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QGIS Training Manual - Part 2

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QGIS 3.14.

1 Training Manual

Introduction on QGIS

QGIS is an open source geographic information system (GIS) software widely used
around the world. QGIS was born in May 2002 and was established as a project in
SourceForge in June the same year. The initial goal of this project was to provide a GIS
data viewer. However, due to the efforts of contributors and developers, QGIS has
reached the point in its evolution where it has been used for more functions than it was
envisioned. QGIS is now used daily by users around the world for data capture, advanced
GIS analysis, for the presentation of sophisticated maps, atlases, and reports.

Why QGIS? There is a whole lot of other open source GIS applications in the market, so
why use QGIS instead? QGIS is fast developing as it is being periodically updated by GIS
experts around the world. QGIS is also easy to learn as it aims to be a user-friendly
software providing common functions and features that is easy to learn. QGIS is also
available on multiple platforms as you can have it installed in Windows, Mac, and Linux
OS. QGIS also has a wide range of plugins that you can install to customize it depending
on your needs. Lastly, QGIS supports a wealth of raster and vector data formats, with new
format support easily added using the plugin architecture.

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Working with Attribute Tables .............................................................................4

Adding a New Field in the Attribute Table .......................................................................................4
Deleting Field in the Attribute Table ...................................................................................................6
Selecting Features by Attribute .............................................................................................................8
Unselecting the Selected Features in the Attribute Table ........................................................ 10
Selecting Multiple Features in the Attribute Table .................................................................... 10
Exporting Selected Features in the Attribute Table as Shapefile .......................................... 12
Calculating Areas of Polygon Using the Attribute Table ........................................................... 15
Chapter 2: Joining Non-Spatial Data with Vector Layers ................................................. 16
Saving the Joined Attributes to the Vector Layer ........................................................................ 20
Chapter 3: Creating a Population Density Map ................................................................... 23
Populating the Field ................................................................................................................................ 24
Applying Symbology .............................................................................................................................. 26
Labeling the Layer .................................................................................................................................. 27
Saving Your Map as Project File ......................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 4: Creating a Faultline Hazard Map ........................................................................ 29
Creating a Faultline Buffer Area ......................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 5: Creating a Flood Hazard Map .............................................................................. 34
Selecting Areas with High Flooding Hazard .................................................................................. 35
Exporting Areas with High Flood Hazard as a New Layer ....................................................... 37
Symbolizing the Flooding Area Layer ............................................................................................. 39
Chapter 6: Creating a Landslide Hazard Map ...................................................................... 42
Clipping a Vector Layer ......................................................................................................................... 43
Selecting Multiple Features ................................................................................................................. 45
Exporting Areas with High Landslide Hazard as a New Layer ............................................... 47
Symbolizing the Landslide Area Layer ............................................................................................ 47
Chapter 7: Applying the Recommended Color Coding for a Land Use Map .............. 50
Applying the Proper Color Code for Each Land Use Category................................................ 51
Calculating Land Use Areas .................................................................................................................. 55
Chapter 8: Preparing a Thematic Map Using the Basemap Template ........................ 57
Inserting a Project File ........................................................................................................................... 57
Updating the Map in the Layout View.............................................................................................. 59

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Editing the New Legend ........................................................................................................................ 60

Exporting Your Existing Land Use Map as a PDF File ................................................................ 64
Supplemental Chapter A: Digitizing in Google Earth Pro ................................................ 66
Installing Google Earth Pro .................................................................................................................. 66
Navigating in Google Earth Pro .......................................................................................................... 68
Digitizing Point Features ...................................................................................................................... 70
Digitizing Line Features ........................................................................................................................ 72
Digitizing Polygon Features ................................................................................................................. 74
Saving Digitized Features as KML File ............................................................................................. 75
Supplemental Chapter B: Importing KML Files into QGIS............................................... 77
Adding KML Files into QGIS ................................................................................................................. 77
Converting KML Files to Shapefile .................................................................................................... 79
Supplemental Chapter C: Using GPS for Land Use Survey .............................................. 82
Installing GPS Essentials ....................................................................................................................... 82
Exploring the GPS Essentials Interface ........................................................................................... 84
Configuring GPS Essentials .................................................................................................................. 85
Creating Waypoints ................................................................................................................................ 88
Geotagging Photos ................................................................................................................................... 92
Creating Tracks ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Exporting Waypoints.............................................................................................................................. 96
Exporting Tracks ...................................................................................................................................... 97
References ...................................................................................................................................... 99

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Chapter 1


Each vector feature contained in a shapefile has certain characteristics that may
describe the real-world object that it represents. For example, in a barangay boundary
shapefile in which each polygon represents a barangay, these attributes may include the
barangay name, area in hectares, total population, annual revenue, etc. In GIS, these
information are stored in an attribute table. An attribute table is similar to a
spreadsheet file that consists of columns or fields, and rows which are called records
(QGIS Development Team, n.d.).

In this exercise, participants will learn how to add and remove fields, select features from
the attribute table, and calculate the area of each feature using the Field Calculator tool.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following:

• Barangay Boundary Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_bnd.shp

Adding a New Field in the Attribute Table

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software.

2. Click the Open Data Source Manager icon on the Data Source Manager

3. In the Data Source Manager | Vector window, click the Browse button. Then,
navigate to C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data folder and select
brgy_bnd.shp. Click [Open].

Figure 1.1 Loading the dataset in the Data Source Manager

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

4. Right-click the brgy_bnd in the Layers panel and select Open Attribute Table (See
Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Opening the attribute table

5. In the Attribute Table, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon or simply press
[Ctrl+E] on your keyboard. This will make the attribute table editable.

6. Click the New Field icon or simply press [Ctrl+W] on your keyboard to open
the Add Field window. Set the following inputs on the dialog box (See Figure 1.3):

Name= Area_has
Comment= (Leave as blank)
Type= Decimal number (real)

Figure 1.3 Add Field dialog box with the set parameters

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

7. Click [OK] when you are done. A new field (column) named Area_has has been
added with a record (row) having Null information.

Figure 1.4 Updated attribute table of bgry_bnd; Area_has has been added

8. Click the Save Edits icon to save any changes that you made on the attribute
table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to
disable editing.

Deleting a Field in the Attribute Table

1. In the Attribute Table, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon or press [Ctrl+E]
on the keyboard.

2. To delete a field, click the Delete Field icon or simply press [Ctrl+L] on the
keyboard. The Delete Fields dialog box will appear.

3. In the Delete Fields dialog box, click the field that you are planning to delete. In
this exercise, we will delete the field named Area_has. Click [OK]. The field
(column) Area_has will be deleted from the attribute table of the brgy_bnd vector
layer (See Figure 1.6).

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Figure 1.5 Delete Fields dialog box

4. Click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to disable
editing. On the Stop Editing dialog box that will open, click [Discard] for now.

Figure 1.6 Updated attribute table of bgry_bnd; Area_has has been deleted

5. Close the Attribute Table, then remove the shapefile layer brgy_bnd in the Layers

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Figure 1.7 Process to remove a layer in the Layers panel

Selecting Features by Attribute

1. Click the Open Data Source Manager icon on the Data Source Manager

2. In the Data Source Manager | Vector window, click the Browse button. Then,
navigate to the C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data folder and
select ELUM.shp. Click [Open].

3. Right-click the ELUM in the Layers panel and select Open Attribute Table. Then,
click the Select features using an expression icon.

4. In the Select by Expression dialog box, do the following (See Figure 1.7):

a. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Fields and Values.
b. Double-click Category under Fields and Values.
c. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
d. In the right panel, click [All Unique].
e. In the right panel, double-click Agricultural.

The Expression panel should display the expression: "Category" =


QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Figure 1.7 Process to set an expression parameter in the Select by Expression dialog box

5. Click [Select Features] to execute the selection.

6. Check the Attribute Table again. Notice that all of the features categorized as
Agricultural were highlighted. The number of selected features is also displayed
on the topmost portion of the Attribute Table window (See Figure 1.9).

7. Go to the Map View. Notice that the selected features on the attribute table were
also highlighted on the vector shapefile (See Figure 1.9).

Figure 1.9 Selected features highlighted in the attribute table and in the shapefile

QGIS 3.14.1 Training Manual

Unselecting the Selected Features in the Attribute Table

1. Close the Select by Expression dialog box.

2. In the Attribute Table, click the Deselect all features from the layer icon or
simply press [Ctrl+Shift+A] on the keyboard to deselect all highlighted
features in the attribute table and the shapefile.

Figure 1.10 Unselected features in the attribute table and in the shapefile

Selecting Multiple Features in the Attribute Table

1. In the Attribute Table, click the Select features using an expression icon.

2. In the Select by Expression dialog box, do the following (See Figure 1.11):

a. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Fields and Values.
b. Double-click Category under Fields and Values.
c. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
d. In the right panel, click [All Unique].
e. In the right panel, double-click Residential.
f. In the Expression panel, type in “OR”.
g. Repeat the process b to d.
h. In the right panel, double-click Urban Expansion.

The Expression panel should display the expression: "Category" = 'Residential'

or "Category" = 'Urban Expansion'.

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Figure 1.11 Process to set an Expression parameter in the Select by Expression dialog box

3. Click [Select Features] to execute the selection.

4. Check both the Attribute Table and Map View again. Notice that all of the features
categorized as Residential or Urban Expansion were highlighted. The number of
selected features is also displayed on the topmost portion of the Attribute Table

Figure 1.12 Selected multiple features in the attribute table and in the shapefile

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Exporting Selected Features in the Attribute Table as Shapefile

1. In the Attribute Table, click the Select features using an expression icon.

2. In the Select by Expression dialog box, do the following (See Figure 1.13):

a. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Fields and Values.
b. Double-click Category under Fields and Values.
c. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
d. In the right panel, click [All Unique].
e. In the right panel, double-click Forest.

Figure 1.13 Process to set an Expression parameter in Select by Expression dialog box

The Expression panel should display the expression: "Category" = ‘Forest’.

3. Click [Select Features] to execute the selection. Then, click [Close].

4. In the Menu Bar, Go to Layer → Save as. The Save Vector Layer as… dialog box
will appear.

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Figure 1.14 Saving the selected features as shapefile

5. In the Save Vector Layer as… dialog box, do the following: (See Figure 1.15).

a. In the Format options, select ESRI Shapefile from the dropdown menu.

b. In the Filename input box, click the Browse button and navigate to the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data. Input
“Forest” as the filename and click [Save].

c. Mark a check on the Save only selected features and Add saved file to
map options.

d. Do not change other settings. Click [OK].

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Figure 1.15 Save Vector layer dialog box with the input settings

6. Notice that a new layer named Forest was added to the Map View and Layers
panel. The new shapefile contains the selected features in the attribute table. (See
Figure 1.16).

Figure 1.16 Selected features in the attribute table were exported as shapefile

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Calculating Areas of Polygon Using the Attribute Table

1. Remove all the layers in the Layers panel. Select each layer while holding
[Ctrl], then right-click on the layers and select Remove Layer from the
dropdown options.

2. Add the vector shapefile brgy_bnd.shp located in the training folder.

3. Open the Attribute Table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon or simply
press [Ctrl+E] on your keyboard.

4. Click the Open Field Calculator icon or simply press [Ctrl+I].

5. In the Field Calculator dialog box, do the following (See Figure 1.17):

a. Mark a check on the box provided for the Update existing field option.
b. On the dropdown list below the Update existing field option, select
c. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Geometry.
d. Under Geometry, double-click $area.
e. Under the Expression panel, click the Division Operator button.
f. Type in 10000 in the Expression panel.
g. Click [OK].

Figure 1.17 Procedure to set an expression in the Field Calculator dialog box

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6. Check the Attribute Table. Notice that the field Area_has does not contain null
values anymore. It now contains the area of each barangay in hectares. (See figure

Figure 1.18 Calculated Area_has in the attribute table of vector layer brgy_bnd

7. Click the Save Edits icon to save any changes that you made on the attribute
table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to
disable editing. Close the Attribute Table.


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Chapter 2


There are instances wherein we need to add new fields and attributes to our vector
datasets but these information are contained in a non-spatial data format such as Excel
files (.xls, .xlsx) or CSV files (.csv). In such cases, we do not need to manually input each
of these data in the attribute table. QGIS allows its users to append standalone tables
with attribute tables through Table Joins as long as they share a common field with
attributes and there needs to be a cardinality of one-to-one or many-to-one between the
two tables (PACKT Books, 2015).

In this exercise, participants will learn how to use Table Joins to append a population
data in an Excel worksheet, to the attribute table of a barangay boundary vector layer.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following:

• Barangay Boundary Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_bnd.shp

• Barangay Population File in Excel Format: brgy_population.xlsx

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software. Add the vector shapefile
brgy_bnd.shp located in the training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data
\01_Vector Data.

2. Still on the Data Source Manager | Vector window, click the Browse button.
Then, navigate to the C:\QGIS Training Data\02_Tables folder and select
the Excel file brgy_population.xlsx. Make sure that the File Format on the
dropdown list beside the Filename input box is set to All files (*). Click [Open].

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Figure 2.1 Loading Excel dataset in QGIS

Tip: Alternatively, you may simply drag the Excel file from your folder to the Map

3. Check the contents of the Layers panel. It should contain the Excel file named
brgy_population Sheet 1 and the shapefile named brgy_bnd (See Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 Added files on the Layers panel

4. Open the Attribute Table of brgy_bnd and brgy_population and observe which
field values are common to both. Close both tables for now.

5. Right-click on the brgy_bnd, then click Properties… on the dropdown options.

The Layer Properties window will appear.

6. In the Layer Properties window, click the Join tab. Then, click the Add New
Join icon (See Figure 2.3). The Add Vector Join dialog box will appear.

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Figure 2.4 Join tab in the Layer Properties dialog box

7. Set the following parameters on the Add Vector Join dialog box (See Figure 2.5).

Join Layer = brgy_population Sheet1 (default)

Join Field = PSGC_ID
Target Field = BRGY_ID

Figure 2.5 Add Vector Join dialog box

8. Click [OK] when you are done. The Layer Properties window should now contain
the following information as shown in Figure 2.6.

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Figure 2.6 Layer Properties dialog box after joining both data

9. Press [Apply] and [OK] respectively to close the Layer Properties dialog box.

10. Open the Attribute Table of brgy_bnd. Notice that the attribute table has now
included the BRGY_NAME and POPULATION fields from the Excel file (See Figure
2.7). Close the attribute table for now.

Figure 2.7 Attribute table after joining the attributes of the shapefile and Excel file

Saving the Joined Attributes to the Vector Layer

1. In the Layers panel, right-click the vector layer brgy_bnd, then go to Export →
Save Features as…

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Figure 2.8 Executing save features for a vector layer

2. In the Save Vector Layer as… dialog box, do the following (See Figure 2.9):

a. In the Format options, select ESRI Shapefile from the dropdown menu.

b. In the Filename input box, click the Browse button and navigate to the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data. Input
“brgy_POP” as the filename and click [Save].

c. Mark a check on the Add saved file to map options.

d. Do not change other settings. Click [OK].

Figure 2.9 Settings on the Save Vector Layer as dialog box

3. In the Layers panel, remove all the layers except for the brgy_POP shapefile. The
Map View should look similar to Figure 2.10.

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Figure 2.10 Map interface for barangay population

4. Open the Attribute Table of the brgy_POP layer. Notice that the new shapefile
has preserved the joined attributes from the Excel file.

Figure 2.11 Attribute table of the exported shapefile with preserved attributes from the Excel file


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Chapter 3


Now that we have explored the attribute table, we are ready to create maps based on the
attributes of vector features. One of the commonly used maps in the urban planning
profession is the population density map. A population density map shows the
population per unit area. This can be used by planners in formulating plans and policies
based on the population distribution profile of the city or municipality. It may also be
included in the Exposure Database which is necessary in the Climate and Disaster Risk
Assessment (CDRA) process.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to calculate and map the population density
per barangay using the attribute table and the tools that we have utilized in the previous
mapping exercises.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will use the output dataset from the previous activity:

• Barangay Population Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_POP.shp

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software. Then, add the vector brgy_POP.shp
located in the training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data \01_Vector Data.

2. Open the Attribute Table. Click the Toggle Editing Mode icon or press
[Ctrl+E] to start editing the attribute table. Then, click the New Field icon
or press [Ctrl+W]to add a new field.

3. In the Add Field dialog box, input the following (See Figure 3.1):

Name= pop_dense
Comment= (leave as blank)
Type= Whole number (integer)

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Figure 3.1 Add Field dialog box and its settings

4. Click [OK] to apply the settings. You will notice that a new field (column)
pop_dense has been added with a record (row) having Null information (See
Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2 A new field named pop_dense was added

5. Click the Save Edits icon to save any changes that you made on the attribute
table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to
disable editing.

Populating the Field (pop_dense)

1. Open the Attribute Table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon or simply
press [Ctrl+E] on your keyboard.

2. Click the Open Field Calculator icon or simply press [Ctrl+I].

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3. In the Field Calculator dialog box, do the following (See Figure 3.3):

a. Mark a check on the box provided for the Update existing field option.
b. On the dropdown list below the Update existing field option, select
c. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Field and Values.
d. Under Field and Values, double-click brgy_pop_1.
e. Under the Expression panel, click the Division Operator button.
f. Under Field and Values, double-click Area_has.
g. Click [OK].

The Expression panel should display "brgy_pop_1" / "Area_has".

Figure 3.3 Procedure to set an expression in the Field Calculator dialog box

4. Click the Save Edits icon to save any changes that you made on the attribute
table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to
disable editing.

5. Check the contents of the attribute table. The field pop_dense should now display
the population density of each barangay. Close the Attribute Table for now.

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Applying Symbology
1. In the Layers panel, double-click the layer named brgy_POP to open the Layer
Properties window.

2. In the Layer Properties window, click on the Symbology tab. Then, select
Graduated on the topmost dropdown list (See Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.4 Selecting Graduated symbols from the dropdown list

3. In the Symbology tab, set the following inputs (See Figure 3.5):

Value= pop_dense
Precision= 0
Mode=Natural Breaks (Jenks)
Classes= 3
4. Leave other settings as default. Click [Apply] but do not close the Layer
Properties window yet.

Figure 3.5 Setting the symbology of the population density map

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Labeling the Layer

1. In the Layer Properties window, click on the Labels tab. Then, select Single
Labels on the topmost dropdown list (See Figure 3.6).

Figure 3.6 Selecting Single Labels from the dropdown list

2. On the Labels tab, set the following inputs (See Figure 3.7):

Value= Brgy_Nm
Font= Arial

3. Leave other settings as default. Click [Apply] and [OK] respectively.

Figure 3.5 Setting the labels of the population density map

5. If you have followed all the steps correctly, your map should look like Figure 3.6
on the Map View.

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Figure 3.6 Population Density Map displayed on the Map View

Saving Your Map as Project File

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Project → Save as.

2. Look for the C:\QGIS Training Data folder and name the file as
“Population Density by Barangay”. Save the file as a QGIS file (*.qgs) and click

Tip: Alternatively, you may also save your project by doing either of the following
• Click the Save Project button on the Project toolbar.
• Press [CTRL + S] on your keyboard.


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Chapter 4


The first step in the CDRA process is the collection and organization of climate change
and hazard information. One of the maps that should be prepared by planners to analyze
the scope and impact of hazards is the faultline hazard map. A faultline hazard map
may be used to identify houses and establishments that lie along a faultline and
determine the areas that could be severely affected in case of an earthquake.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to prepare a faultline hazard map of a
municipality. Furthermore, trainees will also be taught how to use the Buffer
geoprocessing tool in QGIS which allows its users to generate a polygon shapefile
surrounding a vector feature based on the input buffer distance. Using this tool, planners
will be able to determine the areas surrounding the faultline that should be evacuated

Disclaimer: The tutorial only covers some parts that are being done in a real analysis.
The results that are being displayed in the tutorial cannot be compared with the results
a real analysis would generate. All map layers are presumed to have been digitized,
projected and georeferenced before proceeding to this tutorial.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following datasets:

• Faultline Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: EMO5_Faultline.shp

• Barangay Boundary Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_bnd.shp
• River Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: River.shp
• Road Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: Road.shp

1. Launch the QGIS 3.14.1 software. Add the EM05_Faultline.shp,

brgy_bnd.shp, Road.shp, River.shp located in the training folder:
C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data.

Tip: You may add all the vector files at once. While holding [CTRL] on your
keyboard, click the shapefiles on the training folder. Then, hold the left mouse
button on the files and drag them into the Map View.

2. Rearrange the layers in the following order, with the first layer on the topmost
position, by left-clicking and dragging each layer on the Layers panel to make all
the layers visible on the Map View:

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i. EM05_Faultline
ii. River
iii. Road
iv. brgy_bnd

3. Edit the symbology and labels of the River, Road, and brgy_bnd shapefiles using
the skills that you have learned from the previous exercises. Do not modify the
properties of the EM05_Faultline yet (See Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 Vector layers to be used in this exercise

Creating a Faultline Buffer Area

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Vector → Geoprocessing Tools → Buffer…

Figure 4.2 Navigating to the Buffer Tool

2. In the Buffer dialog box, do the following (See Figure 4.3):

a. In the Input Layer options, select EM05_Faultline from the dropdown list.
b. Set the Distance to 5.0 meters.

c. Set the Segments to 5.

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d. In the Buffered save option, click on the dropdown button and select Save
to file…. Navigate to the training folder: C:\QGIS Training
Data\01_Vector Data and type in “5M faultline_buffer” on the
Filename input box. Select SHP files (*.shp) as the file type and click [Save].

e. Mark a check on the box provided for the Open output file after running
algorithm option.

f. Leave other settings as default and click [Run].

Figure 4.3 Input settings on the Buffer dialog box

3. The new buffer layer 5m_faultline_buffer will be added to the Layers panel as
shown in Figure 4.4.

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Figure 4.4 New buffer layer added to the Layers panel

4. In the Layers panel, double-click on the layer 5M Faultline_buffer to open the

Layer Properties window. Then, click on the Symbology tab.

5. In the Symbology tab, Click Simple Fill on the topmost panel of the window to
bring out other fill options. Set the Symbol Layer Type to Simple Fill. Set the Fill
Color to Red and the Stroke Style to No Pen. Then, click [Apply] and [OK]
respectively (See Figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5 Symbology settings for the buffer layer

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6. If you have followed all the steps correctly, your map should look like Figure 4.6
on the Map View.

Figure 4.6 Faultline Hazard Map displayed on the Map View

7. Save the project on the same folder where your Population Density Map is located
Name the file as “Faultline Hazard Map” and save it as a QGIS file (*.qgs).


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Chapter 5


Another map that should be prepared for the CDRA process is the flooding hazard map.
A flooding hazard map shows the areas that are at risk of flooding under extreme
conditions (Zhu, Linham and Nicholls, 2010). It can be used to identify barangays that
should be prioritized in the implementation of flood mitigation strategies, quantify the
number of people, houses, livelihood, natural resources, and critical point facilities that
could be affected by the flooding hazard, and determine areas which are not suitable for
urban development.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to prepare a flooding hazard map of a
municipality using the mapping skills and tools that were taught in the previous

Disclaimer: The tutorial only covers some parts that are being done in a real analysis.
The results that are being displayed in the tutorial cannot be compared with the results
a real analysis would generate. All map layers are presumed to have been digitized,
projected and georeferenced before proceeding to this tutorial.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following datasets:

• Flooding Hazard Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: EMO3_Flooding.shp

• Barangay Boundary Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_bnd.shp
• River Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: River.shp
• Road Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: Road.shp

1. Launch the QGIS 3.14.1 software. Add the EM03_Flooding.shp,

brgy_bnd.shp, Road.shp, River.shp located in the training folder:
C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data.

2. Rearrange the layers in the following order, with the first layer on the topmost
position, by left-clicking and dragging each layer on the Layers panel to make all
the layers visible on the Map View:

i. EM05_Flooding
ii. River
iii. Road
iv. brgy_bnd

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3. Edit the symbology and labels of the River, Road, and brgy_bnd shapefiles using
the skills that you have learned from the previous exercises. Do not modify the
properties of the EM03_Flooding yet (See Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1 Vector layers to be used in this exercise

Selecting Areas with High Flooding Hazard

Note: In this exercise we will assume that areas categorized as “Moderate seasonal
flooding”, “Severe seasonal flooding”, and “Waterlogged” are not suitable for future
urban development.

1. Open the Attribute Table of the EM03_Flooding layer. Then, click the Select
features using an expression icon.

2. In the Select by Expression window, perform the following (See Figure 5.2):
a. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Fields and Values.
b. Under Fields and Values, double-click FLD_TP.
c. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
d. In the right panel, click [All Unique].
e. In the right panel, double-click Severe Flooding.
f. Type in “OR” in the Expression panel.
g. Under Fields and Values, double-click FLD_TP.
h. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
i. In the right panel, double-click Moderate Flooding.
j. Type in “OR” in the Expression.
k. Under Fields and Values, double-click FLD_TP.
l. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
m. In the right panel, double-click Waterlogged.

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Figure 5.2 Procedure A to E on the Select by Expression dialog box

Figure 5.3 Procedure F to M on the Select by Expression dialog box

The Expression panel should display the expression: "FLD_TP" = 'severe

flooding' or "FLD_TP" = 'moderate flooding' or "FLD_TP" = 'waterlogged'

3. Click [Select Features] and [Close] respectively to execute the selection and close
the Select by Expression window.

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4. Check both the Attribute Table and Map View again. Notice that all of the features
categorized as Moderate Flooding, Severe Flooding, and Waterlogged were
highlighted (See Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4 Selected features highlighted in the attribute table and in the shapefile

Exporting Areas with High Flood Hazard as a New Layer

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Layer → Save as.

2. In the Save Vector Layer dialog box, do the following (See Figure 5.5):

a. In the Format options, select ESRI Shapefile from the dropdown menu.

b. In the Filename input box, click the Browse button and navigate to the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data. Input
“flooding_area” as the filename and click [Save].

c. Mark a check on the Save only selected features and the Add saved file
to map options.

d. Do not change other settings. Click [OK].

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Figure 5.5 Save Vector Layer as dialog box and its settings

3. The exported layer will be automatically added to the Layers panel as shown in
Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 New layer flooding_area in the Layers panel

4. Remove the vector layer EM03_Flooding on the Layers panel. If you followed
the steps correctly, your Map View should look like Figure 5.7.

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Figure 5.7 Map View after removing EM03_Flooding on the Layers panel

Symbolizing the Flooding Area Layer

1. In the Layers panel, double-click the flooding_area layer to open the Layer
Properties window. Select the Symbology tab.

2. In the Symbology tab, select Categorized on the topmost dropdown list of the
Layer Properties window. Set the Value to FLD_TP and click [Classify].

3. Notice that a symbol labeled “all other values” is included on the list. To remove
this, select the unwanted symbol and click the Delete button (See Figure 5.8).

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Figure 5.8 Changing the symbology of the flooded_area layer

4. Select and drag each symbol to rearrange its order as shown in Figure 5.9.

Figure 5.9 Rearranged symbols of the flooded_area layer

5. Double-click the color symbol of the Severe flooding category to open the Symbol
Selector window (See Figure 5.10).

Figure 5.10 Color symbol

6. In the Symbol Selector window, click the Color dropdown list and change the
color symbol to Red. Click [OK].

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7. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for the Moderate Flooding and Waterlogged categories.
Change it to a suitable color.

Figure 5.11 Changing color symbol in the Symbol Selector window

8. Click [Apply] and [OK] respectively. If you followed the steps correctly, your map
should look similar to Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12 Flood Hazard Map displayed on the Map View

8. Save the project on the same folder where your Population Density Map is located
Name the file as “Flood Hazard Map” and save it as a QGIS file (*.qgs).


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Chapter 6


In addition to the maps from the previous exercises, planners should also obtain a
landslide hazard map if the city or municipality experiences landslides. A landslide
hazard map depicts the areas that are at risk of landslides under extreme conditions. It
can be used to select priority barangays for evacuation and implementation of landslide
mitigation options. Furthermore, it can also be utilized to quantify the exposed elements
of the city or municipality that could be severely affected by the landslides and identify
unsuitable areas for urban development.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to prepare a landslide hazard map of a
municipality using the mapping tools and techniques that were discussed in the previous
chapters. Moreover, participants will also be taught how to use the Clip geoprocessing
tool which cuts the input layer based on the extent of the clipping layer.

Disclaimer: The tutorial only covers some parts that are being done in a real analysis.
The results that are being displayed in the tutorial cannot be compared with the results
a real analysis would generate. All map layers are presumed to have been digitized,
projected and georeferenced before proceeding to this tutorial.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following datasets:

• Regional Landslide Hazard Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format:

• Barangay Boundary Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: brgy_bnd.shp
• River Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: River.shp
• Road Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: Road.shp

1. Launch the QGIS 3.14.1 software. Add the landslide_region.shp,

brgy_bnd.shp, Road.shp, River.shp located in the training folder:
C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data.

2. Rearrange the layers in the following order, with the first layer on the topmost
position, by left-clicking and dragging each layer on the Layers panel to make all
the layers visible on the Map View:
i. River
ii. Road
iii. brgy_bnd
iv. landslide_region

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3. Edit the symbology and labels of the River, Road, and brgy_bnd shapefiles using
the skills that you have learned from the previous exercises. Do not modify the
properties of the landslide_region yet (See Figure 5.1).

Figure 6.1 Vector layers to be used in this exercise

Clipping a Vector Layer

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Vector → Geoprocessing Tools → Clip…

Figure 6.2 Navigating to the Clip tool

2. In the Clip dialog box, do the following (See Figure 6.3):

a. In the Input Layer dropdown list, select landslide_region.

b. In the Overlay Layer dropdown list, select brgy_bnd.

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c. Mark a check on the box provided for the Open output file after running
algorithm option.

d. Leave other settings as default and click [Run].

3. A temporary layer named Clipped will appear on the Layers panel. Remove the
vector layer landslide_region. Then, click the Zoom Full icon on the Map
Navigation toolbar or simply press [Ctrl+Shift+F] on the keyboard to zoom
to the full extent of the remaining shapefiles.

Figure 6.3 Input settings for the Clip dialog box

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Figure 6.4 Map View and Layers panel after removing the landslide_region vector layer

Selecting Multiple Features

Note: In this exercise, we will assume that areas prone to landslide, e.g., “High” and
“Moderate” are not suitable for future urban development. We have to make a new layer
that only contains areas with “High” and “Moderate” occurrence of landslide.

1. Open the Attribute Table of the Clipped layer. Then, click the Select features
using an expression icon.

2. In the Select by Expression window, perform the following (See Figure 6.5):

a. In the center panel, click the dropdown arrow beside Fields and Values.
b. Under Fields and Values, double-click RATING.
c. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
d. In the right panel, click [All Unique].
e. In the right panel, double-click High.
f. Type in “OR” in the Expression panel.
g. Under Fields and Values, double-click RATING.
h. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
i. In the right panel, double-click Moderate.
The Expression panel should display the following expression: "RATING" =
'High' or "RATING" = 'Moderate'.

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Figure 6.5 Process to set an expression in the Select by Expression dialog box

3. Click [Select Features] and [Close] respectively to execute the selection and close
the Select by Expression window.

4. Check both the Attribute Table and Map View again. Notice that all of the features
categorized as Moderate and High were highlighted (See Figure 6.6).

Figure 6.6 Selected features highlighted in the attribute table and in the shapefile

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Exporting Areas with High Landslide Hazard as a New Layer

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Layer → Save as.

2. In the Save Vector Layer dialog box, do the following (See Figure 6.7):

a. On the Format options, select ESRI Shapefile from the dropdown menu.

b. On the Filename input box, click the Browse button and navigate to the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data. Input
“landslide_area” as the filename and click [Save].

c. Mark a check on the Save only selected features and the Add saved file
to map options.

d. Do not change other settings. Click [OK].

3. Remove the temporary layer named Clipped on the Layers panel.

Figure 6.7 Save Vector Layer as dialog box and its settings

Symbolizing the Landslide Area Layer

1. In the Layers panel, double-click the landslide_area layer to open the Layer
Properties window. Select the Symbology tab.

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2. In the Symbology tab, select Categorized on the topmost dropdown list of the
Layer Properties window. Set the Value to RATING and click [Classify].

3. Notice that a symbol labeled “all other values” is included on the list. To remove
this, select the unwanted symbol and click the Delete button (See Figure 6.8).

4. Rearrange and change the color symbols of the landslide categories. Apply the
skills that you have learned from the previous exercises.

Unnecessary symbol

Figure 6.8 Changing the symbology of the landslide_area layer

5. Click [Apply] and [OK] respectively when you are done. If you followed the steps
correctly, your Map View should look similar to Figure 6.9.

Figure 6.9 Landslide Hazard Map displayed on the Map View

6. Save the project on the same folder where your Population Density Map is located
Name the file as “Landslide Hazard Map” and save it as a QGIS file (*.qgs).

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Chapter 7


One of the main outputs of urban planners is a land use map which shows the allocation
of land and water resources within the city or municipality to different land uses such as
residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial zones. Last 2014, the Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) has published the third volume of the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) Guidebook which includes the prescribed color
coding for various land use categories (Annex 1).

In this exercise, participants will learn how to apply the proper symbology of a land use
map based on the recommended color coding of HLURB (now DHSUD).

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following:

• Existing Land Use Vector File in ESRI Shapefile Format: ELUM.shp

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software. Add the ELUM.shp located in the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data.

2. In the Layers panel, double-click the ELUM layer to open the Layer Properties
window. Click the Symbology tab.

3. In the Symbology tab, select Categorized on the topmost dropdown list of the
Layer Properties window. Set the Value to RATING and click [Classify]. Then,
remove the “all other values” category by selecting the symbol and clicking the
Delete button. Do not close the window yet.

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Figure 7.1 Remaining land use categories on the Symbology tab

Applying the Proper Color Code for Each Land Use Category
1. Double-click the color symbol of the first category (Agricultural) to open the
Symbol Selector window.

Figure 7.2 Color Symbol of the Agricultural land use category

2. Click the Color dropdown list and select Choose Color… to open the Select Color
window (See Figure 7.3).

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Figure 7.3 Process to open Select Color dialog box

3. Type in the following RGB values of the color code assigned for ‘Agricultural’ on
the R, G, and B input boxes as shown in Figure 7.4:

R (Red) = 0
G (Green) = 150
B (Blue) = 0

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Figure 7.4 RGB values for the Agricultural Land Use color symbol

4. Click [OK] on the Select Color and Symbol Selector windows respectively.

5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to apply the proper color symbols for the remaining land use

Note: Refer to the RGB color coding table below in applying land use color code. The red-
green-blue (RGB) color coding is handy to work with on computers, since most programs
define colors as a mixture of these three colors. (See Table 7.1).

Table 7.1 RGB values of the recommended color symbol for each land use category


SQUATTER 255 255 0


190 190 190


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INDUSTRIAL 150 0 200



0 100 0




TOURISM 255 100 0

WATERWAYS 175 200 225


DIKE 105 105 105

DUMPSITE 135 70 70

6. Still in the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties window, click on a land use
category (e.g., Residential), then while holding the mouse, drag and drop the layer
to its proper arrangement (See Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5 Proper arrangement of each land use category

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Calculating Land Use Areas

Note: Before calculating area, make sure that your map units are in meters.

1. Open the Attribute Table of vector layer ELUM. Then, click the Toggle Editing
Mode icon and the Open Field Calculator icon, respectively.

2. In the Field Calculator dialog box, do the following (See Figure 7.6):
a. Type in Area_has on the Output Field Name input box.
b. Select a Decimal number(real) from the Output Field Type dropdown
c. Type in 10 (default) on the Output Field Length input box.
d. Type in 2 on the Precision input box.
e. In the center panel, double-click Geometry.
f. Under Geometry, double-click $area.
g. In the Expression panel, click the Equal Operator button.
h. In the Expression panel, type in 10000.
i. Click [OK].

Figure 7.6 Procedure to set an Expression in the Field Calculator dialog box

The Expression should display the following expression: $area / 10000

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3. Click the Save Edits icon to save any changes that you made on the attribute
table. Then, click the Toggle Editing Mode icon again or press [Ctrl+E] to
disable editing. Close the Attribute Table.

4. If you followed the steps correctly, your Map View should be similar to Figure 7.7.
Save the project on the same folder where your Population Density Map is located
Name the file as “Land Use Map” and save it as a QGIS file (*.qgs).

Figure 7.7 Land Use Map displayed on the Map View


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Chapter 8


Contrary to a basemap which emphasizes the location of various features such as

establishments, roads, buildings, and waterbodies, a thematic map is a special-purpose
map which highlights a certain theme or attribute. The previous maps that we have
prepared in this training manual, the population density map, faultline hazard map,
flood hazard map, landslide hazard map, and land use map, are examples of a thematic

In this exercise, participants will learn how to layout the land use map from the previous
activity, using the basemap template.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will use the QGIS project files that were saved in the
previous exercises:

• Land Use Map in QGIS Project File Format: Land Use Map.qgs
• Basemap Template in QGIS Project File Format: Basemap_Temp_A4.qgs

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software. In the Menu Bar, go to Project →

2. In the Open Project window, navigate to the training folder located on C:\QGIS
Training Data and select Basemap_Temp_A4.qgs that you saved on the
previous exercise. Click [Open].

Tip: If you have recently opened the Basemap_Temp_A4.qgs file, you may go to
Project → Open Recent and click on the said file.

Inserting a Project File

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Layer → Embed Layers and Groups…

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Figure 8.1 Navigating to the Embed layers and Groups dialog box

2. In the Select Layers and Groups to Embed dialog box, click the Browse button
to select the project file.

3. In the Select Project File window, locate and select the project file Existing
Land Use Map.qgs that you saved on the previous exercise. Click [Open].

4. Going back to the Select Layers and Groups to Embed dialog box. Select the layer
ELUM and click [OK].

Figure 8.2 Select Layers and Groups to Embed dialog box

5. Rearrange the order of the layers on the Layers panel, by dragging down the layer

6. Go to Project → Save as... to save your project with the filename “Existing Land
Use Map”. Click [Yes] if you are asked to replace the existing project. If you
followed the steps correctly, your Map View should now look like Figure 8.3.

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Figure 8.3 Existing Land Use Map displayed on the Map View

Updating the Map in the Layout View

1. In the Menu Bar, go to Project → Layout Manager….

2. In the Layout Manager window, click to select the Basemap_Temp_A4, then click
[Show]. The Layout View will appear. Maximize the view if necessary.

Figure 8.4 Layout Manager dialog box

3. In the Layout View, click the Add New Legend button on the Toolbars located
on the left side of the window.

4. Left-click once on the Map Elements panel of the map layout to add the new
legend. The New Item Properties dialog box will appear. Here, you may adjust the
values to reposition and resize the legend that you will add. Click [OK] for now
(See Figure 8.5).

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Figure 8.5 New Item Properties dialog box

Editing the New Legend

1. Click on the new legend that will be generated. Then, on the Item Properties tab
on the right side of the window, go to the Legend Items panel and uncheck the
Auto update option (See Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6 Legend Items panel

2. Still under the Legend Items panel, click the Municipal Road, Rivers/Creeks,
and Barangay Boundary while holding [CTRL] on your keyboard to select these
items. Then, click the Remove selected item(s) from the legend button to
remove the selected items (See Figure 8.7).

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Figure 8.7 Removing items from the legend

3. Still under the Legend Items panel, select ELUM, then right click the layer and
mark a check on the box provided for Hidden on the dropdown options (See
Figure 8.8).

Figure 8.8 Hiding items on the legend

4. Still in the Item Properties tab, click the dropdown arrow beside the Fonts and
Text Formatting to reveal the entire panel. Then, input the following font settings
(See Figure 8.9):
Title font = Arial - Bold – 10
Item font = Arial - Normal – 10

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Figure 8.9 Fonts and Text Formatting panel

5. Still in the Item Properties tab, click the dropdown arrow beside the Symbol to
reveal the entire panel. Then, set the Symbol Width to 10 mm. Leave other
settings as default (See Figure 8.10).

Figure 8.10 Symbol panel and its settings

6. Still in the Item Properties tab, click the dropdown arrow beside the Spacing to
reveal the entire panel. Then, set the Symbol Label Space to 1.00 mm. Leave the
other settings as default (See Figure 8.11).

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Figure 8.11 Spacing panel and its settings

7. Still in the Item Properties tab, scroll down and uncheck Background (See Figure

Figure 8.12 Disabling the background on the legend

8. In the Main Properties panel, set the title of the map to “EXISTING LAND USE
MAP”. Use appropriate settings to fit in the layout.

9. If you followed the steps correctly, your Layout View should look like Figure 8.13.

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Figure 8.13 Existing Land Use Map displayed on the Layout View

Tip: Make sure that all of the basic map elements are present in your Existing
Land Use Map. You may revisit Chapter 11 of the Basic GIS Manual (Part 1) as a

Exporting Your Existing Land Use Map as a PDF File

1. In the Menu Bar of the Layout View, go to Layout → Export as PDF….

Figure 8.14 Navigating to the Export as PDF dialog box

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2. In the PDF Export Options dialog box, leave the settings as default and click [Save]
(See Figure 8.15).

Figure 8.15 PDF Export Options dialog box


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Supplemental Chapter A


Google Earth Pro is a desktop application which gives users access to various
geographic data such as high-resolution satellite and aerial images, road maps, three-
dimensional cityscapes, panoramic imagery at street level, historical imagery, and
topography (Ngucha, n.d.). In addition to a comprehensive set of geospatial datasets,
Google Earth Pro also offers user-friendly tools that allows users to digitize point, line,
and polygon features, measure its length, perimeter, and area, and export it as a vector
file for further processing.

In this exercise, participants will explore the basic functionalities of Google Earth Pro
and learn how to perform digitization using its available tools. Furthermore,
participants will also be taught how to save the digitized files as a vector layer.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will be provided the following:

• Google Earth Pro Installer: GoogleEarthProSetup.exe

Installing Google Earth Pro

Note: This exercise requires the participants to have an internet connection.

1. Locate the executable file GoogleEarthProSetup.exe in the folder C:\QGIS

Training Data\Installer.

2. Double-click the file to open the Installation Progress window. When the
installation is complete, click [Close].

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Figure 9.1 Google Earth Pro Installation Progress window

3. After installation, a Google Earth Pro shortcut will be automatically generated on

your desktop. Double-click the desktop icon to launch the application.

Figure 9.2 Launching Google Earth Pro

4. Explore the interface of the Google Earth Pro application and read the contents of
the Start-up Tips window to learn more about the software and how to use basic

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Figure 9.3 Google Earth Pro interface

Navigating in Google Earth Pro

1. In the Search panel, type in your target area on the input box and click [Search].
In this exercise, we will digitize the features in Laurel, Batangas. You will notice
that the globe will zoom in and focus on the area that you have entered on the
search bar.

Figure 9.4 Using the Search Bar to navigate to the target area

Tip: You may also input the coordinates of a location if you do not know the name
of the target area. You may enter the coordinates in decimal degrees or DMS
(degree, minute, second) format but always make sure to type in the latitude first
before the longitude.

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2. Zoom in further to the area that you intend to digitize using the Zoom slide bar on
the upper right corner of the Map window. Drag the slider upwards to zoom in
and downwards to zoom out of the area.

Figure 9.4 Using the Zoom slide bar to zoom in and zoom out of the map

Tip: Alternatively, you may also click the (+) and (-) buttons of the slider to zoom
in and zoom out, respectively or just simply use the scroll wheel of your mouse.
You may scroll upwards to zoom in and scroll downwards to zoom out of the
target area.

3. Explore the target area using the Movement buttons located on the upper right
corner of the window. Click the up, down, left, and right buttons of the tool to
move towards these directions, respectively. Alternatively, you may simply hold
the left-click button and drag the mouse towards the direction that you want to
navigate to.

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Figure 9.5 Using the Pan tool to navigate the area

Digitizing Point Features

1. In the Search panel, type in “Municipal Hall of Laurel, Batangas” click [Search]
to navigate to the sample area that we will digitize.

Figure 9.6 Sample area for the exercise

2. Click the Add Placemark button on the toolbar to open the Google Earth –
New Placemark dialog box. Then, do the following:

a. Type in “Municipal Hall” on the Name input box.

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b. Click the Style, Color tab. Then, click the box beside the Icon Color options
to open the Choose Line Color window. Change the color to Red and click
[OK]. Do not close the Google Earth – New Placemark dialog box yet.

Figure 9.7 Google Earth – New Placemark window

3. In the Map window, click on the new placemark that you created and drag it to the
location of the Municipal Hall of Laurel, Batangas. Then, click [OK] on the Google
Earth – New Placemark dialog box.

Figure 9.8 Digitizing landmarks in Google Earth Pro

4. Go to the Places panel and check if the Municipal Hall point feature that you
digitized was saved.

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Figure 9.9 Point feature listed on the Places panel

Congratulations! You have now digitized your first point feature in Google Earth Pro!
Now for this exercise, continue to digitize five (5) more buildings by repeating Steps 1-4.

Digitizing Line Features

1. Click the Add Path button on the toolbar to open the Google Earth – New Path
dialog box. Then, do the following:

a. Type in “Road” on the Name input box.

b. Click the Style, Color tab. Then, click the box beside the Line Color options
to open the Choose Line Color window. Change the color to Red and click

c. Do not close the Google Earth – New Path dialog box yet. Drag the window
to the side to prevent it from blocking the area to be digitized.

Figure 9.10 Google Earth – New Path window

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2. Start digitizing the roads by clicking the left mouse button once, then proceed until
you finish the road segment.

Figure 9.11 Digitizing roads in Google Earth Pro


1. You can still navigate within the image while digitizing by using either the
Movement buttons on the upper right corner of the Map window or by using your
keyboard keys. You may simply press either the arrow keys or the [W], [D], [A],
and [S] keys to navigate upwards, downwards, to the left, and to the right,

2. If you want to undo a line segment that you recently digitized, just simply right-
click anywhere on the Map window.

3. When digitizing line features with smooth edges, you may click and hold the
left mouse button while tracing the line segment.

3. To end digitizing, click [OK] on the Google Earth – New Path dialog box. Go to the
Places panel and check if the Road path file that you digitized was saved.

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Figure 9.12 Line feature listed on the Places panel

Congratulations! You have now digitized your first line feature in Google Earth Pro! Now
for this exercise, continue to digitize five (5) more roads by repeating Steps 1-3.

Digitizing Polygon Features

1. Click the Add Polygon button on the toolbar to open the Google Earth – New
Polygon dialog box. Then, do the following:

a. Type in “Block” on the Name input box.

b. Click the Style, Color tab. Then, click the box beside the Line Color options
to open the Choose Line Color window. Change the color to Yellow and
click [OK].

c. Still on the Style, Color tab, click the dropdown list under the Area options
and select Outlined.

d. Do not close the Google Earth – New Path dialog box yet. Drag the window
to the side to prevent it from blocking the area to be digitized.

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Figure 9.13 Google Earth – New Polygon window

2. Start digitizing the blocks by clicking on one of the corners of the target block, then
proceed until you close the entire polygon.

Figure 9.14 Digitizing blocks in Google Earth Pro

3. To end digitizing, click [OK] on the Google Earth – New Polygon dialog box. Go to
the Places panel and check if the Block polygon file that you digitized was saved.

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Figure 9.15 Polygon feature listed on the Places panel

Congratulations! You have now digitized your first point feature in Google Earth Pro!
Now for this exercise, continue to digitize five (5) more blocks by repeating Steps 1-3.

Saving Digitized Features as KML File

1. Select and right-click the Municipal Hall layer on the Places panel and select Save
Place as… from the dropdown options.

Figure 9.16 Saving the digitized layers as KML file

2. On the Save file dialog box, navigate to the training folder and type in Municipal
Hall as the filename. Select Kml (*kml) on the Save as type dropdown options
and click [Save].

3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to save the Road and Block layers as KML files.


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Supplemental Chapter B


Google Earth Pro uses a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file format to display and
export vector files. Similar to other vector file formats, KML files may be loaded in QGIS
and be converted into more common file formats such as ESRI Shapefile.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to convert KML files from Google Earth into
the more widely used ESRI Shapefile.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will use the output KML files from the previous activity:

• Municipal Hall Vector Layer in KML Format: Municipal Hall.kml

• Road Vector Layer in KML Format: Road.kml
• Block Vector Layer in KML Format: Block.kml

Adding KML Files in QGIS

1. Launch the QGIS Desktop 3.14.1 software. Then, click the Open Data Source
Manager icon on the Data Source Manager toolbar.

2. In the Data Source Manager | Vector window, click the Browse button. Then,
navigate to the training folder where you saved the KML files and select
Municipal Hall.kml, Road.kml, and Block.kml. Click [Open].

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Figure 10.1 Adding KML files in QGIS

Tip: Similar with shapefiles, you may also simply drag the KML files from the
training folder to the Map View in order to add the vector files.

3. In the Layers panel, rearrange the layers such that the Municipal Hall layer is
above the other features. Your Map View should look similar to Figure 10.2.

Figure 10.2 KML files loaded into the Map View

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Converting KML Files to Shapefiles

1. In the Layers panel, right-click the Municipal Hall layer and go to Export → Save
Features as… to open the Save Vector Layer as… dialog box.

Figure 10.3 Navigating to the Save Vector Layer as dialog box

2. On the Save Vector Layer as… dialog box, do the following: (See Figure 10.4).

a. In the Format options, select ESRI Shapefile from the dropdown menu.
b. In the Filename input box, click the Browse button and navigate to the
training folder: C:\QGIS Training Data\01_Vector Data. Input
“Municipal Hall” as the filename and click [Save].

c. Click Select the CRS button to open the Coordinate Reference System
Selector window. On the Filter search bar, type in
Luzon_1911_UTM_Zone_51N and click [OK].

d. Mark a check on the Add saved file to map options.

e. Do not change other settings. Click [OK].

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Figure 10.4 Input settings on the Save Vector Layer as dialog box

3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to convert the Road and Block KML files to shapefile.

4. When you are done, remove the KML layers on the Layers panel. Your Map View
should now look similar to Figure 10.5.

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Figure 10.4 Converted shapefiles loaded into the Map View


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Supplemental Chapter C


Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system which satellite constellations

to accurately determine the location of a point on the Earth’s surface. A typical handheld
GPS unit can be used to record position, distance, direction, time, and travel progress. In
land use planning, GPS can be used for various applications such as recording the
coordinates of establishments and other important point features using waypoints and
delineating the administrative boundaries through GPS tracking.

In this exercise, participants will learn how to collect GPS data using GPS Essentials, a
mobile application for navigating, recording, and managing waypoints and tracks. The
GPS files will be exported as KML file which can be opened, converted, and explored in
the QGIS software.

Data and Tools

For this exercise, participants will not be provided any data or installer.

Installing GPS Essentials

Note: The GPS Essentials mobile application is only available for Android phones.

1. In your Android phone, go to Google Play Store and type “GPS Essentials” in the
Search bar and click GPS Essentials from the list of suggested applications.

Figure 11.1 Searching for the GPS Essentials mobile application in the Play Store

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2. Click [Install]. You may exit the installation screen while waiting for the
installation to finish.

Figure 11.2 Installing the GPS Essentials mobile application

3. If you are still on the Installation screen, click [Open] to launch the mobile
application. Alternatively, you may go to your home screen or applications and
tap the GPS Essentials icon to open the tool.

Figure 11.3 Opening GPS Essentials from the installation screen

Figure 11.4 GPS Essentials Mobile Application Icon

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Exploring the Tools in GPS Essentials

Familiarize yourself with the tools in GPS Essentials that we will use in this exercise.

Figure 11.5 Available tools in GPS Essentials

1. The Dashboard tool displays navigation values such as Accuracy, GPS time, Date,
Distance, Latitude, Longitude, Number of Satellites, Time, and Position.

2. The Camera tool (heads-up display) may be used to capture photos of the
waypoint location.

3. The Compass tool shows the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field and displays
an arbitrary tracking angle and the current target.

4. The Portable Maps and Google Maps tools display a map to show your waypoints.
It allows users to choose among Normal, Satellite, Hybrid, and Terrain map types.

5. The Waypoints tool shows a list of all the waypoints that the user has recorded.
Users are allowed to import and export waypoints with KML and GPX file formats.

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6. The Routes tool shows a list of all the waypoints that the user has recorded. Users
are allowed to import and export waypoints with KML and GPX file formats.

7. The Tracks tool records tracks and views them on the map. The tool allows users
to export the tracks as KML files and import them into Google Maps, Google Earth,
and other similar applications.

8. The Satellites tool displays a sky view of the current positions of the available
satellites in the area.

9. The Settings tool allows users to modify various settings concerning the GPS,
routes, maps, interface, etc.

Configuring GPS Essentials

1. Make sure that the GPS on your mobile phone is enabled. If the application asks to
allow GPS Essentials to access the location of your device, tap [Allow].

2. Tap the Satellites icon to check if there are at least four (4) satellites that are
available in your area to be used in the GPS fix. If there are fewer than 4 available
satellites, look for an open area with a relatively large sky view to improve the
satellite signal.

Figure 11.6 Available satellites for the GPS Fix

3. Configure the Dashboard by doing the following steps:

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a. Tap the Dashboard icon from the home screen.

b. In the Dashboard screen, tap on the empty screen to open the Select the
values you want to show on the dashboard dialog box. Tap “Accuracy” to add
this value to the dashboard.

Figure 11.6 Setting up the dashboard

c. Back in the Dashboard screen, tap on an empty panel to add the following
values to the dashboard. You need to repeat this step for every value that you
will add:

• GPS Time
• Date
• Distance
• Distance Covered
• Latitude
• Longitude
• Number of Satellites
• Time
• Course
• Position
• ΣDistance

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Figure 11.7 Dashboard screen with the values needed for this exercise

4. Tap the Settings icon and set the following parameters:

a. Position Datum: World Geodetic System 1984

b. Position Format: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
c. Units: Kilometers, Meters
d. Angular Unit: Degrees
e. Bearing: True North

Figure 11.8 List of settings

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Creating Waypoints

Note: You may create waypoints through the Portable Maps tool, Google Maps tool,
and Waypoints tool.

1. To create waypoints using the Portable Maps tool, do the following steps:

a. Tap the Portable Maps icon on the main screen.

b. Tap and hold anywhere on the map to create a new cursor.

Figure 11.9 Creating a new cursor

c. Tap and drag the new cursor onto the location that you want to mark as a
waypoint and tap the Actions wheel.

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Figure 11.10 Dragging the cursor to the waypoint location

d. In the Actions wheel, tap the Add Waypoint icon to mark the waypoint (See
Figure 11.11).

Figure 11.11 Add Waypoint icon located on the Actions wheel

2. To create waypoints using the Google Maps tool, do the following steps:

a. Tap the Google Maps icon on the main screen.

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b. Go to the location that you want to mark on the map. Then, tap the Options
icon on the upper right corner of the screen and select Add Waypoint from
the dropdown list.

Figure 11.12 Selecting the Add Waypoint option from the dropdown list

c. Tap once on the target location to mark it as a waypoint.

Figure 11.13 Creating a waypoint in the Google Maps screen

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Note: If you want to automatically mark your location as a waypoint, select the
Add Waypoint option twice.

3. To create waypoints using the Waypoints tool, do the following steps:

a. Tap the Waypoints icon on the main screen.

b. Tap the Add Waypoint icon to create a waypoint on your current location (See
Figure 11.14).

Figure 11.14 Creating a waypoint in the Waypoints screen

c. In the Add Elements screen, you may opt to change the symbol used to mark
the waypoint and assign a name and description to the marked point. When
you are done, tap [Create].

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Figure 11.15 Changing the symbol of the waypoint

Note: You may notice that the Waypoints screen displays the location and
information about all of the waypoints that has been marked through the
Portable Maps tool, Google Maps tool, and Waypoints tool.

Geotagging Photos
1. Tap the Camera icon on the main screen.

2. Take a photo of the landmark or location that you want to geotag.

Figure 11.16 Taking a photo for geotagging

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3. Select the photo and tap the Properties icon to view various properties of the
photo such as the address, coordinates, and altitude.

Figure 11.17 Checking the properties of the geotagged photo

4. Tap the Mark icon to record the location of the photograph as a waypoint.

5. Tap the Options icon and select Show on Map from the dropdown options to
display its location on the map. Select the marker to display the photograph.

Figure 11.18 Checking the location of the geotagged photo on the map

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Creating Tracks
1. Tap the Tracks icon on the main screen.

2. In the Tracks screen, tap the Create icon to go to the Create Stream screen.

Figure 11.19 Create stream screen

3. In the Create Stream screen, go to the Track tab and tap [Start] to begin
recording your tracks.

Figure 11.20 Creating a new track

4. You may use the Stop, Play, and Pause icons to stop, continue, and pause
tracking respectively.

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Figure 11.21 Track recording screen

5. Tap the map to show your track on the Portable Maps screen (See Figure 11.22).

Figure 11.22 Track recording shown on the Portable Maps screen

Note: You may also add waypoints and geotag photos while recording your track
using the steps that you have learned in the previous parts of the exercise.

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Exporting Waypoints
1. Tap the Waypoints icon on the main screen.

2. To export the saved waypoints as KML file(.kml), do the following steps:

a. In the Waypoints screen, tap the Options icon and select Export from the
dropdown options.

Figure 11.23 Exporting all waypoints as KML file

b. In the dropdown options, select KML (Google Earth).

Figure 11.24 Setting the file format to KML (Google Earth)

c. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the waypoints and tap the
Export icon.

3. To export individual waypoints as KML file(.kml), do the following steps:

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a. In the Waypoints screen, select the waypoint that you want to export to
display its properties.

b. Tap the Options icon on the screen that will open and select Export from
the dropdown options.

Figure 11.25 Exporting individual waypoints as KML file

c. In the dropdown options, select KML (Google Earth).

d. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the waypoints and tap the
Export icon.

Exporting Tracks
1. Tap the Tracks icon on the main screen to display the list of recorded tracks.

Figure 11.26 List of recorded tracks

2. Select the track that you want to export and tap the Options icon. Then, select
Export from the dropdown options.

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Figure 11.27 Exporting tracks as KML file

3. In the dropdown options, select KML (Google Earth).

Figure 11.28 Setting the file format to KML (Google Earth)

4. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the track and tap the Export

Note: To open the GPS data in QGIS and to convert it into shapefile, refer to
Supplemental Chapter B of this training manual.


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GPS Essentials. LearnOSM. (n.d.).


Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. (2014). Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
Guidebook Volume 3: Model Zoning Ordinance. Quezon City.

Ngucha, M. (2015). Google Earth Pro – a useful tool for Environmental Practitioners.
Retrieved from

PACKT Books. (2015). Working with Tables: MASTERING QGIS. Retrieved from

QGIS Development Team (n.d.). QGIS Geographic Information System. Open Source
Geospatial Foundation Project."

Zhu, X., Linham, M. M., & Nicholls, R. J. (2010). Technologies for climate change adaptation.
Coastal erosion and flooding.

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The Project Organization

DHSUD Key Officials

Secretary : Eduardo D. Del Rosario

Undersecretary : Meynardo A. Sabili, AB, JD, LLM
Undersecretary : Atty. Marylin M. Pintor, CPA
Undersecretary : Zyril D. Carlos
Assistant Secretary : Melissa A. Aradanas, DMD, EnP
Assistant Secretary : Leira S. Buan
Assistant Secretary ; Atty. Avelino D. Tolentino III, EnP

Project Committee

Project Advisor : Nora L. Diaz, EnP

Project Manager : Engr. Julia Angela Mae E. Collado, EnP

Writer/Editor/Layout Artist : Engr. John Andrew B. Cruz

Roberts P. Mariñas
Engr. Myra Laika C. Estur
Kriza Marie T. Balite
Danilo S. Palomo

Graphic Designer : Roberts P. Mariñas

Members : Ibani C. Padao, EnP

Mic Ivan B. Sumilang, EnP
Roland Dane Z. Carreon, EnP

Support Group : Ruth R. Roxas, EnP

Mohammad Haydrey K. Aminulla
Charmaine Jeremy S. Galarosa
Peter Daniel F. Fraginal, EnP
Danica Marie V. Arriesgado, EnP
Ronnie James R. Casamayor
Vanessa B. Baguiwet
Belmar S. Lasam, Jr.
Jemima M. Ragudo
James Earl P. Asas
Jezim L. de Asis

Administrative Support : Eleanor S. Sandoval

Josefina R. De Lara

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