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English Summary

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THE EARTH The writer is not sure whether the language

began first or fire began first. Above all The
The Earth is a very nice story. This story has invention of agriculture is more important. He
been written by HE Bates. In the present says that fire is used for cooking and thus the
story, the writer has told about Johnson and long history of cookery.
his son Benzy.
The writer says that Johnson was a poor INDIA THROUGH A TRAVELLER'S EYE
farmer. He was very laborious. He had a son
whose name was Benzy. Benzy was a very India Through a Traveller’s Eyes is a very nice
essay. This essay has been written by Pearls
lazy boy. He was not interested in study. His
father was very worried about Benzy. One S Buck. It has been taken from my several
day, Johnson went to the doctor with Benzy. worlds which is a personal record of her life. It
The doctor advised Johnson to keep Benzy shows her love for the poorest people living
engaged in any work. After returning from in Indian Villages. In this chapter, the writer
the doctor, he thought a plan to start the wrote a book “Come, My Beloved” on her visit
to India. Most Americans not appreciate it but
poultry farm for Benzy. He opened an
account into the bank with his name. her book is not a puzzlement to Indian
Gradually, he learnt all the tricks of trade and readers. She had shown her love for the
marketing. He began to earn a lot of money people of India and tired to show the feelings
to sell eggs and hens. He began to deposit of Indian peole. Buck has described her visit
money into the bank. to India. She says India had always been part
Florence was kept to clean poultry farm. of the background of her life. She had heard a
Johnson did not like Florence due to the grey lot more of India from her family doctor and
colour of eyes. She was not beautiful to look his wife who were Indians. She had also
learnt Buddhism and the life story of lord
at. She was servant of Benzy. He purchased
four acres of land from the sanders. He made Buddha. The writer had come to India not to
a beautiful house. He married with Florence see the Taj Mahal, Fatehpursikri, or any
against the desire of his father. One day historical places. Her mission was to see and
Benzy turned out his parents from the house listen to the young intellectuals of India cities
at the dictates of his wife. The parents and the peasants in the villages. She found
became very sad to see the behave of his son thousands of young intellectuals trained in
and daughter in law. English schools were jobless in India. The
writer stayed with an Indian family in a
IDEAS THAT HAVE HELPED MANKIND village. Indians had great rewards for great
men & women. She found deep devotion for
Ideas that have helped mankind is an Gandhiji among Indians. Indian people are
impressive essay. This essay has been religious minded. It had the best and worst
written by Bertrand Russel. In this essay, he both aspects.
talks about the growth of human civilization.
He says that we are civilized today but A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL
thousands of years ago we were uncivilized.
We were living in jungles and caves like A marriage proposal is a romantic play. This
animals. But today we are civilized. We have play has been written by Anton P Chekhov. In
the pleasure of Alcohol, music, poetry, the present play, the writer has told about the
science and game but animals don’t have. It marriage proposal.
is our intellect and moral qualities which He says that Lomove and Choobookove are
make us different from animals. The ideas bosom friends. Choobookove has a daughter
that helped most to the mankind may be whose name is Natalia. She is a 25 years old
divided into two kinds. Those that girl. Lomove loves Natalia, but he is not bold
contributed knowledge and technique. Those enough to put the marriage proposal before
that were concerned with morals and politics. her father.


Choobookove also favors their marriage. But THE ARTIST

he does not know how to get them agree to
the proposal of marriage. The Artist is a very nice story. This story
One day Lomove comes to his friend's house has been written by Shiga Naoya. He was
suddenly. He was welcomed by his friend as a Japanese writer. In the present story, the
usual. Natalia also reached here. She talks writer has told about Seibei.
loudly. Their talks turned into a quarrel of He says that Seibei was twelve years old
possession of land. Choobookove faints to Japanese boy. This time, he read in a primary
see the fight between Natalia and Lomove. school. But he was not interested in his study.
He pretends to be dying and asks them to He was found of collecting and polishing
accept their marriage proposal. Lomove gourds. So, after the end of class, he
becomes worried about his friend. So, he wandered here and there in search of gourds.
accepts the marriage proposal. After it Once day, he went to the market. An old lady
Choobookove comes to his sense and blesses was selling gourds in the market. He
them. purchased gourds from an old lady. He went
to school with this gourds. He started
SWEETEST LOVE, I DONOT GOE polishing gourds under his desk. The ethics
teacher complained to his mother. His mother
John Donne (1572-1631) was the pioneer of informed Seibei's father. His father began to
a new kind of lyrical and satirical verse called beat him. Seibei was forced to leave collecting
metaphysical. He was born in London in a gourds. After somedays, Seibei began to paint
prosperous Roman Catholic family of traders. picture.
He was forced to leave Oxford University
without a degree, because of his religion. He HOW FREE IS THE PRESS
lost a job of secretary of a powerful noble How free is the press is a beautiful essay. This
when he was briefly sent to prison for essay has been written by Dorothy L. Sayers.
secretly marrying his patron's niece. In 1665, She was born in 1893 in England. She was
at the age of 42, He accepted ordination in one of the first women to graduate from
the Anglican Church and soon become one of Oxford University. In this essay she writes
the greatest preachers of his time. with clarity of thought to make a strong case
"Sweetest Love, I don't Goe" is a love poem against misreporting by the press or against
which has been composed by poet John the misuse of the freedom of the press.
Donne. In this present poem, the poet According to Sayers, without a free press we
beautifully expresses the feelings of love. can not imagine freedom of people. She
When lovers depart from each other, they pointed out that freedom of press is important
show the passion of love. The poet desires to feature of a democratic society. The press is
depart from his beloved not because he has restricted in time of war. A free press can
become fed with her or hopes to get a fitter attack government policies and can expose
love. He wants to leave his beloved because corruption. But the press is misused. She says
he knows as well that death will certainly press is not as free as it should be.
depart them away. The poet assures his Actually the press is chiefly controlled by two
beloved that he will come back like the sun factors the advertisers and the owner of the
comes everyday. The poet promises his press. No newspapers dares to go against
beloved that his returning will be faster than them. Sometimes a press does not express
sun. Finally he says that those who love each the public opinion and it misrepresents the
other are neither be parted nor dead. fact. At last she says that the danger to the
Ultimately meet in heaven after their physical freedom of the press does not come from the
death. government. It comes from within the press.



My Grandmothers house is a very nice poem. Song of Myself is a very nice poem. It has
The poem My Grandmother's House is a been composed by Walt Whitman, an
wounderful creation by Kamala Das. She has American poet. In the present poem, the poet
written about the grandmothers house. She expresses his sentiment of humanity.
also used to live with her grandmother in In this poem, the poet tells about himself and
that house. When she was young and sings for himself. He says that every atom of
beautiful. There she and her grandmother his blood belongs to his soul. He asks all to
lived a very happy life.Everything is good. accept the truth. Whatever he says comes
But when her grandmother died and the from his heart. According to him, life is not a
speaker lived in other places. The house bed of roses. It is a blend of both hardship
became in bad condition. Everything has and happiness. Life is the best gift of god.
been changed. Bushes grew around when He says that many people fight for religion.
the speaker went there to see the house. But it is not good. He believes in the
When she reached there she received warm betterment of the world. So he advises us to
welcome.She saw her house damage. A be happy and make others happy.
strong feeling caught her mind. Everything
was changed. When she reached there but MACAVITY : THE MYSTERY CAT
still she was proud because she received
loved which she begged at stringers door.In Macavity is a very nice poem. This
this poem Kamala Das told in the poem has been composed by TS Eliot.
autobiography how she lived when she was He was known as a major poet. In the
too young. present poem, the poet has told about
a cat whose name is macavity.
FIRE - FIRE HYMN According to the poet Macavity is very
Fire-Hymn is a very nice poem. This poem tall and thin. It commits the crime such
has been composed by KK N. Daruwala. He is as drinking milk, breaking glass and
an Indo Anglian poet. He is a Parsi. In the every human law but it is not present
present poem, the poet describes a ghat at the time of crime. Police fails to catch
where dead body is burnt. One day the poet
is wandering with his father nearby a ghat.
Macavity. It master crime which can
He sees the red-hot embers still glowing break every rule of humans. After the
many hours after a dead body has been crime, Macavity goes to some safe
cremated. He is shocked. Parsi instead of place and so no one catch it easily.
cremating their dead bodies carry it to the According to the poet there is no one
Tower of silence to put there in. He is like Macavity.
horrified to see such cruel act. The poet once
twenty five years back had consigned his first
child to the flames because the tower of
silence was far away from his residence. The
poet says that to burn a dead body is an
inhuman act. He regrets that he had
consigned his child to the Fire. He says that
he has comitted a sin by doing this in human
conel act. He asks forgiveness.


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