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Jessa Vill Lopez - Assignment #2

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Jessa Vill C.

BSED Filipino 2B

List down three (3) supporting student activities to attain each of the identified student outcomes.

1. Student Learning Outcomes; Students can solve mathematical problems involving

two-dimensional figures.
1.1. Identify and classify two to three dimensional shapes.
1.2. Use concrete objects or modeling to solve addition and subtraction
1.3. Draw two and three dimensional shapes (square, triangle and rectangle)

2. Student learning Outcome; Students can write a paragraph about an outing to a resort using a
verb in the past tense.
2.1. Practice differentiating source of topic and one’s example
2.2.. Writing of essays to develop the topic
2.3. Reading and remembering all the activities done in outing to formulate a

3. Student Learning Outcome; Students can demonstrate how to prepare a PowerPoint

3.1 Analyzing and evaluating after discussion
3.2 Forming the steps in preparing the PowerPoint presentation
3.3 Adapting the style to the identified audience

4. Student Learning Outcome; Students can write a reflection essay on lessons learned in a
community outreach activity.
4.1 Observing all the activities done during the outreach activity
4.2 Sharing experiences during the outreach activity during the class
4.3 Participating to the outreach community outreach activity

B. Design assessment task aligned to each of the 4 student learning outcomes.


1. Students can solve mathematical problems Identify the formula

involving two dimensional figures.

2. Students can write a paragraph about an Sharing their experiences by means of writing
outing to report using verbs in the past tense a paragraph

3. Students can demonstrate how to prepare a Present a report with PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation

4. Students can write a reflection essay on Participating in a community outreach activity

lessons learned in a community outreach
D. come up with a complete outline of the various assessment tasks and tools.

E. Differentiate each of the following examples that may be given to clarify the meanings.

1. Holistic rubric and analytic rubric

● Holistic rubrics provide a single score to summarize a student’s performance on a given
task, whereas Analytic rubrics provide several scores for the task, one for each different
category being evaluated.

2. Student Learning Outcomes and student assessment tasks

● Student Learning Outcomes are statements developed by faculty that describe the
knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors or values students should be able to demonstrate at
the end of the learning process.

3. Development portfolios showcase evaluation portfolio

● Development portfolio is the process by which a student documents and demonstrates
college-level competencies (knowledge-skills) acquired in environments and agencies
outside the traditional-higher education classroom. Showcase portfolios are designed to
display a learner's best quality of work. This might be to highlight student success or to
showcase a variety of accomplishments a student has achieved over a period of time, this
allows them to describe and tell their own story. Evaluation portfolio can be on
examination of student-selected samples of work experiences and documents related to
outcomes being assessed and it can address and support progress toward achieving
academic goals, including student efficacy.
F. With a particular learning outcome in mind, construct a scoring rubric- holistic and analytic.



Problems and hypothesis are clearly stated 4

and specific. All materials are listed and
specific Procedures are detailed, and include a
control group and experimental group. Data
presented thoroughly in tables and graphs.
Results clearly stated and reflect accurate
analysis of the data collected .

Problems and/or hypothesis are stated, but 3

may be general or vague. Materials are listed
Procedures are listed, but may not include a
control group. Data may be presented in a
table, but not graphically. Results are mostly
accurate and detailed

Problem and/or hypothesis are not clearly 2

stated. List of materials is not complete.
Procedures are missing some critical details
and are hard to follow. Inadequate data, or
data not presented graphically. Results do not
reflect accurate analysis of the data.

Problem and hypothesis not stated. Materials 1

not listed Procedures not listed. No data is
collected or displayed. Results not defined.

ANALYTIC RUBRIC SAMPLES This rubric could be used to assess a student's personal essay.

Category Excellent Good Fair Needs


Lead Lead draws the Lead creates Formulaic lead No lead

reader in anticipation

Conclusion Satisfying Conclusion Formulaic No conclusion

conclusion that gives sense of conclusion
conveys closure closure
and resolution

Written Clear, well Mostly neat and Somewhat Not neat

Presentation organized easy to messy or unclear Disorganized on
response understand the page, hard to
Excellent use of Correct use of understand
language and language

Evidence of Needs almost no Only requires Still needs much Still needs
Revision and editing minor editing, editing, errors extensive
Editing errors do not sometimes break editing, errors
interfere with down meaning interfere with
meaning meaning
G. How do the multiple intelligences affect your assessment practice?
● The multiple intelligence theory can draw students back into learning, using the different
intelligences to teach concepts allows each of your diverse learners a chance to succeed at
learning. The learner with strength in the visual-spatial intelligence will do well with
drawing and puzzles.

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