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Module 1 Assessment of Learning 1

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1.1. Outcomes-Based Education: Matching Intentions with

Outcome-based education (OBE) means clearly focusing and organizing

everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students
to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences.

The change in educational perspective is called Outcomes-Based

Education (OBE) which has three (3) characteristics:

1. It is student centered: it places the students at the center of the

process by focusing on Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). Student-centered
classrooms include students in planning, implementation, and assessments.
Involving the learners in these decisions will place more work on them,
which can be a good thing. Teachers must become comfortable with changing
their leadership style from directive to consultative -- from "Do as I
say" to "Based on your needs, let's co-develop and implement a plan of
2. It is faculty driven: it encourages faculty responsibility for teaching,
assessing program outcomes and motivating participation from students.
Where faculty are committed to teaching and serving students; where
enthusiasm and morale are high; and where faculty professionalism and
dedication find full expression, working in harmony with students, staff,
and administration to fulfill the mission of the college.
3. It is meaningful: it provides data to guide the teacher in making valid
and continuing improvement in instruction and assessment activities.

1.2. The Outcomes of Education

Outcomes-based education focuses classroom instruction on the skills and

competencies that students must demonstrate when they exit. There are two types
of outcomes:
• Immediate outcomes are competencies/skills acquired upon completion of a
subject, a grade level a segment of the program, or of the program
 Ability to communicate in writing and speaking
 Mathematical problem-solving skill
 Skill in identifying objects by using the different
 Ability to produce artistic or literary works
 Ability to do research and write the results
Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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 Ability to present an investigative science project
 Skill in story-telling
 Promotion to a highest grade level
 Graduation from a program
 Passing a required licensure examination
 Initial job placement
• Deferred outcomes refer to the ability to apply cognitive, psychomotor
and affective skills/competencies in various situations many years after
completion of a subject; grade level or degree program.
 Success in professional practice or occupation
 Promotion in a job
 Success in career planning, health, and wellness
 Awards and recognition

1.3. Institutional, Program, Course and Learning Outcomes

These are the attributes that a graduate of an institution is expected to

demonstrate 3 or more than 3 years after graduation.

1. Institutional outcomes are statement of what the graduates of an

educational institution are supposed to be able to do beyond graduation.
Institutional Learning Outcomes are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
attitudes that students are expected to develop as a result of their
overall experiences with any aspect of the college, including courses,
programs, and student services.
2. Program outcomes are what graduates of particular educational programs or
degrees are able to do at the completion of the degree. Program outcomes
represent broad statements that incorporate many areas of inter-related
knowledge and skills developed over the duration of the program through a
wide range of courses and experiences. They represent the big picture,
describe broad aspects of behavior, and encompass multiple learning
3. Course or subject outcomes are what student should be able to demonstrate
at the end of the course or subject. Learning outcomes describe the
learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise
statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will
know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed
a course.
4. Learning or instructional outcomes are what students should be able to do
after a lesson or instruction. Learning outcomes describe the measurable
skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to
demonstrate as a result of a completing a course. They are student-
centered rather than teacher-centered, in that they describe what the
students will do, not what the instructor will teach.

Some important aspects of the Outcome Based Education

1. Course is defined as a theory, practical or theory cum practical
subject studied in a semester. For Eg. Engineering Mathematics
Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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2. Course Outcome (CO) Course outcomes are statements that describe
significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and
can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course. Generally three or
more course outcomes may be specified for each course based on its
3. Programme is defined as the specialization or discipline of a Degree.
It is the interconnected arrangement of courses, cocurricular and
extracurricular activities to accomplish predetermined objectives
leading to the awarding of a degree. For Example: B.E., Marine
4. Programme Outcomes (POs) Program outcomes are narrower statements
that describe what students are expected to be able to do by the time
of graduation. POs are expected to be aligned closely with Graduate
5. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) The Programme
Educational Objectives of a program are the statements that describe the
expected achievements of graduates in their career, and also in
particular, what the graduates are expected to perform and achieve during
the first few years after graduation. 6. Programme Specific Outcomes
(PSO) Programme Specific Outcomes are what the students should be able to
do at the time of graduation with reference to a specific discipline.
Usually there are two to four PSOs for a programme.
7. Graduate Attributes (GA): The graduate attributes, 12 in numbers are
exemplars of the attributes expected of a graduate from an accredited

The 12 Graduate Attributes in Outcome Based Education

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: The problems: that cannot be
solved by straightforward application of knowledge, theories and techniques
applicable to the engineering discipline. that may not have a unique solution.
For example, a design problem can be solved in many ways and lead to multiple
possible solutions. that require consideration of appropriate
constraints/requirements not explicitly given in the problem statement. (like:
cost, power requirement, durability, product life, etc.) which need to be
defined (modeled) within appropriate mathematical framework. that often
require use of modern computational concepts and tools.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to
complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with t h e society at large, such as, being
able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding

of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change.

Sample of Educational Objectives and Learning Outcomes in Araling

Panlipunan (K – 12)

Educational Objectives Learning Objectives

1. Pagbibigay sa mga mag-aaral 1.1. Nailalarawan ang sariling
ng kaalaman at pang-unawa buhay simula sa pagsilang
tungkol sa tao, kapaligiran at hangang sa kasalukuyang edad.
Lipunan. (Cognitive Objective)
1.2. Nasasabi at naipapaliwanag
ang mga alintuntunin sa silid
aralan at sa paaralan.

1.3 Naiisa-isa and mga

tungkulin ng isang mabuting
mamamayanan sa pangangalaga ng
2. Paglinang ng Kakayahan na 2.1. Nakakasulat ng sanaysay na
magsagawa ng proyektong naglalarawan ng mga taong
pangtahanan at pamayanan. bumubuo ng sariling pamilya.
(psychomotor Objective)
2.2 Nakakapagsagawa ng panayam
ng ilang mahahalagang pinuno ng
sariling barangay at naisusulat
ang mga nakalap na kaalaman.
3. Pagganyak sa mga mag-aaral 3.1. Nakasususlat ng tula, awit

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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upang maipamalas ang malalim na o maikling kwentong tungkol sa
pagpapahalaga sa kapaligiran. kahalagahan ng kapaligiran.
(Affective Domain) 3.2.Nakagagawa ng “video
presentation” tungkol sa
wastong pag-aalaga ng

In Assessment of Learning 1

A. The following statements are incorrect. On the blank before each number, write
the letter of the section which makes the statement wrong, and on the blank
after each number, re-write the wrong section to make the statement correct.

____c______ 1. Because of knowledge explanation / brought about by the

(a) (b)
use / of computers in education in education / the teacher ceased to
(c) (d) be the sole source
of knowledge.

Of computers in education

_____a_____ 2. At present, / the teacher is the giver of knowledge /

(a) (b) by assisting / in the
organization of facts and information.
(c) (d)

Before/at old curicculum

_____a_____ 3. The change of focus / in the instruction / from outcomes

(a) (b) (c) to content / is known as
Outcomes-Based Education.
The focus of change

______b____ 4. A good source / of subject matter statement / is Benjamin

(a) (b) (c)
Bloom’s / Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
Of k-12 teachers and college teachers instructors in their teaching

_____a/b/c_____ 5. The content and the outcome / are the two / main elements/
(a) (b) (c)
Of the educative process.

the learners, teachers and the subject matter/ are the three/ components

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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B. The following are educational objectives for the subject Elementary Science (K
– 12). For every educational objective, formulate two learning outcomes:

Educational Objectives Learning Objectives

1. To provide instruction that 1.1. to identify the factors
will enable the pupils to affecting their physical
understand their immediate environment
physical environment by using
their senses, questioning,
sharing ideas and identify 1.2. to understand the concept
simple cause and effect of physical environment and how
relationships. this can affect to the learning
of the pupils

2. To equip the pupils with the 2.1. to formulate hypothesis

skill to conduct guided that serve as their overview to
investigation by following a the investigation
series of steps that includes
making and testing predictions, 2.2. to provide the outcome or
collecting and recording data, result of the conducted
discovering patterns and investigation
suggesting possible
3. To encourage among the 3.1. to create a video
pupils a deep understanding and presentation that aim is to
appreciation of the differences love, respect and care about
of the plants and animal group different plants and animals.
found in the locality.
3.2. create a slogan with the
theme of “protect our plants and
animals in our locality”.

C. Differentiate each of the following pairs by explaining the meaning of each and
giving examples for further clarification.

1. Educational Objective and Learning Outcome

Educational objective describes the expected accomplishments of graduates
during their first few years for example in the field of teaching; engage in
application and starts teaching while in learning outcome describe
significant and essential learning that learners have achieved and can
reliably demonstrate at the end of course or program for example; assessing
the students by having a quizzes or examination

2. Immediate Outcome and Deferred Outcome

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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Immediate outcomes are the result of certain problems or events or acquired
upon completion of the subject and occur shortly after happens for example
in grade level teacher thought how to identify shapes and colors using
visual senses the next day he/she will to recall that while deferred
outcome ability to apply cognitive, psychomotor and effective
skills/competencies in various situations many years after completion of a
subject, grade level or degree program for example, when I was grade 10 my
teacher thought us on how will you do on your job interview, and I apply it
when I was 2nd year college

3. Content and Learning Outcome

Content are knowledge reflecting skills, competencies and knowledge that

students have achieved and can demonstrate upon successfully completing a
course for example, teaching physical education because of knowledge and
mastery I am able to teach this to my future students learning while learning
outcomes describe significant and essential learning that learners have
achieved and can reliably demonstrate at the end of course or program for
example; giving activity, from this you are able to know if your student have
retain any knowledge

4. Student-Centered Instruction and Content-Centered Instruction

Students-centered instruction broadly encompasses methods of teaching that

shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student for example,
classroom reporting while in content-centered instruction refers to a defined
domain of knowledge and skill in an academic program.

5. “to develop communication skills” and “can communicate orally and in

To develop communication skills are abilities you use when giving and
receiving different kinds of information for example, while can
communicate orally involves spoken conversations to send messages and
written communication involves sending messages through the written

Rubrics for Part C.

Comprehension of Text Textual Evidence Points Score
Includes at least 3 specific
Shows a thorough and textual details that clearly
thoughtful understanding support each topic sentence. Uses 5
of the text. at least 2 sentences of
commentary per concrete detail.
Includes 3 specific textual
details that generally support
Shows a comprehensive
each topic sentence. Uses 2 4
understanding of the text.
sentences of commentary per
concrete detail.
Includes 2-3 general textual
Shows a basic details in each body paragraph.
understanding of the text. Uses 1 or 2 sentences of
commentary per concrete detail.
Includes 1-2 general textual
Shows a limited details in each body paragraph. 2
understanding of the text. Uses 1 sentence of commentary per

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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concrete detail.
Shows little understanding
of the text. Does not include textual details. 1

Source: Navarro, Rosita L., & Santos, Rosita G., 2012. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1)
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