
Not all effect size measures considered in this book have all the proper-
ties just listed. But it is possible to report multiple effect sizes that address
the same question in order to improve the communication of the results. An
example is when an effect size is commonly reported in a particular literature,
but its properties may not be optimal. If so, there is no problem with reporting
both the “expected” effect size and one with better properties.

Contexts for Estimating Effect Size

Major contexts for effect size estimation and the difference between
unstandardized and standardized effect sizes are outlined next.

Meaningful Versus Arbitrary Metrics

Examples of outcomes with meaningful metrics include salaries in dollars

and post-treatment survival time in years. Means or contrasts for variables with
meaningful units are unstandardized effect sizes that can be directly inter-
preted. For example, Bruce et al. (2000) evaluated the effect of moderate doses
of caffeine on the 2,000-meter rowing performance times in seconds (s) of
competitive male rowers. Average times in the placebo and caffeine conditions
were, respectively, 415.39 s and 411.01s. The unstandardized contrast of 4.38 s
is both directly interpretable and practically significant: Four seconds can make
a big difference in finish order among competitive rowers over this distance.
In medical research, physical measurements with meaningful metrics
are often available. Examples include milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter
of blood, inches of mercury displacement in blood pressure, and patterns
of cardiac cycle tracings generated by an electrocardiogram device, among
others that could be considered gold standard measures in particular areas of
health research. But in psychological research there are typically no “natu-
ral” units for abstract, nonphysical constructs such as intelligence, scholastic

continuous outcomes      125

achievement, or self-concept. Unlike in medicine, there are also typically no
universally accepted measures of such constructs.
Therefore, metrics in psychological research are often arbitrary instead
of meaningful. An example is the total score for a set of true-false items.
Because responses can be coded with any two different numbers, the total is
arbitrary. Standard scores such as percentiles and normal deviates are arbi-
trary, too, because one standardized metric can be substituted for another.
Standardized effect sizes can be computed for results expressed in arbitrary
metrics. Such effect sizes can also be directly compared across studies where
outcomes have different scales. This is because standardized effect sizes are
based on units that have a common meaning regardless of the original metric.
Summarized next are relative advantages of unstandardized versus stan-
dardized effect sizes (Baguley, 2009):
1. It is better to report unstandardized effect sizes for outcomes
with meaningful metrics. This is because the original scale is
lost when results are standardized.
2. Unstandardized effect sizes are best for comparing results across
different samples measured on the same outcomes. Because stan-
dardized effect sizes reflect the variances in a particular sample,
the basis for that standardization is not comparable when cases
in one sample are more or less variable than in another.
3. Standardized effect sizes are better for comparing conceptually
similar results based on different units of measure. Suppose that
different rating scales are used as outcome variables in two studies
of the same treatment. They measure the same construct but
have different score metrics. Calculating the same standardized
effect size in each study converts the results to a common scale.
4. Standardized effect sizes are affected by the corresponding
unstandardized effect sizes plus characteristics of the study,
including its design (e.g., between-subjects vs. within-subjects),
whether factors are fixed or random, the extent of error variance,
and sample base rates. This means that standardized effect sizes
are less directly comparable over studies that differ in their designs
or samples.
5. There is no such thing as T-shirt effect sizes (Lenth, 2006–
2009) that classify standardized effect sizes as “small,” “medium,”
or “large” and apply over all research areas. This is because what
is considered a large effect in one area may be seen as small or
trivial in another. B. Thompson (2001) advised that we should
avoid “merely being stupid in another metric” (pp. 82–83) by
interpreting effect sizes in the same rigid way that characterizes
significance testing.

126       beyond significance testing

6. There is usually no way to directly translate standardized effect
sizes into implications for substantive significance. This means
that neither statistical significance nor observation of effect
sizes considered large in some T-shirt metric warrants conclud-
ing that the results are meaningful.


It is standardized effect sizes from sets of related studies that are analyzed
in most meta-analyses. Consulting a meta-analytic study provides a way for
researchers to gauge whether their own effects are smaller or larger than those
from other studies. If no meta-analytic study yet exists, researchers can calculate,
using equations presented later, effect sizes based on descriptive or test statistics
reported by others. Doing so permits direct comparison of results across different
studies of the same phenomenon, which is part of meta-analytic thinking.

Power Analysis and Significance Testing

A priori power analysis requires specification of population effect sizes,

or the parameters of statistics introduced next. Thus, one needs to know about
effect size in order to use a computer tool for power analysis. Estimating sample
effect sizes can help to resolve two interpretational quandaries that can arise in
significance testing: Trivial effects can lead to rejection of H0 in large samples,
and it may be difficult to reject H0 in small samples even for larger effects.
Measurement of effect magnitudes apart from the influence of sample size dis-
tinguishes effect size estimation from significance testing (see Equation 3.4).

Levels of Analysis

Effect sizes for analysis at the group or variable level are based on aggre-
gated scores. Consequently, they do not directly reflect the status of indi-
vidual cases, and there are times when group- or variable-level effects do not
tell the whole story. Knowledge of descriptive statistics including correla-
tion coefficients is required in order to understand group- or variable-level
effect sizes. Not so for case-level effect sizes, which are usually proportions of
scores that fall above or below certain reference points. These proportions
may be observed or predicted, and the reference points may be relative, such
as the median of one group, or more absolute, such as a minimum score on an
admissions test. Huberty (2002) referred to such effect sizes as group overlap
indexes, and they are suitable for communication with general audiences.
There is an old saying that goes, “The more you know, the more simply you

continuous outcomes      127

should speak.” Case-level analysis can help a researcher do just that, espe-
cially for audiences who are not formally trained in research.

Families of Effect Sizes

There are two broad classes of standardized effect sizes for analysis at the
group or variable level, the d family, also known as group difference indexes,
and the r family, or relationship indexes (Huberty, 2002; Rosenthal et al.,
2000). Both families are metric- (unit-) free effect sizes that can compare
results across studies or variables measured in different original metrics. Effect
sizes in the d family are standardized mean differences that describe mean
contrasts in standard deviation units, which can exceed 1.0 in absolute value.
Standardized mean differences are signed effect sizes, where the sign of the
statistic indicates the direction of the corresponding contrast.
Effect sizes in the r family are scaled in correlation units that generally
range from -1.0 to +1.0, where the sign indicates the direction of the relation
between two variables. For example, the point-biserial correlation rpb is an
effect size for designs with two unrelated samples, such as treatment versus
control, and a continuous outcome. It is a form of the Pearson correlation r
in which one of the two variables is dichotomous. If rpb = .30, the correlation
between group membership and outcome is .30, and the former explains
.302 = .09, or 9%, of the total variance in the latter. A squared correlation
is a measure of association, which is generally a proportion of variance
explained effect size. Measures of association are unsigned effect sizes and
thus do not indicate directionality.
Because squared correlations can make some effects look smaller than
they really are in terms of their substantive significance, some researchers
prefer unsquared correlations. If r = .30, for example, it may not seem very
impressive to explain .302 = .09, or <10%, of the total variance. McCloskey
and Ziliak (2009) described examples in medicine, education, and other
areas where potentially valuable findings may have been overlooked due to
misinterpretation of squared correlations. Rutledge and Loh (2004) calcu-
lated correlation effect sizes for 15 widely cited studies in behavioral health
(e.g., heart disease, smoking, depression). They found that proportions of
explained variance were typically <.10, yet these studies are considered to be
landmark investigations that demonstrated clinically meaningful results. For
example, the Steering Committee of the Physicians’ Health Study Research
Group (1988) found that the clinical value of small doses of aspirin in pre-
venting heart attack was so apparent that it terminated a randomized clinical
trial early so that the results could be reported. The correlation effect size
was .034. This means that taking aspirin versus placebo explained about

128       beyond significance testing

.0342 = .0012, or .12%, of the variability in cardiovascular health outcomes.
See Ferguson (2009) for cautions about comparing effect sizes in medicine
with those in psychology or other behavioral sciences.
Due to capitalization on chance, squared sample correlations estimate
population proportions of explained variance with positive bias. This is a
greater problem when the sample size is small. There are methods to correct
squared correlations for bias, and they do not all yield the same results for the
same effect. Methods described in the regression literature generate corrected
squared multiple correlations such that R̂2 < R2, where R̂2 is a bias-adjusted
result that controls for sample size and the number of predictors (e.g., Snyder
& Lawson, 1993). In very large samples, R̂2 and R2 are asymptotically equal
(i.e., there is virtually no bias). In smaller samples, some researchers prefer R̂2
over R2 because the former is a more conservative estimator of r2, the popula-
tion proportion of explained variance.
The technique of ANOVA is just a special case of multiple regression,
but in the ANOVA literature R2 is often called estimated eta-squared, η̂2. Two
bias-adjusted estimators for designs with fixed factors are estimated omega-
squared, ŵ2, and estimated epsilon-squared, ê2. Note that some authors use
the symbols h2, w2, and e2 to refer to sample statistics, but this is potentially
confusing because Greek letters without the hat symbol (ˆ) usually refer to
parameters (e.g., µ). It is generally true for the same data that

ˆ 2 > εˆ 2 > ωˆ 2

but their values converge in large samples. The effect size ŵ2 is reported more
often than ê2, so the latter is not covered further; see Olejnik and Algina
(2000) for more information about ê2. Kirk (1996) described a category of
miscellaneous effect size indexes that includes some statistics not described in
this book, including the binomial effect size display and the counternull value
of an effect size; see also Rosenthal et al. (2000), Ellis (2010), and Grissom
and Kim (2011).

Standardized Mean Differences

The parameter estimated by a sample standardized mean difference is

µ1 − µ 2
δ= (5.1)

where the numerator is the population mean contrast and the denomi-
nator is a population standard deviation on the outcome variable. The

continuous outcomes      129

parameter d (Greek lowercase delta) expresses the contrast as the pro-
portion of a standard deviation. For example, d = .75 says that the mean
of population 1 is three quarters of a standard deviation higher than the
mean of population 2. Likewise, d = -1.25 says that the mean of the first
population is 1¼ standard deviations lower than the mean of the second.
The sign of d is arbitrary because the direction of the subtraction between
the two means is arbitrary. Always indicate the meaning of the sign for an
estimate of d.
The denominator of d is s*, a population standard deviation (Equa­
tion 5.1). This denominator is the standardizer for the contrast. There is more
than one population standard deviation in a comparative study. For exam-
ple, s* could be the standard deviation in just one of the populations (e.g.,
s* = s1), or, assuming homoscedasticity, it could be the common popula-
tion standard deviation (i.e., s* = s1 = s2). Because there is more than one
potential standardizer, you should always describe the denominator in any
estimate of d.
The general form of a sample standardized mean difference is

M1 − M2
d= (5.2)
σˆ *

where the numerator is the observed contrast and the denominator is an

estimator of s* that is not the same in all kinds of d statistics. This means
that d statistics with different standardizers can—and usually do—have
different values for the same contrast. Thus, to understand what a par-
ticular d statistic measures, you need to know which population standard
deviation its standardizer estimates. This is critical because there are no
standard names for d statistics. For example, some authors use the term
Cohen’s d to refer any sample standardized mean difference, but Cohen
(1988) used the symbol d to refer to d, the parameter. Others authors use
the same term to refer to d statistics with a particular standardizer. This
ambiguity in names is why specific d statistics are designated in this book
by their standardizers.
Presented in the top part of Table 5.1 are the results of two hypotheti-
cal studies in which the same group contrast is measured on variables that
reflect the same construct but with different scales. The unstandardized con-
trast is larger in the first study (75.00) than in the second (11.25), but the
estimated population standard deviation is greater in the first study (100.00)
than in the second (15.00). Because d1 = d2 = .75, we conclude equal effect
size magnitudes in standard deviation units across studies 1 and 2. Reported
in the bottom part of the table are results of two other hypothetical studies
with the same unstandardized contrast, 75.00. Because the standard devia-

130       beyond significance testing

Table 5.1
Standardized Mean Differences for Two Hypothetical Contrasts
Study M1 – M2 σ̂* d
Different mean contrast, same effect size
1 75.00 100.00 .75
2 11.25 15.00 .75
Same mean contrast, different effect size
3 75.00 500.00 .15
4 75.00 50.00 1.50

tion in the third study (500.00) is greater than that in the fourth (50.00),
we conclude unequal effect sizes across studies 3 and 4 because d3 = .15 and
d4 = 1.50.
Specific types of d statistics seen most often in the literature and their
corresponding parameters are listed in Table 5.2 and are discussed next (see
also Keselman et al., 2008). From this point, the subscript for d designates its


The parameter estimated by dpool is d = (µ1 - µ2)/s, where the denomi-

nator is the common population standard deviation assuming homoscedas-
ticity. The estimator of s is spool, the square root of the pooled within-groups
variance (Equation 2.13). When the samples are independent, dpool can
also be calculated given just the group sizes and the value of tind, the inde-
pendent samples t statistic with dfW = N – 2 degrees of freedom for a nil

1 1
d pool = tind + (5.3)
n1 n 2

This equation is handy when working with secondary sources that do not
report sufficient group descriptive statistics to calculate dpool as (M1 – M2)/spool.
It is also possible to transform the correlation rpb to dpool for the same data:

 dfW   1 1
d pool = rpb  1 − r 2   n1 + n 2  (5.4)

continuous outcomes      131

Table 5.2
Types of Standardized Mean Differences for Two-Sample Designs
Statistic Equation Parameter

M1 − M2 µ1 − µ 2
spool σ

M1 − M2 µ1 − µ 2
s1 σ1
M1 − M2 µ1 − µ 2
s2 σ2
M1 − M2 µ1 − µ 2
sT σ total
sD σ 2 (1 − ρ12 )

Mtr1 − Mtr2 µ tr1 − µ tr2
dWin p
sWin p σ Win
Mtr1 − Mtr2 µ tr1 − µ tr2
sWin1 σ Win1
Mtr1 − Mtr2 µ tr1 − µ tr2
sWin2 σ Win2

Equation 5.4 shows that dpool and rpb describe the same contrast but in dif-
ferent standardized units. An equation that converts d pool to rpb is presented
In correlated designs, dpool is calculated as MD/spool, where MD is the
dependent mean contrast. The standardizer spool in this case assumes that the
cross-conditions correlation r12 is zero (i.e., any subjects effect is ignored).
The parameter estimated when the samples are dependent is µD/s. The value
of dpool can also be computed from tdep, the dependent samples t with n – 1
degrees of freedom for a nil hypothesis, and group size, the within-condition
variances, and the variance of the difference scores (Equation 2.21) as

2 sD2
d pool = t dep (5.5)
n (s12 + s22 )

132       beyond significance testing

ds1 or ds2

The standardizer spool assumes homoscedasticity. An alternative is to

specify the standard deviation in either group, s1 or s2, as the standardizer.
If one group is treatment, the other is control, and treatment is expected
to affect both central tendency and variability, it makes sense to specify the
standardizer as scon, the standard deviation in the control group. The result-
ing standardized mean difference is (M1 – M2)/scon, which some authors call
Glass’s delta. It estimates the parameter (µ1 - µ2)/scon, and its value describes
the treatment effect only on means.
Suppose that the two groups do not correspond to treatment versus
control, and their variances are heterogeneous, such as s21 = 400.00 and
s22 = 25.00. Rather than pool these dissimilar variances, the researcher will
specify one of the group standard deviations as the standardizer. Now, which
one? The choice determines the value of the resulting d statistic. Given
M1 - M2 = 5.00, for instance, the two possible results for this example are

5.00 5.00
d s1 = = .25 or d s 2 = = 1.00
400.00 25.00

The statistic ds2 indicates a contrast four times larger in standard deviation
units than ds1. The two results are equally correct if there are no conceptual
grounds to select one group standard deviation or the other as the standardizer.
It would be best in this case to report values of both ds1 and ds2, not just the one
that gives the most favorable result. When the group variances are similar, dpool
is preferred because spool is based on larger sample sizes (yielding presumably
more precise statistical estimates) than s1 or s2. But if the ratio of the largest
over the smallest variance exceeds, say, 4.0, then ds1 or ds2 would be better.


Olejnik and Algina (2000) noted that spool, s1, and s2 estimate the full
range of variation for experimental factors but perhaps not for individual
difference (nonexperimental) factors. Suppose there is a substantial gender
difference on a continuous variable. In this case, spool, s1, and s2 all reflect a
partial range of individual differences. The unbiased variance estimator for
the whole data set is s2T = SST/dfT, where the numerator and denominator are,
respectively, the total sum of squares and total degrees of freedom, or N – 1.
Gender contrasts standardized against sT would be smaller in absolute value
than when the standardizer is spool, s1, or s2, assuming a group difference.
Whether standardizers reflect partial or full ranges of variability is a crucial
problem in factorial designs and is considered in Chapter 8.

continuous outcomes      133

Correction for Positive Bias

Absolute values of dpool, ds1, ds2, and dtotal are positively biased, but
the degree of bias is slight unless the group sizes are small, such as n < 20.
Multiplication of any of these statistics by the correction factor

c ( df ) = 1 − (5.6)
4 df − 1

where df refers to the standardizer’s degrees of freedom, yields a numerical

approximation to the unbiased estimator of d. Suppose that dpool is calculated
in a balanced two-sample design where n = 10. The degrees of freedom are
dfW = 18, so the approximate unbiased estimator is .9578 dpool. But for n = 20
and dfW = 38, the approximate unbiased estimator is .9801 dpool. For even
larger group sizes, the correction factor is close to 1.0, which implies little
adjustment for bias. Some authors refer to c (df) dpool as Hedges’s g, but others
apply this term to dpool. Given this ambiguity, I do not recommend using the
term to describe either statistic.
Suppose that the means and variances of two samples in a balanced
design (i.e., the groups have the same number of cases, n) are

M1 = 13.00, s12 = 7.50 and M2 = 11.00, s22 = 5.00

which implies M1 – M2 = 2.00 and s2pool = 6.25. Reported in Table 5.3 are
results of the independent samples t test and values of d statistics for n = 5,
15, and 30. The t test shows the influence of group size. In contrast, dpool = .80
for all three analyses and in general is invariant to group size, keeping all else
constant. The approximate unbiased estimator c (dfW) dpool is generally less
than dpool, but their values converge as n increases. The two possible values
of d for these data when the standardizer is a group standard deviation are
ds1 = .73 and ds2 = .89. Values of dtotal are generally similar to those of other
d statistics for these data (see Table 5.3), but, in general, dtotal is increasingly
dissimilar to dpool, ds1, and ds2 for progressively larger contrasts on nonexperi-
mental factors. Exercise 1 asks you to verify some of the results in Table 5.3.

ddiff for Dependent Samples

Standardized mean differences in correlated designs are called stan-

dardized mean changes or standardized mean gains. There are two different
ways to standardize contrasts in these designs. The first method does so just
as one would in designs with independent samples (i.e., calculate any of the
d statistics described so far). For example, one possibility is dpool = MD /spool,

134       beyond significance testing

Table 5.3
Results of the t Test and Effect Sizes at Three Different Group Sizes
Group size (n)

Statistic 5 15 30

t test
t 1.26 2.19 3.10
dfW 8 28 58
p .242 .037 .003
Standardized mean differences
dpool .80 .80 .80
c (dfW) dpool .72 .78 .79
ds1 .73 .73 .73
ds2 .89 .89 .89
dtotal .77 .75 .75
Point-biserial correlation
rpb .41 .38 .38
Note.  For all analyses, M1 = 13.00, s 21 = 7.50, M2 = 11.00, s 22 = 5.00, s 2pool = 6.25, and p values are two-tailed
and for a nil hypothesis.

where the standardizer is the pooled within-conditions standard deviation

that assumes homoscedasticity. This assumption may be untenable in a
repeated measures design, however, when treatment is expected to change
variability among cases from pretest to posttest. A better alternative in this
case is ds1, where the denominator is the standard deviation from the pretest
condition. Some authors refer to MD/s1 as Becker’s g.
The second method is to calculate a standardized mean change as
ddiff = MD /sD, where the denominator is the standard deviation of the dif-
ference scores, which takes account of the cross-conditions correlation r12.
In contrast, spool, s1, and s2 all assume that this correlation is zero. If r12 is
reasonably high and positive, it can happen that sD is smaller than the other
standardizers just mentioned. This implies that ddiff can be bigger in absolute
value than dpool, ds1, and ds2 for the same contrast. The effect size ddiff estimates
the parameter

δ= (5.7)
σ 2 (1 − ρ12 )

where s and r12 are, respectively, the common population standard deviation
and cross-conditions correlation. Note in this equation that the denominator
is less than s only if r12 > .50.

continuous outcomes      135

A drawback is that ddiff is scaled in the metric of difference scores, not
original scores. An example from Cumming and Finch (2001) illustrates
this problem: A verbal test is given before and after an intervention. Test
scores are based on the metric µ = 100.00, s = 15.00. The observed standard
deviations at both occasions are also 15.00, and the standard deviation of
the difference scores is 7.70. The result is MD = 4.10 in favor of the inter-
vention. If our natural reference for thinking about scores on the verbal
test is their original metric, it makes sense to report a standardized mean
change as 4.10/15.00, or .27, instead of 4.10/7.70, or .53. This is true even
though the latter standardized effect size estimate is about twice as large as
the former.
Cortina and Nouri (2000) argued that d should have a common mean-
ing regardless of the design, which implies a standardizer in the metric of the
original scores. This advice seems sound for effects that could theoretically
be studied in either between-subjects or within-subjects designs. But stan-
dardized mean differences based on sD may be preferred when the emphasis
is on measurement of change. The researcher should explain the choice in
any event. Exercise 2 asks you to verify that dpool = .80 but ddiff = 1.07 for the
data in Table 2.2.

Robust Standardized Mean Differences

The d statistics described so far are based on least squares estimators

(i.e., M, s) that are not robust against outliers, nonnormality, or heteroscedas-
ticity. Algina, Keselman, and Penfield (2005a, 2005b) described the robust d
statistics listed in Table 5.2. One is

Mtr1 − Mtr2
d Win p = (5.8)
sWin p

where Mtr1 – Mtr2 is the contrast between 20% trimmed means and sWin p is the
20% pooled Winsorized standard deviation that assumes homoscedasticity.
The latter in a squared metric is

df1(s2Win1) + df2 (s2Win2 )

s2Win p = (5.9)

where s2Win1 and s2Win2 are the 20% Winsorized group variances and df1 = n1 – 1,
df2 = n2 – 1, and dfW = N – 2. The parameter estimated by dWin p is

µ tr1 − µ tr2
δ rob = (5.10)
σ Win

136       beyond significance testing

which is not d = (µ1 – µ2)/s when population distributions are skewed or
heteroscedastic. Otherwise, multiplication of dWin p by the scale factor .642
estimates d when the scores are selected from normal distributions with equal
variances for 20% trimming and Winsorization.
If it is unreasonable to assume equal Winsorized population variances,
two alternative robust effect sizes are

Mtr1 − Mtr2 Mtr1 − Mtr2

d Win1 = or d Win2 = (55.11)
sWin1 sWin2

where the standardizer is the Winsorized standard deviation in either group 1

or group 2. The product .642 dWin1 estimates (µ1 - µ2)/s1, and the product
.642 dWin2 estimates (µ1 - µ2)/s2, assuming normality for 20% trimming and
Winsorization (see Table 5.2).
Look back at Table 2.4, in which raw scores with outliers for two groups
(n = 10 each) are presented. Listed next are the 20% trimmed means and
Winsorized variances for each group:

Mtr1 = 23.00, s2Win1 = 18.489 and Mtr2 = 17.00, s2Win2 = 9.067

which implies s2Win p = 13.778. (You should verify this result using Equation 5.9.)
The robust d statistic based on the pooled standardizer is

23.00 − 17.00
d Win p = = 1.62

so the size of the trimmed mean contrast is 1.62 Winsorized standardized

deviations, assuming homoscedasticity. If it is reasonable to also assume nor-
mality, the robust estimate of d would be .642 (1.62), or 1.04. Exercise 3 asks
you to calculate dWin1 and dWin2 for the same data.

Limitations of Standardized Mean Differences

Limitations considered next apply to all designs considered in this book,

not just two-sample designs. Heteroscedasticity across studies limits the use-
fulness of d as a standardized effect size. Suppose that M1 – M2 = 5.00 in two
different studies on the same outcome measure. The pooled within-groups
variance is 625.00 in the first study but is only 6.25 in the second. As a con-
sequence, dpool for these two studies reflects the differences in their variances:

5.00 5.00
d pool1 = = .20 and d pool2 = = 2.00
625.00 6.25

continuous outcomes      137

These results indicate a contrast tenfold greater in the second study than
in the first. In this case, it is better to compare the unstandardized contrast
M1 – M2 = 5.00 across studies.

Correlation Effect Sizes

The point-biserial correlation rpb is the correlation between member-

ship in one of two different groups and a continuous variable. A conceptual
equation is

M1 − M2 
rpb =   pq (5.12)
 ST 

where ST is the standard deviation in the total data set computed as (SST/N)1/2
and p and q are the proportions of cases in each group (p + q = 1.0). The
expression in parentheses in Equation 5.12 is a d statistic with the standard-
izer ST. It is the multiplication of this quantity by the standard deviation of
the dichotomous factor, (pq)1/2, that transforms the whole expression into
correlation units. It is also possible to convert dpool to rpb for the same data:

d pool
rpb = (5.13)
1 1
d 2
+ dfW  + 
 n1 n2 

It may be easier to compute rpb from tind with dfW = N - 2 for a nil

rpb = (5.14)
t + dfW

The absolute value of rpb can also be derived from the independent samples
F statistic with 1, dfW degrees of freedom for the contrast:

Find SSA ˆ
rpb = = =η (5.15)
Find + dfW SST

This equation also shows that rpb is a special case of η̂2 = SSA/SST, where
SSA is the between-groups sum of squares for the dichotomous factor A. In
particular, r2pb = η̂2 in a two-group design. Note that η̂ is an unsigned correla-
tion, but rpb is signed and thus indicates directionality.

138       beyond significance testing

Reported in the lower part of Table 5.3 are values of rpb at three different
group sizes, n = 5, 15, and 30, for the same contrast. For the smallest group
size, rpb = .41, but for the larger group sizes, rpb = .38. This pattern illustrates a
characteristic of rpb and other sample correlations that approach their maxi-
mum absolute values in very small samples. In the extreme case where the
size of each group is n = 1 and the two scores are not equal, rpb = ±1.00. This
happens out of mathematical necessity and is not real evidence for a perfect
association. Taking rpb = .38 as the most reasonable value, we can say that
the correlation between group membership and outcome is .38 and that the
former explains about .382 = .144, or 14.4%, of the total observed variance.
Exercise 4 involves reproducing some of the results in Table 5.3 for rpb.

Two Dependent Samples

The correlation rpb is for designs with two unrelated samples. For depen-
dent samples, we can instead calculate the correlation of which rpb is a special
case, η̂. It is derived as (SSA /SST)1/2 whether the design is between-subjects
or within-subjects. A complication is that η̂ may not be directly comparable
when the same factor is studied with independent versus dependent samples.
This is because SST is the sum of SSA and SSW when the samples are unrelated,
but it comprises SSA, SSS, and SSA × S for dependent samples. Thus, SST reflects
only one systematic effect (A) when the means are independent but two
systematic effects (A, S) when the means are dependent.
A partial correlation that controls for the subjects effect in correlated
designs assuming a nonadditive model is

ˆ= SSA
partial η (5.16)

where the denominator under the radical represents just one systematic effect
(A). The square of Equation 5.16 is partial η̂2, a measure of association that
refers to a residualized total variance, not total observed variance. Given
partial η̂2 = .25, for example, we can say that factor A explains 25% of the
variance controlling for the subjects effect.
If the subjects effect is relatively large, partial η̂2 can be substantially
higher than η̂2 for the same contrast. This is not contradictory because only
η̂2 is in the metric of the original scores. This fact suggests that partial η̂2 from
a correlated design and η̂2 from a between-subjects design with the same fac-
tor and outcome may not be directly comparable. But η̂2 = partial η̂2 when the
means are unrelated because there is no subjects effect. Exercise 5 asks you to
verify that η̂2 = .167 and partial η̂2 = .588 in the dependent samples analysis
of the data in Table 2.2.

continuous outcomes      139

Robust Measures of Association

The technique of robust regression is an option to calculate r-type effect

sizes that are resistant against outliers, nonnormality, or heteroscedasticity. A
problem is that there are different robust regression methods (e.g., Wilcox,
2003), and it is not always clear which is best in a particular sample. For
instance, the ROBUSTREG procedure in SAS/STAT offers a total of four
methods that vary in their efficiencies (minimization of error variance) or
breakdown points. It is more straightforward to work with robust d statistics
than robust measures of association in two-sample designs.

Limitations of Measures of Association

The correlation rpb (and η̂2, too) is affected by base rate, or the pro-
portion of cases in one group versus the other, p and q. It tends to be high-
est in balanced designs. As the design becomes more unbalanced holding
all else constant, rpb approaches zero. Suppose that M1 – M2 = 5.00 and
ST = 10.00 in each of two different studies. The first study has equal group
sizes, or p1 = q1 = .50. The second study has 90% of its cases in the first
group and 10% of them in the second group, or p2 = .90 and q2 = .10. Using
Equation 5.12, we get

 5.00   5.00 
rpb1 =  .50 (.50) = .25 and rpb2 =  .90 (.10) = .15
 10.00   10.00 

The values of these correlations are different even though the mean contrast
and standard deviation are the same. Thus, rpb is not directly comparable
across studies with dissimilar relative group sizes (dpool is affected by base rates,
too, but ds1 or ds2 is not). The correlation rpb is also affected by the total vari-
ability (i.e., ST). If this variation is not constant over samples, values of rpb
may not be directly comparable. Assuming normality and homoscedasticity,
d- and r-type effect sizes are related in predictable ways; otherwise, it can
happen that d and r appear to say different things about the same contrast
(McGrath & Meyer, 2006).

Correcting for Measurement Error

Too many researchers neglect to report reliability coefficients for scores

analyzed. This is regrettable because effect sizes cannot be properly inter-
preted without knowing whether the scores are precise. The general effect
of measurement error in comparative studies is to attenuate absolute stan-

140       beyond significance testing

dardized effect sizes and reduce the power of statistical tests. Measurement
error also contributes to variation in observed results over studies. Of special
concern is when both score reliabilities and sample sizes vary from study
to study. If so, effects of sampling error are confounded with those due to
measurement error.
There are ways to correct some effect sizes for measurement error (e.g.,
Baguley, 2009), but corrected effect sizes are rarely reported. It is more
surprising that measurement error is ignored in most meta-analyses, too.
F. L. Schmidt (2010) found that corrected effect sizes were analyzed in
only about 10% of the 199 meta-analytic articles published in Psychological
Bulletin from 1978 to 2006. This implies that (a) estimates of mean effect
sizes may be too low and (b) the wrong statistical model may be selected
when attempting to explain between-studies variation in results. If a fixed
effects model is mistakenly chosen over a random effects model, confidence
intervals based on average effect sizes tend to be too narrow, which can
make those results look more precise than they really are. Underestimating
mean effect sizes while simultaneously overstating their precision is a
potentially serious error.
The correction for attenuation formula for the Pearson correlation
shows the relation between rXY and r̂ XY, which estimates the population
correlation between X and Y if scores on both variables were perfectly

rˆXY = (5.17)

where rXX and rYY are the score reliabilities for the two variables. For example,
given rXY = .30, rXX = .80, and rYY = .70,

rˆXY = = .40
.80 (.70 )

which says that the estimated correlation between X and Y is .40 controlling
for measurement error. Because disattenuated correlations are only estimates,
it can happen that r̂ XY > 1.0.
In comparative studies where the factor is presumably measured with
nearly perfect reliability, effect sizes are usually corrected for measurement
error in only the outcome variable, designated next as Y. Forms of this cor-
rection for d- and r-type effect sizes are, respectively,

d rpb
dˆ = and rˆpb = (5.18)

continuous outcomes      141

For example, given d = .75 and rYY = .90,

dˆ = = .79

which says that the contrast is predicted to be .79 standard deviations large
controlling for measurement error. The analogous correction for the correla-
tion ratio is η̂2/rYY.
Appropriate reliability coefficients are needed to apply the correction
for attenuation, and best practice is to estimate these coefficients in your
own samples. The correction works best when reliabilities are good, such
as rXX > .80, but otherwise it is less accurate. The capability to correct effect
sizes for unreliability is no substitute for good measures. Suppose that d = .15
and rYY = .10. A reliability coefficient so low says that the scores are basically
random numbers and random numbers measure nothing. The disattenuated
effect size is d̂ = .15/.101/2, or .47, an adjusted result over three times larger than
the observed effect size. But this estimate is not credible because the scores
should not have been analyzed in the first place. Correction for measurement
error increases sampling error compared with the original effect sizes, but
this increase is less when reliabilities are higher. Hunter and Schmidt (2004)
described other kinds of corrections, such as for range restriction.

Interval Estimation With Effect Sizes

Links to computer tools, described next, are also available on this book’s
web page.

Approximate Confidence Intervals

Distributions of d- and r-type effect sizes are complex and generally fol-
low, respectively, noncentral t distributions and noncentral F distributions.
Noncentral interval estimation requires specialized computer tools. An alter-
native for d is to construct approximate confidence intervals based on hand-
calculable estimates of standard error in large samples. An approach outlined
by Viechtbauer (2007) is described next.
The general form of an approximate 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval
for d is

d ± sd (z 2-tail, σ ) (5.19)

where sd is an asymptotic standard error and z2-tail, a is the positive two-tailed

critical value of the normal deviate at the a level of statistical significance.

142       beyond significance testing

If the effect size is dpool, ds1, ds2, or dtotal (or any of these statistics multiplied by
c (df); Equation 5.6) and the means are treated as independent, an approxi-
mate standard error is

d2 N
sd ind = + (5.20)
2 df n 1 n 2

where df are the degrees of freedom for the standardizer of the corresponding
d statistic. An estimated standard error when treating the means based on
n pairs of scores as dependent is

d2 2 (1 − r12)
sd dep = + (5.21)
2 (n − 1) n

where r12 is the cross-conditions correlation. Finally, if the effect size in a

dependent samples analysis is ddiff or c (df) ddiff, the asymptotic standard error is

d2 1
sd diff + (5.22)
2 (n − 1) n

There are versions of these standard error equations for very large samples
where the sample size replaces the degrees of freedom, such as N instead of
dfW = N – 2 in Equation 5.20 for the effect size dpool (e.g., Borenstein, 2009). In
very large samples, these two sets of equations (N, df) give similar results, but
I recommend the versions presented here if the sample size is not very large.
Suppose that n = 30 in a balanced design and dpool = .80. The estimated
standard error is

.80 2 60
sd pool = + = .2687
2 (58) 30 (30)

Because z2-tail, .05 = 1.96, the approximate 95% confidence interval for d is

.80 ± .2687 (1.96)

which defines the interval [.27, 1.33]. This wide range of imprecision is due to
the small group size (n = 30). Exercise 6 asks you to construct the approximate
95% confidence interval based on the same data but for a dependent contrast
where r12 = .75.

continuous outcomes      143

A method to construct an approximate confidence interval for r using
Fisher’s transformation of the Pearson r was described in Chapter 2. Another
method by Hunter and Schmidt (2004) builds approximate confidence inter-
vals directly in correlation units. These approximate methods may not be
very accurate when the effect size is rpb. An alternative is to use a computer
tool that constructs noncentral confidence intervals for h2 based on ĥ2, of
which rpb is a special case.

Noncentral Confidence Intervals for c

When the means are independent, d statistics follow noncentral t distri-

butions, which have two parameters, df and D, the noncentrality parameter
(e.g., Figure 2.4). Assuming normality and homoscedasticity, D is related to
the population effect size d and the group sizes,

n1 n 2
∆ =δ (5.23)

When the nil hypothesis is true, d = 0 and D = 0; otherwise, D has the same
sign as d. Equation 5.23 can be rearranged to express d as a function of D and
group sizes:

δ=∆ (5.24)
n1 n 2

Steiger and Fouladi (1997) showed that if we can obtain a confidence

interval for D, we can also obtain a confidence interval for d using the con-
fidence interval transformation principle. In theory, we first construct a
100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for D. The lower bound DL is the value of
the noncentrality parameter for the noncentral t distribution in which the
observed t statistic falls at the 100 (1 - a/2)th percentile. The upper bound
DU is the value of the noncentrality parameter for the noncentral t distribu-
tion in which the observed t falls at the 100 (a/2)th percentile. If a = .05,
for example, the observed t falls at the 97.5th percentile in the noncentral
t distribution where the noncentrality parameter equals DL. The same observed
t also falls at the 2.5th percentile in the noncentral t distribution where the
noncentrality parameter is DU. But we need to find which particular non­
central t distributions are most consistent with the data, and it is this problem
that can be solved with the right computer tool. The same tool may also auto-
matically convert the lower and upper bounds of the interval for D to d units.

144       beyond significance testing

The resulting interval is the noncentral 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for
d, which can be asymmetrical around the sample value of d.
Suppose that n = 30 in a balanced design and dpool = .80, which implies
t (58) = 3.10 (Equation 5.3). I used ESCI (Cumming, 2012; see footnote 4,
Chapter 2) to construct the 95% noncentral confidence interval for d for
these data. It returned these results

95% cI for ∆ [1.0469, 5.1251]

95% cI for δ [.270, 1.323]

We can say that the observed t of 3.10 falls at the

97.5th percentile in the noncentral t ( 58,1.00469 ) distribution,

and the same observed t falls at the

2.5th percentile in the noncentral t ( 58, 5.1251) distribution

You can verify these results with an online noncentral t percentile cal-
culator1 or J. H. Steiger’s Noncentral Distribution Calculator (NDC), a freely
available Windows application for noncentrality interval estimation.2 Thus,
the observed effect size of dpool = .80 is just as consistent with a population effect
size as low as d = .27 as it is with a population effect size as high as d = 1.32, with
95% confidence. The approximate 95% confidence interval for d for the same
data is [.27, 1.33], which is similar to the noncentral interval just described.
Smithson (2003) described a set of freely available SPSS scripts that
calculate noncentral confidence intervals based on dpool in two-sample designs
when the means are treated as independent.3 Corresponding scripts for SAS/
STAT and R are also available.4 Kelley (2007) described the Methods for the
Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences (MBESS) package for R, which
calculates noncentral confidence intervals for many standardized effect sizes.5
The Power Analysis module in STATISTICA Advanced also calculates non-
central confidence intervals based on standardized effect sizes (see footnote 5,
Chapter 2). In correlated designs, distributions of dpool follow neither central
nor noncentral t distributions (Cumming & Finch, 2001). For dependent
mean contrasts, ESCI uses Algina and Keselman’s (2003) method for finding
approximate noncentral confidence intervals for µD/s.


continuous outcomes      145

Noncentral Confidence Intervals for g2

Methods for constructing confidence intervals for h2 based on non-

central F distributions in designs with independent samples and fixed fac-
tors were described by Fidler and Thompson (2001), Smithson (2003), and
Kelley (2007). Briefly, noncentral F distributions for single-factor designs
have three parameters, dfA, dfW, and the noncentrality parameter l (Greek
lowercase lambda). The general method for obtaining a noncentral confi-
dence interval for h2 is similar to that for obtaining a noncentral confidence
interval for d. Assuming the 95% confidence level, a computer tool first
finds the lower bound lL, the noncentrality parameter of the noncentral
F distribution in which the observed F for the contrast falls at the 97.5th
percentile. The upper bound lU is the noncentrality parameter of the non-
central F distribution in which the observed F falls at the 2.5th percentile.
The endpoints of the interval in l units are then converted to h2 units with
the equation

η2 = (5.25)

I use the same data as in the previous example. In a balanced design,

n = 30, dpool = .80, and t (58) = 3.10. These results imply rpb = .377 (see Equa-
tion 5.13), ĥ2 = .142, and F (1, 58) = 3.102, or 9.60. I used Smithson’s (2003)
SPSS scripts to compute these results:

95% cI for λ [1.0930, 26.2688]

95% cI for η2 [.0179, .3045]

Thus, the observed effect size of ĥ2 = .142 is just as consistent with a popula-
tion effect size as low as h2 = .018 as it is with a population size as high as
h2 = .305, with 95% confidence. The range of imprecision is wide due to the
small sample size. You should verify with Equation 5.25 that the bounds of
the confidence interval in l units convert to the corresponding bounds of the
confidence interval in h2 units for these data.
Other computer tools that generate noncentral confidence intervals
for h2 include the aforementioned MBESS package for R and the Power
Analysis module in STATISTICA Advanced. There is a paucity of programs
that calculate noncentral confidence intervals for h2 in correlated designs.
This is because the distributions of h2 in this case may follow neither central
nor noncentral test distributions. An alternative is bootstrapped confidence

146       beyond significance testing

Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals

In theory, bootstrapping could be used to generate confidence intervals

based on any effect size described in this book. It is also the method generally
used for interval estimation based on robust d statistics. Results of computer
simulation studies by Algina et al. (2005a, 2005b); Algina, Keselman, and
Penfield (2006); and Keselman et al. (2008) indicated that nonparametric
percentile bootstrap confidence intervals on robust d statistics for indepen-
dent or dependent means are reasonably accurate compared with the method
of noncentrality interval estimation when distributions are nonnormal or
heteroscedastic. Described next are some freely available computer tools for
constructing bootstrapped confidence intervals based on various robust or
nonrobust estimators of d in two-sample designs:6
1. The program ES Bootstrap: Independent Groups (Penfield,
Algina, & Keselman, 2004b) generates bootstrapped con-
fidence intervals for d based on the estimator .642 dWin p in
designs with two unrelated groups.
2. The ES Bootstrap 2 program (Penfield, Algina, & Keselman,
2006) extends this functionality for the same design to addi-
tional robust or nonrobust estimators of d.
3. In correlated designs, ES Bootstrap: Correlated Groups (Penfield,
Algina, & Keselman, 2004a) generates bootstrapped confidence
intervals for d based on various robust or nonrobust estimators.
Keselman et al. (2008) described scripts in the SAS/IML programming
language that generate robust tests and bootstrapped confidence intervals in
single- or multiple-factor designs with independent or dependent samples.7
Wilcox’s (2012) WRS package has similar capabilities for robust d statistics
(see footnote 11, Chapter 2).
I used Penfield et al.’s (2004b) ES Bootstrap: Independent Groups pro-
gram to construct a bootstrapped 95% confidence interval for d based on the
raw data for two groups with outliers in Table 2.4. For these data, dWin p = 1.62,
and the estimate of d is the product of the scale factor .642 and 1.62, or 1.04.
Based on the empirical sampling distribution of 1,000 generated samples,
the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval returned by the computer tool is
[-.19, 2.14]. Thus, the observed robust effect size of 1.04 standard deviations
is just as consistent with a population effect size as low as d = -.19 as it is with
a population effect size as high as d = 2.14, with 95% confidence. The wide
range of imprecision is due to the small sample size (N = 20).


continuous outcomes      147

Analysis of Group Differences at the Case Level

The methods outlined next describe effect size at the case level.

Measures of Overlap

Presented in Figure 5.1 are two pairs of frequency distributions, each of

which illustrates one of Cohen’s (1988) overlap measures, U1 and U3. Both
pairs depict M1 > M2, normal distributions and equal group sizes and vari-
ances. The shaded regions in Figure 5.1(a) represent areas where the two
distributions do not overlap, and U1 is the proportion of scores across both
groups within these areas. The difference 1 – U1 is thus the proportion of
scores within the area of overlap. If the mean difference is nil, U1 = 0, but if
the contrast is so great that no scores overlap, U1 = 1.00. The range of U1 is

a. U1

M2 M1

b. U3

M2 M1

Figure 5.1.  Measures of distribution overlap, U1 (a) and U3 (b).

148       beyond significance testing

thus 0–1.00. Illustrated in Figure 5.1(b) is U3, the proportion of scores in the
lower group exceeded by a typical score in the upper group. A typical score
could be the mean, median, or some other measure of central tendency,
but the mean and median are equal in symmetrical distributions. If two
distributions are identical, U3 = .50, but if U3 = 1.00, the distributions are
so distinct that the typical score in the upper group exceeds all scores in the
lower group. The range of U3 is thus .50–1.00.
In real data sets, U1 and U3 are derived by inspecting group frequency
distributions. For U1, count the total number of scores from each group
outside the range of the other group and divide this number by N. For U3,
locate the typical score from the upper group in the frequency distribution
of the lower group and then calculate the percentile equivalent of that score
expressed as a proportion. A potential problem with U1 is that if the range of
scores is limited, the proportion of nonoverlapping scores may be zero even if
the contrast is relatively large.
Suppose that treated cases have a higher mean than control cases on an
outcome where a higher score is a better result. If U1 = .15 and U3 = .55, we
can say that only 15% of the scores across the two groups are distinct. The
rest, or 85%, fall within the area of overlap. Thus, most treated cases look like
most untreated cases and vice versa. The typical treated case scores higher
than 55% of untreated cases. Whether these results are clinically significant
is another matter, but U1 and U3 describe case-level effects in ways that gen-
eral audiences can understand.
It is also possible in graphical displays to give information about distri-
bution overlap at the case level. The display in Figure 5.2(a) shows the means
for two groups based on the scores with outliers in Table 2.4. The format of
this line graphic is often used to show the results of a t test, but it conveys
no case-level information. Plotting error bars around the dots that represent
group means in Figure 5.2(a) might help, but M and sM are not robust estima-
tors. The display in Figure 5.2(b) with group box plots (box-and-whisker
plots) is more informative. The bottom and top borders of the rectangle in
a box plot correspond to, respectively, the 25th percentile and 75th percen-
tile. The total region in the rectangle thus represents 50% of the scores, and
comparing these regions across groups says something about overlap. The
line inside the rectangle of a box plot represents the median (50th percen-
tile). The “whiskers” are the vertical lines that connect the rectangle to the
lowest and highest scores that are not extreme. The box plot for group 1 in
Figure 5.2(b) has no whisker because the score at the 75th percentile (29)
is also the last nonextreme score at the upper end of the distribution. Tukey
(1977) described other visual methods of exploratory data analysis that show
case-level information.

continuous outcomes      149

(a) Group means only (b) Group box plots

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 1 2
Group Group

Figure 5.2. A graphical display of means only (a) versus one that shows box plots
(b) for the scores from two groups with outliers in Table 2.4.

Tail Ratios

A right-tail ratio (RTR) is the relative proportion of scores from two

different groups that fall beyond a cutting point in the upper tails of both
distributions. Such thresholds may be established based on merit, such as
a minimum score on an admissions test. Likewise, a left-tail ratio (LTR) is
the relative proportion of scores that fall below a cutting point in the lower
extremes of both distributions, which may be established based on need. An
example of a needs-based classification is a remedial (compensatory) program
available only for students with low reading test scores. Students with higher
scores would not be eligible.
Because tail ratios are computed with the largest proportion in the
numerator, their values are ≥1.00. For example, RTR = 2.00 says that cases
from the group represented in the numerator are twice as likely as cases in
the other group to have scores above a threshold in the upper tail. Presented
in Figure 5.3(a) are two frequency distributions where M1 > M2. The shaded
areas in each distribution represent the proportion of scores in group 1 (p1) and
group 2 (p2) that exceed a cutting point in the right tails. Because relatively
more scores from group 1 exceed the threshold, p1 > p2 and RTR = p1/p2 > 1.00.

150       beyond significance testing

a. d > 0


M2 M1

b. d = 0


M1 = M2

Figure 5.3.  The right tail ratio p1/p2 relative to cutting point when d > 0 for M1 > M2 (a)
and d = 0 for M1 = M2 (b).

Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) reported the following descriptive statis-

tics for large samples of women and men on a verbal ability test for which
µ = 100.00, s = 15.00:

MW = 103.00, sW = 14.80 and Mm = 100.00, sm = 14.21

Suppose that job applicants will be considered only if their scores exceed 130,
or two standard deviations above the mean. Normal deviate equivalents of this
threshold in the separate distributions for women and men are, respectively,

130 − 103.00 130 − 100.00

zW = = 1.82 and z m = = 2.11
14.80 14.21

Assuming normality, zW = 1.82 falls at the 96.56th percentile in the distri-

bution for women, so .0344 of their scores exceed 130. For men, zM = 2.11

continuous outcomes      151

falls at the 98.26th percentile, which implies that .0174 of their scores
exceed the cutting point. (You can use a normal curve table or a web calcu-
lator for a normal curve to generate these proportions.) Given these results,

rtr = = 1.98

Thus, women are about twice as likely as men to have scores that exceed the
cutting point. This method may not give accurate results if the distributions
are not approximately normal. One should instead analyze the frequency
distributions to find the exact proportions of scores beyond the cutting point.
Tail ratios are often reported when gender differences at the extremes of dis-
tributions are studied.
Tail ratios generally increase as the threshold moves further to the
right (RTR) or further to the left (LTR) when M1 ≠ M2, assuming sym-
metrical distributions with equal variances. But it can happen that tail
ratios are not zero even though M1 = M2 and d = rpb = 0 when there is hetero­
scedasticity. For example, the two distributions in Figure 5.3(b) have the
same means, but the tail ratios are not also generally 1.00 because group 1 is
more variable than group 2. Thus, scores from group 1 are overrepresented
at both extremes of the distributions. If the researcher wants only to com-
pare central tendencies, this “disagreement” between the tail ratios and
d may not matter. In a selection context, though, the tail ratios would be
of critical interest.

Other Case-Level Proportions

McGraw and Wong’s (1992) common language effect size (CL) is the
predicted probability that a random score on a continuous outcome selected
from the group with the higher mean exceeds a random score from the group
with the lower mean. If two frequency distributions are identical, CL = .50,
which says that it is just as likely that a random score from one group exceeds
a random score from the other group. As the two frequency distributions
become more distinct, the value of CL increases up to its theoretical maxi-
mum of 1.00. Vargha and Delaney (2000) described the probability of (sto-
chastic) superiority, which can be applied to ordinal outcome variables.
Huberty and Lowman’s (2000) improvement over chance classification, or
I, is for the classification phase of logistic regression or discriminant func-
tion analysis. The I statistic measures the proportionate reduction in the
error rate compared with random classification. If I = .35, for example, the
observed classification error rate is 35% less than that expected in random

152       beyond significance testing

Table 5.4
Relation of Selected Values of the Standardized Mean Difference
to the Point-Biserial Correlation and Case-Level Proportions
Group or variable
level Case level

d rpb U1 U3 RTR + 1 RTR + 2

0 0 0 .500 1.00 1.00

.10 .05 .007 .540 1.16 1.27
.20 .10 .148 .579 1.36 1.61
.30 .15 .213 .618 1.58 2.05
.40 .20 .274 .655 1.85 2.62
.50 .24 .330 .691 2.17 3.37
.60 .29 .382 .726 2.55 4.36
.70 .33 .430 .758 3.01 5.68
.80 .37 .474 .788 3.57 7.46
.90 .41 .515 .816 4.25 9.90
1.00 .45 .554 .841 5.08 13.28
1.25 .53 .638 .894 8.14 29.13
1.50 .60 .707 .933 13.56 69.42
1.75 .66 .764 .960 23.60 —a
2.00 .71 .811 .977 43.04 —a
2.50 .78 .882 .994 —a —a
3.00 .83 .928 .999 —a —a
Note. RTR + 1 = right tail ratio for a cutting point one standard deviation above the mean of the combined
distribution; RTR + 2 = right tail ratio for a cutting point two standard deviations above the mean of the
combined distribution.

Relation of Group- or Variable-Level Effect Size

to Case-Level Proportions

Assuming normality, homoscedasticity, and large and equal group sizes,

case-level proportions are functions of effect size at the group level. Listed in the
first column in Table 5.4 are values of d in the range 0–3.0. (Here, d refers to dpool,
ds1, or ds2, which are asymptotically equal under these assumptions.) Listed in the
remaining columns are values of rpb and case-level proportions that correspond to
d in each row. Reading each row in Table 5.4 gives a case-level perspective on
mean differences of varying magnitudes. If d = .50, for example, the expected value
of rpb is .24. For the same effect size, we expect the following at the case level:
1. About one third of all scores are distinct across the two distri-
butions (U1 = .33). That is, about two thirds of the scores fall
within the area of overlap.
2. The typical score in the group with the higher mean exceeds
about 70% of the scores in the group with the lower mean
(U3 = .69).

continuous outcomes      153

3. The upper group will have about twice as many scores as the
lower group that exceed a threshold one standard deviation
above the mean of the combined distribution (RTR = 2.17).
For a cutting point two standard deviations above the mean
of the combined distribution, the upper group will have more
than three times as many scores as the lower group that exceed
the threshold (RTR = 3.37).
The relations summarized in Table 5.4 hold only under the assumptions
of normality, homoscedasticity, and balanced designs with large samples.
Otherwise, it can happen that the group statistics d or rpb tell a different story
than case-level effect sizes. Look back at Figure 5.3(b), for which d = rpb = 0 but
tail ratios are not generally 1.0 due to heteroscedasticity. In actual data sets,
researchers should routinely evaluate effects at both the group and case levels,
especially in treatment outcome studies; see McGrath and Meyer (2006) for
more examples.

Substantive Significance

This section provides interpretive guidelines for effect sizes. I also sug-
gest how to avoid fooling yourself when estimating effect sizes.


As researchers learn about effect size, they often ask, what is a large
effect? a small effect? a substantive (important) effect? Cohen (1962) devised
what were probably the earliest guidelines for describing qualitative effect
size magnitudes that seemed to address the first two questions. The descriptor
medium corresponded to a subjective average effect size in nonexperimental
studies. The other two descriptors were intended for situations where neither
theory nor prior empirical findings distinguish between small and large effects.
In particular, he suggested that d = .50 indicated a medium effect size, d = .25
corresponded to a small effect size, and d = 1.00 signified a large effect size.
Cohen (1969) later revised his guidelines to d = .20, 50, and .80 as, respectively,
small, medium, and large, and Cohen (1988) described similar benchmarks for
correlation effect sizes.
Cohen never intended the descriptors small, medium, and large—T-shirt
effect sizes—to be applied rigidly across different research areas. He also
acknowledged that his conventions were an educated guess. This is why he
encouraged researchers to look first to the empirical literature in their areas
before using these descriptors. Unfortunately, too many researchers blindly

154       beyond significance testing

apply T-shirt effect sizes, claiming, for example, that d = .49 indicates a small
effect but d = .51 is a medium-sized effect (first mistake), because Cohen said
so (second mistake). It seems that the bad habit of dichotomous thinking in
significance testing is contagious.
The best way for researchers to judge the relative magnitudes of their
effects is to consult relevant meta-analytic studies. There are computer tools
with the capabilities to calculate, record, and organize effect sizes for sets
of related studies. An example is Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA;
Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005), which accepts different
forms of input data and computes various effect sizes.8 Although intended for
researchers who conduct meta-analyses, CMA and similar programs can be
used by primary researchers to collect and analyze effect sizes from individual
studies. The real benefit from reporting standardized effect sizes comes not
from comparing them against arbitrary guidelines but instead from comparing
effect sizes directly with those reported in previous studies.

What Is a Substantive Effect?

The third question about effect size—what is a substantive result?—is the

toughest. This is because demonstration of an effect’s significance—whether
theoretical, practical, or clinical—calls for more discipline-specific expertise
than the estimation of its magnitude (Kirk, 1996). For example, the magnitude
of the gender difference in height among adults is about d = 2.00. Whether
this difference is substantive depends on the context. In terms of general life
adjustment, this gender difference is probably irrelevant. But in the context
of auto­mobile safety, the gender difference in height may be critical. Remember
a problem with the front air bags in automobiles manufactured before the late
1990s: Their deployment force could injure or kill a small-stature driver or pas-
senger, which presented a greater risk to women. Nowadays, most cars have front
seat air bags that vary deployment force according to driver weight. But even
smart air bags can injure or kill children, so the even greater height difference
between adults and children still has substantive significance in this domain.
By the same logic, results gauged to be small in a T-shirt metric are
not necessarily unimportant. Bellinger (2007), Fern and Monroe (1996),
Prentice and Miller (1992), and B. Thompson (2006b) described the con-
texts for when small effects may be noteworthy summarized next:
1. Minimal manipulation of the independent variable results in
some change in the outcome variable; that is, a small cause size
nevertheless produces an observable effect size.


continuous outcomes      155

2. An effect operates in a domain where theoretically no effect is
expected. An example is the finding that the physical attrac-
tiveness of defendants in courtroom trials predicts to some
degree sentence severity.
3. The outcome variable is very important, such as human life.
4. An effect is observed on an outcome variable that is difficult to
influence. Finding that a treatment alters the course of a severe,
degenerative disease is an example.
5. Small shifts in mean values of health-related variables can
sometimes lead to big effects when spread over the whole popu-
lation. The aforementioned finding that taking small doses of
aspirin can reduce the risk for heart attack is an example.
6. It can also happen that effects in early stage research are larger
than those in later research. This can occur as researchers shift
their attention from determining whether an effect exists to
studying its more subtle mechanisms at boundary conditions.
In general, effect sizes that are “unimportant” may be ones that fall
within the margins of measurement error. But even this general definition
does not always hold. The difference in vote totals for the two major can-
didates in the 2000 presidential election in the United States was within
the margin of error for vote counting in certain precincts, but these small
differences determined the outcome. Effect sizes that are “important” should
also have theoretical, practical, or clinical implications, given the research
context. Just as there is no absolute standard for discriminating between
small and large effects, however, there is no absolute standard for determin-
ing effect size importance. Part of the challenge in a particular research area
is to develop benchmarks for substantive significance. Awareness of effect
sizes in one’s own area helps, as does an appreciation of the need to examine
effects at both group and case levels.
If practitioners such as therapists, teachers, or managers are the
intended audience, researchers should describe substantive significance in
terms relevant to these groups. As part of their customer-centric science
model, Aguinis et al. (2010) described the use of ethnographic techniques to
elucidate frames of reference among practitioners. The goal is to discover rel-
evance from the perspective of stakeholders, who may use different meanings
or language than researchers. This process may involve study of phenomena
in their natural settings or use of semistructured interviews, diaries, or other
qualitative methods. A conversation analysis involves the identification of
key words or phrases that signal affirmation of relevance when practitioners
discuss a problem. A narrative analysis in which practitioners describe per-
sonal experiences using notes, photographs, or case studies has a similar aim.

156       beyond significance testing

Other ethnographic methods include focus groups, historical research, and
field notes analysis. The point is to facilitate communication between pro-
ducers and consumers of research. Similar techniques are used in computer
science to discover requirements of those who will use a computer tool and
to design program interfaces for specific type of users (e.g., Sutcliffe, 2002).

Clinical Significance

Comparing treated with untreated patients is the basis for discerning

clinical significance. One should observe at the case level that a typical
treated case is distinguishable from a typical untreated case. The case-level
effect sizes U1 and U3 speak directly to this issue (see Figure 5.1). For exam-
ple, the treatment effect size should generally exceed one full standard devi-
ation (d > 1.0) in order for most treated and untreated patients to be distinct
(U1 > .50; see Table 5.4). At the group level, criterion contrasts involve
comparisons between groups that represent a familiar and recognizable dif-
ference on a relevant outcome. Some possibilities include contrasts between
patients with debilitating symptoms and those with less severe symptoms or
between patients who require inpatient versus outpatient treatment.
If the metric of the outcome variable is meaningful, it is easier to interpret
unstandardized criterion contrasts in terms of clinical significance, but judg-
ment is still required. An example by Blanton and Jaccard (2006) illustrates
this point: Suppose a new treatment reduces the mean number of migraines
from 10 to 4 per month. A change of this magnitude is likely to be seen by both
patients and practitioners as clinically important. But what if the mean reduc-
tion were smaller, say, from 10 migraines per month to 9? Here, the researcher
must explain how this result makes a difference in patients’ lives, such as their
overall quality of life, balanced against risk such as side effects when evalu-
ating clinical significance. Again, this is a matter of judgment based on the
researcher’s domain knowledge, not solely on statistics.
When metrics of outcome variables are arbitrary, it is common for
researchers to report standardized criterion contrast effect sizes as d sta-
tistics. Because metrics of standardized effect sizes are just as arbitrary as the
original units, they do not directly convert to implications for clinical signifi-
cance. This includes effects deemed large in some T-shirt metrics (Blanton &
Jaccard, 2006). The realization that neither statistical significance nor stan-
dardized effect sizes are sufficient to establish clinical significance means that
some so-called empirically validated therapies, such as cognitive behavioral
therapy for depression, are not really empirically validated in terms of clinical
significance (Kazdin, 2006).
For measures with arbitrary metrics, researchers should also try to
identify real-world referents of changes in scores of different magnitudes. A

continuous outcomes      157

critical issue is whether effects observed in university laboratories generalize
to real-world settings. Another is whether participants in such studies are
representative of patients in the general population. For example, patients
with multiple diagnoses are often excluded in treatment outcome studies, but
many patients in real clinical settings are assigned more than one diagnosis.
Some psychological tests have been used so extensively as outcome measures
that guidelines about clinical significance are available. For example, Seggar,
Lambert, and Hansen (2002) used multiple methods, including analysis of
distribution overlap, to recommend thresholds for clinical significance on
the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emory, 1979). Fournier
et al. (2010) applied a similar definition in a meta-analysis of the effects of
anti-depressant medication. They found that such effects were not clinically
significant for patients with mild or moderate levels of depression, but larger
and clinically meaningful changes were observed among patients who were
severely depressed.

How to Fool Yourself With Effect Size Estimation

Some ways to mislead yourself with effect size estimation mentioned

earlier are summarized next. There are probably other paths to folly, but I
hope that the major ones are included below:
1. Measure effect size magnitude only at the group level (ignore
the case level).
2. Apply T-shirt definitions of effect size without first looking to
the empirical literature in one’s area.
3. Believe that an effect size judged as large according to T-shirt
conventions must be an important result and that a small
effect is unimportant.
4. Ignore the question of how to establish substantive signifi-
cance in one’s research area.
5. Estimate effect size only for results that are statistically significant.
6. Believe that effect size estimation somehow lessens the need
for replication.
7. Report values of effect sizes only as point estimates; that is,
forget that effect sizes are subject to sampling error, too.
8. Forget that effect size for fixed factors is specific to the par-
ticular levels selected for study. Also forget that effect size is
in part a function of study design.
9. Forget that standardized effect sizes encapsulate other quanti-
ties or characteristics, including the unstandardized effect size,

158       beyond significance testing

error variance, sample base rates, and experimental design.
These are all crucial aspects in study planning and must not
be overlooked.
10. As a journal editor or reviewer, substitute effect size for statis-
tical significance as a criterion for whether a work is published.

Research Example

This example illustrates effect size estimation at both the group and
case levels in an actual data set. You can download the raw data file in SPSS
format for this example from the web page for this book. At the beginning of
courses in introductory statistics, 667 psychology students (M age = 23.3 years,
s = 6.63; 77.1% women) were administered the original 15-item test of basic
math skills reproduced in Table 5.5. The items are dichotomously scored
as either 0 (wrong) or 1 (correct), so total scores range from 0 to 17. These

Table 5.5
Items of a Basic Math Skills Test
1. 6 14 2. Write as 3. Write as 4. 7 6
15 8 a fraction a decimal 17 x
+ 4 12
.0031 = 52 12 % = x=

5. Multiply 6. Multiply 7. 1 12 ÷ .25 = 8. 16 ÷ 4 =

1 % by 60
15% by 175 4

9. Find average: 10. 2 4 11. If a = −1 and b = 5

34, 16, 45, 27 x−4 x
then ab =

12. x y 13. If a = −1 and b = 4 14. 7 − (6 + 8 )

3 4 2
2 3 then a + b =
4 5

∑ xy + ∑y =
15. Where does the line
3 x − 2 y = 12 cross

the x -axis? the y -axis?

what is the slope?

continuous outcomes      159

Table 5.6
Descriptive Statistics and Effect Sizes for the Contrast of Students With
Satisfactory Versus Unsatisfactory Outcomes in Introductory Statistics
on a Basic Math Skills Test
Group or variable level Case level

Group n M s2 dpool d̂pool rpb r̂ pb U1 U3

Satisfactory 511 10.96 9.45 .46a .54 .19b .22 .05 .67
Unsatisfactory 156 9.52 10.45
Note. For a nil hypothesis, t (665) = 5.08. Corrections for measurement error based on rXX = .72.
Noncentral 95% confidence interval for d [.28, 65]. bNoncentral 95% confidence interval for h2 [.014, .069].

scores had no bearing on subsequent course grades. The internal consistency

reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) in this sample is .72.
Reported in the left side of Table 5.6 are descriptive statistics for stu-
dents with satisfactory outcomes in statistics (a final course letter grade of
C- or better) versus those with unsatisfactory outcomes (final letter grade of
D+ or lower or withdrew). Effect sizes for the group contrast are listed in the
right side of the table. Students with satisfactory outcomes had higher mean
math test scores (M1 = 10.96, 64.5% correct) than those with unsatisfactory
outcomes (M2 = 9.52, 56.0% correct) by .46 standard deviations, noncentral
95% CI for d [.28, .65]. Adjusted for measurement error, this effect size is
.54 standard deviations.
The observed correlation between math test scores and satisfactory ver-
sus unsatisfactory outcomes in statistics is .19, so the proportion of explained
variance is .192, or .037, noncentral 95% CI for h2 [.014, .069] (see Table 5.6).
The correlation effect size adjusted for measurement error is .22. Because the
range of math test scores is relatively narrow, it is not surprising that only
about 5% fall outside the area of overlap of the two distributions. There were
no math test scores of 16 or 17 among students with unsatisfactory outcomes,
but a total of 34 students with satisfactory outcomes achieved scores this high
(U1 = 34/667 = .05). The median score of students with satisfactory outcomes
in statistics (11) exceeded about two thirds of the scores among students with
unsatisfactory outcomes (U3 = .67). Exercise 7 asks you to reproduce some of
the results in Table 5.6.
Presented in Table 5.7 are results of an alternative case-level analysis
that makes implications of the results more obvious for general audiences.
Scores on the math test were partitioned into four categories, 0–39, 40–59,
60–79, and 80–100% correct. This was done to find the level of performance
(if any) that distinguished students at risk for having difficulties in statistics.
Percentages in rows of Table 5.7 indicate proportions of students with satis-
factory versus unsatisfactory outcomes for each of the four levels of math test

160       beyond significance testing

Table 5.7
Relation Between Outcomes in Introductory Statistics
and Level of Performance on a Basic Math Skills Test
Course outcomea

Math score (%) n Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

80–100 133 117 (88.0) 16 (12.0)

60–79 237 181 (76.4) 56 (23.6)
40–50 222 172 (77.5) 50 (22.5)
<40 75 41 (54.7) 34 (45.3)
Frequency (row percentage).

performance. The risk for a negative outcome in statistics increases from about
12% among students who correctly solved at least 80% of the math test items
to the point where nearly half (45.3%) of the students who correctly solved
fewer than 40% of test items had unsatisfactory outcomes.


This chapter introduced basic principles of effect size estimation and two
families of group- or variable-level standardized effect sizes for continuous out-
comes, standardized mean differences and correlation effect sizes. Denominators
of standardized mean differences for contrasts between independent means are
standard deviations in the metric of the original scores, but it is critical to report
which particular standard deviation was specified as the standardizer. There are
robust standardized mean differences that may be less affected by nonnormality,
heteroscedasticity, or outliers. Descriptive correlation effect sizes considered are
all forms of ĥ, or the square root of the sum of squares for the contrast over the
total sum of squares. Case-level analysis of proportions of scores from one group
versus another group that fall above or below certain reference points can illu-
minate practical implications of group-level differences. Estimating effect size is
part of determining substantive significance, but the two are not synonymous.
The next chapter deals with effect sizes for categorical outcomes.

Learn More

Breaugh (2003) reviews mistakes to avoid, and books about effect size
estimation by Ellis (2010) and Grissom and Kim (2011) are good resources
for applied researchers. Kelley and Preacher (2012) give an excellent over-
view of the concept of effect size.

continuous outcomes      161

Breaugh, J. A. (2003). Effect size estimation: Factors to consider and mistakes to
avoid. Journal of Management, 29, 79–97. doi:10.1016/S0149-2063(02)00221-0
Ellis, P. D. (2010). The essential guide to effect sizes: Statistical power, meta-analysis, and
the interpretation of research results. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Grissom, R. J., & Kim, J. J. (2011). Effect sizes for research: Univariate and multivariate
applications (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Kelley, K., & Preacher, K. J. (2012). On effect size. Psychological Methods, 17, 137–152.
doi: 10.1037/a0028086


1. Calculate the d statistics in Table 5.3 for n = 30.

2. For the scores in Table 2.2, verify that dpool = .80 and ddiff = 1.07.
3. For the data in Table 2.4, calculate the robust effect sizes dWin1
and dWin2.
4. Calculate rpb for the data in Table 5.3 for n = 30.
5. Verify that ĥ2 = .177 and partial ĥ2 = .588 in a dependent sam-
ples analysis of the data in Table 2.2.
6. Given dpool = .80, n = 30, and r12 = .75 in a dependent samples
analysis, construct the approximate 95% confidence interval
for d.
7. Calculate an approximate 95% confidence interval for d based
on the results in Table 5.6.

162       beyond significance testing

Categorical Outcomes

Change is not merely necessary to life—it is life.

—Alvin Toffler (1970, p. 304)

Some outcomes are categorical instead of continuous. The levels of a

categorical outcome are mutually exclusive, and each case is classified into
just one level. Widely used effect sizes for categorical outcomes in areas such as
medicine, epidemiology, and education are introduced in this chapter. Some
of the effect sizes described next can also be estimated in logistic regression
or log-linear analysis. Doing so bases effect sizes for categorical outcomes on
an underlying statistical model and also corrects for inter­correlations among
multiple predictors. In contrast, the same effect sizes computed with the
methods described next should be considered descriptive statistics. Exercises
for this chapter provide additional practice in estimating effect size for
categorical outcomes.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-006
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Types of Categorical Outcomes

The simplest categorical outcomes are binary (dichotomous) variables

with only two levels, such as relapsed or not relapsed. When two groups are
compared on a dichotomy, the data are frequencies that are represented in
a 2 × 2 contingency table, also called a fourfold table. Categorical variables
can also have more than 2 levels, such as agree, disagree, and uncertain. The
size of the contingency table is larger than 2 × 2 if two groups are contrasted
across > 2 categories. Only some effect sizes for 2 × 2 tables can be extended
to larger tables. The same statistics can also be used when > 2 groups are
compared on a categorical outcome.
Levels of categorical variables are either unordered or ordered. Unordered
categories, such as those for ethnicity, marital status, or occupational type,
imply no rank order. The technique of binary logistic regression is for dichoto-
mous outcomes, and its extension for outcomes with ≥ 3 unordered categories
is multinomial logistic regression. Ordered categories (multilevel ordinal
categories) have ≥ 3 levels that imply a rank order. An example is the Likert
scale strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. There are specialized
techniques for ordered categories such as ordinal logistic regression, which
analyzes the relative frequencies of each level of an ordinal criterion and all
outcomes that are ordered before it. Methods for ordered categories are not
as familiar as those for unordered categories, so the former are not considered
further. One alternative is to collapse multilevel categories into two sub-
stantively meaningful, mutually exclusive outcomes. Estimation of effect size
magnitude is then conducted with methods for fourfold tables.
Another framework that analyzes data from fourfold tables is the sensi-
tivity, specificity, and predictive value model. Better known in medicine as a
way to evaluate the accuracy of screening tests, this approach can be fruitfully
applied to psychological tests that screen for problems such as depression or
learning disabilities (e.g., Kennedy, Willis, & Faust, 1997). Because screening
tests are not as accurate as more individualized and costly diagnostic meth-
ods, not all persons with a positive test result will actually have the target
condition. Likewise, not everyone with a negative result is actually free of
that condition. The 2 × 2 table analyzed is the cross-tabulation of screening
test results (positive–negative) and true status (disorder–no disorder).
The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value model is a special case
of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) model based on signal detec-
tion theory. The latter was developed in the 1950s by researchers who studied
the ability of radar operators to correctly determine whether a screen blip was
or was not a threat as a function of thresholds for classifying radar readings as
indicating signal versus noise. The ratio of the rate of true positives over false
negatives is plotted in ROC curves, which can be studied over different cutting

164       beyond significance testing

points. Analysis of ROC curves has been applied in the behavioral sciences to
the study of sensory thresholds in psychophysics and decision making under
conditions of uncertainty (Swets, 1996). Screening test accuracy can also be
analyzed in Bayesian estimation controlling for base rates when estimating the
probability of a disorder given positive versus negative test results.

Effect Sizes for 2 × 2 Tables

Effect sizes, considered next, estimate the degree of relative risk for an
undesirable outcome, such as relapsed–not relapsed, across different popula-
tions, such as treatment versus control. The same estimators and their cor-
responding parameters can also be defined when neither level of the outcome
dichotomy corresponds to something undesirable, such as agree–disagree. In
this case, the idea of risk is replaced by that of comparing relative proportions
for binary outcomes.
Presented in Table 6.1 is a fourfold table for comparing treatment and
control groups on the outcome relapsed–not relapsed. The letters in the table
represent observed frequencies in each cell. For example, the size of the con-
trol group is nC = A + B, where A and B, respectively, stand for the number
of untreated cases that relapsed or did not relapse. The size of the treatment
group is nT = C + D, where C and D, respectively, symbolize the number of
treated cases that relapsed or did not relapse. The total sample size is the sum
of A, B, C, and D. Listed in Table 6.2 are the effect sizes, the equation for
each effect size based on the cell frequencies represented in Table 6.1, and
the corresponding parameter.

Risk Rates

With reference to Table 6.1, the proportion of cases in the control

group (C) and the treatment group (T) that relapsed are respectively defined
as pC = A/(A + B) and pT = C/(C + D). The complements of these ratios,

Table 6.1
A Fourfold Table for a Contrast on a Dichotomy
Relapsed Not relapsed

Control A B
Treatment C D

Note.  The letters A–D represent observed cell frequencies.

categorical outcomes      165

Table 6.2
Risk Effect Sizes for Fourfold Tables
Statistic Equation Parameter

Risk rates
  pC A pC
A+ B

  pT C pT
Comparative risk
 RD pC − pT pC − pT
 RR pC πC
pT πT

 OR oddsC pC (1− pC ) ΩC

= ω=
oddsT pT (1− pT ) ΩT

  AD − BC χ 22× 2  ϕ
( A + B)(C + D)( A + C)( B + D) N

Note.  The letters A–D represent observed cell frequencies in Table 6.1. If A, B, C, or D = 0 in computation
of OR, add .5 to the observed frequencies in all cells. RD = risk difference; RR = risk ratio; OR = odds ratio;
χ 22 × 2 = contingency table chi-square with a single degree of freedom.

or 1 – pC and 1 – pT, are the proportions of cases in each group that did not
relapse. The statistic pC estimates pC, the proportion of cases in the control
population that relapsed, and pT estimates the corresponding parameter pT in
the treatment population.

Comparative Risk

The risk difference (RD) is defined as pC – pT, and it estimates the

parameter pC – pT. The result pC – pT = .10 indicates a relapse rate 10% higher
in the control sample than in the treatment sample. Likewise, pC – pT = -.20
says that the relapse rate among treated cases is 20% higher than that
among control cases. The risk ratio (RR) is the ratio of the risk rates. It
is defined here as pC /pT, but which rate appears in the numerator versus
the denominator is arbitrary, so one should always explain how RR is com-
puted. If pC /pT = 1.30, for example, the relapse risk is 1.3 times higher
among control than treated cases. Similarly, if RR = .80, the relapse risk
in the control group is 80% as high as that in the treatment group. The
statistic RR estimates pC /pT.

166       beyond significance testing

The odds ratio (OR) is the ratio of the within-groups odds for the unde-
sirable event. It is defined in Table 6.1 as the ratio of the odds for relapse in
the control group, oddsC, over the odds for relapse in the treatment group,
oddsT. These odds are defined as

pC pt
oddsC = and oddst = (6.1)
1 − pC 1 − pt

Suppose pC = .60 and pT = .40 are, respectively, the relapse rates among
control and treated cases. The relapse odds in the control group are .60/.40
= 1.50, so the odds of relapse are 3:2. In the treatment group, the odds for
relapse are lower, .40/.60 = .67; that is, the odds of relapse are 2:3. The odds
ratio is OR = 1.50/.67 = 2.25, which says that the relapse odds are 2¼ times
higher among control cases than treated cases. Likewise, OR = .75 would say
that the relapse odds in the control group are only 75% as high as the odds
in the treatment group. In fourfold tables where all margin totals are equal,
OR = RR2. The parameter for OR is w = WC /WT, the ratio of the within-
populations odds where

πC πt
ΩC = and Ω t = (6.2)
1 − πC 1 − πt

A convenient property of OR is that it can be converted to a kind of

standardized mean difference known as logit d (Chinn, 2000). Here, a logit
is ln (OR), the natural log of OR. This logistic distribution is approximately
normal with a standard deviation that equals pi/31/2, or about 1.8138. The
ratio of ln (OR) over pi/31/2 is a logit d that is comparable to a standardized
mean difference for the same contrast but on a continuous outcome. The
logit d can also be expressed in basically the same form as a conventional
standardized mean difference:

ln (or) ln (oddsC ) − ln (oddst )

logit d = = (6.33)
pi 3 pi 3

Reporting logit d may be of interest when the hypothetical variable that

underlies the observed dichotomy is continuous. For example, there may be
degrees of recovery that underlie the binary classification of recovered–not
covered. Suppose that pC = .60 and pT = .40, which implies oddsC = 1.50,
oddsT = .67, and OR = 2.25. The value of logit d is

ln (2.25) ln (1.50) − ln (.67)

logit d = = = .45
pi 3 pi 3

categorical outcomes      167

Thus, the finding that the odds for relapse are 2¼ times higher among control
cases corresponds to a treatment effect size magnitude of about .45 standard
deviations in logistic units. Hunter and Schmidt (2004) described other ways
to adjust for dichotomization of continuous outcomes.


The Pearson correlation between two dichotomous variables is ϕ̂

(Greek lowercase phi). It can be calculated with the standard equation for
the Pearson r if the levels of both variables are coded as 0 or 1. It may be
more convenient to calculate ϕ̂   directly from the cell and margin frequencies
using the equation in Table 6.2. The theoretical range of ϕ̂   derived this way
is -1.0 to 1.0, but the sign of  ϕ̂ is arbitrary because it depends on the particu-
lar arrangement of the cells. But remember that effects in 2 × 2 tables are
directional. For example, either treated or untreated cases will have a higher
relapse rate (if there is a difference). The absolute value of  ϕ̂ also equals
the square root of the ratio of c2 (1) statistic for the fourfold table over the
sample size (see Table 6.2). In a squared metric, ϕ̂   2 estimates the proportion
of explained variance. In fourfold tables where the row and column marginal
totals are all equal, |RD| = | ϕ̂|.
The parameter estimated by ϕ̂   is

π Cr π tNr − π CNr π tr
ϕ= (6.4)
π C• π t• π • r π • Nr

where subscripts C, T, R, and NR mean, respectively, control, treatment,

relapsed, and not relapsed. The proportions in the numerator represent the
four possible outcomes and sum to 1.0. For example, pCR is the probability
of being in the control population and relapsing. The subscript  indicates a
marginal proportion. For example, pC and pT are, respectively, the relative
proportions of cases in the control and treatment populations, and they sum
to 1.0.


The risk difference RD is easy to interpret but has a drawback: Its range
depends on the values of the population proportions pC and pT. That is, the
range of RD is greater when both pC and pT are closer to .50 than when they
are closer to either 0 or 1.00. The implication is that RD values may not be
comparable across different studies when the corresponding parameters pC
and pT are quite different. The risk ratio RR is also easy to interpret. It has
the shortcoming that only the finite interval from 0 to < 1.0 indicates lower

168       beyond significance testing

risk in the group represented in the numerator, but the interval from > 1.00
to infinity is theoretically available for describing higher risk in the same
group. The range of RR varies according to its denominator. For example, the
range of pC /pT is 0–2.50 for pT = .40, but for pT = .60 its range is 0–1.67. This
property limits the value of RR for comparing results across different studies.
This problem is dealt with by analyzing natural log transformations of RR, a
point elaborated momentarily.
The odds ratio OR shares the limitation that the finite interval from
0 to < 1.0 indicates lower risk in the group represented in the numerator,
but the interval from > 1.0 to infinity describes higher risk for the same
group. Analyzing natural log transformations of OR and then taking antilogs
of the results deals with this problem, just as for RR. The odds ratio may
be the least intuitive of the comparative risk effect sizes, but it probably has
the best overall statistical properties. This is because OR can be estimated
in prospective studies, in studies that randomly sample from exposed and
unexposed populations, and in retrospective studies where groups are first
formed based on the presence or absence of a disease before their exposure
to a putative risk factor is determined (Fleiss & Berlin, 2009). Other effect
sizes may not be valid in retrospective studies (RR) or in studies without
random sampling ( ϕ̂).
Do not lose sight of absolute risk rates when reporting risk or odds ratios
for rare events. Suppose that the rate of a serious side effect among treated
patients is 1/1,000. The base rate of the same complication in the general
public is 1/10,000. These results imply

.001 .001 (1 − .001)

rr = = 10.00 and or = = 10.01
.0001 .0001 (1 − .0001)

but these tenfold increases in relative risk or odds among treated cases refer
to a rare outcome. Ten times the likelihood of rare event still makes for a low
base rate. Only the risk difference makes it clear that the absolute increase in
risk is slight, RD = .0009, or .09%. King and Zeng (2001) discussed challenges
in estimating rare events in logistic regression.
The correlation ϕ̂
  can reach its maximum absolute value (1.0) only if the
marginal proportions for rows and columns in a fourfold table are equal. As the
row and column marginal proportions diverge, the maximum absolute value
of ϕ̂
  approaches zero. This implies that the value of ϕ̂  will change if the cell
frequencies in any row or column are multiplied by an arbitrary constant. This
makes ϕ̂   a margin-bound effect size; the correlation rpb is also margin bound
because it is affected by group base rates (see Equation 5.12). Exercise 1 asks
you to demonstrate this property of ϕ̂  . Grissom and Kim (2011, Chapters 8–9)
described additional effect sizes for categorical outcomes.

categorical outcomes      169

Interval Estimation

Sample proportions follow binomial distributions. The Wald method for

constructing approximate 100 (1 – a)% confidence intervals for p depends
on normal approximations. Widths of confidence intervals centered on pC
or pT in this method are calculated as products of the standard errors listed
in Table 6.3 and z2-tail, a. A potential problem is overshoot, which happens
when the lower bound of an interval based on a very low sample proportion,
such as .02, is less than zero. It can also happen that the upper bound based
on a very high proportion, such as .97, exceeds 1.0. Overshoot is dealt with
by truncating the interval to lie within the range 0–1.0. Another problem is
degeneracy, which refers to confidence intervals with zero widths when the
sample proportion is either 0 or 1.0. A continuity correction avoids degen-
erate intervals by adding the constant 1/2n where n is the group size, but
this correction can cause overshoot. Newcombe (1998) described additional
approximate methods.
Approximate standard errors for RD, RR, and OR are also listed in
Table 6.3. Distributions of RR and OR are not generally normal, but natural
log transformations of these statistics are approximately normal. Consequently,
the lower and upper bounds of confidence intervals in natural log units are
converted back to their respective original units by taking their antilogs. The

Table 6.3
Asymptotic Standard Errors of Risk Effect Sizes
Statistic Standard error

pC (1− pC )

pT (1− pT )

RD pC (1− pC ) pT (1− pT )
nC nT

ln (RR) 1− pC 1− pT
nC pC nT pT

ln (OR) 1 1
nC pC (1− pC ) nT pT (1− pT )

Note.  Four-decimal accuracy is recommended in computations. RD = risk difference; RR = risk ratio; ln =

natural log; OR = odds ratio.

170       beyond significance testing

equation for the asymptotic standard error of ϕ̂  is complicated and is not
presented here (see Fleiss & Berlin, 2009, p. 242).
The results pC = .60 and pT = .40 imply RD = .20, RR = 1.50, and
OR = 2.25. Assume group sizes of nC = nT = 100. Next, we calculate the
approximate 95% confidence interval for the population risk difference
pC – pT. When the third equation in Table 6.3 is used, the estimated stan-
dard error is

.40 (1 − .40) .60 (1 − .60)

srD = + = .0693
100 100

The value of z2-tail, .05 is 1.96, so the approximate 95% confidence interval for
pC – pT is

.20 ± .0693 (1.96)

which defines the interval [.06, .34]. Thus, the sample result RD = .20 is just
as consistent with a population risk difference as low as .06 as it is with a
population risk difference as high as .34, with 95% confidence.
This time, I construct the approximate 95% confidence interval for the
population odds ratio w based on OR = 2.25:

ln (2.25) = .8109

1 1
sln ( or ) = + = .2887
100 (.40) (1 − .40) 100 (.60) (1 − .60)

The approximate 95% confidence interval for ln (w) is

.8109 ± .2887 (1.96)

which defines the interval [.2450, 1.3768]. To convert the lower and upper
bounds of this interval back to OR units, I take their antilogs:

ln −1(.2450) = e.2450 = 1.2776 and ln −1(1.3768) = e1.3768 = 3.9622

The approximate 95% confidence interval for w is [1.28, 3.96] at two-decimal

accuracy. I can say that OR = 2.25 is just as consistent with a population
odds ratio as low as w = 1.28 as it is with a population odds ratio as high as
w = 3.96, with 95% confidence. Exercise 2 asks you to calculate the approx-
imate 95% confidence interval for pC /pT given RR = 1.50 in this example.
There are some calculating web pages that derive approximate confidence

categorical outcomes      171

intervals for w.1 Herbert’s (2011) Confidence Interval Calculator is a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for means, proportions, and odds. 2 The R pack-
age EpiTools by T. Aragón supports point and interval estimation with risk
effect sizes in applied epidemiological studies.3

Effect Sizes for Larger Tables

If the categorical outcome has more than two levels or there are more
than two groups, the contingency table is larger than 2 × 2. Measures of
comparative risk (RD, RR, OR) can be computed for such a table only if it is
reduced to a 2 × 2 table by collapsing or excluding rows or columns. What is
probably the best known measure of association for contingency tables with
more than two rows or columns is Cramer’s V, an extension of the ϕ̂ coef-
ficient. Its equation is

χ2r × c
V= (6.5)
min (r − 1, c − 1) × N

where the numerator under the radical is the contingency table chi-square
with degrees of freedom equal to the number of rows (r) minus one times the
number of columns (c) minus one (see Equation 3.15). The denominator
under the radical is the product of the sample size and the smallest dimension
of the table minus one. For example, if the table is 3 × 4 in size, then

min (3 – 1, 4 – 1) = 2
For a 2 × 2 table, the equation for Cramer’s V reduces to that for |ϕ̂|. For
larger tables, Cramer’s V is not a correlation, although its range is 0 to 1.00.
Thus, one cannot generally interpret the square of Cramer’s V as a proportion
of explained variance. Exercise 3 asks you to calculate Cramer’s V for the
4 × 2 cross-tabulation in Table 5.7.

Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value

Suppose for a disorder there is a gold standard diagnostic method that is

individualized and expensive. A screening test is not as accurate as the gold
standard, but it costs less and is practical for group administration. Screening


172       beyond significance testing

tests are often continuous measures, such as the blood concentration of a
particular substance. They also typically have a threshold that differentiates
between a positive result that predicts the presence of the disorder (clinical)
and a negative result that predicts its absence (normal).
Distributions of clinical and normal groups on continuous screening
tests tend to overlap. This situation is illustrated in Figure 6.1, where the
clinical group has a higher mean than the normal group. Also represented in
the figure is a threshold that separates positive and negative test results. Some
clinical cases have negative results; these are false negative test outcomes.
Likewise, some normal cases have positive results, which are false positive
outcomes. Such results represent potential diagnostic or prediction errors.
Analyzing ROC curves can help to determine optimal thresholds, ones that
balance costs of a decision error (false positive or negative) against benefits
of correct prediction (Perkins & Schisterman, 2006). The discussion that
follows assumes a threshold is already established.
The relation between screening test results (positive–negative) and
actual status as determined by a gold standard method (clinical–normal) is
represented in the top part of Table 6.4. The letters in the table stand for cell
frequencies. For example, A represents the number of clinical cases with a
positive result, and D represents the number of normal cases with negative
results. Both cells just described correspond to correct predictions. Cells B
and C in the table represent, respectively, false positive and false negative


Normal Clinical

Specificity Sensitivity

Negative Positive
result result

Figure 6.1.  Distributions of clinical and normal groups on a continuous screening

test with a cutting point. A positive result means predict clinical; a negative result
means predict normal.

categorical outcomes      173

Table 6.4
Definitions of Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive Value, and Base Rate
True status

Screening test result Prediction Clinical Normal

Positive Clinical A B
Negative Normal C D

Statistic Equation

Sensitivity A
Specificity D
B+ D
A+ B+C+ D
A+ B
Note.  The letters A–D represent observed cell frequencies. BR = base rate; PPV = positive predictive value;
NPV = negative predictive value. The total number of cases is N = A + B + C + D.

Sensitivity and Specificity

Sensitivity, specificity, base rate, and predictive value are defined in the
bottom part of Table 6.4 based on cell frequencies in the top part of the table.
Sensitivity is the proportion of screening test results from clinical cases that
are correct, or A/(A + C). If sensitivity is .80, then 80% of test results in
the clinical group are valid positives and the rest, 20%, are false negatives.
Specificity is the proportion of results from normal cases that are correct, or
D/(B + D). If specificity is .70, then 70% of the results in the normal group are
valid negatives and the rest, 30%, are false positives. The ideal screening test
is 100% sensitive and 100% specific. Given overlap of distributions such as
that illustrated in Figure 6.1, this ideal is not within reach.
Sensitivity and specificity are determined by the threshold on a screen-
ing test. This means that different thresholds on the same test will generate
different sets of sensitivity and specificity values in the same sample. But both
sensitivity and specificity are independent of population base rate and sample
size. For example, a test that is 80% sensitive for a disorder should correctly

174       beyond significance testing

detect 80 of 100 or 400 of 500 clinical cases. Likewise, a test that is 70% spe-
cific should correctly classify 140 of 200 or 700 of 1,000 normal cases.

Predictive Value and Base Rate

Sensitivity and specificity affect predictive value, the proportion of

test results that are correct, and in this sense predictive value reflects the
confidence that diagnosticians can place in test results. Positive predictive
value (PPV) is the proportion of all positive results that are correct—that
is, obtained by clinical cases, or A/(A + B) in Table 6.4. Negative predictive
value (NPV) is the proportion of negative test results that are correct, that
belong to normal cases, or D/(C + D) in the table. In general, predictive val-
ues increase as sensitivity and specificity increase.
Predictive value is also influenced by the base rate (BR), the propor-
tion of all cases with the disorder, or (A + C)/N in Table 6.4. The effect of
BR on predictive value is demonstrated in Table 6.5. Two different fourfold
tables are presented there for hypothetical populations of 1,000 cases and a
test where sensitivity = .80 and specificity = .70. In the first table, BR = .10
because 100/1,000 cases have the disorder, and 80% of them (80) have a cor-
rect (positive) test result. A total of 90% of the cases do not have the disorder
(900), and 70% of them (630) have a correct (negative) result. But of all posi-
tive results, only 80/350 = 23% are correct, so PPV = .23. But most negative
test results are correct, or 630/650 = 97%, so NPV = .97. These predictive
values say that the test is quite accurate in ruling out the disorder but not in
detecting its presence.

Table 6.5
Positive and Negative Predictive Values at Two Different Base Rates
for a Screening Test 80% Sensitive and 70% Specific
True status Predictive value
test result Prediction Clinical Normal Total Positive Negative
Base rate = .10
Positive Clinical 80 270  350 .23 .97
Negative Normal 20 630  650
Total 100 900 1,000
Base rate = .75
Positive Clinical 600  75  675 .89 .54
Negative Normal 150 175  325
Total 750 250 1,000

categorical outcomes      175

If BR is not .10, both predictive values change. This is shown in the sec-
ond 2 × 2 cross-tabulation in Table 6.5 for the same test but now for BR = .75.
(Base rates of certain parasitic diseases in some parts of the world are this
high.) Of all 675 cases with positive test results, a total of 600 belong
to clinical cases, so PPV = 600/675, or .89. Likewise, of all 325 negative
results, a total of 175 are from normal cases, so NPV = 175/325, or .54.
Now more confidence is warranted in positive test results than in negative
results, which is just the opposite of the case for BR = .10. Exercise 4 asks
you to calculate PPV and NPV for sensitivity = .80, specificity = .70, and
BR = .375.
In general, PPV decreases and NPV increases as BR approaches zero.
This means that screening tests tend to be more useful for ruling out rare
disorders than correctly predicting their presence. It also means that most
positive results may be false positives under low base rate conditions. This
is why it is difficult for researchers or social policy makers to screen large
populations for rare conditions without many false positives. It also explains
why the No-Fly List, created by national intelligence services after the 2001
terrorist attacks in New York, seems to mainly prevent innocent passengers
from boarding commercial aircraft for travel in or out of the United States.
For example, it has happened that prospective passengers have been matched
to the list based only on surnames, some of which are common in certain
ethnic groups. Once they have been flagged as a risk, innocent passengers find
it difficult to clear their names. This problem is expected given the very low
base rate of the intention to commit terrorist acts when relying on imperfect
screening measures.
Depicted in Figure 6.2 are the expected relations between base rate and
predictive values for a screening test where sensitivity = .80 and specificity =
.70. The figure makes apparent that PPV heads toward zero as BR is increas-
ingly lower. If PPV < .50, most positive test results are false positives, but BR
must exceed roughly .30 before it is even possible for PPV to exceed .50. As
BR increases, the value of PPV gets progressively higher, but NPV gradually
declines toward zero as BR approaches 1.00. That is, the screening test is not
very accurate in ruling out some conditions when most of the population is
The effect of BR on predictive values is striking but often overlooked,
even by professionals (Grimes & Schulz, 2002). One misunderstanding
involves confusing sensitivity and specificity, which are invariant to BR,
with PPV and NPV, which are not. This means that diagnosticians fail to
adjust their estimates of test accuracy for changes in base rates, which exem-
plifies the base rate fallacy. This type of question presented by Casscells,

176       beyond significance testing



Predictive value




0 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00
Base rate

Figure 6.2. Expected predictive values as functions of base rate for a screening test
that is 80% sensitive and 70% specific.

Schoenberger, and Graboys (1978) to senior medical students and physicians

illustrates this fallacy:
The prevalence (base rate) of a disease is .10. A test is used to detect
the disease. The test is useful but not perfect. Patients with the disease
are identified by the test 80% of the time. Patients without the disease
are correctly identified by the test 70% of the time. A patient seen
recently at a clinic was diagnosed by the test as having the disease. How
likely is it that this result is correct? (p. 999)
The correct answer to this question is the PPV of the test, which you
now know is .23 (see Table 6.5). But most respondents in Casscells et al.’s
(1978) study gave answers close to .80, which is sensitivity. In this case, con-
fusing PPV with sensitivity means that the former is overestimated by a factor
of almost four. The base rate fallacy is still a concern in medical education
(Maserejian, Lutfey, & McKinlay, 2009).

categorical outcomes      177

Likelihood Ratio and Posttest Odds

The likelihood ratio is the probability that a screening test result—

positive or negative—would be expected among clinical cases compared
with the probability of the same result among normal cases. The positive
likelihood ratio (PLR) is

Plr = (6.6)
1 − specificity

which indicates the number of times more likely that a positive result comes
from clinical cases (numerator) than from normal cases (denominator). The
negative likelihood ratio (NLR) is
1 − sensitivity
Nlr = (6.7)

and it measures the degree to which a negative result is more likely to come
from clinical cases than from normal cases.
Using Bayesian methods, diagnosticians can estimate how much the
odds of having a disorder will change given a positive versus negative test
result and the disorder base rate expressed as odds. The relation is

oddspost = oddspre × lr (6.8)

where oddspre are the odds of having the disorder before administering the
screening test calculated as BR/(1 – BR). The term LR in Equation 6.8 refers
to the likelihood ratio, either positive or negative, and it is the factor by
which the pretest odds will change given the corresponding test result. The
expression oddspost is the odds of having the disorder, given both the test result
and the pretest odds. Equation 6.8 is Bayesian because it updates the old
belief (pretest odds) by a factor that estimates the likelihood of either a posi-
tive or a negative result.
A screening test is 80% sensitive and 70% specific, and BR = .15. The
value of PLR is

Plr = = 2.667
1 − .70

so positive test results are about 22/3 times more likely among clinical cases
than among normal cases. The value of NLR is

Nlr = = .286

178       beyond significance testing

so we can conclude that a negative test result among clinical cases is only about
.29 times as likely as among normal cases. The pretest odds are .15/(1 - .15) =
.176. The posttest odds of the disorder following a positive result are

oddspost + = .176 × 2.667 = .471

which, as expected, are higher than the pretest odds (.176). To convert odds
to probability, we calculate p = odds/(1 + odds). So the probability of the dis-
order increases from BR = .15 before testing to .471/(1 + .471), or about .32,
after a positive test result. The posttest odds of the disorder after a negative
result are

oddspost − = .176 × .286 = .050

which are lower than the pretest odds (.176). Thus, the probability of the
disorder decreases from BR = .15 to .050/(1 + .050), or about .048, after
observing a negative result.
A negative test result in this example has a greater relative impact than
a positive result on the odds of having the disorder. The factor by which the
pretest odds are increased, given a positive result, is PLR = 2.667. But the
factor by which the pretest odds are reduced, given a negative result, is NLR =
.286, which is same as dividing the pretest odds by a factor of 1/.286, or about
3.50. This pattern is consistent with this screening test, where sensitivity =
.80, specificity = .70, and BR = .15. That is, the test will be better at ruling out
a disorder than at detecting it under this base rate (see Figure 6.2). In general,
test results have greater impact on changing the pretest odds when the base
rate is moderate, neither extremely low (close to 0) nor extremely high (close
to 1.0). But if the target disorder is either very rare or very common, only a
result from a highly accurate screening test will change things much. There
are web pages that calculate likelihood ratios.4
The method just described to estimate posttest odds can be applied
when base rate or test characteristics vary over populations. Moons, van Es,
Deckers, Habbema, and Grobbee (1997) found that sensitivity, specificity,
and likelihood ratios for the exercise (stress) test for coronary disease varied
by gender and systolic blood pressure at baseline. In this case, no single set
of estimates was adequate for all groups. Exercise 5 concerns the capability
to tailor estimates for different groups, in this case the disorder base rate. It
is also possible to combine results from multiple screening tests, which may
further improve prediction accuracy.


categorical outcomes      179

These issues have great relevance from a public health perspective. As
I was writing this chapter, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health
Care (CTFPHC; 2011) released new guidelines for breast cancer screening.
The main change is that clinical breast exams are no longer routinely rec-
ommended for women at average risk. For women in this group who are 40
to 49 years old, the task force also recommended that mammography should
not be routinely conducted. Part of the rationale concerned the relatively
high rate of false positives from mammograms for healthy women in this
age range. The CTFPHC estimated that for every 2,100 women age 40–49
years routinely screened every 2–3 years, about 690 will have a false posi-
tive mammogram leading to unnecessary stress and follow-up testing. About
75 of these women are expected to undergo an unnecessary breast biopsy.
These guidelines were controversial at the time of their publication (e.g.,
The Canadian Press, 2011), in part due to the false belief that the CTFPHC
recommended that mammograms should be denied to women who request
them. There is a similar controversy about the value of routine prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate cancer (Neal, Donovan, Martin,
& Hamdy, 2009).
In summary, sensitivity and specificity describe how the presence versus
absence of a disorder affects screening test results, and they are not affected by
base rates. In contrast, predictive values estimate the probabilities of abnor-
mality versus normality for, respectively, positive versus negative test results,
and they are subject to base rates. Likelihood ratios can be used to estimate
the odds (or probability) of having the disorder while taking account of the
prior odds (base rate) of the disorder, given a positive versus negative result.
Base rate estimates can be adjusted for different patient groups or contexts
(Deeks & Altman, 2004).

Estimating Base Rates

Estimates of disorder base rates are not always readily available. Without
large-scale epidemiological studies, other sources of information, such as case
records or tabulations of the frequencies of certain diagnoses, may provide
reasonable approximations. The possibility of estimating base rates from such
sources prompted Meehl and Rosen (1955) to say that “our ignorance of base
rates is nothing more subtle than our failure to compute them” (p. 213). One
can also calculate predictive values for a range of base rates. The use of impre-
cise (but not grossly inaccurate) estimates may not have a large impact on
predictive values, especially for tests with high sensitivities and specificities.
But lower sensitivity and specificity values magnify errors due to imprecise
base rate estimates.

180       beyond significance testing

Interval Estimation

Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values are proportions that are typi-
cally calculated in samples, so they are subject to sampling error. Base rates are
subject to sampling error, too, if they are empirically estimated. It is possible to
construct confidence intervals based on any of these proportions using the Wald
method. Just use the equation for either pC or pT in Table 6.3 to estimate the
standard error for the proportion of interest. Another option is to use one of the
other methods described by Newcombe (1998) for sample proportions.
Likelihood ratios are affected by sampling error in estimates of sensitivity
and specificity. Simel, Samsa, and Matchar (1991) described a method to con-
struct approximate confidence intervals based on observed likelihood ratios.
Their method analyzes natural log transformations of likelihood ratios, and it is
implemented in some web calculating pages that also derive confidence inter-
vals based on sample sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values.5 Herbert’s
(2011) Confidence Interval Calculator spreadsheet for Excel also uses the
Simel et al. (1991) method to calculate confidence intervals based on observed
likelihood ratios and values of sensitivity and specificity (see footnote 2).
Posttest odds of the disorder are affected by sampling error in estimates
of specificity, sensitivity, likelihood ratios, and base rates. Mossman and Berger
(2001) described five different methods of interval estimation for the posttest
odds following a positive test result. Two of these methods are calculable by
hand and based on natural log transformations, but other methods, such as
Bayesian interval estimation, require computer support. Results of computer
simulations indicated that results across the five methods were generally
comparable for group sizes > 80 and sample proportions not very close to
either 0 or 1.00.
Crawford, Garthwaite, and Betkowska (2009) extended the Bayesian
method described by Mossman and Berger (2001) for constructing confidence
intervals based on posttest probabilities following a positive result. Their
method accepts either empirical estimates of base rates or subjective estimates
(guesses). It also constructs either two-sided or one-sided confidence intervals.
One-sided intervals may be of interest if, for example, the diagnostician is inter-
ested in whether the posttest probability following a positive result is lower
than the point estimate suggests but not in whether it is higher. A computer
program that implements the Crawford et al. (2009) method can be freely
downloaded.6 It requires input of observed frequencies, not proportions, and
it does not calculate intervals for posttest probabilities after negative results.
Suppose that results from an epidemiological study indicate that a total
of 150 people in a sample of 1,000 have the target disorder (BR = .15). In


categorical outcomes      181

another study of 150 patients with the disorder and 300 control cases, the
sensitivity of a screening test is .80 (i.e., 120 valid positives, 30 false nega-
tives), and the specificity is .70 (i.e., 210 valid negatives, 90 false positives).
The positive and negative likelihood ratios of the test are, respectively, PLR =
2.667 and NLR = .286. Given these results, the posttest odds for the disorder
after a positive test result are .471, which converts to a posttest probability
of .320. I used the Wald method to calculate approximate 95% confidence
intervals based on the observed values for sensitivity, specificity, and base rate
with sample sizes of, respectively, N = 150, 300, and 1,000. I used Herbert’s
(2011) Excel spreadsheet to generate 95% approximate intervals based on
the likelihood ratios. Finally, I used the Crawford et al. (2009) computer tool
to construct an approximate 95% confidence interval based on the posttest
probability of the disorder after a positive test result. You should verify that
the confidence intervals reported next are correct:
sensitivity = .80, 95% Ci [.736, .864] specifficity = .70, 95% Ci [.648, .752]

Br = .15, 95% Ci [.128, .172]

Plr = 2.667, 95% Ci [2.204, 3.226]

Nlr = .286, 95% Ci [.206, .397]

oddspost + = .471, 95% Ci [.364, .610]

ppost + = .320, 95% Ci [.267, .379]

Research Examples

The examples presented next demonstrate effect size estimation with

binary outcomes.

Math Skills and Statistics Course Outcome

The data for this example are described in Chapter 5. Briefly, a total of
667 students in introductory statistics courses completed a basic math skills
test at the beginning of the semester. Analysis of scores at the case level
indicated that students with test scores < 40% correct had higher rates of
unsatisfactory course outcomes (see Table 5.7). These data are summarized
in the fourfold table on the left side of Table 6.6. Among the 75 students
with math test scores < 40%, a total of 34 had unsatisfactory outcomes, so
p< 40% = 34/75, or .453, 95% CI [.340, .566]. A total of 122 of 592 students

182       beyond significance testing

Table 6.6
Fourfold Table for the Relation Between Outcomes in Introductory Statistics and Level of Performance
on a Basic Math Skills Test for the Data in Table 5.7
Course outcome Effect size

Math score (%) n Satisfactory Unsatisfactory p< 40% p ≥ 40% RD RR OR logit d  

40–100 592 470 122 .453a .206b .247c 2.199d 3.192e .640 .185
< 40  75  41  34
Note. All confidence intervals are approximate. c2 (1) = 22.71. RD = risk difference; RR = risk ratio; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.
a95% CI for p
< 40% [.340, .566].
b95% CI for p
≥ 40% [.173, .239].
c95% CI for p
< 40% - p≥ 40% [.129, .364].
d95% CI for p
< 40% / p≥ 40% [1.638, 2.953].
e95% CI for w [1.943, 5.244].

categorical outcomes     
with math test scores ≥ 40% had unsatisfactory outcomes, so their risk rate
is p≥ 40% = 122/592, or .206, 95% CI [.173, .239]. The observed risk difference is
RD = .453 - .206, or .247, 95% CI [.129, .364], so students with the lowest
math test scores have about a 25% greater risk for poor outcomes in introduc-
tory statistics.
The risk ratio is RR = .453/.206, or 2.199, 95% CI [1.638, 2.953], which
says that the rate of unsatisfactory course outcomes is about 2.2 times higher
among the students with the lowest math scores (Table 6.6). The odds ratio is

.453 (1 − .453)
or = = 3.192
.206 (1 − .206)

with 95% CI [1.943, 5.244], so the odds of doing poorly in statistics are about
3.2 times higher among students with math scores < 40% correct than among
their classmates with higher scores. The correlation between the dichotomies
of < 40% versus ≥ 40% correct on the math test and unsatisfactory–satisfactory
course outcome is ϕ̂ = .185, so the former explains about 3.4% of the variance
in the latter.

Screening for Urinary Incontinence

About one third of women at least 40 years of age experience urinary

incontinence. There are two major types, urge (leakage happens with the
urge to urinate) and stress (urine leaks when stretching, straining, or cough-
ing). Although both urge and stress incontinence may be reduced through
behavioral intervention, such as bladder control, urge incontinence can
be effectively treated with antimuscarinic or anticholinergic medications,
and stress incontinence is treated with pelvic muscle exercises and surgery
(Holroyd-Leduc & Straus, 2004). Comprehensive differential diagnosis of
urge versus stress incontinence involves neurologic and pelvic examination,
measurement of residual urine volume after voiding, a test for urinary tract
infection, a cough stress test, and keeping a voiding diary. This diagnos-
tic regimen is expensive, invasive, and impractical in many primary care
J. S. Brown et al. (2006) devised a questionnaire intended to categorize
types of urinary incontinence. Based on women’s responses to the 3 Incontinence
Questions (3IQ) scale, their pattern of urinary incontinence is classified as
urge, stress, mixed (both urge and stress), or other. The 3IQ was administered
in a sample of 301 women with untreated incontinence. The same women were
also individually examined by urologists or urogynecologists. The final diagnoses
from these examinations were the criterion for the 3IQ. There were no control
samples. Instead, J. S. Brown et al. (2006) estimated the sensitivity, specificity,

184       beyond significance testing

likelihood ratios, and posttest probabilities of the 3IQ in the differentiation of
urge versus stress incontinence. Their reporting of the results is a model in that
confidence intervals were calculated for all point estimates and significance test-
ing played little substantive role in the analysis. They also explicitly compared
their results with those from other published studies in the same area. But they
did not estimate score reliabilities of the 3IQ, which is a drawback.
J. S. Brown et al. (2006) reported separate results for the classification
of urge versus stress incontinence based on the 3IQ, but just the former set of
findings is summarized next. The sensitivity of the 3IQ in the prediction of
urge incontinence is .75, 95% CI [.68, .81], so 75% of women diagnosed by
clinical examination as having urge incontinence were correctly classified.
The specificity is .77, 95% CI [.69, .84], which says that 77% of women diag-
nosed as having a non-urge type of incontinence were correctly identified.
The positive and negative likelihood ratios are, respectively, PLR = 3.29,
95% CI [2.39, 4.51], and NLR = .32, 95% CI [.24, .43]. Thus, a classification
of urge incontinence is about 3.3 times more likely among women who actu-
ally have this condition based on clinical examinations than among women
who have other types of urinary incontinence. Also, a classification of a non-
urge type of incontinence is only about one third as likely among women who
actually manifest urge incontinence than among women who have other,
non-urge varieties of incontinence.
Given the sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios just summarized,
J. S. Brown et al. (2006) estimated posttest probabilities of urge urinary
incontinence given a classification of such on the 3IQ at the three different
base rates, 25, .50, and .75. These rates are estimated proportions of urge
incontinence among women who are, respectively, < 40, 40–60, and > 60 years
old. For a base rate of .25, the posttest probability of urge incontinence given
a positive test result is .52, 95% CI [.44, .60], or about double the pretest
probability. For base rates of .50 and .75, the estimated posttest probabilities
of urge incontinence given positive test results are, respectively, .77, 95% CI
[.70, .82] and .91, 95% CI [.88, .93]. J. S. Brown et al. (2006) described these
results as indicating a modest level of accuracy, but they noted that the use
of the 3IQ in combination with urine analysis to rule out urinary tract infec-
tion and hematuria (blood in the urine) may help to triage the treatment of
women with urinary incontinence.


Effect sizes for categorical outcomes were introduced in this chapter.

Some measure comparative risk across two groups for a less desirable versus
a more desirable outcome where the data are summarized in a fourfold

categorical outcomes      185

table. The risk effect size with the best overall properties is the odds ratio,
which can be converted to logistic d statistics that are comparable to
d-type effect sizes for continuous outcomes. The sensitivity, specificity,
and predictive value framework takes direct account of base rates when
estimating the decision accuracy of screening tests. Likelihood ratios esti-
mate the degree to which the odds of having the target disorder change
given either a positive or a negative result. Considered in the next chapter
is effect size estimation in single-factor designs with ≥3 conditions and
continuous outcomes.

Learn More

The text by Agresti (2007) is a good resource about statistical tech-

niques for categorical data. Drobatz (2009) and Halkin, Reichman, Schwaber,
Paltiel, and Brezis (1998) discuss evaluation of screening test accuracy and
the role of likelihood ratios in diagnosis.
Agresti, A. (2007). An introduction to categorical data analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Drobatz, K. J. (2009). Measures of accuracy and performance of diagnostic
tests. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 11(Suppl. 1), S33–S40. doi:10.1016/
Halkin, A., Reichman, J., Schwaber, M., Paltiel, O., & Brezis, M. (1998). Likelihood
ratios: Getting diagnostic testing into perspective. Quarterly Journal of Medicine,
91, 247–258. doi:10.1093/qjmed/91.4.247


1. Show that ϕ̂
  is margin bound using the following fourfold table:

Relapsed relapsed

Control 60 40

Treatment 40 60

186       beyond significance testing

2. For RR = 1.50 and nC = nT = 100, construct the approximate
95% confidence interval for pC /pT.
3. Calculate Cramer’s V for the 4 × 2 cross-tabulation in Table 5.7.
4. Calculate positive and negative predictive values for a base
rate of .375 for a screening test where sensitivity = .80 and
specificity = .70.
5. For sensitivity = .80, specificity = .70, and base rate = .15, I
earlier calculated these results: oddspost + = .471, ppost + = .176,
oddspost - = .050, and ppost - = .048. Now assume that the base rate
is .50 among high-risk persons. Recalculate the posttest odds and

categorical outcomes      187

This page intentionally left blank
Single-Factor Designs

Most of us are far more comfortable with the pseudo-objectivity of null

hypothesis significance testing than we are with making subjective yet
informed judgments about the meaning of our results.
—Paul D. Ellis (2010, p. 43)

Effect size estimation in single-factor designs with ≥3 conditions and

continuous outcomes is covered next. Because the omnibus comparison of
all means is often uninformative, greater emphasis is placed on focused com-
parisons (contrasts), each with a single degree of freedom. A relatively large
omnibus effect can also be misleading if it is due to a single discrepant mean
not of substantive interest. Contrast specification and effect size estimation
with standardized mean differences are described next. Later sections deal
with measures of association for fixed or random factors and special issues for
effect size estimation in covariate analyses. Chapter exercises build computa-
tional skills for effect size estimation in these designs.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-007
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Contrast Specification and Tests

A contrast is a directional effect that corresponds to a particular facet

of the omnibus effect. It is often represented with the symbols y or ŷ. The
former is a parameter that represents a weighted sum of population means:
ψ = ∑ ci µ i (7.1)
i =1

where (c1, c2, . . . , ca) is the set of contrast weights (coefficients) that
specify the comparison. Application of the same weights to sample means
estimates y:
ψˆ = ∑ c i Mi (7.2)
i =1

Contrast weights should respect a few rules: They must sum to zero,
and weights for at least two different means should not equal zero. Means
assigned a weight of zero are excluded, and means with positive weights are
contrasted with means given negative weights. Suppose factor A has a = 3
levels. The weights (1, 0, -1) meet the requirements just stated and specify

ψˆ 1 = (1) M1 + (0) M2 + (−1) M3 = M1 – M3

which is the pairwise comparison of M1 with M3 excluding M2. The weights

(-1, 0, 1) just change the sign of ŷ1. Thus, a contrast’s sign is arbitrary, but
one should always explain the meaning of positive versus negative contrasts.
By the same logic, the sets of weights

( 1 2 , 0, − 1 2 ), ( 5, 0, − 5), and (1.7, 0, −1.7)

among innumerable others with the same pattern of coefficients, all specify
the same pairwise comparison as the set (1, 0, -1). The scale of ŷ1 depends on
which sets of weights are applied to the means. This does not affect statistical
tests or measures of association for contrasts because their equations correct
for the scale of the weights.
But the scale of contrast weights is critical if a comparison should be
interpreted as the difference between the averages of two subsets of means. If
so, the weights should make up a standard set and satisfy what Bird (2002)
called mean difference scaling: The sum of the absolute values of the coeffi-
cients in a standard set is 2.0. This implies for a pairwise comparison that one
weight must be +1, another must be -1, and the rest are all zero. For example,

190       beyond significance testing

the coefficients (1, 0, -1) are a standard set for comparing M1 with M3, but
the set (½, 0, -½) is not.
At least three means contribute to a complex comparison. An example
is when a control condition is compared with the average of two treatment
conditions. A complex comparison is still a single-df effect because only two
means are compared, at least one of which is averaged over ≥2 conditions. A
standard set of weights for a complex comparison is specified as follows: The
coefficients for one subset of conditions to be averaged together each equal
+1 divided by the number of conditions in that subset; the coefficients for
the other subset of conditions to be averaged together each equal -1 divided
by the number of conditions in that subset; weights for any excluded condi-
tion are zero. For example, the coefficients (½, -1, ½) form a standard set for
comparing M2 with the average of M1 and M3:

M1 + M3
ψ̂2 = ( 1 2 ) M1 + ( −1) M2 + ( 1 2 ) M3 = − M2

But the weights (1, -2, 1) for the same pattern are not a standard set because
the sum of their absolute values is 4.0, not 2.0.
Two contrasts are orthogonal if they each reflect an independent aspect
of the omnibus effect; that is, the result in one comparison says nothing about
what may be found in the other. In balanced designs (i.e., equal group sizes),
a pair of contrasts is orthogonal if the sum of the products of their corresponding
weights is zero, or
∑ c1 c2 i i
= 0 (7.3)
i =1

But in unbalanced designs, two contrasts are orthogonal if

c1 c2
∑ =0i i
i =1 n i

where ni is the number of cases in the ith condition. Otherwise, a pair of

contrasts is nonorthogonal, and such contrasts describe overlapping facets of
the omnibus effect.
Presented next is a pair of weights for contrasts in a balanced design
with a = 3 levels:

ψ̂ 1 : (1, 0, − 1)

ψ̂ 2 : ( 12 , − 1, 1
2 )

single-factor designs      191

This pair is orthogonal because the sum of the cross-products of their weights
is zero, or
∑ c1 c2 = (1) ( 1 2 ) + ( 0 ) ( −1) + ( −1)( 1 2 ) = 0
i i
i =1

Intuitively, these contrasts are unrelated because the two means compared
in ŷ1, M1 and M3, are combined in ŷ2 and contrasted against the third
mean, M2. The weights for a second pair of contrasts in the same design are
listed next:

ψ̂ 2 : ( 12 , − 1, − 12 )

ψ̂ 3 : (1, − 1, 0)

This second pair is not orthogonal because the sum of the weight cross-products
is not zero:
∑ c2 c3 = ( 1 2 )(1) + ( −1) ( −1) + ( 1 2 )( 0 ) = 1.5
i i
i =1

Contrasts ŷ2 and ŷ3 are correlated because M2 is one of the two means com-
pared in both.
If every pair in a set of contrasts is orthogonal, the entire set is
orthogonal. The maximum number of orthogonal contrasts is limited by
the degrees of freedom for the omnibus effect, dfA. Thus, the omnibus
effect can theoretically be broken down into a – 1 independent directional
effects, where a is the number of groups. Expressed in terms of sums of
squares, this is

a −1
SSA = ∑ SSψˆ i
i =1

where SSA and SSŷ are, respectively, the sum of squares for the omnibus effect

and the ith contrast in a set of a – 1 orthogonal comparisons. The same idea
can be expressed in terms of the correlation ratio
a −1
ˆ 2A = ∑ η
η ˆ 2ψ i
i =1

where η̂2A and η̂y2 are, respectively, estimated eta-squared for the omnibus

effect and the ith contrast in a set of all possible orthogonal comparisons.

192       beyond significance testing

There is generally more than one set of orthogonal comparisons that
could be specified for a ≥ 3 conditions. For example, the contrasts defined by
the weights listed next

ψ̂ 1 : (1, 0, − 1)

ψ̂ 2 : ( 12 , − 1, 1
2 )

make up an orthogonal set. A different pair of orthogonal contrasts for the

same design is

ψ̂ 3 : (1, − 1, 0)

ψ̂ 4 : ( 12 , 1
2 , − 1)

Any set of a – 1 orthogonal contrasts satisfies Equations 7.5–7.6. Different

sets of orthogonal contrasts for the same factor just specify different patterns
of directional effects among its levels (groups), but altogether any set of
orthogonal contrasts will capture all possible ways that the groups could dif-
fer. Statisticians like sets of orthogonal contrasts because of the independence
of the directional effects specified by them. But it is better to specify a set of
nonorthogonal contrasts that addresses substantive questions than a set of
orthogonal contrasts that does not.
If levels of the factor are equally spaced along a quantitative scale, such
as the drug dosages 3, 6, and 9 mg  kg-1, special contrasts called trends or
polynomials can be specified. A trend describes a particular shape of the rela-
tion between a continuous factor and outcome. There are as many possible
trend components as there are degrees of freedom for the omnibus effect.
For example, if a continuous factor has three equally spaced levels, there
are only two possible trends, linear and quadratic. If there are four levels, an
additional polynomial, a cubic trend, may be present. But it is relatively rare
in behavioral research to observe nonlinear trends beyond cubic effects (e.g.,
dose–response or learning curves). Because trends in balanced designs are
orthogonal, they are called orthogonal polynomials.
There are conventional weights for polynomials, and some computer pro-
cedures that analyze trends automatically generate them. Tables of polynomial
weights are also available in several sources (e.g., Winer et al., 1991, p. 982). For
example, the weights (-1, 0, 1) define a linear trend (positive or negative) for
continuous factors with three equally spaced levels, and the set (1, -2, 1) speci-
fies a quadratic trend (U-shaped or inverted-U-shaped). Most trend weights for
larger designs are not standard sets, but this is not a problem because magnitudes
of trends are usually estimated with measures of association, not standardized
mean differences. A research example presented later concerns trend analysis.

single-factor designs      193

Test Statistics

The general form of the test statistic for contrasts is

ψˆ − ψ 0
t ψˆ (df ) = (7.7)

where y0 is the value of contrast specified in H0 and sŷ is the standard error.
For a nil hypothesis, y0 = 0 and this term drops out of the equation. If the
means are independent, df = dfW = N – a, the pooled within-groups degrees of
freedom, and the standard error is

 a c2 
sψˆ ind = MSW  ∑ i  (7.8)
 i=1 n i 

where MSW is the pooled within-groups variance (see Equation 3.11).

In a correlated design, the degrees of freedom for tŷ are n – 1, where n is
the group size, and the standard error takes the form

sψˆ dep = (7.9)

where the term in the numerator under the radical is the variance of the
contrast difference scores. Suppose the weights (1, 0, -1) define ŷ1 in a cor-
related design with three conditions. If Y1, Y2, and Y3 are scores from these
conditions, the difference score is computed for each case as

Dψˆ = (1) Y1 + (0) Y2 + (−1) Y3 = Y1 − Y3


The variance of these difference scores reflects the cross-conditions correla-

tion r13, or the subjects effect for this contrast (see Equation 2.21). The error
term sŷ dep does not assume sphericity because just two means are compared
in any contrast.
Some computer programs, such as SPSS, print Fŷ for contrasts instead of
t ŷ. For a nil hypothesis, t 2ŷ = Fŷ, but t ŷ preserves the sign of the contrast and can
test non-nil hypotheses, too. The form for a contrast between independent
means is Fŷ (1, dfW) = SSŷ/MSW, where the numerator equals

ψˆ 2
SSψˆ = (7.10)
∑ ni
i =1 i

194       beyond significance testing

The error term for Fŷ in designs with dependent samples is typically not
the omnibus error term (e.g., MSA × S for a nonadditive model) that assumes
sphericity when a ≥ 3. Instead, it is based on scores from just the two subsets
of conditions involved in the contrast. The degrees of freedom for Fŷ in this
case are 1, n – 1. If the samples are independent, researchers can compute a
standardized mean difference or a correlation effect size for a contrast from
either t ŷ or Fŷ for a nil hypothesis. This makes these test statistics useful even
when a nil hypothesis is likely false.

Controlling Type I Error and ANOVA Rituals

Methods for planned comparisons assume a relatively small number of

a priori contrasts, but those for unplanned comparisons anticipate a larger
number of post hoc tests, such as all possible pairwise contrasts. A partial
list of methods is presented in Table 7.1 in ascending order by degree of
protection against experimentwise Type I error and in descending order by
power. These methods generally use t ŷ or Fŷ as test statistics but compare
them against critical values higher than those from standard tables (i.e., it is
more difficult to reject H0). For example, the adjusted level of statistical sig-
nificance for an individual contrast (aBon) in the Bonferroni–Dunn method
equals aEW/c, where the numerator is the target experimentwise error rate and
c is the number of contrasts. Methods in Table 7.1 are also associated with
the construction of simultaneous confidence intervals for y. See Hsu (1996)

Table 7.1
Methods for Controlling Type I Error Over Multiple Comparisons
Method Nature of protection against aEW
Planned comparisons
 Unprotected None; uses standard critical values for t ψ̂ or Fψ̂
 Dunnett Across pairwise comparisons of a single control group
with each of a – 1 treatment groups
 Bechhofer–Dunnett Across a maximum of a – 1 orthogonal a priori contrasts
 Bonferroni–Dunn Bonferroni correction applied across total number of
either orthogonal or correlated contrasts
Unplanned comparisons
 Newman–Keuls Across pairwise comparisons within sets of means
ordered by differences in rank order
  Tukey HSD Across all possible pairwise comparisons
 Scheffé Across all possible pairwise or complex comparisons
Note.  aEW = experimentwise Type I error; HSD = honestly significant difference. Tukey HSD is also called Tukey A.

single-factor designs      195

for information about additional methods to control for Type I error across
multiple comparisons.
Controlling Type I error over contrast tests may not be desirable if power
of the unprotected tests is already low. There is also little need to worry about
experimentwise Type I error if few contrasts are specified. Wilkinson and
the TFSI (1999) noted that the ANOVA ritual of routinely testing all pair-
wise comparisons following rejection of H0 for the omnibus effect is typically
wrong. This approach makes individual comparisons unnecessarily conserva-
tive when a classical post hoc method (e.g., Scheffé) is used, and it is rare that
all such contrasts are interesting. The cost for reducing Type I error in this case
is reduced power for the specific tests the researcher really cares about. This
ritual is also a blind search for statistical significance, somewhere, anywhere,
among pairs of means. It should be avoided in favor of analyzing contrasts of
substantive interest with emphasis on effect sizes and confidence intervals.

Confidence Intervals for y

The general form of a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for y is

ψˆ ± sψˆ [ t ψˆ 2-tail, α (dferror )] (7.11)

where the standard error is defined by Equation 7.8 for independent samples
and by Equation 7.9 for dependent samples. The degrees of freedom for the
critical value of tŷ equal those of the corresponding error term. Simultaneous
(joint) confidence intervals are based on sets of contrasts, and they are gen-
erally wider than confidence intervals for individual contrasts defined by
Equation 7.11. This is because the former control for multiple comparisons.
Suppose in the Bonferroni–Dunn method that aEW = .05 and c = 10, which
implies aBon = .05/10, or .005 for each comparison. The resulting 10 simulta-
neous 99.5% confidence intervals for y are each based on tŷ 2-tail, .005, and these
intervals are wider than the corresponding 95% confidence interval based
on tŷ 2-tail, .05 for any individual contrast; see Bird (2002) for more information.

Standardized Contrasts

Contrast weights that are standard sets are assumed next. A standard-
ized mean difference for a contrast is standardized contrast. It estimates the
parameter dy = y/s*, where the numerator is the unstandardized popula-
tion contrast and the denominator is a population standard deviation. The
general form of the sample estimator is dŷ = ŷ/ŝ*, where the denominator
(standardizer) is an estimator of s* that is not the same in all kinds of stan-
dardized contrasts.

196       beyond significance testing

Independent Samples

Two methods for standardizing contrasts in designs with ≥3 independent

samples are described next. The first method may be suitable for pairwise com-
parisons, but the second method is good for simple or complex comparisons.
1. Calculate a standardized contrast using one of the methods for
two-group designs described in Chapter 5. These methods dif-
fer according to specification of the standardizer and whether
the estimators are robust or not robust (see Table 5.2). In designs
with ≥3 groups, the standardizer is based on data from just the
two groups involved in a particular comparison. For example, the
standardizer spool for comparing M1 and M2 in a three-group design
is the pooled within-groups standard deviation that excludes s3,
the standard deviation from the third group. It assumes homosce-
dasticity, but selection of either s1 or s2 as the standardizer does
not. Robust alternatives include sWin p based on the pooled within-
groups 20% Winsorized variances from groups 1 and 2 or either
sWin1 or sWin2 from just one of these groups. Keselman et al. (2008)
described SAS/STAT syntax that calculates robust standardized
contrasts with confidence intervals in between-subjects single-
factor designs that can be downloaded.1 A drawback of these
methods is that each contrast is based on a different standard-
izer, and each standardizer ignores information about variability
in groups not involved in a particular contrast.
2. Select a common standardizer for any comparison, pairwise or
complex, based on all information about within-groups vari-
ability. An example is the square root of MSW, the pooled
within-groups variance for the whole design. Contrasts stan-
dardized against (MSW)1/2 are designated next as dwith. In two-
group designs, dwith = dpool for the sole contrast. But in larger
designs, values of dwith and dpool may differ for the same contrast.
The effect size dwith assumes homoscedasticity over all groups.
An alternative standardizer is the unbiased standard deviation
for the total data set, sT = (SST /dfT)1/2. This option estimates the
full range of variation for nonexperimental factors.
The value of dwith = ŷ/(MSW)1/2 can also computed from tŷ for a nil
hypothesis, the contrast weights, and the group sizes:

d with = t ψˆ ∑ ni (7.12)
i =1 i


single-factor designs      197

In balanced designs, this equation reduces to dwith = tŷ (2/n)1/2 for pairwise
Look back at Table 3.4, which lists raw scores for a balanced three-
sample design where n = 5, M1 = 13.00, M2 = 11.00, and M3 = 15.00. Reported
in Table 7.2 are results of an independent samples ANOVA for the omnibus
effect and two orthogonal contrasts defined by the sets of weights (1, 0, -1)
and (½, -1, ½) where

ψˆ 1 = M1 – M3 = 13.00 – 15.00 = −2.00

M1 + M3 13.00 + 15.00
ψˆ 2 = − M2 = − 11.00 = 3.00
2 2

Note in Table 7.2 that

SSA = SSψˆ 1 + SSψˆ 2 = 10.00 + 30.00 = 40.00

which is just as predicted by Equation 7.5 for a set of a – 1 = 2 orthogonal

contrasts. Given MSW = 5.50, values of the corresponding standardized con-
trasts are

−2.00 3.00
d with1 = = − .85 and d with 2 = = 1.28
5.50 5.50

In words, M1 is .85 standard deviations lower than M3, and the average of M1
and M3 is 1.28 standard deviations higher than M2.

Table 7.2
Independent Samples Analysis of the Data in Table 3.4
Source SS df MS F dwith η̂2 η̂2
Between (A)  40.00  2 20.00 3.64c — .377h .377
ŷ1 = -2.00a 10.00 1 10.00 1.82d -.85f .094 .132i
ŷ2 = 3.00b 30.00 1 30.00 5.45e 1.28g .283 .313j
Within (error)  66.00 12  5.50
Total 106.00 14
Note.  The contrast weights for ŷ1 are (1, 0, -1) and those for ŷ2 are (½, -1, ½). A dash (—) indicates that it
is not possible to calculate the statistic indicated in the column heading for the effect listed in that row of the
table. CI = confidence interval.
a95% CI for y [-5.23, 1.23]. b95% CI for y [.20, 5.80]. cp = .058. dp = .202. ep = .038. fApproximate 95% CI for
1 2
dy1 [-2.23, .53]. gApproximate 95% CI for dy2 [.09, 2.47]. hNoncentral 95% CI for η2A [0, .601]. iNoncentral 95%
CI for partial η2ψ1 [0, .446]. jNoncentral 95% CI for partial η2ψ2 [0, .587].

198       beyond significance testing

Dependent Samples

There are two basic ways to standardize mean changes when the sam-
ples are dependent:
1. With one exception, use any of the methods described in the
previous section for contrasts between unrelated means. These
methods estimate population standard deviations in the metric
of the original scores, but they ignore the subjects effect in cor-
related designs. The exception is Equation 7.12, which requires
tŷ for independent samples to compute dwith.
2. Standardize the mean change against the standard deviation of
the difference scores for that particular contrast. This option
takes account of the cross-conditions correlation, but it does
not describe change in the metric of the original scores.
Reported in Table 7.3 are the results of a dependent samples analysis
for an additive model of the data in Table 3.4 for the omnibus effect and the
same two contrasts analyzed in Table 7.2. The F and p values differ for all
effects across the independent samples analysis in Table 7.2 and the depen-
dent samples analysis in Table 7.3. But dwith1 = -.85 and dwith2 = 1.28 in both
analyses, because each is calculated the same way regardless of the design.

Approximate Confidence Intervals for cy

If the samples are independent and the effect size is dwith, an approximate
confidence interval for dy can be obtained by dividing the endpoints of the

Table 7.3
Dependent Samples Analysis of the Data in Table 3.4
Source SS df MS F dwith η̂2 η̂2
Between (A)  40.00  2 20.00 14.12c — .377 .779
ŷ1 = -2.00a 10.00 1 10.00  5.71d -.85f .094 .588
ŷ2 = 3.00b 30.00 1 30.00 27.69e 1.28g .283 .874
Within  66.00 12  5.50
Subjects 54.67 4 13.67
Residual (A) 11.33 8  1.42
Residual (ŷ1)   7.00 4  1.75
Residual (ŷ2)   4.33 4  1.08
Total 106.00 14
Note.  The contrast weights for ŷ1 are (1, 0, -1) and those for ŷ2 are (½, -1, ½). A dash (—) indicates that it is not
possible to calculate the statistic indicated in the column heading for the effect listed in that row of the table.
a95% CI for y [-4.32, .32]. b95% CI for y [1.42, 4.58]. cp = .002. dp = .075. ep = .006. fApproximate 95% CI for d
1 2 y1
[-1.84, .14]. gApproximate 95% CI for dy2 [.60, 1.95].

single-factor designs      199

corresponding interval for y (Equation 7.11) by the square root of MSW. The
form of the resulting interval is

d with ± sd with [ t ψˆ 2-tail, α (dfW )] (7.13)

where the approximate standard error is

sd with = ∑ ni (7.14)
i =1 i

Four-decimal accuracy is recommended for hand calculations.

Bird (2002) recommended the same method when the samples are
dependent and the effect size is dwith except that the degrees of freedom for
tŷ 2-tail, a are n – 1, not dfW. The resulting confidence interval for y controls for
the subjects effect. Next, divide the lower and upper bounds of this confidence
interval by the square root of MSW, which standardizes the interval in the
metric of the original scores. The result is the approximate confidence inter-
val for dy for a dependent standardized mean change.
Refer back to Table 7.2 and look over the results of the independent
samples analysis where dfW = 12 and MSW = 5.50. The standard error of
ŷ 1 = -2.00 is

 12 0 2 −12 
ˆ ind =
sψ1 5.50  + +  = 1.4832
 5 5 5 

Given tŷ 2-tail, .05 (12) = 2.179, the 95% confidence interval for y1 is

−2.00 ± 1.4832 (2.776)

which defines the interval [-5.2319, 1.2319]. If we divide the endpoints of

this interval by 5.501/2 = 2.345, we obtain the approximate 95% confidence
interval for dy1. The lower and upper bounds of this interval based on dwith1
= -.85 are [-2.2309, .5253]. Thus, we can say that dwith1 = -.85 is just as
consistent with a population effect size as small as dy1 = -2.23 as it is with a
population effect size as large as dy1 = .53, with 95% confidence. The range
of imprecision is this great due to the small group size (n = 5). Exercise 1
involves constructing the approximate 95% confidence interval for dy2 based
on the results in Table 7.2.
Now look at the results of the dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3.
Given r13 = .7303, s21 = 7.50, and s23 = 4.00 for ŷ1 = -2.00 (see Table 3.4),
the variance of the difference scores and the standard error of ŷ1 are,

200       beyond significance testing

sD2 = 7.50 + 4.00 − 2 7.50 (4.00) (.7303) = 3.50

ˆ dep =
sψ1 = .8367

Given tŷ 2-tail, .05 (4) = 2.776, the 95% confidence interval for y1 is

−2.00 ± .8367 (2.776)

which defines the interval [-4.3226, .3226]. Dividing the endpoints of this
interval by the square root of MSW = 5.50 gives the lower and upper bounds
of the approximate 95% confidence interval for dy1 based on dwith1 = -.85 in
the dependent samples analysis. The resulting interval is [-1.8432, .1376], or
[-1.84, .14] at two-decimal accuracy. As expected, this interval for dy1 in the
dependent samples analysis is narrower than the corresponding interval in
the independent samples analysis of the same scores, or [-2.23, .53]. Exercise
2 asks you to construct the approximate 95% confidence interval for dy2 for
the dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3.
The PSY computer program (Bird, Hadzi-Pavlovic, & Isaac, 2000) for
Microsoft Windows calculates individual or simultaneous approximate confi-
dence intervals for dy when the effect size is dwith in designs with one or more
between-subjects or within-subjects factors.2 It accepts only integer contrast
weights, but it can automatically convert the weights to a standard set so that
all contrasts are scaled as mean differences.
Results of computer simulations by Algina and Keselman (2003) indi-
cated that Bird’s (2002) approximate confidence intervals for dy were reason-
ably accurate in between-subjects designs except for larger population effect
sizes, such as dy > 1.50. But in correlated designs, their accuracies decreased as
either the population effect size increased or the cross-conditions correlation
increased. In both designs under the conditions just stated, approximate con-
fidence intervals for dy were generally too narrow, which makes the results
look falsely precise. Algina and Keselman (2003) also found that noncentral
confidence intervals in between-subjects designs and approximate noncen-
tral confidence intervals in within-subjects designs were generally more accu-
rate than Bird’s (2002) approximate intervals.

Noncentral Confidence Intervals for cy

When the means are independent, dwith follows noncentral tŷ (dfW, D) dis-
tributions. A computer tool calculates a noncentral 100 (1 – a)% confidence


single-factor designs      201

interval for dy by first finding the corresponding confidence interval for D.
Next, the endpoints of this interval, DL and DU, are converted to dy units
based on the equation

δψ = ∆ ∑ ni (7.15)
i =1 i

For the independent samples analysis in Table 7.2 where n = 5 and

ŷ1 = -2.00 is defined by the weights (1, 0, -1), the standardized contrast is
dwith1 = -.85 and the test statistics are

Fψˆ 1 (1, 12) = 1.82 and t ψˆ 1 (12) = − 1.35 (i.e., t ψ2ˆ 1 = Fψˆ 1)

I used J. H. Steiger’s NDC calculator (see footnote 2, Chapter 5) to construct

the noncentral 95% confidence interval for D, which is [-3.3538, .7088].
When Equation 7.15 is used, the endpoints of this interval in D units are
transformed to dy units by multiplying each by

12 0 2 −12
+ + = .6325
5 5 5

The result, [-2.1213, .4483], or [-2.12, .45] at two-decimal accuracy, is the

noncentral 95% confidence interval for dy1. Earlier, the approximate 95%
confidence interval for dy1 was calculated based on the same data as [-2.23,
.53] (see also Table 7.2).
Two computer tools that construct noncentral confidence intervals for
dy in designs with independent samples include MBESS for R (Kelley, 2007;
see footnote 5, Chapter 5) and syntax for SAS/IML presented by Algina and
Keselman (2003; see footnote 7, Chapter 5). Distributions of dwith in corre-
lated designs are complex and may follow neither central nor noncentral tŷ
distributions. Algina and Keselman (2003) described a method to calculate
approximate confidence intervals for dy in such designs based on noncentral
tŷ distributions, and SAS/IML syntax for this method can be downloaded
from the source just mentioned. Steiger (2004) described additional methods
of interval estimation for contrasts in ANOVA.

Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals Based

on Robust Standardized Contrasts

Two software packages or scripts compute bootstrapped confidence

intervals for the product of the scale factor .642 and dy rob (i.e., dy is estimated)
based on trimmed means and Winsorized variances in single- or multiple-

202       beyond significance testing

factor designs. These include the SAS/IML script by Keselman et al. (2008)
and Wilcox’s (2012) WRS package for R (see footnote 11, Chapter 2).

Correlations and Measures of Association

Reviewed next are descriptive and inferential r-type effect sizes for con-
trasts and the omnibus effect. The descriptive effect sizes assume a fixed factor
(as do standardized contrasts). The most general descriptive effect size is the
correlation ratio. For contrasts it takes the form η̂2ψ = SSy/SST, and it measures
the proportion of total observed explained by that contrast. The correspond-
ing effect size for the omnibus effect is η̂2A = SSA/SST. In balanced designs with
a fixed factor, the inferential measures of association ω̂2ψ for contrasts and ω̂A2
for omnibus effects control for positive bias in, respectively, η̂ψ2 and η̂A2 . But for
random factors, contrast analysis is typically uninformative. This is because
levels of such factors are randomly selected, so they wind up in a particular
study by chance. In this case, the appropriate inferential measure of associa-
tion is the intraclass correlation ρ̂1, which is already in a squared metric, for
the omnibus effect in balanced designs.

Correlation Effect Sizes for Contrasts

The unsigned correlation between a contrast and the outcome variable

is η̂ψ. Its signed counterpart in designs with independent samples is rψ̂, which
is calculated as follows:

rψˆ = t ψˆ (7.16)
Fψˆ + dfnon-ψˆ (Fnon-ψˆ ) + dfW

where dfnon-ψ̂ and Fnon-ψ̂ are, respectively, the degrees of freedom and F statistic
for all noncontrast sources of between-groups variability. The statistic Fnon-ψ̂ =
MSnon-ψ̂ /MSW, where

MS non-ψ = SSnon-ψˆ df non-ψ

SSnon-ψˆ = SSA − SSψˆ and dfnon-ψˆ = dfA − 1

For the results in Table 7.2 where the weights (1, 0, -1) specify ŷ1,

ψˆ 1 = −2.00, SSψˆ 1 = 10.00, MSW = 5.50, Fψˆ 1 (1, 12) = 1.82

t ψˆ (12 ) = − 1.35, SSA = 40.00, dfA = 2


single-factor designs      203

which imply that

SSnon-ψˆ = 40.00 − 10.00 = 30.00, dfnon-ψˆ = 2 − 1 = 1

1 1

Fnon-ψˆ = 30.00 5.50 = 5.45


Now we calculate

ˆ = − 1.35
rψ1 = − .307
1.82 + (1) 5.45 + 12

So we can say that the correlation between the dependent variable and the con-
trast between the first and third groups is -.307 and that this contrast explains
-.3072, or about .094 (9.4%), of the total observed variance in outcome.
The partial correlation effect size

partial rψˆ = t ψˆ (7.17)
Fψˆ + dfW

removes the effects of all other contrasts from total variance. For ŷ1 in Table 7.2,

partial rψˆ = − 1.35 = − .363
1.82 + 12

which says that correlation between ŷ1 and outcome is -.363 controlling for
ŷ2 and that ŷ1 explains -.3632, or about .132 (13.2%), of the residual variance.
The absolute value of partial rŷ is usually greater than that of rŷ for the same
contrast, which is here true for ŷ1 (respectively, .363 vs. .307). Also, partial
r2ŷ values are not generally additive over sets of contrasts, orthogonal or not.
Exercise 3 asks you to calculate rŷ2 and partial rŷ2 for the results in Table 7.2.
The correlation rŷ assumes independent samples. For dependent sam-
ples, we can compute instead the unsigned correlation of which rŷ is a special
case, η̂ψ. For the dependent contrast ŷ1 in Table 7.3 where SSŷ1 = 10.00 and
SST = 106.00, η̂ψ2 1 = (10.00/106.00)1/2, or .307, which is also the absolute value
of rŷ 1 for the same contrast in the independent samples analysis of the same
data (see Table 7.2). The proportion of total variance explained is also the
same in both analyses, or η̂ψ2 1 = r2ŷ1 = .094 (i.e., 9.4% of total variance).
The general form of partial η̂ψ2 is SSŷ/(SSŷ + SSerror), where SSerror is the
error sum of squares for the contrast. If the samples are independent, partial
η̂ψ2 controls for all noncontrast sources of between-conditions variability; if the
samples are dependent, it also controls for the subjects effect. For example, par-
tial η̂ψ2 1 = .132 and η̂ψ2 1 = .094 for the independent samples ana­lysis in Table 7.2.

204       beyond significance testing

But partial η̂2ψ1 = .588 for the dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3 because
it controls for both ŷ2 and the subjects effect. Exercise 4 involves calculating
partial η̂2ψ2 for the results in Table 7.3. Rosenthal et al. (2000) described many
examples of contrast analyses in single- and multiple-factor designs.

Descriptive Measures of Association for Omnibus Effects

When dfA ≥ 2, η̂2A is the squared multiple correlation (R2) between the
omnibus effect and outcome. If the samples are independent, η̂2A can also be
computed as

ˆ 2A = FA
η (7.18)
FA +

where FA is the test statistic for the omnibus effect with dfA, dfW degrees
of freedom (see Equation 3.8). For example, SSA = 40.00 and SST = 106.00
for the omnibus effect in Tables 7.2 and 7.3, so the omnibus effect explains
40.00/106.00 = .377, or about 37.7%, of the total variance in both analyses.
But only for the independent samples analysis in Table 7.2 where FA (2, 12)
= 3.64 can we also calculate (using Equation 7.18) for the omnibus effect

ˆ 2A = 3.64
η = .377
3.64 +

The general form of partial η̂A2 is SSA / (SSA + SSerror). In a between-sub-

jects design where MSW is the error term, η̂A2 = partial η̂A2 because there is no
other source of systematic variation besides the omnibus effect. But in a within-
subjects design, it is generally true that η̂A2 ≤ partial η̂A2 because only the latter
controls for the subjects effect. For example, η̂2A = .377 but partial η̂A2 = .779 for
the omnibus effect for the dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3.

Inferential Measures of Association

The inferential measures ω̂ 2 for fixed factors and ρ̂1 for random factors in
balanced designs are based on ratios of variance components, which involve
the expression of expected sample mean squares as functions of population
sources of systematic versus error variation. Extensive sets of equations for
variance component estimators in sources such as Dodd and Schultz (1973),
Kirk (2012), Vaughan and Corballis (1969), and Winer et al. (1991) provide
the basis for computing inferential measures of association. Schuster and von

single-factor designs      205

Eye (2001) showed that random effects models and repeated measures models
are variations of each other because both control for scores dependencies. It
is not always possible to estimate population variance components without
bias, and certain components cannot be expressed as unique functions of
sample data in some designs. But there are heuristic estimators that may let
one get by in the latter case.
Both ω̂ 2 and ρ̂1 have the general form σ̂ 2effect /σ̂ 2total, where the numerator
estimates the variance component for the effect of interest and the denomi-
nator estimates total variance due to all sources in the design. For a fixed
factor, σ̂ 2effect is the numerator of ω̂ 2effect . In designs with either independent or
dependent samples, its general form is

σˆ 2effect = ( MSeffect – MSerror ) (7.19)

where MSeffect and dfeffect are, respectively, the effect mean square and its
degrees of freedom, and MSerror is its error term. When Equation 7.20 is used,
the estimator for the omnibus effect is

a −1
σˆ 2A fix = ( MSA – MSerror ) (7.20)

and that for a contrast is

σˆ 2ψ = ( MSψˆ – MSerror ) (7.21)

(Recall that MSŷ = SSŷ because dfŷ = 1.) But for a random factor the estimator
for the omnibus effect is

σˆ 2A ran = ( MSA – MSerror ) (7.22)

Estimation of σ̂ 2total also depends on the design. The sole estimate of error
variance when the samples are independent is MSW, regardless of whether the
factor is fixed or random. This means that total variance in either case is
estimated as
σˆ 2total = σˆ 2A + MSW (7.23)

where σ̂2A is defined by Equation 7.20 for a fixed factor but by Equation 7.22
for a random factor. The composition of total variance for fixed versus ran-
dom factors is thus not the same.

206       beyond significance testing

Estimation of total variance is more complicated in correlated designs.
For a fixed factor assuming a nonadditive model, it is not possible to uniquely
estimate variance components for the subjects effect, the person × treatment
interaction, and random error (e.g., Winer et al., 1991, p. 276). Instead, com-
binations of these parameters are estimated heuristically by the equations for
direct calculation of ω̂ 2effect introduced below. These heuristic estimators are
negatively biased, so they generally underestimate population proportions
of explained variance. For a random factor, though, the combined effects of
person × treatment interaction and random error are estimated with a single
error mean square in a nonadditive model.
The equations presented in Table 7.4 allow you to directly calculate
ω̂ 2effect or ρ̂1 instead of working with all the variance component estimators
that make up each effect size. For example, the numerator of ω̂ 2effect for fixed
factors in the method of direct calculation is always

dfeffect ( MSeffect − MSerror ) (7.24)

but computation of the denominator depends on the design. Likewise, the

numerator of ρ̂1 for random factors in Table 7.4 is always

a ( MSA − MSerror ) (7.25)

but calculation of its denominator also depends on the design.

Outlined next is a method for direct computation of inferential mea-
sures of association based on residual variance. These statistics are partial

Table 7.4
Numerators and Denominators for Direct Calculation of Inferential Measures
of Association Based on Total Variance for Single-Factor Designs
Sample Model Denominator
Fixed factora
Independent — SST + MSW
Dependent Additive SST + MSS
Dependent Nonadditive SST + MSS + n MSA × S
Random factorb
Independent — SST + MSA
Dependent Additive SST + MSA + MSS - MSres
Dependent Nonadditive a MSA + n MSS + (an –a – n) MSA × S
Note.  The cell size is n, factor A has a levels, and MSerror is the ANOVA error term for the corresponding
aEffect size is ŵ2
effect, numerator = dfeffect (MSeffect - MSerror). Effect size is r̂I, numerator = a (MSA – MSerror).

single-factor designs      207

ω̂ 2effect for effects of fixed factors and partial ρ̂1 for omnibus effects of random
factors. The general form of both is σ̂ 2effect /(σ̂ 2effect + σ̂ 2error):
1. Independent samples. The error variance estimator is σ̂2error = MSW.
a) Fixed factor. The numerator of partial ω̂ 2y is σ̂ 2y (Equa-
tion 7.21), and the denominator is σ̂ 2y + MSW. For the omni-
bus effect, partial ω̂ 2A = ω̂ 2A because there is no other source
of between-groups variability and MSW is the sole error vari-
ance estimator.
b) Random factor. Partial ρ̂1 = ρ̂1 for the omnibus effect, for the
reasons just stated.
2. Dependent samples, additive model. The error variance estimator
is σ̂2error = MSerror, the error term for the effect of interest.
a) Fixed factor. The numerator of partial ω̂ 2y is σ̂ 2y (Equa-
tion 7.21), and the denominator is σ̂ 2y + MSerror. The numera-
tor of partial ω̂ 2A is σ̂ A2 (Equation 7.20), and the denominator
is σ̂ A2 + MSerror.
b) Random factor. The numerator of partial ρ̂1 is σ̂ A2 (Equa-
tion 7.22), and the denominator is σ̂ A2 + MSerror.
3. Dependent samples, nonadditive model. Because error variance
cannot be uniquely estimated apart from that due to a true per-
son × treatment interaction, there is no unbiased definition of
partial ω̂ 2effect or partial ρ̂1. The statistic partial η̂2 is an alterna-
tive in this case.
For the independent samples analysis in Table 7.2, assuming a fixed factor,

MSa = 20.00, MSψˆ 1 = 10.00, MSψˆ 2 = 30.00, MSW = 5.50, SST = 106.00

ˆ 2A = η
η ˆ 2ψ 1 + η
ˆ 2ψ 2 = .094 + .283 = .377

Using the method of direct calculation outlined in Table 7.4, we compute

inferential measures of association based on total variance as follows:

2 (20.00 − 5.50)
ωˆ 2A = = .260
106.00 + 5.50

10.00 − 5.50 30.00 − 5.50

ωˆ 2ψ = = .04 0 and ωˆ 2ψ = = .220
106.00 + 5.50 106.00 + 5.50

As expected, values of the inferential measures just calculated are each smaller
than the corresponding descriptive measure (e.g.,η̂A2 = .377, ω̂2A = .260). Because
ŷ1 and ŷ2 are orthogonal and dfA = 2, it is also true that

208       beyond significance testing

ωˆ 2A = ωˆ 2ψ 1 + ωˆ 2ψ 2 = .040 + .220 = .260

Proportions of observed residual variance explained by the contrasts in

Table 7.2 are
ˆ 2ψ 1 = .132 and partial η
partial η ˆ 2ψ 2 = .303

The numerator of partial ω̂ 2ψ for each contrast is calculated with Equa-

tion 7.21 as
1 1
σˆ 2ψ 1 = (10.00 – 5.50 ) = .300 and σˆ 2ψ 2 = ( 30.00 − 5.50 ) = 1.633
15 15

Given σ̂ 2error = MSW = 5.50, next we calculate

.300 1.633
partial ωˆ 2ψ1 = = .052 and partial ωˆ 2ψ 2 = = .229
.300 + 5.50 1.633 + 5.50

Again, each bias-adjusted proportion of explained residual variance is smaller

than its observed counterpart for each contrast. Exercise 5 asks you to verify
that ρ̂1 = .345 assuming a random factor for the results in Table 7.2. Exercise
6 asks you to compute ω̂ 2A, partial ω̂ 2y1, and partial ω̂ 2y2 for the dependent
samples analysis in Table 7.3 for an additive model and a fixed factor.
An alternative to ANOVA-based estimation of variance components
in designs with random factors is maximum likelihood estimation, which
iteratively improves the estimates until statistical criteria are satisfied. It also
requires large samples; see Searle, Casella, and McCulloch (1992) for more
information. A problem that arises in both ANOVA and maximum likeli-
hood methods is negative variance estimates, which are most likely in small
samples or when effect sizes are about zero. Estimates < 0 are usually inter-
preted as though the value were zero.

Effect Sizes for Power Analysis

Population effect size for fixed factors is represented in some computer

tools for power analysis with the f 2 parameter (Cohen, 1988), which is
related to h2 as follows:
f2 = (7.26)
1 − η2

That is, f 2 is the ratio of explained variance over unexplained vari-

ance, and thus it is a kind of population signal-to-noise ratio. The f 2

single-factor designs      209

parameter can also be expressed for balanced designs and assuming homo­
scedasticity as
1 a  µi − µ 
f = ∑
 (7.27)
a i=1  σ 

where the expression in parentheses is the contrast between each of the i

population means and the grand mean, µi – µ, standardized by the common
population standard deviation, s. Thus, f 2 is the average squared standard-
ized contrast over all populations. Researchers infrequently report sample
estimators of f 2 as effect sizes, but see Winer et al. (1991, pp. 126–127) for an
example. Steiger (2004) described additional forms of f 2.

Interval Estimation

Measures of association generally have complex distributions, and meth-

ods for obtaining approximate confidence intervals are not really amenable to
hand calculation. Some of the computer tools described earlier that cal-
culate noncentral confidence intervals for h 2 in two-group designs can
also be used in designs with ≥3 independent samples. For example, I used
Smithson’s (2003) scripts (see footnotes 3–4, Chapter 5) to calculate for
the results in Table 7.2 (a) the noncentral 95% confidence interval for
h2A based on the omnibus effect and (b) the noncentral 95% confidence
intervals for partial h2ψ based on the two contrasts, given the test statistics
for these effects. The input data and results are summarized next:

η̂2A = .377, 95% ci [ 0, .601], FA ( 2, 12 ) = 3.64

ˆ 2ψ 1 = .132, 95% ci [ 0, .446 ], Fψˆ 1 (1, 12 ) = 1.82

partial η

ˆ 2ψ 2 = .313, 95% ci [ 0, .587], Fψˆ 2 (1, 12 ) = 5.45

partial η

Fidler and Thompson (2001) gave a modification of an earlier version of

Smithson’s (2003) SPSS scripts that constructs noncentral confidence inter-
vals for w2. They also reviewed methods to construct confidence intervals for
rI in designs with independent samples and random factors. They found that
confidence intervals are typically wider (less precise) when the factor is ran-
dom than when it is fixed. This is one of the costs of generalizing beyond the
particular levels randomly selected for study. W. H. Finch and French (2012)
compared in computer simulations different methods of interval estimation

210       beyond significance testing

for w2 in single-factor and two-way designs. No method performed well under
conditions of nonnormality, especially for N < 50; otherwise, nonparametric
bootstrapping with bias correction was generally accurate. They also reported
that adding a second factor affected the precision of confidence intervals for
the original factor, so interval estimation for one factor was affected by other
variables in the design.
The MBESS package for R (Kelley, 2007) can calculate noncentral
confidence intervals for f 2 or h2 in designs with independent samples. Steiger
(2004) outlined noncentrality interval estimation for w2 and a root-mean-
squared standardized effect size related to the f 2 parameter in balanced, com-
pletely between-subjects designs. He also described ANOVA methods for
testing non-nil hypotheses, such as whether observed effect sizes differ sta-
tistically from trivial levels or nontrivial (exceeds a threshold for substantive
significance) levels. There is a paucity of computer tools that calculate con-
fidence intervals based on measures of association in correlated designs, but
this situation is likely to change.

Effect Sizes in Covariate Analyses

A covariate is a variable that predicts outcome but is ideally unrelated

to the independent variable (factor). The variance explained by the covari-
ate is removed, which reduces error variance. With sufficient reduction in
error variance, the power of the statistical test for the factor may be higher
in ANCOVA than in ANOVA without the covariate. The ANCOVA also
yields group means on the dependent variable adjusted for the covariate.
These adjustments reflect (a) the pooled within-groups regression of the out-
come variable on the covariate and (b) the amount of deviation of group
covariate means from the grand mean. If this deviation is slight, there is little
adjustment. Otherwise, the adjusted means can be substantially higher or
lower than the corresponding unadjusted means.
In experimental designs where cases are randomly assigned to condi-
tions, group means on the covariate vary only by chance. As a consequence,
(a) adjusted group means on the outcome variable tend to be similar to the
unadjusted means, and (b) it may be only the error term that differs apprecia-
bly across ANCOVA and ANOVA results for the same outcome. But groups
in nonexperimental designs may differ systematically on the covariate. If so,
the covariate is related to both the factor and the dependent variable, and
both the ANCOVA error term and the adjusted means can differ substan-
tially from their ANOVA counterparts. But unless the covariate reflects basi-
cally all sources of differences between intact groups, the adjusted means
may be incorrect. This is why ANCOVA does not cure preexisting group

single-factor designs      211

differences on confounding variables (i.e., covariates); see G. A. Miller and
Chapman (2001) for a review.
The technique of ANCOVA has two more assumptions than
ANOVA does. One is homogeneity of regression, which requires equal
within-populations unstandardized regression coefficients for predicting
outcome from the covariate. In nonexperimental designs where groups
differ systematically on the covariate (and presumably also on other vari-
ables related to outcome), the homogeneity of regression assumption is
rather likely to be violated. The second assumption is that the covariate
is measured without error (its scores are perfectly reliable). Violation of
either assumption may lead to inaccurate results. For example, an unreli-
able covariate in experimental designs causes loss of statistical power and
in nonexperimental designs may also cause inaccurate adjustment of the
means (Culpepper & Aguinis, 2011). In nonexperimental designs where
groups differ systematically, these two extra assumptions are especially
likely to be violated.
An alternative to ANCOVA is propensity score analysis (PSA). It
involves the use of logistic regression to estimate the probability for each case
of belonging to different groups, such as treatment versus control, in designs
without randomization, given the covariate(s). These probabilities are the pro-
pensities, and they can be used to match cases from nonequivalent groups. But
PSA offers no magic, because the accuracy of propensities requires that the
covariates measure in large part the selection process whereby cases wound up
in their respective nonequivalent groups; see Shadish et al. (2001) for more
The SPSS raw data file for this example can be downloaded from this
book’s web page. McWhaw and Abrami (2001) conducted a 30-minute
workshop for Grade 11 students about finding main ideas in text. The same
students were later randomly assigned to one of two incentive conditions.
Students in the extrinsic condition were offered a monetary reward if they
found 75% of the main ideas in a text passage, but students in the intrinsic
condition were merely encouraged to see the task as a challenge. The out-
come variable was the number of main ideas found, and the covariate was
the students’ grades in school expressed as percentages. Descriptive statistics
are summarized in Table 7.5. Observed means on the reading task indicate
that the extrinsic group found on average about one more main idea than the
intrinsic group, respectively, 3.05 versus 2.08. Adjusted means controlling for
grades in the extrinsic and intrinsic groups are, respectively, 3.02 and 2.11.
These means are similar to the observed means because the factor and covari-
ate are essentially unrelated in this experimental design.
Reported at the top of Table 7.6 is the ANOVA source table for the data
in Table 7.5 except for the covariate. The intrinsic–extrinsic factor in this

212       beyond significance testing

Table 7.5
Descriptive Statistics on the Outcome Variable and Covariate
for Two Learning-Incentive Conditions
Incentive conditiona
Variable Intrinsic Extrinsic

School grades (covariate) 74.59 (7.37)b 75.13 (10.69)

Main ideas found (outcome)
 Observed   2.08 (2.09)   3.05 (2.42)
 Adjusted 2.11c 3.02
Note.  These data are from K. McWhaw (personal communication, January 23, 2012) and are used with per-
mission. The unstandardized pooled within-groups coefficient for the regression of outcome on the covariate
is .117.
aIntrinsic condition, n = 55; extrinsic condition, n = 37. bMean (standard deviation). cMean.
1 2

analysis explains about 4.5% of total variance on the reading task (ĥ2 = .045).
Other key ANOVA results are

MSW = 4.96, F (1, 90 ) = 4.21, p = .043

Presented in the middle of Table 7.6 is the traditional ANCOVA source

table. The sums of squares are Type III, which reflect the unique explanatory

Table 7.6
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Analysis of Covariance
(ANCOVA) Results for the Data in Table 7.5
Source SS df MS F η̂2
Between (incentive)   20.91  1 20.91   4.21b .045
Within (error) 446.77 90   4.96
Total 467.68 91
Traditional ANCOVAa
Total effects 117.05  2 58.52 14.86c .250
Covariate (grades)   96.14 1 96.14 24.40c .206
Between (incentive)   18.25 1 18.25  4.63d .039
Within (error) 350.63 89   3.94
Total 467.68 91
Step Predictors R2 R 2 change F change df1 df2
1 Grades .211 .211 24.11 c 1 90
2 Grades, incentive .250 .039  4.63d 1 89
Note. Entries in boldface emphasize common results across traditional ANCOVA and ANCOVA-as-
regression analyses of the same data and are discussed in the text.
Type III sums of squares. bp = .043. cp < .001. dp = .034.

single-factor designs      213

power of individual predictors. The factor and covariate together explain
about 25.0% of the total variance in reading scores (η̂2 = .250). Of the two,
the factor and covariate each uniquely explain, respectively, about 3.9% and
20.6% of total variance. The prime symbol “′” designates results adjusted for
the covariate, and the results of the F test presented next are for incentive

MSW′ = 3.94, F (1, 89 ) = 4.63, p = .034

The ANCOVA error term is related to the ANOVA error term as follows:

′ = MSW 
 dfW 1 − rpool
2  ) (7.28)

 dfW − 1 

where r2pool is the squared pooled within-groups correlation between the covari-
ate and the dependent variable. For this example, where dfW = 90 and rpool = .464,

 90 (1 − .464 2 ) 
MSW′ = 4.96   = 3.94
 90 − 1

Results at the bottom of Table 7.6 represent a third perspective. They

are from a hierarchical multiple regression analysis where grade (covariate)
is the sole predictor of reading at step 1 and incentive condition is entered
as the second predictor at step 2. At step 1, the result R21 = .212 is just the
squared Pearson correlation between grades and reading. At step 2, R22 = .250
is the squared multiple correlation where the predictors are grades and incen-
tive condition. This result (.250) is presented in boldface in the table to
emphasize its equivalence with η̂2 = .250 for the total effects in the traditional
ANCOVA. The statistic F (1, 89) = 4.63 reported in boldface for the regres-
sion results tests whether
R22 − R12 = .250 – 210 = .039

differs statistically from zero. The F statistic and R2 change values just stated
are each identical to their counterparts in the traditional ANCOVA results
(e.g., η̂2 = .039 for incentive condition; see Table 7.6). Thus, ANCOVA from
a regression perspective is nothing more than a test of the incremental valid
ity of the factor over the covariate in predicting outcome.
Let us now estimate the magnitude of the standardized contrast between
the extrinsic and intrinsic conditions on the reading task. There are two
possibilities for the numerator: the contrast of the two unadjusted means,
M1 – M2, or means adjusted for the covariate, M1′ – M2′ . There are also at least

214       beyond significance testing

two possibilities for the standardizer: a standard deviation in the metric of the
original scores or a standard deviation in the metric of the adjusted scores.
This makes a total of at least four possible forms of a standardized mean con-
trast for these ANCOVA results. In an experimental design, there should be
little difference between M1 - M2 and M1′ – M2′ , which is true for this example
(see Table 7.5). Unless the highly restrictive assumptions described earlier
hold in a nonexperimental design, the value of M1′ – M2′ may be inaccurate,
so M1 - M2 as the numerator may be the best option. The most general choice
for the standardizer in the metric of the original scores is the square root of
the ANOVA error term, MSW (i.e., the effect size is dpool when there are two
groups). This term reflects variability due to the covariate, but the ANCOVA
error term MSW ′ holds the covariate constant (statistically controls for it).
Cortina and Nouri (2000) suggested that if the covariate varies natu-
rally in the population to which the results should generalize, selection of the
square root of MSW as the standardizer may be the best choice. This would be
true even if MSW ′ is substantially less than MSW. The grades covariate for the
present example varies naturally among students, so the standardized mean
difference for the comparison of the extrinsic and intrinsic conditions, given
MSW = 4.96 and the group descriptive statistics in Table 7.5, is calculated as

3.05 − 2.08
d pool = = .44

That is, the students in the extrinsic reward condition outperformed their
peers in the intrinsic reward condition on the reading task by about .44 stan-
dard deviations. See Colliver and Markwell (2006) and Rutherford (2011,
Chapter 4) for more information.

Research Examples

Raw data files for the two examples considered next are not available,
but you can download from this book’s web page SPSS syntax that analyzes
the summary statistics for each.

Relative Cognitive Status of Recreational Ecstasy Users

Ecstasy (MDMA) and related stimulant compounds (MDA, MDEA)

make up a class of recreational drugs used by some adolescents and young
adults. Results of animal studies from the early 1990s indicated neurotoxic
effects of high doses, but whether lower doses of ecstasy impair cognitive
functioning in humans was not well understood during the ensuing decade.

single-factor designs      215

Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. (2000) recruited 28 ecstasy users who also smoked
cannabis and compared their performance on tasks of attention, learning,
and abstract thinking with that of two different control groups of similar age
(M = 23 years) and educational backgrounds, cannabis-only users and non­
users of either substance. The ecstasy users agreed to abstain from the drug
for at least seven days, which was confirmed by urine analysis on the day of
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. (2000) found many statistically significant
differences but did not report effect sizes. Presented in Table 7.7 are repre-
sentative results for five tasks where dpool is reported for each pairwise com-
parison. The three groups performed about the same on an attention task
of simple reaction time. On a more demanding selective attention task and
also on measures of learning and abstract thinking, ecstasy users performed
worse than both other groups by about .80 standard deviations. Sizes of dif-
ferences between cannabis users and nonusers of either substance were gener-
ally smaller—about .10 standard deviations—except on the verbal learning
task, where the nonusers had an advantage of about .40 standard deviations.
Exercise 7 asks you to calculate ĥ2 for the two attention tasks in Table 7.7.

Table 7.7
Cognitive Test Scores for Ecstasy (MDMA) Users,
Cannabis Users, and Nonusers
User groupa dwith for pairwise
1 2 3
Task Ecstasy Cannabis Nonuser F (2, 81) 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 3

 Simple 218.9e 221.1 218.7  .07f -.08  .01  .09
(28.2) (26.3) (27.5)
 Selective 532.0 484.4 478.6 7.23g .83  .93  .10
(65.4) (57.9) (48.4)
Learning and abstract thinking
 Verbalc 4.46 3.71 3.29 9.22h .73 1.13  .41
(.79) (1.15) (1.12)
 Visualc 4.61 4.00 4.11 2.12i .52  .42 -.09
(.96) (1.41) (1.13)
 Abstract 25.96 29.46 29.50 7.29g -.88 -.89 -.01
 thinkingd (4.10) (4.19) (3.64)
Note.  From “Impaired Cognitive Performance in Drug Free Users of Recreational Ecstasy (MDMA),” by E.
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, J. Daumann, F. Tuchtenhagen, S. Pelz, S. Becker, H.-J. Kunert, B. Fimm, and H. Sass,
2000. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 68, p. 723. Copyright 2000 by BMJ Publishing Group
Limited. Adapted with permission.
an = 28 for all groups. bScores are in milliseconds; higher scores indicate worse performance. cNumber of tri-

als; higher scores indicate worse performance. dHigher scores indicate better performance. eMean (standard
deviation). fp = .933. gp = .001. hp < .001. ip = .127.

216       beyond significance testing

Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. (2000) discussed the possibility that pre-
existing differences in cognitive ability or neurological status may explain
their findings. There has been subsequent evidence that, compared with
non­users, chronic ecstasy users may be susceptible to hippocampal damage
(den Hollander et al., 2012) and aberrant visual cortical excitability in trans­
cranial magnetic stimulation studies (Oliveri & Calvo, 2003). Turning back
to the original example, let us consider the practical significance of group
differences in cognitive functioning that are about .80 standard deviations
in magnitude. Assuming normal distributions and homoscedasticity, it is
expected that the typical nonecstasy user will outperform about 80% of the
ecstasy users (U3 = .79; see Table 5.4). It is also expected that ecstasy users
will be underrepresented by a factor of about 3½ among those young adults
who are more than one standard deviation above the mean in the combined
distribution for learning and abstract thinking ability (RTR = 3.57).

Analysis of Learning Curve Data

Kanfer and Ackerman (1989) administered to 137 U.S. Air Force per-
sonnel a computerized air traffic controller task, presented over six 10-minute
trials, where the outcome variable was the number of successful landings.
Summarized in Table 7.8 are the means, standard deviations, and correla-
tions across all trials. The last show a typical pattern for learning data in
that correlations between adjacent trials are higher than those between
non­adjacent trials. This pattern may violate the sphericity assumption of
statistical tests for comparing dependent means for equality. Accordingly,
p values for effects with more than a single degree of freedom are based on the
Geisser–Greenhouse conservative test. Task means over trials exhibit both
linear and quadratic trends, which are apparent in Figure 7.1.
Reported in Table 7.9 are the results of repeated measures analyses of
variance of the omnibus trials effect, the linear and quadratic trends, and all
other higher order trends combined (cubic, quartic, quintic; i.e., respectively,
2, 3, or 4 bends in the curve). Effect size is estimated with ŵ 2 for an additive
model. All effects have p values <.001, but their magnitudes are clearly differ-
ent. The omnibus trials effect explains about 43% of the total variance cor-
rected for capitalization on chance. Because the linear trend itself accounts
for about 38% of the total variance, it is plain to see that this polynomial is
the most important aspect of the learning curve. The quadratic trend explains
an additional 5% of the total variance, and all higher order trends together
explain <.1% of the total variance. The orthogonal linear and quadratic trends
together thus account for virtually all of the explained variance.
In their analysis of the same learning curve data, Kanfer and Ackerman
(1989) reduced unexplained variance even more by incorporating a cognitive

single-factor designs      217

Table 7.8
Descriptive Statistics for a Computerized Air Traffic Controller Task
1 2 3 4 5 6

M 11.77 21.39 27.50 31.02 32.58 34.20

s  7.60  8.44  8.95  9.21  9.49 9.62

r  1.00
  .77  1.00
  .59   .81  1.00
  .50   .72   .89  1.00
  .48   .69   .84   .91  1.00
  .46   .68   .80   .88   .93 1.00
Note.  The group size is n = 137, and the correlation matrix is in lower-diagonal form. Adapted from
“Models for Learning Data,” by M. W. Browne and S. H. C. Du Toit, 1991. In L. M. Collins and J. L. Horn
(Eds.), Best Methods for Analysis of Change, p. 49, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Copyright 1991 by the American Psychological Association.


Mean Task Score





1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 7.1.  Means and 95% confidence intervals for µ for the learning trial data in
Table 7.8.

218       beyond significance testing

Table 7.9
Analysis of the Learning Curve Data in Table 7.8
Source SS df MS F ω̂ 2

Between (trials) 49,419.08 5 9,883.82 470.88a .43

 Linear 43,590.62 1 43,590.62 742.84a .38
 Quadratic 5,524.43 1 5,524.43 269.58a .05
 All other trends 304.04 3 101.35 11.79a <.001
Within 64,807.36 816 79.42
  Subjects (S) 50,531.23 136 371.55
 Residual 14,276.13 680 20.99
   Residual 7,980.64 136 58.68
   Residual 2,787.00 136 20.49
   Residual 3,508.49 408 8.60
  (all other)
Total 114,226.44 821
Note.  The contrast weights for linear are (-5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5) and those for quadratic are (5, -1, -4, -4, -1, 5).
ap < .001.

ability test as a predictor of learning in addition to the trials factor. This

approach was elaborated by Browne and Du Toit (1991), who specified and
tested various latent variable models of Kanfer and Ackerman’s (1989) data.
These models attempted to predict not only the mean level of performance
over trials but also the shapes and variabilities of the learning curves of indi-
vidual participants and whether parameters of these curves covary with over-
all cognitive ability. In this approach, the proportions of explained variance
were >50%, which is better than the results reported in Table 7.9. Browne
and Du Toit’s (1991) analyses highlight the potential value of a model-fitting
approach for analyzing learning curve data.


It is often more informative to analyze contrasts than the omnibus effect in

single-factor designs. The most general standardized contrast is dwith, where the
standardizer is the square root of MSW, the pooled within-conditions variance.
There are also robust standardized contrasts for data sets with outliers, nonnor-
mal distributions, or heteroscedasticity. Descriptive measures of association are
all forms of the correlation ratio η̂2. The inferential measure of association ω̂ 2
corrects for positive bias in η̂2 but requires balanced designs. Both statistics just

single-factor designs      219

mentioned are proportions of total variance explained by an effect. There
are versions of these effect sizes that control for other effects, namely, partial
η̂2 and partial ω̂ 2, but they are proportions of explained residualized vari-
ance. The intraclass correlation ρ̂1 is an appropriate measure of association
for omnibus effects in balanced designs with random factors. How to estimate
effect sizes in designs with multiple factors and continuous outcomes is consid-
ered in the next chapter.

Learn More

Miller and Chapman (2001) consider misuses of ANCOVA, and

Rosenthal et al. (2000) describe many examples of contrast analysis. Steiger
(2004) reviews effect size confidence intervals and tests of non-nil hypotheses
in ANOVA for balanced designs with fixed factors.
Miller, G. A., & Chapman, J. P. (2001). Misunderstanding analysis of covariance.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 40–48. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.110.1.40
Rosenthal, R., Rosnow, R. L., & Rubin, D. B. (2000). Contrasts and effect sizes in
behavioral research. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Steiger, J. H. (2004). Beyond the F test: Effect size confidence intervals and tests of
close fit in the analysis of variance and contrast analysis. Psychological Methods,
9, 164–182. doi: 10.1037/1082-989X.9.2.164


1. Calculate the approximate 95% confidence interval for dy2 for

the independent samples analysis in Table 7.2.
2. Calculate the approximate 95% confidence interval for dy2 for
the dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3.
3. Calculate and interpret rŷ and partial rŷ for ŷ2 in Table 7.2.
4. Calculate and interpret partial η̂2 for each contrast in Table 7.3.
5. Verify that ρ̂1 = .345 for the independent samples analysis in
Table 7.2 for a random factor.
6. Calculate and interpret ω̂ 2A, partial ω̂ y2 , and partial ω̂ y2 for the
1 2

dependent samples analysis in Table 7.3 assuming a fixed factor

and an additive model.
7. Calculate η̂2 for the omnibus effects for each of the two atten-
tion tasks in Table 7.7.

220       beyond significance testing

Multifactor Designs

Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses
remove it.
—Alan J. Perlis (1982, p. 10)

Designs with multiple factors and continuous outcomes require special

considerations for effect size estimation. This is because some methods for
single-factor designs may not give the best results in multifactor designs, and
ignoring this problem may introduce variation across studies because of statisti-
cal artifacts rather than real differences in effect sizes. Described in the next two
sections are various kinds of multifactor designs and the basic logic of factorial
ANOVA. Effect size estimation with standardized contrasts and measures of
association in factorial designs are then considered. Exercises for this chapter
help you to consolidate skills about effect size estimation in multifactor designs.

Types of Multifactor Designs

The most common type of multifactor design is a factorial design where

every pair of factors is crossed, which means that the levels of each factor
are studied in all combinations with levels of other factors. If factor A has

DOI: 10.1037/14136-008
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

a = 2 levels and factor B has b = 3 levels, for instance, a full A × B factorial
design would have a total of 2 × 3, or 6, conditions, including

A1B1, A1B2, A1B3, A2 B1, A2 B2, and A2 B3

The conditions are studied with independent samples in a completely

between-subjects factorial design. That is, the subjects factor is nested under
these combinations, which means that there is a separate group for each
one. If cases are randomly assigned to conditions, the design is a randomized
groups factorial design, but if at least one factor is an individual difference
(nonexperimental) variable and the rest are manipulated (experimental)
variables, it is a randomized blocks design. An example is where samples of
women and men (A) are randomly assigned to one of three different incen-
tive conditions (B) in a 2 × 3 randomized blocks design.
A mixed within-subjects factorial design—also called a split-plot
design—has both between-subjects and within-subjects factors. An example
is where samples of women and men are each tested twice on the same out-
come, such as before and after an intervention. In this case, the subjects
factor is nested under gender, but it is crossed with measurement occasion
because every person is tested twice in this 2 × 2 design. In a completely
within-subjects factorial design, each case in a single sample is tested under
all combinations of two or more crossed factors. That is, the subjects factor is
crossed with all independent variables.
This chapter deals with factorial designs, but their basic principles gen-
eralize to the variations mentioned next. In a hierarchical design, at least
one factor is nested under another. Suppose factor A is drug versus placebo
and factor B represents patient groups from four separate clinics. Patients
from the first two clinics are randomly assigned to receive the drug, and the
rest get a placebo. The four combinations are

A1B1, A1B2, A2 B3, and A2 B4

which are not all possible permutations (8) due to nesting of B under A.
Nested factors are typically considered random. Levels of factors in fractional
(partial, incomplete) factorial designs may not be studied in every combina-
tion with levels of other factors. This reduces the number of conditions, but
certain main and interaction effects may be confounded. A Latin square
design, which also counterbalances order effects for repeated measures fac-
tors, is perhaps the best known example; see Kirk (2012, Chapters 11–16) for
more information.

222       beyond significance testing

Factorial Analysis of Variance

To understand effect size estimation in factorial designs, you need to

know about factorial ANOVA. This is a broad topic, and its coverage in
applied textbooks is often lengthy. These facts preclude a detailed review, so
this presentation emphasizes common principles of factorial ANOVA that
also inform effect size estimation. It deals first with concepts in balanced two-
way designs and then extends them to larger or unbalanced designs (i.e., with
unequal cell sizes). It also encourages you to pay more attention to the sums of
squares and mean squares in a factorial ANOVA source table than to F ratios
and p values. See Kirk (2012); Myers, Well, and Lorch (2010); Rutherford
(2011); or Winer et al. (1991) for more information.

Basic Distinctions

Factorial ANOVA models are distinguished by (a) whether the factors

are between-subjects versus within-subjects, (b) whether the factors are fixed
versus random, and (c) whether the cell sizes are equal or unequal. The first
two distinctions affect the denominators (error terms) of F tests and their
statistical assumptions, but they do not influence the numerators. That is,
effect sums of squares and mean squares are derived the same way regardless of
whether the factor is between-subjects versus within-subjects or fixed versus
random. In balanced factorial designs (i.e., all cell sizes are equal), the main
and interaction effects are independent, which means that they can occur
in any pattern. Accordingly, balanced factorial designs are called orthogo-
nal designs. Independence of effects in such designs simplifies their analysis,
but many real-world factorial designs are not balanced, especially in applied
research (e.g., Keselman et al., 1998).
We must differentiate between unbalanced factorial designs with pro-
portional versus disproportional cell sizes. Consider the two 2 × 3 factorial
layouts represented in the table that follows, where the numbers are cell
sizes (n):

B1 B2 B3 B1 B2 B3

A1  5 10 20 A1  5 20 10

A2 10 20 40 A2 10 10 50

multifactor designs      223

The cell sizes in the upper left matrix are proportional because the ratios
of their relative values are constant across all rows (1:2:4) and columns
(1:2). The cell sizes are disproportional in the upper right matrix because
their relative ratios are not constant over rows or columns. This distinction
is crucial because factorial designs with unequal-but-proportional cell sizes
can be analyzed as orthogonal (balanced) designs (e.g., Winer et al., 1991,
pp. 402–404). This is true because equal cell sizes are a special case of pro-
portional cell sizes.
Disproportional cell sizes cause the factors to be correlated, which implies
that their main effects overlap. The greater the departure from proportional
cell sizes, the greater is this overlap. Thus, factorial designs with dispropor-
tional cell sizes are called nonorthogonal designs, and they require special
methods that try to disentangle correlated effects. Unfortunately, there are
different methods for nonorthogonal designs, and it is not always clear which
one is best for a particular study. The choice among alternative methods for
nonorthogonal designs affects both statistical tests and effect size estimation
for main effects.
Factorial designs tend to have equal or at least proportional cell sizes if
all or all but one of the factors is experimental. If at least two factors are non-
experimental and cases are drawn from a population where these variables are
correlated, the cell sizes may be disproportional. But this nonorthogonality
may actually be an asset if it reflects disproportional population group sizes.
It may be possible to force equal cell sizes by dropping cases from the larger
cells or recruiting additional participants for the smaller cells, but the result-
ing pseudo-orthogonal design may not be representative. This is why non-
orthogonal designs are sometimes intentional—that is, based on a specific
sampling plan.
A critical issue is missing data. For example, a nonorthogonal design
may arise due to randomly missing data from a factorial design intended as bal-
anced, such as when equipment fails and scores are not recorded. A handful of
missing observations is probably of no great concern, such as n = 50 in all cells
except for n = 47 in a single cell as a result of three randomly missing scores.
A more serious problem occurs when nonorthogonal designs result from non-
randomly missing data, such as when higher proportions of participants drop
out of the study under one combination of treatments than others. Systematic
data loss may cause a bias: Patients who withdrew may differ from those who
remain, and the results may not generalize to the intended population(s).
There is no simple statistical fix for bias because of non­randomly missing
data. About all that can be done is to understand the nature of the data loss
and then accordingly qualify your interpretation of the results. McKnight,
McKnight, Sidani, and Figueredo (2007) reviewed contemporary options for
dealing with missing data.

224       beyond significance testing

Basic Sources of Variability

Just as in single-factor designs, there are two basic sources of variability

in factorial designs, between and within conditions (cells). In both kinds of
ANOVA, differences in cell means (between variation) correspond to effects
of the factors on the outcome variable. If all cell means are equal, there are
no effects; otherwise, the factors may affect the dependent variable to some
extent. Variation within the cells is not attributed to the factors. The esti-
mate of overall (pooled) within-cells variation has the same general form in
any type of ANOVA, or MSW = SSW/dfW, which is the weighted average of
the cell variances. For example, the following equation generates MSW in any
factorial design with two factors, A and B, where none of the cells are empty:

a b

∑ ∑ dfij (sij2 )
i =1 j =1
MSW = = a b
∑ ∑ dfij
i =1 j =1

where dfij and s2ij are, respectively, the degrees of freedom (nij - 1) and vari-
ance of the cell at the ith level of A and the jth level of B. Only in a balanced
design can MSW also be computed as the simple arithmetic average of the
cell variances.
The between-conditions variance in a single-factor design, MSA, reflects
the effects of factor A, sampling error, and cell size (Equation 3.10). In a fac-
torial design, the overall between-conditions variance reflects the main and
interactive effects of all factors, sampling error, and cell size. For example, the
between-cells variance in a two-way design is designated below as

MSA ,B, AB = (8.2)
dfA , B, AB

where the subscript indicates the main and interaction effects analyzed
together (total effects), and the degrees of freedom equal the number of cells
minus one, or ab - 1. It is only in balanced two-way designs that the sum of
squares for the total effects can be computed directly as

a b
SSA ,B,AB = ∑ ∑ n ( Mij − MT )
i =1 j =1

where n is the size of all cells, Mij is the mean for the cell at the ith level of A
and the jth level of B, and MT is the grand mean for the whole design. That is,

multifactor designs      225

SSA, B, AB is estimated as the total of the squared deviations of each cell mean
from the grand mean weighted by the cell size. It is also only in balanced
designs that the total effects sum of squares can be broken down into unique
(orthogonal) and additive values for the individual effects:

SSA , B, AB = SSA + SSB + SSAB (8.4)

This relation can also be expressed in terms of the correlation ratio in bal-
anced designs:

ˆ 2A , B, AB = η
η ˆ 2A + η
ˆ 2B + η
ˆ 2AB (8.5)

(Recall that the general form of η̂ 2effect is SSeffect /SST.) Equations 8.4 and 8.5
define effect orthogonality in two-way designs. Orthogonality in factorial
designs of any size means that the main and interaction effects can appear in
any combination. This means that observing one type of effect, such as a
main effect of factor A, says nothing about whether any other effect will be
found, such as a main effect of B or the interaction effect AB.

Effects in Balanced Two-Way Designs

A balanced design where factor A has a = 2 levels and factor B has b = 3

levels is represented in Table 8.1. Cell means and variances, marginal (row or
column) means, and the grand mean are shown. Because the cell sizes are equal,
the marginal means are just the arithmetic averages of the corresponding row
or column cell means. Each marginal mean can also be computed as the aver-
age of the individual scores (not shown in the table) in the corresponding
row or column. That is, the marginal means for each factor are calculated by

Table 8.1
General Descriptive Statistics for a Balanced 2 × 3 Factorial Design
B1 B2 B3 Row means
2 2 2
A1 M11 (s 11 ) M12 (s 12) M13 (s 13 ) MA1

2 2 2
A2 M21 (s 21 ) M22 (s 22) M23 (s 23 ) MA2

Column means MB1 MB2 MB3 MT

Note.  The size of all cells is n.

226       beyond significance testing

collapsing across the levels of the other factor. The grand mean for the whole
design is the arithmetic average of all six cell means. It can also be computed
as the average of the row or column means or as the average of the abn indi-
vidual scores.

Main Effects and Main Comparisons

Conceptual equations for sample main and interaction sums of squares in

balanced two-way designs are presented in Table 8.2. A main effect is estimated
by the differences among the observed marginal means for the same factor, and
the sample sum of squares for that effect is the total of the weighted squared
deviations of the associated marginal means from the grand mean. For example,
if MA1 = MA2 in Table 8.1, the estimated main effect of A is zero and SSA = 0;
otherwise, SSA > 0, as is the estimated main effect of this factor. The main effect
of B is estimated in a similar way but concerns weighted variation of the mar-
ginal means MB1, MB2, and MB3 around MT. Because main effects are estimated
by collapsing over the levels of the other factor, they are single-factor effects.
The main effect of A in Table 8.1 is a contrast because dfA = 1, but the
B main effect is omnibus because dfB = 2 (i.e., > 1). This implies that up to
two orthogonal contrasts could be specified among the levels of this factor.
Keppel and Wickens (2004) referred to such contrasts as main comparisons.
Such contrasts can be either planned or unplanned, but analyzing main com-
parisons would make sense only if the magnitude of the overall main effect
were appreciable and the magnitude of the interaction effect were negligible.

Table 8.2
Equations for Main and Interaction Effect Sums of Squares
in Balanced Two-Way Factorial Designs
Source SS df
A ∑ bn ( M Ai − MT )2 a-1
i =1

B ∑ an ( M Bj − MT )2 b–1
j =1

a b
AB ∑ ∑ n [M
i =1 j =1
ij − ( M A − MT ) − ( MB − MT ) − MT ]2
i j
(a – 1) (b – 1)

a b
= ∑ ∑ n ( Mij − M A − MB + MT )2i j

i =1 j =1

Note.  The size of all cells is n.

multifactor designs      227

Interaction Effects, Simple Effects, and Simple Comparisons

An interaction effect can be understood in several ways. It is a combined

or joint effect of the factors on the outcome variable above and beyond their
main effects. It is also a conditional effect that, if present, says that effects of
each factor on outcome change over the levels of the other factor and vice
versa (i.e., interaction is symmetrical).1 Interaction effects are also called mod-
erator effects, and the factors involved in them are moderator variables. Both
terms emphasize the fact that each factor’s relation with outcome depends on
the other factor when there is interaction. Do not confuse a moderator effect
with a mediator effect, which refers to the indirect effect of one variable on
another through a third (mediator) variable. Mediator effects can be estimated
in structural equation modeling and meta-analysis but not in the ANOVA
models discussed in this chapter; see Kline (2010) for more information.
Sums of squares for the two-way interaction, AB, reflect variability of
cell means around the grand mean controlling for main effects (if any) and
weighted by cell size (see Table 8.2). The pattern of this variation is not
exactly predictable from that among marginal means when there is inter-
action. That is, interaction is related to sets of conditional simple effects
(simple main effects). They correspond to cell means in the same row or
column, and there are as many simple effects of each factor as there are levels
of the other factor. For example, there are two estimated simple effects of
factor B represented in Table 8.1. One is the simple effect of B at A1, and it
corresponds to the three cell means in the first row, M11, M12, and M13. If any
two of these means are different, the estimate of the B at A1 simple effect is
not zero. The other estimated simple effect of this factor, B at A2, corresponds
to the cell means in the second row, M21, M22, and M23. Because df = 2 for each
simple effect of factor B, they are omnibus.
Simple comparisons are contrasts within omnibus simple effects. They
are analogous to main comparisons, but simple comparisons concern rows or
columns of cell means, not marginal means. Estimated simple effects of factor
A in Table 8.1 correspond to the pair of cell means in each of the three col-
umns, such as M11 versus M21 for the simple effect of A at B1. Because df = 1 for
each of the three simple effects of A at B, they are also simple comparisons.
But the two simple effects of factor B in Table 8.1 each concern three cell
means, such as M21, M22, and M23 for the simple effect of B at A2. Thus, they
are omnibus effects, each with 2 degrees of freedom. The contrast of M21 with
M22 in Table 8.1 is an example of a simple comparison within the omnibus
simple effect of B at A2.

1A common but incorrect description of interaction is that “the factors affect each other.” Factors may

affect the dependent variable individually (main effects) or jointly (interaction), but factors do not affect
each other in factorial designs.

228       beyond significance testing

Sums of squares for simple effects have the same general form as those for
main effects (see Table 8.2) except that the former are the total of the weighted
squared deviations of row or column cell means from the corresponding mar-
ginal mean, not the grand mean. It is true in balanced two-way designs that
b a
∑ SSA at B j
= SSA + SSAB and ∑ SSB at A i
= SSB + SSAB (8.6)
j =1 i =1

In words, the total sum of squares for all simple effects of each factor equals
the total sum of squares for the main effect of that factor and the interaction.
When all simple effects of a factor are analyzed, it is actually the main and
interactive effects of that factor that are analyzed. Given their overlap in sums
of squares, it is usually not necessary to analyze both sets of simple effects, A at
B and B at A. The choice between them should be made on a rational basis,
depending on the perspective from which the researcher wishes to describe
An ordinal interaction occurs when simple effects vary in magnitude but
not in direction. Look at the cell means for the 2 (drug) × 2 (gender) layout
in the left side of Table 8.3, where higher scores indicate a better result. The
interaction is ordinal because (a) women respond better to both drugs, but
the size of this effect is greater for drug 2 than drug 1 (gender at drug simple
effects). Also, (b) mean response is always better for drug 2 than drug 1, but
this is even more true for women than for men (drug at gender simple effects).
Both sets of simple effects just mentioned vary in magnitude but do not change
The cell means in the right side of Table 8.3 indicate a disordinal (cross-
over) interaction where at least one set of simple effects reverses direction.
These results indicate that drug 2 is better for women, but just the opposite
is true for men. That is, simple effects of drug change direction for women

Table 8.3
Cell Means and Marginal Means for Two-Way Designs
With Ordinal Versus Disordinal Interaction
Ordinal interaction Disordinal interaction
Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 1 Drug 2

Women 45.00 70.00 57.50 Women 60.00 70.00 65.00

Men 25.00 30.00 27.50 Men 25.00 15.00 20.00

35.00 50.00 42.50 42.50 42.50 42.50

Note.  The size of all cells is n.

multifactor designs      229

versus men. The same data also indicate that simple effects of gender do not
reverse because women respond better than men under both drugs, but the
whole interaction is nevertheless disordinal.
Disordinal interaction is also indicated whenever lines that represent
simple effects cross in graphical representations, but this may depend on how
cell means are plotted. Presented in Figure 8.1(a) are two line graphics for
cell means from the left side of Table 8.3. The graphics differ only in their
representation of gender versus drug on the abscissa (x-axis). Lines for both
sets of simple effects are not parallel, which indicates interaction, but they do

(a) Ordinal interaction

70.0 Women 70.0

60.0 60.0

50.0 50.0

40.0 40.0

30.0 Men 30.0 Drug 2

20.0 20.0 Drug 1

10.0 10.0

Drug 1 Drug 2 Women Men

(b) Disordinal interaction

70.0 Women 70.0

60.0 60.0

50.0 50.0

40.0 40.0

30.0 30.0
Drug 1
20.0 20.0
Men Drug 2
10.0 10.0

Drug 1 Drug 2 Women Men

Figure 8.1.  Cell mean plots for the data in Table 8.3 for (a) ordinal interaction and
(b) disordinal interaction.

230       beyond significance testing

not cross, so the interaction is ordinal. Presented in Figure 8.1(b) are the line
graphics for the cell means in the right side of Table 8.3, for which the inter­
action is disordinal. This fact is apparent by the crossing of the lines for at least
one set of simple effects, those of drug for women versus men; see the right side
of Figure 8.1(b). Exercise 1 asks you to calculate effects sum of squares given
the means in the left side of Table 8.3 for n = 10 and MSW = 125.00.
Stevens (1999) noted that ordinal interactions can arise from floor or
ceiling effects in measurement. A ceiling effect occurs when cases with some-
what high versus very high levels on the construct cannot be distinguished by
the outcome measure, which results in underestimation of some cell means.
Floor effects imply the opposite: Certain means may be overestimated if the
outcome measure cannot distinguish among cases with the lowest levels on
the construct. Ceiling or floor effects basically convert interval data to ordi-
nal data. Although ordinal interaction sometimes occurs due to measurement
artifacts, disordinal interaction cannot be explained by such artifacts.

Interaction Contrasts and Interaction Trends

An interaction contrast is specified by a matrix of coefficients the

same size as the original design that are doubly centered, which means that
the coefficients sum to zero in every row and column. This property makes
the resulting single-df interaction effect independent of the main effects. The
weights for a two-way interaction contrast can be assigned directly or taken
as the product of the corresponding weights of two single-factor comparisons,
one for each factor. If the interaction contrast should be interpreted as the dif-
ference between a pair of simple comparisons (i.e., mean difference scaling), the
sum of the absolute values of the coefficients must be 4.0 (Bird, 2002). This
can be accomplished by selecting coefficients for the comparison on each fac-
tor that are a standard set (i.e., their absolute values sum to 2.0) and taking
their corresponding products.
In a 2 × 2 design where all effects are contrasts, weights that define the
interaction as the difference between two simple effects are presented in the
cells of the leftmost matrix:

B1 B2 B1 B2

A1  1 -1 A1 M11 M12

A2 -1  1 A2 M21 M22

multifactor designs      231

These weights are doubly centered, and the sum of their absolute values is 4.0.
We can get the same set of weights for this interaction contrast by taking the
corresponding products of the weights (1, -1) for factor A and the weights
(1, -1) for factor B. After applying these weights to the corresponding cell
means in the above rightmost matrix, we get

ψˆ AB = M11 − M12 − M21 + M22 (8.7)

Rearranging the terms shows that ψ̂AB equals (a) the difference between
the two simple effects of A and (b) the difference between the two simple
effects of B:

ψˆ AB = ψˆ A at B1 − ψˆ A at B2 = ( M11 – M21 ) – ( M12 – M22 )

= ψˆ B at A 1 − ψˆ B at A 2 = ( M11 – M12 ) – ( M21 – M22 ) (8.8)

In two-way designs where at least one factor has ≥ 3 levels, an inter­

action contrast may be formed by ignoring or collapsing across at least two
levels of that factor. For example, the following coefficients define a pair-
wise interaction contrast in a 2 × 3 design (I):

B1 B2 B3 (I)

A1  1 0 -1

A2 -1 0  1

In the contrast specified, the simple effect of A at B1 is compared with the

simple effect of A at B3. It is equivalent to say that these weights specify the
contrast of the simple comparison of B1 with B3 across the levels of A.
The weights for the complex interaction contrast represented next
compare B2 with the average of B1 and B3 across the levels of A (II):

B1 B2 B3 (II)

A1  ½ -1  ½

A2 -½  1 -½

232       beyond significance testing

Exercise 2 asks you to prove that the interaction contrasts defined in (I) and
(II) are orthogonal in a balanced design, and Exercise 3 involves showing
that the sums of squares for the omnibus interaction can be uniquely decom-
posed into the sums of squares for each interaction contrast. The following
equation for a balanced design will be helpful for this exercise:

n ( ψˆ AB )

SSψˆ = (8.9)
 a
 b 2

 ∑ c i   ∑ c j 
i =1  j=1 

If at least one factor is quantitative with equally spaced levels, contrast

weights for an interaction trend may be specified. Suppose in a 2 × 3 design
that factor A represents two different groups of patients and the levels of
factor B are three equally spaced dosages of a drug. The weights for the inter­
action contrast presented below

B1 B2 B3

A1  1 -2  1

A2 -1  2 -1

compare the quadratic effect of the drug across the groups. That the sum of
the absolute values of the weights is not 4.0 is not a problem because magni-
tudes of differential trends are usually estimated with measures of association.
Unlike simple effects, interaction contrasts and main effects are not
confounded. For this reason, some researchers prefer to analyze interaction
contrasts instead of simple effects when the main effects are relatively large. It
is also possible to test a priori hypotheses about specific facets of an omnibus
interaction through the specification of interaction contrasts. It is not usu-
ally necessary to analyze both simple effects and interaction contrasts in the
same design, so either one or the other should be chosen as a way to describe

Tests in Balanced Two-Way Designs

Presented in Table 8.4 are raw scores and descriptive statistics for bal-
anced 2 × 3 designs, where n = 3. The data in the top part of the table are
arranged in a layout consistent with a completely between-subjects design,

multifactor designs      233

Table 8.4
Raw Scores and Descriptive Statistics for Balanced 2 × 3 Factorial Designs
Completely between-subjects or split-plot layouta
B1 B2 B3
8 10 9
7 11 7
A1 12 15 11

9.00 (7.00)b 12.00 (7.00) 9.00 (4.00) 10.00

3 5 10
5 5 14
A2 7 8 15

5.00 (4.00) 6.00 (3.00) 13.00 (7.00) 8.00

7.00 9.00 11.00

Completely within-subjects layout
A1B1 A1B2 A1B3 A2B1 A2B2 A2B3
8 10 9 3 5 10
7 11 7 5 5 14
12 15 11 7 8 15

9.00 (7.00) 12.00 (7.00) 9.00 (4.00) 5.00 (4.00) 6.00 (3.00) 13.00 (7.00)

Assumes A is the between-subjects factor and B is the repeated measures factor. bCell mean (variance).

where each score comes from a different case. The same layout is also con-
sistent with a split-plot design, where the three scores in each row are from
the same case (e.g., A is a group factor, B is a repeated measures factor). The
same basic data are presented in the bottom part of the table in a completely
within-subjects layout, where the six scores in each row are from the same
case. You should verify the following results by applying Equations 8.1 and 8.3
and those in Table 8.2 to the data in Table 8.4 in either layout:

SSW = 64.00
SSA , B, AB = SSA + SSB + SSAB = 18.00 + 48.00 + 84.00 = 150.00
SST = 64.00 + 150.00 = 214.00

The results of three different factorial analyses of variance for the data
in Table 8.4 assuming fixed factors are reported in Table 8.5. Results in the
top of Table 8.5 are from a completely between-subjects analysis, results in

234       beyond significance testing

Table 8.5
Analysis of Variance Results for the Data in Table 8.4
for Balanced Factorial Designs
Source SS df MS F p η̂2

Completely between-subjects analysis

Between-subjects effects
 A 18.00 1 18.00 3.38 .091 .084
 B 48.00 2 24.00 4.50 .035 .224
 AB 84.00 2 42.00 7.88 .007 .393
Within cells (error) 64.00 12 5.33

Mixed within-subjects analysis

Between-subjects effects
 A 18.00 1 18.00 1.27 .323 .084
Within-subjects effects
 B 48.00 2 24.00 26.18 <.001 .224
 AB 84.00 2 42.00 45.82 <.001 .393
Within cells 64.00 12 5.33
 S/A (error for A) 56.67 4 14.17
 B × S/A 7.33 8 .92
  (error for B, AB)

Completely within-subjects analysis

Within-subjects effects
 A 18.00 1 18.00 5.68 .140 .084
 B 48.00 2 24.00 144.00 <.001 .224
 AB 84.00 2 42.00 25.20 .005 .393
Within cells 64.00 12 5.33
  Subjects (S) 50.33   2 25.17
 A × S (error for A) 6.33 2 3.17
 B × S (error for B) .67 4 .17
 AB × S (error for AB) 6.67 4 1.67
Note.  For all analyses, SST = 214.00 and dfT = 17.

the middle of the table are from a split-plot analysis, and results in the bottom
of the table are from a completely within-subjects analysis. Note that only the
error terms, F ratios, and p values depend on the design. The sole error term in
the completely between-subjects analysis is MSW, and the statistical assump-
tions for tests with it are described in Chapter 3. In the split-plot analysis, SSW
and dfW are partitioned to form two different error terms, one for between-
subjects effects (A) and another for repeated measures effects (B, AB). Tests
with the former error term, designated in the table as S/A for “subjects within
groups under A,” assume homogeneity of variance for case average scores
across the levels of the repeated measures factor. The within-subjects error

multifactor designs      235

term for a nonadditive model, B × S/A, assumes that both within-populations
covariance matrices on the repeated measures factor are not only spherical
but equal; see Kirk (2012, Chapter 12) and Winer et al. (1991, pp. 512–526)
for more information. A different partition of SSW in the completely within-
subjects analysis results in sums of squares for three different error terms for
repeated measures effects, A × S, B × S, and AB × S, and a sum of squares for
the subjects effect, S (see Table 8.5).
Factorial ANOVA generates the same basic source tables when either
one or both factors are considered random instead of fixed. The only dif-
ference is that main effects may not have the same error terms in a random
effects model as in a fixed effects model. For example, the error term for the
main effects in a completely between-subjects design with two random fac-
tors is MSAB, not MSW, but the latter is still the error term for the AB effect.
Tabachnick and Fidell (2001) gave a succinct, nontechnical explanation:
Because levels of both factors are randomly selected, it is possible that a spe-
cial interaction occurred with these particular levels. This special interaction
may confound the main effects, but dividing the mean squares for the main
effects by MSAB is expected to cancel out these confounds in statistical tests
of the former. Maximum likelihood estimation can also be used to estimate
effects of random factors in large samples.

Extensions to Designs With Three or More Factors

All of the principles discussed to this point extend to balanced factorial

designs with more than two factors. For example, there are a total of seven
estimated main and interaction effects in a three-way design, including three
main effects (A, B, and C) each averaged over the other two factors, three
two-way interactions (AB, AC, and BC) each averaged over the third fac-
tor, and the highest order interaction, ABC. A three-way interaction means
that the effect of each factor on the outcome variable changes across the
levels of the other two factors. It also means that the simple interactions of
any two factors are not the same across the levels of the third factor (e.g., the
AB effect changes across C1, C2, and so on). Omnibus ABC effects can be
partitioned into three-way interaction contrasts. When expressed as a mean
difference contrast, a three-way interaction contrast involves two levels from
each factor. That is, a 2 × 2 × 2 matrix of means is analyzed, and the sum of
the absolute values of the contrast weights that specify it is 8.0. Exercise 4
asks you to prove that the three-way interaction in a 2 × 2 × 2 design equals
the difference between all possible pairs of simple interactions, or

ψˆ ABC = ψˆ AB at C1 − ψˆ AB at C 2 = ψˆ AC at B1 − ψˆ AC at B2
= ψˆ BC at A1 − ψˆ BC at A 2 (8.10)

236       beyond significance testing

See Keppel and Wickens (2004, Chapter 22) for examples of the specifica-
tion of three-way interaction contrasts. Winer et al. (1991, pp. 333–342)
described geometric interpretations of three-way interactions including
interaction contrasts.
Just as in two-way designs, the derivation of effect sums of squares in fac-
torial designs with three or more independent variables is the same regardless
of whether the factors are between-subjects versus within-subjects or fixed
versus random. But there may be no proper ANOVA error term for some
effects, given certain combinations of fixed and random factors in complex
designs. By “proper” I mean that the expected mean square of the error term
estimates all sources of variance as the numerator except that of the effect
being tested. There are algorithms to derive by hand expected mean squares
in various factorial designs (e.g., Winer et al., 1991, pp. 369–382), and with
such an algorithm it may be possible in complex designs to pool mean squares
and form quasi-F ratios with proper error terms. Another method is pre-
liminary testing and pooling, where parameters for higher order interactions
with random variables may be dropped from the analysis based on results of
statistical tests. The goal is to find a simplified model with fewer parameters
that generates expected mean squares so that all effects have proper error
terms. But a testing and pooling procedure based solely on statistical signifi-
cance is flawed because it ignores effect size and capitalizes on chance.
Keeping track of error terms that go along with different effects in
designs with both fixed and random factors is one of the complications in
factorial ANOVA. It also highlights the fact that p values in such designs
are merely estimates, and different algorithms for deriving expected mean
squares can yield different p values for the same effect in the same sample.
Considering the shortcomings of statistical tests in perhaps most studies in
the behavioral sciences, however, it is best not to focus too much attention
on p values to the neglect of other, more useful information in ANOVA
source tables. This idea is elaborated next.

Analysis Strategy

There are many effects that could be analyzed in two-way designs—

main, interaction, simple, and focused comparisons for any of the aforemen-
tioned effects that are omnibus. The number of effects grows exponentially
as even more factors are added to the design. One can easily get lost by esti-
mating every possible effect in a factorial analysis. It is thus crucial to have a
plan that minimizes the number of analyses while still respecting the essential
research hypotheses.
Some of the worst misuses of statistical tests are seen in factorial designs
where all possible effects are tested and sorted into two categories, those

multifactor designs      237

found to be statistically significant and then discussed at length versus those
found to be not statistically significant and then ignored. Perhaps research-
ers who do so believe the filter myth (see Chapter 4). These mistakes are
compounded when power is ignored. This is because power can be different
for various effects in a factorial design. This is so because (a) the degrees of
freedom associated with the F statistic for different effects can be different
and (b) the numbers of scores that contribute to different means vary. In a
balanced 2 × 4 design where n = 10, for example, the two means for the A
main effect are each based on 40 scores, but the four means of the B main
effect are each based on just 20 scores. The power for the test of the A main
effect may be different from the power of the test of the B main effect, and
the power for the test of the AB effect may be different still. This is especially
true in split-plot designs where some effects are between-subjects and others
are within-subjects (see Table 8.5).
Too many sources emphasize statistical significance only when outlin-
ing ANOVA rituals for factorial designs, but this is a potential route to folly.
It is better to estimate a priori power if statistical tests are to be used com-
bined with effect size estimation. It also helps to realize that as the size of
interaction effects becomes larger compared to those of the main effects,
detailed analysis of the latter is increasingly fruitless. This is especially true
for disordinal interactions, where some simple effects are reversed relative to
the main effects for the same factor (see Table 8.3). A better general strategy
is described next.
A factorial design affords the opportunity to estimate presumed interac-
tions. Thus, analysis of interaction should take center stage. That is, do not
take your eyes off the prize of hypotheses about interaction that motivated
the specification of a factorial design. State a minimum effect size that cor-
responds to a substantially meaningful interaction, one that is not trivial in
magnitude (Steiger, 2004). Look to meta-analytic studies in your area for
guidelines about effect size. If no such studies exist, you must rely on your
knowledge of prior studies, the population, and the outcome measures to
make an informed estimate.
If the interaction effect is omnibus (df > 1) and you have a priori hypoth-
eses about specific facets of that effect, specify and estimate the magnitudes
of the corresponding interaction contrasts or interaction trends. Analyzing
simple effects is an alternative when the researcher predicts the presence
of interaction but not its specific form. Analyzing simple comparisons is an
option for omnibus simple effects, but fishing expeditions are to be avoided if
such comparisons are unplanned.
Main effects warrant little attention if the sizes of interaction effects are
appreciable and they are disordinal. This advice is counter to some factorial
ANOVA rituals where all “significant” effects are slavishly interpreted regard-

238       beyond significance testing

less of effect size or prior hypotheses. Otherwise, consider whether the magni-
tudes of the main effects are appreciable. If so, contrast analysis is an option
for omnibus main effects, but again avoid blind reliance on significance test-
ing if main comparisons are unplanned. Always report the full source table. In
it include information about the main and interaction effects and any other
effects, such as simple effects, that were analyzed. Always include effect sizes;
a source table without effect sizes is incomplete.

Model Testing

Lunneborg (2000) explored the theme of treating factorial ANOVA as

a model-fitting technique in the same way that regression procedures can be
applied; that is, in ways not strictly exploratory. An example of this approach
is when researchers compare the relative fits to the data of two different
models in ANOVA, the complete structural model versus a reduced struc-
tural model. A structural model expresses a hypothetical score as the sum of
population parameters that correspond to sources of variation. The complete
model for a between-subjects two-way design with fixed factors is

Yijk = µ + α i + β j + αβ ij + ε ijk (8.11)

where Yijk is the kth score in the cell at the ith level of factor A and the jth
level of factor B; µ is the population grand mean; ai, bj, and abij, respectively,
represent the population main and interaction effects as deviations from
the grand mean; and eijk is a random error component. This model under-
lies the derivation of the sums of squares for the source table in the top of
Table 8.5. The complete structural models that underlie the other two source
tables in Table 8.5 are somewhat different because either one or both factors
are within-subjects, but the idea is the same. A structural model generates
predicted marginal and cell means, but these predicted means equal their
observed counterparts for a complete model. That is, the observed marginal
means estimate population main effects, and the observed cell means esti-
mate the population interaction effect.
A reduced structural model does not include parameters for all effects.
Parameters in the complete model are typically considered for exclusion in a
sequential order beginning with the highest order interaction. If the param-
eters for this interaction are retained, the complete model cannot be simpli-
fied. But if the parameters that correspond to abij are dropped, the complete
model reduces to the main effects model

Yijk = µ + α i + β j + ε ijk (8.12)

multifactor designs      239

which assumes only population main effects. Two consequences arise from
rejection of the complete structural model in favor of the main effects model.
First, the sums of squares for the AB effect are pooled with those of the total
within-cells variability to form a composite error term for tests of the main
effects. Second, the reduced structural model generates predicted cell means
that may differ from the observed cell means. It is also possible that standard
errors of differences between predicted cell means may be less than those for
differences between observed cell means. Accordingly, the researcher may
choose to analyze the predicted cell means instead of the observed cell means.
This choice also impacts effect size estimation.
In brief, there are two grounds for simplifying structural models, ratio-
nal and empirical. The first is based on the researcher’s domain knowledge
about underlying sources of variation, and the second is based on results of
statistical tests. In the latter approach, parameters for interactions that are
not statistically significant become candidates for exclusion from the model.
The empirical approach is controversial because it capitalizes on chance and
ignores effect size.

Nonorthogonal Designs

If all factorial designs were balanced—or at least had unequal but pro-
portional cell sizes—there would be no need to deal with the technical prob-
lem raised next. Only two-way nonorthogonal designs are discussed, but the
basic principles extend to larger nonorthogonal designs. One problem is that
the factors are correlated, which means that there is no single, unambigu-
ous way to apportion the total effects sum of squares to individual effects. A
second concerns ambiguity in estimates for means that correspond to main
effects. This happens because there are two different ways to compute mar-
ginal means in unbalanced designs: as arithmetic or as weighted averages of
the corresponding row or column cell means. Consider the data in Table 8.6
for a nonorthogonal 2 × 2 design. The two ways to calculate the marginal
mean for A2 just mentioned are summarized respectively as

2.00 + 5.33 2 (2.00) + 6 (5.33)

= 3.67 versus = 4.50
2 8

The value to the right is the same as that you would find if working with the
eight raw scores in the second row of the 2 × 2 matrix in Table 8.6. There is
no such ambiguity in balanced designs.

240       beyond significance testing

Table 8.6
Raw Scores and Descriptive Statistics for a Nonorthogonal
2 × 2 Factorial Design
B1 B2 Row means

2, 3, 4 1, 3
A1 2.50/2.60b
3.00 (1.00)a 2.00 (2.00)

1, 3 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6
A2 3.67/4.50
2.00 (2.00) 5.33 (.67)

Column means 2.50/2.60 3.67/4.50 3.08/3.77

Cell mean (variance). bArithmetic/weighted average of the corresponding cell means.

There are several methods for analyzing data from nonorthogonal designs
(e.g., Maxwell & Delaney, 2004, pp. 320–343). Statisticians do not agree about
optimal methods for different situations, so it is not possible to give defini-
tive recommendations. Most of these methods attempt to correct effect sums
of squares for overlap. They give the same results only in balanced designs,
and estimates from different methods tend to diverge as the cell sizes become
increasingly disproportional. Computer procedures for factorial ANOVA typi-
cally use by default one of the methods described next. If the default is not
suitable in a particular study, the researcher must specify a better method.
An older method for nonorthogonal designs amenable to hand calcula-
tion is unweighted means analysis. Effect sums of squares are computed in this
method using the equations for balanced designs, such as those in Table 8.2
for two-way designs, except that the design cell size is taken as the harmonic
mean of the actual cell sizes, or

nh = (8.13)
a b
∑∑ n
i =1 j =1 ij

This method estimates marginal means as arithmetic averages of the corre-

sponding row or column cell means. It also estimates the grand mean as the
arithmetic average of the cell means. A consequence of weighting all cell
means equally is that overlapping variance is not attributed to any individual
effect. Thus, the unweighted means method generates adjusted sums of squares
that reflect unique predictive power.

multifactor designs      241

A related regression-based technique called Method 1 by Overall and
Spiegel (1969) estimates effect sums of squares controlling for all other effects.
In a two-way design, for example, estimates for the main effect of factor A in
this method are adjusted for both the B main effect and the interaction effect
AB, and estimates for the B main effect are corrected for both the A and AB
effects. Estimates for the interaction are always adjusted for the main effects
(see, e.g., the last equation in Table 8.2). These Method 1 adjusted sums of
squares may be labeled Type III in the output of statistical software programs.
The methods just described may be best for experiments designed with
equal cell sizes but where there was random data loss from a few cells. This
is because cells with fewer scores by chance are not weighted less heavily in
either method. In nonexperimental designs, though, disproportional cell sizes
may arise due to population correlations between factors. If so, it may be bet-
ter for the actual cell sizes to contribute to the analysis. Two other regression-
based methods do just that. They also give higher priority to one or both main
effects than do the methods described earlier. Overall and Spiegel (1969)
referred to these techniques as Method 2 and Method 3, and sums of squares
generated by them may be labeled in computer program output as Type II for
the former versus Type I for the latter.
In Method 2, main effect sums of squares are adjusted for overlap only
with each other, but the interaction sum of squares is corrected for both main
effects. For example, estimates for the A main effect are corrected only for
the B main effect and not for the interaction effect. Corresponding correc-
tions are made for the B main effect (i.e., corrected for A but not for AB). As
in Method 1, estimates for the AB effect are adjusted for both main effects.
Method 3 does not remove shared variance from the sums of squares of one
main effect (e.g., A); it adjusts the sums of squares of the other main effect for
overlap with the first (e.g., B adjusted for A) and then adjusts the interaction
sum of squares for both main effects. If the researcher has no a priori hypoth-
eses about effect priority but wishes the cell sizes to influence the results,
Method 2 should be preferred over Method 3. Too many researchers neglect
to state the method used to analyze data from nonorthogonal designs much
less explain their choice, if one was intentionally made.
The data from the nonorthogonal 2 × 2 design in Table 8.6 were ana-
lyzed with the three regression-based approaches just described, assuming a
completely between-subjects design with fixed factors. The results are summa-
rized in Table 8.7. Observe that the sums of squares for the total effects, inter­
action, pooled within-cells variation, and total data set are the same across all
three analyses. It is the estimates for the main effects that change depending
on the method. Neither main effect has a p value less than .05 in Method 1/
Type III sums of squares (p = .094 for both), which adjusts main effects for
all other effects. Proportions of total variance explained by the main effects,

242       beyond significance testing

Table 8.7
Results of Three Different Regression Methods for the Data in Table 8.6
From a Nonorthogonal Design
Source SS df MS F p η̂2
Method 1/Type IIIa
Total effects (A, B, AB) 28.97 3 9.66 9.31 .004 .756
  A adjusted for B, AB 3.63 1 3.63 3.50 .094 .095
  B adjusted for A, AB 3.63 1 3.63 3.50 .094 .095
  AB adjusted for A, B 12.52 1 12.52 12.07 .007 .327
Method 2/Type II
Total effects (A, B, AB) 28.97 3 9.66 9.31 .004 .756
  A adjusted for B 5.35 1 5.35 5.15 .049 .140
  B adjusted for A 5.35 1 5.35 5.15 .049 .140
  AB adjusted for A, B 12.52 1 12.52 12.07 .007 .327
Method 3/Type I
Total effects (A, B, AB) 28.97 3 9.66 9.31 .004 .756
  A (unadjusted) 11.11 1 11.11 10.71 .010 .290
  B adjusted for A 5.35 1 5.35 5.15 .049 .140
  AB adjusted for A, B 12.52 1 12.52 12.07 .007 .327
Note.  For all analyses, SSW = 9.33; dfW = 9; MSW = 1.04; SST = 38.31; and dfT = 12.
aOverall and Spiegel (1969) method/sum of squares type.

η̂2A = η̂2B = .095, are also the lowest in this method. The p values for both main
effects are <.05 and have greater explanatory power in Method 2/Type II
sums of squares and Method 3/Type I sums of squares, which gives them higher
priority than in Method 1. Only in Method 3—which analyzes the A, B, and
AB effects sequentially in this order—are the sums of squares and η̂2 values
additive but not unique.
Which of the three sets of results in Table 8.7 is correct? From a purely
statistical view, all are because there is no definitive way to estimate effect
sums of squares in nonorthogonal designs. There may be a preference for
one set of results given a clear rationale about effect priority. But without
such a justification, there is no basis for choosing among these results.

Standardized Contrasts

Designs with fixed factors are assumed next. Methods for standardizing
contrasts in factorial designs are not as well developed as they are for one-way
designs. There is also not complete agreement across works by Glass, McGaw,
and Smith (1981); Morris and DeShon (1997); Cortina and Nouri (2000);

multifactor designs      243

and Olejnik and Algina (2000) that address this issue. It is therefore not pos-
sible to describe a complete method. But this discussion is consistent with a
general theme of the sources just cited: how to make standardized contrasts
from factorial designs comparable to those that would have occurred in non-
factorial designs. This implies that (a) estimates for effects of each indepen-
dent variable in a factorial design should be comparable to effect sizes for the
same factor studied in a single-factor design and (b) changing the number of
factors in the design should not necessarily change the effect size estimates
for any one of them.
Standardized mean differences may be preferred over measures of associ-
ation if contrasts are the focus of the analysis, such as in designs where all fac-
tors have just two levels. An advantage of measures of association is that they
can summarize with a single number total predictive power across the whole
design, such as η̂2A, B, AB in a two-way design. There is no analogous capability
with standardized contrasts. The two families of effect size statistics can also
be used together; see Wayne, Riordan, and Thomas (2001) for an example.
Standardized contrasts in factorial designs have the same general form
as they do in one-way designs, ψ̂/σ̂*, where the denominator estimates a pop-
ulation standard deviation. But it is more difficult in factorial designs to figure
out which standard deviation should be the standardizer. This is because what
is probably the most general choice in a one-way design, the square root of
MSW, may not be the best option in a factorial design (i.e., the effect size is
dwith). Also, there is more in the literature about standardizing main com-
parisons than simple comparisons in factorial designs. This is unfortunate
because main comparisons may be uninteresting when there is interaction.
I recommend that main and simple comparisons for the same factor have
the same standardizer. This makes ψ̂/σ̂* for these two kinds of single-factor
contrasts directly comparable.

Single-Factor Contrasts in Completely Between-Subjects Designs

The choice of the standardizer for a single-factor contrast, such as for a

simple comparison of two levels of factor A at the B1 level, is determined by
(a) the distinction between the factor of interest (targeted factor) versus the
off-factors (peripheral factors) and (b) whether or not the off-factors vary
naturally in the population. That is, the off-factors are, respectively, intrin-
sic factors versus extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors tend to be individual-
difference, group, or classificatory factors that are nonexperimental, such as
gender. Glass et al. (1981) referred to intrinsic factors as being of theoretical
interest concerning estimation of population standard deviation. In contrast,
extrinsic factors do not vary naturally, and they tend to be manipulated or
experimental factors.

244       beyond significance testing

Suppose in a two-way design that two levels of factor A are compared.
The factor of interest is A, and B is the off-factor. Suppose that the off-factor B
varies naturally in the population. The square root of MSW may not be an
appropriate standardizer for contrasts between levels of A in this case. This
is because MSW controls for the effects of both factors, including their inter-
action. We can see this in the following expression for a balanced two-way


MSW = = (8.14)
dfW dfT − dfA − dfB − dfAB

Because MSW does not reflect variability due to effects of the intrinsic off-
factor B, its square root may underestimate s. This implies that a contrast
between levels of A standardized against (MSW)1/2 may overestimate the abso-
lute population effect size. A way to calculate an alternative standardizer that
reflects the total variation on off-factor B is described below.
Now suppose that the off-factor B is extrinsic (it does not vary natu-
rally in the population). Such factors are more likely to be manipulated or
repeated measures variables than individual difference variables. For exam-
ple, the theoretical population for the study of a new treatment can be viewed
as follows: It is true either that every case in the population is given the treat-
ment or that none of them are given the treatment. In either event, there is
no variability because of treatment versus no treatment (Cortina & Nouri,
2000). Because extrinsic off-factors are not of theoretical interest for the sake
of variance estimation, their effects should not contribute to the standard-
izer. In this case, the square root of MSW from the two-way ANOVA would
be a suitable denominator for standardized contrasts on factor A when the
off-factor B does not vary naturally.
Described next are two methods to standardize main or simple compari-
sons that estimate the full range of variability on an intrinsic off-factor that
varies naturally in the population. Both methods pool the variances across
all levels of the factor of interest, so they also generate standardized contrasts
for single-factor comparisons in factorial designs that are directly comparable
with dwith in single-factor designs. These two methods yield the same result in
balanced designs. The first is the orthogonal sums of squares method (Glass
et al., 1981). It requires a complete source table with additive sums of squares.
Assuming that A is the factor of interest, the following term estimates the full
range of variability on the intrinsic off-factor B:


MSW , B, AB = = (8.15)
dfW + dfB + dfAB dfT − dfA

multifactor designs      245

The subscript for the mean square indicates that variability associated with the
B and AB effects is pooled with error variance. Equation 8.15 also shows that
MSW, B, AB in a two-way design has the same form as MSW in a one-way design,
where A is the sole factor. Indeed, the two terms just mentioned are equal
in balanced two-way designs, where MSW in a single-factor ANOVA is com-
puted after collapsing the data across the levels of the off-factor B. The square
root of MSW, B, AB is the standardizer for contrasts between levels of factor A
in this method.
The reduced cross-classification method (Olejnik & Algina, 2000) does
not require a complete source table with additive sums of squares. It also gener-
ates unique adjusted-variance estimates in unbalanced designs. The researcher
creates with a statistical software program a reduced cross-classification of
the data where the off-factor that varies naturally in the population is omit-
ted. Next, a one-way ANOVA is conducted for the factor of interest, and
the square root of the error term in this analysis is taken as the standardizer
for contrasts on that factor. In balanced designs, this standardizer equals the
square root of MSW, B, AB computed with Equation 8.15. It also equals MSW in
the one-way ANOVA for factor A after collapsing across the levels of factor B.
A variation is needed when working with a secondary source that reports only
cell descriptive statistics. In this case, the variance MSW, B, AB can be derived
as follows:

a b
∑ ∑ [ dfij (sij2 ) + n ij (Mij − MA )2 ]
i =1 j =1
MSW, B, AB = (8.16)

This equation is not as complicated as it appears. Its numerator involves the

computation of a “total” sum of squares within each level of the factor of
interest A that reflects the full range of variability on the intrinsic off-factor
B. This is done by combining cell variances across levels of B and taking
account of the simple effect of B at that level of A. These “total” sums of
squares are added up across the levels of A and then divided by N - a, the
total within-conditions degrees of freedom in the reduced cross-classification
where A is the only factor.
The methods described for standardizing contrasts that involve one fac-
tor in the presence of an off-factor that varies naturally in the population can
be extended to designs with three or more factors. For example, we can state
the following general rule for the reduced cross-classification method:
The standardizer for a single-factor comparison is the square root of MSW
from the cross-classification that includes the factor of interest and any
off-factors that do not vary naturally in the population but excludes any
off-factors that do.

246       beyond significance testing

Suppose in a three-way design that A is the factor of interest. Of the
two off-factors, B varies naturally but C does not. According to the rule,
the denominator of standardized contrasts for main or simple comparisons
is the square root of the MSW from the two-way ANOVA for the reduced
cross-classification that includes factors A and C but not B. This standard
deviation estimates the full range of variability on off-factor B but not on
off-factor C. If the design were balanced, we would get the same result by
taking the square root of the following variance,


MSW, B, AB , BC, ABC = (8.17)
dfW + dfB + dfAB + dfBC + dfABC

which pools the within-conditions variability in the three-way ANOVA

with all effects that involve the off-factor B. As Cortina and Nouri (2000)
noted, however, there is little statistical research that supports the general
rule stated earlier for different combinations of off-factors, some intrinsic
but others extrinsic, in complex designs. One hopes that such research will
be forthcoming. In the meantime, you should explain in summaries of your
analyses exactly how main or simple comparisons were standardized.
Let us consider an example for a balanced two-way design where fac-
tor B varies naturally in the population but factor A does not. The orthogonal
sums of squares method is demonstrated using the source table at the top of
Table 8.5 for the data in Table 8.4 for a completely between-subjects 2 × 3
design, where n = 3 and

SSA = 18.00, SSB = 48.00, SSAB = 84.00, and SSW = 64.00

The standardizer for main or simple comparisons where A is the factor of

interest and B is an intrinsic off-factor is the square root of

64.00 + 48.00 + 84.00

MSW , A ,B, AB = = 12.25
12 + 2 + 2

or 3.50. As expected, the variance just computed (12.25) is greater than

MSW = 5.33 from the original 2 × 3 analysis (see Table 8.5) because the former
includes effects of the off-factor B. Standardized contrasts for the three simple
comparisons of A at B are derived as follows:

9.00 − 5.00 12.00 − 6.000

dA at B1 = = 1.14 and dA at B2 = = 1.71
3.50 3.50

9.00 − 13.00
dA at B 3 = = −1.14

multifactor designs      247

Where the standardizer, 3.50, is the square root of MSW, B, AB = 12.25. In
summary, the interaction is disordinal because at least one simple effect of
A reverses over the levels of B. In particular, the mean difference between
A1 and A2 is positive and exceeds one full standard deviation at levels B1
and B2, but the difference is negative—about -1.14 standard deviations—at
B3. These results precisely describe how the effect of factor A changes
across the levels of B in standard deviation units. Exercise 5 asks you to
apply the reduced cross-classification method (Equation 8.16) to calculate
MSW, B, AB = 12.25 based on the cell descriptive statistics in Table 8.4 for
this example.
Continuing with this example, a better standardizer for main or simple
comparisons on factor B—for which A is the off-factor and assuming that A
does not varies naturally—is the square root of MSW = 5.33, or 2.31, from
the two-way factorial ANOVA for these data (see Table 8.5). This example
shows that different sets of simple comparisons in the same factorial design
may have different standardizers. The choice of which set of simple compari-
sons to analyze (i.e., those of A at B vs. B at A) should be based on theoretical
grounds, not on whichever set would have the smaller standardizer. Other
options to standardize main or simple comparisons in factorial designs are
discussed by Cortina and Nouri (2000) and Morris and DeShon (1997).

Interaction Contrasts in Completely Between-Subjects Designs

Suppose that the within-cells variances in a factorial design are similar

and all contrasts are standardized against the square root of MSW. This would
make sense in a study in which none of the factors vary naturally in the popu-
lation (e.g., the design is experimental). The standardized two-way interac-
tion contrast would in this case equal the difference between either pair of
standardized simple comparisons, row-wise or column-wise. For example, the
following relation would be observed in a 2 × 2 design where all effects are

d ψˆ = d A at B1 – d A at B2 = d B at A1 – d B at A 2

But this relation may not hold if either factor varies naturally in the popula-
tion. This is because different sets of simple comparisons can have different
standardizers in this case. Because interaction is a joint effect, however, there
are no off-factors.
There is relatively little in the statistical literature about exactly how
to standardize an interaction contrast when only some factors vary naturally.
Suppose in a balanced 2 × 2 design that factor B varies naturally, but factor A

248       beyond significance testing

does not. Should ψ̂AB be standardized against the square root of MSW from the
two-way ANOVA or against the square root of MSW, B, AB? The former excludes
the interaction effect. This seems desirable in a standardizer for ψ̂AB, but it
also excludes variability due to the B main effect, which implies that s may
be underestimated. The term MSW, B, AB reflects variability due to the inter­
action, but standardizers for single-factor comparisons do not generally reflect
variability because of the main effects of those factors. Olejnik and Algina
(2000, pp. 251–253) described a way to choose between the variances just
mentioned, but it requires designating one of the independent variables as the
factor of interest. This may be an arbitrary decision for an interaction effect.
It is also possible to standardize ψ̂ABC for a three-way interaction con-
trast, but it is rare to see standardized contrasts for interactions among three
or more factors. If all comparisons are scaled as mean difference contrasts, the
following relation would be observed in a 2 × 2 × 2 design where all effects
are single-df comparisons:

d ψˆ ABC
= d AB at C1 – d AB at C 2 = d AC at B1 – d AC at B2
= d BC at A1 – d BC at A 2 (8.19)

That is, the standardized three-way interaction equals the difference

between the standardized simple interactions for any two factors across
the levels of the third factor. But this relation may not hold if different sets
of simple interactions have different standardizers.
These uncertainties should not affect researchers who analyze simple
effects instead of interaction contrasts as a way to understand a conditional
effect. There should also be little problem in experimental designs where the
square root of MSW may be an appropriate standardizer for any contrast, and
researchers who can specify a priori interaction contrasts also tend to work
with experimental designs.

Designs With Repeated Measures Factors

Olejnik and Algina (2000) recommended standardizers in the metric

of the original scores for contrasts that involve within-subjects factors. This
makes standardized contrasts more directly comparable across different facto-
rial designs. A common design is a split-plot design where unrelated samples
are compared across multiple measurement occasions. Assuming homosce-
dasticity, the square root of MSW is a natural choice for standardizing com-
parisons between groups. It also treats the repeated measures factor as an
extrinsic off-factor that does not vary naturally in the population, but the
same standardizer ignores cross-conditions correlations for within-subjects

multifactor designs      249

factors. Cortina and Nouri (2000) described a method to standardize group
comparisons after collapsing the data across levels of repeated measures fac-
tors; see also Cumming (2012, pp. 413–416) for advice about confidence
intervals in split-plot designs.
The difference between the standardized mean changes for any two groups
in a split-plot design is a standardized interaction contrast. For example, if the
pretest-to-posttest standardized mean change is .75 for the treatment group
and .10 for the control group, the standardized interaction contrast equals the
difference, or .75 - .10 = .65. That is, the change for the treatment group is
.65 standard deviations greater than the change for the control group.

Interval Estimation

Some of the computer tools described in previous chapters generate

confidence intervals for standardized contrasts in factorial designs. For exam-
ple, PSY (Bird et al., 2000; see footnote 2, Chapter 7) analyzes raw data from
factorial designs with one or more between-subjects factors or one or more
within-subjects factors. It standardizes all contrasts against the square root of
MSW for the whole design. The SAS/IML script by Keselman et al. (2008)
analyzes trimmed means and Winsorized variances in factorial designs with
fixed factors that are either between-subjects or within-subjects. It also gen-
erates bootstrapped confidence intervals based on robust standardized con-
trasts (see footnote 7, Chapter 5). Wilcox’s (2012) WRS package for R also
constructs bootstrapped confidence intervals based on robust standardized
contrasts in factorial designs (see footnote 11, Chapter 2).

Measures of Association

Outlined next are descriptive and inferential measures of association for

designs with fixed or random factors.

Descriptive Measures

The effect size η̂2 = SSeffect /SST in factorial designs with fixed factors is the
proportion of total variance explained by an effect. The proportion of residual
variance explained after removing all systematic effects from total variance
other than that due to the effect of interest is partial η̂2 = SSeffect /(SSeffect + SSerror),
where SSerror is the sum of squares for the effect error term. Some researchers
report η̂2 for total effects and partial η̂2 for individual effects, such as

ˆ 2A , B, AB,, partial η
η ˆ 2A, partial η
ˆ 2B, and partiaal η̂ 2AB

250       beyond significance testing

in two-way designs. The rationale is that the denominators of the effect sizes
just listed all have the general form, SSeffect + SSerror.
Pierce, Block, and Aguinis (2004) noted that too many researchers erro-
neously report partial η̂2 values as η̂2 for individual effects. This is potentially
misleading because (a) partial η̂2 usually exceeds η̂2 for the same effect and
(b) values of partial η̂2 are not generally additive even within sets of orthogo-
nal effects. Indeed, partial η̂2 values for the individual main and interactive
effects can sum to greater than 1.0, because these statistics can be based on
different yet overlapping subsets of total variance.
Olejnik and Algina (2003) argued that measures of association for
effects in factorial designs should reflect whether other factors are extrinsic or
intrinsic. Suppose in a balanced, completely between-subjects design that A
is a manipulated (experimental) extrinsic factor that does not vary naturally
in the population, but factor B is gender. An appropriate effect size for factor
A is η̂2A because its denominator, SST, reflects variability due to gender (i.e.,
B, AB). But a better effect size for intrinsic factor B is SSB /(SST – SSA), where
the denominator removes effects due to intrinsic factor A but preserves
all effects of gender. This ratio is neither η̂2B nor partial η̂2B. The effect size
SSAB/(SST – SSA) for the interaction has the same rationale.
Now suppose that both factors are measured, intrinsic variables.
Computing effect sizes as SSeffect /SST (i.e., η̂2) for A, B, and AB preserves all
variation due to these factors in the denominator. But if both A and B are
manipulated, extrinsic factors that do not vary naturally, the effect size partial
η̂2, or SSeffect /(SSeffect + SSW), removes from the denominator variation due to
main or interactive effects of these factors.
Olejnik and Algina (2003) defined generalized estimated eta-squared
for balanced factorial designs that takes account of whether factors are
manipulated (extrinsic) or measured (intrinsic) and also whether they are
between- or within-subjects. It controls for the presence of covariates in
the analysis. Its general form is

ˆ 2effect = SSeffect
generalized η (8.20)
(m × SSeffect ) + ∑ SSmeas + ∑ SSsub, cov

where m = 1 if the effect of interest concerns a manipulated factor but is zero

otherwise; ∑SSmeas is the total of the sums of squares for effects of all measured
factors; and ∑SSS, cov is the total of the sums of squares for all effects that con-
cern covariates (if any) or subjects. The latter includes sums of squares for
the subjects effect in a correlated design or for error terms based on within-
cells variation, the total of which is SSW (see Table 8.5). If the effect is for
a measured factor, SSeffect is already included in the expression ∑SSmeas in

multifactor designs      251

Equation 8.19; thus, m = 0 for such effects. But for effects of manipulated
factors, setting m = 1 in the equation includes SSeffect in the denominator of
generalized η̂2.
Suppose that A is a manipulated factor and B is a measured factor in the
completely between-subjects analysis at the top of Table 8.5. In this analysis,

SSA = 18.00, SSB = 48.00, SSAB = 84.00, SSW = 64.00, an

nd SST = 214.00

η̂2AB = .393 and partial η̂2AB = .568, but neither effect size controls for the status
of the factors as manipulated versus measured. Because factor B is measured,
m = 0 in Equation 8.20 and

∑ SSmeas = SSB + SSAB = 132.00 and ∑ SSS,cov = SSW = 64.00

The denominator of generalized η̂2AB is thus 132.00 + 64.00, or 196.00, which
also equals SST – SSA, or 214.00 – 18.00. The whole expression is

ˆ 2AB = 84.00
generalized η = .429

Thus, the interaction explains about 42.9% of the residual variable control-
ling only for the main effect of extrinsic factor A, which does not vary natu-
rally in the population.

Inferential Measures

The effect sizes described next assume balanced designs. The inferen-
tial measures of association ω̂2 or partial ω̂2 for effects of fixed factors and ρ̂ I
or partial ρ̂ I for effects of random factors are estimated as ratios of variance
components that depend on the design (see Chapter 7). I use the symbol ρ̂ I
only if all factors are random. An equation for directly computing ω̂2 that is
good for any effect in a completely between-subjects factorial design is

dfeffect (MSeffect − MSW )

ωˆ 2effect = (8.21)

An equation for partial ω̂2 for any effect in the same kind of design is

dfeffect (Feffect − 1)
partial ωˆ 2effect = (8.22)
dfeffect (Feffect − 1) + N

252       beyond significance testing

Table 8.8
Equations for Variance Components Estimators in Completely
Between-Subjects Two-Way Designs
Estimator Both factors random A random, B fixed
1 1
( MSA − MSAB ) ( MSA − MSW )
bn bn
1 dfB
σ̂B ( MSB − MSAB ) ( MSB − MSAB )
an abn

1 1
( MSAB − MSW ) ( MSAB − MSW )
n n
2 2 2 2 2 2
Note.  In all cases, σ̂error = MSW, and σ̂total is the sum of σ̂A, σ̂B, σ̂AB , and σ̂error.

If some factors are random, it is actually easier to work with equations

for the variance components that contribute to inferential measures of asso-
ciation. Listed in Table 8.8 are ANOVA-based variance components esti-
mators for completely between-subjects two-way designs where either both
factors are random or factor A is random but factor B is fixed. To calculate the
desired measure of association, one just computes the appropriate estimators
using the equations in Table 8.8 and then assembles them in the correct way.
Suppose that both factors are random in a completely between-subjects
3 × 6 design, where n = 5 and

MSA = 48.00, MSB = 40.00, MSAB = 6.00, and MSW = 4.00

When the equations in Table 8.8 are used, the variance components esti-
mators are

1 1
σˆ 2A = ( 48.00 – 6.00 ) = 1.400 and σˆ 2B = ( 4 0.00 – 6.00 ) = 2.267
6 (5) 3 (5)

σˆ 2AB = ( 6.00 – 4.00 ) = .4 00 and σˆ 2error = 4.000

σˆ 2total = 1.400 + 2.267 + .400 + 4.00 = 8.067

for the interaction

.40 .40
ρˆ i, AB = = .050 and partial ρˆ i, AB = = .091
8.067 .40 + 4.00

multifactor designs      253

In words, the AB effect explains about 5.0% of the total variance and about
9.1% of the variance controlling for the main effects. Exercise 6 asks you to
calculate ω̂ 2AB and partial ω̂ 2AB for the same data but assuming that factor B
is fixed.
Space limitations preclude listing equations for variance components
estimators in larger factorial designs with dependent samples, but Vaughan
and Corballis (1969) is a good source. Computer procedures for factorial
ANOVA are gradually getting better at reporting measures of association
in complex designs. Variance component estimation with maximum likeli-
hood methods is an alternative, but large samples are needed. Olejnik and
Algina (2003) described generalized estimated omega-squared for balanced
designs with fixed factors. It has the same form as generalized η̂2 except that
generalized ω̂2 is based on variance component estimators, not on sums of
squares. Both control for covariates and whether the factors are extrinsic
versus intrinsic or between-subjects versus within-subjects. Generalized ω̂2
also controls for positive bias in generalized η̂2.

Interval Estimation

Smithson’s (2003) scripts for SPSS, SAS/STAT, and R calculate

noncentral confidence intervals for h2 based on the total effects and for
partial h2 based on individual main or interaction effects in completely
between-subjects factorial designs (see footnotes 3–4, Chapter 5). Fidler
and Thompson (2001) gave SPSS scripts for calculating noncentral confi-
dence intervals for w2 or partial w2 in completely between-subjects factorial
designs; see also W. H. Finch and French (2012), who compared different
methods of interval estimation for w2 in two-way designs with independent
samples. Sahai, Khurshid, Ojeda, and Velasco (2009) discussed interval
estimation for population variance components in balanced designs with
two random factors.

Extensions to Multivariate Analyses

There are multivariate versions of d statistics and measures of associ-

ation for designs with two or more continuous outcomes. For example, a
Mahalanobis distance is a multivariate d statistic, and it estimates the differ-
ence between two group centroids (the sets of all univariate means) in stan-
dard deviation units controlling for intercorrelation. Multivariate measures
of association also control for correlated outcomes; see Grissom and Kim
(2011, Chapter 12) and Olejnik and Algina (2000) for more information.

254       beyond significance testing

Research Examples

Two examples of effect size estimation in actual factorial designs are

described next.

Differential Effectiveness of Aftercare Programs for Substance Abuse

You can download the raw data for this example in SPSS format from
the web page for this book. T. G. Brown, Seraganian, Tremblay, and Annis
(2002) randomly assigned 87 men and 42 women who had just been dis-
charged from residential treatment centers for substance abuse to one of two
different 10-week aftercare programs, structured relapse prevention (SRP)
and 12-step facilitation (TSF). The former stressed rehearsal of skills to
avoid relapse, and the latter emphasized traditional methods of Alcoholics
Anonymous. Reported in the top part of Table 8.9 for this 2 × 2 randomized
blocks design are descriptive statistics for a measure of the severity of alcohol-
related problems administered 6 months later where higher scores indicate
more problems. The interaction is disordinal and is illustrated in Figure 8.2:
Women who completed the SRP program have relatively worse outcomes
than women who completed the TSF program, but men had similar outcomes
regardless of aftercare program type.
Presented in the bottom part of Table 8.9 are the source table and values
of standardized contrasts for single-factor effects, including the simple effects
of aftercare program for each gender. The sums of squares are Type I, and the
rationale for their selection in this nonorthogonal design is as follows: Men
have more problems with alcohol than women, so the gender main effect (G)
was not adjusted for other effects. It was less certain whether the aftercare
program (P) would make any difference, so its effect was adjusted for gender.
The GLM procedure of SPSS controlled through its graphical user interface
does not offer an option for calculating sums of squares for user-defined simple
effects, but there is an alternative.
In brief, it is possible to control SPSS by writing text-based syntax
that specifies the data and analysis options. One uses the syntax editor in
SPSS to write and edit the commands, and the resulting syntax file is saved
with the extension .sps (for SPSS syntax). The syntax is executed by high-
lighting (selecting) it with the mouse cursor and then clicking on the “run”
icon, which resembles the icon for “play” in a media player application.
Knowing something about SPSS syntax gives the user access to capabilities
that are not available through the graphical user interface of the program.
For this example, the SPSS syntax listed next requests sums of squares for

multifactor designs      255

Table 8.9
Descriptive Statistics, Analysis of Variance Results, and Effect Sizes
for Severity of Alcohol-Related Problems by Gender
and Aftercare Program Type
Aftercare program

n TSF SRP Row means

Women 42 10.54 (15.62)a 27.91 (21.50) 18.40

23b 19

Men 87 17.90 (20.12) 16.95 (21.55) 17.47

48 39

Column means 15.52 20.54 17.77

Source SS df MS F d

Total effects 3,181.33 3 1,060.44 2.63c —

  Gender 24.37 1 24.37 <1.00  .05g
  Program 804.28 1 804.28 2.00d -.25h
  Gender × program 2,352.69 1 2,352.69 5.84e —
Simple effects of program
   Program at women 3,137.53 1 3,137.53 7.79f -.85h
   Program at men 19.43 1 19.43 <1.00 .05h
Within-cells (error) 50,367.22 125 402.94
Total 53,548.55 128
Note.  These data are from T. Brown (personal communication, January 23, 2012) and are used with
permission. TSF = 12-step facilitation; SRP = structured relapse prevention. aCell mean (standard deviation).
bCell size. cp = .053. dp = .160. ep = .017. fp = .006. gStandardizer is s = 20.07. hStandardizer is s
w w, G, GP = 20.38.

simple effects of aftercare program at gender and a graphical display of the

glm alcohol by gender program/method = sstype(1)/
emmeans = tables (gender * program)compare(program)/
plot = profile (gender * program).

Gender is intrinsic, but the aftercare program factor is assumed to be

extrinsic. This is because there are far more traditional, 12-step aftercare pro-
grams than there are programs based on principles of behavior therapy. Thus,
the appropriate standardizer for the gender main effect is the square root of
MSW = 402.94, or 20.07, which does not reflect variation due to program

256       beyond significance testing


Alcohol-related problems


10.0 TSF

Women Men

Figure 8.2.  Cell means and 95% confidence intervals for µ for the data in Table 8.9.
SRP = structured relapse prevention; TSF = 12-step facilitation.

type. Given the marginal means in Table 8.9, women reported more alcohol-
related problems at follow-up than men did by about .05 standard deviations
regardless of program type.
Because gender varies naturally, the standardizer for main or simple
effects of program type is the square root of
SSW + SSG + SSGP 52,744.288
MSW , G, GP = = = 415.31
dfW + dfG + dfGP 127

or 20.38. Based on the marginal means in Table 8.9, the average difference
between the two aftercare programs is -.25 standard deviations in favor of the
TSF program. But this result is uninformative due to the presence of disordinal
interaction. Standardized contrasts for the simple effects of program type are
10.54 − 27.91 17.90 − 16.95
d P at women = = −.85 and d P at men = = .05
20.38 20.38

These results say that women in the SRP program reported more alcohol-
related problems than women in the TSF program did by about 85% of a
standard deviation. The magnitude of the corresponding difference for men
was only 5% in standard deviation units, but men did somewhat better in
the TSF program than in the SRP program. The difference between the two
standardized simple effects is a standardized interaction contrast, or
d P at women − d P at men = − .85 − .05 = − .90

multifactor designs      257

That is, gender difference in the effect of aftercare program type is almost a
full standard deviation in magnitude.

Earwitness Testimony and Moderation

of the Face Overshadowing Effect

The face overshadowing effect (FOE) happens when identification of the

once-heard voice of a stranger in conditions that resemble a police lineup is
worse if the speaker’s face is seen at the time of exposure. Cook and Wilding
(2001) evaluated whether the FOE is affected by hearing the voice more than
once or by explicit instructions to attend to the voice instead of the face. In
total, 216 young adults were randomly assigned to one of eight conditions in this
balanced 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design where the fixed factors are face (present
or absent), voice repetition (once or three times), and instruction (intentional,
specifically told to focus on the voice; incidental, no specific instructions given).
All participants heard two different voices, one a man’s and the other a woman’s,
say two different sentences. One week later the participants were asked to pick
each voice out of separate gender voice lineups. The outcome variable was the
number of correct identifications. Before analyzing these data, I multiplied the
scores by the constant 10.00 in order to avoid very small sums of squares. This
change does not affect values of F, p, or the effect sizes reported next.
Listed in the top part of Table 8.10 are cell descriptive statistics, and the
source table is reported in the bottom part. For the total effects, η̂2 = .117,
95% CI [.026, .175], so the main and interactive effects together explain
about 11.7% of the total observed variance in correct identifications. The
repetition main effect is the best individual predictor, partial η̂2 = .090, 95%
CI [.030, .169]. As expected, there are more correct identifications when the
voice is heard three times than when it is heard just once. The main effect of
the face–no face factor was the second best predictor, partial η̂2 = .021, 95%
CI [.004, .073], and the marginal mean is indeed higher when the face is not
present (10.85) than when the face is present (8.90).
Observed proportions of residual variance explained by the remaining
effects are close to zero except for the interaction between the face (F) and rep-
etition (R) factor, partial η̂2 = .011, 95% CI [.004, .054]. Means on the outcome
variable for this two-way interaction averaged over the instruction factor are

Repeat 1× Repeat 3×

No face 9.45 12.25

Face 6.10 11.70

258       beyond significance testing

Table 8.10
Descriptive Statistics, Analysis of Variance Results, and Effect Sizes
for Accuracy of Voice Recognition by Instruction, Repetition, and Presence
Versus Absence of the Speaker’s Face

Condition Incidental Intentional

Voice once 9.60 (6.50)a 9.30 (6.80)

Voice three times 12.60 (7.60) 11.90 (6.20)

Voice once + face 5.90 (6.40) 6.30 (6.90)

Voice three times + face 11.50 (7.20) 11.90 (6.80)

Source SS df MS F Partial η̂2

Total effects 1,275.90 7 182.27 3.93b .117 [.026, .175]e

  Instruction (I) .14 1 .14 <1.00 <.001
  Face (F ) 205.34 1 205.34 4.42c .021 [.004, .073]
  Repetition (R ) 952.56 1 952.56 20.52b .090 [.030, .169]
  I × F 10.94 1 10.94 <1.00 <.001
  I × R .54 1 .54 <1.00 <.001
  F × R 105.84 1 105.84 2.28d .011 [.004, .054]
  I × F × R .54 1 .54 <1.00 <.001
Within-cells 9,654.73 208 46.42
Total 10,930.63 215
Note.  Cell descriptive statistics are from “Earwitness Testimony: Effects of Exposure and Attention on the
Face Overshadowing Effect,” by S. Cook and J. Wilding, 2001, British Journal of Psychology, 92, p. 621.
Copyright 2001 by John Wiley and Sons. Reprinted with permission. Partial η̂2 for the total effects = η̂2 for
those same effects.
aCell mean (standard deviation); n = 27 for all cells. bp < .001. cp = .037. dp = .133.
eNoncentral 95% confidence interval reported in brackets for effect sizes > .001.

We can see in this matrix that the size of the FOE is greater when the voice
is heard just once instead of three times. The unstandardized interaction
contrast based on these cell means is

ψˆ FR = 9.45 − 12.25 − 6.10 + 11.70 = 2.80

Assuming that none of factors vary naturally, standardizing this contrast

against the square root of MSW = 46.42 for the whole design gives us

d ψˆ =
= .41

multifactor designs      259

Thus, the magnitude of the FOE is .41 standard deviations larger given one
repetition of the voice than it is given three repetitions. Because intentional
versus incidental instruction does not appreciably moderate the two-way
interaction just analyzed, Cook and Wilding (2001) attributed the FOE to an
involuntary preference for processing face information that is not overcome
on hearing an unfamiliar voice just once.


Estimation of the magnitudes and precisions of interaction effects

should be the focus of the analysis in factorial designs. Methods to calculate
standardized mean differences for contrasts in such designs are not as well
developed as those for one-way designs. Standardizers for single-factor con-
trasts should reflect variability as a result of intrinsic off-factors that vary nat-
urally in the population, but variability due to extrinsic off-factors that do not
vary naturally should be excluded. Measures of association may be preferred
in designs with three or more factors or where some factors are random. They
can also evaluate the predictive power of several effects analyzed together.
Characteristics of designs with fixed factors can affect values of η̂2 and ω̂2,
but there are generalized forms of both effect sizes that control for covariates
and whether factors are extrinsic versus intrinsic or between-subjects versus
within-subjects. The intraclass correlation ρ̂ I can be calculated for effects of
random factors.

Learn More

Montgomery, Peters, and Little (2003) give suggestions for reporting

the results of factorial analyses. Olejnik and Algina (2000) review effect sizes
for factorial designs, and Pierce et al. (2004) caution about the failure to
distinguish between η̂2 and partial η̂2.
Montgomery, A. A., Peters, T. J., & Little, P. (2003). Design, analysis and presentation
of factorial randomised controlled trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 3,
Article 26. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-3-26
Olejnik, S., & Algina, J. (2000). Measures of effect size for comparative studies:
Applications, interpretations, and limitations. Contemporary Educational Psy-
chology, 25, 241–286. doi:10.1006/ceps.2000.1040
Pierce, C. A., Block, R. A., & Aguinis, H. (2004). Cautionary note on reporting eta-
squared values from multifactor ANOVA designs. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 64, 916–924. doi:10.1177/0013164404264848

260       beyond significance testing


1. Calculate sums of squares for the main and interaction effects

and for the simple effects of drug at gender for the data in the
left side of Table 8.3 for n = 10 and MSW = 125.00.
2. Show that the interaction contrasts in (I) and (II) are orthogo-
nal in a balanced design.
3. Show that the sum of squares for the omnibus interaction in
the completely between-subjects analysis at the top of Table 8.5
can be uniquely broken down in the sums of squares for the
interaction contrasts specified in (I) and (II).
4. Cell means for a balanced 2 × 2 × 2 design are presented as fol-
lows. Show that Equation 8.10 holds for these data:

C1 C2

B1 B2 B1 B2

A1 15.00 14.00 17.00 10.00

A2 10.00  8.00 18.00 10.00

5. For the completely between-subjects analysis in the top part of

Table 8.5, show for this balanced design that the reduced cross-
classification method generates MSW, B, AB = 12.25 based on the
cell descriptive statistics in Table 8.4 using Equation 8.16.
6. Given MSA = 48.00, MSB = 40.00, MSAB = 6.00, MSW = 4.00,
a = 3, b = 6, and n = 5, ρ̂I = .050 and partial ρ̂I = .091 for the
interaction effect assuming that both factors are random. Recal-
culate proportions of explained variance assuming that factor B
is fixed.

multifactor designs      261

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Replication and Meta-Analysis

For life is not a tournament. Its race is not always to the swift nor its
battle to the strong. What counts is enduring to the end.
—Gilbert Meilaender (2011, p. 20)

Replication is a foundational scientific activity but one neglected in

the behavioral sciences. This is a paradox: Most behavioral researchers
along with their colleagues in the natural sciences would probably endorse
replication as a gold standard. Replication is common in the natural sci-
ences, but it is hard to find studies in our own literature conducted specifi-
cally as replications. There are also obstacles in the behavioral sciences in
the form of disincentives and outright biases against replication research.
These cultural factors discourage genuine appreciation for replication.
If the behavioral sciences are ever to mature out of their extended adoles-
cence, this neglect of replication must end. Considered next are basic kinds
of replication, attitudes and policies that work against replication, and the
role of meta-analysis. A key point is that meta-analysis is not a substitute for
systematic replication.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-009
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Concepts About Replication

Basic definitions and concepts about replication are introduced in this


Theoretical and Empirical Cumulativeness

The historian and philosopher Thomas S. Kuhn (1996) described sci-

ence as alternating between two basic states. One is the steady state of normal
science, characterized by a high level of paradigm development. A paradigm
is a shared set of theoretical structures, methods, and definitions that supports
the essential activity of normal science, puzzle solving, the posing and work-
ing out of problems. If a paradigm’s empirical and theoretical structures build
on one another in a way that permits results of current research to extend
earlier work, it provides theoretical cumulativeness (Hedges, 1987). The
second state involves crises that arise when certain persistent problems, or
anomalies, cannot be solved under the current paradigm. These crises lead
to challenges by scholars who may be younger or who have backgrounds in
different fields than those who defend the current paradigm. A scientific rev-
olution occurs when the old paradigm is replaced by a new one. The assump-
tions of the new paradigm may be so different that the subsequent course of
the discipline is radically altered. It is normal science that concerns us, in
particular its cumulative nature through replication and synthesis of results.
That the behavioral or “soft” sciences lack a true scientific paradigm is
a matter of debate. Note that our use of a more-or-less common set of statisti-
cal techniques does not by itself constitute a paradigm. The use of common
tools is only a small part of a paradigm. The rest involves shared assumptions
and methods that together identify the main problems of interest and how to
go about solving them. There is little agreement in the behavioral sciences
about just what the main problems are and exactly how to study them. This
basic disagreement reflects our preparadigmatic (i.e., prescientific) state.
Another requirement for a cumulative science is empirical cumula-
tiveness, or the extent of agreement of replicated results and whether such
results fall into patterns that make sense (Hedges, 1987). Perhaps behavioral
research results are simply less replicable than those in the natural sciences.
This may be especially true in studies with human participants. In animal
studies, the subjects can literally be transported to and from the experimental
situation at the behest of the researcher, but those who conduct human studies
know all too well that they are “studying complex organisms that do have
moods, can be generally uncooperative, and are known to evidence behav-
ioral inconsistencies over time” (Easley, Madden, & Dunn, 2000, p. 84).
Human research participants miss scheduled appointments, try to guess the

266       beyond significance testing

purpose of the study when they do show up, react to the knowledge that they
are being measured, and sometimes fail to complete all requested forms or
withdraw from the study altogether.
When physical scientists study things like neutrons and protons and
observe how neutrons and protons react in each other’s presence, they do
not have to qualify their results by saying “generally,” “for most neutrons,”
or “only for neutrons with good nutrition during proton gestation.” Social
scientists study people, who by their nature are idiosyncratically individual.
The uniqueness of every person is what makes people so interesting, but it
is also what makes generalizing about people so daunting a prospect. In this
sense the very subject matter of behavioral research may be more complex
than many phenomena studied in the natural sciences (Lykken, 1991).
There are also strong familial or social context effects for many aspects of
human behavior. This is another way to describe interaction, which concerns
associations that change over situations or cultures. Context effects can also be
era dependent. For example, social conditions concerning the status of women
changed dramatically over the last few decades, and certain effects of disparate
treatment of women versus men are different today than in the past. Probably
as a result of improved access to educational resources by women, gender dif-
ferences in math skills may have narrowed over the 1960s–1980s to the point
where little substantive difference may now exist (Lindberg, Hyde, Petersen, &
Linn, 2010). There is also evidence that international variation in gender differ-
ences at the highest levels of mathematics achievement is related to inequality
in the labor market and differences in the social status of women and men
(Penner, 2008). Behavioral researchers seem to underestimate the impact of
both sampling error and context effects on their results (Shadish et al., 2001).
Hedges (1987) evaluated whether empirical cumulativeness may be
inherently lower for behavioral data than for natural science data. He esti-
mated the consistency of results in physics research about the mass and lifetime
of stable particles, such as neutrons or protons, with the consistency of results
in the “hard” area of gender differences in cognitive abilities and the “soft”
area of effects of educational programs on achievement. Surprisingly, he found
similar degrees of consistency in the physics and behavioral research areas just
mentioned as measured by a standard index of between-studies variability in
meta-analysis (the Q statistic, described later). These findings suggested that
physical science data may not be inherently more empirically cumulative than
behavioral science data, at least in the domains studied by Hedges (1987).

Types of Replication

There is no single nomenclature to classify replication studies (e.g., Easley

et al., 2000), but there is enough consensus to outline at least the broad types

replication and meta-analysis      267

described next. B. Thompson (1997) distinguished between internal and
external replication. Internal replication includes statistical resampling and
cross-validation by the original researcher(s). Resampling includes bootstrap-
ping and related computer-based methods, such as the jackknife technique,
that randomly combine the cases in an original data set in different ways to esti-
mate the effect of idiosyncrasies in the sample on the results (e.g., Figure 2.5).
Such procedures are not replication in the usual scientific sense. The total
sample in cross-validation is randomly divided into a derivation sample and
a cross-validation sample, and the same analyses are conducted in each one.
External replication is conducted by people other than the original research-
ers, and it involves new samples collected at different times or places.
There are two broad contexts for external replication. The first con-
cerns different kinds of replications of experimental studies. One is exact
replication, also known as direct replication, literal replication, or precise
replication, where all major aspects of an original study—its sampling meth-
ods, design, and outcome measures—are closely copied. True exact replica-
tions exist more in theory than in practice because it is difficult to perfectly
duplicate a study, especially when human factors among participants and
researchers inevitably vary over time, settings, and samples. Other sources of
variation include differences in equipment or procedures across laboratories.
Another type is operational replication—also referred to as partial replica-
tion or improvisational replication—where just the sampling and methods
of an original study are duplicated. Operational replication tests whether a
result can be found by a researcher who follows just the basic “recipe” in the
Method section of an original study. The outcome of operational replica-
tion is potentially more informative than that of literal replication, because
robust effects should stand out against variations in procedures, settings, or
In balanced replication, operational replications are used as control
conditions. Other conditions may represent the manipulation of additional
substantive variables to test new hypotheses. For example, a drug condition
from an original study could be replicated in a new study. Additional condi-
tions in the latter may feature the administration of the same drug at dif-
ferent dosages, other kinds of drugs, or a different type of treatment. The
logic of balanced replication is similar to that of strong inference, which
features designing studies to rule out competing explanations, and to that
of dismantling research. The aim of the latter is to study elements of treat-
ments with multiple components in smaller combinations to find the ones
responsible for treatment efficacy.
A researcher who conducts a construct replication or conceptual repli-
cation avoids close imitation of the specific methods of an original study. An
ideal construct replication would be carried out by telling a skilled researcher

268       beyond significance testing

little more than the original empirical result. This researcher would then spec-
ify the design, measures, and data analysis methods deemed appropriate to test
whether a finding has generality beyond the particular situation studied in
an original work. This provides an even more demanding test of the robust-
ness of some finding. But it is possible that the nature of the phenomenon
could actually change depending on how it is measured, the particular sample
studied, or the specific experimental method used. Without a systematic cata-
loging of how construct replications differ from each other, it may be difficult
to associate study characteristics with observed changes in the effect (if any).
Meta-analysis can partially fill this role, as discussed below.
A second context for replication concerns psychometrics, which seems
to have a stronger tradition of replication. This may be in part a result of
professional standards that outline benchmarks for establishing score valid-
ity, such as Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, developed
jointly by the American Educational Research Association, the American
Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in
Education (1999). The demonstration of construct validity requires more
than one line of evidence, which includes the use of multiple methods among
other variations in assessment procedures. There is also an appreciation of
the need to cross-validate tests that generate scores based on mathemati-
cally weighted combinations of predictor variables. These weights—usually
regression coefficients—are susceptible to capitalization on chance. It is thus
necessary to determine whether their values are observed in other samples.

Replication in the Behavioral Sciences

There is evidence that only small proportions—in some cases < 1%—
of all published studies in the behavioral sciences are specifically described
as replications (e.g., Easley et al., 2000; Kmetz, 2002). Some possible reasons
are listed next:
1. Misinterpretation of statistical significance. Many widespread false
beliefs about the meaning of statistical significance undoubt-
edly discourage replication. Among the obvious suspects are
the replicability, odds-against-chance, inverse probability, and
valid research hypothesis fallacies. The combined effect of cog-
nitive distortions about p values could lead researchers to be
so overconfident about their results that replication is seen as
2. Editorial preference for novelty. It is easy to see the clear prefer-
ence among journal editors and reviewers for work characterized
as original; that is, providing new theoretical, methodological,

replication and meta-analysis      269

or substantive contributions to the field. From this perspec-
tive, replication studies may be seen as derivative rehashes of
old ideas and the researchers who conduct them as uncreative,
scholarly dullards who can imitate but not innovate. About
95% of the editors of behavioral science research journals sur-
veyed by Neuliep and Crandall (1990) said that replication
studies were not explicitly encouraged for submission in edito-
rial policy. Most journal reviewers also prefer original studies
over replications (Neuliep & Crandall, 1993). If researchers
correctly perceive that the odds are slim for getting replication
studies published, it is no wonder that they would shy away
from conducting them.
3. Other disincentives for replication. Most graduate programs require
that dissertation research should make contributions to knowl-
edge resulting from original and independent research. These
requirements do not explicitly rule out replication, but doctoral
students may be dissuaded from conducting such studies due to
the novelty requirement. Faculty members are also aware they
may be evaluated less positively if their research portfolios are
weighted toward replication.
All of these factors combine to create a kind of cultural bias against
replication in the behavioral sciences. These pressures also favor works in
which new theory is generated over those that develop or refine theory.
This explains why our research literature is awash with unsubstantiated
claims based on one-shot studies about a myriad of “new” theories, most
of which have the staying power of castles in the sand. But this cogent
recommendation would send a powerful message to authors of empirical
studies: “The publishing of a paper that has relied on results from a single
study (and, thus, has not been replicated) should be unacceptable to the
discipline because of the inherent variability in human subjects” (Easley
et al., 2000, p. 89).
K. Hunt (1975), S. Schmidt (2009), and others have argued that
most replication in the behavioral sciences occurs covertly in the form of
follow-up studies, which combine direct replication (or at least construct
replication) with new procedures, measures, or hypotheses in the same
investigation. Such studies may be described by their authors as “extensions”
of previous works with new elements but not as “replications,” probably to
avoid the stigma of replication with journal editors and reviewers. The prob-
lem with this informal approach to replication is that it is not explicit and
therefore is unsystematic. Authors of follow-up studies may not document all
the ways in which their investigation differed from those of previous studies

270       beyond significance testing

in the same area. Suppose that results in a follow-up study based loosely on
a prior study disagree with those in the original work. Now, what does this
outcome mean? One possibility is that the original finding is not robust over
minor variation in participants, methods, or settings. If those variations are
major, though, the results may not be directly comparable over the original
and new studies.
The issue just described is the apples and oranges problem, well known
in the meta-analytic literature, and it refers to doubt concerning whether it is
reasonable to directly compare results from different studies. Although there
are ways in meta-analysis to address this problem, they are not magic, espe-
cially when the meta-analyst must infer the factors that account for varia-
tion in results over studies not conducted as explicit replications. This is
why meta-analysis could never cure the replication deficit in the behavioral
sciences. But meta-analysis is superior to old-fashioned, narrative literature
reviews, especially ones based on the box-score (vote counting) method,
where tallies of the numbers and directions of null hypothesis rejections over
a set of studies determined the conclusion. That effect sizes are synthesized
in most meta-analyses also reminds us of the importance of this aspect of
describing results.
Perhaps replication would be more highly valued if confidence intervals
were reported more often. Then readers of empirical articles would be able to
see the low precision with which many studies are conducted. Widths of con-
fidence intervals for behavioral data are often, to quote Cohen (1994, p. 999),
“so embarrassingly large!” (see also Cumming, 2012). Wide confidence inter-
vals indicate that a study contains only limited information, a fact that is
concealed when only results of statistical tests are reported (F. L. Schmidt &
Hunter, 1997).


One cannot deny that meta-analysis is an important and widely used

technique for research synthesis. Since the publication of the first modern
meta-analysis—the classic Smith and Glass (1977) study of psychotherapy
outcomes measured with standardized mean differences—thousands of meta-
analytic articles have been published in psychology, psychiatry, education,
and medicine, among other disciplines. There are also introductions to
meta-analysis in areas such as behavioral medicine (Nestoriuc, Kriston, &
Rief, 2010) and criminal justice (Pratt, 2010), plus many books that intro-
duce meta-analysis to wider audiences (e.g., Card, 2012). Next, I emphasize
aspects of meta-analysis that highlight how effect sizes are synthesized and
limitations of the technique.

replication and meta-analysis      271


If a set of studies is made up of exact replications, there may be little

quantitative analysis to do other than estimate the central tendency and
variability of the results. The former could be seen as a better estimate of the
population parameter than the result in any one study, and the latter could be
used to identify individual results that are outliers. Because exact replications
are inherently similar, outliers may be more a result of chance than systematic
differences among studies. This is less certain for operational or construct
replications and even less so for follow-up studies. For the latter, observed
variability in results may reflect actual changes in the effect due to differences
in samples, measures, or designs over studies.
Because sets of related investigations in the behavioral sciences are
generally made up of follow-up studies, the explanation of observed vari-
ability in their results is a common goal in meta-analysis. That is, the meta-
analyst tries to identify and measure characteristics of follow-up studies that
give rise to variability among the results. These characteristics include attri-
butes of samples (e.g., mean age, gender), settings in which cases are tested
(e.g., inpatient vs. outpatient), and the type of treatment administered
(e.g., duration, dosage). Other factors concern properties of the outcome
measures (e.g., self-report vs. observational), quality of the research design,
source of funding (e.g., private vs. public), professional backgrounds of the
authors, or date of publication. The last reflects the potential impact of tem-
poral factors such as changing societal attitudes. These characteristics can
be classified as low versus high inference. A low-inference characteristic
is one that is readily apparent in the text or tables of a primary study, such
as the measurement method. In contrast, a high-inference characteristic
requires a judgment. The quality of the research design is an example of a
high-inference characteristic because it must be inferred from the informa-
tion reported in the study.
Study factors are conceptualized as meta-analytic predictors, and study
outcome measured with the same standardized effect size is typically the cri-
terion. Each predictor is actually a moderator variable, which implies inter-
action. This is because the criterion, study effect size, usually represents the
association between the independent and dependent variables. If observed
variation in effect sizes across a set of studies is explained by a meta-analytic
predictor, the relation between the independent and dependent variables
changes across the levels of that predictor. For the same reason, the terms
moderator variable analysis and meta-regression describe the process of esti-
mating whether study characteristics explain variability in results. The latter
term is especially appropriate because study factors can covary, such as when
different variations of a treatment tend to be administered to patients with

272       beyond significance testing

acute versus chronic forms of a disorder. If meta-analytic predictors covary,
it is necessary to control for overlapping explained proportions of variability
in effect sizes.
It is also possible for meta-analytic predictors to interact, which means
that they have a joint influence on observed effect sizes. Interaction also
implies that to understand variability in results, one must consider the pre-
dictors together. This is a subtle point, one that requires some elaboration:
Each individual predictor in meta-analysis is a moderator variable. But the
relation of one meta-analytic predictor to study outcome may depend on
another predictor. For example, the effect of treatment type on observed
effect sizes may depend on whether cases with mild versus severe forms of
an illness were studied.
A different kind of phenomenon is mediation, or indirect effects among
study factors. Suppose that one factor is degree of early exposure to a toxic
agent and another is illness chronicity. The exposure factor may affect study
outcome both directly and indirectly through its influence on chronicity.
Indirect effects can be estimated in meta-analysis by applying techniques
from structural equation modeling to covariance matrices of study factors and
effect sizes pooled over related studies. The use of both techniques together is
called mediational meta-analysis or model-driven meta-analysis. Estimation
of mediation requires specific a priori hypotheses about patterns of direct or
indirect effects of study factors on effect sizes.


The basic steps in meta-analysis are similar to those in a primary study.

They may be iterative in both because it is often necessary to return to an
earlier step for refinement when problems are discovered at later stages. They
are listed next:
1. Formulate the research question.
2. Collect the data (primary studies).
3. Evaluate the quality of the data (i.e., study design, procedures,
and measurement).
4. Identify and measure the predictors (study factors) and criterion
(effect sizes).
5. Analyze the data (synthesize effect sizes).
6. Describe, interpret, and report the results.
Because the steps just listed are described in many published intro-
ductions to meta-analysis, I will elaborate on just a few critical issues. It
is just as important in meta-analysis as when conducting a primary study
to clearly specify the hypotheses and operational definitions of constructs.

replication and meta-analysis      273

These specifications in meta-analysis should also help to distinguish between
relevant and irrelevant studies. A meta-analysis obviously requires that
research about a topic exists, which raises the question of how many studies
are necessary. A researcher can use meta-analytic methods to synthesize as
few as two studies, but more are typically needed. Although there is no abso-
lute minimum, it seems to me that at least 20 different primary studies would
be required before a meta-analysis is feasible. This assumes that the studies
are relatively homogeneous and that only a small number of moderator vari-
ables are analyzed. The failure to find sufficient numbers of studies indicates
a knowledge gap.
Data collection is characterized by computer searches in multiple
sources including published works, such as articles, books, or reports from
public agencies, and unpublished studies. The latter include conference
presentations, papers submitted for publication but rejected, student theses,
and technical reports from private agencies. There are computer databases
for some unpublished kinds of studies, such as doctoral dissertations, but
other kinds of unpublished works are not always stored in accessible data-
bases or even available at all through the Internet. This makes them harder
to find.
A related issue is the file drawer problem, which is that some studies
may be conducted but never reported, and results from unreported studies
could differ on average from results that are reported. There are ways to
estimate in meta-analysis what is known as the fail-safe N, which is the
number of additional studies where the average effect size is zero that would
be needed to increase the p value in a meta-analysis for the test of the mean
observed effect size to > .05 (i.e., the nil hypothesis is not rejected). These
additional studies are assumed to be file drawer studies or to be otherwise not
found in the literature search of a meta-analysis. If the estimated number of
such studies is so large that it is unlikely that so many studies (e.g., 2,000)
with a mean nil effect size could exist, more confidence in the results may be
warranted. But estimates of fail-safe N are just that despite what is implied
by their name.
Studies from each source are subject to different types of biases. For
example, bias for statistical significance implies that published studies
have more H0 rejections and larger effect sizes than do unpublished studies
(e.g., Table 2.1). There are techniques in meta-analysis for estimating the
extent of publication bias (e.g., Gilbody, Song, Eastwood, & Sutton, 2000). If
such bias is indicated, a meta-analysis based mainly on published sources may
be inappropriate. Results from unpublished studies may be prone to distortion
because of design or analysis problems that otherwise may have been detected
in peer review, but coding of study source as a meta-analytic predictor permits
direct evaluation of its effect on study outcome.

274       beyond significance testing

For two reasons, it is crucial to assess the high-inference characteristic
of research quality for each found primary study. The first is to eliminate from
further consideration studies so flawed that their results are untrustworthy.
This helps to avoid the garbage in, garbage out problem, where results from
bad studies are synthesized along with those from sound studies. The other
reason concerns the remaining (nonexcluded) studies, which may be divided
into those that are well designed versus those with significant limitations.
Results synthesized from the former group may be given greater weight in the
analysis than those from the latter group. There are some standard systems
for coding quality of primary studies (e.g., Conn & Rantz, 2003). Nowadays it
should be standard practice for meta-analysts to describe how they evaluated
the research designs in found studies and specify the criteria used to retain
or reject these studies from further analysis. Relatively high proportions of
found studies in meta-analyses are often discarded due to poor rated quality,
a sad comment on the status of a research literature.
The computation of standardized effect sizes based on descriptive or test
statistics reported in a set of primary studies is the main way to convert all
findings to a common metric. But if very different types of outcome measures
are used across the studies, their results may not be directly comparable even if
the same kind of standardized effect size is computed for each one. This is the
apples and oranges problem concerning effect sizes, which are the data points
in meta-analysis. Suppose that gender differences in aggression are estimated
over a series of studies. There is more than one type of aggressive behavior
(e.g., verbal, physical) and more than one way to measure it (e.g., self-report,
observational). An average d statistic that compares men and women and is
computed across a diverse set of aggression measures may not be very mean-
ingful. A way to deal with this problem is to code the content or measure-
ment method of the outcome variable and represent this information in the
analysis as one or more study factors, but doing so requires that the meta-analyst
knows to make this distinction.
It is common in meta-analysis to weight the standardized effect sizes
by a factor that represents sample size and error variance. This gives greater
weight to results based on larger samples, which are less subject to sampling
error. It is also possible to weight effect sizes by other characteristics, such as
score reliability (see Chapter 5). Hunter and Schmidt (2004) described an
extensive set of corrections for attenuation in effect sizes for problems such as
artificial dichotomization in continuous outcome variables and range restric-
tion, but primary studies do not always report sufficient information for one
to apply these corrections.
There is also the problem of correlated effect sizes, or nonindependence
of study results. It seldom happens that each individual result comes from
an independent study where a single hypothesis is tested. In some studies,

replication and meta-analysis      275

the same research participants may be tested with multiple outcome mea-
sures. If these measures are intercorrelated, effect sizes across these measures
are not independent. Likewise, effect sizes for the comparison of variations
of a treatment against a common control group are probably not indepen-
dent. Fortunately, statistical techniques that handle correlated effect sizes are

Synthesizing Effect Sizes

Summarized next are the basic iterative phases of effect size synthesis
in meta-analysis:
1. Decide whether to combine results across studies and what to
2. Estimate a common (average) effect size.
3. Estimate the heterogeneity in effect sizes across studies, and
attempt to explain it—that is, find an appropriate statistical
model for the data.
4. Assess the potential for bias.
The first step is often the computation of a weighted average effect size.
If it can be assumed that the observed effect sizes estimate a single population
effect size—that is, a fixed effects model—their average takes the form
∑ wi ESi
MES = i =1
∑ wi
i =1

where ESi is the effect size (e.g., d) for the ith result in a set of k effect sizes and
wi is the weight for that result. A weight for each effect size that minimizes
the variance of MES is
wi = (9.2)
s 2

where the denominator is the conditional variance (squared standard error)

of an effect size, or the within-studies variance. The equation for the condi-
tional variance depends on the particular effect size (e.g., Equation 5.20 for
dpool in two-sample designs), but it generally varies inversely with sample size
but directly with the extent of within-groups variability. Thus, results based
on larger samples and more homogeneous groups in comparative studies are
given greater weight.

276       beyond significance testing

The conditional variance of the weighted average effect size MES is
determined by the total number of effect sizes and their weights:
s2M =
ES k
∑ wi
i =1

The square root of Equation 9.3 is the standard error of the average weighted
effect size. The general form of a 100 (1 – a)% confidence interval for the
population effect size µES is

MES ± sM ( z 2-tail, α )

If a confidence interval for µES includes zero and z2-tail, a = 1.96, the nil hypo­thesis
that the population effect size is zero cannot be rejected at the .05 level. This
is an example of a statistical test in meta-analysis. The power of this test will
be low if the number of study effect sizes is relatively small, but even trivial
average effect sizes will be statistically significant given sufficiently many pri-
mary studies. These tests also assume that the found studies were randomly
sampled from the population of all studies, but this is not how primary studies
wind up being included in most meta-analyses (i.e., this is another instance
of the design–analysis gap). Thus, statistical tests in meta-analysis are subject
to the same basic limitations as in primary studies.
Weighting of effect sizes as just described assumes a fixed effects model,
or a conditional model. It assumes that (a) there is one population of studies
with a single true effect size and (b) study effect size departs from true effect size
due to within-studies variance only. Thus, effect sizes in conditional models
are weighted solely by functions of their conditional variances (Equation 9.2).
Other variation in observed effect sizes is viewed as systematic and as a result
of identifiable differences due to meta-analytic predictors (study factors).
Generalizations in a fixed effects model are limited to studies such as those
actually found.
An alternative model for a meta-analysis is a random effects model, also
called an unconditional model. There is no single population of studies or a
constant population effect size presumed to underlie all studies in a random
effects model. It assumes instead that (a) there is a distribution of population
effect sizes (i.e., there is a different true effect size for each study) and (b) there
are two sources of error variance. One is within-studies variation, which in an
unconditional model is conceptualized as the difference between an observed
effect size and the population effect size estimated by that particular study, just as
in a fixed effects model. The second source is between-studies variance, which
concerns the distribution of all population effect sizes around the population

replication and meta-analysis      277

grand mean effect size. It is commonly assumed that the distribution of popula-
tion effect sizes is normal, which simplifies the estimation of error variance in
a random effects model (Cumming, 2012). A random effects model assumes
that the between-studies variance is completely random. In contrast, a mixed
effects model assumes that between-studies variation may be a result both
of systematic factors that can be identified, such as study factors, and of random
sources that cannot. In both random and mixed models, the estimation of two
sources of error variance instead of just one, as in a fixed effects model, may
improve prediction of observed effect sizes. It is also consistent with generaliza-
tion of results to studies not identical to the set of found studies.
If the between-studies variance is about zero, there is essentially a single
population effect size, which suggests a fixed effects model. This implies that
within-studies variance alone is sufficient to explain variation in observed
effect sizes and that those effect sizes are therefore homogeneous. But greater
variation of population effect sizes says just the opposite, that the observed
effect sizes are expected to be heterogeneous because they do not estimate a
common parameter. In a random effects model, a weighted mean effect size
estimates the grand mean of all population effect sizes. Because there is an
additional source of presumed error variance, widths of confidence intervals
around weighted mean effect sizes in random effects models are typically wider
than the corresponding confidence intervals, assuming a fixed effects model.
An older practice in meta-analysis was to assume a fixed effects model
and then estimate the variability of the observed effect sizes. If this variability
were too large, a fixed effects model would be rejected in favor of a random
effects model (or a mixed effects model). There is a statistic known as Q that
measures the degree of heterogeneity within a set of observed effect sizes. It is
the total weighted sum of the squares for between-studies variation in effect
sizes, and it is calculated as
 k w ES 
k k  ∑ i i 
Q = ∑ wi ( ESi − MES ) = ∑ wi ESi2 −
2 i =1
i =1 i =1
∑ wi
i =1

where the mean effect size MES and the weights wi for each of the k effect
sizes are computed assuming a fixed effects model (Equations 9.1–9.2). The
expression in the right side of Equation 9.5 is a computational version more
amenable to hand calculation.
Under the null hypothesis of a single population effect size, the Q sta-
tistic is distributed as a central chi-square with k – 1 degrees of freedom.
The latter is the expected value in a central chi-square distribution. If the
null hypothesis about a fixed effects model is false, more and more sample c2

278       beyond significance testing

statistics will exceed the expected value. Suppose that Q = 10.00 for a set of
15 effect sizes. Here, the value of Q (10.00) is actually below the expected
value (14.00), assuming a fixed effects model. Also, the critical value for c2
(14) at the .05 level is 23.68, so the null hypothesis that the 15 results reflect
a common population effect size is clearly not rejected at p < .05. But the
homogeneity hypothesis would be rejected for the same number of effect sizes
if Q = 25.00 because c2 (14) = 25.00, p = .035. The test statistic Q is subject
to all the same limitations as any other significance test, including low power
for small numbers of effect sizes.
Assuming that Q > df, the quantity Q – df estimates the noncentrality
parameter of the chi-square distribution, or in this case the degree to which
the null hypothesis of homogeneity is false. In particular, it reflects the extra
variation between studies beyond that expected in a fixed effects model
(Cumming, 2012). If a fixed effects model is rejected, between-studies variation
is assumed to be an additional source of error variance. One way to estimate this
extra variance is to calculate the T 2 statistic, which is

Q − df
T2 = (9.6)

where C is a scaling factor that controls for the fact that Q is a sum of squares,
not a variance. In Equation 9.6, it is the division of Q - df by C that estimates
the between-studies variance in the same metric as the within-studies variance
(Equation 9.2). A computational formula for C is

k ∑ wi2
C = ∑ wi − i =1
i =1
∑ wi
i =1

The parameter estimated by T2 is t2 (tau-squared), the variance of popula-

tion effect sizes around the population grand mean effect size in a random
effects model.
A more modern approach is to routinely assume random effects models
(e.g., Cumming, 2012; F. L. Schmidt, 2010). The rationale for this strategy
is threefold: First, incorrect specification of a fixed effects model when the
true model is random implies that confidence intervals based on weighted
mean effect sizes will be too narrow, which overstates the precision of the
results. Second, low power of the test for homogeneity based on the Q statis-
tic could lead to the false retention of a fixed effects model. Third, if there is
low between-studies variance, results assuming a fixed effects model versus a
random effects model tend to be quite similar.

replication and meta-analysis      279

In fixed effects models, the weight for each effect size reflects just the
within-studies variance, sES . But in a random effects model, both within-
studies and between-studies variance contribute to the weight for each effect
size. One way to estimate weights in random effects models is to add the
quantity T2, which estimates between-studies variance (Equation 9.6), to
the within-studies variance of each individual effect size. Because weights are
the inverse of error variance, they are computed in a random effects model as
w*i = (9.8)
s 2
ESi + T2

where the asterisk designates a random effects model. As the value of T2

increases—that is, there is greater estimated between-studies variation—the
weights for a set of effect sizes become more similar. This implies that effect sizes
based on smaller versus larger sample sizes are more similarly weighted in ran-
dom effects models than in fixed effects models. Cumming (2012) explained it
this way: The effect size from a particular study estimates a unique parameter in
a random effects model. Because this effect is the only estimate of its correspond-
ing parameter, it cannot be ignored even if the sample size is relatively small.
Computation of the average weighted effect size and its standard error
in a random effects model is based on the weights defined by Equation 9.8.
The corresponding formulas are
∑ w*i ESi
M*ES = i =1
∑ w*i
i =1

s2M =
ES k
∑ w*i
i =1

The general form of a 100 (1 - a)% confidence interval for the population
grand mean effect size µ*ES has the following general form:

M*ES ± sM ( z 2-tail, α )

Confidence intervals for µ*ES assuming a random effects model are generally
wider than those for µES assuming a fixed effects model for the same data and
level of a. Thus, the choice between the two models in meta-analysis affects
the relative contribution of individual effect sizes and the estimation of both
the weighted average effect size and its precision.

280       beyond significance testing

Table 9.1
Study Effect Sizes and Weights for a Fixed Effects Model Versus
a Random Effects Model in a Meta-Analysis
Fixed effects model Random effects model

Study dpool n1 n2 s 2d w w (%) wd w* w* (%) w*d

1 .50 22 22 .0938 10.667 6.9 5.334 4.285 10.8 2.143

2 .50 12 24 .1285 7.784 5.1 3.892 3.730 9.4 1.865
3 1.20 40 40 .0590 16.949 11.0 20.339 5.034 12.7 6.041
4 .80 80 80 .0270 37.037 24.0 29.630 6.001 15.2 4.801
5 1.30 50 45 .0511 19.563 12.7 25.432 5.242 13.2 6.815
6 1.20 14 85 .0905 11.054 7.2 13.265 4.346 11.0 5.215
7 1.00 55 120 .0294 34.046 22.1 34.046 5.917 14.9 5.917
8 2.00 30 100 .0587 17.031 11.0 34.061 5.041 12.7 10.082
Total 154.131 165.999 39.596 42.878
Note.  Σw 2i = 3,787.470; Σwid 2i = 203.872; Σw*i 2 = 200.416; Σw*d
i i = 54.292.

Listed in the left side of Table 9.1 are the results of eight hypothet-
ical studies each based on a two-sample design. The observed effect sizes
are dpool (Equations 5.3–5.4). I used ESCI (Cumming, 2012; see footnote 4,
Chapter 2) to calculate the within-studies variances and weights for a fixed
effects model that are reported in the table.1 Also reported in Table 9.1 are per-
centages that indicate the relative contribution of each result to the weighted
average. These percentages are derived as the ratio of the weight for each study
over the total of all the weights, which is 154.130 for a fixed effects model. For
example, the weight for study 1 in Table 9.1 is 10.667, so the relative contribu-
tion of this effect size is 10.667/154.131 = .069, or about 6.9%.
Given these results from Table 9.1

∑ wi = 154.131 and ∑ wi d i = 165.999

the average weighted effect size and its estimated standard error are com-
puted as

165.999 1
Md = = 1.077 and sM = = 0.0805
154.131 154.131

Based on these results, the 95% confidence interval for µES is

1.077 ± .0805 (1.96 )

The ESCI program calculates the error variance of dpool using the square of Equation 5.20 except that
the overall sample size N replaces the expression df = N - 2 in this equation.

replication and meta-analysis      281

which defines the interval [.92, 1.23] at two-decimal accuracy. Thus, the
population effect size could be as low as .92 standard deviations or as high as
1.23 standard deviations, with 95% confidence and assuming a fixed effect
model for the eight results in Table 9.1.
Given Σ wi d i2 = 203.872 from Table 9.1, the value of Q is

Q = 203.872 − = 25.091

With a total of k = 8 studies, the degree of freedom are 7, and the p value for
c2 (7) = 25.091 is .001. If using a conventional significance test, we would
reject the hypothesis of homogeneity that there is a common population
effect size at the .05 level.
Now assuming a random effects model for the data in Table 9.1, we
estimate the between-studies variance as

∑ wi2 = 3,787.470
Q − df = 25.091 − 7 = 18.091

C = 154.131 − = 129.558

T2 = = .140

The last result, .140, is the estimated between-studies variance expressed

in the metric of the within-studies variances for these data.
You should verify with Equation 9.8 that the weights in Table 9.1 for
the random effects model are computed for each effect size as the inverse
of the sum of the within-conditions variances and T2 = .140. Also note in
the table that, as expected, the relative contributions of the individual effect
sizes in the random effects models are more generally equal than those in the
fixed effects model. This new set of weights for the random effects model also
implies new values for the average weighted effect size, its standard error, and
the corresponding 95% confidence interval for the population grand mean
effect size compared with the fixed effects model. These values for the random
effects model, given the data in Table 9.1, are computed as follows:

∑ w*i = 39.596 and ∑ w*i d i = 42.878

∑ w*i 2 = 200.416 and ∑ w*i d i2 = 54.292

282       beyond significance testing

42.878 1
M*d = = 1.083 and s*M = = .1589
39.596 d

95% ci for µ*ES , 1.083 ± .1589 (1.96 ), or [.77, 1.39 ]

As expected, the width of the 95% confidence interval for the random effects
model, or [.77, 1.39], is wider than that for the fixed effects model, or [.92, 1.23].
The results just described for the data in Table 9.1 are summarized with
the forest plots in Figure 9.1. The noncentral 95% confidence intervals for d

.50 0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00

Fixed effects model

Random effects model

.50 0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00


Figure 9.1.  Forest plot for a fixed effects model and a random effects model for the
data in Table 9.1.

replication and meta-analysis      283

based on each of the eight primary studies are shown oriented horizontally in
the figure in the same order as they are listed in the table. Each point estimate
of d is represented in the figure with rectangles depicted in relative sizes that
reflect the weight for each study in Table 9.1. Represented as diamonds in the
figure are the 95% confidence intervals based on the weighted average effect
size from all eight studies. As expected, widths of the confidence intervals
based on the aggregated results are narrower than those from any individual
study. Comparing the forest plots in the upper and lower parts of Figure 9.1,
we can see that the relative contributions of each effect size are generally
more similar in the random effects model than in the fixed effects model.

Statistical Techniques

After selecting a model for error variance, the meta-analyst typically

chooses a statistical technique for analyzing weighted effect sizes. Techniques
include analogs of ANOVA and multiple regression. For example, it is pos-
sible to disaggregate studies by the levels of two crossed, categorical study
factors (e.g., gender and illness severity) and perform a two-way ANOVA on
the weighted effect sizes. This analysis would estimate both main and inter­
active effects of the predictors. Regression analysis in meta-analyses can include
either categorical or continuous factors, such as average patient age in each
study, in the same equation. Regression methods also allow individual predic-
tors or blocks of predictors to be entered into or removed from the equation in
an order specified by the researcher. Borenstein et al. (2009) described other
techniques for analyzing weighted effect sizes.
As is probably obvious by now, many decisions made while analyzing
effect sizes can influence the results of a meta-analysis. Conducting a sensi-
tivity analysis is one way to address this issue. In meta-analysis, this means
that effect sizes are reanalyzed under different assumptions, and the results
are compared with the original findings. If the two sets of results are similar,
the original meta-analytic findings may be robust with regard to the manipu-
lated assumptions. Suppose that the criteria for study inclusion are modified
in a reasonable way, and a somewhat different subset of all found studies is
retained. If the meta-analysis is repeated with the new subset and the results
are not appreciably different from those under the original criteria, the over-
all findings are robust concerning the inclusion criteria.

Threats to the Validity of a Meta-Analysis

Those who have promoted (e.g., M. Hunt, 1997) or dismissed

(e.g., Eysenck, 1995) meta-analysis would probably agree that it is no less
subject to many of the problems that can beset the primary studies on which

284       beyond significance testing

it is based. Meta-analysis is also susceptible to additional limitations specific
to the technique. Some examples were mentioned, including the apples and
oranges problem and the garbage in, garbage out problem. Other possible
threats are outlined next; see also Borenstein et al. (2009, Chapter 43) for
more information.
Although it is useful to know average effect sizes in some research areas,
effect size by itself says little about substantive significance (see Chapter 5,
this volume). It is also true that explaining a relatively high proportion of
observed variance in outcomes with a set of study factors does not imply that
these variables are actually the ones involved in the underlying process. It is
possible that an alternative set of study factors may explain just as much of
the variance or that some of the measured predictors are confounded with
other, unmeasured factors that are actually more important. Meta-analysis
is not a substitute for primary studies. Despite their limitations, primary
studies are the basic engine of science. Indeed, a single brilliant empirical
or theoretical work could be worth more than hundreds of mediocre studies
synthesized in a meta-analysis. There is also concern about the practice of
guarding against experimenter bias by having research assistants code the
primary studies. The worry is about a crowding out of wisdom that may occur
if what is arguably the most thought-intensive part of a meta-analysis—the
careful reading of the individual studies—is left to others.
It is probably best to see meta-analysis as a way to better understand the
status of a research area than as an end in itself or some magical substitute for
critical thought. Its emphasis on effect sizes and the explicit description of
study retrieval methods and assumptions is an improvement over narrative
literature reviews. It also has the potential to address hypotheses not directly
tested in primary studies. If the results of a meta-analysis help researchers
conduct better primary studies, little more could be expected. But meta-
analysis does not solve the replication crisis in the behavioral sciences. It is
merely a stopgap until we change our mentality and behavior so that explicit
replication is both expected and rewarded. The availability of meta-analysis
should not prevent the behavioral sciences from growing up in this regard.

Meta-Analysis and Statistics Reform

Meta-analysis can bring clarity to a research problem previously con-

sidered only through the lens of significance testing. For example, Lytton
and Romney (1991) conducted one of the first meta-analyses in the area of
differential socialization, which refers to the encouragement of certain traits
or behaviors more for children of one gender than of another. It is also pos-
sible that fathers may make greater differences between sons and daughters
than do mothers or vice versa. Some narrative reviews published in the 1970s

replication and meta-analysis      285

and 1980s concluded that “significant” differential socialization effects were
found in about half the studies and called for more research to resolve the
ambiguity. But no amount of additional research would have ever resolved
the ambiguity if power were about .50, which is consistent with the pattern
just described.
Lytton and Romney (1991) synthesized standardized mean differences
from studies where mothers and fathers reported about their emphasis on var-
ious traits or behaviors in the upbringing of their sons versus daughters. They
further partitioned the effect sizes in the retained set of about 160 studies from
North America by eight different socialization areas, such as warmth, disci-
pline, achievement, and gender-typed activities. Weighted average d statistics
for boys versus girls were generally close to zero for both mothers and fathers
in most areas. For example, both mothers and fathers emphasized achieve-
ment more with their sons than with their daughters, but the mean effect
size in this area was d = .05 for mothers and d = .11 for fathers. Both mothers
and fathers encouraged reasoning more strongly among sons than daughters,
but the average effect size for both parents was only about d = .01. Lytton
and Romney (1991) found evidence for stronger differential socialization
in just one area, gender-typed activities. For mothers, the average effect
size was d = .34, and for fathers it was d = .49. That is, both mothers and
fathers emphasized gender-typed activities more strongly among sons than
daughters, but fathers tended to differentiate more strongly than mothers
between boys and girls in this area. See Cumming (2012) for descriptions of
other occasions when results of meta-analytic studies have brought clarity
to research areas long dominated by significance testing.


There is little evidence for direct or even approximate replication in

the behavioral science literature. This fact contradicts what is expected from
the most basic presumption of science, but the reality in the behavioral sci-
ences is that there are few incentives for students or researchers to conduct
explicit replications. Instead, replication is more often carried out implicitly
in the form of follow-up studies that extend prior investigations by adding
new elements. The problem is that differences between original and follow-up
studies may not be systematically cataloged, which makes it difficult to inter-
pret the meaning of an apparent failure to find consistent results over studies.
Meta-analysis generally estimates average weighted effect sizes from primary
studies and evaluates whether various study factors, such as characteristics of
participants or treatments, explain variation in effect sizes. Crucial questions
about the validity of meta-analysis concern the selection of studies, assessment

286       beyond significance testing

of their quality and measurement of their characteristics, how lack of indepen-
dence in effect sizes is handled, and the underlying statistical model assumed.
A good meta-analysis should summarize the status of a literature and suggest
new directions. It is not a substitute for explicit replication, but the behav-
ioral sciences are not yet mature enough to do without meta-analysis.

Learn More

Card (2012) gives a clear introduction to meta-analysis, and Borenstein

et al. (2009) is for researchers who intend to conduct meta-analyses.
S. Schmidt (2009) analyzes replication in the behavioral sciences.
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein, H. R. (2009). Introduction
to meta-analysis. Chichester, England: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9780470743386
Card, N. A. (2012). Applied meta-analysis for social science research. New York, NY:
Guilford Press.
Schmidt, S. (2009). Shall we really do it again? The powerful concept of replication
is neglected in the social sciences. Review of General Psychology, 13, 90–100.
doi: 10.1037/a0015108

replication and meta-analysis      287

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Bayesian Estimation and Best
Practices Summary

Friends do not let friends compute p values.

—John K. Kruschke (2010, p. 294)

This chapter introduces the Bayesian approach to hypothesis test-

ing and interval estimation. Potential advantages include the capabilities
to estimate probabilities of hypotheses, directly compare the likelihoods
of competing hypotheses, and estimate inferential confidence intervals,
all under explicit assumptions. It also provides a systematic framework for
revising the plausibility of hypotheses as new data are collected. Entire
books are devoted to Bayesian statistics, so it is not possible to give a com-
plete account here. The more modest goal is to make you aware of an infer-
ence model that increasing numbers of behavioral science researchers see
as a viable alternative to significance testing. Presented at the end of this
chapter are best practice recommendations based on all topics considered
to this point.

DOI: 10.1037/14136-010
Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by R. B. Kline
Copyright © 2013 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

Contexts for Bayesian Estimation

We considered many limitations of significance testing. One is that

p values do not estimate the probability that H0 is true, given the data.
They tell us instead the conditional probability of the data or results even
more extreme under H0, designated as p (Data +H0). They are subject to
many decisions, or researcher degrees of freedom, not all of which are always
explicit. The default form of H0 is a nil hypothesis, but such hypotheses are
usually implausible. Percentages associated with standard confidence inter-
vals, such as 95%, cannot generally be interpreted as the chance that the
interval contains the corresponding parameter.
Bayesian estimation is not constrained by these limitations, in part
because it is not based on a frequentist model of probability. Also, a param-
eter in Bayesian methods is generally conceptualized as a random variable
with its own distribution that summarizes the current state of knowledge
about that parameter. The distribution’s expected value is the single best
guess about the true value of the parameter, and its variability reflects the
amount of uncertainty. In contrast, a parameter in significance testing is
viewed as a constant that should be estimated with sample statistics. This
difference explains why symbols for parameters are printed in italic font
to emphasize that they are variables in Bayesian estimation, such as µ for a
random population mean in Bayesian statistics instead of µ for a constant
parameter in classical statistics.
Since the late 1950s, Bayesian methods have been used in disciplines
such as economics, medicine, engineering, and computer science (e.g., Pourret,
Naïm, & Marcot, 2008). Your computer may be connected to a network pro-
tected by a dynamic Bayesian system that continually updates estimated prob-
abilities of hacking (intentional malevolent access) for each user, given recent
activities on the network. If this probability exceeds some threshold (e.g.,
> .75), that user or account may be locked out of the network (e.g., Christina,
2010). Introduced to psychology in the 1960s by authors such as Edwards,
Lindman, and Savage (1963), Bayesian statistics never really caught on among
behavioral scientists over the next 40 years.
Recently, there has been a surge of interest in Bayesian methods among
behavioral scientists. An example is the controversy about Bem (2011),
who reported evidence for psi, the ability to anticipate events before they
happen, based on statistically significant results in eight of nine experiments
with a mean effect size of about d = .25. The same results analyzed from a
Bayesian perspective, however, are not as convincing (e.g., Kruschke, 2011;
Wetzels et al., 2011). Another example of increasing attention is the spe-
cial edition about Bayesian methods in Trends in Cognitive Science (e.g.,
Chater, Tenenbaum, & Yuille, 2006). As I edited this chapter, the Journal

290       beyond significance testing

of Management issued a call for papers for a special issue titled “Bayesian
Probability and Statistics in Management Research: A New Horizon,” to
be published in 2014.
Once some fundamentals are mastered, Bayesian hypothesis testing is
closer to intuitive scientific reasoning than significance testing. For instance,
the following principles are all supported in Bayesian analysis:
1. Not all hypotheses are equally plausible before there is evi-
dence, and implausible hypotheses require stronger evidence
to be supported. This is a basic tenet of science that extra­
ordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I mentioned that
p values under implausible nil hypotheses are generally too
low, which exaggerates the relative rarity of the data. In con-
trast, Bayesian methods take explicit account of hypothesis
2. Not all researchers will see the same hypothesis as equally
plausible before data collection. This is another basic fact of
science, if not human nature. The effect of assuming differ-
ent degrees of plausibility for the same hypothesis can also be
explicitly estimated in a Bayesian analysis. Doing so is a kind
of sensitivity analysis that makes plain the effects of differing
initial assumptions.
3. The impact of initial differences in the perceived plausibility
of a hypothesis tends to become less important as results accu-
mulate. So open-minded scientists with different initial beliefs
are generally driven toward the same conclusion as new data
are collected. The real long-term effect of initial differences in
belief is that skeptics will require more data to reach the same
level of belief as that held by those more enthusiastic about
a theory.
4. Data that are not precise will have less sway on the subsequent
plausibility of a hypothesis than data that are more precise. This
is a principle of meta-analysis, too.
A longtime objection is that Bayesian methods are associated with a
subjectivist view of probability. Recall that a subjectivist view does not distin-
guish between repeatable and unrepeatable (unique) events, and probabilities
are considered as degrees of personal belief that may vary from person to per-
son. There is a perception among those unfamiliar with Bayesian statistics that
prior probabilities of hypotheses are wholly subjective guesses just plucked out
of thin air, perhaps to suit some whim or prejudice.
These perceptions of Bayesian statistics are false. If nothing is known
about some hypothesis, the researcher has little choice other than to guess

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      291

about plausibility. But it is rare for researchers to have absolutely no previ-
ous information on which to base estimates of prior probabilities. There are
heuristic methods for eliciting consistent prior probabilities from content
experts that try to avoid common difficulties that arise when people rea-
son with probabilities. One is the conjunction fallacy, which occurs when
a higher probability is estimated for two joint events than for the individual
events. Some of these methods include the posing of questions in a frequency
format instead of a probability format, which may help to avoid inconsistent
or illogical reasoning with probabilities. Estimates of prior probabilities in
Bayesian analyses are explicit and thus open to debate. It is also possible to
estimate conditional probabilities of hypotheses under a range of estimates
about their prior probabilities.

Bayes’s Theorem

The starting point is Bayes’s theorem, which is from a posthumous publi-

cation (1763) of a letter by Rev. Thomas Bayes in the Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society. It is based on the mathematical fact that the joint prob-
ability of two events, D and H, is the product of the probability of the first
event and the conditional probability of the second event given the first, or

p(D ∧ H ) = p(D ) p(H D ) = p(H ) p(D H ) (10.1)

where the logical connective ∧ designates the conjunctive and.

Now let us assume that D in Equation 10.1 stands for a particular
result in a primary study and does not include all more extreme results.
Next we designate this particular result as Data in order to distinguish
it from Data +, which in significance testing includes all more extreme
results under H0. Let us also take the symbol H in Equation 10.1 to mean
hypothesis but not necessarily a point hypothesis such as H0: µ1 – µ2 = 0 in
significance testing. A hypothesis in Bayesian estimation about a continuous
parameter can be either a point hypothesis or a range hypothesis. In signifi-
cance testing, H1 is almost always a range hypothesis (e.g., H1: µ1 – µ2 > 0),
but H0 is usually a point hypothesis. The larger issue is that the specifica-
tion of hypotheses is more flexible in Bayesian inference than in classical
significance testing.
With these definitions in mind, solving Equation 10.1 for the condi-
tional probability p (HData) gives us the basic form of Bayes’s theorem:

p ( H ) p ( data H )
p ( H data ) = (10.2)
p ( data )

292       beyond significance testing

In words, p (HData) is the posterior probability of the hypothesis, and it
estimates the probability of that hypothesis in view of a particular result.
It is a function of two prior (marginal, unconditional) probabilities,
p (H) and p (Data), and a conditional probability called the likelihood, or
p (DataH). The latter is the probability of a result under the hypothesis,
and it is analogous to p (Data +H0) in significance testing, given the dif-
ferences between the terms Data and Data+ and between the terms H and
H0 just explained.
The term p (H) in Equation 10.2 is the probability of the hypothesis
before the data are collected, and p (Data) is the probability of the data irre-
spective of the truth of any hypothesis. Bayes’s theorem thus takes an initial
belief about the hypothesis, p (H), and combines it with information from
the sample to generate an updated belief, p (HData). It also shows us that to
correctly translate the conditional probability of the data to the conditional
probability of the hypothesis, we need also to estimate the prior probabilities
of both the data and the hypothesis.
If extant theory makes no relevant prediction or there are no empirical
studies, the specification p (H) = .50 is consistent with this lack of informa-
tion. The specification p (H) < .50 is more consistent with a skeptic’s view,
but stating that p (H) > .50 may be warranted when there is already evidence
that favors the hypothesis. A lower initial assignment of p (H) means that
more evidence will be required to eventually raise the estimate of p (HData)
to a level that more clearly supports the hypothesis. But the specification of
prior probabilities of hypotheses in Bayesian estimation must be explicit, and
the consequences of different assumptions about p (H) can be evaluated in a
sensitivity analysis.
This example by Dixon and O’Reilly (1999) illustrates a simple appli-
cation of Bayes’s theorem. Suppose we want to estimate the probability
that it will snow sometime during the day, given a below-freezing tem-
perature in the morning. The chance of snow on any particular day of the
year is only 10%, so p (H) = .10. The chance of a below-freezing morning
temperature on any particular day is 20%, so p (Data) = .20. Of all days
it snowed, the chance of a below-freezing temperature in the morning is
80%, so p (DataH) = .80. When Equation 10.2 is used, the posterior prob-
ability is

.10 (.80 )
p ( H data ) = = .40

which says that there is a 40% chance that it will snow on days when it is
cold in the morning.

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      293

Bayesian Testing for Point Hypotheses

Next we assume k mutually exclusive and exhaustive point hypotheses

about a parameter. The sum of their prior probabilities is 1.0, or

∑ p ( Hi ) = 1.0 (10.3)
i =1

The prior probability of the data in Equation 10.2 for Bayes’s theorem can
now be expressed as

p ( data ) = ∑ p ( Hi ) p ( data Hi ) (10.4)
i =1

which is the sum of the products of the prior probabilities for each of the k
discrete hypotheses and the likelihood of the data under it.
Suppose that the distribution on a continuous variable in a population
is normal, the variance is known—that is, it is a constant, not a variable, and
we assume s2 = 144.00—but the mean is not known (i.e., it is a random vari-
able, m). There are two competing hypotheses, or

H1 : m = 100.00 and H2 : m = 110.00

Assuming no previous information, the two hypotheses are judged to be

equally likely, or

p ( H1 ) = p ( H2 ) = .50

The assignment of equal prior probabilities to all competing hypotheses when

there are no grounds to favor any one of them follows the principle of indif-
ference (see Chapter 2). Related descriptive terms include agnostic priors
and uninformative priors. In contrast, informative priors reflect greater con-
fidence in one hypothesis than the other. For example, specification of the
prior probabilities

p ( H1 ) = .40 and p ( H2 ) = .60

would reflect greater confidence in H2 than H1. The ratio p (H2) / p (H1), or

.60/.40 = 1.67, is the prior odds (i.e., 3:2) that H2 is correct. But if p (H1) =
p (H2), as in this example, the prior odds that either hypothesis is correct are
1.0 (i.e., 1:1, no difference).

294       beyond significance testing

A sample of 16 cases is collected, and the observed mean is M1 = 106.00.
Because the population variance is known, the standard error of the mean is
(144.00/16)1/2 = 3.00. Under the normality assumption, the conditional prob-
ability of the sample mean under each hypothesis—the likelihoods—can be
found with the standard normal density function

e−z 2
ndf ( z ) = (10.5)
2 pi

where z is a normal deviate, e is the natural base (about 2.7183), and pi

is approximately 3.1416. The function takes a z score and returns its prob-
ability, which is the height of the normal curve with a mean of zero and a
standard deviation of 1.0 at that point.1 The z score equivalents of the sample
mean under each hypothesis are

106.00 − 100.00 106.00 − 110.00

zH = = 2.000 and z H = = −1.333
3.00 3.00
1 2

and the likelihoods of M1 = 106.00 under each hypothesis are

ndf ( 2.000 ) .0540

p ( data1 H1 ) = = = 0.0270
2 2
ndf ( −1.333) .1640
p ( data1 H2 ) = = = 0.0820
2 2

The results of the ndf function are divided by two because there are two
hypotheses. These results say that the probabilities of the data under H1
and H2 are, respectively, .0270 and .0820. The prior probability of the data
(M1 = 106.00) is

p ( data1 ) = .50 (.0270 ) + .50 (.0820 ) = .0545

and applying Bayes’s theorem tells us that the posterior probabilities for each
hypothesis are

.50 (.0270 )
p ( H1 data1 ) = = .2477
.50 (.0820 )
p ( H2 data1 ) = = .7523

1In Microsoft Excel, the function NORMDIST(z, 0, 1, True) returns the likelihood of z.

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      295

In summary, our revised estimate of the probability of H2: m = 110.00 (about .75)
is higher than that for H1: m = 100.00 (about .25), given M1 = 106.00.

Posterior Odds and the Bayes Factor

The posterior odds are the ratio of the conditional probabilities of two
competing hypotheses for the same data. For the example

p ( H2 data1 ) .7523
Posterior odds1 = = = 3.04
p ( H1 data1 ) .22477

which says that the odds are about 3:1 in favor of H2 that the population
mean is 110.00 over H1 that this mean is 100.00 after observing M1 = 106.00.
Which of the two hypotheses is represented in the numerator is arbitrary. For
this example, the ratio .2477/.7523, or .329, is the posterior odds for H1 rela-
tive to H2 (i.e., about 1:3 against H1).
With Equation 10.2 used for Bayes’s theorem, it can be demonstrated
that posterior odds can be expressed as the product of the prior odds and the
likelihood ratio, or the Bayes factor (BF). That is,

Posterior odds = Prior odds × BF (10.5)

where the prior odds are p (H2) / p (H1) and the Bayes factor is

p ( data H2 )
BF = (10.6)
p ( data H1 )

which summarizes the relative likelihood of the same data under the two
hypotheses. (Compare Equations 6.8 and 10.5.) The Bayes factor also sum-
marizes the results of the study that allow the update of the odds of the two
hypotheses from what they were before collection of the data (prior odds)
to what they should be given the data. If the prior odds do not favor one
hypothesis over the other (i.e., it is 1.0), the value of BF directly equals that
of the posterior odds. For the example where the prior odds are 1.0, the value
of the Bayes factor is

p ( data1 H2 ) .0820
BF1 = = = 3.04
p ( data1 H1 ) .0270

which equals the posterior odds for this example calculated earlier (3.04) as
the ratio of the likelihood of the two hypotheses, given M1 = 106.00.

296       beyond significance testing

The Bayes factor is a continuous measure of the likelihood of the data
under two competing hypotheses. If the value of BF is close to 1.0, the results
of the study failed to differentiate between the hypotheses. Otherwise, values
of BF that exceed about 3.00 (or are less than .33) are generally taken as indi-
cating support for one hypothesis over another, but this rule of thumb should
not be rigidly applied (i.e., do not dichotomize the Bayes factor). This heu-
ristic is useful for comparing p values in significance testing to BF values
computed for the same data. For example, Jeffreys (1961) suggested that
p < .05 from statistical tests would generally correspond to about BF > 3.00
(or BF < .33) for typical sample sizes.
Wetzels et al. (2011) provided a more empirical basis for relating p and
BF in the same samples. They compared results from a total of 855 t tests
reported in 252 articles published in the 2007 volumes of two different experi-
mental psychology research journals. They found that about 70% of p values
between .01 and .05 were associated with a value of the Bayes factor that
indicated only anecdotal support for the alternative hypothesis (e.g., BF < 3.00
assuming the numerator corresponds to H1 of the t test). Although p values
and BF values were strongly correlated, Wetzels et al. (2011) suggested that
the Bayesian approach was generally more conservative than the standard
t test over this collection of studies.
Sample size affects p values and BF values in different ways, too. If H0 is
true, p does not converge to any particular value as more data are collected.
There is also the problem that a researcher is practically guaranteed to get sta-
tistically significant results by simply collecting more data (the stopping rule
issue; see Chapter 3). In contrast, values of BF are driven toward zero as more
data are collected, if H0 is true. But when H0 is false, p values tend to decrease
and BF values tend to increase as more cases are added (Dienes, 2011). Wetzels
et al. (2011) reminded us that the Bayes factor is not synonymous with effect
size and that estimating effect sizes complements a Bayesian analysis, too. It is
also possible in Bayesian methods to directly analyze effect sizes.

Updating Posterior Odds

The posterior odds can be updated as additional data are collected by

iteratively applying Bayes’s theorem. This is why Edwards et al. (1963) said
that key principles of Bayesian estimation are “that probability is orderly
opinion, and that inference from data is nothing other than the revision
of such opinion in the light of relevant new information” (p. 194). Recall
the previous example where the posterior odds are 3.04 in favor of H2 that
m = 110.00 against H1 that m = 100.00, given M1 = 106.00, N = 16. Suppose
in a second sample of 16 cases it is found that M2 = 107.50. The posterior
odds from the previous analysis (BF1 = 3.04) become the prior odds in the

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      297

new analysis. The updated posterior odds after observing the new result are
calculated as the product of the Bayes factor from the original analysis and
the new Bayes factor, or

Posterior odds 2 = BF1 × BF2 (10.7)

The value of the normal deviate for M2 = 107.50 is 2.500, given sM = 3.00
and assuming m = 100.00 under H1, so the likelihood of the second mean under
this hypothesis is

ndf ( 2.500 ) .0175

p ( data 2 H1 ) = = = .0088
2 2

Under H2, which assumes m = 110.00, the normal deviate for the second
mean is -.833, so the likelihood under this hypothesis is

ndf ( −.833) .2820

p ( data 2 H2 ) = = = .1410
2 2

The value of the new Bayes factor is

p ( data 2 H2 ) .1410
BF2 = = = 16.02
p ( data 2 H1 ) .0088

so the likelihood of M2 = 107.50 is about 16 times greater under H2 than H1.

This is also the factor by which the posterior odds from the first analysis will
be updated given the second result. The new posterior odds are

Posterior odds 2 = 3.04 × 16.02 = 48.71

which now favor H2 that m = 110.00 over H1 that m = 100.00 even more
strongly than the original posterior odds when only the first result (3.04) was

Bayesian Testing for Range Hypotheses

It is rare that hypothesis testing is as narrow as described in the previ-

ous example. Researchers do not typically know the population variance, nor
do they generally evaluate competing point hypotheses about the value of an
unknown population parameter. Although the default null hypothesis in sig-

298       beyond significance testing

nificance testing is a point hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis is usually a
range hypothesis. If the alternative hypothesis in Bayesian estimation concerns
a continuous random parameter, such as the directional range hypothesis
H1: m 1 - m 2 > 0 tested against the point hypothesis H0: m 1 - m 2 = 0, the researcher
must specify the prior distribution of that parameter under each hypothesis. A
prior distribution for a range hypothesis is usually described with a probability
density function that defines the likelihood of any value contained within the
distribution. It is the mathematical operation of integration on this function
that gives the probability for a range of values, and the integral over the whole
range is 1.0.
The trick in Bayesian estimation is to specify an appropriate prior distri-
bution for a range hypothesis. If this specification is grossly wrong, subsequent
estimates of the conditional probabilities of the data under range hypotheses
may also be incorrect. The same thing goes for the posterior distribution,
which is basically an updated version of the prior distribution after observ-
ing the data. Because the whole framework of Bayesian estimation is iterative,
the posterior distribution at the conclusion of one study can be specified as
the prior distribution in a subsequent study about the same random parameter
and so on.
Presented in Figure 10.1 are examples of prior distributions for hypoth-
eses about a random population parameter. Figures 10.1(a)–10.1(e) represent
prior distributions for the difference between two random population means,
m 1 - m 2, of the type discussed by Dienes (2011), Kruschke (2011), and Rouder
et al. (2009) for Bayesian versions of the t test. Depicted in Figure 10.1(a)
is the probability distribution for the point null hypothesis H0: m 1 - m 2 = 0.
This distribution has only one value (zero), and its likelihood is assumed
to be 1.0. The prior distribution in Figure 10.1(b) includes a good-enough
belt around the point hypothesis m 1 - m 2 = 0. The majority of the values con-
tained within this distribution are considered as practically equivalent and
uninterest­ing departures from zero. These deviations are assumed to be nor-
mally distributed. In Bayesian equivalence testing, the prior distribution for
the null hypothesis could be specified in a similar manner.
Represented in Figure 10.1(c) is the continuous uniform (rectangular)
prior distribution for the directional alternative hypothesis

H1 : 0 < ( m 1 − m 2 ) < 5.0

which predicts m 1 > m 2 but also limits the upper bound of the expected popula-
tion mean difference to 5.0. The distribution in Figure 10.1(c) also represents
every result within the range 0–5.0 as equally plausible. Specification of the
lower and upper bounds of a rectangular distribution is sometimes justified by
the scale on which means are calculated. If scores on that scale range from 0
to 5, the difference between two means cannot exceed 5.0.

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      299

a) Point hypothesis b) Good-enough belt

1.0 1.0

0 0
5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0 5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2

c) Uniform over range d) Normal

1.0 1.0


0 0
5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0 5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2

e) Half-normal f) Inverse chi-square

1.0 1.0


0 0
5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0 5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0
µ1 − µ2

Figure 10.1.  Examples of prior distributions for hypotheses about differences

between random population means (a–e) and a random population variance (f).

It may be unreasonable for some research problems to assume that all

possible outcomes are equally probable. The prior distribution depicted in
Figure 10.1(d) is for a directional alternative hypothesis where the most plau-
sible estimate of m 1 - m 2 is 2.5, but where values lower or higher than 2.5
are represented as progressively unlikely. The drop-off in likelihoods mov-
ing away from the center of the distribution in Figure 10.1(d) is assumed
to follow a normal curve. The prior distribution in Figure 10.1(e) is also for

300       beyond significance testing

a directional alternative hypothesis. It is a half-normal distribution with a
mode of zero that explicitly assumes that smaller effects are more likely than
increasingly larger effects.
If we assume a common population variance but its precise value is
unknown, the random parameter s 2 has its own prior distribution. Depending
on the analysis, it may also be necessary to specify a probability density
function for s 2. An example is presented in Figure 10.1(f), which depicts
an inverse chi-square distribution with a single degree of freedom. The
expected value for s 2 is 1.0, and the prior distribution in the figure repre-
sents the prediction that likelihood falls off sharply for very small and very
large values of s 2. There are also times when it makes sense to expect that
effect sizes follow similar distributions (Rouder et al., 2009). Other candi-
dates for prior distributions of random variances include inverse chi-square
distributions where df ≥ 2 and inverse-gamma distributions, which have
parameters for shape and scale. Selection of a suitable prior distribution for
a random variance should also be guided by theory and empirical results.
There are many other theoretical probability density functions, such
as the binomial distribution for proportions and the multivariate normal
distribution for joint random variables such as covariances, and a Bayesian
analysis is easier if a known distribution can be selected to model the prior
distributions. The same family of known probability distributions—also
called conjugate distributions—may be used in the analysis to specify both
the prior distribution and the posterior distribution. If so, the prior distribu-
tion is referred to as the conjugate prior when estimating the likelihood of
the data under each hypothesis.
Selection of an appropriate prior distribution is a question of statis-
tical model fitting. The choice can affect the results, but consequences of
specifying different distributions can be evaluated in a sensitivity analysis.
An alternative is to specify a noninformative prior, which assumes no spe-
cific knowledge. A noninformative prior for a continuous random parameter
is just a flat distribution with infinite variance, ∞. The limit of the ratio
1/∞ is infinitely small, so the precision of the knowledge about a parameter
described by a flat distribution (noninformative prior) is also infinitely small
(i.e., practically zero). In general, it takes more evidence to eventually sup-
port a particular hypothesis with an uninformed prior than with an informed
prior that is more approximately correct.
Dienes (2011) described a Bayesian version of the t test for either a
single sample or two samples (independent or dependent) that estimates the
Bayes factor for comparing a range alternative hypothesis against a point nil
hypothesis. The test assumes normality and homoscedasticity in two-sample
tests, and sample variance is assumed to estimate the random population
variance. The latter means that no specification for the prior distribution of

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      301

the population variance is required. There is also a freely available online
calculator that computes Bayes factor values.2 To use the calculator, the
researcher must enter the mean (or mean difference) and its standard error
(i.e., Equation 2.6, 2.12, or 2.20). The researcher must also specify whether
H1 is one- or two-tailed and the form of the prior distribution under H1. There
are three choices:
1. A uniform distribution for a definite range over which all val-
ues are represented as equally plausible. The lower and upper
bounds must be specified; see Figure 10.1(c).
2. A normal distribution where the mean equals the predicted
value under H1 and where values lower or higher are repre-
sented as progressively less likely. The researcher must also
specify the standard deviation in this normal prior distribution.
If the mean of the distribution is not zero, Dienes (2011) sug-
gested, a reasonable specification would be .50 times the value
of the distribution’s mean, such as .50 × 2.50, or 1.25 for the
normal curve in Figure 10.1(d). Otherwise, a value that equals
.50 times the range of plausible values is a reasonable specifica-
tion for the standard deviation. For example, if the lower and
upper bounds for this plausible range are, respectively, 0 and
5.0, then one half of the range is 2.5, which is the specification
for the standard deviation.
3. A half-normal distribution where the mode is centered on zero
and increasingly larger values are represented as progressively
less plausible; see Figure 10.1(e). A reasonable specification for
the standard deviation of this distribution is .50 times the range
of plausible values for the parameter under H1.
Suppose the results of the standard t test in a balanced design with two
independent samples where M1 – M2 = 2.00, sM1-M2 = .90, and n = 30 are

t ( 58 ) = 2.22, p = .015 for H0 : µ1 − µ 2 = 0 against H1 : µ1 − µ 2 > 0

Based on these results, the conventional nil hypothesis is rejected at the

.05 level. In a Bayesian version of this test, plausible values for m 1 - m 2
range from zero to 10.0. Listed next are values of Bayes factor computed
for these data with Dienes’s (2008) online calculator:
1. For a uniform prior distribution over the range 0–10.0, BF = 2.63,
which does not strongly support H1 over H0.


302       beyond significance testing

2. For a normal prior distribution where the mean is 5.0 and the
standard deviation is 2.5, BF = 2.12, which also does not clearly
support H1.
3. But for a half-normal distribution centered at zero and assuming
a standard deviation of 2.5, BF = 5.92, which indicates more
reasonable support for H1.
Thus, the outcome of a Bayesian t test for the same data depends on
assumptions about prior distributions for m 1 - m 2. In contrast, the standard
t test is not sensitive to hypotheses about the distributional form of the effect
under study. Rouder et al. (2009) described Bayesian versions of the t test
and also Bayesian tests for regression analyses and binomial data, such as the
proportion of successful learning trials over all trials. An online calculator
that computes BF values for these tests is available.3 See Kruschke (2011) and
Morey and Rouder (2011) for more information about testing nil hypotheses
in a Bayesian framework. Masson (2011) described Bayesian hypothesis test-
ing in designs where the technique of ANOVA is used.

Bayesian Credible Intervals

Methods for Bayesian parameter estimation do not directly com-

pare competing hypotheses. Instead, they are analogous to interval estima-
tion in more standard analyses except that credible intervals in Bayesian
estimation—also called highest density regions or Bayesian confidence
intervals—establish relative probabilities for a range of candidate values
of a random parameter. These intervals are represented in posterior prob-
ability distributions that are updated as new data are collected. The vari-
ances of posterior distributions generally decrease as more and more new
results are synthesized along with the old, just as in meta-analysis. But
unlike those for traditional confidence intervals, percentages associated
with credible intervals, such as 95%, are interpreted as the probability that
the true value of the random parameter is between the lower and upper
bounds of the interval.
With one exception, traditional confidence intervals are not to be
interpreted this way (see Chapter 2). The exception occurs when the prior
distribution is flat (uninformative), which implies that the parameters of
the posterior distribution are estimated solely with the sample data. In this
case, the Bayesian confidence interval is asymptotically identical in large
samples to the traditional confidence interval for the unknown parameter,


bayesian estimation and best practices summary      303

given the same distributional assumptions. But when the prior distribution
is informative, the parameters of the posterior distribution are basically a
weighted combination of those from the prior distribution and those esti-
mated in the sample. The weights reflect the precision of each source of
information. In this case the Bayesian confidence interval is also generally
different from the traditional confidence interval for the same result.
Suppose the mean and variance in a normal prior distribution for a
random population mean are, respectively, m 0 and s 20. The precision of this
distribution is prc0 = 1/s 20 . The shape of the posterior distribution will be
normal, too, if (a) the distribution of scores in the population is normal
and (b) the sample size is not small, such as N > 50, in which case at least
approximate normality may hold (Howard, Maxwell, & Fleming, 2000).
The latter also permits reasonable estimation of the population variance
with the sample variance. The observed mean and error variance in a sam-
ple are, respectively, M1 and s 2M1, and the precision of the sample mean is
prc1 = 1/s 2M1. Given the assumptions stated earlier, the mean in the posterior
distribution, m 1, is the weighted combination of the mean in the prior dis-
tribution and the observed mean:

 prc 0   prc1 
m1 =  m0 +  M1 (10.8)
 prc 0 + prc1   prc 0 + prc1 

The variance of the posterior distribution, s 21, is estimated as

s 12 = (10.9)
prc 0 + prc1

Note in Equation 10.8 that the relative contribution of new knowledge, the
observed mean M1, depends on its precision, prc1, and the precision of all
prior knowledge taken together, prc0.
An example demonstrates the iterative estimation of the posterior
distribution for a random population mean as new data are collected. The
distributional characteristics stated earlier are assumed. Suppose that the
researcher has no basis to make a prior prediction about the value of m, so a
flat prior distribution with infinite variance is specified as the prior distribu-
tion. A sample of 100 cases is selected, and the results are

M1 = 106.00, s1 = 25.00, and sM = 2.50


The traditional 95% confidence interval for the population mean computed
with z2-tail, .05 = 1.96 instead of t2-tail, .05 (99) = 1.98 is

106.00 ± 2.50 (1.96 ), or [101.10, 110.90 ]

304       beyond significance testing

The precision of the observed mean is the reciprocal of the error variance,
or prcl = 1/2.502, which is .16. But because the precision of the prior distribu-
tion is prc0 = 1/∞, or essentially zero, the mean and standard deviation of the
posterior distribution given the data, respectively,

m1 = 106.00 and s 1 = 2.50

equal the observed mean and standard error, respectively. The Bayesian 95%
credible interval for the random population mean m calculated in the poste-
rior distribution is

106.00 ± 2.50 (1.96 ), or [101.10, 110.90 ]

which defines exactly the same interval as the traditional 95% confidence
interval calculated earlier. We can say, based on the data, that the probability
is .95 that the interval [101.10, 110.90] includes the true value of m. But after
something is known about the parameter (i.e., there are data), traditional
confidence intervals are no longer interpreted this way.
All of the information just described is summarized in the first row of
Table 10.1. The remaining rows in the table give the characteristics of the
prior and posterior distributions and results in three subsequent samples,
each based on 100 cases. For each new result, the posterior distribution from
the previous study is taken as the prior distribution for that result. For exam-
ple, the posterior distribution, given just the results of the first sample, with
the characteristics

m1 = 106.00, s 1 = 2.50, and prc1 = 1 2.50 2 = .16

becomes the prior distribution for the results in the second sample, which are

M2 = 107.50, sM = 3.00, prc2 = 1 3.00 2 = .11


Table 10.1
Means and Standard Deviations of Prior Distributions and Posterior
Distributions Given Data From Four Different Studies
Prior distribution Data Posterior distribution

Study M s M sM m s 95% CI
1 — ∞ 106.00 2.50 106.00 2.50 [101.10, 110.90]
2 106.00 2.50 107.50 3.00 106.61 1.92 [102.85, 110.37]
3 106.61 1.92 112.00 2.80 108.33 1.58 [105.32, 111.43]
4 108.33 1.58 109.00 2.50 108.52 1.34 [105.89, 109.86]
Note.  The sample size for all studies is N = 100. The prior distribution for Study 1 is a flat prior distribution with
infinite variance and where no prediction is made about the population mean. CI = Bayesian credible interval.

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      305


Prior 1

Study 2
Posterior 2

80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0

Figure 10.2.  Plots of the prior distribution before collecting the second sample,
the distribution in the second study, and the posterior distribution for the data in
Table 10.1. Prior 1 (m 1 = 106.00, s 1 = 2.50), Study 2 (M1 = 107.50, sM = 3.00), 1
Posterior 2 (m 2 = 106.61, s 2 = 1.92).

The mean and standard deviation in the posterior distribution, given the
results in the first and second samples, are

.16  .11 
m 2 =  106.00 +  107.50 = 106.61
 .16 + .11   .16 + .11 

s2 = = 1.92
.16 + .11

That is, our best single guess for the true population mean has shifted slightly
from 106.00 to 106.61 after the second result, and the standard deviation in
the posterior distribution is reduced from 2.50 before collecting the second
sample to 1.92 after observing the second sample. Our new Bayesian 95%
credible interval is [102.85, 110.37], which is slightly narrower than the pre-
vious 95% credible interval, [101.10, 110.90].
I used an online plotter by Dienes (2008) to display the prior, sample,
and posterior distributions shown in Figure 10.2 for the results just described.4
This graphic shows the change from the prior to posterior distributions after
observing the results in the second sample. The last two rows in Table 10.1
show changes in the prior and posterior distributions as results from two
additional samples are synthesized. Note in the table that the widths of the


306       beyond significance testing

posterior distributions get gradually narrower, which indicates decreasing
uncertainty with more information.
Conventional meta-analysis and Bayesian analysis are both methods
for research synthesis, and it is worthwhile to briefly summarize their relative
strengths. Both methods accumulate evidence about a parameter of inter-
est and generate confidence intervals for that parameter. Both methods also
allow sensitivity analysis of the consequences of making different kinds of
decisions that may affect the results. Because meta-analysis is based on tradi-
tional statistical methods, it tests basically the same kinds of hypotheses that
are evaluated in primary studies with traditional statistical tests. This limits
the kinds of questions that can be addressed in meta-analysis. For example, a
standard meta-analysis cannot answer the question, What is the probability
that treatment has an effect? It could be determined whether zero is included
in the confidence interval based on the average effect size across a set of stud-
ies, but this would not address the question just posed. In contrast, there is no
special problem in dealing with this kind of question in Bayesian statistics.
A Bayesian approach takes into account both previous knowledge and the
inherent plausibility of the hypothesis, but meta-analysis is concerned only
with the former. It is possible to combine meta-analytical and Bayesian meth-
ods in the same analysis (see Howard et al., 2000).


Bayesian methods are flexible and can evaluate the kinds of questions
that researchers would really like answered. An obstacle to their wider use
in the behavioral sciences was that many older reference works for Bayesian
statistics were quite technical. They often required familiarity with inte-
gral notation for probability distributions and estimation techniques for the
parameters of different kinds of probability distributions. Such presentations
are not accessible for applied researchers without strong quantitative back-
grounds. But this situation is changing, and there are now some books that
introduce Bayesian methods to a wider audience in the behavioral sciences
(e.g., Dienes, 2008).
A second obstacle was the relative paucity of Bayesian software tools
for behavioral scientists, but things have improved in this area, too. A freely
available software tool for Bayesian analysis is WinBUGS (Bayesian Inference
Using Gibbs Sampling; Lunn, Thomas, Best, & Spiegelhalter, 2000) for
personal computers.5 There is an open-source version of WinBUGS that


bayesian estimation and best practices summary      307

runs under the LINUX/UNIX, Microsoft Windows, and Apple Macintosh
operating systems.6 The OpenBugs computer tool will eventually supplant
WinBUGS. Wetzels, Raaijmakers, Jakab, and Wagenmakers (2009) described
the WinBUGS implementation of a Bayesian t test.
Bayesian methods are no more magical than any other set of statistical
techniques. One drawback is that there is no direct way in Bayesian estima-
tion to control Type I or Type II errors regarding the dichotomous decision
to reject or retain some hypothesis. Researchers can do so in traditional
significance testing, but too often they ignore power (the complement of
the probability of a Type II error) or specify an arbitrary level of Type I error
(e.g., a = .05), so this capability is usually wasted. Specification of prior prob-
abilities or prior distributions in Bayesian statistics affects estimates of their
posterior counterparts. If these specifications are grossly wrong, the results
could be meaningless (e.g., Hurlbert & Lombardi, 2009). But assumptions
in Bayesian analyses should be explicitly stated and thus open to scrutiny.
Bowers and Davis (2012) criticized the application of Bayesian methods in
neuroscience. They noted in particular that Bayesian methods offer little
improvement over more standard statistical techniques, but they also noted
problems with use of the former, such as the specification of prior probabilities
or utility functions in ways that are basically arbitrary. As with more standard
statistical methods, Bayesian techniques are not immune to misuse. Overall,
behavioral researchers comfortable with structural equation modeling or
other statistical modeling techniques should be able to manage the basics
of Bayesian estimation. But do give careful thought to the representation of
your hypotheses in this approach, which is critical in any kind of analysis.

Best Practice Recommendations

Summarized next are suggestions for best practices in reporting results

from empirical studies; see also Cumming (2012), Ellis (2010), and Ziliak and
McCloskey (2008).
1. Do not express research hypotheses solely in terms of statistical
significance. For example, to say something like “It is expected
that the effect of learning incentive on performance will be
significant” is to make a hollow prediction, one that betrays
confusion of statistical significance with scientific relevance.
Instead, state hypotheses in terms of expected directions and
magnitudes for effects of interest.


308       beyond significance testing

2. To make predictions about effect size, you need to have a sense
of typical effect sizes observed in previous studies. If there is no
meta-analysis, you may be able to compute effect sizes based
on descriptive or test statistics reported in primary studies.
Doing so is harder for newer research topics for which there
are few studies, but estimating effect sizes over even a small
number of previous works is still worthwhile.
3. If a relevant meta-analysis is based on a fixed effects model, look
skeptically at confidence intervals for average weighted effect
sizes. The widths of these intervals may be too narrow if the
true model is really a random effects model (see Figure 9.1).
4. Given your outcome measures, estimate minimum effect sizes
needed before the results would be considered substantively
significant. For example, establish a good-enough belt around
zero that marks the boundaries of unappreciable effect sizes.
Any result beyond this belt would be considered as potentially
of scientific interest.
5. It is harder to relate effect sizes to substantive significance when
metrics of outcome variables are arbitrary instead of mean-
ingful. This explains in part why the illusion that statisti-
cal significance indicates scientific relevance is so appealing
when the metrics of outcome variables have no real-world
referents. In treatment outcome studies, where the ultimate
goal is to evaluate clinical significance, this problem should
motivate researchers to consider alternative outcomes or
look deeper into the literature to find meaningful correlates
of scores expressed in arbitrary metrics.
6. Select a standardized effect size for results measured in arbi-
trary metrics that would be most familiar in your research area
(e.g., d-type vs. r-type effect sizes). But report unstandardized
effect sizes for outcomes scales in meaningful metrics.
7. In treatment outcome studies, estimate effect size at both the
group and case levels. Results of the latter should describe
the degree to which treated versus control cases are distinct.
8. Select measures and procedures in ways to reduce measure-
ment error or other sources of irrelevant variance. Do not
assume that measures or procedures have acceptable psy-
chometric properties just because they were used in previous
9. If scores on predictor or outcome variables come from psycho-
logical tests, estimate and report reliability coefficients in your
own sample. If the results for a set of scores are unsatisfactory,

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      309

such as rXX < .50, then skip analyzing those scores (Little,
Lindenberger, & Nesselroade, 1999, described some excep-
tions to this rule).
10. If it is not possible to estimate score reliabilities in your own
sample, then (a) report values of these coefficients given in
other studies but (b) explicitly compare characteristics of
samples from other studies with those of your own (i.e., justify
reliability induction).
11. Build replication into the study plan. One way is to collect
sufficient cases until there are both a derivation sample and a
cross-replication sample (i.e., conduct internal replication).
12. Follow an analysis plan that respects both theory and results
of previous empirical studies but also minimizes the total num-
ber of analyses. Avoid “snooping” using statistical tests to find
potentially interesting results.
13. Do not hide HARKing—hypothesizing after the results are
known—from your readers. That is, do not invent a rationale
for the study after conducting preliminary analyses. It is better
to explicitly state that the original hypotheses were not sup-
ported. Some of the most interesting findings in science have
come from studies where expected results were not found.
Such “failures” can lead to new discoveries.
14. Select a minimally sufficient statistical technique, or the sim-
plest one that addresses the hypotheses. It is also critical that
you understand the output of this technique. Otherwise, you
are not ready to use that technique in a meaningful way for
your intended audience.
15. If results of significance testing are to be reported, then
(a) estimate a prior power for expected population effect
sizes and (b) specify a intelligently (e.g., Equation 3.3), not
arbitrarily. Be prepared to explain why the assumption of
random—or at least representative—sampling in signifi-
cance testing is not grossly incorrect in your study. Also
justify why testing a nil hypothesize is warranted.
16. Report effect sizes for all effects of substantive interest, not
just for those that are statistically significant.
17. Do not use the word significant in ambiguous ways. For exam-
ple, never use the word significant without the qualifier sta-
tistically when describing statistical test outcomes. There is
no requirement to use the word significant for results where
p < a. One context is when p values are reported but not
dichotomized relative to some arbitrarily specified level of a.

310       beyond significance testing

18. Describe data integrity in the very first paragraph of the Results
section. Give information about complications, such as miss-
ing data, and steps taken to deal with these problems. Reas-
sure readers that assumptions of statistical techniques, such
as requirements for normality or homoscedasticity, are not
untenable. If assumptions are violated, describe any interven-
tion, such as transformations, taken to remedy the trouble
(Wilkinson & the TFSI, 1999).
19. Do not refer to the T-shirt effect sizes of small, medium, or large,
especially if there is no basis in your research area for distin-
guishing between smaller versus larger effects.
20. Whenever possible, report confidence intervals for effect sizes
of substantive interest. Treat the lower and upper bounds of
these intervals as estimating the range of effects that are equiva-
lent to your point estimates within the limits of sampling error
and assuming that all other sources of error are nil.
21. Evaluate the substantive significance of your observed effect
sizes. Doing so may require that you find a way to communi-
cate with stakeholders about how to differentiate between
trivial and meaningful results. Without doing so, it is diffi-
cult to communicate meaningfully with practitioners, clini-
cians, managers, or other audiences without strong research
22. Report sufficient summary statistics so that others can, with-
out access to your raw data file, reproduce at least your main
analyses. For example, report correlations, standard deviations,
and means for all variables in regression analyses, and list cell
means, standard deviations, and sizes for each dependent vari-
able in ANOVA. Also report the correlation matrix in each
group for within-subjects factors. Make these summaries avail-
able online if there is not enough space in a published report
to provide this information. Zientek and Thompson (2009)
described how following this practice can improve research
23. Even better, make your raw data available online. There are
online repositories for data sets in some research areas, such
as for clinical drug trials. Otherwise, put your data files on
your own web page. Doing so makes a strong statement about
openness and transparency. (This recommendation assumes
that confidentiality obligations are respected.)
24. Never forget that the point of data analysis is not to report sta-
tistically significant results or effect sizes that seem relatively

bayesian estimation and best practices summary      311

large. These outcomes are incidental to the real purpose of
empirical science, which is to test good ideas about outcomes
of potential theoretical, practical, or substantive significance.


In an ideal world, students in the behavioral sciences would be taught the

basics of Bayesian inference either along with or in lieu of traditional signifi-
cance testing. This is not to say that Bayesian estimation is without potential
limitations. There is no such thing as a perfect inference model that works
equally well in all situations. But a Bayesian approach comes closer to the
goal of directly evaluating hypotheses in light of the data. Bayesian estimation
also requires that all assumptions are explicitly stated in the form of specifica-
tions about prior probabilities or distributions. This aspect of Bayesian statistics
directly acknowledges the role of reasoned judgment in science, which is hidden
behind a veneer of objectivity in significance testing.
The main point of this chapter—and that of the whole book—is that
there are alternatives to the unthinking overreliance on significance testing
that has handicapped the behavioral sciences for so long. And if you have
gained new perspectives on your research in the course of reading this book,
then I have attained my goals for writing it. In a science fiction story from
the 1950s by Alfred Bester (1979), the dark wizard protagonist poses a ques-
tion to a talented but immature young artist: “It’s late. Time to make up your
mind. Which will it be? The reality of dreams or the dream of reality?” (p. 221).
The artist eventually chooses the hard road of reality and thus opens new
prospects. May our own choices about how to analyze data and describe the
results be so brave. All the best.

Learn More

Articles by Dienes (2011), Kruschke (2010), and Wetzels et al. (2011)

clearly describe applications of Bayesian methods in the behavioral sciences.
Dienes, Z. (2011). Bayesian versus orthodox statistics: Which side are you on? Per-
spectives on Psychological Science, 6, 274–290. doi: 10.1177/1745691611406920
Kruschke, J. K. (2010). What to believe: Bayesian methods for data analysis. Trends
in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 293–300. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2010.05.001
Wetzels, R., Matzke, D., Lee, M. D., Rouder, J. N., Iverson, G. J., & Wagenmakers,
E.-J. (2011). Bayesian assessment of null values via parameter estimation and
model comparison. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6, 291–298. doi: 10.1177/

312       beyond significance testing


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Abelson, R. P., 15–16 Apples and oranges problem, 271

Abrami, P. C., 212 A priori power analysis, 76
Abteilung Medizinische Statistik Aragón, T., 172
at Universitätsmedizin Arbitrary metrics, 16
Göttingen, 91 Armstrong, J. S., 14, 20
Accept-support testing, 70 Association
Accidental samples, 32 limitations of measures of, 140
Ackerman, P. L., 217, 219 measure of, 128
Additive model, 84 robust measures of, 140
Ad hoc samples, 32 Asymptotic standard error, 52
Aftercare programs for substance abuse, ATS (ANOVA-type statistic), 91
differential effectiveness in, Attenuation, correction for, 141
255–258 Austin, P. C., 73
Agnostic priors, 294 Autocorrelation of the errors, 86
Aguinis, H., 71, 110, 111, 156, 251
Alcoholics Anonymous, 255 Bakan, D., 106
Algina, J., 63, 87, 129, 133, 136, 145, Balanced replication, 268
147, 201, 202, 244, 249, 251, 254 Balanced two-way designs
American Educational Research in multifactor design, 226–233
Association, 269 tests of, in multifactor design,
American Journal of Public Health 233–237
(AJPH), 22 Barr, C. D., 23–24
American Psychological Association Base rate (BR), 175–177, 180, 181
(APA), 11, 269 Base rate fallacy, 176–177
ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), Bayes, Thomas, 292
211–215 Bayes factor (BF), 296–297
Andersen, M. B., 16, 24 Bayesian analysis, 72, 103, 289–308
Anderson, D. R., 20, 43–44 and Bayes’s theorem, 292–293
Annis, H., 255 in behavioral sciences, 307–308
Anomalies, 266 credible intervals in, 303–307
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 24, 202, for estimation, 290–292
209 for point hypotheses, 294–298
computer procedures in, 241, 254 for range hypotheses, 298–303
in contrast specification, 195–196 Bayesian estimation, 41, 102, 290
in correlations and measures of Bayesian Id’s wishful thinking error, 98
association, 211–214 Bayesian parameter estimation, 303
and estimated eta-squared, 129 Bayes’s theorem, 292–293
factorial, 223–226, 236–237 Beck Depression Inventory, 158
as model-fitting technique, 239–240 Becker, S., 216
in multifactor design, 238–239, Becker’s g, 135
245–248 Behavioral sciences
and multiple regression, 88–89 Bayesian analysis in, 290–291,
and weighted effect size, 284 307–308
ANOVA-type statistic (ATS), 91 replication in, 269–271
APA (American Psychological Belasco, J., 24
Association), 11, 269 Bellinger, D. C., 155

Bem D. J., 290 and effect sizes for 3 × 4 tables, 172
Berger, J. O., 181 research example, 182–185
Berkson, J., 20 screening tests of, 172–182
Bester, Alfred, 312 types of, 164–165
Betkowska, K., 181 Causal efficacy, 124
Between-studies variance, in meta Causality fallacy, 100
analysis, 277–278 Cause size, 124
BF (Bayes factor), 296–297 Central chi-square distribution, 36
Bias, for statistical significance, Central limit theorem, 33
in meta-analyses, 274–275 Central t distribution, 36, 52, 53
“Big Five” misinterpretations, 95–103 Chalmers, T., 12
Binary logistic regression, 164 Change, mean, 48
Bird, K. D., 190, 201 Chapman, J. P., 212
Blanton, H., 157 Chi-square test, 88–89
Block, R. A., 251 Circularity, 86, 87
Board of Scientific Affairs (APA), 21 Cliff effect, 102
Bonferroni correction, 73 Clinical significance, 10, 157–158
Bonferroni–Dunn method, 196 Cluster sampling
Bootstrapped confidence intervals, and single-stage, 30
standardized contrasts, 202–203 two-stage, 30
Bootstrapping, 54, 63 Cognitive distortions, 95–119
nonparametric, 54–56 Cognitive errors, 10–11
parametric, 56–57 Cohen, J., 103, 130, 154, 271
Borenstein, M., 284, 285 Cohen’s d, 130
Boring, E. G., 20 Collins, L. M., 218
Bowers, J. S., 308 Colliver, J. A., 215
Box correction, 87 Common language effect size (CL), 152
Box plots (box-and-whisker plots), 149 Comparative risk, in categorical
Box-score (vote counting) method, 271 outcomes, 166–168
BP (finite-sample breakdown point), 58 Completely between-subjects designs,
BR. See Base rate 222
Bradbury, R. B., 108 interaction contrasts in, 248–249
Brown, J. S., 184, 185 single-factor contrasts in, 244–248
Brown, T. G., 255 Complex comparison, 191
Browne, M. W., 218, 219 Complex interaction contrast, 232–233
Bruce, C. R., 125 Conditional model, in meta-analysis,
Brunner–Dette–Munk test, 91 277
Burgman, M. A., 19 Confidence Interval Calculator, 181
Burnham, K. P., 20 Confidence intervals, 40, 41
Buttrose, R., 19 Bayesian, 303–307
for dy, 199–201
Campbell, D. T., 38 and effect sizes, 142–147
Canadian Task Force on Preventative for m, 39–41
Health Care (CTFPHC), 180 for m1 – m2, 42–48
Capture percentage, 41 for mD, 48–50
Casella, G., 209 noncentral, for d, 144–145
Casscells, W., 176–177 noncentral, for h2, 146
Categorical outcomes, 163–186 in Publication Manual 6 ed., 21
and effect sizes for 2 × 2 tables, reporting of, 117
165–172 Wald method and, 170

336      index
Confidence interval transformation, Criterion contrasts, 157
50–51 Critical ratio, 17–18
Confidence-level misconception, 41 Cross-validation sample, 268
Conjugate distributions, 301 Crud factor, 70
Conjugate prior, 301 Cumming, G., 14, 19, 22, 39–41, 75,
Conjunction fallacy, 292 100, 250, 280, 286
Construct replication (conceptual), Customer-centric science, 110–111
Continuous outcomes, 128–161 Daumann, J., 216
case-level analysis of, 148–154 Davis, C. J., 308
correlation of effect sizes for, Decision theory, 109
138–140 Deckers, J. W., 179
families of effect sizes for, 128–129 Deering, K. N., 63
interval estimation for, 142–147 Degeneracy, 170
measurement error in, 140–142 Degrees of freedom (df), 48, 52, 53
misinterpretations with, 158–159 Delaney, H. D., 152
research example, 159–161 d, noncentral confidence intervals for,
and standardized mean differences, 144–145
129–138 Dependent samples
substantive significance of, 154–158 F test for, 84–88
Contrast specification, in single-factor p values, 85
designs, 190–196 and standardized contrasts, 199
Contrast weights (coefficients), Derivation sample, 268
190, 191 DeShon R. P., 243, 248
Control factor, use of, 83–84 Desired relative seriousness (DRS),
Convenience samples, 32 71–72
Conversation analysis, 156 df (degrees of freedom), 48, 52, 53
Cook, S., 258, 260 d family (group difference indexes), 128
Cook, T. D., 38 Dichotomization, of p values, 109, 110
Corballis, M. C., 205, 254 Dienes, Z., 299, 301, 302, 306
Correction for attenuation, 141 Diffusion of idiocy, law of, 16
Correlated effect sizes, 275–276 Dismantling research, in treatment
Correlation(s) efficacy, 268
autocorrelation of the errors, 86 Disordinal (crossover) interaction,
of effect sizes, 138–140 229–231
illusory, 104 Distributional assumptions, 57
and measures of association, in Dixon, P., 17, 293
single-factor designs, 203–211 Dodd, D. H., 205
Pearson, 168 DRS (desired relative seriousness),
in single-factor designs, 203–211 71–72
Cortina, J. M., 136, 215, 243, 247, 248, Dunleavy, E. M., 23–24
250 Du Toit, S. H. C., 218, 219
Covariate, 211
Covariate analyses, effect sizes in, Earwitness testimony, 258–260
211–215 Ecstasy (MDMA) use, 215–217
Cramer’s V, 172 Edgeworth, F. Y., 18
Crandall, R., 270 Editorial policies, 22
Crawford, J. R., 181, 182 Educational and Psychological
Credible intervals (Bayesian analysis), Measurement (Hubbard), 18
303–307 Edwards, W., 290, 297

index      337
Effect size(s), 111, 123–129, 142–159 Epidemiology, 22
for 2 × 2 tables, 165–172 EpiTools, 172
for 3 × 4 tables, 172 Equivalence fallacy, 101
case-level analysis of, 148–154 Equivalence testing, 111–112
cause size vs., 124 Erceg-Hurn, D. M., 64, 91, 107
common language, 152 Error(s)
correlated, 275–276 Bayesian Id’s wishful thinking error,
correlation, for contrasts, 203–205 98
correlation of, 138–140 construct definition, 37
in covariate analyses, 211–215 inverse probability error, 19, 75
definitions of, 124–125 margin of, 39
editorial policies about, 23–24 measurement, 37
estimates of, 77, 110, 116–117, real, 38
125–127 sampling, 38
families of, 128–129 specification, 37
group- or variable-level, and case- standard, 34–37, 57
level proportions, 153–154 standard, of Fisher’s transformation,
interpretive guidelines for, 154–158 51–52
interval estimation with, 142–147 standard of M, 35
levels of analysis, 127–128 standard, of MD, 49–50
margin-bound, 169 standard metric, of t, 79, 80
in meta-analyses, 271 treatment implementation, 37
metric-free, 128 Type I, 11, 68, 101, 112, 308
misinterpretations of, 158–159 Type II, 11, 68, 71, 76, 101, 308
population, 38 Error bars, 39
for power analysis, 209–210 ES Bootstrap: Correlated Groups, 147
proportion of variance explained, ES Bootstrap: Independent Groups,
128 147
in Publication Manual, 14, 21 ES Bootstrap 2 (software), 147
and relative risk for undesirable ESCI (Exploratory Software for
outcomes, 164–166 Confidence Intervals), 53, 77,
reporting of, 10 145, 281
sensitivity analysis and, 284 Estimated epsilon-squared, 129
signed, 128 Estimated eta-squared, 129
standardized, 126 Estimated omega-squared, 129
standardized criterion contrast, 157 Estimation, Bayesian analysis and,
unsigned, 128 290–292
unstandardized, 125 Estimation thinking, 15
weighed, 276–277, 280, 284 Estimators
Effect size measures, 124–127 least square, 33
Effect size synthesis (meta-analysis), negatively biased, 34
276–284 positively biased, 34
Effect size value, 124 resistant, 57–64
Efficacy, causal, 124 h2, noncentral confidence intervals for,
Efron, B., 54 146
Ellis, P. D., 11, 129, 189 Ethnographic techniques, 156–157
Empirical cumulativeness, 266–267 Exact level of significance, 75
Empirical sampling distribution, 54, 55 Exact replication (direct, literal, or
Empirical studies, best practices for precise), 268
reporting results from, 308–312 Experimentwise error rate, 72, 73

338      index
Exploratory Software for Confidence Freckleton, R. P., 108
Intervals (ESCI), 53, 77 Freiman, J. A., 12
External replication, 268 French, B. F., 210, 254
Extrinsic factors, intrinsic factors vs., 244 Frequentist perspective, 40–41
Friedman, G., 9
f 2 parameter, 209–210 F test(s)
Face overshadowing effect (FOE), for dependent samples, 84–88
258–260 for independent samples, 81–84
Factorial analysis of variance, 223–226 for significance testing, 81–88
Factorial designs, standardized contrasts
in, 244 Gain, mean, 48
Factor of interest (targeted factor), 244 Garbage in, garbage out problem, in
Fad topics, 12 meta-analyses, 275
Fail-safe N, in meta-analysis, 273 Garthwaite, P. H., 181
Failure fallacy, 101 Geisser–Greenhouse conservative test,
Fallacy(-ies) 87
in significance testing, 103–106 Geisser–Greenhouse epsilon, 87
of the transposed conditional, 98 Generalized estimated eta-squared,
“False-positive psychology,” 11 251–252
Familywise error rate, 72, 73 Gigerenzer, G., 17–19, 75, 95, 101
Ferguson, C. J., 129 Glass, G. V., 123, 243, 244, 271
Fern, E. F., 155 Glass’s delta, 133
Feynman, R., 73 Glenn, D. M., 23–24
Feynman’s conjecture, 73 Gollob, H. F., 41
Fidell, L. S., 236 Gonzalez, R., 98
Fidler, F., 19, 22, 39, 41, 146, 210 Gossett, W., 17, 38
Figuerdo, A. J., 224 Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E., 216, 217
File-drawer problem, in meta-analysis, Graboys, T., 176–177
273 Great p value blank-out, 107
Filter myth, 97 Greenwald, A. G., 98
Fimm, B., 216 Grissom, R. J., 48, 129, 169, 254
Finch, S., 19, 22, 23 Grobbee, D. E., 179
Finch, W. H., 210, 254 Group overlap
Finite-sample breakdown point (BP), 58 indexes, 127–128
Fisher, R., 17, 51 measures of, 148–150
Fisher approach, 102 Guthery, F. S., 114
Fisher model, 17 Guthrie, D., 98
Fisher’s transformation, 51–52
Fixed effects factors, 83 Habbema, J. D. F., 179
Fixed effects model, 44, 279–284 Haller, H., 96, 99
Focused comparisons, between two Hansen, N. B., 158
means, 81 HARKing, 73, 310
FOE (face overshadowing effect), 258–260 Harlow, L. L., 20
Follow-up studies, replication and, Harris, R. J., 98
270–271 Health Psychology, 23
Forest plot, 44 Hedges, L. V., 267
Fouladi, R. T., 38, 144 Hedges’s g, 134
Fourfold table, 164 Herbert, R., 172, 181, 182
Fractional (partial, incomplete) factorial Heteroscedasticity, 90, 137
designs, 222 Hierarchical design, 222

index      339
High-inference characteristics, in meta- Interaction contrasts
analysis, 272 in completely between-subjects
Hoekstra, R., 19 design, 248–249
Hoffer, E., 29 in factorial analysis of variance,
Homogeneity of regression, 212 231–233
Homoscedasticity, 42, 47, 48, 57 Interaction effect, 228, 238
Horn, J. L., 218 Interaction trends, 231–233
Hubbard, R., 18 Internal replication, 268
Huberty, C. J., 127, 152 Interquartile range, 58–59
Hunt, K., 270 Interval estimation, 15, 38–64, 110,
Hunter, J. E., 15, 141, 144, 168, 275 181–182
Hurlbert, S. H., 105, 109, 110 approximate methods for, 50–52
Hux, J. E., 73 with bootstrapping, 54–57
Huynh–Feldt epsilon, 87 in categorical outcomes, 170–172
Hypothesis(--es) in correlations and measures of
alternatives to, in significance association, 210–211
testing, 70 with effect sizes, 142–147
Bayesian methods, 291 misinterpretations in, 43
nil, 69, 70 for m, 39–41
nondirectional, 71 for m1 - m2, 42–48
non-nil, 69 for mD, 48–50
null, 69–70, 91 non-centrality, 64
one-tailed, 71 noncentrality interval estimation,
point, 69 52–54
range, 71 robust estimators for, 57–64
testing of, 73 Intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors vs., 244
two-tailed, 71 Intro Stats Method, 17–19, 69, 102,
Illegitimate uses, of significance testing, Inverse chi-square distribution, 301
107–108 Inverse gamma distribution, 301
Illusory correlation, 104 Inverse probability error, 19, 75
Improvement over chance Inverse probability fallacy, 98
classification (I), 152 IUMSP (Institut universitaire de
Independent samples médecine sociale et préventive),
F test for, 81–84 64
and standardized contrasts, 197–198 Iverson, G. J., 99
group difference (d family), 128 Jaccard, J., 157
group overlap, 127–128 Jackknife technique, 268
relationship (r family), 128 Jacklin, C. N., 151
Inertia, 24 Jackson, G. B., 15
Inference revolution, 18 Jakab, E., 308
Inferential confidence intervals, Johnson, A., 19
112–113 Journal of Applied Psychology, 23
Inferential measures of association, Journal of Educational Psychology, 23
252–254 Journal of Experimental Education, 20
Informative priors, 294 Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Institut universitaire de médecine Applied, 23
sociale et préventive Journal of Management, 290–291
(IUMSP), 64 Juurlink, D. N., 73

340      index
Kahneman, D., 41 Loss function, 68
Kanfer, R., 217 Lower confidence limit, 38
Kelley, K., 124, 145, 146 Low-inference characteristics, in meta-
Keppel, G., 87, 227, 237 analysis, 272
Keselman, H. J., 59, 63, 84, 87, 91, 136, Lowman, L. L., 152
145, 147, 197, 201–203, 250 LTR (left-tail ratio), 150, 152
Khurshid, A., 254 Lunneborg, C., 13, 239
Kiers, H., 19 Lykken, D. T., 12, 106
Killeen, P. R., 99 Lytton, H., 285, 286
Kim, J. J., 48, 129, 169, 254
King, G., 169 Maccoby, E. E., 151
Kirk, R. E., 22, 129, 205, 222, 223, 236 MacDonald, George, 103
Kline, R. B., 96, 228 MAD (median absolute deviation), 59
Kowalchuk, R. K., 87 Magnitude fallacy, 100
Krauss, S., 96, 99 Maillardert, R., 41
Kruschke, John K., 289, 299, 303 Main comparisons, 227
Kuebler, R. R., 12 Main effect, 227, 233, 238
Kuhn, Thomas S., 266 Main effects model, 239–240
Kunert, H.-J., 216 Mamdani, M. M., 73
MANOVA (multivariate analysis of
Lambdin, C., 106 variance), 87
Lambert, M. J., 158 Marginal probability, 293
Large numbers, law of, 33 Margin-bound effect, 169
Latin square design, 222 Margin of error, 39
Law of diffusion of idiocy, 16 Markwell, S. J., 215
Law of large numbers, 33 Matchar, D. B., 181
Law of small numbers, 41 Mathematical models, evaluation of, 26
Learning curve data, analysis of, Mauchly’s test, 87
217–219 Maximum likelihood estimation, 209
Least squares estimators, 33 Maximum probable difference, 113
Lecoutre, B., 102 MBESS. See Methods for the
Lee, M. D., 99 Behavioral, Educational, and
Leeman, J., 22 Social Sciences
Left-tail ratio (LTR), 150, 152 McBride, G. B., 112
Lewis, C., 113 McCloskey, D. N., 10, 20–22, 25, 67,
Likelihood, 293 114, 128
Likelihood ratio, in screening tests, McCulloch, C. E., 209
178–179 McGraw, B., 243
Likert scale, 164 McGraw, K. O., 152
Lindman, H., 290 McKnight, K. M., 224
Lix, L. M., 63 McKnight, P. E., 224
Locally available samples, 32 McWhaw, K., 212
Local Type I error fallacy, 97 Mean
Loftus, G. R., 23 trimmed, 58, 60, 61
Logit d, 167 Winsorized, 59–60
Loh, C., 128 Mean change, 48
Lombardi, C. M., 105, 109, 110 Mean difference, 48, 190, 244. See also
Longford, N. T., 11 Standardized mean difference(s)
Long-run relative frequency, 40–41 Mean gain, 48
Lorch, R. F. Jr., 223 Meaningfulness fallacy, 100

index      341
Means, 33, 35 Moderator effects, 228
F tests for, 81–88 Moderator variables, 228, 272
t tests for, 78–81 Modulus, 18
Means analysis Monotonic transformation, 57
unweighted, 82–83 Monroe, K. B., 155
weighted, 82 Moons, K. G. M., 179
Measurement crisis, 12 Morey, R. D., 78
Measurement error, correcting for, in Morris, S. B., 243, 248
continuous outcomes, 140–142 Mossman, D., 181
Measures of association, 128 Muliak, S. A., 20
descriptive, 250–252 Multifactor designs, 221–260
inferential, 205–209, 252–254 analysis strategy in, 237–240
in multifactor design, 250–254 effects in balanced two-way designs,
in single-factor designs, 203–211 226–233
Median absolute deviation (MAD), 59 extensions to multivariate analyses,
Mediational meta-analysis, 273 254
Mediator effect, 228 factorial analysis of variance in,
Meehl, P. E., 70, 180 223–226
Memory & Cognition, 23 measures of association, 250–254
Meta-analysis, 271–286 nonorthogonal designs, 240–243
effect size synthesis in, 276–284 research examples, 255–260
estimation thinking and, 15–16 standardized contrasts in, 243–250
limitations to, 285 tests in balanced two-way designs,
predictors in, 272–273 233–237
statistical techniques in, 284 types of, 221–222
and statistics reform, 285–286 Multiple regression, ANOVA and,
steps in, 273–276 88–89
validity of, 284–285 Multivariate analyses, extensions to, in
Meta-regression, and variability of multifactor design, 254
results, 272–273 Multivariate analysis of variance
Method 1 regression-based technique, (MANOVA), 87
242, 243 Murray, D., 18
Method 2 regression-based technique, Myers, J. L., 223
242, 243
Methods for the Behavioral, Educational, Narrative analysis, 156
and Social Sciences (MBESS), National Council on Measurement in
145, 202, 211 Education, 269
Metric-free effect sizes, 128 NDC (Noncentral Distribution
Metrics, arbitrary, 16 Calculator), 145
Microsoft Excel, 48 Negative consequences, of significance
Miller, D. T., 155 testing, 106–107
Miller, G. A., 212 Negative likelihood ratio (NLR), 178,
Miller, J., 99 182
Miller, K. R., 23–24 Negatively biased estimator, 34
Mirosevich, V. M., 64, 91, 107 Negative predictive value (NPV),
Mixed within-subjects factorial design 175–177
(split-plot design), 222 Nelson, L. D., 11, 102
Model-driven meta-analysis, 273 Neo-Fisherian significance assessments,
Model testing, in multifactor design, 110
239–240 Neuliep, J. W., 270

342      index
New statistics, 14–16 Ordinal categories, 164
Neyman, J., 17 Ordinal interaction, 229–231
Neyman–Pearson model, 17, 68–69, O’Reilly, T., 17, 293
102, 110 Orthogonal contrasts, 191, 192
Nil hypothesis, 69, 78, 79, 100–101, 109 Orthogonal designs, 223
NLR (negative likelihood ratio), 178, Orthogonal polynomials, 193
182 Orthogonal sums of squares method,
Nonadditive model, 84–85 245–246
Noncentral confidence intervals for dy, Outliers, 59, 62, 84
201–202 Overall, J. E., 242
Noncentral Distribution Calculator Overlap rule for two independent
(NDC), 145 means, 45–46
Noncentrality parameter, 52
Noncentral t, 52, 53 Pairwise comparison, 190
Noncentral test distributions, 52 Pairwise interaction contrast, 232
Nondirectional hypothesis, 71 Paleo-Fisherian approach, 110
Non-nil hypothesis, 69, 78, 79 Pan, W., 24
Nonorthogonal contrasts, 191, 192 Paradigm, 266
Nonorthogonal designs, 224, 240–243 Parametric bootstrapping, 56–57
Nonparametric bootstrapping, 87 Park, R. L., 101
Nonparametric percentile bootstrapped Partial replication (improvisational),
confidence levels, 54, 63 268
Nonparametric testing, 90 Pearson, E. S., 17
Normal science, 266 Pearson, K., 17
Nouri, H., 136, 215, 243, 247, 248, 250 Pearson correlation, 168
NPV (negative predictive value), Pelz, S., 216
175–177 Penfield, R. D., 136, 147
Null hypothesis, 69–70, 91 Perlis, Alan J., 221
Person × treatment interaction, 84, 85,
Oakes, M., 96, 99 207
Objectivity fallacy, 102 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Odds Society, 292
posterior, 296–298 Pierce, C. A., 251
prior, 294 Planned comparisons, 195
in screening tests, 178–179 PLR (positive likelihood ratio), 178,
Odds-against-chance fallacy, 96–97 182
Odds ratio, 167, 169 Point estimates, 15
Off-factors (peripheral factors), Point hypothesis, 69, 294–298
244–245 Poitevineau, J., 102
Ojeda, M. M., 254 Pollard, P., 97
Olejnik, S., 129, 133, 244, 249, 251, Polynomials, 193
254 Population inference model, 31
Omnibus comparisons, 81 Positive bias, 87, 134
Omnibus effects, in correlation and Positive likelihood ratio (PLR), 178, 182
measures of association, 205 Positively biased estimators, 34
One-tailed hypothesis, 71 Positive predictive value (PPV),
OpenBugs, 308 175–177
Operational replication, 268 Posterior odds, 296–298
Ordered categories (multilevel ordinal Posterior probability, 293
categories), 164 Post hoc, observed (power analysis), 77

index      343
Power analysis, 53–54, 68, 145 Fisher model and, 17
and effect size, 127 incorrect, 13–14
effect sizes for, 209–210 misinterpretation of, 19
retrospective, 77 in significance testing, 74–76
in significance testing, 76–77
Power curves, 76 Quality fallacy, 101
PPV (positive predictive value), 175–177 Quasi-F ratios, 237
Preacher, K. J., 124
Prediction intervals for p, 75 Raaijmakers, J. G. W., 308
Predictive value, in screening tests, Random effects factors, 83
175–177 Random effects model, 99, 279–284
Predictors, in meta-analysis, 272–273 Randomization model, 31–32
Prentice, D. A., 155 Randomized blocks design, 222
Presumed interactions, 238 Randomized groups factorial design,
Principle of indifference, 41 222
Prior odds, 294 Random sampling, 30–31
Prior probability, 72, 293 Range hypotheses, 71, 298–303
Probabilistic revolution, 18 Range of practical equivalence, 112
Probability RD (risk difference), 166, 168
Bayesian methods and, 291 Real error, 38
long-run relative frequency and, Realization variance, 99
40–41 Receiver operating characteristic
posterior, 293 (ROC) model, 164–165, 173
prior, 293 Reduced cross-classification method,
subjective degree-of-belief and, 40–41 246
Probability of (stochastic) superiority, Reichardt, C. S., 41
152 Reification fallacy, 102
Probability samples, 30 Reject-support testing, 70
Professional Psychology: Research and Reliability induction, 13
Practice, 23 Replicability fallacy, 98–99
Propensity score analysis (PSA), 212 Replication, 265–271
Proportion of variance explained effect in behavioral sciences, 269–271
size, 128 cultural bias vs., 270
Prospective power analysis, 76 defined, 165
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and follow-up studies, 270–271
screening, 180 requirement of, 117
Pseudo-orthogonal design, 224 as standard procedure, 26
PSY, 201, 250 and theoretical/empirical
Psychological Bulletin, 141 cumulativeness, 266–267
Psychological Science, 20 types of, 267–269
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19 Reporting crisis, 13
Publication bias, 11 Reporting results, from empirical
Publication Manual, 5 ed. (APA), 21, 22 studies, 308–312
Publication Manual, 6 ed. (APA), 11, 14, Resampling, 54
15, 21, 38 Resampling Stats, 56
Purposive sample, 32 Research
Puzzle solving, 266 communication in, 111
p value(s), 11, 97–103, 105–108, 110 enthusiasm for, 107
for dependent sample analysis, 85 Researcher degrees of freedom, 106
dichotomization of, 109, 110 Research in the Schools, 20

344      index
Resistant estimators, 57–64 Sampling distribution, 34, 35
Retrospective power analysis, 77 Sampling error, 32–34
r family (relationship indexes), 128 Samsa, G. P., 181
Rief, W., 271 Sanctification fallacy, 102–103
Right-tail ratio (RTR), 150–152 SAS/IML, 147, 202, 250
Riordan, C. M., 244 Sass, H., 216
Risk difference (RD), 166, 168 SAS/STAT, 254
Risk rates, in categorical outcomes, Savage, L. J., 290
165–166 Scaling, mean difference, 190
Risk ratio, 166, 168–169 Schmidt, F. L., 15, 141, 144, 168, 275
Robinson, D. H., 109 Schmidt, S., 270
Robust estimation, 57–64 Schoenberger, A., 176–177
Robust interval estimation, 60–64 Schultz, R. F., 205
Robust method for outlier detection, 59 Schuster, C., 205–206
Robustness fallacy, 103 Screening tests, 172–185
Robust statistical tests, significance base rate in, 175–177
testing and, 90–92 defined, 173
ROC model, 164–165, 173 estimating base rates in, 180
Rodgers, J. L., 107 interval estimation in, 181–182
Romney, D. M., 285, 286 likelihood ratio in, 178–179
Rosen, A., 180 negative predictive value in,
Rosenthal, R., 79, 129, 205 175–177
Rosnow, R. L., 79 and odds, 178–179
Rothman, K. J., 22, 23 positive predictive value in, 175–177
Rouder, J. N., 78, 299, 303 predictive value in, 175–177
Rozeboom, W. W., 20 sensitivity in, 174
R script, 254 specificity in, 174–175
RTR (right-tail ratio), 150–152 for urinary incontinence, 184–185
Rubin, D. B., 79 Searle, S. R., 209
Rutherford, A., 215, 223 Seggar, L. B., 158
Rutledge, T., 128 Sensitivity, in screening tests, 174
Ryan, P. A., 18 Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive
value model, 164
Sagan, C., 64 Sensitivity analysis, effect size and, 284
Sahai, A., 254 Seraganian, P., 255
Samples Shadish, W. R., 38, 212
accidental, 32 Sidani, S., 224
ad hoc, 32 Signal detection theory, 164
convenience, 32 Signed effect sizes, 128
cross-validation, 268 Significance game, 24
derivation, 268 Significance testing, 67–92, 95–119
locally available, 32 alternative hypotheses in, 70
probability, 30 “Big Five” misinterpretations in,
purposive, 32 95–103
systematic, 32 chi test, 88–89
Sampling, 29–38 cognitive distortions in, 95–119
errors in, 32–38 cognitive errors in, 10–11
random, 30–31 costs of, 11–14
stratified, 30 defenses of, 108–109
types of, 30–32 and effect size, 127

index      345
Significance testing, continued Specific probability inference, 41
F tests for, 81–88 Speckman, P. L., 78
illegitimate uses of, 107–108 Spence, G., 24
limitations of, 290 Sphericity, 86, 87, 107
negative consequences of, 106–107 Spiegel, D. K., 242
Neyman–Pearson approaches vs., SPSS, 145, 194, 212, 215, 254, 255
68–69 SRP (structured relapse prevention),
null hypotheses in, 69–70 255–258
overreliance on, 10 SS (Sum of squares), 33, 34
power analysis in, 76–77 Standard deviation bars, 39
p values, 74–76 Standard error, 34
reasons for fallacies in, 103–106 estimation of, 57
recommendations for use of, of Fisher’s transformation, 51–52
113–118 in risk effect sizes, 170–171
and robust statistical tests, 90–92 Standard error bars, 39
role of, 25–26 Standardized contrasts
t tests for, 78–81 and bootstrapped confidence
Type I error, 71–74 intervals, 202–203
variations on, 109–113 and confidence intervals for dy,
Simel, D. L., 181 199–201
Simmons, J. P., 11, 106 defined, 196
Simonsohn, U., 11 dependent samples and, 199
Simple comparisons, 228 independent samples and, 197–198
Simple effects (simple main effects), in multifactor design, 243–250
228 and noncentral confidence intervals
Simple interactions, 236 for dy, 201–202
SimStat, 54, 55 in single-factor designs, 196–203
Simultaneous (joint) confidence Standardized criterion contrast effect
intervals, 196 sizes, 157
Single-factor contrasts, in completely Standardized effect sizes, 126, 275
between-subjects designs, Standardized mean changes
244–248 (standardized mean gains), 134,
Single-factor designs, 90, 189–220 250
contrast specification in, 190–196 Standardized mean difference(s), 128,
correlations and measures of 129–138
association in, 203–211 and correction for positive bias, 134
effect sizes in covariate analyses, ddiff for dependent samples, 134–136
211–215 dpool, 131–133
research examples, 215–219 dtotal, 133
standardized contrasts in, 196–203 dwith
Single-stage cluster sampling, 30 general form for, 130
Sizeless science, 20 limitations of, 137–138
Slippery slope of nonsignificance, robust, 136–137
100–101 Standardizers, 130
Slippery slope of significance, 100 Standard set, 190
Small numbers, law of, 41 Standards for Educational and
Smith, H., 12, 271 Psychological Testing, 269
Smith, M. L., 243 STATISTICA 11 Advanced, 53–54
Smithson, M., 145, 146, 210, 254 STATISTICA Advanced, 145
Specificity, in screening tests, 174–175 Statistical analysis, 11–12

346      index
Statistical equivalence, testing for, Sum of squares (SS), 33, 34
over two or more populations, Sun, D., 78
113 Sun, S., 24
Statistical hypotheses, substantive vs., Systematic samples, 32
Statistical inference, Fisher vs. Tabachnick, B. G., 236
Neyman–Pearson approaches to, Tail ratios, 150–152
68–69 Task Force on Statistical Inference
Statistical models, 26 (TFSI), 21, 22, 103
Statistical significance, 117 Testimation, 19–20
Statistical software, 118 Testing to a forgone conclusion, 73
Statistical tests (statistical testing) Test statistic (TS), 76
history of, 16–24 Test statistics (contrast specification),
justified use of, 116 194–195
Statistician’s two-step, 31 TFSI (Task Force on Statistical
Statistics education, 118 Inference), 21, 22, 103
Statistics reform, 9–26 Theoretical cumulativeness, 266–267
and cognitive errors in significance Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus, 105
testing, 10–11 Thomas, K. M., 244
and costs of significance testing, Thomason, N., 19, 22
11–14 Thompson, B., 13, 21, 126, 146, 155,
future directions, 25–26 210, 254, 268, 311
and history of statistical testing, Thompson, W. L., 20
16–24 3 Incontinence Questions (3IQ) scale,
meta-analysis and, 285–286 184–185
“new” statistics in, 14–16 Three-valued logic, 110
obstacles to, 24–25 Toffler, Alvin, 163
Stayer, R., 24 Tolstoy, Leo, 104
Steering Committee of the Physicians’ Total variance, estimation of, 207
Health Study Research Group, Trained incapacity, 10–11
128 Tremblay, J., 255
Steiger, J. H., 20, 38, 53, 144, 145, 202, Trends, 193
210, 211 Trends in Cognitive Science, 290
Stephens, P. A., 108 Trimmed mean, 58, 60, 61, 91
Stepwise method, 108 Tryon, W. W., 112, 113
Stevens, J. J., 231 TS (test statistic), 76
Stopping rule, 74 TSF (12-step facilitation), 255–258
Stratified sampling, 30 T-shirt effect, 126–127, 311
Strong inference, 100 t test(s), 78, 79
Structured relapse prevention (SRP), Bayesian version of, 301–302
255–258 for significance testing, 78–81
Student’s t distribution, 36 Welch (Welch–James), 80–81, 90–92
Subjective degree-of-belief, 40–41 Yuen–Welch, 90–92
Subjectivist perspective, 40–41 Tuchtenhagen, F., 216
Subjects effect, 49 Tukey, J. W., 149
Substantive effects, 154–157 Tukey–McLaughlin method, 60–61
Substantive hypotheses, statistical vs., Tversky, A., 41
100 12-step facilitation (TSF), 255–258
Substantive significance, 16 Two-stage cluster sampling, 30
Success fallacy, 101 Two-tailed hypothesis, 71

index      347
Type I error, 68, 101, 112 Wald method, 170, 182
in Bayesian estimation, 308 Wang, L. L., 24
controlling, 195–196 Wayne, J. H., 244
defined, 11 Weighted means analysis, 82
in significance testing, 71–74 Welch procedure, 47–48
Type II error, 11, 68, 71, 101, 308 Welch t test (Welch–James t test),
80–81, 90–92
Unbiased estimator, 33 Well, A. D., 223
Uncalibrated metrics, 16 Wellek, S., 112
Unconditional probability, 293 Wetzels, R., 297, 308
Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Whittingham, M. J., 108
Submitted to Biomedical Wickens, T. D., 87, 227, 237
Journals, 22 Wilcox, R. R., 59, 63, 84, 91, 147,
Uninformative priors, 294 203, 250
Unit-free effect sizes, 128 Wilding, J., 258, 260
Unordered categories, 164 Wilkinson, L., 103
Unplanned comparisons, 195 Williams, J., 41
Unsigned effect sizes, 128 WinBUGS, 307–308
Unstandardized effect sizes, 125
Winer, B. J., 205, 210, 223, 236, 237
Unweighted means analysis, 82–83
Winsorized mean, 59–60
Upper confidence limit, 38
Winsorized variance, 59, 61–62
Urinary incontinence, 184–185
Within-studies variance, 276–277
U.S. Air Force, 217
Within-subjects factors, 249–250
Women, social conditions of, 267
Vacha-Haase, T., 13, 23
Women, urinary incontinence in,
Validity, of meta-analysis, 284–285
Validity fallacy, 98
van Es, G.-A., 179 Wong, S. P., 152
Vargha, A., 152 Wood, M., 56
Variance, realization, 99 WRS, 147
Variance components, 205 WRS package for R, 250
Vaughn, G. M., 205
Vaux, D. L., 39 Yuen–Welch procedure, 61–63
Velasco, F., 254 Yuen–Welch t test, 90–92
Vested interest, 24–25
Viechtbauer, W., 142 Zeng, L., 169
von Eye, A., 205–206 Zero fallacy, 100–101
Zientek, L. R., 311
Wagenmakers, E.-J., 308 Ziliak, S. T., 10, 20–22, 25, 67, 114,
Wainer, H., 109 128

348      index
About the Author

Rex B. Kline, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Concordia University

in Montréal, Canada. He has a doctorate in clinical psychology. His areas
of research and writing include the psychometric evaluation of cognitive
abilities, cognitive and scholastic assessment of children, structural equation
modeling, the training of behavioral science researchers, and usability engi-
neering in computer science. He has published six books and nine chapters
in these areas (see


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