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Questions Shimoni799

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Name: Shimoni Chaudhari

Student Id: 4345799
Email ID:
Course: Topics in the Contemporary Workplace
Professor Name: Towhid Shams

 Software Developer
Why do you want to work for this company? Why are you interested in this

I'm interested in this job because I believe it will provide me the opportunity to
learn and expand my skills, which will be beneficial to us both on a professional,
financial, and personal level. In addition, I value the culture of this company.
According to what I've read and heard about the firm, my personality and my
ideas seem to fit it well.

Have you done this kind of work before?

Yes, I have worked as a highly skilled software developer with more than three
years of expertise creating budgets, collaborating with operations leaders to
manage spending, and helping individuals face emotionally charged, life-
threatening, and hazardous circumstances.

What kind of training or qualifications do you have?

My educational background and passion for computers complement my abilities

and demeanor. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science after finishing my master's
degree in computers and finishing in the top 10% of my class.
Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?

I'm capable of coming up with original solutions and using strong communication.
For instance, I always smiled when I welcomed clients at work. Additionally, with
the managers' approval, I have successfully handled client complaints by fixing
issues and, when necessary, offering discounts.

What do you do in your spare time?

My free time activities are walking and jogging. I love to share this hobby with
others, especially with friends, after a long and hard school week. I need nothing
more than to drain my energy so that I can release the pressure and tension from
within me.

What do you think of working in a group?

I appreciate working in groups where I can brainstorm with my colleagues about

the best ways to complete the duties. My teammates drive me to accomplish my
goals and inspire and excite me about fresh ideas.

How do you react to instruction and criticism?

I continuously respond emphatically and tune in to what others are saying and after

that think around it and do something superior.

With the kind of work experience you have had; do you think this job would
bore you?

I truly accept that no work in this world is gloomy unless you do

not care approximately it. And I as it were yield applications for employments that
I'm curious about. That's why I am situated before you.

Why did you choose this line of work?

Since I am truly inquisitive about this work, and I feel that there would be an

opportunity for me to memorize and develop.

How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?

I'm unimaginably great at assembly due dates and working beneath weight.
I've already considered for examinations and assignments whereas working a part-
time work, for occurrence.

How often were you absent from work in your last job? Have you ever had
any serious illness or injuries? Do you have any health problems?

No, I do not have any genuine ailment or wounds. So, I have never

been missing from work.

Are you bondable?

Yes, I am bondable

Have you ever been fired or quit a job?

Yes, once I quit my job because it was far away from my house.

Why haven't you worked recently?

Since I was planning for my exam, that’s why I couldn’t work.

What are your long-term goals or career plans?

My career objective is to ended up mastery within the field where I am working

and always upgrade myself and to seek after a bachelor's degree in computer

What do you feel are your greatest strengths?

I have very a couple of qualities, maybe my most grounded skill is unwavering

quality. For illustration, my boss incorporates a troublesome extend that has to be
completed in a brief time. After the assembly, he told me that he conveyed the
project because he knew that I would provide on time.
I fair conveyed this extend one day ahead of plan. Which was fair in to begin
with endeavor, no altering required.

What do you feel are your weaknesses?

"My most exceedingly bad inadequacy is that I regularly spend much time
centering as well on a project's specifics and analyzing its diminutive components.
By frequently checking in with myself on a normal premise, I've attempted to
do way better in this zone. In this way, I can continuously ensure quality
without getting to be impeded down in specifics.

How would you describe your last employer?

"My boss includes a solid will, which now and then makes it difficult to

communicate unused thoughts; be that as it may, we are
able continuously conversation almost them and discover the
finest arrangement for the company. "

What five words would describe you?

The five words which describes me are: Friendly, punctual, reliable, honest,

What did you like about your last job?

In my last work, I was portion of a group of five and we worked together

on numerous large-scale ventures. I truly just like the cooperation perspective of
the work, as I ordinarily learn a parcel.

Why did you leave your last position?

I am looking to take on a new responsibility and a position closer to my home.

What are your long-range goals?

My long-range objectives are to see myself developing both actually and

professionally in this company within the future.

What kind of machines or equipment have you worked with?

I've primarily worked in specialized software developing. The platform I worked

with were mostly older models that required monthly maintenance.
What type of salary are you looking for?

In common, I would anticipate a compensation to coordinate current workers at the

same level. I think I can be an incredible resource to this company, and in the event
that you concur, I'd adore to listen your offer.

What do you know about our company?

The ideals and purpose statement of your business stand out to me. Many of the
factors that are significant to this business are, in my opinion, equally significant to
me. I have always enjoyed how this business has placed such a great emphasis on
providing excellent customer service. Customers, in my own perspective, are the
most crucial element in obtaining the highest levels of success. I try to give them
with an experience that will ensure their happiness whenever I deal with them. My
objective is to keep client’s content and returning frequently.

Do you have any other skills or experiences that we have not discussed?

I like to do volunteer work such as I worked at Daisy Care Domestic for the

Elderly and Organized engaging bunch exercises each month for inhabitants and

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