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Cloud Computing

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loud Cowuhiuq

cloud fles row

Weo Coheiug Coud cowpulig
auy here
Cou accass
Nh auy

Storing oud accosfing dlata

ara ove heuornet
ro a
reuuoto. ocalion H- t alco has secury nska, thot
ov tow veed to boy atpemfou to
tMctead of our Cowpulors handaive.wu user
clovd servia
Hhowb cloud tawatng any priray sethiugfor the
they ore u
the er who i meed
ore o
Ove expechod to íuveut | Priveiples of cloud eomebulivg
Charockorshics o
mouey oL owpuivg reures sucha Hve Csxeuhial
harel wrare, Solturore, netuovkivg O-L ewoud &elf-Serna 8
aud sora Cloudcoupuhug ro nde
reDurces em

demaud, i.e.hen the

T inveafig naturaly costs a bulk
Nrat Erowbla
t Pequet Ndmiah
Cueny t the usere al the have
row Ccugwuer u aufomofcaUy
to buy these tompufvg reaoure
rocessed y the doud iurostmu chure,
ke hee îu their prewises ond thouthumau imtarveunion onthe

Maiutaiu aud moke t operafional providers side.

aherk Aces- t rdon to

these ould ake lot eftoresourcet hosted u a rivab cloud
network, thot ore availoble for
need cloud wrmputivg a ceess fera ide rangoa of der
Tuol' why

use Me
Exawple Swortpuones, Pa, Tablab -t
Users CaM
udvg whith theM
aud paying Elali Resourze Po -sace
services y aud res0urel ave pooled to erve
wulHple clionh ot a Hme. Deeuding
ouly por ou a cuieut'k vesource ConsU hmpiou
Need r Goud usoge Cau be set t proide More
aud use cloud
ov lau at ovy q'ven Ewe
W e need
oud velbiabiltu.
pr Conven
fer lene
nseod oov daa ou erlena
hovdwa ve we Cu kse coud
cloud aler
Reb EosholyR u ieck Cloud Te dovd
e heothly
ol ou oblyto Conuvndly
serice roviled direatly to furoiruehvre shoredbseera
aisees usowe neueed tor spoe
aud ther serriues. ad supoa a sfecifie
touwunity hot has shared coueern.
Meosuved Service
Tvice Cloud sysems ErmwplisoUL, Seuri requireuex,
autowoticolly CoutrD oud
opiui 2e
Policy et.
Vesource use bu
oobil at aome ewernga Meten S Mou be

Jeve oocho "agadyheg

atpropriate to the yhe of cerice
wlashrage, £oudhridhn IEMaH
ey ofrewue
Moy vet erist ou renise
tour cloud Dployueut Models
Drd Cloud- The doud Tufratruchre
DeHeymet wodels describe he wnich u a Cowpesikou ef wo r
r o y with shich the cloud Servi uore tuau uwo wodelu
Cau be
deployed or mode avail re
ree Sorvice Offoriya Molo
oT somer Clod Saas (Soltme as a Serviu)
iva CbudTe cloud More end wer
tlcohiem delbord
iufrastruchure s rovisioued fr as a Ser vKe

exclusive uebya siugle orgomiaoiou The acons are

atteasibla from
toumn MuHple tousuwes various client derices throyah a 4hin
sway e owmed, wauaged oud elant (Lroer) gron ilerfec. r

oherd y he ovgawindBieu, tird) cloud Pas(Pltbrmas a ervica)

camela towbiuohou p heu.t provides applica platfrm onto
MS, Ubunu.
uonoHbcoliouu and cervizs
DPube Cloud the eloud ufodrurhidh
Cou be del
for oase b
h e eMera b. - The Couwer does not manage or
Cowtro the
underuin4 cloud înbrastruc
owed, uahaqed 2
but has conbol over he deploud
oherb o busives, ticolions.
govt. orgenizatfpu,

pewublepal Atb brue
risb outhe he
t lead pronidor Be oode eloud
dJaos (esrue. as a Servica)

lessersone) baiu+ug s ueeded

hyeical uratuetore abtrd waiumenance

Tide ormpulirg, Miwwi

eluroipq as aas a
storaqe ave
oud liceniug soltuare
Smproed lexill
OSuer doe not Pasnble to walee tchanqes
wanage or Control
he ertous
but hasCo
eloud înyastruture Our
over the oberaling sues as Haka
work uviroumeut wthout

tbraqe aud boibly Ui Drawbacks

Couhrol o select ueturm laang uternet n0 break he
Couu poueut (eq host Arerallu), o eloud aud here by to the data
Xbl Ata20o Web ervics asucericm
Rauelt Secuny
Soweliwes all developueut -blotforw
OAechieve zouoni s o sala
way uot be availa ble u he eloud.
lease voluu olb or brvductity Nou-uteroperab:lty 4}atlouy
wh Twer sutenAs
&alero erobilHy tboalrou ü the
It Jease the Caut ber unit of abi tuo or more applicofiou
breiect er roduet hal are requred to supporta
buissinese Meed to ork toher by
Reduce spendg techneleay
sharing he data amd other relatd
lo balize the
o ceess he
wwrldwide cau
eople ternet tonuechou
wh n
Roduce Caprlal carb

rhualaotiou (Uail-)
we Can s e tw
Virlua lizaiou -aa ledho? GAter vivhual'zatnn
iugle ufroaltn
that eobles the ngle aysica dffenut og uug oue

atranuehure to funefon ak a

rca iufrastrv thure raourec

or AAvowhaes
&eter Resource UiVzaliou
I wot
ouly Uwilod hardwore c r e a s e Returu ou uvestmut/Po)
Tt Cau
ake way frws such a
Dyhawie data Ceutor
WemovyDVHbrocesoT 3|o, nework et|
Mem Shor Creen 17
ABT AE2 AE Pases aduinístrofion
03 hindo mproves disastor retovery

|44 Disadra wla ges

PlhyPhyFnfast Phy nhnd Stugle point f failure
(Procaxor (Me) ) (ProaMau (M Dewo uds hian-end aud fowerhe)
iw frostruthne
besorebesore vivhuolj2atiou May ead to lower perormentu
We Heed seferatu iuasruetre to Reqire spedalinaed sla se4.
se .freut a A/M * Vvhuolizaiou otpurtunite
RA LA|Preetor Virtuob2atiou2- It aloss
VM shore he to he vivtual
Os Uuu 0 windowe rotexsovxhat are abstrathed frau
hrou auw he bhyakal roceor avaiblle at
VNehwnr tMe umderyiug ufrasruture.
The vivua lauer obodh the
Viruel rosruchre Poysical prozor t Hhe ool b
ivwal rocexors ho ú shared
lProceston Mowery n by he VM
Gngle sharvead nkaoruehure The vivua yer an e auy
- Here
AEES EREJEH LAAE T roge Virkuoliatrou
Mulkpe Fuysical dorage disks
D wue.ows abstroced aua poolof virkal soraqe
,d1tks to te VW
t waluly used for waiuta+uîvg
backub ov pbiea of dota fhat ore
shoved ou VM'k,
Nehun rlk Virkuali'auiou yPN
I u a tye redouree virtuolizaiou
4Bhusial ueuork au Le
abstrached t creatt o virhua nehuork

Phaecal mulkore shamd VIhua cofuave Coufdu routur

prweatorpoo Switeh aud Nehwork Fifata Card (NId
Momory Wrhualizaliou The brotess o
Providiuaa VMM the VM (Vot)- VPN
la MAiU WAemery ewleMeY VPNL
The Mau idea Maiu weMs Vi ueayer
Wtap. u to wa he virtua
bage Muwers to the Ehyeica age N Stea |Peutau reols

achieved the hgharviorsu,

CI u Dala Wrhobiealiau
protessu Virha, Apliati ivhualiaro flodhaa
Sawe as
w we
Arorkes huoafiouu
ul Virhuoli2oiou
Atproach ovirtualizafrou de pevels Machiue
upou he riviletpe leveh of H Hvu otrooch Virhual the
wWehabaeriou, hyherviser aud guet Ot. Mangger(VMM) Hally deouple
guet 0 roun uuderyug nfrasruehur
t-whal i iviee level? quet 01 u Mnoa unaware a bout
n ey 0s +there u o ia vivhuoizaou, lt skl Raiuke that
-the real hardwar
are ro teeton ring4s I u ruuuing au

MasFrivilegd ig HTug. hyferviker o r VMM are

kehned) reacul-&t rig-o leve aud

deniadies) ronidea all he ivhual iufrastrued
Raeadives Ser VM
Kvg 2 Meeded r VAM,
Kug3 riug-
CAUaho he guest Os u rasent t
aud hos Je rivilege than hyervier
Qud VM,
Privleged HEThe uier appbcafiou resde at niug 3
Theae siyas rovideproteion NotA auet Ox hae lear pivig
o uusted aplcoiou, Ku-o ht'i why itneeds ferriser t
hasitruaed Os îusuetious CoAMUWcot hnth ne inuuchuve.
Du Hue other haMd Rivg-
uuusto wer lerel aicaltou, tBYuary branslo ù uwed to boaslatz
hou-vrfual20d queat O
The other tww rnugs-,8 are Dree exeution is ued tor uer
allafod for dence dnvern. appbcalfoun.
Nobz As nig-o u hey g Advaurtages
Nhieh mea us it Cau direetly sceess Prwrided beaf Tsolalion
Seuurity rer VMk.
oher rings hysial esouree
DHere 0 Cau ruh Sulaneowy
agy to Tulall aud use.
GO the ba of the privileges
afroathe Dicedlentages.
we have une tye f
Bivary s ou addihoual,
redutes ylem petermeuce
Needor orvect Cowbinao
hardare aud stw
I4uet Os

VIvhal Mooh ing Virtua) Mathi ny

Rt-D Virtua Machine Mauge (vMM)

Pressr Memry
Phy cical hoved nfroshruthue.

tul VI uoiz,lioy
arviualizaien Hquest Os are presen os ivg-D
Au abo kla parhal virvoliza rou Ond applitatiow at ug-2
Or s - &isted viv tuo lizaliou
Same di above juf qvesf te a
pora ivuolzaiou quat DS niug D aud iustad of hyra
aware nat it u vrhualaed. biuary frasla We use hyher cal.

Here, hstead o binavy kransla H+Adveuege

DS requer t auhercal. uprovad yse effieiouey oud
Pertor wence

Hafercolle ae sytenu aallk wieh a r laior to fuplemen -uan u vivmval.

Hed for tue diree Cotwuuicarioy A e dou need
peda hordhre
bebwre Hhe Auet 0s ad Ht Disasbaneya
er vise There u overkeod of gvest o
As here tmbdoa we ue hyar calls kerwel molifta
ugaal buory rowelah Whith Mgnled Os caylel ajgmfoe
boesb oe Mothine etficony to ruu ou 4sica
Nota full virtuob2aBiou the yker viser Hparvisert a -he
Auest O wos used wiuout a
wolitoieu but in tore of tol hat Si M between VM a
Physica Furoshruchure aud ovida
arovirtuo izaho, fuef as u
Madfied to replace uou-virtuai'zoble he requivnl virhual iufrashuture
Tushrutrous nyleraall. VMs
Vrirhuol iufasrueure. nludes vCPus,
(B) Hardwrate -Acristed Virtuol'>iau VNemory Vshoraga, vNIls ele
u this Case u nder ying hodrars
ronde speual ePU fncrutious to Cxa waple VMWare, Xeu, Hypor-V.
aid virtualizaion. + syporvikers
BeBefore 1he nveulion of hyhervnters
Here 08 sub ro to VMM droty
here ras bue o 0ue kela befuremy
Ntout ouy bivory tranela or
the havdnare aud o8. As his
Copuhua hias less elficienL, aler
Fn lewme ta-ien yer nier the yer visers a re veukod e
eas Coson helaliom beoie oe-o- uauy Meaus

Same d juu VMN ofF h e helb fhyherviter nMouy D

au ruu oy a siude hardware.
r rook-brinlege oud al
V' are u ou- root bn'vege. Dye- or bare Metal hy þervicer
a nd OS Seu tra t UMM rectly.tye-d hyterviser Ca ru aud acee
Hhysical reasources divety without
Adva ee2 he help of avy hast os.
Reduces aldover head of binary
Addliou over head o toMmu hicai
trauula Tn full virruabaahon." si hast os i reduced Hbatk ihy
elitoannauguest o wodlificoau
T offev eter eiciouey
araara virhualization,
Disada ndajep
HThese tyte hyervisen ore ud
has h i ekGnkgal pr server Hhot handle
Ouly hew proteato rs

prv"pey fYM heat wad aud require more setunty

More p ropi resull nGo MiersellgHyav,Ca

hah CPU verhead, bnid stolable Sorver
and ess elhceucy
Te-2 or tokd yevirn
Tuo tpe ohyervíser e quirnd host De and Caw accest hysita
hordwarn dired y.
Tuese hype of hyper vsor are uctalled on q hosf oc as a s/
The ajor dicadvamage of fhu tye u thal if houl or faio erathos
ale resultu Crasmiug VM,
Teae e otervisev used ouly wheu eficiouty ie les ciicol.
bouble Oracle ViAual Bo, VMWae Worksliou

ueal os QuetDsS
VPrvces Vule VE} VM

per Viser

Proresos Mewory Storaye etrer

+Th Bar Me Hyper viser

AppVrolou ueD veal_or

Hat oeralivg Syslem

Prtear Meuny egeN

or Halod herivn

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