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CVL282 Reminor

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Date: 08-11-2021
Max. Marks: 30 Time: 17.00 – 18.00 (1hr)
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory;
(ii) Reasonably assume and state any data that are not provided.

Questions 1 – 5 carry 2 marks each

1) It is estimated that the average annual discharge of the river Amazon is about 200,000 m3/s and the
average volume of water in the river is about 1000 km3. What is the average residence time of water
particles in this river?
2) Solar radiation received on earth’s surface is predominantly shortwave. Assuming a cloudless day all
over the earth, draw the plot of average shortwave solar radiation received across latitude (90° N to
90° S) (Latitude in the x-axis and average solar radiation in the y-axis). Explain briefly (1-2
3) Explain the predominant type (mechanism) of precipitation occurring on Western Ghats region? (1-2
4) Draw typical isohyetal maps of region with (a) flat terrain and (b) Hilly terrain. Relate it to raingauge
density requirements.
5) The number of raingauge stations in a drainage basin is 18. The coefficient of variation of the
average annual rainfall measured in these 18 stations is 0.5. The percentage error in the estimation of
the average rainfall in the network is ______________________

Questions 5 – 9 carry 5 marks each

6) A rainfall event occurring over a catchment is recorded using three raingauges B
A, B, and C, located at the vertices of a square catchment (50 km × 50 km) Square
(Gauge locations shown in the figure below). Let the rainfall recorded in these Catchment

gauges are PA, PB and PC respectively. If PA = 100 mm, PB = 80 mm and PC = 50 km × 50 km

50 mm, then estimate the areal average rainfall of the basin, using Theissen
polygon method. What is the error associated with the estimated areal average
rainfall? (5 Marks) A

7) An unsaturated atmospheric column of 100m height and unit square metre area carries precipitable
𝑒𝑠 −𝑒
water of depth 1.5mm. If the vapor pressure deficit expressed in percentage change (i.e., ( ×

100)) is estimated as 20, what is actual temperature of the air column? How much additional
moisture (in mm) need to be imported to make the column saturated? Assume negligible pressure and
temperature variations in the air column (since the height is very small). (5 Marks)

8) Rainfall data of a storm event is recorded using tipping bucket rain-gauge, which records the time it
takes for a specific amount of precipitation (generally 0.25mm). During a storm event, the tipping
times (the accumulated rainfall is equal to 0.25 mm between two consecutive times) were recorded
as shown in the table below. Generate (in tabular form) the rainfall hyetograph (Hint: Assume
uniform intensity between two tipping times and assign a mid-point of the interval). What is the
maximum intensity during this storm event? Using this observed rainfall data, briefly explain how to
create an intensity-duration relationship, for a desired duration of 5 minutes?

Tipping time 58.75 73.50 83.75 92.85 99. 90 106.85 112.75 124.60 141.25

9) An engineer is asked to determine the

design rainfall for a structure that is planned
to be constructed at the outlet of a basin.
The IDF curve, characterized for the basin,
provided to him, is shown here. The
distance to the farthest point of the basin
from the outlet is approximated as 2.4
Kilometers and the average velocity of flow
through the basin is approximated as 2 m/s.
If the risk that can be accounted in the
design is limited to 18.3%, what is the
maximum (design) rainfall intensity (in
inches/hour) to which the structure is to be
designed, if the time period (or life span) under consideration is 10 years?

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