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Chapter 4 - Bending of Straight Beams

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Pengajian Kejuruteraan



School of Mechanical Engineering


Bending stress

Shear stresses due to Bending

Deflection of the beam

Symmetric Member in Pure Bending

• Internal forces in any cross section are

equivalent to a couple. The moment of the
couple is the section bending moment.
• From statics, a couple M consists of two equal
and opposite forces.
• The sum of the components of the forces in any
direction is zero.
• The moment is the same about any axis
perpendicular to the plane of the couple and
zero about any axis contained in the plane.

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Symmetric Member in Pure Bending

• These requirements may be applied to

the sums of the components and
moments of the statically indeterminate
elementary internal forces.

Fx = σx dA = 0
My = zσx dA = 0
Mz = −y σx dA = M

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Bending Deformation

Beam with a plane of symmetry in pure bending

• member remains symmetric
• bends uniformly to form a circular arc
• cross-sectional plane passes through arc center and
remains planar
• length of top decreases and length of bottom increases
• a neutral surface must exist that is parallel to the
upper and lower surfaces and for which the length
does not change
• stresses and strains are negative (compressive) above
the neutral plane and positive (tension) below it

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Strain Due to Bending

C • Consider a beam segment of length L.

θ • After deformation, the length of the neutral
ρ ρ-y surface remains L. At other sections,

L = (ρ − y )θ
K y
J 0
D E δ = L − L = (ρ − y )θ − ρθ = −y θ
A' x
B' δ −y θ y
εx = = =− varies linearly
L ρθ ρ
c c
εmax = or ρ =
Neutral ρ εmax
axis (NA)
c y
z εx = − εmax
O c

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Strain Due to Bending
• For a linearly elastic material,
σx = E εx = − E max
= − σmax
• For static equilibrium,
Z • For static equilibrium,
Fx = 0 = σx dA Z Z  y 
M= (−y σx dA) = −y − σmax dA
y c
= − σmax dA σmax
σmax I
c M= 2
y dA =
Z c c
= − ydA Mc M
c σmax = =
• First moment with respect to neutral
plane is zero. Therefore, the neutral sur- y My
• substitute σx = − σmax → σx = −
face must pass through the section cen- c I
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Beam Section Properties
• The maximum normal stress due to bending,
Mc M
σmax = =
I = section moment of inertia
S= = section modulus

A beam section with a larger section modulus will have a lower

maximum stress
• Consider a rectangular beam cross section,

bh3 1 1
S= = 12 = bh2 = Ah
c h/2 6 6

Between two beams with the same cross sectional area, the
beam with the greater depth will be more effective in resisting
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Example 4.1

A cast-iron machine part is acted upon by a 3 kN-m couple. Knowing E = 165 GPa and
neglecting the effects of fillets, determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses.

90 mm

20 mm
M = 3 kNm

40 mm

30 mm

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Example 4.1 (Solution)

90 mm • The section centroid and moment of inertia

1 20 mm Part Area (mm2 ) ȳ (mm) ȳ A(mm3 )

40 mm
C 1 20 × 90 = 1800 50 90 × 103
2 40 × 30 = 1200 20 24 × 103
x Σ 3000 114 × 103

30 mm Σȳ A 114 × 103

Ȳ = = = 38 mm
ΣA 3000
Ix 0 = Σ(I¯ + Ad 2 ) = Σ( bh3 + Ad 2 )
1 22 mm 12
12 mm
xʹ 1
18 mm C = ( (90)(203 ) + 1800(122 ))
+ ( (30)(403 ) + 1200(182 ))
2 12
= 868 × 103 mm4 = 868 × 10−9 m4

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Example 4.1 (Solution)

• Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses.

McA 3 × 103 (0.022)

σA,max = = = 76 MPa
I 868 × 10−9

McB 3 × 103 (0.038)

σB,max = =− = −131.3 MPa
I 868 × 10−9

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Example 4.2

The simply supported beam has the cross-sectional area as shown. Determine the ab-
solute maximum bending stress in the beam and draw the stress distribution over the
cross section at this location.

20 mm
5 kN/m B
150 mm
N.A 20 mm
a C 150 mm
20 mm
3m 250 mm D

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Example 4.2 (Solution)

• The maximum internal moment in the beam is M = 22.5 kN.m:

M (kN.m)


3 6
• By symmetry, the centroid C and thus the neutral axis pass through the mid-height of the beam,
and the moment of inertia is
1 1
I = Σ(I¯ + Ad 2 ) = 2 (0.25)(0.023 ) + 0.25(0.002)(0.16)2 + (0.02)(0.33 )
12 12
= 301.3 × 10−6 m4

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Example 4.2 (Solution)

• Applying the flexure formula where c = 170 mm;

Mc 22.5(0.17)
σmax = = = 12.7 MPa
I 301.3 × 10−6

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Example 4.2 (Shear force and bending moment diagram)

• No. of segment : 1 • Equation of equilibrium for 2nd part:

• Solve reactions at supports:
(0 ≤ x ≤ 6m)
5(6)=30 kN
ΣFy = 0; V = 15 − 5x
ΣMcp = 0; M = 15x − x 2
R1 6m R2
V (kN)

ΣM1 = 0; R1 = R2 = 15 kN 15

3 6
• Apply method of section for segment chosen
and generate equation of equilibrium.
5x cp M (kN.m)

x V x(m)
3 6
15 kN
Bending stress 15/40

Bending stress

Shear stresses due to Bending

Deflection of the beam

Transverse Shear

• Beams generally support both shear and moment

loading. Shear, v is the result of a transverse
shear-stress distribution that acts over the beam’s
cross section.
• Associated longitudinal shear stresses also act along
longitudinal planes of beam.
• If a typical element removed from the interior point on
the cross section it will be subjected to both
transverse and longitudinal shear stress.
• Shear-strain distribution throughout the depth of a
beam cannot be easily expressed mathematically.
Thus, we need to develop the formula for shear stress
indirectly using the flexure formula and relationship
between moment and shear ; V =
Shear stresses due to Bending 17/40
The shear formula

• The final result is therefore;

τ shear stress in member at the point located a distance y’ from the neutral axis (N.A)
V internal resultant shear force, determined from method of sections and equations of
I moment of inertia of entire cross sectional area computed about the neutral axis
t width of the member’s cross sectional area, measured at the point where τ is to be
Q A0 ydA0 = y 0 A0 , where A’ is the top (or bottom) portion of member’s cross sectional

area, defined from section where t is measured, and y’ is distance of centroid of A’,
measured from neutral axis.

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Example 4.3

The beam shown in the following figure is made from two boards. Determine the
maximum shear stress in the glue necessary to hold the boards together along the seams
where they are joined. Supports at B and C exert only vertical reactions on the beam.

150 mm
30 mm
6.5 kN/m

150 mm

4m 4m
30 mm

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Example 4.3 (Solution)

• Internal shear: Support reactions • The centroid and therefore the neutral axis will be
and shear diagram for beam are determined from the reference axis placed at bottom
shown below. Maximum shear in of the cross sectional area.
the beam is 19.5 kN. Σȳ A
26 kN
ȳ =
(0.075(0.15)(0.03)) + (0.165(0.03)(0.15))
0.15(0.03) + 0.03(0.15)
6m 2m
6.5 kN 19.5 kN = 0.12 m
V (kN)
SFD I = (0.03)(0.15)3 + 0.15(0.03)(0.12 − 0.075)2
6.5 12
5 8 x (m) + (0.15)(0.03)3 + 0.03(0.15)(0.165 − 0.12)2
4 12
= 27 × 10−6 m4


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Example 4.3 (Solution)

• The top board (flange) is being held onto • Shear stress acting at top of bottom board
the bottom board (web) by the glue, which is shown in the next figure. It is the glue’s
is applied over the thickness t = 0.03m. resistance to this lateral or horizontal shear
Consequently A’ is defined as the area of stress that is necessary to hold the boards
the top board, we have; from slipping at support C.
Q = y 0 A0
= (0.18 − 0.015 − 0.12)(0.03)(0.15)
= 0.2025 × 10−3 m3

• Applying shear formula yields,

τmax =
19.5 × 103 (0.2025 × 10−3 )
27 × 10−6 (0.03)
= 4.88 MPa
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Example 4.3 (SFD and BMD)

• Solve reactions at supports: • For 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 m


6.5(4)=26 kN M
x V

RA RB ΣMcp = 0, M = 6.5x
ΣFy = 0, V = 6.5
ΣMB = 0, RC (8) − 26(6) = 0
• For 4 ≤ x ≤ 8 m
RC = 19.5 kN 6.5(x-4)
RB = 6.5 kN
• Apply method of section for segment chosen RA

and generate equation of equilibrium for 2

parts. ΣMcp = 0, M = 6.5x
ΣFy = 0, V = 6.5

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Example 4.3 (SFD and BMD)

• Draw/sketch shear and moment diagram based on x = 1,2,..,8 only

V (kN)
8 x(m)

M (kN.m) 29.2

4 8

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Example 4.4

The beam is made of wood and is subjected to a resultant 50 mm

internal vertical shear force of V = 3 kN. (a) Determine
125 mm
the shear stress in the beam at point P, and (b) compute
the maximum shear stress in the beam.
V = 3 kN

37.5 mm
100 mm
• The moment of inertia:

1 3 1
I = bh = (100)(125)3 = 16.28 × 106 mm4
12 12 50 mm
12.5 mm
Q = y 0 A0 = (62.5 − 50/2)(50)(100) = 18.75 × 104 mm3 P

• Applying the shear formula, we have V = 3 kN

VQ 3(18.75 × 104 ) 100 mm

τ = = = 0.346 MPa
It 16.28 × 106 (100)

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Example 4.4 (Solution)

• Maximum shear stress occurs at the neutral axis, since
t is constant throughout the cross section,
62.5 mm

Q = y 0 A0 = (62.5/2)(62.5)(100) = 19.53 × 104 mm3


• Applying the shear formula, we have

100 mm

VQ 3(19.53 × 104 )
τmax = = = 0.36 MPa
It 16.28 × 106 (100)

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Bending stress

Shear stresses due to Bending

Deflection of the beam

Deflection of the beam

• When a beam with a straight longitudinal axis is loaded by lateral forces, the axis is
deformed into a curve, called the deflection curve of the beam. Deflection is the
displacement in the y-direction of any point on the axis of the beam.
• The calculation of deflections is an important part of structural analysis and design.

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Deflection of the beam
• Deflections are essential for example in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures and
in dynamic analysis, as when investigating the vibration of aircraft or response of buildings to
• Deflections are sometimes calculated in order to verify that they are within tolerable limits.
• Use various methods to determine the deflection and slope at specific points on beams and
• Integration method (Macaulay’s approach)
• Method of superposition
• Moment-area method

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Basic Differential Equation for Deflection
• For small curvatures: y di

ds = dx = Rdi B'
R i
di 1 dy
= but i = ds
dx R dx D
d 2y 1
• Therefore = ....(1) i
dx 2 R
• simple bending theory:
M 1 1 M
= → =
I R R EI x

• Therefore substitute into (1) : dx

d y
M = EI ....(2)
dx 2
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Macaulay’s Method

• The Macaulay’s method involves the general method of obtaining slopes and
a) Term, W (x–a) is integrated with respect to (x–a) and not x
b) Mathematical operations:
n 0, for x < a
hx − ai = n
;n ≥ 0
(x − a) , otherwise

c) Special bracket used to represent the operation used Macaulay’s concept : i.e. hx − 2i

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Example 4.5

Consider a simple beam problem as shown and develop the expression for maximum


Solution: Free-body diagram and solve for reaction:


w/2 L/2 x-L/2


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Example 4.5 (solution)

• Bending Moment equations • General equation becomes:

w L w 3 w L wL2
∴M= x − w (x − )
2 2 EIy = x − hx − i3 − x
12 6 2 16
d 2y w L
EI 2 = x − w hx − i
dx 2 2 • x= L
2 when maximum deflection occurs:
dy w 2 w L
EI = x − hx − i2 + A
dx 4 2 2 w L 3 w L L
w 3 w L EIy = ( ) − hx − − i3
EIy = x − hx − i3 + Ax + B 12 2 6 2 2
12 6 2
wL2 L
− ( )
16 2
• Boundary conditions: wL3
y =− Ans.
x = 0, y = 0 ∴ B = 0 48EI
x = L, y = 0 ∴ A = −

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Example 4.6

Determine the deflection of the beam at x = 3 (middle of beam) if E = 210 kN/mm2 . The
cross-section is given below.

15 kN

5 kN/m 10 mm
40 mm
N.A 10 mm
B 40 mm
10 mm
1m 5m
50 mm

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Example 4.6 (solution)

• Bending Moment equations • Equation for deflection becomes:

5 2 15 3 36
∴ M = −15x + 36(x − 1) − x EIy = − x + hx − 1i3
2 6 6
d 2y 5 5 4
EI = −15x + 36hx − 1i − x 2 − x + 11.45x − 8.75
dx 2 2 24
dy 15 2 36 5
EI =− x + hx − 1i − x 3 + A
• Deflection occurs at x = 3:
dx 2 2 6
15 3 36 5 4 (I = 2.46 × 10−6 m4 )
EIy =− x + hx − 1i − x + Ax + B
6 6 24 15 3 36
EIy = − (3) + h3 − 1i3
• Boundary conditions: 6 6
− (3)4 + 11.45(3) − 8.75
x = 1, y = 0 ∴ A + B = 2.71 − − − (1) 24
y = 0.02079 m = 20.79 mm Ans.
x = 6, y = 0 ∴ 6A + B = 60 − − − (2)
→ Solve : A = 11.45; B = −8.75

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Example 4.7

Determine the deflection of the beam at x = 3 (middle of beam) if E = 210 kN/mm2 . The
cross-section is given below.

15 kN 5 kN/m 10 mm
40 mm
N.A 10 mm
B 40 mm
10 mm
1m 5m
50 mm

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Example 4.7 (solution)

• Bending Moment equations • Equation for deflection becomes:

5 15 3 30.5
∴ M = −15x + 30.5(x − 1) − (x − 1)2 EIy = − x + hx − 1i3
2 6 6
d 2y 5 5 4
EI = −15x + 30.5hx − 1i − hx − 1i2 − x + 6.46x − 3.96
dx 2 2 24
dy 15 2 30.5 5
EI =− x + hx − 1i − hx − 1i3 + A
• Deflection occurs at x = 3:
dx 2 2 6
15 3 30.5 5 4 (I = 2.46 × 10−6 m4 )
EIy =− x + hx − 1i − x + Ax + B
6 6 24 15 3 30.5
EIy = − (3) + h3 − 1i3
• Boundary conditions: 6 6
− (3)4 + 6.46(3) − 3.96
x = 1, y = 0 ∴ A + B = 2.5 − − − (1) 24
y = 28.55 mm Ans.
x = 6, y = 0 ∴ 6A + B = 34.79 − − − (2)
Solve : A = 6.46; B = −3.96

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Example 4.8

Determine the deflection of the beam at x = 3 (middle of beam) if E = 210 kN/mm2 .

The cross-section is given below.

15 kN 5 kN/m 10 mm
40 mm
N.A 10 mm
B 40 mm
10 mm
1m 4m 1m
50 mm

Deflection of the beam 37/40

Example 4.8 (solution)

• Since the 5 kN/m load did not reach the end, (x-1) does not represent the actual loading.
The equivalent loading is:
loading cp
15 kN 5 kN/m

RA x-5

• Equation for deflection becomes:

(x − 1) (x − 5)
∴ M = −15x + 30(x − 1) − 5(x − 1) + 5(x − 5)
2 2
Deflection of the beam 38/40
Example 4.8 (solution)

• Differential equations:

d 2y 5 5
EI = −15x + 30hx − 1i − hx − 1i2 + hx − 5i2
dx 2 2 2
dy 15 2 30 5 5
EI =− x + hx − 1i − hx − 1i + hx − 5i3 + A
2 3
dx 2 2 6 6
15 3 30 3 5 4 5
EIy = − x + hx − 1i − hx − 1i + hx − 5i4 + Ax + B
6 6 24 24
• Boundary conditions:
x = 1, y = 0 ∴ A + B = ..(1)
x = 6, y = 0 ∴ 6A + B = −409.99..(2)

Solve : A = −82.5; B = 84.99

15 3 30 5 5
• General equation: EIy = − x + hx − 1i3 − hx − 1i4 + hx − 5i4 − 82.5x + 84.99
6 6 24 24

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The End

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