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Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)



Charles P.H. Simanjuntak1, 3, Djumanto2, 3, MF. Rahardjo1, 3, Ahmad Zahid3

Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University
Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University
The Indonesian Ichthyological Society


The presence of heavy metals in aquatic environment has been of great concern
because of their toxicity when their concentration is more than the permissible level.
This study was carried out to assess concentrations of six heavy metals (Al, Zn, Cu,
Cd, Pb and Hg) in the muscle and liver of Chiloscyllium punctatum, Chiloscyllium
indicum, Johnius belangeri, Nibea soldado, Otolithes ruber, Paratrypauchen
microcephalus, Cynoglossus lingua, and Cynoglossus puncticeps from Kuala
Tanjung coastal waters. The levels of Al, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb were measured by
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAAS) technique; whereas
Hg was measured by Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CV-AFS)
technique. The bioaccumulation of Al, Zn and Cu was predominant followed by Cd,
Pb and Hg both in muscle and liver tissue of fish sample. The concentration range of
Al, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg in muscle was 0.01-16.9, 2.97-11.5, 0.01-0.37, 0.001-
6.400, <LD-0.04 and 0.002-0.047 wet weight respectively; whereas in liver
was 0.25-503, 6.04-9.98, 0.28-5.20, 0.005-0.1800, <LD-0.10 and 0.008-0.030 wet weight respectively. J. belangeri and O. ruber accumulated the highest
levels of Al, Zn and Hg; while the highest levels of Cu, Cd and Pb were detected in
C. indicum and C. punctatum. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) clearly
revealed that there was a significant variation (p < 0.05) of the heavy metal
concentrations in different fish species. Overall, the concentrations of the studied
heavy metals, except Al & Cd were found to be below the safe limits suggested by
various authorities. The results indicate that relatively high concentrations of heavy
metals were found in liver of the examined species, which suggest the possibility of
using this organ as bioindicator of metals present in the surrounding of Kuala
Tanjung coastal waters.

Keywords: heavy metal, fish tissue, bioaccumulation, demersal fishes, Kuala Tanjung

Anthropogenic activities such as industries, mining, shipping, agriculture,
aquaculture, and domestics create a potential source of heavy metals pollution in the marine
ecosystems (Haynes & Johnson, 2000; Islam & Tanaka, 2004; García et al. 2008). Heavy
metals discharged into the marine environment can damage marine species diversity as well
as ecosystems, due to their toxicity, long persistence, and accumulative tendency in the
aquatic biota and pose a risk to fish consumers, such as humans and other wildlife (Godley
et al., 1999; Kumar et al. 2012). Over the past several decades, the concentrations of heavy
metals in fish have been extensively studied in various places around the world. Since the
diet is the main route of human exposure to heavy metals, the major interest was in the


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

edible commercial fish species (Türkmen et al., 2005; Tepe et al., 2008; Raja et al., 2009;
Alina et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2012). Such interest aimed at ensuring the safety of the
food supply and to minimize the potential hazardous effect on human health.
Among the bioindicators of aquatic ecosystem, fishes are often considered as the
most suitable objects because they occupy high trophic level and are important food source
for human (Sucman et al., 2010; Jakimska et al., 2011; Fonge et al., 2011). Metal content in
the tissues and organs of fishes indicates the concentrations of metals in water and their
accumulation in food chains (Asuquo & Ewa-Oboho, 2004), because fishes are well-known
for their capasity to concentrate heavy metals in their muscles and liver (Agah et al. 2009;
Safahieh et al., 2011). Fish also have been popular targets monitoring programs of heavy
metal in marine environments because sampling, sample preparation and chemical analysis
are usually simpler, more rapid and less expensive than alternative choices such as water
and sediments (Rayment & Barry, 2000).
Metals, such iron, copper, zinc, Aluminum, and manganese are essential metals
since they play important roles in biological systems, whereas mercury, lead, cadmium are
toxic even in trace amount and these metals have been included in the regulations for
hazardous metals (EC, 2001; FAO, 1983; Directorat General of Drug and Food Control,
Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, 1989). The essential metals also produce toxic
effects at high concentrations. Metal absorption in fish is carried out via two uptake routes
i.e. digestive tract (diet exposure) and gill surface (water exposure) (Ptashynski et al. 2002).
Metals are further transferred by means of blood to other target organs, such as the liver and
kidney. In this study, we selected muscles as a primary site of metal uptake and liver as
tissues specialized in metal storage and detoxification.
Along the coast of Kuala Tanjung, there are many industrial plants, cargo ship‟s
ballasts water, agricultural fields, fishing, and densely populated settlement. Therefore
mainly untreated agricultural, municipal and industrial wastes affect the coastal waters
direct or indirectly. The risk of marine contamination by various contaminants such as
heavy metals in this ecosystem is an expected issue. Fishes that grow in such area could be a
potential source of heavy metals intake for human consumers especially when it is
frequently consumed. The objective of present study was to find out new information about
heavy metals level in demersal fishes as well as determine potential risk for human
consumers. Further, their hazardous levels were compared with available certified safety
guidelines proposed by World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO), Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia for human consumption and
other international authorities. The study also provides useful data as a baseline for future
monitoring studies on heavy metals contamination in this area.


The demersal fish fauna were collected using a 2-m beam trawl fitted with a chain
and ¾ inch stretched mesh codend with ¼ inch meshed liner from six different sites in the
coastal waters of Kuala Tanjung (Fig.1 & Table 1) on May 2011. The bottom depth in the
trawled areas ranged from 3 to 25 m. In each site, bottom trawl tows were conducted with
20-min durations at the bottom, at a towing speed of approximately 1.5 knot and a distance
of 900 m.
The present work focused on the most abundant species of demersal fishes present
in the Kuala Tanjung coast waters and commercially important species consumed by the
people. Demersal fish samples were washed with deionized water at the point of collection,
separated by species, placed on ice, brought to the laboratory. The total lengths (mm) and
the body-wet weights (g) of each fish specimens were measured with clean equipment. The
detailed information is listed in Table 1. After taking the measurements and identification,
fish were washed with deionized water, sealed in polyethylene bags, labeled, ice preserved
and transported to laboratory. In laboratory, all the samples were kept at -200C until


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

Figure 1. Map showing the sampling stations (arrow) and details location (I-VI)

Table 1. The details position of sampling stations

Table 2. List of demersal fish species, number and size of fishes used in this study

TL=total length, BW=body weight

Standard dissection procedures for measuring tissue metal concentrations were

applied. Dissection carried out over clean plastic sheets and all instruments washed in
diluted nitric acid (10%) and rinse with demineralized (deionized) water (APHA 1980;
USEPA 1979; Neugebauer et al. 2000). Unpowdered latex surgical gloves were used.
Plastic sheeting, gloves and scalpel blades were changed between each sample.
Approximately 15 g sample of muscle (without skin and scales) and entire liver tissue from
each fish were dissected, washed with distilled water, weighed then labeled with name of
species, type of tissues, sampling station, date; then packed in polyethylene bags and store
at-20 C before metal concentration analysis at Intertek Laboratory, Jakarta
In Intertek laboratory, the procedure involved primarily acid digestion of muscle
tissue and tissue analysis were carried out according to standard procedure used for
detection of heavy metal traces by the American Public Health Association (Eaton et al.


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

2005). Tissue metal concentration analysis was conducted based on species of demersal fish
from different sampling station. The levels of Aluminum (Al), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu),
Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) were measured by flame atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (FLAAS); whereas Mercury (Hg) was measured by cold vapour atomic
fluorescence spectrophotometer (CV-AFS).
Mean concentrations ±S.E.M. (the standard error of the mean) of heavy metal (mg
kg-1 wet weight) both in muscle and liver were calculated. A logarithmic transformation was
done on the data to improve normality. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Duncan‟s test (p = 0.05) were used to access whether heavy metal concentrations varied
significantly between species, possibilities less than 0.05 (p < 0.05) were considered
statistically significant. All statistical calculations were performed with SPSS 17.0 for

The concentrations of six heavy metals, Al, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg in muscle tissue
and liver of demersal fishes from Kuala Tanjung coast were listed in Table 3 and Table 4 by
mean values and standard errors. All results are expressed as mg kg-1 wet weight. There
were vast differences among the heavy metal concentrations both in the muscles and liver of
different fish species. The highest concentrations in muscle were for zinc, and the lowest
were for lead and mercury, whereas the highest concentrations in liver were for Aluminum
and the lowest were for lead and mercury.
Overall, the concentration range of Al, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg in muscle was 0.01-
16.9, 2.97-11.5, 0.01-0.37, 0.001-6.400, <LD-0.04 and 0.002-0.047 mg kg-1 wet weight
respectively; whereas in liver was 0.25-503, 6.04-9.98, 0.28-5.20, 0.005-0.1800, <LD-0.10
and 0.008-0.030 mg kg-1 wet weight respectively. No single fish was consistently high for
all metals. In muscle tissue, while O. ruber had the highest levels of Aluminum; J. belangeri
had the highest levels of cadmium and mercury, C. indicum had the highest levels of copper;
and C. lingua had the highest levels of zinc. The different facts found in liver tissue, while J.
belangeri had the highest levels of Aluminum and mercury; C. indicum had the highest
levels of cadmium and copper, and O. ruber had the highest levels of zinc.

Table 3. The average metal concentration (mg kg-1 wet weight) ± standard error in muscle of
various demersal fish

 values with different letters in the same column are significantly different (p < 0.05);
 < LD = values were below the limits of detection by spectrophotometry


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

Table 4. The average metal concentration (mg kg-1 wet weight) ± standard error in liver of
various demersal fish

 values with different letters in the same column are significantly different (p < 0.05);
 < LD = values were below the limits of detection by spectrophotometry

Aluminium is the most abundant metallic element and makes up about 8% of the
Earth's crust. It occurs naturally in the environment as silicates, oxides, and hydroxides,
combined with other elements, such as sodium and fluoride, and as complexes with organic
matter (WHO, 1998). The average concentration of Al in muscle tissue can be ordered as
follows: O. ruber > C. punctatum > J. belangeri > C. lingua > C. puncticeps > C. indicum >
N. soldado > P. microcephalus with values of 6.814 ± 0.393, 5.03 ± 0.43, 4.73 ± 0.350, 4.30
± 0.20, 4.210 ± 1.674, 3.49 ± 1.255, 2.567 ± 0.588, 1.553 ± 0.055, respectively. There were
no significant differences in Aluminum concentrations in muscle among fish species; but,
significant differences found in liver among fish species (Table 3 & 4). Aluminum
concentration in liver tissue of J. belangeri was higher than all other fish types with average
value of 407.67 ± 25.67 mg kg-1 followed by O. ruber with average of 206.33 ± 1.45 mg kg-
. There are no specifics of maximum permitted concentration of aluminum in edible
commercial fish species in both local and international authorities. However, the World
Health Organization states the PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake) for Aluminum
is 7.0 mg kg-1 of human body weight (FOA/WHO, 1989).
Zinc being a heavy metal, has a tendency to get bioaccumulated in the fatty tissues
of aquatic organisms, including fish and is known to affect reproductive physiology in fishes
(Rahman et al. 2012). Zinc was detected in all examined fish samples and its concentration
ranged from 2.97 to 11.5 mg kg-1, with the highest content found in C. lingua (8.233 ± 0.160
mg kg-1) and the lowest was in N.soldado (5.527 ± 0.272 mg kg-1). The pattern of the
average Zn concentration in the muscles of the remaining fish types in order of decreasing
contents was C. puncticeps > O. ruber > J. belangeri > P. microcephalus > C. indicum > C.
punctatum with mean values of 7.923 ± 0.798, 7.694 ± 0.165, 7.203 ± 0.468, 6.783 ± 0.167,
6.25 ± 0.557, 5.68 ± 0.784 mg kg-1, respectively. There were no significant differences in
zinc concentrations in muscle tissue among fish species. The different facts found in liver
tissue where the highest Zn was detected in O. ruber (8.83 ± 0.07 mg kg-1) and followed by
J. belangeri (7.69 ± 0.15 mg kg-1), C. punctatum (7.37 ± 0.592 mg kg-1), and C. indicum
(7.06 ± 0.21 mg kg-1). From Table 4, the mean concentration of Zn in O. ruber was
significantly higher than that other fish species. The amount of Zn determined in all the fish
samples were far below the standard of 100 mg kg-1 set by the Directorat General of Drug
and Food Control, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia (1989) and of 150 mg kg-1 set
by WHO (1989).
Cadmium is considered as an element capable of producing chronic toxicity even
when it is present at concentration of 1 mg kg-1 and being potentially more lethal than any
other metal (Friberg et al. 1971). Cadmium concentration in J. belangeri was higher than
all other fish types with average value of 1.604 ± 0.533 mg kg-1 followed by C. indicum with
average of 0.020 ± 0.005 mg kg-1. The pattern of the average Cd concentration in the
muscles of the remaining fish types in order of decreasing contents was P. microcephalus >
C. lingua > O. ruber > C. punctatum > C. puncticeps > N. soldado with values of 0.010 ±
0.001, 0.009 ± 0.002, 0.006 ± 0.001, 0.006 ± 0.0004, 0.003 ± 0.001, 0.002 ± 0.0002 mg kg-1,
respectively. The mean concentration of Cd in liver of C. indicum was significantly higher
than all other fish types with average value of 0.157 ± 0.01 mg kg-1. The concentration of


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

Cadmium in muscle and liver tissues of all fish species during the study were lower than the
levels issued by the Directorat General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health,
Republic of Indonesia No.: 03725/B/SK / 1989 (1.0 mg kg-1) and by the USFDA of 2.0 mg
Copper is an essential part of several enzymes and is necessary for the synthesis of
hemoglobin (Sivaperumal et al., 2007). However, high intake of copper has been recognized
to cause adverse health problem, particularly Parkinson disease (Gorell et al., 1997).
Average concentration of copper in muscle tissue can be sorted as follows: C. indicum > C.
punctatum > C. puncticeps > N.soldado > O. ruber > C. lingua > J. belangeri > P.
microcephalus with mean values of 0.35 ± 0.027, 0.27 ± 0.041, 0.225± 0.022, 0.197± 0.013,
0.192± 0.005, 0.18± 0.02, 0.11± 0.022, and 0.090± 0.006, respectively. The similarly
phenomenon was also found in liver tissue where the highest concentration of copper found
in C. indicum (4.37± 0.46 mg kg-1), followed by C. punctatum, O. ruber and J. belangeri
with mean values of 2.35± 0.397, 0.54± 0.01 and 0.37± 0.02, respectively. None of the
examined fish species exceeded the permissible limits prescribed by various agencies.
According to Directorate General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health, Republic
of Indonesia (1989), Cu concentration in seafood (fish) should not exceed the value of 20
mg kg-1 as wet weight. There is also legislation in other countries regulating the maximum
concentration of meals. For example, Canadian Food and Drug Directorate (uthe and bligh,
1971) states that maximum Cu concentration in food is 100 mg kg-1; and the Region III
USEPA Risk-based Criteria established the maximum concentration for Cu at 54 mg kg-1.
Lead is a nonessential element and it is well documented that Pb can cause
neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and many others adverse health effects (Garcia-Leston et al.
2010). In the present investigation, P. microcephalus (0.030± 0.001 mg kg-1) contained the
highest lead concentration followed by C. indicum (0.02 ± 0.005 mg kg-1) and C. puncticeps
(0.015± 0.002 mg kg-1). Except in these three species, the Pb concentration in muscle tissue
was below the detection limit in all fish species. The highest amount of lead in liver tissue
was found in the fish sample of C. indicum (0.08± 0.01 mg kg-1), whereas the concentration
of lead was not detected in other fish species. The maximum permitted concentration of Pb
proposed by Directorate General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health, Republic of
Indonesia (1989) is 2.0 mg kg-1 as wet weight basis and by FAO (1992) is 0,5-0,6 mg kg-1.
According to UK Lead (Pb) in Food Regulations, Pb concentration in fish should not exceed
2.0 mg kg-1 as fresh weight basis (Cronin et al., 1998).
Both forms of mercury in aquatic ecosystem-elemental mercury and methyl
mercury- are toxic substances, in particular neurotoxic substances (Drasch et al., 2004;
UNEP, 2002). Methyl mercury accumulates in the aquatic food chain and increases the
content of methyl mercury in fish (UNEP, 2002). In the present study, the highest level of
Hg was detected in J. belangeri (0.0183 ± 0.003 mg kg-1) and the lowest in P.
microcephalus (0.003 ± 0.0001 mg kg-1). Mean concentration of mercury in muscle tissue
of others fish species can be sorted as follows C. indicum > N.soldado > C. punctatum > C.
lingua > O. ruber > C. puncticeps > P. microcephalus with values of 0.009 ± 0.001, 0.009
± 0.001, 0.008 ± 0.001, 0.007 ± 0.001, 0.006 ± 0.0004, 0.004 ± 0.0004, and 0.003 ± 0.0001,
respectively. The same facts found in liver tissue where the highest level of Hg was detected
in J. belangeri (0.024 ± 0.001 mg kg-1) and followed by O. ruber (0.016 ± 0.001 mg kg-1),
C. punctatum (0.015 ± 0.003 mg kg-1) and C. indicum (0.010 ± 0.001 mg kg-1). From Table
3 and 4, the average concentration of Hg in J. belangeri was significantly higher than other
fish species both in muscle and liver tissue. The concentrations of Hg in demersal fishes
from Kuala Tanjung coast were below the established safe level of 0.5 mg kg-1 by
Directorate General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia,
of 0.5 mg kg-1 by USFDA, of 0.20 by The Health Canada Criterion for subsistence fishers,
and of 0.5 mg kg-1 by The Health Canada Criterion for general consumers.


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

The concentrations of metals in muscles reflect the concentrations of metals in the
waters where the fish lives; whereas the concentration in liver represent storage of metals.
Increased metal concentration in liver may represent storage of sequestered products in this
organ. Muscles and livers were choosen as target organ for assessing metal accumulation
(Tepe et al. 2008). Although it is well-known that fish muscle is not an active tissue in
accumulating heavy metals (Bahnasawy et al. 2009), the present study concerned with the
heavy metal concentrations in the fish muscles because it is the most consumed portion by
the Kuala Tanjung people.
This investigation showed the different demersal fish species contained different
average concentrations of heavy metals in their muscles (Table 3) and liver (Table 4). Many
researchers suggested that heavy metal bioaccumulation of fish is species-dependent.
Feeding habits (as carnivores, herbivores, omnivores) and habitats of species are strongly
related to accumulation level (Al-majed & Preston, 2000; Yilmaz, 2005; Türkmen et al.,
2005). In addition to species differences, variations of heavy metal concentrations in the
different fish species can be also attributed to variety of reasons including; size (length and
body weight), age, sex and growing rates of the of fish species as well as types of tissues
analyzed, and physiological conditions (Canli and Atli, 2003; Raja et al., 2009; Naeem et
al., 2011).
The results indicate that relatively high concentrations of heavy metals were found
in liver of the examined species than in the muscle, which suggest the possibility of using
this organ as bioindicator of metals present in surrounding of Kuala Tanjung coastal waters.
Liver plays the key part in the metabolism of vertebrate animals, as it is the site not only of
the bioaccumulation of metals, but also their biotransformation, detoxification and
enhanced elimination (Jakimska et al., 2011). Tepe et al. (2008) reported the level of heavy
metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe and Zn) in the liver were higher than in the muscles tissue of Mullus
barbatus and Merlangius merlangus from Turkish seas.
The results of this study revealed that consuming demersal fish from the Kuala
Tanjung coast may not have harmful effects because the levels of heavy metals contents are
below the permissible limits. However, heavy metals have the tendency to accumulate in
various organs of demersal fishes which in turn may enter the human metabolism through
consumption causing serious health hazards (Kumar et al. 2012). It should be noted the
concentrations of Al and Zn were found considerably higher among the six heavy metals in
the examined fish species. Therefore, these results can be used to provide baseline
information for future monitoring studies concerning about heavy metals contamination in
this area.

1. This investigation showed that the different demersal fish species contained
different average concentrations of heavy metals both in their muscles and livers;
2. Heavy metals in liver of the examined species were relatively higher than in the
muscle, which suggest the possibility of using this organ as bioindicator of metals
present in surrounding of Kuala Tanjung coastal waters;
3. The results of this study revealed that consuming demersal fish from the Kuala
Tanjung coast may not have harmful effects because levels of heavy metals contents
are below the permissible limits.

The authors are grateful to PT Dairi Prima Minerals for funding and the valuable
information. The authors also delighted to express their gratefulness to all researchers from
Center for Natural Resources and Energy Studies, North Sumatra University and
professional fishermen who assisted with fish sampling for their time and support for this


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)


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Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)


Bintal Amin,* Irvina Nurrachmi, Zulkifli and Septian Januar Abdi
Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau, Pekanbaru 28293,
Indonesia, Corresponding author: E-mail:


Determination of Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in the soft tissues of edible intertidal

molluscs collected from six locations in the midle east coast of Sumatera has been
carried out in order to evaluate its concentration, pollution level and safe limit for
human consumption. Heavy metals content analysis was carried out by using AAS
Perkin Elmer 3110 in Marine Chemistry Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Science, University of Riau. The results of the study showed that samples collected
from the station with more anthropogenic and industrial activities exhibited higher
concentration of metals than those from areas with less anthropogenic activities. The
lowest metal concentrations were detected in Anadara granosa from Karimun waters
whilst the highest concentrations were found in Strombus canarium from Batam
waters. The PTWI limits would only be reached when people consumed more than
4.893; 4.590 dan 5.071 kg /week of blood cockle from Bagansiapiapi, Asahan and
Karimun and 1.302 and 3.092 kg/week for Strombus canarium from Batam and
Geloina coaxan from Selat Panjang waters respectively. Therefore the consumption
of blood cockle from those areas was considered to be safe and there would be no
risk for human consumption.

Key words: Heavy metal, mollusc, consumption, Sumatera

Research on heavy metal concentrations in coastal waters of Sumatra is still very
limited and is restricted to the analysis of heavy metal concentrations in the sediments such
as in Belawan waters (Alfian, 2005), Rupat waters (Amin and Zulkifli, 1997), Riau
Archipelago waters (Amin, 2002a; 2004a), and also in Dumai waters (Amin, 2001; Amin et
al., 2004b, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008a, b, 2009a, Nurrachmi and Amin, 2010). The study of
heavy metals in aquatic organisms is also limited to a few species of non-commercial and
organisms that are not consumed by humans (Amin and Nurrachmi, 1999; Amin, 2004a, b;
Amin et al., 2005, 2006, 2008b, 2009b, c) making it difficult to evaluate the possible impact
on public health. The study showed that there has been an increase in the concentration of
heavy metals in sediments and some organisms in certain areas. The increased heavy metal
concentrations were allegedly associated with the development of industrial and residential
areas around the coastal waters.
Given that heavy metals are toxic and can harm the health of the community,
sample of commercial intertidal molluscs such as blood cockle (Anadara Granosa), barking
snail (Strombus Canarium) and Seashell (Geloina coaxan) and mangrove snails
(Telescopium telescopium) were analyzed for their heavy metal concentrations. This is very
important because the waters of the middle East coast of Sumatra was also used as fishing


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

areas. Intertidal molluscs were collected by the surrounding community both for their own
consumption as well as commercial purposes. Species of molluscs are popular as seafood
favoured by both local and foreign tourists who come to North Sumatra, Riau and Riau
Archipelagos. Through the process of biomagnification, molluscs as a filter feeder that has
accumulated heavy metals from waters in their body would be very dangerous for the people
who consume it. The research was conducted with the aim to analyze and assess the
concentration of heavy metal pollution in the waters of the middle East coast of Sumatra
which is one of the producer of commercial seafood commodities and to evaluate the
feasibility of the organism to be consumed by the public.

Based on the condition and the presence of intertidal molluscs in the middle East
coast of Sumatra along the Malacca Strait, six (6) sampling stations were selected for
sample collection. Station 1 in coastal waters of Tj. Asahan Balai (North Sumatra), Station 2
in Bagansiapiapi, Station 3 in Selat Panjang (Riau), Station 4 in Karimun waters, Station 5
in Batuaji waters Batam and Station 6 in Monggak waters Batam (Riau Islands Province) all
of which are part of the Straits of Malacca in the middle of the east coast of Sumatra (Figure
1). Not all types of mollusc samples could be obtained in the same place. Samples of blood
cockle were obtained from Asahan, Bagansiapiapi and Karimun waters while seashell
samples obtained from Selat Panjang. While samples of bark and mangrove snails obtained
from Batam waters. Mollusc samples were analyzed their heavy metal concentrations by
using AAS Perkin Elmer 3110 in Marine Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Science Pekanbaru Riau.

Figure 1. Sampling Locations for Molluscs in the Middle East Coast of Sumatra

The concentrations of heavy metals in the molluscs were analyzed with reference to
the procedure proposed by Ismail and Ramli (1997) and Yap et al. (2002). Between 0.5 and
1.0 g sample of dried soft tissue were digested in HNO3 solution using a hot plate at low
temperature (40 ° C) for 1 hour and then the temperature was raised to 140 ° C for 3 hours.
After the samples were completely digested, the solution was cooled and diluted to 40 ml
with double distilled water and filtered through whattman filter paper No. 1 and stored in
sample bottles. Then sample solution was ready for the heavy metal concentration analysis
by AAS.
In order to compare the total concentration of heavy metals in the different sampling
stations used Metal Pollution Index (MPI) as suggested by Usero et al. (1996, 1997) and
Giusti et al. (1999). Safety limit for human consumption of molluscs from the sampling
locations was calculated by using the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) as
recommended by WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives (in Turkmen, 2008).


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)


Heavy metals concentrations
Concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in some species of molluscs are presented in Table
1. Of the six sampling stations, only at three stations (Asahan, Bagansiapiapi and Karimun)
that blood cockles were found. While the other two species (seasnails and mangrove snail)
were obtained from Batam waters and one species (seashell) from Selat Panjang waters. The
lowest concentration of heavy metals was found for Pb (1.380 µg/g) in the blood cockle
from Karimun waters and the highest was 10.912 µg/g in mangrove snails from Batuaji,
Batam waters. Similarly, the lowest metal concentrations for Cu and Zn, were found in
blood cockle samples from Karimun waters (9.992 and 12.020 µg/g) and the highest
(173.662 and 224.661 µg/g) was found in samples of mangrove snails from Batuaji, Batam

Table 1. Heavy Metal Content of Pb, Cu and Zn (mean ± std. dev.) at each station in
intertidal molluscs

The concentrations of heavy metals in the molluscs from one station were found to
be relatively different to another which was assumed to be related to anthropogenic
activities influenced in each region, as well as due to the ability of each species to
accumulate heavy metals from the environment. S. canarium and T. telescopium are
gastropods whilst A. granosa and G. coaxan are bivelve. Generally, the bivalve accumulated
metals in larger quantities than gastropods. However, in this study the concentrations of Pb,
Cu and Zn were found to be higher in gastropods. This was assumed to be caused by the
sampling locations for gastropod T. telescopium was around the heavy industrial area of
Batuaji, Batam Island.
The coastal waters around Batuaji accept wastes from shipyards and other industries
as well as from domestic effluents. According to Daka et al. (2007), industrial activities and
urban wastes along the coastal areas could be sources of a number of heavy metals into the
marine environment which can affect marine ecosystems and caused environmental
degradation. Batuaji is known as one of industrial zones in Batam. There are activities of
shipbuilding, ports, shipping, residential areas, and also other industries such as PT.
Marcopolo II which engaged in shipbuilding certainly produces wastes, including heavy
metals. Reddy et al. (2004) in their study in shipbuilding industry Sosiya Alang India also
showed quite high increase in heavy metal concentrations in its coastal waters.
Darmono (1995) states that heavy metals can cause negative effects to aquatic
organisms at certain concentration limits. The effect varies according to the type of metal
species, organism, permeability and detoxification mechanisms. Because of the type of
organisms that were analyzed are not the same from all stations, only the same species (A.
granosa) were used for further discussion on the comparison between the stations (Figure
3). According to Phillips (1980), blood cockle that live in mud as benthic organisms is very
good to assess the level of pollution because they are filter feeders and sedentary species.


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

Figure 3. Heavy Metal Concentrations in A. granosa from Each Station

The concentrations of metals in the blood cockle from Asahan were higher than
Bagansiapiapi and Karimun waters. This was caused by more anthropogenic activities as the
source of heavy metals in Asahan waters in comparison with that in Karimun and
Bagansiapiapi coastal waters. Zn concentration was relatively higher than Cu and Pb. There
was no difference (p>0.05) for Pb among the three stations, while for Cu and Zn showed
highly significant differences (p <0.01) between the three stations, except for Pb between
Bagansiapiapi and Asahan (Table 2).

Table 2. Statistical Comparison between Heavy Metal Concentrations Pb, Cu and Zn in

Blood cockle (A. granosa)

For blood cockles, concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn were highest in Asahan waters
(1.525; 25.391; 25.331 µg/g) and the lowest in Karimun waters (1.380; 9.992; 12.020 µg/g).
Higher metal concentrations in Asahan coastal waters and its estuary was related to the more
anthropogenic activities such as traffic of both passenger and fishing vessels as well as
domestic waste discharges from community around the harbour and along the River Asahan
banks. While Karimun waters is an area of mangrove forests that do not receive much waste
of various human activities that lead to low concentrations of the analyzed metals in this
When compared with the results of studies in other areas, the concentrations of Pb,
Cu and Zn in blood cockles in the Karimun, Bagansiapiapi and Asahan coastal waters are
not too much different (Table 3). The difference was thought to be caused partly by
differences in anthropogenic activities at each station, the time of the sampling, the size of
organisms and analytical procedures and methods used in the study.


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

Table 3. Comparison of Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in blood cockle (A. granosa) with the
results of other studies

To find out the status of heavy metal pollution in the middle east coast of Sumatra
coastal waters, the MPI index (Metal Pollution Index) was used as suggested by Usero et al.,
(1996.1997) and Giusti et al., (1999). The MPI values for Asahan, Bagansiapiapi, Selat
Panjang, Karimun, Monggak and Batuaji Batam waters were 9.936, 8.33, 6.327, 5.493,
21.575 and 75.228 respectively as can be seen in Table 4. In this study the highest MPI
value was found in Batuaji, Batam waters which is dominated by shipbuilding and other
industries, while the lowest MPI value was found in Karimun waters that are far from the
industrial activity. The MPI value in Batuaji Batam waters was quite high when compared
to others and also with the results of other studies by Amin et al. (2005) which has MPI
value of 7.39 in Lubuk Gaung waters, 8.74 in Sungai Mesjid waters, 8.89 in Tanjung
Medang waters and also higher than Dumai River estuary (12.57) in the mangrove snail (T.
Another study using the MPI has been reported from several coastal waters such as
Amin (2009b) who reported a value of MPI from 12.97 to 19.94 in Dumai waters using
Nerita lineata as biomonitor, Yap et al. (2003) reported a value of MPI 4.35 to 11.70 from
the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Chiu et al. (2000) reported MPI in Hong Kong
coastal waters ranged from 5.00 to 9.23 with Verna viridis as biomonitor. Giusti et al.
(1999) also reported MPI value of 10.50 to 25.10 in the UK waters by using Mytilus edulis.

Safety limit for Human Consumption

The safety limits in consuming molluscs from the middle east coast of Sumatra was
estimated by calculating PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake). In this study the
PTWI for mangrove snails T. telescopium was not calculated because these species are not
commonly consumed by the public. The maximum level of heavy metals concentrations that
can be consumed by humans were Pb 0.5 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg for Cu and Zn (FAO, 1983).
Based on the Decree of the Director General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 03725/B/SK/1989 stated that standard for heavy
metals in biota is 2 ppm for Pb, 20 ppm for Cuand 100 ppm for Zn. Therefore, as the present
study was based on the dry weight method, the concentrations were converted to wet weight
basis (1:4) for the calculation of PTWI (Thomson, 1990). With reference to the standards of
the Director General of the Republic of Indonesia (POM, 1989), concentrations of Pb, Cu
and Zn in molluscs from all stations are still suitable for human consumption because it is
still below the standard value.
PTWI value for Pb, Cu and Zn of 0.025; 3.5 and 7.0 mg/kg body weight/week
respectively is equivalent to 1750; 245,000; 490,000 µg/kg per week for a 70 kg adult body


Proceedings of the International Seminar (Industrialization of Fisheries and Marine Resources, FAPERIKA-UNRI 2012)

weight (WHO, 1989). The mean metal concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in the blood cockles
from Karimun waters 1.380; 9.992; 12.020 µ/g dry weight and equivalent to 0.345; 2.498;
3.005 µg/g wet weight. So, based on Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations, people with 70 kg body
weight would reach the PTWI value when consumed blood cockles from Karimun waters
more 5.071; 24.521; 163.059 kg/week. Thus, it can be said that the PTWI value set by WHO
would only be achieved when people with 70 kg body weight consumed blood cockles from
Karimun waters exceeded 5.071 kg/week. By the same calculation, and refers to the average
metal concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn, for each station, as indicated in Table 2, it can be
seen that the PTWI value set by WHO would be achieved when people with 70 kg body
weight consumes blood clocjles from Bagansiapiapi, Asahan and Karimun waters exceeded
4.893; 4.590 and 5.071 kg (Pb), 12.772; 9.649 and 24.521 kg (Cu) and 93.094; 77.376 and
163.059 kg (Zn) per week. As for the S. canarium from Batam and G. Coaxan from Selat
Panjang waters 1.032 and 3.092; 4.361 and 9.749 and 74.410 and 73.874 kg/week in a row
for the metals Pb, Cu and Zn respectively.


The lowest Pb concentration in intertidal mollusc was detected in blood cockle from
Karimun waters and the highest was in mangrove snails from Batuaji of Batam waters. The
highest contamination levels indicated by calculated MPI value was Batam waters which
was known as a crowded residential area, ship buildings and other industries. PTWI values
set by WHO will be achieved when people with 70 kg bodyweight consumed blood cockle
from Bagansiapiapi, Asahan and Karimun exceeded 4.893; 4.590 and 5.071 kg/week. For G.
coaxan and S. canarium were not to exceed 1.302 and 3.902 kg/week. Therefore the
consumption of blood cockle from those areas was considered to be safe and there would be
no risk for human consumption. However, further research is needed on the environmental
parameters that may affect the accumulation of heavy metals by organisms such as
temperature, salinity and pH of seawater and dissolved particles so that it can be seen more
clearly the factors that influence the distribution of heavy metals in those locations and the
rate of accumulation by organisms that inhabit the area.

The authors wishes to thanks Director of Riau University Research Institute who
has provided assistance through Dipa funding Riau University Fiscal Year 2011 with
Contract No. 99/H19.2/PL/2010 dated on 16 April 2010.


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