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A New Robust Weight Update For Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller Adaptive Control With Application To Transcritical Organic Rankine Cycles

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Transactions of the Institute of

Measurement and Control
A new robust weight update for 1–13
Ó The Author(s) 2018

cerebellar model articulation Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0142331218807740
controller adaptive control with

application to transcritical organic

rankine cycles

J. Samiuddin, B. Badkoubeh, M. Sadeghassadi, J.K. Pieper and

C.J.B. Macnab

This work proposes modifications to the adaptive update law for a cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) and develops a model of a transcriti-
cal organic rankine cycle (ORC) to test it on. Owing to the local nature of its basis functions, the CMAC exhibits more weight drift (overlearning) than
other types of neural networks, and practical applications have been restricted to systems without persistent oscillations of the inputs. The proposed
solution to this problem here involves identifying a set of weights that is the best found so far in the training, and keeps the weights from drifting too far
from these best weights. The method results in uniformly ultimately bounded signals, established through Lyapunov analysis. To show the improved train-
ing algorithm now allows the CMAC to control more general systems, it is applied to the control of a transcritical ORC. Part of the contribution of this
paper also includes developing a model to describe the behaviour of a supercritical fluid in the ORC evaporator. The control method is compared with
proportional–integral control, where the controls have to provide robustness to fluctuations and step changes in heat source temperatures.

Cerebellar model articulation controller, direct adaptive control, parameter drift, bursting, organic rankine cycle

Introduction deadzone (Egardt, 1979), leakage (Ioannuou and Kokotovic,

1984) and e-modification (Narendra and Annaswamy, 1987).
Organic rankine cycles (ORCs) can create electricity from Several researchers have tried these traditional robust updates
low-temperature heat sources, such as waste heat (industrial with CMAC, including deadzone (Chen and Chang, 1996),
exhaust or industrial water outflows), geothermal sources, leakage (Wu et al., 2006), e-modification (Mai and Wang,
biomass heating, etc. ORCs work on the same general princi- 2014) and projection (Rodrı́guez et al., 2013); however, the
ples as a traditional boiler–turbine system, but using an issue of poor performance when inputs continue oscillating
organic fluid with a low boiling temperature instead of H2 O. was not dealt with in these papers and we find that they result
They represent an important green technology for reducing in too much performance degradation to be practical in the
pollution and carbon emissions. However, owing to the case of CMAC. Some novel robust modifications have been
small-scale nature of ORCs, suboptimal operation may not proposed that seem to prevent weight drift and still achieve
be economically viable; it is important to find nonlinear con- good performance, but do not come with a proof of stability
trol algorithms that can produce the most power possible (Abdelhameed et al., 2002; Masaud and Macnab, 2014; Wang
even as the temperature of the heat source fluctuates. In this et al., 2011; Yang and Han, 2014). This paper proposes a new
paper we show that neural-adaptive control represents a pro- robust method to prevent weight drift, and a Lyapunov
mising approach. framework allows us to guarantee uniformly ultimately
The cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC)
holds some particular advantages over other types of neural
networks in control systems applications, converging much
quicker than a multi-layer perceptron (Taniguchi and Lang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1993) and handling many more inputs than a radial basis
function (RBF) network. However, the CMAC has greater Corresponding author:
tendency to overlearn: in a direct-adaptive control this means Chris J.B. Macnab, Department of Electrical and Computer
continued weight drift can lead to the bursting phenomenon. Engineering,University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary,
Traditional robust adaptive control uses update modifications Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4.
such as adaptive-parameter projection (Egardt, 1979), Email:
2 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 00(0)

bounded signals. In this way, CMAC can now be used for developed by James Albus in 1972 (Albus, 1975b); although
process control applications. it was the first type of neural network capable of nonlinear
In our simulation testing, the new method controls a tran- approximation, it did not become widely appreciated until
scritical organic rankine cycle (TORC). We develop a model shown to be useful for robotics applications (Miller et al.,
of a TORC because operation in the supercritical region in the 1987). Note that it can also be used to define membership-
evaporator can improve efficiency (Quoilin et al., 2011). Yet function domains in a fuzzy approximator (Jou, 1992; Nie
previous literature has only addressed subcritical ORCs; for and Linkens, 1994; Ozawa et al., 1992). Many contemporary
an exhaustive review of proposed strategies the reader is researchers still utilize CMAC for nonlinear adaptive control
referred to Zhang et al. (2018). Zhang et al. (2012) presented a in a wide variety of applications, including voice coil motors
multi-variable control strategy by incorporating a model- (Lin and Li, 2014), mobile robots (Wu et al., 2014), human–
based linear quadratic regulator (LQG) with a proportional– robot systems (Zhang et al., 2015), induction motor drives
integral (PI) controller, using a 4 3 4 multi-input, multi-output (Wang et al., 2015) and hysteresis compensation (Meng et al.,
(MIMO) strategy. Zhang et al. (2013) proposed a generalized 2016), to name a few. Here we briefly outline operation of
predictive control (GPC) strategy that does not require previ- CMAC, and refer the reader to Lewis et al. (1998) and Brown
ous knowledge of a linear state space model. Soon afterwards, and Harris (1994) for detailed descriptions of CMAC opera-
Zhang et al. (2014) designed a constrained model predictive tion and algorithmic implementation.
control (MPC) for a subcritical ORC that uses a 3 3 3 MIMO The CMAC local basis-function domains, or cells, are
strategy. Quoilin et al. (2011) used a simplified model without hypercubes indexed by input vector xin 2 Rn (Albus, 1975b).
multivariable interactions and then designed a decentralized The hybercube cells are arranged in M offset arrays
single-input, single-output (SISO) PI controller; our current (Figure 1). Like RBF networks the output is a weighted sum
work also follows this decentralized strategy, but with differ- of basis functions, and computational efficiency stems from
ent input–output pairings. We argue that our adaptive strat- only having to calculate the Mactivated weights
egy is more realistic and practical than model-based controls,
because ORCs are not only difficult to model but parameters X
will change over time. We also posit that our following-waste- ^f (xin ) = G i (xin )wi = G(xin )w ð1Þ
heat strategy is more realistic and practical than the following- i=1

electric-load strategy used in some of the above papers,

because ORCs cannot reasonably be expected to provide a with activated basis functions G 2 R1 3 M and activated
given load as a traditional high-power boiler system can; weights w 2 RM .
ORCs are typically low-power systems that need to provide The original CMAC algorithm uses binary activations, but
maximum power at all times to have even the chance of eco- to achieve continuous outputs we utilize spline basis functions
nomic viability (to recover capital and maintenance costs). within the cells (Figure 2, where only the activated basis func-
The current work looks at developing a control system for tions are illustrated). We also normalize these basis functions
a TORC that can compensate for unknown or variable nonli- in the output, which makes the CMAC equivalent to a fuzzy
nearities in the system while remaining robust to distur- encoding/decoding scheme with the normalized basis func-
bances. The method follows from that initially presented in tions interpreted as fuzzy membership functions with truth
our conference paper (Samiuddin et al., 2017). We use adap- values between 0 and 1.
tive CMACs, with novel weight updates, in a decentralized The CMAC differs significantly from most other types of
control scheme. The resulting control does not require knowl- nonlinear approximators in that it uses local basis functions.
edge of the system parameters, can compensate for slowly- The local cells allow the CMAC to achieve both real-time
varying disturbances, and will remain robust to bounded computational efficiency and fast training at the same time,
time-varying disturbances. The advantage of the proposed whereas typical global basis function networks result in a
method for ORCs compared with those outlined in the previ- trade-off between those two measures However, the local
ous paragraph include compensation for nonlinearities, adap- nature of the cells also results in more weight drift (overlearn-
tation to changing heat-source temperature, and application ing) compared with other types of nonlinear approximators,
to TORC: a combination that should ultimately result in
more energy production. Compared with Samiuddin et al.
(2017), we have more fully described the proposed control,
provided theorems/proofs for the control laws, and have
added a step-disturbance rejection test. In simulation, the
proposed control outperforms PI control in setpoint tracking
and disturbance rejection in terms of both control perfor-
mance and overall energy production.

The CMAC is a type of nonlinear approximator, capable of Figure 1. Example CMAC cell structure with two inputs and three
uniform approximation of nonlinear functions. It is was arrays.
Samiuddin et al. 3

Figure 2. The activated spline basis functions in a two-input CMAC

with three array layers. A weighted sum of activated basis functions
provides the output.

Figure 4. ORC temperature–entropy diagram.

coming out from the expander passes through the other side
of the recuperator where it is precooled (6–7). The condenser
utilizes a fan for further cooling of the fluid into liquid (7–1).
Note that the recuperator reduces the load on the evaporator
and the condenser by mutual heat transfer within the cycle,
increasing efficiency.
We will utilize dynamic models of the heat exchangers
(evaporator, condenser and recuperator) and static models
for the compressor, expander and valve. The dynamic model
allows control design and/or testing. A static version of the
model, with all time derivatives set to zero, enables identifica-
tion of an appropriate setpoint.

Proposed methods for modelling and

Figure 3. ORC with the addition of a recuperator. controller design
Modelling of TORC
because an oscillation of the input between two cells and Since a model of a TORC was not available in the literature,
across the origin can cause the weights in those cells to drift in this paper develops a dynamic model of the evaporator suit-
opposite directions. Note the total number of cells is typically able for control system design. We use the result from
too large to allocate in memory, so a hash-coding scheme is Rasmussen and Alleyne (2004) that uses Leibniz’s equation
used to store only (previously) activated weights in physical to solve an existing set of partial differential equations
memory (Albus, 1975a). (PDEs) for a given heat exchanger to free the model of spatial
dependence. Although others have used Leibniz’s equation to
model heat exchangers working in a subcritical environment,
ORC modelling no one else has used it to model a supercritical evaporator to
The schematic of an ORC with recuperator appears in the best of the authors’ knowledge.
Figure 3, with points 1–7 labelled on a temperature–entropy Possible modelling techniques for a heat exchanger in an
graph in Figure 4. The pump compresses the liquid fluid (1– ORC include moving boundary and lumped parameter meth-
2) into a supercritical fluid, which then gets preheated in the ods. The moving boundary technique divides the heat exchan-
recuperator (2–3). The main heat source further heats the ger into several zones; the zone boundaries vary with time
supercritical fluid in the evaporator (3–4). The valve controls with respect to the current condition of the heat exchanger
the mass flow rate of the supercritical fluid (4–5). The fluid (He, 1996; Jensen, 2003; Quoilin, 2011). The lumped para-
expands inside the expander (turbine) (5–6), which turns a meter method uses control volumes with constant boundaries;
shaft producing electrical power in a generator. The gas a supercritical system will use a single control volume
4 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 00(0)

Table 1. Symbols.

a Heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 K)

r Density kg/m3
A Cross-sectional area m2
c Specific heat capacity J/(kg K)
h Specific Enthalpy J/kg
L Length m
m_ Mass flow rate kg/s
p or P Pressure Pa
ql Heat flux per length W/m
r Radius m
s Specific Entropy J/(kg K)
Figure 5. Control volume for each region.
t Time s
T Temperature K
x Quality of fluid
(Rasmussen and Alleyne, 2004). We use moving boundaries zl Length m
to model the subcritical condenser, and lumped parameters to m Opening of valve {0,1}
model both the supercritical evaporator and subcriti- Xpp Capacity fraction of pump {0,1}
cal + supercritical recuperator. In the recuperator, the work- Nfan Condenser fan speed rpm
ing fluid is in the subcritical region on one side where it is in
low pressure and in the supercritical region on the other side
where it is in high pressure (Figure 3). Assuming there is no
Table 2. Subscripts.
pressure drop in the fluid flow between elements, the
dynamics of the evaporator imposes the higher pressure while a Ambient
the condenser imposes the lower pressure (He, 1996; Jensen,
2003; Quoilin, 2011). A, B Points (Positions)
For a control volume as shown in Figure 5, the mass bal- c Condenser/Cold side
ance equation is ev Evaporator
g Saturated vapor
" Z #
h Hot side
d zl, B dzl, A dzl, B
A r dz + rA  rB = m_ A  m_ B ð2Þ i Inner
dt zl, A dt dt in Inlet
int 1 Interface between superheated region and two-phase region
and the energy balance is int 2 Interface between two-phase region and sub-cooled region
" Z # is Isentropic
d zl, B dp dzl, A dzl, B l Saturated liquid
A rh dz  (zl, B  zl, A ) + rA hA  rB hB n Nominal
dt zl, A dt dt dt
o Outer
= m_ A hA  m_ B hB + ql (zl, B  zl, A ) out Outlet
r Recuperator
sf Heat source
sp Setpoint
Note that Tables 1 and 2 list definitions of all our symbols
w Wall
and subscripts, respectively. wf Working fluid
To deal with the supercritical nature of the ORC, we need
to develop a model for the evaporator. As the fluid enters
and leaves the evaporator in the supercritical form, we use a
single fluid region (Figure 6). With constant zl, A and zl, B (2) dTw, ev
becomes cw rw Aw, ev = 2pri, ev awf, ev (Twf, ev  Tw, ev )
dt ð6Þ
   + 2pro, ev ao, ev (Tsf  Tw, ev )
drev dPev 1 drev dhin, ev dTout, ev
Aev Lev + + cout, ev = m_ in, ev  m_ out, ev
dPev dt 2 dhev dt dt
We ignore the dynamics of the heat source for modelling
ð4Þ purposes, although in reality it is slowly varying.
The modelling of the rest of the components (including
and (3) becomes condenser, pump and expander) follows standard methods,
       presented in full in our previous work (Samiuddin et al.,
1 dr dhin, ev dTout, ev dr dPev
Aev Lev rev + hev ev + cout, ev + hev ev  1 2017). The resulting overall model contains 13 states
2 dhev dt dt dPev dt
= m_ in, ev hin, ev  m_ out, ev hout, ev + 2pri, ev Lev awf, ev (Tw, ev  Twf, ev )
x = ½L1 , L2 , Pc , Tout, c , Tw, 1 , Tw, 2 , Tw, 3 ,
ð5Þ ð7Þ
Pev , Tout, ev , Tw, ev , hc, out , hh, out , Tw, r T
The energy balance of the wall of the evaporator is
The inputs for the model are
Samiuddin et al. 5

= f1, j (y, Tsf, n ) + f2, j (x, y, Tsf, n )  gj, j uj

 gi, j ui (t  T )  gi, j (ui (t)  ui (t  T )) ð15Þ
i6¼j i6¼j
= f1, j (y, Tsf, n )  gi, j ui (t  T ) + D(t)  gj, j uj ð16Þ

where T is the time period of the CMAC discrete control sig-

nal and D contains unmeasurable disturbances (including
subsystem interactions). In order to design the decentralized
control we assume

jD(t)j\Dmax for all t ð17Þ

Figure 6. Schematic of the evaporator. where Dmax is a positive constant. Note that the other terms
(in addition to D(t)) depend on measured variables and can be
u = ½m, Xpp , Nfan T ð8Þ accounted for by the CMAC adaptive control.
The output error is
where 0 ł m ł 1 is the opening of the valve, 0 ł Xpp ł 1 is the
capacity fraction of the pump and Nfan is the speed of the con- zj = yj  yj, sp ð18Þ
densing fan in revolutions per minute. The state-space equa-
where yj, sp is the jth value of the current set point. A control
tion is
that can drive the ORC system towards its desired working
x_ = f(x, Tsf ) + g(x, Tsf )u ð9Þ condition is
where f() and g() contain nonlinear terms. The measured out-
uj = uj, n + Duj ð19Þ
puts are
y = ½Pev , Tout, ev , Tout, c 0 ð10Þ where Duj is the CMAC-based control

where Pev is the pressure in the evaporator, Tout, ev is the outlet Duj = Gj (q)^
wj + Kj zj ð20Þ
temperature of the evaporator and Tout, c is the output of the
condenser. where Kj is a positive constant control gain. Note the CMAC
is capable of approximating all unknown linear and nonlinear
CMAC adaptive control terms that depend on measurable signals in a region D. Thus,
the CMAC inputs must be
The control strategy uses three decentralized SISO loops with
three control inputs (manipulated variables) matched to three qj = ½ Pev Tout, ev Tout, c Tsf m(t  T ) Xpp (t  T ) Nfan (t  T) 0
outputs (controlled variables) as
m ! Pev ð11Þ
To make the control adaptive, one can apply the e-modifica-
Xpp ! Tout, ev ð12Þ tion weight update law
Nfan ! Tout, c ð13Þ
^_ j = bj (G0j zj  njzj j^
w wj ) ð22Þ
which is justified for the particular model in this paper using
a relative gain array (RGA) analysis (described later). Three where (typically) the weights begin at zero.
CMAC adaptive controls will be applied to the three control Theorem 1. For the system described by (16) and (18), under
loops. Because stability will be established for each control condition (17), if the region of CMAC uniform approximation
loop independently, technically this would be considered a D is chosen large enough, then applying CMAC control (19)
decentralized SISO approach. However, each CMAC will be and (20) and CMAC weight updates (22) results in semi-
given full state information, so that in practice the CMACs globally uniformly ultimately bounded (SGUUB) signals (zj
will end up compensating for much of the dynamic cross- ^ j ) in D.
and w
coupling in the MIMO system. The proof of Theorem 1 appearing in Appendix A uses an
The steady-state inputs uj, n and corresponding steady-state adaptive control Lyapunov function
outputs yj, n , for j = 1, 2, 3, define a nominal setpoint.
For control design purposes, we assume g(x, Tsf ) from (9) 1 2 1 T
is constant (in practise it changes very little). In this case, ele- Vj = zj + ~ w
w ~j ð23Þ
2gj 2bj j
ments of g are replaced by constants gi, j and the dynamics of
the jth SISO subsystem becomes where w~ j = wj  w
^ j is the weight estimation error (wj is a set
X of unknown ideal constant weights).
y_ j = f1, j (y, Tsf, n ) + f2, j (x, y, Tsf, n )  gj, j uj  gi, j ui ð14Þ Using e-modification (22) is not the only method for pro-
i6¼j viding robustness and preventing bursting in adaptive control.
6 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 00(0)

The method of parameter projection is often used (Egardt, cell has been activated, Ti , is less than a pre-identified
1979), and we introduce it here because our proposed method critical time Tc ;
will use a similar technique. A simple form of projection for C. applies a modified weight update if the weight is
neural networks operates on each weight individually within the imposed bound and Ti øTc , where the mod-
8 ified weight update keeps the weight close to a best
<0 if zj . 0 and w
^ j = wmax weight (bi ) identified so far;
^_ j = 0
w if zj \0 and w^ j =  wmax ð24Þ
: b G0 z otherwise
j j j or, mathematically,
where wmax is a known maximum value of the ideal weight, 8
<0 if k ^p k = pmax
which would have to be identified using either model knowl-
^p_ i = bGi z if k ^p k \pmax and Ti \Tc
edge or extensive pretraining. The main idea is that w
^ j = wmax :
b½Gi z + hjzi j(bi  ^pi ) otherwise
implies w~ ł 0 and w ^ j =  wmax implies w~ ø0. Although a
complete proof is beyond the scope of this paper, note that ð27Þ
applying (19), (20) and (24) in the disturbance-free, ideal-
neural-network case ensures the time derivative of (23) is where h is a positive constant.
The best weight identified so far (bi ) is that weight that has
> 2
~ j =gj  Kj z2j ł 0 if zj . 0 and w
^ j = wmax resulted in the lowest average error previously in the training,
< zj w
_ 2 2 as measured over the cell’s domain plus three subsequent cell
V = zj w~ j =gj  Kj zj ł 0 if zj \0 and w ^ j =  wmax ð25Þ
: K z2 ł 0 domains on the same CMAC layer. The rationale for (bi )
j j otherwise
based on four cell activations on the same layer is that a sinu-
soidal oscillation of highly related states will occur in a planar
resulting in a negative-semi-definite derivative and a guaran-
ellipse even in high-dimensional space; a small oscillation
tee of stability. The practical difficulty of applying parameter-
should occur through, at most, four cells. This means the
projection is that persistent disturbances usually result in the
average error should be measured through a full period of
weights reaching their imposed bound, making the update
oscillation of the states. Therefore, the best weight found so
bj G0j zj irrelevant to the ultimate performance.
far results in the lowest average error through a full period of
oscillation (and avoids rewarding a weight for reducing the
Novel solution for weight update design to prevent error in a partial oscillation at the cost of increasing overall
bursting The main ideas behind this strategy are as follows.
We find the update (22) leads to a large trade-off between sta-
bility and performance owing to the problem of overlearning A. In the initial training with ^p_ i = bGi z, the performance
in the CMAC, i.e. choosing n large enough to prevent weight CMAC is capable of reducing the error to small val-
drift leads to worse performance than with PI control. The ues even as the robust CMAC is training with a large
other popular robust modification of deadzone requires n in (22).
weight updates to stop in the region jzj j\dj, max =Kj , but B. The performance-CMAC weights are bounded using
because dj, max includes the very large disturbances in the heat pmax to guarantee bounded signals.
source the deadzone would be extraordinarily large. Thus, we C. The performance-CMAC weight update is trying to
propose a novel method for preventing weight update that ensure that the algorithm:
achieves high performance while halting weight drift. (a) will capture the best performance found during
The proposed method uses two CMACs in parallel, a the training by stopping weight drift when the
robust CMAC Gj (q)^ wj and a performance CMAC Gj (q)^pj and performance has reached its peak;
the control output becomes (b) will try to prevent the weights from ever reach-
ing pmax .
Duj = Gj (q)^
wj + Gj (q)^pj + Kj zj ð26Þ
Note that applying condition (A) above to bound the
The subscript j is omitted in the rest of this section without
weights differs from traditional parameter projection in two
loss of generality. The robust CMAC updates with e-modifi-
important ways: (1) the bound pmax does not have to be cho-
cation (22) at all times, with a conservative value of n, i.e. a
sen larger than k p k to guarantee stability, i.e. knowledge of
value of n that is large enough to prevent weight drift but
p is not required; and (2) a persistent disturbance would not
would reduce performance if only the robust CMAC con-
be expected to drive k ^p k to pmax .
trolled the system. The update for an individual weight in the
performance CMAC, on the other hand, operates according Theorem 2. For the system described by (16), (18), under con-
to these conditions: dition (17), if the region of robust-CMAC and performance-
CMAC uniform approximation D is chosen large enough then
A. applies zero update if the weight norm has reached applying CMAC control (19), (26), robust-CMAC weight
some imposed bound, pmax ; updates (22), and performance-CMAC weight updates (27)
B. applies an unmodified weight update, if the weight is results in SGUUB signals (zj and w^ j ) in D.
within the imposed bound, pmax , and the total time the The proof appears in Appendix B.
Samiuddin et al. 7

Results Table 3. Model parameters.

Choosing parameters Lc , Lev 40 m

Lr 10 m
One common critique from industrial practitioners directed
ri, c , ri, ev , ri, r 11 mm
toward adaptive control system techniques is that more para-
ro, c , ro, ev , ro, r 12 mm
meters require tuning than with PI. Here, we endeavour to Ri, ev 55 mm
show that choosing parameters with the proposed method is Ri, r 40 mm
nearly trivial, making industrial adoption much more likely cw 384 J/kg.K
compared with traditional adaptive methods. rw 8960 kg/m3
The first parameter that must be chosen is the critical time V_ max 1:43103 m3 /s
TC when weight updates must be turned off. In traditional hpump 0.6001
adaptive control this would be a difficult parameter to e 0.6163
choose, since using a reasonable value of n in the e-modifica- bv 33106
tion term would result in a short window between the time
the system has reached peak performance and when the
weights start to drift (risking bursting). However, in our pro-
posed method the introduction of a supervisory ‘‘best weight
so far’’ term bi in (27) allows us to increase the robust gain h
in (27) to a relatively large number. This has the practical
effect of slowing the weight drift to a truly tiny rate. The
result is that there is a truly enormous window of time
between the time that peak performance is reached and when
weights would get large enough in magnitude to risk bursting;
thus, it is now straightforward to pick a suitable value of TC
in the proposed method. Our simulations use Tc = 2000 s and
h = 1 3 1010 .
Choice of parameter n in the proposed method, which
weights the e-modification term in the robust weight (22), is
also trivial. As the robust term provides robustness and not
performance, n can just be chosen relatively large, i.e. large
enough to easily prevent weight drift for any given possible
disturbance. Note that choosing n in this way would not be
possible in traditional e-modification since it would ruin per-
formance, but in the proposed method it is the performance Figure 7. Step change in m from 0.4 to 0.45.
CMAC that provides the performance regardless of the out-
put from the robust CMAC. We use n = 1 3 107 .
The parameter pmax in (27) simply exists as a safety mea- and KI =  1:732 3 107 , 0:0062, 0:0062 for the m ! Pev ,
sure in the control. Thus, one would run the system first to Xpp ! Tout, ev , Nfan ! Tout, c loops, respectively.
determine how large in magnitude the best weights become,
and make pmax just a little bit bigger. We would never expect
that this bound ever gets imposed in actual operation if the Model consistency
values of Tc and n have been properly designed (which is easy
as discussed previously), and thus pmax should not ever come The model parameters are listed in Table 3. Without loss of gen-
into play unless very severe and unexpected disturbances erality we select R134a as the working fluid, which exhibits many
affect the system. Thus, we do not actually choose or imple- desired properties without exorbitant cost (Gao et al., 2012).
ment a value for pmax in our simulations in this paper. To demonstrate that the model is reasonable, we observe
For comparison purposes we carefully tune the PI controller the change in some of the core dynamics of the ORC simula-
using the Internal Model Control (IMC) technique (Bequette, tion with respect to changes in the actuator inputs, and then
2003) where the step-response is interpreted as being the result compare them to changes observed in Quoilin (2011). First, a
of a first-order system with time constant t p and gain kp . step change in the opening of the valve (m) occurs from 0.4 to
Specifically, we choose proportional and integral gains 0.45 at 30s, and we note the changes in the evaporating pres-
sure and the outlet temperature of the evaporator (Figure 7);
tp KP the graph shows m decreases both evaporating pressure and
KP = , KI = outlet temperature at the evaporator, consistent with
kp l f tp
(Quoilin, 2011). Second, a step change in the capacity fraction
where lf is a constant parameter that trades off performance of the pump (Xpp ) from 0.4 to 0.45 happens at 30s, and we
for robustness. For our simulations we choose lf so that the evaluate the changes in evaporating pressure and the outlet
closed-loop PI response has as fast a settling time as possible temperature of the evaporator (Figure 8); a step up in Xpp
without overshoot. We tuned three decentralized PI control- decreases outlet temperature at the evaporator while the eva-
lers with resulting KP =  1:734 3 106 , 0:1215, 0:1215 porating pressure increases, again consistent with (Quoilin,
8 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 00(0)

Table 4. RGA matrix analysis.

out n m Xpp Nfan

Pev 0.63409 0.30998 0.055922

Tout, ev 0.30368 0.82525 20.12894
Tout, c 0.062223 20.13524 1.073

Table 5. Nominal operating conditions.


Bulk temperature of heat source, Tsf 2028 C

Evaporating pressure, y1 = Pev 4:986MPa
Temperature of R134a at outlet of evaporator, y2 = Tout, ev 242o C
Figure 8. Step change in Xpp from 0.4 to 0.45. Temperature of R134a at outlet of condenser, y3 = Tout, c 36o C
Opening of valve, u1 = m 0.45
Capacity fraction of pump, u2 = Xpp 0.42
Condenser fan speed, u3 = Nfan 300rpm

RGA analysis
The TORC is a MIMO system, yet MIMO control designs
typically require a model of the system. On the other hand
model information is not required for SISO controls. RGA
analysis identifies the degree of process interactions between
the control inputs and outputs (Bristol, 1966; Chen and
Seborg, 2002), indicating whether a decentralized control
using several SISO loops is appropriate. The resulting RGA
matrix shows diagonal dominance, justifying our decentra-
lized control strategy (Table 4).
Note that although the PI control and adaptive-CMAC
control in the simulations are designed using a decentralized
strategy, the testing of both PI controls and adaptive-CMAC
controls takes place with the full MIMO system model.
Figure 9. Step change in Nfan from 300 to 500rpm.

2011). Finally, the fan speed (Nfan ) changes from 300 to

Choosing the setpoint
500rpm at 30s (Figure 9); the resulting changes in the evapor- Using the static model and nominal operating conditions
ating pressure and the outlet temperature of the evaporator (Table 5), we observed how W_ net , Pev , Tout, ev and Tout, c chan-
are negligible while the change in the outlet temperature of ged with respect to changes in Tsf (1758C ł Tsf ł 2358C). The
the refrigerant of the condenser is significantly negative, i.e. results showed that increasing Tsf increases W_ net , Pev and
the fan creates cooling which is consistent with our intuitive Tout, ev , while decreasing Tout, c . This indicates that if Tsf is
understanding. growing in magnitude, Pev and Tout, ev should also be allowed
Please note that the main emphasis and novelty of this to grow in magnitude and Tout, c should be allowed to decline
paper is the original contributions to the CMAC adaptive in magnitude (to maximize W_ net ). However, the process vari-
control method; the ORC model provides us with an indust- ables must remain within safety limits, i.e. we must choose
rially relevant, realistic, and complex system for validation of bounds on the process variables. We choose the upper bounds
the control. As the proposed control is adaptive, our simula- for Pev and Tout, ev to be 5 MPa and 2458C respectively, and
tions provide strong evidence that our control would work in the lower bound for Tout, c as 308C. These values define the
practice, i.e. the system should be able to adapt to any unmo- setpoint (sp) for the control.
delled or unknown nonlinearity. We also note that the over-
whelming majority of previous CMAC-control papers apply
their methods to noise-free, minimum-phase, closed-loop- Disturbance rejection
stable mechanical or mechatronic systems (presumably due to In practice, the heat source will not have a constant tempera-
the weight-drift/bursting issues). Application to process con- ture. Ideally, the controller should maximize recovery of waste
trol is a new direction for CMAC. heat by adapting to the fluctuations in the heat source while
Samiuddin et al. 9

Figure 10. Variation in heat source temperature.

Figure 11. Net power output for disturbance rejection test. Figure 13. Setpoint tracking under the influence of disturbance.

Figure 14. RMS error convergence for disturbance rejection test.

to control the system in a stable manner immediately, and

performance will improve over the long term as the system
encounters similar disturbances repetitively, and Figure 14
shows the rate of performance improvement when an identi-
cal disturbance repeats. The performance results show the
CMAC performance after 568 training trials. The perfor-
mance weights also converge after this much training (Figure
15). The root-mean-square (RMS) error includes errors in all
three output channels together.
Figure 12. Variation in control inputs under the influence of
Step-disturbance rejection
keeping the TORC process variables at desired levels. The
first simulation tests the controller’s ability to react to random The heat source temperature (Tsf ) may move away from its
fluctuations of Tsf (Figure 10). The results show that the nominal value, but this shift in value may not last long and
CMAC adaptive control outperforms PI (Figure 13). The var- this shift can be simulated in the form of a step disturbance.
iations in the control inputs are within the allowable ranges In such a scenario, the controller has to be effective in cancel-
regardless of variation in Tsf (Figure 12); note owing to a high ling the step change in Tsf by treating it as a disturbance, oth-
degree of nonlinearity the sensitivity of outputs to inputs is erwise this change will lead to a higher magnitude deviation
very high (Figures 6 and 7) and, thus, slight changes in inputs from the setpoint (bringing about safety concerns mainly
lead to significant changes in output values. The net power owing to a significant increase in pressure). In addition, a sig-
produced by the adaptive CMAC remains higher throughout nificant decrease in pressure may result in a change in the
time compared with the PI controller (Figure 11). region of the working fluid inside the evaporator, i.e. super-
Note that the CMAC controller is not pretrained. We use critical to subcritical. To test the effectiveness of the adaptive
a direct-adaptive control approach, where all weights in the CMAC, tests introduce a step disturbance of an additional
CMAC start at values of 0 and training occurs entirely on- 108C in Tsf from t = 50 to 100 seconds. The CMAC adaptive
line. The idea is that the adaptive-CMAC control will be able control outperforms the PI control (Figure 16). The control
10 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 00(0)

Figure 15. Behaviour of performance weights and robust weights in

CMAC for disturbance rejection.

Figure 17. Variation in control inputs under the influence of step


Figure 18. Net power for step-disturbance rejection.

Figure 16. Setpoint tracking under the influence of step disturbance.

inputs remain within acceptable limits (Figure 17). The net

power produced by the adaptive CMAC is also higher Figure 19. RMS error convergence for step disturbance rejection test.
throughout compared with the PI controller (Figure 18).
The previous results for the step disturbance rejection test
show the CMAC performance after 133 training trials, which
is how long it takes the CMAC to converge for the step dis-
turbance rejection test (Figure 19). The performance weights
and robust weights also converge after this much training
(Figure 20).
In summary, the adaptive CMAC outperforms the PI con-
troller in both tests, showing its setpoint tracking ability
despite disturbance (Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8). The adap-
tive CMAC also accumulates more net energy ðEnet =
R totaltime
0 W_ net dtÞ as output over the period of time for both
tests (Table 9), which is the ultimate objective of the ORC.

Comparison to traditional robust control

The previous simulations used n = 1 3 107 and Figure 20. Behaviour of performance weights and robust weights in
h = 1 3 1010 for parameters in proposed robust weight CMAC for step disturbance rejection.
Samiuddin et al. 11

Table 6. RMS error for Pev (Pa).

Disturbance rejection Step disturbance rejection

CMAC 98.3482 464.2557

PI 8559 17483

Table 7. RMS error for Tout, ev (8C).

Disturbance rejection Step disturbance rejection

CMAC 0.0011 0.0093

PI 0.0774 0.1594

Table 8. RMS error for Tout, c (8C).

Disturbance rejection Step disturbance rejection

CMAC 0.00054 0.0011

PI 0.0052 0.0164

Figure 21. Weight drift when using e-modification only, without

proposed method.
Table 9. Net energy (MJ) comparison between adaptive-CMAC and PI
proposed controller. The proposed controller outperformed
Disturbance rejection Step disturbance rejection PI while keeping the process variables within acceptable
ranges, despite variations in the heat source temperature and
CMAC 1.3500 1.1417 setpoint. The proposed controller exhibited reasonable and
PI 1.3312 1.1295 feasible variations in the control inputs.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

updates (22) and (27), respectively. If one uses traditional e- The authors declared no potential conflict of interest with
modification (22) with n = 1 3 108 , then the performance is respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
nearly identical (and, thus, not plotted) but the weights con- this article.
tinue to drift at a linear rate (Figure 21). The continued
weight drift will eventually lead to bursting behaviour, which Funding
would be catastrophic in the case of an ORC. Thus, the pro- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
posed method uses a conservative value of n = 1 3 107 for support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
the robust CMAC which easily halts the weight drift, yet this article: This work was supported by the Natural
(with the addition of the performance CMAC) no perfor- Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
mance is sacrificed to achieve this stability. through a Collaborative Research and Development Grant
Note the value of h = 1 3 1010 is simply chosen large (number 451433 - 2013) and by our industrial partner
enough so that the value of the magnitude of the performance Genalta Power.
weights never actually reaches the imposed bound pmax , so
that the imposed bound remains simply to ensure stability References
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Appendix A
Quoilin S (2011) Sustainable Energy Conversion Through the Use of
Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery and Solar Appli- Proof of Theorem 1. Consider the (positive-definite) direct
cations. PhD Thesis, University of Liege (Belgium). adaptive control Lyapunov function
Quoilin S, Aumann R, Grill A, Schuster A, Lemort V and Spliethoff
H (2011) Dynamic modeling and optimal control strategy of 1 2 1 T
waste heat recovery organic rankine cycles. Applied Energy 88(6): Vj = z + ~ w
w ~j ð28Þ
2gj j 2bj j
Rasmussen BP and Alleyne AG (2004) Control-oriented modeling of
transcritical vapor compression systems. Journal of Dynamic Sys- ~ j = wj  w
where w ^ j is the weight estimation error (wj is a set
tems, Measurement, and Control 126(1): 54–64. of unknown ideal constant weights).
Rodrı́guez FO, de Jesús Rubio J, Gaspar CRM, Tovar JC and Without loss of generality, for the rest of this proof we
Armendáriz MAM (2013) Hierarchical fuzzy CMAC control for drop the single subscript j and assume that y_ sp = 0. The
nonlinear systems. Neural Computing and Applications 23(1): Lyapunov time derivative becomes
Samiuddin et al. 13
" #
X n k wk2
_V = 1 z f1 (y, Tsf )  gi, j ui (t  T ) + D  gj (un + Du) dz =
+ ð36Þ
gj i6¼j
K 4K
1 0_ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
w ^ ð29Þ kwk dmax k wk2
b dw = + + ð37Þ
P 2 n 4
f1 (y, Tsf )  i6¼j gi, j ui (t  T )
=z + D  un  G^
w  Kz + d(t) Thus, if D has been chosen larger than (includes) Lyapunov
1 ~0 _ surface V (z, k w
~ k ) = V (dz , dw ), the signals (jzj,k w
~ k) are
 ww ^ SGUUB. The uniform ultimate bound given is given by
Lyapunov surface V (z, k w~ k ) = V (dz , dw ). h

The terms that can be approximated by the CMAC are

Appendix B
f1 (y, Tsf )  i6¼j gi, j ui (t  T )
 un = G(q)w + e(x) ð31Þ Proof of Theorem 2. Consider the new Lyapunov function for
subsystem j (omitting subscript j)
with k e(x) k \emax for all x 2 D where emax is a positive con-
stant bound on the approximation error and D  R4 is the 1 2 1 1
region of approximation. Note q was defined in (21). Now, V= z + w~0 w
~ + p~0 ~p ð38Þ
2g b b
the time derivative of equation (28) gives the following
Using control (26), updates to w ^ (22) and (27) for the ^p
1 _ updates, the Lyapunov derivative becomes
w + e + D  Kz)  w~0 w
V_ = z(G~ ^ ð32Þ

^_ =b)
=  Kz2 + z(e + D) + w~0 (G0 z  w ð33Þ ~ + hjzj~p0 B(^p  b)
V_ =  Gz2 + z(e + D) + njzjw~0 w  njzjw~0 w
Using the e-modification update law from equation (22)
gives the following where B has elements Bi along the diagonal. The bound is

V_ =  Kz2 + z(e + D) + njzjw~0 w  njzjw~0 w

~, ð34Þ V_ \jzj(  Gjzj + dmax + n k w ~ k2 + 4hp2max )
~ kk w k n k w
V_ \jzj(  Kjzj + dmax + n k w ~ 2 k ),
~ kk w k n k w ð35Þ ð40Þ

where dmax is a positive constant that bounds je + Dj based Thus, all signals are SGUUB (in region D) since a bound on
on (17) and (31). By completing the square in (35) one can k ~p k is imposed and V_ \0 if either jzj or k w
~ k grows large
show that V_ \0 in region D when either jzj . dz or k w
~ k . dw enough. h

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