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Cordero Anna Marie Lesson 6

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I. Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided

B__1. What refers to the degree of asymmetry of the graph?

A. Distribution B. Mean C. Tendency D. Skewness
C 2. Which type of validity was established if the components or factors of a test are
hypothesized to have a generic correlation?
A. Construct validity B. Predictive validity C. Content validity D. Divergent validity
C__3. Which is used when the scored of the two variables measured by a test taken at
two different times 
by the same participants are correlated? 
A. Pearson r correlation C. Significance of the correlation
B. Linear regression D. Positive and negative correlation
_A__4. Which graph best represents the statement: “The TV license has been frozen for

the next 3 years.”?

___B__5. How do we determine if an item is easy or difficult?
A. An item is easy if majority of students are not able to provide the correct
answer. The item is 
difficult if majority of the students are able to answer correctly.
B. An item is difficult if majority of students are not able to provide the correct
answer. The item is 
easy if majority of the students are able to answer correctly.
C. An item can be determined difficult if the examinees who are high in the test
can answer more the 
items correctly than the examinees who got low scores. If not, the item is easy.
D. An item can be determined easy if the examinees who are high in the test can
answer more the 
items correctly than the examinees who got low scores. If not, the item is

II. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is true. If FALSE, encircle the word
or phrase that make it false. (2 points each)
____TRUE______ 1. A normal distribution is a bell curve with a perfect symmetric shape.
______TRUE___ 2. Reliability is the degree of consistency between 2 measures of the
same thing.
HISTOGRAM___ 3. A histogram is a type of graph appropriate for qualitative data.
_DIVERGENT___ 4. It is a divergent validity when the test is presented well, free for errors
and administered well.
___TRUE_______ 5. Mesokurtic is a flattest distribution.

II. Complete the table of Values. 

Supposed that you have administered a test to 50 students. Complete the Table
of values for item analysis given the formula and the

interpretation table. 


DIFFICULTY Index (DI) > 85% Very Easy

DI > 70% Easy

DI between 30% to 70% Moderately Difficult to Mod Easy/ Average

DI < 30% Difficult

DI < 20% Very Difficult

*Round off to the nearest whole number.

The upper 27% is (50*0.27)   1. __14__ 
The lower 27% is (50*0.27)    2. ___14_____
The total number of correspondents is (Ru + Rl) 3. ___28____

27% Number of
Ite Lowe correct
r Difficulty
m r corresponden Interpretation Decision
No. Grou ts Index (p)
p (Rl) (Ru + Rl)
Moderate/ SELECT/
1 9 2 11 0.39
Average RETAIN

2 6 2 8 6._0.29 9.  DIFFICULT 12.  SELECT

3 2 0 2 7. 0.07 Very Difficult 13. SELECT

4 8 3 4. 11 0.39 10.  AVERAGE 14.  SELECT

5 5 1 5. 6 8. 0.21 11MODERATE 15.  SELECT

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