Structural Steel For Bridges
Structural Steel For Bridges
Structural Steel For Bridges
1. SCOPE1 as standard. Within the text, the SI units E 112 Test Methods for Determin-
are shown in brackets. The values stated ing the Aver-age Grain Size
in each system are not exact equivalents; G 101 Guide for Estimating the
1.1 This specification covers carbon and therefore, each system must be used in-
high-strength low-alloy steel structural Atmospheric Corrosion Re-
dependently of the other. Combining sistance of Low-Alloy Steels
shapes, plates, and bars and quenched values from the two systems may result
and tempered alloy steel for structural in non-conformance with this specifica-
plates intended for use in bridges. Six tion. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
grades are available in four yield strength FOR DELIVERY
levels as follows:
Grades U.S. [SI] Yield Strength, ksi [MPa] 3.1 Material furnished under this specifi-
36 [250] 36 [250] cation shall conform, to the requirements
50 [345] 50 [345] 2.1 AASHTO Standards: of the current edition of M 160/M 160M
50W [345W] 50 [345] M 160/M160M Specification for for the ordered material unless a conflict
70W [485W] 70 [485]
General Requirements for exist, in which case this specification
100 [690] 100 [690]
100W [690W] 100 [690] Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, shall prevail.
Sheet Piling, and Bars for
1.1.1 Grades 36 [250], 50 [345], 50W Structural Use
[345W], 70W [485 W], 100 [690], and M 183/M183M Specification for
100W [690W] are also included in M Structural Steel
183/M 183M, M 223/M 223M, M 222/M M 222/M222M Specification for 4.1 The steel shall be made by one of the
222M, ASTM A 852JA 852M, and M High-Strength Low-Alloy following processes: open-hearth, basic-
244/M 244M, respectively. When the Structural Steel with 50 ksi oxygen, or electric-furnace. Additional
supplementary requirements of this speci- (345 MPa) Minimum Yield refuting in the ladle by electroslag
fication are specified, they exceed the Point to 4 in. [100 mm] Thick remelting (ESR) or vacuum-arc remelting
requirements of M 183/M 183M, M (VAR) is permitted.
223/M 223M, M 2221M 222M, ASTM A M 223/M223M Specification for
High-Strength Low-Alloy 4.2 Grades 36 [250] and 50 [345] steel
852/A 852M, and M 244/M 244M. shall be made of other than rimmed or
Columbium-Vanadium Steel
1.1.2 Grades 50W [345W], 70W of Structural Quality capped steel.
[485W], and 100W [690W] have en- 4.3 Grades 50W [345W] and 70W-
hanced atmospheric corrosion resistance M 244/M244M Specification for
High-Yield Strength, [485W] shall be made to a killed fine
(see Section 12.1.2). Product availability grain practice.
is shown in Table 1. Quenched and Tempered Al-
loy Steel Plate, Suitable for 4.4 Grades 100 [690] and 100W [690W]
1.2 Grades 70W [485W], 100 [690], or Welding steel shall be killed and shall conform to
100W [690W] shall not be substituted for the fine austenitic grain size requirement
Grades 36 [250], 50 [345], or 50W M 313/M 313M Specification for
Quenched and Tempered of M 160/M 160M.
[345W]. Grade 50W [345W] shall not be
substituted for Grades 36 [250] or 50 Low-Alloy Structural Steel
[345] without agreement between the Plate with 70 ksi [485 MPa] 5. HEAT TREATMENT
purchaser and supplier. Minimum Yield Strength to 4
in. [100 mm] Thick
1.3 When the steel is to be welded, it is 5.1 Grades 70W [485W], 100 [690], and
presupposed that a welding procedure T 243/T' 243M Specification for
100W [690W] steel shall be heat treated
suitable for the grade of steel and in- Sampling Procedure for Im-
by the manufacturer to conform to the
tended use or service will be utilized. pact Testing of Structural
tensile and hardness requirements of
1.4 Supplementary requirements are Table 1 by heating to not less than
available but shall apply only when T 244 Methods and Definitions for 1650°F (900°C), quenching in water or
specified by the purchaser at the time of Mechanical Testing of Steel oil, and tempering at not less than 1100°F
ordering. Products (593°C) for Grade 70W [485W] and not
T 266 Standard Method for Charpy less than 1150°F (620°C) for Grades 100
1.5 The values stated in either inch-
V-Notch Impact Testing of [690] and 100W [690W]. The heat-
pound units or SI units are to be regarded
Metallic Materials (CVN) treating temperatures shall be reported on
2.2 ASTM Standards: the test certificates.
This specification is identical to ASTM A 709/A
709M-93, except for additional chemical impact A 435/A 435M Specification for
testing, corrosion resistance evidence requirements, Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Ex-
and explanatory remarks under Supplementary
Requirements. amination of Steel Plates
8. IMPACT TESTING REQUIRE- pieces, all of these pieces shall be full resistance typical of carbon steel with-out
MENTS thickness, and shall be similarly and copper.
simultaneously heat treated with the 12.1.2 Steel grades with suffix "W"
material. All such separate pieces shall be provide a level of atmospheric corrosion
8.1 All grades shall conform to supple- of such size that the prepared test speci-
mental requirements of S83 or S84 of this resistance substantially better than that of
mens are free of any variation in proper- carbon structural steel with copper in
standard unless otherwise specified by ties due to edge effects.
the purchaser. most environments (see Note 2). When
10.2.2 After final heat treatment of the properly exposed to the atmosphere, this
plates. one tension test specimen shall be steel can be used bare (unpainted) for
9. BRINELL HARDNESS RE- taken from a corner of each plate as heat many applications.
QUIREMENTS FOR GRADES treated (except as specified in Section
NOTE 2—For methods of estimating the
100 [690] AND 100W [690W] 9.1). atmospheric corrosion resistance of low-alloy
NOTE 1—The term "plate" identifies the steels, see ASTM G 101. The user is cautioned
9.1 For plates ⅜ in. [10 mm] and under "plate as heat treated." that the ASTM G 101 predictive equation for
calculation of an atmospheric corrosion resis-
in thickness, a Brinell hardness test may
tance index has only been verified for the
be used instead of tension testing each composition limits stated in that guide.
plate, in which case a tension test speci-
men shall be taken from a corner of each
of two plates per lot. A lot shall consist of 11.1 Grades 36 [250], 50 [345], and 13. MARKING
plates from the same heat and thickness, 50W [345W] shall be retested in accor-
same prior condition and scheduled heat dance with M 160/M 160M.
13.1 In addition to the marking re-
treatment and shall not exceed 15 tons 11.2 Grades 100 [690] and 100W quirements of M 160/M 160M, material
[15 Mg] in weight. A Brinell hardness [690W] plates that are subjected to identification shall also include the com-
test shall be made on each plate not Brinell hardness requirements, at the position type for Grades 50W [345W],
tension tested and shall meet the re- manufacturer's option, may be subjected 100 [690], and 100W [690W].
quirements shown in Table 1. to tension testing and shall be accepted if
the results conform to the requirements of
BER OF TENSION TESTS 11.3 The manufacturer may reheat
treat Grades 70W [485W], 100 [690], and
100W [690W] plates that fail to meet the With the exception of S83 or S84, which
10.1 For grades 36 [250], 50 [345],
mechanical property requirements of this shall be as specked in Section 8.1, sup-
and 50W [345W], location and condition,
specification. All mechanical property plementary requirements shall not apply
number of tests, and preparation of test
tests shall be repeated when the material unless specified on the purchase order.
specimens shall meet the requirements of
is resubmitted for inspection. Requirements other than those shown in
M 160/M 160M.
this section may be specified subject to
10.2 The following requirements agreement between the supplier and the
which are in addition to those of M 160/ 12. ATMOSPHERIC CORROSION purchaser. In addition, the following
M 160M shall apply only to Grades 70W RESISTANCE supplementary requirements are also
[485], 100 [690], and 100W [690W] suitable for use with this specification.
steel: 12.1 Steels meeting this specification Requirements considered suitable for use
10.2.1 When possible, all test specimens provide two levels of atmospheric corro- with this specification are listed below by
shall be cut from the plate in its heat- sion resistance: title.
treated condition. If it is necessary to 12.1.1 Steel grades without suffix pro-
prepare test specimens from separate vide a level of atmospheric corrosion
TABLE 6 Grade 100 [690] and 100W [690W] Chemical Requirements (Heat Analysis)
NOTE—Types A, B, C, E, F, H, J, M, P, and Q are equivalent to M 244/M 244M Grades A, B, C, E, F, H, J, M, P, and Q, respectively.
Type A, Type B, Type C, Type EA, Type FA, Type H, Type J, Type M, Type PA, Type QA,
Maximum Thick-
Percent 1 Percent l Percent Percent 4 Percent 2 Percent 2 Percent Percent 2 Percent 4 Percent 4
ness in. [mm]
¼ [32] ¼ [32] [32] [100] ½ [65] [50] [32] [50] [100] [100]
Carbon 0.15-0.21 0.12-0.21 0.10-0.20 0.12-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.12-0.21 0.12-0.21 0.12-0.21 0.12-0.21 0.14-0.21
Manganese 0.80-1.10 0.70-1.00 1.10-1.50 0.40-0.70 0.60-1.00 0.95-1.30 0.45-0.70 0.45-0.70 0.45-0.70 0.95-1.30
Phosphorus, max 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
Sulfur, max 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Silicon 0.40-0.80 0.20-0.35 0.15-0.30 0.20-0.40 0.15-0.35 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.35 0.15-0.35
Nickel — — — — 0.70-1.00 0.30-0.70 — 1.20-1.50 1.20-1.50 1.20-1.50
Chromium 0.50-0.80 0.40-0.65 — 1.40-2.00 0.40-0.65 0.40-0.65 — — 0.85-1.20 1.00-1.50
Molybdnum 0.18-0.28 0.15-0.25 0.20-0.30 0.40-0.60 0.40-0.60 0.20-0.30 0.50-0.65 0.45-0.60 0.45-0.60 0.40-0.60
Vanadium — 0.03-0.08 — e 0.30-0.08 0.03-0.08 — — — 0.30-0.08
Titanium — 0.01-0.03 — 0.01-0.10 — — — — — —
0.05- — — — — — — — — —
Zirconium 0.15'
Copper — 0.15-0.50 — — — — —
0.0025- 0.0005- 0.001- 0.001- 0.0005- 0.0005- 0.001- 0.001- 0.001- —
Boron max 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Types E, F, P, and Q meet the requirements of atmospheric corrosion resistance in accordance with Section 12.1.2.
May be substituted for part or all of titanium content on a one—for—one basis.
Zirconium may be replaced by cerium. When cerium is added, the cerium/sulfur ratio should be approximately 1.5 to 1, based upon heat analysis.
TABLE S1.1 Impact Testing Temperature Zones Association of State Highway and Trans- S92. ATMOSPHERIC CORRO-
Zone Minimum Service Temperature. °F [°C]
portation Officials (AASHTO). The or- SION RESISTANCE
1 0[-18]
2 below 0 to -30 [-18 to –34] der shall designate the testing zone, as
3 below -30 to -60 [-18 to -50] determined by Table S1.1. (The zones are
in relation to the lowest ambient service S92.1 When specified, the material
temperature for the zone in which the manufacturer shall supply to the pur-
S2. FREQUENCY OF TENSION material will be used.) chaser evidence of atmospheric corrosion
TESTS resistance satisfactory to the purchaser.
S83.2 Charpy V-Notch tests shall be
conducted in accordance with T 243/T S92.2 Refer to S23 of M 160/ M 160M
S2.1 The purchaser may specify addi- 243M. The test results shall conform to (applicable only to Grades 36 [250], 50
tional tension testing as follows: the requirements of Table S1.2. [345], and 100 [690]).
S2.1.1 Plate—One tension test shall be S83.3 The material shall be marked
made on specimens taken from each as- with the letter T and the zone number (1, S93. LIMITATION ON WELD
rolled or as-heat treated plate. 2, or 3) following the grade designation. REPAIR
S2.1.2 Structural Shapes—One tension
test shall be made on specimens taken S84. FRACTURE-CRITICAL, F, S93.1 Weld repair of the base metal by
from each 5 tons [5 Mg] of material MATERIAL; TOUGHNESS the material manufacturer or supplier is
produced on the same mill of the same TESTING AND MARKING not permitted.
nominal size, excluding length, from
Standardized supplementary require-
each heat of steel. If single pieces exceed
S84.1 This supplementary requirement ments for use at the option of the pur-
5 tons [5 Mg] in weight, then each piece
shall be specified when the material is to chaser are listed in M 160/M 160M.
shall be tested. If shapes are heat treated,
one test shall be made on specimens be utilized in a fracture-critical applica-
taken from each heat of the same nominal tion as defined by the American Associa- S14. BEND TEST
size, excluding length, in each furnace tion of State Highway and Transportation
lot. Officials (AASHTO). The or-der shall
designate the testing zone as determined S18. MAXIMUM TENSILE
S2.1.3 Bars—One tension test shall be STRENGTH (GRADES 50
made on specimens taken from each 5 by Table S 1.1. (The zones are in relation
to the lowest ambient service Tempera- [345] AND 50W [345W])
tons [5 Mg] of the same heat and same
diameter or thickness if the material is ture for the zone in which the material
furnished as-rolled or is heat treated in a will be used.) Supplemental requirements shall not
continuous-type furnace. For material S84.2 Charpy V-Notch tests shall be apply unless specified on the order. Re-
heat treated in a noncontinuous furnace, conducted in accordance with T 243/T quirements other than those shown above
one test shall be taken from each-heat of 243M. The test results shall conform to may be specified subject to agreement
the same bar diameter or thickness-for the requirements of Table S1.3. between the supplier and the purchaser.
each furnace charge. S84.3 The material shall be marked
with the letter F and the zone number (1, S5. ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION
S83. NON-FRACTURE CRITICAL, 2, or 3) following the grade designation.
S5.1 Refer to S8 of AASHTO M
TESTS AND MARKING S91. FINE AUSTENITIC GRAIN 160/M 160M. In addition, the following
SIZE supplementary requirements are also
S83.1 This supplementary requirement suitable for use with this specification.
shall be specified when the material is to S91.1 The steel shall be killed and have
be utilized in a non-fracture-critical a fine austenitic grain size.
application, as defined by the American