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Ie061304i - Artigo Pneumatic Transport

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6066 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2007, 46, 6066-6083

Pneumatic Transport of Granular Materials in an Inclined Conveying Pipe:

Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method
(CFD-DEM), Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), and Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) Results
Yan Zhang, Eldin Wee Chuan Lim, and Chi-Hwa Wang*
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National UniVersity of Singapore,
4 Engineering DriVe 4, Singapore, 117576

This paper presents three flow patternssdispersed flow, reverse flow, and half-ring flowsin the post-bend
region of a 45° inclined pneumatic conveying pipe. Solid concentration and velocity distribution were measured
using electrical capacitance tomography (ECT), particle image velocimetry (PIV), and a high-speed camera.
The axial velocity of particles and solid transverse motion in the pipe cross section were obtained using a
modified cross-correlation method from the ECT data for the three flow patterns. The axial velocity profile
over the pipe cross section was compared with data obtained from the PIV system. In particular, emphasis
has been placed on the characterization of the reverse-flow pattern, where negative values of solid velocities
were observed. By analyzing the images captured with the high-speed camera, three distinct regions in the
solid phase of the reverse-flow regime may be discerned. A dense region with high solid concentration formed
next to the bottom wall of the inclined conveying pipe, while a dilute region with a relatively low solid
concentration formed near the center of the pipe. Reverse flow was observed to occur predominantly in the
dense region and a transition region between the two. Finally, the dynamic forces acting on single particles
were analyzed for the three flow patterns. This analysis showed that the phenomena of reverse-flow and
half-ring flow structure formation may be attributed to the effects of electrostatics. This finding has also been
validated with results of numerical simulations performed in the present study.

1. Introduction layer were imaged using electrical capacitance tomography

(ECT), and some flow regimes with downflow were observed
Pneumatic conveying systems are widely used for the visually. However, detailed analyses were not given. The study
transportation of granular material in various industries. Re-
on downflow or reverse flow has not drawn much attention
search work performed in this field can be categorized according
among researchers. Among the limited literature on this subject,
to different geometries of the conveying section used in the
transportation process. These include pneumatic conveying most have concentrated on heat-transfer investigations in liquid
through horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipes and about a bend. systems. Maré et al.5 investigated the laminar flow of water in
Many studies have been conducted on gas-solid flow in an inclined isothermal tube numerically and experimentally
horizontal and vertical pipes, whereas relatively fewer studies using three-dimensional elliptical model and particle image
are available on solid transport in inclined pipes. These are velocimetry (PIV), respectively, and concluded that the com-
mainly focused on pressure drop data through the conveying bination of the Reynolds number (Re), Grashof number, and
pipes. For example, Levy et al.1 developed an analytical model Prandtl number determined the phenomena of reverse flow. The
for gas-solid suspension flow through an inclined pipe section, objective of this work was to study three flow patternss
which predicted the ratio of the total pressure drop in an inclined dispersed, reverse, and half-ring flowsobserved in a 45° inclined
pipe to that of a horizontal pipe and agreed with the experimental conveying pipe. The methods applied for capturing solid flow
data satisfactorily; Hirota et al.2 examined the effect of me- patterns and velocity profiles include ECT, PIV, and a high-
chanical properties and the angle of an inclined pipe on the speed camera. The study on flow patterns is a fundamental
pressure drop for the pneumatic conveying of fine powders. concept in pneumatic conveying systems and is helpful toward
Other studies of granular flow focused on the different flow understanding real-life problems, which may arise during actual
patterns arising from different physical conditions and operating
operations. The appearance of the variety of solid flow patterns
parameters imposed. Zhu et al.3 used computational fluid
observed in laboratory experiments or actual industrial opera-
dynamics (CFD) simulations to investigate the pneumatic
conveying of granular solids through an inclined pipe at different tions are normally attributed to the physical conditions used.
inclinations and reported results on the influence of model However, some peculiar clustering behaviors may not be
parameters, inclination angle, and feeding conditions on the flow accounted for purely by hydrodynamics effects alone, such as
patterns. Experiments have also been performed to study solid the formation of ring structures in vertical and inclined
flow patterns in pneumatic conveying through vertical and pneumatic conveying. This paper attempts to analyze such flow
inclined pipes and various flow patterns were observed.4 In their behaviors of solid particles in an inclined pneumatic conveying
work, regimes such as eroding dune flow and flow over a settled pipe through the consideration of the effects of electrostatic
charge generation. This continues from previous research
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 65-6516- studies6 on the electrostatics of granular flow in horizontal and
5079. Fax: 65-6779-1936. E-mail: vertical pneumatic conveying systems and provides further
10.1021/ie061304i CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/11/2007
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6067

Figure 1. Schematic of the pneumatic conveying experiment facility. Legend: 1, air control valve; 2, dryers; 3, rotameter; 4, hopper; 5, solids feed valve;
6, rotary valve feeder; 7, feed control valve; 8, computer; 9, DAM; 10, ECT plane 1; 11, ECT plane 2; 12, plane of PIV measurements; 13, plane of
measurements for the high-speed camera; 14, measurements for induced current; 15, measurements for particle charge; 16, pressure transducer sensor 1; and
17, pressure transducer sensor 2.

Table 1. Experimental Conditions pipes: one is positioned at a distance of 3.41 m, and the lower
parameter value one is positioned at a distance of 4.12 m. A 45° inclined pipe
air flow rate 1600 L/min, 1100 L/min, 1000 L/min
(4-cm ID) was connected to the two horizontal pipes. The entire
solids feed valve 75% opening conveying loop was made of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) pipes.
roll speed of rotary valve 25 rpm 2.2. Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT). ECT is a
pipe material poly(vinyl chloride), PVC noninvasive technique for measuring and displaying the con-
pipe diameter (inner) 40.0 mm centration distribution of a mixture of two dielectric fluids. In
pipe thickness 5.0 mm
particles conveying style cycle this experiment, two sets of 12-electrode (10 cm long) ECT
particle material polypropylene, PP sensors (labeled as “10” and “11” in Figure 1) were arranged
particle size 2.80 mm on the inclined pipe at distances of 1.45 and 2.18 m from a
particle density 1123 kg/m3 bend connecting this inclined riser to a horizontal duct at the
bottom. A data acquisition module (DAM) (Process Tomogra-
insights into the relationship between solids flow behavior and phy, Wilmslow, Cheshire, U.K.) was connected to the ECT
electrostatic effects. sensors to gather capacitance data. The ECT was sampled at
40 Hz, corresponding to a time period of 0.025 s for each frame.
The resolution of each frame was 1024 (32 × 32) pixels. The
2. Experimental Section
ECT system was calibrated for the lower and upper permittivity
2.1. Experimental Setup. The experimental facility, which bounds: air was used for the lower bound (with 0 as the
was modified from a previous study4,7 and used to perform the reference value) and solids were used as the upper bound (with
measurements, is shown schematically in Figure 1; the experi- 1 as the reference value).
mental conditions are listed in Table 1. Air from the compressor By post-processing the ECT data at each instant of time t,
was metered and sent to the rotary air lock feeder (General using the simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique (SIRT)
Resources Corp., Hopkins, MN), where it entrained the particles. described by Su et al.,8 the particle concentration in each pixel
The rotary feeder equipped with eight pockets and a vent at the of one plane, R(x,y,z,t), was obtained. Here, as shown in Figure
body of the rotary valve, providing the passage of the air 1 by the viewing section A-A, x and y denote Cartesian
leakage, was operated at a fixed speed of 25 rpm. The test coordinates in the cross-sectional plane, made dimensionless
section consisted of two 4-cm-inner-diameter (ID) horizontal using the pipe diameter as the characteristic length, and z is the
6068 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

axial coordinate denoting the location of the ECT electrodes. direction perpendicular to the lightsheet and transmitted to the
The solid velocity can be calculated based on cross-correlation computer for processing. The cross-correlation yields the
of twin plane data, which was described by Hua et al.,9 Rao et distance traveled by the granules in a small time interval (dT )
al.,7 and Zhu et al.4 The time-averaged particle concentration 50-58000 µs) from the first snapshot to the second and the
j t was found by averaging R(x,y,z,t) over a time period T (30 velocity distribution of granules in the plane can be determined
s in this case): by dividing by the time interval. In this study, the variation of
velocity in the axial direction of the 45° inclined pipe was
j t(x,y,z) )
∫0T R(x,y,z,t) dt (1) measured.
2.4. Electrostatic Measurements. During the pneumatic
conveying process, frictional contacts between the solid particles
The instantaneous value of the cross-sectional average particle
and pipe wall generate electrostatic charges. With proper pipe
concentration, R
j s(z,t), is defined as
connections, current induced on the surface of the pipe wall
can be measured as a function of time using a digital
j s(z,t) )
∫∫ R(x,y,z,t) dx dy (2) electrometer (ADVANTEST R8252, Tokyo, Japan). The mea-
surement section is labeled “14” in Figure 1 while details of
j s(z,t) is denoted by 〈R〉(z):
and the time-averaged value of R the measurement methods have been described previously by
Yao et al.6 In addition, the particle charge density was measured
〈R〉(z) )
∫0T Rjs(z,t) dt ≡ A1 ∫∫ Rj t(x,y,z) dx dy (3) using a Faraday cage at the horizontal segment6 (labeled “15”
in Figure 1).
The correlation coefficient, C(d), was then computed as
3. Numerical Method
C(d) )
∫0 T
j s(z1,t) - 〈R〉(z1)) (R
(R j s(z2,t + d) - 〈R〉(z2)) dt The method of combining the discrete element method (DEM)
(4) with CFD is well-established in the literature for numerical
studies of various types of solid-fluid systems. Recently, it has
Here, z1 and z2 refer to upstream and downstream planes, also been applied successfully to reproduce the various flow
respectively; d denotes the delay time. The dominant pattern regimes observed in pneumatic conveying of granular materials
propagation velocity (V*) was estimated from V* ) L/D, through vertical and horizontal pipes.11 Lim and co-workers12
where L ) z2 - z1 (L ) 2.18-1.45 ) 0.73 m in the current have also described, in detail, a method of incorporating an
work), is the axial distance between the two ECT sensors and electrostatic force model into the CFD-DEM model for
D is the value of d at which C(d) assumes the largest value. V* numerical studies of pneumatic conveying processes with
estimated in this manner is clearly based on cross-sectional electrostatic effects. It was shown that the eroding dunes regime
averages. One can also define pixel-pixel cross-correlation observed in previous experimental studies using inclined
function as pneumatic conveying pipes could be reproduced computation-
ally. Reversed flow of particles was observed in a dense region
c(x,y,d) )
∫0T (R(x,y,z1,t) - close to the bottom wall of the conveying pipe and forward
flow in a more dilute region in the space above. The same
j t(x,y,z1)) (R(x,y,z2,t + d) - R
j t(x,y,z2)) dt (5) methodology has been applied in the present study to comple-
ment the experimental investigations conducted. A brief outline
The dominant pattern propagation velocity (V(x,y)) was esti- of the main component of the CFD-DEM model is provided
mated from eq 6: in the following section.
L 3.1. Discrete Element Method. The translational and rota-
V(x,y) ) (6) tional motions of individual solid particles are governed by
D(x,y) Newton’s laws of motion:
where D(x,y) is the value of d at which c(x,y,d) assumes the
maximum value (for that x and y). dvi N

One limitation of the classical cross-correlation method arises mi )

dt j)1

(fc,ij + fd,ij) + mig + ff,i + fE,i (7)
from a basic assumption that the particle motion between the
sensors is parallel to the pipe axis, i.e., perpendicular to the dωi N
sensor plane. However, the actual movements are quite complex,
and the trajectories of particles do not remain parallel to the
) ∑
Tij (8)

pipe axis. Thus, it is necessary to introduce a new method,10

namely, the best-correlated pixel method, which does not require where mi and Vi are the mass and velocity of particle i,
the assumption about the solid trajectories within a sensor respectively; N is the number of particles in contact with this
volume and will be shown in section 4.1.1. particle; fc,ij and fd,ij are the contact and viscous contact damping
2.3. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). PIV is generally forces, respectively; ff,i is the fluid drag force due to an inter-
applied to exhibit the magnitudes and vectors of particle stitial fluid; fE,i is the electrostatic force; Ii is the moment of
velocities and afford exact values of velocities. Measurements inertia of particle i; ωi is its angular velocity; and Tij is the torque
using a PowerView 2D PIV system (TSI, Shoreview, MN) were arising from contact forces, which will cause the particle to
conducted at the inclined pipe region 1.83 m downstream from rotate.
the bend. The laser light sheet generated by the Laser Pulse Contact and viscous contact damping forces must be calcu-
Solo Mini Dual Nd:YAG laser was introduced from the top of lated using force-displacement models, which relate such forces
the wall/sidewall to lighten the granules at the center plane to the relative positions, velocities, and angular velocities of
(labeled as “12” in Figure 1). Images of the granules were the colliding particles. In the present work, the linear force-
captured by a PowerView 4M (2K × 2K) camera in the displacement model was implemented for the calculation of
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6069

these collision forces. The normal (fcn,ij, fdn,ij) and tangential (fct,ij, where u is the velocity vector,  the local average porosity, P
fdt,ij) components of the contact and damping forces are the fluid pressure, and F the source term due to fluid-particle
calculated according to the following equations: interaction.
The computational domain was divided into uniform grid
fcn,ij ) -κn,iδn,ij (9) cells, and all quantities such as velocities and pressure were
assumed constant over each cell. The source term F for a
fct,ij ) -κt,iδt,ij (10) particular computational cell was calculated by summing the
fdn,ij ) -ηn,i (Vr‚ni)ni (11) fluid drag forces on all particles present within that cell:

fdt,ij ) -ηt,i (Vr‚ti)ti + (ωi × Ri - ωj × Rj) (12) n

where fcn,ij, fdn,ij and fct,ij, fdt,ij are the normal and tangential F) (20)
components of the contact and viscous contact damping forces, ∆V
respectively; κn,i, δn,ij, ni, ηn,i and κt,i, δt,ij, ti, ηt,i are the spring
constants, displacements between particles, unit vectors, and where ∆V is the volume of a computational cell and n is the
viscous contact damping coefficients in the normal and tan- number of particles present in the cell.
gential directions, respectively; Vr is the relative velocity between 3.4. Electrostatic Effects. During pneumatic conveying, solid
particles; and Ri and Rj are the radius vector (from particle center particles gain electrostatic charges as a result of repeated
to a contact point) for particles i and j, respectively. If |fct,ij| > collisions and impacts against other particles and with the walls
|fcn,ij| tan φ, then “slippage” between the two contacting surfaces of the conveying pipe. The total electrostatic force acting on
is simulated by a Coulomb-type friction law, each particle may then be written as the sum of electrostatic
forces due to charges carried by other particles and the pipe
|fct,ij| ) |fcn,ij| tan φ walls:

where tan φ is analogous to the coefficient of friction. fE,i ) fEp,i + fEw,i (21)
3.2. Fluid Drag Force. In a multiphase system such as the
gas-solid pneumatic conveying system considered in this study, where fEp,i and fEw,i are the electrostatic forces due to other
interactions between the two phases take the form of fluid drag charged particles and the pipe walls acting on particle i,
forces on the solid particles exerted by the interstitial fluid and respectively.
arise from velocity differences between the two phases. In this The electrostatic force arising from charges carried by other
study, the model due to Di Felice,13 which is applicable over a particles may be calculated by assuming each particle to be a
wide range of particle Reynolds numbers, was used to evaluate constant point charge:
the fluid drag force:
ff,i ) ff0,i-(χ+1)
i (13) fEp,i ) ∑ ni (22)
j)1 4πorij2
ff0,i ) 0.5cd0,iFf πRi2i2|ui - Vi|(ui - Vi) (14)

[ ]
where Q is the constant charge assumed to be carried by all
(1.5 - log10 Rep,i)2 particles, o the permittivity of free space, rij the distance
χ ) 3.7 - 0.65 exp - (15)
2 between particles i and j, and ni the unit normal vector in the

( )
direction of the line joining the two particle centers.
4.8 2
cd0,i ) 0.63 + (16) In the present work, a dimensionless quantity Λ depicting
Rep,i0.5 the ratio of the electrostatic force arising from the charged pipe
wall to the gravitational force exerted on each particle, fEw,i/
2Ff Rii|ui - Vi|
Rep,i ) (17) mig, is defined. In other words,
fEw,i ) Λmi g (23)
where ff0,i is the fluid drag force on particle i in the absence of
other particles, χ is an empirical parameter, i is the local average 4. Results and Discussion
porosity in the vicinity of particle i, cd0,i is the drag coefficient,
Rep,i is the Reynolds number based on particle diameter, Ff is 4.1. Flow Patterns and Velocities for Particle Transport
the fluid density, µf is the fluid viscosity, and ui is the fluid in a 45° Inclined Conveying Pipe. Depending on the different
velocity of the computational cell in which particle i is located. air flow rates, three distinct phenomenasnamely, dispersed flow,
3.3. Computational Fluid Dynamics. The motion of the reverse flow, and half-ring flowsfor particle transport in a 45°
continuum gas phase is governed by the Navier-Stokes inclined conveying pipe was observed and schematically il-
equations with an additional source term in the momentum lustrated in Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c, respectively. When the air
equation to represent the reaction force acting on the fluid by flow rate is high, particle flow is dilute and particles move in
the particles: the direction of gas flow as shown in Figure 2a, the dispersed
flow pattern. When air flow rate is decreased, some particles
∂ near the pipe center moved forward, while most of the particles
+ ∇‚(u) ) 0 (18) formed layers at the bottom of the pipe and slid downward,
which is called reverse flow (shown in Figure 2b). When the
∂(Ff u) air flow rate was further decreased, particles formed a layer on
+ ∇‚(Ff uu) ) -∇P + ∇‚(µf ∇u) + Ff g - F the pipe wall, which resulted in an annular structure. This flow
(19) pattern is called half-ring flow (shown in Figure 2c). An
6070 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 2. Schematic of particle flow in three different flow patterns in pneumatic conveying: (a) dispersed flow; (b) reverse flow; and (c) half-ring flow,
Panel (d) shows unsteady reverse flow with pulsating wave.

interesting unsteady flow patternsreverse flow with pulsating pixels from the second plane are chosen from the corresponding
wave on the surfacesis also discussed in section 4.2.4. pixel and those in its neighbors (not just the nearest neighbors).
4.1.1. Dispersed Flow Pattern. Figure 3 shows the images Equation 24 describes the function in detail:
of particles concentration captured by ECT on plane 1 and plane
2, respectively. When the air flow rate is 1600 L/min, the particle
concentration is generally low and particles do not concentrate
c(x,y,i,j,d) )
∫0T (R(x,y,z1,t) - Rt(x,y,z1))(R(i,j,z2,t + d) -
on the pipe wall. As such, it forms the dispersed flow pattern. Rt(i,j,z2)) dt (24)
Figure 4 shows the result of velocity calculated by the best-
correlated pixel method proposed by Mosorov and colleagues.10 where (i,j) are dimensionless coordinates of the pixel in plane
The Mosorov method is modified from the classical cross- 2, R(x,y,z1,t) and R(i,j,z2,t + d) are the values associated with
correlation method (section 2.2) but is not limited by the basic pixel (x,y) from the image at time t obtained from plane 1 and
assumption of the latter that the solid’s motion between the pixel (i,j) from the image at time (t + d) obtained separately
sensors is parallel to the pipe axis and perpendicular to the sensor from plane 2. Therefore, similar to the classical cross-correlation
plane. This method is to calculate cross-correlation between a method, when c(x,y,i,j,d) reaches its maximum, d is D(x,y) and,
pixel from the first plane and a number of pixels from the second according to eq 6, the axial solid velocity of each pixel, Vz-
plane. Therefore, the essential difference between the classical (x,y), can be obtained. It is observed that velocities are high
cross-correlation method and the best-correlated pixel method over the entire pipe (see Figure 4).
is the choice of pixels in the second plane. In the former, only Furthermore, the coordinates (i, j) on plane 2 (nondimen-
corresponding pixels are correlated; however, in the latter, the sionalized by the pipe diameter as the characteristic length scale)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6071

Figure 3. Images of particle concentration (R) at twin planes captured by ECT for the dispersed-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1600 L/min).

The lateral velocity can be defined as the projection of B

V on
the pipe cross section and is described as

2Rx(x - i)2 + (y - j)2

Vl(x,y) ) (26)
where R is the pipe radius. The average lateral velocity for the
dispersed flow pattern was calculated to be ∼8 × 10-4 m/s and
appeared negligible, as compared to the axial velocity, as will
be shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5 shows the images of particle transport captured by
a high-speed video camera (FastCam PCI, Photron, CA) at a
frame rate of 250 fps. The motion of particles through the section
of the conveying pipe could be visualized in slow motion after
all the required frames were captured with the high-speed video
camera. During this process, each particle could be tracked
unambiguously from one frame to another, because the average
distance traveled by each particle in the time interval between
Figure 4. Particle axial velocity on pipe cross-section correlated from ECT
two consecutive frames was less than the diameter of the
data for the dispersed-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1600 L/min).
particle. This also allowed a specific particle to be identified in
any two frames that are not necessarily consecutive to each
can be obtained, according to the best-correlated pixel method. other, such as those presented in Figure 5. The inclined pipes
If i ) x, j ) y, it shows that the particles maintain their direc- are positioned with the pipe axis at an angle of 45° relative to
tion during the transport from plane 1 to plane 2; otherwise, it the direction of gravity, as indicated in Figure 5. The direction
reflects the direction change of particles. Therefore, in such case, of air flow is from right to left. Similar illustration is also applied
the actual velocity for particle transport between planes 1 and later to Figures 7 and 11. In Figure 5a, most particles are
plane 2 is transported in regions close to the bottom pipe wall and the

overall space among particles is fairly large, thus resulting in a
Vx dilute solid phase. For illustration purpose, one particle was
V ) Vy (25) chosen as an example and traced over several images. The
Vz positions of this particle in two images are marked in circles,
as shown in Figure 5a. Generally, particle motion is observed
Here, Vx, Vy, and Vz are the magnitudes of the velocity to follow the gas flow direction. Subsequently, 10 particles were
components in the three perpendicular directions, respectively. chosen randomly from 1000 pictures over a period of 4 s and
6072 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 5. Images of particle transport captured by a high-speed video camera: (a) dispersed flow (time interval between two successive pictures ) 0.008
s, air flow rate ) 1600 L/min); (b) reverse flow (time interval between two successive pictures ) 0.072 s, air flow rate ) 1100 L/min); (c) half-ring flow
(time interval between two successive pictures ) 0.096 s, air flow rate ) 1000 L/min); (d) reverse flow with pulsating wave (time interval between two
successive pictures ) 0.176 s, air flow rate ) 1100 L/min, PP with an antistatic agent).

the average velocity of particles was computed as the distance 4.1.2. Reverse Flow Pattern. When the air flow rate is
between the two positions in selected images divided by the decreased to 1100 L/min, it is observed in the experiment that
duration between these two images. The average particle velocity some particles near or above the pipe center moved forward
value obtained was 1.59 ( 0.41 m/s. with fairly high velocities, whereas most particles were deposited
Figure 6 displays the velocity profile of particles at different and formed layers at the bottom of the pipe. These slid backward
positions along the pipe diameter. The data were obtained in a direction opposite to that of the general flow direction at
from ECT and PIV experiments, respectively. The figure shows relatively slow velocities. These are represented by the red areas
that velocity profiles obtained from these two different meth- in Figure 8.
odologies exhibited similar trends. However, there are some Figure 9 presents the resulting velocity obtained with the best-
quantitative differences, probably because of the different correlated pixel method for the reverse-flow pattern. In this
extents of experimental errors associated with the two instru- figure, the entire solid phase is divided into three parts. It is
ments. Here, velocities are normalized with respect to the observed that velocities are relatively high and positive near
maximum value of velocity observed within the pipe cross and above the center of the pipe, where the corresponding
section. The normalized velocities are high near the pipe center coordinate along the y-axis are 0.35-1, whereas those at the
but decrease toward the pipe wall. Such profile was observed bottom (y ) 0-0.18) are very small and negative. These two
in both side view (Figure 6a) and top view (Figure 6b). This areas are defined as dilute and dense regions, respectively.
was also predicted by CFD simulation of pneumatic conveying Particles at the interface between these regions (referenced as
of granular solids in an inclined pipe.3 It may also be observed the transition region with y ) 0.18-0.35) flowed backward with
from the velocity profiles in both side and top views in Figure relatively higher negative velocities. The lateral velocities
6 that lateral velocities are much lower than those of axial calculated from eq 26 also show three distinct velocity scales,
velocities, implying that axial movement is primary for such increasing from 10-6 m/s, to 10-5 m/s, to 10-4 m/s, from the
flow pattern, thereby validating the results obtained by eq 26 dense region to the dilute region, respectively.
from the ECT data. The limitation of the cross-correlation method is that it is
Figure 7 shows the side view image from the top to the difficult to get exact values when data are the same on two
bottom of the pipe of the dispersed flow pattern captured by correlation planes, because the principle of correlation is based
PIV, where the vector arrows verify the observation that the on variation of the data on two planes. For the dense region,
particle flow directions are consistent with the air flow. the concentrations of particles measured by two ECT sensors
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6073

Figure 7. Velocity vectors for the dispersed-flow pattern by PIV measure-

ments (air flow rate ) 1600 L/min).

within the transition region revealed that reverse flow is

significant in this zone. Figure 10 also shows that lateral
Figure 6. Diametrical distribution of particle axial velocity for the velocities are much weaker in the dilute region, as compared
dispersed-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1600 L/min): (a) side view and (b) to axial velocities, and, hence, can be neglected. However, in
top view.
the transition and dense regions, the magnitudes of lateral and
axial velocities are observed to be comparable. These findings
are at the maximum values continuously. As a result, the
further verify the three levels of lateral velocities observed from
velocities in this section are obtained from the images captured
ECT data.
by a high-speed video camera, as shown in Figure 5b. It can be
observed that most of granules are accumulated at the bottom Arrows in the vector plot of Figure 11 are pointing toward
of the pipe; however, a small amount is transported in the core two completely opposite directions. This finding demonstrates
region and at the top of the pipe. This is consistent with the that some particles are floating in the dilute region and moving
solid fraction profile shown in Figure 8. In the dense region, forward, but some particles, especially those in the transition
particles at the bottom of the pipe seem almost stationary and region, exhibit a backflow behavior. From the magnified zone,
the velocity obtained is only about -0.0020 ( 0.00072 m/s. particles in the transition and dense regions also resulted in some
The path traced by the particle is not shown, because it is not wave structures in the transverse direction.
easily interpolated between the two images. In the transition 4.1.3. Half-ring Flow Pattern. When the air flow rate is
region, some particles close to the core of the pipe are active further reduced to 1000 L/min, particles deposit at the bottom
and are referenced as transition particles. This is probably due of the pipe and are stagnant initially. Later, particles concentrated
to the shearing effects between the dilute and dense regions. on the pipe wall and gradually formed an annulus structure,
The locations of the particle labeled with the symbol “A” in while those at the bottom continued to remain stagnant, as shown
the three images indicate that it did not move ahead. Instead, it in Figure 12. The thickness of this ring is roughly one layer of
seemed to have jumped over some particles in a direction particles, and the solid concentration at the top of the pipe seems
opposite to the air flow. The average velocity is -0.05 ( 0.02 to be smaller than that at the bottom, because of the action of
m/s. However, in the dilute region, particles such as that gravity.
labeled as “B”, moved ahead, with an average velocity of Figure 13 shows that velocity is zero at the bottom and
0.62 ( 0.26 m/s. relatively high at the top of the pipe wall, presenting an
Correspondingly, the normalized particle velocity profiles incomplete ring structure in the pipe cross-section. Correspond-
obtained from both ECT and PIV and presented in Figure 10 ingly, the lateral velocities calculated according to eq 26 for
demonstrate that three regions exist in the solid phase. Positive the dense and dilute regions have magnitudes of 10-4 and 10-3
velocities in the dilute region are generally forward flow. In m/s, respectively. This shows that lateral motion is not negligible
contrast, in the dense and transition region, negative velocities in the dilute region, while transverse motion becomes dominant
indicate reverse flow. In particular, the change in velocity profile in the dense region.
6074 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 8. Images of particle concentration (R) at twin planes captured by ECT for the reverse flow (air flow rate ) 1100 L/min).

and in the core region of the pipe are presented separately in

Figure 14. This is shown in the sketch map of the pipe cross-
section (Figure 2c), where both types of data are obtained from
the correlation result from ECT measurements. From the surface
velocity profile, it may be seen that the corresponding calculated
velocity data points fall on the zero axes, demonstrating the
stagnant ring flow, except that some positive values near the
top indicate a small amount of forward flow in this area. As
for the inner core region, combined with the measurement from
high-speed video camera, the velocities at the bottom of the
pipe are zero, because of the stagnant ring structure in the dense
region. Some peak values indicated forward motion of a few
particles in the dilute core region. Furthermore, a hollow core
area around the center of the pipe is observed, emphasizing the
existence of the half-ring structure.
However, it may be noted at this point that velocity
measurements using PIV is difficult for this particular type of
flow pattern, because of blockage of the laser sheet from the
Figure 9. Particle axial velocity on pipe cross-section correlated from ECT system by particles adhered on the pipe walls. Because of the
data for the reverse-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1100 L/min). relatively large size of the particles used throughout this study,
images of particles could be captured by the PIV camera, as
Figure 5c shows that there is half-ring formation around the long as the particles were slightly illuminated by the laser. In
pipe wall. The ring of particles seemed to be suspended in the the dispersed- and reverse-flow regimes, the laser from the PIV
air or moving with lateral velocities. From the interspaces among systems was able to penetrate through the relatively dilute layer
the particles adhered on the pipe, it is observed that a small of solid particles near the pipe walls to illuminate those near
quantity of particles in the pipe core still moved ahead in the the center of the conveying pipe. As such, particle velocities
dilute region, and the average velocity is estimated to be 0.23 near the pipe center could be obtained. On the other hand, the
( 0.06 m/s, using the previous method (particle B only moved solid concentration near the pipe walls was very high in the
a short distance during a time interval of 0.096 s). On the other ring-flow regime and the PIV laser was completely blocked by
hand, in the dense region, some particles settled on the bottom this layer of particles near the walls. Thus, the particle velocity
of the pipe (for instance, particle A appears almost motionless profile was unavailable for this flow regime.
in the three frames). To validate the reliability of the various methods applied for
Because of the peculiar nature of the half-ring flow pattern, velocity measurements in this study, the values of axial velocity
normalized particle velocity distributions near the pipe surface for the three flow patterns measured by the three different
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6075

Figure 10. Diametrical distribution of particle axial velocity for the reverse flow (air flow rate ) 1100 L/min).

many anomalous behaviors in granular flow systems. It is

believed that the formation of the various flow patterns described
previously in pneumatic conveying through inclined pipes is
related to electrostatic charge generation resulting from friction,
collision, or rolling between particles and the pipe walls during
the conveying process. To investigate the relationship between
electrostatic effects and flow behaviors, the electrostatic charge
generation characteristics for each of the aforementioned flow
patterns will be discussed in the following sections.
4.2.1. Electrostatic Characters for Three Flow Patterns.
In a previous work,6 electrostatic characteristics for three flow
patterns have been studied by measuring the induced current
on the pipe wall using an electrometer, when granular polypro-
pylene (PP) were transported in horizontal and vertical pneu-
matic conveying pipes (made of PVC). Accordingly, the charge
accumulated on the pipe wall can be calculated from eq 27:

q) ∫0T I dt (27)

where I is the induced current measured from the electrometer

and T is the time period.
Recently, Yao et al.14 proposed the concepts of electrostatic
equilibrium and averaged current:

hI )
∫0T I dt (28)

In their opinion, the averaged current fluctuated before reaching

a constant value over a period of time (namely, the charging
Figure 11. Velocity vectors for the reverse-flow pattern from PIV time, Tc). The periods where fluctuations occur and a steady
measurements (air flow rate ) 1100 L/min). value is reached are called the charging and electrostatic
equilibrium states, respectively. After the state of electrostatic
methods are listed in Table 2. The velocities in the dense regions equilibrium is attained, the amount of charge residing on the
are fairly similar; however, in the dilute regions, data obtained particles and the pipe wall would remain more or less constant
via ECT and PIV seemed to contain a larger amount of noise with time. The procedure of exploring whether the average
and, thus, a wider range of values may be observed. current achieves electrostatic equilibrium has been specified in
4.2. Electrostatic and Dynamic Analysis for Three Flow a previous study by Yao et al.14 An equilibrium state was
Patterns. Generally, electrostatic effects are responsible for deemed to have been attained when the ratio of variation in
6076 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 12. Images of particle concentration (R) at twin planes captured by ECT for the half-ring flow (air flow rate ) 1000 L/min).

reached are calculated for each of the three flow patterns,

according to eq 27, by substituting T with the charging time
Tc, and the results are listed in Table 3.
4.2.2. Simplified Electrostatic Field. A simplified electro-
static field12 is selected to describe a two-dimensional transverse
section of pipe wall in accord with the numerical work and to
perform the electrostatic analysis in this section. In comparison
with the axial characteristic length scale of the pipe, the particle
is sufficiently small such that charges on the pipe wall may be
taken to be uniformly distributed. The charges on the wall are
assumed to be infinitesimal point charges, dq, and every particle
is taken as a point charge Q (assumption 1). By integrating the
point charges over the entire wall, the electric field intensity
due to charged pipe wall may be represented as follows:

E) ∫ 4π
1 dq
0 r
∫π/2 cos θ dθ ) 2πλ 0l
2π0l 0

Figure 13. Particle axial velocity on pipe cross-section correlated from

ECT data for the half-ring-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1000 L/min). Here, 0 is the permittivity constant (8.85 × 10-12 C2/(N m2)
under vacuum); q is the total equilibrium charge on pipe wall
average current to the average current at the final state was obtained from integration of the induced current, by eq 27; λ is
<10%. A fixed ratio is used in the present work to facilitate the linear charge density along pipe wall, which is defined as
comparisons among cases corresponding to different experi- the equilibrium charge on the pipe divided by the length of
mental conditions. The charging process for three flow patterns induced current measurement; r is the distance from a point
is described in Figure 15, where significant fluctuations in the charge on the pipe (dq) to a point charge (i.e., a charged particle)
current were observed until the charging time Tc was reached. (Q); l is the vertical distance from the pipe wall to a point charge
In the earlier experiment, a sensitivity analysis of the definition (i.e., a charged particle); and θ is the angle between r and l.
of Tc on the actual state of electrostatic equilibrium has been 4.2.3. Dynamic Analysis for Single Particle on Pipe Wall.
investigated qualitatively, to verify its validity. The same In the aforementioned model for dynamic force analysis,
observation, with regard to current fluctuations, was obtained electrostatic interactions between particles were not taken into
when the ratio was chosen to be >90%, thus verifying the consideration (assumption 2). This assumption has been verified
adequacy of using Tc as an indication of the establishment of a in a previous experimental study,14 where the electrostatic forces
state of electrostatic equilibrium. Therefore, the amount of exerted on each particle by other particles due to the pipe wall
charge accumulated on the pipe wall when equilibrium is were determined to be <0.1% and could be neglected. A CFD-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6077

Figure 14. Diametrical distribution of particle axial velocity for the half-ring-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1000 L/min).

Table 2. Comparison of Axial Particle Velocities by Different Experimental Methods

Particle Velocity (m/s)
flow air flow rate flow
pattern (L/min) region ECT PIV high-speed camera
disperse 1600 average 3.3 × 10-1-1.6 × 100 1.1 × 100-3.9 × 100 1.2 × 100-2.0 × 100
reverse 1100 dilute 0.7 × 10-1-3.9 × 10-1 3.8 × 10-1-9.0 × 10-1 3.6 × 10-1-8.8 × 10-1
reverse 1100 transition (-8.3 × 10-2)-0.9 × 10-2 (-3.4 × 10-2)-(-1.2 × 10-2) (-7.7 × 10-2)-(-3.1 × 10-2)
reverse 1100 dense (-22 × 10-3)-(-5.6 × 10-3) (-4.4 × 10-3)-0.6 × 10-3 (-2.7 × 10-3)-(-1.3 × 10-3)
half-ring 1000 dilute 0.4 × 10-1∼2.6 × 10-1 N.A.a 1.7 × 10-1-2.9 × 10-1
half-ring 1000 dense 0 N.A.a 0
a Velocity measured by PIV is not applicable, because laser sheet is blocked by the annular structure of particles on the pipe wall.

DEM work12 also predicted that the average electrostatic force where µg is the gas viscosity, and b
ug and b
up are the translational
acting on each particle in similar systems was only 10-9 N and, velocity vectors of the gas and particle, respectively.
thus, confirmed that electrostatic effects due to charged particles (ii) Electrostatic force is assumed to be mainly contributed
are negligible, as compared with other types of forces. Evidence by the lower pipe wall in this simplified model, FE:
for this claim is that particle agglomeration is seldom observed
in the present operation. On the contrary, clustering is prevalent FE ) EQ (34)
for fine powders. This might be because of the fact that the
electrostatic interactions among fine particles are significant, where Q is the electrical charge on each particle and can be
because of the small size and weight. obtained from multiplying the charge-mass ratio (charge den-
Summarizing the aforementioned discussion, the major forces sity)6 by the mass of a single particle.
that act on each particle therefore include the following (iii) Friction between particle and pipe wall: the product of
components (besides gravity): normal force and coefficient of friction, which is estimated to
(i) Aerodynamic drag force, B FD:15 be ∼0.56 from an internal angle of friction experiment.16
Table 3 displays the comparison of forces on a single particle
πFgDp2 for three flow patterns, where the particle velocity shown is
FD ) bg - b
cD(u bg - b
u p)|u u p| (30) the averaged value obtained from a high-speed video camera.
8 For the dispersed-flow pattern, the magnitude of the electrostatic
where Fg is the gas density, Dp the particle diameter, and cD force, on average, is only 10-6 N and, thus, can be neglected;
the drag coefficient: whereas the calculated aerodynamic drag force is more than 4
times and 300 times that of gravity and electrostatic force,

cD )
(1 + 0.15Rep0.687) )
Rep D( ) (for Rep e 1000)
respectively, showing that the primary driving force is indeed
the drag force, which is also responsible for transporting the
particles upward.
For the reverse-flow pattern, the aerodynamic drag force in
cD ) 0.44 (for Rep > 1000) (32) the dilute region was more than 10-4 N. This is still the
bg - b
u p| dominant force, as compared to gravity and electrostatic forces.
Rep ) (33) This implies that particles would also move upward in this
µg region. In the dense region, aerodynamic drag force decreased
6078 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 15. Averaged current on pipe wall for three flow patterns (AF ) air flow rate; Tc ) charging time).

Table 3. Comparison of Forces on a Single Particle for Three Flow Patterns

Disperse Flow Reverse Flow Half-ring Flow
average dilute transition dense dilute dense
parameter flow region flow region flow region flow region low region flow region
air flow rate (L/min) 1600 1100 1000
particle velocity, b
upa (m/s) 1.6 6.2 × 10-1 -5.4 × 10-2 -2.0 × 10-3 2.3 × 10-1 0
equilibrium charge on the pipe, qb (C) -3.8 × 10-8 -1.0 × 10-6 -7.1 × 10-7
charge per particle, Qc (C) 1.6 × 10-11 2.6 × 10-11 3.0 × 10-11
gravity (N) 1.3 × 10-4 1.3 × 10-4 1.3 × 10-4
drag force, B
FDd (N) 6.2 × 10-4 5.0 × 10-4 4.1 × 10-4 2.5 × 10-4 4.3 × 10-4 2.1 × 10-4
electrostatic force, FEe (N) 1.8 × 10-6 8.0 × 10-5 2.3 × 10-4 1.2 × 10-3 6.5 × 10-5 9.3 × 10-4
friction on the bottom of the pipe (N) N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.9 × 10-4 N.A. 5.7 × 10-4
FD:G:FE 345:71:1 6.2:1.6:1 3.1:1:1.8 2.0:1:9.1 6.6:1.9:1 1.6:1:7.4
bp) is the averaged value and obtained from a high-speed camera. b Equilibrium charge on pipe (q) is calculated from eq 27, where T
a Particle velocity (u

is the charging time Tc. c Charge per particle (Q) is obtained from multiplying the charge density by the mass of a single particle. d Drag force (F BD) is
calculated from eq 30, where cD ) 0.44. e Electrostatic force (FE) is calculated from eq 34.

to the same range as gravity and could not provide enough seem to confirm that the reverse-flow pattern is most significant
driving force to transport particles upward, so that particles are in the transition region.
likely to slide downward, because of the pull of gravity. In addition, the formation of a transition zone may be
However, the extents of electrostatic force and associated friction interpreted to indicate the presence of shearing instabilities at
were high (∼10-3 N). It is probable that the electrostatic force the interface between the dilute and dense regions. Particles in
causes particles to stick to the pipe wall and friction limits the the dilute region move at higher velocities than those in the
reverse speed to almost zero. However, in the transition region, dense region. This relative velocity between the two regions
the magnitudes of the three types of forces were almost in the causes significant shearing effects in a transition region between
same ranges, indicating that particles should move either upward the two. Particles in this transition region are more unstable
or downward. Some particles may be attracted and approach than those in the dense region. Furthermore, in the transition
the dense region by electrostatic force. These particles are close region, aerodynamic drag forces are smaller than those in the
to, but do not touch, the pipe wall and flow reversely; however, dilute region and electrostatic forces are smaller than those in
the reverse velocities in this region were greater than that of the dense region. This resulted in the particularly negative
the bottom particles, because of the absence of friction for such velocities of solids within the transition region observed in the
suspended particles. Therefore, in this region, the track of present study. Similarly, according to the report by Goldfarb et
particle motion was more wavelike, as shown in Figure 2b. On al.,17 a transition region formed at the interface between a steady
the other hand, some particles may still move ahead but also state and a wavy state formed by two shearing granular flows
may collide with particles moving in the opposite direction, thus in their experiment involving two streams of identical grains
resulting in such particles turning around. Generally, the results flowing on an inclined chute downstream of a splitter plate.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6079

Figure 16. Comparison of electrostatic characters on the bottom of the pipe and the top of the pipe for the half-ring-flow pattern (air flow rate ) 1000
L/min): (a) induced current measurement section, (b) averaged current on the pipe wall, and (c) wall charge from integration of the induced current.

Table 4. Electrostatic Forces on Single Particle in the Entire Reverse Area of Inclined Pneumatic Conveying (Air Flow Rate ) 1100 L/min)
parameter PP without Larostat-519 PP with Larostat-519
particle velocity (m/s) (-5.4 × 10-2)-(-2.0 × 10-3) (-3.3 × 10-1)-(-1.7 × 10-1)
equilibrium charge on pipe (C) -1.0 × 10-6 -5.2 × 10-8
charge per particle (C) 2.6 × 10-11 3.0 × 10-12
electrostatic force (N) 2.3 × 10-4-1.2 × 10-3 1.3 × 10-6-6.7 × 10-6
friction on the bottom of pipe (N) 6.9 × 10-4 5.35 × 10-5
measured Λ valuea 1.8-9 0.01-0.05
a Λ ) FE/G.

As for the half-ring-flow pattern, the ratio of the three types measurement is modified from the induced current test and is
of forces and the observations in the two regions were both shown in Figure 16a, where the test section is divided into two
similar to those of the reverse-flow pattern. As such, the details parts and the experimental data can be obtained from the top
of the analysis will not be repeated here. Furthermore, particle and bottom of the pipe, respectively. The results of average
velocity was much lower, because of a smaller air flow rate in currents calculated from eq 28 were shown in Figure 16b, in
the dilute region and particles had a tendency to remain which equilibrium times, i.e., charging times (Tc) can be read
stationary and form a ring structure on the pipe wall in the dense as fairly similar values for two cases. Consequently, the induced
region and part of the dilute region, probably because of the currents were integrated with time to obtain the charge on the
force balance described previously; thus, the ring structure here pipe wall (Figure 16c), according to eq 27. It is observed that
was relatively stable during the entire transport process. the wall charge at the top of the pipe is greater than that at the
In addition, a further experiment was performed to clarify bottom of the pipe during the entire experiment, as well as at
the reason why a ring or half-ring structure formed. This the moment of equilibrium time. Therefore, the magnitude of
6080 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Figure 17. Results of reverse-flow pattern with pulsating wave (air flow rate ) 1100 L/min): (a) normalized signal from two pressure transducers against
time (4 s); (b) particle concentration (R) captured from two ECT planes against time (4 s); (c) power spectral density of ECT data in plane 1; and (d) power
spectral density of ECT data in plane 2.

electrostatic force at the top of the pipe is high (up to 10-3 N); the one under observation, were performed. A commercially
thus, such a value would be large enough to overcome the available antistatic agent, Larostat-519 powder,18 has been
gravity and attract particles to stick on the upper part of the demonstrated to be a suitable means to reduce electrostatic
pipe wall. effects effectively in a pneumatic conveying system.6 Larostat-
4.2.4. Validation of Control Experiments. The unique 519 is a non-inflammable white powder with a bulk density of
feature of the reverse-flow phenomena, especially the velocity 520 kg/m3; it is composed of ∼60% soyadimethylethyl am-
difference between the transition and dense region, is attributed monium and ∼40% ethasulfate amorphous silica. In this
to the electrostatic effect, as analyzed previously. Thus, it is experiment, 0.5% (by weight) of Larostat-519 powder was
anticipated that particles at the bottom of the pipe would slide mixed with PP granules and other conditions were fixed to be
downward with higher speed and, thus, the transition region the same as those for reverse flow. In comparison with previous
would disappear, when the electric force was reduced. To verify cases, where no such agent was used, the equilibrium charge
this postulation, control experiments, which isolate the electro- on the pipe wall and on each particle obtained in the presence
static effect on a system by holding constant all variables but of the Larostat-519 powder was smaller, by ∼2 orders of
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6081

Figure 18. ECT images of particle concentration (R) at test plane 2 when the air flow rate is 1000 L/min: (a) PP without an antistatic agent and (b) PP with
an antistatic agent (Larostat-519 powder).

magnitude and 1 order of magnitude, respectively, as shown in by adding the antistatic agent, it was observed that particles
Table 4. Correspondingly, a drastic drop in electric force acting did not slide downward in a smooth and steady manner. Instead,
on each particle at the bottom of the pipe, as well as frictional from the observation made in the present study, the speed of
forces, were observed. Under the same air flow rate (1100 the reversing particles showed periodic fluctuations and solids
L/min), such small aerodynamic drag force cannot afford enough moved downward in alternating pulses of high and low
power to move particles upward, as mentioned in the last section. concentration, as shown in Figure 2d. The slow motion captured
Consequently, particles on the bottom of the pipe slid downward by the high-speed video camera presented this phenomenon in
with higher velocities, compared to the situation without an detail: initially, a stream of solids flowed down at a relatively
antistatic agent, because the small electric force and associated high speed from downstream to upstream along the conveying
friction would not restrict particles in this region. Furthermore, pipe; then, the reverse speed of some particles decreased; these
bottom particles would drive other particles in the dense region particles blocked those flowing back from downstream and
with almost the same velocities. Thus, particles in the entire accumulated on the upstream side of the pipe wall, making the
dense region flowed in the reverse direction. solids stream intermittent. (This continued until friction between
This process was captured by a high-speed video camera, as the particles and the wall or among the particles was unable to
shown in Figure 5d. The range of the dilute region in these support the gravity of the group of particles.) The process was
three images is basically the same as that in Figure 5b; however, then repeated.
no obvious transition region is observed. This is because In conclusion, the behavior of solids motion in the dense
particles A on the bottom of the pipe and particle B at the region exhibits a pulsating type of movement. Such flow pattern
interface of the dense and dilute regions are moving with almost can be identified by the pressure fluctuations in the conveying
the same speed (-0.25 ( 0.078 m/s). of solids.19 Therefore, an additional measurement was performed
Furthermore, during the experimental process of reverse-flow to obtain the pressure data using two pressure transducers (Gems
pattern without the influence of electrostatic forces achieved 2200BGA1002A3UA, Basingstoke, England) at distances of
6082 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007

Table 5. Material Properties and System Parameters for Figures 17c and 17d show that both power spectral density
CFD-DEM Simulations profiles exhibit a dominant peak at ∼1 Hz. This is also consistent
parameter value/comment with the fluctuation period of 1 s, as observed from Figures
shape of particles spherical 17a and 17b.
type of particles polypropylene, PP Another experiment was performed for the purposes of
number of particles 1000 comparison and confirmation, by mixing an antistatic agent into
particle diameter 2.80 mm
particle density 1123 kg/m3 particles at a fixed air flow rate of 1000 L/min. The ring-flow
spring constant, κ 5.0 × 103 N/m pattern then disappeared, as shown in Figure 18.
coefficient of restitution 0.9 4.2.5. Validation of Numerical Results. To verify the
coefficient of friction 0.3
gas density 1.205 kg/m3
aforementioned analysis, the experimental results for reverse
gas viscosity 1.8 × 10-5 N s/m2 flow were compared with a numerical simulation of pneumatic
pipe diameter 40.0 mm conveying of granular solids through a 45° inclined pipe, which
pipe length 1.0 m was achieved using a simple electrostatic field model and DEM
pipe inclination 45° coupled with CFD. The geometry of the pneumatic conveying
computational cell size 4 mm × 4 mm
simulation time step, ∆t 10-7 s system and the type of particles used in the simulations are based
on the experimental work. Material properties and system
parameters are listed in Table 5. The number of particles used
0.85 and 1.85 m from the bend, respectively as labeled “16” was 1000, corresponding to an overall solid concentration of β
and “17” in Figure 1. The pressure data were acquired ) 0.16, where β is defined as the overall volume fraction of
simultaneously for 100 s with the sampling rate set at 100 Hz. particles divided by the volume fraction of particles at maximum
Figure 17 shows the results of the normalized signal from packing, which is generally taken to be 0.64. A dimensionless
the two pressure transducers against time (4 s). It is observed quantity (Λ) that indicates the ratio of electrostatic force arising
that two pressure waveforms from the two sensors are out of from the charged pipe wall to the gravitational force acting on
phase with each other, with each signal having a regular each particle is defined in section 3.4. The specific values used
period of ∼1 s. The time lag (∆t) between the two waves for the various parameters, such as the spring constant and
indicated the time taken for one cluster of particles to slide from coefficients of restitution and friction, have been shown to have
test point 1 to test point 2. The average ∆t value was obtained minimal effects on the flow patterns produced from the CFD-
statistically to be 0.5 ( 0.3 s. The corresponding time lag DEM simulations in a sensitivity analysis performed by Lim et
between two particle concentration waves measured by two sets al.11 In all simulations performed, particles were first allowed
of ECT sensors was also observed to be similar in mag- to settle freely under gravity for 0.5 s and form a packing at
nitude (see Figure 17b). The power spectral densities for both the “bottom” of the pipe before gas flow was initiated. Periodic
waves were obtained by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the boundary conditions were applied to the solid phase to simulate
pressure and concentration data, to have a more quantitative an open flow system while a uniform gas velocity profile was
comparison of the dominant frequencies for both waveforms. maintained at the inlet. Particles that were carried out of the

Figure 19. Numerical result of reverse flow [β ) 0.16 (1000 particles)]: (a) enlarged image of one section in pneumatic conveying through a pipe (inlet
gas velocity ) 10 m/s, Λ ) 5.0) and(b) diametrical distribution of particle axial velocity.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 19, 2007 6083

conveying pipe by the flowing gas were simulated to re-enter downward. Thus, the electrostatic force was essential for the
from the inlet of the pipe with the same velocities and radial occurrence of three regions in reverse flow, and this was also
positions. validated by the control experiments and the results of CFD-
Figure 19a successfully shows that reverse-flow behavior can DEM simulation.
be observed in particles moving along the bottom wall, when
the inlet gas velocity is 10 m/s and Λ ) 5.0. Figure 19b Acknowledgment
describes the solid velocity distributions along the pipe diameter
from the bottom of the pipe (y ) 0) to the top of the pipe (y ) This study has been supported by the SERC (A*STAR), under
1). Here, particle velocities are actual values and not normalized, Grant No. R-279-000-208-305. The authors are grateful to Dr.
to have a good comparison between the two groups of data. In Jun Yao, Dr. Kewu Zhu, Fong Yew Leong, and Lai Yeng Lee
for many helpful discussions on this project.
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reverse flow, three major forces were in the same ranges and ReVised manuscript receiVed March 23, 2007
Accepted March 30, 2007
caused particles to be in a suspended state. In this region,
particles would be drawn by the gravitational force to flow IE061304I

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