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org/EF Review

Review on Ammonia as a Potential Fuel: From Synthesis to

A. Valera-Medina,* F. Amer-Hatem, A. K. Azad, I. C. Dedoussi, M. de Joannon, R. X. Fernandes,
P. Glarborg, H. Hashemi, X. He, S. Mashruk, J. McGowan, C. Mounaim-Rouselle, A. Ortiz-Prado,
A. Ortiz-Valera, I. Rossetti, B. Shu, M. Yehia, H. Xiao, and M. Costa
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ABSTRACT: Ammonia, a molecule that is gaining more interest as a fueling vector,

has been considered as a candidate to power transport, produce energy, and support
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heating applications for decades. However, the particular characteristics of the molecule
always made it a chemical with low, if any, benefit once compared to conventional fossil
fuels. Still, the current need to decarbonize our economy makes the search of new
methods crucial to use chemicals, such as ammonia, that can be produced and employed
without incurring in the emission of carbon oxides. Therefore, current efforts in this
field are leading scientists, industries, and governments to seriously invest efforts in the
development of holistic solutions capable of making ammonia a viable fuel for the
transition toward a clean future. On that basis, this review has approached the subject
gathering inputs from scientists actively working on the topic. The review starts from
the importance of ammonia as an energy vector, moving through all of the steps in the
production, distribution, utilization, safety, legal considerations, and economic aspects
of the use of such a molecule to support the future energy mix. Fundamentals of
combustion and practical cases for the recovery of energy of ammonia are also addressed, thus providing a complete view of what
potentially could become a vector of crucial importance to the mitigation of carbon emissions. Different from other works, this
review seeks to provide a holistic perspective of ammonia as a chemical that presents benefits and constraints for storing energy from
sustainable sources. State-of-the-art knowledge provided by academics actively engaged with the topic at various fronts also enables a
clear vision of the progress in each of the branches of ammonia as an energy carrier. Further, the fundamental boundaries of the use
of the molecule are expanded to real technical issues for all potential technologies capable of using it for energy purposes, legal
barriers that will be faced to achieve its deployment, safety and environmental considerations that impose a critical aspect for
acceptance and wellbeing, and economic implications for the use of ammonia across all aspects approached for the production and
implementation of this chemical as a fueling source. Herein, this work sets the principles, research, practicalities, and future views of a
transition toward a future where ammonia will be a major energy player.

1. INTRODUCTION commercialized renewable energy technologies across the

Out of all of the different greenhouse gases (GHGs) that world. Wind turbines have become bigger, with taller hub
contribute to climate change, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the GHG heights and larger rotor diameters. Simultaneously, the
causing the largest impact on our climate by creating a dimensions and number of units in offshore facilities keep
greenhouse effect that traps thermal radiation into the Earth’s increasing, with farms, such as Walney Extension (U.K.), that
atmosphere, raising temperatures and promoting effects such as have reached capacities of 659 MW.2 Forecasts predict up to an
ice caps melting with oceans rising, decrease of native vegetation, 8-fold increase in wind power generation over the next 20 years,
and rise in diseases, among many others. Estimates1 show a thus emphasizing the high impact that the technology will have
sharp rise in global temperatures, thus increasing the importance
by then.3 However, management of these large resources is
of technologies that avoid the emission of CO2 and other GHGs.
Studies have projected a global average temperature increase of
approximately 1.0 °C, with a range between 0.8 and 1.2 °C, Special Issue: In Memory of Mario Costa
leading to 1.5 °C if emissions continue to raise by 2050, a Received: November 2, 2020
situation that is highly possible. Revised: January 24, 2021
In terms of energy generation, wind, solar, and marine Published: February 28, 2021
technologies are the focus of research, development, and
implementation. Wind energy, in particular, is one of the most

© 2021 American Chemical Society

6964 Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Figure 1. Comparison between different energy storage technologies. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 11. Copyright 2020

critical to improve profitability while supporting the grid with aerospace applications for auxiliary power during emergency
zero-carbon energy in the long term. situations.8
Similar to wind energy, solar energy has also gained extensive Hydrogen, the most common molecule in the universe, is
attention worldwide. Solar energy has become a paramount currently under assessment everywhere. Numerous paths for its
energy source for the development of renewable energy systems. production, distribution, and consumption present a complex
Solar photovoltaics (PVs), solar thermal electricity, and solar variation and trade-off between costs, emissions, scalability, and
heating/cooling are now well-established solar technologies.4,5 requirements.9 Some scenarios9 foresee the use of hydrogen in
For example, solar PV electricity generation increased by about up to 50% end-use demand applications by the middle of the
130 TWh globally in 2019 (from 440 TWh for all renewables), 21st century. However, the creation of a “hydrogen economy”
second only to wind in absolute terms, reaching 2.7% of the faces several constraints that still require the development of
electricity supply.6 equipment and, overall, infrastructure. In comparison to other
Finally, another technology that can also be considered is molecules, such as ammonia, hydrogen storage can only be
marine energy. However, as a result of its immature technical cheaper than the use of ammonia when salt caves are
development compared to the previous two technologies, only a employed,10 although this only applies over limited periods of
mere 0.5 GW capacity had been installed by 2018, with 1.7 GW time. Thus, storage costs are between 26 and 30 times higher for
under construction.7 Nevertheless, better economics and energy hydrogen than for ammonia.10 Moreover, other barriers, such as
management could free the potential of 748 GW power by 2050, its high diffusivity, low energy volumetric density, high
creating the way for 160 000 direct jobs.7 flammability range, etc., still make it non-economically viable
However, all of these technologies vary based on weather for a zero-carbon transition, thus requiring another molecule.
conditions, time, difficult to access locations, and seasonal Ammonia has been recently presented by authors and global
periods. These facts, combined with extreme variability in some organizations as a zero-carbon molecule that can provide the
regions, can be overcome with the use of proper energy required energy storage medium for renewable sources. As a
management techniques, such as energy storage, thus enabling product of nitrogen and hydrogen, ammonia can be stored
the distribution of excess energy when and where it is needed. under easy conditions (i.e., refrigerated at −33 °C at
There are many ways to store this energy. Concepts go from atmospheric pressure or at 0.8−1.0 MPa under atmospheric
storage in high power superconductors, managing reasonable temperature), thus making it a versatile, easy to store medium.
energy power (<5 MW) over extremely limited periods Moreover, liquid ammonia has a greater volumetric hydrogen
(seconds), to pump hydro or chemical storage, capable of density than liquid hydrogen itself (i.e., liquid hydrogen at 20 K
storing gigawatts of power for long periods of time (months and has approximately 70 kg of H2/m3, while liquid ammonia at 300
years) (Figure 1). However, different from mechanical devices, K and 1.0 MPa has 106 kg of H2/m3 12). The versatility of the
chemical storage presents a unique feature: flexibility. Chemicals molecule has led to its distribution at a commercial and global
can be moved, stored, and distributed easily, with many of them scale, with a market of 180 million tonnes produced annually
having a mature market already standing for over decades. Out worldwide,13 making it the second most commercialized
of all of the zero-carbon options, those commercially assessed chemical in the world. Therefore, infrastructure at every scale
are mainly hydrogen, ammonia, and hydrazine as potentials for (i.e., large ports and distribution lines, medium distributors, and
fueling the future. small users) is available for immediate implementation of an
Hydrazine presents several issues related to its toxicity and “ammonia economy” in support of a futuristic “hydrogen
reactivity, making it a difficult fuel that has been relegated only to economy”.
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Figure 2. Ammonia economy roadmap showing current and projected contributions of the current and generation 1 (purple), generation 2 (light
blue), and generation 3 (green) ammonia production technologies. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 14. Copyright 2020 Elsevier.

However, to reach that point and fulfill the need of a zero- applications. Although safety and integrity need to be
carbon economy, hydrogen and ammonia need to be produced maintained in both scenarios, it was clear that there is a
with a minor or null carbon footprint. According to MacFarlane potential for ammonia to feed plants and processes outside of
et al.,14 the transition needs to occur through the development of heavily populated regions.
three types of technologies or “generations” (Figure 2). The first In the same manner, various economic studies have been
generation will produce “blue hydrogen” that will ensure carbon attempted to demonstrate the feasibility of ammonia as an
capture and storage (CCS) of CO2 produced during the energy storage medium of renewable energy. Works from
manufacturing of ammonia (i.e., the easiest method to move Banares-Alcantara et al.16 describe profitable and feasible
hydrogen); a second generation will employ renewable sources scenarios when ammonia is used as an energy storage medium
to produce “green hydrogen”, consequently producing “green and fertilizer, while the works of Rouwenhorst et al.,17 Wang et
ammonia”; and finally, a third generation of technologies will al.,18 and Bicer et al.19 present novel concepts that can make
avoid producing hydrogen, delivering ammonia via electro- ammonia a feasible and economic candidate to decarbonize
reduction of N2, thus avoiding the well-known Haber−Bosch transport and power generation. Recently, Palys et al.20
process, which is the method to produce ammonia at a performed a techno-economic analysis on an islanded system
commercial scale.14 Although costs are the main barrier for powered only with renewable sources (Figure 3). Wind turbines,
generations 1 and 2, while technological feasibility is still a solar photovoltaics, proton electrolytic membranes (PEMs) and
constraint for commercial deployment of generation 3, the alkaline electrolysis units, pressure swing absorbers, hydrogen-
global movement toward this path of development to an fed PEM fuel cells, ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs),
“ammonia economy” is continuously progressing. Current ammonia-fed internal combustion engines (ICEs), and gas and
industrial developments have targeted the production of green liquid storage are all included in the analysis.
ammonia in Australia in a venture between BAE and Yara, while
CCS is now under consideration for ammonia plants in
Similarly, advanced research and development is also ongoing
on the different methods to use ammonia, from systems that
produce less than 10 W to those that can potentially move trans-
oceanic vessels and provide power at national scales. Most
advances need to deal with several constraints that include
emissions (principally NOx), corrosion, deactivation, or
stability. Some of the most advanced technologies are discussed
later in this review.
Finally, public acceptance and economic factors also need to
be addressed if ammonia is going to be employed as a global fuel.
As for public acceptance, a recent study11 denotes that it is likely
that, in the countryside, people would be willing to deal with the Figure 3. Conceptual superstructure of the renewable energy supply,
nuisances of ammonia (i.e., its bad odor), while urban locations which uses hydrogen and ammonia for energy storage. This figure was
would be more reluctant to its use for powering/heating reproduced with permission from ref 20. Copyright 2020 Elsevier.

Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Table 1. Some Initiatives and Programs That Consider Ammonia as an Energy Carrier (by the End of 2020)
name location nature and objectives reference
Green Ammonia Consortium Japan industrially strong consortium dedicated to developing ammonia as a primary energy carrier in Japan and beyond; the consortium seeks to power 21
1% of Japan’s energy with ammonia by 2030
Energy & Fuels

use of ammonia in marine transportation Japan NYK Line, Japan Marine United Corporation, and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) signed a joint R&D agreement for the commercialization of 22
an ammonia-fueled ammonia gas carrier (AFAGC) in addition to an ammonia floating storage and regasification barge (A-FSRB)
Zero Emissions Energy Distribution at Sea (ZEEDS) Europe powerful coalition that includes Aker Solutions, Equinor, DFDS, Grieg Star, Kvaerner, and Wärtsilä that seeks to explore and demonstrate the 23
fastest routes toward zero emission shipping, including ammonia fueling
ShipFC Europe 14-member consortium of European industry and research organizations, coordinated by NCE Maritime CleanTech; as part of the program, the 24
Viking Energy ship will be modified to run a 2 MW ammonia fuel cell
MAN two-stroke ammonia engine Europe €5 million project led by MAN Engines to develop the first marine ammonia engine by 2022 25
Department for Business, Energy and Industry Strategy Europe £390 million program to reduce carbon emissions; in 2019, the program offered up to £10 million for the demonstration of 5 MW units 26
(BEIS, U.K.) low carbon program operating on the concept of “x-to-power”, with “x” being hydrogen, biogas, and/or ammonia
Advanced materials and Reactors for ENergy storage Europe 11-member consortium that works on the use of ammonia as a fuel for internal combustion engines (SI engines) and solid oxide fuel cells for 27
tHrough Ammonia (ARHENA) passenger cars
flexible combined cycle powerplant through power-to-X Europe 21-member consortium that is currently working on demonstrating the use of both hydrogen and ammonia for the storage of off-peak powergen 28
solutions using nonconventional fuel and fueling of gas turbines during peak consumption periods using these two molecules
Renewable Energy to Fuels through Utilization of U.S.A. Department of Energy program that seeks to develop scalable technologies for converting electrical energy from renewable sources into energy- 29
Energy-Dense Liquids (REFUEL) dense carbon-neutral liquid fuels
Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) Australia Australia-led project that seeks to position Australia as a major green hydrogen/ammonia exporter; the project includes 26 GW of wind and solar 30
and South generation, at least 3 GW of generation capacity for Pilbara energy users, and up to 23 GW of generation for production of green hydrogen and
Asia ammonia
NEOM City program Saudi Arabia City of Neom and ACWA Power of Saudi Arabia signed a joint venture agreement with Air Products to build the largest green hydrogen and 31
green ammonia plant in the world; the molecules will be used for fueling purposes and exports (mainly Asia)


Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Variable operation periods were also considered. Using a 2. SYNTHESIS

selection of various cities in the U.S.A. (with different climate It is essential to recall how ammonia is produced. Ammonia
regions and power demand), the results indicate that hydrogen production amounts to 146 million t/year in the world,32 spread
storage is more expensive in most cities for long periods of time, through China (48 Mt/year), Russia (12 Mt/year), India (11
while ammonia is not significantly worse for short-term energy Mt/year), and the U.S.A. (9 Mt/year). The main process for
storage. Overall, the ammonia-based levelized cost of electricity ammonia synthesis is the Haber−Bosch process,33 implemented
(LCOE) is never more than U.S. $0.02/kWh greater than the in super giant plants with 2−3000 t/day capacity, expected to
hydrogen-based LCOE. However, all studied scenarios and increase further in future installations.
locations showed that a combination of both vectors is the most Ammonia synthesis is based on a reversible exothermal
economically viable, with cities in which hydrogen is more reaction (reaction R1).34−36
economic reducing costs even further from the use of ammonia N2(g) + 3H 2(g) V 2NH3(g) ΔH ° = −92 kJ mol−1 (R1)
and vice versa. For example, in hydrogen-based locations, the
use of ammonia leads to less investment in renewables because According to thermodynamics, a low temperature would favor
ammonia can store energy more economically, while ammonia- the reaction, but on the basis of kinetic reasons, high operating
based locations also using hydrogen can reduce costs by using a temperatures are needed for a reasonable productivity. The
hydrogen-fed power generation system that can lower the reaction does not occur without a catalyst, but even with it, the
investment in ammonia synthesis units (which are expensive), operating temperature is ∼670 K, imposing a high pressure
with short-term hydrogen power generation being an efficient (∼10.0−30.0 MPa) to achieve a practically interesting
method to balance immediate energy demand.20 Further results conversion.
show that seasonal storage of ammonia with short-term use of The catalysts used commercially are based on Fe, formerly
hydrogen is the most economically viable option. Simulta- obtained from magnetite oxide (Fe3O4)37−41 and later on
wustite (Fe1−xO)39,42 or Fe−Co catalysts.43 Different materials
neously, smaller capacity SOFC and PEM can generate
based on Ru/C are exploited in the Kellogg advanced ammonia
consistent power, while larger power units (ICE) can meet the
process (KAAP), which became popular in the 1990s as an
high demand seasonal peaks. For these combined systems, the alternative process, allowing the process to drop the operating
LCOE is between U.S. $0.17/kWh and U.S. $0.28/kWh, pressure below 100 bar with huge energy and cost savings. The
including the investment in the renewables,20 feasible and equilibrium constant of the reaction depends upon the
competitive to even some fossil-based strategies. More details temperature according to eq 144
about these and other studies are detailed in the following
sections. Therefore, it is evident that the potential of using 59.9024 37656
log10 Keq = − + − 2.691122 log10 T
ammonia is considerable, with promising economics, a reliable R RT
standing network, and the development of technologies that will − 5.519265 × 10−5T + 1.848863 × 10−7T 2
reduce production costs and minimize unwanted emissions with (1)
higher reconversion efficiencies. which leads to a decreasing maximum ammonia concentration
These aspects have led to the recognition of ammonia as a when raising the temperature, while increasing pressure boosts
potential energy carrier. Several programs worldwide (Table 1) the conversion.
are now underway for the assessment of the molecule to ensure As for kinetics, different models work depending upon the
the decarbonization of our energy systems. Thus, it is clear that catalyst.44,45 The traditional Fe-based catalysts obey the Temkin
further understanding all aspects of this chemical as an energy model (eq 2), which accounts for the inhibition of Fe by the

jij ÅÄÅ ÑÉα ÅÄÅ ÑÉ1 − α

ÅÅ (a NH3)2 ÑÑÑ zyzz
source is critical to ensure its greatest penetration or limit its use, products

j ÅÅ (a H2)3 ÑÑÑ
= kλ(q)jjK a a N2ÅÅÅ Å Ñ
Ñ z
whatever is the most feasible path on the basis of current and

jj ÅÅ (a NH3)2 ÑÑÑ ÅÅ (a )3 ÑÑÑ zzzz

future trends. dη

Thus, this review attempts to present some of the advances of dτ
the use of ammonia as an energy carrier by combining the (2)
expertise of researchers actively working in the field. Further, where dη/dτ is the consumption rate of the limiting reactant
different from other works, this review does not intend to show (depending upon feeding stoichiometry) expressed as mol h−1
only technical aspects for the use of ammonia as a fueling source dm −3 cat , k is the kinetic constant referred to the NH 3
but also all of the various parameters, many social and political, decomposition reaction, Ka is the equilibrium constant, ai is
that are needed for the transition to the use of ammonia in the the activity of species i, λ(q) is adjusted according to the
global energy mix. The review starts with some details about the reactants feeding ratio, and α is an adaptive parameter, function
current production of ammonia, followed by the presentation of of the catalyst, to be set at a constant value (normally 0.75).
combustion fundamentals and technologies to use the chemical Ru-based catalysts behave differently because the key kinetic
for power, heat, and propulsion generation. Safety aspects that step is H2 competitive adsorption. A modified Temkin model
include environment, corrosion, legal perspective, and risks (eq 3) with adsorption terms accounting for this point has been
follow to enable a comprehensive and fair assessment of validated, together with a straight Langmuir−Hinshelwood
ammonia as an energy source. The work continues with an approach,42,46,47 which did not fit optimally with the catalyst

(a H2)0.375 Ñ (a NH3)0.75 Ñ
0.5 ÅÅ ÑÑ 1 Å Å ÑÑ
approach to the economic constraints of ammonia-based
(a N2) ÅÅ Å Ñ
ÅÅÇ (a NH3)0.25 ÑÑÑÖ Ka ÅÅÅÇ (aH2)1.125 ÑÑÑÖ
technologies, finishing with the assessment of future trends in
all of the previously raised aspects. Conclusions are withdrawn dη
from each section, thus ensuring that readers can make a holistic = kλ(q)
dτ 1 + K H2(a H2)0.3 + K NH3(a NH3)0.2 (3)
conclusion of the potential of ammonia as an energy vector.
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

where k is instead the kinetic constant of the direct reaction.39

As a result of the exothermicity of the reaction, the
temperature increases along the bed, limiting the conversion
alongside the latter. Therefore, one of the key reactor issues is to
set an adequate thermal management program.49 This can be
achieved through different approaches, such as intra- and/or
interbed cooling or feed split, with quenching of the reactor by
injection of “cold” feed streams. The goal is to identify a reactor
operating line joining the points of maximum rate to optimize
the efficiency.
A typical ammonia synthesis loop is constituted by a reaction
section containing multi-bed layers of catalyst(s), possibly
coupling different catalytic systems, with cooling between the
different beds. An ammonia separation system based on
condensation of ammonia and the following recycle of unreacted
gases is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5. Block diagram of an ammonia synthesis process based on the
steam reforming of natural gas. This figure was readapted with
permission from ref 40. Copyright 1995 Springer-Verlag.

production and recovery of H2 are identified in yellow, those for

reformate purification are identified in green, and the ammonia
synthesis loop is identified in light blue. The main input/output
streams are identified together with the main sections for heat
recovery from the hot sections of the plant (dark blue; e.g.,
cooling of the reformate from the secondary reformer to the
purification section and cooling of the ammonia synthesis
reactors, which is not drawn for simplicity). Such energy
recovery is at the basis of the process intensification. High-
Figure 4. Concept of the reaction loop of an ammonia synthesis plant. pressure steam is produced, which feeds a steam turbine cycle to
drive the ammonia synthesis loop compressors, one of the most
The ammonia synthesis loop is composed of the ammonia energy-demanding sections of the plant.
synthesis reactor, the ammonia separator, the compressor of the Synthesis gas compression is one of the main costly items
synthesis gas, and the preheater. A complex heat-exchange because the reactants are made available at maximum pressures
network is also designed to remove the reaction heat and recover of 2.5−3.0 MPa, while the synthesis loop can be operated from
it in different plant sections. However, the whole plant also 8.0 to 100.0 MPa, usually at 15.0−30.0 MPa. High-pressure
includes upstream processes for the synthesis of the reacting loops should deal with reciprocating compressors, which are on
gases, N2 from air and H2 from different fossil feedstocks, usually one hand very expensive, while on the other hand they limit the
through reforming processes. Investigations are in progress to flow rate exploitable (ca. 300 t/day). The use of centrifugal
cover this item from renewables, at first by adapting the compressors allows for the improvement of the feed flow rate to
reforming process to the exploitation of biomass-derived raw the current thousands t/day productivity but set constraints to
materials (e.g., steam reforming of ethanol and gasification of the maximum operating pressure (∼15.0 MPa). This limits the
biomass) or through the use of renewable electricity, such as conversion per pass in the reactor, imposing high recirculation
water electrolysis sustained by renewable power. The current rates and, thus, larger volumes and higher recycling costs.
production of ammonia and the short-term forecasts, however, The ammonia synthesis reactor is the core of the ammonia
depict the main ammonia market from fossil-based reforming synthesis loop. Different reactor space velocities are designed,
processes to hydrogen. ranging from 12 000 h−1 at 15.0 MPa to 35 000 h−1 at 80.0 MPa,
Starting from natural gas or light naphta as feedstock, the main with temperatures between 620 and 800 K. Accordingly, the
process is based on steam reforming, followed by autothermal typical conversion-per-pass ranges from 12 to 16.5 vol % NH3,
reforming or partial oxidation, while for heavy oil or coal, partial rising to 19−19.5% in advanced processes. The adiabatic
oxidation or gasification are the most adopted methods. The temperature raises these ranges between 447 and 505 K (up to
main product in every case is H2, but different oxygenate 560 °C for the high conversion processes). As mentioned, the
byproducts are also present (i.e., CO, CO2, H2O, and O2) which heat of reaction should be removed, e.g., through interbed
are noxious for the ammonia synthesis catalyst; thus, a careful cooling and energy recovery. In the most optimized config-
gas conditioning is needed. urations, the energy recovery can be up to 93%.
CO is usually converted through the water−gas shift reaction Ammonia is then collected by condensation. Dependent upon
and to a higher conversion through methanation or the operating pressure, this step of the process can also be the
methanolation, while the other gases are usually removed by object of optimization. For example, high-pressure synthesis
adsorption (e.g., pressure swing adsorption) or condensation in loops can achieve condensation and significant ammonia
liquid nitrogen. Details on the integrated hydrogen production recovery with cooling water only, while low-pressure synthesis
and purification steps can be deepened elsewhere.50 An example loops need cryogenic cooling to 248 K.
of the block diagram for processes from natural gas is reported in The unconverted synthesis gas must be recycled, being
Figure 5, which exemplifies a scheme based on the steam recompressed to the synthesis pressure (the cost depends upon
reforming of natural gas.40 In the figure, the sections for the pressure loss in the cycle and the recycle flow rate) and
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

purged to avoid the accumulation of inert gases in the loop. consumption. Thus, every attempt to intensify the process of
Alternative layouts placing the items of the loop with different decreasing the energy demand has enormous impacts on
order and connections are proposed, but the most used is the resources, savings, and globally on the environment. Different
layout reported in Figure 4. strategies are in place for this purpose, with the study of novel
Direct heat exchange is accomplished in the converter with cycles and materials. In particular, new catalysts are needed to
cooling pipes inside the catalyst bed or with a shell and tube further decrease the ammonia synthesis loop pressure, which is
heat-exchanger reactor. Figure 6a describes a reactor with axial now one of the key issues for the development of small-scale
plants, which would be better integrated with renewable-based
raw materials (e.g., biomass) and energy sources (e.g., water
electrolysis supported by renewable electricity). Furthermore,
key process parameters, such as the synthesis loop pressure and
the gap between the hydrogen synthesis section and the
utilization in the loop, become paramount in the new methods
for production. Therefore, high-pressure electrolyzers should be
selected to decrease the compression duty. In addition, the
improvement of the thermal management within the loop and
overall in the process would allow for considerable savings,
especially when thermal energy utilization is envisaged (i.e.,
high-pressure steam production to support the compression
duties). However, it is clear that, as part of a green agenda, green
ammonia (product of renewable processes) will increase its
influence in the production of the chemical worldwide.

Figure 6. (a) Cold-wall axial flow converters with an internal heat Once ammonia has been produced, stored, and distributed, one
exchanger (HE) and (b) qualitative description of intra- and interbed method to employ the molecule is to combust it for power
cooling, with the temperature profile (red) along the reactor length. generation or heat release. Although there are some other
Serpentines represent cooling heat exchangers, and gray boxes methods to recover the energy from the molecule (i.e., fuel
represent the catalyst bed. Cooling can be achieved with water to cells), it is important to acknowledge the importance and
produce high-pressure steam. complexity of ammonia combustion in its pure form or when
combined with other molecules. Therefore, this section
feed split across the catalyst bed and heat recovery at the outlet, approaches the known phenomena around ammonia combus-
while the options of a cooling system inside the catalyst bed and tion.
between consecutive catalyst layers is reported in Figure 6b, with 3.1. Fundamentals. Since the 1950s, fundamental inves-
a schematic of the expected temperature profile along the tigations have been performed to understand the combustion
reactor. characteristics of ammonia. The experiments include the
The cold feed may be also used to quench the catalyst bed, flammability,54−58 ignition delay, 59−78,76 flame propaga-
using feed distribution nozzles or between two adjacent tion,77−94 and speciation.95−112 Data from those experiments
adiabatic beds.49 Otherwise, the catalyst bed can be operated serve further as validation targets for the chemical kinetics
as adiabatic, with the heat removed between the layers. mechanisms and as references for further technical realizations.
Specific materials are needed for the converter, to stand the It is therefore essential here to provide a review of the
high pressure in the presence of H2 and N2 (i.e., embrittlement measurements, which are easily accessible to peer researchers for
and nitridation). Alloy steels can be used below 673 K, whereas identifying the relevant and reliable data set. An overview of
stainless-steel, Incoloy, and Inconel materials should be used for investigations of the ignition delay time and laminar burning
higher temperatures. To save investment costs, a cold-wall velocity that are the two most important combustion character-
arrangement is often employed, as in Figure 6a, with the hot istics will be given in the following sections, focusing mainly on
catalyst bed contained in the internal cartridge, surrounded by the most recent studies. Notably, in this review, only the
the flow of the preheated feed (∼573 K). In this way, the experiments applying ammonia as the main fuel, i.e., ammonia
pressure difference across the cartridge wall is only a few bar, fraction is larger than 50% in fuel mixtures, are considered.
with the external fluid already being pressurized. The significant 3.1.1. Ignition Delay Time (IDT). Investigations of the IDT of
pressure difference between the external environment and the ammonia mixtures can be traced back to the 1960s,64,66 where
internal high-pressure medium is located across the external the induction time has been used to characterize the oxidation
vessel wall, which is subject to a much lower temperature, thus process of ammonia. Since then, several studies61−63,65 have
needing a less expensive metal for its manufacturing. been performed in shock tubes that covered the oxidation of
Formerly, the reactors were operated with axial flow, while the ammonia at high temperatures (>1600 K) and low pressures
design of the first radial flow reactor was a key innovation to (<1.0 MPa) for constructing comprehensive chemical kinetics
decrease the pressure drop across the catalyst bed, thus allowing mechanism for ammonia oxidation. Among those studies,61−66
for a lower particle size of the catalyst, with higher effectiveness only Drummond reported IDTs measured at pressures higher
and practically nil diffusional limitations.51,52 Mixed axial/radial than 1.0 MPa (2.72−4.44 MPa).61 Because ammonia became a
configurations were instead proposed by Ammonia Casale,53 promising zero-carbon fuel, IDT data measured at high
with an annular catalyst bed. pressures are essential. The high-pressure data in Drummond’s
Ammonia synthesis is one of the most energy-consuming work61 covered a broad but unclear range of pressure, leading to
processes, accounting for nearly 3% of the world energy difficulty for the model validation. Many new experimental
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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investigations of the IDT at high pressures have been reported in investigations for dilute ammonia/hydrogen (70% Ar−N2) at
the last 5 years. Figure 7 depicts those experimental 2.0 and 4.0 MPa and 960−11130 K, with the ammonia/
investigations for the IDT of ammonia mixtures on a T−P hydrogen ratio varying from 0.99/0.01 to 0.8/0.2.71 A clear
diagram, where the covered and missing conditions can be enhancement of the ammonia ignition by adding hydrogen was
directly found. observed; the autoignition temperature was lowered 100 K by
adding only 5% hydrogen in the fuel mixture. Very recently, Dai
and co-workers reported RCM results for dilute ammonia/
hydrogen mixtures investigated at pressures of 2.0−7.0 MPa,
temperatures of 950−1200 K, and equivalence ratios of 0.5 and
1.0, with 5 and 10% hydrogen addition to the fuel mixture.76 A
significant enhancement of the IDT by 5% hydrogen addition
was found (a factor of 10), whereas 10% hydrogen addition
further shortened the IDT by a factor of 2. These findings are
consistent with those of He et al.71
Several studies have been carried out applying hydrocarbons,
such as methane and diethyl ether (DEE), as the ignition
promoter for ammonia. Dai et al.74 reported the first IDT
measurements of ammonia/methane mixtures at a high pressure
measured in a RCM. The methane fraction varied as 0, 5, 10, and
50%. At reported conditions (2.0−7.0 MPa and 930−1140 K)
and equivalence ratios of 0.5−2.0, respectively, methane shows a
Figure 7. Summary of the conditions of IDT measurements of mixtures strong enhancing effect on ammonia that levels off at high
containing ammonia from the literature.59,67−71,73,74,76 methane fractions, similar to what was observed for hydrogen
addition. This effect was confirmed by Shu et al.67 in their RCM
Mathieu and Petersen reported IDT measurements that were investigation, covering equivalence ratios of 1.0 and 2.0 and
carried out in a shock tube, covering pressures near 0.14, 1.1, and methane fractions of 10 and 20%. Most recently, Issayev et al.
3.0 MPa and temperatures of 1560−2455 K. The mixtures investigated the combustion behavior of ammonia/DEE
applied were highly diluted by Ar (98−99%) with equivalence mixtures in a RCM over a temperature range of 620−942 K,
ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0.70 The IDTs were determined by the pressures near 2.0 and 4.0 MPa, and equivalence ratios of 0.5 and
chemiluminescence emission of the excited hydroxyl radical 1.0.73 The DEE fraction varied from 0.05 to 0.2. A 10% addition
(OH*) near 307 nm. The data demonstrated a clear dependence of DEE was found to strongly enhance the ignition delay of pure
of IDT upon the pressure, equivalence ratio, and dilution at high ammonia at 900 K and 2.0 MPa by a factor of 10. A 20% DEE
temperatures. Considering the operation conditions of modern addition caused the IDT to approach that of pure DEE,
energy and transport systems, Shu et al. extended the IDT indicating that DEE could be a promising igniter in engines.
measurements to intermediate temperatures (1100−1600 K) at 3.1.2. Laminar Burning Velocity (LBV). The characterization
high pressures (2.0 and 4.0 MPa), applying undiluted ammonia/ of the LBV (also known as laminar flame speed) of ammonia
air mixtures with equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 in a high- mixtures started in the 1950s,58,82−85 where the measurements
pressure shock tube.69 However, the experimental data from were conducted in burners and the LBVs were determined using
Mathieu and Petersen and Shu et al. are not directly comparable the Bunsen flame area method. Further investigations were
as a result of different mixture dilutions. Pochet and co-workers conducted in the 1970s and 1980s,55,57 applying cylindrical-tube
reported IDT measurements of lean ammonia mixtures in a methods to obtain an understanding of the flammability and
rapid compression machine (RCM) at low-temperature explosion characteristics of ammonia/air mixtures. Zakaznov et
combustion (LTC) conditions (1000−1100 K), pressures of al.57 and Ronney55 report LBVs of fuel-lean to fuel-rich
4.3 and 6.5 MPa, and equivalence ratios of 0.2, 0.35, and 0.5.68 ammonia/air mixtures (φ = 0.7−1.5) at pressures from 0.06
For these lean mixtures, no clear dependence of IDT upon the to 0.2 MPa. The measured LBVs show good agreement for fuel-
equivalence ratio was identified. He et al.71 extended the IDT lean and stoichiometric mixtures, whereas the LBVs of fuel-rich
measurement range further at the LTC conditions in a RCM, mixtures measured by Ronney55 under microgravity conditions
using diluted ammonia/oxygen mixtures (70% by Ar−N2) at are 30% faster than those reported by Zakaznov et al.57 The
temperatures between 950 and 1150 K, pressures of 2.0, 4.0, and maximum LBV of ammonia/air mixture was found to be 0.08 m/
6.0 MPa, and equivalence ratios from 0.5 to 2.0. No ignition was s in a microgravity environment and 0.07 m/s under gravity
observed at 2.0 MPa, and the measurements showed that the conditions. To evaluate the explosion hazards of ammonia/air
IDT decreases as the equivalence ratio decreases at the same T mixtures as byproducts of nuclear wastes, LBV measurements
and P, consistent with the observations in the shock tube by were carried out by Pfahl and co-workers at 0.1 MPa and 295 K,
Mathieu and Petersen. Most recently, Dai et al.76 measured the applying a constant volume combustion vessel and video
IDT of a diluted ammonia/oxygen mixture (75% Ar−N2) in a recordings of schlieren visualization.56 Their results are
RCM, further extending the pressure and equivalence ratio consistent with those of Zakaznov et al. Takizawa and co-
ranges, i.e., 2.0−7.0 MPa and 0.5−3.0, respectively. workers obtained LBV data for ammonia/air mixtures applying
The investigations on neat ammonia have shown that both the spherical-vessel method and schlieren photography.79
ammonia has a high activation energy, although it is an The two methods provided almost identical results, and the data
attractive candidate as a result of its carbon-free characteristics. are consistent with the results of Zakaznov et al. and Pfahl et
Thus far, only three studies68,71,76 have reported IDT for al.56,57
ammonia/hydrogen mixtures under LTC conditions with Because ammonia has emerged as a promising alternative fuel,
ammonia as the main fuel. He et al. performed RCM further investigations on the unstretched LBVs and the burned
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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gas Markstein length of ammonia mixtures are required. addition of methane increases the LBV linearly to the mixture
Hayakawa et al.86 carried out measurements for ammonia content of methane.
mixtures at pressures up to 0.5 MPa and equivalence ratios from Very recently, studies80,81,90,94,113 have been reported on
0.7 to 1.3, applying a constant volume combustion chamber with oxygen-enriched ammonia mixtures and ammonia/CO mix-
high-speed schlieren photography. The unstretched LBVs at 0.1 tures. The presence of CO strongly enhances the flame speed,
MPa and 295 K showed good agreement with the literature data, with an efficiency between those of hydrogen and methane.80
even though the stretch effect was not considered in the old However, the enhancement of CO shows a non-monotonic
measurements,55−57 and the maximum LBV was found at an behavior, with a maximum efficiency at XCO = 0.85.80 Oxygen-
equation ratio (φ) of 1.1. As the initial pressure increases, the enriched ammonia/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures show a strongly
LBV decreases, and the maximum LBV is only 0.048 m/s at φ = improved flame propagation and a reduced buoyancy effect,
1.1 under 0.5 MPa. The burned gas Markstein length of resulting in enhanced LBVs.90,91,94 By substitution of nitrogen
ammonia/air mixtures increases with increasing equivalence fully by oxygen, the LBV can reach 1.20 m/s at room
ratio, the same as for methane/air and hydrogen/air flames. temperature and 0.1 MPa. However, the maximum LBV was
Moreover, the burned gas Markstein length decreases as the found to be at different equivalence ratios for different oxygen
pressure increases, and the values at 0.3 and 0.5 MPa are fractions; i.e., the maximum LBV is located at a leaner mixture
identical. Very recently, Han et al.81 reported LBV measure- for higher oxygen fractions. Increased inlet gas temperatures also
ments applying the heat flux method, which should be more promote the LBV strongly; the LBVs measured at 390 K are
accurate than the traditional constant volume combustion generally 30% faster than those at 303 K. The stoichiometric
chamber or spherical tube methods. The obtained LBVs from ammonia/oxygen mixture has LBVs of 1.60 and 1.20 m/s at 390
this work are generally 1 cm/s slower than those of previous and 303 K, respectively.94
work;56,57,79,86 the maximum LBV of ammonia/air mixtures at Figure 8 summarizes the recently measured LBVs of ammonia
0.1 MPa and 295 K was reported to be 0.06 m/s at φ = 1.05. and ammonia/promoter mixtures where the enhancement from
The efforts to determine accurately the LBV of ammonia/air
mixtures show that ammonia has a much slower flame speed
than hydrogen or methane. Therefore, work has been performed
to characterize the LBV of ammonia/additive mixtures.
Hydrogen is the most preferred promoter as a result of its
unique ignition features (wide flammability limits and high
reactivity) and non-carbon characteristics. Lee et al.78 reported
the first LBV measurements on ammonia/hydrogen/air flames
at atmosphere pressure and room temperature, applying the
outwardly propagating spherical flame method. They observed
that the presence of hydrogen strongly enhances the flame speed
but also leads to higher NO formation. However, for fuel-rich
mixtures, hydrogen improves the burning performance while
keeping the NO emission low. As a drawback, adding hydrogen
tends to enhance flame sensitivity to stretch. Ichikawa and co-
workers followed up the investigation by extending to an
elevated pressure, i.e., up to 0.5 MPa.77 Nonlinear increased Figure 8. Summary of the LBV of mixtures containing ammonia from
unstretched LBVs have been observed by increasing the the literature.81,90−92,114
hydrogen substitution in their work. The burned gas Markstein
length varies non-monotonically with the hydrogen ratio. The different burning promoters (hydrogen, methane, carbon
value decreases as the pressure increases, leveling out at 0.3−0.5 monoxide, and oxygen) are directly compared. A further
MPa, similar to the findings by Hayakawa et al. for ammonia/air comparison including an ammonia/oxygen mixture (which
mixtures.86 Han et al.81 reported new measurements on the LBV has much higher LBVs and, therefore, depresses the details of
of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures at 0.1 MPa and 295 K, applying other mixtures) can be found in Figure S1 of the Supporting
the thermal flux method. Their results show very good Information.
consistency with the literature data but with improved accuracy. 3.2. Kinetics. Modeling of ammonia oxidation has attracted
Wang et al.113 extended the measurements to elevated pressures, the interest of the combustion community because ammonia is
namely, 0.3 and 0.5 MPa, where a drastic decrease of LBVs has the key volatile N species in combustion.115 In addition to its
been observed, i.e., with a factor of 2 and 3 slower at 0.3 and 0.5 role as an important intermediate during the devolatilization of
MPa, respectively, than at 0.1 MPa. Moreover, Lhuilier et al.88 solid fuels or the conversion of cyanides at high temper-
extended the measurements to elevated temperatures, i.e., up to atures,116−118 ammonia has also been used as the reducing agent
473 K at 0.1 MPa using the outwardly propagating spherical in the selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of NO, also
flame method. Their results at 0.1 MPa and 295 K agree well known as thermal deNOx.119,120 The SNCR method has been
with the literature data. As expected, the LBVs of ammonia/ widely applied in combustion of fuels, such as biomass and
hydrogen mixtures increase with the inlet gas temperature. waste. Modeling the oxidation of ammonia as well as thermal
Investigations on ammonia/methane mixtures (ammonia as deNO x has been extensively studied in the past few
the main fuel) are presently very limited. Han et al.81 used the decades.116,117,118−130 Chemical kinetics mechanisms were
heat flux method to obtain results in excellent agreement with developed first targeting the chemistry at high temperatures,
those reported by Okafor et al.,92,93 where methane was applied where ammonia is considered as a combustion intermediate or a
as the main fuel. Unlike ammonia/hydrogen mixtures, the SNCR agent for NO reduction.61,62,116,131−133 Now that
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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ammonia attracts attention as an alternative fuel for future including H2/CO and NH3/NOx subsets. The Shrestha
energy and transportation applications, researchers have turned mechanism showed good performance against selected data
their focus on the chemistry of ammonia oxidation at low to from shock tubes,70,146 jet-stirred/flow reactors,142,147 and
intermediate temperatures (800−1600 K) and elevated premixed flames.77,86 In further evaluation by other authors,
pressures (>2 MPa) that are the relevant conditions in modern the Shrestha mechanism shows limited accuracy, however,
combustion devices, such as internal combustion engines and especially for ammonia/promoter mixtures.74,76
gas turbines. Considering both focal points of a SNCR agent and It is outside the scope of the present review to evaluate a large
an independent fuel, a complete scheme of the conversion fraction of the literature mechanisms against experimental data.
chemistry of ammonia can be obtained by combining the However, five recent mechanisms were selected for evaluation,
chemistry between ammonia and NOx and the elementary i.e., Glarborg-2018,115 Li-2019,137 Mei-2019,91 Jiang-2019,138
reactions of ammonia combustion, e.g., H-abstraction reactions and Stagni-2020.103 For each of these models, the predictive
and the cross reactions in the case of a binary fuel system. capability in simulating ignition delay times and flame speeds for
Validation of detailed reaction mechanisms requires reliable ammonia, ammonia/hydrogen, and ammonia/methane mix-
experiment data covering a wide range of global parameters, tures is evaluated. Because ammonia chemistry is less complex
such as the laminar burning velocity, ignition delay time, and than hydrocarbon chemistry, the most recent elementary
speciation. In section 3.1, the reported experimental inves- reaction models for ammonia oxidation in different studies are
tigations were discussed, focusing on low to intermediate generally fairly compatible; differences are largely limited to the
temperatures and elevated pressures. In addition to the choice of rate constants or branching ratios for specific
comprehensive experimental data sets available in the elementary reactions. Details of the development of the five
litera- mechanisms can be found in the literature; here, only a brief
ture,54,59,60,67−74,76,77,80,81,86−88,90−94,96,99−103,106,115,134−136 summary for each mechanism is offered.
quite a few reaction mechanisms have been reported in the past The Glarborg-2018 model was reported by Glarborg et al.115
5 years.70,91,92,100,103,115,134,136−139 However, in general, these as part of a review on nitrogen chemistry relevant for
mechanisms have been evaluated only against a limited subset of combustion processes. It contains sub-mechanisms for H2/
the experimental data. In the present review, selected recent CO, C1 hydrocarbons, NOx/NNH, HCN/HNCO, and NH3.
models are evaluated against experimental investigations for Glarborg-2018 is based mainly on the work of Glarborg and co-
neat ammonia, ammonia−hydrogen mixtures, and ammonia− workers since 1998,117,122,126,127,129,140 and the features of many
hydrocarbon mixtures. We limit the comparison to data for central reactions can be traced back to the work performed in
IDTs and laminar flame speeds (LFSs), while validation against
1980s.116,125 The thermodynamic properties of selected key
speciation data obtained in flow or jet-stirred reactors or laminar
species, such as NHx, NOx, and CHx, were re-evaluated via the
flames is considered outside the scope of this review.
active thermochemical tables approach.148 The mechanism has
3.2.1. Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms. In the last few
been validated against a wide range of experimental data
decades, numerous chemical kinetics mecha-
obtained in shock tubes, premixed flames, and jet-stirred
nisms70,91,92,100,103,104,115,116,122,126,127,134,136,139−141 have been
reactors.70,149−153 As a non-optimized mechanism, Glarborg-
developed for ammonia oxidation under a wide range of
conditions. However, as a result of the limited experimental data 2018 showed very good performance for simulating the
or different application focus, none of these mechanisms speciation in flames and jet-stirred reactors. However, it was
demonstrates satisfactory predictions covering all of the relevant developed for trace concentrations of amines, and the
conditions. For instance, Tian et al.104 reported an ammonia− performance for predicting ignition delay time measured at
C1 mechanism (the Tian mechanism) including 84 species and high temperatures and low pressures is less satisfactory.
703 reactions for modeling premixed NH3/CH4/O2/Ar flames Glarborg and co-workers pointed to the necessity of extending
at low pressures. The ammonia sub-mechanism was drawn the validation to high pressures encountered in engines and gas
mainly from the work of Skreiberg et al.,126 adding 108 turbines where ammonia is considered as the main fuel for the
additional C and N species cross reactions. The Tian mechanism systems.
generally demonstrates a satisfactory performance for speciation The Li-2019 model was proposed by Li and co-workers137
in laminar flames but shows limited accuracy in simulating with the aim to construct a comprehensive ammonia/hydrogen/
ignition delay times, especially for measurements at high methane mechanism that could then be reduced for computa-
pressures.68,71,76,126 Mathieu and Petersen proposed an NH3 tional fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of advanced combustion
mechanism (the Mathieu mechanism) with 35 species and 159 concepts, such as moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution
elementary reactions for simulating ammonia oxidation at (MILD) combustion. The mechanism merges the ammonia
pressures above 1.0 MPa. The Mathieu mechanism was mainly subset from the Shrestha mechanism136 and the hydrogen/C1−
based on the mechanism reported by Dagaut et al.,140 updating C2 subset from AramcoMech 2.0,154 adding some complemental
the sub-mechanisms for H2/O2, H2/N2O, and HCN.122,142−145 ammonia−C1 species and reactions from the Tian mecha-
This mechanism demonstrated good performance against nism.104
ignition delay measurements of ammonia−oxygen mixtures at The full version of Li-2019 has total 128 species and 957
elevated temperatures and high pressures and speciation of H2/ elementary reactions, while the skeletal mechanisms include a 51
O2 mixtures with NO/NO2 addition at intermediate temper- species version for ammonia/hydrogen/methane mixtures and a
atures and high pressures. However, for the most recent ignition 26 species version for ammonia/hydrogen mixtures. The
delay measurements of ammonia mixtures at elevated pressures comprehensive mechanism and the reduced versions have
and intermediate temperatures, the Mathieu mechanism shows been validated by the authors against ignition delay times,69,70
less satisfactory agreement.71,76 Shrestha et al.136 presented a laminar burning velocities,77,86,91,106,128 and non-premixed
detailed kinetic mechanism (the Shrestha mechanism) for the flames.155 Both the full and reduced schemes provided an
oxidation of NH3 containing 34 species and 264 reactions, overall satisfactory performance, with a strongly reduced
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Table 2. Overview of the Evaluations of the Five Selected Literature Mechanisms

performed validation in the literature
number of number of experiment equivalence
species reactions subsets system typea T (K) P (bar) ratio
Glarborg-2018 151 1395 H2/CO, C1−C2, NH3/O2 flame spec room 0.046 0.71
hydrocarbon/nitrogen, and NH3/O2 ST IDT 1560−2500 1.4, 10, 30 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
NH3/CH4/O2 FR spec 900−1400 1.06 0.13, 1.07,
NH3/H2/O2 RCM IDT 950−1200 20−70 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
NH3/CH4/O2 RCM IDT 900−1140 20−70 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
Jiang-2019 68 311 H2/CO, C1−C2, and amine NH3/H2 RCM IDT 980−1087 43.4 0.35
NH3/O2 ST IDT 1560−2500 1.4, 10, 30 0.5, 1.0, 2
NH3/H2/air flame LBV room 1 0.6−1.4
NH3/air flame LBV room 1.0, 5.0 0.7−1.3
NH3/H2/O2 flame spec room 0.05, 0.06, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1
0.09, 0.12
Li-2019 128 957 H2/CO, C1−C2, NH3/O2 ST IDT 1560−2500 1.4, 10, 30 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
hydrocarbon/nitrogen, and NH3/H2/O2 RCM IDT 960−1130 20, 40, 60 0.5, 1.0, 1.5
NH3/air ST IDT 1100−1600 20, 40 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
NH3/CH4/H2/CO ST IDT 950−2000 1.5, 12.1, 0.5
NH3/CH4/O2 RCM IDT 900−1140 20−70 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
NH3/air flame LBV 298 1.0 0.7−1.3
NH3/H2/air flame LBV 298 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 0.6−1.6
NH3/CH4/air flame LBV 298 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 0.7−1.5
Mei-2019 38 265 H2 and amine NH3/air flame LBV 298 1.0 0.7−1.3
NH3/O2/N2 flame LBV 298 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 0.6−1.5
NH3/O2 ST IDT 1560−2500 1.4, 10, 30 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
Stagni-2020 31 203 H2 and amine NH3/O2 JSR/FR 500−2000 1.0 0.01−0.375
NH3/NO/O2 JSR spec 950−1450 1 0.1−2
NH3/O2/N2 FR spec 450−925 30−100 1.23
NH3/O2 ST IDT 1560−2500 1.4, 10, 30 0.5,1.0, 2.0
NH3/air ST IDT 1100−1600 20, 40 0.5, 1.0, 2.0
NH3/O2 RCM IDT 1000−1130 37−75 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
NH3/N2/O2 flame LBV 298 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 0.2−2
ST, shock tube; RCM, rapid compression machine; JSR, jet-stirred reactor; FR, flow reactor; IDT, ignition delay time; spec, speciation; and LBV,
laminar burning velocity.

computational time for CFD simulations when applying the by including 40 nitrogen-related elementary reactions. The
reduced mechanisms. resulting reduced mechanism was validated against literature
The Mei-2019 model were developed by Mei et al.91 for results, including laminar burning velocities and ignition delay
predicting laminar burning velocities and laminar flame times,56,70,77,78,86,114 with good results.
propagation of pure ammonia at elevated pressures. The The Stagni-2020 model is a very recent comprehensive
model includes 38 species and 265 elementary reactions. It ammonia mechanism, proposed by Stagni and co-workers103 to
was constructed based on previous models; i.e., the H2 subset improve modeling of ammonia oxidation and pyrolysis at low
was adopted from Hashemi et al.,156 and the ammonia subset temperatures and dilute conditions. It contains H2/O2 and
was mainly adopted from the Shrestha mechanism,136 replacing ammonia subsets with a total of 31 species and 203 reactions.
the rate constants of reactions NH2 + H = NH + H2, N2H2 + H = The H2/O2 mechanism was adopted after the work of Metcalfe
NNH + H2, and N2H2 + M = NNH + H + M with more recent
et al.,158 and the NOx/NH3 chemistry was taken from Song et
values.116,156,157 The authors demonstrated the good perform-
al.,134 re-evaluating rate constants for H-abstraction reactions of
ance of this mechanism for predicting the laminar burning
velocity of ammonia mixtures under 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 MPa. The NH3 by ab initio calculations. Moreover, the most sensitive
mechanism also shows satisfactory performance for the ignition reactions at low temperatures involving H2NO and HNO were
delay times measured in a shock tube (high temperatures and carefully evaluated, taking the rate constants from Dean and
low to high pressures) by Mathieu and Petersen.70 Bozzelli121 and Glarborg et al.115 Stagni et al. validated the
The Jiang-2019 model138 is an updated version of the mechanism against a novel speciation data set from jet-stirred
hydrogen/oxygen/nitrogen mechanism originally developed at and flow reactors, obtaining good agreement. Also, simulations
the University of San Diego, also known as the San Diego for ignition delay times of neat ammonia mixtures measured in a
mechanism, which has not been updated since 2004. Jiang and shock tube70 and a rapid compression machine71 as well as for
co-workers expanded the mechanism to 19 species and 60 laminar burning velocities of ammonia/air mixtures at 0.1 MPa
elementary reactions, taking ammonia combustion into account and 298 K91 were satisfactory.
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 9. Comparison between simulation results with the selected mechanisms and the measurements from He et al.71 for ignition delay times of
NH3/O2/N2/Ar mixtures with 70% dilution at RCM conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement.

Figure 10. Comparison between simulation results with different mechanisms and the measurements from Dai et al.76 for ignition delay times of NH3/
O2/N2/Ar mixtures (75% dilution for ϕ = 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 in the left panel and 80% dilution for ϕ = 3.0 in the right panel) at RCM conditions. Lines,
simulation; symbols, measurement.

In several recent studies,59,67,68,71,74,76,80,101,106 some of these process and the heat loss from core gas to reaction chamber
five selected mechanisms have been further evaluated, applying walls, by applying the volume profiles generated from the
newly obtained experimental data, such as ignition delays and measured pressure traces of non-reactive mixtures. The ignition
speciation of ammonia mixtures, at intermediate temperatures delay time under RCM conditions was defined as the time
and high pressures. These studies have highlighted some interval between the end of compression (EOC) and the time
strengths and shortcomings of the selected mechanisms, but a point, where the derivative of the pressure rise as a result of
wider comparison has not been reported; an overview of the combustion reaches the peak.
validation of the five mechanisms can be found in Table 2. In the The simulations for shock tube conditions at high temper-
following sections, the performance of the five mechanisms will atures were based on a homogeneous reactor with a constant
be compared and discussed for ignition delays and flame speeds volume. However, at intermediate temperatures, non-ideal dP/
of neat ammonia, ammonia/hydrogen, and ammonia/methane. dt effects cannot be neglected. In this case, the measured
3.3. Evaluation against Ignition Delay Time. In this pressure trace between the time point of arrival of the reflected
section, ignition delay times of different mixtures measured at
shock wave and the one at 90% of the measured ignition delay
high pressures in shock tubes and rapid compression machines,
time was converted into a volume profile. After that, the volume
covering the relevant conditions for internal combustion engines
was kept constant until the end of simulation. The ignition delay
and gas turbines, have been selected from the literature for
validation of the performance of the chosen mechanisms. To time in shock tube conditions was defined as the time interval
ensure clarity of the figures, data demonstrated in the following between the passage of the reflected shock wave and the
sections were selected as representative for the specific intersection of the line drawn along the steepest rate of OH
conditions (mixtures, pressures, temperatures, and equivalence generation and a horizontal line, which defines the no OH
ratios); more comparisons between simulations and experi- generation level.
ments can be found in Figures S2−S11 of the Supporting After comparison of the simulation results to measured data,
Information. brute force sensitivity analyses were conducted to identify the
The simulations for ignition delay time were conducted by an key reactions for predicting ignition delay times of different
in-house Cantera program based on an assumption of a mixtures. The rate coefficient of each reaction (ki) was
homogeneous reactor with a constrained volume. The non- individually doubled. The resulting relative variation in the
ideal effects of RCM measurements were taken into ignition delay time (τ) as [τ(2ki) − τ(ki)]/τ(ki) was then taken
consideration, i.e., the perturbation from the compression as the sensitivity coefficient of that reaction. Finally, the
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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sensitivity coefficient was normalized to the maximum value, Glarborg-2018 and Stagni-2020. Li-2019 predicts slightly higher
which is plotted in the following figures. reactivity of ammonia mixtures than Stagni-2020.
3.3.1. Neat Ammonia. To validate model performances for Overall, Glarborg-2018115 and Stagni-2020103 perform better
neat ammonia ignition delay times under rapid compression than the other mechanisms under both RCM and shock tube
machine conditions, two sets of IDT measurements were conditions, even though they have short-comings at fuel-lean
adopted: the temperature-dependent IDT measurements from and fuel-rich conditions, respectively. Sensitivity analyses of
He et al.71 for equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 at pressures both models were conducted at 1050 and 1700 K to represent
of 4.0 and 6.0 MPa (as shown in Figure 9) and the pressure- RCM (left panel of Figure 12) and shock tube (right panel of
dependent measurement from Dai et al.76 for the equivalence Figure 12) conditions, respectively. In the lower temperature
ratio from 0.5 to 3.0 at 1140 and 1200 K (as shown in Figure 10). case, the product channel branching ratios of NH2 + NO/NO2
As seen in both figures, the mechanisms Jiang-2019,138 Li- play important roles in both mechanisms. However, the HO2
2019,137 and Mei-201991 underestimate the ignition delay time radical chemistry is different in the two mechanisms. The
with a factor of 1.5−4 for most conditions, except the case at φ = reactions of HO2 + NH2 and HO2 + NO have almost no
3 and Tc = 1200 K, where they underestimate the IDT with a influence on the simulation results of Glarborg-2018, while they
factor larger than 5. Dai et al.76 found that Jiang-2019 predicted are relatively important in Stagni-2020. It is worth noting that
well the ignition delay times of a lean NH3 mixture with 70% the rate coefficient of HO2 + NH2 = NH3 + O2 was recalculated
argon dilution but failed to reproduce the IDTs at other by Stagni et al.103 In the higher temperature case, the pyrolysis
conditions satisfactorily. Glarborg-2018115 predicts well results reactions involving NH2, NNH, and N2H2 become dominant.
under fuel-rich and stochiometric conditions but underestimates Also, here, the two mechanisms have slight differences. The
IDT under lean conditions with a factor of 5 and 2 for the reaction H2NN = H2 + N2 inhibits the reactivity in Glarborg-
measurements of He et al.71 and Dai et al.,76 respectively. Stagni- 2018, while it is not included in Stagni-2020. The initiation
2020103 estimates overall lower reactivity of neat ammonia reaction of NH2+02 = NH2+HO2 promotes reactivity more
mixtures than Glarborg-2018. Therefore, it presents smaller
strongly in Stagni-2020 than in Glarborg-2018.
discrepancy between simulated and measured IDTs in the fuel-
3.3.2. Ammonia/Hydrogen. The IDT measurements of two
lean conditions but overestimates the IDTs in stochiometric and
mixtures with different NH3/H2 ratios from Dai et al.76 were
fuel-rich conditions within a factor of 1.5 and 3, respectively.
adopted to validate the ignition properties of NH3/H2 mixtures
The measurements from Mathieu and Petersen70 were
in RCM conditions, as shown in Figure 13. The mixtures with 5
adopted to validate the high-temperature performance of the
mechanisms as shown in Figure 11, because these data cover a and 10% H2 in fuel have an equivalence ratio of 1.0 and 0.5,
respectively. Jiang-2019138 overestimates the ignition delay time
with factors of 5 and 2 for 6.0 and 4.0 MPa, respectively, while
for the 2.0 MPa case, the simulated IDT curve has a much
steeper slope than the measurements. The other four
mechanisms capture the main characteristics of the measure-
ments at 4.0 and 6.0 MPa. Among them, Glarborg-2018 and
Stagni-2020 present a better performance than the other two
mechanisms,91,137 which both underestimate the ignition delay
with a factor of 2. It is worth noting that, at the pressure
condition of 2.0 MPa, only the simulated IDTs with Stagni-2020
have good agreement with the measurements, while the other
mechanisms overestimate the reactivity with a factor larger than
3, which is consistent to the observation by Dai et al.76
In comparison to the measured ignition delay time of the
mixture with a higher H2 content, i.e., 20% H2 in fuel, at 2.0 MPa
and a equivalence ratio of 0.5 from He et al.,71 as shown in Figure
Figure 11. Comparison between simulation results with the selected 14, the calculated value with Jiang-2019 is higher and the curve
mechanisms and the measurements from Mathieu and Petersen70 for slope is steeper, while the other four mechanisms present similar
ignition delay times of fuel-rich NH3/O2/Ar mixtures with 99% dilution results, underestimating the IDTs by a factor of 2.
at shock tube conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement. Glarborg-2018115 and Stagni-2020103 perform better than the
other mechanisms for predicting the ignition delay time of NH3/
wide range of temperatures (1500−2500 K), pressures (0.14, H2 mixtures under RCM conditions. According to the sensitivity
1.0, and 3.0 MPa), and equivalence ratios (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0). analysis in the left panel of Figure 15 for the condition with 5%
Jiang-2019138 overestimates the ignition delay time under all H2 at 2.0 MPa, the two production channels of NH2 + NO, the
conditions with a factor of around 2, while the simulation results reactions H + O2 = O + OH and H2O2 (+M) = 2OH (+M), play
with other mechanisms have good agreement with measure- important roles in the ignition process simulated by Glarborg-
ments in fuel-lean and stochiometric conditions. Under fuel-rich 2018. However, according to Stagni-2020, NH3 + O2 = HO2 +
conditions, the calculated IDTs by Stagni-2020103 are shorter NH2 and the product ratio of NH2 + NO2 are more important.
than the measurement with a factor of 1.5 at all three pressures. For the other condition with 10% H2 at 6.0 MPa in the right
This prediction is not consistent with the simulation results in panel of Figure 15, the important reactions remain mostly the
their study,103 possibly because the definition of the simulated same. With the increased pressure, the reaction H + O2 = O +
IDT is different between this study and ref 103. Glarborg-2018 OH becomes much less important in both mechanisms. As the
overestimates the IDT at 0.14 MPa and underestimates it at 3.0 H2 content increases, analysis of Glarborg-2018 indicates that H
MPa, while the simulation results of Mei-2019 lie between + H2O2 = H2 + HO2 and 2HO2 = H2O2 + O2 become dominant,
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 12. Normalized sensitive analysis on the ignition delay times of neat ammonia mixtures at RCM (70% dilution, left panel) and shock tube (99%
dilution, right panel) conditions for Glarborg-2018115 and Stagni-2020.103

Figure 13. Comparison between simulation results with the selected mechanisms and the measurements from Dai et al.76 for ignition delay times of
NH3/H2/O2/N2/Ar mixtures, namely, the stochiometric mixture with 5% H2 in fuel and 75% dilution for φ = 1.0 in the left panel and the fuel-lean
mixture with 10% H2 in fuel in the right panel at RCM conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement.

Figure 14. Comparison between simulation results with different mechanisms and the measurements from He et al.71 for ignition delay times of NH3/
H2/O2/N2/Ar mixtures with 20% H2 in fuel and 70% dilution at RCM conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement.

while these two reactions only have a minor influence according mechanisms Glarborg-2018, Li-2019, and Jiang-2019 were
to Stagni-2020. validated with the measured IDTs of fuel-lean NH3/CH4
3.3.3. Ammonia/Methane. Because Stagni-2020 and Mei- mixtures with different CH4 percentages in fuel, i.e., 5, 10, and
2019 do not include the species containing carbon,91,103 the 50%, at 60 bar from Dai et al.74 in RCM conditions, as shown in
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 15. Normalized sensitive analysis on the ignition delay times of NH3/H2 mixtures with 70% dilution at RCM conditions for Glarborg-2018115
and Stagni-2020.103

Figure 16. Comparison between simulation results with the selected mechanisms and the measurements from Dai et al.74 for ignition delay times of
NH3/CH4/O2/N2/Ar mixtures with 70% dilution at RCM conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement.

Figure 16. In addition, stochiometric and fuel-rich mixtures with

10% CH4 in fuel were reported. Jiang-2019 underestimates the
reactivity of all mixtures with a factor of 2−4. The simulated
IDTs with Glarborg-2018 are slightly shorter than the
measurements within a factor of 1.5. Li-2019 overestimates
the IDTs for the mixture with 5 and 10% CH4 within a factor of
1.5, while it underestimates the IDTs of the mixture containing
50% CH4 in fuel with a factor of 2. These findings are consistent
with the observations by Dai et al.74 On the other hand, as shown
in Figure 17, all three mechanisms predict well IDTs reported
for mixtures with 40% CH4 in fuel at high temperatures and low
pressures, measured by Xiao et al.59 in a shock tube. It is worth
noting to note here that the mechanisms Glarborg-2018 and Li-
2019 were also validated by Shu et al.67 in their most recent work
as well; there, Li-2019 demonstrated overall better performance
than Glarborg-2018. By updating several reaction rate Figure 17. Comparison between simulation results with the selected
mechanisms and the measurements from Xiao et al.59 for ignition delay
coefficients of Li-2019, its performance for fuel-rich mixtures times of NH3/CH4/air mixtures with 40% CH4 in fuel at shock tube
was further improved.67 conditions. Lines, simulation; symbols, measurement.
Since Jiang-2019138 performed well for the shock tube
measurements but not satisfactorily for RCM conditions, it is
worth finding out the difference between the key reactions for reactions in Li-2019, although the relative importance of
these two conditions. The sensitivity analyses for Jiang-2019 and different reactions varies. However, for the RCM conditions in
Li-2019 are compared in the left panel of Figure 18 for the shock the right panel of Figure 18, some of the important reactions in
tube conditions. Jiang-2019 contained most of the important Li-2019, e.g., the reactions related to N2H4, NH2 + NO2,
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 18. Normalized sensitive analysis on the ignition delay times of NH3/CH4 mixtures at shock tube (left panel) and RCM (right panel)

CH3OO, and amine/carbon interactivity, are not included in measuring low flame speeds.91 Among the investigated models,
Jiang-2019, possibly contributing to the discrepancy under those advocated by Jiang-2019 and Mei-2019 compare better to
RCM conditions. the experimental data, while Glarborg-2018 overestimates the
3.4. Validation against Laminar Burning Velocity. As flame speeds considerably. Under fuel-rich conditions, all
discussed in section 3.1.2, the laminar burning velocity of models predict faster burning velocities than the average of
ammonia/air mixtures has been measured extensively using the experimental data.
different experimental approaches, including constant-volume Data measured at elevated pressure (0.3−0.5 MPa) are shown
cylindrical combustion vessels57,91 and spherical vessels.79 in Figure 20. Here, Jiang-2019 provides a good prediction of the
Hayakawa et al.86 measured the flame speed of ammonia/air
mixtures at pressures of 0.1−0.5 MPa using a constant-volume
combustion chamber. Han et al.81 used the heat-flux method to
measure the burning velocities of NH3/air, NH3/H2/air, NH3/
CO/air, and NH3/CH4/air. Lhuillier et al.88 explored the effect
of the initial temperature (298−473 K) and hydrogen addition
on the ammonia flame speed.
Figure 19 compares predictions of the selected models with a
broad range of the available flame speed measurements for
NH3/air mixtures. There is a considerable disparity between
literature data, partly as a result of the larger uncertainty in

Figure 20. Comparison between simulation results with the selected

mechanisms and the measurements from Hayakawa et al.86 for laminar
burning velocities of NH3/air mixtures at 0.3 and 0.5 MPa pressure and
an initial temperature of 298 K.

flame speed, while the other models are less accurate. In

particular, Glarborg-2018 overpredicts the LBV, even though
the absolute differences are mostly within 0.03 m/s.
To promote further utilization of ammonia as a fuel, the
burning velocity of ammonia-based fuels should be improved;
therefore, several studies have been dedicated to find an efficient
Figure 19. Comparison between simulation results with the selected fuel additive. The effect of hydrogen addition on the LBV has
mechanisms and the measurements from Hayakawa et al.,86 Zakaznov been investigated extensively.77,81,88,113,114,159 Notably, Ichika-
et al.,57 Han et al.,81 Lhuillier et al.,88 Mei et al.,91 and Takizawa et al.79 wa et al.77 used a constant volume combustion chamber to
for laminar burning velocities of NH3/air mixtures at 0.1 MPa and an measure the burning velocity when the hydrogen fraction in the
initial temperature of 298 K. fuel was varied from 0 to 100% at pressures of 0.1−0.5 MPa, and
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Wang et al.113 used the heat flux method to measure the burning
velocity of NH3/H2/air at 0.1−0.5 MPa.
Figure 21 compares selected experimental LBVs for
ammonia/hydrogen mixtures with modeling predictions. The

Figure 21. Comparison between simulation results with the selected

mechanisms and the measurements from Li et al.,114 Lhuillier et al.,88
and Wang et al.113 for laminar burning velocities of NH3/H2/air
mixtures at 0.1 MPa pressure and an initial temperature of 298 K. Figure 23. Sensitivity of burning velocity prediction to reaction rate
constants for different stoichiometric mixtures of ammonia/H2/CH4/
air with an initial temperature of 298 K and 1 atm pressure (unless
predictions of Mei-19 and Stagni-20 agree well with the stated). Calculations were conducted using the Jiang-2019 mecha-
measured data. Jiang-2019 tends to underpredict the LBVs, nism.138
while they are overpredicted by Glarborg-2018. The results of
the model by Li et al.137 are not shown as a result of difficulties in
obtaining convergence. different mixtures. The reaction H + NO (+M) = HNO (+M)
Han et al.81 and Okafor et al.92,93 have measured laminar increases the flame speed considerably, except when hydrogen is
burning velocities for NH3/CH4/air mixtures. Because the data added to the fuel mixture. The reactions NH2 + NO = NNH +
were collected at different CH4/NH3 ratios, Figure 22 is limited OH and NH2 + N = N2 + H + H also accelerate flame
propagation, while HNO + H = NO + H2, NH2 + H = NH + H2,
and HNO + OH = NO + H2O reduce the burning velocity. The
flame propagation is mainly controlled by reactions in the
hydrogen and amine subsets, even when methane is added to the
3.5. Ammonia as a Fuel Using Co-firing Strategies.
Generally and as presented, ammonia is considered to have a
relatively low combustion speed, high ignition energy, narrow
flammability range, and low flame temperature. Therefore, the
use of ammonia faces several problems in practical combustion
applications; e.g., limitations are exhibited in internal
combustion engine speed and engine power compared to
conventional fuels.160 Thus, co-firing dual-fuel approaches are
often a choice in combustion devices to overcome the weakness
of using pure ammonia.
An excellent promoter for this task is hydrogen, which not
only can be obtained from cracked ammonia but also does not
Figure 22. Comparison between simulation results with the selected
contain carbon. Carbon-free hydrogen is considered an ideal
mechanisms and the measurements from Han et al.81 for laminar
burning velocities of NH3/CH4/air mixtures at 1 bar pressure and an promoter to improve the combustion of ammonia, whose
initial temperature of 298 K. burning velocity is relatively much higher with a greater
flammability range. Generally, co-firing hydrogen with ammonia
can improve the burning performance of ammonia, achieving
to the experiments by Han et al.81 Among the investigated moderate burning velocity and lower NOx emissions.161 It was
models, only Glarborg-2018, Jiang-2019, and Li-2019 included found that the unstretched laminar burning velocity increases
an oxidation subset for methane. Jiang-2019 predicts the nonlinearly with an increase of hydrogen addition, while the
burning velocity more accurately, but all three mechanisms Markstein length varies non-monotonically with an increase of
overpredict the LBV for fuel-rich mixtures. hydrogen addition. With an increase in initial pressure, the
The Jiang-2019 model is selected for further investigation as a burning velocity and Markstein length will decrease.86 Also, an
result of its better overall performance. Figure 23 shows the improvement of stability limits with hydrogen substitution was
sensitivity of the burning velocity to reaction rate constants for demonstrated for various ammonia flames.162 Particularly,
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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under fuel-rich conditions, a substantial increase of laminar were also a key issue requiring further after treatment as a result
burning velocities with hydrogen substitution can be observed as of a less effective combustion.
a result of the increased amount of hydrogen atoms, suggesting Just like diesel, gasoline has also been attempted to enhance
the potential of hydrogen as a promoter for improving the ammonia combustion in engines. Although energy density and
burning performance with low NOx and N2O emissions in fuel- heating values of ammonia are lower compared to gasoline,
rich flames.78 Actually, in the tests of practical combustion combustion of gaseous ammonia with gasoline is proven feasible
devices, it was demonstrated that a fuel composition of 80% in those engines analyzed.173 It was found that energy efficiency
NH3 and 20% H2 produces a comparable magnitude of NO is comparable to that of using gasoline, while CO emissions are
emissions to that of gasoline as a result of lower flame decreased. However, NOx and HC were found to increase when
temperatures.163 In addition, a 10% hydrogen addition showed ammonia was added.174 The use of ammonia with gasoline
efficiencies and power comparable to gasoline as a result of allowed for knock-free operation at higher compression ratios
higher compression ratios.164 Stable combustion operation was and higher loads than using gasoline alone.
also demonstrated in gas turbines with a 70% NH3/30% H2 A lot of other fuels, such as dimethyl ether (DME),175
(mole %) fuel blend. Moreover, to use hydrogen as promoter ethanol,176 kerosene,177 etc., are also potential promoters, which
enables the use of hydrogen obtained from pre-cracking of can be used for ammonia combustion. However, in previous
ammonia. Some experiments have found that the flammability in attempts, it was shown that, as a result of the low combustion
ammonia/air mixtures increases as a result of dissociated temperature of ammonia, higher CO and HC emissions are the
ammonia that leads to traces of hydrogen in the blend.165 It was main problem still needed to be settled.
demonstrated that ammonia dissociation can effectively 3.6. Laboratory-Scale Experiments and Computa-
enhance the combustion performance and emissions of NH3 tional Fluid Dynamics toward Larger Ammonia-Power
and NOx can be reduced considerably.166 Units. Laboratory- and utility-scale experiments and their CFD
As for the high resistance of ammonia to autoignition, adding simulations are eventually guiding the industrial emergence of
hydrogen to air−ammonia mixtures can help improve ignition ammonia-fueled heat engines that include internal combustion
and increase combustion velocity.167 Under low-temperature systems, land gas turbines, and even aerospace devices.
conditions (1000−1100 K), the hydrogen addition must be Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate the main variations
greater than 10% in volume, which shows a significant in these systems and concepts to guarantee stable combustion
promotion in the ignition delay time.68 Specifically, when the over a wide range of operating conditions with stringent control
fuel mixtures contain 20% H2, ignition delay times tend to be on non-carbon pollutant emissions. The inherent challenges
shorter for fuel-richer mixtures, while for 1 and 0% H2 in fuel presented in fundamental studies regarding IDT, LBV, ignition
mixtures, the equivalence ratio dependence is reversed.71 energy, and flame extinction discussed in the previous section
As the main ingredient of natural gas, co-firing CH4 with NH3 are further studied in the presence of the realistic complexities
blends also has the potential as a cleaner solution compared to arising from parameters, such as details of complex mechanisms
pure fossils, with a remarkable reduction of CO2 emissions. In during mixing of fuel and oxidant, varying turbulence levels and
comparison to methane, non-premixed CH4/NH3/air flames temperature distributions, finite residence times, and variation
showed much lower CO2 emissions with moderate reduction of of mass fractions resulting from the oxidation of ammonia in
combustion stability limits and flame temperature.168 When the combination with simultaneous oxidation of other species while
ammonia fraction is small in the fuel mixture, NOx emissions burning whether in the pure form or blended with methane,
were found to be increased monotonically with the ratio of hydrogen, etc. at various equivalence numbers and pressure
ammonia.169 Because methane−ammonia mixtures contain levels.
significant fuel-bound nitrogen, the addition of more NH3 In terms of gas turbines, recent studies from various research
leads to higher N2 concentrations rather than NO.170.171 centers, including Cardiff University’s Gas Turbine Research
Detailed measurements for premixed CH4/NH3/air combus- Centre (GTRC) utility-scale gas turbine with its high-pressure
tion showed that, for stoichiometric mixtures, with ammonia optical chamber (HPOC), King Abdullah University of Science
fractions increasing, the mole fractions of H2O, NO, and N2 will and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia with high-pressure
increase monotonically, while those of H2, CO, CO2, and NO2 operating facilities and unique measuring techniques, and
have reverse tendencies.104 Several studies have shown Tohoko University in collaboration with the National Institute
significant improvement on ammonia ignition,59 flame prop- of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
agation,92 and other flame features with the addition of methane involving a micro gas turbine (MGT), and others, are
as an additive under various conditions, indicating the promising continuously shedding light to problems related to the
potential of such fuel blends. technologies of ammonia combustion in gas turbines and
Implementing diesel/ammonia mixtures as a fuel is also a suggesting practical remedies. Tackling practical challenges to
route to use ammonia. Replacing diesel in engines showed facilitate the transition from using fossil fuels to ammonia in
promising results a decade ago. When energy substitution by power generation machines is the main objective of all of these
ammonia did not exceed 60%,172 the use of diesel and ammonia studies. Those range from accounting for the fundamental
fuel mixtures produced lower levels of NOx emissions than with unknown behavior of radicals at the core of the flame to practical
pure diesel, a result speculated to be a consequence of lower corrosive studies of ammonia impact requiring the exchange of
combustion temperatures. However, if ammonia is employed as brass and other material susceptible parts exposed to the
the main molecule in the fuel blends, NOx emissions will molecule.178 Thus, this subsection focuses on the fundamental
increase significantly as a result of fuel-bound nitrogen. Other studies, either numerical or experimental, to determine the
emissions, such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon impact of these complex phenomena in laboratory-based rigs.
emissions, were found to be higher than those of pure diesel One of the purposes of laboratory research was to recognize
at the same power output in these diesel engines. Specifically, images of flames produced when burning ammonia at different
relatively high exhaust ammonia emissions (1000−3000 ppmv) conditions as well as comparing ammonia flames images to other
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 24. Flames images in the swirl burner with cylindrical liners: (a) ammonia/air flame, φ = 1.0, h = 100 mm, and Uin = 3.14 m/s; (b) ammonia/air
flame, φ = 1.2, h = 100 mm, and Uin = 3.14 m/s; (c) ammonia/air flame, φ = 1.2, h = 100 mm, and Uin = 3.35 m/s; (d) methane/air flame, φ = 1.0, h =
100 mm, and Uin = 3.14 m/s; (e) ammonia/air flame, φ = 0.8, h = 200 mm, and Uin = 3.14 m/s; (f) ammonia/air flame, φ = 1.0, h = 200 mm, and Uin =
3.14 m/s; and (g) ammonia/air flame, φ = 1.2, h = 200 mm, and Uin = 3.14 m/s. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 179. Copyright
2017 Elsevier.

fuels, like methane. Hayakawa et al.179 experimentally two fuels in operating a gas turbine combustor.180 Although
investigated the stability limits and the emission characteristics both fuels produce stable flames, there are opposite features
with different swirlers from 0.736 to 1.27 Swirl number (S). between the characteristics of both chemicals. For example,
Stabilized flames were obtained for a heating value of 13.2 kW, while maximum NO was registered at a global equivalence ratios
and a demonstration was given to the images of various flames by of φglobal, premixed = 1.0 when using CH4, a minimum NO was
recording the NH2α band chemiluminescence spectrum and the obtained for φglobal, premixed = 1.1 for NH3. Furthermore, while the
superheated water vapor spectrum as indicated from the quartz local NO in the case of ammonia depends upon the level of OH,
lining. Figure 24 shows images of NH3 flames at different which is assumed to depend upon the local φ, it largely depends
operating conditions as well as a comparison to a typical upon the local temperature in the case of methane.
methane flame produced at the same burner. The shorter flame Further experiments and findings were supported by the
length in the case of methane, which is also bluish in color, is due utilization of a high-pressure optical chamber (HPOC) that is
to the much higher LBV, while the presence of superheated fitted with a generic lean premixed swirl burner. Experimental
steam is more prominent in the rich mixtures. The effect of facilities included OH chemiluminescence measurements, with
altering the equivalence number and inlet velocity on ammonia a Dantec Dynamics Hi Sense MK II charge-coupled device
flames is also indicated in the images taken. It is observed that (CCD) camera with 1.3 m megapixel resolution coupled with
the rich mixture of ammonia is more compact and its orange Hamamatsu C9546-03 L image intensifier. A bespoke 0.078 m
color is brighter. This is thought to be the result of the presence focal length lens capable of capturing light in the ultraviolet
of more NH2α band chemiluminescence spectrum and (UV) wavelength range was used. The Abel deconvolution
superheated steam in the combustion products. All of the methodology was used to enable spatial resolution, and an
images of flames shown in the figure indicate the aerodynamic Avigilon 5 Mp H.264 high-definition camera was used in
features. Both the central recirculation zone (CRZ) and external capturing various ammonia flames for investigating their
recirculation zone (ERZ) are clear. Panels a−c of Figure 24 are stability. Gas analyses were performed using integrated signal
NH3 flames, where panels a and b of Figure 24 demonstrate the instruments, identifying NOx and NH3 in the flue gases.
difference between stoichiometric and rich NH3 flames and The works performed at the GTRC were also expanded to
panels b and c of Figure 24 demonstrate the effect brought about numerical analyses that enabled further insights into the
by increasing the momentum ratio of the injected charge, which progression of emissions and stability at higher pressures and
is shown to alter the aerodynamic configuration. The greatest inlet temperatures. Xiao et al.181 presented a lean premixed
contrast in the figure is between panels a and d of Figure 24, ammonia flame that was simulated using OpenFOAM with a
which is emanating from the difference between burning NH3 reduced mechanism for chemical kinetics. The chemical source
and burning CH4, as discussed above. Comparing panels e, f, and term was introduced through the partially stirred reactor (PaSR)
g of Figure 24 for φ = 0.8, 1, and 1.2, respectively, shows the accounting for the turbulence−chemistry interaction. In this
shortest flame length to be that corresponding to stoichiometric framework, the computational cell is split into reacting and non-
flames (Figure 24f) compared to the rich and lean flames (panels reacting zones. The fuel used was a 50−50 ammonia−hydrogen
e and g of Figure 24). This is probably due to the fact that the mixture at atmospheric pressure introduced at ambient
stoichiometric condition corresponds to the highest LBV of the temperature for a power of 30 kW. The equivalence ratio was
three flames shown. varied between 0.433 and 0.5. NO emission resulted in values
The performance and emission characteristics of non- between 300 and 3000 ppmv, increasing with the equivalence
premixed combustion at a high pressure for ammonia−air and ratio in the studied range. The flame structure was demonstrated
methane−air were then compared in rich−lean non-premixed through depicting flow fields, temperatures, OH, and NO. The
environments to account for the main differences between the formation and destruction of NO for the conditions studied was
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 25. (a) Schematic details of a novel burner design for NH3−H2−air mixtures and (b) stability map for various fuel molar fractions and
equivalence ratios. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 187. Copyright 2020 Elsevier.

linked to the OH and HNO formation and various production/ conditions and confinements showed the variance in emissions
destruction mechanisms. based on the temperature and pressure, with a predicted
The same experimental facility was used to study ammonia− reduction of NO at higher values. Moreover, hydrogen that was
methane combustion at 0.1 and 0.2 MPa pressure for varying produced at the expense of NH3 cracking was observed to be
NH3 and CH4 fractions and at different equivalences ranging rising in concentration in post-flame regions. The wall
from lean to rich mixtures with the aid of one-dimensional (1D) condition, whether adiabatic or isothermal, resulted in different
analyses.182 The study aimed at determining the flame stability radial distributions of radicals at the exhaust plane. Those
and NO emissions for different equivalence numbers. The included H2, H2O, H, NH2, NH3, NO, O, NH, OH, and N2.
numerical calculations involved the utilization of GASEQ and Although the parameters changed brought significant changes in
CHEMKIN-PRO. The study demonstrated the extremely low the combustion characteristics, the overall conclusion demon-
concentration of NO emissions at rich equivalence numbers strates that the burning of ammonia and ammonia blends in gas-
ranging between 1.15 and 1.25, although unacceptable levels of turbine-like combustors requires a dedicated burner design.
CO were observed. The effect of the swirl number on the Further, the generic burner that was initially designed to meet
aerodynamics of the flow pattern and, thus, the residence time of natural gas characteristics would not result in adequate emission
radicals in the internal recirculation zone was pointed out. levels, thus needing a different injection philosophy to reach
Generally, the study concluded that the sole injection of the fuel lower NO and unburned NH3 emissions.
air mixture is not adequate for the methane ammonia mixture, a Similarly, when Somarathne et al.185 addressed the burning of
problem that was later resolved by ref 101. pure ammonia in a turbulent premixed environment with air,
Rich ammonia−hydrogen blends at an equivalence number of they highlighted the fact that NH3 LBV is very low and the
1.2 at an inlet temperature of 657 K of a variety of blends from 10 production of fuel NO is considerable. Large eddy simulation
to 50% hydrogen were then studied in ref 183. This work (LES) investigations with the inspection of streamlines and
demonstrated that the burner design can affect the flame velocity distribution, turbulence intensity u′ and isosurfaces of
topology and, hence, the emission levels as a result of the the second invariant gradient tensor Q shaded with the mass
cracking of ammonia into hydrogen, nitrogen, and NH3. It was fraction of NH3, and YNH3 indicated that a careful design of the
proposed to inject a further fraction of NH3 and H2 in a post- swirl burner results in the formation of an inner recirculation
flame region, which resulted in a further reduction of NOx levels. zone and small eddies, enhancing the turbulent mixing of burnt
The combination that brought about the optimum results for the and unburnt gases. This finding leads to the conclusion that it is
specific burner design and operating conditions was 40−60 possible to eliminate stability problems arising from the low
hydrogen−ammonia with a further 4% injection in the post- burning velocity. However, the investigation of NO emissions at
flame region. an inlet temperature of 500 K and stoichiometric mixture
Supporting data produced using Star-CCM+ version 19.3 showed that the levels of NO produced locally exceeded 10 000
applying RANS k−ω SST modeling with a clustering technique ppmv. This agrees with other investigations of NO emissions for
for chemistry resolution was used in ref 184. The predicted levels pure ammonia combustion181 with an inlet temperature of 500
of NO, NH3, and H2 were compared to the experimental K and stoichiometric mixtures that showed that the levels of NO
measurements. Only ammonia emissions agreed reasonably, produced locally exceeded 10 000 ppmv. Furthermore, 1D flame
while discrepancies were experienced for NO and hydrogen. simulation using CHEMKIN-PRO at the initial temperature of
This is normally due to the vast variation between chemical 500 K for lean and rich mixtures showed that NO emission has a
kinetic mechanisms available, and it requires further inves- maximum value around the equivalence ratio of 0.9 and then
tigation.71 Computational results obtained at various ambient decreased with a further increase of the equivalence ratio until
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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NO is minimal at values of 1.25, where both NO and unburnt firing of pure ammonia and ammonia−hydrogen at different
NH3 mole fractions are less than 300 × 10−6, with space and time pressures for premixed and non-premixed combustion.180,188
averaged emission (STAE) values of ∼203 × 10−6. Three- Results demonstrate the reduction in both NO and NH3 at the
dimensional (3D) modeling validated these results and also exit of the combustor as a result of following such a strategy.188
indicated alarming levels of H2 under these rich conditions, Somarathne et al. investigated the effect of operating in a rich/
suggesting that the welcome disappearance of unburnt NH3 was lean condition through applying a mixture with a high
only due to its cracking into hydrogen at the combustor exit. equivalence ratio in the primary burner and allowing further
All of these results lead to the need of further modifications aerodynamic stabilization. Then, secondary air was introduced
required when burning ammonia and ammonia blends instead of downstream to study the possibility of burning any unburnt NH3
hydrocarbons. However, as part of the challenges that or H2 and allowing for the exit temperature to be lower than the
laboratory-based systems are resolving, the problem of flame 1300 K limit for the protection of turbine blades against thermal
stability is of a more fundamental nature. The LBV of NH3/air stresses. The secondary air was thus introduced at a length of
flames, of around 7 cm/s under the stoichiometric condition and 0.10 m of the total length of 0.15 m combustor. The operating
at ambient conditions, produces less flame stability and higher conditions studied included pressures of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 MPa.
levels of NO generation than that of combustion of conventional The effect of primary and secondary equivalence ratios was
hydrocarbons, as a consequence of nitrogen embedded in the numerically studied. The results showed the positive effect of
ammonia molecule, restricting the direct NH3−air combustion pressure increases in decreasing NO and NH3 without
in conventional applications. Using generic gas turbine swirl secondary air at all equivalence numbers studied. However,
burners designed for the purpose of burning conventional the introduction of secondary air leads to further formation of
hydrocarbons has resulted on stability problems, whether when NO as a result of the presence of unburnt NH3 that would burn
burning ammonia solely or even when mixing it with CH4, as in lean conditions.
reported by ref 182. Studies that have covered burning of pure It is suggested that a fully premixed injection strategy is not
ammonia in premixed and diffusion forms of admitting the fuel appropriate for optimized ammonia combustion and that high
and air to the combustor (see for example refs 186 and 187) have flame instabilities can be produced at medium swirl numbers;
involved modifications in techniques for the injection of fuel and hence, lower swirl and a different injection strategy for optimized
oxidant. Flame stability is achieved through a careful burner power generation using ammonia fuel blends are needed.
design that allows for the creation of an adequate CRZ Because it was acknowledged that the majority of gas turbine
associated with vortex breakdown shearing that entrains fresh combustors have been operated in a non-premixed mode, this
reactants, thus enhancing mixing between free radicals and hot was attempted. It was found obvious to reiterate the study in a
upstream combustion products, leading to continuous chemical non-premixed environment and compare the performance and
reactions. This is combined with more ERZs that meet the level of emissions produced between both premixed and non-
distinctive burning properties of ammonia. Attempts have been premixed flames.186 STAE NO was observed to follow a similar
performed to increase the operating range of equivalence ratios behavior to that displayed for the premixed flow because it
from lean to rich mixtures while obtaining a stable flame through behaves similarly with the change of the global equivalence ratio.
blending with either methane or hydrogen. For example, ref 187 However, the local NO distribution showed the presence of
used a swirling bluff body burner shown in Figure 25a to burn a higher levels of emissions near the combustor walls, while the
blend of NH3−H2−air at inlet ambient temperature and center was almost free from emissions. This was attributed to the
pressure that resulted in a reasonable range of operating local value of φ. The effect of pressure on the level of emissions
conditions, mapped by a stability diagram shown in Figure 25b. was shown to be independent of the combustion injection type.
As seen, the equivalence ratio range for pure ammonia oxidation STAE NO was higher than that in the premixed flow as a result
obtained for that burner was between 0.8 and 1.1. This was of non-uniformity of mass fractions and local φ, a negative effect
found expanded to a range between 0.34 and 1.62 when that could be reduced by careful engineering the admission
reducing the NH3 content in the fuel mixture to 70% with details of the fuel according to the detailed combustor and
hydrogen. burner configurations.
The high NO emissions resulting from ammonia and Moreover, the research in ref 189 found that the effect of
ammonia blend flames remain to be the main challenge pressure must be taken into account to reduce NO and unburnt
hindering the application of the clean molecule in industrial NH3 emissions and that increasing the operating pressure from
applications. Detailed kinetics shown above indicated that the 0.1 to 0.5 MPa lowers the NO and unburnt NH3 emissions from
oxidation of NH3, NH2, and NH in the presence of OH, H, and approximately 700 to 200 ppmv at φ = 1.2. This same work also
O results in the formation of NO through a HNO intermediate. demonstrated that the NO emission reduction results from a
It is necessary to minimize the cost of manufacturing and significant decrease in the OH radical concentration at high
maintaining large-size SCR systems for ammonia-fired engines pressures because these radicals play an important role during
in practice. Because both fundamental one-dimensional studies the oxidation of the amidogen radical (NH2) to NO via nitroxyl
as well as laboratory investigations have shown that a minimum (HNO) in the reaction sequence NH2 → HNO, NH → HNO,
NO production is achieved for rich mixtures of equivalence ratio and HNO → NO. The reduction in the OH radical
of around 1.2, CFD studies have demonstrated the possibility of concentration at high pressures is related to the third body
NOx control through the design of combustors involving two- reaction OH + H + (M) ↔ H2O + M, which is highly sensitive
stage zones. Laboratory-scale experiments and CFD upstream of for the forward direction at high pressures.
the combustor involve a CRZ with a rich flame condition, and Co-firing of CH4 and NH3 was thus addressed in ref 101 for
additional air is admitted downstream of the CRZ to consume single- and two-stage combustion of premixed and non-
any unburnt fuel and to reduce the exiting temperatures meeting premixed conditions at varying ambient pressures, primary
turbine requirements. A series of laboratory experiments were and overall equivalence, and ammonia content in the mixture up
conducted to examine the effect of rich−lean combustion on the to 30% ammonia by heat fraction. The investigation included
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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both experimental and LES analyses. The comparison of OH- 4. APPLICATIONS

PLIF shots for instantaneous and averaged intensities of flames 4.1. Furnaces/Boilers. Energy used in industrial and
obtained at premixed and non-premixed conditions of the
residential sectors is a relevant part of the total energy,
mixture burnt at φ = 1.2 demonstrated the interesting distinctive
accounting for more than 50% of total world energy
features between the two flames. The premixed single-stage
consumption.193 This percentage grows through the years
combustion produced excessive amounts of NO for both the
with the continuous increase of energy-intense material demand.
lean and rich mixtures up to φ ∼ 1.35, indicating the need to
In industrial sectors, the primary energy sources are still coal,
reduce emissions via two-stage combustion. The non-premixed
petroleum, and natural gas; only a very small percentage comes
case problem was less pronounced. The LES analysis of the two-
from renewable energy. Therefore, decarbonization of the
stage combustion of methane−ammonia−air mixtures indicates
industrial sector is a key step for meeting the CO2 net zero
the possibility of achieving environmentally acceptable levels of
emission in the near future. Once again, ammonia is among the
emissions and combustor outlet temperatures under stringent
best candidates as a new carbon-free energy carrier to be used as
conditions of ambient pressure, blending fractions of ammonia
a fuel.
and methane, or through the splitting between primary and
Various solutions have been tested depending upon what type
secondary equivalence numbers. To find out whether the
referred values of these parameters are unique features of the of facility has been considered, which, in turn, poses different
configuration studies, further studies are required. issues in terms of ammonia utilization, purpose, etc. In general,
NOx emissions were also reduced through the humidification the difficulties to be faced in furnaces and boilers are those
of reactants in NH3−H2 blends.190 The reduction was a result of related to ammonia combustion characteristics, already
the combined effect of the decrease of the flame temperature as discussed thus far, e.g., flame stability, pollutant emissions,
well as enhanced O consumption through the reaction O + H2O structural integrity, etc. However, in those cases, where furnaces
↔ OH + OH, to limit N2 + O ↔ NO + N. Further details are are conceived for material treatment, the effects of evaluation of
given in the next subsections. It is notable to mention that gas composition are also a priority.
excessive temperature reduction in the flame zone, although In relation to flame stability and NOx formation, co-firing with
inhibiting the formation of NO, might also lead the loss of flame different fuels, the use of staged combustion as well as oxygen-
stability; thus, it would be a question of optimization. enriched or diluted oxidant streams have been evaluated thus far
As mentioned, considerable work is taking place at KAUST as for practical solutions, depending upon the combustion strategy
well to determine further parameters and features in the use of that needs to be implemented.
ammonia. Works have been presented around the stability of In coal-fired thermal power plants, ammonia co-firing has
ammonia flames, showing interesting results for the use of very been explored in various configurations194−196 both exper-
lean conditions at which hydrogen−ammonia flames produce imentally and numerically. However, a detailed interpretation of
negligible NO emissions (although there is still a question about the effects of ammonia on each single stage of coal combustion,
unburned ammonia).191 Further, Khateeb et al.192 recently independent of the furnace configuration, is very difficult to be
conducted stability mapping for premixed ammonia−hydro- pointed out as a result of the well-known complexity of solid fuel
gen−nitrogen−air swirl flames. The results indicated that combustion. For example, ammonia can interfere with gas and
flashback occurrence can be eliminated when the ammonia gas−solid reactions as well as with heat transfer in the furnace.
fuel fraction exceeds a critical value, which is dependent upon It was shown that, keeping the thermal power, it is possible to
the Reynolds number, thus widening the stability region. In reduce CO2 emission by substituting coal with ammonia in
terms of emission results, the study found consistent data with different concentrations depending upon the system require-
previous studies, with a lean ammonia/hydrogen flame ments. An effort in this direction was carried out by Tamura et
producing a large amount of NO, whereas good NO al.,194 which characterized coal/ammonia co-combustion in a
performance at slightly rich conditions. Interestingly, adding 1.2 MWth furnace. They demonstrated the relevance of coal/
nitrogen in the mixture to mimic ammonia cracking did not ammonia mixing and staged combustion on NOx formation.
influence the stability regions but marginally decreased NO Although the combustion behavior strongly depends upon the
emissions. furnace configuration, the authors highlighted main features that
Recent work by Bennett et al.96 to show the reduction of soot are relevant for the process in general.
formation in co-combustion of ammonia with other fuels using a As is well-known, coal combustion occurs through different
non-premixed counterflow flame configuration is the first of its steps, which span from heating and devolatilization of coal
kind. Results from the study indicated that the addition of particles and char formation to oxidation of products of
ammonia with conventional fuels has a chemical effect in devolatilization and char oxidation (Figure 26). On this basis,
reducing soot formation. However, this effect was not apparent NH3 injection strongly affects the flue gas composition and ash
during initial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) for- based on its position in the furnace. Ammonia can play the role
mation processes because PAHs of 2−3 rings were not affected, of a reducing agent or NOx source depending upon the coal
but soot reduction was initiated for PAHs larger than 2−3 rings. combustion condition in the zone where the interaction with
Therefore, active research is currently taking place to NH3 occurs. In terms of NOx, in ammonia/coal co-combustion,
understand not only the combustion fundamentals behind the the target is to keep the NOx level similar to those of pure coal
use of ammonia and all of its potential blends for engines and combustion, avoiding as much as possible its further increase
large power generation systems, but also there is a great interest while decreasing CO2 emissions.
to develop and implement these technologies in robust systems In Figure 26, a qualitative scheme of pulverized coal
capable of using ammonia with high power release and low combustion was reported to highlight the possible region
emissions. The work has led to interesting concepts that now are where the injection of NH3 is not detrimental for NOx
under scrutiny at small-, medium-, and large-scale sizes. formation.196
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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A potential drawback of ammonia co-firing is the increase of

carbon in fly ashes. In this regard, different results were reported
by refs 194 and 195. Indeed, while the authors of ref 194 report a
decrease of unburned carbon in fly ashes with respect to coal
combustion, which is in agreement with ref 197, in ref 195, the
opposite trend was found numerically. As a common result, no
ammonia slip was experimentally or numerically found in any of
the fed conditions considered.
A relevant parameter to consider for the evaluation of the
effectiveness of co-firing is the heat transfer. In the case of coal
furnaces, it is mainly based on the radiative mechanism as a
result of the presence of coal and char particles. Ammonia
addition decreases the concentration of coal particles. Also, the
final effects depend upon the co-firing strategy, as previously
mentioned. It has been shown196 that up to 35% ammonia co-
Figure 26. Schematization of coal combustion and possible NH3 firing the concentration of coal particles is high enough to keep
interaction. the heat transfer unchanged. Tamura et al.194 showed that, with
60% co-firing, the radiative component decreases significantly.
Despite that, the heat transfer to the wall does not reduce
Tamura et al.194 and Ishiara et al.196 demonstrated that the accordingly, although the heat transfer to the wall is only 3%
injection in the combustion region, where devolatilization lower than in the case of pure coal firing. The authors relate this
products oxidize, i.e., in flame region, leads to almost the same effect to the change in the flame shape. While increasing NH3,
level of NOx emission as the coal combustion. More specifically, the flame becomes thinner and longer, causing an increase of
Ishiara et al.196 pointed out that, because of the air staging, the convective components of heat transfer. In this case, also, the
flame region is in rich conditions and becomes richer with design of the injection nozzle is relevant because of its impact on
ammonia injection. This reduces the NO production with the flame shape.
respect to what is usually expected without ammonia injection. Energy-intensive material production activities, such as iron,
In addition, the slight reduction in the flame temperature during steel, and cement production, alone account for about 50% of
ammonia injection also has a positive effect on NO formation. energy consumption in industry. In this case, the strategies for
However, the flame temperature is high enough to convert NH3 CO2 emission reduction related to the use of alternative fuels
before the region where char oxidation starts. On the contrary, have to take into account all constraints as a result of the effect of
the authors showed that NH3 injection in the coal heating and an oxidative atmosphere or combustion residuals on the material
devolatilization region or in the region where char oxidation itself. In the cement industry, the use of alternative fuels in the
occurs causes a significant increase of NOx with respect to coal pyro-processing of raw material, which leads to clinker
combustion. A different behavior is reported by Tamura et al. production, is a common practice, especially in terms of co-
that experimentally showed in their configuration the effective- processing of waste materials in rotary kilns. The combustion
ness of injection of ammonia mixed with coal through the coal process in kilns is considered almost an incineration process
nozzle with respect to separate downstream injection. It is clear whose residuals become part of the clinker itself. Nevertheless,
that the effectiveness of ammonia injection before the post-flame the temperature profile along the kiln axis is crucial for the final
zone depends upon the air-staging strategy. The higher the air- quality of the clinker, affecting the clinker microstructure in
staging ratio, the higher the equivalence ratio in the flame zone terms of porosity as well as size and distribution of crystals in the
and the lower the NOx production. clinker phase. Thus, the temperature along the kiln axis has to be
As expected, ammonia/coal co-combustion also has an effect high enough, and the heat transfer to the material has to be
on other species, which has to be taken into account. In general, efficient, to guarantee the separation of heating, melting, nodule
NH3 or NO compete with other species and char present in the formation, and burning processes along the kiln axis
reaction volume. The interaction among them can heavily affect appropriately. Gaseous flows are counter-current with respect
NOx emissions. In general, as a result of the high flame to the material, so that the flame temperature has to reach 2300
temperature, NH3 is converted before the region where char K to allow the material temperature to reach about 1720 K in the
oxidation starts. There is scarce information in the literature burning stage. Also, in these furnaces, the heat transfer
about the effect of ammonia on volatilization products at the essentially occurs through radiative mechanisms.
flame zone, and further studies are needed. In the temperature On the basis of these considerations, it is clear that the use of
range typical of the flame region, where the high-temperature pure ammonia as well as other low-calorific-value fuels for
reaction branching is active, it is expected that the presence of H2 clinker production in conventional kilns, without a precalciner,
and CH4 could enhance ammonia oxidation. It is interesting to is not feasible. Nevertheless, as a result of the huge amount of
note that NH3 co-firing causes a decrease of CO emission and an energy consumed in the process, the use of a few percentages of
increase in unburned carbon in the ashes.194 The authors such fuels has a significant impact on CO2 emissions. Kujiraoka
hypothesize that the CO decrease is related to not only the et al.198 demonstrated that the use of 30% ammonia in heavy oil
decrease of the coal amount, as for CO2, but also the gas shift co-firing does not alter the compression characteristics of the
reaction (i.e., H2O + CO → H2 + CO2), which takes place in the clinker with respect to that produced with heavy oil. As for the
burned gases. This reaction is favored in the presence of precalciner kiln, it is possible to use up to 65% of fuel in the
ammonia because, in NH3 co-combustion, the amount of water calciner, which works at much lower gas temperatures (between
formed during oxidation is higher than that formed in coal 1200 and 1400 K), which correspond to a maximum material
combustion. temperature of 1200 K. In this case, the fuel quality is less
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 27. Ammonia MILD combustion: (a) NOx emission, (b) example of no visible flame, and (c) example of an igni-diffusive structure.

relevant, and waste are largely used in this part of the plant. In the last few years, MILD combustion has gained more and
Therefore, also, ammonia as a fuel in these sections of the plant is more relevance because of the increasing number of new
attractive, also keeping in mind that it is necessary to use molecules used as energy carriers, with combustion character-
selective non-catalytic reduction for NOx abatement. However, istics very different from those of fossil fuels. Different
no studies have been carried out yet for the use of ammonia in configurations have been considered, from laboratory to
calciners and preheaters. domestic to industrial scale. A very effective configuration is
As discussed, the characteristics of ammonia do not make it a the one based on a cyclonic flow configuration on a small
good fit for use in combustors with standard configurations. scale.200,201 The authors deeply studied ammonia MILD
Indeed, the low calorific value and the low burning velocity do combustion in this burner, identifying the range of stability in
not stabilize either a premixed or diffusion flame without using terms of the equivalence ratio, initial temperature, and power
appropriate strategies. In the past decade, solicited by the need intensity. It has been proven that, in this condition, ammonia
to meet new targets in terms of efficiency and emissions, combustion can be stabilized in a wide range of equivalence
innovative, fuel-flexible combustion technologies have been ratios, from 0.4 up to 1.8. At the same time, very low NOx
developed. This is the case of MILD combustion characterized emissions, in comparison to that usually measured using
by a different stabilization mechanism with respect to the ammonia in standard combustion configuration, were detected,
feedback-stabilized conventional combustion processes. MILD as shown in Figure 27a. More specifically, under this condition, it
combustion occurs when the reactants are locally preheated at a is possible to have a NOx emission of about 70 ppm in
temperature higher than the autoignition temperature (Tign), stoichiometric-fed conditions and only a few part per million
and the local composition allows for a temperature increase (ppm) in rich conditions. Dependent upon feed conditions, the
(DT) lower than Tign as a result of dilution or the low calorific emissions can be further decreased by adding water in the
value of the fuel used. These conditions make the combustion oxidant stream.202
process evolve without the stabilization of a common premixed The local temperature value at which ammonia MILD
or diffusion flame structure but through so-called igni-diffusive combustion can stabilize at the limit of the equivalence ratio
structures199 (Figure 27c), where heat release rate profiles range is remarkable and represents a threshold value.
related to conventional and MILD combustion were reported. Independent of the inlet temperature, ammonia MILD
Igni-diffusive structures cover a wider mixture fraction range combustion stabilizes when local temperatures are higher than
with respect to conventional diffusion structures, and their 1300 K in lean/stoichiometric conditions.200,202 It has been
maximum heat release is not correlated to the stoichiometric demonstrated in elementary reactors99,102 that this temperature
mixture fraction. In combustion chambers, igni-diffusive is the threshold to make the high-temperature oxidation
structures derive from the pockets of the mixture of different mechanism of ammonia start as a result of the onset of high-
compositions that progress on the microscale by means of temperature branching reactions of H2/O2. For temperatures
ignition, oxidation, and annihilation with no propagative lower than 1300 K, the ammonia oxidation occurs through the
mechanisms. Moreover, these are nearly homogeneously low and intermediate reaction channels, which do not yield an
distributed in time and space in the entire volume of the OH concentration high enough to sustain the combustion
combustion chamber. Independent of the fuel used, no visible process in the burner. The threshold temperature of 1300 K can
flame structure is present in the combustion chamber. The local be decreased by co-firing with methane or hydrogen. In the case
conditions for igni-diffusive structures are reached by a very high of methane, the temperature can decrease to about 1150 K in
level of internal heat and mass recirculation, which makes the dependence of the co-firing level. This threshold value is also
MILD combustion process really fuel flexible, as assessed by affected by the composition of the recirculation flow as a result
plenty of papers published in the field. of the high third body efficiency of recirculated species, such as
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Table 3. Energy Content and Energy Density at Storage Conditions

H2 CH4 C2H5OH DME gasoline diesel heavy oil NH3
energy content (MJ/kg) 120.0 49.0 26.9 28.0 44.0 42.4 40.2 18.8
stoichiometric air/fuel 2.4 9.6 14.3 2.3 15.3 14.3 6.05
energy density (MJ/L) 4.8 9.7 21.3 18.7 32.0 35.2 36.6 11.5
laminar flame speed (cm/s)a 218 35 41 45 34 7
ignition delay time (ms)b 51.43 72.2 6.6 0.76 10 1.12 1383
Experimental measured data from the literature at initial conditions: P = 1 atm, T ≈ 298 K, and φ = 1.0.86,207−211 bUnder conditions of a
homogeneous constant volume reactor at P = 20 bar, T = 900 K, and φ = 1.0.

water.203,204 For example, in MILD combustion, the third body marketed because the use of the molecule still poses major
efficiency has great relevance in the kinetics of three molecular problems not only because of supply and safety issues but also
reactions and strongly affects ignition and branching mecha- because of its physical characteristics compared to conventional
nisms. fuels. Therefore, for many applications, two strategies have been
Results on MILD combustion in cyclonic configurations have considered for the use of ammonia fuel: supply ammonia either
been obtained thus far on a laboratory scale, but it is not difficult partially in standard engines to limit the carbon footprint or
to consider a scale up of the system in terms of power for employ it mainly in dedicated engines to reach zero footprint.
domestic or small-scale applications. In fact, it is possible to Another example consists of using ammonia as a reducing agent
increase the number of units working in parallel and/or increase for NOx mitigation by direct injection in diesel engines to avoid
their operative pressure while keeping the cyclonic configuration the use of selective catalytic reactors at the exhaust.215
and their efficiency. In the following subsections, main conclusions about state-of-
4.2. Internal Combustion Engines. Green ammonia, the-art ammonia fueling methods for internal combustion
which requires less storage volume than hydrogen and is cheaper engines are highlighted.
to make than other synthetic carbon fuels, seems to be the best 4.2.1. Automotive Application. As a result of the specific
candidate as electrofuels for transportation because the features of ammonia as a fuel, i.e., its narrow flammability limits,
greenhouse gas emissions from an ammonia-driven vehicle high autoignition temperature, and low combustion speed, even
could be less than one-third of gasoline or diesel. In the case of in spark-ignition (SI) or compression-ignition (CI) engines, the
heavy freight, because the production sites of the hydrogen feasibility to consider pure NH3 requires some adaptations to
carrier (the hydrogen itself or ammonia) will certainly be located achieve favorable ignition conditions, by either increasing the
far from the consumers, long-distance freight transport with compression ratio or using a turbocharger or dedicated ignition
ammonia as fuel is an advantage with a volume density of liquid system or using a more reactive quantity of fuel, as summarized
ammonia more than 2.5 times higher than that of compressed recently in an International Energy Agency (IEA) report.216,217
hydrogen at a high pressure. Ammonia can also be a suitable fuel As a result of its high autoignition temperature and its narrow
for auxiliary power units because there is less challenge on flammability limits, as summarized by Dimitriou et al.218 in their
storage and the load range is more limited. Reducing the total recent review focused on CI engines, dual-fuel modes are the
greenhouse gas emissions from marine transportation is possible most attractive way to use ammonia as a fuel in a CI engine, thus
using hydrogen and ammonia directly as supplementary fuels or feeding the engine with a pilot injection of more reactive fuels,
individual fuels. Using ammonia as a dual fuel in marine engines such as diesel, acetylene, butane, LNG, liquefied petroleum gas
can decrease total greenhouse gas emissions up to 33.5% per ton (LPG), DME, etc. In most cases, the port-fuel injection of
kilometer, whereas this number increases to 69% if only ammonia is better than direct liquid injection of ammonia,
ammonia is used in the engines, as underlined in ref 205 based which is very limited in conventional diesel mode, as highlighted
on life cycle analyses. Actually, as for heavy-duty trucks, in the recently by Lesmana et al.219 Analogously, in SI engines, the
case of marine transportations (tankers, super trawlers, or cargo ignition is easier thanks to the ignition device, making possible
ships), the size of the fuel tanks needed for hydrogen would be the combustion at a load range with pure ammonia and its
too large, too onerous, and impossible if the refueling is not blends with another fuel (such as hydrogen or standard or
easily possible. Although more energy-dense than hydrogen, alternative gasoline fuels), thus enhancing the combustion
ammonia still occupies significantly more space than diesel for process217,220 with reasonable compression ratios.
the same amount of propulsion, as underlined de Vries.206 Bearing in mind the 2050 energy transition target, zero-
Nevertheless, ammonia has many advantages to other fossil carbon emission fuels will be the only fuels to be considered,
fuels, for example, to liquefied natural gas (LNG), because it is either ammonia alone or ammonia with hydrogen, for both SI
already produced and transported in large quantities around the engines or CI engines (in spark-assisted or dual-fuel modes).
world. However and as pointed out through the use of other fuel However, as underlined in ref 217, most studies during the past
sources (Table 3), ammonia can be competitive to other decade have been carried out on cooperative fuel research
alternatives but still presents a disadvantage to fossil sources, (CFR) engines and not the usual engines installed in current
thus requiring more ingenious methods to use all of its vehicles. Moreover, only a few attempts of ammonia-fueled
properties while raising power and efficiency. vehicles have been made thus far [i.e., the Marangoni Toyota
The idea of using ammonia as fuel is nothing new, with the project (
first well-known Belgium use of buses fleet during World War II. ammonia-fuel-marangoni-eco-explorer/) or the AmVeh Korean
Several further studies performed during the mid-1960s212−214 project (
were focused on evaluating the potential of ammonia as fuel in amveh-an-ammonia-fueled-car-from-south-korea/)221], which
internal combustion engines. Currently, ammonia-based only use ammonia as a partial substitute of standard fuels,
combustion engine fueling methods are not ready to be mainly limited because of the toxicity of possible ammonia leaks.
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Figure 28. Different possible paths for suitable use of ammonia as fuel in an internal combustion engine.

Only a few studies have explored the possibility of fueling an Table 4. Main Conclusions for Ammonia with H2 as a
engine with neat ammonia.222,223 Koike et al.224 first proved Promoter
that, for a 14:1 compression ratio, an engine under boosted
minimum H2 for
conditions can run with ammonia with acceptable cyclic combustion open-ended
variations at high load but only at 800 rpm. Lhuillier et al.225 stability efficiency output energy considerations
confirmed the use of the chemical in a current SI engine (10.5:1 5−10% (vol) higher for less than cold start
compression ratio) at 1500 rpm at full load. As summarized by stoichiometric and standard conditions
Mounaim-Rousselle et al.,216 operating an engine with pure
slightly rich mixture engine fuels
decrease with higher than standard increase with pure ammonia
ammonia at a lower load (i.e., intake pressures lower than load increase fuels compression
atmospheric conditions) is also possible. However, a drastic ratio
heating of the combustion chamber is required to enhance stable increase with decrease with H2 increase with
conditions. It must be noted that, thus far, no operating tests engine speed increase engine speed
have been carried out on vehicles under these conditions. Lee
and Song226 also studied a partial premixed charge combustion
the load to favor higher efficiency. However, from available
strategy with a very high compression ratio of 35:1 and a intake
literature studies, no systematic experimental or simulation
gas temperature suitable for ammonia combustion without the
studies have been carried out to draw up recommendations. An
need of another fuel. They only added a direct pilot ammonia
injector concept for direct liquid injection was developed by
injection during the compression. Sasaki et al. 231 with also the possibility to fill up H 2
Figure 28 schematizes the different possible solutions already simultaneously but without any results available in open access.
tested to consider ammonia as a fuel, mixed or not mixed with Main conclusions about pollutant species at the exhaust can
hydrogen. The indicated efficiency and the output energy be drawn as the opposite trend of NOx and NH3. Indeed, NOx
decrease with the H2 increase. The highest efficiency is reached emissions are at a maximum at around 0.8 equivalence ratio and
for lean equivalence ratios, but highest output energy can be NH3 for rich mixtures (up to 2 vol % of wet gases). Even if one
obtained near stoichiometry, even under slightly rich mixtures. part of NOx formation is due to the N content in NH3 itself, NO
Even if small contents [less than 10% H2 (vol)] are enough to increases with H2 addition. NO2 is less than half the
guarantee engine stability at different loads, to maintain similar concentration of that of NOx emissions, and very low levels of
output energies with acceptable stability, high-temperature N2O emissions were also found in all of these studies, i.e., less
conditions are needed, guaranteeing ammonia ignition provided than 50−100 ppmv, inducing low footprint global potential
either at higher compression ratios or by boosted intake impact. Furthermore, the effect of crevice traps has to be
pressures. evaluated, especially during boosted conditions, as underlined
To enable H2 to support ammonia combustion, the solution by Westlye et al.163 Finding appropriate and optimal solutions to
of making hydrogen on board using the heat contained in the avoid pollutant emissions remains a key issue, especially as a
exhaust gases seems to be the best as long as the production of result of the exhaust gas temperature available for catalytic after
sufficient hydrogen under startup conditions is guaranteed.223 treatment, which can vary considerable depending upon the
Several current works are underway to determine efficiencies operating conditions of the engines. Recent tests224 showed the
and the potential of using hydrogen from cracked ammonia application of a redox catalyst and concluded that the coolant
employing waste heat in automotive systems.227−229 Table 4 temperature, the spark timing, and the amount of H2 will affect
summarizes the main conclusions for the use of hydrogen as a NH3 and NOx emissions and the efficiency of this exhaust post-
doping agent. treatment. In a recent European project, Advanced materials and
Most studies were based on the injection of gaseous ammonia Reactors for ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia (ARENHA),
inside the intake port [port fuel injection (PFI)] by means of the potential of ammonia as a possible fuel for internal
dedicated injectors or LPG types, because ammonia is gaseous combustion engines (SI engines) and solid oxide fuel cells for
below 10 bar and ambient temperature. Moreover and as passenger cars will be compared to the use of ammonia as a
indicated in Figure 28, different injection strategies can be hydrogen carrier.
explored (gaseous phase directly inside the combustion Up to now, no experimental results are available about
chamber230 or liquid injection inside the intake port223 or ammonia as fuel in mid- or heavy-duty engines, although there
inside the combustion chamber226). Direct injection has to be are current works in the U.S. going on to deliver novel data that
considered seriously because the injection strategy (injection will support further developments.232 Only some prospective
duration, phasing, and splitting) can be adjusted as a function of numerical studies are available.233,234 They concluded that the
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

critical component in the development of these units will be a the use of ammonia, HCCI has been considered in a free-piston
high-pressure NH3 injector to deliver sufficiently high flow rates linear engine generator with compression ratios (CRs) higher
and good atomization, especially as a result of the physical than 22:1,68,238,239 and even at CR as high as 40:1,240 producing
specificities of ammonia (smaller density, different lubricity, results that denoted the potential of the technique with relatively
corrosivity, etc.). low emissions.
4.2.2. Marine Sector. In 2018, the International Maritime It must be noted that the HCCI configuration is more
Organization ( defined as a target the attractive for auxiliary power units (APUs) or range extender
reduction of GHG emissions from international shipping by at engine units as a result of their limited load range requirements
least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008. For this goal, several as a consequence of their fixed engine regimes. For example,
reports have been released supporting the proposal [for under HCCI conditions, it is not possible to use this combustion
example, those produced by DNV GL (https://www.dnvgl. mode for high loads as a result of the strong pressure peaks
com/maritime/publications/alternative-fuel-assessment- generated when hydrocarbon-based fuels are employed.
download.html), Haldor Topsøe ( However, for APUs or range extenders, the load can be chosen
hubfs/Ammonfuel%20Report%20Version%2009. to provide stable and controllable conditions. In the case of
9%20August%203_update.pdf), etc.]. Conclusions235 were ammonia, as a result of its high ignition delay and limited
drawn on the basis that ammonia will be part of the solution flammability limits, the problem dissipates for medium-charge
to the decarbonization problem for the shipping industry, conditions with stable, pre-selected configurations, e.g., at very
mainly as a result of its storage and distribution advantages in lean mixtures (equivalence ratios of ∼0.5). Besides, the use of
comparison to hydrogen (which are based on energy density ammonia will not generate emissions, such as CO2, CO,
compared to compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen and its unburned hydrocarbons, or soot, making it a very promising
volume energy storage). Another advantage for marine technology for these applications.
applications is that ammonia can be burned in internal Further units with various configurations have been recently
combustion engines without SOx or particulate emissions and tested to improve ammonia combustion. Some results from
limited N2O/NOx emissions in comparison to heavy oils. As a simulation studies concluded that aqueous ammonia can burn in
result of these announcements and reports, several maritime HCCI operating mode as anhydrous ammonia with only a
companies (such as Man Energy Solutions, Wärtsilä, NYK, slightly higher compression ratio. Aqueous ammonia solutions
Ricardo, etc.) have all started important development projects to may be able to improve health and safety concerns for ammonia
help bring ammonia-fueled ships to market for tanker and cruise as well as remove the need for pressurized tanks, as
ships. underlined.241 Therefore, further research and development
Similar to automotive applications, dual-fuel or SI engines are are still required in this field, with the potential of mitigating
the two main options. Dual-fuel operation modes will be unburned fuel while reaching high efficiencies with low
certainly the first to power dual-fuel maritime engines on the emissions.
basis of previously developed liquid petroleum gas systems.236 4.2.3. Auxiliary Power. Frigo and Gentili167 carried out a
The main advantages are that the liquid fuel (the more reactive study in a small twin engine to evaluate the minimum H2
fuel) can be easily adjusted to find the best balance between CO2 required at half and full load as a function of the engine regime,
reduction, costs, and fuel availability. with 11−12 and 6−7% of H2 (vol %), respectively. They have
However, there are also other technical considerations that been the only research team (known to the authors of this
need to be addressed when using ammonia. As part of the review) to have explored cold-start modes. They, unfortunately,
developments, for example, Man Energy Solutions, which has concluded that 75% H2 is needed at idle speed (identified in
chosen to have a two-stroke ammonia engine ready by early their studies at 1880 rpm), an amount impossible to reach with
2024, will include implementation of selective catalytic reactors an on-board ammonia autothermal cracker. This study was
to resolve the NOx emission problem.237 Meanwhile, Wärtsilä, performed to consider ammonia as fuel for range extender
who has also announced its support to the zero emission energy applications.242
distribution at sea (ZEED) program, has plans for initial tests Finally, further works were conducted by Cardiff University as
using dual-fuel and spark-ignited gas engines aiming at a release part of the program “Green Energy Decoupled” led by Siemens
of these systems by 2022. In 2017, C-Job Naval Architecture, and in collaboration with the Science and Technology Facility
Proton Ventures, and Enviu established a consortium to further Council (STFC) and Oxford University. The program sought to
investigate ammonia as marine fuel through to lab testing, pilot, demonstrate the integration of all components into the concept
and evaluation. Initial analyses through a first stage using a dual- “power-to-ammonia-to-power (P2A2P)”, from the use of wind
fuel compression ignition with diesel have been conceived. It is energy to produce green ammonia to the production of energy
expected that a two-stroke engine and low-speed diesel blends back to the grid with an IC engine. The program, detailed
will be optimized using ammonia/hydrogen. Another interest- elsewhere,11 enabled Cardiff University to convert a natural gas
ing project for full electrical propulsion ships is based on an engine from Mayphil into a hydrogen/ammonia system. The
ammonia linear engine generator fed with small amounts of unit operated with blends of 70−30% (vol) ammonia−
hydrogen as the pilot fuel. The project, launched in January 2020 hydrogen, providing power outputs up to 16 kW under loaded
by Newcastle University (Innovate UK TS/P010431/1, EPSRC conditions. NOx emissions were mitigated to less than 100
Impact Acceleration Awards), presents a new concept supported ppmv, while CO2 was completely eliminated. It needs to be
by the cruise ship manufacturer Meyer Werft. emphasized that the unit was started with methane to reach hot,
Another alternative to the use of conventional combustion stable conditions before adding H2 and NH3. In addition, further
methods when ammonia is employed is homogeneous improvements in the injection and ignition system were
combustion compression ignition (HCCI). The concept is observed, with large amounts of unburned ammonia coming
based on the injection of well-mixed fuel and oxidizer (typically from the exhaust. The research team highlighted the need for
air) streams that are compressed to the point of autoignition. For better delivery systems, mainly based on the delivery of liquid
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

ammonia, to reduce operative problems during cold months. further examined using a 250 hp Solar T-350 engine. The major
Further works are still ongoing at the facility with the support issues of these designs were related to the high ignition
from other U.K. universities. temperature requirements of ammonia, and the ignition
It is clear that ammonia-based internal combustion engines problem was even severe for the case of vaporized ammonia as
will have a major role to play in the following years for the a result of the large size of the system and slow chemical reaction
delivery of power using the chemical. Major investment is taking rate of ammonia with air. The catalyst in the catalytic converter
place with considerable research to tackle emissions while needed to be preheated to operate optimally; thus, a complete
reaching high efficiencies and power outputs. It is likely that temperature control system was incorporated into the catalytic
novel methods of injection and control and a variety of combustor. Inconel 600 showed no deterioration when used as a
conditions will be implemented in combination with integration catalyst at nozzles, scrolls, or liners in this phase of testing, while
with other concepts to commercially deploy these technologies Inconel X and 713C displayed satisfactory resistance. At the final
across the globe. stage of this study, performances of these two systems fueled by
4.3. Gas Turbines. Gas turbines have been employed for ammonia were compared against JP-4 hydrocarbon fuel. Even at
many years in the production of energy and propulsion systems. 2.35 times higher flow rate than JP-4, ammonia displayed cooler
They are mainly composed of three main components, namely, TET, resulting in a power output gain of between 9 and 13% for
compressor, combustor, and turbine. Dependent upon the the vapor and catalytic systems, respectively. Moreover, thermal
application, the compressor pressure ratio (PR) and turbine efficiency of these systems displayed about 2.5% improvement
entry temperature (TET) can vary significantly. For instance, jet compared to diesel equivalent fuel flow. Another interesting
engines have considerably higher PR and TET compared to the observation of this study was that NOx formation was found to
gas turbines developed for power generation.243 Thus, it is be directly related to the calorific value of the ammonia blend.
important to define the differences between the application and The study concluded that ammonia is a satisfactory substitute
how ammonia can be employed in each case. for the conventional hydrocarbon fuels in simple cycle gas
4.3.1. Jet Engines. Ammonia was initially considered as a fuel turbines, without any substantial increase in cost or complexity
for jet engines by the U.S. Army back in the 1960s.244 of the pre-existing designs.
Subsequently, Verkamp et al.,245 Pratt,246 and Newhall and The results from these aforementioned studies were
Starkman247 studied various parameters of the ignition and employed by the U.S. Army in a UH-1D helicopter and in the
combustion of ammonia in representative gas turbine CV-7A fixed-wing aircraft.244 Different operating weights were
combustor geometries employed during the 1960s. These evaluated along with multi-fuel capabilities (ammonia and
studies demonstrated ammonia requiring considerably higher hydrocarbons). Fiberglass and steel-based materials were used
ignition energy compared to the other fuels as well as longer to build small and large fuel storage tanks, respectively. Inconel
quenching distance and narrower operability limits.246 Even 600 vessels were used as a result of their higher strength and
though ammonia displayed a slow chemical reaction rate, it was lower corrosive properties, thus suitable for long-distance
also found that hydrogen embedded in ammonia could enhance missions. Low- and high-pressure tank designs with cylindrical
flame speeds. It was discovered from these early studies that 28% and spheric geometry were also studied. Spherical tanks denoted
dissociation of ammonia to N2 and H2 would deliver the superior capacity with lower gross tank weights, and the fuel/
required flame properties to substitute conventional hydro- weight ratio at high pressures and cylindrical tanks were found to
carbon fuels in gas turbine combustion systems. These early be more suitable at a low pressure as a result of their tight
findings propelled the U.S. Army to work with Solar to conduct a insulation, which is vital at cold initial conditions. T53-L-11 and
feasibility study of new ammonia fueling methods, in terms of T64-GE-10 engines powered by ammonia showed an
liquid injection, vapor, and catalytic combustor.248 encouraging maximum power increase of 15%, a consequence
Liquid ammonia was on trial at the initial phase to replace of the required higher flow rates and increased heat capacities of
liquid kerosene in the jet engines. However, this liquid injection combustion products, mainly hydrogen. Regeneration was also
trial was immediately disregarded as a result of extremely poor recommended for ammonia, owing to its lower heating value.
results with respect to combustion performance and power However, the use of regeneration only decreased the specific fuel
output. The vaporized and catalytic combustion passed the consumption of ammonia by 7.7%, compared to a 28.1%
initial phase and were assessed further with regard to high- reduction for hydrocarbon fuels at the maximum power. With
altitude conditions and various combustor sizes. Multi-staged regard to specific range values, regenerative ammonia showed
combustion techniques were also proposed for the first time 34% lower value than hydrocarbon fuels without regenerative
during this study. Annular combustors were selected for systems. Low-pressure cylindrical tanks displayed 29% better
ammonia combustion as a result of their size and ease in fuel range than a high-pressure spherical tank system with
flexibility. Different combustor sizes were found to have an regenerative ammonia but still only half of the non-regenerative
impact on the flame shapes as a result of the surface-to-volume hydrocarbon system. As a result of all of these performance
ratio quenching. This effect was understood to be mitigatable issues as well as complexity in control and fueling systems and
with a higher wall temperature. The vaporized ammonia predicted higher costs related to development, procurement,
combustion technique was evaluated by injecting ammonia and installation, the ammonia-powered jet engine project was
vapors upstream and downstream, with the former being withdrawn, recommending further research in several areas.
superior to maintain the high wall temperature and delivered The NASA Langley Research Center (then NACA Langley
almost constant efficiencies, ranging from 93.5 to 94.5%.248 The Aeronautical Laboratory) also investigated anhydrous ammonia
catalytic ammonia combustor burned some ammonia and and liquid oxygen fuel blend for the X-15, single-seat, mid-wing
cracked the rest of them to nitrogen and hydrogen and thus monoplane powered by an XLR-99 engine back in 1959. This
needed to be kept at a high temperature, providing efficiencies engine provided up to ∼250 500 N thrust.249−251 The fuel,
between 92 and 96%.248 Moreover, the catalyst was found to be stable and with reasonable volumetric energy density, was
deteriorated after 30 h of experiment. These two concepts were relatively easy to store under the required working conditions,
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Figure 29. NH3 and NO distribution in terms of global equivalence ratio in non-premixed NH3/air flames. This figure was reproduced with permission
from ref 188. Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

while cooling from the liquids improved the engine perform- power applications.101,177,188,258,259 Early research by Iki et al.260
ance. The X-15 powered by three rocket engines flew a total of looked at the co-firing of kerosene and ammonia in MGT with a
199 times at high supersonic speeds (up to 6.7 Mach). This diffusion combustion system to enhance stability. The study
speed was unmatched until the launch of the space shuttle. reported 21 kW power generation with a 70:30 kerosene/
To summarize, in the early days, the U.S. Army conducted a ammonia blend and proposed the use of selective catalytic
substantial amount of research regarding ammonia as an reduction (SCR) technology at the post-combustion zone to
alternative fuel source for jet propulsion. Liquid ammonia was reduce NOx. Further research258 from this group showed 41.8
deemed to be non-viable as a result of major drops in kW power output by firing ammonia gas only. 3D simulation
combustion efficiency and power output. Vaporized and studies using LES observed that ammonia/air mixtures can be
catalytic ammonia combustion showed promising results in stabilized over a wide range of conditions of equivalence ratios,
the pursuit of replacing fossil fuels. However, since then, no pressures, and turbulence intensities up to 39.1 m/s.261 On the
further application to aerospace applications has been basis of these simulation results (Figure 29), the study proposed
implemented in either military or civil aviation. Some studies the use of a two-staged rich−lean combustion system to control
currently propose the use of ammonia as a fuel, although the NOx emissions from ammonia−air combustion.188,261 Ammo-
approach is basically numerical,252 thus requiring further nia burning and NOx productions were found to be related
demonstration. inversely. In the two-staged rich−lean combustors, the primary
4.3.2. Stationary Gas Turbines. Ammonia can be stored for
zone is usually kept in the rich condition, resulting in low NOx
long periods without degradation and can also be used as a
production but a substantial amount of unburned ammonia and
hydrogen carrier, thus contributing significantly to the hydrogen
hydrogen passing through to the lean zone, where excess air is
economy.253,254 Several organizations and research groups have
recognized the importance of ammonia as an energy vector for injected to burn them out, thereby reducing the overall
future power applications. Research from ENEL in 1991 emissions and unburned fuel fraction.
discovered that enough power could be obtained using ammonia Okafor et al.188 developed a low NOx prototype MGT swirl
as a fuel with a corresponding high level of NOx production from combustor for two-staged pure ammonia combustion. Numer-
fuel-bound N2 pathways.255 Several challenges and short- ical modeling conducted in this study showed better stability
comings were found by organizations working toward and lower NOx and NH3 emissions with inclined ammonia
developing ammonia-based combustors, namely, slow kinetics, injection. The study reported successful combustion of pure
narrow range of stability, vaporization, and pre-cracking of ammonia with 99.5% combustion efficiency and 42 ppmv NOx
ammonia.256,257 Since then, several studies have been carried out emissions at 31.44 kW. A recent study by Okafor et al.101 showed
to address these issues, which are summarized in the following 99.8% combustion efficiency in a 70:30 (by heat fraction)
subsections. methane/ammonia blend with 49 ppmv NOx, 2 ppmv CO, and Microscale. Several studies have been conducted by ≈0 ppmv N2O, HCN, and NH3 emissions at the same two-
Tohoku University and the National Institute of Advanced staged MGT combustor. The study also observed that co-firing
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in collaboration with of ammonia and hydrocarbons with the ammonia mole fraction
industry leaders to demonstrate validity of ammonia as a solo in the binary fuel varying from 0.30 to 0.50 in a single-staged
fuel and co-firing with other fuels in micro gas turbine (MGT) combustor results in double NO production compared to pure
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

ammonia combustion. The production of O, H, and OH radicals

from hydrocarbons enhanced NO productions.
To summarize the advancement of microscale stationary gas
turbines to date, progresses have been made in terms of
ammonia as a solo fuel and co-firing with conventional fossil
fuels in various power ratings and turbulence intensities. Two-
staged rich−lean combustion systems have been proposed and
demonstrated to reduce NOx emissions and the unburned fuel
fraction. Further investigation is necessary regarding liquid
ammonia injection to reduce the cost and startup time for gas
turbines at this scale. Utility Scale. Cardiff University’s research group has
been heavily engaged with the application of ammonia blends in
industry-representative swirl burners for several
years.161,182,262−264 Ammonia was assessed initially by co-firing Figure 30. Dry NOx productions with an increasing temperature. This
with methane and hydrogen.182,262 The complex nature of figure was reproduced with permission from ref 268. Copyright 2018
premixed ammonia blends was seen from the initial results, Elsevier.
highlighting the intricate patterns of ammonia oxidation in the
presence of carbon molecules and the flame speed dependency at the high pressure conditions was observed, which led to a
upon the equivalence ratio, eventually leading to the full further increase in reactivity and reduction in NOx formations.
extinction of the flame. The study concluded that the lowest However, the downside of elevated pressure conditions were
NOx and CO production was at an equivalence ratio of found to be an increase in unburned ammonia concentrations by
∼1.10.182 Later on, Xiao et al.265,266 carried out the reduction of a few hundred ppmv.
pre-existing ammonia/hydrocarbon mechanisms to have good High thermal NOx production at the elevated temperature
accuracy with the experimental results and reduce the conditions led Pugh et al.190 to investigate the impact of
computational time at the same time. The LES work by humidification on NOx formation via the reduction of the
Honzawa et al.267 demonstrated the use of these novel models, temperature and further OH radical productions while
enabling the use of non-adiabatic conditions, which delivered consuming the O radical via the reaction O + H2O ↔ 2OH,
more representative and realistic results than those obtained in thereby restricting thermal NO production via N2 + O ↔ NO +
the literature. N, as observed by Law.271 However, the increase in OH and N
Because ammonia has a considerably low flame speed and productions can also enhance the formation of NO,272 while
hydrogen has quite a high flame speed compared to natural gas reduction in O radicals may also decrease NO formation by
flames and hydrogen can be obtained from the cracking of limiting NH2 radical oxidation to HNO and NH to NO. The
ammonia, hydrogen was doped with ammonia to increase the results from this campaign showed a reduction in NO formation,
flame speed and stabilize the flame. Results from this study269 owing to the decrease in temperature (∼150 K) and increased
demonstrated that a high hydrogen content in an ammonia− production of NH2 radicals as a result of the presence of OH
hydrogen blend is highly unstable, with a very narrow operability radicals at the post-flame zone. Furthermore, high hydrogen
range as a consequence of the high reactivity of hydrogen. concentrations were observed in the process, giving oppor-
Eventually, the hydrogen concentration was reduced to 30% tunities to consume the molecule in a second lean combustion
(vol) at 40 kW power to operate at fuel-rich stable conditions stage, thereby raising efficiency and power output. Recent work
with wide operability limits and combustion performance. On by Pugh et al. 264 investigated the effect of reactant
the basis of these findings, further investigations268 were humidification for NOx reduction in both premixed and
conducted both numerically and experimentally to obtain the diffusion ammonia−air flames. The authors reported limited
optimum equivalence ratio of ∼1.2 for a 70:30 (vol %) possible humidification (3%vol H2O of reactant composition)
ammonia/hydrogen blend with low NOx and unburnt fuel and reduction in NO with increased H2O for the premixed case.
emissions. The results from numerical calculations depicted a However, both flame configurations provided increased NH3
direct correlation between OH radicals and NOx formation, with concentrations at the exhaust, thereby increased NO production
a high presence of amidogen (NH2) radicals at the post-flame in staged combustion configuration.
zone, thus decreasing NOx formations under elevated inlet Xiao et al.273 also looked at changes in ammonia flame
temperature conditions. The results also showed enhancement behavior with oxy-combustion by carrying out some numerical
of the chain-terminating reaction NH2 + NO → H2O + N2 at simulation. No major changes in NO production were found
rich conditions and high inlet temperature conditions. Recently, under elevated pressures (∼1.7 MPa) as the oxygen content was
Pugh et al.270 showed NH2 radicals to be a good marker for NO increased from 21 to 40%, with a slight increase in NO emissions
consumption in rich ammonia flames. However, elevated inlet mainly as a result of the increase in the temperature. The study
temperature conditions increase NOx formation through the observed increasing pressure having an inhibiting effect on NO
thermal pathways (Figure 30), leading the study to recommend productions under oxygen-enriched conditions, predicting
further studies to find a balance between thermal and fuel NOx below 7 ppmv NO productions by all of the mechanisms
production and to ensure that unburnt ammonia is dissociated at under highly pressurized oxygen-enriched conditions. The study
the post-flame zone. Further numerical work by Xiao et al.161 opened up another possible combustion mode of ammonia-
revealed inverse relationships between pressure and NOx based systems, requiring further research.
production, which led the experimental work190 to be carried Positive results from the staged combustion research in MGT
out at elevated pressure conditions. The results agreed with the by Okafor et al.101,188 described earlier led to studies looking at
numerical results,161,181,263 and thickening of the reaction zone rich−quench−lean (RQL) combustion systems for power
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

generation. Recent work by Pugh et al.270 suggested the efficacy

lean zone exhaust

of secondary air staging and its sensitivity to the primary flame

1.25 × 10−11
3.71 × 10−7
1.22 × 10−1
1.44 × 10−1
7.28 × 10−5

7.30 × 10−5
4.77 × 10−7
1.14 × 10−6
behavior. Ammonia−hydrogen−air blends were found to

produce most favorable results under rich conditions (φ =

Otomo et al.139

1.2), employing hydrogen as a pilot. However, non-premixed
ammonia−air flames running at elevated inlet temperature and

rich zone exhaust

pressure conditions also produced low NO and unburnt

2.54 × 10−6

4.04 × 10−6
3.28 × 10−1
3.37 × 10−4

1.92 × 10−4
1.59 × 10−8
3.46 × 10−9
ammonia at the exhaust (Figure 31). Mashruk et al.274



lean zone exhaust

6.82 × 10−10
2.79 × 10−7
1.22 × 10−1
1.44 × 10−1
6.09 × 10−5

1.01 × 10−4
6.36 × 10−7
1.04 × 10−6

Tian et al.104
rich zone exhaust lean zone exhaust rich zone exhaust

4.65 × 10−6

4.03 × 10−6
3.28 × 10−1
3.36 × 10−4

2.64 × 10−4
1.47 × 10−8
4.74 × 10−9

1.10 × 10−9
3.44 × 10−7
1.22 × 10−1
1.44 × 10−1
7.03 × 10−5

1.20 × 10−4
4.97 × 10−7
1.42 × 10−6

Xiao et al.263
Figure 31. Sampled NO (empty) and NH3 (filled) emissions for each
NH3−air flame with increasing inlet conditions. This figure was
reproduced with permission from ref 270. Copyright 2020 Elsevier.
5.30 × 10−6
5.00 × 10−2
4.01 × 10−6
3.28 × 10−1
3.36 × 10−4

3.12 × 10−4
2.27 × 10−8
5.14 × 10−9
investigated an industry-scale humidified RQL system (∼10

MW power) numerically using five different mechanisms from

Table 5. Numerical Simulation Results for an Industry-Scale Humidified RQL Systema

the literature to assess the differences in results (Table 5). The

study theoretically demonstrated that the use of the humidified
lean zone exhaust

−1.76 × 10−10

RQL system fueled with ammonia−hydrogen (70:30 in vol %)

3.77 × 10−7
1.22 × 10−1
1.44 × 10−1
7.26 × 10−5

1.67 × 10−4
4.71 × 10−7
1.98 × 10−6
can produce flue gases consisting of 99.97% water, nitrogen, and

This table was reproduced with permission from ref 274. Copyright 2021 Elsevier.
oxygen, with the consumption of most reactive emissions and
Glarborg et al.115


NOx emissions, and 15% O2 ∼ 100 ppmv at industrial large
power generation.
Very recently, Okafor et al.275 successfully carried out direct
rich zone exhaust

5.91 × 10−6

4.16 × 10−6
3.28 × 10−1
3.40 × 10−4

4.38 × 10−4
2.59 × 10−8
8.00 × 10−9

stable combustion of liquid ammonia spray for the first time as


both a sole fuel source and co-combustion with methane in a




novel single-stage swirl combustor with preheated air at 500 K.

Stable spray formation was maintained by cooling the liquid
ammonia, while flame stability was enhanced by preheating
rich zone exhaust lean zone exhaust

swirling air. Combustion efficiency and flame stability were

2.68 × 10−11
4.33 × 10−6
8.91 × 10−2
1.99 × 10−1
2.72 × 10−4

1.37 × 10−4
4.61 × 10−7
8.62 × 10−7

further improved by co-firing with methane, giving a wider range


of stability (Φ = 0.66−1.37) when the heat percentage of liquid


Okafor et al.92

ammonia based on LHV in the fuel was fixed to 70%. Emission

results for liquid ammonia and methane co-combustion
displayed trends similar to those in gaseous CH4−NH3−air
4.25 × 10−6

4.03 × 10−6
3.28 × 10−1
3.36 × 10−4

2.57 × 10−4
1.93 × 10−8
4.62 × 10−9

combustion, opening the possibility of two-staged combustion


employment for liquid ammonia spray.


Overall, preliminary investigations of CH4−NH3 co-combus-



tion showed the lowest emission production at slightly rich

conditions. To eradicate CO2 emissions, NH3 was blended with
H2 to match up the flame speed of conventional fossil fuels,
NOx−15% O2 (ppmv)
NO−15% O2 (ppmv)
H2O mole fraction
NH3 mole fraction

N2O mole fraction

NO2 mole fraction

leading to the determination of the 70:30vol % NH3/H2 blend

OH mole fraction

NO mole fraction

H2 mole fraction
O2 mole fraction

N2 mole fraction
temperature (K)

with a wide stability range and low emissions. Later on, inverse
NOx (ppmv)
NO (ppmv)

relationships between pressure and NOx production were found,

prompting investigations at elevated conditions where reaction
zones thickened to allow for increased reactivity, thus lowering
NOx formation. Humidified conditions for reactants have also

Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Figure 32. Ammonia trigeneration cycle with thermodynamic parameters. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 278. Copyright 2020

been introduced to reduce thermal NOx productions at elevated agreement with the underpinning data, with relative errors for
inlet temperatures by reducing the production of O radicals. H2 power and cycle efficiency both below 1%.
production increased as a byproduct of humidified conditions, Further work by Gutesa-Bozo et al.277 observed a decrease in
leading to the possibility of two-staged combustion system dilution by decreasing the airflow rates, raising the final
employment in these types of NH3/H2 combustion. Finally, efficiencies of a single Brayton cycle very close to a single
recent advancement in the liquid ammonia combustion has methane-fueled unit, 29 and 30%, respectively. This study also
shown to reduce cost and startup times required for gas turbines raised the awareness of the potential impact of flue gases (pH
fueled with otherwise gaseous ammonia. Considerable amounts values of ∼8.5) on materials using ammonia/hydrogen blends.
of investigations by different research organisations are ongoing Later on, the research group279 demonstrated efficiencies above
for further improvements of ammonia combustion in terms of 55% by incorporating a humidified ammonia/hydrogen blend in
better understandings of fundamental flame properties, emission a combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) cycle.
reductions, and combustion efficiency improvement. Calculations for this cycle considered fuel preheating, steam Cycle Analyses. Keller et al.276 performed cycle preparation, and compressed air precooling. Very recently,
analyses using rich ammonia-fueled combined cycles using a gas Gutesa-Bozo et al.278 incorporated the CCHP cycle in an
turbine and a heat-recovery heat exchanger via exhaust gas industry-scale system (Figure 32), fueled by 70:30 (vol %)
recirculation (EGR). Hydrogen produced at the exhaust of a gas ammonia/hydrogen in a humidified RQL combustion system,
turbine was used to produce extra power in a boiler with heat running at 9.67 bar and 960 K inlet conditions with φ = 1.2. The
recuperation that increases steam production for a combined study generated cycle efficiency of ∼60% with ∼4970 kWth
steam cycle. The cycle demonstrated ∼64% efficiencies at φ = excess heat power after preparation of fuel and steam. Although
1.0, but lower NOx production at slightly rich conditions with a this efficiency does not match current fossil-fueled similar cycle
cycle efficiency of 61% was achieved. However, this analysis did efficiencies, it shows the way forward toward CO2-free power
not consider the heating and preparation of the fuel, which generation.
would require high energy quantities and would thus reduce the In terms of large demonstrable projects, IHI Corporation,
cycle efficiency.277 Valera-Medina et al.268 initially assessed the Japan, used an IM270 simple cycle gas turbine to evaluate the
impact of Brayton cycles using a Rolls-Royce Allison 501-KB5 use of ammonia co-fired with natural gas.280 A two-stage
engine. Calibration results from this study were in good combustion system was applied, incorporated with SCR
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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technology to reduce NOx production. Experiments produced safer than hydrogen,288−290 a point discussed in posterior
up to 2 MWe power using a 20% mixing ratio of ammonia. CO2 sections.
emissions decreased linearly with an increase of ammonia, while Ammonia can be used directly in SOFCs and direct ammonia
NOx emissions were raised up to 287 ppmv, which was brought fuel cells (DAFCs). Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
down to 10 ppmv by the SCR unit. Overall, the system required (PEMFCs) need reforming of the gas into nitrogen and
less natural gas with an increase of 5% ammonia injection to hydrogen before hydrogen is fed into the fuel chamber. As a
keep the required power output and generator-end efficiency. result of the operation principle of fuel cells, the presence of
Further works on the applicability of the concept and its nitrogen in the fuel stream only acts as a diluent of hydrogen and
demonstration can be found elsewhere,11 where more details of does not generate any pollutant nor cause significant perform-
similar attempts show that ammonia can be effectively employed ance decay, which allows fuel cells to operate with ammonia.
for the production of power at a large scale without incurring 4.4.1. Proton-Conducting Fuel Cells (PCFCs). PCFCs can be
larger than permitted emission profiles. categorized in two different types, i.e., PEMFCs and proton-
To conclude, cycle efficiencies reduced slightly to accom- conducting solid oxide fuel cells (PC-SOFCs). PEMFCs work at
modate lower NOx productions for ammonia-powered systems, low temperature ranges (360−490 K) using pure hydrogen as
but a single-stage Brayton cycle was shown to have similar fuel. The problem in using ammonia is that it may poison the Pt/
efficiencies for both CH4 and NH3/H2 blends. Further, cycle C anode catalyst and react with the acidic membrane
efficiencies improved significantly by incorporating CCHP cycle electrolytes. Therefore, ammonia itself may not be a suitable
philosophies in an industry-scale system powered by a fuel for PEMFCs but can be used as the source for hydrogen
humidified NH3/H2 blend. Demonstration of ammonia− production. Produced hydrogen can be used as PEMFC fuel for
methane co-combustion displayed promising results by power generation.291 Usually, hydrogen from methane reform-
maintaining competitive power outputs and efficiencies as ing is employed in most of these units.
fossil-based fuels while reducing emissions. Concurrently, the overall cost of the production of ammonia
4.4. Fuel Cells. Fuel cells have a high potential to generate could be reduced using alternative hydrogen sources. NH3 can
electricity from electrochemical reactions of hydrogen and be produced from N2 and HO using Nafion membranes as the
oxygen supplied from external sources continuously.281,282 Fuel proton-conducting electrolyte and Ru/C as the cathode at 360
cells show very high electrical efficiency (∼60%), which can be K.292 Unfortunately, during the industrial production of NH3,
increased using combined heat and power (CHP) systems. the used catalyst can be easily poisoned by oxygen and sulfur,
Although they do not employ combustion processes for the which increases the cost of preparation and purification of the
feeding gas. Thus, further research exists in this area.
release of energy, chemical reactions, in some cases similar to Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC).
those previously presented, take place in these devices, thus
Ammonia can be used as a hydrogen source for some of fuel
deserving a special place in the study of ammonia as an energy
cells. For example, it can be employed in vehicles. In PEMFC
vehicles, the acceptable ammonia concentration in hydrogen is
Fuel cells are categorized mainly on the type of electrolytes,
about 0.1 ppmv. Li-exchange X-type zeolite (Li-X) can be used
e.g., polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), solid
for high-purity hydrogen production.293 Promising results were
oxide fuel cell (SOFC), molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), reported using NH3 fuel in both H+ and O2− solid electrolyte
alkaline fuel cell (AFC), etc. Among the different types of fuel cells.294 High-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells (HT-
cells, proton-conducting fuel cells (PCFCs), SOFCs, and AFCs PEMFCs) also show promising results using ammonia fuel.
can be used for power generation from ammonia. Furthermore, low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane
Hydrogen is the most used fuel for the fuel cells, but it has a fuel cells (LT-PEMFCs) use the traditional Nafion membrane
low volumetric density of 0.0813 g L−1 at ambient temperature electrolyte previously mentioned. Nafion can be substituted
and pressure (300 K and 0.1 MPa).283,284 Thus, hydrogen needs with a phosphoric-acid-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) mem-
high-pressure storage. The alternative solution can be to store brane, which operates at moderate temperature, i.e., in the
and transport the molecule in the liquid state, which will increase temperature range of 490−470 K.295
its volumetric energy density as well as transportability. Carbon- Tolerance to impurities normally increases with the temper-
based fuels, e.g., methanol and ethanol, are the most common ature; e.g., CO tolerance in LT-PEMFC is only a few parts per
hydrogen-rich alcohols, where hydrogen is chemically bonded million volume (ppmv), a level that increases up to 3% in HT-
with carbon.285,286 Because the carbon-based fuels generate PEMFCs. HT-PEMFCs are an interesting technology that can
carbon dioxide during the synthesis process and in the power employ methanol reforming as a result of this higher tolerance to
conversion, these fuels are not very attactive for fuel cell impurities. The effects of different impurities (i.e., CO, CO2, and
applications. As previously stated, ammonia is an interesting CH3OH) have been found to provide satisfactory tolerances for
alternative to the use of carbon-based fuels as a result of the single cells and stacks.296,297 However, HT-PEMFCs were not
absence of carbon in its molecules. Ammonia generates nitrogen very popular with ammonia as a fuel. Recently, technological
during the three-phase reaction in fuel cell anodes with an developments have led to strong interest in HT-PEMFCs as a
additional loop around the N2 cycle. Nitrogen can be easily result of the possibility of using ammonia as a fuel.298
generated from air to feed the chemical process, usually Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (PC-
employing the Haber−Bosch process, as presented in section SOFC). In PC-SOFC, hydrogen moves through the porous
2. After energy consumption, N2 is released back to the anode to the anode−electrolyte interface, where oxidation
atmosphere, which makes the overall system completely carbon- reactions occur to generate protons.299−301 In PC-SOFC, NH3
free.287 Another advantage to use ammonia (NH3) as a fuel for decomposes to hydrogen and nitrogen in the anode side
electricity generation using fuel cells is based on its relatively low according to thermodynamic equilibrium at specific temper-
cost and reduced flammability when compared to other fuels. atures and pressures. Nitrogen acts as an inert diluent. Protons
Any leakage of NH3 is easily detectable from its odors, making it move from the anode to cathode through the dense electrolyte
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 33. Schematic diagram of the ammonia-fed PC-SOFC. This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 288. Copyright 2016 Elsevier.

and react with oxygen in the cathode compartment. Water is ion-conducting SOFCs operate indirectly oxidizing fuel by
produced in the cathode side, where it exits the cell as steam. thermally decomposing ammonia to extract hydrogen, which
This is a major advantage of proton-conducting fuel cells will be electrochemically oxidized in the fuel cell. In these units,
because hydrogen is not produced at the anode side and is not the concentration of nitrogen gas will depend upon the
diluted by the steam. For example, gadolinium-doped barium thermodynamic equilibrium of the ammonia decomposition
cerate, a proton-conducting solid electrolyte, was used in an reaction at the given temperature and pressure. The reversible
intermediate-temperature direct ammonia fuel cell reported by potential can also be reduced as a result of the dilution of the
Pelletier et al.302 A schematic diagram of the direct ammonia-fed hydrogen concentration by inert nitrogen, which will impact this
SOFC with a proton-conducting electrolyte is shown in Figure parameter. Furthermore, oxygen from air can move across the
33. Various materials have been found to improve the process. cathode layers to the cathode−electrolyte interface, thus
For example, doped-barium cerate or doped-barium zirconate reducing the oxygen ion. Then, the oxygen ions moves through
have been found to be high proton conducting at intermediate the electrolyte to react with hydrogen located at the anode,
temperature ranges with good stability in carbon dioxide and hence producing a cycle to generate electricity continuously
humidified environments.288 Fuel cells using these electrolytes until ammonia and oxygen are supplied.
conduct protons as well as prevent oxygen mobility from the 4.4.2. Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC). Alkaline membrane fuel cells
cathode to the anode while stopping the contact with the anode transfer hydroxide ions through the electrolyte during the fuel
fuel or catalysts, thereby inhibiting NOx formation. The direct cell operation.307 The most common type, KOH solution
oxidation of ammonia to produce nitric acid with co-production
electrolyte ammonia fuel cells, were first discovered in 1968.308
of electricity in a high-temperature SOFC was first reported by
The working temperature of molten hydroxide NaOH/KOH
Farr and Vayenas,303 work that is still ongoing elsewhere.
fuel cells using ammonia fuel is between 470 and 720 K. The
Doped BaCeO3- and BaZrO3-based PC-SOFCs are good
options to avoid the formation of nitric oxide304,305 when using highest power density of these units, i.e., 40 mW cm−2 at 720 K,
ammonia. The anodic reaction for this is as follows: was observed using a nickel catalyst on both cathode and anode
sides.309,310 However, the durability of direct ammonia alkaline
2NH3 − 6e− → N2 + 6H+ (R2) fuel cells (operating with KOH-based electrolytes) is a major
issue as a result of the reaction between hydroxide electrolytes
Thermodynamic analyses on PC-SOFC and oxide-ion-conduct- and CO2.311 Ammonia has also been tested as a fuel for alkaline
ing SOFC show that the theoretical performance of the membrane fuel cells using a nickel anode and MnO2 cathode.
ammonia-fed PC-SOFC is a superior choice for the current Similar to other fuel cells, these ammonia fuel cells also have
generation.306 However, the high operating temperatures and three main sections: cathode, electrolyte, and anode. The
long startup time is not suitable to use direct ammonia SOFC for cathode section is fed with oxygen, mainly from air, which
power in electrical vehicles, although it might be used as an combines with water (H2O) and electrons (e−) to produce
auxiliary power unit for lorries, coaches, planes, or ships. Oxide- hydroxides (OH−) that move through the electrolyte, as shown
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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in reaction R3. In the anode section, the supplied ammonia power density is very small between SOFC with ammonia or
(NH3) reacts with hydroxides (OH−) producing nitrogen, hydrogen as fuels.
water, and electrons. These electrons move through electrical 4.4.4. Equilibrium Potential and Efficiency of the
load to provide power, as shown in reaction R4. The overall Ammonia-Fed SOFC. Under open-circuit conditions, the
reaction of the ammonia fuel call system is shown in reaction R5. equilibrium potential (voltage) of any fuel cell is related to the
partial pressures of the species involved in the electrochemical
O2 + 2H 2O + 4e− → 4OH−
1/2 Ñ

reaction, which can be written as


− −


2NH3 + 6OH → N2 + 6H 2O + 6e (R4)

E = E° +
4NH3 + 3O2 → 2N2 + 6H 2O (R5) (R8)
Interestingly, at room-temperature operation, the power density where
observed in these units has been very low as a result of the low
catalytic activity of the electrode materials. The catalytic activity ΔG
E° = −
of Pt/C was found to be better than Pt−Ru/C and Ru/C in nF (R9)
alkaline membrane fuel cells. where n is the number of electrons involved per electrochemical
One of the drawbacks of the alkaline fuel cell is the reaction reaction, F is the Faraday constant, G is the change in Gibbs free
between alkaline membranes with CO2 to form CO32− ions, energy, E° is the voltage at standard pressures, and PH2, PH2O, and
which reduce the OH− ion conductivity. Moreover, K2CO3 or
Na2CO3 precipitates can also form as a result of the reaction with PO2 are the partial pressures of hydrogen, steam, and oxygen,
CO in air. The crossover of ammonia through the polymeric respectively. PH2O refers to the partial pressure of H2O at the
membrane electrolyte may reduce the open-circuit voltage and anode side of an oxide-ion-conducting SOFC, while the
efficiency. Furthermore, the oxidation of diffused ammonia in parameters refer to the cathode side for PC-SOFC.
the cathode section may generate toxic NO.312 Other materials During the operation of SOFC, the maximum electrical work
and electrolytes have also been assessed to improve these effects. (W) can be calculated as
For example, direct NH3BH3 fuel cells based on a NaOH
W = qE (4)
electrolyte were first reported by Zhang et al.313 Direct ammonia
borane fuel cells based on an alkaline membrane electrolyte have where q is the electrical charge passing through the outer circuit
also been demonstrated by Zhang et al.314 A study of the use of to give electric power. The efficiency of the ammonia-fed SOFC
ammonia borane as a fuel in an alkaline fuel cell showed a power can be calculated as the ratio of the maximum electrical work
density of 315 mW cm−2 at ambient pressure and near ambient (W) extracted from the SOFC to the maximum conversion of
temperature,315 thus showing continuous improvement and the chemical energy of the fuel fed to the SOFC322,323
promise for the use of these fuel cells employing ammonia as a
fuel. η (%) = × 100
4.4.3. Direct Ammonia Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (DA-SOFC). −ΔH ° (E5)
DA-SOFCs using YSZ electrolytes and platinum electrodes were where H° is the lower heating value of the fed ammonia under
first introduced by Wojcik et al., which showed a maximum standard conditions (320.1 kJ mol−1). The fuel utilization is the
power density of 50 mW cm−2 at 1070 K.316 When these units ratio of consumed fuel (ammonia) and oxidant (oxygen),
are employed, it is possible to avoid the formation of NOx in DA- whereas the oxygen utilization is based on the ratio of the
SOFC systems producing only N2 gas as the nitrogen-containing feeding fuel and oxidant.
product. NOx are not produced by the decomposition of 4.4.5. Effects of Electrode/Electrolyte Thickness and
ammonia at the Ni-YSZ anode.317 However, there are still many Operation Temperature. The conductivity of a solid electrolyte
unanswered questions requiring further research to improve the is inversely proportional to the thickness of the electrolyte but
YSZ-based fuel cell performance before full commercialization. increases exponentially with the temperature. Therefore, when
Unfortunately, the ionic conductivity of YSZ decreases the electrolyte thickness is reduced, the same proton or oxide ion
considerably and is not suitable as an electrolyte at moderate flux is attainable at a lower temperature. Reducing the thickness,
temperatures. Therefore, different electrolytes have been tried to on the other hand, may reduce mechanical strength and stability.
overcome the obstacles and for better overall performance and An electrode material should also provide an acceptable high
stability at intermediate temperatures.318−320 High-temperature electronic conductivity. The catalytic reaction rate normally
SOFCs show the best performance for DA-SOFC because increases with the temperature. At high temperatures, the
ammonia can be used directly. The anodic reaction in SOFC catalytic activity and, thus, the Faradaic efficiency also increase.
using ammonia as a fuel follows the reactions below Ammonia has been used in various laboratories all over the
2NH3 + 5O2− → 2NO + 3H 2O + 10e− (R6)
world under a wide range of operating temperatures (670−1170
K) and with different types of electrolytes.287,288 For example,
2NH3 + 3NO → 5/2N2 + 3H 2O (R7) current efforts demonstrate that the performance of ammonia-
fed SOFCs will approach that of hydrogen-fed SOFCs if it is
Among these reactions, reaction R5 is the rate-limiting step possible to decompose ammonia very quickly to hydrogen and
because of the slow diffusion of O2 through the electrolyte; nitrogen, which will, in turn, increase the temperature. High
therefore, a small amount of NO will be produced at the anode operating temperatures will also allow for complete decom-
side. These NOx can exceed 60% concentration.321 position of ammonia and, hence, high fuel utilization because the
Furthemore, DA-SOFC based on an oxide-ion-conducting rate of ammonia decomposition varies with the temperature. For
Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 electrolyte can be used at intermediate temper- example, the reaction rate increases from about 1.0 mol m−3 s−1
ature ranges while showing high conductivity. The difference in at a temperature of 670 K to 3.6 × 107 mol m−3 s−1 at a
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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temperature of ∼1170 K.324,325 This effect is a consequence of Ammonia, as previously depicted, is mainly produced for
the slow decomposition rates of ammonia at 670 K, converting fertilizing applications. However, the chemical is also used in the
only 10% of ammonia in the anode chamber. Thus, the production of textiles, cleaning products, plastics and explosives,
operation at these conditions is too low, and unless a very active refrigerant, deNOxing and decarbonizing agents, and, now, as a
catalyst can be developed, this will be detrimental for these units potential fuel.8 Also, it has been previously stated that ammonia
at those conditions. However, a considerable amount of NH3 can be either gaseous or liquid, with the latter being the most
can decompose at 770 K, which might be a suitable operation common for distribution and storage purposes.
point for PC-SOFCs. Full decomposition of ammonia has been When ammonia is directly injected into the soil as a fertilizer,
proven at 870 K.289 the equipment complexity increases. However, it is also clear
However, the drawback is that SOFCs show lower efficiency that the efficiency of the process increases, with much lower
and equilibrium potential as the temperature increases. The losses caused by cleaning or evaporation of the chemical to
reduced equilibrium potential results in lower theoretical produce amonium or urea. Thus, this application has led to vast
efficiency. It should be mentioned that the overpotentials of quantities of information and data relevant to the solution of
SOFC decrease with increasing temperature. Thus, the optimal problems inherent to its storage and distribution.
operating temperature depends upon both the reversible Vast amounts of this work, most of it produced in the U.S.,
potential and the overpotentials. Hence, electrochemical where ammonia has been directly employed for such purposes,
modeling is critical for the quantification of the overpotentials detail materials and practices for the proper handling of
involved in the operation of ammonia-fed SOFCs. ammonia. For example, storage tanks are usually manufactured
In comparison, the equilibrium potential of the SOFC−H is using carbon steels, which are also employed in ducts,
much greater than that of the SOFC−O when various connections, and valves, hence working as modular systems. In
electrolytes are used in ammonia-fed SOFCs. Therefore, the terms of sealings, the material employed is usually Buna N
efficiency of PC-SOFCs becomes higher than that of the oxide- instead of conventional rubber, which suffers degradation when
ion-conducting SOFC. The difference in efficiency between the in contact with ammonia.328 It is feasible to also protect steel
PC-SOFC and oxide-ion-conducting SOFC also becomes larger using dip coating, usually recommended with alloys, such as
as the fuel utilization increases. At typical fuel utilization of about ZnAlMg. Given the high sensitivity of corrosion under low
80−90%, the efficiency of the ammonia-fed PC-SOFC is ∼10% stress, copper and its alloys are usually forbidden when ammonia
higher than that of the oxide-ion-conducting SOFC.322,326 High is employed. Thus, brass components should be avoided, even at
current densities can be achieved by employing an anode- ammonia concentrations as low as 50 ppmv.
supported arrangement of the fuel cell for direct ammonia-fed Ammonia, in both its liquid and gaseous phases, is not
SOFC operating at high temperatures (i.e., 1070 K) and particularly corrosive to ferrous materials because its pH
atmospheric pressure. This can explain the decrease in ohmic fluctuates between 9.0 and 9.4. However, it is appropriate to
overpotential as a result of a reduction in the electrolyte emphasize that these materials passivate under alkaline
thickness. conditions (Figure 34).
Thermodynamic analyses indicate that the peak power
density of ammonia-fed SOFCs based on proton-conducting
electrolytes is 20−30% higher than that of SOFCs based on O2−-
conducting electrolytes, which is mainly attributed to the higher
concentration of hydrogen at the anode in all cases.327 It is
believed that the durability of the ammonia-fed SOFC can be
improved if a redox-stable anode is employed in the SOFC stack.
The voltage decreases rapidly for both types of fuel cells at high
current densities, owing to the low concentrations of reactants at
the triple-phase boundary.
Thus, as observed, there are still many points that require
further research in terms of durability, power capacity, material
treatment, purity of the feeding stream, etc. Although the future
will clearly have a niche for ammonia-fed fuel cells, research in
the area needs to ensure that flexibility, low emissions, and
durability are prioritized for fast deployment of these devices.

5.1. Corrosion. This section presents the problems that Figure 34. Pourbaix diagram, with passive conditions that iron can
ammonia generates on corrosion and material wearing. Metals, reach with a pH increase. This figure was reproduced with permission
alloys, plastics, rubber, etc. are addressed in this section. For the from ref 329. Copyright 2019 IOP.
analysis, ammonia has been considered as an energy vector, thus
requiring storage, distribution, and utilization at medium/high Actually, it has been common practice to employ ammonia,
temperatures, thus ensuring that the chemical energy of the which is highly soluble in water and forms an alcaline solution of
molecule is fully employed. Because the background on the use ammonium hydroxide,330 in boilers to increase pH, thus
of ammonia for fueling and energy distribution is very recent and decreasing corrosion in these systems. Ammonia, usually
incipient, this work has taken as a reference the expertise gained injected into the water-steam circuit increases pH, which usually
in other industries, combined with the reference that ammonia tends to be around 7.0−7.6. Furthermore, solutions that include
products can be produced in these materials, leading to some ammonia limit the dissolution of metal ions produced during
meaningful conclusions. corrosion, hence drastically decreasing the equilibrium potential
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Figure 35. Pourbaix diagram for copper. It is clear that passivity can be reached by incrementing pH, even under conditions where corrosion can occur.
This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 333. Copyright 2021 Elsevier.

with respect to the standard potential, changing thermodynamic that contain many materials and corrosion products, increasing
conditions within the system.331 the problem. Furthermore, oxygen under these conditions
Interestingly, liquid or diluted ammonia in water would be modifies the corrosion potential, leading to larger cracks.332
seen as a minor corrosion inconvenience. However and Dynamic loads and the fatigue that they cause can also influence
according to the analyzed material, this condition can change, the growth of these cracks.
potentially showing different types of corrosion that can range Because the presence of CO2 also favors corrosive processes, it
from uniform corrosion, galvanic corrosion, cracks, intergranular is usual to employ inhibitors that remove poisonous CO2 as well
fracture, cavitation, corrosion under stress, hydrogen embrittle- as biocides, enabling the use of coatings based on epoxic resins
ment, etc. Therefore, each case will depend upon the operating on both metallic and non-metallic surfaces.
conditions and the material under consideration. Ammonia storage can be conducted at low temperatures (240
Gaseous ammonia and its corrosion is a very important topic K) or medium pressures of 1.0−2.0 MPa (depending upon
when the chemical is in the presence of carbon oxides. This is a atmospheric temperatures), thus enabling the use of ammonia as
consequence of its impact on these materials, because just 5 a fuel. Usually, handling of ammonia at low temperatures is
ppmv can start forming amonium carbonate, which has severe easier, with good material behavior. Also, even at higher
corrosion effects. This phenomenon can lead to hydrogen pressures (i.e., 1.12 MPa at 300 K), liquid ammonia is easy to
embrittlement at high pressures (15.0−20.0 MPa) and temper- handle, with pressures similar those of car tires. Thus, its use as a
atures (>770 K). However, as a result of the lower corrosivity at potential fuel has been gaining more followers. Although not
ambient temperature, carbon steels are conventionally used with much is known about the use of ammonia at high temperatures
microalloys for the manufacturing process of ammonia storage (i.e., combustion temperatures of ∼1900 K), some works
tanks. However, it has been shown that some corrosion tends to conducted by the U.S. Army during the 1960s showed that
apper under low stress. The problem manifests in welding joints, materials, such as Inconel, were capable of withstanding those
which usually present residual stress, a situation that is atmospheres, thus increasing the versatility of the molecule as a
commonly produced during solidification and cooling of the fueling vector.11
material. Furthermore, high hardness and the presence of However, there are cases where ammonia can be contami-
impurities favor corrosion failures under stress. The problem can nated by other molecules. Should an ammonia tank be
be effectively mitigated by alleviating residual stresses (via a contaminated with HCl, the corrosion attack would be severe,
thermal process) and adding small quantities of water (∼0.2%), leading to pitting toward the material.330 As mentioned,
which inhibit the corrosion process. Moreover, under cold ammonia can act as protector for some steels while being
temperatures (240 K) usually employed for storage, steel detrimental to copper alloys. Furthermore, ammonia is not
presents some minor tendency to corrosion under low stress, a corrosive to carbon steels under atmospheric conditions,
problem known as stress corrosion cracking (SCC).11 This although its behavior can change with the addition of CO2,
corrosion occurs as a consequence of the anodic dissolution H2O, O2, etc., as previously depicted.
caused by the rupture of thin layers of iron oxides. This happens Interestingly, under ideal conditions, copper alloys would not
at very specific eletrochemical potentials, which lead to cracks be attacked by some ammonia solutions, because pH values
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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higher than 7.0 lead to passivity of the material (Figures 35 and Thus, the areas of the tank or storage elements in contact with
36). Copper has the characteristic of being a noble material, gaseous ammonia can be attacked. Concurrently, the presence of
0.1% (weight) of water can reduce the problem, inhibiting the
presence of oxygen in concentrations up to 200 ppmv.
For non-metallic materials, like rubber or plastics, ammonia in
its liquid state can attack them, causing wearing. Therefore, it is
common to employ Buta N (neoprene) for sealings where
ammonia is used.
As previously stated, although there are other applications,
fuel-based systems are still under scrutiny to determine the
impact of ammonia blends (e.g., with methane, hydrogen, and
syngases) in combustion systems at high temperatures or fuel
Figure 36. pH influence on corrosion resistance of different materials. K cells, with a great variety of materials that may react differently to
= relative corrosion velocity. This figure was readapted with permission different ammonia concentrations (as previously stated in
from ref 330. Copyright 2017 Technion.
section 4). Therefore, further research is required before
ammonia is fully employed as a fuel, thus enabling high integrity
highly resistant to many atmospheres. However, as any other in future systems.
material, there are situations in which the right condition can 5.2. Fuel: Risks. One of the biggest concerns of using
detonate aggresive corrosion. According to Pourbaix diagrams, ammonia is its toxicity. The point is constantly raised as majorly
which are static and consider pH without considering the type of detrimental for the use of the molecule as a commercial fuel,
solution, it is seen that copper at relatively basic pH and the right especially considering that ammonia is directly compared to
potential that could start corroding it accesses a passivity zone. other fuels, such as gasoline or diesel, i.e., largerly available and
This zone is characterized by very stable corrosion; thus, oxides handled easily by untrained people. In comparison to these fuel
will form slowly without fast material detachment. These oxides sources, ammonia presents several constraints at the conditions
can actually protect some materials. that would economically and efficiently supply energy for
However, most conditions between ammonia and copper are vehicles and industrial processes. The vapor pressure of
unfavorable to the latter. The effect is caused by ions that detach ammonia makes it highly volatile at atmospheric conditions,
from the material as a corrosion product. These ions are highly thus leading to unwanted effects of health and safety purposes
soluble in ammonia and oxygen within the solution, thus leading when coming in contact with it. Furthermore, fast release of
to the increase in corrosion speed and the aggresive attack to the compressed ammonia can lead to condensation and droplet
material. The reaction is as follows: formation, forming clouds of cold ammonia at the ground level
that are a critical concern to distributors and users.
4Cu(s) + 8NH3(aq) + O2(g) + 2H 2O(l)
However, the industry has worked with ammonia for more
→ 4[Cu(NH3)2 ]+(aq) + 4OH−(aq) than 150 years since the development of Mond complexes
(R10) capable of producing ammonia at a large, industrial scale.334
In a great variety of cases, the presence of water (i.e., from Furthermore, the total amount of deaths related to ammonia are
atmosphere) or NH4OH leads to an aggresive corrosion attack usually in the single digits in countries with strict regulations,8
of copper materials, creating these compounds that are soluble with incidents that can be controlled with appropriate training
in water, as previously stated. Furthermore, the presence of and support from emergency services. Thus, the question to
stress under humidified conditions also leads to SCC seasonal answer is “would ammonia be (or not be) a safe molecule to be
cracking. For example, solutions with 1 ppmv can produce used as a fuel for automotive, aerospace, marine, and power
seasonal cracking in brass components. This problem can be purposes?”.
eliminated by alleviating residual stresses through annealing Ammonia exposure limits are regularly set between 25 ppmv
after the manufacturing process. (8 h long-term exposure) and 35 ppmv [short-term exposure;
Similar to copper alloys, zinc tends to be attacked by the U.S. usually specifies a 30 ppmv value based on United States
ammonia, which is the reason for recommending the use of Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) acute exposure
ZnAlMg alloys for dip galvanizing of steels that are in contact guideline level (AEGL) guidelines].335 However, there are
with ammonia. In the case of aluminum, as long as copper is not certain regulations like the U.S. EPA AEGL that have also set a
present, the material shows good resistance, which has been series of values at which the exposure to ammonia can be life-
quantified in <0.0013 mm/year wearing.331 threating (i.e., 2700 ppmv for a 10 min exposure), establishing
Another important parameter to consider is that steel can some guidance for industrial purposes. The problem with some
present corrosion when storing ammonia if it has been cold- of these numbers is that once converted to shorter periods, the
formed or welded without posterior stress release. Similarly, values reach thousands of parts per million in concentration. An
SCC can appear in air contaminated with ammonia. Although example is presented in the literature citing the emergency
this problem is known and can be controlled inmediately after response planning guideline (ERPG) values used by the
inspection, this has not been a continuous barrier for both American Industrial Hygiene Association.336 The particular
human and material safety, a point that needs to be carefully value used for the case study, set at 1500 ppm for life-treatening
addressed when thinking about ammonia as a potential fuel. exposure to most individuals over 1 h, can be recalculated to a
The main contaminant for ammonia is oxygen. Only 1 ppmv value of 12 000 ppm in a 5 min exposure window using
of oxygen is enough to start corrosion under low stress. These methodologies such as that proposed by Michaels in 1999.337
phenomena are intensified when high resistance steel (>450 The likelihood of an individual to be exposed in a controlled
MPa) is employed and the pieces are cold-formed or welded. environment to those massive concentrations is extremely low,
Steel with Ni and CrMo is also very susceptible to this effect. thus posing the issue of how these numbers really can be applied
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to regular situations. Michaels recognized that risk acceptability equipped to manage the small, neutral (non-ionic) NH30
is a subjective judgment and is very difficult to define molecule, which can passively diffuse across the membranes
scientifically, although science can inform on the matter. of, for example, fish gills.335 This will become an important
Further studies perfomed with animals have also confirmed parameter, especially in marine applications that are currently
these assertions, with thresholds that are sublethal to humans. looking to use NH3 as a fueling source.
The use of mice, cats, guinea pigs, etc.338,339 have all been tried On this basis, it must also be emphasized that ammonia
to correlate the human response to ammonia exposure, showing handling has improved over the years, with developing
values that can reach up to 35 957 ppm over 5 min exposures, economies following more advanced guidances that have
values that are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to assess reduced incidents and that can potentially lead to a real global
with human individuals. Moreover, it has been recognized that, deployment of ammonia as an energy vector. As an example,
different from some of these species, humans are unlikely to comparisons have also been drawn with hydrogen. As previously
cannulate in the respiratory tracts, thus reverting to nose stated, one of the main issues with hydrogen is its handling.
breathing to scrub ammonia or use wet cloths to ameliorate the Although it is common practice to handle hydrogen at high
toxic atmosphere.337 pressures and low temperatures, these practices are mainly
To address these issues, regulations and safety guidelines keep employed in facilities with vast knowledge and under very strict
progressing. For example, the ERPG values have been refined regulations. Thus, the use of ammonia, a chemical with a highly
using some Wistar rats,340 showing departure points of 1500 or developed distribution infrastructure, presents an easier scenario
500 ppm/h (for non-lethal and medium values, respectively). than hydrogen for fueling purposes.
However, as stated, legislation values are still well below these A recent case study developed by Crolius et al.335 shows a
limits, denoting the gap of understanding in terms of the real comparison for the use of ammonia and hydrogen in power
impact that ammonia can have on humans (i.e., healthy, with applications. The study approaches the extension denoting the
disabilities, presenting pulmonary issues, etc.). Thus, further impact of indoor clouds through small (0.25 mm2) and large
research is required on the matter, perhaps similar to studies that (2.5 mm2) leaks (Figure 38). It is evident that ammonia has a
have approached it with voluntary candidates to provide further smaller distribution, with hydrogen even showing high peaks of
data on the subject.341 concentration with high ventilation rates. Thus, the basis of the
Impacts that also have to be considered are those to potential “pure hydrogen” economy exposes a critical challenge in terms
users when filling up tanks. Although emissions of ammonia can of health and safety, with the release of a molecule with such a
be smelled, thus alerting individuals, spills can be more high diffusivity. Furthermore and as stated previously, the broad
damaging in the immediate scenario. Skin impacts, also flammability limit of hydrogen compared to ammonia
important to notice, are a critical matter while handling emphasizes this fact. Therefore, ammonia presents an
ammonia. Ammonia evaporates at fast rates under atmospheric interesting case to support hydrogen replacement, although
conditions. Thus, contact with liquid ammonia can cause severe some other parameters need to be taken into consideration.
freezing burns, adding to the already damaging impact that Further precautions that also need to be considered relate to
ammonia has on cells as a result of its high affinity to water NOx and particulate matter. Nitrogen oxides play a major role in
(hence dehydrating and killing living tissue)342 (Figure 37). the pollution of the planet, with a greenhouse warming potential
(GWP) of almost 300 that of CO2.343 Thus, this pollutant is not
only one of the biggests concerns in using ammonia for its
impacts toward equipment and cycle efficiency but mainly as a
large contributor to climate change. Also, NOx can lead to the
formation of ozone (O3) at the ground level, acid rain (via
formation of nitric acid), and particulate matter (via formation
of secondary particulates, such as ammonium nitrate),
increasing eutrophication and deteriorating health and
agriculture.344 NOx have also detrimental impacts on human
health, causing problems ranging from allergic responses to
respiratory issues. Estimates suggest that ∼23 500 premature
deaths are caused by the release of these emissions in the U.K.
alone,345 with higher concentrations even being lethal. As for
particulate matter, the topic has been addressed extensively by
envornmental scientists and geophysicists. The primary problem
Figure 37. Exposure of skin to anhydrous ammonia. This figure was with fine particles (<2.5 μm) is that these can diffuse through
reproduced with permission from ref 342. Copyright 2000 Elsevier. skin and lungs, reaching organs and bloodstreams in animals and
humans. From the formation of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)
Further precautions need to be taken regarding the impact on and ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], ammonia plays a critical
marine life. The threshold level of harm varies by organism but is role in the formation of these species, thus contributing to the
generally measured in milligrams per liter (parts per million). reduced air quality in regions where ammonia emissions are
The second reality is that the relationship between the gross extensive.346 The topic not only concerns fertilizing applications
quantity of ammonia released in a spill and the harm that is but also NOx abatement technologies in catalytic systems
inflicted is far from straightforward. The phenomenon is caused employed primarily in diesel engine exhaust devices. Further
by the different forms that ammonia can have in water: native, discussions are detailed in the next section.
un-ionized ammonia (NH30), and ammonium ion (NH4+). The 5.3. Emissions and Environmental Impact. Besides the
primary vector of harm is NH30. This is because living cells are corrosion and fuel safety aspects, there are several other safety
set up to exchange ions with their environment. They are not aspects that need to be considered, including the environmental
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Figure 38. Comparison of zonal extents for “secondary” leaks, indoors, from a 2.50 mm2 orifice into a 200 m3 room with poor ventilation efficiency.
This figure was reproduced with permission from ref 11. Copyright 2020 Elsevier.

impact of the potential introduction of ammonia as a fuel. Albeit transportation vehicles.352 Dependent upon the combustion
ammonia being, on the one hand, environmentally attractive sector studied, the attribution of health impacts to each
because it provides a carbon-free fuel alternative for energy combustion emission species varies. This depends upon the
generation, on the other hand, there are environmental emission mass of each but also the spatiotemporal distribution of
implications associated with the byproducts of ammonia as a these emissions.353 For example, in the U.S., road transportation
fuel. These are associated with air quality and climate effects as NOx and NH3 emissions are each responsible for 30% human
well as nitrogen deposition effects. Here, we provide a summary health impacts associated with the sector, with implications on
of each of these pathways, with the implications of ammonia as a the effectiveness of post-combustion control.353 This pathway
fuel. from emissions to impact is nonlinear and depends upon, among
5.3.1. Air Quality. Globally, outdoor air pollution (air quality) other things, background concentrations of other pollutants as
is estimated to result in over 3 million premature mortalities well as meteorology.354,355 For example, a mass unit of NOx
annually.347,348 Combustion sources are responsible for a large emissions in Europe is found to lead to a higher population
percentage of these premature mortalities, with residential exposed to pollution than the same mass unit in the U.S., even
energy, power generation, industry, and land traffic accounting when normalized by population.356,357
for 31, 14, 7, and 5%, respectively.347 Because NH3 plays a key role in the formation of PM2.5, NH3
Degraded air quality primarily refers to increased concen- emissions are increasingly being highlighted as an area of which
trations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone in the control would yield air quality improvements,353,358−362
atmosphere, because these are the most prominent known especially in the proximity to emission sources of NOx and
causes of early deaths associated with outdoor air pollution. SO2. Similar to NOx and SO2, the efficiency of NH3 controls is
They both form primarily through atmospheric reactions of dependent upon atmospheric conditions (e.g., acidity), with the
emissions. PM2.5 is a group of small particles or liquid droplets additional challenge that NH3 is difficult to measure as a result of
with a diameter of 2.5 μm or less. Gaseous emissions of nitrogen its semi-volatile nature.363
oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), ammonia (NH3), and others The aforementioned dependencies between emission species
lead to PM2.5 formation. Specifically, oxidized products of NOx and the resulting formation of air pollution have implications for
and SO2 react with NH3 to form PM2.5 (referred to as secondary the introduction of NH3 as a fuel. Using NH3 to replace (or
PM2.5). However, PM2.5 can also be emitted directly, e.g., black partially replace through blending) hydrocarbon-based fuels will
carbon (BC) or some forms of organic carbon (OC) (referred to (partially) eliminate carbon-based emission byproducts. In the
as primary PM2.5). Gaseous emissions of NOx and volatile U.S., these are estimated to lead to ∼37 000 early deaths
organic compounds (VOCs) lead to ozone formation. While annually.355 However, remaining or increased emissions of NOx
PM2.5 and ozone are the predominant pollutants for quantifying as well as likely increased emissions of (in this case, unburnt)
air quality,349 some epidemiological studies also link the direct NH3 would still result in higher adverse air quality impacts from
exposure to NO2 to adverse human health impacts,350 although these two species, highlighting the need for post-combustion
this pathway is yet to be included in most studies that quantify control in NH3-fired engines. This trade-off remains an active
the human health impacts of combustion emissions. area of research that merits further investigation.
Emissions from the combustion of hydrocarbon-based fuels 5.3.2. Climate Impacts. Besides air quality impacts,
result in a set of combustion byproducts, primarily including combustion products also result in climate impacts, by altering
NOx, SO2 (if there is sulfur in the fuel), CO, and unburnt the radiative budget of the atmosphere. While long-lived CO2
hydrocarbons as well as primary particulate matter (of different emissions are the driver of the warming effects, shorter lived
sizes, including UFP, PM2.5, and PM10). Additional emission non-CO2 emissions are also known to contribute, albeit to a
species are in some cases introduced as a result of post- lesser extent.364,365 Specifically, NOx and NH3 induce both
combustion control. For example, while NH3 is currently positive and negative radiative forcing changes (e.g., through the
primarily emitted by agricultural activities, the three-way tropospheric ozone and methane responses, respectively, for
catalysts (TWCs) in gasoline vehicles351 as well as SCR systems NOx), which in some cases may cancel out net globally but can
in recent diesel vehicles result in NH3 emissions from road still result in regional impacts.366 The introduction of NH3 fuel
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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eliminates CO2 effects, making NH3 very promising in terms of chemical are promising for its utilization at a global scale for
climate impacts.367 However, studies that quantify the total fueling purposes. However, it must be remembered that
societal cost of emissions, taking into account monetized air ammonia will be useful for many applications but will also fall
quality and climate effects, pinpoint that the combined societal within the barriers that public perception will impose at the time
cost of the combustion byproducts might result in multiple times of its introduction into the fueling market.
higher cost than that of CO2 impacts.368−372 Therefore, 5.4. Legislation. Using ammonia for different industrial
technologies that employ ammonia need to be carefully purposes and especially as a fuel for combustion systems is
designed to minimize these byproducts, leading only to water relatively new-fangled in comparison to traditional energy
and nitrogen formation while capturing or consuming in the resources. The chemical compound has many potential risks
process remnants of nitrogen oxides, unburned ammonia, or any regarding safe operation. For example, it can be explosive when
other detrimental species. mixed with air at a certain mixing ratio. Therefore, formal
5.3.3. Nitrogen Deposition. Nitrogen deposition character- regulations cannot fulfill a feasible placement for ammonia.
izes the intake of reactive nitrogen (Nr) from the atmosphere to Thus, to achieve a fully secure and safe employment of this
the biosphere through either dry (gravitational settling) or wet molecule for different applications to those currently in use, it is
deposition (precipitation). Increased nitrogen deposition, a crucial to adopt clear and attainable legislations. These
result of a perturbed nitrogen biochemical cycle,373 disturbs legislations must be implemented during storage, handling,
plant ecosystem function and affects biodiversity.374 Human and use of NH3.
activity sources are the drivers of reactive nitrogen emissions,375 The legislation scenarios are different from one place to
specifically agriculture (primarily in the form of NH3) and another. Different economics adopting different legislation base
combustion (primarily in the form of NOx). Both NOx and NH3 their codes on many parameters, such as views of governments,
emission control provide a potential way for reducing nitrogen people awareness, and labor laws. A recent literature review
deposition, with the quantification of the latter still bearing performed by Valera-Medina and Banares-Alcantara11 compares
larger uncertainties.376,377 Finally, while nitrogen deposition is three major legislations, namely, European, American, and
of strong interest in areas of high ecosystem value, in specific Chinese. The views from each region are different, with focus on
nitrogen deposition hotspots, such as the Netherlands, nitrogen health and safety, pragmatism, and risk perception. Therefore, it
deposition is increasingly becoming a major societal and is important to also raise some of these differences, thus setting
political topic, with potential future socio-economic challenges the path for potentially new legislations that will come into
for the introduction of NH3 as a fuel.378,379 practice once ammonia is accepted as a fuel source.
5.3.4. Emission Implications from Ammonia-Fueled For example, ammonia has been used over decades in the U.S.
Engines. Because ammonia-fired engines are still an active for different applications, such as increasing crop productivity,
area of research, estimates of the resulting emissions vary refringent in cooling systems, cleaning products, pharmaceutical
depending upon test setup and conditions, the combustor applications, and cloth manufacturing. Thus, the established
temperature, and amount of H2 provided and, in many cases, are regulations and legislations of ammonia are based on four
traded against engine performance and combustion effi- primary issues: occupational safety, public security, trans-
ciency.8,222,272 Further research is required to make these portation, and environmental protection. These legislations
estimates uniform across different engine setups. Overall, NOx are implemented and controlled under the supervision of the
emissions, higher at higher temperatures, need to be balanced U.S. federal government. The regulations and legislations
against unburnt NH3 emissions, more prevalent at lower organize and rule the use, storage, and transportation of
temperatures and richer mixtures. What the appropriate balance ammonia. Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) has developed
should be is linked to the aforementioned environmental non- its legislation and regulations that rule the production, storage,
linearities between NOx and NH3 emissions and merits further mobility, and use of ammonia. Different from the U.S., the EU is
investigation. Valera-Medina et al.11 and others note the based on a legal framework where directives and regulations are
potential of using unburned NH3 for decomposing NOx presented at a European level. Each member of the block then
emissions as a form of post-combustion control.163,268 Ways of applies the legislation based on their best understanding of such
addressing unburnt NH3 from the exhaust during cold start have a framework. Finally, China’s main party works on legislations
also been shown by others.224 that support growth, development, and integrity of both industry
Socioeconomic cost−benefit analyses on the introduction of and population. Because China is the biggest producer of
NH3 as a fuel replacing fossil-fuel-based combustion need to ammonia worldwide, the implications of their legislation in such
account for life cycle emissions during the production of NH3. a context need to be part of the list of countries where
Existing estimates vary between 0.5 and 14 kg of CO2/kg of NH3 regulations are of relevance on a global scale.
produced, depending upon the production route.380 Carbon- In terms of occupational health, the U.S. established in 1970
free synthesis of ammonia has been demonstrated, but it is the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA),
presently unclear if that process can be sufficiently scaled up to which is a part of the United States Department of Labor.382 It
meet the demand.381 covers most private sector employers and their workers, in
It can be concluded that, although ammonia will mitigate addition to some public sector employers and workers in the 50
carbon-containing emissions, several considerations need to be states and certain territories and jurisdictions under federal
taken before employing this chemical as a fueling source, for authority. OSHA has issued many standards that rule over
example, the production of other unwanted emissions (like different employment conditions, such as general industry,
NOx) and the overall impact of slip ammonia toward the construction, maritime, agriculture, etc. Therefore, ammonia as
atmosphere if systems are not clean enough. Particulate matter is a chemical product also has its own standards and regulations set
another detriment to the use of ammonia. Although safety needs up by OSHA. Some of these are depicted as follows. Storage and
to be also always considered and properly addressed when using handling of anhydrous ammonia (standard number
ammonia, it is clear that the history and safety record of the 1910.111):383 This standard is intended to control the design,
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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Table 6. Projected Emissions of NH3 Based on Selected National Activity Projections and Current Legislation Compared to the
National Emission Ceilings for 2010 and Beyonda

Units in kilotons. Highlighted in blue are those surpassing their ceiling. Data were from ref 394.

construction, location, installation, and operation of anhydrous about the release of chemicals, such as ammonia, and their
ammonia systems, including refrigerated ammonia storage explosive potential. To control risks from explosions and fires,
systems. According to this standard, materials, operating the legislation establishes safety features that must be present in
pressures, distance between containers and buildings, storage the working environment. Adherence to this legislation and the
areas, etc. are defined to enable the appropriate use of the presence of safety features protect employees from hazards, thus
chemical. The approach is very holistic and practical, a point that ensuring safe operation and handling of the chemical even in the
is evident on the basis of the successful ammonia market in the event of leaks.
U.S. Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals As for the Chinese, the approach also sets guidelines about
(standard number 1910.119):384 This standard aims to prevent storage, handling, and safety limits. According to the China’s
or minimize the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, standard GBZ 2.1-2007 occupational exposure limits for
reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals. The standard only hazardous agents in the workplace/chemical hazardous agents,
applies to users that possess ammonia quantities greater than the limits for exposure of the ammonia concentration at the
4535.9 kg (thus, if a tank of less than 1000 kg is employed, like in workplace should not be higher than 20 mg/m3 of permissible
an automotive system, the legislation does not apply, a point that concentration-time weight average (PC-TWA) and 30 mg/m3
reiterates the fact that ammonia for fueling would require of permissible concentration-short limit (PC-STEL).388 Both
another set of legislations). Air contaminants (standard number ammonia storage facilities and place of utilization should be
1910.1000): This standard limits the exposure of an employee to equipped with ammonia leakage detection alarms. Also, the GB
any substance. Ammonia is found in tables of the standard with 50016 code for fire protection design of buildings specifies the
an air contamination limit of 50 ppm or 35 mg/m3. According to fire separation distance between ammonia stored in a cylinder
the standard, employees are required to “not exceed in any 8 h and buildings.389
work shift of a 40 h work week” with this threshold.385 Thus, a brief comparison between models denotes a
Simultaneously, in 2012, the European Union established an pragmatic approach from the Americans, while the Europeans
amendment to Directive 96/82/EC.386 The new Directive, concentrate the legislation around personnel safety through
SEVESO III (2012/18/EU), was set up as a response to the tough regulations. Finally, the Chinese deal with the situation
change in classification of dangerous substances, which has been with practical considerations, which sometimes, unfortunately,
enforced since 2015. The implementation comes as a three-part are not followed, thus increasing injuries and fatalities in such a
strategy to minimize and control major accident hazards country. The last statement, better discussed by others,11 could
involving hazardous substances. Simultaneously, the Council be improved by training programs that increase awareness of
Directive 2000/39/EC, established on June 8, 2000 and based personnel to the dangerous features of ammonia.
on Directive 98/24/EC, ensures the protection of the health and In terms of the environment, the approach from these
safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at economies is different. For example, in the U.S., the EPA has
work.387 The Directive establishes values for a reference period several regulations in place that control the use and production
of an 8 h time weighted average and sets short-term periods of 15 of ammonia. Thus, the agency has issued risk management plan
min for 60 chemicals, including ammonia. Like in the U.S., (RMP) and the significant new alternatives policy (SNAP)
directives and regulations are intended to minimize risks programs,390,391 thus ensuring continuous revision of proce-
associated with the use of ammonia. Formal risk assessments dures and risk assessments combined with the promotion of
combined with adequate training and well-established proce- acceptable substances that can reduce ozone depletion.
dures for incident investigations are well-documented in However, the legislative bodies are still debating around
European legislations. The regulations are also concerned ammonia emissions toward the environment from sectors such
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Table 7. Brief Summary of Some Ammonia Regulations in the U.S., European Union, and China
concept United States European Union China
occupational 29 C.F.R. § 1910.119: “process safety management of SEVESO III Directive (2012/18/EU) [i.e., COMAH regulations, GBZ 2.1-2007: “occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the
health and safety highly hazardous chemicals” U.K.] workplace”
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29 C.F.R. § 1910.1000: “air contaminants” Directive 2000/39/EC: “indicative occupational exposure limit GB 50016: “fire protection design of buildings”
29 C.F.R. § 1910.1200: “hazard communication” dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres regulations 2002 TSG R0004-2009: “technical supervision regulation for stationary pressure
TSG RF001: “supervision regulation on safety technology for gas cylinder
security chemical facility anti-terrorism act (CFATS) GB28009-2011: “safety code for cold store”
maritime transportation security act
ammonium nitrate security program
transport and 29 C.F.R. § 1910.109: “explosives and blasting agents” Directive 2009/68/EU: “inland transport of dangerous goods” JT/T 617-2018: “regulations concerning road transportation of dangerous
storage goods”
29 C.F.R. § 1910.111: “storage and handling of international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR) GB 536-2017: “the test methods, packaging, identification, storage,
anhydrous ammonia” transportation, and safety requirements for liquid anhydrous ammonia”
49 C.F.R. § 171−180 international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (ICDGR) GB 28009-2011: “the safety requirements for cold storage design,
construction, management, and operation of the refrigeration system”
ANSI/CGA G-2.1-201: “requirements for the storage international maritime dangerous goods (IMDG)
and handling of anhydrous ammonia”
ASME B31.4 and B31.3: “distribution pipelines” EFMA design codes for ammonia storage
Regulation [EC] number 1272/2008: “classification, labelling and
packaging of substances and mixtures”

environment emergency planning and community right-to-know act Directive 2008/1/EC: “concerning integrated pollution, prevention GB 13458-2013: “discharge standard of water pollutants for ammoinia
and control (IPPC)” industry”
EPCRA section 311: “hazardous chemical reporting” Regulation [EC] number 1907/2006: “registration, evaluation,
authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH)”

EPCRA section 302: “emergency response planning” Gothenburg Protocol

EPCRA section 304: “emergency release notification”

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agriculture. This is an important case, because ammonia for ammonia as a fuel: (1) source/location/grid connection of
emissions tend to vary as a consequence of seasonal changes. energy input system for fuel production, (2) chemical
Furthermore, any legislation would have direct impacts to such production systems, (3) storage and fuel transportation, and
an industry. Ammonia emissions, as previously raised, are a (4) end use and energy conversion systems.
major detriment for pollution in cities while impacting the In this section of the review, the overall economics for each of
nitrogen cycle. Thus, although regulations in the use of ammonia these areas will be reviewed. Note that, as a result of the scope of
for several applications are well-established, it is evident that the this review, the economic cost variables stated here will not be
pragmatic approach from the U.S. economy enables the adjusted for the time value of money nor will these variables be
progression of the use of ammonia toward other disciplines adjusted to a common currency value.
(i.e., power) while still lacking a more conservationist, 6.1.1. Source/Location/Grid Connection of Energy for
environmental policy. Ammonia Production. Thomas and Parks395 reviewed the
On the contrary, the EU has set a ceiling for these emissions conventional means of production of ammonia (using natural
via directives, such as Directive 2008/1/EC, concerning gas) based on efficiency or from economic considerations. They
integrated pollution, prevention, and control (IPPC).392 The noted that production costs from other fossil fuels (heavy oil or
purpose of this directive is to achieve integrated prevention and coal) could cause a production cost increase of as much as 70%.
control of pollution arising from activities concerning the use of Bartels396 carried out a feasibility study, which treated
hazardous substances and their effects on greenhouse gases. It ammonia as an alternative fuel and energy storage system. His
lays down measures designed to prevent or, where that is not work determined costs for production, storage, and trans-
practical, to reduce emissions in the air, water, and land from the portation of ammonia fuel. The cost of the main feedstock for
activities above, including measures concerning waste. More- ammonia production, hydrogen, was first determined for both
over, the legislation seeks to achieve a high level of protection of fossil fuel and alternative energy sources. Capital costs and
the environment, without prejudice to Directive 85/337/EEC operating parameters of an ammonia synthesis plant were then
and other relevant community provisions. The directive also used in an economic model to calculate the cost of ammonia
states the use of best available techniques to mitigate the from various other energy sources (including renewables). In
pollution. This is accompanied by the Gothenburg Protocol, a addition, the energy use and cost for both hydrogen and
protocol implemented to reduce acidification, eutrophication, ammonia fuels were then compared for fuel storage and
and ground-level ozone by setting up emission ceilings by all of transportation. At the time of this work,396 the results showed
its members (Table 6). Interestingly and different from the U.S., that the lowest cost ammonia source was coal, with a production
the protocol establishes limits of overall emissions from each cost of about 150−430 U.S. $/ton or a gasoline equivalent of
country, whereas in the U.S., there is not yet such a limit. 0.96−2.83 U.S. $/gallon. Other alternative ammonia sources
Simultaneously, the Chinese regulations are heavily con- (such as renewable-energy-powered sources) had higher costs;
cerned with the impact that ammonia can have in water bodies, a however, Bartels noted that they could become economical as
point that is of high concern in regions where nitrogenated fossil fuel costs increase and technological advances are made.
molecules contaminate drinking water for human activities. The Leighty and Holbrook397 used a renewable energy source,
pollutants discharged in water bodies of the ammonia industry wind-generated electricity, as a source for a proposed GW-scale
are regulated by a specific standard, the GB 13458-2013 hydrogen and ammonia fuel production system. Their economic
discharge standard of water pollutants for ammonia industry, analysis included the costs for storage and transmission of the
issued by the China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment produced fuel. On the basis of their assumptions, the delivered
(MEE).393 According to this standard, the pollution level is ammonia fuel costs would range from 450 to 650 U.S. $/ton.
measured by measuring the amount of solid bodies discharged They noted that these costs were competitive with the year 2007
to water from ammonia. However, being a chemical crucial for U.S. cornbelt prices.
fertilizing, ammonia ceiling emissions are not defined. A concept note by Philibert398 emphasized the point that, as a
Other legislations in areas such as tranport, distribution, result of future cost reductions in renewable energy
refrigeration sites, appliances, etc., are in place in these three technologies, ammonia production in large-scale plants based
contexts, all of which are similar, being technical in nature. on electrolysis of water could compete with ammonia
Furthermore, the globalization of the ammonia market makes it production based on natural gas in sites with excellent renewable
essential for many of these codes to be in agreement, thus energy resources. A detailed report by the Institute for
reducing retrofitting costs or the loss of potential markets Sustainable Process Technology399 investigated the techno-
between these large economic blocks. However, as pointed out, economic aspects of the feasibility of producing ammonia using
the deployment of an ammonia-based economy would require renewable energy resources. On the basis of their economic
not only agreement in technical codes but also progression analysis, they concluded that the production of ammonia using
toward a pragmatic approach (similar to the approach in the (excess) renewable energy could not compete with existing
U.S.) with a clear sense of risks and environmental aspects fossil-based ammonia production. They stated, however, that
(similar to Europe) with an attainable, easy to implement view this conclusion could change with major changes in the
(similar to China) to enable this ammonia-based future. Table 7 production cost of electrolyzers, increased availability of
summarizes some of the regulations in place between regions. renewable energy, and a major increase in CO2 emission costs.
Furhter information can be found elsewhere.11 An industry-based perspective paper on the use of ammonia as
a CO2-free fuel was given by authors from Mitsubishi Heavy
6. ECONOMICS Industries400 in 2019. They did not review the economics of
6.1. Background. In reviewing the economics of ammonia ammonia production but did conclude that their company had
as a fuel, one has to consider more than just the costs for the established the production technology for it, and it was much
chemical production of ammonia. That is, the following more expensive than state-of-the-art no CO2-free methods.
economic areas have to be examined for their part of the cost Furthermore, they concluded that, for CO2-free ammonia fuel
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Figure 39. Ammonia LCOE for offshore wind farms of varying size.

production, political incentives would be necessary in its initial Future work recommended the use of larger sized wind turbines
production stages. and cost reductions in the ammonia plant and efficiency
Some researchers have noted that fossil fuels for ammonia increases in the auxiliary ammonia-powered gas turbine system.
production can be replaced with renewable energy in the (3) Non-grid-connected island systems:405 A detailed system
manufacturing process to improve sustainability. As summarized model was used to simulate the production of carbon-free
by Morgan,401 several of the earliest ammonia plants used only ammonia fuel directly from water and air using traditional air
hydroelectric power to produce ammonia from water and air. A separation units, alkaline electrolyzers, mechanical vapor
number of large-scale electrolytic hydrogen facilities have been compression desalination, and a Haber−Bosch synthesis loop.
built since 1928 when hydrogen was first produced via Mohegan Island in Maine was used as a case study, and actual
hydroelectric power in Norway. By the 1970s, plants in India, wind data and electrical load data from the island were
Egypt, Zimbabwe, Peru, Iceland, and Canada were also incorporated to determine the expected ammonia production
producing ammonia fertilizer from electrolytic hydrogen. By and economic results. Total lifetime system costs were
1998, however, only seven hydroelectric ammonia facilities were calculated, with the results normalized such that the wind−
still active in the world, accounting for roughly 0.5% of the total ammonia system could be directly compared to a conventional
worldwide ammonia production.402 diesel-only system.
The use of different wind energy systems to produce ammonia Islanded (non-grid-connected) ammonia power systems have
fuel has been investigated in a number of University of
been investigated by Vrijenhoef406 and Rouwenhorst et al.17
Massachusetts studies. (1) Offshore wind:401,403 In this work,
Vrijenhoef’s project goal was to develop and implement
a case study for a grid-connected all-electric ammonia plant in
sustainable, decentralized, and small-scale ammonia production
the Gulf of Maine was used to assess the lifetime economics of
such a system. Utility grid prices and an offshore wind resource plants and/or energy storage systems. His work produced the
were incorporated in a detailed component level simulation and production, transport, and storage costs for ammonia and
economics model for this type of system. The levelized cost of hydrogen for a Netherlands-based non-grid-connected system.
ammonia (LCOA) was calculated to be highly relative to Rouwenhorst et al. reviewed recent technology advances for a
ammonia produced with natural gas but was noted to be not as non-grid, islanded ammonia energy system with an emphasis on
susceptible to major variations in ammonia feedstock prices. As storage systems sized 1−10 MW. Their work featured a
shown in Figure 39, this research demonstrated the economics conceptual process design based on the optimization of
of scale for the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for temperature and pressure levels of existing and proposed future
ammonia-producing offshore wind farms. (2) Floating non- technologies. This process design consisted of wind turbines and
grid offshore systems:404 The technical and economic feasibility solar panels for electricity generation, a battery for short-term
of a floating offshore wind-driven ammonia production system energy storage, an electrolyzer for hydrogen production, a
was investigated in this work. The all-electric ammonia plant was pressure swing adsorption unit for nitrogen production, a novel
located on a non-grid-connected floating plant ship that had 4.5 ruthenium-based catalyst for ammonia synthesis, a supported
MW wind turbines. Their results showed that ammonia was metal halide for ammonia separation and storage, and an
produced at a much lower capacity and at a cost of about U.S. ammonia-fueled solid oxide fuel cell for electricity generation.
$350/ton higher than a land-based grid-connected system. They concluded, for a generic location in northern Europe, the
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islanded energy system had a round-trip efficiency of 61% and a of ammonia and hydrogen fuel was carried out by Bartels.396
power cost of about 0.30−0.35 €/kWh. This work, assuming 182 days of storage, concluded that
6.1.2. Chemical Production Systems. Thomas and Parks395 ammonia had a large cost advantage over hydrogen (from 0.51
noted that the basic chemistry of ammonia production was to 14.83 U.S. $/kg of H2). Furthermore, on the basis of a
based on a process developed by Haber and Bosch in the early transport distance of 1610 km, the pipeline transportation costs
1900s. They gave estimated ammonia production costs (from for ammonia were lower than those for hydrogen (from 0.034 to
natural gas) and noted that they were directly influenced by the 0.7−3.22 U.S. $/kg). Leighty and Holbrook397 also considered
price of natural gas. Bicer et al.407 gave a detailed life cycle the economics of ammonia storage and transportation for their
assessment of four different ammonia production methods. proposed GW-scale hydrogen and ammonia fuel production
Their proposed production system was based on an electrolyzer system.
for hydrogen production coupled with a Haber−Bosch plant. In two reviews for ammonia storage costs, Rouwenhorst413
Their analysis did not review the economic aspects of the four and Rouwenhorst et al.17 presented costs for ammonia storage of
different production methods; however, it could provide a good about 0.02 €/kWh. In addition, in comparison to hydrogen and
background for future economic studies. ammonia storage, they noted that the storage cost for hydrogen
Ammonia production costs (along with methanol and light increases significantly with storage time, while the cost of
olefins) in the European Union and other countries (U.S., ammonia storage remains fairly constant.
Russia, Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia) were reviewed by A number of researchers have considered integrated ammonia
Boulamanti and Moya.408 They considered the differences in storage with renewable energy sources. Wang et al.414 proposed
the technologies and co-products and presented the costs based an energy system that was based on the use of excess renewable
on six components: (1) feedstock, (2) credits (as a result of co- energy (PV) for conversion into ammonia. Their analysis,
products), (3) electricity, (4) thermal energy, (5) other including technical and economic feasibility, concluded that
materials (chemicals, catalysts, etc.), and (6) labor and other ammonia was a promising medium for the large-scale storage of
costs. renewable energy. Siddiqui and Dincer415 investigated a
Shiozawa summarized the economics of CO2-free ammonia renewable energy system based on the combination of wind
via chemical production systems under a research program and solar renewable energy sources coupled with ammonia
sponsored by Japan’s Institute of Energy Economics.409 On the production and storage. In their system, the ammonia fuel was
basis of this work, he arrived at two economic-based used to power solid oxide fuel cells. They presented economic
conclusions: (1) The 2030 cost of ammonia produced via a data for the levelized cost of energy for the individual
combination of natural gas and carbon capture and sequestra- components of the hybrid system and recommended work on
tion (CCS) will be about U.S. $350/ton. (2) The cost of CO2- a techno-economic analysis of the proposed system.
free ammonia produced from renewable hydrogen in Australia Other investigators416,417 have proposed and investigated
and exported to Japan will be about U.S. $750/ton. ammonia production and storage systems that use fuel cells as a
His paper also noted that the International Energy Agency source of power. More details of this work will be summarized in
(IEA) predicted that ammonia production costs will eventually a following section (Fuel Cells) of this review.
decrease to less than half of their 2030 levels.410 6.1.4. Ammonia Fuel End Use and Energy Conversion
To investigate renewable energy (wind)-powered ammonia Systems. MacFarlane et al.14 and Giddey et al.418 reviewed the
fuel systems, a detailed economic model for an all-electric potential for renewable energy production of ammonia and
ammonia fuel production system was given in the work of developments in fuel end use. Their end use options included
Morgan401 and Morgan et al.403 On the basis of the the following: (1) transportation and internal combustion
requirements of conventional ammonia production subsystems, vehicle engines, (2) marine transportation, (3) power
an electricity-driven system using current technologies was generation, (4) gas turbines/aviation, and (5) fuel cells.
designed and cost-estimated. This all-electric ammonia plant Transportation and Internal Combustion Vehicle
included the hydrogen production electrolyzers, air separation, Engines. An overview of the use of ammonia fuel for
water purification, synthesis loop, and ammonia storage. Also, transportation was included in the work of Zamfirescu and
the effect of scaling of electrolyers to reduce capital costs (see ref Dincer419 and Dincer and Bicer.420 They presented an economic
411) was found to be an important economic variable. analysis that lead to the conclusion that ammonia was the least
Recent work on the economics of smaller scale ammonia expensive fuel in terms of U.S. $/GJ and that ammonia was the
production systems was carried out by Lin et al.412 They lowest cost fuel. A comprehensive review of ammonia as a fuel
presented a techno-economic analysis of a 20 000 t all-electric for internal combustion engines was presented by Brohi.421
production facility that was much smaller than convention However, it was limited to the technical aspects (energy
ammonia production facilities. They considered two different efficiency and emissions) but did include some economic cost
configurations of the Haber−Bosch process and simulated the aspects.
system using Aspen Plus. Their model results were then used to The potential use of ammonia fuel for U.S. transportation was
estimate the total capital and operating economic costs. The reviewed by Kang and Holbrook.367 They concentrated on
economic analysis showed that the small-scale Haber−Bosch greenhouse gas emission reductions but did note that gasoline-
process ammonia fuel cost was about twice the value of powered vehicles (limited to light-duty vehicles) could be
conventional ammonia process plants. They also performed a converted to run on mostly ammonia fuel. They also presented
sensitivity analysis that considered areas with local ammonia economic results via a cost−benefit analysis and concluded that
demand with access to excess renewable energy. For such cases, ammonia-fueled vehicles could be a near-term alternative for
the cost of ammonia fuel could be comparable to that of light-duty vehicles. Dincer and Bicer422 evaluated ammonia
conventional ammonia production plants. production and transportation end-use application options,
6.1.3. Storage and Fuel Transportation Systems. An including ammonia cracking hydrogen vehicles. Their economic
economic comparison of the storage and transportation costs results compared various vehicle fuels in terms of energy cost per
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gigajoule and also compared the driving cost (100 km trip) for and technical aspects of the potential use of ammonia and other
various fuels. In both cases, ammonia prevailed with the lowest carbon-free energy carriers for hydrogen fuel cell applications.
costs. Their research work had three primary tasks: (1) an extensive Marine Transportation. An overall review of scientific and technical literature review on the subject,
ammonia as a marine fuel was given by Alfa Laval, etc.423 The especially for stationary fuel cells, (2) a review of the current
report discussed all aspects of the process, including conven- (2007) state-of-the-art technical performance and economics of
tional- and renewable-energy-based ammonia production. The ammonia supply for fuel cell applications, and (3) a
results included an economic analysis for the cost of ammonia as recommended demonstration plan for an experimental
a marine power source. ammonia/hydrogen fuel cell system.
The economics of ammonia as a marine fuel was presented by The economic analysis part of this work centered on a
Hansson et al.235 Their modeling results indicated that, for the comparison of ammonia cracking with other production
long term, the use of hydrogen represented a more cost-effective methods and costs by the manufacturer of ammonia crackers.
marine option than ammonia. Dependent upon the solution of a Afif et al.288 gave a review of ammonia-fed solid oxide fuel
number of technical issues, however, they also concluded that cells. Their work included a comparative study of the working
ammonia may be just as cost-effective. principles, analytical modeling, applications, advantages, and
Kim et al. carried out a detailed feasibility study on the use of disadvantages as well as some cost data. They noted that, with
ammonia for a ship propulsion system.424 Their work regard to cost, fuel cells were more expensive per kilowatt of
considered four different ammonia-fueled propulsion systems installed capacity than a conventional generator set; however,
for a container feeder ship. These systems were compared fuel cell systems were predicted to decrease in price in the near
(economically and environmentally) to a conventional heavy future.
fuel oil fuel propulsion system. Their results showed that all of The economics of ammonia (along with hydrogen and
the ammonia-powered propulsion ships would require consid- methanol) fuel cells for vehicle fuel cell applications was
erably more volume and weight than a conventional-powered analyzed by Zhao et al.425 They summarized work on a high-
ship. The ammonia systems reduced greenhouse gas emissions performance direct ammonia fuel cell operating at 353 K. Their
by 84−92% and cost 3.5−5.2 times more from a total life cycle summary concluded that ammonia had the lowest source-to-
cost analysis. tank cost. Minutillo et al.417 presented an economic assessment Power Generation. Yapicioglu and Dincer287 of proposed refueling stations using ammonia and fuel cells to
reviewed renewable-energy-produced ammonia as a potential produce hydrogen, electricity, and heat on site. The ammonia
fuel for industrial-scale applications. Their review discussed and directly feeds the solid oxide fuel cell that co-generates electricity
compared methods for ammonia production on technical, and hydrogen coupled with hydrogen chemical storage. Their
economic, and environmental performance criteria. Further- economic analysis was carried out for current and future cases
more, some potential methods to convert various types of and evaluated the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH), the
commercially available generators for production of ammonia levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), and other economic
were proposed and discussed on the basis of the most recent performance parameters. The values of the LCOH, for the
work carried out in the field. The economic information, proposed configurations and economic scenarios, were in the
however, in this work is somewhat limited. range of 6−10 €/kg, and the values of the LCOE ranged from
Rouwenhorst413 presented a comprehensive review of the 0.447 to 0.242 €/kWh.
technical and economic feasibility of power-to-ammonia-to- Zhang et al. carried out a techno-economic analysis of a
power systems. His work contained economic details (capital number of green ammonia production processes, including
costs, operating expenses, and revenue) of the components of power to ammonia systems using solid oxide fuel cells.426 They
such systems. Also included were summaries of the current concluded that the power to an ammonia fuel cell system was
technical progress for these systems as well as a discussion on not economically competitive in 2020 but could become
their long-term feasibility. For non-grid-connected systems, as competitive (payback period of less than 5 years) with mass
summarized in Rouwenhorst et al.,17 their work was expanded to production of solid oxide fuel cells and reduced costs of
include non-grid-connected (islanded) ammonia power systems renewable energy electric power costs.
(with storage systems in the size range of 1−10 MW. They This section of the review has shown that there has been
presented a process design method based on optimizing significant work in the four economic areas previously defined. It
temperature and pressure levels of state-of-the-art and proposed has been found that the most common economic parameters
technologies. For a generic location in northern Europe with have been the cost of ammonia production for fuel production,
renewable energy power sources, they concluded that its the cost of electricity for power-to-ammonia-to-power systems,
operational costs would be 0.30−0.35 €/kWh. and end use costs, such as transportation and storage. A Gas Turbines/Aviation. Bicer and Dincer 422 summary of the range of some of these economic variables from
performed a life cycle evaluation of hydrogen and other fuels, the most recent (and most numerous) references is given in
including ammonia for aviation applications. The life cycle Table 8. One can also note a number of these studies have been
analysis of air transportation included the production of the based on the use of renewable energy sources to produce “green”
aircraft and the construction, maintenance, and disposal for the ammonia or “green” electric power from ammonia systems.
ground infrastructure. Both conventional and renewable energy Most of the work shown here developed cost information on
inputs for ammonia and hydrogen production were considered. production to end use as a fuel or energy. It should be noted that
This work calculated the cost for a 5600 km distance aircraft the details of these end use costs (like transportation and
flight. Ammonia fuel would cost about U.S. $30 000 compared storage) for a number of these references could be found in the
to U.S. $18 000 for conventional jet fuel. publications of the authors, but some were very site-specific. Fuel Cells. Lipman and Shah416 documented a In general, ammonia presents a potential use because of not
research project that was designed to investigate the scientific only its technical feasibility but also its economic features and
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Table 8. Summary of Some Economic Studies

component model cost economic variable, U.S. $ end use economics
NH3 topic details (range) (components) reference
green NH3 production yes $/ton of NH3 (374−666) no 426
fuel cost of CO2-free ammonia no $/ton of NH3 (276−300) yes (transportation) 409
small-scale Haber−Bosch process economics yes $/ton of NH3 (494−720) no 412
floating offshore NH3 production yes $/ton of NH3 (1556−1670) yes (transport, storage) 404
green NH3 marine fuel no $/ton of NH3 (275−850) yes (transpot, storage) 423
power-to-ammonia-to-power yes $/kWh (0.22−0.55) yes (storage) 413
renewable energy NH3 production yes $/ton of NH3 (390−762) yes (transportation) 420
CO2-free NH3 production no $/ton of NH3 (638−1391) yes (storage) 399
offshore wind power NH3 yes $/ton of NH3 (580−1224) yes (transport, storage) 403 and 411

current global infrastructure. Furthermore, future systems that a 1000 t/day size, lowering the synthesis pressure from 220 to 75
are currently under investigation might mitigate even further the bar would decrease energy consumption by 1.3 GJ/t.
costs of producing, storing, and using ammonia as a fuel. Therefore, there is room for improvement of the current
industrial processes for ammonia synthesis in the highlighted
7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES critical steps. However, the real difference would be a fully
different process, and the search for alternative production paths
Scenarios presented in this review show that ammonia can be for hydrogen, excluding thermochemical routes, is a high-impact
effectively employed as an energy vector. However, further action to make the process more sustainable. Also, ammonia
research is needed in all areas to improve production and synthesis strategies that may occur at lower pressure, ideally
efficiency, reduce emissions, and enable a clear path toward an atmospheric, would be a real breakthrough. Nevertheless, it is
economically viable use of the molecule to support the very difficult to imagine an effective process based on renewables
decarbonization of our highly energy-dependent culture. Thus, applicable to such a production size. This means that a
several points are addressed in this final section to improve these significant downscaling of the ammonia synthesis plant is
numbers and acknowledge the challenges for the use of needed to match the hydrogen production capacity from
ammonia as an energy vector. renewables, which is expected to be orders of magnitude lower
7.1. Synthesis. In terms of synthesis processes, some than what is needed for a current Haber−Bosch plant.
strategies for improvement of the synthesis process consist of Therefore, a limited advantage of scale can be expected with
optimizing the heat recovery in the same form or using high- the need of a careful economic analysis to ensure the feasibility
pressure steam for power production to sustain the energy- and remunerability of the investment.
demanding compression. The development of alternative Alternative strategies are currently in the experimental and
catalysts is also in place, allowing for higher conversion at the conceptual design stages. For example, power-to-ammonia
same pressure or lowering the pressure at equal productivity. loops for use with the renewable energy supply characterized
Considering that the catalyst cost impacts for <1% of the by intermittency have been considered, searching for the
production cost of NH3,39 the search for active materials, even if operating boundaries for steady-state operation of a three-bed
expensive, such as Ru, would be justified: the reduction of the autothermal ammonia synthesis reactor through a pseudo-
operating pressure down to 91 bar allows for 20% savings in homogeneous model.428
equipment and piping. Furthermore, a solid oxide electrolyzer integrated with an
Considering the process efficiency on the basis of the overall ammonia synthesis reactor has been designed, claiming a
mass balance, 0.44 mol of CH4 are used per mole of liquid reduction of 40% energy input.429 Similarly, air and water have
ammonia. Another efficiency measure is based on the been set as feeds with N2 separation from air through the Linde
computation of the energy or exergy balance. Exergy losses are process and H2 production via water splitting. All of the duties
mainly localized in the reforming section (60−70%), particularly for compression and electrolysis are designed from photovoltaic
as a result of the low efficiency of combustion and process steam or wind sources. The estimated investment was huge, 1500
generation.427 million €, but with a reasonable cost of ammonia of 1.35 €/kg.430
Strategies for process intensification of the current tech- Ammonia synthesis has been around for over a century, but it
nologies are mainly based on the increase of the thermal is still modern while raising research and process design
efficiency of the high-temperature steps through accurate heat challenges. The process is very energy-intensive, and current
recovery, to save fresh fuel, particularly referring to the efforts are pointing to the optimization of the whole process
thermocatalytic hydrogen production section. As for the integration to decrease the net energy and raw material input. A
synthesis loop, attempts are proposed to reduce the temperature 360° strategy is needed because, on one hand, the development
rise of the compressor (increasing efficiency) and decrease the of more active catalysts can achieve higher productivity under
temperature for reactor outlet streams. As for the whole the same conditions, while on the other hand, careful re-
integrated process, the lower the loop pressure or as well the engineering on the reactor and the whole loop is made effective
lower the pressure difference between the synthesis gas enough toward the management of kinetic and thermodynamic
production and the ammonia synthesis loop, the lower the limitations of the reaction.
energy input. The energy consumption for the production of 1 Besides reworking conventional processes, mainly based on
ton of NH3 has been reduced from 41.8 to 29.3 GJ thanks to the Haber−Bosch scheme, attention is paid to novel raw
process intensification.39 Furthermore, the energy saving when materials (e.g., biomass-derived hydrogen and other renewable
decreasing the operating pressure was calculated:39 in the case of routes to H2, such as electrolysis through solar or wind power).
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This also opens the way to consider ammonia as an energy producing emissions within permissible environmental limits.
storage medium. Furthermore, fully unconventional routes, such The understanding of behavior, characteristics, and technical
as photocatalytic or electrocatalytic ammonia synthesis, are aspects of the multidisciplinary phenomena, including the
under development, although at the moment, the expected thermochemical−turbulence interaction, will be facilitated by
productivity is orders of magnitude lower than needed. the aid of transient LES analysis validated through laser
Overall, the main thermodynamic and kinetic features have diagnostic and novel monitoring laboratory techniques. The
been analyzed for commercial catalysts for ammonia synthesis. recent development of detailed chemical kinetics of pure
This analysis highlights that, to produce ammonia, a ammonia as well as different blends with methane and hydrogen
heterogeneous catalyst is needed to activate the N2 reactant is enabling a qualitative understanding of the formation and
and operation is accomplished around 670 K for kinetic reasons. destruction of various radicals controlling the levels of NOx and
This depresses the thermodynamics of this exothermal reaction, unburnt fuel by the exit of the combustors at different inlet
forcing an increase to the operating pressure to at least 9.0−10.0 conditions and premixing mechanisms. Staged combustion with
MPa, usually between 15.0 and 30.0 MPa. The ammonia rich-lean conditions, swirling to control CRZ sizes, and mixing
synthesis loop is composed of a gas conditioning section inside the combustor as well as innovative burners controlling
(preheating and compression), the reactor, where the thermal premixing levels are among the suggested solutions that are
management differentiates different layouts, and the product expected to allow for the sustainable and wide range operable
separation with reactant recycle. Although, in principle, simple, use of ammonia for generations of economical clean combustion
the need of integration with the upstream processes for the burners with high combustion efficiency and low pollutant
production of the synthesis gas poses many optimization levels. Further development of detailed chemical mechanisms in
challenges and opens the choice to many different design the near future is also expected to be reflected in more
options. alternatives for the use of ammonia burner designs.
7.2. Combustion. A further key development for ammonia Therefore, the use of combustion and the understanding of its
combustion is the construction of comprehensive chemical fundamental features are still under considerable research. For
kinetics models as well as skeletal versions for specific example, predictions of five selected recent ammonia oxidation
applications. The literature models should be improved for mechanisms, Glarborg-2018,115 Li-2019,137 Mei-2019,91 Jiang-
predicting the ignition delay and laminar burning velocity of 2019,138 and Stagni-2020,103 have been compared to measured
ammonia-based fuel mixtures; especially, the cross reactions data from the literature on ignition delay times and flame speeds
between C and N species need more investigation. To for ammonia, ammonia/hydrogen, and ammonia/methane
characterize the emissions from ammonia combustion numeri- mixtures. The evaluation has shown than none of the models
cally in case experimental measurements are not feasible (during are capable of accurate predictions over the range of conditions
combustor design), speciation measurements under controlled investigated, and further modeling development work is
environments are desirable. These include (1) temperature- required. It is also recommended to expand the validation to
resolved measurements in flow and jet-stirred reactors as well as include speciation data from flow reactors, jet-stirred reactors,
premixed flames, where the uncertainty of measurements must and laminar premixed flames. Furthermore, it is desirable to
be strongly reduced along with consideration of surface obtain additional experimental data to validate particular subsets
reactions, and (2) time-resolved measurement in shock tubes of the models.
and rapid compression machines, where reaction kinetics data The key reactions in the models depend upon both the
can be obtained for validation of a single elementary reaction. reaction conditions and the model itself. To a significant extent,
Moreover, quantum chemical computational campaigns are the IDT predictions are sensitive to other reactions than those
beneficial for updating the rate constants of the key reactions for important for the LBV calculations. The predicted ignition
which rate constants and branching fractions are still in question. delays for RCM conditions are very sensitive to the reactions of
As presented, ammonia is usually employed through co-firing NH2 with NO and NO2, in particular their branching fractions to
applications. Therefore, future works in this area will be mainly a chain-branching product channel and a chain-terminating
focused on more detailed studies around the properties and channel, respectively. Both of these reactions have been
characteristics of novel ammonia blends and the effect of a great extensively characterized both experimentally and theoretically,
variety of parameters that affect fundamental features of and the uncertainties in rate constants are small.115 Other
ammonia-based flames, such as the pressure, inlet temperature, sensitive reactions are known less accurately. Of particular
ammonia concentration, etc. As for hydrogen, which is among importance among these steps is the NH2 + HO2 reaction, for
the most promising co-fuels for ammonia combustion which both the overall rate constant and the branching fraction
promotion, the areas of safety, combustion instabilities, “thermal is in discussion,103,134 with both experimental and theoretical
plus fuel” NOx emissions, etc. will be topics of research required results varying significantly. Also, reactions of H2NO show up as
to fully understand the behavior of nitrogen-based molecules sensitive, and these have significant uncertainties.134
and their performance on the reactivity of ammonia radicals. At the higher temperatures, typical of the shock tube
Practical conditions seen in engines and fuel cells will need more experiments, reactions important for formation or consumption
testing, with further studies conducted on operability, ignition, of atomic hydrogen show up. In addition to some of the steps
flame speed, etc., all critical parameters for the appropriate discussed above, also dissociation of NH3 and its reaction with H
design of new units fueled with ammonia. show up in the analysis. Of particular note here is that several
Despite the inherent challenges associated with the burning of reactions in the N2−amine subset show up as bottlenecks; these
ammonia and its blends with hydrogen or methane as a clean steps are typically not well-known, and more work is desirable.
fuel powering gas turbine combustors, recent laboratory-scale Similar to the high-temperature IDT predictions, flame speed
and CFD research suggested innovative solutions that would calculations are particularly sensitive to formation and
guide industry to produce new burner generators using consumption of hydrogen atoms. In comparison to IDT
techniques devoted at widening the flame stability range and predictions, radical−radical reactions of NH2 as well as reactions
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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of NH with O2 and NO play a larger role. These are discussed in ensure that future ammonia-based engines not only mitigate
some detail elsewhere.115 unwanted emissions, such as NOx, but are also safe for both
7.3. Applications. Potential systems fueled with ammonia living species and the environment, with untraceable concen-
through combustion in industrial and domestic sectors open trations of unburned fuels. The marine industry, which is already
many fields of discussion and investigation that, properly leading the path toward these developments, will see the onset of
addressed, may even lead to a wider exploitation of ammonia as a the technology in the next couple of years, ensuring that
fuel. ammonia engines secure a place in the energy mix of the near
In the case of ammonia/solid fuel co-firing, sparse available future.
data, discussed here for the coal case, suggest the need of Research of ammonia blends for stationary gas turbines has
systematic studies in controlled conditions that can further made remarkable progress over the past decade, but still various
clarify the interaction of ammonia with the different stages of issues, like humidified RQL combustion, flame stability,
solid fuel transformation and conversion. In coal co-firing, this emission reduction, suitable materials, cycle efficiencies, etc.,
study can allow for the increase in the amount of ammonia that need to be further addressed to have an industrial application.
can be added to the coal. Besides coal co-firing, the status of Industries in Japan have taken the lead for the use of various
knowledge on the interaction of ammonia oxidation with other ammonia concentrations in their units, while European efforts
solid fuel combustion processes, such as biomasses and waste of have also started on the search of conditions, blends, and
different nature, is still at an early stage. Also, in this case, a systems capable of using ammonia in combination of natural gas
fundamental study that is even more complex as a result of the and as a hydrogen source for large power plants.11 With various
uncertainty on solid feedstock composition is required. On the research groups setting their focus on ammonia combustion, it is
other hand, better knowledge of these processes would open the expected that many of the current problems will be addressed in
real possibility to also strengthen the use of ammonia in the the following decade, thus moving toward a “zero-carbon”
cement industry. energy grid. Furthermore, recent announcements by companies
Moreover, it is worth noting that ammonia is often a waste in such as Reaction Engines431 that are now considering various
many production chains. Among the most interesting ammonia blends for rocket engines are very encouraging,
production chains, ammonia deriving from agriculture and opening the possibility of using ammonia as an aerospace fuel, an
animal manure could cover a primary role. The impact of idea discarded by the end of the last century. However, various
agriculture and livestock on ammonia and GHG emission is a issues need to be satisfied prior to having ammonia-fired
very relevant problem, which accounts for more than 50% of propulsion engines in terms of loading, storage, stability,
NH3 and about 40% of CH4 emissions in the atmosphere. These emissions, and environmental impacts.
gaseous wastes, mainly coming from the organic decomposition In terms of fuel cells and their perspectives, fuel cells will be
of wastes from these chains can be used as low-calorific-value using ammonia extensively as a reliable source of hydrogen,
fuel in properly designed boilers to recover energy at the local although some factors, like production, storage, transport, cost,
level. Fuel-flexible advanced technologies, like MILD combus- safety, etc., will need to be improved. The production cost of
tion, may represent a straightforward solution for burning such green ammonia is still much higher for the delivery of green
gaseous streams. The MILD combustion configuration, proven hydrogen.266,291 At present, fuel cells are costlier than an electric
to be effective for ammonia conversion, also deserves further generator running on natural gas or diesel, although the price of
analysis for implementing scale-up strategies in terms of thermal fuel cells is falling rapidly. Because power units running on
power as well as power density. combustion technology are mature, their installation costs will
As a general comment, suitable for any combustion system not decrease significantly. On the other hand, fuel cells are a
burning ammonia, it has to be noted that the change of flame technology for the future, which is developing fast to cope with
characteristics and its reference parameters or the use of demand and competition (i.e., low cost of combustion systems).
flameless combustion requires identification of new sensors and If the trend of commercialization efforts continues, the fuel cell
monitoring strategies for the progress of flame and reaction price will definitely be lower in the future and possibly replace
processes. This is a critical step in the setup of innovative digital many combustion generators. However, to reach this point, new
techniques, inspired by the cyber-physical system concepts, materials need to be developed that ensure moderate temper-
aimed at improving system performances and sustainability by atures with high efficiency, durability, flexibility, lower costs, and
means of such innovative monitoring and control tools as, for the potential of implementation in combined systems (i.e.,
instance, digital twins and advanced sensing schemes. hybrids). This work will ensure that fuel cells are part of the
Ammonia engines, likely the first systems that will reach future, as expressed by many industries that are already looking
commercial maturity sooner, will receive considerable attention into this technology for the use of ammonia, particularly in the
over the next decade, with studies that will be focused on the marine sector.432
improvement of these units through modifications in the overall It is clear that, for combustion applications, ammonia is faced
cycle, injection systems, and better reactivity of gasoline-based with several problems, such as low combustion speed, high
blends. These works will be followed by replacement of green ignition energy, narrow flammability range, and low flame
fuels (i.e., methanol and hydrogen) in the ammonia blends, thus temperature. Although ammonia has been demonstrated to burn
requiring robust programs to determine not only feasibility of in its pure form under successful scenarios, it is more common
these blends but also the most appropriate concentration of that dual-fuel co-firing strategies are employed for easier
these doping agents, ignition requirements, and compressibility utilization. The most favorable choice according to previous
ratios. Furthermore, it is expected that other parameters, such as studies is hydrogen, which is also a popular green fuel with
the introduction of novel technologies, will enhance the excellent combustion properties when used as a promoter.
reactivity of ammonia, thus mitigating slip unburned streams. Characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen fuel blend combustion
The technology will also be exposed to continuous scrutiny from have been widely studied in flame propagation, ignition,
environmental groups and decarbonization agendas, which will emissions, stability, etc. The performance of such fuel blends
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
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shows great potential for further applications. However, as methane, progress has been made toward using hydrogen as a
problems, such as NOx emissions and flame instabilities, still combustion promoter, thus replicating the flame behavior of
need to be further optimized. In addition, hydrocarbon fuels also fossil fuel flames and enabling full reduction of carbon-based
have good potential to be used as combustion promoters for emissions. However, NOx emissions, flame stability, material
ammonia. Methane, as a simple chemical, has been tested in performance, and cycle efficiencies are still being studied by
several studies to enhance the combustion of ammonia. Other researchers, with the aim of large-scale power plants of >100
hydrocarbon fuels, such as diesel, gasoline, DME, etc., have also MW by 2030. These works have also spurred the interest of
been widely studied for ammonia combustion promotion. The other sectors, such as the aerospace industry, which is now
results have shown the feasibility of such co-firing technologies looking into the use of ammonia for propulsion purposes. It is
to some degree in combustion applications, especially in engine expected that the near future will see more developments in the
use. However, the fundamental combustion characteristics of area, with cleaner, more efficient units that employ all of the
such fuel blends are still not clear. Thus, more details of benefits of ammonia (i.e., cooling, heating, and power).
ammonia and its co-firing properties need to be investigated As for fuel cells, current trends denote a fast progression into
further. the development of materials that can operate at lower
Results obtained on furnaces and boilers, from large to small/ temperatures, thus making them more versatile for their use in
laboratory scale, satisfactorily prove that the use of ammonia as energy and power systems. PEMs, SOFCs, AFCs, and other
an energy carrier is a viable way to reduce the CO2 emission in concepts are now under scrutiny across the world to ensure that
several industrial sectors, especially in the most energy-intensive ammonia can be easily used to produce energy while minimizing
sectors. As a result of very peculiar ammonia combustion the corrosion that the chemical can produce on membranes and
characteristics, the status of knowledge about ammonia eletrolytic solutions. It has been demonstrated that fuel cells can
combustion chemical kinetics and its unusual interplay with produce significantly high power outputs (i.e., kilowatts when
fluid dynamic and thermal fluxes need to be greatly improved. stacks are employed) with high efficiencies, thus presenting a
There are many applications that would potentially be a novel solution to the use of combustion systems. However, it has
significant contribution to the consolidation of a significant role also been conceived that fuel cells can be integrated with
of ammonia in industry. However, in many cases, there are issues combustion systems, thus increasing power output and raising
that deserve research and development efforts. For instance, it efficiencies, a concept that is now under research and that will
resulted that the limiting factors to ammonia use as an energy lead to the development of innovative methods for the use of the
carrier in the industrial sector are the decrease of radiative heat molecule.
transfer and the potential effect of a combustion atmosphere on 7.4. Safety. Ammonia has been considered a relatively safe
material to be treated, in the case of furnaces for material chemical that now is positioned as the second most distributed
production/transformation, as in the case of clinker production. and commercialized worldwide. Therefore, its presence in the
In this and other cases, the design of industrial plants will have to global markets and its mature infrastructure make it a potential
be modified to prevent such issues. However, it has also been for fueling applications. However, it is clear that ammonia is a
shown that development, optimization, and deployment of toxic chemical that needs to be treated with respect and, similar
advanced, fuel-flexible, combustion technologies, such as to other chemicals, requires proper training before it can be used
MILD/flameless combustion, can synergistically support the on a global scale to decarbonize the energy and propulsion
penetration of ammonia as fuel. These techniques may sector. Therefore, safety aspects will progress toward the
significantly widen the useful working conditions, capable of creation of new standards and scientific/industrial exercises
preserving conversion efficiency and maintaining pollutant that will evaluate the potential of ammonia as a fuel in the
emissions at an acceptable level. As a consequence, the design transport, aerospace, and energy sectors. Furthermore, the
of industrial plants exploiting ammonia as a fuel (or co-fuel) may introduction of engines and equipment using ammonia will also
be greatly simplified, and greater percentages of ammonia can be push domestic and international agendas for the proper
used with significant economical and maintenance savings. legislation that will ensure minimum risks toward the use of
Similarly, engines using ammonia will experience the first the chemical. At the moment, conversations are taking place
commercial application in the marine sector. Utilization of with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to start
technologies that range from spark-ignition systems to conceiving the standards for the design of marine engines, with
compression-ignited devices will also enable the use of ammonia the countries involved already performing analyses and forecasts
engines in sectors, such as automotives (i.e., for large trucks), for the eventual implementation of ammonia in such a sector.
trains, and stationary backup power. Innovative concepts, such These works will follow policy briefings worldwide that will
as HCCI, will also be improved, ensuring that the delivery of fuel ensure that politicians start debating the concept, thus
is attained with higher efficiency and lower losses. These introducing new legislation for the proper handling of ammonia.
developments will be accompanied by the understanding of new This will be accompanied by more public perception studies that
mechanisms, development of more robust components, storage will identify perception challenges of these new technologies,
facilities capable of supporting these sectors, novel multiphase thus ensuring that the development leads to commercial
injection systems, and the design of units with low pollution applications.
traces. In terms or corrosion, it is evident that new materials will be
Ongoing studies around carbon-free power with ammonia tested for the great variety of uses that ammonia can have. Novel
blends have shown that the chemical can be fully implemented high resistance materials will be assessed for combustion-based
for the production of power at small and large scales. New systems, while more robust, flexible, resistant membranes will
developments in combustion systems, novel cycles, and reaction also be developed for fuel cells. Coating processes with cheap
mechanisms have been proposed and tested to ensure the safe materials will be evaluated, and the versatility of using post-
and efficient use of gas turbines fueled by ammonia. Even though treatment manufacturing processes to reduce residual stress and
most of the work has been performed using doping agents, such ammonia contamination will also be addressed in the near
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

future, thus enabling the cost reduction of components with help establish robust outcomes on ammonia as a fuel source
higher resistance to ammonia storage and handling. overall.
In conclusion, it is clear that ammonia needs to be handled 7.6. Legal Aspects. In terms of legalization, it seems that the
with care, because its toxicity and corrosivity are critical aspects path that will set the first international legislation toward the use
to living species (including humans) and materials. The affinity of ammonia as a fuel will be based on the marine sector. Current
of ammonia to water can lead to skin death while burning developments critically request that international bodies, such as
respiratory tracks in humans and animals. This is accompanied the IMO, reach consensus for the definition of codes and
by severe corrosion toward copper-based materials, and some regulations to design, operate, and maintain ammonia-based
corrosivity to nickel-based alloys. However, similarly, this engines. Although these technical codes will be relatively easy to
affinity can reduce cracking problems in storage and handling implement, the human and environmental factors will be much
components (up to 0.2% by weight). Also, it is recommended trickier. The progression of ammonia into the global markets as a
that high-resistant steel (>450 MPa) is not used, because this fueling vector will require that practices from countries with vast
can be susceptible to corrosion under low stress. It is experience (i.e., the U.S.) in the use of pure ammonia are
recommended that spray coatings (i.e., zinc) are used in welding updated for fueling purposes while being integrated in standards
areas. Also, good maintenance programs are required to ensure and legal codes of other regions. Similarly, health and safety
the integrity of components. aspects will require further research and debate to reach norms
Therefore, it is essential that, for the use of ammonia, the that mitigate human impacts and environmental detriments
correct procedures are followed not only for fueling purposes (e.g., would an engine releasing 0.5 ppmv be feasible in the U.S.
but also for the design of components, taking into consideration and Europe, with different ammonia ceilings?), with large
the conditions of operation, the concentration of the molecule in economic players heavily dependent upon ammonia-raising
the solution/blend that will be used, and the manufacturing awareness of the environmental issues that ammonia emissions
process of storage and handling components, to minimize can cause. Finally, the progression in developing nations would
residual stresses and further wearing. These aspects will mitigate need flexible approaches that combined with pragmatic practices
risks toward people and equipment, minimizing costs and and environmental/human impact awareness enable the fast
ensuring that ammonia is safely used. transition to large deployment of the chemical as a fuel.
7.5. Environment. As far as tailpipe emissions are Otherwise, the proposed implementations would not take place,
concerned, ammonia offers the potential for eliminating the in due course impacting the economy, while the lack of more
climate impacts associated with fossil-based fuel usage. rigor would also increase casualties when using ammonia.
However, there are some areas where further research is needed Therefore, it is foreseen that the most ammonia-intense
economies will start talks and the debate to reach the safest,
to be able to provide robust and comprehensive estimates of the
most practical, and easiest path to employ ammonia as a fuel on a
potential environmental benefits of ammonia as a fuel and to
global level in the following decade.
inform technological decision making for ammonia engine
The legal aspect, critical for the transition to the use of
development. For the former, the life cycle impacts of ammonia
ammonia as a largely deployed fuel, can be seen as a major
as a fuel need to be weighed, together with the implications of
challenge, especially for countries that have different approaches
tailpipe emission changes. For the latter, a more comprehensive when it comes to health and safety and the environment. The
understanding of the potential emissions from using ammonia as U.S., a country highly dependent upon ammonia, has very
a fuel and the resulting atmospheric implications would be pragmatic regulations that have enabled the adequate use of the
needed. Improved characterization of emissions from research/ molecule. However, their lack of environmental legislation
in development engines is critical in this effort. In addition, the presents a risk to the correct use of ammonia as a fuel. Similarly,
investigation of trade-offs between the emission species from the European approach is heavily focused on guaranteeing the
both an engine performance perspective and an environmental integrity of living species (including humans) and the environ-
perspective can contribute toward setting an optimal balance. ment. However, such an approach can be detrimental to the fast
This could apply directly to emissions or help inform post- transition for the implementation of the molecule in most
combustion control designs. Finally, given the atmospheric non- sectors. Finally, the Chinese perspective shows a practical
linearities, the trade-offs between the emission species are likely implementation to the growing use of ammonia, with the
to vary based on the potential application sector and engine type, requirement of practices and methods for risk mitigation that
and this should be taken into account in future analyses. can be implemented more easily than in the previously
Ammonia is environmentally appealing as a fuel as a result of mentioned cases. However, the lack of rigor in health and safety
its carbon-free nature. However, the potential of unburned practices is still paramount to reduce casualties while trans-
ammonia emissions (NH3 slip) as well as remaining or increased porting or using the chemical. Furthermore, the U.S., similar to
NOx emissions may lead to increased adverse air quality impacts other developing nations, needs to become fully aware of the
and nitrogen deposition impacts. State-of-the-art atmospheric environmental impact that ammonia is causing, thus ensuring
studies show that ammonia emissions in combination with that a larger deployment will not have severely adverse effects at
emissions of NOx and SOx have an increased potential for both local and global climatic scales.
forming air pollution. At the same time, on the engine level, 7.7. Economics. The economic future of ammonia as a fuel
there are fundamental trade-offs between NOx and NH3 slip and will be influenced by developments in the two following areas:
against engine performance. Assessing the engine- and (1) the development of innovative and cost-effective ammonia
atmospheric-level trade-offs together provides the opportunity fuel production techniques from renewable energy sources and
to inform engine designs and post-combustion control toward (2) technical innovations and improvements in end systems that
target settings for reduced environmental implications of can use ammonia fuel.
ammonia as a fuel. This coupled with comprehensive life cycle Ammonia fuel production systems based on the Haber−
analyses of the socioeconomic impacts of ammonia as a fuel will Bosch (HB) process can be improved economically by the
Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

innovative use of all-electric systems driven from renewable I. C. Dedoussi − Section Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects,
energy sources, primarily wind and solar. Furthermore, one can Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of
expect other modifications to the HB ammonia production Technology, 2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands;
process or other types of production techniques using renewable 0000-0002-8966-9469
energy that will be developed in the future. For example, one of M. de Joannon − Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Energia e
these could include processes based on the electroreduction of la Mobilità Sostenibili (STEMS), Consiglio Nazionale delle
N2 to ammonia by direct or other means. Ricerche (CNR), 80125 Napoli, Italy;
In the future, the end uses of ammonia as a fuel are visualized 0002-5182-5024
as a direct transportation system fuel replacement for fossil fuels. R. X. Fernandes − Department of Physical Chemistry,
Potential applications here include internal combustion engines Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), 38116
(automobiles and trucks), power turbines, jet engine turbines, Braunschweig, Germany
and marine propulsion power plants. P. Glarborg − Chemical Engineering, Technical University of
Overall and as reviewed and discussed in the Economics Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark;
section, the current costs of ammonia as a fuel are generally
higher than competing fossil fuels. Because environmental-based H. Hashemi − Chemical Engineering, Technical University of
restrictions and the cost of carbon-based fuels are expected to Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark;
increase in the future, there are numerous applications where the
fuel costs of ammonia will be lower. This is especially true for X. He − Department of Physical Chemistry, Physikalisch-
cases where ammonia can be produced with only input from Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), 38116 Braunschweig,
renewable energy resources (such as wind and solar). Germany
Specifically, the cost of electricity from renewable energy S. Mashruk − College of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
sources is expected to continue to decrease in the future as Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, United Kingdom
energy conversion efficiencies increase with technology J. McGowan − Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
innovations and scaling factors. It is also expected that the use University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-
of ammonia as a storage medium and as a cost-effective 2210, United States;
transportable energy source will further improve the economic C. Mounaim-Rouselle − PRISME, University of Orleans,
viability of the renewable energy industry in general. 45072 Orléans, France
7.8. Final Remarks. It is clear that ammonia will be playing A. Ortiz-Prado − UDIATEM, Faculty of Engineering, National
its part in the future energy mix. Current works at all levels and Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 04510 Mexico
sectors will ensure that ammonia has a deep penetration in the City, Mexico
energy market, thus enabling the use of stranded energy sources A. Ortiz-Valera − UDIATEM, Faculty of Engineering, National
and decarbonization of the intermittent, renewable grid. Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 04510 Mexico
However, there are still many challenges before ammonia is City, Mexico
commercially deployed as a main energy vector. Challenges and I. Rossetti − Department of Chemistry, Università degli Studi di
works in the areas of synthesis, use, safety, and economics are all Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy;
under scrutiny at various levels, thus ensuring that our 5011
understanding of the use of the molecule and its practical B. Shu − Department of Physical Chemistry, Physikalisch-
implementation are attained within the following decades. Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), 38116 Braunschweig,

ASSOCIATED CONTENT M. Yehia − Department of Mechanical Power, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
* Supporting Information

H. Xiao − School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at Guangzhou Maritime University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510725, People’s Republic of China
Additional material (i.e., laminar burning velocity and M. Costa − IDMEC, Mechanical Engineering Department,
ignition delay times) generated to compare various Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001
mechanisms, experimental and numerical campaigns, Lisboa, Portugal;
and a variety of ammonia-based blends (PDF) Complete contact information is available at:
Corresponding Author The authors declare no competing financial interest.
A. Valera-Medina − College of Physical Sciences and Biographies
Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, United
Kingdom;; Agustin Valera-Medina is an associate professor at Cardiff School of
Email: Engineering. He has participated as principal investigator/co-
investigator on 23 industrial projects attracting approximately £8.5
Authors million. He has published 145 papers (h-index of 20), with 29 of these
F. Amer-Hatem − Ministry of Education, General Directorate of specifically concerning ammonia power. He has been part of various
Education of Diyala, Diyala 32001, Iraq scientific boards, chairing sessions in international conferences and
A. K. Azad − Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, moderating large industrial panels on the topic of “ammonia for direct
Faculty of Integrated Technologies, Universiti Brunei use”. He supported the preparation of two Royal Society policy
Darussalam, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam briefings on “green ammonia”.

Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Fares Amer-Hatem is a lecturer at the Iraqi Ministry of education/ Cranfield University and University of Hertfordshire, respectively. His
Directorate Office of Education in Diyala, Iraq. He obtained his Ph.D. research is focused on experimental and numerical characterization of
degree from Cardiff University, U.K. His area of research is thermal alternative, low-carbon fuels for power generation as well as in aviation
energy, renewable energy, and alternative fuels. He has published and transport industries. He specializes in advanced optical and laser
research concerning flame instabilities in complex fields. His expertise diagnostic systems.
has supported the shaping of regulations in Divala for the use of Jon McGowan is a professor of mechanical engineering at the
advanced fueling technologies. University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he has worked since
Abul Kalam Azad is an associate professor in chemical and process 1967. He is a graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Technology (B.S.
engineering at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He obtained his Ph.D. and Ph.D. degrees) and Stanford University (M.S. degree). His most
degree from Gothenburg University, Sweden, and received postdoc- recent research work has been in renewable energy systems (primarily
toral experience at Uppsala University, Sweden, and the University of wind) and thermodynamics. He has developed fundamental under-
St. Andrews, U.K. His research expertise is on renewable and alternative graduate/graduate engineering courses on energy conversion and
fuels. renewable energy at the university and is editor of the Wind Engineering
Irene Dedoussi is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Aerospace journal.
Engineering of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and a Christine Mounaim-Rousselle is a professor in mechanics in the topic of
research affiliate of the Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment of energy. She is a professor at the University of Orléans with expertise in
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research primarily combustion phenomena, in particular in internal combustion
focuses on combustion emissions, environmental impacts, and automotive engines, through the use of laser measurement techniques.
numerical methods. Dr. Dedoussi holds B.A. and M.Eng. degrees in She participates in numerous national and European research projects
engineering from the University of Cambridge, and S.M. and Ph.D. and carries out expertise in various international projects.
degrees in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT.
Armando Ortiz-Prado is a professor in mechanical engineering. He
Mara de Joannon is senior researcher at the Institute of Science and received his master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the Autonomous National
Technology for Sustainable Energy and Mobility of the Italian National University of Mexico (UNAM). His area of expertise focuses on
Research Council (CNR) in Napoli (Italy). She obtained her master’s materials science, and he is director of the UDIATEM materials unit at
and Ph.D. degrees at University Federico II in Napoli. She is a fellow UNAM’s School of Engineering. Prof. Ortiz-Prado’s principal research
and member of the Board of Directors (2020−2026) of The interests are around failure analysis, material degradation, atmospheric
Combustion Institute. Her main scientific interests are smart energy corrosion and corrosion in electronic equipment, deformable body
carriers and advanced/fuel-flexible combustion processes as MILD/ mechanics, modeling of manufacturing processes, and mechanical
flameless/diluted combustion. behavior of biomaterials.
Ravi Fernandes is a professor at the Institute of Internal Combustion Armando Ortiz-Valera is a research associate in mechanical engineer-
Engines of the Technical University of Brunswick and the head of the ing. He received his master’s degree in materials science from the
Department of Physical Chemistry at the National Metrology Institute Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM). He is currently
of Germany (PTB). He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Karlsruhe finishing his Ph.D. degree in metal-cutting processes, and his areas of
Institute of Technology in Germany. Thereafter, he was a researcher at interest include material corrosion, deformable body mechanics, and
the Max-Planck Institute in Germany, Sandia National Laboratories in metal-cutting processes.
the U.S.A., and Assistant Professor at RWTH Aachen University in
Ilenia Rosseti is a professor at the University of Milan, Chemistry
Germany. His research expertise lies in reaction kinetics, renewable
Department. She has been responsible for research contracts on behalf
energy carriers, and advanced combustion.
of important industries, such as ENI, Itelcond, BASF, etc. She was also
Peter Glarborg is a professor of chemical engineering at the Technical national coordinator of different research projects granted by Regione
University of Denmark, where he has taught since 1996. Peter has Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo. She was awarded the Chiusoli
published more than 200 research articles in archival journals. He is Medal in 2016 from the Industrial Chemistry Division of the Italian
working broadly in the field of combustion and harmful emission Chemical Society “for her multidisciplinary approach... in the field of
control, with special emphasis on developing detailed reaction hydrogen production and use”.
mechanisms for high-temperature gas-phase processes.
Bo Shu is a senior researcher and the head of the Working Group
Hamid Hashemi is a senior researcher at the Technical University of “Reaction Kinetics” at the National Metrology Institute of Germany
Denmark (DTU). His expertise is in chemical kinetic modeling of (PTB). He is a member of the Cluster of Excellence SE2A−Sustainable
combustion and high-temperature processes. His recent work has and Energy-Efficient Aviation in the Technical University of Brunswick.
focused on developing kinetic models for the oxidation of bio-derived He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Duisburg-Essen in
fuels and novel energy carriers. Germany. His research expertise is advanced optical diagnostics in
Xiaoyu He is an independent junior researcher at the National reactive fluid and thermal−chemical conversion of low-carbon energy
Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) and the Institute of Internal carriers.
Combustion Engines in the Technical University of Brunswick. He Mohamed A. Yehia is a professor of combustion and energy at the
obtained his double master’s degree at the Technical University of Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. He received his Ph.D. degree
Brunswick in Germany and the Tongji University in China. His from the Imperial College, U.K., on the simulations of pulverized coal
research focuses on the combustion chemistry of alternative fuels combustion. Prof. Yehia was a visiting academic in Loughborough
applying advanced mass spectrometry. Recently, he works intensively University, U.K. He is currently the head of the combustion group and
on the topic of ammonia combustion. the coordinator of the Sustainable Energy Engineering program at the
Syed Mashruk is a postdoctoral researcher at Cardiff University’s Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. Research interests include
School of Engineering. He has received his Ph.D. degree from Cardiff deflagration, clean combustion, fire dynamics, and energy mix
University and his M.Sc. and B.Eng. degrees with first class honors from scenarios.

Energy Fuels 2021, 35, 6964−7029
Energy & Fuels Review

Hua Xiao is an assistant professor at the School of Naval Architecture Prospective of Nitrogen-Based Alternative Fuels. Chem. Rev. 2020, 120,
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Belgium, June 11−12, 2007; p 23.
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Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015; Chapter 12, pp 183−199,
in more than 55 national and international projects and (co)authored
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active research around ammonia, hoping that his perseverance Analysis of Islanded Ammonia-Based Energy Storage Systems; University
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AEngine project grant from Innovation Fund Denmark. The Invariant Performance. AIChE J. 2017, 63, 1620.
entire group also thanks Gina Goddard-Bell for the grammatical (19) Bicer, Y.; Dincer, I. Life Cycle Assessment of Ammonia
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