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Perdev Weekly Home Learning Plan 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Learning Area PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT School Year 2020-2021
Grade Level 11 Quarter 1 and 2

Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
The learners...  Read and understand the
1.1 explain that knowing concept in Module 1:
oneself can make a person Knowing and Understanding
accept his/her strengths and Esp- Knowing Oneself Oneself During the Middle  Online (pdf) / Use of
WEEK 1 limitations and dealing with PD11/12KO- Understanding and Late Adolescence and printed LAS and Module
others better la-1.1-1.3 oneself during Module 2: Developing the
1.2 share his/her unique middle and late whole person on pages 1-16
characteristics, habits, and adolescence
experiences Answer Activity: The
1.3 maintain a journal Developing the treasure within me and
Whole Person Portfolio Output No.2:
2.1 discuss the relationship Journal Reflection from my
among physiological, banner
cognitive, psychological, found in your book/pdf on
spiritual, and social pages 5-6.
development to understand
his/her thoughts, feelings, and  Practice and perform your

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
own talent, pass a video of
you doing your talent and
behaviors 2.2 evaluate write your experience in this
his/her own thoughts, feelings, activity refer to page 3.
and behaviors 2.3 show the
connections between thoughts, Answer Portfolio Output no.
feelings, and behaviors in 3: Personal Assessment of
actual life situations Aspects of Development with
plan of actions on page 9,
refer your answer to page 8.
3.1 classify various  Read and understand the
developmental tasks according Esp-  Developmental concept in Module 3:  Online (pdf) / Use of
WEEK 2 to developmental stage PD11/12KO- Stages in Developmental Stages in printed LAS and Module
3.2 evaluate one’s la-3.1-4.3 Middle and Middle and Late Adolescence
development in comparison Late and Module 4: The
with persons of the same age Adolescence Challenges of Middle and
group Late Adolescence on pages
3.3 list ways to become a  The Challenges 17-28
responsible adolescent of Middle and
prepared for adult life Late  Accomplish the following
Adolescence activities:

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Activity : My Personal
Timeline and Portfolio Output
No.5: My Personal Timeline
with Reflection on page 17.
 Portfolio Output No. 8 Slogan
or Personal Declaration on
Being Happy on page 27.
5.1 discuss that understanding Unit 2: Aspects of
WEEK 3 stress and its sources during Personal Read and understand the concept
adolescence may help in Development in Module 5: Coping with Stress
identifying ways to cope and in Middle and Late Adolescence
have a healthful life Esp- Coping with Stress And Module 6: on page 29-44.  Online (pdf) / Use of
5.2 identify sources of one’s PD11/12KO- in Middle and Late printed LAS and Module
stress and illustrate the effect lb-5.1-6.3 Adolescence  Accomplish the following
of stress on one’s system activities:
5.3 demonstrate personal ways a. Activity: My Stress
of coping with stress for The Powers of the Signals and Portfolio
healthful living Mind Output no. 9: My stress
6.1 discuss that understanding signals on page on page
the left and right brain may 32.
help in improving one’s

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
learning b. Activity: Mind Mapping
6.2 explore two types of mind- on page 41
mapping techniques, each
suited to right brain- or left
brain-dominant thinking styles
6.3 make a plan to improve
learning using left and right
brain through mind-mapping

WEEK 4 7.1 interpret the concepts of Esp- Mental Health and Read and understand the concept  Online (pdf) / Use of
mental health and PD11/12KO- Well-being in in Module 7: Mental Health and printed LAS and Module
psychological well-being in lc-7.1-8.3 Middle and Late Well-being in Middle and Late
everyday observations about adolescence adolescence / Module 8:
mental health problems during Emotional Intelligence on pages
adolescence 45-59
7.2 identify his/her own Emotional  Accomplish the
vulnerabilities Intelligence following activities:
8.1 discuss that understanding a. Portfolio Output No. 13:
the intensity and Research on Anxiety
differentiation of emotions Disorders/Depression

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

may help in communicating Activity: Signs of

emotional expressions Trouble: Depression
8.2 explore one’s positive and page 48-49
negative emotions and how
one expresses or hides them b. Activity: Exploring
8.3 demonstrate and create Emotions and Portfolio
ways to manage various Output No. 15:
emotions Reflections on “Exploring
Emotions” pages 56-57

Discuss an understanding of Read and understand the concept

WEEK 5 teen-age relationships, EsP- Quarter II in Module 9: Personal
including the acceptable and PD11/12PR- Unit 3: Building Relationships, pages 61-76
unacceptable expressions of IIa-9.1-9.2 and Maintaining Accomplish the following
attractions Relationships activities in your Learning
9.2 express his/her ways of Activity Sheets:  Online (pdf) / Use of
showing attraction, love, and Personal Activity: Statement on printed LAS and Module
commitment Relationships relationships pages 60-61.
Activity: Healthy
Relationships items set pages

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Portfolio Output No.19:
Poster on Basic Rights in
Read and understand the concept
 10.1 distinguish the various in Module 10: Social
WEEK 6 roles of different individuals EsP- Social Relationships in Middle and Late
in society and how they can PD11/12SR- Relationships in Adolescence and Module 11:
influence people through IIb-10.1-11.3 Middle and Late Family Structures and Legacies
their leadership or Adolescence on pages 77-98.
followership  Accomplish the following
 10.2 compare one’s Family Structures activities in your Learning  Online (pdf) / Use of
perception of himself/herself and Legacies Activity Sheets: printed LAS and Module
and how others see him/her Activity: Questionnaire on
 10.3 conduct a mini-survey ethical and servant
on Filipino relationships leadership page 82
(family, school, and Activity: My genogram page
community) 87
 11.1 appraise one’s family
structure and the type of
care he/she gives and

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
receives, which may help in
himself/herself better
 11.2 make a genogram and
trace certain physical,
personality, or behavioral
attributes through
 11.3 prepare a plan on how
to make the family members
firmer and gentler with each

WEEK 7 Explain that through EsP- Persons and Read and understand the concept
understanding of the PD11/12PC- Careers in Module 12: Persons and
concepts of career and life IIf-12.1 Careers on pages 99-121
goals can help in planning
his/her career  Accomplish the following
12.2 identify the personal EsP- activities in your Learning
factors influencing career PD11/12PC- Activity Sheets:
choices IIf-12.2  Activity: The Career wheel

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
and Portfolio Output No.
12.3 take a self-assessment
EsP- 25: Career Wheel on pages
tool to know his/her
PD11/12PC- 102-103
personality traits and other
IIg-12.3  Portfolio Output No. 26:
personal factors in relation
Assessment Profile on page
to his/her life goals
WEEK 8 discuss the external factors EsP- Career Pathways Read and understand the concept
influencing career choices PD11/12CP- in Module 13: Career Pathways
that may help in career IIg-13.1 Insights into one’s on pages 122-129 and Module
decision making personal 14: Insights into one’s personal
13.2 identify pros and cons development development 130-131.
of various career options EsP-
with the guidance of parent, PD11/12CP-  Accomplish the following
teacher, or counselor IIh-13.2 activities in your Learning
13.3 prepare a career plan Activity Sheets:
based on his/her personal a. Activity: The quick job-
goal and external factors EsP- hunting Map: The Party
influencing career choices PD11/12CP- b. Portfolio Output no. 27:
IIh-i-13.3 Personal Reflection
Paper on the party

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya general comprehensive high school


Date & Time Learning Competencies Code Specific Topics Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
c. Portfolio Output No.30:
My creative career
timeline page 129
d. My personal Mission
statement page 131


Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Head Teacher V
Date: ____________________

Date: _______________
Assistant Principal II
Date: _________________

Address: Mabini St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 392-1843
Email Address:

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