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Interrupts & Polling

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I. Real-time data input/output handling A. Interrupts - An interrupt is an event that stops the current process in the CPU so that the CPU can attend to the task needing completion because of the event. In data handling, an interrupt indicates data can be read or written to a device. B. Polling - A polling-based program (non-interrupt driven) continuously polls or tests whether or not data are ready to be received or transmitted. This scheme is less efficient than the interrupt scheme. II. Interrupts A. Interrupts and the 6711 1. The general process: Servicing an interrupt involves saving the context of the current process, completing the interrupt task (interrupt service routine), restoring the registers and the process context, and resuming the original process.

Program Inst 1 Inst 2 : : Inst n Save the contents of the registers and the context of the current process

Interrupt occurs here }

This contains the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

Service the interrupt task

Restore the contents of the registers and the context of the current process

Resume the original process

Inst n+1 Inst n+2 : :

2. Types of interrupts on the C6000 CPUs RESET NMI INT4 INT5 INT6 INT7 INT8 INT9 INT10 INT11 INT12 INT13 INT14 INT15 Highest priority

Lowest priority

The RESET signal resets the CPU and has the highest priority. NMI, the nonmaskable interrupt, is the secondhighest priority interrupt and is generally used to alert the CPU of a serious hardware problem such as an imminent power or memory failure. [A nonmaskable interrupt means that the interrupt cannot be ignored or disabled by the system.] INT4-INT15 are maskable interrupts which means that the processor can mask or temporarily ignore the interrupt if it needs to so it can finish something else that it is doing. These interrupts can be associated with external devices, onchip peripherals (timers), software control, or not be available. Have to look at the user manual for the particular CPU. 3. There are eight registers in the C6711 that control servicing interrupts. Interrupt Control Registers a. CSR (control status register): contains the global interrupt enable (GIE) bit and other control/status bits b. IER (interrupt enable register): enables/disables individual interrupts c. IFR (interrupt flag register): displays status of interrupts if interrupt is pending d. ISR (interrupt set register): sets pending interrupts e. ICR (interrupt clear register): clears pending interrupts f. ISTP (interrupt service table pointer): locates an ISR g. IRP (interrupt return pointer) h. NRP (nonmaskable interrupt return pointer) 4. How a maskable interrupt is generated An appropriate transition on an interrupt pin sets the pending status of the interrupt within the interrupt flag register (IFR). If the interrupt is properly enabled, the CPU begins processing the interrupt and redirecting program flow to the interrupt service routine. What does properly enabled mean? Assuming that a maskable interrupt does not occur during the delay slots of a branch (this includes conditional branches that do not complete execution due to a false condition), the following conditions must be met to process a maskable interrupt:

The global interrupt enable bit (GIE) bit in the control status register (CSR) is set to 1. The NMIE bit in the interrupt enable register (IER) is set to1. The corresponding interrupt enable (IE) bit in the IER is set to1. The corresponding interrupt occurs, which sets the corresponding bit in the IFR to 1 and there are no higher priority interrupt flag (IF) bits set in the IFR.

*GIE = 1 (not masking) *NMIE = 1 NMI enabled *IE for INT = 1 enabled No higher IFR = 1

Interrupt Source


Interrupt 4-15

Transition IFR =1 for INT

Process Interrupt

5. How an interrupt is processed

*IST ISFP ISFP ISFP . . . ISFP *Instr 1 Instr 2 Instr 3 Instr 4 Instr 5 Instr 6 B IRP NOP 5

When the CPU begins processing an interrupt, the interrupt service table (IST) is used. The IST is a table of fetch packets that contain code for servici ng the interrupts. The IST consists of 16 consecutive fetch packets. Each interrupt service fetch packet (ISFP) contains eight instructions used to service the interrupt. One of the instructions is a branch to the interrupt return pointer instruction (B IRP). If the interrupt service routine for an interrupt is too large to fit in a single FP, a branch to the location of additional interrupt service routine code is required. The IST is located between 0h and 200h, = 16 fetch packets in the table, each fetch packet = 8 instructions * 32 bits/instruction or = 32 bytes. 16*32=512=200h

The reset FP must be at address 0. However, the FPs associated with the other interrupts can be relocated. The relocatable address can be specified by using the interrupt service table pointer (ISTP) register. * indicates the things we need to do as shown in the rest of this section 6. Mapping interrupt sources to CPU interrupts There are 16 interrupt sources, each with a selection number. The CPU, however, has 12 interrupts available for use. So an interrupt source must be mapped to a CPU interrupt. This is done by setting appropriate bits of the two memory mapped Interrupt Multiplex Registers.

Interrupt Multiplexer High (INT10 - INT15) (address 0x19c0000)







Interrupt Multiplexer Low (INT4 - INT9) (address 0x19c0004)


2 2 INTS EL8

1 1 INTS EL7

1 1 INTS EL6

8 5 INTS EL5

3 0 INTS EL4

Example of code to initialize INT12 with 0101b: M V KL M V KH LDW CL R SET SET S TW 0x 19c 00 00, A 1 0x 19c 00 00, A 1 *A 1, A0 A0, 10, 13, A0 A0, 10, 10, A0 A0, 12, 12, A0 A0, *A1

7. Set registers for GIE, NMIE, IE Example to enable Individual Interrupts

E nabli ng I nt er ru pt 7 In C: #inc lude < c 6x . h> /* IE R de fine d here */ void ena ble _I N T7 ( void ) { IE R = IE R | 0x08 0; } In ASM: _as m _set _ I NT7 M VC . S 2 IE R, B 0 S ET . L2 B 0, 7, 7, B 0 M VC . S 2 B 0, IE R 8. Interrupt service table this is the vectors file Vectors_11.asm Vector file for interrupt-driven program using INT11 .ref _c_int11 ;ISR used in C program

.ref _c_int00 ;entry address for a C program .sect "vectors" ;section for vectors RESET_RST: mvkl .S2 _c_int00,B0 ;lower 16 bits --> B0 mvkh .S2 _c_int00,B0 ;upper 16 bits --> B0 B .S2 B0 ;branch to entry address NOP ;NOPs for remainder of FP NOP ;to fill 0x20 Bytes NOP NOP NOP NMI_RST: .loop 8 NOP ;fill with 8 NOPs .endloop RESV1: .loop 8 NOP .endloop RESV2: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT4: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT5: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT6: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT7: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT8: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT9: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT10: .loop 8 NOP .endloop INT11: b _c_int11 .loop 7 NOP .endloop .loop 8 NOP .endloop .loop 8 NOP .endloop .loop 8 NOP .endloop .loop 8 ;branch to ISR





NOP .endloop 9. C Program with the ISR interrupt void c_int11() //interrupt service routine B. Example of Interrupts and the AD535 Codec 1. Files for use with the codec: C6xdsk.cmd sets up the memory map C6x.h defines some of the registers like IER, CSR in C: \ti\c6000\cgtools\include C6x11dsk.h in C:\ti\c6000\dsk6x11\include header file that defines addresses of external memory interface, the serial ports, etc IML, IMH registers defined here C6xinterrupts.h contains init functions for interrupt . Sets up registers. C6xdskinit.h header file with the function prototypes C6xdskinit.c functions to initialize the DSK, the codec, serial ports, and for input/output. 2. C6xinterrupts.h - excerpts The interrupt selectors are defined #define XINT0 #define RINT0 0xC 0xD /* 01100b XINT0 McBSP 0 transmit interrupt */ /* 01101b RINT0 McBSP 0 receive interrupt */

* Interrupt Initialization Functions /* Enable Interrupts Globally (set GIE bit in CSR = 1) */ void enableGlobalINT(void) { CSR |= 0x1; /* bitwise OR */ } /* Enable NMI (non-maskable interrupt); must be enabled * or no other interrupts can be recognized by 'C6000 CPU */ void enableNMI(void) { IER = _set(IER, 1, 1); /* use an assembly intrinsinc */ } /* Enable a specific interrupt; * (INTnumber = {4,5,6,...,15}) */ void enableSpecificINT(int INTnumber) { IER = _set(IER, INTnumber, INTnumber); } The following does the mapping of interrupt source to CPU interrupt: void config_Interrupt_Selector(int INTnumber, int INTsource) { /* INTnumber = {4,5,6,...,15} INTsource = see #define list above */

3. C6xdskinit.h header file with the function prototypes //C6xdskinit.h Function prototypes for routines in c6xdskinit.c void mcbsp0_init(); /* C callable library functions */ void mcbsp0_write(int); int mcbsp0_read(); void TLC320AD535_Init(); void c6x_dsk_init(); void comm_poll(); void comm_intr(); int input_sample(); void output_sample(int); 4. C6xdskinit.c functions to initialize the DSK, the codec, serial ports, and for input/output. void comm_intr() //for communication/init using interrupt { polling = 0; //if interrupt-driven c6x_dsk_init(); //call init DSK function config_Interrupt_Selector(11, XINT0); //using transmit interrupt INT11 when data in buffer to be transmitted enableSpecificINT(11); //for specific interrupt enableNMI(); //enable NMI enableGlobalINT(); //enable GIE for global interrupt mcbsp0_write(0); //write to SP0 this will generate an interrupt } 5. Other programs Vectors program with a branch for interrupt 11 C program with the ISR //sine8_intr.c Sine generation using 8 points, f=Fs/(# of points) //Comm routines and support files included in C6xdskinit.c short loop = 0; short sin_table[8] = {0,707,1000,707,0,-707,-1000,-707}; //sine values short amplitude = 10; //gain factor interrupt void c_int11() //interrupt service routine { output_sample(sin_table[ loop]*amplitude); //output each sine value continues to generate interrupt if (loop < 7) ++loop; //increment index loop else loop = 0; //reinit index @ end of buffer return; //return from interrupt } void main() {

comm_intr(); communications while(1); }

//init DSK, codec, McBSP set-up for interrupt based //infinite loop

AD535 codec samples/writes at 8kHz. An interrupt occurs every sample period T=0.125ms. Within one period of the sine wave, 8 data values (0.125ms apart) are output to generate a sinusoidal signal. The period of the output signal is T=8*(0.125ms) = 1ms, frequency = 1kHz. III. Polling A. Register used for polling is the serial port control register (SPCR) 1. For reading, test bit 1 (second LSB) of the register to see if the port is ready to be read. This is done by doing an AND of the SPCR with 0x2. 2. For writing, AND SPCR with 0x20000 to test bit 17, the transmit ready bit. B. Example of Polling and the Codec 1. c6xdskinit.c program void comm_poll() { polling = 1; c6x_dsk_init(); } //for communication/init using polling //if polling //call init DSK function

int input_sample() { return mcbsp0_read(); }

//added for input //read from McBSP0

int mcbsp0_read() { int temp;

//function for reading

if (polling) { temp = *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_SPCR & 0x2; //test to see if receive ready register is enabled while ( temp == 0) temp = *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_SPCR & 0x2; } temp = *(unsigned volatile int *)McBSP0_DRR; //DRR = data read register return temp; } 2. C program //loop_poll.c Loop program using polling, output=input //Comm routines and support files included in C6xdskinit.c void main()

{ int sample_data; comm_poll(); //init DSK, codec, McBSP while(1) //infinite loop { sample_data = input_sample(); //input sample output_sample(sample_data); //output sample } } IV. Code initialization A. C programs Programs start by going through a reset initialization code. This is in order to start at a defined initial location. Upon power-up, the system goes to the reset location in memory, which usually includes a branch to the beginning of code to be executed. This is accomplished through the use of an assembly language program. Before you can run a C/C++ program, you must create the C/C++ run-time environment. The C/C++ boot routine performs this task using a function called c_int00. The run-timesupport source library, rts.src, contains the source to this routine. To begin running the system, the c_int00 function can be branched to or called, but it is usually vectored to by reset hardware. This is done in the vectors program which essentially upon an interrupt of reset branches to c_int00. The c_int00 function performs the following tasks to initialize the environment: 1) It defines a section called .stack for the system stack and sets up the initial stack pointers. 2) It initializes global variables. 3) It calls the function main to run the C/C++ program. B. ASM programs To initialize an assembly language program, you need the vectors program to branch to the name of the routine of the main program upon reset. For example,

;vectors_dotp4a.asm Vector file for dotp4a project .ref init .sect rst: mvkl .s2 mvkh .s2 b nop nop nop nop nop ;starting addr in init file "vectors" ;in section vectors init,b0 ;init addr 16 LSB -->B0 init,b0 ;init addr 16 MSB -->B0 b0 ;branch to addr init

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