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Draft Recruitment Rules in respect of Field Cadre Posts of Directorate of

Marketing & Inspection an attached office under the Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Co-operation & Farmers Welfare
are placed below in the Public Domain.

Suggestions, if any, may be sent to Dy. Secretary (Marketing) at his e-

mail address: by 5th April, 2016

Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
(Department of Agriculture, Co-operation& Farmers Welfare)

New Delhi, the 2016


G.S.R. No. ……………..- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article
309 of the Constitution and in supersession of Department of Agriculture, Co-operation
& Farmers Welfare, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Field Cadre Posts, Deputy
Agricultural Marketing Adviser, Assistant Agricultural Marketing Adviser, Senior
Marketing Officer, Marketing Officer (Group-I and Group-III), Joint Agricultural
Marketing Adviser and Additional Agricultural Marketing Adviser Recruitment Rules,
2005, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession,
the President hereby makes the following rules regulating the method of recruitment to
the field cadre posts, in the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection under the Ministry
of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Co-operation & Farmers
Welfare, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Ministry of
Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation &
Farmers Welfare, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Field Cadre posts,
Deputy Agricultural Marketing Adviser, Assistant Agricultural Marketing
Adviser, Senior Marketing Officer, Marketing Officer (Group-I and Group-III)
Recruitment Rules, 2016.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2. Number of post, classification, pay band and grade pay or pay scale.- The
number of the said posts, its classification, pay band and grade pay or pay scale
attached thereto shall be as specified in column (2) to (4) of the Schedule annexed to
these rules.

3. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification.- The method of recruitment,

age limit, qualifications and other matters relating to the said posts shall be as specified
in columns (5) to (13) of the aforesaid Schedule.

5. Disqualification. - No person, -

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a
spouse living; or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage
with any person,

shall be eligible for appointment to any of the said post:

Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is
permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party to the
marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the
operation of this rule.

6. Power to relax.- Where the Central Government is of opinion that it is necessary

or expedient so to do, it may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing and in
consultation with Union Public Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of these
rules with respect to any class or category of persons.

7. Saving.- Nothing in these rules shall effect reservations and other concessions
required to be provided for the Scheduled Casts, the Scheduled Tribes, the Other
Backward Classes, Ex-serviceman and other special categories of persons in accordance
with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.



Name of Number Classificati Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other qualifications
Post of Post on and Grade Selection required for direct recruits
Pay/Pay Post or
Scale Non-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Marketing 89* General Rs.9300- Not Not exceeding 30 years Essential: (i) Masters Degree in Agriculture
Officer (2016) Central 34800 applicable OR Botany OR Agricultural Economics OR
(Group-I) *Subject service +Grade Pay Relaxable for Government Servants Agricultural Marketing OR Economics OR
to Group ‘B” Rs.4600 (Pay upto 5 years in accordance with the Commerce with Economics from a
variation Gazetted Band-2) instructions or orders issued by the recognised University.
dependen Non- Central Government .
t on work Ministerial (ii) 2 Years experience in the field of
load Note: The crucial date for determining Agricultural Marketing including Cooperative
the age limit mentioned in column 6 Marketing OR Diploma in Marketing
shall in each case be the closing date Management awarded by the Indian
for receipt of applications from Institute of Food Technology or any other
candidates in India (and not the recognized University/Institute or equivalent
closing date prescribed for those in
Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh
Division of J&K State, Lahul & Spiti
District and Pangi Sub Division of
Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh,
Andeman & Nicobar Islands or

Whether age Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
and Probation, if whether by direct deputation / absorption grades from Committee exists which is its which the Union
educational any recruitment or by which promotion / deputation / composition Public Service
qualifications promotion or by absorption to be made Commission is to
prescribed for deputation / absorption be consulted in
direct recruits and percentage of making
will apply in vacancies to be filled by recruitment
the case of various methods
8 9 10 11 12 13

Not Applicable Two years for By direct recruitment * Deputation (including short-term Group”B”: Departmental Consultation with
direct * Note: contract) Promotion Committee (for the Union Public
recruites Vacancies in the grade Officer under the Central/State confirmation): Service
caused by incumbents Governments/Universities/Recognised Commission is
proceeding on deputation, Research Institute/Public Sector 1. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural necessary while
long leave, study leave, or Undertaking/Semi government/ Marketing Adviser to the making direct
other circumstances for a Autonomous or Statutory Government of India recruitment or
duration of one year or organizations/State Agricultural – Chairman amending/relaxing
more shall be filled up by Marketing Boards/Societies or any provision of
deputation. Cooperative Societies aided by the 2. Additional Agricultural these Rules.
Central/State Governments. Marketing Adviser/Joint
Agricultural Marketing Adviser
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a – Member
regular basis in the parent
cadre/Department OR 3. Director/Deputy Secretary In-
charge of Agricultural Marketing
(ii) with three year regular service – Member
in the grade rendered after
appointment thereto on a regular 4.Director (Administration)
basis in Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-34800 Directorate of Marketing and
plus Grade Pay Rs.4600; and Inspection
– Member
(b) Possessing the educational
qualifications and experiences
prescribed for direct recruits under
Col. 7

Period of deputation (Including Short

Term Contract) including period of
deputation (Including Short Term
Contract) in another ex-cadre post
held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some
other organization/department of the
Central Government shall ordinarily
not to exceed 3 years. The maximum
age limit for appointment by
deputation (Including Short Term
Contract) shall be not exceeding 56
years as on the closing date of the
receipt of application



Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct Educational and other Whether age and
Post of Post and Grade Selection recruits qualifications required educational
Pay/Pay Post or Non- for direct recruits qualifications
prescribed for direct
Scale selection
recruits will apply in
post the case of promotees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Senior 30* General Rs.15600- Selection Not applicable. Not applicable Not Applicable
Marketing (2016) Central 39100
Officer *Subject Service +Grade Pay
(Group-I)) to Group ‘A’ Rs.5400 (Pay
variation Gazetted Band-3)
dependin Non-
g on work Ministerial

Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in

Probation, if whether by direct deputation / absorption grades from which Committee exists which is its which the Union
any recruitment or by promotion / deputation / absorption to be composition Public Service
promotion or by made Commission is to be
deputation / absorption consulted in making
and percentage of recruitment
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
9 10 11 12 13

Two Years Promotion Promotion: Group’A’ : Departmental Promotion Consultation

Marketing Officer (Group-I) in the Pay Scale of. Committee (for Promotion): with the Union
Rs.9300-34800 +Grade Pay Rs.4600 (Pay Band-2) Public Service
with 3 years regular service in the grade. 1.Chairman/Member, Union Public Commission will
Service Commission be necessary for
Note: Where juniors who have completed their – Chairman appointment to
qualifying/eligibility service are being considered the post on each
for promotion, their seniors would also be 2. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural occasion and for
considered provided they are not short of the Marketing Adviser to the amending
requisite qualifying/eligibility service by more Government of India – Member /relaxing these
than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or rules
two years, whichever is less, and have 3. Director/Deputy Secretary In-
successfully completed their probation period charge of Agricultural Marketing
for promotion to the next higher grade along – Member
with their juniors who have already completed
such qualifying/ eligibility service 4. Director (Administration)
Directorate of Marketing and
Inspection – Member

Group’A’ : Departmental Promotion

Committee (for confirmation):

1. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural

Marketing Adviser to the
Government of India
– Chairman

2. Additional Agricultural Marketing

Adviser/Joint Agricultural Marketing
– Member

3. Director/Deputy Secretary In-

charge of Agricultural Marketing
– Member

4.Director (Administration)
Directorate of Marketing and
– Member

Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other Whether age and
Post of Post and Grade Selection qualifications educational
Pay/Pay Post or required for direct recruits qualifications
Scale Non- prescribed for
selection direct recruits will
post apply in the case of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Assistant 20* General Rs.15600- Selection Not exceeding 40 years. Essential: (i) Master’s Degree in Age: No
Agricultural (2016) Central 39100 Relaxable for Government Servants Agriculture OR Botany OR Educational
Marketing Service +Grade Pay upto 5 years in accordance with Agricultural Economics OR Qualifications: Yes
Adviser *Subject Group ‘A’ Rs.6600 (Pay the instructions or orders issued by Agricultural Marketing OR
(Group-I) to Gazetted Band-3) the Central Government . Economics OR Commerce with Note: The
variation Non- Economics from a recognised incumbents holding
dependin Ministerial Note: The crucial date for University. the post of Senior
g on work determining the age limit (ii) 5 Years’ experience in the Marketing Officer
load mentioned in column 6 shall in field of Agricultural Marketing (Group-I) on the
each case be the closing date for including Cooperative date of this revised
receipt of applications from Marketing OR notification will be
candidates in India (and not the 3 years experience in the field exempted from this
closing dated prescribed for those of Agricultural Marketing with requirement
in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Diploma in Marketing
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Management awarded by the
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Indian Institute of Food
Division of J&K State, Lahul & Spiti Technology or equivalent or any
Districtand Pangi Sub Division of other recognized university/
Chamba district of Himachal institute or equivalent
Pradesh, Andeman & Nicobar Desirable: Experience in
Islands or Lakshadweep). organizing/conducting Market
Surveys and writing reports

Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / deputation / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in which
Probation, if whether by direct absorption grades from which promotion / Committee exists which is its the Union Public
any recruitment or by deputation / absorption to be made composition Service Commission is
promotion or by to be consulted in
deputation / absorption making recruitment
and percentage of
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
9 10 11 12 13

One year for 60% by promotion failing Promotion: Group ’A’ Departmental Consultation with the
direct which by deputation Senior Marketing Officer (Group-I) in the Pay Scale of Promotion Committee (for Union Public Service
recruits (including short term Rs.15600-39100 +Grade Pay Rs.5400 with 5 years promotion): Commission is
regular service in the grade. 1. Secretary to the Government necessary while making
of India, Department of Agriculture direct recruitment and
40% by direct Note: Where juniors who have completed their Cooperation & Farmers Welfare appointing an officer on
recruitment qualifying/eligibility service are being considered for - Chairman deputation (including
promotion, their seniors would also be considered short term contract)
provided they are not short of the requisite 2. Joint Secretary –cum- and for
qualifying/eligibility service by more than half of such Agricultural Marketing Adviser to amendments/relaxation
qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is the Government of India of any provisions of
less, and have successfully completed their probation – Member these rules
period for promotion to the next higher grade along
with their juniors who have already completed such 3 Director/Deputy Secretary In-
qualifying/eligibility service. charge of Agricultural Marketing
– Membe
Deputation (including short-term contract): r
Officers under the Central/State Governments/ 4. Director (Administration)
Universities/Recognised Research Institute/Public Directorate of Marketing and
Sector Undertaking/Semi government/Autonomous Inspection –
or Statutory organizations/State Agricultural Member
Marketing Boards/Societies or Cooperative Societies
aided by the Central/State Governments. Group ‘A’ Departmental
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular basis in Promotion Committee (for
the parent cadre/Department OR confirmation)
(ii) with five years’ service in the grade rendered after 1. Joint Secretary –cum-
appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Agricultural Marketing Adviser to
Scale of Rs.15600-39100 +Grade Pay Rs.5400 (Pay the Government of India –
Band-3) or equivalent in the parent Chairman
cadre/Department; and
2. Additional Agricultural
(b) Possessing the educational qualifications and Marketing Adviser/Joint
experiences prescribed for direct recruits in Col. 7 Agricultural Marketing Adviser
– Member
The departmental Officers in the feeder category who
are in the direct line of promotion will not be eligible 3. Director/Deputy Secretary In-
for consideration or appointment on deputation. charge of Agricultural Marketing
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for – Member
consideration for appointment by promotion.
4. Director (Administration) DMI
Period of deputation (Including Short Term Contract) – Member
including period of deputation (Including Short Term
Contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately
preceding this appointment in the same or some
other organization/department of the Central
Government shall ordinarily not to exceed four years.
The maximum age limit for appointment by
deputation (Including Short Term Contract) shall not
be exceeding
56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of



Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other Whether age and
Post of Post and Grade Selection qualifications educational
Pay/Pay Post or Non- required for direct recruits qualifications
Scale selection prescribed for direct
post recruits will apply in
the case of promotees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Deputy 15* General Rs.15600- Selection Not exceeding 50 years Essential: (i) Master’s Age: No
Agricultural (2016) Central 39100 Degree in Agriculture OR Educational
Marketing Service +Grade Pay Relaxable for Government Botany OR Agricultural Qualifications: Yes
Adviser *Subject Group ‘A’ Rs.7600 (Pay Servants upto 5 years in Economics OR Agricultural
(Group-I) to Gazetted Band-3) accordance with the instructions Marketing OR Economics Note: The incumbents
variation Non- or orders issued by the Central OR Commerce with holding the post of
dependin Ministerial Government. Economics from a Assistant Agricultural
g on work recognised University. Marketing Adviser
load Note: The crucial date for and (Group-I) on the date
determining the age limit of this revised
(ii) 10 Years’ experience in
mentioned in column 6 shall in the field of Agricultural
notification will be
each case be the closing date for Marketing including exempted from this
receipt of applications from Cooperative Marketing requirement.
candidates in India (and not the
closing dated prescribed for those OR
in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, 8 years experience in the
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh field of Agricultural
Division of J&K State, Lahul & Marketing with Diploma in
Spiti Districtand Pangi Sub Marketing Management
Division of Chamba district of awarded by the Indian
Himachal Pradesh, Andeman & Institute of Food
Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep). Technology or equivalent

Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / deputation / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
Probation, if whether by direct absorption grades from which promotion / deputation Committee exists which is its which the Union
any recruitment or by / absorption to be made composition Public Service
promotion or by Commission is to
deputation / be consulted in
absorption and making
percentage of recruitment
vacancies to be filled
by various methods
9 10 11 12 13

One year for 50% by promotion Promotion : Group ’A’ Departmental Promotion Consultation with
Direct Recruit failing which by Assistant Agricultural Marketing Adviser (Group-I) in the Committee (for promotion): the Union Public
deputation (including Pay Scale of Rs.15600-39100 +Grade Pay Rs.6600 with 5 Service
short term contract) years regular service in the grade. 1.Chairman/Member, Union Public Commission is
Service – Chairman necessary while
50% by direct Note: Where juniors who have completed their making direct
recruitment qualifying/eligibility service are being considered for 2. Additional Secretary in charge of recruitment and
promotion, their seniors would also be considered Agricultural Marketing – Member appointing an
provided they are not short of the requisite officer on
qualifying/eligibility service by more than half of such 3. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural deputation
qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is Marketing Adviser to the (including short
less, and have successfully completed their probation Government of India term contract)
period for promotion to the next higher grade along with – Member and for
their juniors who have already completed such amendments
qualifying/eligibility service. Group ‘A’ Departmental Promotion /relaxation of any
Committee (for confirmation) : provisions of
Deputation (including short-term contract) these rules
Officers under the Central/State 1. Special Secretary/Additional
Governments/Universities/Recognised Research Secretary in charge of Agricultural
Institute/Public Sector Undertaking/Semi Marketing – Chairman
government/Autonomous or Statutory
organizations/State Agricultural Marketing 2. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural
Boards/Societies or Cooperative Societies aided by the Marketing Adviser to the
Central/State Governments. Government of India
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the – Member
parent cadre/Department OR 3. Additional Agricultural Marketing
Adviser/Joint Agricultural Marketing
(ii) with five years service in the grade rendered after Adviser – Member
appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Scale
of Rs.15600-39100 +Grade Pay Rs.6600 (Pay Band-3) or
equivalent in the parent cadre/Department; and

(b) Possessing the educational qualifications and

experiences prescribed for direct recruits in Col. 7

The departmental Officers in the feeder category who

are in the direct line of promotion will not be eligible for
consideration or appointment on deputation.
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for
consideration for appointment by promotion.

Period of deputation (Including Short Term Contract)

including period of deputation (Including Short Term
Contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately
preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central Government
shall ordinarily not to exceed four years. The maximum
age limit for appointment by deputation (Including Short
Term Contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of applications



Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other
Post of Post and Grade Selection Post qualifications required
Pay/Pay or Non- for direct recruits
Scale selection post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Marketing 15* General Rs.9300- Not applicable Not exceeding 30 years Essential: Masters Degree in
Officer (2016) Central 34800 Relaxable for Government Servants Chemistry/Agriculture Chemistry/Dairy
(Group-III) *Subject Service +Grade Pay upto 5 years in accordance with the chemistry/Dairying from a recognised
to Group ‘B’ Rs.4600 instructions or orders issued by the University or equivalent: OR
variation Gazetted (Pay Band- Central Government.
dependen Non- 2) Note: The crucial date for determining Bachelor’s Degree in Oil Technology/Food
t on work Ministerial the age limit mentioned in column 6 Technology/Chemical Technology/Dairy
load shall in each case be the closing date Technology from a recognised University or
for receipt of applications from equivalent.
candidates in India (and not the (ii) 2 Years experience in the field of analytical
closing dated prescribed for those in work of organic material or in the field of
Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal marketing of milk and milk products, oils and
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, fats including essential oils and allied
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh commodities OR
Division of J&K State, Lahul & Spiti
Districtand Pangi Sub Division of Diploma in Marketing Management awarded
Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, by the Indian Institute of Food Technology or
Andeman & Nicobar Islands or any other recognized University/Institute or
Lakshadweep). equivalent.
Whether age Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
and educational Probation, whether by direct deputation / absorption grades from which Committee exists which is its which the Union
qualifications if any recruitment or by promotion / deputation / absorption to be composition Public Service
prescribed for promotion or by made Commission is to
direct recruits deputation / absorption be consulted in
will apply in the and percentage of making
case of vacancies to be filled by recruitment
promotees various methods
8 9 10 11 12 13

Not applicable Two years Direct recruitment Deputation (including short-term contract): Group ‘B’ Departmental Consultation with
for Direct Promotion Committee (for the Union Public
Recruits Vacancies in the grade Officer under the Central/State confirmation): Service
caused by incumbents Governments/Universities/Recognised Commission
proceeding on Research Institute/Public Sector 1 Agricultural Marketing necessary while
deputation, long leave, Undertaking/Semi government/ Adviser to the Govt. of India making direct
study leave, or other Autonomous or Statutory organizations/State - Chairman recruitment or
circumstances for a Agricultural Marketing Boards/Societies or amending/relaxing
duration of one year or Cooperative Societies aided by the 2. Additional Agricultural any provision of
more shall be filled up by Central/State Governments. Marketing Adviser/Joint these Rules.
deputation. Agricultural Marketing Adviser
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular - Member
basis in the parent cadre/Department OR
3. Director/Deputy Secretary
(ii) with three year regular service in the In charge of Agricultural
grade rendered after appointment thereto on Marketing - Member
a regular basis in Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-34800
plus Grade Pay Rs.4600; and 4. Director (Administration),
Directorate of Marketing and
(b) Possessing the educational qualifications Inspection - Member
and experiences prescribed for direct recruits
under Col. 7

Period of deputation (Including Short Term

Contract) including period of deputation
(Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-
cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central
Government shall ordinarily not to exceed 3
years. The maximum age limit for appointment
by deputation (Including Short Term Contract)
shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of application.



Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct Educational and other Whether age and
Post of Post and Grade Selection recruits qualifications required educational
Pay/Pay Post or Non- for direct recruits qualifications prescribed
Scale selection for direct recruits will
post apply in the case of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Senior 06* General Rs.15,600- Selection Not applicable Not applicable Not Applicable
Marketing (2016) Central 39,100
Officer *Subject Service +Grade Pay
(Group-III) to Group ‘A’ Rs.5400 (Pay
variation Gazetted Band-3)
dependen Non-
t on work Ministerial


Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion If Departmental Promotion Committee exists Circumstances in which
Probation, whether by direct / deputation / absorption grades which is its composition the Union Public
if any recruitment or by promotion from which promotion / deputation Service Commission is
or by deputation / / absorption to be made to be consulted in
absorption and percentage of making recruitment
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
9 10 11 12 13

Two Years Promotion Promotion: Group’A’ Departmental Promotion Committee Consultation with the
Marketing Officer (Group-III) in the (for promotion): Union Public Service
Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34,800 (PB-2) + 1. Chairman/Member, Union Public Service Commission is
Grade Pay Rs.4600 with 3 years Commission – Chairman necessary while making
regular service in the grade. promotions and for
2. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural amendments/relaxation
Note: Where juniors who have Marketing Adviser to the Government of India of any provisions of
completed their qualifying/eligibility – Member these rules.
service are being considered for
promotion, their seniors would also 3. Director/Deputy Secretary In-charge of
be considered provided they are not Agricultural Marketing – Member
short of the requisite qualifying/
eligibility service by more than half 4. Director (Administration) Directorate of
of such qualifying/ eligibility service Marketing and Inspection – Member
or two years whichever is less, and
have successfully completed their Group’A’ Departmental Promotion Committee
probation period for promotion to (for confirmation):
the next higher grade along with 1. Joint Secretary –cum-Agricultural
their juniors who have already Marketing Adviser to the Government of India
completed such qualifying/eligibility – Chairman
2. Director/Deputy Secretary In-charge of
Agricultural Marketing – Member

3. Director (Administration) Directorate of

Marketing and Inspection
– Member

Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other qualifications required
Post of Post and Grade Selection Post for direct recruits
Pay/Pay or Non-
Scale selection post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Assistant 05* General Rs.15,600- Selection Not exceeding 40 years. Essential:
Agricultural (2016) Central 39,100 Relaxable for Government (i) Master’s Degree in Chemistry/Agriculture
Marketing *Subject Service +Grade Pay Servants upto 5 years in Chemistry/Dairy Chemistry/Dairying from a
Adviser to Group ‘A” Rs.6600 (Pay accordance with the recognised University or equivalent: OR
(Group-III) variation Gazetted Band-3) instructions or orders issued B. Tech. Degree in Oil Technology/ Food
dependen Non- by the Central Government. Technology/Chemical Technology/Dairy
t on work Ministerial Note: The crucial date for Technology from a recognised University or
load determining the age limit equivalent.
mentioned in column 6 shall (ii) 5 Years experience in the field of analytical
in each case be the closing work of organic material or in the field of
date for receipt of marketing of milk and milk products, oils and
applications from candidates fats including essential oils and allied
in India (and not the closing commodities
dated prescribed for those in
Assam, Meghalaya, OR 3 Years experience in the field of analytical
Arunachal Pradesh, work of organic material or in the field of
Mizoram, Manipur, marketing of milk and milk products, oils and
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, fats including essential oils and allied
Ladakh Division of J&K State, commodities including Diploma in Marketing
Lahul & Spiti Districtand Management awarded by the Indian Institute of
Pangi Sub Division of Food Technology or any other recognized
Chamba district of Himachal University/Institute or equivalent
Pradesh, Andeman & Desirable: Experience of organizing/conducting
Nicobar Islands or market surveys and writing reports.

Whether age Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
and educational Probation, whether by direct deputation / absorption grades from which Committee exists which is its which the Union
qualifications if any recruitment or by promotion / deputation / absorption to be composition Public Service
prescribed for promotion or by made Commission is to
direct recruits deputation / absorption be consulted in
will apply in the and percentage of making
case of vacancies to be filled by recruitment
promotees various methods
8 9 10 11 12 13

Age: NO One year 60% by promotion failing Promotion: Group ‘A’ Departmental Consultation with
Educational for Direct which by deputation Senior Marketing Officer (Group-III) in the Pay Promotion Committee (for the Union Public
Qualifications: Recruits (including short term Band of Rs.15,600-39,100 +Grade Pay Rs.5400 promotion): Service
Yes contract). (Pay Band-3) with 5 years regular service in the Commission
grade. 1. Secretary to the necessary while
Note: The 40% direct recruitment Note: Where juniors who have completed their Government of India, making direct
incumbents qualifying/eligibility service are being Department of Agriculture recruitment and
holding the post considered for promotion, their seniors would Cooperation & Farmers for appointing an
of Senior also be considered provided they are not short Welfare - Chairman officer on
Marketing of the requisite qualifying/ eligibility service by deputation
Officer (Group- more than half of such qualifying/ eligibility 2. Joint Secretary - cum- (including short
III) on the date service or two years, whichever is less, and Agricultural Marketing Adviser term contract).
of revised have successfully completed their probation to the Govt. of India
notification will period for promotion to the next higher grade - Member
be exempted along with their juniors who have already
from this completed such qualifying/eligibility service. 3. Director/Deputy Secretary
requirement. In charge of Agricultural
Deputation (including short-term contract): Marketing - Member
Officers under the Central/State
Governments/Universities/Recognised 4. Director (Administration),
Research Institute/Public Sector Directorate of Marketing and
Undertaking/Semi government/Autonomous Inspection - Member
or Statutory organizations/ State Agricultural
Marketing Boards/Societies or Cooperative Group ‘A’ Departmental
Societies aided by the Central/State Promotion
Governments. Committee (for confirmation):
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular
basis in the parent cadre/ Department or 1 Joint Secretary - cum-
Agricultural Marketing Adviser
(ii) with five years’ service in the grade to the Govt. of India
rendered after appointment thereto on a - Chairman
regular basis in the in the Pay Band Rs.15,600-
39,100 +Grade Pay Rs.5400 (Pay Band-3) in the 2. Additional Agricultural
parent cadre/ Department; and Marketing Adviser/Joint
(b) Possessing the educational qualifications Agricultural Marketing Adviser
and experience prescribed for direct recruits - Member
under Col.7.
3. Director/Deputy Secretary
The departmental Officers in the feeder In charge of Agricultural
category who are in the direct line of Marketing - Member
promotion will not be eligible for consideration
or appointment on deputation. 4. Director (Administration),
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible Directorate of Marketing and
for consideration for appointment by Inspection - Member

Period of deputation (Including Short Term

Contract) including period of deputation
(Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-
cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central
Government shall ordinarily not to exceed four
years. The maximum age limit for appointment
by deputation (Including Short Term Contract)
shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of applications.


Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct recruits Educational and other qualifications
Post of Post and Grade Selection Post required
Pay/Pay or Non- for direct recruits
Scale selection post
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Deputy 03* General Rs.15,600- Selection Not exceeding 50 years. Essential:(i) Master’s Degree in
Marketing (2016) Central 39,100 Chemistry/Agriculture Chemistry/Dairy
Adviser *Subject service +Grade Pay Relaxable for Government Chemistry/Dairying from a recognised
(Group-III) to Group ‘A’ Rs.7600 (Pay Servants upto 5 years in University or equivalent: OR
variation Gazetted Band-3) accordance with the B. Tech. Degree in Oil Technology/ Food
dependen Non- instructions or orders issued by Technology/Chemical Technology/Dairy
t on work Ministerial the Central Government. Technology from a recognised University or
load equivalent.
Note: The crucial date for
determining the age limit (ii) 10 Years experience in the field of
mentioned in column 6 shall in analytical work of organic material or in
each case be the closing date the field of marketing of milk and milk
for receipt of applications from products, oils and fats including essential
candidates in India (and not the oils and allied commodities OR
closing dated prescribed for
those in Assam, Meghalaya, 8 Years’ experience in the field of analytical
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, work of organic material or in the field of
Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, marketing of milk and milk products, oils
Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K and fats including essential oils and allied
State, Lahul & Spiti Districtand commodities including Diploma in
Pangi Sub Division of Chamba Marketing Management awarded by the
district of Himachal Pradesh, Indian Institute of Food Technology or any
Andeman & Nicobar Islands or other recognized University/Institute or
Lakshadweep). equivalent


Whether age Period of Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
and educational Probation, whether by direct deputation / absorption grades from which Committee exists which is its which the Union
qualifications if any recruitment or by promotion / deputation / absorption to be composition Public Service
prescribed for promotion or by made Commission is to
direct recruits deputation / absorption be consulted in
will apply in the and percentage of making
case of vacancies to be filled by recruitment
promotees various methods
8 9 10 11 12 13

Age: NO One year 66.67% by promotion Promotion: Group‘A’ Departmental Consultation with
for Direct failing which by Assistant Agricultural Marketing Adviser Promotion Committee (for the Union Public
Educational Recruits deputation (including (Group-III) in the Pay Band Rs.15,600-39,100 promotion): Service
Qualifications: short-term contract). +Grade Pay Rs.6600 (Pay Band-3) with 5 years Commission
Yes regular service in the grade. 1.Chairman/Member, Union necessary while
33.33% by direct Note: Where juniors who have completed their Public Service Commission making direct
recruitment. qualifying/eligibility service are being - Chairman recruitment and
considered for promotion, their seniors would for appointing an
also be considered provided they are not short 2. Additional Secretary In officer on
of the requisite qualifying/ eligibility service by charge of Agricultural deputation
more than half of such qualifying/eligibility Marketing - Member (including short
service or two years, whichever is less, and term contract) and
have successfully completed their probation 3. Joint Secretary - cum- for amendment/
period for promotion to the next higher grade Agricultural Marketing Adviser relaxation of any
along with their juniors who have already to the Govt. of India provision of these
completed such qualifying/eligibility service. - Member Recruitment Rules.

Deputation (including short-term contract): Group ‘A’ Departmental

Officer under the Central/State Promotion Committee (for
Governments/Universities/Recognised confirmation):
Research Institute/Public Sector
Undertaking/Semi government/Autonomous 1. Special Secretary/
or Statutory organizations/State Agricultural Additional Secretary In
Marketing Boards/Societies or Cooperative charge of Agricultural
Societies aided by the Central/State Marketing - Chairman
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular 2 Joint Secretary - cum-
basis in the parent cadre/ Department or Agricultural Marketing Adviser
(ii) with five years’ service in the grade to the Govt. of India
rendered after appointment thereto on a - Member
regular basis in the Pay Band Rs.15,600-39,100
+Grade Pay Rs.6600 (Pay Band-3) in the parent 3. Additional Agricultural
cadre/Department; and Marketing Adviser/Joint
(b) Possessing the educational qualifications Agricultural Marketing Adviser
and experience prescribed for direct recruits – Member
under Col.7.
The departmental Officers in the feeder
category who are in the direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for consideration
or appointment on deputation.
Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible
for consideration for appointment by
Period of deputation (Including Short Term
Contract) including period of deputation
(Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-
cadre post held immediately preceding this
appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central
Government shall ordinarily not exceed four
years. The maximum age limit for appointment
by deputation (Including Short Term Contract)
shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of applications.


Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct Educational and Whether age and Period of
Post of Post and Grade Selection recruits other educational Probation,
Pay/Pay Post or Non- qualifications qualifications if any
Scale selection required for prescribed for direct
post direct recruits recruits will apply in
the case of promotees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Joint 01* General Rs.37,400 - Selection Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Agricultural (2016) Central 67000
Marketing Service +Grade Pay
Adviser *Subject Group ‘A’ Rs.8700 (Pay
to Gazetted Band-4)
variation Non-
dependin Ministerial
g on work

Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / deputation / absorption grades If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
whether by direct from which promotion / deputation / absorption to be made Committee exists which is its which the Union
recruitment or by composition Public Service
promotion or by Commission is to
deputation /absorption be consulted in
and percentage of making
vacancies to be filled recruitment
by various methods
10 11 12 13

Promotion failing which Promotion: Group ‘A’ Departmental Consultation

by deputation including 1. Departmental Deputy Agricultural Marketing Advisers (Group I and III) in Promotion Committee (for with the Union
short term contract. the pay scale of Rs. 15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Grade Pay of Rs.7600/- having promotion): Public Service
five years regular service in the grade. Commission is
1. Chairman/Member, UPSC necessary
2. Director of Laboratories in the pay scale of Rs.15,600-39,100(PB-3) - Chairman while making
+Grade Pay Rs.7600 having five years regular service in the grade. appointment
2.Special Secretary/ by deputation.
Deputation(including Short Term Contract): Additional Secretary In charge
Officers under the Central/State Governments/Union Territories/Recognized of Agricultural Marketing
Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings/ Semi –Member
Government/Autonomous or Statutory Organizations/State Agricultural
3. Joint Secretary-cum-
Marketing Boards, Societies or Cooperative Societies aided by the
Agricultural Marketing Adviser
Central/State Governments;
to the Government of India
– Member
(a) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/ Department
with 5 years’ regular service in the grade rendered after appointment
thereto on a regular basis in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of PB-3 - Rs.
15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay of Rs.7600/- or equivalent in the parent
cadre/Department; and
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:-

Essential: (1) Masters Degree in Agriculture OR Botany OR Agricultural

Economics OR Agricultural Marketing OR Economics OR Commerce with
Economics OR Veterinary Science from a recognised University or equivalent
Masters Degree in Chemistry or Agricultural Chemistry or Dairy Chemistry or
Dairying from a recognized University or equivalent OR
Bachelors Degree in Oil Technology or Food Technology or Chemical
Technology or Dairy Technology from a recognized University or equivalent
(2) 10 Years experience in the field of Agricultural Marketing including
Cooperative Marketing of Agricultural /Poultry and Livestock Products OR
10 years Research Experience in the field of Agricultural Economics or
Economics preferable in Agricultural Marketing as evidence by published
Note: 10 years experience prescribed above should include adequate
administrative experience in a Government/Semi-Government Department
or recognized Research Institute or Commercial concern of repute

Note 1: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public

Service Commission in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note2: The qualification (s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the
discretion of the Union Public Service Commission in the case of candidates
belonging to Scheduled Cases and Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of
selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that
sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the
requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies
reserved for them.

The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for appointment on deputation. Similarly,
deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by

Period of deputation (Including Short Term Contract) including period of

deputation (Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to
exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation
(Including Short Term Contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of applications.


Name of Number Classification Pay Band Whether Age limit for direct Educational and Whether age and Period of
Post of Post and Grade Selection recruits other educational Probation,
Pay/Pay Post or Non- qualifications qualifications if any
Scale selection required for prescribed for direct
post direct recruits recruits will apply in
the case of promotees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Additional 01* General Rs.37,400 - Selection Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Agricultural (2016) Central 67000
Marketing Service +Grade Pay
Adviser *Subject Group ‘A’ Rs.8900 (Pay
to Gazetted Band-4)
variation Non-
dependin Ministerial
g on work

Method of recruitment In case of recruitment by promotion / deputation / absorption grades If Departmental Promotion Circumstances in
whether by direct from which promotion / deputation / absorption to be made Committee exists which is its which the Union
recruitment or by composition Public Service
promotion or by Commission is to
deputation /absorption be consulted in
and percentage of making
vacancies to be filled recruitment
by various methods
10 11 12 13

Promotion /Deputation Promotion: Group ‘A’ Departmental Consultation

(including STC) Promotion Committee (for with the Union
(Composite Method) Departmental Joint Agricultural Marketing Adviser in the Pay Band 4, Rs. promotion): Public Service
37,400-67,000(PB-4) + Grade Pay of Rs.8700/- with two years regular Commission is
service in the grade 1. Chairman/Member, UPSC necessary for
- Chairman making
Deputation(including Short Term Contract): recruitment
Officers under the Central/State Governments/Union Territories/Recognized 2.Special Secretary/ and for
Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings/ Semi Additional Secretary In charge amendment /
Government/Autonomous or Statutory Organizations/State Agricultural of Agricultural Marketing relaxation of
Marketing Boards, Societies or Cooperative Societies aided by the –Member any provision
of these rules.
Central/State Governments;
3. Joint Secretary-cum-
Agricultural Marketing Adviser
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/
to the Government of India
Department OR
– Member
(ii) ) with 2 years regular service in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of PB-4 - Rs.
37,400-67,000 + Grade Pay of Rs.8700/ or equivalent in the parent
cadre/Department; and
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:-

Essential: (1) Masters Degree in Agriculture OR Botany OR Agricultural

Economics OR Agricultural Marketing OR Economics OR Commerce with
Economics from a recognised University or equivalent

OR Masters Degree in Chemistry / Agricultural Chemistry / Dairy

Chemistry / Dairying from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent
OR Bachelor’s Degree in Oil Technology/Food Technology/Chemical
Technology/Dairy Technology from a recognized University /Institute or

(ii) 12 Years experience in the field of Agricultural Marketing including

Cooperative Marketing or Agricultural/ Poultry and Livestock Products;
12 years experience in the field of Agricultural Economics or Economics
preferably in Agricultural Marketing as evidence by
published papers.

Note: 12 years experience prescribed above should include adequate

administrative experience in a Government/Semi-Government Department
or recognized Research Institute or Commercial concern of repute.

Note 2: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public

Service Commission in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

Note 3 :The qualification(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the

discretion of the Union Public Service Commission in the case of candidates
belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes if, at any stage of
selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that
sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the
requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the posts reserved
for them.

The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
promotion will not be eligible for appointment on deputation. Similarly,
deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by

Period of deputation (Including Short Term Contract) including period of

deputation (Including Short Term Contract) in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to
exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation
(Including Short Term Contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of the receipt of applications.

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