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Art App Reviewer Unit3

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UNIT 3: ARTIST AND ARTISAN May overlap the pre-production in terms of

gathering and sourcing of materials.

ARTISTS (Ortiz et. al., 1976)

Generally defined as an art practitioner; painter, sculptor,

choreographer, dancer, writer, poet, musicians. 3. POST-PRODUCTION
Also, the like who produces or creates indirectly Includes allowing the artwork to set, tweaking the
functional arts with aesthetic value using imagination. artwork, preparing the artwork for transport and
Creative individuals who use their imagination and skills display.
and communicate in an art form. Promotion and inclusion of the artwork in
Looks many sources for inspirations. publications and discussions.
Consideration of how the finished artwork will be
ARTISAN circulated and accepted by the target audience.
Could be a craftsman, carver, plumber, blacksmith, THE ART WORLD
weaver, embroider.
Produces directly functional and/ or decorative arts. 1. Artist- producers of artwork; Artists Group- social
Artisan’s works are useful, relevant, and essential in our fellowship that enable collaborations and exchange of
everyday life. knowledge, skill and technique.

THREE STAGES OF CREATIVE PROCESS 2. Art Academy- academe is formal institution for
1. Germination instruction about art practice and production. The first
Initial moment when you conceive the next project academy of arts in the Philippines was Acdemia
in your life. Dibujo y Pintura, established by Damian Domingo.
In this stage, you are planting the seeds of your
creation. 3. Art Writer (Art Historians, Art Critic)- write about art.
Most important and difficult in this stage is choosing The main aim of art historian is to contextualize
May be a painful process but necessary in any artworks in their place and time in history. Art Critic
case. write about art to help the public to understand and
2. Assimilation appreciate art.
The crucial step in creative process, you will
internalize and assimilate or incorporate the idea 4. Art Collector- the patron of art. They buy finished
you want to create. artworks or commission artist to create specific
PLAN, ANALYZE, and CULTIVATE it will all artworks for their desired purposes.
available resources.
It follows an organic path, with its own rhythm and 5. Art Institutions- focus on the development and/ or
needs. preservation of art; might be private organizations or
3. Completion government-mandated organization. They can be
It is a difficult time because your energy will be housed in the academe or in an art museum or
small and likely dispersed with a new vision. Put a galleries
deadline to your projects and do not get entangled
in a small and never-ending details. 6. Art Museums and Galleries- common platform for the
exhibition of art; house important artworks and
7. Art Curators (Organizers) - responsible for organizing
Pertains to the ideation process of the artist.
exhibitions in galleries or museums; responsible for
may be take time or be quick as lighting
researching and developing themes for exhibitions;
Sometimes seep into production stage.
responsible for coordinating with artist.
May not necessarily be fully formulated and may be
explored while doing the artwork.
8. Public- is the general audience of the art world; the art
May overlap the production in terms of gathering
scene is continuously opening itself to the public from
and sourcing of materials.
small shows to the independent group to grand
exhibitions by big names in the industry.
Execution of the artwork. MEDIUM AND TECHNIQUE OF THE ARTS
May vary depending on the medium and technique
of the artist. Medium

Materials or means which artists uses to objectify one’s fitted to form a pattern and glued on a surface with
feelings or thoughts; each has inherent limitations as well plaster or cement.
as potential. c. STAINED GLASS- appeared as an important part of
The nature of the medium determines the way it can be the Gothic cathedral; translucent glass colored by
manipulated and turned into artwork; determines what mixing metallic oxides into the molten glass or by
can be express through it. fixing them into the surface of a clear glass.
Has own range of character which determines the d. TAPESTRY- are fabrics into which colored designs
particular appearance of the finished product. have been woven. Walls and palaces, castles and
chapels in Europe were decorated with tapestries.
Technique e. DRAWING- most fundamental of all skills needed in
Refers to the artist’s knowledge of his medium and his visual art. A drawing may be a study, sketch, cartoon
skill in making it achieve what her wants it too. or finished work itself; can be done by using graphite
Artist differ in technique even though they may be using (pencil), pen and ink, pastel, chalk, charcoal, crayons
the same medium. or silverpoint.
f. PRINT MAKING- graphic image that results from a
CATEGORIES BASED ON MEDIUM duplicating process.
1. Visual Art/Space Art- can be seen and occupy space PRINT MAKING MEDIUMS
(tangible or visible)
1. RELIEF PRINTING- involves cutting away a block of wood
1.1 TWO DIMENTIONAL or linoleum the portions of the design that the artist does
not wish to show, leaving to the design stand out on the
a. Painting – process of applying pigment on a smooth
surface (paper, cloth, canvas, wood or plaster) to
2. INTAGLIO PRINTING- design is etched into a metal plate;
secure an interesting arrangement of forms lines and
incised or the depressed area is filled with ink, which
considerable pressure, leaves a sharp impression on a
3. PLANOGRAPHIC PROCESS- one form of printing which
1. Encaustic- one of the early mediums in the application surfaces have been treated chemically or mechanically
mixture of the half beeswax, resin and ground pigment to that some areas will print and the others will not.
any porous surface. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans 4. STENCIL PRINTING- done by cutting the design out of
used encaustic to paint portraits in a coffin. special paper, cardboard or metal sheet in such a way that
2. Tempera Paints- earth or mineral pigments mixed with when ink is rubbed over it, the design will be reproduced
egg yolk and egg whites; often used in past in painting on the surface beneath.
vellum in the production of books. Tempera is normally
applied in wooden panels carefully covered with gesso- a g. PHOTOGRAPHY- literally drawing with light; shows
combination of gypsum or chalk and gelatin glue. the actual likeness of an object photograph.
3. Fresco Painting- the application of earth pigments mixed Photography makes uses of technology: camera,
with water on a plaster wall while the plaster is damp. films, chemicals, or computer program.
Color sinks into the surface and becomes an integral part
of the wall permanently. THE RULE OF THIRDS
4. Watercolor- tempered paint made with pure ground
one of the useful techniques in photography
pigment bound with gum Arabic; apply watercolor in
known as the basic knowledge that most photographers
thin, almost transparent film; surface of the paper then use when they are placing items within a frame.
shows through giving a delicate, luminous texture to Imagine a tic-tac-toe or a pick-pack-boom board on a
the painting. frame of the picture
5. Oil Painting- pigment ground on linseed oil is applied to Involves dividing up the image using two horizontal lines
primed canvas. Oil is very flexible medium and can be and two vertical lines.
applied using brush, airbrush, palette knife, or even with 1.2 THREE DIMENTIONAL
bare hands. a. Sculpture- three-dimensional forms constructed to
represent the natural or imaginary shape.
6. Synthetic Paints- using acrylic polymer emulsions as b. Architecture- art of designing and constructing a
binders are newest and the ones that are widely used by building that serves specific functions from
today’s painter. Acrylic combines transparency and quick providing shelter to meeting the technological
drying characteristics of watercolor and the flexibility of demands of modern cities.
oil. c. Interior Design- concerned with the selection of
b. MOSAIC- made of small cubes of irregularly cut space and furnishing s to transform an empty shell
pieces of colored stone or glass called tesserae;
of a building into livable area. Interior designers
works with furniture, appliances, fixtures, draperies,
and rugs with an eye for texture and color. ONA- Order of National Artist ( Orden ng Pamnbansang Alagad
d. Landscaping- artificial arrangement of land areas to ng Sining)
achieve a purely aesthetic effect. The landscape Highest national recognition given to Filipino individuals
artists make use of the terrain as his basic medium, who made a significant contribution to the development
along with sand, rocks, water, and growing plants of the arts.
found on it.
2. Auditory/ Time arts- medium which can be heard and are
1. National Artist for ARCHITECTURE- Pablo S. Antonio,
expressed in time.
Leadro V. Locsin, Juan F. Nakpil, Ildefonso P. Santos,
2.1 MUSIC Jose Maria V. Zaragoza, Francisco T. Mañosa

Primary material of music is sound; musical sound 2. National Artist for FILM- Lamberto V. Avellana, Lino
(tones) are produced in a man-made instrument Brocka, Ishmael Bernal, Manuel Conde, Gerardo De
and the human voice. Leon, Roland Alan K. Poe, Eddie S. Romero, Kidlat
2.2 LITERATURE Tahimik
Medium of literature is language; writers uses
words to build his compositions 3. National Artist for VISUAL ARTS- Fernando Amorsolo,
Literature is exclusive to works that exploit the Hernando Ocampo, Bendicto Cabrera , Carlos Botong
suggestive power of language. Francisco, Cesar Legaspi, Abdulmari Asia Imao,
Guillermo E. Tolentino, Arturo Luz, Federico Aguilar,
3. Combined Arts- medium which can be both seen and Napoleon Abueva, J. Elizalde Navarro , Francisco
heard and which exists both space and time. Coching, Victorio Edades, Ang Kiukok, Joe T. Joya,
Vicente Manansala , Larry Alcala
Movements may involve part or the whole with 4. National Artist for LITERATURE- Francisco Arcellana,
his/her body with or without the accompaniment Edith L. Tiempo, Bienvenido Lumbera, N.V.M.
of music. Gonzales, e. Virgilio S. Almario, f. Cirilo F. Bautista, g.
A dancer uses his/her body to communicate an Nick Joaquin, h. Amado V. Hernandez, i. Lazaro
idea or feeling to his audience. Francisco, j. F. Sionil Jose, k. Carlos P. Romulo, l.
3.2 THEATRE (DRAMA AND OPERA) Jose Garcia Villa, m. Alejandro Roces, n. Rolando S.
Combination of literature, acting, costume design, Tinio, o. Levi Celerio, p. Resil B. Mojares, q. Ramon L.
stage design and music. Muzones
Extension of photography; makes use of several 5. National Artist for FASHION DESIGN- Ramon Valera
shots, each shot made up to a series of pictorial
units taken form one point of view. 6. National Artist for THEATER DESIGN- Salvador F.
May present a fictional story, a dramatic feature Bernal
of a documentary. 7. National Artist for DANCE- a.Francisca Reyes Aquino
GAMABA- Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Award b.Ramon Obusan, c. Alice Reyes d. Leonor Orosa
Goquingco e. Lucrecia Reyes-Urtula
National Living Treasure Award 8. National Artist for HISTORICAL LITERATURE- a.
It was institutionalized in April 1992 through Republic Carlos Quirino
Act No. 7355 9. National Artist for MUSIC - a. Antonio Buenaventura
Roots in the 1998 National Folk Artist Award b. Jose Maceda c. Lucrecia R. Kisalag d. Ernani J.
organized by the Rotary Club of Makati-Ayala. Cuenco e. Lucio San Pedro f. Antonio J. Molina g.
Francisco Feliciano h. Levi Celerio i. Ramon P.
Under RA 7355, Manlilikha ng Bayan means: Santos j. Jovita Fuentes k. Felipe Padilla De Leon l.
1. A citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely Filipino Andrea Veneracion m. Honorato “Atang” Dela Rama
2. To adopt a program that will ensure transfer of their n. Ryan Cayabyab
3. To undertake measures to promote genuine
appreciation of and instill pride among our people Art Curators- Responsible for organizing art exhibitions
about the genius of the manlilikha ng bayan. in galleries or museums

They are responsible for researching and developing
themes in the exhibition
They are responsible for coordinating with artist

To be able to curate an exhibition based on an artist, a

curator must learn by an artist (Cajipe-Endaya,2002):
1. Name
2. Educational background relevant history
3. Artwork
4. Exhibition/Performances
5. Award and Distinctions
6. Collections
7. Portfolio

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