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FSSE 101-Lesson 1 PDF

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Meaning of Social Studies
Meaning of Social Science
Correct Concept and Nature of Social Studies
Fundamental Principles for Social Studies
National Objectives of Social Studies

Prepared by:
Bernadette N. Del Prado
Faculty, School of Education

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Explain the difference between Social Studies and Social Science
2. Discuss the concept and nature of Social Studies

Before we go further, let us first reflect on your current understanding about Social Science and
Social Studies as well as additional knowledge you wanted to know about these terms and after
the discussion fill out the space provided for learnings you acquired.

Topic: Social Science and Social Studies

K – now (Alam) W – ant (Nais Malaman) L – earn (Natutunan)


“Social Studies” is a school subject that deals with the human relationship. As we have
witnessed various advances in Science and technology during previous years which have
helped to solved various problems of mankind. However, it also created a large numbers of
problems which cannot be solved easily.
So, in this age of science and technology when the space travel is a reality the child
finds himself in a rapidly changing and complex world. With that, it is expected from schools
that they prepare the child to deal intelligently with all such problems.
To achieve this goal, the school design the curriculum in such a way that it preserves
the best from the past in terms of tradition and conduct as well as teach children the
application of the same in the modern age. So, in order to achieve these, the
field of Social Studies developed as an independent field of study.
Therefore, Social studies deal with man and his interaction with his
fellow beings and with his surroundings and environment along with
the aim of developing a well-informed, intelligent person that is
capable of solving day to day problems as well as keen to accept
responsibility as a good citizen of the country having desirable and essential
qualities required in a democratic society.

Though we use the terms Social Studies and Social Science as synonyms
yet the two are quite different terms. So, the information that follows will make these
differences clear.


• Social Science is a systematized body of knowledge about human beings and society.
• It emphasize the application of scientific methods and rigorous standards of evidence
to the study of the humanity and the social world through the use of both qualitative
and quantitative methods.
• It is sometimes known as the “Soft Sciences”, as it provides the content and process
of Social Studies.
• It deals with detailed and systematic study of human relationships as it provides a lot
of knowledge through research and inquiry.
• List of different Social Science Disciplines includes the following:
1. Sociology – Social Science discipline which aims to discover the basic structure of
human society, i.e. the groups or classes which makes up society. Focuses on
individuals, groups and examine how people behave and change the social

2. Economics – deals with how society allocates its scarce

resources among its unlimited wants and needs. It is
concerned with how people interact in their society as
they go about trying to satisfy their needs and deal with
the economic problems of society.

3. Anthropology – the study of origins and varieties of human culture. It focuses on the
relationship between cultural beliefs and social practices among mainly pre literate
and tribal societies and civilizations.

4. Geography – deals with the cultural and physical factors that shape economic, social,
political and environmental patterns of diverse regions and peoples.

5. History – deals with the study of the collective experiences of human societies within
the context of the passage of time. It explores the past to understand the impact of a
variety of natural and social factors in subsequent social events.

6. Political Science – it is concerned about power, its exercise and restraint within the
formal institutions of government. It analyzes the relationship of individuals and
groups to the political environment to understand the organizational principles and
processes of affairs and international relations.

7. Psychology – It is the understanding of the mind thought and behavior. it is largely

concerned with psychology of humans, either as a subject in its own right or mere
controversially, as a way of gaining an insight into human psychology by means of

• Curriculum vehicle through which the capacities of disciplinary knowledge, thinking

skills, commitment to democratic values and citizen participation are built in the
• An integrated study of the Social Sciences and humanities to promote civic
competence consists of knowledge, skills and attitude required of students to become
responsible committed citizen.
• It is simplified and re-organized form of Social Science
• Its primary purpose is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and
reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic
society in an interdependent world.
• It is multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and integrative (integrates knowledge skills and
attitudes within and across disciplines)
• Social Studies help students construct a knowledge base and
attitudes drawn from academic disciplines as specialized ways
of viewing reality.
• Social Studies reflects the changing nature of knowledge,
fostering entirely new and highly integrated approaches to
resolving issues of significance to humanity.

Basically the difference between Social Science and Social Studies is

not in kind but only in level of difficulty.

Another distinctions between the two is that; Social Sciences constitute

the theoretical part of human affairs whereas the Social Studies deals with the practical part
of human relationships.
Social Sciences are those subjects which relate to the origin, organization and
development of human societies while Social Studies is concerned with those learning
experiences that can easily be identified to have been drawn from social sciences in
accordance with the needs of the school children.

Social Studies is not a combination of history, geography, civics etc. and that
is an independent field of study. Frankly, it deals with the “study of relations
and inter-relations-historical, geographical and social and it provides the young mind the basis
of public knowledge and orientation of life.

Basically, Social Studies aims that each future generation grasps the necessary information
about the social conditions that surround it ad faster the requisite social attitudes and skills
that enable young men and women to be effective members of a society in the changing

The main aim is to give a better understanding of the fascinating story of how man has
developed through the ages, of how man has studied to use and control his environment and
how his life has been influenced by this, how our institutions have grown out the past and
should, therefore, be respected and how have undergone many changes needs and must
undergo many more from time to time.

Thus both the words “social” and “studies” are quite important in
terms of “Social Studies” as emphasizes that the study must be
“social” – a study of society and through society. It is a study of
society both in time and space and development of various social
Following are some of the basic principles of Social Studies:

1. Social Studies is an inter-disciplinary course. It draws its contents selectively from several
other branches of knowledge and human experience.

2. It is the applied branch of Social Sciences. It is included in school curriculum so as to

developing proper attitudes, sensibilities and skills in future citizens.

3. Its scope is ever growing, as the social process and problems are changing from time to
time. Hence its content will have to be revised periodically.

4. Its approach in teaching is based on pragmatic philosophy to serve the present

requirements of a particular society and humanity and to help pupils to have social adjustment
in their future lives, in their country and world.

5. Its field covers the study of communities at all levels – local, regional, national and
international, with emphasis on man and his social environment.

6. It lays more emphasis on the contemporary human life and its problems as compared to
that on the past history of man.

7. Its contents are useful as a media for general education at school level, before colleagues
specialization starts so that pupils can learn them with sufficient case and interest.
A good and effective citizen in a democratic society:

• Develops and Inquiring mind

• Is well informed and useful
• Participates in the solution of social, economic
and political problems
• Advances the causes of nationalism
• Has strong moral and spiritual values
• Respects the dignity and worth of an individual


Bumanglao Ruscoe. Methods and Strategies of Teaching Social Sciences/Studies Production of

Social Studies Instructional Materials Building Bridges Across Social Science
Discipline/Integration in MAKABAYAN.

Hunt Elgin F. (2011) Social Science: An Introduction to the Study of Society 14 th Edition

After finishing the discussion, let us go back to your first activity about self-reflection to complete
the table. Write all your acquired learnings (Natutunan) to the space provided.

Topic: Social Science and Social Studies

K – now (Alam) W – ant (Nais Malaman) L – earn (Natutunan)

Using Venn Diagram, compare Social Studies and Social Science. Write the difference and
similarities of both terms.

Social Science Social Studies

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