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Science7 Q2 Mod2 LifethroughtheLens v4

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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Life Through the Lens

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Science – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module: Life Through the Lens
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jilea A. Yson
Editors: Cynthia S. Bustillo, Miraflor O. Albios, Lenie G. Forro, Leoncio Tan
Reviewers: Agabai S. Kabdalayang, Yusof A. Aliudin, Mary Joy D. Bautista,
Mary Anne A. Barrientos, Marivic D. Devibar
Layout Artist: Jaypee K. Balera, Glen D. Napoles, Mark Daryl T. Lazaro, Alex C.
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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Life Through the Lens
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

1 Microscopy

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Focus specimens using the compound microscope.

This module is divided into two lessons:

Lesson 1 – Microscopy
Lesson 2 - The Magnification Process

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. focus specimens using the compound microscope;
2. compute the magnification of the specimen; and
describe the proper ways of handling a microscope.

What I Need to Know

Hello! How are you? Have you ever wondered about the things that we cannot
see? Take a look at your hands, it may look clean but if we look at it under a device
that could magnify tremendously it actually contains a lot of microorganisms.
This module will open your eyes to the things that you could not ever imagine.
Life is pretty interesting, and at the microscopic scale, it can also be beautiful,
strange, intriguing, frightening and gross. Be a scientist yourself, let’s work hand in
hand as we find out the process on focusing and proper handling of microscope.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the best answer from the given choices Write the letter of your
choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. To focus on a specimen, it is best to start with which objective lens?
A. Middle Magnification
B. Lowest Magnification
C. Highest Magnification
D. Intermediate Magnification

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
2. Which one of the following instruments would you use to view an image of a
plant cell?
A. Telescope
B. Periscope
C. Microscope
D. Kaleidoscope

3. On a typical microscope, there is a rotating part containing three different

objective lenses. What is this part called?
A. Stage
B. Eyepiece
C. Nosepiece
D. Focus Knob

4. This is turned to bring the object being viewed closer.

A. cover slip
B. eyepiece lens
C. objective lens
D. fine adjustment

5. The lens that is within the eyepiece of the light microscope is called the ____.
A. ocular
B. scanning
C. low power
D. high power

6. When using the high-power objective, you should not adjust the ________.
A. diaphragm
B. stage clips
C. fine adjustment
D. coarse adjustment

7. The scanning, low, and high-power objectives are mounted on the______.

A. stage
B. eyepiece
C. body tube
D. revolving nosepiece

8. Which part of the compound microscope helps in gathering and focusing

light rays on the specimen to be viewed?
A. Eyepiece lens
B. Objective lens
C. Condenser lens
D. Magnifying lens

9. On the microscope stage, what is used to hold the glass slide in place and
prevent it from moving?
A. Stage
B. Stage clip
C. Condenser
D. Fine adjustment knob

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
10. How does magnification affect the image of the objects?
A. It increases the image size
B. It decreases the image size
C. It increases the field of view
D. It decreases the field of view

11. After using the microscope, we need to clean it so that it will not get rust
easily. Which is NOT an essential step in cleaning the microscope?
A. Blow away dust
B. Wash the base and arm
C. Clean off grease and spills
D. Oil the mechanics and moving parts

12. Why is it important to use a staining element in viewing especially colorless

A. To protect the specimen.
B. To keep the specimen flat.
C. To see clearly the specimen.
D. To bring out the starch in the specimen.

13. When viewing a sample of cheek cells using a microscope, the student
placed the cells on a slide and placed a coverslip over it. What is the purpose
of the coverslip?
A. To keep the cells flat.
B. To protect the cheek cells.
C. To get a better view of the cells.
D. To let the cheek cells, stay on the slide and not fall of it.

14. Dan prepared a thin sheet of onion skin and study using the microscope but
he cannot view clearly the specimen. Should Dan adjust the coarse
adjustment knob first then followed by the fine adjustment knob?
A. No, because the draw tube and the body tube should be adjusted for
clearer view.
B. No, because fine adjustment knob must be adjusted first then the
coarse adjustment knob.
C. Yes, because the coarse adjustment knob is for the tilting of the
microscope and fine adjustment knob is for the rotation of the
revolving nosepieces and its lenses.
D. Yes, because coarse adjustment knob is for the fast movement of the
body tube and fine adjustment knob is for the slow movement of the
body tube.

15. Lily examine a specimen but there was no image being viewed because the
field of view is dark. Should Lily adjust the objective lenses?
A. Yes, Lily should adjust the objective lenses because it is responsible
in providing light.
B. Yes, Lily should adjust the objective lenses because she can choose
between low power and high power.
C. No, Lily should adjust the diaphragm and the mirror because these
parts are responsible in providing of light.
D. No, Lily should adjust the fine adjustment knob and coarse
adjustment knob because these parts are for giving light.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What’s In

In the previous lesson, you already learned how to identify the parts of the
microscope and their function. Each part of the microscope has its own function that
is really important and essential to the microscope as a whole.
Scrambled Letters
Directions: Listed below are parts of the microscope that are scrambled. Mix the
letters to come up with the right answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. ETSAG = ____________________________
2. IEECYEEP = ____________________________
3. GMAAIDPHR = ____________________________
4. YODB BTUE = ____________________________
5. RMA = ____________________________
6. EOSNEEIPC = ____________________________
7. BSEA = ____________________________

What Am I?
Directions: Identify the words being describe. Choose the answer from the box
below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.



1. Supports the upper part of the microscope.

2. Located under the stage, controls the amount of light allowed to pass through the
3. Small platform where the specimen is placed for evaluation.
4. Holds objective lenses and can be rotated.
5. The bottom part of the microscope, supports the entire microscope.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What’s New

Hello there! You are already familiar with the parts and functions of a
microscope. Let’s discover together how to focus specimen using the compound
microscope. All we have to do is read and understand the context below to find these
steps. Are you ready? Let’s start!
Activity 1

Newspaper Letter “e”

Materials needed:
 Newspaper  Glass slides  Dropper
 Scissors  Cover slides  Microscope
 Pencil  Water

A. Cut out the letter “e” and place it on the slide face up.
B. Add a drop of water to the slide.
C. Place the cover slip over the “e” and water at a 45-degree angle.
D. Lower slowly with a pencil to keep air bubbles out.

1. Place the slide on the stage and view in low power. Center the “e” in the field
of view. Carefully and slowly move the coarse adjustment knob until the
image appears clear. Draw what you see. Move the slide to the left. What
happens? Move the slide to the right. What happens? Move also the slide up
and down and observe what happens to the image.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
2. View the specimen in high power. Use the fine adjustment only to focus (this
will keep the glass slides from breaking and the objective lens from
3. These are the images before and after examining under a microscope.

Naked Eye Low Power High Power

This is the actual letter This is an illustration of This is an illustration of

‘e’ before putting it a letter ‘e’ shown using the letter ‘e’ shown using
under the microscope. low power objective. high power objective.
This slide was set up Notice, that as you
increase the power of the
with the letter in the
lens, your field of view gets
correct orientation. smaller. Same with its
Notice that it appears orientation, if you move
upside down when the slide to the left, the
viewed under the image goes right and vice
microscope. versa.

Guide Questions:

1. Did the letter appear in the same orientation when viewed through the
2. When you move the slide to the right what direction does it appear to move
under the microscope?
3. What happened to the image when you switched objectives?

Activity 2
Onion Cells Under the Microscope

Materials needed:
 Onion  Glass slides  Dropper
 Knife  Cover slides  Microscope
 Forceps  Iodine solution  Paper towels

1. Set aside a clean microscope slide.

2. Carefully cut away a small, single layered piece of onion (1-2 cm wide).

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
3. Peel the thin layer of skin (membrane) from the inside surface of your piece of
onion. Forceps may help with this. The membrane looks a bit like soft Scotch tape
and should separate relatively easily from the inside surface of the onion slice.

4. Place section of membrane carefully on the microscope slide, trying to keep it as

flat as possible.

5. Apply a couple of drops of iodine solution to the section. Wait 2 minutes for the
stain to develop before positioning a cover slip over the section.

6. Place the slide first under scanning objective, then low power objective and
finally under high power objective and observe the onion cells. *note: Be careful,
when focusing the microscope, not to break the glass slide with the microscope

Low Power High Power

This is an This is an
illustration of an illustration
onion skin of an onion
shown using low skin shown
power objective. using high
Notice that it is power
composed of objective.
rectangle like The same
shapes with dots with letter
on some of it. “e” activity
These rectangle that as you
shapes are plant cells and the small dots increase the power of the lens, your
are nucleus. Plants cells are usually field of view gets smaller. The
rectangular and animal cells are circular. nucleus becomes more visible. By
Plant and Animal Cells will be discussed adding the stain or iodine solution
further on the next module. the image is clearer and more visible
than without.

These are the parts of onion (plant) cells that are visible under the microscope.
 Cytoplasm- jelly like substance inside a cell where organelles are embedded.
 Cell wall- a rigid wall that surround and supports the cell.
 Nucleus- the central part of most cells that contains genetic material.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Directions: Draw and label the images of onion skin that you see on the microscope
under low power objective and high-power objective. Compare the difference in both
images. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Low Power High Power


What is It

How to Focus a Microscope

A microscope can help you observe things that you can't see with the naked
eye, such as bacteria. However, if you do not know how to focus your microscope
correctly, you will be unable to view these objects. Getting the best focus on your
microscope requires setting it up properly, focusing on your sample, and magnifying
the sample so that you can see it.

1. Uncover the microscope, unwrap the cord, and plug it in or face the mirror in
an area with enough light source.
2. Clean all glass surfaces with lens paper. Start with the eyepiece, then do the
objectives, the substage mirror or illuminator, and end with the stage window.
3. Turn on the light (or adjust the mirror so that the light shines through the
stage window). Adjust the diaphragm under the stage so that a medium
amount of light gets through. Adjust the fine focus knob to a middle position.
4. Place the slide on the stage, with a slide clip holding down each side of the
slide. Center the specimen on the slide over the stage window.
5. Using the low power objective, focus with coarse adjustment. Start with the
objective as close to the slide as possible and focus away from the slide.
6. Before turning to a higher power, make sure there is something worthwhile to
look at and center the specimen in the middle of the field

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
7.Without changing the focus adjustment, change to the next highest objective
(the centered specimen should be in view and should be almost in focus). Now
focus with the fine adjustment knob. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 up to the highest
8. Clean up! Return to low power objective before taking off the slide. Clean and
dry the stage and objectives, turn off the light, and wrap the cord neatly
around the base of the microscope. Replace the cover.
Guide Questions:
1. When the specimen is out of focus, which part of the microscope should
you turn to obtain a clearer image?
2. After switching from low power to high power, what happens to the field of
3. Why is it important to start viewing from low power to high power

How to Use A Microscope to Observe A Specimen?

Put a table lamp in front of the
microscope or adjust the mirror so that
natural light is reflected through the
stage window.

Put a low-power eyepiece into the

Rotate a low-power objective into


Look through the eyepiece. Adjust the

mirror until you see a bright circle of

Place a slide on the stage, and fix it with
the clips. The specimen on the slide
should be right above the hole of the

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Look at the microscope from the side.
Turn the coarse adjustment knob
carefully to lower the objective until it is
very close to the slide.

Look through the eyepiece. Turn the
coarse adjustment knob to raise the
objective slowly until you can see an
image of the specimen

Turn the fine adjustment knob to get a
sharper image. The image is now in

What’s More

Wet Mounting a Specimen

In a wet mount, the specimen is places in a drop of water or other liqui d
held between the slide and the cover slip by surface tension. This method is
commonly used, for example, to view microscopic organisms that grow in pond
water or other liquid media, especially when studying their movement and
Materials: Slide, Cover slip, Water, Dropper, Tweezers and Specimen.

1. Place a drop of water on the center of a clean dry slide
2. Using the tweezers, place the specimen in the middle of the drop.
3. While holding the cover slip upright, carefully place one edge of the cover slip
next to the water.
4. Slowly lower the upper edge of the cover slip onto the water. The objective is
to minimize or eliminate air bubbles under the cover slip. You might find it
helpful to use one toothpick to hold the lower edge in place, while using
another to carefully lower the slip into place.
5. An absorbent towel can be placed at the edge of the cover slip to draw out
some of the water, further flattening the wet mount slide.

Guide Question:

Why would you want to wet mount a specimen?

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and identify the correct words that fit in
the given sentences in the box below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Diaphragm Objectives Low Power

High Power Lens Paper Stage

Uncover the microscope, unwrap the cord, and plug it in or face the mirror in
an area with enough light source. Clean all glass surfaces with (1) _______________.
Start with the eyepiece, then do the (2) _________________, the substage mirror or
illuminator, and end with the stage window. Turn on the light (or adjust the mirror
so that the light shines through the stage window).
Adjust the (3) ___________ under the stage so that a medium amount of light
gets through. Adjust the fine focus knob to a middle position. Place the slide on the
(4) ____________, with a slide clip holding down each side of the slide. Center the
specimen on the slide over the stage window.
Using the low power objective first, focus with coarse adjustment. Start with
the objective as close to the slide as possible and focus away from the slide. Before
turning to a (5) _____________ objective, make sure there is something worthwhile to
look at and center the specimen in the middle of the field.
Without changing the focus adjustment, change to the next highest objective
(the centered specimen should be in view and should be almost in focus). Now focus
with the fine adjustment knob.
Clean up! Return to (6) _________________ objective before taking off the slide.
Clean and dry the stage and objectives, turn off the light, and wrap the cord neatly
around the base of the microscope. Replace the cover.

What I Can Do

Microscope is one of the most important inventions in the history of science.

Without this instrument, we would not be able to see and identify very small
organisms even though they are just around us.

Directions: In dedication for our front liners especially to hospital employees, write
a thank you message for all of their hard works and sacrifices made in this global
health crisis, COVID 19 Pandemic. Write your message on a separate sheet of paper.

Your output will be graded using the rubric below.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Area 10 Points 7 Points 5 Points 3 Points
Content and Includes detailed Includes There is some There is a little
Focus on information about information information information
Topic the topic. about the topic. about the topic. about the topic
Some of the
Most of the
words are
All spelling and words and Spelling and
Grammar spelled correctly
grammar are grammar are grammar errors
and Spelling and some
correct. spelled are frequent.
grammar are


Directions: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of your
choice on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which focusing knob can be used with low power?

A. Diaphragm
B. Inclination Knob
C. High power objective
D. Coarse adjustment knob

2. How many objective lenses are there in a compound microscope?

A. 1
B. 3
C. 6
D. 12

3. Where should a specimen be positioned under a microscope under low

power to view it correctly?
A. Middle
B. Bottom
C. Left side
D. Right side

4. To focus a specimen, it is best to start with which objective:

A. Ocular
B. Scanning
C. Low power
D. High power

5. Which part of the microscope is used to sharpen the focus of the specimen?
A. Fine adjustment knob
B. Coarse adjustment knob
C. Low power objective lens
D. High power objective lens

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
6. Which part of the compound microscope helps in gathering and focusing
light rays on the specimen to be viewed?
A. Eyepiece lens
B. Objective lens
C. Condenser lens
D. Magnifying lens

7. The object to be studied and placed on the stage of the microscope is

described as the ____________.
A. clip
B. slide
C. image
D. specimen

8. Another term for the eyepiece is __________.

A. mirror
B. ocular
C. cover slip
D. objective lens

9. The area that can be seen through the eyepiece of a microscope is the _____.
A. Image
B. Specimen
C. Field of view
D. Magnification

10. When preparing a wet mount for a study under the microscope, what will
you do to ensure that the liquid portion of the specimen will not spill on it.
A. Cover slip is placed over the specimen.
B. Low power lens is above the object on the stage
C. Drop of methylene blue is added to the specimen
D. Drop of water is added to the specimen on the slide

11. The student placed the cells on a slide and placed a cover slip over it. The
purpose why the student covers the specimen is _________________.
A. protect the onion
B. keep the cells flat
C. get a better view of the cells
D. onion cells will not fall of the slide

12. How would you use stage clip when studying a specimen under the
A. Clip under the base for tilting.
B. Clip beside the arm for better grasp.
C. Clip over the slide so it will not fall off.
D. Clip onto the diaphragm in order light will pass through.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
13. Anna is studying a new strain of bacteria. What must Anna do to carry the
task properly and securely.
I. Focus the specimen using the coarse and fine adjustment knob.
II. Get the microscope and placed it in a flat surface.
III. Wear proper attire like mask, gloves and lab gowns.
IV. Prepare the specimen in a glass slide and place the cover slip.
V. She discovered that the bacteria can multiply rapidly.

A. I, II, III, IV, V

B. III, II, IV, I, V
C. V, IV, III, II, I
D. IV, III, I, II, V
14. When viewing a sample of onion cells using a microscope, a drop of iodine
solution is placed on the onion cells. Is it important to put a staining
element like iodine solution in viewing cells?
A. No, because it smells bad.
B. No, because it contains starch.
C. Yes, because it protects the cells.
D. Yes, because it helps to see the cells clearly.

15. Sarah prepares glass slide, cover slip and specimen for her biology class. She
placed the specimen on center of the glass slide, a small drop of staining
element is put on the specimen. Is it necessary to place the cover slip at the
top of the specimen with staining element?
A. Yes, because it keeps the specimen in placed.
B. Yes, because it looks more cooler with cover slip on it.
C. No, because it will just case the staining element to spill.
D. No, because it blurs the view of the specimen under the microscope.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What I Know

Directions: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of your
choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A student wants to view cells under the compound microscope at a total
magnification of 400X. If the eyepiece is 10X, which of the following objective
lenses should be used?
A. 5X
B. 10X
C. 40X
D. 80X

2. If the eyepiece of a microscope magnifies by 10, and the objective lens

magnifies by 4, what is the total magnification of the microscope?
A. 0.4
B. 2.5
C. 14
D. 40

3. If the eyepiece magnification on light microscope is 10x and the objective is

40x, what is the overall magnification?
A. 4x
B. 10x
C. 40x
D. 400x
4. What is the total magnification of a microscope with two lenses when one
lens has a magnification of 15x and the other lens has a magnification of
A. 15x
B. 30x
C. 45x
D. 450x

5. When observing cells, which of the following optical tools is most

A. Telescope
B. Petri dish
C. Hand lens
D. Microscope

6. Which part of the microscope is responsible for gathering diffuse rays from
the microscope light source and illuminating the specimen with a small cone
of bright light?
A. Ocular lens
B. Objective lens
C. Focusing knob
D. Condenser lens

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
7. What part will you adjust if you need to tilt the microscope?
A. Arm
B. Base
C. Diaphragm
D. Inclination Joint

8. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
A. Eyepiece and mirror
B. Objective and mirror
C. Objectives and diagram
D. Eyepiece and objectives

9. Moves the stage slightly to sharpen the image is called ___________.

A. aperture
B. body tube
C. fine focus knob
D. coarse focus knob

10. Which should be used to observed bacteria?

A. 43x objective and 10x eyepiece
B. 60x objective and 15x eyepiece
C. 97x oil immersion objective and 5x eyepiece
D. 60x oil immersion objective and 10x eyepiece

11. Which of the following statement is true?

A. All living things are made of cells.
B. Bacteria are cells that have bad effects.
C. New cells are created when old cells die.
D. A hen’s egg is an example of many millions of cells.

12. What do you think is the reason why a scratch on microscope lenses
A. Washing the entire microscope.
B. Providing too much light when viewing.
C. Using rough cloth in cleaning the lenses.
D. Keeping the microscope in a cabinet full of dust.

13. How are you going to handle a microscope when transferring from one
location to another?
A. Hold the microscope on the stage with both hands.
B. Hold on the arm and swing it as you walk to keep in balance.
C. Hold it in the inclination joint with one hand and other hand to its
D. Hold one hand on the arm of the microscope and other hand on the
base of the microscope.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
14. The glass slide has a rectangular shape, it is where the specimen should be
placed. A student knows that after using the materials in their experiment he
should clean them before keeping it. He decided to put the specimen at the
edge of the glass slide so that cleaning of it afterwards can be easily done. Did
the student do the right thing?
A. No, because he should place it at the tip of the glass slide.
B. Yes, because it will be easy in cleaning the materials afterwards.
C. No, because a specimen should be placed on the center of the slide.
D. Yes, because it will still look the same whether it is placed on the
center or the edge.

15. A student is task to solve the magnification of the microscope lenses that he
has used. Should he multiply the value of ocular lens and the value of
objective lenses?
A. No, because he should add the value of ocular lens and the
value of objective lenses.
B. No, because he should divide the value of ocular lens and the value of
objective lenses.
C. Yes, because the sum of the ocular lens and objective lenses are
equals to the total magnification.
D. Yes, because the product of the ocular lens and objective lenses are
equals to the total magnification.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2

2 The Magnification Process

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you already learned how to focus specimen using a
compound microscope. You learned that each part of the microscope has its own role
in focusing the specimen.
Mix and Match
Directions: Listed below are parts of the microscope that are scrambled. Mix the
letters in the column B to come up with the right answer and match it to column A
which is their function. Write the letter only on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

1.Support the upper part of the A. RRIORM

microscope and used to carry it.

2.Holds the eyepiece in place B. MRA

3.Provides light for viewing the C. ETSAG

4.Holds the objective lenses D. WRDA BTUE

5.Platform where specimen is E. EOSNEEIPC


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. When you move the slide to the right the image moves to the left.

2. When you move the slide inward, the image will move away from you.

3. Use the low power objective before using the high-power objective.

4. Clean all glass surfaces with tissue paper.

5. Adjust the diaphragm under the stage so that a medium amount of light gets

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What’s New

Hello there! You are already learned how to focus specimen using a
microscope. Now let’s discover together how to compute the magnification of the
specimen and know the proper ways of handling the microscope. All we have to do
is read and understand the context below to find these. Are you ready? Let’s start!

Activity 1
Magnification is the measure of the ability of lens to produce a bigger image
of an object. A good image is obtained when the amount of specimen detail is also
To determine the total magnification, multiply the magnification of eyepiece
by the objective lens.
Total Magnification
Directions: Fill in the charts below. Calculate the total magnifications for the
examples given, then calculate the total magnification using each of the objective
lenses on microscope scenario. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
*Eyepiece lens magnification x objective lens magnification = Total Magnification


Eyepiece Lens Objective Lens Total Magnification

Magnification Magnification

5x 50x 1.

5x 100x 2.

10x 50x 3.

20x 20x 4.

Microscope Scenario:
The microscope has an eyepiece magnification of 10x and has 3
objective lenses namely scanning, low power and high power. Scanning
objective lens has a magnification of 4x, low power objective lens has a
magnification of 10x and high-power objective lens has a magnification of 40x.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Directions: Fill the magnification of eyepiece and objective lenses base on the
scenario and compute for the total magnification. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

Eyepiece Lens Objective Lens Objective Lens Total
Magnification Name Magnification Magnification
5. Scanning 8. 11.

6. Low Power 9. 12.

7. High Power 10. 13.

Activity 2

The microscope is a highly important instrument with a wide range of

applications. It allows scientists and students to study a range of microorganisms,
cells and structures, playing an integral role in both research and diagnostics. To
lengthen its life, you need to know the proper care and maintenance of the
Proper Care and Maintenance

Directions: Tick (√) if the statement signifies proper care and maintenance and
cross (X) if it isn’t. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1.When carrying your microscope, hold 5.Always ensure the objectives are
it by the base and the stage. cleaned immediately after use.

2.On an annual basis moving parts on 6.Never use sharp instruments or

the microscope should be cleaned and anything abrasive on the microscope
lubricated. lenses.

3.Make sure you store your microscope 7.Always keep your microscope covered
in an area that has corrosive chemical when not in use even if the microscope
fumes is stored in a cabinet.

4.Touch the lenses of the microscope to 8.You should never allow the lens to
ensure their safety of lenses. touch the slide you are looking at.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What is It

The two lenses that determine the magnification of the microscope are the
eyepiece lens and the objective lens. Each has a number on it that signifies its
OCULAR LENS (eyepiece) – Your microscope will have either one (monocular)
or two (binocular) ocular lenses.
These are the lenses you will look through when examining a specimen with
the microscope. Take a look at the side of your ocular lens and you will notice a label
of “10X”. This indicates that each ocular lens magnifies the image by a factor of 10
or 10X.
OBJECTIVE LENSES – Notice the set of objective lenses on the revolving
nosepiece. These lenses allow you to change the degree of magnification. Some of
our microscopes have four objective lenses while others have only three. The degree
of magnification for each objective lens is indicated on its side. Let’s take a look at
each progressing from the shortest to longest objective lenses, being sure to rotate
the revolving nosepiece to click each objective lens into position above the stage
before examining it:
 4X – This objective magnifies the image by a factor of 4. It is referred to as the
“scanning objective” since it is used to scan the slide to locate the specimen
before viewing it at higher magnification.
 10X – This objective magnifies the image by a factor of 10 and is referred to as
the “low power” objective.
 40X – This objective magnifies the image by a factor of 40 and is referred to as
the “high power” objective.

Total Magnification
The total magnification of an image is quite simple – it is the product of the
ocular lens magnification times the magnification of the objective lens you are using:
Magnification of Ocular x Magnification of Objective = Total Magnification
For example, if the ocular lens magnifies the image by a factor of 10 (10X),
and the objective lens magnifies the image by a factor of 50 (50X), the total
magnification of the image is 500X:
10X x 50X = 500X
Many students make the mistake of adding the two magnifications, so
remember that total magnification is the product (multiplication) of the ocular and
objective lens magnifications.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Proper Handling of Microscope
Microscopes are instruments used to magnify small objects, allowing them to
be seen by the naked eye. Most microscopes have several different powerful lenses
attached to them, allowing the viewers to inspect the content at more than 100 times
its actual size.
These are the tips that will help you in proper care and maintenance of the
Tip 1: Handle with care
Most microscope problems occur as a result of improper handling. When
carrying your microscope, hold it by the base and the metal support arm. Do not
pick it up by the stage, as this can cause misalignment.

Tip 2: Keep lenses clear of slides

When using your microscope and adjusting the focus you will need to lower
the objective lens down as far as it will go. However, you should never allow the lens
to touch the slide you are looking at. Dirty lenses can be difficult to clean.
Tip3: Clean after using
Always ensure the objectives are cleaned immediately after use. Objective,
eyepieces, and condenser may be removed for cleaning. Use only lens paper and lens
cleaner. Do not use solvents.

Tip 4: Cover when not in use

All microscopes are sold with dust covers. Always keep your microscope
covered when not in use even if the microscope is stored in a cabinet. Eye tubes also
need to be kept free of dust so do not store a microscope without the eyepieces. If the
microscope eyepieces must be removed, cover the tubes with caps or a plastic bag
with a rubber band around the eye tube.

Tip 5: Look after the bulb

After using the microscope, turn off the illuminator and wait for it to cool for
several minutes before putting it away. By allowing the bulb to cool you will extend
its life. When turning the microscope on and off, use the switch not the power point.

Tip 6: Store in a clean, dry place

Make sure you do not store your microscope in an area that has corrosive
chemical fumes that can destroy lenses or metal parts or beside solutions that may
leak. Salt air and pervasive damp can also cause damage over time. Make sure your
cabinet is ventilated.

Tip 7: Only use special lens paper or wipes for cleaning the lenses
Microscope lenses can easily be scratched and should be treated with great
care. Use an aspirator to remove dust. Sticky residue can be removed with lens paper
moistened with distilled water or lens cleaning solution and rubbed gently using a
circular motion. Never use sharp instruments or anything abrasive on the
microscope lenses.

Tip 8: Keep your User's Manual and wrenches in a safe place

Each microscope should come with a user's manual and specialist wrenches
as required. Always consult the User's Manual before making any adjustments to
your microscope and use the wrenches provided. Never over-tighten or use force
when performing any maintenance on your microscope, or use inappropriate tools.
This can damage the parts.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Tip 9: Perform an annual maintenance check
On an annual basis moving parts on the microscope should be cleaned and
lubricated. Clean grease and dirt from sliding surfaces using a clean cloth. Do not
grease the teeth of the rack and pinion gears. Inspect the power cords and plugs for
safety and stock up on a supply of replacement bulbs.

Tip 10: Have your microscope serviced professionally

A rule of thumb for frequency of servicing is every 200 hours of use or every
3 years, whichever comes first.

What’s More

Directions: Fill the blanks by solving the missing numbers. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Eyepiece Lens Objective Lens Total Magnification

5x (1) 20x

5x 40x (2)

(3) 10x 100x

10x 40x (4)

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the paragraph carefully and identify the correct words that fit in
the given sentences in the box below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

small arm dust cover

base lenses glass
lens paper lowest

Microscopes are devices used to magnify (1) _________ objects, allowing them to be
seen by the naked eye. Most microscopes have several different powerful lenses attached to
them, allowing the viewer to inspect the content at more than 100 times its actual size.
Hold the microscope with one hand around the (2) ______ of the device, and the other
hand under the (3) ______. This is the most secure way to hold and walk with the microscope.
Avoid touching the (4) ________ of the microscope. The oil and dirt on your fingers
can scratch the (5) _______.
Clean smudges on the microscope glass with a piece of (6) __________. Any other
material, such as tissues or even cotton, can scratch the glass of the microscope.
Rotate the nosepiece of the microscope all the way down to its (7) ________ level when
you have finished using the microscope. If you leave the nosepiece up while storing it, the
gears on the device can wear out. If this happens, the nosepiece may not be able to lift and
hold its position.
Cover the microscope with the (8) ________ to protect it from dirt and other debris.

What I Can Do

Directions: Write 3 DO’s and 3 DON’Ts in Handling a Microscope. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2

Directions: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of your
choice on a separate sheet of paper.

1. To obtain total magnification, you should ______ the magnification of the

eyepiece to the objective lens power.
A. add
B. divide
C. multiply
D. subtract

2. What two parts do you place your hands while carrying a microscope?
A. Arm and Base
B. Arm and Ocular
C. Base and Nosepiece
D. Base and High-Power Objective

3. What do you use to clean the microscope lenses?

A. Cotton
B. Wet Wipes
C. Lens Paper
D. Tissue Paper

4. If the eyepiece magnification on light microscope is 10x and the objective is

40x, what is the overall magnification?
A. 4x
B. 10x
C. 40x
D. 400x

5. The magnification of a microscope with a 10x eyepiece and a 10x objective

will be 1000x.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Unnecessary

6. Find the magnification: Eyepiece= 10x Objective lens= 55x

A. 10x
B. 55x
C. 65x
D. 550x

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
7. Find the magnification: Eyepiece= 20x Objective lens= 20x
A. 20x
B. 40x
C. 200x
D. 400x

8. The higher the magnification, the ________ you see of specimen.

A. less
B. more
C. lower
D. higher

9. An increase in magnification causes _____________.

A. a decrease in the field of view
B. an increase in the working time
C. a decrease in the working distance
D. an increase in the working distance

10. Which of the following should you NOT do while using the microscope?
A. Use low power objectives lens first.
B. Use stage clips to hold the slide in place.
C. Use direct sunlight when mirror is the light source.
D. Use fine adjustment only under the high-power objective.

11. Which of the following is NOT a proper method for handling microscopes?
A. Carry the microscope with one hand.
B. Always use fine adjustment when using high power.
C. Remove the slide before putting the microscope away.
D. Never clean the objectives with anything but lens paper.

12. What would be the result if the power of ocular lens is 10x and objective lens
is 20x?
A. 20 times
B. 30 times
C. 200 times
D. 2000 times

13. You are looking at an object under the microscope. What is proper sequence
in focusing the microscope?
I. Use the fine adjustment knob when using the high-power objective.
II. Use the coarse adjustment knob in moving down the body tube.
III. Set the mirror to get proper amount of light.
IV. Adjust the microscope’s diaphragm.
V. Tilt the inclination joint.

A. V, III, IV, II, I

B. I, II, III, IV, V
C. II, V, IV, I, III
D. I, III, II, V, IV

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
14. Andy is using a compound microscope which has three objective lenses and
has coarse adjustment knob and fine adjustment knob. Is it correct to use the
coarse adjustment knob when changing objectives lenses?
A. Yes, because it helps you to work faster.
B. No, because coarse adjustment knob is for the tilting of the microscope.
C. Yes, because coarse adjustment knob is responsible in changing the
D. No, because coarse adjustment knob is for the fast movement of the body
tube and it might damage the glass slide.

15. Jose just finished using the microscope after his science class. He cleans the
materials he used. In cleaning the slides, is it advisable to use rough fabric?
A. No, because it can create a scratch on the glass slide.
B. No, because it can spread the color of the fabric to the glass slide.
C. Yes, because if you only use a soft fabric it cannot get the stain from the
glass slide.
D. Yes, because rough fabrics are made for cleaning the stains and
maintaining the shape of the glass slides.

Additional Activities

Directions: Make a sentence that best describes a microscope from the words given
in the box. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

instrument to that seen used is

A small see an
optical by to microscope
eyes our be
too objects are

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson1 Lesson1
What’s New What’s In What I Have What’s In
Activity 1 Learned
1. 250x Activity 1
2. 500x 1. B. Arm
1. Lens paper 1. Stage
3. 500x 2. D. Draw tube
2. Objectives 2. Eyepiece
4. 400x 3. A. Mirror
3. Diaphragm 3. Diaphragm
5. 10x 4. E. Nosepiece
4. Stage 4. Body tube
6. 10x 5. C. Stage
5. High power 5. Arm
7. 10x Activity 2
6. Low power 6. Nosepiece
8. 4x 1. True 7. Base
9. 10 2. True Activity 2
10. 40 3. True
1. Arm
11. 40x 4. False
2. Diaphragm
12. 100x 5. True
3. Stage
13. 400x 4. Revolving
5. Base
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 1 Lesson1
Assessment What I Know Assessment What I Know
1. C 1. B
1. C 1. D 2. C
2. D
2. A 2. B 3. C
3. C 3. D
3. A 4. D
4. D 4. D 5. A
5. D 4. B
5. B 6. D
6. D 6. D 5. A
7. D
7. D 7. D 6. C 8. C
8. A 7. D 9. B
8. D
9. A 8. B 10. A
10. C
9. C
9. C 11. B
11. A 10. D 12. C
11. A 10. A
12. C 13. D
13. A 12. C 11. D
14. D
14. D 13. D 12. C 15. C
15. A 14. C 13. B
15. D 14. D
15. A
Answer Key
CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
Additional Activities Lesson 2 Lesson 2
What I Have What’s More
A microscope is an Learned
optical instrument used 1. 4x
to see objects that are 2. 200x
1. Small
too small to be seen by 3. 10x
2. Arm
our eyes. 4. 400x
3. Base
4. Glass
5. Lenses
6. Lens paper
7. Lowest
8. Dust cover
Carale, Lourdes R., Elvira R. Galvez, and Risa L. Reyes. 2004. Science and
Technology II. Quezon City: Studio Graphic Corp.
Ferguson, Greyson. 2018. Google Chrome - Sciencing - How to Handle A Microscope.
March 10. Accessed June 2, 2020.

Ford, Brian J., and Robert R. Shannon. 2019. Google Chrome - Encyclopedia
Britannica. November 20. Accessed June 2, 2020.

Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel. 2015. Google Chrome - Science Direct- Microscope.
Accessed June 2, 2020.

CO_Q2_Science7_ Module 2
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