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MEDTEC School Admission Test: Section 1: Mathematics

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Admission Test
Instruction for answers sheet reading
A,B,C,D,E The green letter indicates the correct answer

Section 1: Mathematics

Question #1

1000 is the product of three numbers suitably chosen among 2, 4, 16, 25, 125.
What is the sum of the three numbers?

A 131
B 45
C 21
D 133
E 143
I omit the answer

Question #2

What is the square root of one-fourth of 214?

A 26

B 27
C 28
D 29
E 27
I omit the answer

Question #3

On a series of 20 shots in the basket, Bob had a 55% success rate. After 5 more shots, the rate
dropped to 52%. How many of the last 5 shots were successful?

A 2
B 0
C 1
D 3
E 4
I omit the answer

Question #4

Let a, b, c, d be real numbers such that a ≤ b and c ≤ d. Which of the following inequalities is
certainly true?

A ac2 ≤ bc2
B a−c≤b−d
C a+d≤c+b
D ac ≤ bd
E ac2 ≤ bd2
I omit the answer

Question #5

When the polynomial 4x2 + 3x − 1 is divided by x − 3, the reminder is

A 44
C 0
D 15
E 4x + 15
I omit the answer

Question #6

In the real number field the solution set for the inequality

x3 − 3x2 > 3 − x


A (3, +∞)

B (−1 , 1) ∪ (3, +∞)

C (−∞, −1) ∪ (1 , 3)

D (−∞, 3)

E (−∞, +∞)
I omit the answer
Question #7

Considering the following numbers

a =√5 ; b = 2.5 ; c = log10 400

we have

A a<b<c
B a<c<b
C b<c<a
D c<b<a
E b<a<c
I omit the answer

Question #8

The equation in the real variable x

10x = x3 − x

A exactly two solutions

B exactly one solution
C no solution
D exactly three solutions
E exactly four solutions
I omit the answer

Question #9

The domain of the following function

y = f (x) = √x (x + 3) (x − 2)

is the set

A −3 ≤ x ≤ 0 or x ≥ 2
B x≥0
C −3 ≤ x ≤ 2
D x ≤ 0 or x ≥ 2
E −∞ < x < +∞
I omit the answer

Question #10

You have two cubes of side L made by the same homogeneous material. Inside the first cube, a
cubic hole of side L / 3 has been cut, while the second cube has no holes inside. What is the ratio
of the weight of the first cube to that of the second cube?

A 26 ⁄ 27
B 2⁄3
C 8⁄9
D 19 ⁄ 27
E The ratio depends on the side L
I omit the answer

Question #11

In the Cartesian coordinate plane let r be the line of equation y = −3 x + 7. Then the straight line
symmetric to r with respect to the line y = 4 has equation

A y = 3x + 1
B y = 3x − 7

E y = 3x − 1
I omit the answer

Question #12

As shown in the figure below, the angle formed by a horizontal line (the "ground") and the line of
sight to an object above the horizontal line is called the angle of elevation.

Suppose that observing the top T of a vertical tower BT, an observer has measured the elevation
angles of 30° and 60° respectively from the positions P and Q on the ground. We know that the
distance between point P and base B of the tower is equal to p meters and that point Q is q meters
closer to B than point P. Then the ratio q/p is

A 2/3
B 1/2
C 1/3
D 3/4
E dependent on the height of the tower
I omit the answer
Question #13

In the Cartesian coordinate plane Oxy, the equation of the circle centered at (3, 5) and passing
through the point (−1, 2) is

A x2 + y2 − 6x − 10y + 9 = 0
B x2 + y2 + 6x + 10y + 9 = 0
C x2 + y2 + 6x + 10y − 19 = 0
D x2 + y2 − 6x − 10y − 19 = 0
E x2 + y2 − 6x − 10y + 29 = 0
I omit the answer

Question #14

If the claim "All students in my class speak at least three different languages" is false, then it is
certainly true that in my class

A there is a student who speaks no more than two different languages

B there is a student who speaks at least three different languages
C there is a student who speaks two different languages
D all students speak more than three different languages
E all students speak no more than two different languages
I omit the answer

Question #15

Liam and Tom are friends. Nevertheless, Liam always lies, while Tom always tells the truth. Which
sentence did both Liam and Tom say?

A I am telling the truth

B You are telling the truth
C We are both telling the truth
D I always lie
E Today it is raining
I omit the answer

Question #16

Ann, Bob, Edith, Sam and Tom are friends. You ask Ann, Edith and Tom about their birthdays. Tom
says that he was born in the same month as Edith but 9 days after her, and that his friends'
birthdays are on March 20, April 23, April 24 and May 24. Ann and Edith say that they celebrate
their birthdays on the same day of the week.
So Ann's birthday is

A April 24
B March 20
C March 27
D April 23
E May 24
I omit the answer

Question #17

The following table shows the distribution of the wrong answers in a test with 10 questions given to
a class of 25 students:

0 1 2 3 4 5 7

of 2 7 6 3 4 2 1

What is the mean number of wrong answers per student?

A 2.44
B 61
C 0.88
D 3.5
E 4
I omit the answer

Question #18

Grouped data on the systolic blood pressure (in mmHg) of 160 female students (F) and 150 male
students (M) are given in the following table:

It follows that

the male students with systolic blood pressure at most equal to 115 mmHg are
A 75% of the female students with systolic blood pressure at most equal to 115
at most 60% of male students has systolic blood pressure greater than 120
half of the male students have systolic blood pressure greater than 120
the percentage of female students with systolic blood pressure greater than
D 120 mmHg is larger than the percentage of male students with systolic blood
pressure greater than 120 mmHg
more than 80 female students and more than 78 male students have systolic
blood pressure equal to 129 mmHg
I omit the answer

Question #19

Four boys (M) and eight girls (F) signed up for a dance class. If the pairs of dancers are chosen at
random, then the statistical frequencies of the couples FF (two girls), FM (one girl and one boy)
and MM (two boys) are:

I omit the answer

Question #20

A strange (but regular) dice has 1 dot on three faces, 2 dots on two faces and 3 dots on one face. If
you roll the dice twice, what is the probability of getting two odd numbers?

A 4/9
B 2/3
C 1/4
D 1/9
E 3/5
I omit the answer

Section 2: Text comprehension and critical reasoning

Question #1

One of the rules of sales is that an advertisement only has to catch the attention of a possible
customer. It does not have to actually say anything about a product itself in order to increase sales.
Getting people to simply remember a product is more important for advertising than getting them to
know anything about the product.

Which of the following is an assumption on which this argument depends?

Potential customers will remember a product even if they do not know much
about it
B Telling the truth about products would decrease sales
C It is not difficult to catch a possible customer's attention
D Advertisers lie more often than they tell the truth
E People who advertise products know very little about them
I omit the answer

Question #2

Twentieth-century cities are experiencing a period of radical transformation shown by the large
building projects that are redesigning entire parts of cities, from high-speed railways to
expressways. Throughout the world, cities are looking to the future, skylines all look the same, and
speed and movement are the key words.

Which of the following statements best describes the main concept expressed in the argument
presented above?

In the twentieth century, cities across the world are undergoing a great change
aimed at making travel quicker
B The key words for the public transport of the future are innovation and speed
Cities across the world have similar configurations because they are designed
using the same concept of growth
The change to twentieth-century cities is determined by their function and not
their configuration
The change to cities, in the twentieth century, is linked to the population
moving from the countryside to urban centres
I omit the answer

Question #3

3D printing shops are springing up here and there in capital cities across the world, even though
demand for objects is still limited at the moment. In the future, each district of each city will have its
own "local factory" to meet its residents' specific needs.

Which of the following statements is an assumption of the argument presented above?

A In the future, demand for 3D printed objects will increase

The fact that 3D printing shops are becoming widespread in capital cities does
not let us draw any conclusions about peripheral places
C "Local factories" will supplant the 3D printing shops
D All the needs of future residents will be met by 3D printing
E In the future, the quality of 3D printed objects will be excellent
I omit the answer

Question #4

In the face of a crisis that has led to the closure of some eleven European refineries in the last five
years, ENI has decided to convert the Porto Marghera plant: an investment of 100 million euros,
compared with the 600 needed to build a new plant. This is the first case in the world of the green
conversion of a traditional refinery.

Which of the following statements best describes the main concept expressed in the argument
presented above?
ENI has decided to invest in restructuring one of its plants to prevent its
possible closure
ENI has decided to invest in restructuring one of its plants to save 400 million
C Green conversion is the main thrust of European ecological policies
D Other market operators will also convert their facilities to become green
E Porto Marghera is the trail-blazing project of ENI's new ecological policy
I omit the answer

Question #5

Despite being universal, gossiping at work is seen as unprofessional and can compromise career
progression chances, damage the reputation of individuals or groups or the organisation itself and
lead to lower productivity or the departure of the best employees.

Which of the following statements, if true, would greatly strengthen the argument presented above?

The Minister for Employment has declared that firms that supported the
"internal and external privacy management" project last year, implementing
policies aimed at controlling gossip, recorded higher productivity than
companies that showed no interest in the project
The annual employee productivity assessment by management is a legal
obligation that not all small and medium-sized companies fulfil
Some international firms devote two or three training days on evaluating and
C countering gossip at work, based on the findings of company surveys of
organisational well-being
Checking that there are no conflicts of interest among the management of
D public companies is a legal obligation that is fulfilled every three years at
ministerial level
The "employee of the year" award is a way for firms to acknowledge the work
E carried out by the employee and usually involves giving the winner a financial
I omit the answer

Question #6

In the last decade, investment in research and development in Italy increased modestly, reaching
1.25% of Gross Domestic Product in 2018. But this level is way below that of technologically
advanced countries, confirming the current trend towards specialisation in hand-crafted rather than
high-tech products.

Which of the following statements can be deduced from the argument presented above?

A None of the statements can be deduced from the text

Higher investment in high-tech would lead to higher investment in research
and development
The specialisation in the production of hand-crafted products characterises
"Made in Italy" as a technologically advanced sector
There is a directly proportional relationship between investment in research
and development and specialisation in hand-crafted products
E Advanced countries do not have hand-crafted production worthy of note
I omit the answer

Question #7

In the 21st-century economy, characterised by speed, interconnection and intangibility, individuals

with their skills, ideas and interpersonal relationships are the true strategic assets to invest in.
Companies should focus their attention on the human resources working in the organisation, as
they represent their distinctive capital that sets them apart and guarantees their success over their

Which of the following statements best summarises the conclusion of the argument presented

For a company to succeed, it is important that it develops and invests in its

human capital
To increase speed and interconnection, Italian companies need to devote a
substantial part of their income to personnel training and management
The characteristics of speed, interconnection and intangibility of the economy
C 2.0 have changed how modern companies and their organisation are
Companies need to know the strategic assets in which to invest to develop
the skills, ideas and relations of the individuals working in it
Human resources are the distinctive capital that makes the difference and
determines company investment plans
I omit the answer

Question #8

Eight people -- four drivers: Edward, Rachel, Michael, and Alice; and four passengers: Charles,
Sarah, John, and Harry -- are being assigned to four cars, numbered 1 to 4.
Each person is assigned to exactly one car, and exactly two people are assigned to each car.
Assignments of people to cars must conform to the following conditions:

Exactly one driver is assigned to each car.

Edward and Alice are assigned to consecutively numbered cars, with Edward assigned to
the lower-numbered car.
Edward is assigned to the same car as Charles.
Rachel is not assigned to the same car as Sarah.

If Charles is assigned to car 2 and Sarah is assigned to car 4, which one of the following must be

A Rachel is assigned to car 1

B Edward is assigned to car 1
C Michael is assigned to car 3
D John is assigned to car 1
E Harry is assigned to car 3
I omit the answer
Question #9

Premature babies that are regularly massaged are more active than premature babies that are not
massaged. For the same daily milk intake, babies that are massaged gain more weight than babies
that are not massaged. This appears strange because usually more active babies require more
calories to gain weight.

Which of the following statements, if true, would explain the apparent inconsistency described in
the argument presented above?

Increased activity means that premature babies' intestines mature faster, so

that they digest and absorb more nutrients
Increased activity leads to increased hunger, especially if the quantity of food
given remains the same
The massages increase the baby's curiosity about the environment and the
curiosity increases the activity level
Massages do not increase babies' speed of growth unless they are born
Premature babies need a daily intake of nutrients that is significantly greater
than that needed by full-term babies
I omit the answer

Question #10

Vampire bats fly over a much larger area than other similar-sized bats. The reason for this is that
the animals they feed on are not very common in the forests where they live and this scarcity of
prey forces them to fly further to find food.

Which of the following statements, if true, would greatly strengthen the argument presented above?

Vampire bats fly over a much larger area only if they are in regions where
A there is not much food for them; this is not true if they are in regions where
such food is plentiful
Vampire bats fly over an area eight times larger than the area over which
similar-sized bats fly
After babies are born, vampire bats must look for food more often to feed
themselves and their offspring
D Vampire bats sometimes fly over a small area for many weeks
E For similar living conditions, vampire bats eat less than other bat species
I omit the answer

Section 3: Chemistry and physics

Question #1

Which periodic table group contains elements in three states of matter at standard ambient
pressure and temperature?

A Halogens
B Noble gases
C Alkaline earth metals
D Alkali metals
E Carbon group
I omit the answer

Question #2

Which of the following organic compounds is a primary alcohol?

I omit the answer

Question #3

The balanced electromotive reaction of a nickel-cadmium battery is

2 NiO(OH)(s) + Cd(s) + 2 H2O(l) → 2 Ni(OH)2(s) + Cd(OH)2(s)

During discharge, the cadmium electrode

A is oxidized and loses mass

B is reduced
C gains electrons
D gains mass
E is oxidized and gains mass
I omit the answer

Question #4

Given the equilibrium reaction

F−(aq) + H2S(aq) HF(aq) + HS−(aq)

which of the following represents the Brønsted-Lowry bases for this reaction?

A F−(aq) and HS−(aq)

B F−(aq) and H2S(aq)
C HF(aq) and HS−(aq)
D HF(aq) and H2S (aq)
E none of the answers shown is correct
I omit the answer

Question #5

If 20.0 mL of 1.0 M HBr are diluted to a total volume of 60.0 mL, what is the molar concentration of
the HBr in the resulting solution?

A About 0.33 M
B 0.25 M
C 1.0 M
D 0.50 M
E About 0.66 M
I omit the answer

Question #6

A 50 W lightbulb is plugged into a standard 100 V outlet. Assume that the electrical energy is
provided as in the case of a direct-current circuit. What is the resistance of the bulb filament?

A 200 Ω
B 100 Ω
C 400 Ω
D 20 Ω
E 2Ω
I omit the answer

Question #7

An ideal fluid flows from left to right at a steady rate through a tube segment. The cross-sectional
areas of the tube are A1= 100 cm2 on the left side and A2 = 50 cm2 on the right side. The fluid
speed is v1 = 20 cm/s on the left side. What is the fluid speed v2 on the right side?

A 40 cm/s
B 5 cm/s
C 80 cm/s
D 320 cm/s
E 10 cm/s
I omit the answer

Question #8
A block is placed at rest on a plane inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. The coefficient of static
friction between block and plane is μs = 1. Determine the maximum angle of incline to keep the
block from sliding.

A 45°
B 60°
C 15°
D 30°
E 1°
I omit the answer

Question #9

A transverse circular wave propagates on a plane surface without energy dissipation. If the wave
amplitude is 2 cm at a distance of 10 cm from its centre, what is the wave amplitude at a distance
of 40 cm from its centre?

A 1 cm
B 0.5 cm
C 2 cm
D 0.25 cm
E It cannot be answered without knowing the wave frequency
I omit the answer

Question #10

An ideal gas is confined into a cylinder with a movable piston and is in equilibrium at 20 °C and 1
atm. Then the temperature is raised to 40 °C while we keep the pressure of the gas constant.
Which of the following statements is correct?

A The initial gas volume expands by about 7%

B The initial gas volume does not change
C The initial gas volume expands by 50%
D The initial gas volume doubles
The gas undergoes an expansion or a compression, depending on the
number of moles
I omit the answer

Section 4: Biology

Question #1

Mendel's laws define the behaviour

A of all hereditary characteristics

B only of certain morphological characteristics
C only of certain striking but not essential characteristics
D of punctiform mutations and their incidence
E only of characteristics that do not affect survival
I omit the answer

Question #2

Phagocytosis means

A the process whereby a cell incorporates solid particles inside it

B the initial phase of digestion
C the process of grinding foods in the digestive system
D nutrition with plants
E nutrition with live prey
I omit the answer

Question #3

Which of the following combinations would you expect to find in a person's blood after a rich meal?

A High sugar and high insulin

B High sugar and low insulin
C Low sugar and no insulin
D No sugar and low insulin
E Low sugar and low insulin
I omit the answer

Question #4

Afferent neural pathways are

A sensitive
B mixed
C only sympathetic
D motor
E motor and sympathetic
I omit the answer

Question #5

The unit of measurement of the size of human cells is the

A micrometre
B millimetre
C nanometre
D dalton
E angstrom
I omit the answer

Question #6

A fundamental difference between plants and animals lies in their capacity to

A fix CO2
B adapt to appropriate environments
C resist disease
D reproduce
E breathe
I omit the answer

Question #7

An allele is

A a variant form of a gene

B a somatic characteristic
C one of the mitotic chromatids
D the mutated form of a gene
E a hereditary characteristic
I omit the answer

Question #8

How many cervical vertebrae do humans have?

A 7
B 3
C 12
D 8
E 5
I omit the answer

Question #9

The two chromatids of a chromosome separate in

A anaphase
B prophase
C interphase
D metaphase
E telophase
I omit the answer

Question #10

Which of the following cells does not have a nucleus?

A Escherichia coli
B Erythroblast
C Amoeba proteus
D Tripanosoma brucei
E Syncytium
I omit the answer

Section 5: Technical and scientific knowledge

Question #1

All mammals

A feed their young with milk

B are large
C are placental
D are land animals
E are omnivorous
I omit the answer

Question #2

Electrical capacitors are used to

A accumulate electrical charge

B store electric currents
C limit potentials
D increase potentials
E accumulate potential differences
I omit the answer
Question #3

Diastolic and systolic blood pressure is expressed in

A mm Hg
B pascal
C atm
D mm air
E neutrons/m2
I omit the answer

Question #4

Lamarck's theory of evolution is based on

A the inheritance of acquired characteristics

B natural selection
C programmed evolution
D spontaneous generation
E recurring disasters
I omit the answer

Question #5

X-rays are

A electromagnetic waves
B very fast free electrons
C elastic waves with a lot of energy
D very penetrative nucleons
E a bundle of neutrons
I omit the answer

Question #6

Spallanzani and Pasteur demonstrated that the spontaneous generation of microorganisms is

A impossible
B possible, if induced
C rare, but possible
D frequent
E normal
I omit the answer
Question #7

A liquid poured into a system of communicating vessels

reaches the same level in all receptacles (if these receptacles are not
reaches a level proportional to the specific weight of the liquid in the various
C reaches the same level in all receptacles, with no exception
D reaches different heights in the various receptacles, according to their size
E none of the answers shown is correct
I omit the answer

Question #8

In which of the following conditions is it not possible to propagate a virus in a laboratory?

A Propagation in growing medium full of amino acids and sugars

B Propagation in embryonated eggs
C Propagation in laboratory animals
D Propagation in cells cultivated "in vitro"
E Propagation in bacterial cultures
I omit the answer

Question #9

All living beings are classified with two terms that indicate

A genus and species

B kingdom and genus
C kingdom and class
D order and species
E habitat and ecological niche
I omit the answer

Question #10

Electrolysis of water is a process in which the passage of an electric current causes the
decomposition of water into

A oxygen and hydrogen gas

B oxygen and carbon dioxide
C water and oxygen
D water and hydrogen
E oxygen and carbon
I omit the answer

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