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Web guiding systems

Continuous acquisition
and control of the web position
ELGUIDER | Content

2 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs


Web guiding systems for improved quality and
Web guiding 4
Control loop 5
Sensors Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER Steering roller system ELROLLER
Infrared edge sensor FR 46 6 DRS 07 31 VGS 14 41
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 7 DRS 10 Eco Line 32 SRS 31 42
Broadband sensor FR 60 8 DRS 20 Eco Line 33 SRS 41 43
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46 10 DRS 12 Premium Line 34 SRS 51 44
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42/FX 52 11 DRS 22 Premium Line 35 SRS 61 45
Color line sensor FE 52 with ELPAD 12 DRS 24 36 Turning bar system ELTURNER
CCD camera OL 82 14 DRS 31 37 VWS 47
Camera computer DO 82 15 DRS 52 38
Reel station control ELWINDER
Light transmitter 16 DRS 71 39
AG 25/26 49
Position control methods 18
AG 45/46 50
Sensor positioning VS 45 20
AG 57/58 51
Position controller DC 33 22
Command stations 24
Networking/diagnostics 26
Data master 27
Interfaces 28

Erhardt+Leimer | 3

Web guiding systems for improved quality

and productivity
Today, the manufacturers and users of machi- A decisive contribution to the fulfillment of web alignment and winding. Depending on the
nes for processing web-type materials are these prerequisites is made by web guiding type of material, application and task,
confronted with ever increasing demands: pro- systems. Typically, web-type materials are fed Erhardt+Leimer offers a wide variety of sys-
duction processes should be even faster, while from a reel to the machine, processed and tems with the latest networking technology:
at the same time performed with greater pre- then rewound. During these stages, various for decisively more quality and productivity
cision, the quality of the finished product position errors may occur, examples of which that pays off!
further improved while personnel, waste and, are illustrated on this page. E+L web guiding
above all, downtimes, should be reduced to a systems are designed to eliminate these sour-
minimum. ces of errors and to ensure permanent, precise

Typical position errors

s [mm]



x x

Web offset on reel change Incorrectly wound reels Tumbling errors

x x

Telescoped reels Web travel in the process Printed image travel

4 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

The control loop
All automated control systems are based on 1. The starting point is the actual web position. 4. The actuator corrects web travel. Depend-
the principle of a simple control loop. Even the 2. A sensor detects the web actual position ing on the application and the fabric type,
most complex of tasks may be reduced to this without physical contact. Depending on the the actuator may be a pivoting frame, a
control loop. task and fabric properties, this may be an steering roller, a turning bar or a linear
infra-red, ultrasonic or line sensor. drive for a reel station.
3. The controller compares the actual web
value with the specified set value and
transmits the relevant corrective signal to
the actuator.

1. Web position

2. Sensors
+ Infrared edge sensor FR
4. Actuators + Ultrasonic edge sensor FX
+ Pivoting frame DR + Color line sensor FE
+ Steering roller SR + CCD camera OL
+ Turning bar VW
+ Reel station WS


3. Digital position controller DC
Regler Schnittstelle Bedienoberfläche

Operating panels DO Interfaces DI
Regler Schnittstelle Bedienoberfläche

Erhardt+Leimer | 5
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Infrared edge sensor FR 46

Infrared edge sensor FR 46 Material sample
+ Compact infrared transmitted light transmitter
+ Field of view ± 3 mm with a resolution of paper mesh
0.01 mm
+ Acquisition of edges and threads
+ Scanning with CCD array guarantees a sta-
ble operating point independent of the ma-
terial transparency
+ Exposure controller for the compensation of non-woven textile
soiling fabric
+ Integrated clearing device in case of extre-
me dust conditions
+ Bar display for the indication of the actual
edge position or for diagnostic information
rubber tire cord

Infrared edge sensor FR 46

Scan, edge scanning Scan, thread scanning

Technical data

Infrared edge sensor FR 46

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range (ripple included) 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 50 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Measuring range 2.5 mm
Resolution 0.01 mm
Linearity ±0.2 mm
Wavelength 880 nm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 54
Weight 0.2 kg
Clearing device operating pressure Min. 0.1 bar; max. 0.2 bar
Service unit filter 5 µm
Service unit residual oil content < 0.01 mg/m3
Fork width 30 mm
Principle of operation FR 46 Dimensions (L x W x H) 76.2 x 27 x 92.4 mm

6 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Infrared edge sensor FR 52
+ Infrared edge sensor based on the principle
of retroreflection
+ Field of view ± 10 mm with a resolution of
0.02 mm
+ Distance-independent edge evaluation
based on parallel light beams
+ Acquisition of edges and threads
+ Scanning with CCD array guarantees a sta- Infrared edge sensor FR 52
ble operating point independent of the ma-
terial transparency
+ Exposure controller for the compensation of
+ Optional integrated clearing device in case
of extreme dust conditions
+ Bar display for the indication of the actual
edge position or diagnostic information

FR 52 with reflector bar

Infrared edge sensor FR 52 for mesh acquisition

Selection table Technical data

Reflector bar Infrared edge sensor FR 52

Type Fork width (mm) Operating voltage
FR_5000-95 30 Nominal value 24 V DC
FR_5000-97 75 Nominal range (ripple included) 20 to 30 V DC
FR_5000-98 160 Current consumption 80 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Measuring range ±10 mm
Resolution 0.02 mm
Linearity ±0.1 mm
Wavelength 850 nm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 54
Weight 0.3 kg
Clearing device operating pressure Min. 0.1 bar; max. 0.2 bar
Service unit filter 5 µm
Service unit residual oil content < 0.01 mg/m3
Fork width See selection table
Principle of operation FR 52 Dimensions (L x W x H) 105 x 50 x 40 mm

Erhardt+Leimer | 7
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Broadband sensor FR 60
Infrared broadband sensor FR 60
+ Infrared transmitted light transmitter with
large field of view of 150 mm
+ Electronic web offset in the sensor field of
view without manual adjustment of the sen-
+ Scanning of homogeneous materials such
as non-woven fabric, woven and knitted fa-
brics up to a transparency of 70 %
+ Simultaneous evaluation of up to four edges
+ Insensitive to external light
+ Stable operating point independent of the
material transparency
+ Exposure controller for the compensation of
+ Optional integrated clearing device in case Broadband sensor FR 60
of extreme dust conditions
+ Bar display for the indication of the actual
edge position or diagnostic information

Edge configurations

+ Acquisition and evaluation of a web edge + Acquisition and evaluation of two web + Acquisition and evaluation of four web
edges edges
+ Application for narrow webs from 10 to 130 + Application for two narrow webs from 10 to
mm 55 mm

8 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

s[mm] s[mm] s[mm] s[mm]

50 50
70 70
∆30% ∆30% ∆>30% ∆>30%
100acquisition on transparent webs Edge 100
acquisition 100on transparent webs in

level [%] level [%] case of

level [%] soiling
level [%]

level [%] level [%] level [%] level [%]

100 100 100 100
∆30% ∆30% ∆>30% ∆>30%
70 70
50 50

s[mm] s[mm] s[mm] s[mm]

+ Reliable edge detection at max. 70 % + Integrated exposure controller ensures con-

transparency of the material webs stant light intensity even in case of soiling
+ Reliable detection of transparent webs even
in case of heavy dust deposits

Selection table Technical data

Broadband sensor FR 60 Infrared broadband sensor FR 60

Type Clearing device Measuring range ± 79 mm
FR 6001 Yes Operating voltage
FR 6011 No Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range (ripple included) 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 150 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Resolution 0.1 mm
Linearity ± 0.2 mm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 54
Weight 1.25 kg
Number of edges evaluated Max. 4 edges (= 2 narrow strips)
Clearing device operating pressure 2.0 bar
Clearing device air consumption 1.55 m3/h (at 2.0 bar)
Service unit filter 5 μm
Service unit residual oil content < 0.01 mg/m3
Fork width 40 mm
FR 60 in baby diaper machine
Dimensions (L x W x H)
FR 6001 232 x 106 x 31 mm
FR 6011 221 x 106 x 31 mm

Erhardt+Leimer | 9
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46
+ Compact ultrasonic edge sensor with digital
+ Field of view ±3 mm
+ Insensitive to soiling due to dust
+ Scanning of materials opaque to sound
such as paper, plastic and metal films inde-
pendent of the material transparency
+ Internal temperature compensation for sta-
ble operating point
+ Bar display for the indication of the actual
edge position or diagnostic information

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46

Technical data

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range (ripple included) 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 80 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Measuring range ± 3 mm
Linearity deviation (measuring range 10 - 90 %) ±1%
Ultrasonic frequency ~ 200 kHz
Resolution 0.02 mm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 54
Installation altitude 0 to 3000 m above sea level
Weight 0.2 kg
Fork width 30 mm
Principle of operation FX 46
Dimensions (L x W x H) 77 x 27 x 93 mm

10 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42/FX 52
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42/FX 52
+ Ultrasonic edge sensor with digital evaluation
+ Field of view ±3 mm or ±10 mm
+ Fork widths in 30, 60 and 124 mm
+ Insensitive to soiling due to dust
+ Scanning of materials opaque to sound
such as paper, plastic and metal films inde-
pendent of the material transparency
+ Internal temperature compensation for sta-
ble operating point
+ Bar display for the indication of the actual
edge position or diagnostic information

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52

Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 5 in film manufacturing machine

Selection table

Ultrasonic edge sensors FX 4/5

Type Measuring Fork width Technical data
range LW (mm)
± (mm)
FX 4230 3 30 Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 4/5
FX 4260 3 60 Operating voltage
FX 4200 3 124 Nominal value 24 V DC
FX 5230 10 30 Nominal range (ripple included) 20 to 30 V DC
FX 5260 10 60 Current consumption 170 mA DC
FX 5200 10 124 Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Measuring range See selection table
Linearity deviation (measuring range 10 - 90 %) ±1%
Ultrasonic frequency ~ 200 kHz
Resolution 0.02 mm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 54
Installation altitude 0 to 3000 m above sea level
Weight 0.7 kg
Fork width See selection table
Principle of operation FX 42 Dimensions (L x W x H) 105 x 50 x (LW + 80 mm)

Erhardt+Leimer | 11
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Color line sensor FE 52 with ELPAD

Color line sensor FE 52
+ Digital color matrix sensor for the acquisi-
tion of color lines and color contrasts
+ Exposure controller for the compensation
of soiling
+ Integrated light source with automatic ad-
aptation to matt and gloss surfaces
+ Adjustable search range for masking inter-
fering contours

Operating unit DO 4021

+ Intuitive operation with color touch-display
+ Real 2D depiction of the guiding criterion
+ Straightforward teach-in of the guiding re-
ference using color touch-display
+ Depiction of scanning quality
+ Operation of both line sensor and web gui-
+ Connection to the FE 52 via PoE (PowerO-

Technical data

Color line sensor FE 52

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 300 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50 °C
Measuring range ± 10 mm
Resolution 0.02 mm
Sensor/web spacing 24 mm, ± 2 mm
Scan rate 200 Hz
Cable length to the controller Max. 10 m
Protection class IP 45
Weight 0.75 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H) 126 x 80 x 46 mm

Operating unit DO 4021

Operating voltage
is supplied with power by the FE 52 color line sensor via PoE (PowerOverEthernet)
Current consumption 200 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Display resolution 320 x 240 pixels
Length of cable to FE 52 max. 20 m
Protection class IP 54
Weight 0.5 kg
Principle of operation FE 52 Dimensions (L x W x H) 100 x 100 x 29 mm

12 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Guiding criteria Line scanning Contrast scanning
+ Line scanning, light line on dark back- + Continuous line with even background + Web edge scanning
ground + Broken line with even background + Contrasting edge with even background
+ Line scanning, dark line on light back- + Continuous line with uneven background + Broken contrasting edge with even back-
ground + Broken line with uneven background ground
+ Contrast scanning + Line width 0.5 - 8 mm (nominal width 2 - 3 + Contrasting edge with uneven background
mm) + Broken contrasting edge with uneven
+ Background width on both sides minimum background
1 mm + Color contrasting edge on both sides mini-
+ Field of view can be restricted to double mum 1 mm
line width + Field of view can be restricted to 2 mm

Sensor mounting bracket VA 6

A stable sensor mounting bracket is a decisi- the mounting distance. Different versions are
ve factor in precision, vibration-free scanning available depending on the application.
of the line/color edge. This feature makes it
possible to quickly and straightforwardly
change the scanning angle without affecting

Sensor mounting bracket VA 6

Type Mounting Assembly
square bar
VA 6007 20 x 20 fixed
VA 6027 20 x 20 variable
VA 6107 40 x 40 fixed
VA 6127 40 x 40 variable

Variable sensor mounting bracket Fixed sensor mounting bracket

Erhardt+Leimer | 13
ELGUIDER | Sensors

CCD camera OL 82
CCD camera OL 82
+ CCD line scan camera for the acquisition of
guiding criteria on moving webs. Can be
used for position acquisition, web guiding
and width measurement
+ Interference-free detection of web edges,
ribs, printed lines or watermarks in the field
of view of the camera
+ Wide range of applications, as up to 32
events can be detected in the measuring
range at the same time
+ High degree of flexibility due to choice of
lenses with a focal length of 28 or 50 mm
+ Monochrome CCD array chip with 5150 pi-
xels; plus 8-fold sub-pixel evaluation refer-
red to the measuring range
+ Mechanically precise CCD array chip ad- CCD camera OL 82
justment; as a result straightforward repla-
cement of the camera electronics possible
without additional re-calibration
+ Precise position output in 1/100 mm
Measuring range and CCD camera-web distance Calculation of distance to the web
x=( M + 2) x ( f2 ) Chip level Main plane of lens
36.05 f-2 Web plane

OL 8228 Legend
b Image distance G

f Focal length
(Standard 28 mm)
g Object distance
A Web run
Measuring range (mm)

CCD chip

AB Operating width
OL 8250


B Image size B
(Chip length 36.05 mm)
B1 Safety distance f f
(Standard 25 mm) b g
G Object size
M Measuring range CCD camera
Chip plane - web plane distance (mm) X Chip plane-web plane distance

Technical data

No. of pixels 5150

Resolution in sub-pixels 8-fold sub-pixeling
Lens f = 28/50 mm
Minimum distance to web 300 mm (lens f = 28 mm), 500 mm (lens f = 50 mm)
Relative measuring accuracy of edge position with lens correction ± 0.02 %
10 to 90 % of the measuring range
Cycle time 0.6 ms, 1 camera
1 ms, 2 cameras
Active chip length 36.05 mm
Spectral range, spectral maximum 400 to 850 nm, 500 nm
Interface to the camera computer APIX
Distance between camera and camera computer Max. 20 m
Weight 1.0 kg
Protection class IP 54
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Dimensions Camera Ø 88 x 141 mm

14 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Camera computer DO 82
Camera computer DO 82
+ Up to two cameras can be connected to the
camera computer via an APIX interface with
a transmission speed of 500 Mbit/s
+ Clear depiction of the commissioning para-
meters by graphic display

Software function module

+ Precise position determination by means of
optionally available calibrating template for
the linearization of the mounting and lens
+ Constant sensitivity over the entire measu-
ring range by means of automatic equaliza-
tion of the reduction in brightness in the
edge area of the optics
+ Straightforward integration in customer
networks, for example using Ethernet IP
and Ethernet EGD protocol
+ Straightforward commissioning for standard
applications using configuration wizard

DO 82 camera computer

Technical data

Operating system Linux Kernel RT 16

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 600 mA with 2 cameras
Interface APIX bus for 2 cameras
CAN bus (CAN in, CAN out)
SD card for software update and reporting
2 x M12 Ethernet sockets
Weight 1.5 kg
Protection class IP 43
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Dimensions (L x W x H) 244 x 171 x 88 mm

Erhardt+Leimer | 15
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Light transmitter
Light transmitter FS 41/42
+ Compact LED light transmitter for the ac- LED light transmitter FS 41/42 (red light)
quisition of material webs in conjunction
with CCD array cameras
+ With matt glass cover for transmitted light
mode and clear glass cover for incident
light mode
+ Even light distribution and increased light
intensity due to upstream cylindrical lens
+ Straightforward mounting by means of inte-
grated slots in the aluminum profile
+ Flexible application due to graduation into
15 length variants
LED light transmitter FS 41/42 (white light)

Incident light mode Transmitted light mode

In incident light mode the FS 41 light transmit- In transmitted light mode the FS 42 light trans-
ter with clear glass cover is located in front mitter with matt glass cover is located behind
of the web. The light is reflected by the web. the web to be scanned. Only the outer edges of
Besides the detection of outer edges, this prin- non-transparent webs are acquired here.
ciple also permits the recording of lines, ribs or
grooves on the web surface.

Selection table FS 41/42

Light transmitter length

Current consumption
Active light length L1

Active light length L1

Type FS 4101

Type FS 4201

Technical data
Clear cover

Matt cover
L (mm)



FS 41/42 (red light) FS 4105 (white light)


Operating voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Nominal range 22 - 28 V DC 22 - 28 V DC 166.5 81 117 0.17
Current consumption See table 0.7 A 294.5 209 245 0.34
Wavelength of LEDs 610 nm 529 nm (440 - 580) 422.5 337 373 0.51
Luminance with transmitted light 1550 cd/m2 700 cd/m2 550.5 465 501 0.68
Light field width incident light 12 mm at 100 mm spacing 12 mm at 100 mm 678.5 593 629 0.85
Light field width transmitted light 11 mm at the light transmitter 806.5 721 757 1.02
Service life > 50000 h 934.5 849 885 1.19
(at an ambient temperature > 40° C and nominal 1062.5 977 1013 1.36
operating voltage 24 V DC) 1190.5 1105 1141 1.53
Ambient temperature 0 - 50° C (at an ambient temperature of 1318.5 1233 1269 1.70
> 40° C additional cooling is required) 1446.5 1361 1397 1.87
Protection class Max. IP 54 with suitable connector inserted 1574.5 1489 1525 2.04
Weight 270 g (for base module, length 166.5 mm) 1702.5 1617 1653 2.21
230 g (for each additional length step)
1830.5 1745 1781 2.38
Dimensions 35 x 49.5 x L 35 x 49.5 x 650/800
1958.5 1873 1909 2.55

16 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

LED light transmitter FS 46
+ Compact LED light transmitter for the ac-
quisition of material webs in conjunction
with CCD array cameras
+ For selective illumination of grooves or
ridges in rubber materials
+ Flexible adjustment in three axes using arti-
culated piece

The light transmitter is used for the selective
illumination of grooves or ridges in a web/an
The web reflects the light in the incident light
mode. This principle makes it possible to
detect ridges and grooves on a rubber profiles
by utilizing light and shadow. LED light transmitter FS 46

Technical data

Operating voltage 24 V DC
Current consumption 1.7 A
Configuration 1 LED module 10 W
Beam angle 10° spot
Illuminance E (lux)
10 – 30°
Min. 58
Medium 1604
Max. 13406
Ambient temperature 0 - 50° C
Protection class IP 67
Weight 0.7 kg

Sensor mounting bracket VA 5538 Calibrating template for OL 82

A stable sensor mounting bracket is a decisive + Calibrating template for the linearization of
factor in precision, vibration-free web edge the measuring range and setting the zero
scanning. The sensor mounting bracket may point for the measurement
be precisely adjusted on three axes for the ini- + Lengths: 270, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080,
tial commissioning of the camera. 1260, 1440, 1620, 1800 and 1980 mm

Erhardt+Leimer | 17
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Position control methods

Web guiding is initially defined by the type of ted characteristic line, water marks, notching
web processed. Unfinished fabric webs may or in addition to the web edge, by a freely se-
only be guided by the edge as no other regular lected contrast.
contrasting characteristics are featured.
Finished webs offer a further field of possible
guiding criteria. They may be guided by a prin-

Manual sensor positioning Motorized sensor positioning

web edge guiding web edge guiding

Guiding by the left or right web edge Guiding by the left or right web edge

Manual sensor positioning Motorized sensor positioning

web center guiding web center guiding

Guiding by the web center which does not correspond

Guiding by the ideal web center line/machine center to the machine center with motorized sensor position-
Guiding by the ideal web center line/machine center line line with symmetric sensor positioning (hybrid control) ing for both sides (automatic edge search)

Manual sensor positioning Motorized sensor positioning

web contrast guiding web contrast guiding

Guiding by a printed line or existing contrasts Guiding by a printed line or existing contrasts

18 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Web to web guiding
Laminating means combining two or several The more precisely the webs are matched, the
webs to produce a composite material. All the more economical the laminating process will
webs that come together in front of the lami- be. This applies both to material input and the
nating unit must be positioned exactly in rela- disposal of trimmings (wastage).
tion to one another.

Web to web guiding by the web edge with Web to web guiding by the web center line Web to web guiding by the web edge with
one support beam with two support beams two support beams

Web oscillation Web width measuring

Oscillation refers to the controlled changing of Web oscillation is primarily If both web edges are scanned by two sen-
the web position following a specific cycle. used for web guiding in front of sors, the actual web width may also be calcu-
This cycle can be time-based or length-based. rewinders. lated and displayed.

For larger oscillation strokes, the mechanical sensor For smaller oscillation distances, a change in the elec-
set point is changed using a motor. trical set point within the sensor range is sufficient.

Erhardt+Leimer | 19
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Sensor positioning
Support beam VS 45
+ Motorized linear position adjustment for ult-
rasonic, infrared and color line sensors
+ Versions with 1 and 2 motors
+ Compact design with integrated, tempera-
ture-monitored, short circuit-proof motor
and control electronics
+ CAN bus connection for straightforward
connection to the web guider
+ Functions such as sensor pre-positioning,
edge search, move clear and width measu-
rement possible
+ Integrated wiring harness

Motorized sensor positioning Motorized sensor positioning Motorized sensor positioning

Support beam VS 4515 Support beam VS 4525 Support beam VS 4535

This basic version features a carriage and a This version comprises two carriages that are This support beam features two carriages,
drive unit to position the sensor at the required coupled together via a toothed belt moved in or each with its own independent drive unit. This
position. out together by a drive unit. means that the left and right sensors may be
adjusted independently of one another. By syn-
chronously controlling the drives it is possible
to offset the web over the full width of the web.

20 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Support beam VS 45 with infrared edge sensor FR 52

Technical data

M3 M2 Support beam VS 45
FT Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 1.4 A DC (1 positioning drive)
2.8 A DC (2 positioning drives)
Nominal operating width VS 4515 Max. 5850 mm
VS 4525 Min. 250 mm Max. 5850 mm
VS 4535 Min. 250 mm Max. 5850 mm
Nominal actuating speed 1 to 70 mm/s (adjustable)
Nominal actuating force 20 N
Load Max. 50 N
centered per positioning
Torque M1, M2, M3 Max. 2 Nm
Reproducibility ≤ ± 0.1 mm
(per positioning drive)
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Ambient conditions Dry
Protection class IP 54
Weight VS 4515 With NB 1000 mm 15.7 kg per 100 mm step 1 kg
VS 4525 With NB 1000 mm 16.2 kg per 100 mm step 1 kg
VS 4535 With NB 1000 mm 16.7 kg per 100 mm step 1 kg

Erhardt+Leimer | 21
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Position controller
Position controller DC 33
+ Digital position controller with integrated
output stage for the operation of DC gear-
+ Color LC display 1/4 VGA with touch control
+ Visualization of the application
+ User-friendly commissioning due to confi-
guration wizard
+ Multiple operation possible
+ Cascaded control structure for the precise
control of proportional and integral actua-
+ Integrated CAN bus, optional Ethernet in-
+ Expansion possible by means of analog
input and output modules
+ Selection of the country-specific language
+ Integrated backup features for saving the
device settings
+ Language-neutral error messages

Control card RK 4004

Control structure for proportional actuators Control structure for integral actuators Control structure for proportional actuators
Besides a positioning controller for the web, Besides a positioning controller for the web, with three-position controller (only possible
the cascaded control structure for proportional the cascaded control structure for integral with DC 03)
actuators also features a speed and current actuators also features a positioning-, speed Three-position controller with adjustable
controller for the actuator. and current controller for the actuator. window and hysteresis variables.

nist sist Stellglied ssoll Stellglied
s sist Bahn s
sist sist
ssoll Bahn
ssoll ssoll

Proportional actuators Integral actuators Proportional actuators

+ Pivoting frames + Pivoting rollers + Reel stations with three phase drive
+ Steering rollers + Segmented roller guiders + Turning bars with three phase drive
+ Turning bars + Edge spreading devices
+ Reel stations + Web spreading devices

22 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Controller function modules Input/output modules
+ Automatic sensor addressing
+ Web offset possible in 1/10 mm and 1/100
mm steps
+ Web offset and web tear monitoring: auto-
matic reduction of the actuating speed if
guiding deviation too high
+ Emergency guiding: automatic switch-over
to edge sensor in the event of line loss
+ Improved dynamic behavior due to brief
motor current increase
+ Adaptation of the control loop to changing Output module AK 4022 with four analog outputs 0 - 10
process variables e.g. web speeds V/4 - 20 mA/0 - 20 mA (12 bits) that can be selected for
Input module AK 4014 with four inputs from 0 - 10 V (12
+ Adjustable dead zone for uneven web bits) and +10 V DC sensor supply voltage. Sensors or the output of sensor signals, motor actual position, web
speed, controller actuating signal, actual width, width
edges position sensors can therefore be used with the digital
deviation, set width
+ Cycle and path-dependent oscillation of controller.

the web position target value possible

+ Adjustable end position limiting

Input and output module LK 4203 with eight digital in-

puts and outputs each. For all binary signals for the po-
sitioning controller.
Technical data Selection table DC 03/23/33

Position controller Position controller

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
DO 2000
DO 4000
RK 4004

AK 4002
AK 4014
LK 4203
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC

Current consumption without motor 0.2 A DC

with motor (maxi- 5.2 A DC DC 0340 ■
DC 0341 ■ ■
Output voltage at motor terminal Operating voltage -2 V (pulse-width modulated)
DC 0310 ■ ■
Output current max. 5 A
DC 0311 ■ ■ ■
Cycle time 6 ms
DC 0360 ■ ■
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
DC 0361 ■ ■ ■
Protection class IP 54
DC 2340 ■ ■
Dimensions (L x W x H) 300 x 150 x 80 mm
DC 2341 ■ ■ ■
CAN bus
DC 3340 ■ ■
CAN data rate 250 kbit/s
DC 0344 ■ ■
DC 3341 ■ ■ ■
Data rate 100 Mbit/s
DC 3344 ■ ■ ■
Connection RJ45
Digital inputs RK 4004 05
Switching level Low = 0 to 3 V DC, High = 10 to 30 V DC
Digital status output 1
Switching level max. 0.5 A

Erhardt+Leimer | 23
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Command stations
Command station DO 40
+ Man-machine interface with intuitive user
+ Visualization and operation of web guiding
+ Multiple operation of up to eight web guid-
ing control loops
+ Selection of the country-specific language
+ Integrated backup features for saving the
device settings
+ Color LC display 1/4 VGA with touch control
+ User-friendly commissioning due to confi-
guration wizard
+ Language-neutral error messages
+ Integrated CAN bus, optional Ethernet in-

Command station DO 40

Selection table Technical data

Command station DO 4 Command stations DO 4 DO 4002/3

Type Mounting kit Console Operating voltage
housing Nominal value 24 V DC
DO 4003 ■ Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
DO 4002 ■ Current consumption 200 mA DC
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
CAN interface 250 kbit/s
Ethernet interface 100 Mbit/s
Front frame panel mounting 100 x 100 x 8 mm
Cut-out for panel mounting 90 x 90 mm
With housing for field mounting 130 x 130 x 105 mm
Protection class panel mounted
(at front) IP 54
Protection class with housing
(for field mounting) IP 54
Weight 1.3 kg
Operation language German, English, French, Hindi, Chinese, Polish

24 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Operating panel OP 11
+ Man-machine interface with intuitive user
+ Display and operation of customer-specific
+ Straightforward, convenient programming
using UniOP Designer 6 software
+ Online language switch-over
+ Integrated vector graphic including several
image layers
+ Limit messages for the indication of system
+ User management and user identification
with up to eight passwords possible
+ Integrated Ethernet interface

Selection table Technical data

Operating panel OP Operating panels OP 1000

Type Panel mounted Housing Indicator for OP 10 OP 11
OP 1000 ■ Display size 5.7" 10.4"
OP 1001 ■ Resolution 320 x 240 pixels 640 x 480 pixels
OP 1100 ■ Operating voltage nominal value 24 V DC
OP 1101 ■
Operating voltage nominal range 18 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 1.0 A 1.2 A
Ambient temperature 0 to 45° C
PC/printer port RS-232
PC/printer port connection Sub-D 15-pin (socket)
PLC port RS 232/RS 422/RS 485
PLC port connection Sub-D 15-pin (pin)
Aux port dependent On the external communication module
Aux port connection Sub-D 9-pin (socket)
Ethernet data transmission 10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet connection RJ 45/M12
Front frame W x H (panel mounting) 187 x 147 mm 287 x 232 mm
Cut-out W x H 176 x 136 mm 276 x 221 mm
Mounting depth for panel mounting D 91 mm 91 mm
Housing W x H x D 300 x 200 x 120 mm 600 x 380 x 210
Weight without/with housing mm
1.4 kg/4.9 kg 2.3 kg/9.5 kg
Protection class (when built-in) IP 65 IP 65

Erhardt+Leimer | 25
ELGUIDER | Sensors

CAN bus S S S S S S
All functional modules in the DCS Digital- A controller group may comprise up to 16 CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN

Control-System feature a CAN bus interface devices including e.g. sensors, support beams,
and are also networked with one another. This controllers, interfaces or operating panels. Up
feature ensures not only flexible adaptation of to eight controller groups may be implemented Controller Controller Controller
the E+L control system to new tasks but also together in a common CAN network up to a
guarantees maximum immunity to interference length of 160 m. A CAN extension DI 0010 is
and a minimum wiring outlay. available for lengths of 160 m and upwards; CAN

it is simply plugged in between two CAN net-

works. DO Interface


User interface

Ethernet S S S S S S

While in the case of networking via CAN bus, CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN

the limit is a maximum of eight controller

groups, networking via Ethernet is unlimited.
Within a DCS controller group the functional Controller Controller Controller
modules communicate via the CAN bus sys-
tem. Each controller group is integrated into
Ethernet Ethernet
the customer's control system via the Ethernet
interface. Due to the support for protocols
Ethernet switch
such as Ethernet/IP, EGD, UDP, integration in
the most common control systems is possible. PLC/IPC

User interface

Diagnostics tool CANMON

Convenient diagnostics
Sophisticated systems require a simple, com-
prehensive representation of the entire net-
work. The CANMON software tool for Windows
computers depicts the CAN network in a struc-
tured form and, at the same time, comprises a
convenient set-up editor for setting all control
parameters. Furthermore, CANMON permits
both saving and printing out of the entire CAN

Worldwide teleservice
The crucial advantage is that the application
may be used all over the world as a service
tool. As such, Erhardt+Leimer offers an
innovative teleservice for the commissioning,
function diagnostics, troubleshooting, mainte-
nance and repair of all E+L control systems.
This worldwide direct access to the machine
process via modem ensures long-term cost CAN Ethernet
reductions and minimum response times.
DCS DI G000 Service PC

26 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Data master
Data master and interface module DI G000
+ Powerful processor
+ Proven operating system with Linux Kernel
2.6 including real-time expansion
+ Optionally with interface function module
Ethernet/IP (Industrial Protocol), EGD (Ether-
net Global Protocol), PECOM protocol
+ Optionally with Masterlogic for additional
custom functions e.g. breaker guider, texti-
le cord calander, width monitoring, lamina-
+ Full E+L CAN functionality using CAN Ser-
ver software function module
+ Plug-in dongle for software function module
copy protection

Integration in E+L CAN network

+ Data master/interface DI G000 is integrated
serially in the E+L CAN bus network
+ Data master/interface can operate up to a
maximum of eight controller groups
+ Several CAN networks can be connected
using an Ethernet switch (1...n)
+ For cable lengths > 100 m further switches Data master and interface module DI G000

can be incorporated for expansion

Data master function module Technical data

The core of the data master is integrated mas-
ter logic for the quick realization of customer Operating system Linux Kernel 2.6.18 RT7
applications. Clock frequency 533 MHz
Advantages for the user: RAM 32 MB
+ Data exchange with high transmission rate Flash 16 MB
due to direct Ethernet connections to custo- Operating voltage
mer computers Nominal value 24 V DC plug-in terminal
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 500 mA
Principle of operation data master Interfaces - E+L CAN bus (2 x) (round connector M 16 3-pin)
- Ethernet (2 x) (socket RJ 45)
Soft-PLC Interface - USB (standard B)
- RS 232 (9-pin D-Sub, male)
Ethernet data transmission Max. 100 Mbits/s
Linux operating system Ethernet Protection class IP 00
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
E+L CAN Ethernet switch Relative atmospheric humidity 10 to 90 %, non-condensing
Dimensions (L x W x H) 105 x 45 x 185 mm
Assembly Top hat rail in accordance with EN 50022 (horizon-
E+L CAN Process PLC
network visualization customer tal or vertical)
Weight 0.53 kg

Erhardt+Leimer | 27
ELGUIDER | Sensors

Interfaces DI DI G000 Ethernet interfaces
Modern production facilities have a central + Function module Ethernet/IP:
control station or a control room. In this case Ethernet/IP based on the application layer
the web guiding systems can be connected to "CIP" (Common Industrial Protocol) for
different bus systems or to a PLC/IPC. usage for data exchange between E+L
CAN network and Allen Bradley control sys-
For this purpose E+L offers a very wide range tems (CompactLogix and ControlLogix series)
of interfaces with standard protocols. Each + Function module EGD:
interface contains a CAN connection with a EGD (Ethernet Global Data) protocol for the
corresponding bus driver module. exchange of data between E+L CAN
network and GE Fanuc control systems
Profibus interface DI B000 Profibus
+ Function module PECOM:
Customer-specific protocol for PECOM
control systems
+ Function module File Transfer:
Convenient software download with Java
+ Function module CAN server:
CAN server already integrated for direct
access to E+L CAN network using Java
CANMON Diagnostics, configuration, data
backup for the parameters, device
configuration restore, program download
for CAN devices with flash memory
ControlNet interface DI D000 Control net

CANopen interface DI F000 Can Open Ethernet interface DI G000 Ethernet

Principle of operation Ethernet

CAN Server for E+L

Ethernet/IP for

For GE Fanuc
Allen Bradley
Data transfer




DeviceNet interface DI E000 Device net

IP (addressing)


Physical layer

28 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Interface DI A
+ Interface with 16 digital inputs and outputs
+ Floating inputs and outputs
+ Short circuit-proof

Selection table

Type Type of interface PC/IPC PLC Siemens PLC Allen Bradley

DI B000 Profibus DP ■ ■

DI D000 ControlNet ■ ■

DI E000 DeviceNet ■ ■

DI F000 CANopen ■

DI G000 EtherNet ■ ■ ■

DI A020 I/O ■ ■ ■

Technical data

DI A020 DI B000 DI D000 DI E000 DI F000 DI G000

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Current consumption 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 500 mA
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Top hat rail mounting in acc. EN 50022
L x W x H in mm 185 x 111 x 70 75 x 111 x 90 76 x 126 x 131 76 x 126 x 131 76 x 126 x 131 45 x 105 x 185
Protection class top hat rail moun- IP 00
Weight 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.53 kg

Erhardt+Leimer | 29
ELGUIDER | Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER

Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER

On ELGUIDER pivoting frame system, the web
changes direction four times, each time by
90°. The system is based on a pivoting frame LÜ
with two path rollers. The imaginary pivot
point is located on the infeed plane. Lateral
web corrections may only be achieved by swi-
veling around this pivot point. The prerequisite
L1 L2
here is always sufficient tension for friction- A-A B-B
locking between the web and the guide roller.
Usage 15
Due to the optimum utilization of the 45 2 3 4 5
elasticity ranges, the pivoting frame is parti-
suited for implementation in cramped
conditions. 1

The greater the web tension, the modules A-A K
of elasticity and the required correction, the
longer the infeed, outfeed and transfer paths AB
should be designed. Experience has shown
that these paths should be the equivalent of
60 to 100 % of the web width. The sensor
should be located behind the guide roller as 1 3

close as possible. 1 2

A-A Web tension distribution at infeed 1 Pivot point
B-B Web tension distribution at outfeed 2 Infeed roller
K Web correction 3 Roller frame
a Correction angle max. ± 5° 4 Sensor
s1 Web basic tension 5 Locking roller
s2 Tension distribution due to pivoting action LÜ Transfer length
of roller frame at the infeed L1 Infeed path
s3 Tension distribution due to pivoting action L2 Outfeed path
of roller frame at the outfeed AB Operating width

30 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ For use in the hygiene and packaging in-
+ Compact design with remote controller for
the best possible integration in the
customer's machine
+ Adaptation to different materials by selec-
tion of infrared edge sensor (FR 46, FR 60)
and ultrasonic edge sensor (FX 46)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to 55 N
+ Integrated fine mechanical sensor adjustment

ELGUIDER DRS 07 with infrared edge sensor FR 46

Technical data

DRS 07
Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
Current consumption Max. 900 mA
Nominal width NB 125 mm
Transfer length LÜ 105 mm
Roller diameter D 30 mm
Position controller for DR 07 Nominal actuating travel Max. ± 7.5 mm
Actuating speed 20 mm/s
Selection table Web speed Max. 200 m/min
Web tension Max. 55 N
Position controller DC Positional accuracy < ± 0.2 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
RK 4050

CAN bus
RT 4007

Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C


Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
DC 0640 ■ ■
Infrared edge sensor FR 46 ±3 mm
DC 1640 ■ ■ ■ Infrared broadband sensor FR 60 ± 79 mm
DC 1646 ■ ■ Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46 ±3 mm

ELGUIDER DR 07 on packaging machine

Erhardt+Leimer | 31
ELGUIDER | Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER


+ Highly compact pivoting frame with integra-
ted operating and control technology
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 43) or ult-
rasonic edge sensors (FX 43)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
200 N
+ Optional fine mechanical sensor adjustment
+ Various roller surfaces available

with infrared edge sensor FR 43

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
LÜ Nominal value 24 V DC
(mm) Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
200 ■ ■ ■ ■
Current consumption Max. 1.5 A DC
180 ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table
NB Roller diameter D 40/60 mm

(mm) LÜ 180/200 mm
Nominal actuating travel
LÜ = Transfer length LÜ 180 mm ± 19 mm
LÜ 200 mm ± 21 mm
NB = Nominal width
Actuating speed LÜ 180 mm 32 mm/s
Actuating speed LÜ 200 mm 35 mm/s
Web speed max. 300 m/min
Web tension 200 N
Positional accuracy < 0.15 mm
Error frequency 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 43 ± 3 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 43 ± 3 mm

ELGUIDER DRS 10 on baby diaper machine

32 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Highly compact pivoting frame with integra-
ted operating and control technology
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 43) or ult-
rasonic edge sensors (FX 43)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
200 N
+ Optional fine mechanical sensor adjustment
+ Various roller surfaces available

with infrared edge sensor FR 43

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
LÜ Nominal value 24 V DC
(mm) Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption Max. 1.5 A
250 ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table
NB Roller diameter D 60/80 mm

(mm) Nominal actuating travel LÜ 250 mm ± 14 mm

Nominal actuating travel LÜ 300 mm ± 18 mm
LÜ = Transfer length Actuating speed LÜ 250 mm 25 mm/s
NB = Nominal width Actuating speed LÜ 300 mm 29 mm/s
Web speed max. 300 m/min
Web tension 200 N
Positional accuracy < 0.15 mm
Error frequency 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 43 ± 3 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 43 ± 3 mm

ELGUIDER DRS 20 on digital printing machine

Erhardt+Leimer | 33
ELGUIDER | Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER

ELGUIDER DRS 12 Premium Line

+ Highly compact pivoting frame with integra-
ted operating and control technology
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 46, FR 60),
ultrasonic edge sensor (FX 46) or color line
sensor (FE 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
300 N
+ Dynamic drive for the correction of high-
frequency infeed errors
+ As an option, a clamping and cutting table
can be integrated in the top frame
+ For use in the printing, hygiene and pa-
ckaging industry

ELGUIDER DRS 12 with infrared edge sensor FR 46

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
LÜ Nominal value 24 V DC
(mm) Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power supply 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
200 ■ ■ ■ ■
Current consumption Max. 2.5 A DC
180 ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table

Roller diameter D 40/60 mm

Nominal actuating travel LÜ 180 mm ± 19 mm
LÜ = Transfer length Nominal actuating travel LÜ 200 mm ± 21 mm
NB = Nominal width Actuating speed LÜ 180 mm 120 mm/s adjustable
Actuating speed LÜ 200 mm 135 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 300 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 8 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 46 ± 3 mm
Infrared broadband sensor FR 60 ± 79 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46 ± 3 mm
Color line sensor FE 52 ± 10 mm

ELGUIDER DRS 12 on label printing machine

34 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

ELGUIDER DRS 22 Premium Line
+ Highly compact pivoting frame with integra-
ted operating and control technology
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 46, FR 60),
ultrasonic edge sensor (FX 46) or color line
sensor (FE 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
300 N
+ Dynamic drive for the correction of high-
frequency infeed errors
+ As an option, a clamping and cutting table
can be integrated in the top frame
+ For use in the printing, hygiene and pa-
ckaging industry

ELGUIDER DRS 22 with ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
LÜ Nominal value 24 V DC
(mm) Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power supply 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Current consumption Max. 2.5 A DC
250 ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table

Roller diameter D 60/80 mm

Nominal actuating travel LÜ 250 mm ± 14 mm
LÜ = Transfer length Nominal actuating travel LÜ 300 mm ± 18 mm
NB = Nominal width Actuating speed LÜ 250 mm 100 mm/s adjustable
Actuating speed LÜ 300 mm 115 mm/s adjustable
Web tension NB 200/250/300/350 mm Max. 300 N (max. 200 N at NB 400/450 mm)
Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 8 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 46 ± 3 mm
Infrared broadband sensor FR 60 ± 79 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46 ± 3 mm
Color line sensor FE 52 ± 10 mm

ELGUIDER DRS 22 on labeling machine

Erhardt+Leimer | 35
ELGUIDER | Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER

+ Highly compact pivoting frame with integra-
ted operating and control technology
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52), ultra-
sonic edge sensor (FX 52) or color line sen-
sor (FE 50)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
700 N
+ Dynamic drive for the correction of high-
frequency infeed errors
+ As an option, a clamping and cutting table
can be integrated in the top frame
+ For use in the printing, hygiene and pa-
ckaging industry

ELGUIDER DRS 24 with infrared edge sensor FR 52

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
LÜ Nominal value 24 V DC
(mm) Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range with power supply 100 to 240 V / 200 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption 4.5 A DC (manual sensor positioning)
5.6 A DC (1 motorized positioning drive)
400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table

(mm) Roller diameter D 80/100 mm

Nominal actuating travel LÜ 400 mm ± 15 mm
LÜ = Transfer length Nominal actuating travel LÜ 500 mm ± 21 mm
NB = Nominal width Nominal actuating travel LÜ 600 mm ± 25 mm
Actuating speed 70 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 700 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 8 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)
Color line sensor FE 50 ± 10 mm

ELGUIDER DRS 24 on form printing machine

36 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Compact pivoting frame with integrated
control technology and remote operation
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52), ultra-
sonic edge sensor (FX 52) or color line sen-
sor (FE 50)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
700 N
+ Optional motorized sensor positioning
+ For use in the plastics and packaging in-

ELGUIDER DRS 31 with ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage

Nominal value 24 V DC

2000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC

1900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V 50/60 Hz
1800 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
1700 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Current consumption Max. 3.8 A DC (manual sensor pos.)
1600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption Max. 5.3 A DC (1 positioning drive)
1500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table
1400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
1300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Roller diameter LÜ 400 to 600 80/100 mm
1200 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Roller diameter LÜ 700 to 2200 100/120/160 mm
1100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal actuating travel LÜ 400 to 600 Max. ± 15 mm
1000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal actuating travel LÜ 700 to 1100 Max. ± 25 mm
900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
800 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal actuating travel LÜ 1200 to 2200 Max. ± 50 mm
700 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Web tension Max. 700 N
400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz

Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C

LÜ = Transfer length
NB = Nominal width Protection class IP 54

ELGUIDER DRS 31 on blow film extruder

Erhardt+Leimer | 37
ELGUIDER | Pivoting frame system ELGUIDER

+ Compact pivoting frame with integrated
control technology and remote operation
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or ult-
rasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
2900 N
+ Integrated motorized sensor positioning
+ Optional with sensor roller PD 30
+ For use in the graphics industry

ELGUIDER DRS 52 with infrared edge sensor FR 52

Selection table Technical data

DRS 52
Operating voltage

Nominal value 24 V DC

1200 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
1100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
1000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption 6.8 A DC
800 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Nominal width NB / transfer length LÜ See selection table
700 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Roller diameter DR 5211 ■ 80/100 mm
500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Roller diameter DR 5221 ■ 100/120/130 mm
400 ■ ■
Roller diameter DR 5231 ■ 120/130 mm
Roller diameter DR 5241 ■ 160 mm

Nominal actuating travel DR 5211 ■ ± 25 mm

LÜ = Transfer length Nominal actuating travel DR 5221 ■ ± 30 mm
NB = Nominal width Nominal actuating travel DR 5231 ■ ± 40 mm
Nominal actuating travel DR 5241 ■ ± 40 mm
Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 1.2 N/mm web width
Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELGUIDER DRS 52 on web offset press

38 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Compact pivoting frame with integrated
control technology and remote operation
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or ult-
rasonic edge sensors (FX 42, 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
2000 N
+ Optional motorized sensor positioning
+ For use in the paper processing industry

ELGUIDER DRS 71 with infrared edge sensor FR 52

Selection table Technical data


Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC

2500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC

2400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
2300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Current consumption
2200 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
2100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
(manual sensor positioning) 6.8 A DC
2000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
(1 motorized positioning drive) 7.3 A DC
1900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal width NB/transfer length LÜ See selection table
1800 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
1700 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Roller diameter D 100/120/160/200 mm
1600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal actuating travel
1500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LÜ 600 to 700 mm Max. ± 25 mm
1400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
LÜ 800 to 1300 mm Max. ± 50 mm
1300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
1200 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
LÜ 800 to 2500 mm Max. ± 80 mm
1100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
1000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
900 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Web tension 2000 N (reinforced
800 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
version 3000 N)
700 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Positional accuracy < ± 0.1 mm
600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (material-dependent)

Error frequency Max. 2 Hz


Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C

LÜ = Transfer length Protection class IP 54
NB = Nominal width
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELGUIDER DRS 71 on cutter sorter

Erhardt+Leimer | 39
ELGUIDER | Steering roller system ELROLLER

Steering roller system ELROLLER

ELROLLER steering roller systems correct the
L1 L2
web position already in the infeed path. They
consist of a fixed base frame and a movable
guide frame. The latter accommodates one
or two guide rollers and swivels round an
imaginary pivot point on the infeed path. The L4
pivot point should, on the one hand, be far
enough away from the infeed roller to ensure
that the web correction does not influence 2 1 3 4 5
the infeed roller. On the other hand, it must
be far enough away from the guide roller to
ensure that the elasticity of the web may be B-B
fully exploited but not over-strained. A steering A-A K
roller is termed a proportional actuator. It must
therefore operate friction-locked and may not AB
permit any sliding between the web and the
guide roller.

ELROLLER systems are always used where
a long entry path is already featured due to
technical process reasons.
L1 L2 L4

Depending on the space available, steering B-B
rollers may be fitted with one or two guide
rollers. On versions with one roller, the web
is guided with a wrapping of 90°. On versions
with two guide rollers less wrapping is possi- 2 1 3 4 5
ble. In this case, the web runs at almost the
same level as the outfeed roller. The following
applies when mounting an ELROLLER: the B-B
infeed path should be the equivalent of two to
three times the web width, the outfeed path
should be between 50 and 100% of the web
width. The sensor should be positioned behind
the guide roller as near to it as possible. Due
to the short response time, improved actuating
dynamics are achieved.

A-A Web tension distribution at infeed 1 Pivot point
B-B Web tension distribution at outfeed 2 Infeed roller
K Web correction 3 Guide roller(s)
a Correction angle 4 Sensor
s1 Web basic tension 5 Locking roller
s2 Tension distribution due to pivoting action L1 Infeed path to the pivot
of roller frame at the infeed L2 Infeed path from pivot to steering roller
s3 Tension distribution due to pivoting action L3 Infeed path
of roller frame at the outfeed L4 Outfeed path

40 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Steering roller with adjustable imaginary
pivot in the infeed path
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or
ultrasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
500 N
+ For use in the plastics and packaging in-

Technical data

VGS 14
Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
Current consumption 1.6 A DC
Nominal width NB 400 to 2000 mm
Roller diameter D 80/100 mm
Nominal actuating travel Max. ± 50/75/100 mm
Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 500 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.2 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
ELROLLER VGS 14 on bag making machine Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELROLLER VGS 14 on flexo printing machine

Erhardt+Leimer | 41
ELGUIDER | Steering roller system ELROLLER

+ Compact steering roller with one or two rollers
for different wrapping variants
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or
ultrasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
300 N
+ For use in the rubber and packaging industry

with infrared edge sensor FR 52

Selection table Technical data

SRS 31 SRS 31
Type NB min. NB max. Operating voltage
(mm) (mm) Nominal value 24 V DC
SR 3119 200 250 Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
SR 3129 300 350 Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
Current consumption 1.6 A DC
Nominal width NB 200/250/300/350 mm
Roller diameter D 60/80 mm
Nominal actuating travel Max. ± 22 mm
Actuating speed 20 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 300 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.15 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELROLLER SRS 31 on laminating machine

42 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Compact steering roller with one or two rollers
for different wrapping variants
+ Position controller efficiently integrated
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or
ultrasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
700 N
+ Optionally with motorized sensor positioning
+ For use in the paper, tire and plastics industry

ELROLLER SRS 41 with ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42

Selection table Technical data

SRS 41 SRS 41
Type NB min. NB max. Operating voltage
(mm) (mm) Nominal value 24 V DC
SR 4111 400 800 Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
SR 4121 900 1500 supply
SR 4131 1100 2000 Current consumption Actuator AG 2491 1.6 A DC (manual sensor adjustment)
Actuator AG 2591 3.6 A DC (manual sensor adjustment)
Nominal width NB 400 to 2000 mm
Roller diameter D NB 400 to 800 mm 80 mm
NB 900 to 2000 mm 100/120/160 mm
Nominal actuating travel NB 400 to 800 mm Max. ± 25 mm
NB 900 to 1500 mm Max. ± 50 mm
NB 1100 to 2000 mm max. ± 75 mm
Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 700 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.15 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
ELROLLER SRS 41 on flexo printing machine
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELROLLER SRS 14 on laminating and assembling machine

Erhardt+Leimer | 43
ELGUIDER | Steering roller system ELROLLER

+ Compact steering roller with one or two rollers
for different wrapping variants
+ Position controller efficiently integrated
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or
ultrasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to
2000 N
+ Optionally with motorized sensor positioning
+ For use in the converting industry

ELROLLER SRS 51 with ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42

Selection table Technical data

SRS 51 SRS 51
Type NB min. NB max. Operating voltage
(mm) (mm) Nominal value 24 V DC
SR 5111 1100 2000 Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
SR 5121 1500 3000 Nominal range with power 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
SR 5131 2500 4000
Current consumption Actuator AG 2591 3.6 A DC (manual sensor adjustment)
Actuator AG 2691 5.6 A DC (manual sensor adjustment)
Nominal width NB 1100 to 4000 mm
Roller diameter D NB 1100 to 2000 mm 100/120/160 mm
NB 1500 to 3000 mm 100/120/160 mm
NB 2500 to 4000 mm 160/200 mm
Nominal actuating travel NB 1100 to 2000 mm max. ± 75 mm
NB 1500 to 3000 mm Max. ± 100 mm
NB 2500 to 4000 mm Max. ± 175 mm
Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 2000 N
Positional accuracy < ± 0.15 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 2 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELROLLER SRS 51 on coating line

44 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Compact steering roller with one or two rollers
for different wrapping variants
+ Position controller space-savingly integrated
+ Simple adaptation to different materials by
using infrared edge sensors (FR 52) or
ultrasonic edge sensors (FX 42, FX 52)
+ Can be used with web tensions of up to 20 kN
+ Optionally with motorized sensor positioning
+ For use in the paper, converting and tire in-

Selection table
ELROLLER SRS 61 with infrared edge sensor FR 52

SRS 61
Actuating travel ± (mm)

Technical data
Web tension max. (N)

SRS 61
NB min. (mm)

NB max.(mm)

Ø roller (mm)

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC

Nominal range with power 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz

SR 6111 1100 1200 160/200/240 50 5000 supply
SR 6111 1300 3000 160/200/240 75 5000 Current consumption Actuator AG 2691 5.6 A DC (manual sensor adjustment)
SR 6115 1200 1300 210/240 50 20000 Nominal width NB 1100 to 10000 mm
SR 6115 1400 3000 210/240 75 20000 Roller diameter D See selection table
SR 6141 1300 2000 75 5000 Nominal actuating travel See selection table
SR 6151 2000 6000 100 5000 Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
SR 6161 2000 6000 200 5000 Web tension See selection table
SR 6171 6000 10000 200 10000 Positional accuracy < ± 0.3 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 1 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELROLLER SRS 61 on calandering line

Erhardt+Leimer | 45
ELGUIDER | Turning bar system ELTURNER

Turning bar system ELTURNER

Web guiding with ELTURNER turning bar sys- A
tems is based on a simple principle: a bar is A-A
mounted at an angle of 45° to the longitudinal K
and transverse axes while the web runs over
it with 180° wrapping. This has the immediate
effect of changing the direction of web travel AB
by 90°. To correct the web at the same time,
the turning bar is displaced in parallel to the
infeed plane according to the actuating signal, 3
thus offsetting the web to the side as it runs off.
Usage 2
The use of turning bar control systems is
recommended when, after the 90° deflection,
an ELGUIDER or ELROLLER system may not be
used due to space restrictions. L2

Application, turning bar
Application, turning bar
When the turning bar is used there must be
constant friction-locking between it and the
web at certain points. To protect the web sur- LÜ

face, the friction may be reduced by inserting

an air cushion between the turning bar and the
web. Guiding precision of up to ± 1 mm can
be achieved. To obtain improved corrective
dynamics a guide roller should be implemen-
ted in addition to the turning bar. The distance L2
between the guide and lock rollers should be L1
the equivalent of half the web width. The sen-
sor should be mounted immediately after the
outfeed roller as close as possible.
2 3 4 5
Application, turning bar with pivoting frame
A combination of pivoting frame and turning
bar causes the web to turn and at the same 6

time ensures precision positioning control in

the range of ± 0.1 mm.


Application, turning bar

with pivoting frame

A-A Web tension distribution at infeed 1 Pivoting frame LÜ Transfer length
B-B Web tension distribution at outfeed 2 Infeed roller L1 Infeed path
K Web correction 3 Turning bar L2 Outfeed path
a Correction angle 4 Sensor AB Operating width
s1 Web basic tension 5 Locking roller
s2 Tension distribution during actuating movement 6 Pivot point
to left
s3 Tension distribution during actuating movement
to right

46 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

+ Individual adjustment of the turning bars to
the situation on the machine
+ Control components and complete systems
with turning bar available
+ Optional turning bar with pneumatic ventilation

ELTURNER VWS with ultrasonic edge sensor FX 42

Technical data

Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Nominal range with power 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
Current consumption Actuator AG 2491 1.6 A DC
Actuator AG 2591 3.6 A DC
Actuator AG 2691 5.6 A DC
Nominal width NB 400 to 3000 mm
Turning bar diameter 80/100/120/160/200 mm
Nominal actuating travel Max. ± 25/50/75/100 mm
Actuating speed 25 mm/s adjustable
Web tension Max. 2000 N
Positional accuracy < ± 1 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 0.5 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
ELTURNER VWS on flexo printing machine Protection class IP 54
Measuring range
Infrared edge sensor FR 52 ± 10 mm
Ultrasonic edge sensor FX 52 (FX 42) ± 10 mm (± 3 mm)

ELTURNER VWS on production machine with lateral web feeding

Erhardt+Leimer | 47
ELGUIDER | Reel station control ELWINDER

Reel station control ELWINDER

Function Unwinding
Typically in production processes
involving moving webs, the unwinding sta-
tion is located at the machine infeed and L1
the rewinding station at the outfeed. During A-
unwinding, the reel station is moved via a line-
ar drive to feed the web in the desired positi-
on. On the other hand, during rewinding, the
reel station follows the constantly changing
web position via a linear drive to achieve an
evenly wound reel. 3 1 2 4 5

Usage K A-A
Web guiders with ELWINDER reel stations are
always used if, due to cramped conditions,
an ELGUIDER or ELROLLER system cannot be AB

Application, unwinding
During unwinding, the sensor is mounted on
the machine to define the web set position.
Position acquisition should be located as close
to the final reel station guide roller as possible.
Application, unwinding with synchronous
If, for space reasons, it is not possible to fit
a guide roller to the reel station, it can be A-
designed as a synchronous electrically coupled A

Application, rewinding
During rewinding the sensor is fastened to
2 4 5 1 3
the reel station to define the set position of
the reel station to the controller. Position
acquisition should be located as close to the A-A K
final machine guide roller as possible. Guiding
path L1 depends on the elasticity of the web.
The larger the transverse elasticity range, the AB
shorter path L1 may be. Experience has shown
that the guiding path should be the equivalent
of half a web width.

Legend 1 Linear drive

A-A Web tension distribution on the guiding path 2 Infeed rollers
K Web correction 3 Reel station
a Correction angle 4 Sensor
s1 Web basic tension 5 Locking roller
AB Operating width L1 Guiding path

48 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Electrical actuators AG 25/26
+ Electrical actuator with powerful DC motor,
low play planetary gear and precise ball
+ Pivoting construction with stable base and
flange mounting
+ Integrated incremental encoder for Actuator AG 25

speed and position acquisition

+ Integrated reference encoder for the calib-
ration of the position

Actuator AG 26

Selection table Technical data

Actuator AG straight WSS 51 with actuator AG 257 AG 267

Type v F s± Operating voltage
(mm/s) (N) (mm) Nominal value 24 V DC
25 50 75 100 150 Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
AG 2571 24 1000 ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
AG 2571 10 2500 ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption
AG 2671 15 3000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (manual sensor positioning) 3.8 A DC 5.8 A DC
(motorized sensor positioning) 5.3 A DC 7.3 A DC
AG 2671 7.5 5300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
v Max. actuating speed (mm/s) Nominal actuating travel mechanical max. ± 25/50/75/100 mm ± 25/50/75/100/150 mm
F Max. actuating force (N) Nominal actuating travel electrically limited ± 23/48/73/98 mm ± 23/48/73/98/148 mm
s Max. actuating travel (mm)
Nominal actuating speed actuator 24 mm/s 10 mm/s 15 mm/s 7.5 mm/s
Nominal actuating force actuator 1000 N 2500 N 3000 N 5300 N
Positional accuracy (material-dependent) < ± 0.2 mm
Error frequency Max. 0.5 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class actuator IP 54
Weight actuator 7.9 kg 13.4 kg

ELWINDER WSS 52 on slitter

Erhardt+Leimer | 49
ELGUIDER | Electrical actuators

Electrical actuators AG 45/46

+ Electrical actuator with powerful DC motor, Actuator AG 45
low play planetary gear and precise ball
screw in U-version for cramped conditions
+ Pivoting construction with stable base and
flange mounting
+ Integrated incremental encoder for
speed and position acquisition
+ Integrated reference encoder for the calib-
ration of the position

Actuator AG 46

Selection table Technical data

Actuator AG U-version WSS 52 with actuator AG 457 AG 467

Type v F s± Operating voltage
(mm/s) (N) (mm) Nominal value 24 V DC
25 50 75 100 150 Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
AG 4571 24 1000 ■ ■ ■ ■ Nominal range with power supply 115 to 460 V, 50/60 Hz
AG 4571 10 2500 ■ ■ ■ ■ Current consumption
AG 4671 20 2400 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (manual sensor positioning) 3.8 A DC 5.8 A DC
AG 4671 7 5300 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (motorized sensor positioning) 5.3 A DC 7.3 A DC
v Max. actuating speed (mm/s) Nominal actuating travel mechanical ± 25/50/75/100 mm ± 25/50/75/100/150 mm
F Max. actuating force (N) Nominal actuating travel electrical ± 23/48/73/98 mm ± 23/48/73/98/148 mm
s Max. actuating travel (mm)
Nominal actuating speed actuator 24 mm/s 10 mm/s 20 mm/s 7 mm/s
Nominal actuating force actuator 1000 N 2500 N 2400 N 5300 N
Positional accuracy (material-dependent) < ± 0.2 mm
Error frequency Max. 0.5 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50° C
Protection class actuator IP 54
Weight actuator 9.3 kg 15.6 kg

ELWINDER WSS 51 on slitter

50 | Erhardt+Leimer – Leading technology on moving webs

Electrical actuators AG 57/58
+ Electrical actuator with powerful DC motor,
low play planetary gear and precise ball
+ Precise linear guiding with torque support
+ Integrated incremental encoder for
speed and position acquisition
Actuator AG 57
+ Integrated reference encoder for the calib-
ration of the position
+ Can be used in conjunction with position
controller DC 55

Selection table

Actuator AG 57/58
Type v F s±
(mm/s) (kN) (mm)
50 100 150 200 300 500
AG 18 10 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
5791 Position controller DC 55
AG 9 20 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
v Max. actuating speed (mm/s)
F Max. actuating force (N)
s Max. actuating travel (mm)

Technical data

WSS 53 with actuator AG 57 AG 58

Operating voltage 1 x 110 to 600 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal actuating travel mechanical See selection table
Nominal actuating travel electrical Mechanical actuating travel - 4 mm
Nominal actuating speed actuator 18 mm/s 9 mm/s
Nominal actuating force actuator 10 kN 20 kN
Positional accuracy < ± 0.3 mm (material-dependent)
Error frequency Max. 0.5 Hz
Ambient temperature 10 to 50°C
Protection class actuator IP 54
Weight 51 kg 55 kg 59 kg 63 kg 71 kg 57 kg 61 kg 67 kg 73 kg 89
Actuating travel ± 50 ± 100 ± 150 ± 200 ± 300 kg
± 100 ± 150 ± 200 ± 300 ± 500

ELWINDER WSS 53 on rewinding machine ELWINDER WSS 53 on slitter

Erhardt+Leimer | 51
Erhardt+Leimer GmbH
Albert-Leimer-Platz 1 · 86391 Stadtbergen · Germany
Tel.: +49(0)821/2435-0 ·

E+L Elektroanlagen Augsburg, Germany · E+L Automatisierungstechnik Augsburg, Germany
E+L Corrugated Bielefeld, Germany · E+L Bradford, England · E+L Mulhouse, France
E+L Stezzano, Italy · E+L Bucharest, Rumania · E+L Burlington, Canada · E+L Duncan, S.C., USA
E+L Mexico D.F., Mexico · E+L Guarulhos-São Paulo, Brazil · E+L Ahmedabad, India
E+L Hangzhou, China · E+L Tao Yuan, Taiwan · E+L Tokyo/Ishikawa, Japan

Subject to technical modifications without notice · GRU--250623-EN-03 · 09/2013 · 363856

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