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IICT - FinalPaper-Final Version

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y National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus


Course: Intro. To Info. and Comm. Tech. Course Code: CL 117

Program: BS(Computer Science) Semester: FALL 2019
Duration: 3 hrs Total Marks: 120
Paper Date: 20-Dec-2019 Weight 50
Section: All Page(s): 12
Exam: Final Roll No:
1. Attempt all questions in the space provided in this sheet. You can use rough
sheets but don’t need to attach it here as it will not be marked.
2. Questions during exam are not allowed. Take reasonable assumptions where needed
3. Calculators are not allowed.
4. Solve MCQs on question paper as well.

Part 1: Mark the correct answer(s) for each of the following questions / statements. Please note
that multiple answers might be correct.

1) Any set of digits or alphabets are generally referred as ______________

a) Characters
b) Symbols
c) Bits
d) Bytes

2) The register that keeps track of the instructions in the program stored in memory is:
a) MAR Register
b) Program Counter
c) Current Instruction register
d) Status register

3) The currently executing process gives up the CPU voluntarily

a) In preemptive scheduling
b) In non- preemptive scheduling
c) All of the above
d) None of the above

4) What is the ready state of a process?

a) when process can be scheduled to run.
b) when process is unable to run until some task has been completed
c) when process is using the CPU
d) none of the mentioned

5) What is operating system?

a) collection of programs that manages hardware resources
b) system service provider to the application programs
c) link to interface the hardware and application programs
d) all of the mentioned

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6) Which of the following are basic operations provided by a DBMS for managing records?
a) Create a File and Folder
b) Create a Table
c) Insert Records in a Table
d) Search Records from a Table
e) Delete a record

7) Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ______________ transmission

a) Automatic
b) Half-duplex
c) Full-duplex
d) Simplex

8) Computers in a RING topology

a) are connected to a single set of wires terminated at both ends
b) are connected to central switch
c) are connected using a wireless connection
d) None of the above

9) Instruction Buffer Register store ________________

a) Instruction that is not to be executed immediately
b) Instruction that is fetched currently
c) Instruction that is not important and irrelevant
d) All of the above

10) Epidemiology is the __________________

a) Study and analysis of the skin cancer and possible treatment
b) Study of the viral diseases such as dengue and flue etc. and its possible controlling measures
c) Study of the incidence, distribution and controls of any diseases
d) All of the above

11) Optimization problem consists of __________

a) Maximizing or minimizing a real function based on some criteria
b) Only maximizing a set of real function based on some inputs
c) Searching for any feasible solution
d) None of the above

12) Database Management System (DBMS) is ________________

a) System Software
b) Application Software
c) A simple web application
d) A structured set of data held in a computer

13) Cardinality of a table in database is known as ______________

a) Total number of tuples
b) Total number of attributes
c) Primary key of a relation
d) None of the above

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14) ______________ join two or more different networks together
a) Bridge
b) Gateway
c) Hub
d) Switch
15) SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary>10000 AND dept_id=101;
Which of the following fields are displayed as output?
a) Salary, dept_id
b) Employee
c) Salary
d) All the field of employee relation

Part 2:
1. Fill out the following table [6]
Decimal Binary Hexadecimal
48 0011 0000 0030
109 0110 1101 006D
702 101011 1110 2BE

2. Convert the following. ASCII table is given as last page at the end. [6]
Text 4 Byte Binary ASCII Code
wint 01010111 01101001 01101110 01110100
87 105 110 116

3. Represent the following in 2s compliment [8]

Integer 1 Byte representation 2 Byte representation
-14 1111 0010 11111111 1111 0010
14 0000 1110 00000000 0000 1110
30 0001 1110 00000000 0001 1110
-34 1101 1110 11111111 1101 1110

4. Represent the following in Signed Magnitude [4]

Integer 1 Byte representation
55 0011 0111
-55 1011 0111
31 0001 1111
-31 1001 1111

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5. What is the Maximum signed (sign magnitude) integer value that can be represented
using 1 Byte? [2]
2 -1 = 127

6. What is the Maximum unsigned integer value that can be represented using 2 Bytes?
2 -1 = 65536

7. If you have an RGB image of size 300x300 then how much space (in Bytes) it would take
in computer memory? [2]
90, 000 x 3 OR 270, 000

Part 3:
1. How many fetch-execute cycles will be performed if speed of processor is 700MHz. [2]
700 X 106 = 700 x 10242 = 734 003 200 OR 700 x 220

2. What is the purpose of base register and bound register? [2]

3. What is the difference between a process and a program? [2]

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4. Draw the process state diagram, given the states of the processes. [5]
Ready, Waiting, Running, Terminated and New state

5. What is the purpose of DNS (domain name server)? [2]

6. What is the purpose of PCB (process control block)? [2]

7. Consider the set of 5 processes whose burst/service times are given below. [6]
a. Draw a Gantt chart to show turnaround time for Round Robin CPU scheduling with time
of 2 units.
b. Draw a Gantt chart to show turnaround time for Shortest Job Next CPU scheduling.
c. Also find the average turnaround time for each (RR and SJN).

Process Id Service-Time
P1 6
P2 5
P3 2

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P4 3
P5 7

Round Robin

Shortest Job Next

8. Given the following memory map, fill the following table of memory map with
jobs/processes numbers. Jobs/processes arrive as job1, job2, job3, job4 and job5
sequentially. [5+5]

Size First Fit Best Fit

100KB J5 = 55 J5 = 55

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500KB J1 = 212 J2 = 417
200KB J3 = 112 J3 = 112
300KB J1 = 212
600KB J2 = 417 J4 = 426
Memory Map

Job1 Job2 Job3 Job4 Job5

212KB 417KB 112KB 426KB 55KB
Jobs / Processes

Part 4:
1. Write SQL queries for the table given. [10]
001 Ali Imran 100000 Lahore HR
002 Sajid Khan 80000 Karachi Admin
003 Ali Waqas 150000 Karachi HR
004 Karim Zahid 50000 Karachi Admin
005 Kamran Jamal 250000 Lahore Admin
006 Waqas Shahid 90000 Lahore Account
007 Abdul Raheem 75000 Karachi Account
008 Hamid Khan 90000 Lahore Admin

a) List all those records where salary is above 85000. How many records will be displayed?

Select * from table

Where salary > 8500

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5 Records will be displated

b) List WID and Full Names of working in Admin department

Select WID, Firstname, Lastname

From table
Where Department = “admin”

c) Change Waqas Shahid city from Lahore to Karachi.

Update table
Set city = “karachi”
Where firstname = “waqas” AND lastname=”shahid”

d) Delete all records where salary is 75000

Delete from table

Where salary = 75000

e) Insert a new record for the following employee details

(First name = Ali, Last Name = Khan, Salary = 90000 Joining Date = 1 Dec 2019, Department =

INSERT INTO table (firstname, lastname, salary, joining date, department)

Values (“ali”, “khan”, 90000, “1 Dec 2019”, “Admin”)

2. Differentiate between Vector and Bitmap graphics. [2]

3. Differentiate between Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics [2]

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4. Fill the Answer column with related AI component. Write AI Component number
(a, b, c, d, e, f) in the Answer column respectively for each AI Component example. [6]

AI Components Answer AI Components

Weather forecasting using c a. Planning
previous year data

Road Crossing f b. Calculation,

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Spam mail filter d c. Supervised Learning

Series Completion e d. Unsupervised Learning

Knight’s Plight placement a e. Prediction

on the chess board

Solving Puzzle b f. Rational Actions

5. Given the graph below, use method discussed in class to find the shortest path from
the top left corner vertex/node (v1) to the bottom right vertex/node (v6). Write
number for all the vertices/nodes accordingly. Give the length of the shortest path.


1-4-2-5-3-6 = 12

6. Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning with an example.


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7. Differentiate between classification and regression with an example. [1+1+1]

8. Create adjacency matrix for the following graph. Assume that each link has

weight 1. [4]

1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0

9. Create a simple html web page (write html only) for the following specifications.
a. A text “A Simple Web Page” as heading.
b. An image showing in the middle of the page.
c. A paragraph explaining the purpose of the page.
d. “FAST-NU” as title of the page
e. A link which on clicking takes you to another page.

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