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100 Verse Ramayana

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Valmiki Ramayana

Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

Divine sage Narada arrives at the hermitage of Sage Valmiki in order to enlighten
him and keep him informed of his duty to author the epic poem Ramayana. In the
dialogue between these two sages, Valmiki elicits from Narada about the most
virtuous person on earth, namely Rama. In this opening chapter, while eulogizing
Rama, Narada gives an outline of Ramayana, truly highlighting those aspects that
are the keynotes in this epic, like virtuosity, generosity, morality, chastity and the

तपःस्वाध्यायिनरतं तपस्वी वािग्वदां वरम् |

नारदं पिरपप्रच्छ वाल्मीिकमुर्िनपुङ्गवम् || १-१-१

tapaḥ svādhyāya niratām tapasvī vāgvidām varam |

nāradam paripapraccha vālmīkiḥ muni puṃgavam || 1-1-1
The ascetic Valmiki inquired Narada - 'who engaged deeply in austerity and study
of Vedas, best among the eloquent and eminent among sages' (as follows:).

को न्विस्मन् साम्प्रतं लोके गुणवान् कश्च वीयर्वान् |

धमर्ज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च सत्यवाक्यो दृढव्रतः || १-१-२

konvasmin sāṃpratam loke guṇavān kas ca vīryavān |

dharmajñaḥ ca kṛtajñas ca satya vākyo dhṛḍha vrataḥ || 1-1-2
Who really is that person in this present world, who is virtuous and vigorous, a
conscientious one, one who is mindful of good deeds done to him, and also a
speaker of truth and who is determined in his deed.

चािरत्रेण च को युक्तः सवर्भूतेषु को िहतः |

िवद्वान् कः कः समथर्श्च कश्चैकिप्रयदशर्नः || १-१-३

cāritreṇa ca ko yuktaḥ sarva bhūteṣu ko hitaḥ |

vidvān kaḥ kaḥ samarthas ca kaścaika priya darśanaḥ || 1-1-3
Who is appropriate in disposition. who is interested in welfare of all beings. who is
adept and also an able one. also uniquely pleasant to look at. Page 1 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

आत्मवान् को िजतक्रोधो द्युितमान् कोऽनसूयकः |

कस्य िबभ्यित दे वाश्च जातरोषस्य संयुगे || १-१-४

ātmavān ko jita krodho dyutimān kaḥ anasūyakaḥ |

kasya bibhyati devāḥ ca jāta roṣasya saṃyuge || 1-1-4
Who is that self-composed one, who controlled his ire, who is brilliant, non-jealous
and whom do even the gods fear, when provoked to war.

एतिदच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं परं कौतूहलं िह मे |

महषेर् त्वं समथोर्ऽिस ज्ञातुमेवंिवधं नरम् || १-१-५

etat icchāmi aham śrotum param kautūhalam hi me |

maharṣe tvam samartho.asi jñātum evam vidham naram || 1-1-5
All this I wish to listen from you, oh! Great Sage, you are competent to know this
kind of man, and indeed my inquisitiveness is immense. Thus, Valmiki enquired
with Narada.

श्रुत्वा चैतित्त्रलोकज्ञो वाल्मीकेनार्रदो वचः |

श्रूयतािमित चामन्त्र्य प्रहृष्टो वाक्यमब्रवीत् || १-१-६

śrutvā ca etat trilokajño vālmīkeḥ nārado vacaḥ |

śrūyatām iti ca āmaṃtrya prahṛṣṭo vākyam abravīt || 1-1-6
On listening all those words of Valmiki, Narada, the knower of all the three worlds,
said "let it be heard." and beckoning at Sage Valmiki to listen attentively, he spoke
these words very gladly.

बहवो दु लर्भाश्चैव ये त्वया कीितर् ता गुणाः |

मुने वक्ष्याम्यहं बुद्ध्वा तैयुर्क्तः श्रूयतां नरः || १-१-७

bahavo durlabhāḥ ca eva ye tvayā kīrtitā guṇāḥ |

mune vakṣṣyāmi aham buddhvā taiḥ uktaḥ śrūyatām naraḥ || 1-1-7 Page 2 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

Oh! Sage Valmiki, the merits which you have extolled are many, and unattainable.
I, after having known from Brahma of such a man with all these merits, will speak
on. Let it be heard. Thus, Narada started to say.

इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः |

िनयतात्मा महावीयोर् द्युितमान् धृितमान् वशी || १-१-८

ikṣvāku vaṃśa prabhavo rāmo nāma janaiḥ śrutaḥ |

niyata ātmā mahāvīryo dyutimān dhṛtimān vaśī || 1-1-8
One emerged from Ikshvaku dynasty, known to people as Rama by name. He is
with a controlled self, highly valorous, resplendent, steadfast and a controller of
(vice and vile. or) his own senses.

बुिद्धमान्नीितमान्वाग्ग्मी श्रीमान् शत्रुिनबहर्णः |

िवपुलांसो महाबाहुः कम्बुग्रीवो महाहनुः || १-१-९

buddhimān nītimān vāṅgmī śrīmān śatru nibarhaṇaḥ |

vipulāṃso mahābāhuḥ kaṃbu grīvo mahāhanuḥ || 1-1-9
He is a wise one, moralist, eloquent, glorious, and a destroyer of enemies. His arms
are lengthy, with three lines in the neck [indicative of good fortune], and
cheekbones high.

महोरस्को महेष्वासो गूढजत्रुरिरन्दमः |

आजानुबाहुः सुिशराः सुललाटः सुिवक्रमः || १-१-१०

mahorasko maheṣvāso gūḍha jatruḥ arindamaḥ |

ājānu bāhuḥ suśirāḥ sulalāṭaḥ suvikramaḥ || 1-1-10
He is lion-chested, with concealed collarbones, knee-length are his arms, and his is
a long bow, an enemy-subjugator, and his emperor's countenance is with a
crowning-head and an ample forehead, and his gait is majestic like that of a lion. Page 3 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

समः समिवभक्ताङ्गः िस्नग्धवणर्ः प्रतापवान् |

पीनवक्षा िवशालाक्षो लक्ष्मीवान् शुभलक्षणः || १-१-११

samaḥ sama vibhakta aṃgaḥ snigdha varṇaḥ pratāpavān |

pīna vakṣā viśālākṣo lakṣmīvān śubha lakṣaṇaḥ || 1-1-11
He is built proportionately physically, with limbs poised symmetrically, sinew-
chested, wide-eyed, complexioned charmingly. he is a prosperous one with all the
auspicious features.

धमर्ज्ञः सत्यसन्धश्च प्रजानां च िहते रतः |

यशस्वी ज्ञानसंपन्नः शुिचवर्श्यः समािधमान् || १-१-१२

dharmajñaḥ satya sandhaḥ ca prajānām ca hite rataḥ |

yaśasvī jñāna saṃpannaḥ śuciḥ vaśyaḥ samādhimān || 1-1-12
He is the knower of rectitude, bidden by the truth, also his concern is in the welfare
of subjects, proficient in prudence, clean in his conduct, self-controlled and an
attentive one.

प्रजापितसमः श्रीमान् धाता िरपुिनषूदनः |

रिक्षता जीवलोकस्य धमर्स्य पिररिक्षता|| १-१-१३

prajāpati samaḥ śrīmān dhatā ripu niṣūdanaḥ |

rakṣitā jīvalokasya dharmasya pari rakṣitā|| 1-1-13
He equals Lord Vishnu, the Lord of all creatures, Sustainer of the Universe,
together with Sri Lakshmi, Eliminator of enemies, Protector of the world of living
creatures and complete Guardian of probity.

रिक्षता स्वस्य धमर्स्य स्वजनस्य च रिक्षता |

वेदवेदाङ्गतत्त्वज्ञो धनुवेर्दे च िनिष्ठतः || १-१-१४

rakṣitā svasya dharmasya sva janasya ca rakṣitā |

veda vedāṅga tattvajño dhanur vede ca niṣṭhitaḥ || 1-1-14 Page 4 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

He is the preserver of his own righteousness and also a champion for adherent's
welfare in the same righteousness, and he is a scholar in the essence of Veda-s and
their ancillaries, too. He is an expert in dhanurveda, the art of archery.

सवर्शास्त्राथर्तत्त्वज्ञः स्मृितमान् प्रितभानवान् |

सवर्लोकिप्रयः साधुरदीनात्मा िवचक्षणः || १-१-१५

sarva śāstra artha tattvajño smṛtimān pratibhānavān |

sarvaloka priyaḥ sādhuḥ adīnāatmā vicakṣaṇaḥ || 1-1-15
He is the knower of the meaning and essence of all the scriptures, excellent at
memory, a brilliant one, and dear to all the worlds, gentle, level-headed and clear-
headed in discriminating and distinguishing.

सवर्दािभगतः सिद्भः समुद्र इव िसन्धुिभः |

आयर्ः सवर्समश्चैव सदै व िप्रयदशर्नः || १-१-१६

sarvadā abhigataḥ sadbhiḥ samudra iva sindhubhiḥ |

aryaḥ sarvasamaḥ ca eva sadaiva priya darśanaḥ || 1-1-16
Like an ocean that is reached by rivers, that reverential one too is always accessible
and reachable by clean-minded ones, and he treats all equally, and ever a feast to

स च सवर्गुणोपेतः कौसल्यानन्दवधर्नः |
समुद्र इव गाम्भीयेर् धैयेर्ण िहमवािनव || १-१-१७

sa ca sarva guṇopetaḥ kausalya ānaṃda vardhanaḥ |

samudra iva gāmbhīrye dhairyeṇa himavān iva || 1-1-17
He who betters the happiness of his mother Kausalya is an embodiment of all noble
merits, and in profundity he is like an unfathomable ocean, and by fortitude he is
unalterable like the kingly Himalayan mountain. Page 5 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

िवष्णुना सदृशो वीयेर् सोमवित्प्रयदशर्नः |

कालािग्नसदृशः क्रोधे क्षमया पृिथवीसमः || १-१-१८
धनदे न समस्त्यागे सत्ये धमर् इवापरः |

viṣṇunā sadṛśo vīrye somavat priya darśanaḥ |

kāla agni sadṛśaḥ krodhe kṣamayā pṛthvī samaḥ || 1-1-18
dhanadena samaḥ tyāge satye dharma iva aparaḥ |
In valor Rama is comparable to Vishnu, and in his looks he is attractive like the
moon, he equals the earth in his forgiveness, but he is matchable to world ending
fire in his wrath. and in benevolence he is identical to Kubera, God of Wealth, and
in his candor he is like Dharma itself, the Truth personified, with none to rival him.

तमेवं गुणसम्पन्नं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम् || १-१-१९

ज्येष्ठं श्रेष्ठगुणैयुर्क्तं िप्रयं दशरथस्सुतम् |
प्रकृतीनां िहतैयुर्क्तं प्रकृितिप्रयकाम्यया || १-१-२०
यौवराज्येन संयोक्तुमैच्छत् प्रीत्या महीपितः |

tam evam guṇa saṃpannam rāmam satya parākramam || 1-1-19

jyeṣṭam śreṣṭa guṇaiḥ yuktam priyam daśarathaḥ sutam |
prakṛtīnām hitaiḥ yuktam prakṛti priya kāṃyayā || 1-1-20
yauva rājyena saṃyoktum aicchat prītyā mahīpatiḥ |
Lord of the land King Dasaratha with an intent for doing good to the people,
affectionately desired to endow with regent-hood to that Rama, the eldest and a dear
son to Dasaratha and who possessed such merits with true valor, together with best
of qualities, and concerned for welfare of the people.

तस्यािभषेकसंभारान् दृष्ट्वा भायार्थ कैकयी || १-१-२१

पुवर्ं दत्तवरा दे वी वरमेनमयाचत |
िववासनं च रामस्य भरतस्यािभषेचनम् || १-१-२२ Page 6 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

tasya abhiṣeka saṃbhārān dṛṣṭvā bhāryā atha kaikayī || 1-1-21

pūrvam datta varā devī varam enam ayācata |
vivāsanam ca rāmasya bharatasya abhiṣecanam || 1-1-22
Then seeing the arrangements for the anointment of Rama as crown-prince,
Kaikeyi, the dear wife and a queen of Dasaratha, solicited boons that were once
accorded to her by Dasharatha, for the banishment of Rama and anointment of
Bharata as boons.

स सत्यवचनाद् राजा धमर्पाशेन संयतः |

िववासयामास सुतं रामं दशरथः िप्रयम् || १-१-२३

sa satya vacanāt rājā dharma pāśena saṃyataḥ |

vivāsayāmāsa sutam rāmam daśarathaḥ priyam || 1-1-23
Bound by his true plighted word and by the noose of righteousness that king
Dasharatha exiled his dear son Rama to forests.

स जगाम वनं वीरः प्रितज्ञामनुपालयन् |

िपतुवर्चनिनदेर् शात् कैकेय्याः िप्रयकारणात् || १-१-२४

sa jagāma vanam vīraḥ pratijñām anupālayan |

pitur vacana nirdeśāt kaikeyyāḥ priya kāraṇāt || 1-1-24
That warrior Rama went to forest for pleasing Kaikeyi, and as directed by his
father, and to follow his father's word of honor.

तं व्रजन्तं िप्रयो भ्राता लक्ष्मणोऽनुजगाम ह |

स्नेहािद्वनयसम्पन्नः सुिमत्रानन्दवधर्नः || १-१-२५
भ्रातरं दियतो भ्रातुः सौभ्रात्रमनुदशर्यन् |

tam vrajaṃtam priyo bhrātā lakṣmaṇaḥ anujagāma ha |

snehāt vinaya saṃpannaḥ sumitra ānaṃda vardhanaḥ || 1-1-25
bhrātaram dayito bhrātuḥ saubhrātram anu darśayan | Page 7 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

While that Rama was going on exile, Lakshmana, endowed with humbleness, and
augmenter of his mother Sumitra's joy, and a loving and a dear brother to Rama,
followed him out of affection, showing brotherly fraternity.

रामस्य दियता भायार् िनत्यं प्राणसमा िहता || १-१-२६

जनकस्य कुले जाता दे वमायेव िनिमर्ता |
सवर्लक्षणसम्पन्ना नारीणामुत्तमा वधूः || १-१-२७
सीताप्यनुगता रामं शिशनं रोिहणी यथा |

rāmasya dayitā bhāryā nityam prāṇa samā hitā || 1-1-26

janakasya kule jātā deva māyeva nirmitā |
sarva lakṣaṇa saṃpannā nārīṇām uttamā vadhūḥ || 1-1-27
sītāpya anugatā rāmam śaśinam rohiṇī yathā |
Even Sita, daughter-in-law of Dasaratha, and Rama's beloved wife equaling to
Rama's life, ever well disposed, born in the family of Janaka and one as though
fashioned by a Divine marvel, endowed with all good characteristics and the best
among women, followed Rama to forest, like Rohini following the Moon.

पौरैरनुगतो दू रं िपत्रा दशरथेन च || १-१-२८

शृङ्िगबेरपुरे सूतं गङ्गाकूले व्यसजर्यत् |
गुहमासाद्य धमार्त्मा िनषादािधपितं िप्रयम् || १-१-२९
गुहेन सिहतो रामो लक्ष्मणेन च सीतया |

pauraiḥ anugato dūram pitrā daśarathena ca || 1-1-28

śṛngibera pure sūtam gaṃgā kūle vyasarjayat |
guham āsādya dharmātmā niṣāda adhipatim priyam || 1-1-29
guhena sahito rāmo lakṣmaṇena ca sītayā |
The citizens of Ayodhya and his father Dasaratha followed virtuous Rama for a
distance when he started on his exile. Later Rama reached the tribal chief named
Guha, who liked Rama, on the bank of River Ganga in a town called
Sringiberapura. Together with Guha, Lakshmana and Sita, he left off the charioteer. Page 8 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

ते वनेन वनं गत्वा नदीस्तीत्वार् बहूदकाः || १-१-३०

िचत्रकूटमनुप्राप्य भरद्वाजस्य शासनात् |
रम्यमावसथं कृत्वा रममाणा वने त्रयः || १-१-३१
दे वगन्धवर्संकाशास्तत्र ते न्यवसन् सुखम् |

te vanena vanam gatvā nadīḥ tīrtvā bahu udakāḥ || 1-1-30

citrakūṭam anuprāpya bharadvājasya śāsanāt |
raṃyam āvasatham kṛtvā ramamāṇā vane trayaḥ || 1-1-31
deva gandharva saṃkāśāḥ tatra te nyavasan sukham |
That trio of Sita, Rama and Lakshmana after going from forest to forest and
crossing many a river with much waters, by the ordainment of Bharadwaja, arrived
at Chitrakuta, and building a handsome cottage there, they lived happily and
delightfully in the woods there, like gods and gandharvas.

िचत्रकूटं गते रामे पुत्रशोकातुरस्तदा || १-१-३२

राजा दशरथः स्वगर्ं जगाम िवलपन् सुतम् |

citrakūṭam gate rāme putra śoka āturaḥ tathā || 1-1-32

rājā daśarathaḥ svargam jagāma vilapan sutam |
On Rama going to Chitrakuta thus, King Dasharatha tormented by the grief for son,
went to heavens weeping for son.

मृते तु तिस्मन् भरतो विसष्ठप्रमुखैिद्वर्जैः || १-१-३३

िनयुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद् राज्यं महाबलः |
स जगाम वनं वीरो रामपादप्रसादकः || १-१-३४

gate tu tasmin bharato vasiṣṭha pramukhaiḥ dvijaiḥ || 1-1-33

niyujyamāno rājyāya na icchat rājyam mahābalaḥ |
sa jagāma vanam vīro rāma pāda prasādakaḥ || 1-1-34 Page 9 of 26
Valmiki Ramayana
Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

On Dasharatha's dying, though Bharata had been appointed for kingship by Sage
Vashishta and other Brahmanas, that highly mighty one did not desire kingdom.
That warrior Bharata went to forest to propitiate the venerable Rama.

गत्वा तु स महात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम् |

अयाचद्भ्रातरं राममायर्भावपुरस्कृतः || १-१-३५
त्वमेव राजा धमर्ज्ञ इित रामं वचोऽब्रवीत् |

gatvā tu sa mahātmānam rāmam satya parākramam |

ayācat bhrātaram rāmam ārya bhāva puraskṛtaḥ || 1-1-35
tvam eva rājā dharmajña iti rāmam vacaḥ abravīt |
That Bharata, possessed of a worthy way of thinking [to get Rama installed as
king], upon going to Rama, begged his brother Rama, a great souled one and a truly
courageous one. Bharata spoke words in this manner to Rama - "You alone, the
knower of probity, be the king".

रामोऽिप परमोदारः सुमुखः सुमहायशाः || १-१-३६

न चैच्छित्पतुरादे शाद्राज्यं रामो महाबलः |

rāmo.api paramodāraḥ sumukhaḥ sumahāyaśāḥ || 1-1-36

na ca icchat pitur ādeśāt rājyam rāmo mahābalaḥ |
Even though Rama was very benevolent, gracious also, highly famed and with great
prowess, Rama did not desire kingdom due to father's injunction.

पादु के चास्य राज्याय न्यासं दत्त्वा पुनः पुनः || १-१-३७

िनवतर्यामास ततो भरतं भरताग्रजः |

pāduke ca asya rājyāya nyāsam dattvā punaḥ punaḥ || 1-1-37

nivartayāmāsa tato bharatam bharata agrajaḥ |
Thereafter, repeatedly turning Bharata back, the elder brother, Rama, gave his
wooden shoes to Bharata and entrusting them to represent him for the sake of
kingdom. Page 10 of 26
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स काममनवाप्यैव रामपादावुपस्पृशन् || १-१-३८

निन्दग्रामेऽकरोद्राज्यं रामागमनकाङ्क्षया |

sa kāmam anavāpya eva rāma pādā upaspṛśan || 1-1-38

nandi grāme akarot rājyam rāma āgamana kāṃkṣayā |
That Bharata, thus with a desire unfulfilled, ruled the kingdom from Nandigrama,
touching Rama's sandals representing feet of Rama, with an expectation of Rama's

गते तु भरते श्रीमान् सत्यसन्धो िजतेिन्द्रयः || १-१-३९

रामस्तु पुनरालक्ष्य नागरस्य जनस्य च |
तत्रागमनमेकाग्रो दण्डकान्प्रिववेश ह |१-१-४०

gate tu bharate śrīmān satya sandho jitendriyaḥ || 1-1-39

rāmaḥ tu punaḥ ālakṣya nāgarasya janasya ca |
tatra āgamanam ekāgro daṇḍakān praviveśa ha |1-1-40
On the departure of Bharata, that splendid Rama, truth-bound, and self-controlled,
anticipated the repeated visits of citizens and other people. To be undisturbed,
Rama then entered Dandaka forests.

प्रिवश्य तु महारण्यं रामो राजीवलोचनः |

िवराधं राक्षसं हत्वा शरभङ्गं ददशर् ह || १-१-४१
सुतीक्ष्णं चाप्यगस्त्यं च अगस्त्यभ्रातरं तथा |

praviśya tu mahāaraṇyam rāmo rājīva locanaḥ |

virādham rākṣasam hatvā śarabhaṃgam dadarśa ha || 1-1-41
sutīkṣṇam ca api agastyam ca agastya bhrātaram tathā |
That lotus-eyed Rama, on his entering the vast Dandaka forest, killed the demon
Viraadha, and indeed beheld Sage Sharabhanga and also Sage Sutikhsna, Sage
Agastya and likewise Sage Agastya's brother. Page 11 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

अगस्त्यवचनाच्चैव जग्राहैन्द्रं शरासनम् || १-१-४२

खड् गं च परमप्रीतस्तूणी चाक्षयसायकौ |

agastya vacanāt ca eva jagrāha aindram śarāsanam || 1-1-42

khaḍgam ca parama prītaḥ tūṇī ca akṣaya sāyakau |
On Sage Agastya's word, Rama, with great delight, received from Agastya, Indra's
bow along with the sword and two quivers with ever replenishing arrows.

वसतस्तस्य रामस्य वने वनचरैः सह || १-१-४३

ऋषयोऽभ्यागमन्सवेर् वधायासुररक्षसाम् |

vasataḥ tasya rāmasya vane vana caraiḥ saha || 1-1-43

ṛṣayaḥ abhyāgaman sarve vadhāya asura rakṣasām |
During Rama's stay in the forest, all the sages together with other forest dwellers,
approached him for the elimination of ogres and demons.

स तेषां प्रितशुश्राव राक्षसानां तथा वने || १-१-४४

प्रितज्ञातश्च रामेण वधः संयित रक्षसाम् |
ऋषीणामिग्नकल्पानां दण्डकारण्यवािसनाम् || १-१-४५

sa teṣām prati śuśrāva rākṣasānām tathā vane || 1-1-44

pratijñātaḥ ca rāmeṇa vadhaḥ saṃyati rakṣasām |
ṛṣīṇām agni kalpānām daṃḍakāraṇya vāsīnām || 1-1-45
He [Rama] agreed to that supplication of those sages dwelling in the forest of
demons. A promise was also made by Rama to the sages who equaled the fire and
who were living in that Dandaka forest about killing of the demons in combat.

तेन तत्रैव वसता जनस्थानिनवािसनी |

िवरूिपता शूपर्णखा राक्षसी कामरूिपणी || १-१-४६

tena tatra eva vasatā janasthāna nivāsinī |

virūpitā śūrpaṇakhā rākṣasī kāma rūpiṇī || 1-1-46 Page 12 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

While Rama was living there in the Dandaka forest, a guise-changing demoness
named Shurpanakha, who was a resident of Janasthana, a portion of Dandaka forest,
was disfigured by him.

ततः शूपर्णखावाक्यादु द्युक्तान् सवर्राक्षसान् |

खरं ित्रिशरसं चैव दू षणं चैव राक्षसम् || १-१-४७
िनजघान रणे रामस्तेषां चैव पदानुगान् |

tataḥ śūrpaṇakhā vākyāt udyuktān sarva rākṣasān |

kharam triśirasam ca eva dūṣaṇam ca eva rākṣasam || 1-1-47
nijaghāna raṇe rāmaḥ teṣām ca eva pada anugān |
Then in a battle, Rama killed all demons who became zealously active incited by
Shurphanakha's words, including the demons Khara, Trishira, Dushana together
with all of their foot-followers.

वने तिस्मिन्नवसता जनस्थानिनवािसनाम् || १-१-४८

रक्षसां िनहतान्यासन् सहस्रािण चतुदर्श |

vane tasmin nivasatā janasthāna nivāsinām || 1-1-48

rakṣasām nihatāni asan sahasrāṇi catur daśa |
During Rama's stay in that forest, fourteen thousand demon inhabitants of
Janasthana became slain.

ततो ज्ञाितवधं श्रुत्वा रावणः क्रोधमूिछर्तः || १-१-४९

सहायं वरयामास मारीचं नाम राक्षसम् |

tato jñāti vadham śrutvā rāvaṇaḥ krodha mūrchitaḥ || 1-1-49

sahāyam varayāmāsa mārīcam nāma rākṣasam |
Then, on hearing the slaughter of his kinsmen, Ravana convulsed in anger and
sought to get the help of a demon named Maricha. Page 13 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

वायर्माणः सुबहुशो मारीचेन स रावणः || १-१-५०

न िवरोधो बलवता क्षमो रावण तेन ते |

vāryamāṇaḥ subahuśo mārīcena sa rāvaṇaḥ || 1-1-50

na virodho balavatā kṣamo rāvaṇa tena te |
But Maricha restrained Ravana telling him many times, 'Oh, Ravana! Rivarly with
that formidable Rama is not appropriate of you.'

अनादृत्य तु तद्वाक्यं रावणः कालचोिदतः || १-१-५१

जगाम सहमारीचस्तस्याश्रमपदं तदा |

anādṛtya tu tat vākyam rāvaṇaḥ kāla coditaḥ || 1-1-51

jagāma saha mārīcaḥ tasya āśrama padam tadā |
Then disregarding Maricha's words and impelled by his own fate, Ravana advanced
to the place of Rama's hermitage along with Maricha.

तेन मायािवना दू रमपवाह्य नृपात्मजौ || १-१-५२

जहार भायार्ं रामस्य गृध्रं हत्वा जटायुषम् |

tena māyāvinā dūram apavāhya nṛpa ātmajau || 1-1-52

jahāra bhāryām rāmasya gṛdhram hatvā jaṭāyuṣam |
After taking away of Rama and Lakshmana to a distance by the trickster Maricha,
Ravana stole Rama's wife after killing Jatayu.

गृध्रं च िनहतं दृष्ट्वा हृतां श्रुत्वा च मैिथलीम् || १-१-५३

राघवः शोकसन्तप्तो िवललापाकुलेिन्द्रयः |

gṛdhram ca nihatam dṛṣṭvā hṛtām śrutvā ca maithilīm || 1-1-53

rāghavaḥ śoka saṃtapto vilalāpa ākula indriyaḥ |
Raghava on seeing the stricken Jatayu and also on hearing about Sita's abduction,
wailed with disturbed senses, seething with anguish. Page 14 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

ततस्तेनैव शोकेन गृध्रं दग्ध्वा जटायुषम् || १-१-५४

मागर्माणो वने सीतां राक्षसं संददशर् ह |
कबन्धं नाम रूपेण िवकृतं घोरदशर्नम् || १-१-५५

tataḥ tena eva śokena gṛdhram dagdhvā jaṭāyuṣam || 1-1-54

mārgamāṇo vane sītām rākṣasam saṃdadarśa ha |
kabaṃdham nāma rūpeṇa vikṛtam ghora darśanam || 1-1-55
Rama then cremated that vulture Jataayu with that state of anguish, and while
searching for Sita in forest, he indeed saw a demon named Kabandha, deformed in
his looks and with a terrible appearance.

तं िनहत्य महाबाहुदर् दाह स्वगर्तश्च सः |

स चास्य कथयामास शबरीं धमर्चािरणीम् || १-१-५६
श्रमणीं धमर्िनपुणामिभगच्छे ित राघव |

tam nihatya mahābāhuḥ dadāha svargataḥ ca saḥ |

sa ca asya kathayāmāsa śabarīm dharma cāriṇīm || 1-1-56
śramaṇām dharma nipuṇām abhigaccha iti rāghava |
That Rama with great arms after slaying Kabandha, cremated him and Kabandha
obtained heaven. Before going to heaven, he spoke thus to Rama: 'Oh Raghava!
You proceed to Sabari, a lady with righteous conduct, an expert in probity and a

सोऽभ्यगच्छन्महातेजाः शबरीं शत्रुसूदनः || १-१-५७

शबयार् पूिजतः सम्यग्रामो दशरथात्मजः |

saḥ abhya gacchan mahātejāḥ śabarīm śatru sūdanaḥ || 1-1-57

śabaryā pūjitaḥ saṃyak rāmo daśaratha ātmajaḥ |
That great resplendent Rama, the son of Dasaratha, an annihilator of enemies,
approached Sabari and was thoroughly honored by her. Page 15 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

पम्पातीरे हनुमता सङ्गतो वानरेण ह || १-१-५८

हनुमद्वचनाच्चैव सुग्रीवेण समागतः |

paṃpā tīre hanumatā saṃgato vānareṇa ha || 1-1-58

hanumat vacanāt ca eva sugrīveṇa samāgataḥ |
Rama was united indeed with the Vanara Hanuman on the banks of Lake Pampa,
and upon the word of Hanuman, Rama met with Sugriva.

सुग्रीवाय च तत्सवर्ं शंसद्रामो महाबलः || १-१-५९

आिदतस्तद्यथावृत्तं सीतायाश्च िवशेषतः |

sugrīvāya ca tat sarvam śaṃsat rāmo mahābalaḥ || 1-1-59

āditaḥ tat yathā vṛttam sītāyāḥ ca viśeṣataḥ |
The highly powerful Rama detailed from the beginning all that happened, and in
particular the abduction of Sita, to Sugriva and to Hanuman also.

सुग्रीवश्चािप तत्सवर्ं श्रुत्वा रामस्य वानरः || १-१-६०

चकार सख्यं रामेण प्रीतश्चैवािग्नसािक्षकम् |

sugrīvaḥ ca api tat sarvam śrutvā rāmasya vānaraḥ || 1-1-60

cakāra sakhyam rāmeṇa prītaḥ ca eva agni sākṣikam |
The Vanara Sugriva after listening to all that talk of Rama made friendship with
Rama delightedly with sacred fire as witness.

ततो वानरराजेन वैरानुकथनं प्रित || १-१-६१

रामायावेिदतं सवर्ं प्रणयाद्दःु िखतेन च |

tato vānara rājena vaira anukathanam prati || 1-1-61

rāmāya āveditam sarvam praṇayāt duḥkhitena ca |
Then out of affection, the incident was related with regard to Sugriva's enmity with
Vali in its entirety by the Vanara King with grief to Rama. Page 16 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

प्रितज्ञातं च रामेण तदा वािलवधं प्रित || १-१-६२

वािलनश्च बलं तत्र कथयामास वानरः |

pratijñātam ca rāmeṇa tadā vāli vadham prati || 1-1-62

vālinaḥ ca balam tatra kathayāmāsa vānaraḥ |
Then a solemn promise was made by Rama with regards to killing of Vali. In that
regard Vanara Sugriva also described Vali's strength.

सुग्रीवः शङ्िकतश्चासीिन्नत्यं वीयेर्ण राघवे || १-१-६३

राघवप्रत्ययाथर्ं तु दु न्दुभेः कायमुत्तमम् |
दशर्यामास सुग्रीवो महापवर्तसिन्नभम् || १-१-६४

sugrīvaḥ śaṃkitaḥ ca āsīt nityam vīryeṇa rāghave || 1-1-63

rāghavaḥ pratyayārtham tu duṃdubheḥ kāyam uttamam |
darśayāmāsa sugrīvaḥ mahāparvata saṃnibham || 1-1-64
But Sugriva remained ever doubtful with respect to Raghava, about Raghava's
prowess. Sugriva showed Dundubhi's big and great mountain-like dead body to gain
confidence in Raghava.

उत्स्मियत्वा महाबाहुः प्रेक्ष्य चािस्थ महाबलः |

पादाङ्गुष्ठेन िचक्षेप सम्पूणर्ं दशयोजनम् || १-१-६५

utsmayitvā mahābāhuḥ prekṣya ca asti mahābalaḥ |

pāda aṃguṣṭena cikṣepa saṃpūrṇam daśa yojanam || 1-1-65
Great armed and very powerful Rama after seeing the bones of Dundubhi smiled
and by the big toe of his foot threw it wholly for ten yojana-s length.

िबभेद च पुनः सालान् सप्तैकेन महेषुणा |

िगिरं रसातलं चैव जनयन् प्रत्ययं तदा || १-१-६६

bibheda ca punaḥ sālān sapta ekena mahā iṣuṇā |

girim rasātalam caiva janayan pratyayam tathā || 1-1-66 Page 17 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

Then again Rama ripped through seven massive Sala trees with only one great
arrow, which not only went through the trees but also rent through a mountain, and
to the nethermost subterranean of earth, in order to create faith in the mind of

ततः प्रीतमनाश्चैव िवश्वस्तश्च महाकिपः |

िकिष्कन्धां रामसिहतो जगाम च गुहां तदा || १-१-६७

tataḥ prīta manāḥ tena viśvastaḥ sa mahākapiḥ |

kiṣkiṃdhām rāma sahito jagāma ca guhām tadā || 1-1-67
Thereafter great monkey Sugriva with a gladdened heart by that act of Rama,
proceeded to cave-like Kishkindha then along with Rama and with confidence in
Rama's strength.

ततोऽगजर्द्धिरवरः सुग्रीवो हेमिपङ्गलः |

तेन नादे न महता िनजर्गाम हरीश्वरः || १-१-६८

tataḥ agarjat harivaraḥ sugrīvo hema piṃgalaḥ |

tena nādena mahatā nirjagāma harīśvaraḥ || 1-1-68
Then that best monkey Sugriva, with a golden hue, made a roaring sound. By that
loud sound, the king of monkeys, Vali, emerged out.

अनुमान्य तदा तारां सुग्रीवेण समागतः |

िनजघान च तत्रैनं शरेणैकेन राघवः || १-१-६९

anumānya tadā tārām sugrīveṇa samāgataḥ |

nijaghāna ca tatra enam śareṇa ekena rāghavaḥ || 1-1-69
Then after Tara [wife of Vali] permitting, Vali met with Sugriva in a combat. And
Rama killed this Vali with a single arrow there.

ततः सुग्रीववचनाद्धत्वा वािलनमाहवे |

सुग्रीवमेव तद्राज्ये राघवः प्रत्यपादयत् || १-१-७० Page 18 of 26
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tataḥ sugrīva vacanāt hatvā vālinam āhave |

sugrīvam eva tat rājye rāghavaḥ pratyapādayat || 1-1-70
Then Raghava after killing Vali in a combat as per Sugriva's plea, installed Sugriva
alone as the king of Vanaras.

स च सवार्न् समानीय वानरान् वानरषर्भः |

िदशः प्रस्थापयामास िददृक्षज
ु र्नकात्मजाम् || १-१-७१

sa ca sarvān samānīya vānarān vānararṣabhaḥ |

diśaḥ prasthāpayāmāsa didṛkṣuḥ janaka ātmajām || 1-1-71
That best among monkeys, Sugriva, after summoning all Vanaras, dispatched them
in different directions to behold the daughter of Janaka.

ततो गृध्रस्य वचनात्सम्पाते◌ेहर्नुमान् बली |

शतयोजनिवस्तीणर्ं पुप्लुवे लवणाणर्वम् || १-१-७२

tato gṛdhrasya vacanāt saṃpāteḥ hanumān balī |

śata yojana vistīrṇam pupluve lavaṇa arṇavam || 1-1-72
After that, the strong Hanuman, upon the word of the vulture Sampati who was
elder brother of Jatayu, flew across the salty ocean one hundred yojanas in breadth.

तत्र लङ्कां समासाद्य पुरीं रावणपािलताम् |

ददशर् सीतां ध्यायन्तीमशोकविनकां गताम् || १-१-७३

tatra laṃkām samāsādya purīm rāvaṇa pālitām |

dadarśa sītām dhyāyantīm aśoka vanikām gatām || 1-1-73
On reaching the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana, Hanuman saw Sita situated in
Ashoka gardens there and meditating on Rama alone.

िनवेदियत्वािभज्ञानं प्रवृित्तं च िनवेद्य च |

समाश्वास्य च वैदेहीं मदर् यामास तोरणम् || १-१-७४ Page 19 of 26
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nivedayitvā abhijñānam pravṛttim ca nivedya ca |

samāśvāsya ca vaidehīm mardayāmāsa toraṇam || 1-1-74
After delivering to Sita the mark of identification in the form of a ring from Rama
and also communicating Rama's disposition and consoling Vaidehi, Hanuman
destroyed the welcome-arch of Ashoka gardens.

पञ्च सेनाग्रगान् हत्वा सप्त मिन्त्रसुतानिप |

शूरमक्षं च िनिष्पष्य ग्रहणं समुपागमत् || १-१-७५

paṃca sena agragān hatvā sapta maṃtri sutān api |

śūram akṣam ca niṣpiṣya grahaṇam samupāgamat || 1-1-75
After killing five army chiefs and seven minister's sons and crushing the valiant
Aksha, Hanuman got into state of captivity.

अस्त्रेणोन्मुक्तमात्मानं ज्ञात्वा पैतामहाद्वरात् |

मषर्यन् राक्षसान् वीरो यिन्त्रणस्तान्यदृच्छया || १-१-७६
ततो दग्ध्वा पुरीं लङ्कामृते सीतां च मैिथलीम् |
रामाय िप्रयमाख्यातुं पुनरायान्महाकिपः || १-१-७७

astreṇa unmuktam ātmānam jñātvā paitāmahāt varāt |

marṣayan rākṣasān vīro yantriṇaḥ tān yadṛcchayā || 1-1-76
tato dagdhvā purīm laṃkām ṛte sītām ca maithilīm |
rāmāya priyam ākhyātum punaḥ āyāt mahākapiḥ || 1-1-77
Knowing himself to be free from the captivity of the weapon according to Brahma's
boon, the valiant great monkey Hanuman enduring those demons with self-will who
tied his tail with ropes with the intention of burning it, there after burning the city of
Lanka while leaving from fire the Sita of Mithila, got back again to convey the
pleasant news to Rama.

सोऽिभगम्य महात्मानं कृत्वा रामं प्रदिक्षणम् |

न्यवेदयदमेयात्मा दृष्टा सीतेित तत्त्वतः || १-१-७८ Page 20 of 26
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saḥ abhigaṃya mahātmānam kṛtvā rāmam pradakṣiṇam |

nyavedayat ameyātmā dṛṣṭā sītā iti tattvataḥ || 1-1-78
Approaching the great Rama and peforming circumambulation around Rama,
Hanuman having an inestimable intelligence, submitted in essence thus: 'Seen Sita.'

ततः सुग्रीवसिहतो गत्वा तीरं महोदधेः |

समुद्रं क्षोभयामास शरैरािदत्यसिन्नभैः || १-१-७९

tataḥ sugrīva sahito gatvā tīram mahā udadheḥ |

samudram kṣobhayāmāsa śaraiḥ āditya sannibhaiḥ || 1-1-79
There-after, Rama along with Sugriva and other monkeys went to the shore of Great
Ocean, and put the Ocean-god to turmoil with his arrows comparable to the Sun.

दशर्यामास चात्मानं समुद्रः सिरतां पितः |

समुद्रवचनाच्चैव नलं सेतुमकारयत् || १-१-८०

darśayāmāsa ca ātmānam samudraḥ saritām patiḥ |

samudra vacanāt ca eva nalam setum akārayat || 1-1-80
The Ocean-god revealed himself and upon his word, Nala built the bridge across the

तेन गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां हत्वा रावणमाहवे |

रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य परां व्रीडामुपागमत् || १-१-८१

tena gatvā purīm laṃkām hatvā rāvaṇam āhave |

rāmaḥ sītām anuprāpya parām vrīḍām upāgamat || 1-1-81
Rama, having gone to the city of Lanka by that bridge, killing Ravana in a battle,
experienced great shame on getting Sita back.

तामुवाच ततो रामः परुषं जनसंसिद |

अमृष्यमाणा सा सीता िववेश ज्वलनं सती || १-१-८२ Page 21 of 26
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tām uvāca tataḥ rāmaḥ paruṣam jana saṃsadi |

amṛṣyamāṇā sā sītā viveśa jvalanam satī || 1-1-82
There-after, Rama spoke harshly to Sita in the assembly of the people. Being
devoted to her husband, that Sita, intolerant of the harsh words of Rama, entered
into burning fire.

ततोऽिग्नवचनात्सीतां ज्ञात्वा िवगतकल्मषाम् |

कमर्णा तेन महता त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् || १-१-८३
सदे विषर्गणं तुष्टं राघवस्य महात्मनः ||
बभौ रामः संप्रहृष्टः पूिजतः सवर्दैवतैः|| १-१-८४

tataḥ agni vacanāt sītām jñātvā vigata kalmaṣām |

karmaṇā tena mahatā trailokyam sa carācaram || 1-1-83
sa devarṣi gaṇam tuṣṭam rāghavasya mahātmanaḥ ||
babhau rāmaḥ saṃprahṛṣṭaḥ pūjitaḥ sarva devataiḥ || 1-1-84
Then, upon the word of Fire-god, having known Sita to be sinless, Rama became
extremely glad. Worshipped by all gods he became resplendent. By that
accomplishment of the great Raghava the three worlds together with mobile and
immobile beings, and with groups of gods and sages became exultant.

अिभिषच्य च लङ्कायां राक्षसेन्द्रं िवभीषणम् |

कृतकृत्यस्ततो रामो िवज्वरः प्रमुमोद ह || १-१-८५

abhyaṣicya ca laṃkāyām rākṣasa indram vibhīṣaṇam |

kṛtakṛtyaḥ tadā rāmo vijvaraḥ pramumoda ha || 1-1-85
Enthroning Vibheeshana as the chieftain of demons in Lanka, and with a done deed,
Rama then rejoiced highly indeed free from distress.

दे वताभ्यो वरं प्राप्य समुत्थाप्य च वानरान् |

अयोध्यां प्रिस्थतो रामः पुष्पकेण सुहृद् वृतः || १-१-८६ Page 22 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

devatābhyo varām prāpya samutthāpya ca vānarān |

ayodhyām prasthitaḥ rāmaḥ puṣpakeṇa suhṛt vṛtaḥ || 1-1-86
After obtaining a boon from the gods, Rama raised up monkeys from death. He then
travelled to Ayodhya by Pushpaka aircraft surrounded by good hearted ones.

भरद्वाजाश्रमं गत्वा रामः सत्यपराक्रमः |

भरतस्यािन्तकं रामो हनुमन्तं व्यसजर्यत् || १-१-८७

bharadvāja āśramam gatvā rāmaḥ satyaparākramaḥ |

bharatasya aṃtikam rāmo hanūmaṃtam vyasarjayat || 1-1-87
Rama, with true valour, on going to sage Bharadwaja's hermitage, sent Hanuman to
the presence of Bharata.

पुनराख्याियकां जल्पन् सुग्रीवसिहतश्च सः |

पुष्पकं तत्समारुह्य निन्दग्रामं ययौ तदा || १-१-८८

punaḥ ākhyāyikām jalpan sugrīva sahitaḥ tadā |

puṣpakam tat samārūhya naṃdigrāmam yayau tadā || 1-1-88
Then, having boarded Pushpaka aircraft again after leaving the hermitage of
Bharadwaja, and narrating past history to Sugriva and others about the events in the
days of his exile in forests, while flying overhead of the very same places, Rama
went to Nandigrama.

निन्दग्रामे जटां िहत्वा भ्रातृिभः सिहतोऽनघः |

रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य राज्यं पुनरवाप्तवान् || १-१-८९

naṃdigrāme jaṭām hitvā bhrātṛbhiḥ sahito anaghaḥ |

rāmaḥ sītām anuprāpya rājyam punaḥ avāptavān || 1-1-89
That sinless Rama rejoining with all of his brothers in the village Nandigrama
removed his matted hair. Thus he, on regaining Sita and on discarding hermit's role
again became a householder, and he regained his kingdom also. Page 23 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

प्रहृष्टमुिदतो लोकस्तुष्टः पुष्टः सुधािमर्कः |

िनरामयो ह्यरोगश्च दु िभर् क्षभयविजर् तः || १-१-९०

prahṛṣṭo mudito lokaḥ tuṣṭaḥ puṣṭaḥ sudhārmikaḥ |

nirāmayo hi arogaḥ ca durbhikṣa bhaya varjitaḥ || 1-1-90
When Rama is ruling the world will be highly rejoiced and happy, satisfied and
abundant, also very righteous, wholesome, disease-free, and free from fear of
famine. Thus Narada is foreseeing the future and telling Valmiki.

न पुत्रमरणं िकंिचद्द्रक्ष्यिन्त पुरुषाः क्विचत् |

नायर्श्चािवधवा िनत्यं भिवष्यिन्त पितव्रताः || १-१-९१

na putra maraṇam kecit drakṣyanti puruṣāḥ kvacit |

nāryaḥ ca avidhavā nityam bhaviṣyanti pati vratāḥ || 1-1-91
While Rama is on the throne men will not see the deaths of their children anywhere
in their lifetime, and the ladies will remain husband-devouted and unwidowed
during their lifetime.

न चािग्नजं भयं िकिञ्चन्नाप्सु मज्जिन्त जन्तवः |

न वातजं भयं िकिञ्चन्नािप ज्वरकृतं तथा || १-१-९२
न चािप क्षद्भ
ु यं तत्र न तस्करभयं तथा |

na ca agnijam bhayam kincit na apsu majjanti jantavaḥ |

na vātajam bhayam kincit na api jvara kṛtam tathā || 1-1-92
na ca api kṣut bhayam tatra na taskara bhayam tathā |
In the kingdom of Rama, there will be no fear for his subjects from wildfires, gale-
storms or from diseases, and there will be no fear from hunger or thieves, nor the
cattle will be drowned in floodwaters as well.

नगरािण च राष्ट्रािण धनधान्ययुतािन च || १-१-९३

िनत्यं प्रमुिदताः सवेर् यथा कृतयुगे तथा | Page 24 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

nagarāṇi ca rāṣṭrāṇi dhana dhānya yutāni ca || 1-1-93

nityam pramuditāḥ sarve yathā kṛta yuge tathā |
Cities and states as well will be replete with wealth and grains likewise. All his
subjects will be highly glad always, like in Krita yuga.

अश्वमेधशतैिरष्ट्वा तथा बहुसुवणर्कैः || १-१-९४

गवां कोट्ययुतं दत्त्वा िवद्वद्भ्यो िविधपूवर्कम् | |
असंख्येयं धनं दत्त्वा ब्राह्मणेभ्यो महायशाः || १-१-९५

aśvamedha śataiḥ iṣṭvā tathā bahu suvarṇakaiḥ || 1-1-94

gavām koṭyayutam dattvā vidvabhyo vidhi pūrvakam |
asaṃkhyeyam dhanam dattvā brāhmaṇebho mahāyaśāḥ || 1-1-95
Like-wise the highly illustrious Rama having performed hundreds of horse rituals
and having donated plentiful gold and crores of cows and wealth that cannot be
counted to Brahmanas and to scholars according to custom.

राजवंशान् शतगुणान् स्थापियष्यित राघवः |

चातुवर्ण्यर्ं च लोकेऽिस्मन् स्वे स्वे धमेर् िनयोक्ष्यित || १-१-९६

rāja vaṃśān śata guṇān sthāpa iṣyati rāghavaḥ |

cātur varṇyam ca loke asmin sve sve dharme niyokṣyati || 1-1-96
In this world Raghava will establish kingly dynasties in hundredfold and he will be
maintaining the four-caste system positing each in his own duty, may it be caste-
bound or provincial-kingdom-bound duty, in order to achieve a perfect social

दशवषर्सहस्रािण दशवषर्शतािन च |
रामो राज्यमुपािसत्वा ब्रह्मलोकं गिमष्यित || १-१-९७

daśa varṣa sahasrāṇi daśa varṣa śatāni ca |

rāmo rājyam upāsitvā brahma lokam prayāsyati || 1-1-97 Page 25 of 26
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Bala Kanda – Sarga 1 Introduction

Having served the kingdom for ten thousand years and another one thousand years,
i.e. for a total of eleven thousand years, Rama will go to the abode of Brahma.

इदं पिवत्रं पापघ्नं पुण्यं वेदैश्च सिम्मतम् |

यः पठे द्रामचिरतं सवर्पापैः प्रमुच्यते || १-१-९८

idam pavitram pāpaghnam puṇyam vedaiḥ ca saṃmitam |

yaḥ paṭhet rāma caritam sarva pāpaiḥ pramucyate || 1-1-98
This Ramayana is holy, sin-eradicating, merit-endowing, and conformable with the
Vedas. Whoever reads this Legend of Rama, will be verily liberated of all sins.

एतदाख्यानमायुष्यं पठन् रामायणं नरः |

सपुत्रपौत्रः सगणः प्रेत्य स्वगेर् महीयते || १-१-९९

etat ākhyānam āyuṣyam paṭhan rāmāyaṇam naraḥ |

sa putra pautraḥ sa gaṇaḥ pretya svarge mahīyate || 1-1-99
This Ramayana is long-life giving. A narrative by reading which a human will be
blessed with sons and grandsons, and after enjoying worldly comforts with
attendants, will be adored in heaven after demise.

पठन् िद्वजो वागृषभत्वमीयात् |

स्यात् क्षित्रयो भूिमपितत्वमीयात् ||
विणग्जनः पण्यफलत्वमीयात् |
जनश्च शूद्रोऽिप महत्त्वमीयात् || १-१-१००

paṭhan dvijo vāk ṛṣabhatvam īyāt |

syāt kṣatriyo bhūmi patitvam īyāt ||
vaṇik janaḥ paṇya phalatvam īyāt |
janaḥ ca śūdro api mahattvam īyāt || 1-1-100
By reading this Ramayana, that person if a Brahmana obtains excellency in speech,
if a Kshatriya obtains landlordship, if Vaisya attains profit in trade and even if a
Sudra, attains excellence. Page 26 of 26

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