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Vidya TK

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Submitted by:


the Board of Technical Education, Kerala
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Diploma
in Civil Engineering.

Department of Civil Engineering

Malabar Polytechnic Campus, Cherpulassery

Certified that this report entitled “DYNAMIC
ARICHITECTURE” is the report of
seminar presented by VIDYA TK during 2021-2022 in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Diploma in
Civil Engineering from the board of Technical Education, Kerala

Sunaina. K Sunaina. K
Head of the Department Head of the Department
Dept. of Civil Engineering Dept. of Civil

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Seminar Report 2021-22


First of foremost, we wish to thank the omnipotent God for his blessing.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to our Honorable Principle Mr.
MOHAMMED SIRAJUDHEEN. A, Malabar Polytechnic Campus, Cherpulassery for his
motivation and creating an inspiring atmosphere in the collage by providing state of art facilities
for preparation and delivery of seminar.

I would like to thank The Teaching & Non-Teaching Staffs of Civil Engineering
Department, and to thank one all who have helped me during the course of this seminar.
Last but not least, I also take the opportunity to thank my Parents, Friends and loved one
who has contributed well through the proper guidance and encouragement toward the completion
of the seminar presentation.


Department Of Civil Engineering | Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22



1. A Start
1.1 Introduction................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective......................................................................................... 2

1.3 Scope of the stud...................................................................... 2

1.4 Limitations..................................................................................... 2
1.5 Methodology................................................................................. 2

1.6 Abstract.......................................................................................... 3

2. Dynamic architectur

2.1 What is dynamic architecture?............................................ 4

2.1.1 An introduction to dynamic architecture....................... 4
2.1.2 Types of dynamic buildings................................................8
2.2 Dynamicuildings........................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Need for low-tec..................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Dynamic buildings in India................................................... 17
2.3 Case studies................................................................................. 18
2.3.1 Primary case study................................................................ 18

2.3.2 Secondary case studies.......................................................
2.3.3 Preliminary findings............................................................... 24

2.4 Conclusion..................................................................................... 24
2.5 References.................................................................................... 25

Department Of Civil Engineering | | Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22


• Figure 2 London Olympic basketball arena................................... 6

• Figure 3 Media TIC building............................................................. 9

• Figure 5 Parikrama section...............................................................10

• Figure 1 Sliding house....................................................................  18

• Figure 4 Parikrama plan.................................................................  18

• Figure 6 House with balls section..................................................  21

• Figure 8 House with balls elevation...............................................  21

• Figure 7 House with balls plan........................................................ 21

• Figure 9 NET house section............................................................. 23

• Figure 10 NET house plan...............................................................  23

• Figure 11 NET house cabinet.......................................................... 23

• Figure 12 NET house..........................................................................23

Department Of Civil Engineering ||| Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE



Architecture is probably the most experimented upon of all

sciences worldwide, still there's no proof of us even going in the
right direction. There's no right or wrong, and all we can rely upon
are our architectural instincts. This is an age of reason and logic,
as opposed to about a hundred years ago, when you could build
structures having more than half of their elements dedicated to
pure beautification. Such is not the case anymore; things are only
done if they seem beneficial, especially in architecture. Elements
without purpose are considered prodigal and excessive. It may be a
matter of debate if we have come in the right direction regarding
the issue, but it sure seems logical. We have successfully expelled
those elements from our architecture which seemed any less
useful to us. Buildings of today are free of any "useless"
ornamentation, statues or epigraphs, while not more than two
hundred years ago, they would have been seen as bland and
inexpressive blocks. In this age of pragmatism, one thing can be
concluded without doubt: Change is the only way forward. Our
architecture has successfully(?) evolved itself and undergone
various modifications to suit a world of 7.5 billion people (and
counting). But unsurprisingly enough, the need for the next big
change is already here, one which needs to be adopted as quickly
as possible.

Dynamic architecture is a term not just for buildings, but

everything making life possible. Nature proves that life is a dynamic
phenomenon, and can only be supported by other dynamic
phenomena. Nothing is still in the natural world around us,
everything moves or grows, and variations happen both outside
and inside a body. The universe is constantly expanding, new
changes constantly taking place in its every corner. And the past
13 billion years have proved that the principle is quite successful.
Thus, arises the big question: Why are our buildings such resource
hungry immobile blocks in space? It may seem like a thing of the
future, but we surely have to start sometime, and the sooner the
better. The following dissertation focusses on a much-narrowed
prospect of dynamic architecture, primarily highlighting how
dynamic architecture can help buildings in India be more
sustainable, user friendly and interactive, while being affordable at
the same time.

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE


The objective of this dissertation is to focus on movable

architecture for India. This includes features like movable facades
or rotating floors. The research mainly talks about innovative
solutions which can make Indian buildings dynamic, while still being
cost efficient and accessible to all.


Dynamic architecture is a vast field with a huge list of sub-topics.

To avoid ambiguity, the word 'dynamic' for this dissertation is

clearly used to described any architectural feature capable of self-
change, be it either externally, internally or as a whole.

The buildings studied are contemporary, as the field of dynamic

architecture is a relatively new concept.

'Low-tech' must not be confused with 'low-cost'. Features

discussed in this

dissertation boast easy installation, accessibility and technological

independence. Although affordability mostly follows, there's no



The dissertation has to be completed in a specific time frame, in

accordance to the student academic schedule. Although a wide
range of information has been covered, some information had to be
left out due to word limit and other constraints. Dynamic
architecture is a very wide topic, and covering all of it is a
monstrous task. Thus, the study had to be narrowed down to only
low tech dynamic architecture, just for India..


A thorough study of all the available literature on dynamic

architecture was done. This led to the formulation of the following
research question

How can dynamic buildings contribute to Indian architecture?

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

The dissertation contains three main topics.

The first part explains the term 'dynamic', telling what dynamic
architecture is, and discusses its various sub-heads. It also
discusses various types of dynamic buildings, along with features
that make a building dynamic.

The second part deals with dynamic architecture in the Indian

context. It explains how dynamic architecture can be a boon to the
Indian buildings, and can, to some extent, aim at making them better.
It explains why the features have to be low-tech, if the context is
that of a developing country like India.

The third part contains the case studies of some buildings

incorporating dynamic elements. The first is a primary case study of
Parikrama, a restaurant in New Delhi, which has been visited and
studied by the compiler. The next portion contains some secondary
case studies of buildings outside Delhi. These case studies have been
discussed upon and useful information has been extracted out of
them. Various buildings have been referenced to, both in India and
abroad. The works of Matharoo Associates of Ahmedabad have been
looked into detail, as they most closely represent what this
dissertation aims to achieve.

The last chapter aims at drawing conclusions from the case studies
and attempts. to answer the research question.


This study focusses on the increasing use of movable elements in

today's buildings, such as changeable facades, or sliding walls. It
emphasises on how sustainability is the only way forward. Topics
which might seem vague and distant right now, such as use and
throw buildings, or the ones which can change their shape, size or
position according to the need of the hour would also be covered.
This study envisions a future in which we give back to the earth
more than what we are taking from it, especially through better
construction techniques, and buildings which rather than taking up
green spaces and eating away natural and artificial resources, would
help the new generations in reverting the damage already done by

Keywords: Low-tech, Dynamic, Movable

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE


2 Dynamic architecture

2.1 What is dynamic architecture?

2.1.1 An introduction to dynamic architecture

A simple definition of dynamic architecture is one capable of self-

change. Architecture has always been more of an experimentation,
and there seldom are any rights or wrongs. Peter Cook (1970)
describes how architecture of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries was so less ambiguous than that of today, as there were a
set rules to follow, conditions just had to be assumed. Globalisation
was not a thing, and there were no international styles. Regional
architecture provided the necessary directives for form and
ornamentation of a building. But such is not the case at present.
Cook (1970, p.11) further asserts that 'a fascinating shift in recent
years is the rise of 'boffin'- designer at the expense of the artist'-
designer.' Inclination of architecture towards sciences is more of a
thing nowadays than ever. And what this means is eradication of any
elements in a building which might be deemed any less. useful. This
leads to an age of modern architecture with little or no
ornamentation. And this change did not come on itself, but was a
result of experimentation and changes in the traditional techniques
and rules of architecture already being followed, by some
revolutionary architects.

Antonio Sant'Elia (cited in Cook 1970) put together some sketches

of a Futurist City in his Citta Nuova in 1914. He clearly demonstrates
the use of lightweight building materials for making structures that
are expendable according to their use and the time of construction.
Although, for quite a few decades after his death, his work was
considered to be too picturesque, the scholars soon realised its
importance. The idea of expendable buildings still seems like a distant
one, more than a century later. But it's not impossible. A structure
at present, is used for not more than fifty years. After that, either
the building no longer remains cost effective, or its architecture is
simply deemed as unfashionable. And it is demolished. This not only
results in wastage of resources, but also creation of non-disposable
wastes, also leading to environmental pollution. The question which
arises is, why can't the buildings constructed be such that they can
change and evolve themselves according to the changing needs of
their users? This would certainly lead to less space wastage, not
counting the innumerable labour hours and materials wasted in
making it. Or, the
Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus
Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

building can be expendable, as mentioned above. It is possible only if

the materials used in its making are biodegradable or completely
reusable. Sant'Elia was described as:

As a socialist concerned with revolutionary escape from traditions

and conventions, he was able to combine a particular exciting
expressionism with predictions of a new lifestyle which would be
affected by lightweight structures, expendable buildings and much
else that is now current in environmental thinking (Cook 1970, p.16).

This shows how every architectural movement starts with

experimentation and someone who is willing to do it, to break the
traditional well-defined parameters and to help the architecture to
evolve. Nature proves that evolution is the only way forward. Not
only for species, but for their habitats. The next step can be achieved
only if we examine organics along with the technology for creation
of our buildings (Cook 1970).

Dynamic architecture, when taken in a more literal fashion, also

refers to buildings which can move themselves or their parts to suit
the changing needs. Revolving floors in residential buildings is one
such concept, where individual floors can change their position,
resulting in a new view along with changed sun exposure during
various parts of the day (Randl 2008). Rotation is a phenomenon
that probably started with the wheel, and soon helped us overcome
our physical limitations. A building with rotating floors can effectively
change its shape and elevation, and can even be made to follow the
sun during the hot days, or vice versa. There would be no
discrimination in views a certain room offers, as each room would
get all the views throughout the day. The uses are described as:

The form or orientation of these designs can respond to the time and
day, position of the sun, cloud cover, and existence of wind and
precipitation. Movement in kinetic designs can also be initiated
manually based on the

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5 Malabar Polytechnic Campus
Seminar Report 2021-22

weather, the occupants' activities, their desire for greater privacy or

openness, or pure whim (Randl 2008, p.12).

Rotating structures have been made throughout history, including

some Roman structures, auditoriums, hotels and prisons. They have
even been used in treatment centres. French architect M. Eugene
Pettit (cited in Randl 2008) consulted with physician Lucien Pellegrin
and designed a "heliotropic house" at the Exposition de l'Habitation in
Paris. They were convinced that the sun was the cure of most
diseases. Light would get inside through large fenestrations on the
cross shaped plan. To manage the incoming daylight in the rooms:

The house was set on a turntable with a ground-level ball-bearing

raceway. It could be rotated to follow the sun by moving a lever once
an hour in order to cause the house to turn a few inches (Randl 2008,

The house was said to be well expensive, but could well repay the cost
if one could afford it. A room following the sun would get its light and
energy throughout the day. This is not only beneficial for patients in a
treatment centre, but also for normal people, as it is said to bring
cheerfulness and reduce depression.

Like rotation, translation, either horizontal, vertical or diagonal, can also

be a great way of making a structural form dynamic. A great example
of this is the Sliding House in Suffolk, UK. It consists of a building and a
28 meters long path around it, which houses an enclosure. The
enclosure can move along the path laterally and can 'cover or uncover
different buildings, the house, garage or the annex' (Kolarevic 2015, p.

Figure 1. Picture of the Sliding

House by DRMM

Department Of Civil Engineering 6 Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

Along with having rotating floors, a building can also have its
individual elements capable of movement and change, according to the
need of the hour. In this dissertation, we'll be examining the elements
which have been traditionally stationary in common buildings, and not
the ones which have always been transposing or rotating, such as
doors, windows or lifts. A space which can configure and change
itself according to the users, and architecture which is self-adjusting
(Kolarevic 2015) can eradicate the need for new buildings and spaces
for different purposes, as one structure can fulfil multiple needs.

James Graham Ballard (1971) gave the idea of a psychotropic house in

one of his short stories, The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista. The
house was sensitive to the moods and needs of its occupants, and
could change its shape and behave like a living organism. It was made
of a mixture of plaster and latex called "plastex", and consisted of "
senso-cells" distributed over it. They helped the house become "alive"
as it was occupied. Similar was a concept of a "walking city", given by
Ron Herron (cited in Kolarevic 2015) which proposed cities to be
giant movable robots that could shift places according to the needs
and resources. Although these concepts arose more than fifty years
ago, their implementation still seems to be a thing of distant future.
Maybe we'll take quite a lot of time in achieving these goals, there
have been many attempts lately, especially in Dubai, the city of the
future, the architecture of which will be covered later.

The façade plays a major role in protecting the building from the
harsh environment, and a dynamic one would prove to be even more
effective, especially in areas with harsh climates. One great example is
the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. It is described by Kolarevic
(2015, p.13) as 'the first significant, large-scale building to have an
adaptive, responsive façade'. It consists of a mechanically controlled
façade and one can change the size of its openings according to the
weather and requirements. This results in huge energy savings, and
instead of blocking out the sun's energy, it can be properly channelled.
Mechanical and double skinned facades have been in use for quite
some time, and they're proving to be more cost efficient in the longer
run, despite of their expensive installation cost.

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE


Kolarevic (2015) categorises flexible architecture as adaptable,

transformable, movable and interactive. Adaptive buildings would include
structures that can change themselves according to the environment
they are in to favour their users. This architecture can always be relied
upon for a long-time period. A typical person has to move homes
throughout his life; from a conventional house to an assisted one, and
finally a nursing home as health declines. Kolarevic (2015, p. 57)
describes the experience to be 'traumatic and debilitating'. Thus, there
have been communities designed by Dutch architect Frans van der Werf
(1993) such as Rijnwaarden te Tolkamer, in the Netherlands which can
adapt and can change according to the changing needs of the users.
This increases the time for which a user can stay in a building. This not
only saves resources by not rendering buildings unusable after a short
period of time, it also saves the user from a sense of loss when they're
forced to leave their homes. This is made possible by incorporating
dynamically changing interior spaces, which can change their relative
sizes once more space is required for wheelchairs or other equipment.

Transformable structures were explained by Asefi (2006, p. 85) as 'a

distinct class of structures that can change their geometry and shape
when required'. A great example of this would be the London 2012
Olympic Basketball arena designed by Wilkinson Eyre Architects, which
was made for the purpose of serving two separate sport events,
namely basketball and handball. The transformation is described as:

The 115 by 90 m stadium was made from a componentized modular

steel frame, and contained temporary raked seating for 12,000
spectators. Part way through the games the layout was changed over a
22-hour period from the basketball competition to the handball
competition with a new floor laid and 2,000 seats removed (Kolarevic
2015, p. 59).

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

Figure 2. London 2012

Olympic Basketball Arena

The building was also dynamic in other ways. Its 35-metre-high façade
was cladded in a PVC skin, which acted as a screen for a light show at
night. Moreover, more than two-thirds of the materials used for its
making were reusable, once the games were closed.

Then come the movable buildings. A building which can move, namely 'roll,
rotate or fly' (Kolarevic 2015, p. 60) comes under movable architecture.
This would prove especially useful in areas with expeditionary or military
requirements. Although a movable building might seem impossible, we are
already using movable architecture on a daily basis, though at a small
scale. Some examples might be tents, mining camps, food trucks, etc.

And at last, interactive buildings are described by Kolarevic (2015) as the

ones which can react and respond to commands uniquely. This might seem
closely related to artificial intelligence. A building which can provide
various options for the users to choose from, and change according to
that would be termed as an interactive building. One of the given factors
with modern technology is that it should be able to interact with its users
. And building technologies are lagging behind other competitors such as
automobile, entertainment and commerce industries. An example of a
present day interactive building would be the Media-TIC building in
Barcelona, Spain. The building is equipped with 300 sensors in the
interiors, which enable it to control the performances of various services
according to the occupant load. However, it's the external skin of the
building which can be described as truly innovative. South facing facades
are equipped with ethylene tetrafluoro-ethylene (ETFE) cushions which
provide the building with dynamic and effective sun shading. Their working
is described in detail as:

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22

The southwest façade uses vertical cushioned panels, which contain a nitrogen
and oil mixture that temporarily coalesces into a "cloud." The south east façade
has triangular cushions with three inflatable chambers. Two of the layers have a
reverse design pattern which are brought together to provide full shading when
the inflation is actuated (Kolarevic 2015, p. 62).

Figure 3. Picture showing the ETFE

façade of the Media-TIC building,

A building can't be made without its fundamental building blocks; thus, we

cannot ignore the materials used. If a building has to be dynamic, the materials
have to perform the same role too. And nowadays, computation has changed the
way we used design. New tools not only help in evaluating seemingly impossible
structures, they also have given rise to a new age of materials, more advanced,
strong, durable and cheap. Stronger materials with much lesser carbon
footprints are slowly being adopted in modern architecture. Scientists of various
fields like nanotechnology and synthetic biology have developed materials which
can 'change shape or properties, or even compute' (Kolarevic 2015, p. 213), along
with the emergence of concepts like DNA origami, which roughly translates to
technology capable of self-replication. This leads us to materials which
apparently can self-assemble too, once the reaction is initiated, which can even
be done by shaking the mixture. This is described as biomolecular self-assembly.
These inventions are undoubtedly difficult to manifest right away, being
expensive and unconventional. But they are very helpful for the architecture of
tomorrow, and are no less than a 'revolution that argues for smart materiality,
novel ways to interact with physical products and dynamically responsive
systems for our highly energetic environment' (Kolarevic 2015, p. 228).

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

One of the major challenges with most of these modern smart

materials is their fabrication and assembly. Hand assembly takes a lot
of time, and is not reliable for mass production of materials on a
consumer scale. Especially when we talk about dynamic architecture,
materials which can self-transform themselves into meaningful
structures can really be a game changer. For such materials, we
would require two basic pieces of information; one, the required
geometric constraints of the result, or simply put as how our building
should look like. Second, we require the material to have a specified
amount of potential energy on its own, which can be used for its self
-transformation. This led to the emergence of a concept known as 4-
D printing. Kolarevic (2015) explains about the technology in detail. It
utilizes printers capable of producing multiple material results, thus
achieving the required product with precisely accurate amounts of
constituent materials. For making self-transformable materials, two
printers are used. One uses a static and rigid material for providing
the geometric code. It is a black material, and contains information
about the geometric constraints and structure. The second printer
uses an active material which swells 1.5 times once in contact with
water. Thus, with both of them combined, we have the information
as well as energy, to synthesize compounds capable of self
transformation. Though this currently is still developing technology,
researchers have achieved materials like strands capable of
transforming themselves into letters, or even surfaces capable of
converting themselves into cubes, all on their own..

Dynamic architecture is already all around us, in places we might not

even have discovered yet. This doesn't only refer to the artificial
structures. Natural architecture is probably the best example we can
follow to build habitats for ourselves which are long lasting and
sustainable. Although imitating nature can be difficult, mainly because
it has had billions of years to perfect its design, we still can learn
quite a lot from our creator. Mazzoleni (2013, p. 19) described nature
's systems to be 'dynamic, in flux, in constant transformation and
subject to the laws of physics'. Kolarevic (2015, p. 230) describes it
as 'bio-robotic architecture'. It is an architecture that can not only
interact and transform, it has the ability to adapt to change and
evolve itself. Biomimetic architecture can be a huge leap, and for the
time being, we can use robotics to fill the gap in spaces we can't.
Similarly, there's also an emerging concept of bio-cybernetics. It aims
at intermingling cybernetics and biology for enhanced results.

Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22

An example of biomimetic architecture has been developed by a

German firm, Sauerbruch and is called breathing skin. It is described as
'a responsive building envelope system that, as its name suggests,
that breathes like the skin of some organisms, adapting to its
immediate environment to act more efficiently' (Kolarevic 2015, p.
232). It is applied to KfW tower in Frankfurt, and consists of
which are sensor-controlled ventilators on the outer skin. These can
open and close according to the time of the day, outside temperature
and the wind direction. This creates a ring of positive pressure around
the building. That air is drawn into offices through floor vents and
windows along an inner façade that workers control; it is then
exhausted into the building core. This eliminates the need for artificial
heating or cooling throughout the year, and creates ample
opportunities for natural ventilation. When the weather is extreme,
and the need for artificial heating or cooling is necessary, the
pressure systems don't interfere and let all equipment run
Another great example of biomimetic architecture can be the SMRF
(Special Moment Resisting Frame) as explained by Kolarevic (2015, p.
232) as 'a custom building frame modelled on the human femur bone.
Like the bones in the human skeleton, each column and beam is
designed precisely according to its specific load condition and its own
bending moment diagram'. Structures like these would not only
reduce material costs, but also eliminate old-school architecture of
rows or
columns, with a lot more efficiency.

The next step towards creating architecture which resembles nature

even more is to give our structures the ability to grow and develop
just like real organisms. Buildings can increase their size and add new
elements according to the changing needs of their users. Self-growing
materials can also heal themselves when a part of them has been
destroyed. This eliminates the need for maintenance, and defines the
true meaning of sustainability. Countless resources are spent every
year for buildings to keep them new and protect them from corrosion.
Self-healing capability can also protect buildings from hazards like fire
, as a building can recover as quickly as it's being destroyed. Such an
ability can save millions of lives lost to such hazards. Although not
much, but this field has been explored by some researchers, and one
of those projects has been described as:
Department Of Civil Engineering MalabarPolytechnicCampus
Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

The project uses the process of bone remodelling as applied to


architectural building skin. In particular, the cells will rebuild the

structure to adapt to the load it carries; a bone can change its
physical shape after a fracture that heals out of position, so
that the load is adequately supported. The pattern is essentially
inherited like overall body shape whereby living cells in bone are
constantly breaking the bone down in little areas and rebuilding
it. Such a process of continuous turnover dynamically ensures
the mechanical integrity of the skeleton over time' (Kolarevic
2015, p. 239)

Department Of Civil Engineering 13 Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22

2.2 Dynamic buildings

2.2.1 Need for low-tech.

Dynamic elements need not be ultra-expensive every time. There

can sometimes be simple solutions which may be even cheaper
than the original proposal itself. One great example of this is the
traditional Japanese house which is described as 'house of screens'
(Starkey, 2004, p. 3). This is made possible by using lightweight
furniture and sliding partitions called fusuma, which can be
adjusted to achieve dynamic sizes for any given internal space. An
adaptation of this in the modern architecture is the open plan,
which is used mostly in offices. The internal layout is not decided
by any fixed walls, and just by the position of furniture and some
removable partition walls, which enables the creation of various
dynamic multi-purpose spaces. Similarly, simple inventions like
wheels and hinges can be used in providing cheap solutions. One
such example is Naked House in Kawagoe, Japan which is described

Designed by Shigeru Ban and completed in 2000, it features four

movable rooms on wheels inside a large, shed-like space. The 6
square metre rooms are open on two sides and can be located
anywhere within the large interior space or even moved outside;
they could be also joined to form larger spaces if needed (Kolarevic
2015, p.23).

While designing dynamic and kinetic buildings, one has to keep in

mind the users. The technology, apart from being efficient, should
also be scalable, affordable and practically easy to install. Kolarevic
(2015, p.23) associates the notions of adaptability and flexibility
to The Modernist Open Plan, by giving an example of Gerrit Rietveld
's Schroder House, built in 1924. The house features an upper floor
which acts as an adaptive large space that can be left open or
subdivided using sliding or revolving partitions, and can be
converted into four different rooms, that is, three bedrooms and a
living room. A similar example has been given of Steven Holl's
apartment complex. Built in 1991 in Fukuoka, Japan, the apartment:

relied on hinged wall partitions to create adaptive apartment units

in which spaces could change daily or on a larger time scale as the
family size changes (Kolarevic 2015, p.23).
Department Of Civil Engineering Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

Wheels, hinges, pulleys and their simple combinations can

sometimes help create wonderfully efficient and affordable
dynamic buildings. What's to be kept in mind is that modern
technology becomes obsolete quite quickly, and once it does,
maintenance becomes the largest of issues. One way of
solving this problem is described as:

Using technologies which are already obsolete, but could be

deployed in an innovative way. The dimension of time is rather
critical for the designers of adaptive, responsive, interactive
building systems of tomorrow - not only conceptually, but also
operationally, at the most pragmatic, tectonic level (Kolarevic
2015, p.24).

Another reason described by Kolarevic (2015, p.25) to adopt

low-tech solutions whenever possible is the 'user-override'. A
highly automated, adaptive and responsive system might not
live long if it has to be serviced more than often by its
annoyed users. In such a case, an easily replaceable and low-
maintenance system would more than suffice.

In all the hustle and bustle of expensive new technology, we

shouldn't forget how cheap solutions can sometimes work
even better, when implemented in the right manner.
Architecture is much more than fixed boundaries, internal or
external. Ed van Hinte (2003) hinted architects to be
designers of dynamic changing spaces rather than creators of
fixed three-dimensional objects. A building can be responsibly
designed to work efficiently and use less resources, without
the need to blindly follow all the latest technologies and
trends, working for the people who are using it. While
adopting new technology is never discouraged, we should be
warned that:

We shouldn't be blinded by the technologies of the day and

should not lose sight of the qualitative performative aspects
of the project and whether they could be better served by no-
tech or low-tech solutions. There is also the ever-present
danger of creating "gimmicky" architecture that very quickly
becomes boring (Kolarevic, 2015 p.25)

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What has to be remembered is the primary goal of starting

this topic in the first place, which was, making buildings that
are adaptive, responsive and can interact with the user and
the environment effectively. Kolarevic (2015, p.27) explains
that the key challenge is designing architecture that 'avoids
boredom and retains a high degree of novelty'. Another major
point is that the change which the building brings about,
should be desirable, predictable and can be easily anticipated
by the user. If not, then there should be a way for users to at
least preview those changes before execution. They should be
able to choose what feature they want to execute, and should
have a freedom to choose according to their will, needs and
the circumstances. One should be warned that:

Sometimes a simple and hence ostensibly dumb building is

smarter than a technologically dominated living and working
machine over which the user has lost control (Ed Van Hinte,
2003, p.24).

Moe (2011) explains how most architects directly relate

progress to adoption of new technologies. Mostly it is done to
distinguish themselves in the competitive market. This leads
to adoption of technology with 'misplaced enthusiasm' (Moe
2011), believing progress to be linear, while in reality it is
something very unstable and unpredictable, being dependant
on the design to a large extent. The progress can be attained
even by adoption of a lower form of technology, if it is more
efficient and effective than its predecessor. This paradigm has
been explained as:
Neither stubbornly reactionary nor blindly optimistic, this lower
-technology, higher-performance approach is an intelligent
mongrel of both the archaic and the contemporary, and it can
improve the performance of our design practices and buildings
(Moe 2011).

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2.2.2 Dynamic buildings in India

When a developing country such as India is taken into account, words like
affordability and easy implementation automatically follow, especially if
one wants their design to be used by as many people as possible. It's not
impossible to design complex and high-tech dynamic buildings in India,
but certainly some questions would follow. Whom are they for? Can they
withstand the extreme Indian climates. without requiring timely
maintenance? Can a common Indian ever think of affording such systems ?
When we are talking of India, we have to talk of low-tech. This leads to
various other factors, namely- scalability, adaptability, future-proofing,
easy maintenance and of course, cheapness.
A major source for inspiration can be found in history. Mughal buildings
show us how simple pragmatic approach to solving problems can yield
great results.
Ahmedabad based Matharoo Associates are a firm which designs low
cost dynamic buildings, mostly for India. Their NET house was designed as a
weekend retreat, and includes dynamic elements like movable mosquito
nets for the façade, and folding glass panels. The design was inspired
from a mosquito net. The cabinet is the heart of the house, as it opens
up as a kitchen, and further as a mini living room, containing all the
furniture, the television and the dining areas. It further opens up as a
washroom, and as an insect repellent too, containing a source of a UV
Another building by Matharoo is the house with balls. It is a house devoid
of foundation, as it is half sunk inside the ground. It contains movable
concrete strips as façade, which are connected to concrete balls used as
counterweights. The balls move up and down into a lotus pond, moving
the façade strips to create dramatic inflow of light and wind inside the
house. The construction cost of the building was only Rs. 8 lakhs.There is a
house with moving landscape, designed by Matharoo. It
contains movable stone walls covering the glass façade. Also, there are
spinning stone walls, which can control the inflow of light with the touch
of a button. Along with this, Matharoo have also designed a curtain door,
which contains forty sections of teakwood, hinged and joined to each
other. Instead of opening like a normal door, it unfolds itself like a curtain.

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2.3 Case Studies

2.3.1 Primary case study
Parikrama Restaurant, New Delhi
Location- Antariksh Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi
Parikrama means to go around something. As does this
restaurant, which is located at a height of 240 feet above the
ground. It is located on top of the Antariksh Bhawan building in
Connaught Place, New Delhi. There is a separate lift to reach
Parikrama. The restaurant is divided in two floors, one with
dining and the other with bar and lounges.
In technical terms, Parikrama has a rotating floor plate, which is
the only dynamic element, while everything else is fixed. As the
floor rotates, it provides the user with a panoramic view of Delhi.
It completes a full rotation in about 90 minutes. The outer edge
of the floor plate moves with a speed of about 1 mm/second
while the inner edge moves at about 0.65 mm/second. There is a
central stationary core which also houses the reception, offices
and the kitchen. The total floor plate is 20 meters wide, with the
central stationary part being 13 meters wide. This leaves a 3.5
meters seating area on either side.

Figure 4. Plan of the Parikrama


Figure 5. Section of the Parikrama


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Critical review of Parikrama

While the concept of a revolving restaurant is an innovative one
and has many advantages, it does not come without
shortcomings. This review aims at pointing out some of these
shortcomings of the building, along with its positive points which
make it special.
On the positive side, the building offers uninterrupted views of
the Delhi skyline, letting the occupant glance at almost all of the
major monuments. This helps create a unique dining experience.
But there are various points which let it down. Firstly, the
building is very inefficient in terms of fire safety. As there is only
one lift, and possibly no external fire staircase, any hazard can
turn into a calamity in no time. As a matter of fact, one such
incident happened in 2017, when an electrical short circuit led to
a fire. Luckily no one was hurt.
Secondly, the idea of a rotating floor might seem exciting at first,
but it quickly becomes monotonous and boring, seeing the
amount of capital and labour.

invested in creation of such a concept. There is a lot of power

consumption in rotating the floor plate, and changing views are
all it has to offer.

Revolving restaurants are evolving throughout the world, and

each one has some unique qualities. Hopefully, in coming times,
these buildings would prove to be more useful and sustainable
than what they are today.

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2.3.2 Secondary case studies House with balls
Architect- Matharoo Associates
Project- Aquarium shop. Location- Ahmedabad, India Completion
year- 2004 Cost of Project- Rs 8 lakhs
House with balls was designed in Ahmedabad for owner of an
aquarium shop, containing four large tanks for breeding fishes. It
also doubles as a weekend retreat.
The building has a long and narrow main room, and a dynamic
façade on both sides. The façade consists of concrete shutters,
connected to concrete balls over pulleys. As the balls move up
and down, the shutters close and open respectively. On one side,
the balls are over a garden, and on the other side they are above
a lily pond, completely getting submerged as the shutters open.
The house doesn't need a foundation as it is half sunken. This
also keeps the house relatively cooler during summers. Along with
having the façade as a dynamic element, it also contains an
observatory which can double up as a living room.
The house is an amazing example of low-tech and low-cost
architecture, be it using pressed GI sheets for making doors and
windows or making handles and locks using bent rods. The 125-
mm thick concrete walls of the house also act as retention walls
for the fish tanks.
The sunlight coming through the fish tanks lightens up the entire

Department Of Civil Engineering 20 Malabar Polytechnic Campus

Figure 6. Plan and sections of the
House with Balls by Matharoo

Figure 7. Sections and elevations of

the House with Balls by Matharoo

Figure 8. Front elevation of the

House with Balls by Matharoo

Seminar Report 2021-22 House
Architect- Matharoo Associates Project-House Location-
Ahmedabad, India Completion year-2010 Area- 12M X 12M
The NET House is inspired from mosquito nets, or '
machhardaanis', which the architect claims he used during
his early days, describing them as a safe haven. These
provided ample ventilation, while serving as a protection from
insects. It consists of a 12x12 meter column less space,
with a monolithic 90 ton concrete slab on top suspended by
a steel framework. The external façade consists of movable
nets and glass panels. All these layers provide desired
degrees of privacy, shelter and exposure to nature, enabling
the space to be transformed at will according to the
weather, from completely accessible and open to the outside,
to fully closed and dark inside.
Apart from façade, the house has a two-meter-high central
cabinet which acts as its heart. This dynamic element opens
up as a kitchen and a mini living room. It even contains two
private washrooms inside. All the furniture required for these
spaces are provided by the cabinet itself. Even the plumbing
and drainage of the washrooms are housed in it. It further
lights up as an insect repellent.

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2.3.3 Preliminary findings

All three buildings show incorporation of dynamic elements in

one way or another.

The first one, that is, Parikrama restaurant, shows how a

building need not have fixed views and orientation, and can
change itself accordingly to suit its users, and provide them
with a unique dining experience.

The House with Balls shows how simple pulley systems and
cheap concrete counterweights can be used to build kinetic
façade systems.

The third one, that is, the NET House, uses a material as
simple as a mosquito net, to create a complex array of
screens on the façade.

Thus, it can be safely assumed that there is no need of multi-

million-dollar technology, foreign expertise and imported
materials to create dynamic buildings. Practical and a holistic
approach is all it takes to create such buildings, many of
which might even surpass their expensive counterparts in
terms of efficiency and sustainability.



How can dynamic buildings contribute to Indian architecture?

The dissertation covers many possible ways of incorporating

dynamic architectural elements into Indian buildings. Various
principles like transformability, adaptability and self-
awareness have been discussed, along with multiple
references and examples of buildings or their concepts.

Many buildings were studied upon, which housed these

properties of dynamic architecture. There were buildings
which rotated, moved or translated. All of those buildings
reflected innovation and a logical thinking from the architect.

At this stage, what can confidently be said is that we don't

always require expensive technology and skilled foreign labour
to make our buildings dynamic.
Department Of Civil Engineering 24 Malabar Polytechnic Campus
Seminar Report 2021-22 DYNAMIC ARICHITECTURE

Sometimes a bit of common sense and sensible use of

available resources is all it takes to make something out of
Dynamic architecture, or as many call it, flexible architecture,
should be the goal of the twenty first century. The planet we
are striving on isn't equipped with enough resources to keep
us going lest we change our ways and methods. And the
biggest change we can make would be to our habitats, our
buildings. Our houses have to be self-aware, transformable,
adaptable, and not just sit there as resource and energy
hungry hogs occupying space. We're capable of building much
more than that. And now is the time we start looking
sideways, towards the greatest architect we can ever learn
from- nature.
Acharya, L. 2013, 'Flexible architecture for the dynamic
societies', viewed on 27 April 2017, <
Asefi, M. 2006, Transformable and kinetic architectural
structures, VDM
Ballard, J. 1971, Vermilion Stands, Caroll and Graff
Bharatkumar, A. 2013, 'Flexible architecture', 5 August, viewed
on 27 April 2017, <
flexible_architecture Cook, P. 1970, Experimental architecture,
Universe books, New York Hinte, E. 2003, Smart Architecture,
010 Publishers
Kolarevic, B. 2015, Building dynamics: exploring architecture of
Routledge Mazzoleni, I. 2013, Architecture follows nature, CRC
Moe, K. 2011, 'Do More with Less: Lower Tech, Higher
Performance', Architect Magazine, 3 January, viewed 13
October 2017, <
/do-more-with-less-lower-tech higher-performance_o>
Randl, C. 2008, Revolving architecture, Princeton Architectural
Starkey, J. 2004, 'House of screens, viewed on 13 November

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