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Chap 1 & 2 Approved Solution

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CSE309 - Lecture 1 & 2 Discussion Ques8ons with Approved


1. What is ethics, and why is it important to act according to a code of ethics?

Ethics , Set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior.

It is important to act according to a code of ethics because
▪ To save people rights
▪ Good ethics means less crime environment
▪ Good ethics means good business and improved profits
▪ Product safe and effec@ve products
2. Why is business ethics becoming increasingly important? List any 3 reasons.

Business ethics is becoming increasingly important in companies because it allows them to

efficiently respond to needs of all stakeholders.
▪ Good ethics means good business/improved profits
▪ Suppliers/business partners place priorityon working with
companies that operate in a fair and ethical manner
▪ To avoid nega@ve publicity

3. What are organiza8ons doing to improve their business ethics? List any two measures.

1-Produce safe and effec@ve products

2-Avoid costly recalls and lawsuits
3-Provide excellent service that retains customers
4-Develop and maintain strong employee rela@ons
5-Suffer lower turnover rates
6-Enjoy beQer employee morale

4. List any 2 characteris8cs of a successful ethics program.

1. Employees willing to seek advice about ethical issues
2. Employees feel prepared to handle situa@ons that could lead to misconduct
3. Employees are rewarded for ethical behavior
4. Employees are not rewarded for success obtained through ques@onable means
5. Employees feel posi@ve about their company

5. Briefly explain 2 differences between bribery and giQ.

Bribery GiS
Is Something of value given with the hope of Is Something of value given without the
a future influence or benefit expecta@on of return
Is given with either an explicit or implied Is given without any expecta@on of return
expecta@on of return that will benefit your and does not benefit your business.
Is the offering, giving, receiving or solici@ng Is something given as a sign of friendship or
something of value for the purpose of apprecia@on.
influencing the ac@ons of an official in the
discharge of his or her public or legal du@es.

6. Professor B frequently cuts ar8cles from newspapers and magazines related to social
issues about compu8ng and posts them on the bulle8n board outside his office. On the
other hand, Professor C has a Webpage for people interested in these issues; he uses an
op8cal scanner to scan the ar8cles. Professor C charges a small fee for use of his Web site.
Most of the ar8cles posted by both Professors B and C are copyrighted; neither of them
asks for permission. Discuss the ac8ons of Professors B and C from a legal viewpoint with
respect to copyright infringement.

The ac@on of professor B from a legal viewpoint may or may not be a case of copyright
infringement. If the ar@cles from newspapers and magazines related to social issues about
compu@ng is used for educa@onal or non-commercial purposes, and he is referencing them
properly, then he may be exempt from infringement.

The ac@on of professor C from a legal viewpoint is a case of copyright since he is taking fee
without the permission of the writers and also the online material spreads more fastly and

7. How do codes of ethics, professional organiza8ons, cer8fica8on, and licensing affect the
ethical behavior of IT professionals?

-Ethical decision making.

-High standards of prac@ce and ethical behavior.
-Trust and respect from general public.
-Evalua@on benchmark for self-assessment.
-Some cer@fica@ons substan@ally improve IT workers’ salaries and career prospects.

8. What is meant by compliance?

Compliance to be in accordance with established policies, guidelines, specifica@ons, and

9. What key characteris8cs dis8nguish a professional from other kinds of workers, and is an
IT worker considered a professional?

▪ Professionals:
– Require advanced training and experience
– Must exercise discre@on and judgment in their work
– Their work cannot be standardized

– Contribute to society, par@cipate in lifelong training, assist other professionals
– Carry special rights and responsibili@es
▪ IT workers do not meet legal defini@on of professional
– Not licensed by state or federal government
– Not liable for malprac@ce

10. What factors are transforming the professional services industry?

▪ Seven forces are changing professional services:

1. Client sophis@ca@on (able to drive hard bargains)
2. Governance (due to major scandals)
3. Connec@vity (instant communica@ons)
4. Transparency (view work-in-progress in real-@me)
5. Modulariza@on (able to outsource modules)
6. Globaliza@on (worldwide sourcing)
7. Commodi@za@on (for low-end services)

11. What rela8onships must an IT worker manage, and what key ethical issues can arise in

IT workers involved in rela@onships with:

– Employers

– Clients

– Suppliers

– Other professionals

– IT users

– Society at large

12. Employers
▪ SoSware piracy
▪ Trade secrets
▪ Whistle-blowing
13. Clients
▪ Creates a conflict of interest
▪ Finger poin@ng and heated discussions can ensue
▪ Fraud
▪ Misrepresenta@on
▪ Breach of contract
14. Suppliers
▪ Bribery
15. Other professionals

▪ Résumé infla@on on 30% of U.S. job applica@ons
▪ Inappropriate sharing of corporate informa@on
16. IT users
▪ Do Not Understand users’ needs and capabili@es
▪ Deliver products and services that do not meet those needs
▪ Establish environment that do not supports ethical behavior
17. Society at large
▪ cause harm through their ac@ons

12. Why are organiza8ons interested in fostering good business ethics?

a. To gain the good will of the community

b. To create an organiza@on that operates consistently
c. To foster good business prac@ces
d. To protect organiza@on/employees from legal ac@on
e. To avoid unfavorable publicity

13. What approach can you take to ensure ethical decision making?
1. Virtue ethics approach
2. U@litarian approach
3. Fairness approach
4. Common good approach

14. What trends have increased the risk of using informa8on technology in an unethical

a. Globaliza@on crea@ng complex work environments

b. Organiza@ons challenged to maintain profits / revenue

c. Heightened vigilance by:

• Employees
• Shareholders
• Regulatory agencies

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