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023 Catalytic Cracking Report

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Feasibility Study for Catalytic Cracking of Waste

Plastic to Produce Fuel Oil with Reference to

Malaysia and Simulation using ASPEN Plus
J.N. Sahu,a K.K. Mahalik,b Ho Kim Nam,a Tan Yee Ling,a Teoh Swee Woon,a
Muhammad Shahimi bin Abdul Rahman,a Y.K. Mohanty,b N.S. Jayakumar,a and S.S. Jamuarc
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia; (or) (for correspondence)
Department of Chemical Engineering, Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur, Orissa, India
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
Published online 00 Month 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.11748

A technical and feasibility assessment has been conducted lems due to the release of airborne particles and carbon
for catalytic cracking of waste plastics to produce fuel oils in dioxide into the atmosphere [3,4]. Recycling has become a
Malaysia. The availability and current technologies for using major response to the environmental challenges facing the
plastic waste has been reviewed. Flow sheet for the process plastics industry.
has been conceptualized and the material and energy balan- With a view of the environmental protection and reduc-
ces for the process along with a plant-wide simulation using tion of nonregeneration resource, recycling technology for
the software ASPEN Plus have been undertaken. Amorphous converting to oil from plastic wastes has drawn much atten-
silica-alumina has been proposed as catalyst to give 94.36% tion all over the world. Some universities and institutes have
conversion. Furthermore, the economic analyses for small, developed the basic theories and technology for industriali-
medium, and large scale have been done and in all cases, zation of plastic liquefaction [5,6]. Furthermore, the economic
the rates of return (ROR) analysis have been undertaken. prosperity and quality of life of a country are closely linked
From the economic analysis, it has been observed that the to the level of its per capita energy consumption and the
total estimated cost for a large scale plant would be USD strategy adopted to use energy as a fundamental tool to
$58,591,260 for an annual feed rate of 120,000 ton. Based achieve the same [7,8]. Therefore, finding cost-effective
on current market of gasoline and diesel the payback period energy sources has been a rising concern for the past 20 yr.
for the large scale plant would be 1.42 yr with the total In addition to energy considerations, the solid-waste problem
annual profit of USD $72,933,156, which corresponds to a has escalated to a staggering magnitude. Efficient ways of
ROR of 35.97%. V C 2013 American Institute of Chemical disposing or converting solid wastes must be determined.
Engineers Environ Prog, 00: 000–000, 2013 Thus, more focus has been placed on catalytic cracking of
Keywords: simulation; feasibility; catalyst; waste plastic; waste plastics. This alternative is attractive mainly because
rate of return; fixed cost the waste material, when processed, provides, raw material
that can increase production capacity and hence can
INTRODUCTION improve the process economics. This directly offers hope for
Plastics are one of the greatest innovations of the millen- potential commercialization. Recent research efforts [9,10]
nium and have certainly proved their reputation to be true. have shown that the conversion of coal and plastic waste
There are numerous ways in which plastic is used in the into liquid fuel is possible on a laboratory scale. This conver-
years to come. Plastics are now indispensable materials and sion is achieved by processing coal and waste plastics at a
their applications in the industrial field are continually relatively high temperature (400–450 C) and moderate to
increasing. Plastics are produced from petroleum derivatives high hydrogen pressure (800–2000 psi). Conversion as high
and are composed primarily of hydrocarbons but also as 100% is achievable for reactions involving plastic waste
contain additives such as antioxidants, colorants, and other alone with yields to the oil fraction ranging between 86 and
stabilizers. However, when plastic products are used and dis- 92% [9].
carded, these additives are undesirable from an environmen- Plastics are polymer type of component with high molec-
tal point of view [1,2]. However, waste plastics create a very ular weight [11]. There are two types of plastic, which are
serious environmental challenge because of disposal of huge thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics such as Poly-
quantity. Plastics are not presently biodegradable and are ethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS), and
extremely troublesome components for land filling. Their Polyvinyl chloride can easily be melted and softened [11].
destruction by incineration poses serious air pollution prob- Despite the aggressive economic development in Malaysia,
the solid waste management is relatively poor and haphazard
[12]. Study shows that since 1950, more than 1 billion ton of
C 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V plastic has been dumped and this will continue for hundreds

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2013 1
or even more than thousands of years [11]. This indicates and disadvantages of various ways of collection of waste
that plastics will continue to exist and accumulate from year plastics and we chose to collect plastic waste from house to
to year. Therefore, plastic is the best raw material to go with house, since the price of collection is relatively low compare
for its abundance and availability. to purchase from sorted waste company and it can guarantee
continuous supply. Pretreatment of plastic waste is needed
CURRENT STATUS OF WASTE PLASTIC IN MALAYSIA to remove the undesired impurities.
The amount of the solid waste generated in Malaysia is
steadily increasing and the government is focusing on the
method to solve this problem. The private sector plays an Selection of Catalyst and Reactor
important role in waste management in the near future. Suitable catalyst and reactor in a process plant have the
According to the ninth Malaysia Plan, waste plastic contribute ability to control the product yield, and leads to a cost effec-
to 24% of solid waste produced in Malaysia. The official tive process with more valuable products. Suitable catalyst
estimated Kuala Lumpur’s (KL, The capital city of Malaysia) and reactor also can reduce the reaction temperature
population is 1.604 million according to statistic department [20].Nowadays, molecular sieves are the most studied and
2007. The quantity of waste generation in KL alone is pro- employed materials for the chemical decomposition of
jected to increase from 2620 tons in the year 1995 up to 3070 plastic waste. Other catalyst systems may be effective for
tons per day in the year 2000 [13]. In 2005, KL solid waste breaking polymer chains, such as the previously used Frie-
generation was about 3478 tons/day [14]. Privatization pro- del-Crafts catalysts; however, they present corrosion and
gram of the municipal solid waste management at KL State environmental problems [21]. Molecular sieves are a wide
Territory began in 1996, in which Alam Flora Sdn Bhd range of solid materials of porous microstructure. Many of
(AFSB) has been sworn as concession holder, and took over them possess acid or basic properties, very useful in catalytic
solid waste transfer station management namely Taman reactions. There are several types of molecular sieves,
Beringin Transfer Station (TBTS) that started in 2001. Further- depending mainly, on their chemical composition and their
more, as a technical problem occurred in AFSB, the manage- pore system. The catalytic decomposition of plastic waste
ment of the site TBTS then has transferred to the Solid Waste polymer chains takes place following the same pathways as
Disposal Sdn Bhd in the year 2006.The number of municipal the hydrocarbon catalytic cracking reactions used in petro-
solid waste generated from KL State Territory and delivered leum refinery processes and, catalysts employed by this
to TBTS was recorded of 2,000-tons per day. Accordingly, industry are useful for polymer decomposition. Alumina,
the solid waste generation average for any person is 1.2 kg a silica, amorphous silica-alumina (SA), and crystalline alumi-
day. The price of solid waste (plastic) collected from plastic nosilicates (mainly zeolites) are widely used in petroleum
used market at several places on KL City area is about RM processes. Hydrocarbon cracking reactions may take place
0.45 per kg, due to data taken on May 2010 [15]. Solid waste through hydride remotion, promoted by Lewis acid sites, or
management in Malaysia is governed under concurrent list of through a carbocation intermediate, from the carbon proto-
the ninth schedule of the federal constitution [16]. Under this nation by Br€ onsted acid sites.
list public health and sanitation can be carried out by the Research attention has also been focused on new molecu-
Federal government, state and also the local authorities that lar sieves with pore sizes larger than those of zeolites, such
include collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of as MCM-41 or SBA-15, that allow larger molecules inside the
wastes. Economic growth in Malaysia has brought prosperity. pore channels. These materials have mostly weak acid
It has started to impose costs of industrial pollution and deg- properties as such, but they can be functionalized in many
radation of the urban environment [17]. In Malaysia planning different ways. Their acid properties can be greatly enhanced
and management of solid waste are under the responsibility by the introduction of for instance, aluminum, gallium, iron,
of local government and its departments that deal with urban or zirconium atoms during the synthesis [22–24] or by the
cleansing and services. Solid waste management can be immobilization of sulfonic or heteropolyacid strong acid
defined as the discipline associated with the control of groups onto the pore channels, after the synthesis [25–30].
generation [18]. Recent studies have also employed hybrid microporous/
Therefore, keeping in view the abundance of waste plas- mesoporous materials [31].
tic and the demand of high quality fuel oil in Malaysia, we However, reforming catalysts are based on transition met-
decided to study an alternative way to cater to the demand als supported on SA. The most commonly used reforming
of fuel oil by using huge amount of waste plastics generated catalyst is Pt: SiO2Al2O3 with about 0.5 wt % Pt [32]. This
in the region. There are several methods to be considered to type of catalyst is bifunctional. Uemichi et al. [33] reported
overcome the flooding of plastic in municipal solid waste that when Pt impregnated on SiO2-Al2O3 was tested and
such as Landfill, Mechanical Recycling, Biological Recycling, showed an increase in the yield of aromatic at the reduced
thermal cracking, and catalytic cracking [19]. However, cata- cost of normal and isoalkanes. This data seems to support
lytic cracking of plastic to produce hydrocarbon shows enor- that reforming catalysts enhance aromatic formation in plas-
mous potentiality in plastic waste management due to lower tics cracking. However, the transition metal of Platinum is
cost reducing. The proposed technique for producing fuel very expensive. Therefore, the reforming catalyst is not cho-
oil by catalytic cracking of waste plastics is very much cost sen for our work.
effective and environmental friendly. Furthermore, catalyst such as metal oxides, metal com-
plexes of the type MCln–AlCl3 or M(AlCl4)n (M 5 Li, Na, K,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mg, Ca, Ba; n 5 1–2), and alkali metal carbonates or alkaline
metal carbonates have been used in past by researchers.
Plastic Waste Feedstock and Supply Zhibo et al. reported that degradation of PE on solid bases
The composition of plastic waste generated is around 9.0 (ZnO, MgO, and TiO2) yield more oil and olefins than on
to 16.4% of the total solid waste in selected location KL. The solid acid but it will produce less aromatics and low octane
total municipal solid waste generated in KL in the year 2005 number for oil [34]. So, the rich olefinic oil is not expected
is 3478 tons/day, which means that the plastic wastes gener- for fuel oils because of their polymerization during preserva-
ated in KL only is around 313.02 tons/day[14,15]. Three ways tion and transportation. As a result, the catalysts based on
to obtain the plastic wastes are as follows: collection from solid bases are not suitable in this process.
rubbish bin by own, collection from house to house, and Amorphous silica–alumina (FCC-SA) catalyst is a meso-
purchase from sorted waste company. There are advantages pore structure that has relatively low surface area, big pore

2 Month 2013 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 1. Simple block diagram of process flow.

size and pore volume. It has low acid strength as compared

to zeolites. However, it has a sufficient diffusion of heavy waste plastic ! liquid fuel 1 gases fuel (1)
hydrocarbon having large kinetic diameter through the
pores. Amorphous SA shows a great activity on cracking PP The operating condition in the pyrolysis reactor is set to 1
and PE to form lighter hydrocarbons. It also generates high atm, temperature is maintained at 500 C, and reaction time
yield of lighter olefins in oil product due to strong acidity taken 30 min. The fluidized bed reactor is chosen and the
[19,35]. Azhar et al. [36] reported that with SA, all the PE is catalyst used is silica alumina. The conversion of the fuel
found to be converted to liquid products with high yield products is 94.62% [37,38]. The catalyst from the cyclone is
(77–83 wt %) and without any wax production. Guohua Luo recycled and fed back to the reactor.
et al. [20] reported that SA could produce higher yield of liq- The gaseous products from the reactor are fed to the
uid fuel and more valuable gas product at a temperature cooler to cool down the products from 500 to 300 C before
ranging from 400 to 550 C. Its liquid fuel conversion is about sending to the first separator. Methane, ethane, ethylene,
86% and the residual level is <8 wt % at 500 C. propene, propane, and hydrogen are separated at top as fuel
Keeping in view the high yields of liquid products, low gas products, which in turn are used to heat up the reactor.
yield of residue and the low price, the amorphous silica alu- The bottom products are sent to the second separator to sep-
mina has been chosen to be best suitable for the catalytic arate it into light fuel oil and heavy fuel oil products. Light
cracking of plastics to produce fuel oil. oil is classified as gasoline, range hydrocarbon while the
Fluidized-bed reactor is chosen to be used to produce the heavy oil is classified as diesel range hydrocarbon. Light fuel
fuel gas from the waste plastic. Based on the process flexibil- oil will be heated up to room temperature while the heavy
ity, this type of the reactor is excellent because it can be fuel oil will be cooled down to same temperature as that of
used for low and high-temperature pyrolysis in the presence light fuel oil, to avoid wax deposition in pipe line. Both the
or absence of the catalyst and can produce the desired prod- products are stored in the storage tanks.
ucts as compared with other reactors. Besides, different plas- Having developed a conceptual flow sheet for the pro-
tic wastes can be treated by using fluidized bed reactor. In cess, one is now in a position to simulate the plant and con-
addition, it gives an excellent temperature control in large- duct the necessary calculations for material and energy bal-
scale operations as well as moderate equipment costs and ances as well as other technical aspects. Material and energy
low maintenance costs. balances for the plant have been conducted. In addition, a
plant-wide simulation has also been undertaken. Most of the
Process Conceptualization and Simulation units were simulated using the software ASPEN Plus. This is
The simplified block diagram of the process for produc- a commercially available software program that can be used
ing light and heavy fuel oil from waste plastic is shown in to model most of the industrial unit operations (e.g., separa-
Figure 1. The actual process flow diagram is shown in Figure tion units, pumps/compressors, etc.). This package provides
2. The whole process comprises of three stages, namely, the user with the flexibility of selecting the system of units
Preparation of raw material and drying, Pyrolysis, and Sepa- and various thermodynamic models [39].
ration and purification. Material balance for drying process, reaction and separa-
Waste plastics (40% PP, 40% PE, and 20% PS) are fed to tion processes generated from the simulation have been
washer tank and are washed with water. The feeding ratio of shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The corresponding
plastic to water is 1:1 in mass. The waste water from the simulation diagrams have been shown in Figure 3. The basis
washer tank is recycled for cooling process while the clean for material balance is taken as 10,000 tons/yr. The composi-
plastics are sent to the shredder. The clean waste plastics are tion of raw material (plastics) is PE:40%, PP: 40%, and PS:
shred into small spherical pieces having mean particle size of 20%. It is assumed that during material balance all streams
3 mm. After the shredding process, nitrogen gas at 176.7 C is are in steady state condition, uniform physical conditions
used to purge and dry the moist plastics. exist along each stream, vapors behave as ideal-gas and
Waste plastics from drying processes are fed to pyrolysis liquids behave as ideal-solution, there are no accumulation
reactor. The general reaction is shown below: of mass, and reaction only takes place inside the reactor, no

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2013 3
Figure 2. Overall process flow diagram.

Table 1. Material balance for drying process from simulation.

Mass Flow (kg/h)
H2O 0 0 1141.55 1130.15 11.4 11.4 0 0 0 11.4
N2 0 0 0 0 0 5000 0 5000 5000 5000
PE 456.62 456.62 0 0 456.62 456.62 456.62 0 0 0
PP 456.62 456.62 0 0 456.62 456.62 456.62 0 0 0
PS 228.31 228.31 0 0 228.31 228.31 228.31 0 0 0
Total Flow 1141.55 1141.55 0 0 1152.95 6152.95 1141.55 5000 5000 5011.4
Pressure (atm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Temperature (oC) 25 25 25 25 25 135 135 25 178 135

other side reactions occur, operating hour per year is 8400 and the number of cooler needed was 2. After performing
hr/yr, waste plastic is completely dried in drying process and the integration process, it was found that those heaters and
solid residue is neglected due to very low yield. coolers could be replaced by 4 numbers of heat exchangers.
In this process design, energy balance is made to deter- The simulation diagram after integration process being per-
mine the energy requirements for a particular process, for formed has been shown in Figure 4.
energy auditing and for adiabatic operation. The calculation
of the enthalpy balance on the process is based on the first
Economic Analysis of the Proposed Process
law of thermodynamics where kinetic energy differences,
potential energy differences, and work done on the system In this section, economic aspects of for small, medium,
by its surrounding are zero. For calculating the energy and large scale process are discussed. Further, the rate of
requirement for different units the system was assumed to return (ROR) analysis for all plants has been studied. Finally,
exhibit, ideal mixing behavior, where kinetic and potential breakeven analysis as well as sensitivity analysis have been
energy are neglected and there is no heat loss. Energy bal- performed to know whether the proposed project is eco-
ance data have been extracted from ASPEN Plus simulation nomical acceptable or not.
and the data has been tabulated in Table 3.
A heat integration process has been performed to deter- Small Scale Economic Analysis
mine the number of heat exchanger needed and minimize An acceptable design plant must have a process that is
the hot and cold utilities needed. Before the integration pro- capable to yield a profit. An estimation of the investment is
cess being performed, the number of heater needed was 3, required and the cost of the production is needed before the

4 Month 2013 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 2. Material balance for reaction and separation process from simulation.

Stream S-1 S-2 S-3H S-3C S-4 S-5C S-5H S-6 S-6P S-7C S-7H S-8H S-8C
Mass Flow (kg/m3)
N2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PE 456.62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PP 456.62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PS 228.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CH4 0 23.5 23.5 23.5 0 23.5 23.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
C2H4 0 23.14 23.14 23.14 0 23.14 23.14 0 0 0 0 0 0
C2H6 0 1.18 1.18 1.18 0 1.18 1.18 0 0 0 0 0 0
C3H6 0 8.57 8.57 8.57 0 8.57 8.57 0 0 0 0 0 0
C3H8 0 3.65 3.65 3.65 0 3.65 3.65 0 0 0 0 0 0
H2 0 0.91 0.91 0.91 0 0.91 0.91 0 0 0 0 0 0
C5H12 0 187.85 187.85 187.85 0 0.00 0.00 187.85 187.85 187.85 187.85 0.00 0.00
C6H14 0 444.02 444.02 444.02 0 0.00 0.00 444.02 444.02 444.02 444.02 0.00 0.00
C7H14 0 170.78 170.78 170.78 0 0.00 0.00 170.78 170.78 170.78 170.78 0.00 0.00
C7H8 0 6.56 6.56 6.56 0 0.00 0.00 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 0.00 0.00
C8H18 0 34.616 34.616 34.616 0 0.00 0.00 34.616 34.616 33.79 33.79 0.83 0.83
C8H8 0 210.42 210.42 210.42 0 0.00 0.00 210.42 210.42 188.83 188.83 21.59 21.59
C9H10 0 7.69 7.69 7.69 0 0.00 0.00 7.69 7.69 1.22 1.22 6.47 6.47
C9H8 0 1.13 1.13 1.13 0 0.00 0.00 1.13 1.13 0.02 0.02 1.11 1.11
C9H12 0 17.08 17.08 17.08 0 0.00 0.00 17.08 17.08 12.86 12.86 4.22 4.22
C10H10 0 0.45 0.45 0.45 0 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.45
Total Flow 1141.55 1141.55 1141.55 1141.55 0.00 60.95 60.95 1080.6 1080.6 1045.9 1045.93 34.67 34.67
Pressure (atm) 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Temperature 134.76 500 500 300 300 25.05 119.31 28.35 28.46 65.2 25 150.1 25
( C)

profitability of a project is evaluated. In this section, capital The viability of a project is needed to be judged by esti-
cost of plant, components of raw material, operating cost, mating the cost of operation. Total production cost is also
laboratory cost are discussed. Table 4 shows the equipment’s one of the important parameter of the economy analysis of a
price in the year 2007 [40]. By using the conversion factor of plant. The operating cost include maintenance cost, variable
US dollars based on 2011 estimation (0.993) [41], the equip- costs, miscellaneous materials cost, laboratory costs, plant
ment cost have been estimated to be $ 3,372,700. Indirect overheads, insurance, license fees, capital charges, and local
costs, which cover the cost of installation, piping, electrical taxes [43,53]. Total production cost includes the summation
etc., are counted by using the Lang factor (ƒL) of a solid-fluid of variable cost, fixed cost, and other expenses, which have
process type [42]. ‘‘Lang factors-ƒL,’’ are characteristic of the been estimated to be $ 5,457,798.
industry sector considered, particularly the type of products Assuming that the price of light fuel oil and heavy fuel oil
manufactured, the average cost of equipment items used, are same as current gasoline and diesel price respectively,
plant capacity, and location [43]. The ratio of the complete production profit can be expressed as $ 0.481/L. Total annual
plant cost, IF to the sum of the purchased costs of all equip- profit is the sum of the profit obtained from light oil and
ment termed Lang factor can be represented by the equation heavy oil, which has been estimated to be $ 6,077,763. The
[44–52]: net profit can be obtained by subtracting the annual produc-
X  tion cost from the annual profit, which has been found out
to be $ 619,965. By this way, the ROR based on the total
IF 5fL MPEC (2) investment is 4.17%. Payback period is the time required to
reach the break-even point at which the income (profit from
where, MPEC is the main plant equipment costs. In view of sale revenue) equals to the cost of production, which has
their large influence on the total estimated cost, it is impor- been estimated to be 23.99 yr.
tant that the Lang factor be as accurate as possible.
Indirect costs, which cover the cost of installation, piping, Medium and Large Scale Economic Analysis
electrical etc., is counted by using the Lang factor with solid- The equipment cost from Table 4 has been used to scale
fluid process type [43]. Total physical plant cost is calculated up to medium and large scale plant.
by using the equation:
n  Cost of equipment A
PPC5MPCE ð11fn Þ (3) 5 cost of equipment Bðcapital A=capital BÞe (5)

where “e” is exponent, the Eq. (5) used to calculate medium

where, ƒn is the Lang factor of the specific equipment as scale (60,000 tons/yr), and large scale (120,000 tons/yr). It
given in Table 5 and PPC is the plant physical cost. In our has been observed that the total proposed production cost
found PPC is $ 10,624,005. for medium scale and large scale plants are $ 27,132,632 and
Fixed capital cost is calculated by using the equation: $ 52,019,998, respectively, for a conversion factor of 94.4%.
The cost for waste treatment and miscellaneous material is
FC 5PPCð11fn Þ (4) based on the assumption of 15% and 10% of equipment cost,
respectively. The amount of catalyst needed for cracking has
and is found to be $ 14,873,607. been calculated by scaling down based on capacities and

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2013 5
Figure 3. Simulation of (a) drying process; (b) reaction and separation before process integration being performed.

Table 3. Energy balance from simulation.

Pressure Phase Fraction Enthalpy Change/Work Required

Unit Operation P (atm) Vapor Liquid Solid kW
Washer 1 0 0.5 0.5 0
Shredder 1 0 0 1 0
Dryer 1 0.814 0 0.186 0
Heater 1 1 0 0 1 185.75
Reactor 1 0 0 1 875.50
Cyclone 1 1 1 0 0 0
Cooler 1 1 1 0 0 2163.23
Distillation Column 1 1 1 0 0 262.44
Heater 2 1 1 0 0 0.94
Pump 1 1 0 1 0 0.037
Distillation Column 2 1 0 1 0 19.20
Heater 3 1 0 1 0 4.89
Cooler 2 1 0 1 0 22.02

cost available in the literature and assuming that the catalyst Two important indicators, commonly used in economic
cost-capacity functionality behaves linearly [20,35–38]. How- assessment, are gross profit and ROR. Gross profit is defined
ever, waste plastics may have a positive raw material cost if as the difference between the total annual revenue and the
incoming plastic to be processed is paid for, or a negative total production cost. ROR is determined by dividing this
raw material cost (i.e., generate revenue) if a tipping fee is gross profit by the total capital invested. ROR and gross
charged for all incoming plastics to be processed. profit were 35.69% and $ 72,933,156, respectively, for

6 Month 2013 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 4. Simulation diagram after process integration being performed.

conversion factors of 94.4% for large scale plant. ROR,

Table 4. Cost of equipment for small scale plant. payback period, and net profit of plants have been shown in
Table 6.
Type of equipment Cost in USD ($)
Breakeven Analysis
Storage Tank Breakeven analysis can determine the required produc-
Waste Plastic 150,800 tion per year to recover the initial and annual operating cost.
Shred waster plastic 3 2 279,000 Figure 5 shows the breakeven analysis of cost ($/yr) vs. unit
Light Oil 3 2 431,800 of production (L/yr). Breakeven point is the point where two
Heavy Oil 3 2 431,800 lines (revenue and production cost) intersect each other.
Fuel gas 94,100 From the graph, the minimum production of light oil is
Shredder 3 2 60,200 around 16,000,000 L/yr where as the production of the large
Washer 206,500 scale plant is 20,000,000 L/yr. Hence, this project is economi-
Dryer 120,000 cally acceptable.
Heat exchanger 3 4 371,200
Sensitivity Analysis
Conveyor 1 115,600
Sensitivity analysis determine how a measure of annual
Conveyor 2 8,500
worth and the alternative maybe altered if a particular pa-
Reactor 244,300
rameter varies over a stated range of values. Sensitivity analy-
Cyclone 136,100
sis has been performed on one parameter, which is the sell-
Compressor 3 4 373,200
ing price of fuel oil. Figure 6a shows that the USD $0.06
Pump 3 6 99,600
increment of fuel oil selling price while Figure 6b showing
Distillation Column
the USD $0.06 decrement of fuel oil selling price. The degree
Distillation Column 1 113,200
of sensitivity is determined by the slope of the graphs above.
Distillation Column 2 113,200
Greater slope represent higher degree of sensitivity. Since
Total estimation cost 3,349,100
both figures both have small gradient of curve, it is mean
that the viability of the project is not affected by either
increase or decrease the selling price of fuel oil.

Table 5. Lang’s factor for physical and fixed capital cost. In the catalytic cracking of waste plastic process, the cata-
lyst and types of reactor proposed are Alumina-silica and flu-
Description Lang’s Factor idized bed reactor, respectively, which can give a conversion
of 94.6%. Technical assessment of the proposed plants
Physical Plant Cost (small, medium, and large scale), process simulation, and
Equipment Erection 0.45 economic analysis have been done. Preliminary screening
Piping 0.45 reveals that it is highly feasible to break-even at reasonable
Instrumentation 0.15 conversion, yield, and tipping fee. The economy feasibility
Electrical 0.10 analysis shows that for the annual feed rate of 120,000 tons
Building, Process 0.10 the first investment cost is USD $58,591,260. The total cost of
Utilities 0.45 production would be USD $52,019,998 per year. It is
Storage 0.20 expected to get a net profit of USD $20,913,158 per year.
Site development 0.05 The payback period for this production is 1.42 yr. The total
Ancillary buildings 0.20 annual profit for this large scale plant would be USD
Fixed Capital $72,933,156 based on the current market of gasoline and die-
Design and Engineering 0.25 sel. The ROR for this plant is 35.69%. From the preliminary
Contractor’s fee 0.05 studies, it can be concluded that to cater the demand of high
Contingency 0.10 quality gasoline and diesel oil in Malaysia catalytic cracking

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.00, No.00) DOI 10.1002/ep Month 2013 7
Table 6. Profit, ROR, and payback period for small, medium, and large scale plant.

Description Small Scale Middle Scale Large Scale

Fixed Capital Cost (FCC) USD $14,873,607 USD $39,285,162 USD $58,591,260
Total Annual Production Cost USD $5,457,798 USD $27,132,632 USD $52,019,998
Total Annual Profit USD $6,077,763 USD $36,466,578 USD $72,933,156
Net Profit (per year) USD $619,965 USD $9,333,946 USD $20,913,158
Payback period 24 yr 4.5 yr 3 yr
ROR 4.17% 23.76% 35.69%

Figure 5. Breakeven analysis for (a) small; (b) medium; (c) large scale plants of cost in $/yr versus unit of production in L/yr.
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

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