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Developmental outcome of the use of etamsylate for

prevention of periventricular haemorrhage in a randomised
controlled trial
J Schulte, J Osborne, J W T Benson, R Cooke, M Drayton, J Murphy, J Rennie, B D Speidel

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2005;90:F31–F35. doi: 10.1136/adc.2003.035790

Objective: To compare neurodevelopmental outcome of survivors of the multicentre trial of etamsylate (the
iRNN for ethamsylate) for prevention of periventricular haemorrhage in very low birthweight infants.
Design: Double blind, single observer, prospective follow up of placebo controlled study.
Setting: Six neonatal intensive care units in the United Kingdom. Neurodevelopmental outcome was
assessed in health premises or children’s homes.
See end of article for Subjects: 268 of 276 survivors of the original study were seen between 3.5 and 4.2 years of age. All were
authors’ affiliations inborn and weighed 1500 g or less at birth.
....................... Intervention: Etamsylate 12.5 mg/kg or placebo six hourly from within one hour of delivery for four days.
Correspondence to: Main outcome measures: McCarthy scales of children’s abilities, standardised neurological examination,
Professor Osborne, Bath full physical examination, functional assessment, seven letter Stycar vision test, and audiometry.
Unit for Research in Results: There was no difference between the groups in neuromotor outcome (cerebral palsy) or in the
Paediatrics, Royal United general cognitive index (GCI) of the McCarthy scales (mean GCI was 93.3 for the etamsylate group
Hospital, Combe Park,
Bath BA1 3NG, UK; (n = 133) and 89.7 for the placebo group (n = 131); p = 0.10). There were more children with GCI , 70
John.Osborne@ruh-bath. (9 v 19; p = 0.047) or ( 50 (3 v 11; p = 0.03) in the placebo group. Fewer children in the etamsylate group had squints (17 v 30; p = 0.042) or required surgery for patent ductus arteriosus (1 v 8; p = 0.036).
Conclusions: Etamsylate was not associated with a reduction in cerebral palsy. Severe cognitive
27 February 2004 impairment was reduced, but more children died and the improvement may be because fewer survived
....................... with low GCI.

e have previously reported a large, randomised, neurological or neurodevelopmental problems in the survi-
double blind, placebo controlled, multicentre study vors. It was therefore important to follow the progress of the
evaluating the effect of etamsylate for the preven- children from the original study to see whether treatment
tion of periventricular haemorrhage (PVH) in very low with etamsylate was beneficial. The present study was
birthweight infants.1 Our interest had arisen because of the organised to allow a single observer follow up of all the
known association between PVH in very preterm infants and survivors from each of the five original centres (six units) at
the increased incidence of long term neurodevelopmental an age when most significant neurodevelopmental problems
problems.2 3 Etamsylate (the new iRNN for the drug would be identified, but before risking the loss of too many
originally called ethamsylate) has been used for many years infants from follow up.
in the prevention of capillary bleeding, and our previous
study was designed to be of adequate size to show whether METHODS
etamsylate could prevent PVH, as shown by cranial real time The children were traced with the help of health visitors,
ultrasound scanning. The babies were recruited between general practitioners, and family practitioner committees.
December 1983 and February 1986. They were inborn infants The general practitioner was contacted for permission to see
weighing 1500 g or less at birth. Infants with lethal the families and to avoid contacting a family where the child
congenital malformations were excluded. The treated infants had died. The parents were then approached by letter and
were given 12.5 mg/kg etamsylate per dose, the first dose asked to attend for a single assessment session at the
given intravenously or intramuscularly within an hour of appropriate hospital. If this proved impossible, the child was
delivery, followed by six hourly doses intravenously for seen at home. A single observer (JS) performed all the
four days. The control infants were given placebo at identical assessments from each of the five centres. The study
times. The most severe grade of haemorrhage observed at remained double blind. We aimed to see all the children
any time was recorded, and scans were performed within between 3.5 and 4 years from the date of delivery. If the child
two hours of birth and on days 3, 7, and 14 as a minimum. was not available for assessment, the reason was recorded.
The ultrasound scans were graded as: 0, no haemorrhage; 1, The assessment consisted of a social and medical history, a
subependymal haemorrhage; 2, intraventricular haemor- developmental assessment using the McCarthy scales of
rhage; 3, haemorrhage into brain parenchyma. We found a children’s abilities,4 and a standardised neurological exam-
reduction in the occurrence of grades 2 and 3 haemorrhage ination as described by Amiel-Tison and Grenier5 and
from 29.8% in the control group to 18.5% in the treatment modified for 4 year olds.6 A full physical examination,
group, a reduction of nearly 40% (p , 0.05). No significant including height, weight, head circumference, and blood
side effects were noted, and mortality was similar in the two pressure, and a seven letter Stycar vision test were performed.
Preventing intraventricular haemorrhage would only be of Abbreviations: GCI, general cognitive index; PVH, periventricular
benefit if this was followed by a reduction in the incidence of haemorrhage
F32 Schulte, Osborne, Benson, et al

The results of local audiometry were obtained, or this was death in those over 14 days (the causes of death up to
requested if it had not already been performed. A specific 14 days have been published1). Of the 276 survivors, 268
note was made of the presence or absence of a squint and (97%) were seen between 3.5 and 4.2 years of age. Table 3
whether the child had had a shunt or other surgical gives the clinical data for the survivors. There is no significant
treatment7 for hydrocephalus. If a child was unable to difference between the groups for any of the data, although
perform the McCarthy scales because of severe neurological more parents in the placebo group were unemployed. The
impairment, they were given the lowest score and included in whereabouts and outcome of the eight children not seen are
the analysis. If a child did not cooperate but had no evidence known (one twin pair refused, one in the placebo group and
of impairment, they were excluded from the analysis. one in the etamsylate group, but both normal at 4 years of
The neuromotor outcome was expressed using the regular age when seen by a consultant paediatrician; two other
classification for cerebral palsy (spastic quadriplegia, hemi- refusals, one in the placebo group had a spastic quadriplegia
plegia, diplegia, monoplegia and ataxic and hypotonic). A and was under regular review by a consultant but one in the
neurological score was also devised to allow a functional etamsylate group was at normal school; three (two in the
overall assessment of impairment or disability (table 1)—the etamsylate group) had emigrated but were normal at 1 year
severity of the abnormality found. McCarthy scales of of age on hospital follow up; one traveller family (placebo
children’s abilities, neurological score, sensory assessments group) was reported normal by the family).
of vision and hearing, and presence or absence of treatment Four children did not cooperate for the McCarthy scale; all
for hydrocephalus were used to classify the children as four were believed to be normal and all four were in the
having a major or minor impairment or as normal (table 1). placebo group. The results of the McCarthy scales of
We classified a child as having a multiple major impairment children’s abilities in the remainder (table 4) showed a trend
if he/she had more than one reason to be classified as having towards a higher GCI in the etamsylate group but this was
a major impairment—that is, more than one of general not significant. This trend was due to the numbers of
cognitive index (GCI) , 70, neurological score grade 4 or 5, children with GCI , 70 in the placebo group (table 4), and
sensory-neural hearing loss requiring aids, or visual impair- this difference was significant (9 in the etamsylate group and
ment 6/60 or worse despite correction. After examination of 19 in the placebo group; p = 0.047). They are likely to
the distributions, the results were analysed using x2, Fisher’s require special education. The remaining children with
exact, and two sample tests on proportions for the attribute GCI > 70 had very similar GCIs (etamsylate group, 95.9;
data and two sample t tests for the McCarthy scores,8 as placebo group, 95.6). The numbers with GCI ( 50 was also
appropriate. Two tailed tests were used to compare the greater in the placebo group (3 v 11; p = 0.03).
clinical features of the two groups and to analyse the There was no difference between the groups in neuromotor
responses. The study was approved by the ethics committee outcome (cerebral palsy; table 5). The trend for GCI is the
at each hospital. same if children with cerebral palsy are excluded, but it is not
clinically or statistically significant. There were similar
A total of 360 children were enrolled in the original study.
Figure 1 is a flow diagram of their involvement in the study. ENROLLED
Eighty four died (23%), and 276 survivors were eligible for
follow up. Table 2 gives the age at death, with the causes of
4 withdrawn with lethal
malformations, 1 lost to
Table 1 Neurological score (a functional assessment of follow up on transfer to
impairment of disability) and our classification of another hospital and
impairment into three groups 1 withdrawn by parents.
Allocations not known
Neurological score
l Grade 0, no impairment or disorder detected
l Grade 1, impairment or disorder detected but no apparent disability 360
and requiring no treatment
l Grade 2, impairment or disorder detected with no apparent disability
but requiring treatment
l Grade 3, impairment plus disorder but compensates well enough to
l Grade 4, impairment plus disorder requiring continuing treatment 183 allocated and 177 allocated and
support or management received etamsylate received placebo
l Grade 5, impairment plus disorder preventing satisfactory
Major impairment
l General cognitive index , 70 46 died 38 died
l Neurological score grade 4 or 5
l Sensory-neural hearing loss requiring aids
l Visual impairment of 6/60 or worse despite correction
Minor impairment 137 alive at 3.5–4.2 years 139 alive at 3.5–4.2 years
l General cognitive index 70–79
l Neurological score grade 1, 2, or 3
l Sensory-neural hearing loss not requiring aids
l The presence of amblyopia (visual acuity of 6/18 or worse) 133 were seen by one 135 were seen by one
l Treatment for hydrocephalus observer (JS) (there were observer (JS) (including 4
Normal no refusals for McCarthy refusals for McCarthy
l General cognitive index >80
l Neurological score of 0
scales). scales).
l No sensory-neural hearing loss 4 not seen but outcome 4 not seen but outcome
l No amblyopia known known
l No hydrocephalus None excluded None excluded

Figure 1 Flow diagram for children’s progress through the trial.
Etamsylate for periventricular haemorrhage F33

Table 2 Age at death and sex for the whole study group Table 3 Baseline data for the 268 survivors seen
and the cause of death for those dying after14 days. The
Baseline data Etamsylate Placebo
cause of death for the remainder is given in the original
paper1 Singleton/multiple birth 97 (73%)/36 (27%) 97 (72%)/38 (28%)
Male/female 50 (38%)/83 (62%) 65 (48%)/70 (52%)
Etamsylate Placebo Birth weight (g)* 1154 (210) 1166 (217)
Gestational age (weeks)* 29.5 (2.3) 29.6 (2.4)
Age at death Apgar score (5 min) ,7 18 (13.5%) 24 (17.8%)
,7 days 26 23 Caesarean section 73 (55%) 83 (61%0
7–28 days 11 5 Respiratory distress 80 (60%) 88 (65%)
.28 days 9 10 Artificial ventilation 89 (67%) 96 (71%)
Total 46 38 Acidosis pH ,7.15 40 (30%) 34 (25%)
Males 37 28 Hypercapnoea 40 (30%) 36 (27%)
Females 9 10 (PaCO2.60 mm Hg or
Cause of death .8.2 kPa)
Lung disease 2 2 Pneumothorax 4 (3%) 5 (4%)
Septicaemia 4 4 Grade 3 PVH 11 (8%) 13 (10%)
Sudden infant death syndrome 2 1 Grade 2 PVH 16 (12%) 20 (15%)
Intestinal obstruction and 0 1 Grade 1 PVH 15 (11%) 10 (7%)
ventriculitis No PVH 91 (68%) 92 (68%)
Renal failure 0 1 Maternal smoking 59 (44%) 55 (41%)
Shunt blockage 0 1 Maternal age at birth 27.8 (5.8) 26.9 (6.0)
Perforation of bowel 0 1 (years)*
Hypoplastic left heart 1 0 Centre
Unknown* 5 3 Bath 11 (8%) 12 (9%)
Total 14 14 Blackburn 21 (16%) 25 (18%)
Bristol (BMH & 40 (30%) 40 (30%)
*One child in the etamsylate group had a grade 2 haemorrhage, and one Southmead)
in the placebo group had a grade 3 haemorrhage. Cardiff 15 (11%) 11 (8%)
Liverpool 46 (35%) 47 (35%)
Social class
numbers of children with major impairment in each group 1 3 (2%) 7 (5%)
(18 in the etamsylate group and 22 in the placebo group), but 2 22 (17%) 15 (11%)
3 65 (49%) 61 (45%)
the number of children with multiple major impairment was 4 14 (10%) 6 (4%)
less, but not significantly so, in the etamsylate group (4 v 11; 5 3 (2%) 1 (1%)
Fisher exact test p = 0.067). However, if survival with a lack Unemployed 26 (20%) 45 (34%)
of major impairment is considered the best outcome, there is Total 133 135
no difference between the groups (119 or 65% in the *Standard deviation in parentheses.
etamsylate group and 116 or 66% in the placebo group, In first four days.
including the unseen quadriplegic child). Three children in PVH, Periventricular haemorrhage.
the etamsylate group and one in the placebo group were
registered blind. There were four children in the etamsylate
group and two in the placebo group with sensory-neural
hearing loss requiring aids. There were 17 children in the
etamsylate group who had a squint compared with 30 in the
placebo group (p = 0.042; x2 test). There was one child in Table 4 Data on McCarthy scales of children’s abilities
the etamsylate group who required surgery for patent ductus Etamsylate Placebo
arteriosus compared with eight in the placebo group (n = 133) (n = 131) p Value
(p = 0.036, Fisher’s exact test). Two children in the
GCI 93.3 (16.2) 89.7 (19.7) 0.10
etamsylate group and nine in the placebo group required Subscales
treatment for hydrocephalus (not significant). Verbal 45.9 (9.6) 43.6 (11.1) 0.07
Perceptual/performance 48.4 (9.7) 46.6 (11.3) 0.17
Quantitative 45.2 (9.6) 44.6 (11.1) 0.6
DISCUSSION Motor 43.3 (9.8) 41.0 (10.8) 0.07
Etamsylate (diethylammonium-2,5-dihydroxysulphate) is an Memory 44.7 (8.5) 42.7 (10.0) 0.07
extremely safe drug. We discussed the pharmacology in our Mean GCI excluding those 94.3 (14.9) 93.3 (16.2) 0.6
with a score (50
previous paper.1 We report a large single observer follow up GCI(50* 3 11 0.03
study of intervention for PVH. The initial trial showed a Mean GCI in those with a n = 124 n = 112
reduction in PVH in the etamsylate group,1 and, in 1993, 25% score >70 95.9 (13.3) 95.6 (14.2) 0.86
of neonatal units in the United Kingdom were using GCI,70* 6 Boys, 8 Boys,
3 girls 11 girls
etamsylate in very low birthweight infants. However, Total 9 19 0.047
etamsylate would be of limited clinical use if this was not Mean GCI in those without n = 116 n = 116
accompanied by an improved long term outcome. When the cerebral palsy 95.2 (15.3) 93.1 (17.1) 0.33
trial started, the severity of neurodevelopment problems was Mean GCI in those without n = 106 n = 99
grade 2 or 3 IVH 94.8 (15.4) 92.2 (17.9) 0.27
thought to be related to PVH.2 9 10 At this stage the relevance
of periventricular leucomalacia was unknown. Later work Values are mean (SD). The standardised mean for the subscales is 50 in
has shown that uncomplicated PVH is often associated with normal children and 100 for the GCI. There is a non-significant trend for
normal neuromotor outcome,11 12 but the ultrasound appear- the GCI and the subscales to be higher in the etamsylate group, using two
ance associated with periventricular leucomalacia is more sample t tests. This difference is due to the greater number of children in
the placebo group with GCI ( 50 (and , 70). Fisher’s exact test was
predictive of motor impairment.13 used to compare the numbers in each group.
The single observer method has eliminated the interobser- *Four in the placebo group and one in the etamsylate group were too
ver error often found in multicentre trials.14 We report a large severely affected to have a score. There were four who refused to
study with a very high follow up rate and a control group cooperate for the McCarthy scales and all were excluded: all four were in
the placebo group.
comparable to the treatment group. High ascertainment rates GCI, General cognitive index; IVH, intraventricular index.
are important because there is some evidence that children
F34 Schulte, Osborne, Benson, et al

Table 5 Neuromotor outcome (cerebral palsy) microcirculation, encouraging platelet aggregation and vaso-
and major impairment in survivors seen constriction and therefore haemostasis. It also inhibits the
effects of the prostaglandin mediated vasodilatation and
Etamsylate Placebo increased capillary permeability, thereby reducing oedema
Outcome (n = 133) (n = 135) secondary to capillary leakage. It is also possible that
Spastic quadriplegia 4 7 etamsylate would reduce reperfusion haemorrhage in ischae-
Spastic hemiplegia 7 4 mic areas of the brain, preventing secondary damage.
Spastic diplegia 3 2 Although we are uncertain of the exact mechanism of
Spastic monoplegia 1 0
action of etamsylate, we know that it may reduce the
Ataxic 1 0
Hypotonic 0 1 incidence of PVH in very low birthweight infants.1 21 22 We
Total with cerebral palsy 16 14 have found that it also reduces the incidence of patent ductus
Major impairment arteriosus and squint. It may have a role in improving the
Boys 12 11 neurodevelopmental outcome of very low birthweight
Girls 6 11
Total 18 22 infants, reducing the numbers of those with severe cognitive
Multiple major impairment impairment (GCI , 70). Although this hypothesis is not
Boys 3 4 supported by the EC study,16 the follow up in that study was
Girls 1 7 at 2 years of age performed by local paediatricians and with
Total 4 11
Multiple major impairment 3 9
large numbers of children lost to follow up. Etamsylate
and grade 2 or 3 IVH probably closes the ductus arteriosus but does not reduce the
incidence of cerebral palsy—our original hypothesis.
There is no reduction in cerebral palsy in the etamsylate
group. Multiple major impairment is a subset of the major
impairment group. One child in the placebo group not seen
but known to have a quadriplegia is not included.
We thank Delandale Laboratories and the Bath Unit for Research in
IVH, Intraventricular haemorrhage. Paediatrics for financial support which enabled JS to visit the
children for their assessments and to Drs Chatfield, Lux, and
O’Callaghan for statistical advice. JS and JPO are the guarantors
who are difficult to trace may be at higher risk of an for the data. We are extremely grateful to the children and their
parents, without whom this study could not have been performed.
abnormal outcome.15 In this study, the outcome of all the
unseen survivors is known, and no survivors were excluded .....................
from follow up. If the unseen survivors are entered into the Authors’ affiliations
analysis, the results are unchanged. J Schulte, J Osborne, Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK
It is unfortunate that the randomisation resulted in fewer J Benson, Queen’s Park Hospital, Blackburn, UK
boys in the etamsylate group as boys are known to have a R Cooke, Institute of Child Health, Liverpool, UK
poorer developmental outcome. However, we do not believe J Murphy, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK
this has affected the results because the girls in the placebo J Rennie, Rosie Maternity Hospital, Cambridge, UK
B Speidel, M Drayton, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
group did badly both for major impairment and in having a
GCI , 70. Neither was there an excess of deaths among boys We received funding from Delandale for this study.
in the etamsylate group. Competing interests: none declared
The trend to a lower GCI in the placebo group was due to
the difference in the number of children with a GCI , 70 and REFERENCES
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