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The Enemy Long Answer

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QUES How did Mr. Sadao rise above narrow

prejudices of race and country to help a human
being in need? (2009)
QUES Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a
doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made
Hana,his wife sympathise with him in the face of
open defiance from the domestic staff? (2011)
QUES What impression do you form about Dr.
Sadao as a man and as a surgeon on your reading
the chapter ,” The Enemy” (2012)
QUES Do you think Dr. Sadao’s final decision was
the best possible one in the circumstances?Why\
Why not?Explainwith reference to the story,’The
Enemy’ (2013)
QUES Dr. Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well
as a dedicated surgeon. How could he honour
both the values? (2015)
QUES Dr. Sadao faced a dilemma. Should he use
his surgical skills to save the life of a wounded
person or handover an escaped American POW to
the Japanese police? How did he resolve this clash
of values? (2015)
QUES Good human values are far above any other
value system. How did Dr. Sadao succeed as a
doctor as well as a patriot? (2017)
QUES To choose between professional loyalty
and patriotism was a dilemma for Dr. Sadao. How
did he succeed in betraying neither? (2017)
QUES How did Dr. Sadao face the dilemma he
came across in his life?What light does it throw on
his character? (2017)
QUES How did the arrival of the prisoner destroy
the peace of Sadao’s home? (2015)
QUES What conflicting ideas arise in Dr. Sadao’s
mind after he has brought the wounded American
soldier home? How is the conflict resolved?
QUES Why did Sadao help the American soldier to
escape? How did he do it?(2012)
ANSWER The story The Enemy by Pearl S Buck
has everything in it that makes it an anti war story
but at no stage in the story does the author spell
out categorical condemnation of war. The
deglorification of war is hinted at through the
near fatal plight of an American POW.
A wounded American soldier( TOM)who was
bleeding was washed away at Dr. Sadao’s
doorstep.Japan was at war with America and
giving shelter to a U.S.soldier was an anti-national
activity for which Dr. Sadao could be arrested and
severely punished.
Sadao’s expertise in his profession and
compassion as a human being were his most
dominant personality traits.As a dutiful doctor he
could not have let the prisoner die of his injuries
and so he saved his life. He encounters with the
dilemma to live as private individual whose moral
and ethical responsibility is to save the soldier and
second is a Japanese to make the soldier arrest.
But as a doctor ,he takes ethical responsibility,
risks his life ,fame and social status to save the
POW. His wife Hana also supported him. They
knew that their decision to save enemy soldier
would be questioned by everyone , but, they
firmly followed the sense of duty. From Hana’s
side ,it was purely duty of humanitarian.
It is well said that,”Success of humanitycomes
when we rise above the enemity and show our
love towards the civilization as whole.”
Dr. Sadao and Hana did the same .They did
whatever they couldto save the life of a man.
They also had to face open defiance from their
servants who refused to co-operate with them.
But,Hana ,being a woman ,could not see a
wounded person being left in lurch. As a woman,
she adorned the role of a life – giver and a
preserver. She could not have been a
destroyer.That is why she cleaned the prisoner
when her maid was unwilling to do so. She also
assisted her husband in the operation , despite
the fact that she could not stand the blood , and
started vomiting when she saw it.Thus, the life of
POW was saved.
It cannot be said that Dr. Sadao betrayed his
country as he told the truth to the General and
made plan to kill him. However ,whenhe noticed
that the soldier was to be killed not for the
benefit of the country but only to save doctor’s
life , he decide to help him flee. In such a situation
,the final solution was the best possible one.
Thus,this act of kindness makes the doctor the
mouthpiece of the author who tries to convey the
message of peace ,love, tolerance ,amity and

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