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Flipped Classroom Approach: Experiences from a

Philippine State University

Article · February 2020


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1 author:

Roselyn Gonzales
Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus


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The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Flipped Classroom Approach:

Experiences from a Philippine
State University
Roselyn R. Gonzales
Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus

Abstract The flipped classroom approach has gained

popularity in the education system in recent years; thus, the
present study explored the 49 second-year regular, pre-service
teachers’ lived experiences relevant to the employment of the
aforesaid approach. In the Focus Group Discussion (FGD),
themes emerged from participants’ responses and selected
outputs, with the aid of the NVivo software application.
Descriptive phenomenology yielded five themes categorized
into two parts: a) lived experiences of the student –participants
and b) challenges encountered by the participants. The study
revealed that flipped classroom approach could be used
effectively in subjects like Child and Adolescent Development
and Action Research in Mathematics. Challenges encountered
by the participants pointed mainly to the approach and to the
technological package. Experiences of the participants were
varied, serving inputs for the improved implementation of
such an approach.

Keywords: descriptive phenomenology, flipped classroom,

lived experiences, thematic analysis


The educational landscape today undergoes massive

transformation in terms of content, methods, and spaces of
learning (UNESCO, 2015). From teacher-centered to a more

Suggested Citation: Gonzales, R. R. (2019). Flipped Classroom Approach: Experiences from a Philippine State
University. The Normal Lights, 13(2), 67 – 89.
The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

learner-centered approach, this paradigm shift has caused changes

in structuring classroom activities. The flipped classroom, also
known as reverse instruction, is one of the new learner-centered
approaches that intends to prepare students for the 21st century
(Lane-Kelso, 2015).

21st Century Learning

One of the many pressing issues confronting educators nowadays
is the manner of structuring a 21st-century classroom. Scott
(2015) posits that new technologies, international competition,
globalization, and others require students to succeed in the
present era. Information, media, and technology are considered
necessary components of the framework for 21st-century learning
(King, Williams, & Warren, 2011). Consequently, educators need
to reinvent their classrooms if they want to produce learners
who are ready for the present era. The use of a learner-centered
approach, like flipping, coupled with technological platform,
could be an effective way of molding these learners.

The Flipped Classroom Approach

The flipped classroom approach is a technology-infused learning
model that has been gaining popularity among educators recently
(Jensen, Kummer, & Godoy, 2015). The effectiveness of such
an approach is emphasized in some studies, thus promoting the
narrative about the prevalent instrumentality leading to success
in the academe. In fact Schmidt and Ralph (2016) found out that
using a flipped classroom increases student engagement. Students
believe that the teaching method can stimulate the memory,
deepen understanding, and improve problem-solving ability (Li,
Jiang, Li, & Liu, 2016).

Moreover, Lo, Hew, and Chen (2017) claimed that students

found the approach more engaging than the traditional one.
They liked watching instructional videos, as these improve their
communication with peers. This implies that teachers play a
significant role in identifying videos for the learners.
The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

In another study, Mortensen and Nicholson (2015) found

that students taught in a flipped format developed more critical
thinking skills due to the challenges brought about by the
various exercises provided by the teachers. The cognitive and
non-cognitive gains observed among first-year students, in the
study of Acelajado (2017) affirmed such findings. Cognitive
benefits include improved achievement, better critical thinking,
and significant learning gains. Non-cognitive benefits include
higher cooperation skills and improvement of attitude toward

The positive effects of the approach, when used in a

mathematics class, was further supported by the study of
Calamlam (2016), which revealed a significant impact of the
method on the performance of students in a trigonometry class.
The study revealed that such effectiveness is significantly larger
to high performing students than to moderately performing ones.
This finding may imply that in some aspects, the use of the
approach may only be more useful for fast learners. `

The exposure to a flipped classroom resulted in a more

significant improvement in understanding of concepts in a
Biology class as observed by Malto, Dalida, and Lagunzad
(2018). The same study claimed that the students developed
positive attitude and improved their performance in the subject.
Their finding even indicates that the approach is not just applicable
for English and Math, but also for Science and Biology subjects.

If the 21st century demands for modernization of systems

and practices of learning (Eye, Gilb, & Hicks, 2014) then flipped
approach presents itself as a viable tool toward the attainment of
such. The method lends well to the development of collaboration-
one of the pedagogies that support deeper learning (Scott, 2015).

Reviewed literature suggests the manifestation of positive

effects of the flipped approach when used in subjects like Science,
Mathematics, and English; however, there is no indication of
such in professional education subjects like Child and Adolescent

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Development and research subjects like Action Research in

Mathematics. Apart from the aforesaid gap, the present study
considers the common scenario where students have to depend
much on the teacher or whoever is assigned to discuss certain
topics in class. The growing sense of procrastination among
learners is indeed an area that is not given premium in literatures,
hence the study on innovative teaching strategy—the flipped

Purposes of the Research

The study determined the student-respondents’ lived experiences

of the flipped classroom approach. Specifically, the study sought
answers to the following:

1. To explore the lived experiences of the student-

respondents on the use of the flipped classroom

2. To identify the challenges encountered by the

students and teachers in the implementation of the
flipped classroom.


Research Design
This study took on the philosophical perspective of
phenomenology that examines everyday experiences without
pre-supposing them, showing openness to what is presented
by a particular phenomenon (Converse, 2012). In this study,
the researcher documented the experiences of the participants
exposed to a new approach (flipped classroom) through FGD
characterized by bracketing or allowing the participants to
share their experiences, views, and ideas without pre-supposing

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

The participants were the 49 second-year, pre-service teachers of a
state university. There were 14 Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in Technology and Livelihood Education (BSED-TLE)
students of Child and Adolescent Development class, and 35
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics students
of Action Research in Mathematics.

All the 54 students comprise the second year of the College

of Education level who participated in the implementation of the
approach. However, only the 49 regular students were included
in the study because the remaining irregular students cannot
attend the scheduled FGD session because they have to attend
their other classes.

A researcher-made interview guide explored the lived experiences
of the participants. The interview guide comprised of seven open-
ended questions. These included (a) Do you have an idea about
the flipped classroom approach? If yes, how? (b) Which thoughts
come into mind when you first hear “flipped classroom”? (c) What
equipment and facilities did you use in the implementation of the
flipped approach? (d) Which method do you prefer, the traditional
or the flipped? Why? (e) Based on your experiences, what do
you think is the difference between conventional and flipped
classroom approaches? (6) Was the flipped classroom approach
practical? Why? Why not? (f) What issues and challenges did
you encounter in the use of the flipped classroom? (g) Will you
recommend the use of the flipped classroom in other subjects?
Why? Why not?
The purpose of this research provided direction in the
formulation of the interview questions. The researcher initially
formulated the questions and discussed the content validity with
the Action Research in Mathematics teacher who is at the same
time the research chair. The criteria considered in the evaluation

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

of the questions include a) suitability of items, b) adequateness

of the coverage, and c) presentation of items. The re-structuring
of the interview questions followed, and the final version was
presented to a panel of experts who evaluated the proposal in the
university’s In-house Research Congress.

Data Collection
The collection of data involved three phases: (a) preliminary
phase, (b) actual implementation phase, and (c) evaluation phase.

Phase 1 (Preliminary Phase)

The first phase dealt with the preparation for the
implementation of the approach. Both the researcher and
subject teacher oriented the student-participants on the
implementation of the approach. The teachers informed
the participants about how the method works and the
tasks that they needed to perform, including reminders on
the additional “study time” on their part. The discussion
further acquainted students with the use of a technological
platform such as Smart TVs, laptops, and the internet. The
researcher and the subject teacher then explained how the
specific topics in Child and Adolescent Development and
Action Research in Mathematics subjects would be carried
out using the approach. The teachers provided the course
outline and requirements during the first meeting to create
awareness among the participants. The participants, in turn,
gave their expectations.

Phase 2 (Actual Implementation)

The second phase was the actual implementation of the approach.
The participants were given topics to read through a PowerPoint
presentation accessible online or through their textbooks
before they came to class. During the first eight weeks of
implementation, the technological package was not yet available

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

in the educational laboratory. However, the participants utilized

library facilities, and some/others used their computers at home
to access the required homework. For the remaining eight weeks,
the participants used their laptops. Table 1 shows the activities

Table 1. List of Activities Implemented in Action Research in

Mathematics Class
Topic Online Activity Assessment Utilized No. of No. of
material/ Flipped Hrs. Hrs.
Reading List Approach? Spent Spent
in class out of
Brief Textbook Group Oral Yes 3 3
Overview Reading Discussion Recitation
Research Textbook Lecture Oral No 6 0
Design and Reading Recitation
Research Textbook Round Table Group No 3
Trends and Reading Discussion Report
Issues in
Basics in Fundamentals Literature Topic Yes 9 6
Research of Research Reading defense
Paper Writing Paper Writing
and Publishing the right
(International topic for
Journal of a research
Technology project
Learning, 6(2),
105–123.) by
Derntl (2014)
Use www.
com, www.
com for

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Technology Retrieving Checking Yes 9 12

Inclusion, metadata of Zotero
in Research account Creating
Paper per group Parent Item
Development with the
www.zotero. Citing literature
com articles using of the
APA 6TH approved
www.turnitin. topic
com Online

Preparation On-line reading Orientation Manuscript No 12 30

of Research of materials to Turnitin
Proposal depending on Class
the approved

Presentation None Actual Quality of No 9 0

of Research writing/ manuscript
Proposal Consultation and the
Group manner of
Presentation presentation

Table 1 shows the topics in Action Research in Mathematics

class that utilized the flipped classroom approach. Out of the seven
topics covered in the syllabus, only three or 42.86% used the
procedure on account of the subject’s nature, which necessitated
either to invoke the expertise of the teacher or to cater to the
learning styles of the students. Some students would like to be
alone at times or learn individually. According to Mok (2014),
converting part of a course is preferable to gunning for a “big
bang” when using a new approach. Since it was a research class,
the last lesson was focused on crafting the required proposal, so
students often came to class for consultation. One topic utilized
the lecture method, while the rest of the topics used other student-
centered approaches.

Table 2 shows the list of activities implemented in the

Child and Adolescent Development class.

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Table 2. List of Activities Implemented in Child and Adolescent

Development Class
Utilized No. of No. of
Flipped Hrs. Hrs.
Online material/
Topic Activity Assessment Approach? Spent Spent
Reading List
in out of
class class
Human The Life of Teddy Small-group Presentation yes 3 3
Development: Stoddard (http:// discussion of output
Meaning, www.teachnet. through
Concepts, and com/speakout/ PowerPoint
Approaches inspiration/)
The Stages of Life before Birth: In Dyad By-pair oral yes 6 3
Development the Womb (https:// discussion
Developmental watch?v=0gAsdE-
Tasks UNUJY)

Issues on Human Textbook Reading Debate Performance- yes 3 3

Development based (with
the aid of
a holistic
Freud’s https://www. Filling-up Graphic yes 6 3
Psychoanalytic slideshare. of a graphic organizer
Theory net/kinaa1/ organizer
psychoanalytic- to highlight
theory-sigmund- the stages of
freud Freud’s theory
Piaget’s Stages https://www. Roleplaying Performance- yes 6 3
of Cognitive based (role
Development mcgrail19/jean- Watching an play)
piagets-theory-of- episode of a
cognitive- “soap opera” Oral
development that focuses on discussion of
the interaction the chosen
Textbook Reading of the members “soap opera.”
of the family
Erikson’s https://www. Filling up of Group yes 3 3
Psycho-Social the Self-report presentation
Theory of sanko1sm/eriksons- questionnaire through
Development psychosocial-stages- from Rhona PowerPoint
of-developmetn Ochse and
Cornelis Plug
Textbook Reading
Kohlberg’s The Heinz Dilemma Decision- Oral yes 3 3
Stages of Moral https://screeble. making recitation
Development com/2017/02/ sessions


The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Vygotsky’s Textbook Reading Group Report Recitation/ yes 3 3

Socio-Cultural Quiz
Bronfenbrenner’s https://www. Small-group Group yes 3 3
Ecological discussion presentation
Theory watch?v=5htR- through
hvm4iyI PowerPoint

Pre-Natal period Textbook Reading Group project Product yes 6 3

(Production of (brochure)
a brochure) and
Writing an based
appeal letter (manner of
to the mother presenting
who is about the brochure)
to commit
Infancy and Textbook Reading By-pair Presentation yes 3 3
Toddlerhood discussion through

Early Childhood, Lecture-discussion Reflection Compilation no 3

Middle by the teacher of student’s of pictures
Childhood, and development
Late Childhood

Adolescence Lecture-discussion Individual Recitation no 3

by the teacher Project/
Sharing of
Finding their
similarities and

Table 2 shows the topics that utilized the flipped classroom

approach. In the actual practice, only 11 out of 13 or 84.62 %
of the topics covered in the Child and Adolescent subject were
carried out through the use of the approach. Seven out of 11
topics or 63.63% utilized online sources such as PowerPoint
presentations or videos. Four out of 11 or 36.36% of the topics
used pure textbook reading. Lastly, two out of three topics made
use of a combination of textbook reading and online sources.

Phase 3 (Assessment)
To document the lived experiences of the participants, the
researcher conducted the FGD. Each group had at least five
members. To avoid partiality, the teacher for Child and Adolescent

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Development subject conducted the FGD with the students of

Action Research in Mathematics and vice-versa. The results of the
interview were encoded in the NVivo software application. The
participants then shared whether or not they were amenable to the
transcriptions. The researcher observed the necessary protocols
in the conduct of the interview. The student-respondents were
informed about the voluntary nature of their participation. They
were made to sign an Informed Consent Form, and the content
of which was clearly explained to them. Analysis of data was
also made to complement the interviews conducted. The study of
the outputs of the participants in Action Research in Mathematics
class was taken from the Turnitin class activities, while the
PowerPoint presentations from Child and Adolescent class and
other assessment tasks were used.

Data Analysis
Colaizzi’s method aided in phenomenological data analysis.
The process included: a) reading and re-reading the transcript;
b) extracting the significant statements; c) recording statements
on separate sheets with pages and line numbers and formulating
meanings from comments; d) categorizing purposes and themes;
e) integrating findings into an exhaustive description of the
phenomenon; f) describing the fundamental structure of the
event; and g) validating the results.

The transcripts were read twice so that that the researcher

could get a grasp of its content. Highlighting of relevant statements
was made for emphasis. The NVivo software application
generated the word cloud, while themes were identified based on
the salient features of the interview results. Nvivo software was
used to identify the number of references and word frequency.

This section presents the results reflective of the (1) themes
derived from the lived experiences of the research participants

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

and (2) the challenges encountered by both the students and

teachers in the implementation of the flipped classroom approach.

Table 3. Themes Derived from the Analysis of the Interview

Thematic Non-verbatim Sample Transcripts Generated
Use Response with Description of
Frequency Themes
First The students were I was excited and The first impression
Impression: amused and excited amused because we of students before the
Does it last? (12); they found the were the first class actual implementation
new approach as to use the flipped of the approach
great and unique (8) classroom approach
while thinking it is (Student 4).
technology-driven (5).
Working The approach helped Students face one The benefits of sharing
together students share their another in each group ideas, and working
makes ideas (15) in a group and work together as a together in groups
learning (10). team (Student 42). make learning better
Technology (13) The flipped classroom The positive
Embracing enabled students to approach is different contribution of
Technology access online sources because it centered
technology toward
(11) that would make on the use of modern
learning easier or technology and making the assigned
better (13). sending assignments tasks easier
online. Technology
helps us do our work
better (Student 20).
Is the Students preferred the I preferred the flipped Students’ preference
flipped approach because they approach. I became of the flipped
approach became more alert alert, attentive, and
classroom over the
preferred or active (8), more more involved in the
over the involved (5) as they class; it is like that I traditional
traditional? found the approach am free to explore and
more convenient (5). get also involved with
my fellow students
and to my teacher
(Student 1).
Flipped The students gained It boosts my The overall effect of
effects are self-confidence (5), confidence, improved the flipped-classroom
effective improved on their my speaking skills,
approach to the skills,
skills (6), and became and it is easy to
independent and understand the lesson. level of confidence,
competent learners (Student 7). and competence
(4). among students

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Lived Experiences of the Student-participants

This section presents the lived experiences of the student-
participants. The researcher generated six thematic areas based
on the interview transcripts.

First impression: Does it last?

The traditional method of teaching, where the teacher delivers
the lecture, is the usual experience of the students. With
the growing need to revolutionize teaching methodologies,
constructivists strongly pave the way through the educational
system. This approach calls for a more student-centered

Introducing the flipped classroom approach made the

students excited, amused, and interested because the method
is not so familiar to them, including the technological package.

“When I first hear the term flipped classroom, it sounds

interesting” (Student 29), “it is unique and unusual”
(Student 40), “it is something unique and hard to
operate” (Student 31), and “it is a room that things in
there could flip automatically” (Student 34).

Some students mistakenly thought of it as a room where

everything will flip or turn upside down. Through the orientation
conducted by the teachers, they were able to understand that a
flipped classroom is an approach, not the physical room itself.
Other participants thought that it was a room where they could
access anything or a place packed with technology. On the other
hand, one participant felt that it was a room distinct from the rest
of the classrooms in the university (Student 28).

In the interview transcripts, the researcher noted the correct

perceptions about the nature of the approach. However, it was
also clear that there were misconceptions, which implied that the
teachers needed to clear vague concepts so that the participants

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

would be clarified on the nature of the approach since it was

unfamiliar to them.

Working together makes learning better.

The type of motivation used by the students in the use of the
flipped classroom approach was intrinsic rather than extrinsic
because they became responsible and involved in their learning
(Hawks, 2014). Collaboration is, therefore, a requisite for students
to learn. Collaboration is proven in the following transcript

“We are assigned different topics in groups” (Student

31), “we need to work hard so that we can share our
learnings with others in an effective way” (Student
30), because of this, “students become more active in
group activities” (Student 34).

According to Donovan and Lee (2015) one of the goals of

the flipped classroom is to utilize in-classroom time to discuss,
perform activities (including group work), and practice solving
problems. In this study, Student 30 thought that he needed to exert
effort to be able to share ideas with his groupmates or classmates.
This hard work could mean extra time and effort spent on studying
after school hours. Despite spending extra time to work on their
assignments, it is interesting to note that students find this a way
to help themselves contribute to the group tasks.

The 21st century calls for more collaboration among

learners. With the teacher as the “guide on the side,” students
are encouraged to work interdependently as a team. Based on
observations, students were very eager to do their tasks, especially
when they are in groups. The students submitted the required
outputs on time.

Embracing technology
Based on interviews, student-respondents embraced the
use of technology in the implementation of the flipped

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

classroom approach. According to them, it made learning

more interactive and efficient.

“The approach helps students engage in higher

technology like the use of smart TV and how to operate
the laptops for presentations” (Student 16). Moreover,
“we are bound to be educated more in online lectures”
(Student 18), “the advanced technology make our work
more comfortable and better” (Student 22), “easier
and faster” (Student 22), thus making learning more
interactive” (Student 23).

The interview transcripts suggest that the use of technology

in the classroom creates a positive impact on the students.
They thought that it could make their work lighter and more
manageable. On the other hand, some also felt that technology
made them more interactive in the learning process. In general,
student’s capacity to use technology, especially in the production
of PowerPoint presentations, was above average because of their
training in Computer Literacy classes. The use of the approach
allows them to apply and improve existing knowledge.

Is the flipped approach preferred over the traditional?

The flipped classroom reverses the traditional lecture to a
“homework status” whereby interactive learning takes place
through the use of technology, thus coined as “hybrid” learning
(Missildine, Fountain, Summers & Gosselin, 2013). According
to Gerstein (qtd. in Jin, 2016) the flipped classroom approach
transformed the traditional role of teachers and increased the
interaction between them and the students during class. The
following transcripts corroborated with these studies:

“If I chose, I would choose the flipped because the

approach helps students to work on their own, to gain
knowledge on the specific subject” (Students 2, 8, 11),

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

we can explain further whatever thought and ideas

we have in mind, and we can adequately express our
understanding” (Student 3).

The interview transcripts suggest that the flipped approach

is preferred over the traditional ones. The participants thought
that they become more alert and involved in class, become
independent learners by working on their own to gain knowledge.
Other participants thought that the approach is interesting, not
dull. According to some, the presentation of outputs is hassle-
free; it is more convenient and effective, and storing and
retrieving information is more comfortable.

“We can directly or easily present our reports

using a computer instead of the conventional ways,
which make our life more comfortable (Student 9),
and “hassle-free” (Student 4). Furthermore, the
participants preferred the flipped approach over the
traditional because “it is exciting as to what activity
the teacher will assign, to which group we are going
to go, and the group activity that we do” (Student 12).

With a very positive view about the use of the flipped

classroom, this indicates that learners also wanted to change
their usual way of doing things. They could be the knowledge
provider at times that make them become more involved in the
learning process.

Flipped effects are effective.

According to Enfield (2013) the flipped classroom model may
be considered appropriate in the preparation of the students in
their 21st career, and this can improve their self-efficacy with
regards to independent learning. Based on interviews, student-
respondents feel that there are many benefits that they gain
from the teacher’s use of the approach.

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

In a study conducted by Wen-Chi, Chen Hsieh, and Yang

(2017) most students thought that flipped instruction efficiently
and effectively improved their oral performance compared to
conventional lecture-based education. The experiences shared by
the respondents affirm this study.

“Through this approach, I was able to gain self-

confidence to take a stand of my ideas and share
it with my classmates” (Student 2, 11), “gives me
the perseverance to do the subject’s requirements”
(Student 15), “I can quickly and actively engage in
searching for topics and problems” (Student 19), and
“I was able to try new way of learning and discover
things independently” (Student 23).

The flipped classroom approach help students gain self-

confidence because they need to share and defend their ideas,
thus improve their speaking skills. They become responsible
because of the need to prepare the day’s lesson before coming to
class. Student 23 believes that she/he became competent in the
use of technology, while student 15 developed perseverance in
doing the subject’s requirement. These were some of the effects
of the flipped classroom to the student-participants. The positive
impact shown in this study might suggest that there is now the
need to enhance its implementation and encourage instructors to
use the approach in their classes.

Notably, all the participants submitted their requirements

for Action Research in Mathematics on time. The activities
include uploading of (a) the introduction; (b) framework and
problem; (c) full proposal; and (d) revised plan. The analysis
of the submitted documents focus on their similarity index and
quality. In general, the quality of the proposals is only average.

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

Challenges Encountered by the Participants

The flipped classroom at first glance is challenging for both
teachers and students alike. This section presents the challenges
or difficulties that they both encounter in the implementation of
the flipped approach.

The challenges encountered by the students do not point

to the methodology itself, but only to the technological package
used. These include: a) slow internet connection, b) not all
students can use the laptop since there is only one laptop for the
group, and c) the noise of their classmates during group activities.

The teachers faced difficulties in complying with

bureaucratic procedures of the government, and the stringent
procurement of materials and equipment. This difficulty caused
a delay in the purchase of equipment used in the educational
laboratory. The use of the method started as early as July when
the first semester of Academic Year 2017-2018 began. However,
the technological platform was not employed yet. The formal
beginning of the actual use of the facilities and equipment only
commenced last September 2017.

While equipment are in place, slow internet connection,

including the limited time of the students to visit the classroom for
their “off-class” tasks, remained. This scenario makes it difficult
for instructors to work on the required activities. The educational
laboratory is utilized for other classes, which further deprives the
students of their access to the resources for their “homework”
during their free time. The approach itself does not demand the
technological package as it is used in this study. However, the
inclusion of technology supports its implementation.


The study determined the student-respondents’ lived experiences

of the flipped classroom approach and identified the challenges

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

encountered by both students and teachers in the course of its


The lived experiences of the student-participants indicate

an optimistic view of the approach as a factor that may improve
their performance in both Child and Development and Action
Research in Mathematics classes. Their experiences also create a
favorable impression from the students on the use of technology
both for their off-class and in-class activities. The participants
regard technology as a blessing because this makes their work
better and more efficient. The need for technology-infused learning
classrooms can assist students in sustaining this impression
(Roehl, Reddy, & Shannon, 2013). Though challenging and
something new, the students still prefer the flipped classroom,
which calls for their active involvement during activities, either
in pairs or in groups. This conforms to the study of Butt (2014)
which focused on teachers having the duty to explore a more
interactive way of presenting courses. Notably, the use of the
approach creates interest and curiosity among the students. The
students’ attitude toward school is changed because they become
more responsible in preparing for the day’s lesson.

Despite the very positive effect of the approach, there are

still challenges relative to the availability of the technological set-
up. Efforts and resources are fundamental needs to consider when
flipping the classroom (Graham, Mclean, Read, Suchet-Pearson, &
Viner, 2017). Responding to these challenges, however, improved
in the overall implementation of the approach, as students wanted
more collaboration to connect with others while working on their
academic tasks. As a gainful insight for educators, the result could
serve as basis in rethinking classroom approaches, with particular
attention to student-centeredness.A reinvention at the center of
the education system inclined to coping with the demands of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution, teachers at different levels might
consider flipping their classrooms.

The study is limited to exploring the lived experiences of

the second-year students in one college of a state university in

The Normal Lights
Volume 13, No. 2 (2019)

the Philippines. It does not deal with the perspectives of other

stakeholders, such as the school administrators and parents.
Furthermore, the results of the qualitative interview were not
correlated with the quantitative achievement of students.

Future researches may involve utilizing the approach in

different classrooms, across subjects and colleges, to confirm the
results of this study. Furthermore, a mixed-method sequential
analysis may be done by combining data derived from the lived
experiences of the participants and their scores in the examination.

Lessons Learned
The study is focused only on the lived experiences of the student-
respondents on the use of the flipped classroom approach and
does not explore other contexts. The challenges encountered by
both teachers and students need efficient solutions. Sufficient
budget may be looked into for internet facilities and computer
units solely intended for Educational Technology Laboratory
use. To manage noise due to group discussions, better classroom
management strategies may be considered. Furthermore, it is
essential to revisit room or laboratory utilization practices to
ensure its effective use.


The author would like to thank Cebu Technological University

for funding the project. The author also extends here sincere
gratitude to Dr. Gamaliel G. Gonzales, and the 49 second year
pre service teachers.

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