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The Coping Strategies Index : Field Methods Manual - Second Edition

Article · January 2008

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2 authors:

Daniel G. Maxwell Richard Caldwell

Tufts University Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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The A tool for rapid
measurement of
Coping household food
security and the
Strategies impact of food aid
programs in
Index humanitarian

Field Methods Manual

Second Edition
January 2008
The Coping Strategies Index
Field Methods Manual
Second Edition, January 2008

Authors: Daniel Maxwell

Associate Professor, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University

Richard Caldwell
Executive Director, TANGO International

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Please email comments to:

Daniel Maxwell, Feinstein International Center:
Richard Caldwell, TANGO:

Bob Bell, Director, Food Resources Coordination Team (FRCT), CARE USA:

CARE grants permission to Feinstein International Center, Tufts University, TANGO International, WFP and all
not-for-profit organizations engaged in humanitarian activities to reproduce this work, in whole or in part. The
following notice shall appear conspicuously with any reproduction: CSI Field Methods Manual, Copyright © 2008
Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc. (CARE). Used by Permission.

This publication was made possible through support provided by the Office of Food for Peace, Bureau of
Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, U.S. Agency for International Development and CARE, under
the terms of the Institutional Capacity Building Grant (Cooperative Agreement No. AFP-A-00-03-00017-00).

The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency
for International Development
The Coping
Field Methods Manual

Second Edition
Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Executive Summary
1. Overview of the Coping Strategies Index
The Basic Logic of the CSI
How Does the CSI Work?
Uses of the CSI
2. Constructing the Coping Strategies Index
a. Step 1. Coping Behaviors: Getting the Right List for the Location
b. Step 2. Frequency: Counting the Frequency of Strategies
c. Step 3. Severity: Categorizing and Weighting the Strategies
d. Step 4. Scoring: Combining Frequency and Severity for Analysis
3. Using the Coping Strategies Index
a. Interpreting the CSI Score
b. Analysis: Correlating CSI with Other Information
4. Two Different Kinds of CSI for Different Applications
a. The Original (Context-Specific) CSI
b. The Comparative (Reduced) CSI
5. Applications of CSI: Informing Decision Making
a. Quantitative and Qualitative Applications
b. Early Warning and Food Security Monitoring
c. Food Security Assessment and Targeting of Interventions
d. Monitoring and Evaluation of Interventions
e. Use in Conjunction with Other Tools
6. References
Appendix 1. Notes on Collecting and Analyzing Information
a. Sampling
b. Respondents
c. Some Miscellaneous Methodological Concerns
d. Examples of Questionnaires and CSI Module Formats
e. List of (Appropriate) Individual Coping Behaviors
f. Examples of Complimentary Tools
Appendix 2. Qualitative (PRA) Example of the CSI
Appendix 3. Examples of Studies
a. The Kenya Pilot Study
b. The Accra Urban Food and Nutrition Study
c. The CHS Surveys
d. Post-Tsunami Recovery—Sri Lanka
Appendix 4. Review of Literature: Other Food Security Indicators

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

This manual describes the CSI tool and how to develop and use it. The original manual, written
in 2003, was based on a collaborative research project, implemented by WFP and CARE in
Kenya, with financial support of the UK Department for International Development via WFP,
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and CARE-USA.
Since 2003, the CSI has been widely used by the World Food Programme, CARE International
and other non-governmental organizations and humanitarian agencies, governments, and
researchers as an indicator of food insecurity in a variety of applications. During that time,
several flaws were noted in the original methods manual, which this edition addresses. It also
introduces new innovations since 2003.
This second edition was funded through support provided by USAID and CARE, and we
gratefully acknowledge their financial support.
We would also like to thank the contributing authors of the first edition who gave valuable
feedback to this edition, including Ben Watkins and Greg Collins, as well as Patrick Webb,
Jennifer Coates, and Chris Barrett for various insights incorporated here. We are grateful to Tom
Spangler for his help in preparing the literature review, Mark Langworthy for helping with the
analysis and validation of some of the new innovations in this edition, and Joyce Maxwell for
editing and desk-top publishing. We would also like to thank Joyce Luma and her colleagues in
the Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (VAM) Unit of the World Food Programme for their
support in the application of the CSI—much of the innovation here results from work conducted
with VAM in the field. Lastly, we would like to thank Bob Bell and his colleagues at CARE-
USA for their support of field testing and this effort to publish a second edition of the Field
Methods Manual.
Any part of this manual may be reproduced for training or explanatory purposes, provided the
source is cited. The correct citation is:
Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual. Copyright © 2008 Cooperative for Assistance
and Relief Everywhere, Inc. (CARE). Used by permission.

The Authors
January 2008

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Measuring food insecurity is a costly and complicated exercise. In highly food insecure countries
operational agencies need regular measurements for monitoring changes and for assessing the
impact of food aid interventions. Often these interventions take place in emergency conditions.
Time is limited, and field conditions do not permit lengthy and intensive data collection or
analysis processes. Tools are needed that are quick and easy to administer, straight-forward to
analyze, and rapid enough to provide real-time information to program managers.
The Coping Strategies Index (CSI) is one such tool. It was developed in Uganda, Ghana, and
Kenya but has now been used for early warning and food security monitoring and assessment in
at least nine other African countries and several in the Middle East and Asia.
The CSI measures behavior: the things that people do when they cannot access enough food.
There are a number of fairly regular behavioral responses to food insecurity—or coping
strategies—that people use to manage household food shortage. These coping strategies are easy
to observe. It is quicker, simpler, and cheaper to collect information on coping strategies than on
actual household food consumption levels. Hence, the CSI is an appropriate tool for emergency
situations when other methods are not practical or timely.
The CSI can be used as a measure of the impact of food aid programs, as an early warning
indicator of impending food crisis, and as a tool for assessing both food aid needs and whether
food aid has been targeted to the most food insecure households. During food aid needs
assessments the tool serves to identify areas and population groups where the needs are greatest.
It can also shed light on the causes of high malnutrition rates, which are often very difficult to
identify. Finally, if coping strategies are tracked over a long period, CSI is useful for monitoring
long-term trends in food insecurity.

What’s New in the Second Edition?

The 2003 manual treated the CSI solely as a context-specific indicator of food insecurity—as
indeed it is. But over the intervening five years, users of the context-specific indicator noted
certain behaviors appearing in every single application of the tool, implying that a handful of
behaviors is much more universal than first thought. This resulted in an empirical test of the
accumulated data on the CSI and similar kinds of indicators, to develop a different kind of CSI—
one based only on these behaviors that tend to show up in every single instrument—to see if a
more broadly comparative CSI could be developed that could help in other applications.
Research has confirmed that a “reduced” CSI, based only on these behaviors, correlates as well
with other indicators of food security as the original, context-specific index. Since the reduced
index is measuring the exact same behaviors in all cases, it has greater application in comparing
across different contexts, and thus can be used in the comparison of the severity of crises and in
the allocation and geographic targeting of resources. The second edition also includes a number
of new suggestions on methodology and examples of many of the context-specific questionnaires
developed since the first edition came out. It also describes some of the surveys in which the CSI
has been used. All of these will help new users get a better idea of how to use the CSI. Lastly, the
second edition includes an updated literature review on food security indicators more broadly.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


The Coping Strategies Index (CSI) is an indicator of household food security that is relatively
simple and quick to use, straightforward to understand, and correlates well with more complex
measures of food security. A series of questions about how households manage to cope with a
shortfall in food for consumption results in a simple numeric score. In its simplest form,
monitoring changes in the CSI score indicates whether household food security status is
declining or improving.
The CSI is based on the many possible answers to one single question: “What do you do when
you don’t have adequate food, and don’t have the money to buy food?”
The CSI requires some “up-front” work to ensure that all the potential answers to this question
are known, and that it is adequately adapted to the local situation. But beyond this initial
investment, it is quick to administer and easy to analyze and interpret. If collected with data on
household food aid receipts and utilization patterns, the CSI provides managers with a tool to
improve the management of an emergency food aid program in “real time.”
This manual describes the tool, and walks the reader through a step-by-step process that should
enable a field manager to set up the CSI tool; adapt it to the local context; and use it to collect,
collate, and analyze information about household food security and food aid receipts, in order to
improve the management of the program.

The Basic Logic of the CSI

“What do you do when you don’t have enough food, and don’t have enough money to buy
The answers to this simple question comprise the basis of the CSI tool. The acquisition of food
and the provision of adequate nutrition to one’s children are among the most basic of human
endeavors. In general, people respond to conditions under which they do not have enough to eat,
and various means of “coping” is what people have to do when they do not have enough—the
more people have to cope, the less food secure they are. Household decision-makers (usually,
though not always, women) organize the resources at their disposal to limit the short-term effects
of not having enough to eat. People generally know how much is “enough” and seek the best
options for ensuring that they eat enough. People start to change their consumption habits when
they anticipate a problem. They don’t wait until food is completely gone (Christaensen and
Boisvert 2000).
There is a long anthropological tradition of considering coping strategies in the face of
inadequate access to food (Davies 1996). Watts (1983) demonstrated a logic to the sequence of
specific behaviors based on their reversibility and commitment of domestic resources. Modest
dietary adjustments (eating less-preferred foods or reducing portion size) are easily reversible
strategies that do not jeopardize longer-term prospects. More extreme behaviors (sale of
productive assets) suggest more serious long-term consequences. Many researchers have noted
that as food insecurity worsens, households are more likely to employ strategies that are less
reversible, and therefore represent a more severe form of coping and greater food insecurity

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

(Corbett 1988, Devereux 1993). The CSI captures and systematizes this logic to reflect food
insecurity at the household level
As noted above, there are two basic types of coping strategies. One includes the immediate and
short-term alteration of consumption patterns. The other includes the longer-term alteration of
income earning or food production patterns, and one-off responses such as asset sales. While it is
important to understand longer-term livelihood strategies in an emergency, research has shown
that the management of short-term consumption strategies is an accurate indicator of acute food
security (Coates et al. 2006, Bickel et al. 2000, Maxwell et al. 1999). But people do not wait until
an outright shortfall of food is upon them before they begin to change their behaviors. Thus
changes in coping behavior not only reflect current status, they also reflect the best judgment of
household decision makers about the foreseeable future—giving the measurement of coping
behaviors some predictive ability too (Christaensen and Boisvert 2000).
Experience with the CSI has shown that, typically, food insecure households employ four types
of consumption coping strategies.
ƒ First, households may change their diet. For instance, households might switch food
consumption from preferred foods to cheaper, less preferred substitutes.
ƒ Second, the household can attempt to increase their food supplies using short-term strategies
that are not sustainable over a long period. Typical examples include borrowing or
purchasing on credit. More extreme examples are begging or consuming wild foods,
immature crops, or even seed stocks.
ƒ Third, if the available food is still inadequate to meet needs, households can try to reduce the
number of people that they have to feed by sending some of them elsewhere (for example,
sending the kids to the neighbors house when those
neighbors are eating). Box 1. What Is “Household Food
ƒ Fourth, and most common, households can attempt Security”?
Food security was defined years ago
to manage the shortfall by rationing the food by the World Bank as “access by all
available to the household (cutting portion size or people at all times to sufficient food for
the number of meals, favoring certain household an active, healthy life.” In practical
members over others, or skipping whole days terms, this encompasses the
without eating). physiological needs of individuals, the
complementarities and trade-offs
It will be clear that all these types of behavior indicate among food and other basic
a problem of household food insecurity, but not necessities (especially health care and
education, but others as well), changes
necessarily problems of the same severity. A household
over time in terms of people’s livelihood
where no one eats for an entire day is clearly more strategies, the assets to which they
food insecure than one where people have simply have access, and uncertainty and risk
switched from consuming rice to cassava. The basic (that is, vulnerability). Clearly, food
idea is to measure the frequency of these coping security is about more than just how
much people have to eat. Yet, having
behaviors (how often is the coping strategy used?) and
“enough” food to eat is the most
the severity of the strategies (what degree of food important outcome of being food
insecurity do they suggest?). Information on the secure; while physiological
frequency and severity is then combined in a single requirements differ, people largely
score, the Coping Strategies Index, which is an know whether they have “enough” or
indicator of the household’s food security status. It

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

considers only the coping strategies that are important in a particular local context.
From the discussion of household food security in Box 1, it is clear that there are other factors
besides just short-term food consumption that must be considered in assessing food security.
These include longer-term livelihood strategies, labor opportunities, alternative income-
generating strategies, levels of physical and financial (and other) assets, and one-off asset sales
or bartering. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to collect all this data in an emergency.
The Kenya Pilot Study (See Appendix 3) collected data to control for all these factors, and still
found that the CSI itself was both an accurate reflection of current food security status at the
household level, and a good predictor of future vulnerability. The CSI works because households
tend to use both consumption coping strategies and longer-term strategies to ensure that they
have enough to eat. Although a complete analysis of household food security would require a
detailed understanding of livelihoods, assets and consumption behaviors, the CSI is perfectly
adequate as a rapid indicator of household food security (Christaensen and Boisvert 2000,
Maxwell et al. 1999).

How Does the CSI Work?

A set of simple questions can be developed to capture people’s basic consumption-related coping
responses to inadequate access to food in a given culture or location, as shown in the example in
Figure 1.
Three main points underpin the CSI. First, the answers to the general question must be based on
the right list of coping behaviors. This is a key principle of constructing the CSI. There is no
point in asking people about strategies they do not use. Equally, care must be taken not to
overlook strategies that are used locally. Specific coping behaviors vary depending on
circumstances. The list must be adapted to local circumstances and practices. Second, how often
are these specific behaviors used in the recent past (the recall period—see below). Third, how
“severe” is each of these individual coping strategies considered to be? This information is
collected from community-level focus groups and provides a weight for the perceived severity of
each strategy.
The frequency of a specific behavior is weighted by the perceived severity of that behavior, and
this is summed up across all the behaviors in the list that were derived for that location. This
index results in a score that reflects current and perceived future food security status. Changes in
the index provide a rapid indication of whether food insecurity is getting worse, or the situation
is improving—a higher score indicates a greater level of coping, and hence increased food
insecurity. The following sections show in detail how to construct the CSI, how to analyze the
data that it generates, and how apply it in different situations.

Uses of the CSI

The CSI has a number of applications. The most frequent has been in monitoring, providing a
quick, current status indicator of the extent of food insecurity that is immediately useful for
programmatic decision making. It has also been used in emergencies to monitor the impact of
interventions, including food aid, on household food insecurity. Its third use (also in monitoring)
has been as a food insecurity early warning indicator. Closely related to its application in

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

monitoring, the CSI has been used as an assessment tool, and to help guide household targeting
of food assistance. Lastly, the CSI has been used as an indicator of longer-term changes in food
security status. The main focus of this manual is on monitoring food insecurity, but the basic
design of the tool is the same for the various other applications mentioned above. It should be
underlined, however, that the tool does need some “up-front” work to ensure that it is accurately
adapted to the local operating environment. With a little care to these details, the CSI will rapidly
generate the information needed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of food operations
in an emergency.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


a. Step 1. Coping Behaviors: Getting the Right List for the
The first step in the design process is to identify the locally relevant coping strategies in the
study area. As mentioned above, these fall into four basic categories:
ƒ Dietary change
ƒ Short-term measures to increase household food availability
ƒ Short-term measures to decrease numbers of people to feed
ƒ Rationing, or managing the shortfall
Over various applications of the CSI, a number of different individual coping behaviors have
been identified in each of these categories. One such list is presented in Figure 1. This is a set of
coping behaviors. Note that a different set of behaviors would likely apply in an urban setting. In
a rural setting, an action such as consuming seed stock is a very serious indicator of food stress.
Figure 1. A List of Coping Strategies1
1. Dietary Change
a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods
2. Increase Short-Term Household Food Availability
b. Borrow food from a friend or relative
c. Purchase food on credit
d. Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops
e. Consume seed stock held for next season
3. Decrease Numbers of People
f. Send children to eat with neighbors
g. Send household members to beg
4. Rationing Strategies
h. Limit portion size at mealtimes
i. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat
j. Feed working members of HH at the expense of non-working members
k. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day
l. Skip entire days without eating

This particular example came from the Kenya pilot study. Please note, however, that it is only an example. It is
used to demonstrate the construction of the CSI throughout this section, for the sake of using a consistent example.
It does not imply that this is the “right” set of individual behaviors—those must always be generated from the
context in which the CSI is being used.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Procedures for Deriving a Context- Box 2. Principles for Including

Specific List of Coping Behaviors Consumption Coping
Behaviors in the CSI
A list of coping individual coping behaviors can be While there are many kinds of coping
established through focus group interviews with behaviors, only certain kinds of
consumption-related behaviors belong
members of the local community. The same procedures in the CSI: Ask each of the following
can be used to develop a list of context-specific coping questions about each identified
behaviors for other places as well. During the focus behavior
group interviews: ƒ Is it related specifically to food
ƒ Start with a list like the one offered in Figure 1, or consumption?
something similar brainstormed in the context. ƒ Can it be done readily—today or
There is a list of all the (appropriate) individual tomorrow? –(consumption coping can
behaviors that have turned up in CSI questionnaires be adopted readily)
in Appendix 1.e. ƒ Is it reversible? Consumption coping
can be reversed when it is no longer
ƒ Find out which strategies people rely on in the needed.
study area when they do not have access to
ƒ Can the behavior be used
adequate food or enough money to buy food. If continuously or is it a one-off
some of those on the list you start with don’t apply, strategy? Consumption coping can be
simply omit them. utilized as needed—they aren’t one-
off activities.
ƒ For each of the four general categories (labeled 1–
ƒ Can a “no” answer be easily
4 in Figure 1) probe to find out if there are any
interpreted? (For instance, many
other relevant local strategies that are not included attempts to create a CSI
in the list. If there are, add them to the list. questionnaire have included a
question about asset sales. But if no
ƒ Be sure that you only include consumption coping asset sales were recorded in a
strategies (see Box 2). household interview, it might be
because the household didn’t need
ƒ You should repeat the exercise for several focus to, or it might be because the
groups to ensure that the list reflects a broad household had none to sell. Selling
opinion. Make sure that the focus groups include assets may indeed be used to fund
women, who usually know more about household food consumption, but is not
consumption patterns than men do. appropriate for the CSI because it
isn’t reversible, it can only be done
ƒ Make sure that the coping strategies are used in once, and it isn’t possible to interpret
times of scarcity, and are not just a normal way of a “no” answer. Information about
operating (for example, purchasing food on credit asset sales may be required for other
purposes, but it can’t be logically
from a trader may be a standard practice in many incorporated into a CSI
places, and by itself might not indicate food questionnaire).
ƒ The list should be the main set of coping strategies—it doesn’t need to include every single
strategy mentioned (some are very rare), but should represent the consensus view of all the
groups interviewed. Try to keep the list down to a feasible number (perhaps 12–15 at most).
ƒ The list should not include any similar or overlapping coping strategies (i.e. different ways of
describing the same basic behavior).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

b. Step 2. Frequency: Counting the Frequency of Strategies

Research has demonstrated there is always a trade-off between the representativeness of a set of
answers and the accuracy of those answers. A longer recall period generally provides
information that is more representative of typical behavior, but the longer the recall period, the
less accurate the memory of respondents about their actual behaviors. Experience with the CSI
and other food consumption recall questionnaires indicates that about a week is the longest time
that people remember their behaviors accurately, hence questions here are on the basis of a
seven-day recall period.2
Taking the list of individual behaviors developed in Figure 1, the main question becomes how
often, in the past seven days, a household had to rely on each individual coping behavior.
Figure 2. Consumption Coping Strategy Responses (CSI)
Behaviors: Frequency:
In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have Number of days out of the past seven:
enough food or money to buy food, how many days has your (Use numbers 0 – 7 to answer number
household had to: of days; Use NA for not applicable)
a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods?
b. Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative?
c. Purchase food on credit?
d. Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops?
e. Consume seed stock held for next season?
f. Send household members to eat elsewhere?
g. Send household members to beg?
h. Limit portion size at mealtimes?
i. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat?
j. Feed working members of HH at the expense of non-working
k. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day?
l. Skip entire days without eating?

Procedures for Developing the Frequency Questionnaire

1. Note the way in which the question is worded. Repeat the main question for each behavior, to
remind the respondent that the question is referring to times when they did not have enough
food or enough money to buy food. Be sure the question includes the recall period.
2. Note that you are always asking about some time period beginning from today and counting
backwards (i.e., “the last seven days” not “the past week,” or “last week”). People get
confused if you are not specific about this.

The first edition of the CSI Manual used a 30-day recall period and relied on relative frequencies of the answers.
For reasons of recall accuracy, these guidelines have shortened the recall period and ask for specific numbers of
days that individual behaviors were practiced.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

3. If a respondent answers “all the time,” be sure to clarify if that means each day for the past
seven days, and if so, record the answer as seven. If s/he says “never,” be sure to clarify if
this means zero days, and if so record the answer as zero. If it is something that the
household never does, a “not applicable” answer should be given.
4. Scoring the results is explained below.
You now have the basic tool you need to conduct a household survey using the CSI. It should
contain the following elements:
ƒ A set of coping strategies or individual behaviors that represents the consensus of diverse
groups in the community, location, or culture, which people rely on when they don’t have
enough food and don’t have enough money to buy food.
ƒ A column to record the frequency with which people are forced to rely on these strategies or
ƒ A code for a “not applicable” answer. Note that a “not applicable” answer doesn’t change the
score for the CSI, but it does enable other kinds of analysis.
In order to conduct the analysis of the CSI, however, you need a few more pieces of information.
The first is a way to “weight” the severity of the individual behaviors.

c. Step 3. Severity: Categorizing and Weighting the

The CSI tool relies on counting coping strategies that are not equal in severity. Different
strategies are “weighted” differently, depending on how severe they are considered to be by the
people who rely on them. The frequency answer is then multiplied by a weight that reflects the
severity of individual behaviors. Finally, the totals are added. The simplest procedure for doing
this is to group individual coping behaviors according to similar levels of severity and assign a
weight to each group, from lowest (least severe) to highest (most severe). A range of weights
from one to four usually works well.3
The severity of coping strategies is, to some extent, a matter of perception. While not eating for a
whole day or consuming the seed stock set aside for the next planting season undoubtedly
constitute severe coping behaviors in nearly any culture, some strategies would be looked on as
perfectly normal behavior in some places—and as great sources of shame (and therefore to be
practiced in the most extreme circumstances) in other places. An example is borrowing food. In
some places this is not significant, but elsewhere it could indicate destitution or very severe food
insecurity. Hence nothing should be assumed about the severity of a given strategy in a given
location or culture. Instead, a series of focus group discussions should ask questions about the
perceived severity of all the coping behaviors that end up on the list generated using the
procedures in Step 1.

Again, this represents a change from the first edition of this manual. In the first edition, several different methods
of weighting were suggested, and more complex instructions were offered about which method to select. In fact,
analysis has shown that results vary little with different methods of weighting, so this edition opts for the simplest
method—a simple ordinal ranking of one to four, weighted in the same manner.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

In fact, it is possible to ask the same focus groups to first help brainstorm the list, and then to
discuss severity (though it is sometimes useful to have separate discussions so that the list of
coping strategies or behaviors is established and agreed first—a process that requires several
focus groups). Then the exercise below is carried out to establish the severity of each strategy or

A Simple Procedure for Grouping Strategies of Similar Severity

ƒ The first step is to try to group the strategies into categories that are of roughly the same level
of severity. Since this task is carried out with different groups, it is useful to impose some
structure from the outset. For example, one could divide them into four different categories:
very severe, severe, moderate, and least severe.
ƒ It is always easiest to establish the extreme types of coping strategy, so ask the group to
select the most severe and least severe individual strategies first.
ƒ Then ask if there are other individual strategies that are more or less the equivalent of these
two in terms of how severe they are perceived to be. When those two extreme categories are
established, it is easier to group the remaining behaviors into intermediate categories.
ƒ This must be done with enough groups representing enough diversity within the location or
culture to ensure that a reasonable consensus has emerged. Weighting the individual
strategies on an insufficient number of focus groups risks errors in the analysis.
ƒ Although there is no hard and fast rule on how many focus groups is “enough,” a minimum
of six to eight is recommended for each culture or location, with the main different social
groups represented. Again, women are likely to be the most knowledgeable informants, but
men should be consulted as well.
The example from the Kenya pilot study is provided in Figure 3. Note that a total of twelve focus
groups were consulted in this case. Some groups ranked everything into four severity categories,
some insisted on five categories. In the end, the analysts had to reduce all behaviors to the same
number of severity categories, relying on the rules outlined above.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 3. Example of Coping Strategies Grouped and Ranked by Focus

Strategy Focus Group Ranking for Each Individual Behavior
FG1 FG2 FG3 FG4 FG5 FG6 FG7 FG8 FG9 FG10 FG11 FG12 Ave. Ranking

a. Less preferred 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1

b. Borrow 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.1 2

c. Buy on credit 2 2 1 2 1 3 - 2 2 2 2 3 1.8 2

d. Wild foods 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4.0 4

e. Eat seed stock - - 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 4 3.2 3

f. HH members - - 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 2.2 2
eat elsewhere

g. Beg 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 4 5 5 5 4.1 4

h. Limit portions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1

i. Restrict adult 3 2 2 - - 2 3 1 3 - - 2 2.7 3


j. Feed workers 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 2.3 2

k. Reduce meals 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 - 3 1 1.2 1

l. Skip days 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3.7 4

* Data from Kenya Pilot Study (Garissa District)

Several things should be noted about Figure 3:

ƒ The individual strategies listed have been grouped into four categories, where 1 indicates the
least severe category; 4 indicates the most severe, and 2 and 3 are intermediate.
ƒ Twelve different focus groups were consulted about their perceptions of the severity of the
various individual strategies.
ƒ There was not complete consensus except that limiting portion size was the least severe and
skipping entire days or begging were the most severe. However, a quick glance will indicate
that there was fairly good consensus on the severity of most of the strategies.
ƒ In general, the consensus ranking should be a whole number that is the most frequent

d. Step 4. Scoring: Combining Frequency and Severity for

To be able to conduct an analysis of the results of CSI, two more pieces of information are
needed. The first is a means of scoring the relative frequency; the other is a means of scoring the
weights you just derived in Step 3. Both are straightforward procedures.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Procedures for Assigning Scores for Relative Frequency

Recall that the frequency is a measure of how many days in the past week a household had to
rely on the various coping strategies—ranging from “never” (0) to “every day” (7). That
frequency score is then multiplied by the severity weight. The simplest method of weighting the
strategies is that the group severity ranking and the weighting is the same. That is, all the least
severe strategies are weighted 1, the next group is weighted 2, etc.
It is critical to ensure that the values for both the frequency and the severity influence the CSI
score in the same way. That is the higher the frequency, the higher the score; and the greater the
severity the higher the severity weighting. Note that if you don’t score both the same way (i.e., if
you scored one of them in an increasing scale and the other in a decreasing scale), you would get
very confused results that would not be valid for any analysis.

Procedures for Assigning Scores for the Severity of Coping

ƒ The simplest way to think to think of this is to remember that the higher the CSI raw index
score, the more food insecure a household is. That means that, first, the more often any
coping strategy is used, the higher the score should be for that individual strategy; and
second, the more severe a strategy is, the higher the weight should be for that whole ranked
group. The examples given above illustrate this.
ƒ Assuming that there are four severity categories, use the severity weighting of 4 for the most
severe category; 3 for the next-most severe category; 2 for the next; and 1 for the least severe
category of individual behaviors. If respondents insist on a different number of categories,
use the same principle—the principle of severity weighting is the important thing, not the
number of categories, although three is probably the minimum number of categories.
ƒ It is important to remember that the CSI as described here is a measure of food insecurity—
the higher the score, the greater the food insecurity.
Now you have all the pieces you need to collect the information and analyze it. A complete
example (based on an actual household from the Kenya Pilot Study) is given in Figure 4, using
the above examples, and weighted according to the procedures given above.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 4. Actual Example—Calculating a Household CSI Index Score

In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food or Weighted Score =
money to buy food, how often has your household had to: Raw Score Severity Weight Frequency X weight

(Add each behavior to the question)

a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods? 5 1 5

b. Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative? 2 2 4

c. Purchase food on credit? 1 2 2

d. Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops? 0 4 0

e. Consume seed stock held for next season? 0 3 0

f. Send household members to eat elsewhere? 1 2 2

g. Send household members to beg? 0 4 0

h. Limit portion size at mealtimes? 7 1 7

i. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat? 2 2 4

j. Feed working members at the expense of non-working members? 0 2 0

k. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day? 5 2 10

l. Skip entire days without eating? 0 4 0

Sum down the totals for each

TOTAL HOUSEHOLD SCORE individual strategy 34

Figure 4 is an actual example of a household from the Kenya Pilot Study. Below are details for
how it was scored.
ƒ Question (a) “In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food
or money to buy food, how often has your household had to rely on less preferred and less
expensive foods?”
ƒ The answer was that this household had done that five out of the previous seven days.
ƒ The severity weighting for this particular behavior is 1.
ƒ So the weighted total recorded for the answer to Question (a) is 5 (5 x 1).
ƒ For Question (b) the frequency was two days out of the previous seven and the severity
weighting was 2, so the weighted total is 4.
ƒ This procedure is repeated for each question: multiply the frequency score by the severity
weighting and record the number in the final box of the row. Then the individual scores in
the boxes are summed to the bottom of the form. Needless to say, for large surveys, it is
better to do the calculations with a computer.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


a. Interpreting the CSI Score
As you can see, the hypothetical household in Figure 4 has a CSI score of 34. What does this tell
us? By itself, not much. If you glance at the actual results, you can see that the household
depicted actually has fairly moderate levels of food insecurity—none of the most severe coping
behaviors are noted, and only moderate levels of most of the others.
While a score of 34 by itself doesn’t mean much, if another household has a score of 55, we
could state fairly unambiguously that the household with a score of 34 is less food insecure (i.e.
more food secure) than the household with a score of 55, provided that they are both from the
same community, location, or culture for which this CSI tool was adapted.4
It is also possible that two households can have the same CSI score, but are using different
behaviors to maintain the corresponding level of food security. One household could be
employing multiple behaviors at a relatively low frequency, and another household could be
employing fewer but more severe coping strategies. This does not happen very frequently
because, as research has shown, households will tend to employ the less severe (and more
reversible) strategies first, such as switching to less preferred foods, before they adopt more
severe strategies such as enduring entire days without eating or harvesting immature crops.
CSI data is more powerful if it is analyzed and interpreted over multiple time periods, among
multiple locations, and/or across specific groups (sub-populations). For example, if a household
has a score of 55 in July of a particular year, a score of 76 in September of that same year, and a
score of 92 in November of the same year, we could state unambiguously that that household’s
food security status is getting worse. We could also look at the change in specific coping
behaviors that are being employed over this time period and determine how severe the situation
is for this particular household. CSI data from individual households is usually aggregated by
sub-group or location to reveal information on the food security of different classifications of
households or households in different locations.
If, on the other hand, we noted that an intervention (in this case, emergency food assistance) had
begun in that area, and the household in the example was receiving food aid, we would want to
watch very carefully what happens to the CSI score. If it improves (i.e., if the CSI score
decreases) and nothing else significant changes (i.e. there has been no new harvest), it would be
fairly good evidence of a positive impact of the emergency food assistance. The CSI can also be
used to compare recipient and non-recipient groups.

b. Analysis: Correlating CSI with Other Information

Triangulation (Cross Checking)
The CSI has been shown to correlate well with other measures of food security (such as dietary
diversity, caloric intake, or nutritional outcomes) as well as with determinants of food security

At this point, there is no firm evidence about whether raw CSI scores can be directly compared across different
locations. For the safest results, caution should be exercised in making comparisons of raw scores that are not from
the same location or culture for which a specific application is prepared.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

such as income, food budgets, and asset data. The strength of the relationship between the CSI
and such indicators has been tested in over fourteen studies. With measures of food frequency or
dietary diversity, meal frequency, and caloric intake the correlations are largely negative (as
would be expected, meaning that as the CSI increases the related variable decreases) and
statistically significant. Similarly, the correlation is negative and significant with measures of
assets, and correlates positively (as expected) with percent of expenditure devoted to food. This
confirms earlier studies indicating that the CSI is significantly correlated with other measures of
consumption adequacy, and equally well correlated with measures of assets and expenditure
(Maxwell et al. 1999).

Convergence (Confirming)
However, the correlation with many of these indicators, while statistically significant, is not
always robust. So where possible, the use of more than one indicator of food insecurity is
recommended (i.e., the CSI with dietary diversity or WFP’s Food Consumption Score indicator).
This not only permits “triangulation” of findings, it deliberately uses indicators that capture
different elements of the complex notion of food insecurity. This enables convergence of
findings, providing greater confirmation of food security status.

Explanation (Using with Other Analyses Such as Nutritional Status)

The CSI is a proxy for food security, and can thus be utilized as a variable in a simple regression
analysis of nutritional status for a quick check of the extent to which food insecurity is the major
contributing factor to poor nutritional status (particularly when combined with a few simple
indicators of health status and caring practices).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


The CSI was originally developed to capture the nature of the behavioral response to food
insecurity in a given context. The individual behaviors identified and enumerated are likely to be
specific to that context, and both the behaviors themselves, and the relative severity of individual
behaviors, vary significantly from location to location, and from culture to culture. Because the
CSI was developed as a context-specific indicator however, there has always been a caveat that
findings were probably only locally applicable as well, and it has been criticized for being
relatively unhelpful in comparative analysis (Kennedy 2002). However, field workers have noted
in surveys that several of the individual behaviors that the CSI measures recur across different
contexts, suggesting that a version of the CSI could be constructed that would permit a broader
comparative analysis.
Recent research has shown that the CSI as described above can be reduced to a simpler set of
behaviors that are more “universal” in nature without significantly impacting the ability of the
index to reflect food security.5 Reviewing individual surveys revealed that there was indeed a
core set of behaviors that were common across all the studies and that seemed to follow a
relatively similar order of frequency and severity. This “reduced” CSI uses the five most
common behavioral changes in response to food shortages. While it accurately reflects the food
security status of households, it does not reveal as much detailed information about the range of
food insecure households. It does, however, facilitate the comparison of food security across
various strata by normalizing the behaviors and severity scores that are used to create the index.
Thus, there are two different indices that can be created with the routine collection of CSI data,
the “context-specific” CSI and the “reduced” CSI.

a. The Original (Context-Specific) CSI

The context-specific CSI is the index as described in detail above. This index can be created
using location-specific behaviors and, if desirable, location or group-specific severity scores.
Some behavioral changes, such as harvesting and consuming crops before they are fully mature,
are location-specific and confined to certain groups. Urban households have different options
than rural households, and fishermen have different options than farmers. The context-specific
CSI is developed based on local contexts and can yield very detailed information about the food
security situation.
Thus, the context-specific CSI uses a set of coping strategies that are location- or group-specific
behaviors, and which will add understanding of localized food security situations. But this set
includes five behaviors that can be employed by any household, anywhere. The context-specific
CSI has value in identifying the most vulnerable households for household targeting purposes,
but is not very useful for geographic targeting purposes unless the areas being compared are very

It should be noted that the only rigorous test of this observation has been conducted with data from Sub-Saharan
Africa only, although the instrument has been used elsewhere, and the same behaviors show up in those surveys as

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

b. The Comparative (Reduced) CSI

The reduced CSI has been developed to be used to compare food security across different
contexts. It is a sub-set of the context-specific CSI, but is calculated using a specific set of
behaviors with a universal set of severity weightings for each behavior. Thus, the reduced CSI
uses a standard set of five individual coping behaviors that can be employed by any household,
anywhere. The five standard coping strategies and their severity weightings are:
• eating less-preferred foods (1.0),
• borrowing food/money from friends and relatives (2.0),
• limiting portions at mealtime (1.0),
• limiting adult intake (3.0), and
• reducing the number of meals per day (1.0).
Extensive research has demonstrated that the “reduced” CSI reflects food insecurity nearly as
well as the “full” or context-specific CSI, and thus can be used as a food security measure across
different contexts. Using the example in Figure 4, the reduced CSI score for the same household
would be calculated as shown in Figure 5, with a resulting CSI of 28. Whereas the results in
Figure 4 are useful in comparing that household with others in its specific location, those in
Figure 5 are applicable in comparing across different contexts.
The reduced CSI is less valuable in identifying the most vulnerable households in a given
location because it contains less information—particularly extreme behaviors that may flag
greatly increased levels of food insecurity. But it is very useful for comparing across crises or
geographic targeting because it is measuring only the same set of behaviors.

Figure 5: An Actual Example—Calculating a Reduced Household CSI Score

In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food or Universal Weighted Score =
Raw Score
money to buy food, how often has your household had to: Severity Weight Frequency X weight
Relative Frequency Score
a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods? 5 1 5
b. Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative? 2 2 4

c. Limit portion size at mealtimes? 7 1 7

d. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat? 2 3 6

e. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day? 5 1 5

Sum down the totals for each
TOTAL HOUSEHOLD SCORE—Reduced CSI individual strategy 28

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


a. Quantitative and Qualitative Applications
The CSI as it has been developed can be applied in two primary ways. The first is as part of a
quantitative household survey, in which exactly the same questions are asked of each
household so that results are comparable at the household level (and averages are comparable at
higher levels such as location or district). This is the way in which the examples noted above are
intended to be used, and it is the only way in which the tool can be used to track impact at the
household level (which is important for most applications of the tool). The CSI can be used as a
stand alone monitoring device, but frequently will be used as one module of a more in-depth
questionnaire. Some of the complimentary tools that might be used with the CSI are described
However, depending on the objectives of the monitoring, the CSI can also be adapted as a
qualitative tool (applicable to Participatory Rapid Appraisal or PRA). As you will have noted,
there is some amount of qualitative PRA work involved in getting the CSI tool adapted to a local
situation anyway. If need be, the tool itself can be used in focus group discussions in which
community averages are the topic of the discussion, rather than individual household scores. In
that case, the CSI tool can be used in conjunction with a proportional piling exercise to obtain the
relative proportions of groups in the community relying on various coping strategies. While more
difficult to disaggregate (which means it can’t be used to check on household targeting, etc.),
using the CSI as a PRA tool does give some level of information about the average impact at the
village or community level, and can be a useful cross-check on household level information. This
is spelled out in detail in Appendix 2.
Emergency-affected communities can also use the CSI tool in community-based preparedness or
to monitor emergency response. In such applications, the qualitative tool is probably more
useful, since it is primarily a discussion tool rather than a survey tool. See Appendix 3 for further

b. Early Warning and Food Security Monitoring

If incorporated into Early Warning Systems (EWS), the CSI can provide household level
information that complements other information, and gives an accurate picture of the household
situation—often a component lacking in EWS. This would enable a much more timely
intervention, because most EWS information has to do with rainfall, crop production, prices, and
markets—all of which are related to food production, but don’t directly reflect the issue of access
to adequate food. Incorporating CSI information into EW information has the added advantage
of providing baseline information for the CSI—so that program managers have a target level of
household food security, as indicated by the CSI tool, which an emergency intervention should
aim to restore. If enough information is collected, an analyst can get an idea of roughly what
level of CSI score represents the norm for a given location, adjusted seasonally, so that there is
some idea of the range of SCI scores above which the situation is clearly deteriorating (note such
a range should not be reduced to a “cut-off” point, and any range is probably situation-specific).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

If the CSI is incorporated into monitoring even before an intervention is begun, as part of an
early warning or food security information system, CSI can also be compared with other (non-
household) indicators of the general food security situation. It should be stressed, however, that
while most of the indicators tracked in an Early Warning System are “leading indicators”
(indicators that note a potential problem before it arises) the CSI is both a “current” and a
“leading” indicator (that is, it gives information about both current and future status).
Christaensen and Boisvert (2000) reported that the CSI was a better indicator of future food
consumption that either current income or current caloric intake. Having CSI information already
on hand greatly enhances both analytical capability of early warning, and the timeliness of

c. Food Security Assessment and Targeting of Interventions

The CSI can be used in conjunction with other methods to assess food insecurity and to estimate
the requirement for food aid. However, the CSI is not appropriate as a stand-alone tool for this
purpose. Its main application in assessment is to provide triangulation or verification of other
indicators, to get a more nuanced overall analysis of household food insecurity. Because each
CSI indicator is specific to its context, there is no designated cut-off point in a CSI scale below
which a household would be considered “food secure” and above which it would be considered
“food insecure.” But it can be used in cross-sectional analysis to determine which households are
better off and which are worse off, and what the correlates of these two kinds of households are.
This will be important in assessment, and particularly in household targeting. If monitored over
time, the CSI can also help to distinguish transitory and chronic food insecurity – a necessary
distinction in assessments.

Household Targeting
If households are targeted by an administrative targeting mechanism, the CSI can be used to
assess the validity of the targeting criteria. Those households fulfilling the targeting criteria
should have a higher CSI score than those that do not (note that this must be pre-intervention CSI
information). If a quick cross check shows that this is not the case, it is strong evidence that the
targeting criteria are wrong, and that the intervention is not really being targeted to the most
food-insecure households. Likewise, in a qualitative application to be used in conjunction with a
community-based targeting system, the CSI can be utilized to cross check against wealth ranking
or other mechanism used by the community or the relief committee to determine the eligibility of
individual households. For this kind of application—whether qualitative (in the case of
community-based targeting) or quantitative (in the case of administrative targeting)—the
context-specific CSI should be used, since the comparison among households will be within the
location in which the CSI was developed.

Geographic Targeting
The comparative (reduced) CSI was developed from the original (context-specific) CSI precisely
to be able to compare across different contexts or even different emergencies, to enable policy
makers to have some idea of the relative severity of different crises or compare the severity of

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

the same crisis in different locations. Among other things, such a comparison is useful for the
geographic targeting of emergency assistance.

Clearly, an early warning/monitoring system that uses the CSI can give a clear signal that
household food insecurity is increasing, and provide this information in adequate time to enable
a rapid response. Evidence shows that people begin to ramp up their coping behaviors well in
advance of actually facing an outright shortfall in food for consumption. CSI information can
also be used to inform program managers when it is time to phase out the emergency
intervention, or transition to a different kind of intervention. If used in a regular monitoring
system, the CSI can track household food security status, to help guide the timing of
programmatic transitions. Since information would be known about household food security
levels, it would help managers decide whether a food-for-work intervention or other recovery
intervention would be more appropriate. At the moment, little of this information is routinely
available to program managers.

d. Monitoring and Evaluation of Interventions

Emergency Interventions
The impact of food aid interventions is a major application for CSI. Because the CSI can pick up
relatively short-term changes in behavior, it can provide information on the way in which food
assistance (or other emergency intervention aimed at addressing food insecurity) has or has not
had the intended impact. Because it can provide this information rapidly, it can be used as a
program management tool for monitoring and evaluation. To do this with food aid, it is
necessary to use the CSI with a Post-Distribution Monitoring or End-Use Monitoring tool (see
Appendix 1, the section on individual coping behaviors, for an example). Correlating receipt of
(and actual consumption of) food aid with changes in the CSI score will provide managers with
real-time information about the impact of food aid.

Long-Term Interventions
Though intended here as an indicator of relatively short-term food security status, the CSI tool
could be used to track the impact on household food security of longer-term interventions (i.e.,
development projects and programs) in addition to short-term (emergency) interventions. Be
aware that the CSI is sensitive to short-term changes such as seasonality, or the effects of shocks,
however major or minor. If being used to track long-term interventions, ensure that short-term
influences such as seasonality are factored out of the analysis (for example, by conducting a
baseline survey and an impact evaluation survey at the same time of the year/harvest cycle, etc.).

e. Use in Conjunction with Other Tools

The CSI is compatible with—and indeed was developed to complement—nutrition surveys.
Nutrition surveys give the best information about the status of individual human beings (usually
children under the age of five years, though measuring adult nutritional status is also possible).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

However, nutrition surveys themselves provide little information about causal factors unless
complemented with other information—and the information required deals mainly with food
security and health status. Using the CSI in conjunction with a nutrition survey provides
information about food security status—and can be complemented with questions about health
information. This gives the analyst some sense of the main causes of a nutritional problem,
which a nutrition assessment alone usually does not do.
As noted, the CSI can be used as a part of a Post Distribution Monitoring system—specifically
with an end-use form for food assistance—to provide information about the impact of food aid.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Bickel, Gary, Mark Nord, Cristofer Price, William Hamilton and John Cook (2000). Guide to
measuring Household Food Security in the USA. Washington: USDA.
Christiaensen, Luc, and Richard Boisvert (2000). “On Measuring Household Food Vulnerability:
Case Evidence from Northern Mali.” Working Paper. Department of Agricultural, Resource,
and Managerial Economics, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.
Coates, Jennifer, Edward Frongillo, Beatrice Rogers, Patrick Webb, Parke Wilde, and Robert
Houser (2006). Commonalities in the Experience of Household Food Insecurity across
Cultures: What Are Measures Missing? Supplement to the Journal of Nutrition (136)5:
Corbett, Jane (1988). “Famine and Household Coping Strategies.” World Development 16(9):
Darcy, James, and Charles-Antoine Hoffman (2003). According to Need? Needs Assessment and
Decision-Making in the Humanitarian Sector. Humanitarian Policy Group Report 15.
London: Overseas Development Institute.
Davies, Susannah (1996). Adaptable Livelihoods. Coping with Food Insecurity in the Malian
Sahel. London: MacMillan Press.
Devereux, Stephen (1993). “Goats Before Ploughs: Dilemmas of Household Response
Sequencing During Food Shortages.” IDS Bulletin 24(2): 52–59.
Food and Agriculture Organization (2006). The Integrated Phase and Humanitarian Phase
Classification Technical Manual. Nairobi: Food Security Analysis Unit for Somalia.
Kennedy, Eileen (2002). “Qualitative Measures of Food Insecurity and Hunger.” Keynote paper
on “Methods for the Measurement of Food Deprivation and Undernutrition.” Proceedings of
the International Scientific Symposium on Measurement and Assessment of Food
Deprivation and Undernutrition. FAO, Rome.
Maxwell, Daniel, Clement Ahiadeke, Carol Levin, Margaret Armar-Klemesu, Sawudatu
Zakariah, and Grace Mary Lamptey (1999). “Alternative Food Security Indicators:
Revisiting the Frequency and Severity of ‘Coping Strategies.’” Food Policy 24(4): 411–429.
Maxwell, Daniel (1996). “Measuring Food Insecurity: The Frequency and Severity of ‘Coping
Strategies.’” Food Policy 21(3): 291–303.
Maxwell, Simon, and Timothy Frankenberger (1992). Household Food Security: Concepts,
Indicators, Measurements. A Technical Review. New York and Rome: UNICEF and IFAD.
Watts, Michael (1983). Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Young, Helen, and Susanne Jaspars (2006). The Meaning and Measurement of Acute
Malnutrition: A Primer for Decision-Makers. Humanitarian Practice Network Paper No. 56.
London: Humanitarian Practice Network. London: Overseas Development Institute.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


a. Sampling
To use the CSI tool as part of a household survey, you will need to select a sample. Entire books
are written about sampling, but two main principles are important in selecting a sample that will
enable you to draw conclusions about the population you want to track in monitoring an
ƒ First, the sample has to be large enough that it is a fair representation of the population.
ƒ Second, each household in the population has to stand the same chance of being selected into
the sample.
Obviously, when monitoring impact in an emergency, it will be difficult to obtain a perfect
sample: there will rarely be a pre-existing sampling frame; population size may not be known;
there may be few easily identifiable clusterings within the population and the size of these may
not be known; pre-existing information about means and standard deviations of critical variables
are unlikely to be known; etc. In brief, it will be very difficult to devise a sampling scheme that
would achieve high statistical precision—and yet the whole purpose of monitoring is to make
inferences about the impact of food security for a population based on collecting information
from a sample of that population. So a few “rules of thumb” are in order.
ƒ At its most basic level, the CSI should be used with whatever end-use monitoring of food aid
is already on going. In the absence of baseline CSI data, this type of information will be
difficult to interpret at first, but should at least provide basic information about whether food
security is improving or deteriorating.
ƒ A preferable approach would be to conduct a baseline survey, along with surveys during the
course of the intervention and a final evaluation. The monitoring just described above would
provide much more useful information if larger, probability sampling were used to establish
baseline and interim levels of household food security.
ƒ If the baseline/mid-term/final survey approach is used, a sample should be selected that, at a
minimum, consists of 20 clusters, selected randomly from within the entire area in which the
CSI is being administered, with a random sample of 20 households within each cluster.
ƒ If used in conjunction with the baseline/mid-term/final approach, CSI is ideally suited to a
sentinel site approach to monitoring, in which certain sites or locations are selected for more
intensive monitoring on a purposive basis (though samples within sites should still be
ƒ In addition, CSI can be added on to nutritional surveys or other baseline or evaluation
information-collecting activities.
For purposes of statistical rigor and the ability to draw statistically-supported inferences, it is
strongly recommended that no less that 20 clusters of 20 households each are used (20 X 20
cluster approach) for a sample size no smaller than 400 households. Smaller sample sizes or
other forms of sampling may yield some indicative information. However, the estimates derived

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

will be too imprecise to be useful and are unlikely to be adequate to support statistical inference.6
More details, including various sample sizes and strategies for baseline, mid-term and final
surveys, as well as information about how to select households in the absence of a proper
sampling frame, are presented in Appendix 4.

Further Notes on Sampling7

Sampling refers to any time a sub-set of the population (or other unit) under study is selected from the
larger group (the entire population under study). By studying the findings from that sample (denoted
as n) it is hoped that valid conclusions can be drawn about the larger population (denoted as N) from
which the sample was taken. Sampling is commonly employed due to the expense and time associated
with total enumeration of the population, as is done during a census.
Sampling methods can be broken into two broad categories—probability sampling and non-
probability sampling.
Probability sampling methods rely on statistical theory as a basis for extrapolating findings
among the sample population (n) to the larger study population (N). This is known as statistical
inference. By contrast non-probability sampling does not utilize statistical theory to support
inference from a sample population (n) to the study population (N), but relies on a more
subjective determination of the degree to which a sample “represents” the larger study
population. Choosing which method to use depends on the intended use of the information and
the importance placed on objective (probability sampling) versus subjective (non-probability
sampling) determination of how the sample (n) represents the larger population (N).

Guidelines for Probability Sampling

The essence of probability sampling is that each unit of study (e.g., household, individual, child)
in the study population for which the estimate is desired must have an approximately equal
probability for selection and inclusion in the sample. In order to ensure that this critical criterion
is met, an exhaustive sampling frame must exist or be created for the unit under study (in the
case of the CSI, this unit is the household). A sampling frame is simply a complete list of all
potential “units of study” (e.g., households) in the population from which the sample will be
Where a sampling frame does exist at the household level, number each household and select
households from this list using a random numbers table. This is known as a simple random
sample. The number of households needed is depicted below in the section entitled Sample Size
and Clusters.

Cluster Sampling
Where an exhaustive sampling frame does not exist for households, the next lowest aggregation
of these units for which an exhaustive sampling frame exists must be used to select the sample.

Statistical inference is the ability to infer something about the larger population (N) from which the sample (n) was
taken on the basis of probability theory.
The remainder of this section on sampling methods comes from the first edition, and was written by Greg Collins.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

These aggregated units are often villages, but other appropriate aggregations may exist,
especially for urban and/or nomadic populations.
The cluster sampling approach entails selecting clusters at the first stage of sampling and then
selecting households from within these clusters during the second stage of sampling. To maintain
the criteria that all households have an approximately equal probability of selection, clusters
must be weighted according to size (e.g., large clusters have a higher probability of selection
than small villages such that all households, regardless of village size have an approximately
equal probability of selection).

Known Cluster Size

Where cluster population sizes are available, these can be used to weight clusters. List each
cluster and the cumulative population contained within the cluster, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Weighting Clusters

Estimated number of Cumulative households
Village (cluster) households sampling frame
Village 1 232 1 – 232
Village 2 546 233 – 778
Village 3 113 779 – 891

For this example use a random numbers table select numbers between 1 and 891 to choose
clusters. If we require 3 clusters, choose 3 numbers randomly between 1 and 891. Let us say we
have selected 439, 831, and 558. This would mean that we would take two clusters from village
2 (e.g., village/cluster 2 was selected twice) and one cluster from village 3.

Unknown Cluster Size

Where population sizes of clusters are unknown, key informants can be used to estimate the size
of the clusters as big, medium, and small and clusters can be weighted with values of 3, 2, and 1
in the sampling frame.

Figure 2. Sampling Examples

Village (cluster) Size Sampling Frame
Village A
Village A Medium
Village A
Village B Small Village B
Village C
Village C Large Village C
Village C

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Divide the total number of units in the sampling frame (column three above, or 6 in this
example) by the number of clusters needed (let us say we require two clusters). This yields a
sampling interval of 2. Select a random start in the sampling frame (for this example let us say
we selected the second unit of Village A). We then add the sampling interval 2 in order to select
the next cluster and we get the second unit of Village C. Therefore, the first cluster will be
Village A and the second cluster will be Village C. Note that once a cell in the sampling frame
has been selected, it cannot be selected again. This is sampling without replacement. Clusters
with multiple cells (e.g., Village A and Village C in the example) in the sampling frame can be
selected more than once (e.g., village A can be selected up to two times and village C can be
selected up to three times). In practice there will be many more clusters to choose from and more
clusters needed to make up the sample (see Sample Size and Clusters below), but the concept is
the same.

Selecting Households within Clusters

Once clusters have been selected, the UNICEF pencil spin method will be used to randomly
select households within the cluster.
Step 1—using key informants, locate the center of the cluster.
Step 2—spin a pencil to determine the direction the survey team will walk to select households.
If more than one enumerator is being used have each select a direction using the pencil spin
method with no two enumerators walking in the same direction.
Step3—Proceed in the direction of the pencil spin, selecting every other household to conduct
the survey.
Step 4—Continue doing so until the total number of households needed by each enumerator is
Step 5—If the end of the cluster is reached and more households are required have the
enumerator re-spin the pencil until it points in a direction back toward the village and continue
selecting every other household for inclusion in the survey.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 3. Example of the UNICEF Pencil Spin Method of Household Selection

Illustrative Example of UNICEF Pencil Spin HH

Enumerator 1

Enumerator 2

Approximate center of cluster

Sample Size and Clusters

Three options for sample size and the number of clusters are provided. The first option represents
the ideal sampling approach. The second and third options represent a compromised approach
and a minimalist approach respectively.
The compromised and minimalist options entail fewer clusters, representing cost savings
associated with visiting fewer sites (e.g., lower transport and logistics costs). The sacrifice of
reducing the number of clusters is that the sample will have fewer sites representing the study
population. Where there is a large degree of difference in experience related to the CSI measure
between clusters, some of this heterogeneity will be lost.
It is imperative that no fewer than twenty clusters be used in the sample. If the cost of using the
minimalist approach remains prohibitive, consider non-probability sampling (e.g., purposive or
judgmental sampling) to gain a “representative” sample. While this will lack the ability to make
statistical inferences about the larger population from the sample, it is still likely to provide
useful data for monitoring the impact of food distribution programs.
The compromised and minimalist approaches also entail smaller overall sample sizes (the
number of households per cluster remains the same, but the number of clusters is reduced). The
sacrifice of reducing the overall sample size (n) is that the minimum magnitude of detectable

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

change between survey rounds is increased. In other words, the larger the sample size, the
smaller the minimum magnitude of detectable change. This is important given that the purpose
of impact monitoring is to gauge the change that occurs over time in response to food
distribution operations. However, the increased minimum magnitude of detectable change
associated with the compromised and minimalist approaches will still provide a useful means of
tracking meaningful change over time in the CSI score.

Figure 4.Three Options for Sample Size and Clusters for Use in Cluster
Number of Minimum magnitude
Number of HH within Total sample of detectable
Approach clusters each cluster size (n) change in CSI
Ideal 30 20 600 6.5
Compromised 25 20 500 7.0
Minimalist 20 20 400 8.0
* These were calculated using data from the Ghana research as a basis for parameter estimates in the sample size calculation.
Note that these calculations apply to the full (context-specific) CSI, not the reduced CSI. The latter will not result in
comparable changes of magnitude in CSI scores.

Sample Size for Simple Random Sampling (SRS) where an Exhaustive Sampling
Frame of Households Exists
The sample size for an SRS is half that of the cluster sampling approach (e.g., the cluster
sampling entails a design effect of two, doubling the sample size). Therefore, a sample size of
300 households should be randomly selected from the household-level sampling frame.

Why Use Probability Sampling?

Probability sampling allows for statistical inference at a known and quantifiable level of
confidence or probability. Estimates are given in ranges, called confidence intervals, though they
are often expressed as a point estimate. For the example in Figure 4, a CSI score of 48.37 derived
from a sample may have a 95 percent confidence interval of plus or minus 5.31 CSI points.
Visually this can be expressed as:
43.06 48.37 53.68
For this example we are 95 percent confident that the true population CSI score is between 43.06
and 53.68 (e.g., in 95 out of 100 samples the true population CSI score will be contained within
the sample’s confidence interval). When making comparisons to other groups (or the same group
at different points in time for impact monitoring) you will essentially be comparing confidence
intervals. If they overlap, you cannot conclude that a difference exists. If they do not overlap,
you can conclude that a difference does exist at 95 percent confidence.
The ideal sample size and clusters listed in the previous section will yield the narrowest
confidence intervals, allowing for detection of smaller differences. The compromised and
minimalist sample size and clusters listed in the previous section will yield wider confidence

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

intervals (the minimalist approach will have wider confidence intervals than the compromised
approach and the compromised approach will have wider confidence intervals than the ideal
approach given the same mean and variance within the sample).

Stratification is used when separate CSI estimates are desired for sub-groups within the study
population. For example if your study population includes two districts, it may be desirable for
each district to have a separate CSI estimate. We would then consider each district a “strata” and
apply the required sample size and number of clusters to each stratum (in this case, districts).
Be certain that separate estimates are required before stratifying the sample. In the above
example of two districts treated as separate strata, the sample size, number of clusters, and much
of the cost of the survey are doubled. For three strata, the sample size, number of clusters, and
much of the cost of the survey are tripled and so on. Therefore, be very critical before stratifying
your sample, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, particularly cost and resources, against
one another.

b. Respondents
Once you have selected the appropriate households, you also need to find the right respondent
within the household. The best person to ask about coping is the person in the household that is
in charge of preparing food and seeing to it that members eat. Usually, but not necessarily
always, that person is the senior female member of the household—typically the wife, the
mother, or female head of household. However, there are cases of households that do not have
such a member, or there may be another person in the household who is responsible.
In extreme emergencies, households may be broken up, and the notion of a “household” may
require modification. In general, households are usually defined in terms of the group of people
who “eat together or eat from the same pot.”

c. Some Miscellaneous Methodological Concerns

Other Information Requirements
While this manual is just about the CSI, you will need other information as part of a household
questionnaire as well. At a minimum, you will need information to identify the specific
household in the analysis—usually at least information about the location, village, or cluster and
a household identification number of some sort. If the information is being used for on-going
monitoring, you will need the date on which this particular information was gathered about this
household so you can track changes over time. And chances are that you will need information
about the demographics of the household: at a minimum, the size of the household, but also the
sex of the head of household, and perhaps age, sex, educational achievement of all members, etc.
The extent of the information to be collected depends on the overall objectives of the monitoring,
but at a minimum household size is required, and sex of household head is a common way to
disaggregate results.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

To track the impact of food aid, obviously, you will need information about not only food
security status (from CSI) but also about the receipt and end-use of food aid. Additionally,
contextual information (early warning information) is also useful. See the section below on
examples of complimentary tools for details for using CSI in conjunction with food aid.
Other information needed will depend on the objectives of the use of the CSI tool. The primary
purpose being described in this manual is monitoring the impact of food aid in emergencies, but
as noted, CSI has many other applications.

The “Learning Effect” and Respondent Recall

As with any information-gathering technique that relies on respondent recall, there is the
possibility that recall information is not accurate, or that the respondent will realize that it may
be in his or her interest to “recall” more “coping” than actually took place—in order to ensure
that his/her household remains on the targeted list for food distribution. For this reason, the
general recommendation is that the tool not be used repeatedly with the same sample of
households—the same procedures should be used in the same communities, but a new sample of
households should be selected for each round. Household information is still obtained, and
community averages and variances can be looked at over time. But the “learning effect” is
minimized at the level of the individual respondent.

Why Do We Measure at the Household Level, When We Know There

Are Intra-household Inequities?
There are well-known inequities of food distribution within households. Yet, for better or worse,
households are the social institution through which most individuals gain access to food, and
except in the most dire of emergencies, food distributions are targeted to households, so a
household-level measure in required for impact. In fact, inequitable distribution within
households is one form of coping, though not all household inequity is a form of coping. The
CSI will pick up inequitable distribution of food within the household, but other tools are
required to gain insight into distribution patterns at this level.
Note that household measures are not appropriate for individually targeted interventions such as
supplementary and therapeutic feeding, and while CSI scores may give some indication of
households with malnourished children, further screening is required at the individual level for
these interventions—the CSI is not the appropriate screening tool for these interventions.

Other Methodological Concerns

As with any data collection enterprise, crosschecking information for accuracy and completeness
in the field is critical.
The CSI tool can be used as a qualitative application as well, and working with both qualitative
and quantitative information in the same monitoring plan offers a quick cross check on validity.
Be careful to rule out other possible causes of changes in food security status before attributing
changes to a food aid intervention. Seasonality must always be factored in, as should other

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

changes in general food security status (a harvest, changes in prices, changes in labor
opportunities, etc.).

d. Examples of Questionnaires and CSI Module Formats

A variety of formats for the CSI have been used to date. Below are several examples from recent
or on-going studies. Note that many of these contain individual behaviors that are not appropriate
according to the criteria for including consumption coping behaviors, outlined in Box 2 of the
main text.

Figure 5. CSI: UNRWA—West Bank Palestine

Did you …….(read coping 4.
strategy)……during the last 1. Every 2. Most 3. Half Several
month? ‫رتب خالل الشھر الماضي البنود وفق‬ day days the time days 5. Never
(7–0 ‫المعادلة اعاله )استراتيجية التكيف من‬ (f=7) (f=5) (f=3.5) (f=1.5) (f=0)
1. Consume less quality & variety of
food ‫استھالك غذاء أقل نوعية وتنوع‬
2. Reduce the meal of adults in favor of
children ‫تقليل وجبات البالغين لصالح االطفال‬
3. Limit the portion of meal for all
household members
‫تقليل كمية الوجبة لكافة اعضاء االسرة‬
4. Reduce number of meals per day
‫تقليل عدد الوجبات‬
5. Purchase food on credit
‫شراء طعام بالدين‬
6. Send children to eat elsewhere
‫ارسال االوالد لالكل في مكان اخر‬
7. Send children to work for food
‫ارسال االوالد للعمل من اجل الغذاء‬
8. Regrouping of family members to
save money ‫االكل الجماعي لتوفير المال‬
9. Depend on aid from family and
‫االعتماد على المسعدات من االھل واالصدقاء‬

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 6. CSI: UNRWA—West Bank Palestine

Did you …….(read coping strategy)……during the last month days? Yes No
1. Use part or all of your life savings to purchase food
‫استخدام جزء من المدخرات للحصول على الغذاء‬
2. Sell any assets to purchase basic food items?(‫ سيارة‬،‫ ارض‬،‫بيع اصول لشراء الطعام)مبنى‬
3. Sell any assets to invest in income activities? ‫بيع اصل الستثمار المبلغ لزيادة الدخل‬
4. Reduce health and education expenses in order to meet food needs?
‫تقليل االنفاق على الصحة والتعليم من اجل توفير احتياجات الطعام‬
5. Take on a loan (credit) to purchase food ‫االستدانة بما يشمل القروض من اجل توفير الطعام‬
6. Harvest immature crops ‫حصاد محاصيل قبل االوان‬
7. Skip a loan payment ‫التوجه لالستدانة‬
8. Sell any durable goods
9. Using in kind products

Figure 7. Food Security Survey—CARE Eritrea

In the past 30 days, if there have been times when you don’t have enough food or money to
buy food, how often has your household had to:
SN Coping Option Times per week
3–6 Once Less
times/ or than Never
week twice 1
K1 Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods?
Borrow food, or rely on help from friends or
K3 Purchase food on credit?
K4 Gather wild food, hunt or harvest immature crops?
K5 Consume seed stock held for next season?
K6 Send household members to eat elsewhere?
K7 Send household members to beg?
K8 Limit portion sizes at mealtimes?
K9 Restrict consumption of adults so children can eat?
Feed working members of HH at the expense of
non-working members?
K11 Ration the money you had and buy prepared food?
K12 Reduced the number of meals eaten in a day?
K13 Skip entire days without eating?

K14 Sold jewelry or household items to purchase food? Yes _______ No ________
Sold livestock or farm implements to purchase
food? Yes _______ No ________

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

e. List of (Appropriate) Individual Coping Behaviors

Below is a list of all the individual behaviors noted over the past several years that have been
included in CSI surveys (those that do not fit the criteria listed in Box 2 of the main text are
noted). They are listed by category in general order of increasing severity. Note that this list is
provided for brainstorming and cross-referencing purposes only—it is NOT a format for a

Figure 8. Generic List of Coping Strategies

Individual Behavior Comment
1. Dietary Change
Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods
Consume less variety of food
2 Increase Short-Term Household Food Availability
Borrow food from a friend or relative
Purchase food on credit
Depend on aid from outside the household
Use part of savings to buy food
Send children to work for food Note 1
Sell assets to buy food Note 1
Reduce health or education expenditure to buy food
Skip a loan payment Note 2
Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops Note 3
Consume seed stock held for next season Note 3
3. Decrease Numbers of People
Send children to eat with neighbors
Send household members to beg
4. Rationing Strategies
Limit portion size at mealtimes
Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat
Feed working members of HH at the expense of non-working members
Ration the money you have and buy prepared food Note 2
Reduce number of meals eaten in a day
Skip entire days without eating
Note 1. This behavior does not meet the criteria for an appropriate indicator, because a “no” answer is not
interpretable, and because the behavior is likely to be done once, not something that has scalable frequency.
Note 2. This behavior is more applicable to an urban or cash-market oriented household.
Note 3. This behavior is more applicable to a rural, food-producing household.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

f. Examples of Complimentary Tools

End-Use Monitoring of Food Assistance
In its most basic application as an impact-monitoring tool, the CSI must be used in conjunction
with some means of measuring the receipt and usage of food aid—often referred to as an end-use
monitoring form, or a post-distribution monitoring form. An example is provided below.
For the purposes of making a comparison with the CSI, two main indicators are necessary from
an end-use monitoring form. First, the total amount of food consumed, since that is actually the
additional food that reached household members as a result of the emergency intervention. The
second is the total amount actually received by the household, even if it was not directly
consumed. Food that was allocated to the household but which didn’t actually reach it (either
because it was stolen, taxed, spoiled, etc.) should be deducted from the total allocation to get the
amount that reached the household. Both of these measures should be correlated with household
food security status as reflected by the CSI. If the food aid is reaching households targeted by the
intervention in sufficient quantities, then over time the CSI should decline, reflecting improved
food security status. By checking the CSI in recipient and non-recipient households over time,
the accuracy of the targeting mechanism can also be checked.

Figure 9. Receipt and End Use of Food Aid

Grain Pulses Oil Supp*
How much food aid (kgs.) has your household received in past month?
How much food aid (kgs.) of that was: consumed?
given to others?
fed to livestock?
*Supp = Supplementary Foods

In the past six months, how many times has your household received food aid?
Yes No
Did you have to pay anything to receive food aid?
Distribution Chief Friends Other: _________
Of total food aid consumed, how much of the food (kgs.)
aid did you get from:
Day Month Year
When was the last distribution you received?

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


Using the CSI tool as a qualitative tool gives a general picture of the frequency of coping at the
community level. It can be used in conjunction with various Participatory Rapid Appraisal
(PRA) methods, but in particular with a proportional piling exercise. It can be as simple or as
sophisticated as is appropriate for the situation and information needed.
In its most basic form, the qualitative tool looks similar to the set of questions about individual
coping strategies for the household survey, but rather than inquiring about the relative frequency
of relying on those strategies at the household level, the question is about the relative proportions
of households in the village or community. Beans or stones can be used by a group of informants
to depict the proportions of households in the community that are regularly relying on a given
strategy or behavior, as depicted below. If ten beans or stones are provided to depict the answer
in each case, you will get rough estimates of the proportion of the village population in tenths (or
ten percent of the population) that rely on various coping strategies.

Figure 1. CSI PRA Application (Simple Version)

Because they don’t have enough food or enough money to buy food, Proportion who Proportion who
what proportion of households in this community have to: do do not
a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods? OOOOOO OOOO

b. Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative? OOO OOOOOOO

c. Purchase food on credit? OO OOOOOOOO

d. Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops? O OOOOOOOOO

e. Consume seed stock held for next season? - OOOOOOOOOO

f. Send household members to eat elsewhere? OOO OOOOOOO

g. Send household members to beg? OO OOOOOOOO

h. Limit portion size at mealtimes? OOOOOOO OOO

i. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat? OOOO OOOOOO

j. Feed working members of HH at the expense of non-working

members? OO OOOOOOOO

k. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day? OOOOO OOOOO

l. Skip entire days without eating? O OOOOOOOOO

This can be made a little more sophisticated by asking questions about relative frequency, rather
than just the “yes/no” response depicted above.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 2. CSI PRA Application (More Sophisticated Version)

Because they don’t have enough food or enough money Proportion Proportion who Proportion
to buy food, what proportion of households in this who frequently only rarely do who never do
community have to: do
a. Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods? OOOO OOOO OO

b. Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative? OO OOOO OOOO

c. Purchase food on credit? OO OOOO OOOO

d. Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops? O OO OOOOOOO

e. Consume seed stock held for next season? — OO OOOOOOOO

f. Send household members to eat elsewhere? O OOOO OOOOO

g. Send household members to beg? O OOOO OOOOO

h. Limit portion size at mealtimes? OOOOO OOO OOO

i. Restrict consumption by adults in order for small

children to eat? OOOO OOOO OO

j. Feed working members of HH at the expense of non-

working members? OO OO OOOOOO

k. Reduce number of meals eaten in a day? OOO OOOO OOO

l. Skip entire days without eating? O O OOOOOOOO

The important point is to allocate the same number of stones or beans for each question, so that
answers can be compared. This exercise can be a useful way of ensuring that the set of coping
strategies is complete and accurate for the given location. It can also be used in conjunction with
other rapid appraisal or PRA methods to give a quick overview of the situation at the community
level. It is less appropriate for tracking the impact of an intervention because it does not give any
disaggregated information about vulnerable households.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


a. The Kenya Pilot Study
WFP and CARE International collaborated to design and implement a pilot study of the CSI in
Kenya to test its applicability to tracking food security emergencies, and the impact of food aid
interventions in emergencies. The objectives of the Kenya Pilot Study were:
ƒ To test the CSI against other measures of food security
ƒ To test whether changes in coping behaviors correspond to changes in the environment that
affect food security (early warning indicators)
ƒ To test whether the index responds to the intervention of food aid.
The study was carried out in two districts of Kenya—a pastoral area (Garissa district) and a
marginal rain-fed agricultural area (Kitui district). Both were affected by the 1999–2000 drought
and subsequent WFP Emergency Operation (EMOP). Figure 1 shows the locations of the study.
A questionnaire was designed to capture a full range of food security and livelihood indicators,
including the CSI. Random samples
were selected from the same clusters in Figure 1. The Kenya Pilot Study
each district over three rounds, at
different points during the EMOP. Both
qualitative and quantitative data were
collected and analyzed. Thus data were
generated that permitted a cross
sectional analysis and, to a limited
degree, permitted tracking of changes
over time.

The CSI correlated significantly with
food frequency, asset ownership,
income, and other measures of
livelihood security. The CSI correlates
significantly with changes in early
warning indicators. Bi-variate and
multi-variate analysis was carried out to
demonstrate this relationship. Figure 2
shows the results of the bi-variate
correlation between the CSI and a food
frequency measure, intended to be an
alternate measure of food security. The
table is broken down by survey round
and district.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

These results strongly confirm that the CSI and food frequency indicators were picking up the
same trends in terms of household food security, which tends to confirm part of the first
hypothesis (that correlated with other food security indicators).
Multi–variate analysis was conducted using the CSI as the dependent variable. Independent
variables include location, asset ownership, income sources, non-consumption coping strategies
(asset sales, alternative income sources, expenditure reduction, migration, etc.), as well as the
receipt and timing of food aid.8

Figure 2. Correlation of CSI and Food Frequency Indicator

(Pearson’s r)
District Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Garissa -0.204** -0.379** -0.435**

Kitui -0.307** -0.457** -0.434**

** p < 0.01 (Two-tailed test)

Asset ownership was negatively associated with CSI, which stands to reason—more assets
would imply both a higher level of wealth generally, as well as a greater capacity to cope with a
shock without it necessarily affecting food security. CSI was positively but weakly correlated
with different kinds of income, including agriculture, livestock, and labor, but negatively
correlated with the number of income sources. This indicates that all kinds of incomes were
affected by the drought (note that both an agricultural and pastoral area were included in the
sample—analyzing the results separately for each district would likely have sorted out the
differences between livelihoods systems). But it also means that the greater the level of
livelihood diversity, the greater the household’s capacity to withstand shocks.
Many of the other non-consumption strategies were correlated (at varying levels of significance)
with the CSI. This is an extremely important finding, because it implies that various kinds of
coping tend to co-vary. This suggests that the limited set of consumption coping strategies that
can be easily measured with the CSI are an accurate reflection of other kinds of coping going on
at the household level, and the substantial additional information collected in the pilot study on
non-consumption strategies need not be collected to have an accurate picture of the level of
coping at the household level. In other words, this finding implies that the CSI is an adequate
stand-alone indicator.
Receipt of food aid was positively associated with CSI in all the models in which the relationship
was tested—at first glance a counter-intuitive finding. However, given the negative relationship
between assets and the CSI, this would imply that the food aid that was received was accurately
targeted on households that needed it, but that the amounts received were not adequate for the
needs of those receiving it. The variable being analyzed was the binomial (receipt of food aid or
not)—it is not a quantitative measure of per capita food aid receipts. In Garissa District, 88
percent of all households had received food aid during Round 1, 68 percent of households in
This analysis was conducted by Greg Collins.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Round 2, and 66 percent of households in Round 3. Yet the mean amount of food aid per capita
received at the household level was between 5.1 kilograms per person and 7.5 kilograms per
person (a full food basket is considered 15 kilograms per person per month).

b. The Accra Urban Food and Nutrition Study

The Accra Urban Food and Nutrition Study was the first to test the relationship between the CSI
and quantitative measures of food consumption and food budgets. Though not in an emergency
situation, the results of this study are important to understand the relationship between the CSI
and other measures of household food insecurity. Summary results of that study are presented in
Figure 3. For this analysis a complete CSI was used, and in an attempt to isolate the impact on
daily consumption a different index was created that included only those elements of the CSI that
relate to a shortfall in immediate consumption (the rationing behaviors). Note that this version of
the CSI correlates better with daily caloric intake, but less well with food budget shares or
income per capita. Not surprisingly, since the CSI is a household measure, neither correlate
strongly with individual measures such as the nutritional status of children (but note that other
elements of a typical nutrition study do).

Figure 3. Correlation of CSI with Other Food Security Indicators

(Pearson’s r)
CSI Food share
(rationing Kcal per of Income (per Height for
CSI strategies adult per household capita age z-score
(entire) only) day budget expenditure) of child
CSI (entire)

CSI (rationing
0.910** 1.000
strategies only)
Kcal per adult per
-0.082* -0.138** 1.000
Food share of
0.195** 0.144** 0.164** 1.000
household budget
Income (per capita
-0.220** -0.215** 0.374** -0.497** 1.000
Height for age z-
-0.108** -0.104** 0.033 -0.118** 0.146** 1.000
score of child
Data Source: Maxwell et al. 1999
Correlation Significant (p < 0.05)
Correlation Significant (p < 0.01)

c. The CHS Surveys

From 2002–2004, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Consortium for Southern Africa
Food Security Emergency (CSAFE) jointly implemented a food and livelihood security
monitoring system in six countries in the Southern Africa region. A monitoring system, the

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Community and Household Survey (CHS),

Figure 4. CSI for the Sample
was implemented to track changes in food
security roughly every six months. Data
below shows how the CSI informed Coping Strategy Index
knowledge of changes in food security
after three rounds of surveys covering more 60.00
than 12,000 households. 55.00

The CHS asked for information on a total 50.00

of twelve commonly used coping

strategies.9 Each question used five relative
frequency categories ranging between 40.00
“every day per week” to “never.” The CHS 35.00
collected information on the relevance of
coping strategies among sample Rd1 Rd2 Rd3
communities and determined the relative
severity of each coping strategy. It then
assigned a value of between one and four Figure 5. CSI Beneficiary
to each strategy—or a severity score—with CSI for Beneficiary and Non-
one being the least severe and four being beneficiaries
the most severe. To analyze the data, the
frequency score recorded during the 60.00
household surveys was multiplied by the 55.00
severity score,10 producing a single score

for each strategy. This same procedure was
repeated during each round of the CHS. 35.00
Severity scores were recalibrated using 30.00
results from eighteen focus groups. Rd1 Rd2 Rd3

Figure 4 shows the CSI aggregated over the Non-beneficiaries Beneficiaries

six countries. The CSI was significantly
lower during the third round of sampling, falling to an average of about 44 points per household.
This decline in CSI was likely due to two factors, a general easing of the food security crisis as
well as the positive changes brought about by food aid. This conclusion is supported by Figure 5,
which shows a significant decline in the CSI for both beneficiary and non-beneficiary
households. For both groups the decline between the Round 1 and Round 3 of the CHS was
significant. There was also a significant difference between beneficiary and non-beneficiary
groups in Round 2 and Round 3. Together, this evidence suggested that households in general

The coping strategies were: Limit portion size at mealtimes; Reduce number of meals eaten per day; Skip entire
days without eating; Borrow food or rely on help from friends or relatives; Rely on less expensive or less
preferred foods; Purchase/borrow food on credit; Gather unusual types or amounts of wild food / hunt; Harvest
immature crops (e.g., green maize); Send household members to eat elsewhere; Send household members to beg;
Reduce adult consumption so children can eat; and Rely on casual labor for food.
The frequency value is on a scale of 1-5 and is a measure of the number of times per week that a household
employs a given strategy while the severity value, also on a scale of 1–5, is a perception of how serious
households view a given behavior (with 5 being the most severe).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

were recovering from the food security crisis,

but food aid facilitated beneficiary households Figure 6. Average CSI
to recover at a faster rate. The fact that in CSI Among CHS Countries
Round 2 and Round 3 the CSI was lower for
beneficiary groups (that had higher initial 70.00

levels of food insecurity) supported this 60.00

conclusion and suggested that food aid even in 50.00

the lean season (Round 2) freed households 40.00
from relying as much on coping behaviors. 30.00

Among CHS Countries










The average CSI varied significantly among

the six countries surveyed (Figure 6). Lesotho
and Zambia had significantly higher CSI means than the other four countries—Mozambique,
Malawi and Zimbabwe all had the same mean CSI, while Swaziland had the lowest. However,
the CSI in all countries fell significantly over the three rounds of the survey, with the exception
of Swaziland, where the CSI actually increased from a mean of 20.3 in Round 1 to 36.7 in Round
3. Despite Swaziland’s relatively small sample size, this increase in the CSI was statistically
significant and triggered further investigation as to its causal factors.

d. Post-Tsunami Recovery—Sri Lanka

The CSI was used as a food security indicator in a number of post-tsunami recovery programs.
Figure 7 reveals the frequency of coping behaviors and their change over time for households in
seven districts impacted by the tsunami. Many of the more severe behaviors, such as skipping
entire days, gathering wild foods, and sending household members to eat elsewhere were not
common practices during the two study periods. Most of the changes in CSI values that occurred
between the two study periods came from decreasing the frequency of individual behaviors from
many times per week to less than one day per week or never. The most common practices at the
time of the end-of-project (EOP) evaluation were using less expensive/preferred foods and
purchasing food on credit.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 7. Frequency of Coping Behaviors for Food Security by Baseline and

EOP Study
<1 1–2 3–6
day/ days/ days/
Period Coping Strategy Never week week week Daily
Percent of households
Baseline Limit portion size at mealtimes 55.0 19.8 12.4 6.0 6.8
Reduce number of meals/day 56.9 20.5 10.4 6.3 5.9
Borrow food or rely on others 50.7 17.2 14.7 12.2 5.2
Use less expensive/preferred foods 32.8 17.9 12.6 14.2 22.5
Purchase food on credit 26.5 15.5 21.6 15.1 21.3
Gather wild food 82.5 9.2 5.6 1.7 1.0
Send HH members to eat elsewhere 69.0 13.2 8.8 6.1 3.0
Reduce adult consumption 58.5 15.8 8.6 8.0 9.2
Rely on casual labor for food 51.6 9.4 4.3 4.2 30.6
EOP Limit portion size at mealtimes 61.1 16.0 17.9 4.2 0.7
Reduce number of meals/day 66.0 13.5 16.0 3.7 0.9
Borrow food or rely on others 64.4 16.0 15.1 3.9 0.7
Use less expensive/preferred foods 46.1 18.6 21.3 8.7 5.3
Purchase food on credit 53.7 14.2 20.1 9.3 2.7
Gather wild food 80.2 5.7 10.6 2.8 0.7
Send HH members to eat elsewhere 73.2 11.3 11.5 3.0 1.0
Reduce adult consumption 71.0 11.7 12.1 4.6 0.6
Rely on casual labor for food 70.6 5.5 7.6 4.7 11.5

Another way used to view the same data was to calculate the average score of the frequency. The
scale used was 1 to 5, with 1 being “never” and 5 being “always.” As Figure 8 shows, no
frequency averaged more than 3.0, and most were below 2.0. This means that on average,
households were using these strategies less than one day per week or, at most, 1–2 days per
week. The most common strategies in the baseline were to rely on casual labor, to purchase food
on credit, and to rely on less expensive or less-preferred foods. These three strategies remained
important in the EOP study, but as the data shows, the frequency of using any of the nine coping
strategies declined following the baseline study (with the exception of gathering wild foods,
which has remained about the same, and may be associated with seasonal factors).

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Figure 8. Mean Score per Coping Strategy by Study Period

Coping Strategy Baseline EOP
Limit portion size at mealtimes 1.90 1.67
Reduce number of meals/day 1.84 1.60
Borrow food or rely on others 2.04 1.61
Use less expensive/preferred foods 2.76 2.09
Purchase food on credit 2.89 1.93
Gather wild food 1.30 1.38
Send HH members to eat elsewhere 1.61 1.47
Reduce adult consumption 1.94 1.52
Rely on casual labor for food 2.93 1.81

Each household has a coping strategy index which represents the weighted value of all nine
behaviors. Figure 9 provides average CSI values for each study period by zone and district.11 The
data showed that food security remained an issue in the East, even as other indicators of recovery
showed progress. Note that CSI values decreased significantly in the South—likely because
income had recovered and households had the means to return to their normal diet behaviors.
The CSI values in the East suggested that households had not been able to decrease the number
or frequency of coping strategies associated with diet. This was consistent with economic
recovery data showing households in the East with declining income and increased debt
associated with non-productive expenditures.

Figure 9. Comparison of Average CSI Values between the

Baseline and EOP by District and Zone



20 Baseline

15 EOP




















The East was represented by Ampara, Batticoloa, and Trincomalee districts, while the South was represented by
Kalutara, Galle, Matara, and Hambantota.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition


Many agencies implementing food security programs are constrained by the practical challenge
of assessing needs, targeting interventions, and measuring their impact without a clear, concise
method of distinguishing between food secure and food insecure populations (Webb et al. 2006).
For decades, these agencies have worked to develop reliable methods of measuring and
responding to trends in each of the “three pillars” of food security—availability, access, and
utilization. Although much progress has been made on achieving a somewhat standard and
reliable set of proxy indicators of food availability (food price hikes, lack of food in stores, etc.)
and utilization (malnutrition, morbidity, disease outbreaks, mortality), the development of
accurate indicators for measuring the impact of particular programs on food access has proven to
be much more challenging (Webb et al. 2006, Swindale and Bilinsky 2006, Maxwell et al. 1999).
This is due in part to the relatively large number of activities aimed at improving food access
ranging from agricultural diversification, creation of market linkages, micro-credit associations,
and other income or employment-generating activities. The establishment of a standard set of
indicators is made even more difficult by the variety of social and economic contexts in which
these activities are implemented (Swindale and Bilinsky 2006).
There are also considerable methodological challenges involved in the development of valid food
access indicators. The process of determining and testing indicators is inherently complex given
the fact that in order to accurately gauge food access, data on a variety of critical factors must be
collected and analyzed. The primary factors that must be carefully considered in determining
food security from an access perspective include: (1) access to sufficient amounts of food to
ensure that people have enough food to meet basic energy requirements; (2) access to different
types of food to ensure that household members meet basic nutrient requirements; (3)
psychological dimensions relating to feelings of deprivation, restricted choice, or anxiety related
to the quantity or quality of available food; and (4) the social or cultural acceptability of
consumption patterns (Barrett 2002, Weismann et al. 2006).
Traditional measures of food access have relied on proxy indicators such as food consumption,
household income, productive assets, agricultural productivity, food storage, and child nutritional
status, each of which are presumed to be primary determinants or consequences of a particular
household’s level of food security (Webb et al. 2006). Recently, more effort has been made to
accurately assess dietary energy intake as a primary indicator of household access to food. In
recent studies, dietary diversity and meal frequency have proven to be among the most common
and valid indicators of nutrient adequacy and/or energy intake (Weismann et al. 2006, Dewey et
al. 2005, Hoddinott and Yohannes 2002).
Typically, questions on each of these proxy measures are incorporated into comprehensive food
security assessments in order to gauge household access to food among target populations.
Many of the most commonly used methods for measuring household access to food are derived
from the United States Household Food Security Survey Measure (HFSSM) designed by Cornell
and Tufts Universities in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The HFSSM is
based upon eighteen questions regarding self-reported behaviors, attitudes, and coping strategies
related to household access to food. Most importantly, the HFSSM provides a method of scaling

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

summarized responses to questions in order to determine distinct grades or categories of food

insecurity (Webb et al. 2006, Coates et al. 2006, Weismann et al. 2006).
One relatively recent approach to measuring food access that shares certain characteristics with
the CSI is the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) developed by the Food and
Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project. Similar to the CSI, the HFIAS seeks to
establish an easier, “more user-friendly approach” for measuring the access component of
household food security (Swindale and Bilinsky 2006). Based on a process involving indicator
validation studies in multiple countries and direct consultation with academic researchers, project
implementers, and donors, FANTA identified three key domains of household access to food: (1)
perceptions of insufficient quantity of food; (2) perceptions of inadequate quality of food; and (3)
anxiety /uncertainty about whether the food budget or supply is sufficient to meet basic needs.
The same process resulted in identification of two key indicators of household food access that
form the basis of the HFIAS: household dietary diversity and months of inadequate household
food provisioning. In order to gain information pertaining to these key indicators, FANTA
devised thirteen questions to serve as the basis of the HFIAS as an “experiential food insecurity
(access) scale” (Swindale and Bilinsky 2006, Frongillo and Nanama 2006). Following the second
Food Insecurity Measurement Workshop in 2005, the HFIAS instrument was further narrowed to
nine questions that allow establishment of continuous, categorical indicators of household food
insecurity (Webb et al. 2006).
Feedback from the preliminary HFIAS studies, combined with direct consultation with
implementing partners, suggests that household food access scales provide a valid and useful tool
with which to target interventions, monitor food security, and evaluate the impact of project
activities on food security at the population level (Coates et al. 2006, Swindale and Bilinsky
2006). Specifically, the experience gained through FANTA’s efforts to develop the HFIAS
support the inclusion of questions relating to coping strategies in similar food access
measurement tools. Likewise, other studies have verified the importance of collecting data on
coping strategies involving reduction, redistribution, and/or reconfiguration of food consumption
(fewer meals, reduced consumption among adults, reduced quality of foods) (Maxwell et al.
1999, Maxwell et al. 2003, TANGO 2004, DISI 2006).
Nonetheless, efforts to develop valid and practical scales of food security based on proximate
indicators of food access have revealed a number of critical issues that warrant careful
consideration. In different cultures, specific coping strategies do not always reflect the same
severity of food insecurity nor are they equally acceptable to vulnerable households. This is due
primarily to the fact that adopting certain coping strategies is often influenced by the availability
or sustainability of the particular strategy, the household’s own commitment to future
productivity, the level of asset ownership, the availability of information, the nature and degree
of perceived risk, and the human capacity of household members to implement the strategies at
their disposal (Coates et al. 2006). Thus, in order to arrive at a universally valid and sensitive
scale of food security, adequate attention must be given to developing methods of translating or
adapting measures from one culture to another (Swindale and Bilinsky 2006, Coates et al. 2006,
Webb et al. 2006, Weismann et al. 2006).
Furthermore, due to the “statistical constraints of a single unidimensional scale,” important
contextual details influencing the experience of household food insecurity are likely to be lost or
discounted through data aggregation. Therefore, Coates et al. (2006) recommend that future

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

assessments of food access (food insecurity) maintain disaggregated data on a number of

different domains and sub-domains (changes in consumption, anxiety about perception of
household food shortages), and possibly consider the creation of subscales as alternative
indicators of the various aspects of food insecurity as it is experienced by individual households.
Similarly, due to different response patterns, it may not be feasible to establish universal cut-off
points or thresholds between one category of food insecurity and another based solely on the
affirmation of specific items or coping strategies as modeled by the HFSSM (Coates et al. 2006).
Researchers suggest that in order to arrive at a valid and replicable set of indicators for
measuring household access to food, priority should be given to developing answers to the
following questions (Webb et al. 2006, Swindale and Bilinsky 2006):
ƒ How well do measures of household food insecurity developed for chronically food insecure
areas capture the processes leading to, and experience of, acute food insecurity?
ƒ What are the impacts of short-term shocks, such as major floods or earthquakes, on
household behaviors that determine responses to food security questions?
ƒ What is the best way to reflect the nature of household food insecurity (access) captured in
each category (food secure, moderately food insecure, severely food insecure, etc.) and the
different means by which particular households may have arrived at a particular level of food
ƒ Can cut-offs or thresholds between different categories reliably be based on the assumption
that respondents in different social and economic contexts will consistently reflect a common
perception of the severity of coping strategies?
ƒ What is the best way to determine whether an individual’s responses to survey questions is
representative of the food insecurity experiences of all members of the household?
ƒ Will households within each category but from different countries resemble each other
sufficiently to allow valid comparison?

Barrett, C. B. (2002). Food Security and Food Assistance Programs. Published in Handbook of
Agricultural Economics, B. L. Gardner and G. C. Rausser (eds.).
Coates, Jennifer, Edward A. Frongillo, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Patrick Webb, Parke E. Wilde,
and Robert Houser. (2006). Commonalities in the Experience of Household Food Insecurity
across Cultures: What Are Measures Missing? American Society of Nutrition (originally
published in a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition).
Development Information Services International (DISI). (2006). World Food Programme
Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA): An External Review.
Dewey, K. G., R. J. Cohen, M. Arimond, and M. T. Ruel. (2005). Developing and Validating
Simple Indicators of Complementary Food Intake and Nutrient Density for Breastfed
Children in Developing Countries. Report. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy
Research Institute (IFPRI); Davis, CA: University of California at Davis.

Coping Strategies Index: Field Methods Manual Second Edition

Frongillo, Edward A., and Siméon Nanama. (2006). Development and Validation of an
Experience-Based Measure of Household Food Insecurity within and across Seasons in
Northern Burkina Faso. American Society of Nutrition (originally published in a supplement
to The Journal of Nutrition).
Hoddinott, J. and Y. Yohannes. (2002). Dietary Diversity as a Food Security Indicator.
(Discussion paper 136) Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Maxwell, Daniel, Ben Watkins, Robin Wheeler, and Greg Collins. (2003). The Coping Strategies
Index: A Tool for Rapid Measurement of Household Food Security and the Impact of Food
Aid Programs in Humanitarian Emergencies. Field Methods Manual. Developed for CARE
Eastern and Central Africa Regional Management Unit (CARE-EARMU) and World Food
Programme Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (VAM) Unit.
Maxwell, Daniel, Clement Ahiadeke, Carol Levin, Margaret Armar-Klemesu, Sawudatu
Zakariah, and Grace Mary Lamptey. (1999). Alternative Food-Security Indicators:
Revisiting the Frequency and Severity of “Coping Strategies.” Food Policy 24 (1999): 411–
Swindale, Anne, and Paula Bilinsky. (2006). Development of a Universally Applicable
Household Food Insecurity Measurement Tool: Process, Current Status, and Outstanding
Issues. American Society of Nutrition (originally published in a supplement to The Journal
of Nutrition).
TANGO International. (2004). Guide for Measuring Food Access. Developed for Food and
Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA).
Webb, Patrick, Jennifer Coates, Edward A. Frongillo, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Anne Swindale,
and Paula Bilinsky. (2006). Measuring Household Food Insecurity: Why It’s So Important
and Yet So Difficult to Do. American Society of Nutrition (originally published in a
supplement to The Journal of Nutrition).
Weismann, Doris, John Hoddinott, Noora-Lisa Aberman, Marie Ruel. (2006). Review and
Validation of Dietary Diversity, Food Frequency and Other Proxy Indicators of Household
Food Security. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Draft. May 17, 2006.


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