Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
use Me
Exawple Swortpuones, Pa, Tablab -t
Users CaM
udvg whith theM
aud paying Elali Resourze Po -sace
services y aud res0urel ave pooled to erve
wulHple clionh ot a Hme. Deeuding
ouly por ou a cuieut'k vesource ConsU hmpiou
Need r Goud usoge Cau be set t proide More
aud use cloud
ov lau at ovy q'ven Ewe
W e need
oud velbiabiltu.
pr Conven
fer lene
nseod oov daa ou erlena
hovdwa ve we Cu kse coud
cloud aler
Reb EosholyR u ieck Cloud Te dovd
e heothly
ol ou oblyto Conuvndly
serice roviled direatly to furoiruehvre shoredbseera
aisees usowe neueed tor spoe
aud ther serriues. ad supoa a sfecifie
touwunity hot has shared coueern.
Meosuved Service
Tvice Cloud sysems ErmwplisoUL, Seuri requireuex,
autowoticolly CoutrD oud
opiui 2e
Policy et.
Vesource use bu
oobil at aome ewernga Meten S Mou be
pewublepal Atb brue
risb outhe he
t lead pronidor Be oode eloud
dJaos (esrue. as a Servica)
rhualaotiou (Uail-)
we Can s e tw
Virlua lizaiou -aa ledho? GAter vivhual'zatnn
iugle ufroaltn
that eobles the ngle aysica dffenut og uug oue
atranuehure to funefon ak a
Pressr Memry
Phy cical hoved nfroshruthue.
tul VI uoiz,lioy
arviualizaien Hquest Os are presen os ivg-D
Au abo kla parhal virvoliza rou Ond applitatiow at ug-2
Or s - &isted viv tuo lizaliou
Same di above juf qvesf te a
pora ivuolzaiou quat DS niug D aud iustad of hyra
aware nat it u vrhualaed. biuary frasla We use hyher cal.
ueal os QuetDsS
VPrvces Vule VE} VM
per Viser
or Halod herivn