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Exam 2014 Solutions

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Botswana International University of Science and Technology

College of Engineering and Technology

End of Semester 1: Examination 2015/16


Course code: CETG 111

Course Title: Engineering graphics with AutoCAD Total Marks: 70 marks

Date: 25 May 2015 Time: 900-1100 am


Time allowed 2hrs 00 minutes

The following items are provided:

 Examination paper (8 pages in total including the cover page)

 Examination answer book
Instruction to candidates
Candidates are permitted to bring into the examination room:
 Non programmable scientific calculator
Candidates must answer all questions
 Paper consists of 3 questions.
 All rough work must be written in the answer book(s) provided.
 A line should be drawn through any rough work to indicate to the examiner that it is not part of the
work to be graded
 Black or blue pen must be used for written answers and pencil for all drawing and sketches.
 Ensure that you have the correct number of pages on your exam question paper.

QUESTION 1: [20 Marks]

1. The views normally shown on a standard orthographic drawing are often referred to as:

a) multi-views c) multi-projections

b) ortho-views d) ortho-projections

Section lines, also known as 2). Cross Hatch , are drawn spaced at 3). 3 (mm)
to each and inclined to the horizontal at: 4).

a) 350 b) 450 c) 550 d) 650

5. The diagram below shows a view of a machine block.

The view could best be described as:

a) a pictorial view b) a First Angle projection

c) an auxiliary view d) a Third Angle projection
6. Which of the lines below is used to indicate “HIDDEN DETAILS”

7. The top view of an object is associated with which of the following dimensions?

a) Depth and height

b) Depth and width

c) Height and width

8. Which of the following sections is limited by a break line:

a) Removed section

b) Revolved section
c) Broken-out section

d) Half section

9. When the Layer Properties Manager palette is opened in AutoCAD which of the following
properties would be one available for setting?

a) Third Angle Projection b) Principal view c) Colour d) Shape

10. Select the correct front view of the 3-D solid shown

a) b) c) d)

11. Select the correct front view of the 3-D solid shown

a) b) c) d)

12. In an isometric view, the angles of the object shown with arrows are always going to be

a) 20 degrees b) 30 degrees c) 40 degrees d) 50 degrees

13. What method of indicating tolerance allows a variation from design specifications in one
direction only?

a) Unilateral b) Bilateral c) Limited dimension d) Multilateral

14. The section view drawing in which one fourth of an object has been marked for removal is
known as a ________ section

a) Full b) Half c) Quarter d) Offset

Refer to the figure below for questions 15 to 17.

15. How many linear vertical dimensions are there?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

16. How many angular dimensions are there?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

17. How many leader line notes are there?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

Use the views given below to answer questions 18 and 19.

18. How many size dimensions are there?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

19. How many location dimensions are there?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

20. A point, A, is located in the first quadrant. Which of the following could possibly be the
location of its images a’ and a in that order?

a) Both above reference line b) Both below reference

c) Above and Below reference line d) Below and Above reference line

QUESTION 2 [30 Marks]

A. Isometric drawings of a cylindrical component are given in Figure E1-01. The first object
on the left hand side shows the original object. The three objects on the right hand side
however are to be sectioned according to the section planes indicated.
a. Name the three different types of sections that will go with the section planes
shown. [3 Marks]

Full Section; Half Section and Broken-out Section

b. Four skeletal 2-D representations of the object are shown on the attached ANSWER SHEET 1. Use the representations
to show how the views shown below the ones in circular form would look for the original object and the three section
views you gave to (a) above assuming that the observer is as indicated by the arrow marked O.
[25 Marks]

[5 Marks] [5 Marks] [5 Marks] [10 Marks]


c. If the circular parts of the 2-D representations referred to in (b) above are top views,
what type of multi-view projection would this be? [2 Marks]

Third angle projection:

QUESTION 3 [20 Marks]

B. Two models of the same plant are given in Figure E1-02. These models represent different
stages in the development of engineering systems. Explain, in the above context,
a. What stages do the two models represent [4 Marks]

Model A represents the design stage. Specifically it represents the

configuration stage of the design where the various components are modelled
in CAD and assembled. On the other hand, Model B represents the
manufacturing stage of the development process. In this particular instance,
materials and components have been selected to make the plant needed.

b. How the two stages are linked [4 Marks]

In modern design, the two stages are linked because the manufacturing stage
cannot start until the design stage is complete. It is expected that the design
stage should communicate information fully including specifying the
materials that go into its assembly. The manufacturing stage on the other
hand, Figure E1-02(b), deploys relevant machine tools and manufacturing
process to achieve the design intent.

C. In the context of engineering graphics, which model should come first and which elements
of engineering graphics are missing in that model to enable progression to the second model
[8 Marks]

Model (a) comes before Model (b).The following must be specified for the
progression from Model A to Model B to happen:

Detail drawings must be prepared

Bill of materials must be given

Manufacturing notes and annotations

D. From your answer to C above how would you define engineering graphics
[4 Marks]

Engineering graphics, the use of visual images in engineering to solve

problems, convey design intent and represent ideas.

More specifically, it is about the use of geometry, sketching, symbols and

annotations instead of common language to document and communicate
engineering information. Engineering drawings, later engineering graphics



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