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Ece 5320 Final Project Paper Zifu Qin Yujie Lu

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Z. Qin 1*, Y. Lu1*
1Cornell University, Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE5320, Ithaca, New York, USA

ABSTRACT on the plate, and the substrate. The diaphragm moves as acoustical
This paper is the ECE 5320 final project deliverable, waves come from the sound hole (port), but the perforated backplate
introducing a contemporary MEMS device – Capacitive MEMS is static. There is also an air gap between the diaphragm and the
Microphone and an improvement on its performance by the dual- backplate to allow the sensor to work properly. The perforated
backplate & extra hinge design. This paper reports on the basic backplate design allows the air in the air gap to flow to damp the
concepts, structures, operating principles, characteristics, and motions of the moving diaphragm. The substance is simply used to
performance of a contemporary capacitive MEMS microphone. The support the whole MEMS sensor structure. For CMOS, the CMOS
MEMS design part is focused more on this paper since it is the final is located beside the MEMS sensor in the package. Usually, the
project of a MEMS course. Also, the dual-backplate & extra hinges MEMS sensor is connected to the CMOS by a wire bonding. The
MEMS design used to improve the performance of the capacitive CMOS in capacitive MEMS microphones is used to transfer the
microphone is presented. The simulation and data done by L-MEMS input acoustic pressure signal into analog electrical signals for future
and COMSOL are included to demonstrate the MEMS design and processing. Figure 1 shows the basic structure of a capacitive
performance improvement. MEMS microphone including all the detailed structural features
mentioned in this section.
Microphones are equipment we use a lot in daily life. General
microphones have reasonable sizes that users can hold in their
hands. With the MEMS technology, it is possible that microphones
can also be made in micro or nano scale that are much smaller than
the normal microphones. With this idea, lots of MEMS researchers
developed various MEMS microphones with different designs and
characteristics. These MEMS microphones can be applied to various
small electronic devices like smartphones, smart home devices,
hearing aids, etc., to fulfill people’s needs. This paper is mainly
focused on one specific design of MEMS microphone, which is the
Figure 1: Basic structure of Capacitive MEMS Microphones with
Capacitive MEMS Microphone. The concepts, design structure,
detailed structural features.
working principle, characteristics, and performance of the
Capacitive MEMS Microphone are presented in more detail in the
Operating Principles
rest of the paper. Also, a dual-backplate & extra hinged MEMS
The basic philosophy of the capacitive MEMS microphone is
design with L-MEMS & COMSOL simulation which can improve
that acoustical waves coming through the sound hole (port) can
the capacitive MEMS microphone performance is discussed.
make the diaphragm move so that the sound pressure will cause the
capacitance change between the diaphragm and perforated
GENERAL CAPACITIVE MEMS MICROPHONE backplate, then the capacitance change can be reflected by the
Concepts voltage change through the electrodes and the CMOS can capture
A MEMS microphone is an electronic device package the change to process the signals. Figure 2 presents the basic
including a MEMS-designed sensor (electroacoustic transducer) operating principles in terms of circuits.
and a CMOS circuit in micro or nano scales in the package. The
Capacitive MEMS Microphone is one specific classification of Theoretically, this philosophy can be simulated as the mass-
MEMS microphone. It shares the general concepts of MEMS spring system that was discussed in the ECE 5320 lectures. Figure
microphones. But the difference between the Capacitive MEMS 3 shows the equivalent mass-spring system. Assume the original
Microphone and other MEMS microphone designs is that the distance between the moving diaphragm and the fixed perforated
Capacitive MEMS Microphone uses the capacitance change backplate is l, the original nominal capacitance between the moving
between the backplate and diaphragm as the source of signals input diaphragm and the fixed perforated backplate is C, the supply
of the CMOS, but other MEMS microphones use other approaches voltage for both the moving diaphragm and the fixed perforated
to produce the input signals for the CMOS to generate electrical
backplate is V. As the diaphragm is moving, the displacement is d,
signals. so the distance between the moving diaphragm and the fixed
perforated backplate is l – d currently. Let W be the total energy in
Design Structure the nominal capacitance between the moving diaphragm and the
The basic structure of the capacitive MEMS microphone is fixed perforated backplate, so W can be expressed as:
composed of a mechanical enclosure package, a MEMS sensor
(transducer), and a CMOS circuit. For the mechanical enclosure 1
package, it is a container for the MEMS sensor and CMOS, there is 𝑊 = 2 𝐶𝑉 2 (1)
usually a hole/port as the entrance of the acoustical waves. The Assume Fe is the electrostatic force, to get the electrostatic force Fe,
hole/port is located on either top or bottom of the package depending the total energy W in the nominal capacitance between the moving
on where the designers want the acoustical waves to enter the diaphragm and the fixed perforated backplate should be
package. The MEMS sensor (transducer), it is composed of a differentiated with respect to the displacement of the moving
(moving) diaphragm, a (static) perforated backplate with electrodes diaphragm d. Therefore, after the differentiation, the electrostatic
force Fe can be expressed as: higher sensitivity means that the microphone will produce higher
analog electrical signals under the same conditions of input
1 𝜀𝐴 acoustical pressures. Therefore, high sensitivity means better
𝐹𝑒 = − 2 (𝑙−𝑑)2 𝑉 2, (2)
performance. The sensitivity of a capacitive MEMS microphone can
be mathematically expressed as:
where 𝜀 is the permittivity of free space, and A is the area of the
moving diaphragm. Also, the nominal capacitance between the 𝑉 𝑑
moving diaphragm and the fixed perforated backplate can be 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑆) = 𝑙 ∙ 𝛥𝑝 , (6)
expressed as:

where 𝛥𝑝 is the change of acoustical pressure. Frequency response
𝐶 = 𝑙−𝑑 (3) represents the range of the frequency of acoustical waves that the
capacitive MEMS microphone can reproduce and the relative output
To make the whole system work, a supply voltage V is required. level over this range of frequency. Usually, a great capacitive
However, there must be a restriction to the value of the supply MEMS microphone can reproduce the frequency range from 20Hz
voltage V, or the whole system will be crushed. Based on the course to 20kHz which is the largest frequency range a human being can
content of ECE 5320, a “pull-in” voltage is the upper limit of the hear. Also, a flatter frequency response means better performance,
supply voltage. And the maximum displacement that the diaphragm since a flatter frequency response means that microphones will
can have is: respond equally to all the frequencies in the range, which is what
users want. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is also an important
𝑙 specification. Like what the ECE 5320 lectures introduced, SNR
𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3 (4)
represents the ratio of signal level to the noise signal level that
disturbs the signal. SNR can be unitless or in units of dB depending
And this maximum displacement occurs at the “pull in” voltage: on the formula used. Usually, SNR can be expressed as:

8𝑘𝑙 3 𝑉𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝑉 = √27𝜀𝐴 (5) 𝑆𝑁𝑅 = or 𝑆𝑁𝑅 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝐵 = 10𝑙𝑜𝑔 ( 𝑃 ) (7)
𝑉𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒

This conclusion was derived in the ECE 5320 lectures, so the whole DESIGN IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS
derivation process will not be presented here. Original Capacitive MEMS Microphone Model
The team built an original capacitive MEMS microphone
model on L-MEMS Pro based on the structure and details discussed
above in Figure 1. A diaphragm and a perforated static backplate are

Figure 4: Vertical cross section of the capacitive MEMS

microphone model 1 built on L-MEMS Pro.
Figure 3: General operating principle of Capacitive MEMS
Microphones in terms of circuits. on the top of the Silicon substrate. There is also an air gap between
these two layers. Acoustical waves will come from the backplate
Characteristics and Performance and make the diaphragm move. The detailed fabrication flow and
To specify if a capacitive MEMS microphone has great specifications can be found in the supplementary material. Figure 4
performance or not, some characteristics and parameters should be shows the vertical cross section of the original capacitive MEMS
discussed. Sensitivity, frequency response, signal-to-noise ratio microphone model.
(SNR), etc., can all help users to understand the performance of the
capacitive MEMS microphone. Improvement by Dual-Backplate Design
As one of the most significant specifications of capacitive According to the current research on the capacitive MEMS
MEMS microphones, sensitivity represents the relationship between microphone, most of the designs are composed of one diaphragm
the input acoustical pressure and output analog electrical signals, and one backplate, therefore, there will only be one capacitance
change. From the capacitance model learned from the lectures,
double capacitance change will give higher output voltages, which
means more electrical signals converted from the acoustical waves.
Figure 5 shows the equivalent double capacitance changes model.
Theoretically, compared to one capacitance change, the double
capacitance change gives higher V’out which can be expressed as:

𝑑 𝑑
𝑉 ′𝑜𝑢𝑡−2𝑏𝑝 = 𝑉𝐷𝐷 𝑙 > 𝑉 ′𝑜𝑢𝑡−1𝑏𝑝 = 𝑉𝐷𝐷 2𝑙 (8)
Figure 2: The equivalent mass-spring system illustrating the
working theory of the MEMS part of the Capacitive MEMS
Microphone. To achieve the double capacitance changes, a dual-backplate design
Figure 4: Vertical cross section of the capacitive MEMS
microphone model 1 built on L-MEMS Pro.

was created. Adding another same backplate on the other side of the Figure 6: Diaphragm Design Planform, the central square
diaphragm with the same air gap, as the acoustical waves come from represents the diaphragm,
one side of the backplate and the diaphragm moves, then the model
will achieve double capacitance change in two air gaps to give pressure on the whole diaphragm in equation (10):
higher output voltages. The dual backplate design was also modeled
on L-MEMS Pro. Figure 5 shows the vertical cross section of the 𝑘𝑒𝑞𝑢 𝑑 = 𝑃𝑆 (10)
dual backplate design.
where 𝑑 indicates the deflection of the diaphragm, and 𝑃 indicates
pressure generated by acoustic waveform and 𝑆 indicates the area of
the diaphragm. Substitute equations (9) and (10) with (8), we obtain
the relationship between the acoustic pressure and output voltage:
1 1 1
𝑃𝑆[(𝑤 )𝐿1 3 +(𝑤 )𝐿2 3 +(𝑤 )𝐿3 3 ]
𝑉 ′𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑉𝐷𝐷 1 2 3
Figure 5: Vertical cross section of the dual-backplate design of the 4𝐸ℎ 3 𝑙
capacitive MEMS microphone.
Design Specification and Fabrication
Improvement by Extra Hinge Design It can be observed that there is a subtle balance between every
However, we realized that converting microphone MEMS from parameter. In this design, we set the parameters as in Table 1.
single-backplate to dual-backplate still has several drawbacks.
When acoustic pressure is applied to the diaphragm, the deflection Table 1: Design details of the extra hinge design.
of the diaphragm decides the capacitance in the circuit as shown in Layer Value
Figure 4 influences the result of output voltage. Due to the constraint 𝑤1, 𝑤3 110𝜇𝑚
that the edge of the diaphragm is anchored into the sidewall, non- 𝐿1 , 𝐿3 60𝜇𝑚
linear and relatively small bending arises. These two properties 𝑤2 30𝜇𝑚
complicate the model and reduce the capacitance change as well as 𝐿2 100𝜇𝑚
sensitivity according to equation (6). To get over these problems, we ℎ 2𝜇𝑚
designed four hinges, each behaving like a spring, to hold the l 2𝜇𝑚
diaphragm as shown in Figure 7 inspired by the structure that was 𝑉𝐷𝐷 2.5V
offered in HW3. In this case, we can regard the whole diaphragm as
a horizontal plate which is more feasible and accurate for us to The team used L-MEMS Pro to build this design. 50 𝜇𝑚 thickness
quantitatively control the output voltage. Without the constraint silicon is used as a substrate. Polysilicon is used as both backplates
from the anchored diaphragm edge, deflection of the diaphragm and the diaphragm for its good compliance. To prevent voltage
becomes larger with respect to the same tension. interference between the diaphragm and the backplate, 1𝜇𝑚 Silicon
Nitride is used to implement isolation. To output voltage from
Each hinge can be regarded as three springs in series where each polysilicon, we etch three tunnels and fill them with nickel
spring is modeled as a guided spring. The spring constant for this connected to three pads which will be wired to the CMOS circuit.
model as four hinges connected in parallel can be calculated: During the fabrication, we deposit the bottom backplate, diaphragm
and the top diaphragm in sequence in a stack-style structure. The
4𝐸ℎ 3
𝑘𝑒𝑞𝑢 = 1 1 1 (9) specific model is included in the supplementary material.
(𝑤 )𝐿1 3 +(𝑤 )𝐿2 3 +(𝑤 )𝐿3 3
1 2 3

where 𝐿1 , 𝑊1 , 𝐿2 , 𝑊2 , 𝐿3 , 𝑊3 indicate length and width for each Solid Mechanics Module
division of a single hinge, ℎ indicates the thickness of the As we learned the COMSOL in the ECE 5320 labs, the team
diaphragm. According to Hooke’s law, we can obtain the deflection was trying to simulate the models in COMSOL. First, the solid
of the diaphragm assuming it is in equilibrium state and identical mechanics module was used to simulate the shape change of the
diaphragm. A pressure load of 300Pa was applied from the
backplate, and everywhere else was fixed. Figure 7 shows the shape
change of the diaphragm after loading the pressure. Theoretically,
the shape change should be smaller than 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 , however, the
COMSOL simulation showed a larger shape change since the shape
change in COMSOL simulation will not be exact, and it only shows
users that there is a shape change.

Pressure Acoustics Module

The pressure acoustics module is particularly used to simulate
the acoustics model. Instead of simulating the exact 3D model, the
team built up 2D models which are the cross sections of those 3D
models. The first 2D model is based on the original capacitive
MEMS model. An acoustical pressure plot is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Acoustical pressure of the original design (left) and
From the plot, it is found that. The second 2D model is based on the Acoustical pressure of the dual-backplate design (right).
dual-backplate design. Figure 9 shows the acoustical pressure plot
for the 2D of the dual-backplate design. From the simulation plot, it CONCLUSION
can be clearly seen that the acoustical pressure of the dual-backplate In this final project, we briefly introduced the concepts,
design at the electrodes is obviously higher than the original design, structures, operating principles, characteristics, and performance of
which means that electrodes can sense more acoustical pressure in a contemporary capacitive MEMS microphone. A dual-backplate
the dual-backplate design under the same conditions. Therefore, the with extra hinge design was also introduced. The sensitivity and
dual-backplate shows a better performance. SNR of each design were discussed. By theoretical analysis,
calculation, and simulations, it was found that the dual-backplate
RESULT & DISCUSSION with extra hinge design would give higher sensitivity and higher
Theoretically, the performance of capacitive MEMS SNR to improve the performance of capacitive MEMS
microphones depends on some factors, like sensitivity, frequency microphones.
response, SNR, etc. In this project, a dual-backplate design and an
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Figure 7: the shape changes of the diaphragm after loading the CONTACT
pressure from the backplate. *Z. Qin,
*Y. Lu,

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