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Coupled Effects of Carbonation and Bio-Deposition in Concrete Surface

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Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

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Coupled effects of carbonation and bio-deposition in concrete surface T

Jing Xua,b,*, Xianzhi Wangb, Wu Yaob
State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures (Wuhan University of Technology), 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan, 430070, PR China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials (Tongji University), Ministry of Education, 4800 Caoan Road, Shanghai, 201804, PR China


Keywords: This paper reports the coupled effects of carbonation and microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) on
Bio-deposition behaviors in relation to the durability of concrete. Liquid immersion and semi-solid immobilization methods
Surface treatment were compared for their effectiveness in bio-deposition treatment. After bio-deposition, the reduction ratio of
Carbonation water sorptivity coefficient for carbonated concrete was higher than that for untreated concrete; In contrast, the
Transport properties
reduction ratio of water permeability coefficient for carbonated concrete was lower than that for untreated one.
An analysis based on a simple model helps to explain this phenomenon. It shows that the water absorption was
related to both the pore structure and the wettability of concrete surface, while the water permeability depended
solely on the pore structure of concrete. Similar effectiveness of bio-treatment were obtained from liquid im-
mersion and semi-solid immobilization methods, whereas the latter appears more promising in field application.

1. Introduction layer due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient [4–6]. They
may need constant maintenance because of delamination and de-
Concrete is the most used construction material owing to its wide gradation over time.
range of raw material sources, flexibility in casting, and durability. If Recently, some alternative methods have been proposed to offset
correctly designed and carefully produced with strict quality control, the disadvantages of conventional treatments. Among these methods,
concrete is capable of serving for decades without any maintenance and microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) has become one of
protection. However, it could still be eroded in harsh environments, the most attractive strategies owing to its ecological friendliness and
such as marine and saline-alkali areas. Highly corrosive species will sustainable aspects [5–9]. Under suitable conditions, a large number of
react with the surface layer of concrete, increase the porosity, and result bacteria can form mineral crystals through microbial metabolic path-
in spalling [1]. Ingress of these substances will further lead to an ad- ways, and it is also referred to as bio-mineralization. Calcite, which is
verse performance of the major components including aggregate, paste, highly compatible with concrete compositions, is produced in most
or reinforcement by either physical or chemical attack [2]. Unless cases [10–13]. In general, the occurrence of MICP involves various
certain precautions are taken, degradation or even disintegration of microorganisms, pathways and environments [14–16]. Considerable
concrete may occur eventually. works have been conducted on studying carbonate precipitation via
Therefore, it is necessary to protect the concrete on surface and enzymatic hydrolysis of urea by using ureolytic bacteria [17–21]. Urea
improve the permeation resistance of the material under harsh condi- is decomposed into ammonium and carbonate by urease as produced by
tions. Surface treatment has been utilized as an effective method for bacteria, resulting in a significant increase of pH and carbonate con-
protection and consolidation on concrete surface. It plays an important centration. The reaction rate of biological urea hydrolysis is approxi-
role in limiting the uptake of water, and consequently diminishing the mately 1014 times faster than the un-catalyzed rate. In the presence of
penetration of corrosive species. Up to now, various types of products Ca2+, precipitation of CaCO3 occurs if the system is oversaturated,
such as water repellents, protective coatings, and pore blockers are while bacterial cells could serve as nucleation sites [22–24].
available on the market [3]. These products are usually supplied in The ureolysis-based MICP has already been used for bio-cementa-
organic forms. Besides the health and environmental risks, organic tion of soil, ground improvement, rehabilitation of ancient monuments,
compounds are intrinsically incompatible with the underlying concrete remediation or self-healing of concrete structures, etc. [25–34]. As for

Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures (Wuhan University of Technology), 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan, 430070, PR
E-mail address: (J. Xu).
Received 29 March 2019; Received in revised form 25 June 2019; Accepted 26 June 2019
Available online 27 June 2019
0958-9465/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

surface treatment of concrete, prior researches have shown that the 2.3. Bio-deposition treatment
resistance to water uptake, air permeation, and chloride migration
could be enhanced by the bio-deposition treatment with MICP, while 2.3.1. Bacteria and growth conditions
the effectiveness was even comparable to conventional treatments S. pasteurii DSM 33 purchased from the China General
[5,6,8,9,35,36]. Nevertheless, we noticed that the effects of carbonation Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC) was used
have not been taken into account previously. For most concrete struc- throughout. The bacteria were first cultured in liquid media consisted
tures in service, carbonation occurs in varying degrees. The pore of 5 g peptone, 3 g beef extract, and 20 g urea per liter of distilled water.
structure, chemical composition, and wettability of concrete surface The media were sterilized by autoclaving for 20 min at 121 °C and then
layer can be altered by carbonation [37–39], which will have a sig- cooled to room temperature (25 ± 2 °C). According to the supplier's
nificant impact on the bio-deposition by MICP. recommendation, urea was separately sterilized by filtration through a
In the present study, ureolytic type bacterial surface treatment was sterile 0.2 μm filter. Final pH of the media was adjusted to 7.0. Cultures
conducted on concrete with or without carbonation. Degradation pro- were aerobically incubated at 30 °C on a water-bath shaker operated at
cesses of concrete were determined in terms of transport tests. Coupled 130 rpm for 48 h. Growth was regularly checked quantitatively by an
effects of carbonation and bio-deposition were investigated. optical microscopy. At the end of incubation, cells were harvested by
Additionally, different types of bio-treatment were compared to find centrifuging the culture (4000 rpm, 25 °C) for 10 min and resuspension
out the one with potential application aspects. in sterile saline solution (0.15 M NaCl). Before the treatments in liquid
and semi-solid cultures, a layer of bacterial strains (3 × 108 cells/mL)
with volume of 10 mL respectively 2.1 mL was applied on the polished
2. Materials and methods side of the concrete cylinders with sizes of 100 × 50 mm and
46 × 100 mm.
2.1. Preparation of concrete specimens

The concrete mixtures were designed to achieve compressive 2.3.2. Treatment in liquid culture
strength of 40 MPa at 28 days. The mix proportion of concrete (in mass) Liquid calcium-containing media, which consisted of 5 g peptone,
was water (0.48): cement (1.00): fine aggregate (1.39): coarse ag- 3 g beef extract, 20 g urea, and 120 g Ca(NO3)2·4H2O per liter of dis-
gregate (2.24). Ordinary Portland cement (P·O 42.5, Conch Co., Ltd, tilled water, were used for the bio-deposition. Liquid culture was ob-
China) was used in this study. Local natural sand (0–5 mm) with bulk tained by inoculating pure bacteria to the sterilized media that the final
specific gravity and fineness modulus of 2.65 respectively 2.88 was cell density achieved 107 cells/mL. Treatment was processed by
used as fine aggregate. Crushed gravel (5–10 mm) with bulk specific ponding the liquid culture of volume 15 mL respectively 3.2 mL on the
gravity of 2.7 was used as coarse aggregate. polished top side of concrete cylinders with sizes of 100 × 50 mm and
Cylindrical specimens with a dimension of 100 mm and a height of 46 × 100 mm. Aluminum foil was attached peripherally to the upper
50 mm were prepared for capillary water absorption and rapid chloride edge of the specimens with a water-proof adhesive to prevent the media
penetration (RCP) tests, while cylinders with a dimension of 46 mm and from leaking. The specimens were cured in an ambient condition
a height of 100 mm were prepared for water permeability test. The (25 ± 2 °C, R.H. 60 ± 10%) for 7 days to observe the effect of pre-
specimens were cured in saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 25 ± 2 °C for cipitation. Liquid media of 1 mL were added each day to compensate
28 days prior to the drying in an oven at 70 °C until the mass loss was liquid uptake by the specimens and water evaporation.
less than 0.1%. The side opposite to the troweled face was polished by
sand papers to remove the paste on the surface layer. The remaining
sides were covered with a gas-tight paint. All the specimens were 2.3.3. Treatment in semi-solid culture
weighed before treatments. Table 1 shows the experimental arrange- For the semi-solid culture, 2% agar was added to the sterilized li-
ment of different treatments. quid calcium-containing media and then bacterial strains were in-
oculated to achieve a final cell density of 107 cells/mL. Treatment was
processed by brushing the cooled molten semi-solid culture on the
2.2. Carbonation treatment polished side. The applied volume was the same as that for the liquid
culture. The specimens were also cured in the same ambient condition
For each size of the specimens, one half of the amount were put into for 7 days and liquid media of 1 mL were supplemented each day during
a closet (25 ± 2 °C, R.H. of 70 ± 10%, CO2 concentration of 20%) for the period.
an accelerated carbonation procedure, while the other half were stored At the end of bio-deposition, the liquid or semi-solid cultures were
in an airtight desiccator for further use. After three days of carbonation, removed by repeatedly washing in 60 °C distilled water. This process
three cylinders for each size were randomly chosen, cut normal to the ensured the removal of fragments or debris while keeping the pre-
exposed surface, and sprayed with phenolphthalein solution to de- cipitates intact. All the specimens, including the ones without any
termine the carbonation depth. Six measurements were recorded on surface treatment, were again dried in the oven at 70 °C until the mass
each specimen and the average carbonation depth was determined as loss was less than 0.1%. The specimens were weighed again to de-
1.60 ± 0.48 mm. Weight increase was recorded after carbonation. termine the mass increase after treatment.

Table 1
Summary of arrangement of different treatments.
Group Subgroup Treatment Abbreviation

Reference N/A Untreated Ref.

Bio-deposition Liquid Treated by bio-deposition in liquid culture Bio. L
Semi-solid Treated by bio-deposition in semi-solid culture Bio. S
Carbonation N/A Treated by accelerated carbonation C
Bio-deposition after carbonation Liquid Treated by bio-deposition in liquid culture after carbonation C Bio. L
Semi-solid Treated by bio-deposition in semi-solid culture after carbonation C Bio. S

J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

2.4. Contact angle measurement depth [mm], and H is the water head [mm] holding for a period of time
t [h].
The sessile drop method coupled with a digital image analysis were
used to determine the contact angle on the top side of concrete cylin- 2.5.3. RCP
ders after treatments. A water drop with a volume of 40 μL was placed The resistance towards chloride migration was measured by means
on the surface. The image of the drop profile was analyzed by the of the RCP test according to the ASTM C1202-17. The cylinders with
software of Image-Pro Plus. Values of contact angle were taken by size of 100 × 50 mm after a full saturation were inserted into a test cell
average of 5 measurements randomly chosen on each sample surface. accompanied by two copper meshes and sealed tightly. The reservoir of
the cell connected to cathode and anode terminals were filled with 3%
2.5. Transport tests NaCl solution respectively 0.3 N NaOH solution. Conductivity of the
specimens was measured by a power supply with a potential of 60 V d.c.
Transport tests include capillary water absorption, water perme- applied. Current and temperature were recorded every 10 min over 6 h
ability, and RCP were carried out at 25 ± 2 °C and at R.H. 60 ± 10%. test period. The total charge passed Qc [coulomb] was calculated by
Before the tests, the gas-tight paint on the troweled face was removed
Qc = 900(I0 + 2 ∑ It ) (3)
by sand papers to ensure a free exposure of the two opposite sides. In
each group, triplicate samples were used. where I0 is the initial current reading [ampere]. and It is the current at t
minutes after the voltage is applied [ampere].
2.5.1. Capillary water absorption
The water uptake capacity after surface treatment was evaluated by 2.6. Visual inspection
capillary water absorption. Cylindrical specimens with size of
100 × 50 mm were submerged in water, 35 ± 2 mm deep, with the After transport tests, specimens were broken up. Pieces containing
treated side facing downwards but elevated above with supports at each the portion with carbonation or bio-deposition treatments were then
corner of the specimens. An unidirectional absorption through the collected. For bio-deposition, the composition at a certain depth is the
treated side can be ensured, for the specimens were coated at the four main interest. Thus, the cutting section of the pieces was first embedded
edges adjacent to the treated side. The water level was kept constant by in epoxy resin and then ground on SiC papers of 360, 800, 1200, and
an addition of water. The mass change was recorded at regular time 3000 fineness. Ethanol was used as the cooling and lubricating medium.
intervals. A wet towel was used to remove the remaining water droplets For each grade, approximate grinding time was 5 min. After grinding,
on the surface before weighing. Results of the water absorption were 0.25 mm oil-based diamond particle suspension was used for the final
quantitatively evaluated by the sorptivity coefficient k polishing of about 1 h. The section including the surface treatment edge
[g·cm−2·min−0.5] which was calculated as was observed by a metallographic microscope (Hirox rh-2000).
= k⋅ t 2.7. XRD/SEM/EDS analysis
A (1)

where Q is the amount of water absorbed [g], A is the cutting section Precipitates were scraped from the treated surface and ground into
area of the specimen that was in contact with water [cm2], t is the time powder. X-ray diffraction (XRD, Rigaku D/MAX 2550VB3) analysis was
[min]. After the last measurement a full saturation was established by a performed on the powder with a Cu anode (40 kV and 100 mA) and
vacuum injection. The specimens were first kept in a vacuum chamber scanning from 5° to 75° 2θ. Precipitates were analyzed by scanning
(~0.8 kPa for 3 h) and then submerged in water for 18 h. The surface- electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Nova NanoSEM 450) coupled with en-
dry weight of the specimens was recorded after saturation. The incre- ergy dispersion spectrum (EDS) on both top and section sides. For EDS
ment of water by vacuum saturation is regarded as the porosity of the analysis on the section side, five test points were selected in a straight
concrete. Following this vacuum saturation, specimens were used for line from top to interior of the specimens. The spacing between each
RCP test. point was 5 μm.

2.5.2. Water permeability 3. Results

The water permeability test was conducted on the specimens with
size of 46 × 100 mm. The cylinders were first fixed into the perme- 3.1. Mass increase
ability test rigs, which were installed in a concrete permeability device
for testing. Water head equivalent to 1 MPa was applied on the treated When compared with the untreated specimens, a mass increase was
side of the cylinders. The pressure was released after 24 h. All the found after treatment by bio-deposition or carbonation. However, the
specimens were taken out from the rigs and axially split into two halves difference of mass increase was not significant among the groups
to measure the water penetration depth. The mean value was calculated treated by bio-deposition and carbonation. An additional mass increase
by six equidistant spots along each section of the split specimens. The of 0.2–0.4 g was observed by bio-deposition performed after carbona-
relative permeability coefficient kr [mm/h] was determined by tion (Table 2).

εD 2
kr = 3.2. Contact angle
2tH (2)

where ε is the concrete porosity which is determined as 0.03 by the The bio-deposition in liquid culture and semi-solid culture resulted
vacuum saturation as mentioned above, D is the water penetration in a slight increase respectively a decrease of contact angle on the

Table 2
Mass increase and surface contact angle after surface treatments.
Group Ref. Bio. L Bio. S C C Bio. L C Bio. S

Mass increase (g) N/A 0.60 ± 0.07 0.44 ± 0.06 0.52 ± 0.08 0.84 ± 0.14 0.76 ± 0.10
Contact angle (°) 86.0 ± 1.7 90.8 ± 7.2 79.5 ± 3.1 58.0 ± 5.0 84.2 ± 2.6 70.2 ± 5.3

J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

0.14 Ref. 0.0020

Bio. L
0.12 Bio. S
Water absorption (g/cm2)

C Bio. L 0.0015
C Bio. S

k (g·cm-2·min-0.5)



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 0.0000
Ref. Bio. L Bio. S C C Bio. L C BIo. S
Time (min)
Fig. 2. Results of capillary water absorption as indicated by sorptivity coeffi-
Fig. 1. Effect of carbonation and biodeposition on the capillary water absorp-
tion of concrete.

concrete surface. In contrast, the carbonation resulted in a sharp de-
crease of contact angle. Further bio-deposition on the carbonated con-
crete seemed to increase the contact angle, especially in liquid culture 2.5x10-6
(Table 2). Since a higher contact angle indicates lower wettability, the
results showed that bio-deposition is likely to reduce the wettability of 2.0x10-6
carbonated concrete.
kr (mm/h)

3.3. Transport properties

3.3.1. Capillary water absorption 1.0x10-6

Concrete treated by bio-deposition resulted in a decrease of water

absorption rate. Accelerated carbonation group showed slightly higher 5.0x10-7
water absorption rate as compared with bio-deposition. When the bio-
deposition was conducted after carbonation, a further reduction of
water absorption was observed (Fig. 1). Ref. Bio. L Bio. S C C Bio. L C BIo. S
The value of the sorptivity coefficient k decreased by 25.6% after
Fig. 3. Results of water permeability as indicated by relative permeability
carbonation process. This is lower than the percentage of reduction by
bio-treatment in liquid and semi-solid cultures, which were 45.8% re-
spectively 34.5%. If the carbonated specimens were taken as control,
reduction of k values by 55.7% respectively 46.5% were obtained for 4000
further bio-treatment in liquid and semi-solid cultures (Table 3).

3.3.2. Water permeability 3500

Water permeability test was carried out by applying a constant
Qc (Coulomb)

water pressure on the specimens and holding for 24 h. The lower the
water permeability coefficient, the higher the resistance to the water
permeation. It revealed that both bio-deposition and carbonation im- 3000
prove the resistance towards water permeation significantly (Fig. 3).
The relative permeability coefficient kr decreased by 46.6% after car-
bonation. In contrast, the values of kr decreased by 63.1% respectively
81.5% for bio-deposition in liquid and semi-solid cultures. If the car- 2500
bonated specimens were regarded as control, a reduction of kr was
obtained by 45.1% and 57.5% after liquid treatment respectively semi-

Table 3 Ref. Bio. L Bio. S C C Bio. L C BIo. S
Reduction percentage of sorptivity coefficient, relative permeability coefficient,
and total charge passed by bio-deposition on untreated concrete and carbonated Fig. 4. Results of rapid chloride permeability as indicated by total charge
concrete, respectively, as control groups (%). passed.

Parameter Untreated concrete as control Carbonated concrete as control

solid bio-treatment (Table 3).
Carbonation Liquid Semi-solid Liquid Semi-solid

k 25.6 45.8 34.5 55.7 46.5

3.3.3. RCP
kr 46.6 63.1 81.5 45.1 57.5
Qc 10.6 6.2 10.5 8.7 8.8 Carbonation and bio-deposition resulted in an increase of the re-
sistance to chloride migration (Fig. 4). The resistance of concrete

J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

Fig. 5. Cutting section of concrete after carbonation and biodeposition, (a) Ref.; (b) Bio. L; (c) Bio. S; (d) C.; (e) C Bio. L; (f) C Bio. S.

toward chloride penetration was improved by 10.6% after carbonation. 8000

Q - Quartz
Bio-deposition enhanced the resistance to chloride penetration by 6.2% C - Calcite
and 10.5% in liquid culture respectively semi-solid culture. An addi- 7000 Q
C V - Vaterite
tional enhancement by approximately 9% was observed after bio-de- E - Ettringite
position on carbonated specimens (Table 3). 6000
C Bio. S
Intensity (cps)

3.4. Visual inspection C Bio. L
From the images of the cutting section, no obvious precipitated C VV V
layer was observed on concrete surfaces except for the specimens 3000
treated by bio-deposition in semi-solid culture (Fig. 5). The thickness of Bio. S
the deposited layer was around 10 μm. 2000
Bio. L
3.5. XRD/SEM/EDS analysis Ref. E C C C CC
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Crystalline phases of the deposits after carbonation and bio-de-
position were analyzed by XRD (Fig. 6). Hydration products such as 2Theta (deg.)
ettringite was found on the surface of the untreated specimens. Mean- Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the deposited layer on the surface of
while, calcite instead of portlandite was identified, possibly due to the concrete.
slight carbonation occurred on the surface during the sample prepara-
tion and testing. Small amount of vaterite appeared for the group
calcite, which derived from carbonation on the surface. Treatment on
processed by accelerated carbonation, while abundant calcite was
concrete by bacteria resulted in the deposition of a layer of larger
found for all the specimens treated by bio-deposition.
rhombohedral crystals (up to 5 μm) at the outer surface. It seemed that
Typical morphology of hydration products from Ordinary Portland
the type of bio-treatment has negligible impact on the morphology of
cement could be observed for untreated specimens (Fig. 7a). A few
precipitates (Fig. 7b and c). Both XRD and EDS results confirmed that
rhombohedral crystals smaller than 1 μm revealed the presence of

J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

Fig. 7. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersion spectrum (EDS) analyses on the surface of concrete by carbonation and biodeposition, (a) Ref.; (b)
Bio. L; (c) Bio. S; (d) C.; (e) C Bio. L; (f) C Bio. S.

the crystals are calcite. Relatively denser morphology of concrete sur- 100
Concrete surface Ref.
face was noticed after accelerated carbonation treatment (Fig. 7d). Si-
milar pattern of rhombohedral crystals were clearly identified on car-
Bio. L
bonated specimens after bio-treatment, indicating the presence of 80
Bio. S
bacterial mediated calcite precipitation (Fig. 7e and f). C
A sharp decrease of Ca/Si ratio was found about 10 μm away from C Bio. L
the outer surface for the groups treated in semi-solid culture, which 60
C Bio. S
indicated the existence of a CaCO3 layer (Fig. 8). The EDS analysis on

cutting ccsections is highly in line with visual inspection results.


4. Discussion

4.1. Comparison between carbonation and bio-deposition

In this work, accelerated carbonation and bacterial surface treat-

ment were applied to concrete. Generally, natural carbonation is a slow 0
0 5 10 15 20
process. Atmospheric carbon dioxide diffuses through the pores and Distance (m)
dissolves in the pore water since concrete pores are partly filled with
water in normal conditions. Carbonation occurs upon the chemical Fig. 8. Variation of Ca/Si ratio from superficial to subsurface layer of concrete
reaction between dissolution of CO2 and hydration products of cement, by carbonation and biodeposition. Content of elements were obtained by EDS
mainly Ca(OH)2 and C-S-H gel, according to the reactions [37,39,40]. analysis.

Ca(OH)2(s) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O (4)

to the fact that the diffusion of CO2 is the rate controlling step in most
C-S-H + 3CO2 → (3CaCO3·2SiO2·3H2O) (5) cases.
Both the bio-deposition and carbonation resulted in a mass increase
For the MICP, carbonate ions result from the microbial hydrolysis of (Table 2). For accelerated carbonation, the mass increase was about
urea reacting with calcium ions in concrete. This process is much faster 0.5 g. This weight gain was attributed to the absorption of CO2. For bio-
than natural carbonation, which may last for months or even years due

J. Xu, et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 104 (2019) 103358

deposition, the mass increase was within the range of 0.4–0.6 g, which Q = nρπreq h (7)
is very close to that of carbonation. One could attribute this weight gain −3
to the formation of CaCO3 crystals. If we assume that the density of where ρ is the density of water [g·cm ], n is the number of the ca-
CaCO3 was 2.71 g·cm−3 and the deposition occurred on the top side of pillary tubes, which was obtained by
the 100 × 50 mm cylinder only, the calculated thickness of precipitated εR2
CaCO3 layer is within the range of 19–28 μm. However, when con- n= 2
req (8)
sidering the initial concentration of calcium ions present in the media,
the theoretical maximum weight of deposited CaCO3 should be 0.76 g, where ε is the total porosity of capillary pores, R is the radius of the
which corresponds to a thickness of CaCO3 layer of 36 μm. Both values cylindrical specimen [cm]. Substituting Eqs. (6) and (8) into Eq. (7) and
are much higher than the thickness measured by the visual inspection we noted that the cutting section area of the specimen A = πR2, the
and EDS analysis on the cutting sections (about 10 μm as shown in following equation was obtained
Figs. 5 and 8). It implied that there must be some other factors con-
Q γreq cos θ
tributing to the mass increase after bio-deposition. One possible reason = ερ ⋅t
for the mass increase is the absorption of bacteria and nutrients. A 2η (9)
Muynck et al. [6] reported that bacterial cells not only retained in large
Comparing Eq. (9) and Eq. (1), we found out that the sorptivity
capillary pores when the pore size is about 1–4 times the cell size, but
coefficient k [g·cm−2·min−0.5] could be rewritten as
formed a biofilm on the surface of concrete. The amount of cells applied
in this work was 3 × 109 cells on the specimen. As the dry weight of one γreq cos θ
cell was estimated to be 10−12 g [41], the applied bacterial cells only k = ερ
2η (10)
accounts for less than 1% of the total mass increase. Therefore, the
other part of the mass increase could be attributed to the absorption of Therefore, the water absorption was related to both the pore
nutrients in the media. structure and the wettability of concrete surface. As shown in Table 2,
Concrete cylinders treated by carbonation resulted in a reduction on the contact angle decreased remarkably after carbonation, suggesting
water absorption rate, water permeability, and chloride migration that carbonation improves the hydrophilicity of concrete surface and
(Table 3). This is in agreement with other findings which reported that results in a higher rate of water absorption. Further bio-deposition on
carbonation reduced the permeability, especially for the low quality carbonated concrete resulted in an increase of the contact angle, which
concrete [39]. Large capillary pores were blocked by CaCO3 and the in turn reduced the water absorption rate. Thus, the reduction of water
pore size distribution shifted from large pores to small ones [38]. It was absorption coefficient by bio-treatment for carbonated concrete was not
confirmed by our SEM images that the surface becomes densified after only attributed to the blocking effect of bio-deposition, but also attri-
carbonation (Fig. 7d). Higher values of reduction were obtained after butable to the reduced hydrophilicity by bio-deposition. For untreated
bio-deposition in terms of transport properties when compared with concrete, the reduction of water absorption coefficient by bio-treatment
carbonation (Table 3). According to prior researches, the decrease in was primarily derived from the blocking effect since the variation of
the rate of transport processes by bio-deposition was attributed to the contact angle before and after bio-deposition was not evident (Table 2).
biomass on the one hand, and to the precipitated CaCO3 on the other The mass measurement results showed that bio-treatment performed on
hand [6]. Both the biomass and the CaCO3 crystals filled or plugged the carbonated concrete resulted in an additional mass increase of
pores and acted as a blocking film on the concrete surface. 0.2–0.4 g, which was lower than that performed on untreated one
(Table 2). If the degree of blocking effect contributing to the reduction
of water absorption was proportional to the mass increase by bio-de-
4.2. Coupled effects of carbonation and bio-deposition position, then the reduction of water absorption for carbonated con-
crete was primarily ascribed to the reduced hydrophilicity by bio-de-
In order to study the coupled effects of carbonation and bio-de- position, due to the fact that the percentage of reduction for carbonated
position, bacterial surface treatment was conducted on concrete with or concrete was higher than that for untreated one.
without accelerated carbonation. After bio-treatment, the reduction As for the water permeability performance, it usually follows the
percentage for carbonated concrete was higher than that for untreated Darcy's law
one in terms of the water absorption coefficient. In contrast, the re-
duction percentage for carbonated concrete was lower than that for ν=κ
x (11)
untreated one regarding the water permeability coefficient (Table 3). It
implied that the impact of carbonation on water absorption and water where ν is the velocity of water flow [m/s], H is the water head [m/s], x
permeation of concrete after bio-treatment is different. Factors con- is the thickness of the specimen [m], and κ is the permeability coeffi-
tributing to the absorption and permeation behaviors are not the same. cient [m/s]. According to Song et al. [38], the permeability coefficient κ
An analysis based on a simple model would be helpful for explaining [m/s] was expressed by the equation
this phenomenon.
ε 2 ρg
Assuming that a cylindrical specimen contained a large number of κ = C⎛ ⎞ ⋅
⎝ Bn ⎠ η (12)
uniformly distributed cylindrical capillary tubes parallel to the axis of
the specimen. The tubes were derived from connected capillary pores. where C is a constant, B is a parameter derived from micro pore
An equivalent radius req was assigned to the capillary tube, while the structure, n is the torturity factor (= π2/4), g is the acceleration due to
length of the tube was equal to the height of the specimen. According to gravity [m2/s]. Thus, the water permeability only depended on the pore
the Washburn dynamic method [42], the level of water absorbed h [cm] structure of concrete, which could be altered by blocking effect from
along with time t [min] was given by bio-deposition. Once again, if we assume that the degree of blocking
effect was proportional to the mass increase by bio-deposition, the
γreq cosθ lower percentage of reduction of water permeability coefficient by bio-
h= ⋅t
2η (6) deposition for carbonated concrete compared to that for untreated one
was mainly ascribed to the lower mass increase of bio-deposition for
where γ is the surface tension of water [cm−2], η is the viscosity of carbonated concrete. Results from the charge pass of RCP were similar
water [Pa·s], θ is the contact angle [°]. Then the amount of water ab- to water permeability, for the chloride migration resembled the water
sorbed Q [g] was expressed as permeation process.

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