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Assignment 01

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Philosophical and

sociological foundation
of education
assignment 01

T.M.F.Zeenath – ELT/21/B2/24
I. Introduction

II. Definitions about education

III. Etymological meaning of education

IV. Broader meaning of education

V. Narrower meaning of education

VI. Dynamic and active process of education

VII. Summary

VIII. Reference list


What Do We Mean by Education?

The right kind of education is not concerned with any ideology, however much
it may promise a future utopia: it is not based on any system, however carefully
thought out, nor is it a means of conditioning the individual in some special
manner. Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and
free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be
interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern.
The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who
is capable of dealing with life as a whole.

Definitions about education:

 Greek philosopher Plato also accepted the importance of body and soul.
“Education consists in giving to the body and soul all the perfection to
which they are susceptible.” –Plato-
 Aristotle stressed on the physical and mental development of human. He
believed that only with right development of body and mind, one can feel
the soul. “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body” –
 “Education is the development of all those capabilities in the individual
which enables it to control its environment and fulfill it desires” -John

“Education is such continuous purposive social activity which develops

innate powers; skillsets of human being and brings about change in its
behavior, so that they could become civilized, cultured and able citizens.
With it, both individual and society grow continually.”

Etymological meaning of Education

 The word Education is derived from Latin word educere, educare, and
educatum which mean “to learn”, “to know” and “to lead out”.
 That is education means to lead out internal hidden talent of a child or
 The meanings of these root words lead us to believe that education aims
to provide a nourishing environment that would facilitate or bring out and
develop the potentialities in an individual.

Historically, Philosophers have, from ancient times, given their views on

education. Socrates (470-399 B.C.) was one of the first to do so. Socrates
preferred to describe education by comparing it with his mother’s
profession. Education is Midwifery. A teacher, like a midwife, only helps the
mother to give birth. The teacher is not the mother. So also, the pupil
himself “conceives” the idea, (Called concept”) and the teacher only helps.
But a teacher is not like a Sculptor, who carves out a block of stone entirely
by himself, leaving the stone passive. The student is not passive, like a
stone, so teacher cannot be compared to a sculptor. This idea was repeated
by Aquinas (1225-1274 A.D.) who, in reply to famous question: ‘Can one
man teach another?” answered: yes, provided that the student goes
through a process of thought which is similar (analogical) to that of his
Education has been one of the most significant concerns of the humankind in
whatever form it was delivered since time immemorial. Although the basics of
learning remain the same, overwhelmingly the system of learning has changed.
Few know the struggles man had to undergo in developing the fundamentals, as
we understand now, demanded learning viz sounds, letters, words, punctuation
which today seem to be not much of concern for the more significant majority
engrossed with spacecraft. Maybe even some consider that language was a gift
of nature, like any other natural resource.

This publication looks into the earliest forms of language contraction and
writings on the walls, more to begin with drawings of animals, later transferring
these to sounds and words, which took ages. Their needs were few and limited
to mundane activities which required more physical skills than verbalism. It was
a task beyond our comprehension. Inadvertently, humans in the past never
required all these complex information in their daily routines, neither in all their
forms of learning, meaning formal, non-formal, and informal and leading to
lifelong learning.

However, for those who are intellectually inquisitive viz linguists, linguistics,
anthropologists and sociologists may raise the issue from an academic angle
about the origins of language. This publication hopefully attempts to cater to
such interests as well, perhaps even providing the incentive to go beyond and
further inquiry into ancient methods of learning to teach.
Etymology of Learning’ is on how the human changed from that of the level of
animal behaviour to a more sophisticated animal with both developed inner
capacities and outward expressions as different from that of the animal. It took
millions of years for this transformation.
That it took place has changed the world scenario from dependency on nature
alone to one of creation and change. The publication deals with variations in the
environment from that of ‘no talking’ to a situation to ‘never-ending talking’,
Tower of Babel making the world noisy and confusing.
The highlights of the publication relate to the accurate manner in which people
commenced writing and talking from almost nothing to go by than mere eye
commands and lines and symbols, to commence at the initial stages of talking.
On the one hand, the human who attired and lived in both dress and behaviour
similar to animals at one stage is still visible in some parts of the world.
On the other hand, languages that were developed through trial and error over
the centuries are regularly disappearing for want of clients.
The publication highlights these. Moreover, the introduction of discipline into
both speech and writing from the ancient system of continuity over hours and
pages, non-stop fashion has also changed to more disciplined forms with the
introduction of punctuation.

Broader meaning of education is preferred

rather than narrower meaning of
Broader meaning of education is not limited to a classroom or school only.

It is considered to be a lifelong process, where all the experiences, knowledge
and wisdom that an individual acquires at different stages of one’s life through
different channels (i.e., formally, informally and incidentally) are termed as
Narrower meaning of education is limited to a classroom or school. Here,
everything is systematic, prefix and predetermined. The curriculum, methods of
teaching, examination and teacher are prefix and predetermined. It is a
systematic process to achieve the definite goals of education through classroom
In its broader meaning, education is a life-long process. In this connection, J.S.
Mackenzie says: In the wider sense, “it is a process that goes on throughout life,
and is promoted by every experience in life.” According to Prof. Dnmvile,

“Education includes all the influences which act upon an individual during his
passage from the cradle to the grave.” Thus, education in its broader meaning is
the cumulative effect of varieriences received by an individual in his home, out-
of-home life, in the school, out of school, here, there is everywhere? In the
words of Lodge, “All experiences are said to be educative the bite of mosquito,
the taste of a watermelon, the experiences of falling in love, of flying in an
aeroplane, of being caught in a storm in a small boat experiences have directly
educative effect on us. Whatever broadens our horizon, deepens our insight,
refines our reactions, and stimulate thought and feeling educates us.”



Education is considered as a dynamic and

an active process
"He had come to her as a teacher, but they had forgotten her lessons. Still, their first meeting,
their first lesson was a moment of learning above any other, for when the girl happened to

glance at her feet, before she pulled her stockings up over them, she noticed something she
would never have paid attention to before: how filthy her feet were." (Haldór Laxness: Salka
Valka. Gyldendals Tranebøger, Copenhagen 1966/1934: 74).

I have included this quotation to illustrate that we are quite unaware of what
goes on in processes of learning. Learners learn unpredictable things from
learning processes, e.g. having dirty feet, even if this is not scheduled! Only the
individual learner is able to assess the benefits derived from a learning process

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and

habits which makes a person good citizen. Educational adjustment means how
an individual is imparting his duties towards his education and whether he is
able to get his goal or not.

I believe that education is a life-long process, which starts at birth and ends at
death. I believe that all students should have access to a competent education,
which builds students to become competent, productive members of society.

It is not a static but a dynamic process which develops the child according to
changing situations and times. It always induces the individual towards
progress. It reconstructs the society according to the changing needs of the time
and place of the society.
Any extensive process, with a number of intervening steps, has certain aims.
These aims give a direction and focus to the whole process.
The determination of educational aims is conditional by the varying social,
economic, and political factors and by the differing philosophical and religious
under current.
In olden times, the aims of education were directed towards realizing good life and
good society, by developing good individuals. But in present world there is
absence of the concept of good.
Learning is an Active Process. Students do not soak up knowledge like a sponge
absorbs water. The instructor cannot assume that students remember something just

because they were in the classroom, shop, or airplane when the instructor presented
the material.

As such, education requires a self-aware and self-correcting set of processes that

respond to changes circumstances at every level—culture, literacy, curriculum,
assessment, instruction, and so on. When bullying becomes a pastime. When
kids can access libraries on their phones but don’t because the way they live
doesn’t demand it.

Thus from the above-mentioned points, it is clear that

learning is an active and dynamic process
because knowledge is constructed by the learner by acting
upon it. Active learning is more emphasized. Learner's
readiness, mental set, and motivation are considered as a
basis for deciding the method of teaching to be used.


Philosophy of education, Application of philosophical methods to the theory

and practice of education. Among the topics investigated in the philosophy of
education is the etymological meaning of education, since the ancient era to

modern era. And broader meaning of education, Narrower meaning of education
specially in children; the purpose of education, particularly the question of
whether the chief goal of educators should be imparting knowledge, developing
intellectual independence, or instilling moral or political values; the education-
related concepts, definitions including the concept of education itself. And

education as an active a dynamic process.

Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody's life.

Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes
man the smartest creature on earth. It empowers humans and gets them ready to
face challenges of life efficiently.

Education lessens the challenges you will face in life. The more knowledge
you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve
better possibilities in career and personal growth. Education has played an
important role in the career world of the twenty-first century.

Since the dawn of man, people have been educating younger generations in
essential knowledge and skills. The history of education is extensive and rich,
dating back thousands upon thousands of years – arguably to the origination of
man. Both ancient civilizations and modern-day communities have unique and
effective teaching styles, though the learning of today is significantly more
complex than those of a thousand years ago.

Aslanbek Naziev, Ryazan State University

Benjamin Veschi. Year: 2020. At:

Dewey, J.: Democracy and Education. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New
York: The Free Press 1966/1916

S.N. Mukerji

Dean, Faculty of Education, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, 1949–65. Dean
of Studies, National Institute of Education, New Delhi, 1965–68. Author of History of
Education in India.

SUSMITA BASU, Department of Education, Haldia Government College

Somaratne, B.E (2018) Etymology of Education: Origins, Processes, Processes and

Sustainability of Humanity

Terry Heick, The founder and director: Teach Thought


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