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Cystic Fibrosis Impact On Cellular Function

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Spring 2014

Cystic Fibrosis Impact on Cellular Function

Preeti Rao
John Carroll University,

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Rao, Preeti, "Cystic Fibrosis Impact on Cellular Function" (2014). Senior Honors Projects. 51.

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Cystic Fibrosis Impact on Cellular Function
Preeti Rao
Dr. Tracey Bonfield, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Michael Martin, John Carroll University, Department of Biology
University Heights, OH

The following literature review provides an account in support of the premise that the
cystic fibrosis (CF) disease affects widespread areas of the body primarily due to the
defective CFTR protein. Mutations in the CFTR gene lead to defects in CFTR protein
that causes the disease. Lack of protein function or lack of functional protein cause
variability in severity of the phenotype. The defective CFTR protein changes ion influx
and efflux across the body’s cell membranes, which ultimately changes the internal
environment of these cells. This change contributes to each cell’s production of proteins
through transcription and translation. The simple changes in ion movement in and out of
these cells have detrimental effects on the overall function of the cells. The cells create a
system for maintenance of the body’s health, and if the cells do not function
appropriately, the body fails to manage viral and bacterial infections. In this review, I will
discuss how the defective CFTR channel works in the cells of the bodies of CF patients,
and explain why the normal CFTR channel is essential for proper health and maintenance
of the human body. In addition to the CFTR channel, other factors affect the severity of
the disease. Genome-wide association studies explore other factors attributed to CF,
including environmental factors, modifier genes, transcriptional regulation factors, and
post-translational modifications. Potentiators and correctors target the CFTR channel in
order to increase CFTR function, working alongside therapies in order to combat the
effects of defective channels in CF patients.

Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene
encoding the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) protein (1,
2). It is most common in individuals of Caucasian descent, and diagnosed most in
childhood (3). Screening for CF occurs in infants and in the U.S, 1 in 3,500 neonates is
diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (3). In order to manifest this CF phenotype, an individual
must be homozygous for a defective CFTR gene, inheriting one mutated copy, or allele,
of the gene from each parent (3). The disease causes a widespread effect in the body
among organs such as the skin, lungs, pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tracts, and
could cause multisystem organ failure in the body (1).

In people with CF, the CFTR gene is defective due to mutations, which occur on
chromosome 7, and this gene then affects the protein called CFTR (1). The defective
CFTR protein results in the manifestation of CF (1). Dehydration of airway surface liquid
causes persistent inflammation of the airways in the lungs (2). Dehydration leads to a
depletion of the periciliary layer and production of highly viscoelastic mucus, making the
mucociliary clearance system ineffective (2). The CFTR protein, which normally shuttles
sodium and chloride ions across the membranes of cells, is defective, acting as a

dysfunctional chloride channel which fails to appropriately balance water and electrolyte
composition in the cells of the body (1, 2).

The imbalance of essential ions in the body’s cells has deleterious effects, and could
eventually destroy affected organs (1). Patients with CF become more prone to repeated
infections by organisms due to the buildup of secretions in the lungs; these secretions
lead to a reduction in bacterial clearance and lung damage (1). In the pancreas, a
deficiency of digestive enzymes occurs, leading to badly absorbed undigested foods and
malnutrition (1). Islet cells in the pancreas could become damaged with time, leading to a
decrease in insulin and glucagon secretion; proper secretion of these essential hormones
is important for the regulation of the body’s blood-glucose levels (1). In addition,
cirrhosis, or the result of advanced liver disease could occur, as well as infertility in
males (1).

CFTR Gene History

CF was first linked to another gene, called a PON gene, which confirmed that CF was a
homogeneous genetic disease and that the CF gene could be identified by genetic linkage
analysis with a high number of two-generation families (4). After the first DNA marker
linked to CF was found, localization of CF to the long arm of chromosome 7 was then
confirmed (4). In order to isolate this gene, techniques such as “chromosome walking,”
“positional cloning,” and “gene hopping” were used to isolate and identify the CFTR
gene (3). Evidence for the CFTR gene exists in the presence of the most common
mutation, ∆F508, renamed F508del (4). This 3-base pair deletion was found on a rare
extended chromosome (4).

CFTR Gene Structure

The CFTR protein is a cyclic adenosine monophosphate-regulated (cAMP-regulated)
chloride ion channel composed of 1,480 amino acids (3). It is a member of the ATP-
binding cassette (ABC) family and it spans 189 kb of genomic DNA at chromosome
7q31 (5, 6). CFTR has tight tissue-specific regulation of expression (5). The active locus
is in a looped conformation that incorporates distal regulatory elements into close
proximity with the gene promoter (5). The cAMP-regulated anion channel is expressed
primarily at the apical plasma membrane of secretory epithelia; by understanding CFTR,
one can understand defects in cellular processing, translation, and chloride channel gating

CFTR Protein Channel Conductance

The promotion of the CFTR gene normally results in expression of CFTR protein, which
is a transmembrane channel that works to move chloride and bicarbonate ions into and
out of the body’s cells (3). Cellular processing and chloride channel function are studied
in order to understand the basic defect that causes CF (4).

The CFTR protein is structurally unique. The large multi-domain glycoprotein is an ATP-
binding cassette (ABC) transporter composed of five domains: two transmembrane
domains (TMD1/TMD2) that form the channel pore, one regulatory domain (R) that
gates the channel by phosphorylation, and two nucleotide-binding domains

(NBD1/NBD2) that bind and hydrolyze ATP (3, 4). Mature, wild type CFTR appears
compact and folded and is known for protease resistance (7). In contrast, an immature
CFTR protein, or even one mutated by the F508del CFTR mutation, has an open
conformation, and shows increased protease sensitivity (7).1 Classical channel opening
occurs by phosphorylation of the R domain by protein kinase A and recruitment of ATP
to the nucleotide binding domains NBD1 and NBD2 (3).2 When ATP binds at the
interface between NBD1 and NBD2, the channel opens (8). When ATP hydrolyzes, the
NBDs dissociate to close the channel (3, 8). This concludes the process of channel
“gating,” ultimately allowing for chloride transport and conductance in and out of the cell
as shown in Figure 1 (3).

The architecture of the CFTR protein results in ion transport via the channel and causes
voltage-dependent open channel blockage (9). A wide range of organic anions are
encountered in the cytoplasm of the cell (9). The channel is usually involved in secreting
chloride and bicarbonate ions at hyperpolarized potentials, so it contains fixed positive
charges that allow a capture of anions from the cytoplasm by electrostatic attraction (9).
At the center of the pore lies a positive charge, which allows for attraction of anions (9).
Beyond this point, anions pass into a narrow uncharged pore region that allows
discrimination between different anions (9). At this point, anions are selectively filtered;
the channel stops organic anions from leaving the cell, and inhibits especially large
anions from passing into the central pore region (9).

Normal CFTR Function

The CFTR protein channel functions in conductance of ions in and out of the body’s
cells, which is important for the body’s maintenance of water and solute concentrations.
Active chloride efflux drives fluid secretion, while bicarbonate influx drives fluid
transport across the cells of tissues such as pancreatic ducts, the gastrointestinal tract, and
the duodenum (9). In the duodenum and pancreatic duct, the sodium bicarbonate in these
secretions is very high and the bicarbonate drives fluid secretion (9). Water then follows
this high solute transport into the epithelia (9). Anion secretion in the airways contributes
to the formation and maintenance of a thin layer of liquid called airway surface liquid
(ASL), which consists of a lower-viscosity perciliary liquid (PCL) next to the membrane
which has beating cilia, and a higher-viscosity gel layer where mucins trap inhaled debris
and microbes (9). Anion secretion becomes important here because it maintains the
volume and composition of PCL (9). Sodium is absorbed via an epithelial sodium
channel, while chloride is secreted and shuttled out of the cell by CFTR; both of these
transport processes help to maintain this periciliary layer on which the essential
mucociliary clearance of debris and bacteria depends (9).

In the intestines, the secretion of salt and water is important for the maintenance of an
aqueous environment that supports enzymatic activity, absorption of nutrients, and
clearance of luminal contents (9). The proximal small intestine is the main site for

Protease-an enzyme that breaks down proteins and peptides; proteolysis-the breakdown of proteins or
peptides into amino acids by the action of enzymes
Phosphorylation-adding phosphate group(s); protein kinase A phosphorylates the CFTR channel so that
ATP can bind to NBD1 and NBD2, opening the channel during gating

absorption; it takes in salt and secretes bicarbonate in order to act as a buffer for gastric
acid (9). The sodium-hydrogen and chloride-bicarbonate exchanges handle salt and water
balance (9). In the more distal part of the small intestine, CFTR is localized to the crypt
cells and villi, and in the large intestine CFTR is localized to the crypt epithelium;
sodium moves through the pathway just as it does in airway cells (9). In the pancreatic
duct, CFTR couples with anion exchangers called SLC26A3 and SLC26A3 to generate
sodium bicarbonate secretion for alkalinizing the duodenum, which drives pancreatic
digestive enzymes to the lumen of the duodenum and allows for salivary clearance of
mucins and enzymes (9).

Defective CFTR Protein

In 1983, Paul Quinton discovered that the chloride transport defect causes CF, and
follow-up studies show evidence that sodium reabsorption was elevated in airways, and
thus that sodium and chloride transport were both altered in CF airways (10). The
equilibrium of absorption and secretion of sodium and chloride respectively is disrupted
by mutations in the CFTR gene, resulting in the absence of functional CFTR-dependent
chloride secretion (11). While chloride transport is defective, sodium absorption is
functional and persistent, causing ASL dehydration (11). Meanwhile, the sodium channel
becomes hyperactive, causing increased sodium and water absorption (12).

In CF patients, the CFTR proteins on the plasma membranes of cells are defective or
absent, and this compromises the formation of sufficient PCL (9). Chloride is not
properly shuttled out of the cells, but the epithelial sodium channel continues to absorb
sodium, resulting in a paucity of low-viscosity fluid on which effective mucus clearance
thrives (9). Due to the lack of an effective system of mucociliary clearance, mucus
accumulates and so does bacteria (9). These bacteria and infections block ducts of glands
in the body and colonize airways, causing further loss of the clearance system and
leading to ineffective innate immunity (9).

The main function of the CFTR anion channel in the airway epithelia and glands of the
submucosa is to control electrolyte transport, as shown in Figure 2, and subsequently
regulate pulmonary host defenses (13). This electrolyte transport controls the necessary
airway surface liquid of airway epithelia (13). Studies show that patients with CF have
reduced anion conductance, or chloride conductance, but that their sodium conductance
does not increase at all. Increased voltage and current of Cystic Fibrosis responses to
amiloride, an inhibitor of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are usually interpreted as
epithelial hyperabsorption (13). However, a 2011 study by Itani et al attributed epithelial
hyperabsorption to the loss of chloride rather than to increased activity of sodium
channels (13). This study corresponds to previous studies of newborn CF pigs
manifesting a defect in host defense against bacteria but not acquiring secondary
manifestations of the disease (13). The study by Itani et al shows that CF sweat gland
ducts and airway glands of the submucosa having reduced anion transport but not sodium
hyperabsorption (13).

Disease pathology within affected organ systems depends on the contribution of CFTR
function in salt and water secretion (9). It also depends on the extent of the consequences

of deficient CFTR and how CFTR is expressed in the body’s tissues (9). For example, as
little as 20% impairment of chloride secretion is enough to cause obstruction of the vas
deferens, whereas 50% impairment of CFTR activity is not detectable as a change in
sweat chloride, and little CFTR activity produces a large decrease in sweat chloride levels
(9). The function of the cells is important for the regulation of the body’s organ systems,
and the core defect in the dysfunctional CFTR channel that affects proper cell function
throughout the body is anion transport (9).

CFTR protein synthesis

Under usual circumstances, extracellular signals stimulate CFTR gene expression by
promoting transcription of the CFTR gene into mRNA (3). The single strand template
moves through nuclear pores in order to interact with ribosomes in the cytoplasm or on
the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (3). Transfer RNA is translated into nascent chains
of amino acids (3). Polypeptides are formed and assembled into the immature CFTR
protein product, which is then folded within the lipid bilayer of the ER (3). The protein
matures in the ER and the final CFTR protein is then transferred to the Golgi apparatus
for post-translational modification and packaging into transport vesicles (3). The channel
is moved or “trafficked” to the surface of the cell for final expression on the apical
membrane of cells (3).

Based on how long it takes for the CFTR protein to leave the ER, CFTR domain
assemblage takes between 30 and 120 minutes, meaning that there has to be a distinct
process in which folding occurs (14). Folding occurs by two steps that require ATP, one
being integration into the bilayer of the ER and the other being conversion from an
incompletely folded, ER-associated version of a protein to a properly folded, mature
conformation that exits the ER and goes to the Golgi apparatus for processing (14).
Mutations in the CFTR gene have an effect on every step in protein synthesis. For
example, the F508del mutation prevents the completion of protein folding (14).
Therefore, protein synthesis must be understood in order to recognize mutations, which
cause phenotypic symptoms of the disease of CF (3).

Causes of the Defective Channel: Mutations

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene; mutations
of the CFTR gene lessen the proper function of the CFTR protein (7). There are over
1,000 mutations identified thus far for the CFTR gene, and these are categorized in five
different classes (1, 15):
• Class I
o Defective protein production; few or not functioning CFTR chloride
channels (1, 15)
o Nonsense mutation or frameshift mutation in DNA that causes an in-frame
premature termination codon in the protein-coding region (8)
o Results in premature end to translation of protein (8)
o Unstable truncated and nonfunctional proteins are degraded before they
can reach the cell membrane (8)
o Accounts for 10% of all CF mutations worldwide (8)

• Class II
o Defective processing so that CFTR does not reach the surface membrane
where it normally functions (1,15)
o Result in a protein whose processing is blocked in the ER, failing to
progress to the Golgi apparatus (1, 15)
o Improperly folded CFTR, resulting in premature degradation (8)
o F508del is the most common mutation at 90% (1, 15, 18)
 Incompletely glycosylated (1, 15)3
 Results in an improperly folded protein that is retained in the ER,
causing its breakdown by the ubiquitin proteosomal system, and a
small amount of the mature protein reaches the cell surface (16)
• Class III
o Produces a protein that reaches its site of action on the cell surface but
does not conduct chloride due to defective regulation (1, 8, 15)
o Typically these mutations result in defects in CFTR regulation by ATP
and phosphorylation (8)
o Third most common G551D mutation is in 3% of all CF patients (8)
 Substitutes glycine for aspartate at amino acid residue 551 (8)
 G551D-CFTR protein is adequately folded and inserts
appropriately into the plasma membrane, but fails to open because
of defective regulation (8)
 Interferes with NBD1 and NBD2 dimerization, ATP binding, and
hydrolysis (8)
o When rescued and inserted into the plasma membrane, F508del exhibits
defective regulation and can also be classified as Class III (8)

• Class IV
o Reduced amounts of functional CFTR protein (1)
o Causes defects in chloride channel conductance due to reduced single-
channel chloride ion conductance and open channel probability (8, 15)
 R117H missense mutation affects 0.5% of CF patients worldwide
• Causes a substitution of arginine to histidine at residue 117
• R domain is usually phosphorylated, and NBD1 and NBD2
bind to ATP, but the opening time of the channel is
reduced, therefore reducing chloride transport (8)
• Class V
o Less than 1% of patients with CF have this mutation type (8)
o Normal plasma membrane CFTR is produced, but less protein made due to
lack of transcriptional regulation (8, 15)
o Influences the splicing machinery, or mRNA processing, and generates
both abnormal and normal spliced mRNA, which vary in levels among
patients and even organs within the same patients (15)

glycosylation-an enzymatic process that attaches glycans to proteins, lipids, or other organic molecules

o Spliced variants cause a reduced number of functioning CFTR in the
plasma membrane of the cell (15)
o A455E is a common mutation (15)

Less functioning CFTR in the body’s cells leads to a more severe phenotype of CF (1).
Classes I-III are associated with more severe disease and higher mortality, as shown in
Table 1 (1). Some mutations are more detrimental to the body’s cells than others (17).
For example, the class II mutation type, which includes the most common F508del
mutation, affects the actual amount of CFTR at the cell surface because an immature
protein will be created (17). The ER retains and fails to fully process the protein, which is
instead degraded by ER quality control (17). Not enough CFTR protein will be made,
posing a detrimental problem for regulation and conductance of ions into and out of the
cells (17). The F508del mutation can be contrasted to the R117H mutation in Class IV,
which is a milder mutation, because the CFTR protein is available at the cell surface, yet
it decreases channel conductance of chloride ions (17). CFTR has reached the cell surface
and there is enough of it, yet it cannot function to its full capacity and poorly conducts
ions instead (17). The varying clinical consequences of the R117H mutation may not be
as detrimental as those of the disease-causing F508del mutation (17).

Disease-causing mutations result in defective cAMP-regulated choride secretion in the

body’s cells (17). Restoring the function of CFTR-mediated chloride transport could
improve CF (17). There are mutation-specific therapies for each class that seek to repair
CFTR function:

• Class I: These treatments consist of aminoglycoside antibiotics and small

molecules that camouflage premature stop codons, incorporating an amino acid
into the sequence and allowing for translation to continue over premature stop
codons to the normal termination of the transcript (17). The mechanism allows
successful translation of mRNA into a full-length protein (17).

• Class II: Correctors are used to treat this mutation type. Correctors are specific
chaperones or small molecules that allow mutants to escape ER degradation and
reach the cell surface (17).

• Class III: Potentiators are CFTR activators that can overcome the channel gating
and regulatory defects of CFTR mutants, which localize to the cell membrane
(17). Potentiators are compounds that increase chloride secretion only in the
background of normal physiological control; ideally these should not regulate the
cAMP pathway, but rather act on the channel itself (17).

• Class IV: In order to compensate for less CFTR conductance, treatments include
either increasing the cell surface density of these mutants in conjunction with
Class II correctors, or increasing stimulation of the existing channels with class III
potentiators (17).

• Class V: Splicing factors that correct missplicing or manipulate those that alter the
balance of different splice forms must be increased (17). Increased levels of
correct transcripts are promoted in CF patients who bear CFTR mutations that
occur due to splicing errors (17).

Internal Environment of Cells

In addition to the regulation of chloride conductance, the CFTR protein also plays a role
in fluid homeostasis and influences the inner workings of the cells (18). Cellular
maintenance includes the transport of electrolytes (18). The main pathway that regulates
CFTR activity is the elevation of cAMP and activation of protein kinase A (PKA), since
PKA-mediated phosphorylation of CFTR opens the anion pathway in the channel and
allows exit of chloride ions (18). The second messenger cAMP mediates the intracellular
response to a wide range of cellular processes, some of which include gene expression,
metabolism, and growth and division of the cell (19). The main effector of cAMP is
PKA, a tetrameric enzyme in its inactive form that has two catalytic subunits (C) and one
regulatory subunit (R) dimer. Once the R subunits are bound to cAMP, the C subunits are
released and begin phosphorylation of downstream targets (19). Different stimuli can
cause an increase in intracellular cAMP, but in order for the cell to execute the
appropriate job of responding to a specific stimulus, the proper subset of downstream
targets must be phosphorylated. Therefore, compartmentalization of the cell’s
components is important for successful stimulation and completion of the cAMP-
signaling pathway (19).

An example of the importance of this pathway occurs in the F508del mutation. The
protein is unable to reach the cell membrane and gets degraded by the ER, causing a lack
of CFTR protein at the cell surface, thus failing to keep the cAMP-dependent chloride
conductance going in affected tissues (18). Even with correctors of the F508del mutation,
the channel has been shown to have regulatory defects like reduced channel gating. It has
also been shown that when isolated, the F508del mutation maintains normal PKA-
dependent regulation (18). These data suggest that the intracellular milieu must play an
important role in the ability of CFTR to respond to cAMP regulation (18). Therefore, the
mutation does not simply cause a change in stability of CFTR but also is associated with
a change in the activity of intact cells (18).

In particular, CFTR activity depends on a high level of organization of cytoskeletal F-

actin (18). The multiprotein complex specifically in epithelial cells involves F-actin and
scaffolding proteins, NHERF1 and ezrin. This complex maintains CFTR in restricted
areas of the plasma membrane of cells, and also controls CFTR function (18). Ezrin is a
kinase A anchoring protein, which tethers PKA in the vicinity of CFTR, allowing cAMP-
dependent chloride efflux to occur (18). The complex also ties mutant CFTR to the actin
cytoskeleton, keeping the CFTR stable and delaying internalization, allowing efflux to
occur (18). Altered cytoskeletal organization in cells results in excessive cAMP in the
cytosol, and less cAMP in the subcortical compartment of the cell (18). Excessive
cytosolic cAMP might have debilitating effects such as an increased activation of the
nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, NF-κB, and cells in CF
airway epithelial cells have been found to have the effect of constitutive NF-κB,

signaling hyper inflammation (18). The lesser amount of cAMP in the subcortical region
of the cell may cause a deficient regulation of the movement of chloride ions out of the
cell (18).

Clinical Manifestations of CF
Normally, the CFTR protein is effective at mucociliary transport, assisted by hydration of
the ASL (3). Hydration of the ASL occurs through a gradient by efflux of chloride ions
through CFTR channels, in addition to influx of sodium through epithelial sodium
channels in the membrane (3). Lack of CFTR or defective protein causes less chloride
efflux and unregulated hyperabsorption of sodium ions (3). An imbalance of osmotic
gradient causes dehydration of ASL, increased mucus thickness and damaged
mucociliary transport as shown in Figure 3 (3).

Mucus is a complex fluid containing immunoglobulins, antiseptic enzymes, salts,

proteins, glycoproteins and water (20). Mucus is secreted by mucous cells and has many
important functions, one being defending against infectious agents (20). It is a dense,
viscoelastic material that is stabilized by hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, and
hydrophobic interactions (20). The mucus of CF patients contains less water than normal,
a high amount of debris, and is more viscous due to its high molecular weight (20). The
thickening of mucus leads to abnormal clearance and also bacterial growth (20). Thick
mucus can block airways, leading to bacterial infection, chronic local inflammation, and
a decline of lung function (3).

The goblet cells in the epithelia release these mucins, forming double-layered attached
mucus also found in the stomach, colon, lungs and small intestine because it is easily
removable mucus (21). Mucins are proteins that possess long domains with amino acids
and O-glycans (21). Several types of mucins form the actual mucus gel, and these have
one or more domains involved in binding (21). Bicarbonate may be the missing link
between CFTR and blocked mucus (21). Bicarbonate is an ion that can pass through the
CFTR channel; it neutralizes pH and removes Ca2+ in order to unpack mucin during
secretion (21). High amounts of bicarbonate ion, which are normally provided by
functional CFTR are necessary for proper unfolding of mucins during secretion (21). In
patients with CF who have the F508del mutation, the mucus becomes dense, difficult to
move, and remains stagnant (21).

Defective CFTR affects the lungs not only with lung disease, but also with conditions
such as acute lung injury (ALI) (22). One of the major mechanisms that causes the
removal of edema fluid from the alveolar air space of the lungs in people with ALI is the
active transport of sodium and chloride ions across the alveolar type I and type II cells in
the lungs (21). This creates an osmotic gradient for the reabsorption of water to occur
(22). A 2013 study by Roux et al provides a link between CFTR and other conditions
such as ALI that can occur as a result of main dysfunctional protein channels. Results
show that if there is inhibition of the CFTR channel and the epithelial sodium channel
(ENac), failure to produce alveolar fluid clearance causes morbidity and mortality in
affected individuals (22).

In the absence of CFTR, mucus accumulates in the intestines, providing a home for
microbes to colonize (23). In previous studies using CFTR knockout animals,
mycobacterial species have been found in antibiotic-resistant infections of the skin, lungs,
and gastrointestinal tract, showing that without the CFTR channel, bacteria flourish in
areas of mucus that have accumulated in the body (23). Defective secretion of digestive
enzymes and resulting fat malabsorption in the gastrointestinal system demonstrate a
failure to thrive in addition to excess fat in the feces (3). Also, ionic imbalance in the
biliary tract may lead to increased risk of gallstone and hepatobiliary disease (3). Again,
the CFTR channel is necessary for proper conductance within cells of the human body

In addition to the airways, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract, the glands of the body also
require proper chloride conductance. In a healthy person, the CFTR protein is responsible
for reabsorption of chloride, and subsequently, sodium in the reabsorptive duct of the
sweat gland (3). Lack of CFTR protein or protein function causes salty beads of sweat to
rise in individuals with CF (3). Sodium is excessively secreted by sweat glands, which is
why most patients diagnosed with CF have high sweat chloride levels (3).

The defective CFTR channel and effect on improper ion conductance in and out of the
body’s cells affects not only the respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems but also the
reproductive system. Females with CF may experience the thickening of cervical mucus,
which could cause infertility (3). Most males with CF have a developmental defect,
which blocks the transport of spermatozoa from the testes or epididymis to the vas
deferens (5). This congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens causes azoospermia, or
lack of sperm in the semen of males (3).

Nervous System
The defective CFTR protein affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. CF
patients have been found to have peripheral nervous system abnormalities such as
neuropathy, and the CFTR gene has been expressed and active in Schwann cells (24).
Mutations cause a loss of CFTR, which results in myelin sheath abnormalities of these
Schwann cells (24). A 2013 study by Reznikov et al shows similar abnormalities to those
found in neuropathies in knockout CFTR pigs (24). Chloride channels stabilize
membrane potential in Schwann cells, so if the CFTR channel were removed or
defective, changes in ionic flow across these cells would rapidly occur (24). In addition to
abnormalities in Schwann cells, a delay in conduction of the vestibulocochlear nerve was
found, as were axon density reduction and a decrease in speed of the trigeminal and
sciatic nerve impulses (24). People with CF have also had an unusual cholinergic and
adrenergic sensitivity in pupil constrictions, sweat and salivation, regulation of blood
pressure levels, and constriction of the bronchioles (24).

The peripheral nervous system also contains neurotransmitters, which allow the
transmission of signals from one neuron to the next (25). Acetylcholine is a
neurotransmitter that participates in paracrine and autocrine signaling in uptake of
choline; signaling occurs by mediation mechanisms such as facilitated diffusion, sodium-
independent transporters including organic cation transporters, and sodium-dependent

choline transporters (25). Organic cation transporters are involved in choline transport
across the plasma membrane; CFTR function might contribute to altered choline
transport in non-neuronal cells through interference with organic cation transporters (25).
Cholinergic activity is related to immune dysfunction and an up-regulation of cytokine
production (25). Acetylcholine is also a major regulator of airway function by controlling
contact between cells, stimulation of fluid secretion, ciliary beat frequency, and the
overall regulation of the mucociliary clearance system (MCC), which are all major
proponents of symptoms of CF disease (25).

In addition to neurotransmitters, Schwann cells, and their effects on the peripheral

nervous system, Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a signaling pathway that occurs via
the central nervous system and CFTR function aids in proper regulation of its expression
(26). A 2012 study by Meissner et al shows an inverse relationship between
microvascular CFTR activity and S1P signaling in vasomotor responses and myogenic
tone (26). Sphingosine-1-phosphate is a signaling mediator that regulates artery tone and
vasoconstriction, controlling blood flow, blood pressure, and transport of blood to the
tissues (26). CFTR moves extracellular S1P across the plasma membrane for degradation,
and if CFTR function is interrupted in any way, the S1P signaling will also be affected
(26). During heart failure, S1P signaling is enhanced in the resistance arteries, and
improper function of CFTR may be a reason for these conditions (26). The CFTR protein
could act as an S1P transporter, limiting S1P receptor-mediated effects (26). CFTR
dysfunction could cause conditions that are associated with S1P signaling (26).

Immune Cells
In addition to the role of the CFTR protein in the nervous system, defective CFTR also
largely affects the body’s immune response. The body’s immune response can be divided
into two different segments, the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system,
as shown in Figure 4 (27). The innate immune system contains leukocytes that interact
with the environment, in addition to opsonins and antimicrobials that lack memory (27).
Innate immune cells have receptors for foreign molecules like the mannose receptor and
formyl-peptide receptors that activate TLRs (27). The adaptive immune system includes
B and T lymphocytes, both of which contain single antigen-specific receptors. Adaptive
immune cells have antigenic memory that causes them to respond rapidly and in response
to re-exposure to a foreign antigen (27).

In a healthy person, alveolar macrophages are built for the innate immune response; in
the lungs, they maintain a regulated, suppressive environment and prevent overreaction to
antigens that enter the body (28). Macrophages work to clear pathogens by moving from
protection to immunopathology by patrolling the airways (28). They produce cytokines
and chemokines, kill and digest infected cells, and clear debris from the lung (28).
However, their unique ability to produce a cytokine storm in response to bacterial or viral
infections can lead to clogged airways, epithelial cell death, and unregulated repair of
damaged tissue (28). Macrophages pose a problem for CF patients. Instead of producing
inflammatory cytokines, alveolar macrophages produce IL-10 in CF lung disease; severe
damage occurs due to persistent rounds of infection, clearance, inflammation, and
remodeling (28).

Since the CFTR protein alters function of immune cells, an abnormal immune response
could cause CF patients to become more immunocompromised (29). Neutrophils provide
the first line of defense against airway infection by killing and digesting phagocytized
bacteria and fungi in the airways (30). CF airways contain an abundance of neutrophils,
which can be attributed to the clearance of P. aeruginosa (31). Over time, the neutrophils
fail to get rid of P. aeruginosa and the release of intracellular components becomes
improperly regulated; this leads to development of bronchiectasis, or damage and
scarring done to the airways (30). Neutrophilic dysfunction can be attributed to both the
intense inflammation of the airways and to the lack of CFTR protein within the cell (30).
A lack of CFTR function has been linked to decreased phagocytic capacity and in a
cascade effect that results in lack of destruction of the P. aeruginosa bacteria, chronic
infection, and accelerated injury to the site of infection (30). Both mutation and
inhibition of CFTR could cause neutrophils to produce more pro-inflammatory cytokines
in response to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the bacteria (31). CFTR reduces
bactericidal ability in neutrophils of bronchoalveolar lavage cells, further exacerbating
lung infection (32).

The problem in CF patients is the quality of their immune response. In normal

neutrophils, efficiency of microbicidal action requires the production of hypochlorous
acid (HOCl); it is produced in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by an enzyme
called myeloperoxidase (MPO) (33). The production of HOCl is necessary for proper
host defense, especially since MPO-deficient humans and mice are likely to get fungal
and bacterial infections (33). Neutrophils of CF patients have chloride-deficient
phagosomes, causing them to lack the amount of necessary HOCl to kill an organism
such as P. aeruginosa (33).

Cystic fibrosis is a disease that leads to ineffective management of viruses and bacteria.
The most common pathogen found in CF patients is Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.
aeruginosa), which produces a neutrophil-dominated host response that fails to clear the
infection, causing a cycle of inflammation and infection to occur (34). A persistent
inflammatory response contributes to progressive lung injury, and colonization of P.
aeruginosa results in an antibody response, which unfortunately is not protective (34).
Cell-mediated immunity against these bacteria is critical to host defense, and a subset of
T helper cells called the T helper 17 (Th17) cells come into play (34). Th17 cells produce
a cytokine called Interleukin-17 (IL-17), which causes the generation and recruitment of
neutrophils to sites of infection (34). Murine models infected with acute pulmonary P.
aeruginosa, Th17 plays a role in vaccine-induced protection; human models show that
Th17 is in the submucosa of airways, and that IL-17 is produced from innate immune
cells in the CF lung (34).

In typical Th17 responses, IL-17 has been co-expressed with Interleukin-22 (IL-22),
which is a cytokine that promotes repair of epithelial surfaces and elicits an anti-
microbial slate, thus becoming important for non-immune cells (34). IL-22 has been
found to provide host defense upon inflammation of the gut following bacterial infection
(34). T helper cells that produce IL-22 without IL-17 are called Th22 cells, which are

found to infiltrate the skin in inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis while also
releasing antimicrobial peptides; Th22 cells are strong elements in host defense against
lung pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae (34). A 2014 study by Bayes et al shows
that the presence of Th22, Th17, and Th1 memory CD4+ cells in CF patients are
important for the host defense by the immune system in CF patients (34).

In addition to IL-22 and IL-17, Interleukin-13 (IL-13) is also important in inflammatory

responses, specifically in intestinal regulation (35). IL-13 has effects on hematopoietic
and non-hematopoietic cells, such as macrophages, epithelial cells, and enteric neurons,
while also mediating smooth muscle contraction, and regulating intestinal epithelial
differentiation and apoptosis (35). IL-13 is an important factor in regulating the intestinal
epithelium and more relevantly, CFTR-mediated chloride ion conductance (35). IL-13-
induced chloride secretion is CFTR-dependent and is associated with increased
expression of CFTR (35).

The airways of those affected by CF fail to manage bacteria efficiently, causing infection
(32). Two cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), are
released upon response to P. aeruginosa infection and are released in higher amounts in
Cystic Fibrosis airways (36). IL-1β and TNF-α and stimulate fluid secretion by
submucosal glands that can be blocked by the CFTR inhibitor (36). A 2012 study by
Baniak et al in swine airway submucosal glands shows that IL-1β stimulates CFTR-
mediated chloride movement across submucosal gland serous cells (36). Bacteria-
triggered gland secretion occurs as part of the normal innate immune response to
bacterial inhalation (36).

The role of CFTR in non-epithelial cells has somehow received less attention, but it has
been established that the absence of CFTR in lymphocytes leads to a divergence in the
adaptive immune response in living cells (29). CFTR expression in lymphocytes is
associated with volume regulation and regulation of CD8+ T cells, which are cytotoxic T
cells that make cytokines (29). In addition, a defect in cyclic AMP-dependent chloride
currents in CF-derived lymphocytes shows evidence of the role of CFTR in lymphocytes
(33). Studies also show that regardless of B cell function in Cystic Fibrosis patients, the T
cell activation events and helper function provide a strong antibody response (29). By
testing small molecule regulators of the immune response, researchers can use these
findings to help CF patients (29).

In a 2011 study by Abu-El-Haija et al, an analysis of the abundance of neutrophils and

macrophages in healthy versus diseased pig pancreatic blood was completed by
comparing CD14 antigen levels in the blood (37).4 Overall, the CF pig pancreas exhibited
a significantly increased level of monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils than non-CF
pigs and it is even more striking that neutrophils were almost nonexistent in the non-CF
pig pancreas (37). The innate immune system response proves to be exclusive in the CF
pig pancreas, as macrophages and neutrophils both infiltrated the pancreas, signaling
pancreatitis (37). The same study shows that T helper cells and B cells were found in

CD-cluster of differentiation; CD14 detects LPS wall of bacteria

higher numbers in the pancreas of CF pigs versus non-CF pigs (37). It can be concluded
that there was indeed activation of adaptive immune system cells (B and T cells) in the
pancreas of newborn CF pigs (37).

In summary, macrophages express CFTR and their defect by contributing to an

inappropriate host response to opportunistic bacterial pathogens; this response consists of
to chronic inflammation and remodeling of the site of inflammation (38). Bacteria target
neutrophils, and this causes apoptosis or programmed cell death, in addition to a massive
release of toxins and pro-inflammatory products (38). Neutrophils end up doing more
damage than good to the airways due to their domination in the inflammatory response
(38). T helper cells recruit cytokines to the scene in order to promote this inflammatory
response (34). The unique presence of both innate and adaptive systems in order to
combat CF shows the extensiveness and complexity of the disease (37).

The Relevance of Animal Models

Animal models have been used to study the effects of CF on live organisms and to come
to more clear conclusions about the disease. The following animal models show the
effects of CF on target areas of the body including the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas,
liver, and gall bladder. A 2011 study by Keiser and Engelhardt shows similarities
between phenotypic effects of CF on animals and humans.

Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract

Pigs and ferrets with CF show a phenotype of a condition called meconium ileus, an in-
utero intestinal obstruction present in about 15% of newborn infants with CF, when the
earliest stool of an infant becomes blocked in the ileum of the small intestine (39).
Meconium ileus is fatal within the first 48 hours after birth in piglets with the
dysfunctional CFTR gene if no surgery is performed, and is similar to what is exhibited
in the phenotype of infants with cystic fibrosis (39). Intestinal atresias, diverticulosis, and
microcolon are all conditions that occur in CF infants that can be seen in pigs and ferrets
that have the dysfunctional gene as well (39). Meconium ileus in the cystic fibrosis ferret
has been found to have a significant genetic influence, as also observed in infants with
CF (39). The pig with the CFTR-F508del protein exhibits residual processing to the
plasma membrane and partial function, demonstrating that the pig likely has high levels
of functional CFTR in the intestine to clear meconium after birth (39). Unlike the CF
ferret or pig, the CFTR knockout rat does not present with meconium ileus at birth (40).
Animals develop intestinal blockage only after weaning off their mother’s milk and
nutrients, which is similar to intestinal obstruction syndrome observed in children and
adults with the disease of CF (40).

In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas is a severely affected organ in people
with CF (39). In newborn pigs with the knockout CFTR gene, the destruction of the
exocrine pancreas compares to more severe cases, while the pigs with the mutated
F508del mutation have a less severe exocrine pancreatic phenotype than the one with the
lack of the gene (39). Dysfunctional protein could actually reduce the force of the disease
progression (39). In ferrets with CF, the exocrine pancreas undergoes destruction over the

course of the first few months of life, leading to pancreatic dysfunction and a need for
pancreatic enzymes (39). Both pig and ferret models demonstrate the decline of the
exocrine pancreas in patients with CF.

Liver and Gall Bladder

In addition to pancreatic and GI tract problems, CF also affects the liver and gallbladder
(39). Biliary cirrhosis is a common cause of morbidity in humans with CF; pig and ferret
models have been studied to explore hepatic lesions, cellular inflammation, and fibrosis,
which are all major signs of biliary cirrhosis (39). Newborn ferrets with CF have
unusually high levels of bilirubin and plasma alanine aminotransferase, both of which are
indicative of liver disease, and this finding is similar to children with CF who have
unusually elevated liver enzymes in their blood (39). In addition to the liver, gallbladder
disease is observed in 15-30% of older CF patients during the autopsy (39). This disease
is extremely severe in pigs with the CFTR-F508del protein (39). In the gall bladder of
affected pigs, aggregation of neutrophils, mononuclear inflammation, and luminal
obstruction by bile and mucus have all been found (39).

Growth and Nutrition

Nutritional defects are also seen in people with CF (39). It has been found that chloride
secretion is defective in the thyroids of pigs without the CFTR gene, possibly
demonstrating a mechanism for CF-linked hypothyroidism (39). The serum of newborn
pigs and infants with CF show reduced levels of the hormone called insulin-like growth
factor 1 (IGF-1), and mice with CF have similar reductions in this serum IGF-1 when
they grow older (39). CFTR plays a role in the neuroendocrine system in controlling
growth (39).

Transcriptional Regulation
DNA must be properly transcribed into mRNA and then translated into protein (40).
Histone acetylation and deacetylation occur within the coding regions of genes, either
adding or removing acetyl groups from histones (40). Histone acetylation and
deacetylation are two critical processes for proper gene expression and proper cellular
function, and they must be balanced for correct protein function (40). A 2011 study by
Gunderson et al provides evidence that histone acetylation and deacetylation maintain
proper co-transcriptional splicing by facilitating dynamic rearrangements of the
spliceosome, which are ATP-dependent (40). There is an increase in histone acetylation
due to lack of histone deacetylases (HDACs), resulting in altered spliceosome dynamics
(40). Methylation is another type of histone modification that creates binding sites for
factors that help with splicing, and therefore improve transcriptional modifications (40).
Both methylation and acetylation are stable modificiations, but acetylation could allow
more dynamic rearrangements of the spliceosome (40).

Multiple HDACs can remove acetyl groups in a process known as histone deacetylation
(40). Deacetylation decreases gene expression, while acetylation increases gene
expression (40). Although HDACs work in transcriptional regulation, studies have shown
that inhibiting these HDACs could be more productive than allowing them to work (41).
A 2011 study by Hutt et al shows that cyclic tetrapeptides restore CFTR activity by

inhibiting HDACs. Cyclic tetrapeptides also correct the most common mutation, F508del,
from the ER so that cell surface channel activity can be enriched once again and the
smooth influx and efflux of chloride can resume (41). These cyclic tetrapeptides were
shown to overcome the trafficking defect associated with the F508del protein, which was
monitored on its way to the cell’s surface by Western blot analysis (41, 42).5 Therefore,
protein acetylation pathways can actually work in correcting the maturation of the folding
and function of this mutation (41). The connection between HDAC inhibition and CF
biology can not only help with CF, but could also help to potentially correct other
protein-misfolding diseases (41).

Other transcription factors, such as Liver X receptors (LXRs) may contribute to CF.
These are transcription factors that regulate lipids and glucose metabolism and belong to
a family of nuclear receptors (42). LXRs have been found to regulate the function of
several important transport systems in the body such as the epithelial sodium channel,
kidney transporters, organic anion transporters, and the sodium-inorganic phosphate co-
transporter (42). A 2013 study by Raksaseri et al provides evidence that these LXRs are
capable of reducing CFTR-mediated chloride secretion in a cell line in murine primary
inner medullary collecting duct cells (42). Results of the Western blot analysis show an
inhibition of chloride secretion due to a decrease in CFTR protein, and this is
independent of down-regulation of its mRNA expression (42). LXRs, or transcription
factors, are able to down-regulate the CFTR-mediated chloride secretion of kidney cells

Another transcription factor, called the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), acts as a repressor
of CFTR expression (5). Yigit et al conducted a study in 2013 that tested the binding of
GR in nucleosome-depleted regions in a specific cell type (5). If ligand activation of GR
down-regulates CFTR expression, then ligand-receptor binding inhibition could cause an
increase in CFTR expression in cells, resuming proper conductance of ions into and out
of cells (5).

Bacterial infections are more likely to occur in patients with CF due to mucus
dehydration and reduction in mucociliary clearance (43). One such infection is gram-
negative P. aeruginosa, as it is a cause of pulmonary inflammation in lung disease of
Cystic Fibrosis patients and correlates with a faster decline in lung function, morbidity,
and mortality (43). The innate system responds to the cycle of infection and inflammation
through Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which then trigger signaling cascades by
transcription factors such as NF-κB (43). Upon P. aeruginosa infection, TLRs are
stimulated and activate the Extracellular-signal Regulated Kinase (ERK1/ERK2
pathway), which regulates cell growth and differentiation, and is used for inflammatory
signal transduction (44).

In order for the inflammatory response to be timely and for regulated termination of
signaling to happen, intracellular membrane trafficking and routing must occur in the
receptor-ligand complex (43). Once infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, the

Western blot analysis-an experimental procedure used to detect histone modifications

detection of the LPS bacterial wall causes TLR4 activation to occur by dimerization (43).
The TLR4-LPS bound complex is then internalized, and TLR-induced inflammatory
signaling is inhibited once the complex is targeted for degradation (43). This complex is
then directed toward endosomes for degradation or toward the Golgi apparatus for
recycling (43). The functional CFTR protein works in altering the internal
compartmentalization of TLR4 in macrophages, but patients with CF often show signs of
ongoing and uncontrolled inflammation (43). Altered TLR4 expression in CF airway
cells actually contributes to an increased inflammatory response (43). Patients with CF
show chronic uncontrolled activation of NF-κB and an increased amount of released
inflammatory mediators than the healthy population does (43).

The airway epithelium is important because it is the first line of defense for the lungs
(35). Immune cells act as a mechanical barrier to reduce the risk of infection and to also
produce chemokines and cytokines that recruit phagocytic cells to ingest organisms and
infected cells (35). Due to the sterility of the lungs, interactions with microorganisms can
cause inflammation as a response to infection (35). The immune system essentially gains
access to bacterial information by the shedding of surface or intracellular receptors,
known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (35). When the innate
immune system senses these PAMPs, such as the LPS or flagella, inflammation is
stimulated (35). In addition to this inflammatory response, the mucosal response is used
for clearance of pathogens (35). Excessive inflammation represents an
immunocompromised respiratory system, making the regulation of pro-inflammatory
signaling so important for the body’s cells (35). Components of the innate immune
system, such as NF-κB, are activated in order to regulate signaling (35). TLRs are
integral membrane glycoproteins that recognize microorganisms, and they sense
microbial products or PAMPs, eventually leading to NF-κB expression (35). In CF
patients, the lungs are usually in a hyper-inflammatory state, which causes the signaling
of NF-κB (35).

Post-Translational Modifications
Success in ER folding and assembly is essential for proteins to exit the ER, and a large
fraction of translated proteins fails at the quality control checkpoints that follow (7). Due
to this failure, these proteins are retained at ER checkpoints, leading to ubiquitylation and
degradation by a proteasome, called 26S, which is a protein complex that breaks down
other proteins (7). Ubiquitylation is a post-translational modification, or an addition to a
protein after it has been made (7). The CFTR protein does not always get ubiquitylated
because it is long and difficult to fold (7). A 2013 study by Ahner et al showed that ER-
based machinery containing heat shock proteins facilitated CFTR folding (7). A reduction
in the NBD1 aggregation occurred upon interaction with one of the heat shock proteins,
and the CFTR folding efficiency improved (7).

Modifier Genes
TGF-β is a genetic modifier of CF, which mediates the pulmonary fibrosis that
characterizes respiratory deterioration in patients with CF (12). It has been shown that CF
patients with specific polymorphisms in TGF-β1, a pro-fibrotic cytokine, are at a higher
risk for severe lung disease (45). Multi-organ fibrosis is known to occur in cystic fibrosis

of the pancreas with conditions such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatic fibrotic obliteration,
and vas deferens obstruction (45). TGF-β mediates fibroblast physiology in the lungs and
also contributes to the severity of the disease in patients with CF (46). A myofibroblast is
a fibroblast containing smooth muscle, and it has been previously identified as a main
mediator of profibrotic conditions (45). Myofibroblast differentiation usually occurs due
to tissue injury or mechanical stimulation, and contributes to healing of wound edges,
while still promoting the formation of extracellular matrices (45). In a healthy person,
when tissue injury is resolved, myofibroblasts undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell
death, but in CF patients there has been an increase in myofibroblasts in alveolar tissue

The myofibroblast phenotype depends on TGF-β and occurs due to epithelial injury or
inflammation, which are two main characteristics of CF respiratory deterioration (45).
TGF-β must be activated to bind the TGF-β receptor complex, which then transmits a
signal through Smad protein phosphorylation (pSmad2/pSmad3) (45). Myofibroblast
differentiation is induced with the presence of TGF-β and mechanical strain (45). TGF-β
signal transduction occurs due to hypoxia, epithelial injury, and an increase in protease
activity (45). In addition to the induction of the expression of genes that promote fibrosis,
TGF-β1 is secreted by endothelial, hematopoietic, and connective tissue cells, and
inhibits epithelial proliferation (45). Myofibroblasts also promote TGF-β activation by
contracting, and through mucus-plugging and chronic cough in CF (45). As this modifier
signals for the myofibroblast phenotype in the CF lungs, it could provide insight into the
necessity for anti-fibrotic therapies, which could decrease tissue scarring and respiratory
compromise in CF patients (45).

Pulmonary fibrosis is a common end-stage of CF lung disease, and tissue remodeling of

the airways occurs by increased collagen deposition (47). Fibroblasts form cells that
produce an extracellular matrix that regulates tissue repair in parenchymal tissue (47).
They can secrete strong inflammatory chemoattractants such as chemokines, monocytes,
and interleukins, contributing to disease pathogenesis (47). In particular, fibroblast
dysfunctions are seen in CF patients and they have a phenotype with increased
proliferation and myofibroblast differentiation; dysfunctional fibroblasts are a potential
target for treatment of CF patients (47).

In addition to TGF-β, other genes have been found that can be grouped as modifier genes
that contribute to phenotypic differences observed in diseases like CF (48). Mannose-
binding lectin (MBL) is a serum protein that is produced by the liver and may have an
effect on disease severity in CF patients (49). It binds to bacteria, activating the lectin
pathway of complement, and causing direct lysis of the target (49). The lectin pathway is
antibody-independent and is triggered by MBL binding to carbohydrates on the surface of
microorganisms (49). MBL also causes phagocytosis by bridging phagocytes and
microorganisms such as P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (49). MBL
accumulates in large quantities in the lungs during acute inflammation in patients with
CF, thus promoting phagocytosis and complement system activation (49). Lack of MBL
has been associated with reduced lung function, earlier infection with P. aeruginosa, and
a higher rate of the end stages of CF (49).

The mannose-binding lectin (MBL2) gene encodes a protein, which is secreted by the
liver and leads to opsonization and activation of the complement system through the
classical pathway (48). This serum concentration of the protein and MBL’s ability to
trigger the complement system depends on single-base mutations in the MBL2 gene (48).
These mutations may increase the susceptibility of carriers to colonization by bacteria
and viruses. The IL-8 gene codes for a member of the chemokine family and responds in
cases of acute inflammatory reactions (48). IL-8 is produced by monocytes,
macrophages, and fibroblasts, and helps in activation and movement of neutrophils from
the blood to the tissues for an amplification of an inflammatory response (48).

Some genes and gene modifiers play a role in inflammation, such as the tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNFα) gene and Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) (48, 49). TNFα leads to the
expression of a pro-inflammatory cytokine that responds to specific triggers; the cytokine
stimulates a release of IL-6 and IL-8 cytokines that cause an increase in mucus
production (48, 49). AAT, another modifier gene, codes for a serine protease
glycoprotein; the glycoprotein limits the amount of tissue self-damage during an
inflammatory response. Severe AAT deficiency results in a pulmonary disorder that is
similar to emphysema (48).

In contrast to TNFα, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is a ligand-

controlled transcription factor of the nuclear receptor family that has an anti-
inflammatory role in regulating gene expression by transactivation or transrepression
(50). In the lungs, PPARγ has been proven to go beyond the regulatory role of anti-
inflammation and extends to host defense (50). Results of a 2012 study by Griffin et al
provide a strong inverse correlation between PPARγ expression and to a lower extent
PON2 gene expression with neutrophil counts; low levels of these two genes are
associated with high levels of inflammation (51). This specific study shows the genes in
BALF cells associated with P. aeruginosa infection only, meaning that this pathogen is
so resistant that PPARγ and PON2 could actually be therapeutic if used in an inverse
manner (51). If it holds true that less gene expression causes more inflammation, a drug
that inhibits PPARγ could protect against the infection and inflammation cycle of P.
aeruginosa (51). PPARγ signals for the cessation of neutrophils and macrophages and
assists in inflammation resolution, thus ending the cycle of infection and inflammation in
diseases, and proving to be a therapeutic target (50).

Genome-wide Association Studies

In light of the high cost and lack of feasibility of genome sequencing, genome-wide
association studies (GWAS) have become more practical and provide ways to study large
populations without bias of pre-existing models (52). Scientific research has more
freedom to identify new genes, regulatory sequences, and new pathways (52).
Understanding the ways in which genes and their alleles exert their effects can lead to
new therapeutic approaches (52). GWAS use genetic profiles geared towards
personalized medicine (52). For example, two people with different inflammatory
responses could need two different dosages of anti-inflammatory drugs; while these may

be common treatments, each could be more beneficial with the help of modifier genes

Since Cystic Fibrosis is a rare genetic disorder that is caused by several genetic variants
within a single gene, and due to the strength of these variants, the disease follows an
autosomal recessive inheritance pattern in families who have the disorder (53). In a 2012
study by Bush and Moore, multiple mutations were found in the CFTR gene as the cause
of CF (53). Families affected by CF were genotyped using a collection of genetic markers
across the genome; markers that diverged in families were examined (53). The technique
used to trace these mutations is called linkage analysis, and it is only applied to rare
disorders such as CF (55). Linkage analysis does not work well for diseases that have
more common disorders such as cancer or heart disease, showing that genetic
mechanisms strongly differ among rare diseases (53).

A 2013 study by Weiler and Drumm provides evidence of two new genes associated with
CF, called APIP and EHF (52). APIP encodes the Apaf-1-interacting protein, and EHF is
an epithelial-specific transcription factor; both act as disease modifiers through different
models (52). It is hypothesized that APIP prolongs neutrophilic inflammation and leads
to more severe lung disease, while EHF regulates epithelial cell differentiation during
times of stress and inflammation (52).

Variability in CF phenotypes is partially due to non-CFTR genetic modifiers. Mucin

genes participate in the development of the lung disease and can be seen as genetic
modifiers of the CF phenotype (54). Mucins are expressed as glycoproteins that are
important in the airway epithelium (54). Mucins contain a tandem repeat (TR) domain
that shows variation in repeat number, also known as variable number tandem repeats
(VNTRs) (54). Differences in VNTR sizes could cause a change in mucin protein
molecular weight by two-fold (54). These secreted mucins are responsible for
mucociliary clearance and contribute to glycocalyx barrier functionality (54). Cystic
fibrosis, being a respiratory disease, has variations in mucin expression that could
contribute to pathophysiology, thus leading to less mucociliary clearance, dehydration of
the ASL, and increased risk of chronic lung conditions (54). Since at least 50% of the
variability in the severity of the lung disease of CF patients is attributed to heredity,
genetic modifiers of CF must explain some of this heritable variation (54). Phenotypic
changes due to respiratory mucins could add to genetic modification, especially VNTR
length (54).

A 2013 genome-wide association study by Blackman et al was conducted using 3,059

individuals with CF and 644 of them having CF-related diabetes (55). Cystic fibrosis-
related diabetes (CFRD) is a common complication of cystic fibrosis associated with
severe lung disease, malnutrition, and death (55). CFRD is age-dependent, affecting 19%
of adolescents and 40-50% of adults with cystic fibrosis, and is strongly influenced by
modifier genes (55). In addition, Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms were found that were
associated with the SLC26A9 gene, an epithelial chloride and bicarbonate channel, which

interacts with the CFTR protein (55). 6 Since diabetes is an extremely prevalent
complication of CF, susceptibility can be determined by variants associated with
SLC26A9 at four gene loci (55). These gene variants (TCF7L2, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/B,
and IGF2BP1) are associated with both Type 2 diabetes and CFRD (55). These loci
contribute to both diseases and support the concept that diabetes develops in individuals
who may have underlying susceptibility to pancreatic β-cell dysfunction (55). Variants in
CDKAL1 have been reported to damage pro-insulin translation and to stimulate the ER
stress response that contributes to apoptosis, or programmed cell death (55). CDKAL1
works as a CFRD modifier because ER stress is stimulated by CFTR mis-folding (55).
TCF7L2 may affect β-cell mass and pro-insulin processing, and CDKN2A/B suggests a
role for growth, apoptosis, and insulin processing in CFRD (55). This study shows that
even though CFRD is not the same disease as Type 2 diabetes, they share genetics which
cause similar disease pathways, also showing how CF affects the pancreas just as much
as other organs (55).

The pancreas has as an endocrine function, which is to synthesize hormones such as

insulin from beta cells, glucagon from alpha cells, and somatostatin from delta cells (56).
It also has exocrine functions, which are to secrete digestive enzymes into the small
intestine and to produce pancreatic polypeptide (PP) producing cells in the pancreas (56).
Results of a 2013 study by Zertal-Zidani et al show that a small molecule inhibitor called
glibenclamide triggered the endocrine differentiation pathway in the developing pancreas,
increasing the number of endocrine cells (56). This study concluded that inhibition of
CFTR increases the number of endocrine cells in the developing pancreas, and that these
small molecule inhibitors can amplify the development of pancreatic endocrine cells (56).
The mechanism in which CFTR inhibition increases the number of pancreatic endocrine
cells is unknown; however CFTR functions as a chloride channel activated by cyclic
AMP and protein kinase, and facilitates the transport of organic ions (56). There is
definitely evidence of its regulation of ion channels, pH, and cell volume (56).

In addition to its effects on the pancreas, Cystic Fibrosis is also linked to bone disease.
CF-related bone disease occurs due to low bone mass and increased fracture risk as a
result of complications of CF (57). Damage to osteoblast bone formation and increased
osteoclast bone resorption both occur, in a process known as “uncoupling bone turnover.”
Vitamin D deficiency, inflammatory cytokines, and intestinal malabsorption all
contribute to this bone disease (57). A direct link is shown between dysfunctional CFTR
and Cystic Fibrosis-related bone disease, especially via the inactivation of the CFTR gene
in osteoblasts and its contribution to low bone mass (57). In a 2013 study by Stalvey et al
focusing on murine bone, CFTR was expressed in osteoblasts (57). Inactivation resulted
in defective differentiation and late new bone formation, and CFTR inactivation also
resulted in pancreatic disease (57). As CF patients age, they tend to have age-related
complications such as spinal, arm, and hip fractures, and these findings show that CFTR
expression in the bone causes reduced osteoblast differentiation and enhances osteoclast
bone resorption (57).

SNP: Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, or a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide
(A, T, C, or G) in the genome differs between members of a biological species or paired chromosomes; ex:
DNA fragments from different individuals could be AAGCCTA to AAGCTTA

Not only do genes affect the observed phenotype in CF patients, but environmental
factors play a role as well (58). A 2012 twin study by Blackman et al underscores the
influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on nutrition in young CF patients who
experience the greatest changes in growth rates (58). BMI, or body mass index, (kg/m2)
was used as a marker of nutritional status and more accurately predicts the nutritional
failure in CF patients than other conventional measures (58). Nutritional status of young
twins and siblings with CF was analyzed, and genes other than CFTR were found to
influence the variation in body mass index, such as genetic modifiers located at the loci
of chromosomes 1 and 5 (58). CF patients are under nutritional stress due to poor appetite
and weight loss; this lack of nutrition could make patients uniquely sensitive to genetic
factors, which also affect maintenance of weight (58).

Another twin study from 2011 by Stanke et al suggests that both inherited and
environmental factors influence CF disease manifestation (59). The shared prenatal and
early postnatal period distinguished twins from siblings, and was associated with low
differences within the twin pair itself in weight-for-height percentages (59). In addition,
concordance in lung function was dominated by genetic factors, as only monozygous
twins shared their entire genetic information, in contrast to dizygous twins, or siblings
who only share half of their genetic information (60). Inherited factors have a larger
impact on patient-to-patient variability in weight-for-height percentages than for lung
function (59).

Current and Potential Therapies for CF

CFTR governs a dominant fluid and electrolyte secretory pathway in the nasal airways,
essentially regulating mucociliary clearance (MCC) in airway epithelia (61). This
mucociliary clearance is so important for maintaining healthy sinus mucosa because it
contains vital elements for function, such as ASL (61). There must be a balance of ion
transport across epithelial cell membranes in order to maintain adequate viscosity and
depth in this ASL (61). The CFTR channel transports a high amount of chloride and
bicarbonate to the lower and upper respiratory epithelium (61). If the chloride transport is
disrupted, this could lead to dehydrated ASL and mucus blockage, which is a common
occurrence for patients with CF (61). Mucus stasis is shown in people with chronic rhino
sinusitis, a condition in which the sinuses surrounding the nasal passages become
inflamed or swollen (61). This interferes with drainage and causes mucus to buildup (61).
Results from a 2013 study by Zhang et al show that there are certain potentiators, one
known as Resveratrol, that cause the CFTR channel to have a higher open probability,
thus regulating the mucociliary pathway (61). By changing the CFTR protein itself, the
normal governance of the channel could prevent mucus blockage in the sinuses (61).

In people with dysfunctional CFTR or lack of CFTR protein, CFTR regulation can be
targeted by drugs that act at a site outside the cell on the CFTR protein; these drugs
decrease the function of voltage-dependent blockers or anions, and therefore increase
overall CFTR function in CF patients (9). There are currently potentiatiors, or drugs that
enhance the function of the defective CFTR protein channel. CF-causing mutations
involved in ATP-dependent gating can be corrected by small molecules, which indirectly

change the channel gate via allosteric binding (62). A 2012 study by Eckford et al shows
the use of a drug called VX-770, also known as ivacaftor or kalydeco, which causes the
defective channel to open via a different mechanism, not involving ATP binding and
hydrolysis (62). VX-770 is a small molecule that causes ATP-independent
phosphorylation of CFTR to occur (62). VX-770 binds directly to phosphorylated CFTR
and opens the channel without ATP (62). VX-770 may help patients with mutations that
especially cause disruption to the site of the CFTR protein that ATP would normally bind
to during ATP-dependent phosphorylation (62).

Increasing activity of the CFTR protein could potentially treat CF. A 2011 study by
Ramsey et al shows a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in which VX-770 was
associated with significant improvements in primary and secondary end points in people
with CF who had at least one copy of the G551D-CFTR mutation (63). VX-770 is a
systemic modulator that could affect CFTR function in GI epithelia, contributing to
improved absorption of nutrients in patients with CF; after 48 weeks, patients treated with
VX-770 had gained an average of 2.7 kg more weight than those receiving the placebo
(63). Patients receiving VX-770 were 55% less likely to have a pulmonary exacerbation
than those receiving the placebo over a period of 48 weeks (63). VX-770 was the first
agent to show reduced sweat chloride levels, and it also improved CFTR-mediated ion
transport (63). Ramsey’s study shows that there are drugs that target CFTR dysfunction,
leading to the change in phenotype, and that the CFTR protein is a valid therapeutic
target for the pathophysiology of CF (63).

Mutant CFTR proteins can be studied in a cell-free system where protein interactions are
minimized and ligand concentrations are well controlled (62). The VX-potentiation effect
is mediated via specific binding to the CFTR protein (62). Future work could determine
whether VX-770 may indirectly change the properties of the phospholipid bilayer (62).
There are advantages to allosteric binding rather than directly targeting the active site,
such as having a greater potential for selectivity and also conserving ATP-binding sites
across members of the ABC family of membrane proteins (62). A compound that targets
these active sites, such as VX-770, may have cross-reactivity with different family
members (62). VX-770 works by interacting with a region unique to CFTR and away
from the catalytic site (62). Since it works without ATP, when VX-770 binds with ATP,
an additive effect occurs that stabilizes open conformation and enhances the probability
of opening the channel (62). Essentially, the mechanism of action is to target the defect of
the mutation in the CFTR channel (62). By using purified and reconstituted CFTR and
mutated CFTR proteins, greater precision occurs in targeting the actual pore (62).

VX-770 is also used as a single agent in combination with correctors to target a broad
range of mutations (64). The G551D-CFTR mutation is currently targeting CF in its third
phase trial in 2-5 year olds (64). Data is expected in approximately 300 children in North
America, Europe, and Australia (64). A 2013 Phase 3 study of VX-770 was completed on
patients with R117H mutation, which is a residual and mild form of the CF phenotype;
results indicate an increase in lung function in patients who took the VX-770 drug as
opposed to patients who took the placebo (64, 66). A Phase 2 clinical study of Ivacaftor
in people with residual function mutations other than R117H is being conducted by

Vertex Pharmaceuticals (64). Enrollment for this study is complete and data should be
expected in the summer of 2014 (64). Vertex is preparing to conduct a 12-week study of
a potentiator called VX-661 in combination with Ivacaftor in people with CF who have
two copies of the F508del mutation, and enrollment in this trial will occur in the spring of
2014 (64). Ataluren aims to correct the underlying genetic defect in people with Class I
nonsense mutations of CF; a phase 3 trial will occur, having proven to work better
without tobramycin, a chronic aminoglycoside antibiotic (64). Lynovex is a drug that
treats persistent lung infection in people with CF (64). It uses a new peptide-based
approach that breaks down excessive mucus, penetrates, and kills bacteria in a way that
prevents them from establishing antibiotic-resistant infections. Trials will begin and end
with results in 2014 (64). CF Matters is a collaboration project that aims to develop
personalized antibiotic treatments for CF chest infections, led by Professor Stuart Elborn,
Director of Queen’s Centre for Infection and Immunity (64). This study will contain 252
patients from 7 countries and will use molecular next generation DNA sequencing
methods to detect all the bacteria present in the sputum of CF patients; therefore the study
will determine what antibiotics to use in individual patients (64). This precision in
determination of bacteria in the sputum will occur in order to avoid antibiotic resistance

In contrast to therapies that open the CFTR channels, there are some therapies that block
the opening of this same channel. Open channel blockers are used to block the CFTR
channel from influx and efflux of chloride channels in cells of the body, thus inhibiting
CFTR from functioning if the current function is overactive. These blockers work by
binding to specific sites within the channel pore with high affinity (60). Open channel
blockers are anions, and positively charged amino acid side chains in the CFTR channel
pore help with electrostatic attraction of chloride ions (60). Mutations that eliminate the
positive charge on the lysine side chain significantly reduce the channel blocking affinity
of open channel blockers, such as glibenclamide (60). These open channel blockers all
have different structures, but they share a common blocking mechanism: they are
attracted into the pore by electrostatic attraction between the negative charge on the
blocker and the positive charge on the lysine side chain (60). Once inside the pore, they
bind tightly enough to block the opening and prevent chloride from leaving (60). The
positive charge on the lysine side chain explains the sensitivity of CFTR to anion
blockers because a positive charge is necessary to attract chloride ions and maximize the
rate of conductance (60). This fixed positive charge also attracts all anions in the
cytoplasm, which stay within the vestibule long enough to block the chloride ion passage
into the pore region (60). Because the channel usually secretes chloride and bicarbonate
at hyperpolarized membrane potentials, the channel contains this fixed positive charge to
bind to these anions from the cytoplasm via electrostatic attraction (60). This positive
charge ensures efficient attraction of monovalent anions, but beyond this point, anions
can pass into a narrow uncharged pore region that acts as a size selective filter to stop
larger organic anions from leaving the cell. The pore region probably inhibits anions that
are attracted to the positive charge of the lysine side chain but that are too large to pass
into the narrow pore region (60). These blocking anions are voltage-dependent; open
channel blockers could potentially inhibit CFTR function in people who have unusually
elevated levels of CFTR in their body’s cells (60).

Sodium channel blockers inhibit the sodium channel and improve hydration of airway
surfaces, therefore countering defective CFTR (65). Loop diuretics are used to inhibit the
CFTR channel (65). When added to intracellular solution, loop diuretics inhibit CFTR
chloride currents with potency approaching that of small molecule inhibitors such as
glibenclamide; these inhibitors have structural similarity to loop diuretics (65).

Even with various phenotypic manifestations depending on the area of the body, the
defective CFTR protein itself must be targeted in order to treat the Cystic Fibrosis
disease. In order to increase or decrease the balance of ions in and out of the cells of the
body, the channel pore can be opened or blocked, which could potentially provide many
avenues for future drugs and research. These current drugs are being administered along
with therapies in order to find ways to eliminate phenotypic manifestations via the CFTR
channel, which is the main defect causing CF. This one channel in the cell affects the
whole body, and this realization is a milestone.

In conclusion, cystic fibrosis is a disease that has wide phenotypic variability. It has been
proven that mutations in the CFTR gene are the underlying cause of the defect that results
in CF. Five classes of mutations were found to be the main causes of the defective CFTR
gene that causes CF, some being more common mutations than others. Studies
underscore the lack of CFTR protein and its cause of an imbalance of chloride and
sodium conductance in the channel. An imbalance of water and salt in regions of the
body cause mucus buildup and airway blockage. Animal models show the manifestation
of the disease in areas of the body such as the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract,
representing an elevated immune response from the blood of these areas of the body.
These studies show the complexity of CF in the body’s need for both adaptive and innate
immune system responses. Transcriptional regulation and post-translational modifications
were studied in order to retrace the steps of the CFTR protein processing and to show that
the dysfunction of the gene occurs as early as the conversion from gene to protein, and
that there are ways to correct for this or cause it by targeting these stages. Gene modifiers
have been found to both aid and inhibit the effects of defective CFTR gene function,
providing substantial evidence that the CFTR protein is the main regulator of CF, but also
showing that there are other factors involved. Finally, therapies that enhance and inhibit
the function of normal CFTR protein are currently being employed depending on the
extent of the phenotype and its manifestations. Drugs target the defective protein
alongside therapies based on the amount of functioning CFTR in the cells in order to
maintain homeostasis of the body. By analyzing the defective CFTR protein and its
causes, as well as phenotypic manifestations of CF, I have come to understand the
importance of the CFTR protein and its role in conductance in the human body.


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with CF who have the R117H Mutation. Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated.

Table Legend

Table 1: Mutation Classes and their Characteristics

Class Worldwide CFTR Protein Outcome Severity of Phenotype
I 10% No CFTR High
II 70% Defective Processing High
III 2-3% Defective Regulation High
IV <2% Altered Conductance Reduced
V <1% Reduced Synthesis Reduced

Figure Legend

Figure 1: The Structure of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator


Figure 2: Normal CFTR Conductance

Figure 3: Defective CFTR Conductance

Figure 4: Immunity

Table Text

Table 1: Mutation Classes and their Characteristics

This table shows the four main classes of mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis
Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Gene. The first three represent the most severe
phenotype or clinical manifestations of the disease, and this is due to no CFTR, or
defective CFTR processing or regulation. The second two classes of mutations show a
difference in that they cause altered conductance, and less CFTR is made overall; these
produce less severe phenotypic manifestations and are also less common in CF patients.

Figure Text

Figure 1: The Structure of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator

This figure shows the CFTR protein and its domains. It is a glycoprotein consisting of
two membrane-spanning domains, two nucleotide-binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2)
that bind and hydrolyze ATP, and a regulatory (R) domain that gates the channel by
phosphorylation. It is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter composed of five
domains: two transmembrane domains (TMD11/TMD2) that form the channel pore, one
regulatory domain (R), and two nucleotide binding domains (NBD1/NBD2).
Phosphorylation of the R domain by protein kinase A and recruitment of ATP to the
nucleotide binding domains NBD1 and NBD2 causes opening of the channel. These
domains bind and open to the channel pore. In other words when ATP binds at the
interface between NBD1 and NBD2, the channel conforms to be open. When ATP
hydrolyzes, the NBDs dissociate to close the channel, and ATP activity thus promotes a
dissociation of the NBDs, causing the channel to close. This is the overall process of
“gating” occurring to open and close the channel, and it allows for the necessary chloride
transport and conductance in and out of the cell.
MSD=membrane spanning domain
NBD=nucleotide-binding domain

Figure 2: Normal CFTR Conductance

This figure shows that when the chloride channel is functional, it causes efflux of
chloride ions out of the cell, thus regulating the balance of ions and keeping the
mucociliary clearance system of the airways intact.

Figure 3: Defective CFTR Conductance

When the CFTR channel is dysfunctional, chloride ions cannot properly leave the cell,
causing a lack of appropriate conductance and a buildup of viscous mucous in the
airways. This figure shows a chloride channel that is closed and thus acts as a locked gate
for mucociliary clearance.

Figure 4: Immunity
This figure shows the divide between innate and adaptive immune responses in the body
and the main cells that are involved in the immune response. The innate immune system
includes the release of leukocytes, or white blood cells, which then target areas of the
body that are infected and lead to a cycle of infection and inflammation in patients with
CF. The adaptive immune system involves B and T cells, which are antigen-specific and
require a response from specific antibodies for effective pathogenic clearance, and are
seen in higher levels in CF patients.


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