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This document consist of scanned copies of the BGCSE and/or BJC past papers produced by the Bahamas
Ministry of Education. The Student Shed accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents within this
document, including but not limited to; answers that may be highlighted, missing papers or missing

It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine the correct and most suitable answers for each
question contained therein.
BGCSE EnglishLanguage
Year 2016
Papers 1,2,3, & 4
1310t1 BGCSE


rhursday 12 MAY 2016 e:00A.M.-10:r0A.M.

(1 hour plus 10 minutes
t"ading and planning time)
Additionar materials,
Answer booklet

NarroNAL ExarvuNATroNS


Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Write your school numbeE candidate number, surname and initials in the spaces provided on
the answer booklet.

Write a composition based on ONE of the topics overleaf.

You should write between 350 and 500 words.

You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

You will have 10 minutes to read and plan your topic. You should NOT begin to write your
composition during this time. Howeveq you should write your plan.

At the beginning of your composition write the number of the topic you have chosen.


Dictionaries are NOT permitted.

This paper accounts for 40Yo of the total marks available for the examination in this subject.

- This question paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Choose ONE of the following topics. Your writing should be planned on your answer paper.

1. Write a story which includes the following lines: "When he saw the photograph, he grinned. He
knew his life would never be the same again."

2. Describe a day in the life of a Bahamian pilot.

3. People often talk about their reason(s) for living. Explain three reasons why people are determined
to live, even when things are difficult.

4. "He called out to her several times as she walked away,but she refused to listen to what he said."
Use this line in a story.

5. There has been an increase in crime in our society. Why do you think this is so? Explore three
factors which might account for more crime.

6. Write a composition based on the following lines of poetry. You may write about any ideas that the
poem suggests to you, or you may write a story or a description based on the subject of the poem.
You should NOT write a poem.

Self-doubt weaves a powerfully frightening series of webs,

Preventing us from reaching our goals;
Often we watch from a distance,
As opportunity after opportunity fades away.
But, though entrapped by steel-silk threads,
We still struggle...
Until, with joyful cries, we break free from that monster of doubt.
M. D. Tynes

7. I'11 certainly never visit that dreadful place again! Convey the experience you had, including a
description of the site you visited.

8. Write a story, description, or any form of composition suggested by ONE of the photographs.

Your composition may be directly about the subject of the photograph or take some suggestions
from it. There must be some clear connection between the photograph and your composition.



t3t0t2b BGCSB
School Number Candidate Number

Surname and Initials


I ruesday 19

APRIL 2016 e:00A.M.-10:r5A.M.

Additional materials:
Compact disc recording
CD player

NarIoNAL ExavrrNATroNS


DO NOT open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Write your school number, candidate number, surname and initials in the spaces provided on
the booklet.

The recording will be played TWICE.

Listen carefully to the FIRST PLAYING to gain a general impression of what is being said.
DO NOT look at the NOTES SECTION or the QUESTIONS durins the first playing.

AFTER THE FIRST PLAYING, turn to the NOTES SECTION of the paper. Read through
the suggested points. Make any notes you wish on the points listed. Your notes will not be
marked. You will have 3 minutes.

Listen again to the recording. You may make additional notes as you listen. AFTER THE
SECOND PLAYING, complete your note making. You will have 3 minutes. You will
be allowed a total of 45 minutes to complete your answers to PART TWO of the test.
AnswerALL questions.
The number of marks available for each question or part question is shown in brackets
[ ].
Dictionaries are NOT permitted.

This question paper consists of l0 printed pages and 2 blank pages.



You have just heard a recording of a television programme called Health Talk,in which Dr. Brian Winters,
a sports doctor, discusses with the hostess the advantages and disadvantages of the sport of swimming.

Make some detailed notes on the EIGHT points listed below. REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NEED
THESE NOTES IN THE SECOND PART OF THE TEST; therefore, make them as full and as accurate
as you can.



1. Information given in the hostess's opening remarks

2. How the hostess responds to Dr. Winters's early remark about the Three Musketeers

3. Details about Dr. Winters's career as a sports doctor


4. Benefits of swimming

5. (a) Dr. Winters's comments about stingrays

(b) Dr. Winters's comments about saltwater uocodiles


6. What makes Dr. Winters convincing as he is interviewed on the subject of swimming

7. Disadvantages of swimming as a form of exercise


8. Methods the hostess uses to keep the interview interesting and entertaining




Write your answers to the following questions. Base your answers on the notes you took when you listened
to the recording in PART ONE.

1. How have Andy Knowles and Arianna Vanderpool-Wallace increased Bahamians' interest in


2. (a) Quote the hostess's response to Dr. Winters's remark that she, he and his wife were once
known as the Three Musketeers.


(b) Give the meaning of the hostess's response to Dr. Winters.


(c) Why does Dr. Winters laugh at the hostess's response?



J. What services does Dr. Winters offer his patients and what do these individuals all have in common?


4. Using information from the recording, identi$ FOUR specific ways in which people who exercise
by swimming can become physically healthier.


5. Dr. Winters's language suggests that he feels differently about stingrays than he does about
saltwater crocodiles. Support this claim by explaining what Dr. Winters's words phrases/suggest
about his feelings.

WordsiPhrases Dr. Winters uses and an explanation of what they suggest about his feelings

Saltwater Crocodiles
WordslPhrases Dr. Winters uses and an explanation of what they suggest about his feelings

6. Aside from the fact that he is a sports doctor, give THREE reasons why the people watching
Health Talkwouldmost likely consider Dr. Winters a reliable expert on the subject of swimming.


7. Based on information from the recording, identify FOUR disadvantages of swimming in a pool
a form of exercise.


8. Identifu THREE methods the hostess of Health Talk uses to keep the interview interesting and
entertaining, aside from the expected use of questions.

Place your ideas in the chart below supporting each one with details from the recording.







1310/3 BGCSE


ruesday 17 MAY 2016 9:00A.M.-ll:10A.M.

(including 10 minutes
reading time)
Additional materials:
Answer booklet

NlarroNAL ExavuNATroNS


Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Write your school number, candidate number, surname and initials in the spaces provided on
the answer booklet.

Answer ALL the questions in the answer booklet provided.

Number your answers clearly.

Special attention should be given to the directions for each question.

Work should be neat and well-organised.


The number of marks available for each question or part question is shown if brackets.

Dictionaries are NOT permitted.



This question paper consists of 6 printed pages and 2 blank pages.


Read the following passage carefully before you attempt any questions.


Not many people know that the marathon, a26.2-mile-long race, got its name from the Greek
legend of Pheidippides, who in 490 BC ran slightly less than 26 miles from the town of Marathon in
Greece to the city of Athens to announce the Athenian army's victory over the Persians. Once poor
Pheidippides arrived and announced, "Rejoice, we have conquered", he is said to have collapsed and
died. Over two thousand years later, more than five hundred marathons take place in Europe and the
United States yearly, with around one million mners taking part. Quite a number of Bahamians are
among those who undergo the often demanding training needed for long distance races. They pound
the streets of New Providence in the wee hours of the morning and late at night, facing the dragons
of small-city traffic and crime. Then, months later, these runners invest large sums of money in
flying offto foreign countries to participate in what has been called an excessive endurance exercise. l0
While recent research reveals that running marathons and other grueling races could lead to
fatal heart attacks or serious cardiac problems in later life, supporters claim that these risks are more
than outweighed by the benefits. An internet sports magazine asked readers to submit a description of
themselves, telling how or why they became long-distance runners and have benefited from it. Here
is what a number of readers wrote: l5

Allyson Harris - Maryland, USA

The Annual Joanna E. Sinclair Memorial Scholarship Race began in 2002 after Joanna, my friend
and track teammate, passed away from spinal meningitis in August 2001. With her passing, I wanted
to organize an event to help raise money for a scholarship fund created in her name. Since track was
her favorite sport to participate in, I thought that a road race would be the best way to remember her.
Now in its twelfth year, the event has raised over $60,000 for the cause. The proceeds of the fund
are dispersed around the community to various organizations that Joanna was associated with in her
short life.

Douglas King - Georgia, USA

I ran track for one year in high school and remember running a2 mile race and hating every second
of it. The summer after high school, I injured my knee, had seven knee surgeries and thought I would
never be able to stay active. In 2007,I decided to go out for a run to blow off some steam during a
particularly stressful time in my life. It had started raining, but I pushed myself through a twenty-
minute run that left me full of energy. It seemed to wash away alarge portion of my stress and anxiety.
So, I continued to run regardless of where I was. I'm still running.

Molly Wright - Florida, USA

I thought I would take a few moments this morning (didn't have to go to work) and send you old and
new information on me, Molly Wright, now almostT4 years and still running a lot (8 miles a day).
My running only made your magazine once (1994). I was still cute in that old photo though I've lost
track of the other nurses in the photo, and I'm still looking for Mr. Right. I'm into my 21st year of
doing triathlons. I just did my l70th triathlon in Freeport, Maine. Rented a bus and drove myself and
a load of friends all the way up there, blasting hard rock to keep us awake. It was the Lobsterman
Triathlon, the most fun race ofALL! The steamed 2 lb. Atlantic lobster and dark beer made the cold
morning seem all worth it. It was Olympic distance and I placed lst in my 70-74 age group (3:57).
Everything old is new again!

Laurel Cooke - Nassau, The Bahamas

I have run two marathons and participated in the Avon Breast Cancer Run, all to raise money and
awareness for several different charities. [t makes you feel awesome and gives you a chance to help
in some way. I ran my last marathon in support of NARSAD, an amazing but under-recognized
organization because of the stigma attached to it. I was inspired due to a friend's diagnosis with 45
AIDS. The marathon was in NYC in November 2008 and I was able to raise $2100.00. I run to stay in
shape and I am grateful for the discipline that the training affords me, as well as the increased sense
ofconfidence and pride.

Mark & Robert - New Jersey, USA

This is a tribute to my running partner and friend, Robert. We have run many, many miles together. 50
We've run through the heat of summer, winter weather, up hills, over flat courses, and even in
torrential downpour, flood and pre-hurricane weather. We tend to hold conversations when we run,
even during races, so much that other runners comment on how we are able to run and chat at the
same time! Running with Robert is my stress reliever. We've both suffered from muscle damage and
from inflammation that lasted days after having run a marathon, but what's a liule pain for a solid 55

Annette Dawkins - Bridgetown, Barbados

I'm a thirty-four year old, stay-at-home mom. In my spare time I enjoy playing on the computer or
talking to my mom on Skype. I don't drink and I can't drive but I can run. I started running in2009
to help lose the baby fat from my flfth child. I count on my husband for everything and he's my best 60
friend (Yay, Mike!) so at first he ran with me, to push me along. I have since run over 20 races. I was
out of commission for about 6 months in 2011 due to a torn tendon, when I was told I would never run
again. Four of those races I ran were after that diagnosis. I love the example my running sets for my
children. My S-year-old loves to run and has done a few races with Mike and me already. My oldest
child has just started running with us also. 65

Dennis Crowne - Windsor, Canada

In January 2002,I went to the doctor's office with bronchitis. My blood pressure was220ll40. After
resting a short time, it did not come down so the doctor sent me to the hospital where I stayed for five
days. I weighed 370 pounds. I started walking and then a little jogging. By November I weighed 240
pounds. In May 2003, at220 pounds, I ran a 10 mile race. Two weeks later I signed up for a six month 70
marathon training program. It was somewhat costly but it paid off. Less than 2 years after being in
the hospital, I flew to the USA and finished the Philadelphia Marathon. Joining a couple of running
clubs has made running fun and a great source of friends I have something in common with. I do trail
runs, track workouts and long distance relays with the club. Also, my three daughteis have joined me
running marathons. Running has changed my life and I love it. 75

Todd Crandell - Ohio, USA

I compete regularly in triathlons, work as a professional speaker and drug counselor, and run a
foundation (Racing for Recovery) helping others to use sports to prevent or escape addiction. Our
mission is to prevent all forms of substance abuse and to provide positive alternatives for those
currently battling addictions by encouraging a lifestyle of fitness and health through running events. 80
What qualifies me to do the work I do? Well, in my early 20's I had gone from being a promising
soccer player on my way to a professional career to a drug-addicted ghost of myself. I spent thirteen

brutal years in that state. I was rock bottom, homeless and starving. Then I took up triathlons. I found
that this athletic effort helped me overcome my addictions.

Angela Dahl - California, USA

I'm 45 years old and I was at serious risk for type 2 diabetes but running has lowered that significantly.
I love running. I love running on cold momings and starting my day off with so much energy. As
I started having children I found running was the best exercise for keeping my body toned. I love
running and I love being outside. Running gives me the freedom to think, to cry, to talk to God and
myself. I live for my runs andl never miss them. They are my sanity.I tell you, I love running. I enjoy
riding my bike and swimming but it's running that breathes life into me.

Elsa Decker- Berlin, GermanY

Not too long ago I became a new mom and a stay-at-home mom. I miss the "strive for achievement"
atmosphere of the work place and that push toward various goals. Although I love being able to stay
home with my daughter, I am used to working my way up the corporate ladder, or pushing for the
next pay raise. I'm used to being on top of everything, winning all the time! Plus, I'm dealing with
a little postpartum stress. My close friend, Martina, encouraged me to get on my treadmill and
walk. I've never been athletic but after a few weeks of walking I ended up running! So I've started a
running programme at home on the treadmill, getting a full body workout. I'm actually thinking about
training for races. I know I'll have the support of my family and friends. And it just might give me that 100

push I used to feel at work. I don't know, though. I'll give it some more thought before I hit the road.

MarkWilkinson - Kentucky, USA

At26I was notified that I had a massive brain tumor and needed to have sugery. About three months
after the surgery my weight was up to 2251bs because of the medication and hormone changes from
the surgery. I decided that I needed to lose weight. I started out running but I could only go about two 105

blocks. I kept doing that until I could run an entire mile without stopping. Then I spent ayear training
and entered a half-marathon. Now I'm running marathons. I am healthier and have more energy than
I have ever had in my life and my weight is remaining pretty consistent. I have made so many great
friends running and met some incredibly interesting people running marathons'

Gary Dudney - Washington, DC, USA llo

All my life I've dabbled in writing. I took some creative writing in college, wrote some articles for a
newspaper, and sent a few things off to magazines - with little success. I made my last serious attempt
at writing in my early forties. But a few years back, I decided to give writing another try, but with
a different approach. Why not write about running? Plus my daily workouts gave me the one thing
every writer covets: time to think. So as I ran along, I brainstormed article ideas, thought up catchy 115
opening lines, and wrote it all down when I got home. It worked. I've written and sold race reports,
articles for running magazines and I've also fulfilled a lifelong ambition of publishing short stories.
So now I run every day and I write every day. I love writing about running. It's like a well with waters
that run sweet and deep.

Adapted ftom www. ro adrunner spor t s. c om


Answer ALL the questions in the answer booklet provided. Do not place any answers on this question

Unless otherwise indicated, ALL answers must be based on the information presented in the passage.

ln answering questions l-4, write down the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most appropriate answer.

1. According to the article, marathons generally occur in:

A. Greece and Persia;

B. Europe and Asia;
C. the USA and Europe;
D. The Bahamas and the USA.

2. The expression, "facing the dragons of small-city traffic..." (page 2), suggests that such traffrc is:

A. legendary;
B. dangerous;
C. crawling;
D. gigantic.

3. Allyson Harris (page 2) organised a long distance race to:

A. become more athletic;

B. raise money for her college education;
C. raise money for Joanna's medical bills;
D. honour a deceased friend.

4. which oNE of the following words best describes Douglas King (page 2)?

A. relaxed
B. inactive
C. committed
D. inconsistent

5. A sentence in Todd Crandell's entry (page 3) presents him as having had both positive and negative
experiences in life. Quote the SINGLE sentence that indicates this.

6. Identify and give an example of a technique Angela Dahl uses in her entry (page 4) to give readers
a strong sense of her passion for running

7. In a word or short phrase, describe Elsa's tone in the last two sentences of her enty (page 4). Then
provide a convincing reason for her attitude. 121

8. Aside from their enthusiasm for running, Annette Dawkins (page 3) and Molly Wright (page 2) are
very different. Write a paragraph in which you:

Ia] show how their backgrounds are different.

tbl give ONE way in which they differ in personality. [10]

9. Generally, long distance runners face some difficulties. In approximately 150 words, write a
paragraph explaining what these difficulties might be. [10]

10. Imagine that you are the president of a running club. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper
in which you seek to convince readers of the many benefits of long distance running.

Your letter should be no more than 350 words. usl


t3t0t4 BGCSE


Friday 20 MAY 2016 9:00A.M.-11:10A.M.

I Additional materials:
Answer booklet
(including 10 minutes
reading time)

NlrroNAL ExarvrrNATroNS


Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

Write your school number, candidate number, surname and initials in the spaces provided on
the answer booklet.

Answer ALL the questions.

Number your answers clearly.

Special attention should be given to the directions for each question.

Work should be neat and well-organised.


The number of marks available for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

Dictionaries are NOT permitted.



- This question paper consists of 6 printed pages anrl 2 blank pages.



In following passage an individual speaks about holiday stress and how to cape wrth il. Read the
occount carefully, and then qnswer the questions that follow. You should spend no more than one hour on
this section.

Beating Christmas Holiday Stress

As the Christmas holiday season gallops into sight, like many others I am scuttling around
transforming my home into a festive cocoon in which I can entertain invited and uninvited friends and
relatives who will be coming to visit. I must also continue working at the office like a robot, toiling
to meet "deadlines". Later in the evening, it's off to the Junkanoo shack to complete my elaborate
costume. As though that's not enough stress, the pressure of committing to participating in a plethora
of tedious holiday related activities revolving around luncheons, festivals and church services is
overwhelming. Does the choir director even care that I have a family? Consider also that I have to
find time for the holiday greeting cards which impatiently await my signature, and brave the stampede
at the overcrowded malls for gift shopping. How do I cope with all of this and maintain my sanity?
Despite everyone being bombarded by idealised media images of a peaceful holiday season, l0
the reality is that many of us must daily face stress-inducing situations over which we have very little
control. We sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic in the morning (and evenitgs, because store owners have
had the brilliant 'holiday' idea of opening their doors at seven a.m. and closing them at mid-night).
After we reach the office, late again, the boss informs us that we must participate in an'oexciting"
door-decorating competition, draw a name to purchase a gift for a colleague we probably despise, and l5
contribute expensive, calorie-laden goodies forthe teatable, all inthe name of Christmas cheer. We also
are expected to attend the annual Christmas party; there, we resign ourselves to hours of questionable
entertainment - a part of which is watching our undisciplined co-workers stuff themselves on bland
hotel food to the point of being unable to stand.
It is not much better away from work. Trips to the food store reveal that the manager has
gleefully hauled last year's leftover hams and turkeys from the cold storages. Well-frozen they may
be, but not their prices! Simultaneously, the prices of many items have skyrocketed in stores island-
wide - something to celebrate indeed! Yet we have to buy those Christmas outfits. At home, we find
Christmas carollers waiting at our gates, determined to be applauded and rewarded for their poor,
unrehearsed performances. While a few of them have voices that may transport us to the heavens, 25

they often lack knowledge of both words and tunes of the songs they "sing", and bring tears to our
eyes. When we finally escape into our homes, most of us have to cope with the demands of our darling
attention seekers, who have been temporarily released from school for what seems like an eternity.
Then those Joneses next door decorate their front-yard with blazinglights, reindeer, winter scenes and
elves, silently prodding us to do likewise. 30
A recent potl in 2014 revealed that 81% of adults found the Christmas season stressful.
This stress can result in feelings of guilt, irritation, fatigue and depression. The whirlwind of ideas,
activities and energies that we expend into planning holiday events very likely may cause aches in
the back, head and stomach: ailments that make it impossible for us to enjoy the season. However,
it does not have to be this way. We can ttrn our back on tradition and end up the better for it. What, 35

then, should we do differently?


First, we should consider selecting holiday activities in which we can comfortably involve
ourselves and have fun. Too frequently we punish ourselves with unrealistic expectations and
inadequate planning, which results in fatigued bodies and minds and the inability to function. Instead,
we need to put on our anti-stress holiday combat gear and flght offanything that will prevent us from 40
spending time in healthy ways with our loved ones. Therefore, we must prepare carefullp setting
aside specific dates for activities such as non-frenzied shopping, baking fruitcakes, cookies and other
holiday treats, and paying visits to beloved relatives or friends. Additionally, we ought to include
time for relaxation of body and mind. There is absolutely nothing wrong with devoting a day of the
holidays to going to the beach or a safe park where we can just recline and snooze, listening to the 45
sounds ofnature.
Apart ofthe anti-stress holiday combat gear that we should use at Christmas is the conservative
shield. This allows us to protect ourselves from the temptation to deplete our savings. It allows us to
show our love in nontraditional ways, with a small inexpensive gift from the heart. There's nothing
wrong with creatively constructing home-made gifts or treats as presents. Such a protective shield
prevents extravagant holiday spending, eliminates frustration when the receiver obviously detests our
carefully selected gift and does away with the struggle to pay bills for the rest of the year.
No anti-stress combat gear would be complete without the peace shield as well. If we
remember to use it, we will become more serene. Using the peace shield means practicing patience,
forgiveness and humility at all times. Therefore, in the event that our loved ones do not totally agree 55
with our holiday plans, we should be prepared to compromise. As long as we are able to incorporate
some of everyone's ideas without being overwhelmed, we are well on the path to reducing our stress.
Moreover, never lose sight of the fact that the holiday season often brings us into contact
with adult family members whom we love dearly but may not like very much. We might not like to
acknowledge it, but for numerous families, it's a tradition of sorts for gatherings to erupt into heated 60
battles. The Christmas season's much advertised warmth does not automatically resolve a history of
family disputes or erase painful emotions. Initial embraces are frequently followed by the arrows of
veiled insults and alcohol-induced accusations. Holidays are not the most appropriate times to address
family problems, so we must be careful when we are at a gathering of relatives. The wisest thing to
do is guard our tongue and respect our relatives' boundaries, even if they do not always respect ours. o5
The result? There are fewer arows to dodge, which equals less stress for everyone.
It is possible to beat holiday stress on our own - many of us do so each year. On the other
hand, if we realise that we are unable to cope, because we are experiencing prolonged feelings of
sadness and lethargy, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to seek help from a counsellor,
a church support group or even a psychologist. Ignoring such symptoms can result in increased stress 70
and might ultimately lead to depression.
Whether we are celebrating Christmas, Easter or National Heroes Day,.we ought not to
succumb to social pressures to the point where we are unhappy and dream of escaping the celebration.
Instead, we should choose a method of celebrating that best suits our personality and lifestyle, and
be content that we are doing what is best for us. After all, at the end of the holiday we want to walk /J
away with our sanity intact.

Your responses to the following questions should be based on the information presented in the passage, and
should be expressed as far as possible in your own words.

1. Holiday celebrations in The Bahamas can involve numerous traditional activities. Give an account
of these activities, using no more than 120 words in your response. [10]

2. The behaviour of a number of individuals appears to evoke negative feelings in the narrator.
Identifu these individuals and their behaviouq explaining specifically how their actions and/or
attitudes affect the narrator emotionally.

Use no more than 200 words. u2l




Treat yourself to an exotic cruise and really enjoy yourself this Christmas! Have a memorable vacation and sail away on one
of our ships to the Caribbean, Alaska or any other of our many destinations. Get to know our world befter whi6 you enjoy
your Christmas without ever basting a turkey or cleaning the house for visitors! Consider this also on a cruise, you won,t
ever have to worry about drawing your curtains at night to prevent potential burgtars from spotting your Christmas gifts!


NEVERA I{EAI}ACHE Our cruise ships are designed to keep If you're concerned about being
Because our cruise vacations offer everyone happy. Want to sunbathe stranded in the middle of the ocean,
transportation and accommodation on a deck while your hubby plays relax! Our cruise ships are like
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you to plan. Pick your ship, itinerary the spa while your spouse hits the could possibly want onboard. Our
and cabin, and away you go - no casino? You can go to an art auction, vessels are outfitted with Wi-Fi, cell
searching for hotels in your price an educational lecture, a wine tasting service and satellite TV, so you can
range, no coordinating travel between affair, a computer class or a dance stay in touch with the real world
cities. It's also a cinch for groups to workshop. Go ahead - paint pottery, during your cruise (if you even want
book cruises because our cruise lines learn yoga or even a language. to). Onboard shops sell the toiletries
have plans in place for group travel, Enjoy the culinary delights of our you forgot to pack, medical centres
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your twenty family members and a casual buffet, a fancy sit-down and laundry facilities let you wash
friends who want to vacation with restaurant, a sushi bar, a diner or your clothes mid-cruise so you
you. Book enough cabins and you'll a steakhouse. Love to see others don't need to over-pack. Of course,
get extra perks, including a free fare! perform? Watch a movie, a comedy there's also the fun stuff like gyms,
Cruising with us gives you real value routine, or a song-and-dance show. multiple restaurants, movie screens,
for your dollar! And if all you want to do while the spas, swimming pools, theatres and
IT'S AFAMILYAFFAIR! ship sails from port to port is ... discos. And in the rare emergency,
From tots to teens, grandparents to nothing, you can do that, too. there are always enough lifeboats for
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all ages. If you're struggling to find On a cruise, you unpack once and IT'SAPLEASURE
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1S-year-old will all love - and that city to city, island to island or If you love to meet people from
has adult activities, too - our ships country to country, and there's no around the world, cruising provides a
all have extensive kids' facilities, need to bother with Nassau's traffic wonderful opportunity to make new
organised by age. Teens have their jams or overcrowded jitneys. Every friends. Onboard, you'll meet people
own 'cool' hangouts, far away from morning, you'll wake up in a new at your dinner table, at the piano bar
the toddlers and"pre-teens' play areas place. Can't decide between St. Lucia or by the pool. The person seated
(and certainly a good distance from and Barbados, or Italy and Spain? next to you might be from Paris,
parent-friendly pools and bars). How Why choose? Pick an itinerary that Texas, or Paris, France; London,
can you not love a trip that features visits all the places on your wish list. Ontario, or London, England. Kids
video games and swimming pools, can find playmates their own age
while offering time for families to be IT'S SHEER INDULGENCE!
during youth activities, so they're
together at dinner or on shore-side Imagine having your every whim not always forced to hang out with
excursions? And parents of pesky catered to. Regardless of your their older or younger siblings. And
children can even sneak in a romantic budget, we provide you with first- areyou looking forMr. orMs. Right?
class service around the clock. You'll
dinner alone, by taking advantage of Many long-term relationships begin
the Kids' Club'late-night' hours. feel like royalty when you cruise
with us. No cooking, no cleaning, during a vacation at sea! Wedding
' i:':-'' : 1: . !::'::rri$ri- t , i,l:+, r specials are available on land or
LLi Li::;::::::.:=
no phones to answer, no work, no
::::::l:,,:!.:iill: aboard ship!
Junkanoo costumes to paste, nothing
to do ... but relax. [t's a pampering, ?.
s### carefree vacation for all!

-). A number of skilful techniques are used in the advertisement in encouraging readers to consider
going on a cruise at Christmas. Identiff the techniques used and, giving examples, comment on
the effectiveness of each. [14]

4. The everyday life of a working parent is often burdened b,r' issues that are intensified during
holiday periods. Imagine you are the main speaker addressing a group of college graduates. Write
the speech you make in which you inform them of the concerns thel'will most likely have as they
take on a working parent's responsibilities, and present thern u'ith a few approaches to dealing
with the challenges.

In your response you are expected to:

(a) present ideas based on information from BOTH the passage and the advertisement;

(b) discuss both the causes ofstress and a few stress-coping strategies

(c) include one or two ideas of your own about dealing with stress.


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