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TVVD Assign 01 2114110993

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Department of Electronics and Communications


Roll Number 02

PRN Number 2114110993

Class M.Tech (Electronics- VLSI Design)

The complexity of the chip has increased in present years and integration of more numbers of components
in a single Soc makes verification of any Soc design very critical. We need proper verification methodology
for any Soc or IP. The object oriented programming (OOP) concepts in verification make it easy.In this
paper, the problems regarding code reusability, faster time to market, flexibility are resolved by developing
the test bench environment by an advanced Verification reusable methodology. Less energy consumption,
reusability, better performance, lesser simulation time were the targets achieved by using this advanced

A test bench is an environment used to verify the correctness of a model as well as of a design. It also
provides various functions including applying, creating, stimulus and verifying the correctness of
interfacing and responses. Developing a test bench environment is the most time- consuming task for an
advanced verification team.
Stimulus is the most prevailing technique used in functional verification today and provides ability to
verify the implementation before a device is manufactured which saves development time and effort to a
huge extent. To simulate the DUT under a variety of test conditions including correct and faulty test inputs.
Efficiency, flexibility and reuse are the goals in developing the test bench. Attaining these goals often
makes test benches more difficult to use and more complex to create. Every test bench developer should
make a trade-off between the time and effort to create and use the test bench versus the potential gain from
making the test bench reusable, efficient and flexible.

To improve the reusability of a test bench the main focus was kept on the design-specific information in the
test bench isolation and separating the functionality of the test bench.

Abstraction of the design information to a higher level along with utilization of standard interfaces were
followed to improve the efficiency and flexibility of a test bench.

There are some existing methodologies such as 1) open verification methodology which was jointly
developed by cadence and mentor graphics. 2) Verification methodology manual which was developed
by Synopsys cadence and mentor graphics. Following are the related work Corresponding to the existing
In the paper “A Low-Cost and High-Performance Embedded System Architecture and An valuation
Methodology’’.2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, the authors proposes a low-
cost and high performance bus-based architecture. Furthermore, an extended evaluation methodology is
created in order to examine the circuit performance automatically and accurately. [1]
’’Design and Implementation of Transaction Level Processor based on UVM’’. 978-1-4673- 6417-1/13
/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE. In this paper, the transaction level model based on UVM is established to accelerate
the SuperV_EF01DSP’s software development and it plays an important role as a golden reference model in
the process of SuperV_EF01 DSP’s verification. In contrast with RTL model, the simulation speed of TLM
is about 20-timesfaster [2]

“Practical and Efficient SOC Verification Flow by Reusing IP Test case and Test bench”. 978-1- 2990-3/12
/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE. In this paper, an efficient flow to reuse IP test bench and test case in SOC verification
is presented. The successful applications in project have demonstrated that this reusability flow can decrease
the complexity of SOC verification by fully. [ 3]. Reusing IP’s test bench and verification IPs, and provide
unified and straightforward flow to import IP test case to SOC without changing IP’s test scenario.[4]’, in
this paper the functional coverage is divided into assertion and cover group coverage. Assertion coverage is
not100% as there remain few assertions which are meant to check whether the IP gives error response in an
erroneous request. But erroneous scenarios cannot be generated as there is no such functionality added in
the RTL.

“Early development of UVM Based verification environment of image signal processing design using TLM
reference model of RTL” an international journal of advanced computer science and Applications.vol
5,No2,2014[5]. In this Paper the author had described that TLM/ System C
reference model of the design is the key component to enable the early development of Verification
Environment without waiting for RTL to be available. UVM based early verification Environment is
developed using Environment is developed both with Host interface and Core using Virtual Register
Interface (VRI) approach. Testing of features of Verification Environment at TLM abstraction level runs
faster and thus, it overall speeds up functional verification. Same environment can be reused from IP level to
SOC level or from one SOC to another SOC with no/minimal change.

This verification methodology provides an appropriate framework to attain coverage driven verification
(CDV).This CDV combines self checking test benches, automatic test generation and coverage metrics to
appreciably minimizing the time spent to verify a design. The purpose of CDV is to ensure that thorough
verification is done using up -front goal setting and eliminate the effort and time spent for creating hundreds
of tests.

It also helps in receiving early notifications of errors and deploys error analysis to simplify debugging and
runtime checking. The traditional directed testing flow is unlike than the CDV flow. Verification goals are set
in CDV by using a controlled planning process. Then a test bench that generates and sends legal stimuli to
the DUT is created. Coverage monitors are included to the environment for measuring progress and identify
non-exercised functionality. For identification of undesired DUT behaviour, checkers are added. Simulations
are carried out after both the test bench and coverage model are implemented. Using CDV, thorough
verification of the design is achieved by changing the randomization seed or test bench parameters. Test
constraints are included on top of the infrastructure so that the verification goals can be achieved quickly.

Some of the important constructs used in Advanced verification Methodology are as follows:
1. Sequencer: vm_sequencer#(s_item) sequencer
2. Virtual Sequencer
eg : Ports – Set of Methods Ex. Get(), Put(), Peek(), etc
4. Call back: eg:ClassDriver_callbackextendsvm_callback; endclass
: Driver_callback
5. Virtual Sequencer:
6. Configuration Database:vm_config_db#(T)::set,vm_config_db
7. Channel
8. Atomic generator
vm_atomic_gen(Pack,"Atomic Pack Generator")

These important constructs helps in code reusability and reduce the time to market for a chip. Figure 1 shows
the test bench architecture for this advanced verification methodology.
reference model of the design is the key component to enable the early development of Verification
Environment without waiting for RTL to be available. UVM based early verification Environment is
developed using Environment is developed both with Host interface and Core using Virtual Register
Interface (VRI) approach. Testing of features of Verification Environment at TLM abstraction level runs
faster and thus, it overall speeds up functional verification. Same environment can be reused from IP level
to SOC level or from one SOC to another SOC with no/minimal change.


This verification methodology provides an appropriate framework to attain coverage driven verification
(CDV).This CDV combines self checking test benches, automatic test generation and coverage metrics to
appreciably minimizing the time spent to verify a design. The purpose of CDV is to ensure that thorough
verification is done using up -front goal setting and eliminate the effort and time spent for creating hundreds
of tests.

It also helps in receiving early notifications of errors and deploys error analysis to simplify debugging and
runtime checking. The traditional directed testing flow is unlike than the CDV flow. Verification goals are
set in CDV by using a controlled planning process. Then a test bench that generates and sends legal stimuli
to the DUT is created. Coverage monitors are included to the environment for measuring progress and
identify non-exercised functionality. For identification of undesired DUT behaviour, checkers are added.
Simulations are carried out after both the test bench and coverage model are implemented. Using CDV,
thorough verification of the design is achieved by changing the randomization seed or test bench
parameters. Test constraints are included on top of the infrastructure so that the verification goals can be
achieved quickly.

Some of the important constructs used in Advanced verification Methodology are as

1. Sequencer: vm_sequencer#(s_item) sequencer
2. Virtual Sequencer
eg : Ports – Set of Methods Ex. Get(), Put(), Peek(), etc
4. Call back: eg:ClassDriver_callbackextendsvm_callback;
endclass : Driver_callback
5. Virtual Sequencer:
6. Configuration Database: vm_config_db#(T)::set,vm_config_db
7. Channel
8. Atomic generator
vm_atomic_gen(Pack,"Atomic Pack Generator")

These important constructs helps in code reusability and reduce the time to market for a chip. Figure 1
shows the test bench architecture for this advanced verification methodology.

Fig. 1. Verification methodology Test Bench setup

The following are the different Verification Components used in testbench development for the SoC:

1. Data Item (Transaction)

2. Driver (BFM)
3. Sequencer
4. Monitor
5. Agent
6. Environment

1.Data Item

The input to the DUT are Data items Examples includes instructions and bus transactions .The data item’s
specifications derives attributes and fields of a data item. Generally, many data items are generated and sent to
the Design under test by smartly randomizing data item fields using System Verilog constraints which results
in more number of tests and helps in maximizing coverage.

class Pack extends vm _transaction rand bit [7:0] ra;

rand bit [7:0] da; rand bit [7:0] data[]; rand
bit [7:0] length; rand byte fc;

2.Driver (BFM)

A driver is an active entity which emulates logic that drives DUT. The data items are repeatedly received by
the driver and samples them drives it to the DUT. (If verification environment is created in the past, driver
functionality can be implemented) For example, a driver controls data bus, address bus and the read/write
signal to perform a write transfer.

Class driver;
// virtual interface for driver.
// object for collecting data from generator and transfer to sb.
// mailbox from generator to driver.
// mailbox from driver to
scoreboard. event drive_done;
Function new ();
// write virtual interface,mailboxes and event in the argument
// connect the arguments with the respective variables
inside class driver using “this” operator. Endfunction

An advanced stimulus generator is sequencer that controls the items which are provided to driver for
execution. In default case, a sequencer behaves similar to a simple stimulus generator and also returns a
random data item on request from driver. The default behaviour of driver allows to include constraints in
data item class for controlling the distribution of randomized values. Generators are used to randomize
arrays of transactions whereas sequencer is used to capture important randomization requirements.

class instruct_sequencer extends vm_sequencer #(instruction); function

new (string name, vm_componentparent);, parent);
`vm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(instruction) endfunction
`vm_sequencer_utils(instruct_sequencer) endclass


Monitor is a passive entity which samples DUT signals without driving them. Monitors gather coverage
information as well as perform checking. A monitor: Collects transactions (data items). and extracts
signal information from bus and next translates the information to a transaction which can be made
available for other components and to the test writer as well.

Extracts events : The monitor checks the availability of transaction (information) structures the data, and
emits an event to notify the availability of other components. It also captures status information so that it
can be available to other components and to the test writer. Performs checking and coverage

Class monitor;
// virtual interface for monitor .
// transaction object from generator.
// object to be send to scoreboard.
//mailbox for scoreboard. Event
drive_done; Function new();
// write virtual interface,mailbox and event as argument.
//connect the arguments with the respective variables inside class driver using “this” operator.
//create object to be send to sb. Endfunction

Sequencers, drivers and monitors can be used independently. For decreasing the amount of work
and knowledge as per the requirement of test writer, this methodology recommends the creation of a
more abstract model known as agent. Agents can verify DUT devices. Some agents also initiate
transactions to the DUT, for example master or transmit agents, while other agents respond to
transaction requests which are known as slave or receive agents. Agents should be configurable to be
as either active or passive. Transactions are driven according to test directives by Active agents. DUT
activity is monitored by passive agents.

Class r_write agent extends vm_agent

//declare the instances of driver, monitor and sequencer
//include a flag is_active to control the agent
//use build() phase to connect the agent subcomponent
Vitual Function void build_phase(vm_phase phase);

end endfunction:build_phase
//use connect() phase to connect the agent’s sub connect
Several phases of this advanced verification methodology are as follows:

• Build phase is available in vm_component. It is used to construct all sub-components

right from the Test case
Function void build_phase(vm_phase phase):
Endfunction: build_phase
• Connect phase is used for connecting the ports/exports of the components.
• End_ of _elaboration: This phase is used for configuring the components if required.
• Start _of_ simulation: This phase is used for configuring the components if required.
• Run: Main body of the test is executed in this phase. fork
run_phase(); begin
reset_phase(); configure_phase();

• Extract: all the required information is gathered in this phase

• Check: checks the results of the extracted information such as unresponded requests in
scoreboard, read statistics registers etc.
• Report: It is used for reporting the pass/fail status

Fig. 2. Phases in advanced

verification methodology
Functional verification of communication based SOC has been carried out using advanced
Verification Methodology. Verification methodology plays an important role in the functional
verification of RTL design of the communication based SOC and yields the complete code
coverage. Following the test Plan, the test cases are generated and then verified by developing
the Verification IP. In the Sequencer, all the test cases are written as sequences using this
methodology. The sequencer drives these sequences to the driver and to the Scor board. In the
scoreboard, the comparison takes place between the actual output and the expected one. If the
obtained output and the expected result matches then we conclude that the verification is
completed successfully.

By using verification simulation software, the Verification of communication based SOC have
been carried out and the log files for the test cases are generated with Coverage report. So the
whole design is carried out using HDL and the verification is carried out by using advanced
verification Methodology. The communication based SOC has been set as DUT for the
functional verification and 95% code coverage has been obtained by using verification
simulation software.

Fig. 3. Comparison graph for Different Simulation time

Fig.3. Shows the comparison between different verification

methodologies i.e. System verilog, Open verification methodology
and Advanced verification methodology. It is clear from the figure
that Advanced verification methodology takes the minimum time for
simulation with comparison to system verilog and OVM. Advanced
verification methodology is more time efficient for reaching coverage
goal compared to other methods.
Fig. 4. Simulation Result
Fig. 4. Shows the simulation waveform of communication based SOC that has been carried out using
advanced Verification Methodology. From the waveform, we can conclude proper transmission and
reception of packet based data through the design under test (DUT).
TABLE I: Coverage Report

Weighted Average: 95.0%

Coverage Type ◂ Bins Hits Misses Coverage (%) ◂

Branch 200 170 30 85. 00%

Total Assertion
13 13 0 100.00%

Total Assertion 13 0 - 0.00%


Total Assertion
13 13 0 100.00%


The specifications of Communication based SOC are verified successfully using Advance verification
methodology on verification simulator and 95% code coverage has been extracted. For improvement
of code coverage modification in the code has been done according to the need. The scoreboard also
successfully compared the result of every transaction generated. This methodology provides the
complete coverage of the RTL design so as to acquire the fault free
Protocol design of communication based SOC and that can also be implemented in real time systems.
The verification flow in this research has not only reduced resources and efforts of SOC team to gather
knowledge, develop test bench, test cases and debugging but also minimized the IP team’s efforts as


1 A Low-Cost and High-Performance Embedded System Architecture and An Evaluation

Methodology’’.2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI.

2 ’Design and Implementation of Transaction Level Processor based on UVM’’. 978-1-4673-6417-

/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE.

3 ’’Practical and Efficient SOC Verification Flow by Reusing IP Testcase and Testbench’’. 978-1-
2990-3/12 /$31.00 ©2013 IEEE.

4 ’’UVM based STBUS Verification IP for verifying SoC Architectures’’. 978-1-4799-4006-

6/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE .

5 ”Early development of UVM Based verification environment of image signal processing design
using TLM reference model of RTL” an international journal of advanced computer science and
Applications.vol 5,No2,2014.

6 ’Generic System verilog UVM based reusable verification environment for efficient verification of
Image signal processing IP/SOCs” an international journal of VLSI design &communication
systems(VLSICS) vol3.No 6,Dec 2012.


International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Sept 2012. IJAET ISSN: 2231-
1963, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 167-172.

8 ‘’A Runtime Verification Solution for the Functional Correctness of SoCs”, Rawan Abdel-Khalek
and Valeria Bertacco,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of
Michigan.ISSN NO: 978-1-4244-6471,2010 IEEE.

9 ”UVM Based Testbench Architecture for Unit Verification” 2014 Argentine School of Micro-
Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, ISBN: 978-987-1907-86-1, IEEE Catalog Number

10 ”UVM-based Verification of Smart-Sensor Systems”, 2012 International Conference on Synthesis,

Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, (SMACD), 978-1-
4673-0686-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

11 “An efficient method for using transaction level assertions in a class based verification envioremnt”,
2011 International Symposium on Electronic System Design.

12 ”Transparent Security-Sensitive Process Protection via VMM-Based Process”, 2013 IEEE 37th
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. 978-0-7695-4987-3/13
© 2013 IEEE ,DOI 10.1109/COMPSACW.2013.38.

13 ”Design of Information Flow in Collaborative-VMM” 978-1-4673-5000-6/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE.

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