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Review 1

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Date of preparation:

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge
+To help the students review some grammatical points they have learnt in topic 1 and 2 so that they do the
first test well.
- Skills
Help SS to develop listening and reading skills beside speaking and writing skills
- Attitude
+ Educate in students the great passion for studying English..
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
After the lesson, SS have a chance to develop their problem solving and communication competency,
they also develop the skill of collaboration.
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1.On the teacher’s part: textbooks, posters, pictures,
2.On the students’ part: Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school
III. Teaching procedures
1.Stabilization (2 ms)
2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up: none because the lesson is long.
3.lassroom activities
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products &
activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to think - Quickly writing an exercise on blackboard Products of Ss may be
of the tenses they I. MATCHING - COMPOUND NOUNS 1g,2a,3h,4b,5d, 6c,7l,8k,9e,10f,
have learned 11j,12n, 13m, 14i

1. financial a. family
2. nuclear b. family
3. junk c. gap
4. extended d. activity
5. extracurricular e. name
6. generation f. care
7. foot g. burden
8. hair h. food
9. brand i. drink
10. child j. manners
11. table k. style (n)
12. house l. step
13. school m. children
14. soft
n. hold
ACTIVITY 1: . Listen and talk
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to -Helps the students to master the knowledge + Ss can remind the form and uses
review the tenses they learned last year by eliciting them some of the grammar points they have
main ideas. learned.
-Content: modal verbs, linking verb, cleft + Ss are assessed through their
sentences presentation.
ACTIVITY 1: 1. Choose one of the two bold words which best completes the sentences :(17 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to do the - Techniques: pair work + Ss can do the exercises well
exercises - Content: + Assessment can be made
Choose one of the two bold words which best through Ss’ answers.
completes the sentences Products of Ss may be
1. It's cold. You should/shouldn't turn on the 1. Shoudn’t
fan. 2. Ought to
2. You ought not to/ought to do homework 3. Should
before you go out with your friends. 4. Mustn’t
3. You should/shouldn't eat plenty of fruit or 5. Ought to
vegetables every day in order to keep healthy. 6. Must
4. You must/mustn't eat in the class. 7. Must
5. You ought to/ought not to drink a lot of 8. Don’t have to
water every day. 9. Mustn’t
6. I must/have to submit my homework before 10. Don’t have to
12 o'clock because the deadline is 12 o'clock.
7. I must/have to stay at home to take care of
my children.
8. My friend says: "You don't have
to/mustn't drink champagne. You can have a
coke or fruit juice instead.
9. You don't have to/mustn't drink if you're
going to drive afterwards.
10. You don't have to/mustn't pick up Tom at
the airport because Judy will pick him up.

ACTIVITY 2: Rewrite each sentence with the word in brackets to emphasize the underlined part. (10ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to do the - Techniques: pair work + Ss can do the exercises well
exercises - Content: + Assessment can be made
Rewrite each sentence with the word in through Ss’ answers.
brackets to emphasize the underlined part. Products of Ss may be
1. We had a wonderful party in the garden. 1. It was in the garden that
(that) we had a wonderful party.
2. Mary is very depressed about the result of 2. It is Mary who is very
the examination. (who) depressed about the result of the
3. The boys play football in the examination.
schoolyard every afternoon. (that) 3. It is every afternoon that
4. The poor girl won first prize in the singing the boys play football in the
competition. (that) schoolyard .
5. My friend gave me a present at my birthday 4. It was first price that The
party. (that) poor girl won first prize in the
Rewrite each sentence using the word(s) in singing competition.
the brackets, without changing its meaning. 5. It was at the party that my
1. If I were you, I would spend more time friend gave me a present
talking with my children. (should)
2. John doesn't get permission to use that 1.You should spend more time
computer. (mustn't) talking with your children.
John 2.John mustn’t use that computer.
3. It is necessary that people who work here 3.People who work here must
leave by 6 p.m. (must) leave by 6 p.m.
People 4Every staff mustn't smoke or eat
4. Every staff isn't allowed to smoke or eat in in the office.
the office. (mustn't) 5.Customers ought to check their
Every staff luggage before leaving the
5. Customers are advised to check their airport.
luggage before leaving the airport. (ought to)


ACTIVITY 1: Make conversation about generation gap and give advice by using modal verbs (6ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to talk -Techniques: Group work, instruction, + Their talk about the school year
about the new modeling day
school year day. + Ss are assessed through their
E. HOMEWORK ( 5 ms)
- Prepare the new lesson: test 01
Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
1. Knowledge
1. I live in a/an ____ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area.
A. extended family B. nuclear family
C. extended house D. nuclear house
2. 12. I’m responsible for cooking dinner as my mother usually works ____.
A. lately B. early C. later D. late
3. Comprehension
4. What's the matter? You look ____.
A. happily B. sadly C. unhappy D. unhappily
5. You seem more ____ now.
A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing D. relaxingly
6. Low application
7. Many parents are worried that their children will get involved ____ a romantic relationship in their
teenage years.
A. for B. in C. on D. with
8. Some people are meant to fall in love ____ each other but not meant to be together.
A. for B. in C. on D. with
9. High application
10. Due to financial conflict over years, they decided to get ____.
A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed
11. Many husbands and wives can't remember why they ever got ____ in the first place because they no
longer have anything in common.
A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed

Date of preparation:

I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude
- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ revise what they have learned in the topics 2, 3,4
Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “The generation gap”, “Relationships”, and “Becoming
Grammar/structure: grammar of 3 topics
+ practice more about reading, speaking, listening and writing skill
- Skills:
+ Help Ss to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
- Attitude:
+ To encourage Ss to work harder
+ To provide Ss some motivation
2. Orientation towards students’ competency development
- To promote Ss to develop their basic skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
II. Preparation of teacher and students
1. On the teacher’s part: textbooks, lesson plan, pictures, CD, colored chalk, board,...
2. On the students’ part: textbooks, any words related to the three topics “The generation gap”,
“Relationships”, and “Becoming independent”.
III. Teaching procedures
1. Stabilization (1 m)
Greeting and checking students’ attendance
2. Formerly assigned assignments check-up: none because the lesson is long.
3. Classroom activities

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Help Ss to start Chatting - Ss know how to interact and
the lesson. T asks Ss to name some problems which they revise some points of grammar,
often encounter in their life vocabularies they have learnt.
-T asks some questions:
+ Who do you often share your feeling?
+What should you do when your friends share
their problems?
- Lead in the new lesson


ACTIVITY: Teach new words (3 ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products & assessment
activity students’ learning activities of student work
Teach Ss some Techniques: explanation, example, translation + Ss can use the provided words in
new words. New words: the lesson
+ training course + Assessment of student work can
+ prospect be made through Ss’examples
+ academy
+ intermediate
+ pre – intermediate
+ well- qualified


ACTIVITY 1: Read and complete the text with the words from the box (4ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to review - Technique: explanation, individual work + Ss can understand the
and know more - Content: passage.
new words. 1 . decisions 2. hopefully + Ss are assessed through their
3. unemployment 4. advantage presentation.
5. straight 6. qualifications
7. possibility 8. practical
ACTIVITY 2: Read again and then answer the questions (4 ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss practice - Techniques: explanation, pair - work - Ss can get some ideas about
reading and - Content: the topic.
writing skill. 1 . Around the age of seventeen. - Assessment can be made
2. There is more unemployment. through Ss’ presentation.
3. Getting a job more easily.
4. There are many opportunities for training.

ACTIVITY : Make a conversation about your friend's problem and give them advice. (4ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to - Techniques: pair – work. + Their conversation about their
practice speaking - Content: friend's problem and advice.
skill and know Your friend's problem: + Ss are assessed through their
how to give Getting bad exam results presentation.
advice to Your advice:
someone. - spend less time surfing the Internet for
- spend more time searching information for
- work harder
- ask a teacher for extra tuition

ACTIVITY : Listen to recording about relationship problems between parents and teenage children.
Decide whether the following statements are T or F (4ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
- Help Ss to know - Techniques: individual work. + Their answer.
about relationship - Content: + Ss are assessed through their
problems 1. T, 2. F, 3.T, 4.F, 5.T presentation.
between parents
and teenage
- Practice
speaking skill.

ACTIVITY 1 : Choosing the course (3ms)
Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to start - Techniques: individual work. + Ss have something in mind
the next writing - Content: about the language courses
activity. ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE or + Ss are assessed through their

ACTIVITY 2: Write a letter requesting more information (7ms)

Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for organising Expected products &
activity students’ learning activities assessment of student work
Help Ss to apply - Techniques: individual work. + Their letters
vocabularies and - Content: + Ss are assessed through their
some structures. Sample letter: presentation.
Dear Ms Smith,
I saw your advertisement about the language
courses on your website. I am interested in
learning English, and I am writing to enquire
about the English courses at your centre.
I can read and write in English, but I can't
speak the language very well. If necessary, I
can complete an oral test. I want to improve
my pronunciation, and hope to be able to
practise my English with native speakers.
I would also like to have more information
about the starting date, course duration,
teachers' experience, fees and course
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Thanh Tuyen


ACTIVITY 1: Ask and answer the following questions (5ms)
Lesson content & techniques Expected products &
Aims of the activity for organising students’ assessment of student
learning activities work
- Help Ss to complete the -Techniques: pair-work, + Their talk about their
statements .Make changes instruction, modeling household chores.
to the word form, if - Content: + Ss are assessed through
necessary. Key: their presentation.
1.One disadvantage of 1. extended family            
living in a/an_________is 2. nuclear family              
that grandparents may see 3. break-up; counsellor
things from different 4. depressed
2. Children living with both
parents in a stable_______
tend to be more confident

3. When Laura suffered

a_____________ in her
relationship, she saw
a___________ for advice.
4. When you are_________,
look for something to do.
It’ll help you to forget your

E. HOMEWORK (5 ms)
Questions/ Exercises for testing and assessment follow Competency-based Orientation
1. Knowledge
Choose the best answer:
1. She spent all morning doing _______.
A. housework B. homework C. household chores D. A and C are correct.
2. Generation ____________ is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints
amongst generations living together,
A. distance                B. gap                C. space               D. all are correct
2. Comprehension
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary
stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. campaign B. female C. humour D. partner
2. A. advice B. contact C. mature D. maintain
3. A. favourite B. recommend C. understand D. volunteer
4. A. argument B. counsellor C. reconcile D. romantic
5. A. comfbrtable B. preservative C. relationship D. significant
3. Low application
4. High application
You read an advertisement about short training courses provided by the Centre for Global Citizens.You
are interested in one of the courses. Write a letter to GGC to ask for further information about it.
Further information you may need to know:
Tuition fee / how to pay
The starting date
The levels of the foreign language courses
Lecturers / trainers

Centre for Global Citizens (GGC)

123 Parkview Building, Thuy Khue St., Ba Dinh , Ha Noi
Be prepared for the world out there after leaving school!



Foreign language: English, French, Chinese

Cultures around the world
Life skills: 12 steps to become independent
Logical thinking skills
For more information, write to Ms Jessica Greene, Registration office

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