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and autism
Anna Daniel
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Priya Mammen
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Sushila Russell
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding author:
Paul Swamidhas Sudhakar Russell, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical
College, Vellore 632002, Tamil Nadu, India
There is no agreement about the measure to quantify the intellectual/developmental level in
children with the dual disability of intellectual disability and autism. Therefore, we studied the
psychometric properties and utility of Psycho-Educational Profile–Revised (PEP-R) as a devel-
opmental test in this population. We identified 116 children with dual disability from the day
care and inpatient database of a specialised Autism Clinic. Scale and domain level scores of
PEP-R were collected and analyzed. We examined the internal consistency, domain-total cor-
relation of PEP-R and concurrent validity of PEP-R against Gesell’s Developmental Schedule,
inter-rater and test–retest reliability and utility of PEP-R among children with dual disability in
different ages, functional level and severity of autism. Besides the adequate face and content
validity, PEP-R demonstrates a good internal consistency (Cronbach’s a ranging from 0.91 to
0.93) and domain-total correlation (ranging from 0.75 to 0.90). The inter-rater reliability
(intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC ¼ 0.96) and test–retest reliability (ICC ¼ 0.87) for
PEP-R is good. There is moderate-to-high concurrent validity with GDS (r ranging from
0.61 to 0.82; all Ps ¼ 0.001). The utility of PEP-R as a developmental measure was good with
infants, toddlers, pre-school and primary school children. The ability of PEP-R to measure the
developmental age was good, irrespective of the severity of autism but was better with high-
functioning children. The PEP-R as an intellectual/developmental test has strong psychometric
properties in children with dual disability. It could be used in children with different age
groups and severity of autism. PEP-R should be used with caution as a developmental test
in children with dual disability who are low functioning.
Autism, intellectual disability, PEP-R, validation, utility
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in children with intellectual disability (ID)
ranges from 16.7 to 30% when autism was defined with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth
Edition-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) and International Classification of Diseases-Tenth Edition
(ICD-10) criteria, respectively (de Bildt et al., 2005; Morgan et al., 2002). When psychological
measures like the Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Mentally Retarded Persons Scale and
Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised were used to identify children with ASD in the ID popu-
lation, the prevalence ranged from 28 to 39.2%, respectively (Bryson et al., 2008; La Malfa et al.,
2004). Differentiating autism from severe or profound ID, by itself, is difficult as children in both
groups have a combination of deviations and delays in language as well as social interaction.
Children with severe ID often have stereotypic movements and self-injurious behaviours similar to
that of the repetitive movements or self-injurious behaviours in ASD (Goldman et al., 2009; Mat-
son et al., 1997).
Children with this dual disability of ID and ASD often need specialized care. Intellectual
functioning measured as developmental age or mental age is the single most important prognostic
marker for autism (Howlin et al., 2004). An understanding about the intellectual level is required to
tailor the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and is the primary outcome measures in many
Setting and population
This study was conducted at the Autism Clinic, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit of a tertiary
care teaching hospital in Southern India. This facility does not have a geographical catchment
population and it provides its services to about 1500 children every year. The children to this
specialised clinic are referred by various hospitals and schools in the country with a suspected
diagnosis of autism and ID. An equal number of children are brought by the primary caregivers
after the problem behaviours or developmental delay were recognised by primary caregivers
themselves, the teacher or neighbours. The charts of children and adolescents thus enrolled in the
clinic were identified from the unit’s day care and inpatient database for a 3-year period of 2009 to
2011. We collected the data for each clinic visit made by the child and included the individual in to
the study if he or she was suspected to have an ICD-10 (World Health Organization, 1992) based
clinical diagnosis of autism (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) and intellectual disability (mental
retardation). Thus the children included either had Childhood autism (F84.0), Atypical autism
(F84.1), Rett’s Syndrome (F84.2), Other childhood disintegrative disorder (F84.3), or Asperger’s
Syndrome (F84.5)] and Mild mental retardation (F70), Moderate mental retardation (F71), Severe
mental retardation (F72), Profound mental retardation (F73) or Mental retardation not otherwise
specified (F79). All clinical diagnoses, based on ICD-10, were made by consultant psychiatrists
on the day of enrolment and within 1 week endorsed by the multidisciplinary team (consisting
of clinical psychologist, rehabilitation psychologists, special educators, occupational therapists,
speech therapists and specialist psychiatric nurses). At any point during the clinical course and hos-
pital visit, if the child was diagnosed with the dual disability then the child was considered eligible
for this study. Children with a diagnosis of overactive disorder associated with mental retardation
and stereotyped movements (F84.4) were excluded because of its uncertain nosological status
(Sponheim, 1996). A subgroup of participants who had data on test–retest and inter-rater reliability
were selected for the reliability analyses. Case notes for each eligible participant were reviewed
and the following psychological and clinical data were collected to determine the various aspects
of validation.
The characteristics of the participants were that the mean (SD) chronological age of the entire
sample (N ¼ 116) was 4.18 (1.94) years (range 1.09–11 years). There was an overrepresentation of
boys (76.9%) than girls (22.2%), which probably reflected the higher prevalence of autism in boys
as against girls globally. Most of the children were from low- and middle-socioeconomic back-
ground (87%). Among children with autism, 55 had childhood autism, 54 had atypical autism, 5
had Asperger’s syndrome and 2 had Rett’s syndrome. There were 10 children with average intel-
ligence, 13 children with borderline and low average intelligence, 72 with mild or moderate and 21
children with severe or profound ID and autism. The mean (SD) DQ in GDS and developmental
age (in years) as well as developmental score in PEP-R were 52.81(20.98) with a range of 9.86–
144.09 as well as 21.62 (8.73) and 46.34 (24.32), respectively. The mean (SD) Childhood Autism
Rating Scale (CARS) score was 37.70 (3.60) with a range of 31–47.50.
The PEP-R (Schopler et al., 1990) was developed to assess children with autism, between 6 and
12 years of age and formulate IEP for them. The Developmental Scale of PEP-R assesses the func-
tioning of the child in the following areas: imitation (16 items), perception (13 items), fine motor
(16 items), gross motor (18 items), eye–hand coordination (15 items), cognitive performance (26 items)
and cognitive verbal (27 items). Overall, these seven scales make up the Developmental Scale, which
yields a developmental age measure. The scoring system for Developmental Scale is divided into three
levels: passing, emerging and failing. The developmental score is the sum of all individual item-passing
scores on the Developmental Scale and yields a standardized developmental age score. The PEP-R also
includes a Behavioural Scale which is used to identify the degree of behavioural abnormality and aty-
pical behavioural characteristics of a child with autism. This scale covers four areas: relating and affect
(12 items), play and interest in materials (8 items), sensory responses (12 items) and language (11
items). The Developmental Scale of PEP-R was the index measure for validation.
GDS (Gesell, 1940) gives the developmental skills in four areas: motor behaviour, adaptive
behaviour, language and personal as well as social behaviour. The score details of GDS were
compiled from psychological reports of these children and used as the reference standard for
developmental age to measure the concurrent validity of PEP-R.
The CARS (Schopler et al., 1980) is a 15-item behaviour-rating scale designed to detect and
quantify symptoms of autism as well as to distinguish them from other developmental disabilities.
Each item on the CARS is scored on a Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (no signs of autism) to
4 (severe symptoms). The maximum CARS score is 60, and the cut off for a diagnosis of autism
is 30. Children with scores of 30.5–37 are rated as mildly moderately autistic, and 37.5–60 as
severely autistic. The CARS scores were collected from the psychologist’s reports, occupational
therapists record as well as speech therapist’s notes. This measure was used to assess the severity
of autism among the participants.
The socioeconomic status was assessed by a social worker as part of the pre-enrolment
evaluation based on the education and occupation of the head of the family as well as the
monthly income.
Data analysis
As part of the data analysis, preliminary checks of skewness verified that our data were suitable for
parametric analysis and the psychometric properties of PEP-R were analysed at domain and scale
level. First, Cronbach’s a coefficient was used to estimate the internal consistency for the various
PEP-R domains. Also to identify the domains that contribute to and discriminate between children
who score high and low on the total set of domains, we performed a domain-total correlation with
Pearson correlation test. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the PEP-R Developmental
Scale (developmental score and developmental age) and GDS domain scores was also used to
examine the PEP-R’s concurrent validity. Second, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was
used to evaluate the inter-rater agreement and test–retest reliability of PEP-R. Finally, to assess the
utility of PEP-R, the participants were divided in to three educational/age groups: infants and toddler
(0–3 years), preschool age (3–6 years), and primary school age (6–12 years), and the correlation
between the PEP-R Developmental Scale (developmental score and developmental age) and the GDS
domain scores was calculated using Pearson Correlation coefficient . The total sample was split at the
median (Ragin, 1994) PEP-R developmental age value of 19 months into two groups of children
with high functioning and low functioning autism to analyse the correlation between the PEP-R and
GDS domains in these two groups. Partial correlation technique was used to control for the effect
of the chronological age on the correlation between the PEP-R and GDS domains. Similarly, using the
suggested cutoff (Schopler et al., 1980), the sample was divided in to those with mild (CARS
score 37) and severe autism (CARS score 37.5) and the partial correlation coefficient was calcu-
lated. All correlation coefficient values were interpreted using Cicchetti’s criteria (Cicchetti, 1994).
p <0.05 (two tailed) was considered significant and data were analysed using SPSS (version 19).
When we examined the validity of PEP-R, Cronbach’s a coefficient for the whole scale was excel-
lent (a ¼ 0.93), suggesting that the PEP-R in this population with dual disability has high internal
consistency. The domain total correlation ranged from 0.75 to 0.90, suggesting that all the domains
of the PEP-R significantly contributed to the total developmental age and developmental score of
PEP-R (Table 1).
Table 2. Correlation between PEP-R (developmental age and developmental score) and Gesell’s Develop-
mental Schedule (GDS) for all participants (N ¼ 116)
PEP-R DA: PEP-R developmental age; PEP-R DS: PEP-R developmental score.
p < 0.001
The test–retest reliability to assess the reproducibility of PEP-R as a developmental test using
the ICC was found to be excellent (ICC ¼ 0.87)
The inter-rater reliability of PEP-R as measured with ICC was also found to be excellent
(ICC ¼ 0.96).
Table 3. Correlation between PEP-R (developmental age and developmental score) and Gesell’s Develop-
mental Schedule (GDS) among participants in different age groups
PEP-R DA: PEP-R developmental age; PEP-R DS: PEP-R developmental score.
p ¼ 0.001p
p ¼ 0.01
p < 0.05.
Table 4. Partial correlations between GDS and PEP-R in low- and high-functioning autism as well as
correlation between GDS and PEP-R in children with mild and severe autism
PEP-R DA: PEP-R developmental age; PEP-R DS: PEP-R developmental score.
Level of functioning dichotomized in to low (PEP-R score of 18) and high (PEP-R score of 19); chronological age
adjusted with partial correlation.
Severity of autism dichotomized in to mild (CARS score of 37) and severe (CARS score of 37.5) autism; chronological
age adjusted with partial correlation.
p ¼ 0.01.
p ¼ 0.001.
Among participants with mild and severe autism, overall there was high correlation with the
mental age and domain scores of GDS and PEP-R developmental age and score. In the group with
severe autism, the correlations were moderate to high, and all correlations were statistically signif-
icant at p < 0.001, except the language domain significant at p < 0.01. It was also noted that the
correlation coefficients between the GDS and PEP-R developmental score were better in the mild
autism groups, and the correlation coefficients between the GDS and PEP-R developmental age
were better in the sever autism groups. The correlation between the mental age and subscales of
GDS with the developmental age and developmental score of PEP-R in the mild and severe autism
groups is also summarized in Table 4.
One of the aims of the present study was to evaluate the internal consistency, total domain cor-
relation and concurrent validity of the PEP-R in comparison to GDS. The internal consistency
measured by the a coefficient was high in this study (ranged from 0.92 to 0.93) and is comparable
with the data from Italy (range from 0.84 to 0.99; Villa et al., 2010). This is higher than that
reported in other countries like Estonia (ranged from 0.72 to 0.95; Kikas and Häidkind, 2003) and
China (ranged from 0.74 to 0.98; Shek et al., 2005). Thus, the high internal consistency demon-
strated that the items of PEP-R while used in the Indian context were homogeneous with the pri-
mary construct in PEP-R. Also, the domain-total correlation used to determine the role of each of
the seven PEP-R domains with respect to the entire measure showed that all domains contributed
effectively to the total score. This also suggests that all the domains measured the same construct of
intellectual/developmental level among children with dual disability. The domain-total correlation
for PEP-R could not be compared because data are not available in the published literature.
The evaluation of the concurrent validity of the PEP-R as a measure to estimate the develop-
mental level in comparison with a standardized developmental assessment measure of the GDS
among children with dual disability demonstrated that PEP-R can be used to effectively quantify
the developmental level in this population. This finding is generally consistent with the Western
literature on the original PEP wherein there was significant correlation between PEP and Bayley
Scales of Infant Development (Schopler et al., 1990) and between PEP-R and Stanford–Binet Intel-
ligence Scales (Fourth edition) among children of 3 to 6 years (Delmolino, 2006).
The inter-rater between two raters, one being a psychologists and other an occupational thera-
pist, and the test–retest reliability at 4 weeks were high. This is comparable with the studies in the
past where the inter-rater and test–retest reliability had been as high as 0.97 to 0.99 and 0.89 to 0.99
respectively for PEP-R (Shek et al., 2005). The inter-rater reliability in a more recent study was
0.84 to 0.98 (Villa et al., 2010).
The utility of the PEP-R as a developmental measure was good despite the chronological age
and severity of autism. These findings lend support to the fact that challenges associated with test-
ing of DQ of young children with autism and those with severe autism could be minimized by
using the developmental age or score as presented by PEP-R (Delmolino, 2006). This could be due
to the nature of the PEP-R that has been described to be flexible for administration, use of concrete
and interesting materials, lack of timed items, and separation of language items from general
assessment items, especially those that are not dependent on language (Schopler et al., 1990).
However, among the low-functioning children with the dual disability, the developmental age
and score of PEP-R showed only moderate correlation with GDS mental age and domain scores.
This could be because that despite the above mentioned advantages PEP-R has two domains
namely, cognitive verbal and cognitive performance that overtly or covertly assess the linguistic
ability of the responded compromising the instruments concurrent validity in measuring the devel-
opmental level among the children with low functioning.
Our limitations are that, first, the study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital; therefore, the
participants may not be representative of the children with autism in the general population.
Second, the high prevalence of autism in this clinic sample should theoretically improve the
statistical power and stability of the analyses regarding the psychometric properties. In community
and clinical samples with different prevalence rates of autism, the changing prevalence might lead
to different psychometric scores. Therefore, using this study as the focus, further studies on
community samples to establish the psychometric properties of PEP-R are suggested, resulting in
psychometric maturity of PEP-R.
Our study has documented that PEP-R-based developmental age and score has a high correlation with
the standardized developmental assessment measure of the GDS among children with the dual disabil-
ity of ID and autism, irrespective of the age and severity of autism. In future, a measure that performs
well among low-functioning children, like PEP-3, needs to be further identified and validated.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by George Devadoss David and Mary Pauline
Paul in collecting the case notes.
The authors have contributed equally to the development of this paper. This study was supported by a Fluid
Research Grant (grant number: 22X825), Christian Medical College, Vellore.
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