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Geology Module 2 Reviewer

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Core, mantle, and crust are divisions based on composition.

 Crust- less than 1% of Earth; Consisting of oceanic crust and continental crust is often
more felsic rock.
 Mantle- about 68% of Earth; hot
 Core- 31% of Earth; mostly iron metal.

Lithosphere and asthenosphere are divisions based on mechanical properties.

Lithosphere- is composed of both the crust and the portion of the upper mantle that behaves as a
brittle, rigid solid.
Asthenosphere- is partially molten upper mantle material that behaves plastically and can flow.
Earth’s outer surface is its CRUST; a cold, thin, brittle outer shell made of rock.
Two very different types of crust:
Oceanic crust- is composed of magma that erupts on the seafloor to create basalt lava flows or
cools deeper down to create the intrusive igneous rock gabbro. Sediments, primarily muds and
the shells of tiny sea creatures, coat the seafloor. Sediment is thickest near the shore where it
comes off the continents in rivers and on wind currents.
Continental crust- is made up of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
- The average composition is granite, which is much less dense than the mafic
igneous rocks of the oceanic crust.
- Because it is thick and has relatively low density, continental crust rises
higher on the mantle than oceanic crust, which sinks into the mantle to form
- When filled with water, these basins form the planet’s oceans.
- The lithosphere is the outermost mechanical layer, which behaves as a brittle,
rigid solid.
- The lithosphere is about 100 kilometers thick.
- The definition of the lithosphere is based on how earth materials behave, so it
includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, which are both brittle. Since it is
rigid and brittle, when stresses act on the lithosphere, it breaks. This is what
we experience as an earthquake.

Mantle- (1) it is made of solid rock, and (2) it is hot.
- Scientists know that the mantle is made of rock based on evidence from
seismic waves, heat flow, and meteorites.
- The properties fit the ultramafic rock peridotite, which is made of the iron-
and magnesium-rich silicate minerals.
- Peridotite is rarely found at Earth’s surface.
- Scientists know that the mantle is extremely hot because of the heat flowing
outward from it and because of its physical properties.
- Heat flows in two different ways within the Earth: conduction and convection.
- Conduction is defined as the heat transfer that occurs through rapid collisions
of atoms, which can only happen if the material is solid. Heat flows from
warmer to cooler places until all are the same temperature. The mantle is hot
mostly because of heat conducted from the core.
Convection- is the process of a material that can move and flow may develop convection
- Convection in the mantle is the same as convection in a pot of water on a
stove. Convection currents within Earth’s mantle form as material near the
core heats up. As the core heats the bottom layer of mantle material, particles
move more rapidly, decreasing its density and causing it to rise. The rising
material begins the convection current. When the warm material reaches the
surface, it spreads horizontally. The material cools because it is no longer near
the core. It eventually becomes cool and dense enough to sink back down into
the mantle. At the bottom of the mantle, the material travels horizontally and
is heated by the core. It reaches the location where warm mantle material
rises, and the mantle convection cell is complete.

The Core At the planet’s center lies a dense metallic core.
- Scientists know that the core is metal for a few reasons. The density of Earth’s
surface layers is much less than the overall density of the planet, as calculated
from the planet’s rotation. If the surface layers are less dense than average,
then the interior must be denser than average. Calculations indicate that the
core is about 85 percent iron metal with nickel metal making up much of the
remaining 15 percent. Also, metallic meteorites are thought to be
representative of the core. If Earth’s core were not metal, the planet would not
have a magnetic field. Metals such as iron are magnetic, but rock, which
makes up the mantle and crust, is not. Scientists know that the OUTER CORE
IS LIQUID and the INNER CORE IS SOLID because S-waves stop at the
inner core. The strong magnetic field is caused by convection in the liquid
outer core. Convection currents in the outer core are due to heat from the even
hotter inner core. The heat that keeps the outer core from solidifying is
produced by the breakdown of radioactive elements in the inner core.
Alfred Wegener- continental drift hypothesis was developed in the early part of the 20th century
- Wegener said that continents move around on Earth’s surface and that they
were once joined together as a single supercontinent.
- That’s the true size and shape of a continent and many can be pieced together
like a puzzle. The easiest link is between the eastern Americas and western
Africa and Europe, but the rest can fit together too
- He proposed that the continents were once united into a single supercontinent
named PANGAEA, meaning all earth in ancient Greek. He suggested that
Pangaea broke up long ago and that the continents then moved to their current
- He called his hypothesis CONTINENTAL DRIFT.
Evidence for Continental Drift
 Identical rocks of the same type and age are found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Mountain ranges with the same rock types, structures, and ages are now on opposite sides
of the Atlantic Ocean.
 Ancient fossils of the same species of extinct plants and animals are found in rocks of the
same age but are on continents that are now widely separated He suggested that the
organisms would not have been able to travel across the oceans.
 FOR EXAMPLE, the fossils of the seed fern Glossopteris were too heavy to be carried so
far by wind.
 The reptile Mesosaurus could only swim in fresh water. was a swimming reptile but
could only swim in fresh water.
 Cynognathus and Lystrosaurus were land reptiles and were unable to swim.
 Grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers are found today on different continents
very close to the equator. This would indicate that the glaciers either formed in the
middle of the ocean and/or covered most of the Earth. Today glaciers only form on land
and nearer the poles. Wegener thought that the glaciers were centered over the southern
land mass close to the South Pole and the continents moved to their present positions
later on. Coral reefs and coal-forming swamps are found in tropical and subtropical
environments, but ancient coal seams and coral reefs are found in locations where it is
much too cold today. Wegener suggested that these creatures were alive in warm climate
zones and that the fossils and coal later had drifted to new locations on the continents.
Although Wegener’s evidence was sound, most geologists at the time rejected his
hypothesis of continental drift. Scientists argued that there was no way to explain how
solid continents could plow through solid oceanic crust. Wegener’s idea was nearly
forgotten until technological advances presented even more evidence that the continents
moved and gave scientists the tools to develop a mechanism for Wegener’s drifting
Magnetic Polarity on the Same Continent with Rocks of Different Ages
Puzzling new evidence came in the 1950s from studies on the Earth’s magnetic history.
Scientists used magnetometers, devices capable of measuring the magnetic field intensity, to
look at the magnetic properties of rocks in many locations. Geologists noted important things
about the magnetic polarity of different aged rocks on the same continent. Magnetite crystals in
fresh volcanic rocks point to the current magnetic north pole no matter what continent or where
on the continent the rocks are located. Older rocks that are the same age and are located on the
same continent point to the same location, but that location is not the current north magnetic
pole. Older rock that are of different ages do not point to the same locations or to the current
magnetic north pole. In other words, although the magnetite crystals were pointing to the
magnetic north pole, the location of the pole seemed to wander. Scientists were amazed to find
that the north magnetic pole changed location through time. There are three possible
explanations for this: 1) The continents remained fixed and the north magnetic pole moved. 2)
The north magnetic pole stood still and the continents moved, or 3) both the continents and the
north pole moved.

Magnetic Polarity on Different Continents with Rocks of the Same Age

Geologists noted that for rocks of the same age but on different continents, the little magnets
pointed to different magnetic north poles. For example, 400-million-year-old magnetite in
Europe pointed to a different north magnetic pole than the same-aged magnetite in North
America. Around 250 million years ago, the north poles were also different for the two
continents. The scientists looked again at the three possible explanations. Only one can be
correct. If the continents had remained fixed while the north magnetic pole moved, there must
have been two separate north poles. Since there is only one north pole today, the only reasonable
explanation is that the north magnetic pole has remained fixed but that the continents have
moved. To test this, geologists fitted the continents together as Wegener had done and behold, it
worked. There has only been one magnetic north pole and the continents have drifted. They
named the phenomenon of the magnetic pole that seemed to move but actually did not apparent
polar wander. This evidence for continental drift gave geologists renewed interest in
understanding how continents could move about on the planet’s surface.
Seafloor Spreading Hypothesis
Scientists brought these observations together in the early 1960s to create the seafloor spreading
hypothesis. In this hypothesis, hot buoyant mantle rises up a mid-ocean ridge, causing the ridge
to rise upward. The hot magma at the ridge erupts as lava that forms new seafloor. When the lava
cools, the magnetite crystals take on the current magnetic polarity and as more lava erupts, it
pushes the seafloor horizontally away from ridge axis. The magnetic stripes continue across the
seafloor. As oceanic crust forms and spreads, moving away from the ridge crest, it pushes the
continent away from the ridge axis. If the oceanic crust reaches a deep sea trench, it sinks into
the trench and is lost into the mantle. Scientists now know that the oldest crust is coldest and lies
deepest in the ocean because it is less buoyant than the hot new crust. Seafloor spreading is the
mechanism for Wegener’s drifting continents. Convection currents within the mantle take the
continents on a conveyor-belt ride of oceanic crust that over millions of years takes them around
the planet’s surface.
When the concept of seafloor spreading came along, scientists recognized that it was the
mechanism to explain how continents could move around Earth’s surface. Scientific data and
observation now allows us to merge the ideas of continental drift and seafloor spreading into the
theory of plate tectonics. Seafloor and continents move around on Earth’s surface, but what is
actually moving? What portion of the Earth makes up the “plates” in plate tectonics? This
question was also answered because of technology developed during the Cold War. The plates
are made up of the lithosphere. During the 1950s and early 1960s, scientists set up seismograph
networks to see if enemy nations were testing atomic bombs. These seismographs also recorded
all of the earthquakes around the planet. The seismic records could be used to locate an
earthquake’s epicenter, the point on Earth’s surface directly above the place where the
earthquake occurs. Earthquake epicenters outline these tectonic plates. Mid-ocean ridges,
trenches, and large faults mark the edges of these plates along with where earthquakes occur.
The lithosphere is divided into a dozen major and several minor plates. The plates’ edges can be
drawn by connecting the dots that mark earthquakes’ epicenters. A single plate can be made of
all oceanic lithosphere or all continental lithosphere, but nearly all plates are made of a
combination of both. Movement of the plates over Earth’s surface is termed plate tectonics.
Plates move at a rate of a few centimeters a year, about the same rate fingernails grow.

How Plates Move

If seafloor spreading drives the plates, what drives seafloor spreading? Picture two convection
cells side-byside in the mantle. Hot mantle from the two adjacent cells rises at the ridge axis,
creating new ocean crust. The top limb of the convection cell moves horizontally away from the
ridge crest, as does the new seafloor. The outer limbs of the convection cells plunge down into
the deeper mantle, dragging oceanic crust as well. This takes place at the deep sea trenches. The
material sinks to the core and moves horizontally. The material heats up and reaches the zone
where it rises again.

• Plate boundaries are the edges where two plates meet. Most geologic activities, including
volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountain building, take place at plate boundaries

• Divergent plate boundaries: the two plates move away from each other.
• Convergent plate boundaries: the two plates move towards each other.
• Transform plate boundaries: the two plates slip past each other.
Divergent Plate Boundaries Plates
- move apart at mid-ocean ridges where new seafloor forms.
- Between the two plates is a rift valley.
- Lava flows at the surface cool rapidly to become basalt, but deeper in the crust, magma
cools more slowly to form gabbro. So, the entire ridge system is made up of igneous rock that is
either extrusive or intrusive. Earthquakes are common at mid-ocean ridges since the movement
of magma and oceanic crust results in crustal shaking. The vast majority of mid-ocean ridges are
located deep below the sea.

Convergent Plate Boundaries

When two plates converge, the result depends on the type of lithosphere the plates are made of.
No matter what, smashing two enormous slabs of lithosphere together results in the creation of
magma and earthquakes.
• Ocean-to-continent convergence occurs when oceanic crust converges with
continental crust, forcing the denser oceanic plate to plunge beneath the continental plate.
This process called subduction, occurs along oceanic trenches called subduction zones
where lots of intense earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can occur.
• Oceanic-to-oceanic plate boundary occurs when two oceanic plates converge, causing
the older, denser plate will subduct into the mantle.
-An ocean trench marks the location where the plate is pushed down into the
-The line of volcanoes that grows on the upper oceanic plate is an island arc.
-The Ring of Fire is a ring around the Pacific Ocean of subduction zones, which
most are oceanic-to-oceanic convergence.
• Continental-to-continental convergence- When two continental plates converge,
instead of subduction, the two similar tectonic plates will buckle up to create large
mountain ranges like a massive car pile-up. This is called continental-to-continental
convergence, and geologically creates intense folding and faulting rather than volcanic
activity. Examples of mountain ranges created by this process are the Himalayan
mountains as India is colliding with Asia, the Alps in Europe, and the Appalacian
mountains in the United States as the North American plate collided with the African
plate when Pangea was forming.

Transform Plate Boundaries

occur when two tectonic plates slide (or grind) past parallel to each other. The most
famous transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault where the Pacific plate that Los
Angeles and Hawaii are on is grinding past the North American plate that San Francisco
and the rest of the United States is on at the rate of 3 inches a year. Recently, geologists
have stated that San Francisco should expect another disastrous earthquake in the next 30
years. Another important transform boundary is the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey.
This powerful fault last ruptured in 1999 in Izmit, Turkey which killed 17,000 people in
48 seconds.
Intraplate Boundaries
A small amount of geologic activity, known as intraplate activity, does not take place at
plate boundaries but within a plate instead. Mantle plumes are pipes of hot rock that rise
through the mantle. The release of pressure causes melting near the surface to form a
hotspot. Eruptions at the hotspot create a volcano. Hotspot volcanoes are found in a line.
Geologists use some hotspot chains to tell the direction and the speed a plate is moving.
Hotspot magmas rarely penetrate through thick continental crust.

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