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Indoor Positioning Technologies For Industrial

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Bachelor thesis of science

Supervisor: Jose Martinez Lastra



ALEKSI SAVELIUS: Indoor positioning technologies for industrial heavy-duty vehi-

cle application.

Tampere University of technology.

Bachelor of Science thesis

January 2018 Automation technology major subject: Factory automation

Supervisor: Jose Martinez Lastra

Key words: AGV, IPS, UWB, RFID, LIDAR, Natural navigation

The importance of autonomous navigation has gained attention of the research and in-
dustrial community, mainly for brining self-driving vehicles to the large audience. How-
ever, this importance is not new within the industrial sector, and special for those dedi-
cate to indoor logistics of heavy and large items. As a consequence, the industrial sector
is benefiting from the technologies and methods developed for the general audience and
bring this area to a new level of development.

This work firstly presents a survey of the most relevant indoor positioning technologies
and methods from the heavy-duty industrial applications viewpoint. Finally, a few com-
mercial autonomous heavy-duty vehicles and their positioning methods are presented.


ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
2 INDUSTRIAL AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES ......................................................... 3
2.1 Indoor vehicles ............................................................................................... 3
2.2 Outdoor vehicles ............................................................................................ 3
3.1 Inductive guidance ......................................................................................... 6
3.2 Magnetic Spot Guidance ................................................................................ 7
3.3 Ultra wideband ............................................................................................... 9
3.4 Radio Frequency Identification .................................................................... 10
3.5 Natural navigation ........................................................................................ 12
3.5.1 Laser measurement ........................................................................ 13
3.5.2 Visual recognition .......................................................................... 15
3.6 General view ................................................................................................ 17
4 AUTONOMOUS INDOOR HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES .................................... 19
4.1 Commercial applications .............................................................................. 19
4.2 Applications’ sensors and navigation ........................................................... 22
5 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 24
6 REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 27



Indoor positioning is becoming more important through industrial robotics and mobile
robots. Mobile devices are given more and more challenging tasks to achieve and so on
their requirements in accuracy and speed are becoming higher. Task are basically to go
from a point A to a point B, through some a specific route and without hitting any objects.
In time, tasks have become more varied and harder for the technologies.

This paper is written as a bachelor thesis of science for the laboratory of factory automa-
tion and industrial informatics at Tampere University of technology. This papers goal is
to give readers general view of this day’s main indoor positioning technologies and how
they could be exploited in indoor heavy-duty vehicle applications. This thesis will look
into few basic technologies in indoor positioning and the basics how the technologies
work in general level. The thesis won’t go through deeply positioning methods and tech-
nologies. Also positioning and navigation are very close to each other and some of the
positioning methods are more or less navigation methods. Still this papers main subject
is to explain how these technologies and methods give to a vehicle position information.

The thesis is in five sections. In first chapters the thesis will give to the reader general
view of requirements that autonomous vehicles have and what kind of data is needed to
become autonomous. It will give point of view from differences between indoor and out-
door positioning, but still the thesis will focus to technologies that are used indoors. Tech-
nologies as global positioning system (GPS) is not handled in this thesis.

A section three will go true positioning and navigation methods. The navigation methods
can be separated roughly in three category: map based, mapping methods and a guidance
methods. In map-based methods vehicle uses already known map and it will always try
to find itself somehow from the map by using technologies given to it. The mapping
methods create own map to themselves and they will remap it every time the map
changes. Guidance methods tells to the automated vehicle that is it on the route or not.
The chapter will tell the general ideas of the technologies and it will describe how they
are used in industrial applications.

The fourth section will manage more applications that are commercial applications. The
chapter will introduce few applications and then tell more about the applications’ naviga-
tion and positioning methods. This chapter’s main point is to give to the reader a little
idea that what kind of autonomous applications are already as commercial products.

The last and the fifth section will handle results of the thesis. It will look true methods
and technologies that would be the best to integrate heavy-duty indoor vehicles. Most of
the ideas are the writers own ideas and there could be more and better solutions out there.
The results are conclusions from the data that is handled in this thesis.


These days’ modern autonomous vehicles and automated guided vehicles (AGV) can op-
erate at a factory floor, on outdoor off-road trails or even on an office floor. A terrain and
surroundings determine a structure of a vehicle’s platform. For example, an off-road truck
needs bigger wheels than factory’s an indoor forklift. A vehicle’s purpose and tasks define
rest of the vehicle’s structure. Does it need a forklift or big roof’s surface with lot of lift

Few things make a vehicle autonomous. When an operating person is removed from the
vehicle, the vehicle needs every instinct that the operator used while using the vehicle.
Most important abilities come from different type of sensors. The vehicle needs to have
a knowledge of its own location and position. It needs to know its own speed and the
direction of the movement. Same information has to have from tools that the vehicle is
using. It needs to know also the positions and movements of other objects and vehicles
around it. The vehicle uses all those data to make decisions in its control centre. After this
comes higher-level operating systems (like manufacturing execution system [MES] and
enterprise resource planning [ERP]). With all of this information, the vehicle can be called
more or less autonomous.

2.1 Indoor vehicles

Indoor vehicles operate mainly on a factory floor and in a warehouse. Main tasks that
they have are moving and lifting objects like tools, parts and material. The moveable part
defines the vehicles structure and the tools that it is using.

The surface where the vehicles are operating is mainly smooth and in horizontal level.
Mostly the indoor vehicles use smaller wheels to move and have no suspension when the
floor surface is smooth. Vehicles that need bigger accuracy have no suspension in the
base. The suspension in wheels makes extra movement for the whole structure.

On the factory and warehouse floors, there are many other objects than the vehicles as
like shelving units, machines, human workers and other vehicles. Autonomous indoor
vehicle has bigger need of accuracy than autonomous outdoor vehicles because of the
tight working environment.

2.2 Outdoor vehicles

Outdoor vehicles may operate outside factories and warehouses and even in off road
trails. Some vehicles can operate both in outdoor and indoor rooms. Vehicles tasks are
more or less moving objects, products or materials when moving outdoor spaces.

An outdoor surface is usually concrete or asphalt and therefore more rough than the in-
door floors and that is why the outdoor vehicles have bigger wheels. They also use sus-
pension, if big accuracy is not needed.

The outdoor vehicles can be for example regular trucks or shipyard container trucks. The
shipyard container trucks move containers between ships and a container yard [1]. They
have own big bodies and on their terrains have same size or bigger objects to dodge. The
needed accuracy during a transportation is smaller than indoor vehicles, because the ob-
jects are bigger and the environment is more open space around the container trucks.



In this section of the paper, the thesis will go through few positioning and guidance tech-
nologies. Some of the methods are close to navigation methods, but same time they do
positioning as well. Those will give general view that what kind of possibilities are to
make a vehicle or a robot more autonomous.

An automated guided vehicle (AGV) needs to have information of its own speed, a direc-
tion of the movement, an own location and other objects’ positions. A vehicle can get
almost every needed data from some positioning technology. The position information
helps the vehicle to complete movement tasks through a factory floor. Without the posi-
tioning information vehicles are quite blind or they won’t have an ability to move right
direction. The position information can be from nearby objects and general knowledge of
the position inside a building or on a factory floor.

Indoor positioning systems (IPS) are used in indoor navigating applications and the IPS
forms from a positioning technology and a higher system data processing. There are few
main technologies that are used in the indoor positioning. Some technologies are based
on fixed radars or beacons that are not located in a vehicle. Other technologies are de-
pendent on different markers or colours (like tapes) that are integrated in floors or walls.
When it comes to dodging unknown objects like humans that change their locations, ve-
hicles need to have own sensors and beacons that scan continuously a vehicle’s surround-

There are more or less challenges in the positioning depending the positioning technolo-
gies. When vehicles become autonomous they need to be free from external wires. That’ll
bring all challenges that wireless signals have. Some signals have bad ability to permeate
though materials like metal and concreate. They need also more capacity when the signal
is needed in further distance. Beacons and radars can get confused from irregular floors
or unwanted reflection surfaces. When used several technologies simultaneously, the pos-
sibility of false position information is lower.

3.1 Inductive guidance

Figure 1: Wire guidance [2]

An inductive guidance won’t give an exact position data to an AGV, but it will give a
position where a used route is located. Like its name, it will guide the AGV. The inductive
guidance is based on an electromagnetic induction. The electromagnetic induction is a
basic physical phenomenon where a changing magnetic field induced voltage to a coil.
Same effect is used in electric motors. Changing magnetic field emits voltage to a coil as
stated in equation (1). Where  is voltage, N is number of coils rounds, A is the coils’
area, B is change of the magnetic flux. [3]

𝜀 = −𝑁𝐴 𝐵 (1)

Equation 1: Voltage generated by changing magnetic field in coil.

The inductive guidance as a wire guidance is used in industrial applications and it’s im-
plemented with developed with the electromagnetic induction. Applications have own
coils that senses a metal path wire that is integrated into a factory floor or into a general
path. The path wires is conducted small amount of voltage that the vehicle detects. The
vehicle drives above installed path wires and the vehicle’s own coil recognizes a emitting
voltage from wires. The detecting sensors are mounted front and back of the vehicle, so
it can detect its own position depending on the path wire. Similar guiding technique is a
tape guidance. Where a vehicle reads a tape from a factory floor and makes correction
movements if the sensor is going to go over the tape. [4]

The path wires and the inductive guidance is effective way to get a route’s position infor-
mation when vehicles use same paths and don’t face too many conflict situations. Now a
day, wired floor tell to a vehicle only that, that it’s on its own path but won’t tell witch
path. Automated guided vehicles can’t operate only with inductive guidance. So, AGV
vehicles need additional positioning technologies besides inductive guidance. Wire guid-
ance only tells AGV where is the main paths to use. An inductive sensor readings are also

accurate so vehicles can operate in tight spaces. Path wire integrations to floors is expen-
sive afterwards in factory. Cheaper application from path wire system is magnetic or con-
ductive tape. Those are easier to install and repair when needed. Factory layout changes
are also easier to achieve. [4, 5]

For example, JBTC has a fork lift application that is meant to operate between narrow
aisles. It’s guided by several sensors and one is wire guidance. The accuracy that the fork
lift needs between warehouse shelfs is achieved by the wire guidance. [2]

3.2 Magnetic Spot Guidance

A magnetic spot guidance (MSG) is used similarly as the inductive wire guidance. In one
application, the main difference is in the hardware, in factory floor is integrated magnet
spots in lines instead of guide wire. In the magnetic spot guidance an AGV has only a
position data from a path like in the inductive guidance. Also, the applications where
MSG is used are lot of similar than in inductive guidance. [5]

Figure 2: Hall-effect sensor above magnet spot [5]

The magnetic spot guidance is based on a hall-effect. The Hall-effect is a physical effect.
When a conductive plate (Hall Element) is brought to a magnetic flied, magnetic forces
draw electrons and protons to different side of the plate. This produces a voltage differ-
ence between the plate’s sides. A Hall-effect sensor is one way of measuring magnetic
flux by measuring the voltage difference in the plate. The sensors are used also in motors
by measuring rotation speeds from gears. [7, 8]

Figure 3: Hall-effect [7]

Magnet spots mark paths in a factory floor. The magnet spots can be used also as coordi-
nate points. AGVs read the magnet spots with the Hall-effect sensors. The Hall-effect
sensors calculate maximum density of a magnetic flux from floor magnet spots. Then it
gets a three-dimensional direction where the floor magnet spot is located. The vehicle is
right above the magnet spot, when the main direction is straight down. Magnet spots
forms web through a factory or a warehouse floor and vehicles navigate through it using
magnet spots as coordinates. The magnet spots can be used only as paths through a factory
floor. [5]

Figure 4: Magnet spots layout and navigation true factory floor.


In figure 4 magnet spots form XY-coordinate system. An AGV can navigate through fac-
tory layout when fixed objects’ locations are known. The AGV gets route to the goal from
a higher system so the AGV can identify turning points and turning directions.

The MSG guiding option is better when it becomes to repairing a navigation system or
changing the layout of a factory floor. It is also easier and cheaper to install. However,
the magnet fluxes can be easily distracted by others magnetic fluxes. Also, a big contin-
uous magnetic fields may distract other equipment that are sensitive for magnets. [5]

3.3 Ultra wideband

An ultra-wideband (UWB) is based on electromagnetic waves that are sent very fast
pulses and big bandwidth. For example UWB can be used in range between 3.1 and 10.6
GHz. The UWB is used in radar, security and medical applications. [4]

As in a positioning technique generally the UWB uses two or more fixed beacons as
transmitters that are located in known locations on a factory floor forming a sensor net-
work. Navigating vehicles use mobile devices that contains a UWB receiver and some-
times a UWB transmitter combination (in multi communication applications). Systems
calculates vehicles distance from receiving identified signal. With two distances, system
can calculate location using triangulation method [14]. Also the global positioning system
(GPS) uses same triangulation method. In open spaces with two beacons system can get
even two location results if the beacons are not located corners and the measurement is
taken in 2D. The corners drop out the second position result. The results of locations
drops down to one with several beacons. For example, in figure 5 three anchors (beacons)
have three different distances and with them system can calculate the target position. [4]

Figure 5: UWB triangulation method [14]


Ramon F Brena and al [4] presents in their article that there are two measure that can be
used in UWB positioning. Measures determine the distance between the target and a ref-
erence point (as a beacon). First, is a Time of Arrival (ToA) and second is a Time Differ-
ence of arrival (TDoA). In ToA system calculates mobile devices position from flight
time from transmitting beacon to mobile device and from mobile device to receiver bea-
con. In TDoA mobile vehicle calculates its location by the time difference it gets from
beacon signals. [4]

Example of a UWB application is an Ubisense real-time location system. It uses in mobile

devises as called Ubitags that include a transceiver and a UWB transmitter. Tags are small
and they are individual so every autonomous vehicle or mobile device can be recognized
as separate. The tags also send normal 2.4 GHz radio signal for communicate with each
other. The system has fixed Ubisensors as beacons. [4]

The system uses both the TDoA and the ToA to calculate objects’ locations. The system
can calculate mobile devices 3D position with only two beacon sensors by using angel of
arrival (AoA) method. The sensors receive UWB signals and they calculate the angle of
an arriving signal. [4]

The UWB’s advantages as an indoor positioning technology are precision of time-of-

flight, having no problems with multipath and low requirements of power. It is also af-
fordable to install comparing to other fixed and built in applications as the magnet spot
guidance. The UWB is also one of the most accurate methods. The Ubisense applications
authors claim that the Ubisense can achieve even 15 cm accuracy. [4]

3.4 Radio Frequency Identification

A radio frequency identification (RFID) uses a radio frequency to transmit specific data
from a RFID tag to a RFID reader. The tags have their own IDs and when they pass by
the RFID reader, the tag emits personal data to the reader. The RFID technology is used
in many applications where several IDs is needed. [4]

Figure 6: RFID tag and reader [15]

The RFID tags act as an antenna and they are able to emit signals with information. The
tags can be passive or active. As “passive” tags, they emit signal only when they detect a
reader’s signal. The passive tags also can power up themselves from the readers signal.
“Active” tags have own a power supply and they send periodically their own ID signal.
The tags can be “semi passive”. Then they use own power supply and send signal only
when the reader’s signal is noticed. [4]

The RFID is used in applications as a department store security, logistics and medical
equipment. In indoor position techniques, the RFID is used in identification of vehicles
or mobile robots or locations. The RFID is used as X,Y-coordination, where the tags are
as reference or coordinate points on a factory floor and an AGV has the RFID reader.
Like this the RFID tag informs to the AGV the AGV’s position, when the AGV drives
over the tag and reads the tag’s coordination information. With only RFID tags an AGV
can have problems with navigation, but when added another positioning method (as laser
or natural navigation) it could be autonomous while moving through factory floor and
autonomous navigation can be possible. [4]

For example, a Ferrometal RFID-Kanban uses the RFID tags when supplying small metal
parts like screws to its customers. The Ferrometal supplies reader shelves to a customer
and small metal boxes with RFID tags. Every box has own information of a product and
amount of the product in them. When the tag box is empty, a worker moves the box to an
empty box area. Same time the box goes through a RFID reader and the reader send in-
formation to higher level system. The Ferrometal gets information from the system, that
how much products the need to supply in next cargo. [16]

3.5 Natural navigation

A natural navigation (NN) is based basically memorizing already seen places. It can be
applied to navigation system, but it is also used as a positioning method. With visual
footage or laser or sonar scanned surroundings system can form own general knowledge
of fixed land marks. Land marks are used as mapping reference points and they can be
recognized after they are analysed and added to a formed map. A vehicles can move au-
tonomously true a factor and same time make own map of the factory’s layout. Natural
navigations give to the AGVs total freedom from reflectors or markers like magnetic
spots. Navigating with Qr-code tags or an optical navigation or the magnet spot naviga-
tion can be natural navigation when they base certain kind of land markers. They still are
dependent built-in markers or reflectors. [10, 13, 17]

Figure 7: Autonomous forklift using laser scanning as natural navigation. [18]

An AGV needs knowledge of its own speed, direction of the speed and scanned images
from surroundings. With all that information the autonomous vehicle can build own map
of places it’s been before. The vehicles operators can add afterwards accurate reference
points to vehicles own map, so they can be used references when making transport/move-
ment orders. With a ready map, the AGV can compare its own measurements from sur-
roundings to locations that is found in the ready map. This way the AGV can recognise
its own position from the map. [5, 10, 17]

Figure 8: Distance data gathered by KUKAs navigation solution [19]

The natural navigation that work without built-in markers are affordable comparing to
those that need fixed markers. Continuous mapping is not affected by factory layout
chances. When vehicle notices change in its own map it will do re-mapping for that spe-
cific area. Vehicle can skip re-mapping if it’s faced human or another autonomous vehi-
cle. Then it will recognize the movement of the other object and skip the re-mapping and
just dodge the other object. Still if the other vehicle or human is staying still it may remap
that certain spot but next time the vehicle passes the same spot it will remap it again. In
most applications, several vehicles communicate with each other as they use same map
and when vehicle need to do re-mapping they modify the same map. Then every vehicle
in whole system will have same information of other moving object and changes of the
built-in layout. [10, 17]

3.5.1 Laser measurement

A laser measurement is based on laser beam. A laser sensor is sending laser beams and a
scanner reads the reflected laser beams. When the speed of light is known, the laser sensor
can calculate a distance where the beam reflected. The math in the calculation is based
Time-Of-Flight (TOF) method (explained in equation (2))[9]. The laser sensor sends ver-
tical beams, so it can get several distances form one sector. The distance data is sent to a
AGV’s control board, that creates information from the surroundings of the AGV. [9, 10]

The laser measurement gives distance information of other objects. With laser sensors the
vehicle can be more independent and autonomous comparing to the wire or magnet guid-
ance. The vehicle is not dependent to any other fixed station or technologies. The vehicle

has data about its own surrounding and it can make conclusion where it can move and
where not. Problems come when the vehicle needs to know where it is located generally
on factory floor. It may move through whole factory and scan the factory’s layout to itself
and then make conclusion where it’s located. Here is when the NN method comes in. [9,

𝑑 =𝑡∗𝑐 (2)

Time of flight (TOF) principle: d = distance, t = time of flight, c = speed of light.

Usually laser sensors are located on top of vehicles when scanning general surroundings.
They can also be located to the corners of a vehicle and near to a floor’s surface so the
vehicle may get readings that are more accurate from its drive path. A laser sensor can
get 360-degree data when the sensor is spinning. Sensor updates every sectors distance
data in every lap. Distance data is continuous when the spinning speed is fast enough. [1]

Navigating with lasers is effective way to get distance data. These day sensors use quite
narrow beam. In need of wider data area, the laser is needed to point in several directions
or need to mount several sensors. Also, when the measuring distance crows the accuracy
error increases.

A measuring with a laser sensor is accurate and fast. The accuracy of measurement suffer
when a measurement point is getting further so the laser measurement is most efficient
when measuring close distance. When a laser is used public or general territorie (for ex-
ample indoors), the laser power is needed kept low. [9-11]

One commercial laser scanner product is a light detection and ranging sensor (LIDAR).
The LIDAR is sensor that includes a laser diode, a laser receiver and a scanning mecha-
nism. It is usually mounted on top or in skirt of a vehicles and it is scanning certain sector
or 360 degrees with rotating prism. It measures distances from only the specific sector by
using TOF principle.

Figure 9: Sick 2D LIDAR sensors


3.5.2 Visual recognition

A visual recognition is based in computer vision and analysing camera footage. This po-
sitioning method is basically natural navigation with camera view. Land marks and ref-
erence points are as important as in other natural navigation styles.

There are several ways to process image in visual navigation, but one way is to compare
already known CAD (Computer-aided design) models to the navigation footage. In this
process a system has a library of already known objects that a vehicle may face during its
drive. Continuously the AGV scans surroundings with camera. When vehicle gets match-
ing result between a CAD library model and the camera footage it may use the CAD
model as map. Vehicle can recognize possible locations through the CAD model and steer
its own movement to possible routes without hitting obstacles found in the model. Same
time, when the AGV recognises the matching result that might be a marker point in a
map. Then the AGV can locate its position from a ready map. This is also based more on
map based navigation. [12, 13]

Figure 10: Visual navigation footage process [12]


The visual recognition is used more in mobile robot applications that may move more in
quickly changing terrains and also then when the robot needs more freedom from sur-
roundings. Still the technique used in figure 6 is dependent of scale of the CAD library
and a long analysing slows down whole the positioning and the navigation process. [12]

Visual navigation becomes very handy when robot needs more freedom from the naviga-
tion systems and same time becomes more autonomous. Navigation’s accuracy is not in
the same level than with the laser sensors. Moving in open halls with visual navigation
works well, but when needed bigger accuracy system needs more sensors than the camera
footage. For example, situation when autonomous vehicle needs to get on some object
from loading station. Then it may approach the station with visual information, but in
connecting to the station the vehicle needs more accurate sensors like wire or magnet spot
guidance. Also visual navigation system is affordable to install and it is not affected by
factory layout changes making it flexible system.

3.6 General view

Previous positioning methods were only some of these days’ methods that is used to get
positioning data for autonomous vehicles like AGVs and mobile robots. In this chapter,
this paper evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the technologies. However, some of the
methods can’t be compared with each other because their goal of measurement can be
different. Beside these methods there are more different technologies used in positioning
like Bluetooth and Global Positioning system (GPS) that uses public satellites. In table 1
is gathered data from chapters 4 methods. In the table symbols are H = high and L = low.
A coverage gives perspective of the area that method can cover in use.

Cost in
Technology Accuracy maintain Coverage Strengths Weaknesses

Not transforma-
1-10cm H L Building High precision ble, Only path

High precision,
Spot Guid- - H L Building High cost
Modular routes

Natural navi-
(1cm- Sensitive to other
gation with la- L L - High precision
5cm) reflections
ser sensors

Natural navi-
gation with L L - Low cost Sensitive to light
visual sensors

UWB 15 cm H H Building High precision High cost

RFID 1-5 m H L Low cost Low precision

Table 1: Positioning technologies’ and methods’ strengths and weaknesses


In accuracy methods give difference between the measured distance and the exact posi-
tion. In accuracy best performance gives the inductive, the magnet and the natural navi-
gation with laser sensors. The accuracy information changes between different applica-
tions in magnet spot guidance. In the magnet spot guidance the accuracy is effected by
components used in the application and the reading height shown in figure 3.

The natural navigation with laser sensors and visual sensors is best in install and usage
prices. These methods have hard time to work autonomously by itself but still doable. In
coverage best is to head positioning method for whole building. The natural navigation
with laser sensors and visual sensors are not dependent on fixed stations, so the coverage
does not affect them.

Here these technologies and methods can be roughly spliced in two. Methods that guide
vehicle only to stay on route and methods that give you data of vehicles location. Induc-
tive wire and magnet spot guidance goes to the first part and almost rest of the methods
to the second part. Still total autonomous vehicles need both sides to work. Some second
part methods can do all for moving autonomously but still some methods can complete
same tasks better and more accurate.

Every method has its own strengths, but also some weaknesses. If the technologies are
used in areas where they are good at and that way vehicles’ positioning and navigating
could be optimized with several technologies. For example, an AGV may use the UWB
for general positioning with already installed map and still use natural navigation with
lasers to do re-mapping and object avoidance.



Heavy-duty vehicles can be working in indoors, outdoors or both. They are normally cat-
egorized as heavy-duty when they need to lift or transport bigger objects than normal
vehicles should. For example, chapter’s 2.2 container trucks are classed as heavy-duty

When there is needed bigger forces a structure of the vehicles becomes bigger and move-
ment speeds drop significantly. Big forces require more power from the system and then
the system becomes slower. Even if the speeds could get faster, it is kept down for safety
reasons. In indoors the vehicles size is tried keep in minimum and action speeds of the
vehicles fast as possible but still inside safety limits. Movable objects and the vehicles
size and weights put limits for the action speeds.

This chapter looks into few commercial applications that are more or less classified as
heavy-duty vehicles and more or less autonomous their own way. Same time this part will
handle positioning technologies that are used in the applications.

4.1 Commercial applications

Figure 11: KUKA OmniMove [20]

First applications are a KUKA’s OmniMove models. They are classified as mobile plat-
forms and the strongest model can lift weight up to 90 tons. The OmniMove is powered
by electric batteries and it moves with Mecanum wheels, even if the name is OmniMove.
The Mecanum wheels give to the vehicle 360-degree freedom of movement just by chang-
ing a turning speed comparing to other wheels. The vehicle can also move to any direction

in any position compared to the direction of the movement. The movement is called
Omni-directional movement. The OmniMove can be connected to other OmniMove mo-
bile platforms forming one bigger platform, so they can lift heavier and larger objects.
For example, three OmniMoves connected together can lift Falcon 2000 airplane shell. A
fleet management controls multi AGV platforms tasks and takes care of multi-platform
connections. When the AGV platforms are connected together, there is an one master
platform and the rest of the platforms are the master platform’s units. The master platform
gets tasks and does actions. The unit platforms act as part of the master platform. [20,21]

The second application that this part looks into is Omron’s LD mobile robots. They are
not classified as heavy-duty vehicle, because the maximum load is only up to 130 kg with
the strongest model LD130-CT, same time the maximum speed drops from the fastest
model LD-60 1.8 m/s to 0.8 m/s with the LD130-CT. They are medium sized indoor
robots and manly programmed to transfer unique carts by lifting the carts from bottom.
The robots use roof as lifting surface. They move by six wheels, two of them control
speed and direction and rest of them carries the weight. [22]

Figure 12: Omron LD-60/90 (left), Scheuerle 6 line SPMT (right) [23,24]

The third application is Scheuerle’s Self-Propelled Modular Transporter (SPMT). The

SPMT is classified as heavy-duty vehicle with 216 tons pay load in 6 line SPMT model.
The SPMT can have from four to six lines of wheel pairs. Each wheel pair can be con-
trolled independently and that gives a possibility to move any direction with any position
compared to the direction of the movement like in the OmniMove application. All models
are meant to be used at outdoor locations, but doesn’t take away possibility to use in
indoors. SPMT models are classified as mobile platforms that mainly transfer object on
top of them, but same time they are also only 1.5 m tall. These platforms are mainly meant
to carry big objects as large ship bodies. This is why the SPMT is only partly autonomous
and it does not use any positioning methods. The SPMT is meant to move so large objects,
there is no need to make it totally autonomous. [25]

Figure 13: Solving Film Mover carrying 100T transformer [26]

Next applications are Solving’s AGV fork lifters, wheeled movers and air film movers.
Both movers are mobile platforms. The fork lift has ability to 160 tons lift force and it is
meant to do recurrent tasks and therefore it is totally autonomous. Wheeled mover moves
with wheels and has ability to 100 tons lift force. The wheeled movers and the film mov-
ers are classified as mobile platforms. The film mover gets speed and direction from con-
trol wheels, but lift force from air pillow with compressed air. The film mover has lift
force up to 300 tons and it is only 40-50 cm tall platform. The film mover control wheels
also turn 360 degrees and gives to the mover same freedom of movement as the Omni-
Move platform has. [27]

Figure 14: Solving Fork lift AGV [27]


4.2 Applications’ sensors and positioning

From application that chapter 4.1 introduced, there is only few that are fully autonomous.
They are Omron’s LD, Solving’s AGV fork lift and Kuka’s OmniMove. Partly autono-
mous are Scheuerle’s SPMT and Solving’s wheeled movers. This part will handle the
applications’ sensors and their positioning methods.

The Solving’s film mover is only classified as a heavy-duty vehicle and works with a
remote controller, however the film mover has good possibilities to become a totally au-
tonomous vehicle. The only problem with the film mover is that the film mover gets its
compressed air from general compressed air network and needs to be connected to the
compressed air network while lifting objects and while moving the objects. The problem
could be solved with an integrated compressor, but the size of the compressor would not
be handy compared the size of the film mover. [27]

Omron’s LD mobile robots use mainly laser sensors in its front and sides. The side sensors
scan also the rear areas of the robot. Also for scanning the rear area the LD uses a sonar
radar. All these sensors collect mainly distance data from surroundings and detect obsta-
cles. With lasers the LD creates its own map using NN method. There is also a possibility
to apply complete map to the higher control system (like the fleet management system).
The LD uses also the patented Acuity method with a light sensor. In the Acuity method,
the system detects and creates map from lights at the ceiling and compares the light map
to the created or already given floor map. This helps the LD to move across open areas
when there is no possibility to get distance data from surrounding objects. The LD mobile
robot has also an option to use inductive guidance with magnetic tape. [22]

The Kuka’s OmniMove uses a Kuka’s own navigation solution. This solutions uses
mainly laser sensors (like in figure 9) for scanning surroundings and a wheel encoder to
measure the Mecanum wheels rotation speeds and directions. The laser sensors are lo-
cated close to floor level so they can notice low obstacles. The navigation solution is
based on NN method and it gathers a distance data from laser sensors. The laser sensors
supports also a collision avoidance and a collision free path planning. Kuka’s navigation
solution supports alternative route planning when a main planned route is not available.
Kuka claims that the OmniMove has a positioning accuracy up to +/- 1mm. [19]

A fleet management is so called a higher system when a factory or a warehouse needs to

control several AGVs simultaneously. The fleet management system takes care of for
example factories’ a traffic control, a collision notifications, alternative path planning,
mapping, a task delegation and so one. The system controls also multi AGV tasks where
several AGVs are used to do one task simultaneously as one AGV where several vehicles

are connected together or separately moving as one formation. The positioning and navi-
gation systems importance rises up, when AGVs are performing one task in formation.

The companies as Kuka and Omron provide a fleet management system to their AGV
applications. The OmniMove and Scheuerle’s SPMT supports the multi-platform tasks
where several units are connected together. For example in this way Scheuerle SPMT
fleet is used to transport full size ship frames.


In this chapter I will handle the positioning technologies that are introduced in chapter 4.
The goal is to get conclusion that what a technology/technologies would be best to apply
in autonomous indoor heavy-duty vehicle. I’m going to go through some situations that
AGVs could face when they are operating tasks on a factory or a warehouse floor. I base
my opinions on previous chapters in this thesis. In cart 2 markings mean: x = can perform
in the situation, -/- = can perform somehow in the situation, - = can’t perform in the

Positioning technologies/methods

Fixed technologies

NN with laser/optical Inductive/magnetic

Situation UWB RFID
sensors guidance

Factory floor lay-

X X - -/-
out changes

Collision avoid-
x - - -

Open floor man-

- -/- x x

Variety of tasks X X - -

Frequency of
same tasks

- X - -
between AGV

Table 2: Positioning technologies’ and methods’ performances in different types of


First I will look into situation where a factory’s floor’s layout changes and how the posi-
tioning technologies can handle them. The layout changes are made when a factory needs
to apply a new work station and a new machines. This won’t happen every week, but

when it does the positioning method in use needs to adjust to the change. Some methods
won’t adjust as easily as others. Guidance methods as an inductive guidance, a magnet
spot and a RFID positioning are based on fixed hardware. Layout changes comes expen-
sive on these methods, when same time the hardware needs to be also modified. In the
magnet spot positioning, magnets are mounted in a floor and in the inductive guidance
has a metal wire mounted in the floor. The inductive guidance can be implemented with
magnetic tape, then the layout change is easier. Also the RFID route modifications are
easier when RFID tags are small and easily removable. An ultra-wideband method is at-
tached on its beacons. So the UWB’s routes are as easy modified as a movement of the
beacons. A natural navigation with laser or optical sensors is not attached to any fixed
station, so the NN method is not affected at all of the floor layout changes. Although the
floor layout change will affect the NN’s route control.

Maybe the most important situation as a safety feature is a collision avoidance. Every
automated vehicle should have this feature. Without this an AGV should not be moving
autonomously. In table 2, only the NN method with laser or optical sensors has total col-
lision avoidance. A laser and optical sensor get accurate measurement data from sur-
roundings that an AGV can detect incoming obstacles and humans. Every other method
in table 2 needs to be applied some a collision avoidance technology to be used total
autonomous vehicle in a factory or a warehouse environment. A good collision avoidance
can be implemented with separate laser sensors, sonar sensors or an optical recognition.

Next I’m going to look into is open floor management. When an AGV needs to cross
large surface like an open factory floor or an open spaced warehouse floor, this tests the
AGV’s positioning methods. When the area is wide enough and doesn’t have any fixed
objects like walls, the NN might lost its track of position. The NN’s laser measure and
optical recognition methods might not get any position data. The laser sensors measure-
ment have distance limit and the measurement is as imprecise as further it needs to meas-
ure. Same is with the optical recognition. The cameras might not recognize objects too
far away. So the NN is vulnerable in open spaces. The UWB can manage open spaces but
it suffers also from the distance. The distance makes the UWB’s connection worse, but
that’s why UWB beacons are planted to several places to cover areas that might have bad
connection. Then there is the inductive guidance, the magnet spot and the RFID position-
ing. They are not affected by open areas, because the fixed hardware is also mounted on
the open areas.

Next I’ll look into a variety of tasks. I see that performing tasks should not depend on the
positioning method. So how many different types’ of tasks AGV could perform with these
positioning methods? Here I mean by variety that how complex routes and route changes
can be performed with a used positioning method. This then means that how flexible the
method is. Here table’s 2 fixed technologies can’t compete to the NN and the UWB. The
fixed technologies may have variety routes built for performing different tasks, but still
the possibilities are limited. The NN and UWB methods are more flexible than the fixed

technologies. The NN and UWB can handle as many different tasks as a higher system
can create routes.

Then there is frequency of the tasks. This is meant to show that how well the technologies
can perform repeated tasks. All methods can manage to do this, but the fixed methods are
the best of doing this. When an AGV is doing a same task multiple times, it is using same
routes every time. Then there is no matter, that is the technology movable or not. Still
same time the NN and the UWB methods can perform here as fine as the fixed methods.

Next is a communication between other AGVs. When a factory floor or a warehouse floor
is filled with AGVs it’s good to have them to communicate with each other, just to avoid
collisions and manage optimal path planning. Every handled method can perform this
trough higher system, but here only the UWB has possibility to communicate with other
UWB AGVs. UWB AGVs may get other AGVs’ a position data through the UWB sig-

After this evaluation I would say that mainly the NN with laser sensors is now the best
method to apply to automated heavy-duty vehicles. It has some weak points, but those
can be fixed with other technology. When picking just one positioning method, I would
choose the NN. Best example from this is chapters 4.1 the Kuka’s OmniMove that navi-
gates with the natural navigation and uses LIDAR laser sensors. Like told the NN makes
own map and navigates through it. If the environment is already known, I would prefer
that already made map is given to a NN AGV and the AGV would make changes to the
map when it detects changes in it.

For example we have an autonomous heavy-duty platform, that does only lifting and
moving objects. It would use mainly the natural navigation with LIDAR sensors. It would
needs to communicate with other heavy-duty platform AGVs, so it would also have UWB
tags to communicate with other vehicles and same time to support positioning data as
back up. A back up UWB positioning technology would need separate fixed hardware.
When the heavy-duty platform AGV needs to cross an open factory floor, the NN and the
UWB might not to manage the crossing. Then to the AGV could be applied own method
just for the crossing the open areas. The method could be one of the tables 5 fixed meth-

In the big picture some of these days indoor positioning methods can handle AGV’s po-
sitioning by themselves, but some of them need other technologies beside them to do the
task. In the future the positioning methods will become more independent from the sur-
roundings and they won’t need any fixed hardware. Same time it makes from the AGV
more independent and autonomous. This takes the AGVs closer to humans’ positioning
methods and beyond that.


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