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Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016) 33, 770–780

w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
w w w. r b m o n l i n e . c o m



Inositol as putative integrative treatment

for PCOS
Alessandro D Genazzani *

Gynecological Endocrinology Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
Modena, Italy
* E-mail address:

Alessandro D Genazzani is a Doctor of Medicine, endocrinologist, and obstetric and gynaecologist. He also ob-
tained a PhD in the neurobiology of reproduction. After some years at the University of Florence, Italy, he moved
to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), at the National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA, working with Professor David Rodbard, and then back to Italy. At present he is Chief of the
Gynecological Endocrinology Centre at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, Italy, taking care of hormonal diseases impairing female reproduction.

Abstract Studies over the last decade have demonstrated that some polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients have abnormal insulin
sensitivity (insulin resistance), independently from being overweight or obese. This induces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in
such PCOS patients. The use of insulin sensitizers (i.e. metformin), reduces such metabolic, and most hormonal, impairments. As
metformin often induces side effects, new integrative strategies have been proposed to treat insulin resistance, such as the use of
inositols. Such compounds are mainly represented in humans by two inositol stereoisomers: myo-inositol (MYO) and D-chiro-inositol
(DCI). MYO is the precursor of inositol triphosphate, a second messenger that regulates thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and FSH
as well as insulin. DCI derives from the conversion of myo-inositol via an insulin-dependent pathway. Several preliminary studies have
indicated possible benefits of inositol therapy in PCOS patients, but to date no meta-analysis has been performed. This review aims
to give clinical insights for the clinical use of inositol in PCOS.
© 2016 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS: anovulation, d-chiro-inositol, diabetes, hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, myo-inositol

Introduction Meeting in Rotterdam (Fauser et al., 2012; The Rotterdam

ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group,
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disease that 2004) was organized to better define and reach a consensus
affects 5 − 21% of women during their reproductive life in the scientific community of diagnostic criteria of the syn-
(Azziz et al., 2004). Both the aetiology and diagnosis of drome. To state the presence of PCOS, at least two of the
the syndrome are controversial. In fact, the Consensus following criteria need to be present: (i) chronic anovulation
1472-6483/© 2016 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inositol as putative integrative treatment for PCOS 771

disorder (oligo- or anovulation up to amenorrhoea); sis of SHBG or other binding proteins, which causes a relative
(ii) clinical (acne, hirsutism) or biochemical signs of excess of free circulating androgens, facilitating the genesis
hyperandrogenism; and (iii) presence of micro polycystic of hirsutism (Genazzani et al., 2010).
ovaries at ultrasound or presence of 12 or more follicles with An additional feature is that insulin sensitivity is affected
a diameter of 2 ± 9 mm in each ovary, and/or increased ovarian directly and indirectly by androgens, because they may directly
volume (>10 ml) (Genazzani et al., 2014a). inhibit peripheral and hepatic insulin action. In fact, it has
Although the Rotterdam criteria have been widely ac- been demonstrated that testosterone modulates post-binding
cepted, it has recently become clear that a new clinical aspect signal, reducing the number and efficiency of glucose transport
needs to be taken into account – the dismetabolic feature of proteins, such as the type 4 glucose transporter (GLUT-4), thus
insulin resistance. Indeed, an extensive literature search has inducing insulin resistance in women with PCOS, especially
demonstrated that insulin resistance is a frequent finding in in the most metabolically active tissues such as muscle and
PCOS patients, regardless of body mass index (BMI). Insulin fat (Ciaraldi et al., 2002). This situation is more severe in obese
resistance is a specific biological adaptation that induces a patients, due to abdominal fat, as they show a free androgen
compensatory hyperinsulinaemia in approximately 70 − 80% and insulin plasma concentration as well as insulin resistance
of women with PCOS and central obesity, as well as in 15 − higher than weight-matched controls (Kirschner et al., 1990).
30% of lean women diagnosed with PCOS (Ciampelli et al., In addition, obese subjects show that hepatic insulin excretion
1999; Fauser et al., 2012; Genazzani et al., 2010). and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle is im-
In light of the relevant metabolic characteristics de- proved by free fatty acids and androgens, therefore increas-
scribed, it has recently been proposed that PCOS patients ing both insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinaemia
should be reconsidered according to these metabolic fea- (Pasquali et al., 1986; Peiris et al., 1987; Rebuffe-Scrive et al.,
tures. Two types of PCOS have been suggested: the classic 1991). This explains, at least in part, how in overweight or
reproductive phenotype of PCOS and a new one, with high obese patients any excess of weight can further induce a re-
metabolic risk, whose proposed name is ‘metabolic repro- duction of peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin, thus induc-
ductive syndrome’ (MRS) (Dunaif and Fauser, 2013). ing hyperinsulinaemia (Genazzani et al., 2010).
This abnormal insulin concentration might also be trig-
gered by abnormal plasma concentrations of adiponectin and
Endocrine profile of PCOS patients leptin. Adiponectin, an adipocyte-derived collagen-like
protein, is synthesized by adipose tissue and released into the
PCOS typically shows: higher plasma concentrations of both circulation (Stefan and Stumvoll, 2002; Trujillo and Scherer,
ovarian and adrenal androgens; LH concentrations above 8 − 2005). Leptin is another adipocyte hormone encoded by the
12 mIU/ml; elevated oestrogen concentrations (mainly oes- human obese (ob) gene and transmits metabolic signals to the
trone) due to extra glandular conversion from androgens; neuronal networks in the brain so as to modulate the hypo-
reduced sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); and, not rarely, thalamic activity affecting the pituitary–ovarian axis
the elevation of prolactin and insulin, the latter in presence (Chakrabarti, 2013). As PCOS patients – mainly if obese – show
of overweight or obesity but also in normal weight or lean PCOS reduced adiponectin and elevated leptin plasma concentra-
patients (Genazzani et al., 2010; Unfer et al., 2014). tions, it has been demonstrated that there is a positive cor-
Although the pathogenesis of PCOS is still controversial (Doi, relation between the serum leptin concentrations and the
2008; Genazzani et al., 2010), the presence of abnormal LH clinical and hormonal indices of IR (Chen et al., 2015). In ad-
and relatively low FSH secretion changes the LH:FSH ratio dition, leptin is linked to neuropeptide Y modulation on the
(>2.5) (Doi, 2008; Genazzani et al., 2010; Hirschberg, 2009). reproductive axis, thus being involved in reproductive dis-
Such gonadotrophin impairment is at the basis of the el- turbance (Jacobs and Conway, 1999).
evated androgen secretion as well as of the abnormal fol-
licular development, both due to the higher stimulation on
theca cells (Nelson et al., 2001). The elevation of androgen
plasma concentrations (with or without clinical signs) is a Insulin resistance and compensatory
classic feature of PCOS, although not constant (Hirschberg, hyperinsulinaemia
2009), and it is mainly of ovarian origin with an adrenal con-
tribution. Indeed, some PCOS patients might show a mild ste- The exact cause of the insulin resistance observed in PCOS
roidogenic defect in adrenal glands (such as for 21-hydroxylase) is relatively clear, but the fact that it also occurs in lean pa-
and/or some others show a higher stress-induced adrenal tients suggests the hypothesis of a post-receptor defect that
hyperactivation (Genazzani et al., 1993). Among the andro- could affect glucose uptake (Baillargeon and Nestler, 2006;
gens, androstenedione and testosterone have a mainly ovarian Dunaif, 1997) rather than being related to excessive serine
origin, whereas adrenal contribution is demonstrated by phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR) (Dunaif et al., 1992;
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) elevation. An excess Vrbikova and Hainer, 2009). The presence of overweight or
of circulating androgens induces a higher peripheral conver- obesity worsens the insulin resistance, and the compensa-
sion towards the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT), tory hyperinsulinaemia becomes a potent negative modula-
and depending on the amount of such conversion and/or on tor of ovarian function, as hyperinsulinaemia can increase
the sensitivity of skin to androgens, hirsutism may easily occur. ovarian androgen synthesis (Barbieri, 1990; Dunaif et al., 1990;
It is well known that gonadal steroids classically bind to Unfer et al., 2014) as well as abnormal ovarian stimulation
SHBG, being biologically inactive, and that less than 3% of tes- due to the abnormal LH secretion (Conway et al., 1989, 1990).
tosterone circulates as unbound in the serum. However, the These hypotheses have been recently supported by the meta-
excess of androgens in PCOS induces a lower hepatic synthe- analysis by Behboudi-Gandevani et al. (2016).
772 AD Genazzani

A relevant clinical aspect is the fact that PCOS patients 2015). However, none of these therapeutical strategies con-
might develop abnormal glucose control and type 2 diabe- trols the metabolic impairment of PCOS patients.
tes, and such evolution is more rapid in PCOS patients than In fact, insulin-sensitizing agents (metformin, pioglitazone
normal controls (Celik et al., 2014; Hudecova et al., 2011). and troglitazone) have been used to treat hyperinsulinaemic
For this reason, screening of women with PCOS for glucose PCOS patients (Genazzani et al., 2007, 2010; Pasquali and
intolerance and hyperinsulinaemia is an important clinical step Gambineri, 2006). Although reducing hyperandrogenic signs
that needs to be performed at least with a 2-h oral glucose and androgen concentration (Goodman et al., 2015; Lord
tolerance test (OGTT) (American Association of Clinical et al., 2003; Nestler, 2008a, 2008b), commonly used insulin
Endocrinologists Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Writing sensitizers may induce gastrointestinal side effects, thus re-
Committee, 2005; ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins – ducing compliance (Lord et al., 2003).
Gynecology, 2009; Wild et al., 2010). It is clear that changes The discovery that a defect in the inositol phosphoglycan
in everyday lifestyle and/or the use of specific compounds (IPG) second messenger pathway (Asplin et al., 1993;
(such as metformin) delay or block the risk of type 2 diabe- Kennington et al., 1990) could be at the basis of the
tes development as well as cardiovascular risks (Genazzani hyperinsulinaemia, via an impairment of the post-receptor
et al., 2010, Moran et al., 2011; Wild et al., 2010). insulin-induced signal, was the basis for new therapeutical
As hyperinsulinaemia was also observed in non-obese PCOS strategies for hyperinsulinaemic PCOS patients. In fact, such
patients, it is clear that an excess of insulin secretion is not IPG are produced at the cellular membrane level by hydro-
only dependent on obesity and/or on reduced glucose toler- lysis of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol lipids located on the in-
ance (Unfer et al., 2014). The exaggerated beta cell func- ternal surface of the cell membrane (Unfer et al., 2014). IPG
tion of the Langerhans cells stresses its function and over are then internalized and take part in the intracellular pro-
time induces abnormal activity, predisposing the patient cesses corresponding to the intracellular second messen-
to diabetes (Unfer et al., 2014). As an additional fact, ger, which activates the endocellular pathway that controls
insulin amplifies the LH-induced production of androgens by the oxidative and non-oxidative metabolism of glucose as well
the theca cells, thus exacerbating hyperandrogenism and as the uptake of glucose by GLUT4 from the extracellular en-
hyperandrogenic symptoms in hyperinsulinaemic subjects with vironment (Croze and Soulage, 2013). For this reason, inosi-
PCOS (Sam and Dunaif, 2003). tol became interesting as an integrative treatment to improve
The assessment of the hyperinsulinaemic condition is im- cellular response to the metabolic cascades following the
portant and cannot rely only on simple basic insulin deter- binding of insulin with its receptor. However, insulin is not
mination following fasting. A more accurate estimation is the only hormone to use IPG – other peptide hormones such
usually obtained in a test that stimulates insulin release after as TSH and FSH also use such second messengers (Unfer et al.,
glucose load, orally or intravenously. Usually insulin maximal 2014; Wild et al., 2010).
response occurs within 30 − 90 min after the glucose load and
is considered normal if it is below 50 μU/ml (Legro et al.,
1998). Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity can also be com- Inositol and its relevance in insulin hormone
puted by the easy calculation of the glucose-to-insulin ratio signalling
(Genazzani et al., 2004; Legro et al., 1998), the value of
which should be higher than 4.5; or the more precise homeo- In 1850 Johannes Scherer isolated from muscle cells a new
stasis model assessment (HOMA) index can be computed as compound, which he named ‘inositol’ from the combination
HOMA-insulin resistance as follows: (fasting insulin mU/l) × of various Greek words (Buttner, 1978; Kompanje et al., 2007)
(fasting glucose mmol/l)/22.5 (Madeira et al., 2008). and which was formally included in the sugar family (Bizzarri
Hyperinsulinaemia is present when the HOMA value is below and Carlomagno, 2014). This inositol has been character-
2.71 in adults (Geloneze et al., 2009; Madeira et al., 2008) ized chemically as a hexahydroxycyclohexane and has nine
and 2.5 in children and adolescents (Geloneze et al., 2009). stereoisomers. One of these, myo-inositol (MYO), has been
Recently two different groups proposed considering all pa- identified as the most common in all biological systems, and
tients showing fasting insulin plasma concentrations above 12 for this reason it has been thought to be a specific probiotic
− 13 μU/ml at risk of compensatory hyperinsulinaemia molecule (Agranoff, 2009). Indeed, inositols are generally
(Genazzani et al., 2012; Lunger et al., 2013). found in many plants and various kinds of foods, especially
beans and fruits, as derivatives of inositol that is as
hexaphosphate and phytic acid or its salts derivatives (phyates)
(Bizzarri and Carlomagno, 2014). Chemically speaking, ino-
Hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinaemia in sitol belongs to the vitamin complex; although very similar
PCOS: treatment options to the glucose molecule, it cannot be considered a real nu-
trient as it can be synthetized in the human body (Bizzarri
PCOS is characterized by the hyperandrogenic condition in and Carlomagno, 2014) as well as in prokaryotes and eukary-
most cases, and as this excess of androgens induces several otes. In this way it can be synthesized from glucose-6-
inaesthetisms, such as acne, seborrhoea and hirsutism, the phosphate, which is isomerized to MYO-1-phosphate and then
use of the oestro-progestin pill has been widely used (Goodman dephosphorylated by an inositol monophosphate enzyme to
et al., 2015). Quite often the use of specific anti-androgenic free MYO (Loewus et al., 1983), but most of the biological re-
compounds, such as flutamide and finasteride, in combina- quirement comes from the diet.
tion with oral contraceptives, permits a great improvement Once MYO enters the cell, it is immediately transformed
and the restoration of the integrity of skin annexes, greatly inside cell membranes in phosphatidyl-myo-inositol, precur-
reducing insults due to hyperandrogenism (Goodman et al., sor of the inositol-triphosphate that acts as intracellular second
Inositol as putative integrative treatment for PCOS 773

Figure 1 Schematic pathway from D-glucose-6-phosphate to D-chiro-inositol. The limiting enzyme is the epimerase (modified from
Larner et al., 2010).

messenger for insulin as well as for FSH and TSH (Buttner, scribed). In the mitochondria, PDHP induces PDH, which
1978; Thomas et al., 2011; Unfer et al., 2014). MYO is not the induces glucose oxidative use. In the cytosol the activation
only inositol that serves as second messenger. In fact, the ino- of PKB/Akt leads to the inactivation of glycogen synthase
sitol family includes nine isomers and Larner reported that kinase 3, resulting in glycogen storage. The activated
two of them, MYO and D-chiro-inositol (DCI), through differ- Akt induces the activation of mTOR kinase and then GLUT-4
ent mechanisms, are involved in the intracellular transmis- translocation to the plasma membrane (Croze and Soulage,
sion of insulin metabolic signal (Larner et al., 1988, 2010). 2013).
Both MYO and DCI have the same chemical structure but differ It is clear that this rather complicated model supports the
in position of a hydroxyl group. In vivo, DCI is synthesized idea of the synergistic activity of the two main inositol isomers,
through the activity of an epimerase that converts MYO into MYO and DCI, in the control of insulin signal. In addition, their
DCI (Figure 1). presence inside the cell is important, as well as an ad-
After several years, a model was established for these equate dietary intake and an adequate MYO-to-DCI conver-
two inositols and for the different ways in which they work sion through the epimerase, for a correct oxidative use of
in the transmission of the metabolic signal of insulin (Croze glucose and/or its storage as glycogen.
and Soulage, 2013; Larner et al., 2010). In brief, binding of
insulin on its own receptor activates insulin receptor tyro-
sine kinase that autophosphorylates, recruits insulin receptor Inositol-impaired metabolism in diabetes and
substrates (IRS) proteins and phosphorylates them on Tyr PCOS
residues to serve as scaffolds (Larner et al., 2010). A princi-
pal IR/IRS target is phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), which The idea of inositol as a putative integrative treatment for
generates phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3) diabetes and PCOS relies on the fact that in both these dis-
to activate the phosphorylation of a protein kinase (PKB)/ eases the insulin metabolic signal does not work correctly.
Akt by the phosphoinositide-dependent kinase (PDK). After MYO is in balance with the other eight isoforms and when re-
some steps, Akt activation leads to the translocation of quired by metabolic pathways is transformed to DCI by an epi-
GLUT-4 vesicles to the plasma membrane to increase merase, with each tissue having its own typical conversion
glucose transport into the cells (Figure 2) (Croze and Soulage, rate (Larner, 2002). It has been demonstrated (Kennington
2013). et al., 1990; Ortmeyer et al., 1993) that the urinary excre-
In addition to this, Croze and Soulage (2013) described tion of DCI is reduced, in both humans and experimental
second pathway (Figure 2). Insulin binding on the receptor animals affected by type 2 diabetes, with an increase in MYO
activates a G protein (Gq) that is coupled to a GPI phospho- urinary content and that this is not due to the diabetic con-
lipase (GPI phospholipase D, PLD). Activation of the phos- dition but to an impairment at the basis of the insulin resis-
pholipase produces an inositol glycan second messenger INS-2 tance (Kennington et al., 1990; Ortmeyer et al., 1993). In fact,
(insulin second messenger with a 4-O-[2-amino-2-deoxy-beta- it was demonstrated that the epimerase that determines MYO
D-galactopyranosyl]-3-O-methyl-D-chiro-inositol structure) from to DCI conversion, is insulin dependent and that there is a de-
a GPI lipid precursor in the inner and/or outer surfaces of the creased amount of DCI production in insulin-sensitive tissues/
cell membrane (Croze and Soulage, 2013). INS-2 is then re- organs such as the kidney, liver and muscle of experimental
leased inside the cytoplasm as well as outside the cell, where animals with insulin resistance (Pak et al., 1993, 1998). In ad-
it can be used by neighbouring cells or can re-enter the origi- dition, a marked decrease of epimerase bioactivity was dem-
nal cell via an ATP-dependent inositol glycan transporter. onstrated in these models (Sun et al., 2002), thus supporting
Inside the cell, INS-2 activates cytosolic phosphatidylinositol the hypothesis that insulin resistance per se is triggered by
4,5-bisphosphate (PP2Ca) and mitochondrial pyruvate dehy- some kind of abnormal enzymatic expression.
drogenase phosphatase (PDHP). In the cytosol, activated PP2Ca When diabetic patients were evaluated, lower concentra-
stimulates glycogen synthase (GS) directly and indirectly via tions of DCI and higher concentrations of MYO were ob-
PI3K/PDK/Akt/GSK3 pathway (the pathway previously de- served, not only in tissues but also in urinary excretion in
774 AD Genazzani

Figure 2 Schematic representation of insulin signalling proposed by Larner et al. (2010). Insulin binding to its receptor (IR) acti-
vates a signal via two different and parallel pathways. In the first pathway, the substrates of the insulin receptor (IRS) activate various
proteins (PI3K, PDK, PKB/Akt), and PKB/Akt induces glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4) translocation to the plasma membrane to upload
glucose. In the second pathway IR via a G protein (Gp) coupled to a phospholipase D (PLD) causes the hydrolysis of a glycosyl
phosphatidylinositol (GPI), which releases an inositol phosphoglycan containing D-chiro-inositol, which acts as second messenger of
insulin (INS-2). Then INS-2 enhance glucose storage (GS) as glycogen in the cytosol and also glucose oxidative use in the mitochon-
dria. GSK3 = Glycogen synthase kinase 3; PDH = pyruvate dehydrogenase; PDHP = pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase; PDK =
phosphoinositide-dependent kinase; PI3K = phosphoinositide 3 kinase; PKB/Akt = protein kinase B/Akt; PP2Ca = phosphoprotein phos-
phatase 2C alpha (modified from Croze and Soulage, 2013).

baseline conditions (Larner et al., 2010); and MYO concen- Inositols as putative treatment for PCOS
trations were further increased after insulin administration patients
(Kennington et al., 1990) when compared with non-diabetic
controls. Such imbalance in MYO conversion to DCI was
expressed as an MYO-to-DCI ratio, which was higher not only The first data published regarding using inositols to treat PCOS
in diabetic type 1 or type 2 patients but also in non-diabetic patients were those by Nestler et al. 1999, who adminis-
relatives of diabetic patients (Figure 3) (Larner and Craig, tered 1200 mg of DCI to PCOS obese patients for 8 weeks. As
1996; Larner et al., 2010). Such data consistently support the DCI has been considered the final and relevant element for
hypothesis that the diabetic condition and familial predis- the transmission of the post-receptor insulin signal, Nestler
position to diabetes induces an abnormal function/expression was able to demonstrate that these PCOS patients had a con-
of epimerase activity, thus contributing to the systemic sistent improvement in insulin sensitivity as well as free tes-
occurrence of insulin resistance and to compensatory tosterone concentrations. In addition, ovulation was restored
hyperinsulinaemia. When urine excretion was evaluated in in a higher percentage of these patients (86%) than in con-
PCOS patients, a lower concentration of DCI was found in the trols (27%), and similar results were observed in lean PCOS
blood than in the blood of control subjects, with no differ- patients, who had ovulatory cycles and the reduction of both
ence in MYO. In addition, PCOS patients undergoing a glucose insulin and androgen plasma concentrations (Iuorno et al.,
tolerance test showed a three-fold lower release of DCI than 2002). Interestingly, when higher doses of DCI were admin-
control subjects (Baillargeon and Nestler, 2006; Baillargeon istered no significant improvement was observed in PCOS pa-
et al., 2006). Moreover, the insulin resistance observed in tients, thus suggesting that it was not a simple problem of
PCOS patients means that they have a greater chance of nutritional deficiency; only when administered at a dose as
developing type 2 diabetes, especially when in conjunction high as 2400 mg/day the efficacy was again demonstrated
with overweight/obesity and a familial predisposition to dia- (Cheang et al., 2008). Such results were just the beginning
betes (i.e. diabetic relatives in the family) (Pasquali et al., of the inositol story but were indicative that DCI was a
2002). possible solution; however, a greater understanding of the
Inositol as putative integrative treatment for PCOS 775

Figure 3 Myo-inositol (MYO) is usually converted to D-chiroinositol (DCI). The MYO to DCI ratio in the urine of controls is com-
pletely different from that observed in patients with type 2 diabetes, in non-diabetic relatives, and in patients with type I diabetes
(modified from Larner and Craig, 1996 and Croze and Soulage, 2013).

post-receptor mechanism(s) of the insulin signal was needed. MYO administration in PCOS patients
In fact, when insulin sensitivity was assessed in different tissues
in PCOS patients, various studies reported that although tissues
such as muscle, kidney and liver become insulin resistant, As discussed so far, PCOS is an endocrine disease and likely
ovarian tissue did not (Harwood et al., 2007; Matalliotakis to be a metabolic disease sustained by insulin resistance,
et al., 2006; Rice et al., 2005; Unfer et al., 2012). always keeping in mind that there are differences when con-
Indeed, Chiu et al. (2002), reported that the follicular sidering the general metabolism of the body or just that of
environment is relevant for oocyte development and matu- the ovary. Considering metabolic impairment, MYO has been
ration and demonstrated that MYO content in human follicular supposed to be a putative integrative strategy for PCOS pa-
fluid is important and positively correlated with both a tients. Recently Unfer et al. (2012) overviewed the clinical
better oocyte quality and oestradiol concentrations of the outcomes of MYO as a treatment for PCOS patients to improve
corresponding follicular fluid sample. The same group also both metabolic and hormonal parameters. Their review, al-
provided evidence that adding MYO to the culture medium though not including a formal meta-analysis, considered the
of mouse oocytes improved meiotic progression of oocytes recent literature and their analysis was based on 21 studies.
(Chiu et al., 2003). The fact that recently Unfer et al. Although the study protocols were not homogenous and the
(2012) demonstrated that MYO rather than DCI improved daily dose of MYO used varied from 500 to 1500 mg, the authors
both oocyte and embryo quality in FIVET programmes sug- stated that there were common results after MYO adminis-
gests that the ovary has a different environment than muscle tration (Unfer et al., 2012). Specifically, all PCOS patients
or liver in terms of MYO and DCI utilization, that MYO is showed significant improvement in their hormonal param-
normally epimerized to DCI in the ovaries of PCOS patients eters: LH, LH/FSH ratio, testosterone, androstenedione con-
and that higher doses of DCI at the ovarian levels might centrations, insulinaemia and HOMA index. Glucose/insulin
affect reproductive ability (Carlomagno et al., 2011). These ratio was also improved, and when the lipid profile was evalu-
data clearly suggest that ovarian metabolic/endocrine path- ated total cholesterol concentration decreased and high-
ways do not require high concentrations of DCI (Rosalbino density lipoprotein concentration increased (Unfer et al.,
and Raffone, 2012). 2012). BMI and menstrual function improved, as well as fer-
These observations are rather important, as they suggest tility. Such an overview of the positive role of MYO adminis-
that what we observe and evaluate in the blood in terms of tration supported the hypothesis that the reduction of
MYO and DCI concentrations or of insulin resistance/sensitivity insulinaemia induced by MYO was based on the increased
represents what is generally occurring in the most metaboli- bioavailability of IPG insulin second messenger; once the
cally active tissues/organs, i.e. muscles, liver and kidney. endocellular metabolic system works better, the whole en-
These organs represent most (60 − 80%) of our body weight docrine function starts to work properly again (Unfer et al.,
and their metabolic impact is less than minimally influ- 2012).
enced by the different ovarian setting and its epimerase ac- Although such considerations are relevant, recent data
tivity, as the ovaries are just a few grams in weight. In terms suggest that all is not as it seems. In fact, although MYO is
of clinical and practical issues, we have to consider the sys- effective in improving insulin sensitivity and most hormonal
temic insulin resistance and the ovarian environment as two parameters in overweight/obese PCOS patients (Genazzani
distinct metabolically active worlds and that probably our et al., 2008), Genazzani et al. (2012) evaluated a group of
therapeutic choice(s) have to consider which plays the major obese PCOS patients and showed that although obesity was
role. able to determine a condition of insulin resistance, not all the
776 AD Genazzani

obese patients showed significant metabolic improvements in terms of clinical results when obese PCOS patients had one
under MYO administration. In fact, when subdividing the pa- or more diabetic first grade relatives and were adminis-
tients according to baseline insulin plasma concentrations tered DCI at the daily dose of 500 mg. It was found that DCI
(below or above the cut-off of 12 μU/ml), the efficacy of MYO administration significantly improved insulin sensitivity in all
administration was different. Although MYO administration the patients with insulin resistance (Genazzani et al., 2014b),
induced similar endocrine improvement (LH, LH/FSH ratio, later confirmed by La Marca et al. (2015). Interestingly, all
androstenedione) and BMI decrease in all obese PCOS, those of the obese PCOS patients with a familial predisposition to
patients with insulin plasma concentrations below 12 μU/ml diabetes had a greater hyperinsulinaemic response to glucose
did not show any metabolic improvement in terms of insulin load before treatment (and thus a higher insulin resistance)
response to the oral glucose load. than those who had no such familial predisposition (Genazzani
Such results suggest that obesity is not the only element et al., 2014b); and DCI administration improved insulin sen-
triggering the hyperinsulinaemia, and a built-in abnormal sitivity similarly to the group with no familial diabetes. Prac-
mechanism(s) might be responsible in most but not all the tically speaking, this observation confirms the fact that
PCOS patients with insulin resistance. In patients with insulin predisposition to diabetes probably affects epimerase
plasma concentrations below 12 μU/ml, no correlation was expression/synthesis, thus reducing endogenous MYO con-
observed between BMI and fasting insulin after the treat- version to DCI, and DCI administration in these patients sig-
ment, suggesting that some of the obese PCOS patients ex- nificantly restored DCI levels, permitting the positive
hibited hyperinsulinaemia in the presence of low circulating improvement of insulin sensitivity (Genazzani et al., 2014b).
inositol or abnormal DCI–IPG synthesis (Baillargeon and Nestler, The presence of diabetic relatives predisposes PCOS pa-
2006; Baillargeon et al., 2006, 2008). The fact that some of tients to the abnormal synthesis/formation of DCI and DCI–
the obese patients did not show improvement in both fasting IPG, thus triggering insulin resistance and predisposing them
insulin concentrations and insulin response to glucose load, to diabetes. Again, these data are in agreement with those
though reducing their BMI, suggests that in these patients the of Cheang et al. (2008), who sustained that multiple defects
compensatory hyperinsulinaemia is triggered only in part by in DCI metabolism (low availability of DCI or low endocellular
a change in DCI–IPG synthesis/release, and probably for this synthesys of DCI and/or DCI–IPG) may have the same end
reason MYO administration did not induce any visible im- result. Substantially both defects could be overcome by DCI
provement. Cheang et al. (2008) suggested the presence of integrative administration, an idea supported by our data
a functional defect (e.g. intracellular defect in formation or (Genazzani et al., 2014b). In addition, DCI administration has
release of the DCI–IPG mediator) rather than of a simple nu- been demonstrated to modulate anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
tritional deficiency of inositol. secretion, probably through a restored insulin modulation, in
If these are the effects on glucose and insulin-mediated PCOS patients (La Marca et al., 2015). Indeed, La Marca et al.
metabolism, interesting data have been collected regarding (2015) demonstrated that 1 − 1.5 g of DCI administered daily
the ovarian function. Artini et al. pre-treated a group of PCOS decreased AMH plasma concentrations significantly. Such effect
patients undergoing IVF with MYO (2 g every day) and ob- on AMH may clearly indicate a reduction in the state of in-
served not only the general improvement in the metabolic and creased functional ovarian reserve typical of PCOS patients
endocrine parameters but also a consistent positive gain in (La Marca et al., 2015).
terms of oocyte quality, recruitment, fertility rate and de- It is well worth saying that when treating hyperinsulinaemic
livery rate. This randomized study showed that MYO was also PCOS patients with the classic insulin sensitizer drug,
highly effective in terms of ovarian function in these obese metformin, there is a good and positive effect on ovarian func-
patients with PCOS, permitting the collection of better quality tion as well as on the hormonal pattern, mainly the signifi-
oocytes using less r-FSH than untreated patients. Similarly, cant reduction of the androgenic milieu (Dinicola et al., 2014).
Kamenov et al. (2015), demonstrated that a 2 g daily MYO This positive effect of metformin administration is due to a
supplementation was able to improve the efficacy of ovula- specific action on the release of DCI–IPG, thus showing that
tion induction using clomiphene citrate, achieving a higher insulin sensitizers improve insulin sensitivity by acting on
rate of pregnancy and delivery. inositol-based signalling (Baillargeon et al., 2004). Such a view
is interesting, as it might explain why, if an abnormal DCI–
IPG release is present, metformin administration might also
DCI and insulin resistance in PCOS patients be relatively effective in improving the hormonal and clini-
cal signs of PCOS (Genazzani et al., 2007).
According to previous reports, all hyperinsulinaemic PCOS pa-
tients are at risk of diabetes. Interestingly, most of the recent
studies that evaluated the efficacy of inositols on PCOS pa- Combining MYO and DCI?
tients and/or on their endocrine and fertility pattern, used
mainly MYO. Only recently has the idea that familial predis- Regarding the various aspects discussed so far, the inositol
position to diabetes might be relevant for the onset of story seems to be interesting and intriguing, as it opens up
hyperinsulinaemia and/or PCOS been taken seriously. The fact the possibility of resolving metabolic impairment through the
that epimerase activity/expression seems to be abnormal in combination of lifestyle change and integrative inositol ad-
diabetic patients and abnormal/reduced in those PCOS pa- ministration – with the latter probably being crucial. In our
tients that have familial diabetes (Larner and Craig, 1996; view, both MYO and DCI isomers seem to be potentially ef-
Larner et al., 2010) confirms the importance of the anam- fective for PCOS patients (Table 1), with specific differ-
nestic evaluation of each single PCOS patient. In fact, re- ences in their action mainly according to genetic predisposition
cently, we investigated whether any difference was present to diabetes and whether only the general metabolism is
Inositol as putative integrative treatment for PCOS 777

Table 1 Summary of the clinical studies cited involving the use of MYO or DCI in PCOS patients.
Inositol Design Daily dose Number of Results obtained
used patients

Artini et al., MYO Effects in PCOS 2 g or folic acid 10 controls No endocrine effects.
2013 undergoing IVF (controls) for 12 10 treated 3 delivered pregnancies.
weeks LH, PRL, T, insulin levels and LH/FSH,
significantly reduced.
HOMA index significantly decreased.
Fewer FSH vials used.
Lower number and higher quality of oocytes
8 delivered pregnancies.
Genazzani MYO Effects in 2 g or folic acid 10 controls No endocrine changes
et al., 2008 overweight/ (controls) for 12 10 treated LH, PRL, testosterone, insulin concentrations
obese PCOS weeks and LH/FSH, insulin response to glucose load
significantly reduced.
HOMA index significantly decreased.
No changes in BMI.
Menstrual cyclicity restored in all PCOS
Genazzani MYO Effects in obese 2 g for 8 weeks 42 patients LH, PRL, testosterone, insulin concentrations,
et al., 2012 PCOS LH/FSH, BMI, insulin response to glucose load
significantly reduced.
Insulin:glucose ratio significantly increased.
Genazzani DCI Effects in obese 500 mg for 12 22 patients LH, androstenedione, testosterone, insulin
et al., 2014b PCOS weeks concentrations, LH/FSH, insulin, BMI, LH
response to GnRH test and insulin response
to glucose load significantly reduced.
Insulin:glucose ratio significantly increased.
Patients with familial diabetes showed greater
Iuorno et al., DCI Effects on lean 600 mg for 6 − 8 10 placebo No endocrine changes
2002 PCOS weeks 10 treated Insulin, free testosterone, insulin response to
glucose load significantly reduced.
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure
significantly decreased.

Kamenov et al., MYO Effects in PCOS 2 g for 6 months 47 patients 29 had ovulation: 11 became pregnant.
2015 with or without 18 had no ovulation: no pregnancy.
clomiphene Clomiphene citrate was added: 6 became
citrate pregnant.
BMI and HOMA index decreased.
La Marca et al., DCI Effects in PCOS 1 − 1.5 g for 6 − 15 47 patients Significantly more regular menstrual cyclicity.
2015 months AMH and HOMA index significantly decreased.
Nestler et al., DCI Effects in PCOS 1.2 g for 6 − 8 22 placebo No changes
1999 weeks 22 patients Tryglicerides, insulin, testosterone, free
testosterone, DHEA significantly decreased.
SHBG significantly increased. 86% of the
patients had ovulatory cycles.
Diastolic and systolic blood pressure

AMH = anti-Müllerian hormone; BMI = body mass index; DCI = D-chiro-inositol; DHEA = dehydroepiandrosterone; GnRH = gonadotrophin-
releasing hormone; HOMA = homeostasis model assessment; MYO = myo-inositol; PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome; PRL = prolactin; SHBG =
sex hormone-binding globulin.

involved or also ovarian function. Indeed, according to such from the metabolic point of view the ovary is a completely
a view, MYO is converted to DCI and easily used but when such different organ in terms of DCI synthesis than the rest of the
conversion is not optimal, DCI seems to be the solution female body, suggests there is a need for a putative bal-
(Genazzani et al., 2014b; La Marca et al., 2015). The fact that anced combination dose of MYO and DCI. Such a balanced
778 AD Genazzani

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