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Pham Hong Giang

This Independent Study Manuscript Presented to

The Graduate School of Bangkok University
in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Business Administration

© 2016

Pham Hong Giang

All Right Reserved

Hong Giang, P. M.B.A, February 2016, Graduate School, Bangkok University.

The Study of Factors that Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions towards Top

Three Fast Food Brands Including Kfc, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in HoChiMinh City,

Vietnam (86 pp.)

Advisor: Sumas Wongsunopparat, Ph.D.


This research intends to investigate and identify factors that influence

consumer purchasing decisions towards top three fast food brands including KFC,

Pizza Hut and Lotteria in HoChiMinh city, Vietnam. The objectives of the studies are

to understand fast food consumer behavior as well as examine factors affecting

purchase intension towards fast food in Vietnam. It is a quantitative study using self-

administered questionnaire which is randomly distributed at shopping complex,

supermarket, stores in HoChiMinh city, Vietnam. The sample size is 400 respondents

who live in HoChiMinh, regularly consume fast food. The surveys reliability was

tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient in which showed 0.966 (very high reliability

level). The data analysis process for this research is analyzed by SPSS statistic

program and present in table format with explanation on each. Several methods were

used to analyze statistics such as frequency and percentage, cross tabulation and

multinomial logistic regression was used to test hypotheses.

Keywords: KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.



I would like to thank Dr. Sumas Wongsunopparat for the kindness and support

he has shown during the past year it has taken me to finalize this Independent Study.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my parents for their endless love and support. I

would like to thank Mr. Jack as well for his assistance and guidance with this paper.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Bangkok University for the support for my


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me

the possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude I give to my supervisor Dr.

Sumas, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped me

to coordinate my project especially in writing this report.




ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study .............................................................................1

1.2 Top Three Fast Food brands in Vietnam .....................................................3

1.2.1 KFC Brand ....................................................................................3

1.2.2 Pizza Hut Brand ............................................................................3

1.2.3 Lotteria Brand ...............................................................................3

1.3 Problem Statement .......................................................................................4

1.4 Aims of the Study ........................................................................................5

1.5 Research Questions ......................................................................................5

1.6 Research Scopes...........................................................................................6

1.7 The Layout of The study ..............................................................................6

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................8

2.1 Definition of Fast Food ................................................................................8

2.2 The Theory of Purchasing Behavior ............................................................8

2.3 Choice Theory............................................................................................12

2.4 Marketing Mix Theory (7Ps) .....................................................................13

2.5 Brand Equity Theory..................................................................................16




CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW (Continued) .................................................19

2.6 Previous Related Researches .....................................................................19

2.6.1 Theory of Reasoned Action – TRA ............................................19

2.6.2 Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB ............................................20

2.6.3 Model of Purchase Intention .......................................................21

2.7 Theoretical Framework ..............................................................................22

2.8 Hypotheses .................................................................................................24

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................31

3.1 Research design .........................................................................................31

3.2 Population and Samples .............................................................................31

3.3 Research Instruments .................................................................................32

3.4 Research Reliability ...................................................................................36

3.5 Data Collection ..........................................................................................37

3.6 Multinomial Logistic Regression ...............................................................38

3.7 Statistic for Data Analysis .........................................................................39

CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS .............................................................41

4.1 The analysis of demographic and general information of samples............41

4.2 The analysis of marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity ...................................46

4.2.1 Findings of hypotheses testing for Marketing mix (7Ps) ............48

4.2.2 Findings of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity ........................60

4.3 The analysis of customer behavior ............................................................62




CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ..................................................69

5.1 Conclusion and discussion .........................................................................71

5.2 Recommendation for Future Research.......................................................75

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................76

APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................78


LICENSE AGREEMENT ...........................................................................................86




Table 1: Level of Information Measurement and Criteria ...........................................33

Table 2: The Result of Cronbach’s Alpha Test with 30 Try-out Questionnaires ........37

Table 3: Frequency and Percentage of General Information; The most favorite fast

food brand ........................................................................................................42

Table 4: Cross tabulation of General Information; Always choose the favorite brand


Table 5: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Gender ...................................................43

Table 6: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Age ........................................................44

Table 7: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Profession..............................................45

Table 8: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Marital status.........................................45

Table 9: Likelihood Ratio Tests ...................................................................................46

Table 10: Finding of hypotheses testing for Product in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC) .48

Table 11: Finding of hypotheses testing for Product in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza

Hut) ..................................................................................................................50

Table 12: Finding of hypotheses testing for Price in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC) .....51

Table 13: Finding of hypotheses testing for Price in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza Hut)


Table 14: Finding of hypotheses testing for Place in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC) .....52

Table 15: Finding of hypotheses testing for Place in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza Hut)


Table 16: Finding of hypotheses testing for Promotion in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)


LIST OF TABLES (Continued)


Table 17: Finding of hypotheses testing for Promotion in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza


Table 18: Finding of hypotheses testing for Process in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC) .55

Table 19: Finding of hypotheses testing for Process in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza

Hut) ..................................................................................................................56

Table 20: Finding of hypotheses testing for Physical Environment in Marketing mix

(7Ps) (KFC) ......................................................................................................57

Table 21: Finding of hypotheses testing for Physical Environmental in Marketing mix

(7Ps) (Pizza Hut) ..............................................................................................58

Table 22: Finding of hypotheses testing for People in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC) ...58

Table 23: Finding of hypotheses testing for People in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza

Hut) ..................................................................................................................59

Table 24: Finding of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity (KFC)...............................60

Table 25: Finding of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity (Pizza Hut) .......................61

Table 26: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Eat at home (or) outside ..............62

Table 27: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Eat fast food with ........................62

Table 28: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Spend for fast food each time .....63

Table 29: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Frequency of purchasing fast food


Table 30: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Suitable meal ..............................65

Table 31: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Favorite taste ...............................66

Table 32: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Fast food fit well with lifestyle ...66

Table 33: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Personal desire effect on

purchasing fast food brands. ............................................................................67




Figure 1 : Consumer Buying Process.............................................................................9

Figure 2 : Three Levels of 7Ps model ..........................................................................14

Figure 3 : Brand Equity Model (Source: David Aaker 1991) ......................................17

Figure 4 : Model of Reasoned Action – TRA (Fishbein, M. &Ajzen 1975) ...............20

Figure 5 : Model of Planned Behavior – TPB .............................................................20

Figure 6 : Model of Theory About Signal Brand .........................................................21

Figure 7 : Conceptual Model of Purchase Intention ....................................................21

Figure 8 : Research Framework ...................................................................................23




1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, with the developing society and people's living standards is

raising, the human life span has also increased. Therefore, people have more new

demands of life and one of them is the timing issue. The consumption of time for

daily activities includes many things in that may include the human meal. In addition

to being delicious, have enough quality to guarantee health, it must require less time.

This leads to contribute to promoting the establishment and development of fast food

system over the world.

According to market research firm IBISWorld, the total revenue of the fast

food restaurant industry generated approximately 191 billion U.S. dollars in 2013.

And in 2012, Yum! Brands who is the parent company of fast-food chains KFC, Pizza

Hut and Taco Bell, has earned 1.1 billion dollars in profits outside the United States

accounted for 70% of total revenue (IBISWorld, 2012). And in 10 emerging markets,

with a million people, Yum! Brands will build two fast food outlets. Meanwhile,

according to a survey of 14.134 consumers in 28 countries by the end of 2012 showed

that Asia is the market of fast food consumption hottest growth in the world (Nielsen,

2012). With only the Asia Pacific region has 30% of consumers go to eat outside at

least 1 time / week. Specifically, the percentage of the population eat outside family at

least 1 week/time is Hong Kong 61%, Malaysia 59%, Philippines 54%, Singapore

50% (Nielsen, 2012).


Vietnam with over 90 million inhabitants, of which 65% are young people

under the age of 35 and the economic growth rate in 2016 is expected to reach 9.5% is

attractive markets business conglomerates formula fast food (CIA, 2015). Currently,

apart from the fast food brand has been active abroad for many years, the fast food

market in Vietnam also began a fairly active. The presence of fast-food brands in the

country, as well as other foreign investors prepared penetration, making the fast food

market in Vietnam increasingly diverse and multiple options. Therefore, habits and

tastes of consumers will change. Therefore, the fast food chain store decorated space

should follow different groups including family space, friend space, to entice a large

range of clients, diversity ages.

In Vietnam, since fast food shops first appeared in Vietnam in 1994 (Chicken

Texas on Nguyen Trai Street, District 1), so far appeared fast food chain stores,

according to the European style, America, Asia mixed with the habits Vietnam

cuisine. Besides the hamburger, fried chicken, potato Cajun sauces with rice, cabbage

salad and corn salad, fast food market has currently in Vietnam is going on the

competition's extreme of his big three are KFC, Lotteria and Pizza Hut.

In Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), on major routes have dense fast food outlets.

Each brand has its own strengths in order to please the guests. Most shops are located

in the corner of the spacious, attracting all glances. The foreign fast food when

entering Vietnam is processed "localized" in line with the taste of people.

Therefore the topic "The study of factors that influence consumer

purchasing decisions towards top three fast food brands including KFC, Pizza

Hut and Lotteria in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam" is very important and necessary.

1.2 Top Three Fast Food brands in Vietnam

1.2.1 KFC Brand

KFC is the phrase stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC famous over the

world with Orginal Recipe traditional chicken processing, created by the same secret

recipe mix between 11 spices and various herbs.

Owns 20,000 restaurants in 109 countries and territories worldwide, KFC

brought a great taste made from fresh chicken. In Vietnam, KFC has 136 stores, 68

own stores in HoChiMinh, large and small (FTA Research and Consultant). Each

place brings a cozy atmosphere, hot chicken flavor, spicy, crispy. Also KFC has many

promotions with attractive special price.

1.2.2 Pizza Hut Brand

Pizza Hut (also known under the name Pizza Hut, Inc.) is an American

restaurant chain is the international franchise specializing in providing dishes from

pizza with different styles, along with the side dishes including pasta, beef thigh,

breadsticks, and garlic bread. Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands.

Appearing for the first time in Vietnam since 2007, until now Pizza Hut has

confirmed strong position with large network throughout the land of the letter S,

especially with the system 19 Pizza restaurant located in Ho Chi Minh potential and


1.2.3 Lotteria Brand

Lotteria is the fast food chain stores first appeared in Japan in 1972, has now

developed in many East Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, ...

Lotteria imitated style bread McDonald's hamburger but famous as specialties created

its own brand for the shrimp burger in 1977.


Imported into Vietnam market in 2004, far Lotteria has a solid foothold in the

fast food market in here. With the continuous promotion of the unique, Lotteria

always attract attention and customer choice.

1.3 Problem Statement

In Vietnam, the number of fast food consumption increased mainly in urban

areas, especially in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) where developing day by day and

people have a better conditions, this reflects the overall growth and improved to life

thanks to the developing economies.

According to a market survey of fast food in big cities by the company Market

Research online W&S announced the end of 2012, the brands of fast food such as

KFC, Lotteria, Pizza Hut were the most used in Vietnam market (W&S Group, 2012).

The survey results of 272 people from 16 years old and up showed that the subjects

are studied go to fast food outlets at least 1 time in 3 months. In particular, the

customers from 24-29 ages are a group have highest rate in using fast food. Type of

fast food has many advantages such as convenience, product diversity and can meet

the demands of youth in space friendly, youthful. Under the common development,

fast food consumption trends will continue to growing in the future, especially in the

youth. These figures showed that the strong growth of the fast food market, the

number of sellers and buyers are increasing rapidly.

Currently, the fast food market in Vietnam in general is ongoing competition

of extreme of his three big as KFC, Lotteria and Pizza Hut. Meanwhile, the

Vietnamese fast food brand is quite rare with Pho 24, Vietmac, and Wrap & Roll. In

order to contribute to finding new solutions for Vietnamese enterprises on the fast

food market, the author will conduct dissertation research "the study of factors that

influence consumer purchasing decisions towards top three fast food brands

including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam" based on

research on consumer behavior about fast food has been conducted by many authors

on the world and published several models related to using behavior of fast food and

some studies have been done in Vietnam.

1.4 Aims of the Study

To clarify the main objective, the research conducted two targets following


1. Identify the Factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions

towards top three fast food brands including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in

HCMC, Vietnam.

2. To understanding fast food consumer behavior in Vietnam.

1.5 Research Questions

To achieve these objectives the study, the research question was posed as


(1) What factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions towards

top three fast food brands including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in HCMC,


(2) The degree of impact these factors that influence consumer

purchasing decisions towards top three fast food brands including KFC, Pizza

Hut and Lotteria in HCMC, Vietnam.

(3) From the result, how to apply it to develop marketing strategies for

a brand in the market.


1.6 Research Scopes

- The scope of content

This study surveys factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions and

investigates the relation of independent variables and purchase decision towards top

three fast food brands in Vietnam including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

- The scope of methodology is quantitative.

- The scope of sample population: The survey is implemented by distributing a

self-administered questionnaire such as shopping complex, supermarket, store

in HCMC where have KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria brands and the sample size

is 400 respondents being consuming fast food living in HCMC, Vietnam.

1.7 The Layout of The study

Following is the chapter’s plan of this research:

Chapter 1: Introduction: In this first chapter of the research, following are the

main sections: background of the research, problem statement, objectives and aims,

research questions and scopes of the research.

Chapter 2: Literature Review: This chapter introduces the theoretical basis

and model studies of decision making by consumers and the Factors that influence

consumer purchasing decisions towards top three fast food brands including KFC,

Pizza Hut and Lotteria in HCMC, Vietnam. The previous studies are on the factors

affecting the use of fast-food consumers in the country and abroad. Combined with

the current status of business fast food market in Vietnam, the author proposes a

research model and hypotheses.


Chapter 3: Methodology: In this chapter of the research, the methodology

applied in research is described and discussed in the forms of research design,

research method and the research hypothesis.

Chapter 4: Finding and Analysis: This chapter discusses and provides

explanation for the research methodology and data analysis used in this study. This

chapter explains how to handle research data and analytical results.

Chapter 5: Conclusion: The concluding remarks are the practical significance

of the topic and propose some solutions applied research results into practice,

limitations and proposed topics subsequent studies.




2.1 Definition of Fast Food

Fast food is a general term is used for a restricted menu of food about the

amount of food were cooked in a technical process (Bender, 1995). According to Data

Moniter's (2005), fast food is defined as the sale of food or beverages is an immediate

way for consumers eat at the store or take away. In Vietnam, the most fast food shops

commonly known the consumer are KFC, Jollibee, Loteria, and Pizza Hut. According

to Franchise Direct in 2011: "Fast food shops" where packaged food production to

serve immediately. The fast food restaurant will "produce" the dish in a job chain

from order processing to serve (Sharma et al., 2005). The fast-food dishes mainly

hamburger (bagels inside clamp cheese, meat, and vegetables), pasta, chicken, and

drinks are fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7Up…

2.2 The Theory of Purchasing Behavior

Consumer behavior is a process that involves the personal choice of

purchasing, using or abandoning the products, services, ideas, or experiences to meet

the needs and wants itself (Solomon, 1998). Consumers are defined as any individual;

of all ages participate in the process. According to Solomon (1998), buying behavior

of consumers is the behavior that occurs when a consumer decides to buy a product. It

is an internal thought process (a process often called buying process) and it starts

when consumers recognize a need or desire to buy something, the study of factors

before purchase and include the following actions when the consumer purchase

experience consider before deciding whether to use products / services again in the

future (Destiny, Cheuk Man LUI, 2012).

The theory of the five-step process to decide to purchase the most widely used

is the theory developed by Kotler. According to this theory, the behavior of the buyer

is a fairly linear process with a beginning and a clear end point, as shown in Figure

1.This process helps people make marketing work better understand customer and

consumer behavior.

Figure 1 : Consumer Buying Process

Researches on consumer decisions in the traditional way can help people

better understand consumer behavior and the reasons for making their purchasing

decisions. This is also important for marketers to understand the decision-making

process of consumers online. Consumers expect different online services at various

stages, such as gathering information on stores, compare products - service and

customer support services online. The process of online purchasing decisions can be

classified into three stages, namely: building trust, the online shopping experience,

and needs after purchase.

The entire process of purchasing decisions of consumers includes five stages,

namely: Problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase

decision, and post-purchase behavior. In this study, the focus will be placed on four

first stage is to research the intentions and attitudes of online consumers. The last

phase post-purchase behavior will not be discussed in detail in this study.


(1) Problem recognition

The trend of the consumer is to solve a problem depends on the degree of

difference between the desired and actual situation related. Problem recognition may

be the causes are caused by intrinsic factors such as consumer's financial situation and

the advertisements also. Advertising on the internet can be used in activating the

needs of consumers. Therefore, online sellers can capture potential customers at this

stage by anticipating the needs and problems of consumers.

(2) Information search

When consumers have demanded, they will begin collecting information to

solve problems that needs. This is very important for online sellers for help

salespeople know and understand the process of online purchasing decisions and

focus on how to attract consumers who are looking for information and supply giving

them the information they wanted. The researchers had previously said that the use of

the Internet have a positive impact on online shopping behavior of consumers and

intend to shop online (Dennis C., B. Harris L., and Sandhu, 2002). Potential online

customers to use the internet as a basis for collecting information and they tend to

have a positive attitude towards online shopping. Research by Citrin and partners

(2000) also suggested that creative consumers will impact on their propensity to shop

online directly. So in the information search stage, the creativity of consumers and

the way they use Internet affect positively to the online shopping behavior of

consumers (TakKee HUI and David WAN, 2004).

(3) Evaluation of alternatives

Whenhaving enough information necessary for the purchase, consumers will

assess between different alternatives among that information to make purchasing


decisions. In the traditional purchase decision process, consumers evaluate

alternatives by evaluating the performance of the product or service; consider the cost

of a purchase, the relevant factors that affect to purchase as social norms and

relationships with others and how the products are related to their individual (Jobber

D., 1998). As consumers evaluate alternatives in the online shopping process, the

safety of the transaction is also very important and has an impact on consumers'


(4) Purchase decision

After the evaluation phase of alternatives, consumers have rated the selected

item. There are two factors affecting between evaluation stages and purchasing

decisions. The first is the attitude of others, loved ones, friends and colleagues of the

reference group may change the ranking of the selected item even if the consumer had

intended to buy. Secondly, there may be some situations factor affecting products may

suddenly raise or other needs more pressing. However, online shopping is often done

in a more private environment to the influence of others may be reduced at the time of

purchase decision. Even if a consumer has decided to exact product they will buy, still

have some sub decisions in a purchase decision is made. The sub decisions include

price range, the point of sale, time of purchase, quantity purchased, and payment


Despite all the theories about the recognition of the needs, searching for

information and evaluation as the basis for the decision to buy, there are some

situations cannot apply the theory above. This phenomenon is called impulse

shopping or impulsive shopping. Impulsive shopping occurs when consumers decide

to purchase based on impulse and their momentary feelings. Factors affecting impulse

shopping decisions are the personal standard that consumer has set for himself. If

consumers have set goals and targets certain, they will know exactly what they want,

so they are less likely to impulse shopping. The second is self-control. The third and

most important, the needs of consumers change. Even when the two components are

not affected, if they change their mind before, it will change buying decisions.

2.3 Choice Theory

According to the William Glasser Institute (2010), choice theory was

developed by Dr. William Glasser in the 1960’s which mention that choice theory

psychology is a new enlightenment of human behavior (The Glasser Institue Ireland,

n.d). According to Glasser’s theory (1998), choice theory emphasizes:

- Whatever we do is behave (both good and bad), all behaviors are chosen.

- We are internally motivated, not externally motivated by the world around us.

- If we are upset, unhappy that is because we choose behave like that.

- In the past, we are not victims otherwise we choose to be.

- We are never constantly seeking to live in our quality world (people, things,

activities, values and beliefs).

According to choice theory of Glasser (1998) shows that we choose

everything we do, it expresses that behavior is a constant attempt to satisfy one or

more of our five basic needs include: First is survival, this means people need to eat,

to drink, warm clothes, shelter…The second is to love and belonging, it is about our

relationship such as friendships, work, family or social that we belong to. Third is to

be powerful, people like to achieve things have status feel worthwhile such as victory

feeling, and have respect from others. Fourth is to be freedom, it is about our need for

independence. And the last one is to have fun, this is gives us contentment and

enjoyment. These needs are thought to be inborn and we are responsible for the

choices we make.

Basic concepts of choice theory: 10 Axioms.

1. There is only one person that we can control behavior is ourselves.

2. Information is all what we can get from other. How we solve that

information is our choice or their choice.

3. All long-lasting psychological problems are relationship problems.

4. Nowadays, the problem relationship is a part of life.

5. What happened in the past that was hurting has a great deal to do with

what we are today, but rethink this painful past contributes a little bit,

therefore what we need to do now is improve an important relationship.

6. We can only satisfy our needs by satisfying the all things in our

Quality World.

7. Whatever we do is behave.

8. All behavior is Total Behavior and is composed four components:

acting, thinking, feeling and physiology.

9. We can only control our feeling and physiology indirectly by how we

choose to act and think.

10. All total behavior is nominated by verbs and named by the part that is

the most recognizable.

2.4 Marketing Mix Theory (7Ps)

The 7Ps model is a marketing model that modifies the 4Ps model. The 7Ps is

generally used in the service industries. 7Ps Marketing model is one of the theories

advanced trends in the marketing status of corporate governance and organizational



LEVEL 3 > P7

LEVEL 2 > P5 P6
People Process

P1 P2 P3 P4
Product Price Place Promotion



Figure 2 : Three Levels of 7Ps Model

7Ps model consists of 3 levels: level 1 is "4P" means 4 basic elements of

marketing management. That group of solution (or strategic) Products, from concept

to product manufacturing, in that product definition is a set of benefits; The next

group is the solution Price, from the cost of distribution of discounting and consumer

prices; Next is the solution for the distribution and sales, and eventual solutions

Promotion of brand products.

- Product: A product is an item that is produced or built to meet consumer

needs and satisfaction of a certain group of people. The product can be tangible or

intangible objects (goods or service).


- Price: The price of the product is the level of money that a customer pays for

buying a product. Price is also a very important component of the marketing mix

definition as it determines your firm's survival and profit.

- Place: Place or distribution is very important part of the product mix

definition which be used to transfer products from the manufacturers to end users, or

who can be industrial users in B2C or B2B.

There are many distribution strategies, including: Exclusive, intensive,

selective distribution and franchising.

- Promotion: Promotion is an important component of marketing as defines

seller’s effort to encourage consumers to buy more products then it can boost brand

recognition and sales. Promotion is comprised of various elements like:

o Sales Organization: is one of popular activities in nowadays

because it can be attracting brands, consumers and measurable with the

amount of participants. (Wongmontha, 1999).

o Direct marketing: is communicate directly towards consumers

via mail order or catalogue sales.

o Public Relations: is to increasing brand image or company

reputation through press releases, sponsorship deals, seminars or exhibitions

and conferences.

o Advertising.

o Sales Promotion.

o Personal Selling.

- People: People are important in marketing because the company's employees

related directly to the business. Therefore, to become the successful business that is

important to hire and train the right employees to deliver superior service to customer.

- Process: Process is comprised of various elements like:

o Especially relevant to service industries.

o How are services consumed?

- Physical environment: This is comprised of various elements like:

o Facilities.

o Infrastructure.

o Service delivery.

2.5 Brand Equity Theory

Brand equity is understood as the unique value that the brand brings to the

stakeholders (business itself, customers, shareholders, employees ...). When talking

about brand equity, it is interested in two aspects. First, the perceived value is the

emotions, the feelings of consumers to the brand. Second, the financial value of

consumer behavior - they choose to use the brand of the organization or are


Figure 3 : Brand Equity Model

According to Aaker (1991), a strong brand is a well-known brand (brand

awareness), seen as a good product (Perceived quality), loyal (brand loyalty) and get

the brand associations (brand association) to create the different.

But in this study, the author just discussed in detail about brand awareness, brand

quality, brand loyalty and brand reputation.

1. Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the possibility that a potential customer can get to know,

or is reminiscent of a brand. Buyers often choose the brand they already know

because they feel more secure and comfortable. As a routine, the brand is well known

to more reliable and better quality (Aaker, 1991). The brand awareness is very

important for consumer items, where each when purchasing goods, the brand is often

planned in advance. In this case, the brand is not known will not have the opportunity

to choose.

This attribute can be measured by the following indicators ladder:

• Top of mind: Referring to the first time when it comes to product


• Brand recall: They are able to think of brand and products of the

brand without suggest or recommend.

• Brand recognition: They are able to think of brand after suggesting

them some information related the brand.

• Unaware of brand: Means consumers never know that brand before.

2. Brand Quality

Perceived value, which is the difference between the total value consumers

receive and the value they expect from a product when deciding to buy at a certain


A brand often accompanied by an overall feel of the customers on product

quality. Brand quality will directly influence purchase decisions and customer loyalty,

especially in cases where the buyer does not have time or cannot thoroughly

researched product features before buying. Brand quality, and support for the

identification of a high-price policy will therefore create more profits for reinvestment

in branding.

3. Brand Loyalty

According to the Pareto rule (1896) is usually applied many fields so the 20%

of customers will bring 80% of profits for the business. The strongest brands are

being recognized and guaranteed by the "fans" is. And add to that, the new clients

seeking a far costlier than maintaining old customers. This is particularly important in

markets where the transition to using the products of competitors more easily. For a

loyal customer base, the company has been a huge benefit that customers will be

introduced and persuaded family and friends use the company's products.

In addition, brand loyalty will make competitors frustrated in trying to entice

new customers because of the cost that they would spend so large that it does not

effectively bringing high.

It can be asserted that customer loyalty is the greatest asset of a brand.

4. Brand Reputation

Brand reputation refers to how a particular brand as the overall quality or

character as viewed by others in general. When consumers trust your company, and

always feel good about purchasing your services or goods mean there is a favorable

brand reputation. On the other hand, an unfavorable brand reputation will cause

consumers to distrust your company and be hesitant about purchasing your products

or services.

2.6 Previous Related Researches

2.6.1 Theory of Reasoned Action – TRA

Theory of Reasoned Action TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) shows that the

combination of the components of the attitude in a structure designed to anticipate and

better analysis of consumer behavior in society based on two fundamental concepts:

(1) The attitude of consumers towards the implementation of acts.

(2) The subjective norm of consumer.

The attitude of the TRA can be considered as the model of multi-attribute

behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).


Figure 4 : Model of Reasoned Action – TRA

2.6.2 Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB

Figure 5 : Model of Planned Behavior – TPB

The model TRA was a limitation when forecasting the performance of

behaviors which humans have no control over. Since in this case, the elements of

attitudes toward implementation behavior and subjective norm of them are not enough

explanation by their actions. Ajzen investigation was completed model TRA by

adding elements of perceived behavioral control on model.


Figure 6 : Model of Theory about Signal Brand

Erdem and Swait (1998) consider the imperfect and asymmetric information

of market affects attitudes and behavior of consumers how, led to the appropriate

approach in terms of awareness and signal aspect for the consumer behavior, as well

as emphasizing the role of trustworthiness and expertise in explaining the perceived

quality and perceived risk of human.

2.6.3 Model of Purchase Intention

Figure 7 : Conceptual Model of Purchase Intention


Based on the model of Zeithaml (1998) assumed price and brand are two

important elements of perceived quality and the positive impact of consumer trends.

Dodds, Monroe, Grewal 1991 were built a model to checking the relationship directly

and indirectly among exogenous factors (price, brand, store name) to assess buyer's

product about factors related to perception and have an impact on consumption trends.

Research shows that important roles of the value that consumers perceive. This value

may promote or hinder select a brand because this value is the result of received

quality and cost was spent of the consumer.

2.7 Theoretical Framework

According to Cuma (2001), price, health issues will greatly affect to

consumption of fast food. And follow M. Iqbal Zafar (2002), factors influence to fast

food consumer behavior in Pakistan are: the amount of spending on fast food,

product's information, feeling about fast food (delicious, taste...), a type of fast food

that consumers often use, price, appreciate the style of serving staff. Meanwhile,

research by Van (2010) pointed out that convenience, taste, health, television is the

main reason to choose fast food. Pattaraporn (2011) theorized that demographic

factors, psychological factors, and the marketing mix (7Ps) are the factors that

influence selection of fast food, in that the major factors have a big impact to fast food

such as the happiness while using fast food, the members in family like fast food, fast

food is the modern consumer's style, reasonable price, price variety, packaging,

quality prices, promotional discounts. In Vietnam, the study by Luu (2011) shows that

the quality, hygiene and food safety are an important group of factors influence

consumer behavior canned food originating from China, followed by price and utility

products and feel of the product (presentation packaging, nutrition), consumer habits

and approaches.

After research some model research on consumer behavior of fast food, the

author suggested the theoretical framework as follow:

Figure 8 : Research Framework


2.8 Hypotheses

After considering the theories, the research problem and objective for thus

study, these are the following hypothesis:

H1o: Product does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in

Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1a: Product significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.1o: Taste delicious does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.1a: Taste delicious significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.2o: Product diversity does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.2a: Product diversity significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.3o: Packaging and attractive product presentation does not

influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on

KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.3a: Packaging and attractive product presentation significantly

influences consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on

KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.4o: Quality does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria


H1.4a: Quality significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.5o: Product information does not influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H1.5a: Product information significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2o: Price does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in

Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2a: Price significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR

in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.1o: Reasonable price does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.1a: Reasonable price significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.2o: Variety of price does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.2a: Variety of price significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.3o: Lower price does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H2.3o: Lower price significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3o: Place does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in

Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.


H3a: Place significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR

in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3.1o: Number of outlets does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3.1a: Number of outlets significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3.2o: Convenience to go, easy to find does not influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and


H3.2a: Convenience to go, easy to find significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC,

Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3.3o: Size of restaurant does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H3.3a: Size of restaurant significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4o: Promotion does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR

in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4a: Promotion significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.1o: Regular gifts do not influence consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.1a: Regular gifts significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.2o: Discount promotion does not influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.2a: Discount promotion significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.3o: Delivery does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H4.3a: Delivery significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5o: Process does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in

Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5a: Process significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5.1o: Modern processing technology does not influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and


H5.1a: Modern processing technology significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC,

Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5.2o: Serve quickly does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5.2a: Serve quickly does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5.3o: Saving time does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H5.3a: Saving time significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6o: Physical environment does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6a: Physical environment significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6.1o: Cleanliness does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6.1a: Cleanliness significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6.2o: Design, decoration does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6.2a: Design, decoration significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H6.3o: Modern full service facility does not influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and


H6.3a: Modern full service facility significantly influences consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and


H7o: People do not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in

Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H7a: People significantly influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR

in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.


H7.1o: Keener and enthusiastic staff does not influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and


H7.1a: Keener and enthusiastic staff significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC,

Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H7.2o: Friendly employee does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H7.2a: Friendly employee significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H7.3o: Skill and Credibility does not influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H7.3a: Skill and Credibility significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8o: Brand equity does not influence consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8a: Brand equity significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.1o: Brand Awareness does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.1a: Brand Awareness significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.2o: Brand reputation does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.2a: Brand reputation significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.3o: Brand Loyalty does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.3a: Brand Loyalty significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.4o: Brand Quality does not influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

H8.4a: Brand Quality significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.



In this chapter, it presents the discussion on research and the methodology be

used. It also discusses description of the research design, population and samples,

research instrument, research reliability, data collection and statistic for data analysis.

3.1 Research design

The study pursues the quantitative method because its output is derived from a

great deal of primary data which makes it more solid and measurable (Qualitative and

Quantitative Research, n.d.). The sampling method is convenience sampling, which is

a measurement in non-probability sampling category. The survey is implemented by

distributing a self-administered questionnaire such as shopping complex, supermarket,

and store in HCMC where KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria brands have. According to

Gingery (2011), answering without skilled interviewers probably mislead respondents

in some points.

3.2 Population and Samples


Population from this study identified as the customers from KFC, Pizza Hut

and Lotteria which are located in HCMC, Vietnam.

Sample and Sample Size

A sample from this study is customers from KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria,

which are located in HCMC, Vietnam; however the population in this study is infinite

population. So, according to Pongwichai (2009), the researcher will determine sample

size by applying an equation at confidences level of 95% and precision levels = 0.05.

Sample size (n) = .

Where e = the level of precision (= 0.05 at the confidence level of 95%)

Z = 1.96 at the confidence level of 95%. The value for Z is found in statistical

tables which contain the area under the normal curve.

Applied the fomular: (n) = ( )

= 385 customers
( )

Therefore, the sample size in this study is 385 people who are the customers

from KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria, which are located in HoChiMinh, Vietnam.

Nevertheless, this study compares relationship of marketing mix, brand name and

customer behavior among three different fast food brands in HoChiMinh, Vietnam,

consequently the researcher extended the margin of error by adding up sample size

sample to 400 customers.

3.3 Research Instruments

The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument to collect data in order to

examine and identify what aspects within the marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity and

customer behavior that help contribute to purchasing decision. The questionnaire

consists of four parts as followed:

Part 1: Comprise of general information and demographics: Such as gender,

age, profession, status, the most favorite fast food brand, factors… The questions are

close-ended questionnaire and the answer to each question is a check list type with a

total number of 7 questions and the 1 question is in Likert Scale to the checking

influence level of factors.


Table 1: Level of Information Measurement and Criteria

Variable Level of Measurement Criteria Classification

1. Have you ever Nominal 1. Yes

consumer fast food 2. No

2. The most favorite fast Nominal 1. KFC

food brand 2. Pizza Hut

3. Lotteria

3. Do you always choose Nominal 1. Yes

the brand that you 2. No

always like?

4. Gender Nominal 1. Male

2. Female

5. Age Scale 1. Below 15 years

2. 15-25 years

3. 26-35 years

4. More than 35 years

6. Profession Nominal 1. Working

2. Student

3. Other

7. Marital status Nominal 1. Single

2. Married

8. Factors Ordinal 1. Marketing Mix (7Ps)

2. Brand Equity

Part 2: Questions about marketing mix (7Ps) in a Likert Scale: The questions

consist of seven dimensions presented in marketing mix which are

1. Product (5 questions)

1.1 Taste delicious.

1.2 Product diversity.

1.3 Packaging and attractive product presentation.

1.4 Quality.

1.5 Product information.

2. Price (3 questions)

2.1 Reasonable Price.

2.2 Variety of Price.

2.3 Lower Price.

3. Place (3 questions)

3.1 Number of outlets.

3.2 Convenience to go, easy to find.

3.3 Size of restaurant.

4. Promotion (3 questions)

4.1 Regular gifts.

4.2 Discount promotion.

4.3 Delivery.

5. Process (3 questions)

5.1 Modern processing technology.

5.2 Serve quickly.

5.3 Saving time.


6. Physical environment (3 questions)

6.1 Cleanliness.

6.2 Design, decoration.

6.3 Modern full service facility.

7. People (3 questions)

7.1 Keener and enthusiastic staff.

7.2 Friendly employees.

7.3 Skill and Credibility.

Part 3: Questions about Brand equity in a Likert Scale: The questions consist

of four dimensions presented in brand which are:

1. Brand Awareness.

2. Brand Reputation.

3. Brand Loyalty.

4. Brand Quality.

All items were rated by respondents on a five-point Likert scale. Each

questions scaled from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strong Agree” statement with the

weight (score) are set from 5 points to 1 point.

( ) ( )
Interval Class = = = 0.8

Therefore, the average score can be translating as

Average score of 4.21 – 5.00 refers to a highest level

Average score of 3.41 – 4.20 refers to a high level

Average score of 2.61 – 3.40 refers to a medium level.

Average score of 1.81 – 2.60 refers to a low level

Average score of 1.00 – 1.80 refers to a lowest level


Part 4: Consumer Behavior: The questions are close-ended questionnaire and

the answer of each question is check list type with a total number of 8 questions.

1. Do you usually cook at home for daily meals or eat outside?

2. You like to visit food joint with?

3. How much do you spend for fast food each time?

4. How often do you purchase fast food?

5. What is your meal that you prefer to consume fast food?

6. Which taste do you prefer to eat?

7. Do you think that fast food restaurant fit well with your lifestyle?

8. Do you think that personal desire has an effect on your purchasing fast

food brands?

3.4 Research Reliability

In this chapter, the researcher used a survey research by distributing the

questionnaires to the sample units. Before distributing the questionnaire, the

researcher will do with 30 surveys first, for check the reliability statistics. The

reliability test for this research is processed on computer program by using

Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. If the reliability statistics of the survey is more than 0.7,

the questionnaires reliability is acceptable (Cronbach, 1951; Olorunniwo et al., 2006).

Table a: Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.966 50

The value of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the 30 pre-test questionnaires is

0.966 with n of items = 50. As a result, shown in Table 2, the value of Cronbach’s

alpha for general information and demographics, marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity

and consumer behavior are 0.876, 0.980, 0.870, 0.741 respectively. And all acceptable

value of alpha should be about 0.7 (Olorunniwo et al., 2006). From this

questionnaires, the overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value is all higher than the

benchmark value of 0.7 and has the value higher than 0.9 therefore according to

Cronbach (1951); Olorunniwo et al. (2006) this questionnaire has a high reliability

level and the desirability level is good.

Table 2: The Result of Cronbach’s Alpha Test with 30 Try-out Questionnaires

Variables Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items

All Parts .966 50

General Information and Demographics .876 15

Marketing Mix (7Ps) .980 23

Brand Name .870 4

Consumer Behavior .741 8

3.5 Data Collection

In this study, data used within this research comprise of two types of data,

which are primary and secondary data.

1. Primary Data are data received from questionnaire instruments that has been

self-administered by sample group which are customers from KFC, Pizza Hut and

Lotteria shops that located in HCMC, Vietnam with the total number of

questionnaires is 400 copies.


2. Secondary Data are information that has been collected from the review of

literature in related topics such as books, articles, research and the Internet.

Data collection process has been done in the December of 2015 to January of

2016 by distributing a self-administered questionnaire in area of HCMC, Vietnam

such as shopping complex, supermarket, and store. In order to receive the target

amount of questionnaire from each brand, the researcher used screening question

before distributing questionnaire as “Have you ever consumer fast food?” If the

respondents choose yes, the researcher will hand out a specific brand questionnaire to

the respondents and wait until the respondents finish the questionnaire to collect it.

The process will be repeating till target amount has been fulfilled.

3.6 Multinomial Logistic Regression

Multinomial logistic regression is the linear regression analysis to perform

when the dependent variable is insignificant with equal or more than two levels.

Therefore, it is an extension of logistic regression, which analyzes binary dependents.

Since the SPSS output of the analysis is a little different to the logistic regression

output, multinomial regression is sometimes used instead.

Same all linear regressions, the multinomial regression is a predictive analysis.

Multinomial regression is used to explain and describe data and the relationship

between one or more continuous-level independent variables and one dependent

nominal variable. In this study, the author assumed that dependent variable is

“Purchasing decision towards top three fast food brands KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria

in Vietnam”, and some independent variables are marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity,

demographics and consumer behavior.


Standard linear regression requests the dependent variable to be of continuous-

level scale. Logistic regression leaps the gap by supposing that the dependent variable

is a stochastic event. The dependent variable defines the outcome of this stochastic

event with a density function (a function of cumulative probabilities ranging from 0 to

1). The author then contend one event happens if the probability is less than 0.05 and

the reverse event happens when probability is greater than 0.05.

There are two kinds of tests for individual independent variables: Likelihood

ratio test to estimate every relationship between a dependent variable and an

independent variable. The second type is the Wald test evaluates whether or not the

independent variable is statistically significant in dissimilar between the two groups in

each of the embedded binary logistic collation.

If an independent variable has an overall relationship to the dependent

variable, it may or may not be statistically significant in dissimilar between sets of

groups described by the dependent variable.

3.7 Statistic for Data Analysis

The data analysis process for this research is analyzed by SPSS statistic

program and present in table format with explanation on each.

- Descriptive statistic by using frequency and percentage to finding the

most favorite fast food brand in Vietnam.

- Cross tabulation to analyze categorical data classified in different

group for explaining general information and demographics data as age,

gender, profession, do you always choose the brand that you like and current

marital status.

- Multinomial logistic regression analysis to test hypotheses that both

variable groups are quantitative.




In this chapter, it shows the results from the data analyses that are presented.

The analysis part will be conducted by using the framework of references from the

second chapter and method given in the previous chapter.

Four hundred surveys were initially sent to people inside HCMC, Vietnam

such as KFC, Pizza Hut, Lotteria stores, or shopping malls, centers. With 400

returned, the response rate was 100%. It is divided into 3 parts which are following,

and SPSS program is used to analysis the data.

Part 1: The analysis of demographic and general information of samples by

using cross tabulation.

Part 2: The analysis of marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity by using

multinomial logistic regression.

Part 3: The analysis of customer behavior by using cross tabulation.

4.1 The analysis of demographic and general information of samples

For the first part – general information and demographics, the respondents

were asked about personal data such as the favorite fast food brand, age, gender,

profession, marital status...


Table 1: Frequency and Percentage of General Information; the most favorite fast

food brand

Valid Frequency Percent

KFC 167 41.8

Pizza Hut 108 27.0

Lotteria 125 31.3

Total 400 100.0

According to the information displayed in Table 3 shows that the most favorite

fast food brand is KFC which contain 167 respondents (41.8%) while 125 respondents

(31.3%) of Lotteria and 108 respondents (27%) of Pizza Hut.

Table 2: Cross tabulation of General Information; Always choose the favorite brand


The brand that you always

choose Total

Yes No

KFC 119 48 167

The most favorite fast
Pizza Hut 91 17 108
food brand
Lotteria 96 29 125

Total 306 94 400

From Table 4, most of respondents choose KFC brand always chooses the

brand they like which equal to 119 respondents, and 48 respondents don’t always

choose the brand they like. 91 respondents choose Pizza Hut brand always chooses

the brand they like and 17 respondents don’t always choose the brand they like. For

respondents choose Lotteria brand, most of the respondents always choose the brand

they like which equal to 96 respondents, and 29 respondents don’t always choose the

brand they like.

Table 3: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Gender


Male Female

KFC 95 72 167
The most favorite fast food
Pizza Hut 36 72 108
Lotteria 53 72 125

Total 184 216 400

According to the information displayed in Table 5 shows that the majority

gender of respondents chooses the KFC brand are male, which equal to 95

respondents and female 72 respondents. For respondents choose the Pizza Hut brand,

the majority gender is female which equal to 72 respondents, male 36 respondents.

For respondents choose the Lotteria brand, the majority gender is female which equal

to 72 respondents, male 53 respondents.


Table 4: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Age


Below 15 15-25 26-35 More than Total

years years years 35 years

KFC 14 124 24 5 167

The most favorite Pizza

14 65 26 3 108
fast food brand Hut

Lotteria 6 95 16 8 125

Total 34 284 66 16 400

From Table 6 the majority age of respondents chooses the KFC brand are 15-

25 years old, which equal to 124 respondents, 26-35 years old 24 respondents, below

15 years old 14 respondents and more than 35 years old 5 respondents. For

respondents choose the Pizza Hut brand, the majority age is 15-25 years old which

equal to 65 respondents, 26-35 years old 26 respondents, below 15 years old 14

respondents and more than 35 years old 3 respondents respectively. For respondents

choose the Lotteria brand, the majority age is 15-25 years old which equal to 95

respondents, 26-35 years old 16 respondents, below 15 years old 6 respondents and

more than 35 years old 8 respondents respectively.


Table 5: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Profession

Working Student Other

KFC 63 95 9 167
The most favorite fast
Pizza Hut 57 49 2 108
food brand
Lotteria 60 60 5 125

Total 180 204 16 400

From Table 7 the majority profession of respondents chooses the KFC brand

are student which equal to 95 respondents, followed by working 63 respondents and

other 9 respondents. For respondents choose the Pizza Hut brand, the majority

profession is working which equal to 57 respondents, followed by student 49

respondents and other 2 respondents. For respondents choose the Lotteria brand 60

respondents are student, 60 respondents are working and other 5 respondents.

Table 6: Cross tabulation of Demographics; Marital status

Marital status Total

Single Married

KFC 144 23 167

The most favorite fast food
Pizza Hut 91 17 108
Lotteria 100 25 125

Total 335 65 400


According to the information displayed in Table 8 shows that the majority

marital status of respondents chooses the KFC brand are single, which equal to 144

respondents and married 23 respondents. For respondents choose the Pizza Hut brand,

the majority marital status is single which equal to 91 respondents and married 17

respondents. For respondents choose the Lotteria brand, the majority marital status is

single which equal to 100 respondents and married 25 respondents.

Generally, the most favorite fast-food brand is KFC and respondents always

choose the brand they like. Respondents are both male and female, however audience

targeting mainly are student, ages 15-25 years, and single, active, able to access

information easily.

4.2 The analysis of marketing mix (7Ps), brand equity

Table 7: Likelihood Ratio Tests

Effect Model Fitting Likelihood Ratio Tests


-2 Log Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.

of Reduced Model

(Q8.1) Product 424.532a 47.105 12 .000

(Q8.2) Price 394.785 17.358 12 .137

(Q8.3) Place 464.531 87.104 12 .000

(Q8.4) Promotion 426.210a 48.782 12 .000

(Q8.5) Process 447.771 70.344 12 .000

(Q8.6) Physical
442.695 65.268 12 .000

Table 8 (Continued): Likelihood Ratio Tests

Effect Model Fitting Likelihood Ratio Tests


-2 Log Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.

of Reduced Model

(Q8.7) People 470.269 92.842 12 .000

(Q8.8) Brand Equity 427.093 49.666 12 .000

The chi-square statistic is the difference in -2 log-likelihoods between the final

model and a reduced model. The reduced model is formed by omitting an effect

from the final model. The null hypothesis is that all parameters of that effect are 0.

a. Unexpected singularities in the Hessian matrix are encountered. This

indicates that either some predictor variables should be excluded or some

categories should be merged.

Based on Multinomial Logistic Regression, the author can pretty much reject

almost all hypotheses with more than 95% confidence (p-value < .05) except Price

variable that seems insignificantly influence brand choices. In conclusion, the author

can reject all null hypotheses (except H2o: beta_Price = 0 vs. H2a: beta_Price is not

equal zero), and accept alternative hypotheses that product, place, promotion, process,

physical environment, people and brand equity significantly influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria.

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 9 as followings;

H1a: Product significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H2o: Price does not significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.137 > 0.05).

H3a: Place significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR

in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H4a: Promotion significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H5a: Process significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H6a: Physical environment significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H7a: People significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

H8a: Brand equity significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria (0.000 < 0.05).

4.2.1 Findings of hypotheses testing for Marketing mix (7Ps)

Table 9: Finding of hypotheses testing for Product in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald Df Sig.

[Q9.1=4] Taste delicious .615 .520 1.396 1 .237

[Q9.2=4] Product diversity .490 .429 1.306 1 .253

Table 10 (Continued): Finding of hypotheses testing for Product in Marketing mix

(7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food

B Std. Error Wald Df Sig.


Packaging and
-.995 .458 4.716 1 .030
attractive product

KFC presentation

[Q9.4=4] Quality -1.235 .333 13.722 1 .000

[Q9.5=4] Product
1.205 .447 7.263 1 .007

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 10 as followings;

H1.1o: Taste delicious does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.237 > 0.05).

H1.2o: Product diversity does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.253 > 0.05).

H1.3a: Packaging and attractive product presentation significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.03 < 0.05).

H1.4a: Quality significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.000 < 0.05).

H1.5a: Product information significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.007 < 0.05).


Therefore, the packaging and attractive product presentation, product quality

and product information matters in choosing KFC brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 11: Finding of hypotheses testing for Product in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza


The most favorite fast food branda B Wald Df Sig.

Pizza [Q9.1=4] Taste delicious .503 .533 .892 1 .345

Hut [Q9.2=4] Product diversity .388 .437 .787 1 .375

[Q9.3=4] Packaging and attractive -.604 .471 1.642 1 .020

product presentation

[Q9.4=4] Quality -.395 .355 1.235 1 .266

[Q9.5=4] Product information -.196 .433 .204 1 .651

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 11 as followings;

H1.1o: Taste delicious does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.345 > 0.05).

H1.2o: Product diversity does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.375 > 0.05).

H1.3a: Packaging and attractive product presentation significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.02 < 0.05).

H1.4o: Quality does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.266 > 0.05).


H1.5o: Product information does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.651 > 0.05).

For product, only the packaging and attractive product presentation matter in

choosing Pizza Hut brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 12: Finding of hypotheses testing for Price in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.6=4] Reasonable Price .895 .378 5.611 1 .018

[Q9.7=4] Variety of Price -.939 .415 5.108 1 .024

[Q9.8=4] Lower Price .804 .436 3.407 1 .065

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 12 as followings;

H2.1a: Reasonable price significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.018 < 0.05).

H2.2a: Variety of Price significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.024 < 0.05).

H2.3o: Lower Price does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.065 > 0.05).

Therefore, the reasonable price and variety of price matters in choosing KFC

brand over Lotteria brand.


Table 13: Finding of hypotheses testing for Price in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza Hut)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.6=4] Reasonable Price .663 .409 2.633 1 .024

Pizza Hut [Q9.7=4] Variety of Price -.543 .440 1.529 1 .216

[Q9.8=4] Lower Price -.032 .475 .005 1 .946

As per above Table 13 shown the hypothesis testing results as followings:

H2.1a: Reasonable price significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.024 < 0.05).

H2.2o: Variety of Price does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.216 > 0.05).

H2.3o: Lower Price does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.946 > 0.05).

For Price, only reasonable price matter in choosing Pizza Hut brand over

Lotteria brand.

Table 14: Finding of hypotheses testing for Place in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.9=4] Number of outlets 1.138 .499 5.210 1 .022

KFC [Q9.10=4] Convenience to go, easy to find -.903 .405 4.968 1 .026

[Q9.11=4] Size of restaurant. -.405 .443 .835 1 .361


The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 14 as followings;

H3.1a: Number of outlets significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.022 < 0.05).

H3.2a: Convenience to go, easy to find significantly influences consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.026 < 0.05).

H3.3o: Size of restaurant does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.361 > 0.05).

Therefore, for the Place: number of outlets, convenience to go and easy to find

matters in choosing KFC brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 15: Finding of hypotheses testing for Place in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza Hut)

The most favorite fast food brand B Wald df Sig.

[Q9.9=5] Number of outlets .375 .401 .878 1 .349

[Q9.10=4] Convenience to go, easy to

Pizza .184 .467 .154 1 .694
[Q9.11=4] Size of restaurant .467 5.189 1 .023

As per above Table 15 shown the hypothesis testing results as followings:

H3.1o: Number of outlets does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.349 > 0.05).

H3.2a: Convenience to go, easy to find is not significantly influences

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.694 > 0.05).

H3.3a: Size of restaurant significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.023 < 0.05).

For Place, only size of restaurant matter in choosing Pizza Hut brand over

Lotteria brand.

Table 16: Finding of hypotheses testing for Promotion in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.12=5] Regular gifts .824 .344 5.744 1 .017

KFC [Q9.13=4] Discount promotion .358 .358 .999 1 .318

[Q9.14=4] Delivery -.931 .420 4.918 1 .027

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 16 as followings;

H4.1a: Regular gifts significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.017 < 0.05).

H4.2o: Discount promotion does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.318 > 0.05).

H4.3a: Delivery significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.027 < 0.05).

Therefore, for Promotion, the regular gifts and delivery matters in choosing

KFC brand over Lotteria brand.


Table 17: Finding of hypotheses testing for Promotion in Marketing mix (7Ps)

(Pizza Hut)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.12=5] Regular gifts .673 .363 3.441 1 .046

Pizza Hut [Q9.13=4] Discount promotion .535 .434 1.521 1 .218

[Q9.14=4] Delivery -1.911 .471 16.458 1 .000

As per above Table 17 shown the hypothesis testing results as followings:

H4.1a: Regular gifts significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.046 < 0.05).

H4.2o: Discount promotion does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.218 > 0.05).

H4.3a: Delivery significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision for

QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.000 < 0.05).

So for Promotion, the regular gifts and delivery matters in choosing Pizza Hut

brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 18: Finding of hypotheses testing for Process in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald Df Sig.

[Q9.15=5] Modern processing technology .695 .324 4.591 1 .032

KFC [Q9.16=4] Serve quickly .116 .396 .086 1 .769

[Q9.17=4] Saving time -.371 .372 .994 1 .319


The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 18 as followings;

H5.1a: Modern processing technology significantly influences consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.032 < 0.05).

H5.2o: Serve quickly does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.769 > 0.05).

H5.3o: Saving time does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.319 > 0.05).

Therefore, for Process, only modern processing technology matter in choosing

KFC brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 19: Finding of hypotheses testing for Process in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza


The most favorite fast food brand B Wald df Sig.

[Q9.15=4] Modern processing

1.510 .412 13.409 1 .000
[Q9.16=4] Serve quickly -.445 .426 1.093 1 .296
[Q9.17=4] Saving time .405 7.389 1 .007

As per above Table 19 shown the hypothesis testing results as followings:

H5.1a: Modern processing technology significantly influences consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.000 < 0.05).

H5.2o: Serve quickly does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.296 > 0.05).

H5.3a: Saving time significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.007 < 0.05).

So for Process, the modern processing technology and saving time matters in

choosing Pizza Hut brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 20: Finding of hypotheses testing for Physical Environment in Marketing mix

(7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.18=4] Cleanliness .306 .384 .635 1 .426

KFC [Q9.19=4] Design, decoration -2.667 1.304 4.183 1 .041

[Q9.20=4] Modern full service facility -.285 .519 .301 1 .583

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 20 as followings;

H6.1o: Cleanliness does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.426 > 0.05).

H6.2a: Design, decoration significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.041 < 0.05).

H6.3o: Modern full service facility does not significantly influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.583 > 0.05).

Therefore, for the Physical Environmental, only design, decoration matter in

choosing KFC brand over Lotteria brand.


Table 21: Finding of hypotheses testing for Physical Environmental in Marketing mix

(7Ps) (Pizza Hut)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.18=4] Cleanliness .864 .372 5.404 1 .020

Pizza Hut [Q9.19=4] Design, decoration -.213 .520 .168 1 .682

[Q9.20=4] Modern full service facility -.799 .526 2.306 1 .129

H6.1a: Cleanliness significantly influences consumer’s brand choice decision

for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.020 < 0.05).

H6.2o: Design, decoration does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.682 > 0.05).

H6.3o: Modern full service facility does not significantly influence consumer’s

brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.129 > 0.05).

Therefore, for the Physical Environmental, only cleanliness matter in choosing

Pizza Hut brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 22: Finding of hypotheses testing for People in Marketing mix (7Ps) (KFC)

The most favorite fast food branda B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q9.21=4] Keener and enthusiastic staff 2.413 .766 9.930 1 .002

[Q9.21=5] Keener and enthusiastic staff .520 .234 4.953 1 .026

[Q9.22=4] Friendly employees -.113 .658 .029 1 .864

[Q9.23=4] Skill and Credibility -1.499 .513 8.544 1 .003


The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 22 as followings;

H7.1a: Keener and enthusiastic staff significantly influences consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.002 < 0.05) and (0.026 < 0.05).

H7.2o: Friendly employees does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.864 > 0.05).

H7.3a: Skill and credibility significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.003 < 0.05).

Therefore, for People, the keener and enthusiastic staff, skill and credibility

matters in choosing KFC brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 23: Finding of hypotheses testing for People in Marketing mix (7Ps) (Pizza


The most favorite fast food brand B Wald df Sig.

[Q9.21=4] Keener and enthusiastic

1.104 .910 1.471 1 .225
[Q9.22=4] Friendly employees 1.018 .854 1.422 1 .233
[Q9.23=4] Skill and Credibility .574 8.105 1 .004

As per above Table 23 shown the hypothesis testing results as followings:

H7.1o: Keener and enthusiastic staff does not significantly influence

consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.225 > 0.05)

H7.2o: Friendly employees does not significantly influence consumer’s brand

choice decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.233 > 0.05).

H7.3a: Skill and credibility significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in HCMC, Vietnam (0.004 < 0.05).

So for People, only skill and credibility of staff matter in choosing Pizza Hut

brand over Lotteria brand.

1.2.2. Findings of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity

Table 24: Finding of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity (KFC)

The most favorite fast food brand B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q10.1=4] Brand Awareness 2.789 1.257 4.923 1 .026

[Q10.2=4] Brand Reputation -3.394 1.093 9.650 1 .002

KFC [Q10.3=4] Brand Loyalty -1.148 .731 2.471 1 .116

[Q10.4=4] Brand Quality 1.912 .534 12.829 1 .000

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 24 as followings;

H8.1a: Brand awareness significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC brand (0.026 < 0.05).

H8.2a: Brand reputation significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC brand (0.002 < 0.05).

H8.3o: Brand loyalty does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC brand (0.116 > 0.05).

H8.4a: Brand quality significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on KFC brand (0.000 < 0.05).

Therefore, the brand awareness, brand reputation and brand quality matters in

choosing the KFC brand over Lotteria brand.

Table 25: Finding of hypotheses testing for Brand Equity (Pizza Hut)

The most favorite fast food brand B Std. Error Wald df Sig.

[Q10.1=4] Brand Awareness 2.955 1.293 5.223 1 .022

[Q10.2=4] Brand Reputation -3.276 1.097 8.913 1 .003

Pizza Hut [Q10.3=4] Brand Loyalty -.698 .788 .786 1 .375

[Q10.4=4] Brand Quality .711 .488 2.120 1 .145

The hypothesis testing results are shown in Table 25 as followings;

H8.1a: Brand awareness significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on Pizza Hut brand (0.022 < 0.05).

H8.2a: Brand reputation significantly influences consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on Pizza Hut brand (0.003 < 0.05).

H8.3o: Brand loyalty does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on Pizza Hut brand (0.375 > 0.05)

H8.4o: Brand quality does not significantly influence consumer’s brand choice

decision for QSR in Vietnam focusing on Pizza Hut brand (0.145 > 0.05).

Therefore, the brand awareness and brand reputation matters in choosing the Pizza

Hut brand over Lotteria brand.

4.3 The analysis of customer behavior

Table 26: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Eat at home (or) outside

Eat at home (or) outside

Eat at home Eat outside

KFC 70 97 167

The most favorite fast food brand Pizza Hut 45 63 108

Lotteria 48 77 125

Total 163 237 400

According to this detail analysis Table 26 shows that 70 respondents eat at

home and 97 respondents eat out side choose KFC brand. While 45 respondents eat at

home and 63 respondents eat outside choose Pizza Hut. And respondents choose

Lotteria brand is 48 eat at home and 77 eat outside.

Table 27: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Eat fast food with

Eat fast food with

Family Friends Alone

KFC 45 108 14 167

The most favorite fast food brand Pizza Hut 41 62 5 108

Lotteria 30 79 16 125

Total 116 249 35 400


From Table 27 we can see that, 45 respondents choose eat fast food with

family, 108 respondents eat with friends, and 14 respondents eat alone choose KFC

brand. While in total number 125 respondents choose Lotteria brand, 30 respondents

eat with family, 79 respondents eat with friends and 16 respondents eat alone. And for

choosing Pizza Hut brand, 41 respondents eat with family, 62 respondents eat with

friends and 5 respondents eat alone.

Table 28: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Spend for fast food each time

Spend for fast food each time

From 500,000 Below Below

to 1,000,000 500,000 100,000 Total
VND (25$- VND (< VND (<
VND (>50$)
50$) 25$) 5$)

The most KFC 12 23 96 36 167

favorite Pizza
4 14 69 21 108
fast food Hut

brand Lotteria 1 12 72 40 125

Total 17 49 237 97 400

According to this detail analysis Table 28, respondents choose KFC brand

spends for fast food each time over 1,000,000 VND is 12 respondents, from

500,000VND to 1,000,000VND is 23 respondents, below 500,000VND is 96

respondents and below 100,000VND is 36 respondents.


Respondents choose Pizza Hut brand spends for fast food each time over

1,000,000VND is 4 respondents, from 500,000VND to 1,000,000VND is 14

respondents, below 500,000VND is 69 respondents and below 100,000VND is 21


Respondents choose Lotteria brand spends for fast food each time over

1,000,000VND is 1 respondent, from 500,000VND to 1,000,000VND is 12

respondents, below 500,000VND is 72 respondents and below 100,000VND is 42


Table 29: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Frequency of purchasing fast food

Frequency of purchasing fast food

Once a Over 3 times 3 times 2 times Total

week per week per week per week

KFC 78 28 18 43 167

The most favorite Pizza

69 6 9 24 108
fast food brand Hut

Lotteria 83 7 7 28 125

Total 230 41 34 95 400

The majority frequency of purchasing fast food by respondents choose KFC

brand are once a week which equal to 78 respondents, twice a week 43 respondents,

over 3 times a week 28 respondents and 3 times a week 18 respondents respectively.

The majority frequency of purchasing fast food by respondents choose Pizza

Hut brand are once a week which equal to 69 respondents, twice a week 24

respondents, 3 times a week 9 respondents and over 3 times a week 6 respondents


The majority frequency of purchasing fast food by respondents choose

Lotteria brand are once a week which equal to 83 respondents, twice a week 28

respondents, over 3 times a week and 3 times a week are 7 respondents respectively.

Table 30: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Suitable meal

Suitable meal
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

KFC 13 36 118 167

The most favorite fast food brand Pizza Hut 3 34 71 108

Lotteria 3 35 87 125

Total 19 105 276 400

From this Table 30, the majority suitable meal of respondents choose KFC

brand are dinner which equal to 118 respondents, have lunch 36 respondents, and

breakfast 13 respondents respectively. For respondents choose Pizza Hut brand, the

majority suitable meal is dinner which equal to 71 respondents, have lunch 34

respondents, and breakfast 3 respondents respectively. For respondents choose

Lotteria brand, the majority suitable meal is dinner which equal to 87 respondents,

have lunch 35 respondents, and breakfast 3 respondents respectively.


Table 31: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Favorite taste

Favorite taste
Salt Sour Sweet Spicy

KFC 43 13 26 85 167

The most favorite fast food brand Pizza Hut 43 8 30 27 108

Lotteria 53 4 22 46 125

Total 139 25 78 158 400

From this Table 31, the majority favorite taste of respondents choose KFC

brand are spicy which equal to 85 respondents, salt 43 respondents, sweet 26

respondents and sour 13 respondents respectively. For respondents choose Pizza Hut

brand, the majority favorite taste is salt which equal to 43 respondents, sweet 30

respondents, spicy 27 respondents and sour 8 respondents respectively. For

respondents choose Lotteria brand, the majority favorite taste is salt which equal to 53

respondents, spicy 46 respondents, sweet 22 and sour 4 respondents respectively.

Table 32: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Fast food fit well with lifestyle

Do you think that fast food restaurant

fit well with your lifestyle? Total

Yes No

KFC 104 63 167

The most favorite fast
Pizza Hut 58 50 108
food brand
Lotteria 80 45 125

Total 242 158 400


From Table 32, most of respondents choose KFC think that fast food

restaurant fit well with their lifestyle which equal to 104 respondents, and 63

respondents don’t think fast food restaurant fit well with their lifestyle. 58

respondents choose Pizza Hut brand thinks that fast food restaurant fit well with their

lifestyle and 50 respondents don’t think that fast food restaurant fit well with their

lifestyle. For respondents choose Lotteria brand, most of respondents think that fast

food restaurant fit well with their lifestyle which equal to 80 respondents, and 45

respondents don’t think that fast food restaurant fit well with their lifestyle.

Table 33: Cross tabulation of Consumer behavior; Personal desire effect on

purchasing fast food brands

Do you think that personal desire has an

effect on your purchasing fast food brands? Total

Yes No

KFC 149 18 167

The most favorite Pizza

94 14 108
fast food brand Hut

Lotteria 114 11 125

Total 357 43 400

Most of respondents choose KFC brand think that personal desire has an effect

on their purchasing decision which equal to 149 respondents and 18 respondents don’t

think that personal desire has an effect on their purchasing decision. For respondents

choose Pizza Hut brand, 94 respondents think that personal desire has an effect on

their purchasing decision and 14 respondents don’t think that personal desire has an

effect on their purchasing decision. For respondents choose Lotteria brand, most of

respondents think that personal desire has an effect on their purchasing decision

which equal to 114 respondents and 11 respondents don’t think that personal desire

has an effect on their purchasing decision.

Generally, from those results we analyzed above show that most of consumers

choose fast food in Vietnam often eat outside with friends than eat at home. They like

spicy taste and the suitable meal is dinner. Frequency of purchasing fast food is once a

week and spend below 500,000VND (below 25$) for fast food each time. Most of

respondents think that fast food restaurant fit well with their lifestyle and personal

desire has an effect on their purchasing fast food brands.




In this chapter, it presents the summary the overall important component of

this scholar, discussion and recommends some opinions for future related research.

The study of factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions towards top

three fast food brands including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in HoChiMinh City,

Vietnam and then create the marketing strategies. This study has two objective of

study as:

- Identify the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions towards top

three fast food brands in Vietnam (KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria).

- Understanding fast food consumer behavior in Vietnam.

Following the conceptual framework in order to investigate purchase decision

of fast food in Vietnam that the author mentioned in previous chapters, the hypotheses

are scoped as:

- H1o (Product): beta_H1.1o (Taste delicious), beta_H1.2o (Product diversity),

beta_H1.3o (Packaging and attractive product presentation), beta_H1.4o

(Quality), beta_H1.5o (Product information) = 0.

H1a (Product): at least one of beta_H1.1a (Taste delicious), at least one of

beta_H1.2a (Product diversity), at least one of beta_H1.3a (Packaging and

attractive product presentation), at least one of beta_H1.4a (Quality), at least

one of beta_H1.5a (Product information) # 0.

- H2o (Price): beta_H2.1o (Reasonable Price), beta_H2.2o (Variety of Price),

beta_H2.3o (Lower Price) = 0.


H2a (Price): at least one of beta_H2.1a (Reasonable Price), at least one of

beta_H2.2a (Variety of Price), at least one of beta_H2.3a (Lower Price) # 0.

- H3o (Place): beta_H3.1o (Number of outlets), beta_H3.2o (Convenience to go,

easy to find), beta_H3.3o (Size of restaurant) = 0.

H3a (Place): at least one of beta_H3.1a (Number of outlets), at least one of

beta_H3.2a (Convenience to go, easy to find), at least one of beta_H3.3a (Size

of restaurant) # 0.

- H4o (Promotion): beta_H4.1o (Regular gifts), beta_H4.2o (Discount

promotion), beta_H4.3o (Delivery) = 0.

H4a (Promotion): at least one of beta_H4.1a (Regular gifts), at least one of

beta_H4.2a (Discount promotion), at least one of beta_H4.3 (Delivery) # 0.

- H5o (Process): beta_H5.1o (Modern processing technology), beta_H5.2o (Serve

quickly), beta_H5.3o (Saving time) = 0.

H5a (Process): at least one of beta_H5.1a (Modern processing technology), at

least one of beta_H5.2a (Serve quickly), at least one of beta_H5.3a (Saving

time) # 0.

- H6o (Physical environment): beta_H6.1o (Cleanliness), beta_H6.2o (Design,

decoration), beta_H6.3o (Modern full service facility) = 0.

H6a (Physical environment): at least one of beta_H6.1a (Cleanliness), at least

one of beta_H6.2a (Design, decoration), at least one of beta_H6.3a (Modern

full service facility) # 0.

- H7o (People): beta_H7.1o (Keener and enthusiastic staff), beta_H7.2o (Friendly

employees), beta_H7.3o (Skill and Credibility) = 0.


H7a (People): at least one of beta_H7.1a (Keener and enthusiastic staff), at

least one of beta_H7.2a (Friendly employees), at least one of beta_H7.3a (Skill

and Credibility) # 0.

- H8o (Brand Equity): beta_H8.1o (Brand Awareness), beta_H8.2o (Brand

Reputation), beta_H8.3o (Brand Loyalty), beta_H8.4o (Brand Quality) = 0.

H8a (Brand Equity): at least one of beta_H8.1a (Brand Awareness), at least one

of beta_H8.2a (Brand Reputation), at least one of beta_H8.3a (Brand Loyalty),

at least one of beta_H8.4o (Brand Quality) # 0.

The research methodology is quantitative in that the data collecting tool is

self-administered questionnaire implemented by distributing questionnaire such as

shopping complex, supermarket, store in HCMC where have KFC, Pizza Hut and

Lotteria brands. And the sample size is 400 respondents being consuming fast food

living in HCMC, Vietnam. The hypotheses are analyzed through cross tabulation,

frequency and multinomial logistic regression method.

5.1 Conclusion and discussion

The most favorite fast-food brand is KFC with the number 167 out of 400

respondents (or 41.8%) followed by Lotteria range by the number of 125 out of 400

respondents (or 31.3%) and Pizza Hut with the number of 108 out of 400 respondents

(or 27.0%) and almost respondents always choose use the brand they like.

In the analysis of cross tabulation shows that:

The majority respondents choose KFC brand are male with the number of 95

out of 167 respondents (or 46%), are in range 15-25 years old (124 out of 167

respondents), are student (95 out of 167 respondents) and are single (144 out of 167

respondents) respectively. Most of respondents choose KFC brand often go out to eat

(58%) with friends and spend for fast food each time below 500,00VND (57.4%).

Usually, they consume fast food once a week (46.7%) for dinner (70.6%) and their

favorite taste is spicy (50.9%). The majority respondents think that fast food

restaurant fit well with their lifestyle (62.2%) and they also think that personal desire

has an effect on their purchasing fast food brands (89.2%).

For the respondents choose Pizza Hut, most of respondents are female with the

number of 72 out of 108 respondents, are in range 15-25 years old (65 out of 108

respondents), are working (57 out of 108 respondents) and are single (91 out of 108

respondents) respectively. Most of respondents choose Pizza Hut brand often go out

to eat (58.3%) with friends and spend for fast food each time below 500,00VND

(63.8%). Usually, they consume fast food once a week (63.8%) for dinner (65.7%)

and their favorite taste is salt (39.8%). The majority respondents think that fast food

restaurant fit well with their lifestyle (53.7%) and they also think that personal desire

has an effect on their purchasing fast food brands (87.0%).

And the majority respondents choose Lotteria brand are female with the

number of 72 out of 125 respondents, are in range 15-25 years old (95 out of 125

respondents), are student and working with same number is 60 out of 125

respondents) and are single (100 out of 125 respondents) respectively. Most of

respondents choose Lotteria brand often go out to eat (61.6%) with friends and spend

for fast food each time below 500,00VND (57.6%). Usually, they consume fast food

once a week (66.4%) for dinner (69.6%) and their favorite taste is salt (42.4%). The

majority respondents think that fast food restaurant fit well with their lifestyle (64%)

and they also think that personal desire has an effect on their purchasing fast food

brands (91.2%).

In the analysis of multinomial logistic regression, the result of KFC and Pizza

Hut and compare with Lotteria in the standard level of (0.05) are significant and that

influence consumer’s brand choice decision for QSR in Vietnam.

After analyzing with multinomial logistic regression of marketing mix (7Ps)

and brand equity, the output highlights the main reasons to choosing consume fast

food are driven by both KFC and Pizza Hut playing in the mainstream segment.

- The first factor is Product is comprised of 5 statements, in that, packaging

and attractive product (agree) (0.030 <0.05), product quality (agree) (0.000 < 0.05)

and product information (agree) (0.007 <0.05) are significantly influences consumer

purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria brand. And for Pizza Hut brand, only

packaging and attractive product (agree) (0.020 <0.05) is significantly influences

consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand than Lotteria brand.

- The second factor is Price is comprised of 3 statements, in that, reasonable

price (agree) (0.018 <0.05) and variety of price (agree) (0.024 < 0.05) are

significantly influences consumer purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria

brand. While Pizza Hut brand, only reasonable price (agree) (0.024 < 0.05) is

significantly influences consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand than Lotteria


- The third factor is Place is comprised of 3 statements, in that, number of

outlets (agree) (0.022 < 0.05) and convenience to go, easy to find (agree) (0.026 <

0.05) are significantly influences consumer purchase decision for KFC brand than

Lotteria brand. While Pizza Hut brand, only size of restaurant (agree) (0.023 < 0.05)

is significantly influences consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand than

Lotteria brand.

- The fourth factor is Promotion is comprised 3 statements, in that, regular gifts

(total agree) (0.017 < 0.05) and delivery (agree) (0.027 < 0.05) are significantly

influences consumer purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria brand, same as

KFC, with regular gifts (total agree) (0.046 < 0.05) and delivery (agree) (0.000 <

0.05) are significantly influences consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand

than Lotteria brand.

- The fifth factor is Process is comprised 3 statements, in that, only modern

processing technology (total agree) (0.032 < 0.05) is significantly influences

consumer purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria brand. While Pizza Hut,

both of modern processing technology (agree) (0.000 < 0.05) and saving time (0.007

< 0.05) are significantly influences consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand

than Lotteria brand.

- The sixth factor is Physical Environmental is comprised 3 statements, in that,

only design, decoration (agree) (0.041 < 0.05) is significantly influences consumer

purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria brand. While the Pizza Hut brand,

cleanliness (agree) (0.020 < 0.05) is significantly influences consumer purchase

decision for Pizza Hut brand than Lotteria brand.

- The seventh factor is People is comprised 3 statements, in that, keener and

enthusiastic (agree) (0.002 < 0.05) and (total agree) (0.026 < 0.05) and skill,

credibility of staff (agree) (0.003 < 0.05) are significantly influences consumer

purchase decision for KFC brand than Lotteria brand. While for Pizza Hut brand, only

skill and credibility of staff (agree) (0.004 < 0.05) is significantly influences

consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand than Lotteria brand.

- The eighth factor is Brand Equity is comprised 4 statements, in that, brand

awareness (agree) (0.026 < 0.05), brand reputation (agree) (0.002 < 0.05), brand

quality (agree) (0.000 < 0.05) are significantly influences consumer purchase decision

for KFC brand than Lotteria brand. While Pizza Hut, only brand awareness (agree)

(0.022 < 0.05) and brand reputation (agree) (0.003 < 0.05) are significantly influences

consumer purchase decision for Pizza Hut brand than Lotteria brand.

5.2 Recommendation for Future Research

Overall, the research results achieved its objectives is to identify the factors

that influence consumer purchasing decisions toward top three fast food brands

including KFC, Pizza Hut and Lotteria in Vietnam. Because of time limited, this study

is only focus on specific sample group that is Vietnamese consumers who live in

Hochiminh city. The finding and result might not cover total population of

Vietnamese consumers. Therefore, further research suggests if the sample should be a

larger and include diversified of consumers who live in different cities such as Ha Noi

city (the capital of Vietnam) or DaNang city, Haiphong... The result will lead to more

understandings of Vietnamese consumers towards the fast food brand.


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The survey is divided into 4 parts:

Part 1: General Information and Demographics

Part 2: Marketing Mix (7Ps)

Part 3: Brand Equity

Part 4: Consumer Behavior

Part 1: General information and Demographics

Q1. Have you ever consumer fast food?

 Yes  No

Q2. What is your most favorite fast food brand? (Choose only one)

 KFC  Pizza Hut  Lotteria

Q3. Do you always choose the brand that you always like?

 Yes  No

Q4. Gender.

 Male  Female

Q5. Age

 Below 15 years  15-25 years

 26-35 years  More than 35 years


Q6. What is your profession?

 Working  Student

 Others

Q7. Current marital status.

 Single  Married

Q8. Ranking the below factors influence your brand purchasing decision in Q2.

Opinion Level

Factors Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly

Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree somewhat somewhat Agree









Brand name

Part 2: Marketing Mix (7Ps)

Q9. Please indicate how much do you think the following factors affect your

brand purchasing decision, from 1) strongly agree, 2) Disagree, 3) Moderate, 4)

Agree, 5) Strongly Agree.


Strongly Strongly
Opinions Disagree Moderate Agree
Disagree Agree


Taste delicious

Product diversity

Packaging and

attractive product



Product information


Reasonable Price

Variety of Price

Lower Price


Number of outlets

Convenience to go,

easy to find

Size of restaurant


Regular gifts

Discount promotion



Q9 (Continued). Please indicate how much do you think the following factors

affect your brand purchasing decision, from 1) strongly agree, 2) Disagree, 3)

Moderate, 4) Agree, 5) Strongly Agree.

Strongly Strongly
Opinions Disagree Moderate Agree
Disagree Agree


Modern processing


Serve quickly

Saving time

Physical environment


Design, decoration

Modern full service



Keener and enthusiastic


Friendly employees

Skill and Credibility


Part 3: Brand Equity

Q10. Please indicate how much do you think the following factors affect your

brand purchasing decision, from 1) strongly agree, 2) Disagree, 3) Moderate, 4)

Agree, 5) Strongly Agree.

Strongly Strongly
Opinions Disagree Moderate Agree
Disagree Agree

Brand Awareness

Brand Reputation

Brand Loyalty

Brand Quality

Part 4: Consumer Behavior

Q11. Do you usually cook at home for daily meals or eat outside?

 Eat at home  Eat outside

Q12. You like to visit food joint with?

 Family  Friends  Alone

Q13. How much do you spend for fast food each time?

 Over 1,000,000 VND  From 500,000 to 1,000,000 VND

 Below 500,000 VND  Below 100,000 VND

Q14. How often do you purchase fast food?

 Once a week  Over 3 times per week

 3 times per week  2 times per week


Q15. What is your meal that you prefer to consume fast food?

 Breakfast  Lunch

 Dinner

Q16. Which taste do you prefer to eat?

 Salt  Sour

 Sweet  Spicy

Q17. Do you think that fast food restaurant fit well with your lifestyle?

 Yes  No

Q18. Do you think that personal desire has an effect on your purchasing fast food


 Yes  No


Name – Surname: Hong Giang, Pham

Address: 49 soi Pridi 4, Prakhanong, Sukhumvit 71, Watana, Bangkok 10110

Contact Number: +66 94660 1406


Education Background: Bachelor of Business Administration

Work Experience: -

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